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Newsletter Issue 103 - 24.07.23 August- September 2023

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Published by All Saints Church, 2023-07-22 18:04:06

Newsletter Issue 103 - 23.07.23 August- September 2023

Newsletter Issue 103 - 24.07.23 August- September 2023

ALL SAINTS KESGRAVE NEWSLETTER ISSUE NO 103 – 23.07.23 August-September 2023 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Since I was little and had to stand on a chair to reach the worktop in the kitchen, I’ve always enjoyed baking, and just recently I’ve been making a lot of ‘Miracle no-knead bread’! The whole family loves the smell and the taste of a freshly baked loaf, and so most Fridays I get out my large bowl and cast-iron casserole dish and get weighing and mixing. The ingredients and method are really simple – combine the flour, salt, a very small amount of yeast and some water into a messy, lumpy mass,

cover and leave overnight! At first I wasn’t sure it would work as usually with breadmaking there’s a lot of kneading, proofing, rising and proofing required to turn out a half decent loaf. But the results were amazing – it really was miracle bread! As I came down the next morning, the smell of yeast permeated the whole kitchen and when I lifted off the cover, the dough was bubbling away and had risen three quarters of the way up the bowl! After gently shaping it into a ball, and popping it into a hot oven, I was rewarded with the most wonderful ‘crusty on the outside, soft and chewy on the inside’ loaf! This ‘miracle loaf’ reminded me of the bible passage in Luke- “What shall I compare the Kingdom of God to? It is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into a large amount of flour until it worked all through the dough.” (Luke 13:20) The packet of yeast that I used contained such tiny granules, and the recipe called for such a small amount, that I had wondered how it could be enough to make my bread rise. But when mixed with the other ingredients and patiently left for long enough in the right conditions, the effects spread through the entire dough, until the whole thing was alive, and a mighty loaf was produced! In the beginning, the ministry of Jesus started small. But along with his twelve disciples, Jesus told more and more people about God until that knowledge spread throughout the world. And in the same way that yeast makes dough rise from the inside out, we too have the potential to make great changes within our own lives and those of our families and communities. When we welcome God into our hearts and lives, and pray and read God’s Word, we grow spiritually and are gradually changed. By his grace we are able to show more love, kindness and thoughtfulness to others and spread the Good News of the gospel. Our words, choices and actions may sometimes seem small in isolation, but over time can have a far-reaching impact. Just like the yeast in the bread, a little really does go a long way! Jennie Fidler, Children & Family Worker ASK

WHAT’S ON AUGUST 2023 Date Time Service Where / Who to contact Wed 2 nd Aug 9.30am 10.30am Open to God At ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Wed 2 nd Aug 10.00am10.45am Morning Prayer at Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings Wed 2 nd Aug 10.30am12.00pm Fynn Valley Walks All Saints Little Bealings. For more information contact [email protected] 07857838678. Wed 2 nd Aug 10.30am4.00pm “Absolutely Divine” Café at Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings Thu 3 rd Aug 11.00am12.00pm Thursday Holy Communion at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Sat 5 thAug 10.00am12.30pm Saturday Drop-in At Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings Sun 6 thAug 8.30am9.30am Holy Communion at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Sun 6 thAug 10.00am11.00am Holy Communion at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave ASK Church YouTube channel: Sun 6 thAug 10.00am11.00am Morning Prayer At Playford Church Of St. Mary, Playford Sun 6 thAug 6.30pm7.15pm Evensong at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Wed 9 thAug 9.30am 10.30am Morning Prayer At ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Wed 9 thAug 10.00am10.45am Morning Prayer at Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings Wed 9 thAug 10.30am4.00pm “Absolutely Divine” Café at Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings Wed 9 thAug 10.30am12.00pm Fynn Valley Walks All Saints Little Bealings. For more information contact [email protected] 07857838678. Thu 10thAug 11.00am12.00pm Thursday Holy Communion at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Sat 12thAug 10.00am12.30pm Saturday Drop-in At Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings Sun 13thAug 8.30am9.30am Holy Communion at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Sun 13thAug 10.00am11.00am All Age Service at ASK ( Livestreamed) All Saints Church Kesgrave ASK Church YouTube channel:

