Principal’s Report For Board of Governor’s Meeting
14 March 2019
1. General Updates
1.1 The new academic year started on the 2nd January 2019 with a school enrolment of 1088 students. This
year principals are given more authority to determine the entry of students. I can accept or reject
students if the enrolment is full. The department stipulated that the maximum for a class is 35 students.
Parents who are desperate to put their kids into the school are grateful to be given a place and some
have contributed towards the needs of the school as a gesture of thanks. One parent has contributed
RM5,000(BOG account) and another RM 7,000 (into PIBG account) earmarked for smart classrooms
while another form One parent has helped to build a ramp( see Attachment) and sponsored the Lion
dance. Another parent just gave me a cheque for RM 3,000 last week.
1.2 We fought to maintain our DLP(Dual Language Program) classes for all students and students who
appeal to come in must have a minimum of grade B for UPSR English Language. The Education
department insisted that we should at least have one non-DLP class but we objected and wrote in to
appeal for 100% DLP. However permission is granted when we got all the parents to sign a letter to
choose DLP program for their children .
1.3. The major events that have taken place this year are :
a. PIBG AGM – 9 Mac 2019. Mr. Eddie Ahmad Khodzalie ended his term as the chairman and Mr
Patrick Choo, has been elected as the new chairman while the new vice-chairman is En Afzal
b. “Merentas Desa”(Cross Country) took a different route this year as the Metropolitan Park was
fully booked. Our girls ran around the neighbourhood of Kampong Melayu. It was a pleasant run
and all went well.
1.4 Up and coming events :- ‘Majlis Anugerah Cemerlang’ will be held on 6th April 2019 and our
special guest is Datin Sri Hjh Ismalina Bt Ismail , our Alumni of year 1985. She is an active member of
“Kumpulan Penggerak Ibu Bapa & Komuniti Kebangsaan”. Besides giving awards to girls for their
academic achievements, we would like to show our appreciation to KDEB and the Alumni who are
involved in the Dignity program during Hari Anugerah Cemerlang.
1.5 God is great - A final count at the close of the 2018 financial year for PIBG has confirmed a collection
of RM 182,286 from the musical, Mulan- an adaptation which was staged from 3-5th August. It was a
resounding success indeed. Thank you for the support rendered by the board and alumni who helped us
promote the musical. The new computer lab is already built, kiosk upgraded and with the excess funds
all the classrooms can now have the smart classroom system installed this year.
1.6 A team of 30 girls and 3 teachers will be leaving for Korea on 10th April 2019 and we’re visiting
Hansung Science High School, which is renowned for its Math and science achievements. 5 girls are
partially sponsored for the trip. PIBG sponsored RM5,000 while Board RM 5,800.
1.7 Thanks to the Alumni for their unwavering commitment to continue the Dignity Program. 22 girls who
are very weak in English have been identified for this remedial class. Class resumed on 6 March 2019.
1.8 This year the school will be working together with the Alumni to organize a Fund raising Dinner and
Concert on 7th July 2019. We are trying to get an appointment with YAB Tun Dr Siti Hasmah as we
intend to invite her to be the patron and probably to perform for the concert too. We hope to raise
RM100,000 for the culinary centre. The theme for the night is “United we Stand- Past and present”.
An opportunity for the old girls to bond with the present girls and an opportunity to encourage
younger alumni to join the club.
1.9 We will be hosting the zone level MSSM Chess Tournament from 12-19th June 2019.
1.10 Our Culinary Program with Sunway University will resume in April and the ICCA Cake decorating
course will be held during this school break. This will be the last year Sunway University is conducting
this course as it is too taxing for their lecturers and students though it is a win-win situation. It takes
them more than an hour to reach our school from Sunway Uni.
1.11 Nadia Bahari is our new chef instructor – her qualifications: Diploma at Le Cordon Bleu Malaysia.
She started work on 1st March 2019. She will be on a 3 month probation and her starting salary is
RM2,200. She will be starting the “LAK- Latihan Asas Kulinary” program for the form 1-3 next
week. This year we are extending the LAK program to the form 4 and 5 students now that we have a
full time instructor.
