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Newsletter issue 92 - 26.06.22 July 2022

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Published by All Saints Church, 2022-06-24 07:36:09

Newsletter issue 92 - 26.06.22 July 2022

Newsletter issue 92 - 26.06.22 July 2022


ISSUE NO 92 – 26.06.22
JULY 2022

At the time of writing this we have just finished 4 days Jubilee celebra-
tions and then this was followed with the ASK holiday at home week.
The word that comes to mind for both of these events is, preparation, for
the Jubilee I heard on the radio that they started the planning and prepa-
ration etc, roughly a year ago, quite possibly in some cases further back
than that!! Just think all the planning, booking of this and that arranging
for people (the important ones that is) to be booked. Plus of course a
year ago there was the very real possibility of another lockdown thanks
to Covid, so alternative plans would need to be made. Not a job for the
faint hearted!!

But preparation is important in all things big and small. We have cele-
brated the resurrection of Christ and before that Passover where Jesus
had the Last Supper with the disciples. He sent them into the city to
find a specific man obviously someone He had prepared / briefed ear-
lier, so that the disciples could prepare the room for the supper. Then
later Jesus prepared His disciples to receive the Holy Spirit by instruct-
ing them to wait in a room until the Holy Spirit came. While they were
waiting, they would have been praying and probably preparing them-
selves to receive the Holy Spirit. Prayer is important it prepares our
hearts to hear from God.

God doesn’t have to go through lengthy preparation like we have to,
God says “let there be light” and there is light Gen, 1 v 3 and so on.
God spoke and whatever He said happened, light, sea, land, plants the
list is endless. We have to wait especially in the case of plants, we have
to prepare the ground, when we decorate a room, we have to clear it pre-
pare the walls, floors etc. We can’t just say “Let there be ….” And
whatever happens, our words do not just bring things into existence, we
must wait, pray, prepare. Our words alone cannot produce anything and
that is in many ways a good thing, just imagine the chaos we would
cause just by speaking things into being, worse yet how much more
chaos a 5-year-old could do.

Fortunately, we cannot do that, we have to wait on God, we can ask for
what we think we need in prayer, but God as our loving absolutely per-
fect Father, will know if what we are asking for is necessary or not. His
answer will be always for our good. Therefore, in our prayers we
should never demand just put the request before Him and be prepared to
wait on His perfect timing.

Chris Bryer


Date Time Service Where / Who to contact
Zoom Pub Quiz
Fri 7.00pm- To find instructions how to join, visit our website
1st July 8.30pm

Sat 10.00am- Private Prayer All Saints Little Bealings
2nd July 12.30pm At Little Bealings

Sun 8.30am- Holy Communion All Saints Church Kesgrave
3rd July 9.30am at ASK
All Saints Church Kesgrave. You may attend in person or
Sun 10.00am- Holy Communion participate via Zoom.
3rd July 11.00am at ASK ( Zoomed) Church Hall.

Sun 10.00am- F.I.G Project Church Of St. Mary, Playford
3rd July 11.00am At ASK
To find instructions how to join, visit our website
Sun 10.00am- Family Communion
3rd July 11.00am at Playford All Saints Church Kesgrave

Sun 5.00pm - ZOOM Church-
3rd July 5.45pm After Hours

Sun 6.30pm- EVENSONG at ASK
3rd July 7.30pm

Mon 2.00pm- Silver Screen at ASK Church Hall. Contact Robin Spittle to request attendance
Email [email protected]
4th July 4.00pm

Tue 10.00am- Coffee, Chat & Play Church Hall. For more information, please contact Jen-
5th July 11.30am nie [email protected]

Wed 9.30am Open to God All Saints Church Kesgrave
6th July 10.30am At ASK
Morning Prayer All Saints Little Bealings
Wed 10.00am- at Little Bealings
6th July 10.45am Fynn Valley Walks All Saints Little Bealings. For more information contact
[email protected] 07857838678.
Wed 10.30am- Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings. For more information contact
6th July 12.00pm BORROWERS [email protected] Ben Wale 07769183638