Date Time Service Where / Who to contact Sun 13thAug 10.00am11.00am Morning Prayer At Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings Wed 16thAug 9.30am 10.30am Bible Study At ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Wed 16thAug 10.00am10.45am Morning Prayer at Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings Wed 16thAug 10.30am4.00pm “Absolutely Divine” Café at Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings Wed 16thAug 10.30am12.00pm Fynn Valley Walks All Saints Little Bealings. For more information contact [email protected] 07857838678. Thu 17thAug 11.00am12.00pm Thursday Holy Communion at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Sat 19thAug 10.30am4.00pm “Absolutely Divine” Café at Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings Sun 20thAug 8.30am9.30am Holy Communion at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Sun 20thAug 10.00am11.00am Holy Communion at ASK (Livestreamed) All Saints Church Kesgrave ASK Church YouTube channel: Sun 20thAug 10.00am11.00am Family Communion At Playford Church Of St. Mary, Playford Sun 20thAug 6.30pm7.15pm Evensong at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Wed 23rd Aug 9.30am 10.30am Morning Prayer At ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Wed 23rd Aug 10.00am10.45am Morning Prayer at Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings Wed 23rd Aug 10.30am12.00pm Fynn Valley Walks All Saints Little Bealings. For more information contact [email protected] 07857838678. Thu 24th Aug 11.00am12.00pm Thursday Holy Communion at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Sat 26th Aug 10.00am12.30pm Saturday Drop-in At Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings Sun 27th Aug 8.30am9.30am Holy Communion at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Sun 27th Aug 10.00am11.00am All Age Service at ASK (Livestreamed) All Saints Church Kesgrave ASK Church YouTube channel:

RECENT NOTABLE EVENTS: BAPTISM 02/07/2023 - Dexter Ginseppe INFANTINO FUNERAL 02/06/2023 - Wilfrid BRADLEY TIME FOR REST August is the month for holidays with schools closed and many businesses shut down for a while. How do you spend your annual holiday? Lots of people rush to get away, facing delays in trains, ports and airports. Some will be touring – trying to visit as many places as they can. Others will be driving to a hotel, B&B or caravan by the sea. I recently heard someone say, ‘I’ve had such a busy holiday that I need a rest to recover.’ Is this what holidays are for? Surely we should be taking the opportunity to slow down, have some rest and relaxation, take time to look around at the beauty of nature that surrounds us? Date Time Service Where / Who to contact Sun 27th Aug 10.00am11.00am Family Communion At Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings Wed 30th Aug 10.00am10.45am Morning Prayer at Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings Wed 30th Aug 10.30am12.00pm Fynn Valley Walks All Saints Little Bealings. For more information contact [email protected] 07857838678. Thu 31st Aug 11.00am12.00pm Thursday Holy Communion at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave

There are lovely places here in Suffolk but do we have time to visit them? We all need the chance to stop and smell the roses or watch a butterfly on a bush. Even Jesus needed a rest. The Bible gives us several instances where he tried to get away from the crowds – going up a mountain, into the wilderness, or on a boat; but people followed him and didn’t let him rest. Being Jesus, he took pity on all who wanted help or advice and did without peace and quiet. We don’t need to give up a little ‘me’ time. Everyone deserves an occasional hour or even a day of peace and quiet to prepare us for the next busy day. However you spend your holiday I hope it’s enjoyable and you return to work refreshed and ready for the next challenge. Reverend Chris Nunn SUFFOLK RIDE AND STRIDE FUNDRAISING DAY: Saturday 9th September 2023 -ALL SAINTS KESGRAVE Suffolk Historic Churches Trust (SHCT) 50th Anniversary 1973-2023 Ride+Stride is a wonderful way to enjoy getting out and about safely as well as raising much-needed funds to support Grant applications from churches and chapels across the country. Half the money raised by each participant goes to SHCT which then disperses it in Grants* and half comes back to the church of your choice eg All Saints Kesgrave! *Our church received a SHCT grant towards the Lighting Project in 2021.