1.12 The RIMUP Program in conjunction with the Chinese New year celebrations have brought the
different races together with the giving of oranges to all students and the Lion dance performance .
Parents from all races donated oranges for this program. Every year the RIMUP(Rancangan Integrasi
Murid untuk Perpaduan) program is done for all the major festivals.
1.13 This morning the SPM 2018 results were announced. Inspite of a very challenging academic year with
the staging Mulan, the musical and many teachers who fell ill last year, our results improve. Thanks be
to God for His favour and the whole St. Marian community(teachers, parents, alumni & board
members) for the perseverance, hard work and support. 25 girls obtained straight As and the average
grade point is 3.26( 2018: 15 straight As and 3.36).
2.0 School development : Update on projects :
2.1 The ramp was built by a form 1 parent. No cost incurred. MOE wants schools to be OKU friendly.
2.2 Fans were fixed in the foyer. Mrs Patrick Choo(Lim Hup Bee) helped us get a sponsor. Mrs Liew, a
wholesale fruit seller sponsored all the 9 fans and Ms Lim sponsored the fixing of two plug points
in the foyer.
2.3 Painting works were done by Ramza from Jan-Feb 2019. Walls along the corridor,
staircase railings and classroom doors were repainted.
2.4 The Booster Pump System at the Ground floor Pump room was repaired. We had to quickly repair
as the tanks were dry and there was no water in the toilets and canteen
2.5 A New computer lab, with 30 units of computers and a new projector, was ready for use in
September 2018. ICT Kiosks were upgraded.
2.6 Pruning and chopping down trees along the school building was done by Kumpulan Darul Ehsan
Bhd. En Ramli Tahir , KDEB’s boss sponsored the project. Thanks to En Eddie who made this
possible. A total of 11 trees were chopped down and two were pruned. We saved more than
RM20,000 since KDEB did it for free. We took care of the workers’ food and drinks for the three
days and gave the supervisors some school souvenirs as a token of appreciation.
2.7 A total of 5 shelves for the PK’s office were bought – total cost =RM 1,950 +RM450 for extra
3.0 Projects/Needs
No Needs Estimated Cost Comments
3.1 Homogenous Floor tiles at corridor RM 43,325 Three quotations – Dream Homes
and staircase lobby RM 600 Design & Renovations(Suresh), GKH
Concrete Work (Ah Tee) and
3.2 Calibration of electricity Kinmatics Sdn Bhd (Mr Goh)
Raja – waiting for quotation
3.3 Burglar Alarm Control Panel RM750 Panatrax Enterprise
RM950 A parent is willing to do for free
3.4 i. Repairs of roof leakages in the
science lab & classrooms UR work
ii. Leaky Draining Pipes around the
iii Water tank to harvest rain water to
water the vegetable drums
3.5 Water Tank float valve
(Ground Floor Pump room)
3.6 Wooden bridge needs repair
3.6 VIP room renovations/ upgrading of Waiting for quotation
3.6 Spectators’ Grand Stand RM 1,000,000 (KIV- no funds)
** In December 2018, we received RM100,00 for PRK 2018 . We need to spend by June and any
repairs worth more than RM20,000 needs 3 quotations and we’ve to send pictures before and after
repairs to the ministry.
Presented by:
Chee Poh Kiem
Ramp built by Mr Tee. He promised to fix a water tank to harvest
rain water for our vegetable drums
Dignity class with Mai Gan and Brenda
Date : 26 November 2018(Monday)
Time : 4.30p.m. – 7.30 p.m.
Venue : VIP Room, SMK St. Mary, Kuala Lumpur.
