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Newsletter Issue 94 - 25.09.22 October 2022

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Published by All Saints Church, 2022-09-26 08:31:31

Newsletter Issue 94 - 25.09.22 October 2022

Newsletter Issue 94 - 25.09.22 October 2022


ISSUE NO 94 – 25.09.22
October 2022


The summer is over and Autumn has begun, in fact it got started early
because of the dry summer we had the trees started to drop their leaves in
August. But every year it’s the same and we all have our favourite sea-
sons my personal favourite is Autumn if only because by then the hay
fever season is finally coming to an end, phew. No more sneezing or
blocked up feeling, at least until next Spring then it will be a case of here
we go again. But thinking about the seasons of the year brings to mind
the seasons of man (person sorry pc world). I heard one person put it
quite depressingly like this, ‘we get born, we grow up, we get old, and we
die’. A bit depressing I must admit but look at it another way, Spring we

get born, we are full of vim and vigour, we have a spring in our step.
Summer we have grown up, well some of us grow up others seem to retain
a certain childlike charm (you know who you are), but we are looking at
jobs, university maybe even a future partner. Autumn comes and we are
starting to feel the affects of age, the joints creak, we feel stiff in the
mornings and we start to make that strange noise whenever we sit down
or get up. Winter we have got older, we have joined the ‘now what did I
come into this room for?’ club. In some men there is more hair on their
chest than on their heads, and for us ladies the hair dresser makes an ab-
solute fortune with the colour and perm, at least my mother’s hairdresser
must have as she was there every week.

But what I find reassuring is that God is with us every step of the way,
whether our steps are slow and stumbling or quick and lively. This seems
to be a bit like when we first start to read the Bible, at first we are slow
and stumbling, all those strange names and words, dare I say that is Spring
we are born into the faith, everything is fresh and new and exciting. Then
we get the hang of it and we are a bit quicker we are more sure of our-
selves and the pronunciation of those funny words, perhaps that’s Sum-
mer. After a while we are a long-standing member of the church and pillar
of the community and we know our Bible inside out or so we think, but
we still read it, so maybe that is our Autumn. Then comes the time when
we read the Bible because all of a sudden it’s fresh and new to us all over
again, if only because we have forgotten what we read before, this must
be Winter. But let’s take this as a challenge the Winter years can be the
best as we have time to be, to relax and enjoy grandchildren perhaps even
reading the Bible with our grandchildren.

Whichever season of the year we are in lets enjoy it to the full because
that’s why Christ came so that we can ‘have life and have it to the full’,
John 10; 10.

Christine Bryer


Date Time Service Where / Who to contact
All Saints Little Bealings
Sat 10.00am- Private Prayer
1st Oct
12.30pm At Little Bealings

Sun 8.30am- Holy Communion All Saints Church Kesgrave
2nd Oct 9.30am at ASK
F.I.G Family Church Hall.
Sun 10.00am- At ASK
2nd Oct 11.00am Holy Communion All Saints Church Kesgrave.
at ASK ( Livestreamed)
Sun 10.00am- Harvest Festival Church Of St. Mary, Playford
2nd Oct 11.00am at Playford
Zoom AFTER HOURS To find instructions how to join, visit our website
Sun 10.00am-
2nd Oct 11.00am EVENSONG at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave

Sun 5.00pm-
2nd Oct 5.45pm

Sun 6.30pm-
2nd Oct 7.30pm

Mon 2.00pm- Silver Games at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave

3rd Oct 4.00pm

Tue 10.00am- Coffee, Chat & Play Church Hall. For more information, please contact Jen-
4th Oct 11.30am Broom Tree Café nie [email protected]

Tue 3.30pm- St Michael’s Church, The Runway Café, Martlesham
4th Oct 5.30pm

Wed 9.30am Open to God All Saints Church Kesgrave
5th Oct 10.30am At ASK
Morning Prayer All Saints Little Bealings
Wed 10.00am- at Little Bealings
5th Oct 10.45am Fynn Valley Walks All Saints Little Bealings. For more information contact
[email protected] 07857838678.
Wed 10.30am- Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings. Please contact Ben Wale
5th Oct 12.00pm BORROWERS [email protected] for more information