If you're someone who enjoys walking or cycling and exploring the remarkable churches in Suffolk, we invite you to join this exciting event! You can find detailed information about the event on our website: Additionally, we would greatly appreciate your assistance in welcoming participants here at All Saints Kesgrave, handling sign-up forms, and providing well-deserved refreshments such as tea, coffee, and biscuits to the striders as they journey from one church to another. You'll find the rota sheet conveniently located near the font at the church. Please consider sparing an hour of your time and adding your name to the volunteer rota. Your help will be sincerely valued. Thank you in advance for your kind support! MOTHERS’ UNION Our next meeting is on Tuesday 26th September, 2-15pm at all Saints Kesgrave. Our speaker for the meeting will be David and Karoline Howlett. We look forward to their talk about their trip to Malta. Visitors are always welcome to join us at our meetings. Jenny Billinge Secretary SILVER GROUPS We welcome anybody who wishes to come to the Silver events. There’s always a good variety of food to enjoy with tea, coffee, chocolate, and sometimes squash. The Screen is in the hall, and the Games are in the church. When you turn up you can be assured of a warm welcome. Next sessions of Silver Screen are on Mondays 4 th & 18th September at the Church Hall, 2pm-4pm.

Seeing so many people get so much out of those sessions has been a pleasure. Following the screening, we have a short talk. Come along for an enjoyable afternoon and companionship. Next sessions of Silver Games are on Mondays 11th & 25th September at the Church, 2pm-4pm. Come and enjoy playing the old fashioned and some modern games such as Up-Words, Scrabble, Mexican Train, Uno, Rummikub and Scrabble. Even if you don’t play board games you will be welcome to just come along and sit with our regulars and have a chat. For more details contact Chris or Mike Bryer 01473 611143 MEN’S & LADIES’ BREAKFAST Please come along on Saturday, 30th September at 9.30am and join us at the Farmhouse Pub for our Men’s & Ladies’ Breakfast and fellowship. All ages are welcome. Please contact Gary Jones [email protected] or Anita Jones [email protected] to reserve your place. BENEFICE HARVEST SUPPER Sweet potato, spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes, apples and pears, berries, harvest punch, hams, specialty breads, cheeses, so many beautiful ingredients from the land. Please join us for this year’s Harvest Supper as we thank God and our farmers for our rich harvest together. The Supper will be held at Playford Village Hall on Saturday 23rd September, starting at 7pm. We are expecting good numbers and have places for 50-60 (tbc) from across the benefice, so please book your place early.

The cost for the evening will be £12.50 to include two excellent courses and a welcome drink. (£4 for children) There will also be a fun quiz between courses, teams of six. To secure a place please email Helen on [email protected]. Payment should then be made in cash to Helen by Sunday 10th September. I hope to attend ASK’s Sunday 10am services 6th and 20th August. I am also available at Little Bealings Church on Wednesdays 10.30am-4pm until 16th August. Booking is now open! Helen Wittgreffe Churchwarden & Elder All Saints Little Bealings 07825 004585 ABSOLUTELY DIVINE CAFÉ, LITTLE BEALINGS – AUG/SEPT OPENING AND VOLUNTEERS Our Wednesday café at All Saints Little Bealings has been running almost four months now and we are delighted to have welcomed many of you. We’ve thoroughly embraced Italian week, Greek week, churchmade vegetable lasagne, Ellen’s wonderful cakes, lemons, garlic, super salads, mozzarella, brie, caramelized onions, mascarpone, and we aim to very much live up to our name producing absolutely divine meals with warm company. If you haven’t visited yet, we’d love to see you. We are thrilled by the sense of community and joy in the café. For those of you that are unable to visit us midweek, we are hosting a Saturday Special on the 19th August. There will be cream teas, churchmade quiches, churchmade sausage rolls, Ellen’s wonderful cakes, our famous salads, and no doubt more! Do pop in, we are open 10.30am to 4pm. This event will be our last café before a much needed summer break for our volunteers.