Present: (Chairman)
1. Dato’ Stanley Isaacs (St. Mary’s Cathedral)
2. Rev. Gordon Kong (St. Mary’s Cathedral)
3. Deaconess Ruth Ong (Diocesan Representative)
4. Mr. Alex Abraham (Diocesan Representative)
5. Mdm. Ann Jones (Chairman, SHCAC)
6. Mr. Gabriel Daniel ( Chairman, PTA)
7. Mr. Eddie Ahmad Khodzali (Principal, SMK St Mary)
8. Mdm. Chee Poh Kiem (Chairman, Alumni)
9. Mdm. Wan Mai Gan (Treasurer - LPS )
10. Mdm. Lee Bee Chuan (Treasure – BOG)
11. Mdm. Grace Chin (Recording Secretary)
12. Mdm. Tan Siok Leh
Absent (with apologies)
1. Dr. Chong Su Lin
2. Dr Shameem Rafik Galea
3. Mr. Muhammad Gandhi
3. Mr. Sashi Sankaran
4. Mdm Ho Lai Kuan
5. Mdm Irene Cheow
No Issue/ Matter Person-in-
. charge
1. Opening Prayer
The meeting commenced at 4.30p.m. after an opening prayer, led by
Dato’ Stanley
2. Words of Welcome
Dato’ thanked all members of the board for their presence even though
the meeting was held after office hours on a weekday.
3. Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meeting
The minutes of 139th BOG meeting was agreed and passed.
4 Matters Arising
4.1 Item 4.2 Candidate to oversee SHCAC
The position is yet to be filled. Mdm. Chee
The board has agreed to pay an allowance of not exceeding RM3000
(instead of RM2000 as agreed upon in the 137th meeting) per month to HCAC
employ a suitable candidate. The candidate should be one who can run committee
culinary programmes as well as able to keep inventories. This RM3000 will
be taken from the HCAC fund (RM15982.20 as of 31/10/2018) and from Mr. Eddie
the Education Fund, if needed (RM29921.95 +RM50000 FD as at Ms. Wan
PTA and Alumni will look into a dinner cum concert to raise funds for
SHCAC. It is suggested to be held in July/August 2019 with YAB Tun Dr Siti Mr. Gabriel
Hasmah as our guest of honour.
Mr. Gabriel and his committee will look into employing a suitable person
4.2 Item 4.3 Renovation of VIP room
The board has agreed to furnish the VIP room with new tables and chairs
(wooden with fabric) as well as a LCD screen. The timeline given is March
or before the school Awards day. En Eddie
4.3 Item 5.1.2 Pn Charngeet Kaur
Pn Charngeet Kaur, our previous Senior Assistant of Curriculum and
Administration who retired on 4th June 2018, passed away on 5th October
2018. Pn Chee
4.4 Item 5.3.3 Pruning or chopping down trees along the school building
This has not been carried out as the quotation of RM20 000 is expensive.
Mr. Eddie will contact KDEB to help us with the chopping down and
removing the trees.
4.5 Item 5.3.4 Upgrading Glo Rajendran Room
The existing tables are too bulky to be removed and they are still in good
condition. Thus, the tables have been re-arranged and only new chairs
have been bought (RM10000).
4.6 Item 7.1 Appreciation Dinner
The appreciation dinner was held on 2 July 2018 in Commonwealth House.
5 Principal’s report
5.1 All school based examinations are over and school closed on 23
November 2018. The SPM exams started on the 13th November 2018 until 12
December 2018. We have a hospital candidate this year and a student who
took in the school test pad and used it to submit her answer. She is under
5.2 The musical, Mulan- an adaptation was staged from 3-5th August and it
was a resounding success. Thank you for the support rendered by the board
and alumni who helped us promote the musical and supported us by
sponsoring students who cannot afford the tickets. We managed to raise
RM145,000 after deducting expenditure. The new computer lab is already
built and ready for use.
5.3 This semester we’ve received quite a number of visitors. 26 principals
and media teachers from PKG Sentul and 30 principals from all over Malaysia
together with 10 lecturers from Institute Aminuddin Baki came to
benchmark the school.