Wed 3.10pm
5th Oct 3.45pm

Thu 11.00am- Thursday All Saints Church Kesgrave

6th Oct 12.00pm Holy Communion at ASK

Fri 7.00pm- Zoom Pub Quiz To find instructions how to join, visit our website
7th Oct 8.30pm

Sat 10.00am- Private Prayer All Saints Little Bealings
8th Oct 12.30pm At Little Bealings

Sun 8.30am- Holy Communion All Saints Church Kesgrave
9th Oct 9.30am at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave

Sun 10.00am- HARVEST Festival at ASK
9th Oct 11.00am (Livestreamed)

Date Time Service Where / Who to contact
Family Communion All Saints Little Bealings
Sun 10.00am- At Little Bealings
9th Oct 11.00am Harvest SILVER CAFÉ All Saints Church Kesgrave
Sun 4.00pm- Songs Of Praise at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave
9th Oct 5.00pm

Sun 5.00pm
9th Oct 6.00pm

Tue 10.00am- Little EXPLORERS Church Hall. For more information, please contact Jen-
11th Oct 11.30am at ASK nie [email protected]

Tue 3.30pm- Broom Tree Café St Michael’s Church, The Runway Café , Martlesham
11th Oct 5.30pm

Wed 9.30am Morning Prayer All Saints Church Kesgrave
12th Oct 10.30am At ASK
Morning Prayer All Saints Little Bealings
Wed 10.00am- at Little Bealings
12th Oct 10.45am Fynn Valley Walks All Saints Little Bealings. For more information contact
[email protected] 07857838678.
Wed 10.30am- Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings. Please contact Ben Wale
12th Oct 12.00pm BORROWERS [email protected] for more information

Wed 3.10pm
12th Oct 3.45pm

Thu 11.00am- Thursday All Saints Church Kesgrave

13th Oct 12.00pm Holy Communion at ASK

Sat 9.00am- Men's & Ladies’ Break- Farmhouse, St Isidores, Kesgrave. Please contact Gary
15th Oct 10.00am fast at the Farmhouse Jones [email protected]

Sat 10.00am- Private Prayer All Saints Little Bealings
15th Oct 12.30pm At Little Bealings

Sun 8.30am- Holy Communion All Saints Church Kesgrave
16th Oct 9.30am at ASK Church Hall.
Church Hall.
Sun 9.15am- BREAKFAST Special All Saints Church Kesgrave
16th Oct 10.00am At ASK Church Of St. Mary, Playford

Sun 10.00am- F.I.G Family All Saints Church Kesgrave
16th Oct 11.00am At ASK

Sun 10.00am- Holy Communion
16th Oct 11.00am at ASK (Livestreamed)

Sun 11.00am- Morning Service
16th Oct 11.45am at Playford

Sun 6.30pm- EVENSONG
16th Oct 7.15pm At ASK

Mon 2.00pm- Silver Screen at ASK Church Hall.

17th Oct 4.00pm

Tue 10.00am- Coffee, Chat & Play Church Hall. For more information, please contact Jen-
18th Oct 11.30am at ASK nie [email protected]

Date Time Service Where / Who to contact
Bible Study All Saints Church Kesgrave
Wed 9.30am At ASK
19th Oct 10.30am Morning Prayer All Saints Little Bealings
at Little Bealings
Wed 10.00am- Fynn Valley Walks All Saints Little Bealings. For more information contact
19th Oct 10.45am [email protected] 07857838678.
Holy Communion Church Of St. Mary, Playford
Wed 10.30am- at Playford
19th Oct 12.00pm Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings. Please contact Ben Wale
BORROWERS [email protected] for more information
Wed 11.00am-
19th Oct 11.45am

Wed 3.10pm
19th Oct 3.45pm

Thu 11.00am- Thursday All Saints Church Kesgrave

20th Oct 12.00pm Holy Communion at ASK

Sat 10.00am- Private Prayer All Saints Little Bealings
22nd Oct 12.30pm At Little Bealings