We will then close from 23rd August to 20th Sept (inclusive), re-opening after Harvest weekend with our new ‘Autumn Wednesdays’ menu. For September’s re-opening we need additional volunteers. Could you join us to bring community, joy, friendship and warmth to our Wednesday customers? Can you wash up, clear tables? Or would you rather serve coffee from our coffee machine and take orders at the till? The work is busy over the lunchtime period but great fun. Ideally I am seeking people who can volunteer most weeks, or alternate weeks, between 11.15am and 2.15pm. I can assure you that you will make so many new friends. We are proud to be rated 5-star by East Suffolk Council, and this means adhering to Food Safety Agency rules, so there’s training needed on allergens, cross-contamination, washing up rules, etc., but that’s easily covered. Mainly its just being part of our friendly team who just love feeding and serving joy. We’d love to have you on board. To volunteer or find out more please contact Helen on [email protected], or on 07825 004585. Helen Wittgreffe – Absolutely Divine Café Lead ALPHA COURSE STARTS 5TH OCTOBER – STAY CURIOUS! Stay Curious is the current strapline for Alpha and at first I thought it rather odd, but it’s stuck in my brain, so perhaps it works. After all, faith is a journey and we should remain curious as we explore and enjoy a journey. I challenge you to Stay Curious this autumn/early winter, and join us to learn more about Alpha and why it is packing city churches across the

nation and indeed the world. The current Alpha Film Series was filmed in 2016 and is designed to take the audience on an epic journey exploring the basics of Christian faith. It features inspiring stories and interviews from all around the world, from leading DNA scientists, hardened criminals, highly successful entrepreneurs who had everything money could buy and yet still felt empty and that there had to be more to life, from Queens Counsel lawyers, adventurer Bear Grylls, and quotes from Freddie Mercury and other music legends. It makes us think. Alpha is aimed at those sitting on the fence regarding faith, and those who don’t believe, however those who took the course with me, longstanding members of this congregation, found it changed them. It inspired us, gave us an absolute desire to be disciples, to serve, to bring others to faith. So whether you are new to faith, have unanswered questions, want to know more, are longstanding Christians, or are just curious, we welcome you to join us for our third Alpha course. The course will be run by Elders Helen Wittgreffe and Carolyn Lemay on Thursday evenings from 5th October at Little Bealings Church, we will share coffee, cake, a laugh, stories, enjoy these 25-minute films and then discuss them in a positive and inspiring way. Coffee will be served from 7.15pm, film starts at 7.30pm, finish 9pm. It is envisaged the course will run for 11-12 weeks. To book a place, please contact Helen Wittgreffe on [email protected] or 07825 004585, or speak to Carolyn Lemay at ASK. RIDE & STRIDE – LITTLE BEALINGS Ride+ Stride is the single largest source of income for many Historic Churches Trusts enabling them to make grants. As a church that has recently benefitted from several grants to renovate our building, All Saints