Wed 3.10pm-
6th July 4.00pm

Thu 11.00am- Thursday All Saints Church Kesgrave

7th July 12.00pm Holy Communion at ASK

Sat 10.00am- Private Prayer All Saints Little Bealings
9thJuly 12.30pm At Little Bealings

Sun 8.30am- Holy Communion All Saints Church Kesgrave
10th July 9.30am at ASK
10.00am- All Age Service at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave
Sun 11.00am (Non-Zoomed)
10th July To find instructions how to join, visit our website
10.00am- Zoom ONLY
Sun 11.00am Morning Service
10th July

Date Time Service Where / Who to contact
All Saints Little Bealings
Sun 10.00am- Family Communion
10th July 11.00am At Little Bealings

Tue 10.00am- Little EXPLORERS Church Hall. For more information, please contact Jen-
12thJuly 11.30am nie [email protected]

Wed 10.00am- Morning Prayer All Saints Little Bealings
13thJuly 10.45am at Little Bealings
Fynn Valley Walks All Saints Little Bealings. For more information contact
Wed 10.30am- [email protected] 07857838678.
13thJuly 12.00pm Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings. For more information contact
BORROWERS [email protected] Ben Wale 07769183638
Wed 3.10pm- Silver Craft at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave
13thJuly 4.00pm

Wed 2.00pm-
13thJuly 4.00pm

Thu 11.00am- Thursday All Saints Church Kesgrave

14thJuly 12.00pm Holy Communion at ASK

Sat 9.00am- Men's & Ladies’ Break- Farmhouse, St Isidores, Kesgrave. Please contact Gary
16thJuly 10.00am fast at the Farmhouse Jones [email protected]

Sat 10.00am- Private Prayer All Saints Little Bealings
16thJuly 12.30pm At Little Bealings

Sun 8.30am- Holy Communion at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave
17thJuly 9.30am
Holy Communion All Saints Church Kesgrave You may attend in person or
Sun 10.00am- at ASK ( Zoomed) participate via Zoom.
17thJuly 11.00am Clarkson Service Church Of St. Mary, Playford
at Playford
Sun 10.00am- EVENSONG at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave
17thJuly 11.00am

Sun 6.30pm-
17thJuly 7.30pm

Mon 2.00pm- Silver Games at ASK ASK Church. Contact Robin Spittle to request attendance
Email [email protected]
18thJuly 4.00pm

Tue 10.00am- Coffee, Chat & Play Church Hall. For more information, please contact Jen-
19thJuly 11.30am nie [email protected]

Wed 10.00am- Morning Prayer All Saints Little Bealings
20thJuly 10.45am at Little Bealings
Fynn Valley Walks All Saints Little Bealings. For more information contact
Wed 10.30am- [email protected] 07857838678.
20thJuly 12.00pm Holy Communion Church Of St. Mary, Playford
at Playford
Wed 11.00am-
20thJuly 11.45am

Thu 11.00am- Thursday All Saints Church Kesgrave

21stJuly 12.00pm Holy Communion at ASK

Date Time Service Where / Who to contact
All Saints Little Bealings
Sat 10.00am- Private Prayer
12.30pm At Little Bealings

Sun 8.30am- Holy Communion All Saints Church Kesgrave
24thJuly 9.30am at ASK
All Saints Church Kesgrave You may attend in person or
Sun 10.00am- All Age Service participate via Zoom.
24thJuly 11.00am at ASK ( Zoomed) All Saints Little Bealings

Sun 11.00am- Morning Service
24thJuly 11.45am at Little Bealings

Tue 2.15pm- Mothers’ Union All Saints Church Kesgrave
26thJuly 3.45pm

Wed 10.00am- Morning Prayer All Saints Little Bealings
27thJuly 10.45am at Little Bealings
All Saints Little Bealings. For more information contact
Wed 10.30am- Fynn Valley Walks [email protected] 07857838678.
27thJuly 12.00pm

Thu 11.00am- Thursday All Saints Church Kesgrave

28thJuly 12.00pm Holy Communion at ASK

Sat 10.00am- Private Prayer All Saints Little Bealings
30thJuly 12.30pm At Little Bealings

Sun 8.30am- Holy Communion All Saints Church Kesgrave
31stJuly 9.30am at ASK
All Saints Church Kesgrave You may attend in person or
Sun 10.00am- BENEFICE Holy Commun- participate via Zoom.
31stJuly 11.00am ion at ASK ( Zoomed) Church Hall.