Sun 8.30am- Holy Communion All Saints Church Kesgrave
23rd Oct 9.30am at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave
All Saints Little Bealings
Sun 10.00am- All Age Service at ASK
23rd Oct 11.00am (Livestreamed)

Sun 10.00am- Family Communion
23rd Oct 11.00am at Little Bealings

Tue 2.15pm- Mothers’ Union All Saints Church Kesgrave
25th Oct 4.00pm At ASK

Wed 9.30am Morning Prayer All Saints Church Kesgrave
26th Oct 10.30am At ASK
All Saints Little Bealings
Wed 10.00am- Morning Prayer
26th Oct 10.45am at Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings. For more information contact
[email protected] 07857838678.
Wed 10.30am- Fynn Valley Walks
26th Oct 12.00pm

Thu 11.00am- Thursday All Saints Church Kesgrave

27th Oct 12.00pm Holy Communion at ASK

Sat 10.00am- Private Prayer All Saints Little Bealings
29th Oct 12.30pm At Little Bealings

Sun 8.30am- Holy Communion All Saints Church Kesgrave
30th Oct 9.30am at ASK
All Saints Church Kesgrave
Sun 10.00am- BENEFICE (Livestreamed)
30th Oct 11.00am Holy Communion at ASK

Mon 2.00pm- Silver Screen at ASK Church Hall.

31st Oct 4.00pm

Sunday 9th October
All Saints Kesgrave will be celebrating Harvest on 9th October with

• 10 am All Age Harvest Festival
with refreshments afterwards

• from 4 pm Silver Cafe followed by a
• 5 pm Harvest Celebration Service -Songs of Praise

Gifts of food (non-perishable) or money to help those in need will be
gratefully accepted.
Do come and join us.

After 23 years of Ministry here at All Saints Kesgrave, Robin will be re-
tiring on November 13th (Remembrance Weekend); there will be a Re-
membrance Exhibition over Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday so
that people will have the chance to say goodbye to him over that
time. We would like to mark this occasion in two main ways: firstly to
invite people to contribute to his leaving present and secondly to make
further inroads into the Parish Share as Robin has always wanted to ful-
fil the church's commitment to our share of the Share.
Cards and letters can be posted or delivered directly to Robin's
home: Rev Robin Spittle, 4 Wades Grove, Kesgrave, IP5 2EF
If you wish to contribute to his leaving present:

• Please make cheques payable to Kesgrave PCC and write Robin's
leaving present on the back; hand in at any of the services or phone
me for "click and collect"!

• Please put cash into an envelope marked for Robin and hand in at
any of the services

• Use BACS transfer to Co-op Bank Sort Code 08-92-99 Ac-
count 65453375

• The name on the account is Kesgrave Parochial Church Coun-

• Please put either 'Robin' or 'Parish Share' in the reference box

The Green Donate Button remains for general giving but I am hoping
to install a separate donate button for Robin before the Newsletter
comes out
For all queries please contact me Sally Wainman on 07807 984589
20th September 2022


As the war in Ukraine sadly continues, over the summer we continued
to receive new families at the hub. We welcome each family, introduc-
ing them to our Ukrainian community, and support with friendship,
emergency clothing, and then respond to their individual needs. For es-
tablished guests we ran a summer of English lessons.

All Saints’ Kesgrave Ukraine Hub was described on the BBC as ‘inspir-
ing’, ‘a model hub’, and there’s certainly a buzz about the place.

Someone asked, ‘Where is God in war?’ I replied, ‘He is here, look
around our hub. Look at the kindness, the love, the positivity. Here God
is providing mothers, children, toddlers, grandmothers, with safety,
food, emotional and practical support, and open hearts and welcoming
arms. Our Ukrainians aren’t isolated in a foreign land, their needs are
being met with love and support. Babies are being given nappies and
food, teenagers bikes and computers, children toys and fruit, everyone
clothing and shoes, everyone education and a table full of food. God is
here; providing through us. Look at the children running happily to-
gether, smiling and laughing after English lessons, safe, a mouth full of
strawberries and cherry cake.’