Church Little Bealings are keen to show our appreciation by again taking part in this year’s event. This year, Francis Mutimer will lead a walk between 4 or 5 (tbc) rural churches, usually these are Little Bealings, Great Bealings, Playford, Culpho, and sometimes Tuddenham and Kesgrave; however, Francis always has a surprise up his sleeve and we wait to discover his plan! For now, we just wanted to advise there will be a wonderful walk through the Fynn Valley on Saturday 9th September, and we will get back to you with details shortly. GIVING From the Book of Common Prayer: Be merciful after thy power. If thou hast much, give plenteously; if thou hast little, do thy diligence gladly to give of that little; for so gatherest thou thyself a good reward in the day of necessity. This year our share of the Parish Share is over £52,000 and this is on top of the finance needed to actually run the church, pay for ecclesiastical insurance, energy costs, admin, music, the website etc; if you are able to, please review your giving to enable us to go on serving the community. All forms of giving are gratefully received, including cash, contactless giving and use of the green Donate button on the ASK website Please make cheques payable to Kesgrave PCC For BACS payments the name on the account is Kesgrave Parochial Church Council Sort Code 08-92-99 Account No. 65453375 (We bank with the Co-operative Bank) For Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) see: Setting up your gift or ask me for hard copy gift form Our PGS code for this church is 330 633 093; this ensures that your giving goes to the right place!

Parish name All Saints Church, Kesgrave Parish code 330633093 Diocese St Eds and Ips Diocese We also have a “Donate” QR Code: To donate online, scan the QR code with your phone below: Or go to for more ways to give. For any queries, please contact me Sally Wainman 07807 984589 DO YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW NEED PRAYER? If at any time you or someone you know are in need of prayer, we have an active prayer ministry who would love to pray for you. We believe that God answers all of our prayers, as he loves us dearly and knows just what we need. We have seen God work in so many different ways through the prayer ministry. Please do not hesitate to contact if you feel this can help. If your prayer request is urgent, contact our prayer chain by calling John Wittgreffe on 07857 838678 or email [email protected] specifying "Prayer Chain".

If you have an ongoing request for prayer, each Wednesday a prayer request email goes out to ministers and faithful people who will include your request in their prayers on Wednesday, or as soon as possible thereafter. If you would like your prayer included, please use the same contact as above stating "For Wednesday prayers", or both Wednesday Prayers and Prayer Chain if appropriate. All information is considered private to those who take part in the prayers. If, however, you feel something is very sensitive, please mention this and we will make the prayers anonymous before they go out- God still knows who you mean! If you would like a private prayer with a minister, you can request this and we will work something out for you. If for any reason John is unavailable, please contact one of our ministry team as in our contacts list. "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 John Wittgreffe, Elder THOUGHT AND PRAYER FROM MARY There can be times in our lives when we feel low or troubled or not at peace. Whatever the reason, sometimes it's hard to know how to help ourselves and it's even difficult to know how to ask God to help us - indeed our prayers may end up being no more than, 'Help me Lord". Psalm 46.1 tells us that, 'God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble'. I've found that God always responds to a, 'Help me out here Lord' prayer, even if the way in which he helps is not always the expected way! He loves us and cares about us more than we can ever comprehend.

Prayer: Dear Lord, when we are feeling helpless, please give us your strength. When we are troubled, please give us your peace. When we feel low, please reassure us of your great love for us. Amen. OUR NEW INCUMBENT The Right Revd Martin Seeley, the Bishop of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich, is delighted to announce that The Revd Sarah Ellen Quantrill has been appointed as Vicar of Kesgrave with Little Bealings and Playford. Sarah is currently Rector of Carlton Colville Benefice in the Norwich Diocese. A date for Sarah’s Institution and Induction service will be confirmed in due course. Many thanks to all involved in the appointment process. Please pray for Sarah and her husband Mike as they prepare for their move. This appointment is subject to the completion of legal formalities. KESGRAVE LIBRARY NEWS – AUGUST & SEPTEMBER 2023 Summer Reading Challenge – the crafts are on whenever we have a reading challenge session, as below. In August and September, we are making - Sunday 6th – Saturday 12th – Pop along and either design a new flag for a sport’s competition or make your favourite countries flag. Sunday 13th – Saturday 19th – Design your own surfboard. What will you draw on yours? Sunday 20th – Saturday 26th – Create a mascot for a sporting competition. What animal will you choose?