Sun 10.00am- F.I.G Project
31stJuly 11.00am At ASK


Next session of Silver Screen is Monday 4th of July at the Church
Hall, 2pm-4pm.

It has been a pleasure to see so many people get so much out of those
sessions so far.
Following the screening, we have a short talk.
Come along for an enjoyable afternoon and companionship.

Next session of Silver Games is Monday 18th July at the Church,

Come and enjoy playing the old fashioned and some modern games
such as Up-Words, Scrabble, Mexican Train, Rummikub and Scrabble
and other traditional games. Many have also enjoyed the opportunity to
just sit with friends and relax and chat to each other.

Next session of Silver Craft is Wednesday 13th of July at the Church,
2pm-4pm. CARD MAKING- 13th July 2022
The idea is that anyone with an interest in either knitting, crochet, em-
broidery or any other form of needle craft is welcome to come along
with their current project or start a new one and share time together and
their skills.
There will also be available wool and pattern’s to swap, and it is open to
anyone who wishes to learn a new skill.

For more details contact
Chris or Mike Bryer 01473 611143

The afternoon was sunny and dry despite the weather forecast, and alt-
hough we were few in number everyone enjoyed it, we had a flower ar-
ranging demonstration from Angela Finch with lots of beautiful table
centre pieces created.
Also, Jan Chenery gave an interesting talk and demonstration of wool
spinning, two ladies were brave enough to have a go.

Then after refreshments a demonstration of needle felting by Chris
Bryer, a fascinating craft and everyone was very interested.

There were suggestions of needle felted Robins for Christmas. Many
thanks are due to all who took part and gave freely of their time.

Join us over the summer at all Saints Church Hall in building a Castle
in preparation for our Back To Church Sunday – 18th September 2022
at 10am.
July 3rd & 31st
Aug 7th& 28th
Sept 4th & 18th

Family activity for all to enjoy.


Our next meeting will be the Wave of Prayer on Tuesday 26th July-
2.15pm at All Saints Kesgrave when we pray for the work in dioceses
round the world and our own diocese. We welcome visitors at all our
meetings. We then meet again in September.

Please Come along on Saturday 16th of July at 9.00am and join us at
the Farmhouse Pub for our Men’s & Ladies’ Breakfast and fellow-
ship. All ages welcome.
Please contact Gary Jones [email protected] or
Anita Jones [email protected] to reserve your place.


I think everyone who attended Little Bealings Flower Festival would
agree it was a resounding success. 50+ volunteers helped set up and run
the event, including ASK’s amazing flower arrangers Maggie, Angela
and Jenny, and this year we also pulled Rob Jennings into the team, did
you see his red, white and blue back of chairs ‘window boxes’!

Angela made us a big brilliant crown and many of you volunteered on
washing up, raffle and games tables – thank you!

Over 300 people visited the stunningly beautiful church and their smiles
said everything. All were warmly welcomed, 70+ walkers enjoyed the
delights of the Fynn Valley with John and Francis, and Corinne’s cream
teas were the cherry on the cake.

Brenda Shead won the raffle and an Italian leather handbag, while Carol
Ramsden guessed the weight of the corgi very accurately, 731g for those
still wondering, and took home the hamper to celebrate being only 1g out!

Graham Miles, Agricultural Chaplin for Suffolk, looked at the filled
church and sea of smiles and said, ‘This just proves what rural churches
can do, so many need to see this.’