Time and time again, volunteers are pointing out to me, ‘our Heavenly
Father is providing here’. It’s humbling and awesome to witness. What-
ever we’ve asked for has arrived that day. We ask for bikes for teenag-
ers who have left their friends and family behind, they arrive; we ask for
a whiteboard to educate, it arrives; nappies, they arrive; teachers, they
volunteer. Amazing people we didn’t know turn up with just the skills
we need, on the right day. None of this is coincidence; you couldn’t
have so many coincidences one after another.

As we read in Matthew 7, Ask and it shall be given to you; and in Mat-
thew 6, Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store
away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not
much more valuable than they? Our Lord is providing for our hub fami-

Some summer highlights:

15 adults and 12 children received twice weekly English lessons
throughout July/August (teachers volunteered from KHS, Northgate
School and Woodbridge). ASK were the sole provider of in-person
English lessons over the summer in Ipswich/East Suffolk. Our children
are now ready for school, our adults for the workforce.

The children we worked with over the summer have transformed into a
wonderfully happy friendship group, blossoming in confidence and
smiles. We love watching them running together, laughing, playing hide
and seek in the bushes, riding bikes, and simply ‘being children’. One
mother said, ‘I can’t thank you all enough for what you are doing. I
don’t have the words…so I give you my heart. You are helping my chil-
dren, all of us, so much.’

Emergency clothing supplied to new arrivals, on the day private ap-
pointments offered.

Six great bikes were donated, returning a sense of freedom. The joy on
the teenagers’ faces as they sped off was something to witness.

177 local Ukrainians can now contact each other via our WhatsApp
group, administered by Natalie.

Three babies were supplied with their first month’s nappies and wipes.

Three coach trips to Lavenham, Aldeburgh and the Lord High Sheriff’s
Garden Party were organised in conjunction with new organisations/in-
dividuals we have teamed up with.

A family was taken to Felixstowe, introduced to the amusement arcades
and rides, and their teenagers’ smiles returned. There have been shop-
ping trips, Woodbridge trips, all helping our guests find their feet and

50-60 people attend the hub each week. We are also a hotline for
hosts/guests needing help.

A family’s bus fare was paid to enable them to attend the whole course
of English lessons.

Urgent household furnishings were provided for a family, a volunteer
astounding us with her ability to source just what was needed, so
quickly, with help from the Church Army and a car boot sale!

Four computers were given to teenagers for schoolwork. 12 pairs of
high quality new school shoes were provided, plus new plimsolls. Kes-
grave Community Page was told of a 4-year-old Ukrainian wanting to
‘go home (to Ukraine) because he missed his toys, his Transformers, so
much’; the community donated a sackful of Transformers, and a Trans-
formers duvet cover and pillow! You can imagine the surprise and joy
on his little face when he saw them; God understands that sometimes
it’s the little things that are the big things, he knows what will make a
difference to our hearts.

Six Ukrainian families were successfully matched to local hosts.

Our hospitality has fed bananas, strawberries, sandwiches and cakes all
summer – with a smile.

Shortly the hub will host an Employability course run by Suffolk Refu-
gee Services, with our teaching slanted towards mock job interviews,
and workplace and interview language.

We are working with Hope Church, River Church, Burlington Road
Baptist Church, St John’s Woodbridge, Ukraine2Felixstowe, Together
For Ipswich, and Suffolk Refugee Services. With 18 weeks of success
and experience under our belts, our experience is widely sought as oth-
ers now move to setting up hubs in September.

It has been a summer like no other. A mix of emotions have been felt
and seen by all volunteers. We’ve thought on our feet with a strong
‘yes’ attitude; we’ve adapted to ever-changing need and will continue to
do so. We all strongly feel it has been an honour to work at the hub, be-
ing the hands and heart of God to His displaced people.

An Ipswich GP emailed me saying, ‘I have heard from several Ukrain-
ian patients how precious your Kesgrave Ukraine Hub is to them, that
it’s an oasis in the desert.’