5.4 From 27-30 August, we had visitors from Japan- 44 undergraduates, 3
professors and 2 university staff from Shinshu University and Okayama
University came for a cultural exchange program. It was a fruitful exchange
as the girls enjoyed the classes and learnt the Japanese culture of paper art
(chigirie), calligraphy and sushi . However it was tiring and expensive to host
so many for two full days.
5.5 We had our second Graduation ceremony for the form 5 girls on 13th
October. We had the privilege of having an old girl, Professor Datin Paduka
Dr. Samsinar Binti Md Sidin to be our guest of honour. She is the Vice
chancellor of UniRazak. This year the parents were invited to attend the
graduation ceremony.
5.6 On 23rd October 2018, the school was awarded the SSQS Five –star award
which is the Smart School Qualifications Standard for state level.
5.7 On 24 October we had the Co-curricular Awards Day with the PTA
chairman, Mr. Eddie Adrianto as the guest of honour. This is his final term as
PTA chairman and he would like to propose that Mr. Patrick Choo represents
the PTA in the board.
5.8 The staff has decided to have the annual staff lunch on 10th November
2018 in Atmosphere 360, KL Tower, 130-3.00 pm. Board members are
invited to join us. The cost of the annual lunch is shared by the Parent
Teachers Association and the Board of Governors.
5.9 We will be seeing Sunway University’s Culinary Faculty Dean on 4th
December 2018 to discuss the culinary program for 2019. They have been
very kind to help us as their CSR project for this year and the last year over a
period of 4-5 months. We’ve not been very successful in looking for a
qualified personnel to help us manage the SHCAC and teach the culinary
curriculum. We resorted to employ part time teachers to teach the “LAK-
Latihan Asas Kulinary” program for the form 1-3. Pn Mani and Pn Junainah
were part -time helpers we engaged to teach LAK classes.
5.10 The school needs the board to help us pay the Water Indah bill
(RM4108.55) and water bill (RM3061.25) as we’ve depleted our funds for
utilities and LPBT. The school has been paying the canteen water bills all
these years.
5.11 Next year in April the school will be organizing an educational trip to
Korea and quite a number of girls have requested for sponsorship. I would
like to appeal to the board to allocate RM5,000 to enable partial sponsorship.
The cost per child is RM 4650 if we get 30 girls to commit. If less than thirty
the cost goes up by RM 200 per pax.
5.12 Our students, Venessa and Venice Wong have been selected to represent
Malaysia in the International Youth Culture and Arts Festival to be held in
Beijing 2019. They’ve asked the school to support a fundraising dinner this
December to raise Rm400k. The cheapest table is RM3000. I suggest the
board sponsors Rm1,000, PIBG RM1,000 and the School Koperasi RM 1,000.
5.2.0 School development : Update on projects :
5.2.1 The leaking pond was repair at the cost of RM6,000.
5.2.2 The fire extinguishers around the school were serviced and those
which are more than 10 years were replaced. We spent RM 3800.
5.2.3 We bought the long (L-shaped) red carpet for VIP walkway as we
needed it for Mulan musical. The mobile staircase was also refurbished.
5.2.3 The wiring cost (RM 1480) for the new computer laboratory is born
by the maintenance funds in the “Lembaga Pengurus Sekolah “account.
5.2.4 The wiring for the telephones and some of the spoilt telephones in the
office and staffroom were replaced. Cost incurred : RM1,193.90
5. 2.5 We’ve decided to cut renovation cost of Glo Rajendran meeting
room by using the same tables but new chairs were bought and the tables
were rearranged so that all chairs will face the front. We left the cement
floor as it is instead of doing the floor board as we were uncertain if we
will still receive funds under the new government with a huge national debt
to settle.