Our event culminated with a rousing Songs of Praise, the brass quartet
giving it their all for the Queen, and Reverend Gary Jones giving a superb
sermon on Service. Unwilling to let a fantastic event end, a fun Royal
Quiz and social evening followed with our very favourite giant sausage

The following weekend it was time for ASK to roll out the Teddy Zip-
wire, brass band, cakes galore and lead their own Songs of Praise with
Reverend Robin. Again, we had a full church, the Queen and her Beef-
eater over-looking events, Paddington Bear sat next to his marmalade
sandwich, and as children watched their teddies zip down from the tower,
our Ukrainians from the Fred Upson Hall joined us and explored our Suf-
folk church and quaint customs (teddy zipwire!).

Jennie, Natalie and Ann supervised children as they made their own beef-
eaters and jewelled crowns, and they were so good!

Silver Café enjoyed their flower-filled tables, lovely hymns, the National
Anthem, and eagerly scanned their raffle tickets while enjoying cake.

It was a brilliant week and our benefice did the Queen proud. It was also
wonderful seeing full churches again – we’ve missed all this socialising
and singing with bands.

Bringing people into our churches is imperative if they are to thrive, and
we thank each of you who came to the events, ate, bought plants, played
our royalty themed games, and of course the children who made fantastic
jewelled crowns and thoroughly enjoyed the Teddy Zipwire.

We also thank again, whole-heartedly, everyone who helped at these
events; their success is down to you, our wonderful volunteers, who
serve and bring joy to their communities with a warm Christian wel-
come and big smiles.

Helen Wittgreffe, Elder


If at any time you or someone you know are in need of prayer, we have
an active prayer ministry who would love to pray for you. We believe
that God answers all of our prayers, as he loves us dearly and knows
just what we need. We have seen God work in so many different ways
through the prayer ministry. Please do not hesitate to contact if you feel
this can help.

If your prayer request is urgent, contact our prayer chain by call-
ing John Wittgreffe on 07857 838678 or email ask.prayer-
[email protected] specifying "Prayer Chain".

If you have an ongoing request for prayer, each Wednesday a
prayer request email goes out to ministers and faithful people who
will include your request in their prayers on Wednesday, or as soon as
possible thereafter. If you would like your prayer included, please use
the same contact as above stating "For Wednesday prayers", or both
Wednesday Prayers and Prayer Chain if appropriate.

All information is considered private to those who take part in the pray-
ers. If, however, you feel something is very sensitive, please mention
this and we will make the prayers anonymous before they go out- God
still knows who you mean!

If you would like private prayer with a minister, you can request this
and we will work something out for you. If for any reason John is una-
vailable, please contact one of our ministry team as in our contacts list.

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circum-
stances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1 Thessa-
lonians 5:16-18
John Wittgreffe, Elder


We are obviously aware, as a Church, that millions of people are going
to be struggling to survive over the coming months, as nearly every

aspect of daily life sees sharp price rises.
If you are experiencing financial hardship or mounting debts, please
seek help through organisations like Stepchange https://www.step- or Christians Against Poverty

We value all the contributions that are made towards keeping our
church and the other churches in our benefice going; the financial sup-
port we receive goes into maintaining a great variety of work including
pastoral visiting, visits to care homes, all the ‘Silver’ activities (Silver
Film, Silver Games and Silver Crafts), church services across all 3
churches, Bible Studies, Childrens work and FIG services etc; we are
also liaising with Brightwell to provide support during Rev Toby Tate’s

We want Playford, Little Bealings and Kesgrave to remain centres of
spiritual hope and social activity as the lockdowns certainly showed that
loneliness and isolation greatly undermined physical and mental health

All methods of Giving remain available:
The Church website has a Green Donate Button for General Giving.
The Parish Giving Scheme system has been updated and improved and
now allows you to set up a DD online. (If you are new to our church
please consider this way of giving.)