Sunday 27th – Saturday 2nd September – Make a new sport’s shoe of your choice. Sunday 3rd – Saturday 9th September - Create a new sport’s trophy. What will yours look like? Sunday 10th September – To finish the reading challenge, we are making sailboat collages. Sunday 17th September – We are making fish out of old CDs today. How many colours will you use on your beautiful fish? Sunday 24th September – Sadly autumn will soon be here. We are designing tree pictures this week. Activities are free. Parents must stay with under eights. Word Play Sessions – Every Thursday Morning. These free sessions are run by trained staff and continue throughout the summer holidays. Tot Rock – 9.45 – 10.15 a.m. – active songs and rhymes for pre-school children Baby Bounce – 10.45 – 11.45 a.m. – Gentle songs for you and your baby to enjoy. No need to book. Please just pop along. We look forward to seeing you soon. Story Time – Sessions will restart on Friday 8th September. Lego Club – Sessions will restart on Tuesday 12th September. Morning Book Group – Tuesday 3rd August 10.00 a.m. at the library. The group are currently reading The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer.

On Tuesday 5th September, the group are discussing American Dirt by Jeannie Cummins. Afternoon Book Club – This group’s next meeting is Thursday 7th September at 2.45 p.m. where they will be discussing The Rose Code by Kate Quinn. Evening Book Group – Thursday 31st August 7.00 – 8.00 p.m. The group are currently reading Playing Nice by J P Delaney. On Thursday 28th September 7.00 – 8.00 p.m., they are reading The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce. If you are interested in joining, please contact library staff. The library supplies copies of the titles being read. Bank Holiday – the library will be closed on Monday 28th August for the Bank Holiday. Knit and Natter – These sessions will resume on Thursday 14th September at 2.30 p.m. Cancer Support Group 10.30 – 11.30 a.m. – on the third Monday morning each month (Monday 21st August & Monday 18th September) in the library. Our volunteer who helps run these sessions, is available to help on any aspect that may be worrying you, whether you are currently suffering from cancer or a carer in need of advice. Summer Reading Challenge – There’s still time to sign up to this year’s challenge which is running from Saturday 15th July – Sunday 10th September. This year’s theme Ready, Set, Read is all about reading and sport. Kesgrave Library is running the following sessions throughout the challenge: Monday 9.30 – 12.00 p.m. Tuesday 2.30 – 5.00 p.m. Wednesday 2.30 – 5.30 p.m.

Thursday 2.30 – 5.30 p.m. Friday 9.30 – 12.00 p.m. Saturday 2.30 – 4.30 p.m. Sunday 10.00 – 1.00 p.m. This is a free activity and open to all ages from pre-school upwards. Children will need their own library card, which can be issued before the challenge begins. Please speak to staff. Adults will need to bring ID to act as guarantor. To finish the challenge each child needs to read 6 books of their choice, at least one of which needs to be non-fiction. There are prizes and stickers throughout the challenge to motivate our young readers to finish, as well as competitions to enter. Why not pop along and join in the fun! Those who finish the challenge will be invited to the presentation of medals and certificates on Sunday 10th September. Menopause and Me Support Group – Thursday 10th August 7.00 p.m. This peer led support group will be run by staff and Jen Evans, who is a menopause advisor. All sessions will comply with both NHS and NICE guidelines; and are for anyone who is affected by the menopause and its symptoms. During this first session we will be asking what you would like the sessions to be about – we will then tailor the sessions around your requests. These sessions will offer practical advice, as well as be a chance to talk to others and get support. The second session will be Thursday 5th October and will be monthly from then on. Tea, coffee, and biscuits will be provided. Please pop along if you think this session will be beneficial to you. We look forward to welcoming you to the group. Greetings cards – Due to the success of our Christmas cards, the library now has a fantastic selection of greetings cards for all occasions. Cards are priced at £2.50 each, and every sale helps support your local library. Why not pop along and have a look.