5.3.0 Projects/Needs
No Needs Estimated Comments
5.3.1 Homogenous Floor tiles at corridor RM 45,000- Three quotations
and staircase lobby RM57,000
5.3.2 Pruning or chopping down trees along RM 20,000 Quotation from
school building Optimise Engineering
Work. An Officer
from PPWS recommended that the trees either be pruned or
chopped. We’ve written to
DBKL to help us take
down the trees
5.3.3 Shelves for the PK’s office RM1,950 Mesra Gerimis
Steel cabinet for the exam hall
5.3.4 Repairs of roof leakages in the science Waiting for quotation
lab, classrooms and computer lab
5.3.5 Water pump – to repair booster pump RM 3740 UR Work
5.3.6 Spectators’ Grand Stand RM 1,000,000 PRK SK AND
SMK St Mary
( KIV- no funds)
** Suggestion : to shelve major renovations until we are certain that the
PRK will continue under the new government
6. Treasurers’ report
6.1 BOG and LPS Accounts.
Mdm. Grace presented the BOG account. Mdm. Grace
Mdm. Lee presented the LPS account. Mdm. Lee
The balance for BOG A/C as at 31 October 2018 is RM212,914.57
The balance for LPS A/C as at 23rd November 2018 is RM 99,564.25.
Please refer to handouts on BOG A/C and LPS A/C for further details.
7 7.0 Report from various portfolios
7.1 Training and Programmes
Mdm. Ann clarified that the committee has yet to meet up. Possible issues Ann Jones
to be addressed include Mental health, Influence of media, Addiction of
gadgets and LGBT.
7.2 Hospitality and Culinary Gabriel
Deaconess Ruth has carried a few baking sessions with our students. Daniel &
7.3 Students’ Welfare Alexander
Ms. Wan gave a report on the Dignity Programme which was carried out Abraham
by the alumni. She also clarified that they are doing a School Holiday Wan Mai
Reading Programme which involves Video Calls between the tutors and Gan
the students. So far 8 tutors and 14 students are involved in this
8. Any Other Business
8.1 Sponsorship for Venessa and Venice Wong and the Korea Trip
Two of our students have been selected to compete in the International Dato’ And En
Youth Culture and Arts Festival in Beijing 2019. Eddie
The board will contribute RM1500 while PTA will contribute another
RM1500 to sponsor a table for the fund raising dinner.
The board has agreed to sponsor two students ( RM4850 x2 =RM9700 ) All members
for the Korean trip. They have to be deserving students who need the of the board
financial aid and have contributed much to the school.
8.2 Board Members
Dato’ thanked all the members of the board and informed that some will
be retiring, Miss Ho Lai Kuan and Mr Mohammad Ghandhi. Below are the
members who have been appointed for the 2019-2021 term:
1. Dato’ Stanley Isaacs Chairman
2. Rev Gordon Kong (St. Mary’s Cathedral)
3. Deaconess Ruth Ong aka (St. Mary’s Cathedral)
Anggamah Sinnasamy (St. Mary’s Cathedral)
4.Mr Sasahi Sankaran (St. Mary’s Cathedral)
5. Dr. Chong Su-Lin (Diocesan Representative)
6. Mr. Alexander Abraham (Diocesan Representative)
7. Mdm. Ann Jones Chairman, SHCAC)
8. Mr. Gabriel Daniel (Chairman, PTA)
9.Mr. Eddie Ahmad Khodzali
10. Mr Patrick Choo (Vice- Chairman , PTA)
11.Mdm. Chee Poh Kiem (Principal, SMK St Mary)
12. Mdm. Wan Mai Gan (Chairman, Alumni)
13.Mdm. Irene Cheow (Alumni)
14.Mdm. Eunice Yeo (Alumni)
15.Dr. Shameem Rafik Galea (Government)
16.Mdm. Lee Bee Chuan (Government -Treasurer - LPS )
17.Mdm. Grace Chin (Government -Treasure – BOG)
18.Mdm. Tan Siok Leh (Government -Recording Secretary)
The meeting was adjourned at 7.30p.m. with a closing prayer by Rev. Gordon Kong
Prepared by, Checked by,
……………….……. …….……………………..
Mdm. Tan Siok Leh Mdm. Chee Poh Kiem
Recording Secretary
Approved by,
Dato’ Stanley Isaacs ,
Chairman of BOG