Regular Giving (Direct Debit)
For regular giving please contact the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) : this
is a direct debit scheme, with built-in options for Gift Aid and inflation
proofed giving
There are now three options for signing up:
You can sign up by phone: 0333 002 1271, or by filling in an ASK-spe-
cific form and posting it off or by using the new online direct debit sys-
For all 3 ways you will need your own bank details, the special code for
our church: 330633093 and the Diocese: St Eds and Ips

If you would like to support our Church with a simple BACS payment
this can be made to:
Co-op Bank Sort Code: 08-92-99 Account No: 65453375
The name on the Account is: Kesgrave Parochial Church Council

If you can also Gift Aid your donation, please print off a Gift Aid form
from the website or collect a form from the church and then contact me.
Cheques: Please make cheques payable to Kesgrave PCC and send to
Envelope Giving: if you have Weekly Envelopes that need collecting
please phone me or place in the collection plate at any of the services.

We also have a “Donate” QR Code:
To donate online, scan the QR code

with your phone below:

Or go to
for more ways to give.

For all queries, please phone me on 07807 984589
Thank you for supporting the work of All Saints Kesgrave

Sally Wainman (Local Giving Advisor)

Please support FIND by donating goods at any of the participating su-
permarkets or financially, via bank transfer, (BACS) direct to FIND

BACS details are:
Account name: FOOD BANK FIND
Sort code: 30-94-55
Account number: 54354468
Reference All Saints Kesgrave or your own name

If you want to support FIND with cash, please speak to me at any of the
services or give me a ring

Thank you
Sally Wainman (Local Giving Advisor)
07807 984589

September 10th 2022: Annual Ride and Stride - Suffolk Historic
Churches Trust
1) Help by staffing All Saints Kesgrave so that the church can be open
to visitors and offer a welcome
2) Help by walking or cycling round as many churches you can manage,
with sponsorship.

As we get older the time goes fast
There's less of the future and more of the past!
But a grateful heart is always gold
And cannot be traded, bought or sold
The daily blessings of the daily round
The daily blessings of sight and sound
The light-filled blessings of sky and sea
The love-filled blessings of family

Our church website has all the information you
might need. We try to regularly update notices and information as they
become available, as well as adding items onto our pages on The
Church of England’s ‘A Church Near You’ site – https://www.achurch-
Available on both websites are the Rev Robin Spittle’s ‘Thought for the
Times’ videos, which can be accessed easily from the home pages. If
you are on Facebook, please like and follow us on our page – All Saints
Church Kesgrave
– where we will also upload important developments and information,
videos and ideas for prayer and worship.

July 2022
Sunday Crafts – Sunday crafts are on between 11.00 a.m. and 12.00
noon until the 17th of July and then 11.00 – 1.00 p.m. during the reading
challenge. In July we are making -

Sunday 3rd – We are looking at the life cycle of a butterfly. Come
along and make your own brightly coloured caterpillar.

Sunday 10th – This week we are making a beautiful butterfly.

Sunday 16th- 23rd – The Summer Reading Challenge is starting with the
crafts all based around gadgets. We are starting the challenge by blast-
ing off into space and designing a rocket window picture.

Sunday 24th – 30th July – Design your own spectacles. What colour
will you make yours?

Sunday 31st July – Saturday 6th August – This week we are making
racing cars. What design will you put on the side?

Activities are free. Parents must stay with under eights.

Word Play Sessions – These free sessions are run by trained staff every
Thursday morning.

Tot Rock – 9.45 – 10.15 a.m. – active songs and rhymes for pre-school
Baby Bounce – 10.45 – 11.45 a.m. – Gentle songs for you and your
baby to enjoy.

No need to book. Please just pop along. We look forward to seeing you
soon. Sessions are running all through the holidays.

Story Time – Fun stories, rhymes, and songs every Friday 9.45 – 10.15
a.m. in the library. No need to book – just pop along.
The last session is Friday 15th July due to the reading challenge. Ses-
sions will restart on Friday 9th September.

Lego Club – every Tuesday 3.30 – 4.30 p.m. Free play with each child
been given a basket of Lego bricks to create designs of their choice. We
hope to see you soon.
The last session is Tuesday 12th July, due to the reading challenge. Ses-
sions will restart on Friday 6th September.