Recycle Your Ink Cartridges – Did you know that Kesgrave Library is a drop off point for printer ink cartridges, whether used or out of date (apart from laser printer cartridges). Every donation of a used cartridge helps the library to raise funds. Opening Hours - Monday 9.00–12.00 noon Tuesday 9.00–12.00 noon/2.30–5.00 pm Wednesday 2.30 – 6.00 pm Thursday 2.30 – 8.00 pm Friday 9.00–12.00 noon/2.30–6.00 pm Saturday 10.00-5.00 pm Sunday 10.00-3.00 pm Maggie Lusher Kesgrave Library Manager Tel: 01473 626103 WHAT’S ON SEPTEMBER 2023 Date Time Service Where / Who to contact Sat 2 nd Sept 10.00am12.30pm Saturday Drop-in At Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings Sun 3 rd Sept 8.30am9.30am Holy Communion at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Sun 3 rd Sept 10.00am11.00am Holy Communion at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave ASK Church YouTube channel: Sun 3 rd Sept 10.00am11.00am F.I.G Family At ASK Church Hall. Sun 3 rd Sept 10.00am11.00am Morning Prayer At Playford Church Of St. Mary, Playford Sun 3 rd Sept 5.00pm5.45pm Online Church AFTER HOURS For the link, please visit

Date Time Service Where / Who to contact Sun 3 rd Sept 6.30pm7.15pm Evensong at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Mon 4 th Sept 2.00pm4.00pm Silver Screen at ASK Church Hall. Wed 6 th Sept 9.30am 10.30am Open to God At ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Wed 6 th Sept 10.00am10.45am Morning Prayer at Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings Wed 6 th Sept 10.30am12.00pm Fynn Valley Walks All Saints Little Bealings. For more information contact [email protected] 07857838678. Thu 7 th Sept 11.00am12.00pm Thursday Holy Communion at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Sat 9 th Sept 9.00am5.00pm Ride + Stride at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave and surrounding churches Sat 9 th Sept 10.00am12.30pm Saturday Drop-in At Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings Sun 10th Sept 8.30am9.30am Holy Communion at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Sun 10th Sept 10.00am11.00am All Age Service at ASK ( Livestreamed) All Saints Church Kesgrave ASK Church YouTube channel: Sun 10th Sept 10.00am11.00am Morning Prayer At Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings Mon 11th Sept 2.00pm4.00pm Silver Games at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave. Tue 12th Sept 10.00am11.30am LITTLE EXPLORERS at ASK Church Hall. For more information, please contact Jennie [email protected] Wed 13th Sept 9.30am 10.30am Morning Prayer At ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Wed 13th Sept 10.00am10.45am Morning Prayer at Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings Wed 13th Sept 10.30am12.00pm Fynn Valley Walks All Saints Little Bealings. For more information contact [email protected] 07857838678. Wed 13th Sept 3.10pm 3.45pm Little Bealings BORROWERS All Saints Little Bealings. Please contact Ben Wale [email protected] for more information Thu 14th Sept 11.00am12.00pm Thursday Holy Communion at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave

Date Time Service Where / Who to contact Sat 16th Sept 10.00am12.30pm Saturday Drop-in At Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings Sat 16th Sept 10.00am12.00pm Coffee Morning at Playford Church Of St. Mary, Playford Sun 17th Sept 8.30am9.30am Holy Communion at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Sun 17th Sept 9.15am10.00am BREAKFAST Special At ASK Church Hall. Sun 17th Sept 10.00am11.00am F.I.G Family At ASK Church Hall. Sun 17th Sept 10.00am11.00am Holy Communion at ASK (Livestreamed) All Saints Church Kesgrave ASK Church YouTube channel: Sun 17th Sept 10.00am11.00am Family Communion At Playford Church Of St. Mary, Playford Sun 17th Sept 6.30pm7.15pm Evensong at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Mon 18th Sept 2.00pm4.00pm Silver Screen at ASK Church Hall. Tue 19th Sept 10.00am11.30am LITTLE EXPLORERS at ASK Church Hall. For more information, please contact Jennie [email protected] Wed 20th Sept 9.30am 10.30am Bible Study At ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Wed 20th Sept 10.00am10.45am Morning Prayer at Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings Wed 20th Sept 10.30am12.00pm Fynn Valley Walks All Saints Little Bealings. For more information contact [email protected] 07857838678. Wed 20th Sept 3.10pm 3.45pm Little Bealings BORROWERS All Saints Little Bealings. Please contact Ben Wale [email protected] for more information Thu 21st Sept 11.00am12.00pm Thursday Holy Communion at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Sat 23rd Sept 10.00am12.30pm Saturday Drop-in At Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings Sat 23rd Sept 7.00pm9.00pm Benefice Harvest Supper Playford Village Hall Sun 24th Sept 8.30am9.30am Holy Communion at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave

ALL SAINTS CONTACT DETAILS Priest in Charge Rev Chris Nunn 01473 622363 [email protected] Assistant Priest Rev Gary Jones 01473 412329 [email protected] Parish Administrator Natalie Lawrence 07737821034 [email protected] Lay Readers Martyn Shakespeare 01473 610367 [email protected] Date Time Service Where / Who to contact Sun 24th Sept 10.00am11.00am All Age Service at ASK (Livestreamed) All Saints Church Kesgrave ASK Church YouTube channel: Sun 24th Sept 10.00am11.00am Family Communion At Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings Mon 25th Sept 2.00pm4.00pm Silver Games at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave. Tue 26th Sept 10.00am11.30am LITTLE EXPLORERS at ASK Church Hall. For more information, please contact Jennie [email protected] Tue 26th Sept 2.15pm4.00pm Mothers’ Union At ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Wed 27th Sept 9.30am 10.30am Morning Prayer At ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Wed 27th Sept 10.00am10.45am Morning Prayer at Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings Wed 27th Sept 10.30am4.00pm “Absolutely Divine” Café at Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings Wed 27th Sept 10.30am12.00pm Fynn Valley Walks All Saints Little Bealings. For more information contact [email protected] 07857838678. Wed 27th Sept 3.10pm 3.45pm Little Bealings BORROWERS All Saints Little Bealings. Please contact Ben Wale [email protected] for more information Thu 28th Sept 11.00am12.00pm Thursday Holy Communion at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Sat 30th Sept 9.30am10.00am Men's & Ladies’ Breakfast at the Farmhouse Farmhouse, St Isidores, Kesgrave. Please contact Gary Jones [email protected] Sat 30th Sept 10.00am12.30pm Saturday Drop-in At Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings

Sally Wainman 07807 984589 [email protected] Mike Bryer 01473 611143 [email protected] Children’s Worker Jennie Fidler 07483 212875 [email protected] Church Wardens Karen Pringle 07737968298 [email protected] Bob Bullamore 07810 251177 [email protected] Church Hall Bookings Bob Theobald 01473 620709 [email protected] Fred Upson Hall Karen Pringle 07737968298 Bookings [email protected] Prayer Chain John Wittgreffe 07857 838678 [email protected] Safeguarding Officer Pamela Schultz 07763 176110 [email protected] Treasurer Emma Burrows 07811106995 FINAL WORD Thanks for taking the time to read this edition, we would appreciate any feedback you may have. If you would like to receive this Newsletter electronically, please email [email protected] to be added to the distribution list. You will be welcome to unsubscribe at any time. Your e-mail address will not be passed on to third parties. Alternatively, it is available on our website. Our church website has all the information you might need. We try to regularly update notices and information as they become available, as well as adding items onto our pages on The Church of England’s ‘A Church Near You’ site – If you are on Facebook, please like and follow us on our page – All Saints

Church Kesgrave – where we will also upload important developments and information, videos and ideas for prayer and worship. Issue 104 available from 24 th September 2023- October 2023- Please note, should you wish to have something included in this issue, the deadline is Tuesday 19 th September 2023.

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