Afternoon Book Club – Thursday 7th July 2.45 – 4.30 p.m. at the li-
brary Their current book choice is The Salt Path by Raynor Winn.

Evening Book Group – Thursday 28th July 7.00 – 8.00 p.m. The group
are currently reading Educated by Tara Westover.

If you are interested in joining, please contact staff. The library supplies
copies of the titles being read.

Summer Reading Challenge

Saturday 16th July – Sunday 4th September.
This year’s theme is Gadgeteers – all about science and inventions.
Our sessions are running as follows:
Monday 9.30 – 11.30 a.m.
Tuesday 2.30 – 5.00 p.m.
Wednesday 2.30 – 5.30 p.m.
Thursday 2.30 – 5.30 p.m.
Friday 9.30 – 11.30 a.m.
Saturday 2.30 – 4.30 p.m.
Sunday 10.00 – 1.00 p.m.
This is a free activity and open to all ages from pre-school upwards.
Children will need their own library card, which can be issued before
the challenge begins. Please speak to staff. Adults will need to bring ID
to act as guarantor.
To finish the challenge each child needs to read 6 books, at least one of
which needs to be non-fiction. There are prizes and stickers throughout
the challenge to motivate our young readers to finish, as well as compe-
titions to enter.
We are launching the challenge with a party on Saturday 16th July at
2.30 p.m. Hope to see you there!
Please speak to staff for details.

Home Library Service – If you would like to access the library but are
unable to visit us, Kesgrave runs four home library routes where volun-
teers come out with a selection of books to your homes. To access this
service please ring the library or log on the Suffolk Libraries website
and complete the online form.

Printing and Photocopying – did you know that you can print and pho-
tocopy items at your local library? Printing starts at 20p per single-sided
B&W sheet and photocopying at 10p per single-sided sheet. We can
also print and photocopy in colour up to A3 size. Please pop in or ring
for more details.

Opening Hours -

Monday 9.00–12.00 noon

Tuesday 9.00–12.00 noon/2.30–5.00 pm
Wednesday 2.30 – 6.00 pm
Thursday 2.30 – 8.00 pm
Friday 9.00–12.00 noon/2.30–6.00 pm

Saturday 10.00-5.00 pm

Sunday 10.00-3.00 pm

Maggie Lusher
Kesgrave Library Manager
Tel: 01473 626103


Vicar Rev Robin Spittle 01473 623388

[email protected]

Assistant Priest Rev Chris Nunn 01473 622363

[email protected]

Assistant Priest Rev Gary Jones 01473 412329

[email protected]

Parish Administrator Natalie Lawrence 07737821034

[email protected]

Lay Readers Martyn Shakespeare 01473 610367

Sally Wainman 07807 984589

[email protected]

Mike Bryer 01473 611143

[email protected]

Children’s Worker Jennie Fidler 07584420729

[email protected]

Church Wardens Karen Pringle 01473 611472

[email protected]

Bob Bullamore 01473 729586

[email protected]

Church Hall Bookings Bob Theobald 01473 620709

[email protected]

Fred Upson Hall Karen Pringle 01473 611472

Bookings [email protected]
Prayer Chain John Wittgreffe 07857 838678

Safeguarding Officer [email protected]
John Wittgreffe 07857 838678
[email protected]


Thanks for taking the time to read this edition, we would appreciate any

feedback you may have.

Due to the legislation on May 25th 2018, we can only continue to send you

information by email if you have granted permission. If you would like to

receive this Newsletter electronically, please email allsaints.parish@out- to be added to the distribution list. You will be welcome to unsub-

scribe at any time. Your e-mail address will not be passed on to third parties.

Alternatively, it is available on our website (see below).

For a further explanation of any of our activities please contact Rev Robin
Spittle (623388) or [email protected]

Our Website-
You can also like us on Facebook –
Or keep up to date with news and services on our A Church Near You Page

Issue 93 available from 31st July 2022- AUG - SEP 2022- please note

should you wish to have something included in this issue, the deadline is
26th July 2022.

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