We believe we have been the gentle friend that Jesus would want us to

Helen Wittgreffe, Natalie Lawrence and our wonderful team of volun-
Kesgrave Ukraine Hub
[email protected]

The Annual Ride and Stride and Pedal and Drive is the largest fundrais-
ing event for Suffolk Churches: half of the sponsorship money raised
for your individual church goes back to the church and half goes to the
SHCT who then distribute grants, throughout the year, to various
churches for repairs and restoration: eg All Saints Kesgrave received a
grant of £2000 towards the Lighting Project last year.
This year's event was especially poignant as it took place just 2 days af-
ter the death of Queen Elizabeth II. Geoffrey Probert, the chairman of
SHCT said:

"As the Royal Patron of the National Churches Trust since 1953 we
know our work was close to HM the Queen’s heart, we decided to go
ahead with our plans and asked those taking part to remember her on
their journey, to reflect upon her life of service, to say a prayer for her
soul in every church they visit and to sign any Book of Condolences they
The day was made possible by all those who manned their churches, of-
fering a welcome and refreshment to visiting walkers and cyclists and of
course to those who walked across fields and paths in very uncertain
weather; thank you to Robin, Natalie, Chris Nunn, Angela Finch and her
husband, and Mike and Chris Bryer for keeping All Saints Kesgrave
open, and to the walkers: Robin, Natalie and her family, Gary and my-
self who visited Playford, Little Bealings, the RC church on Main Road
and of course Kesgrave: a circular walk of approximately eight miles.
Natalie's children found a huge stick that resembled Moses' staff and re-
called how it had become a serpent; they managed to walk most of the
way to Little Bealings with it and then enjoyed a picnic.
Our sincere thanks go out to all of you for your generous support and
donations. Together we have raised £315 for Suffolk Historic Churches

This lovely one-day event raised over £110,000 last year!
The next Ride and Stride will be on September 9th 2023 - a date for
your diary!
Sally Wainman


Next session of Silver Screen is Monday 17th of October at the
Church Hall, 2pm-4pm.

It has been a pleasure to see so many people get so much out of those
sessions so far.

Following the screening, we have a short talk.
Come along for an enjoyable afternoon and companionship.
Next sessions of Silver Games are Monday 3rd October and Monday
31st October at the Church, 2pm-4pm.
Come and enjoy playing the old fashioned and some modern games
such as Up-Words, Scrabble, Mexican Train, Rummikub and Scrabble
and other traditional games. Many have also enjoyed the opportunity to
just sit with friends and relax and chat to each other.

For more details contact
Chris or Mike Bryer 01473 611143


Our next meeting is on Tuesday 25th October at 2.15pm at All Saints
Kesgrave. Our speaker for October 25th is Ruth Goudy. The talk is
called “Planting a garden to remember someone special”
We welcome visitors at all our meetings.

Jenny Spittle

Please Come along on Saturday 15th of October at 9.00am and join us
at the Farmhouse Pub for our Men’s & Ladies’ Breakfast and fellow-
ship. All ages welcome. Please contact Gary Jones
[email protected] or Anita Jones
[email protected] to reserve your place.

We are introducing new Wednesday services.
It will be a pleasure having you there.

1st Wednesday of the month

Prayer meeting to discern God's Will for our Church Family.

Light refreshments at 10.30am

2nd and 4th Wednesday a month
Have you been thinking that you want learn more about God's Word as
revealed in the Bible and have chance to discuss this with others? Or
perhaps you would like the chance to pray more for our locality, those
you know and care about, and the World we Live In? An excellent way
to do this is to join us at 9:30am on a Wednesday morning for "Word
and Prayer" held in the Church. Our focus is on learning together, not
just through teaching but through discussion and the sharing of our own
experiences and insights relating to each Bible passage that we read. I
can't tell you how much we all learn in these sessions, from each other
and from the insights of the leader, and we take away so many key
points of knowledge about the nature of God and how we can live this
out in our lives. The sessions are very informal. We follow a simple
"Morning Prayer" service structure and spend about half an hour dis-
cussing the Bible passage, allowing time for prayer also. The sessions
last an hour with tea/coffee afterwards. If you would like to come along
please just turn up on a Wednesday morning at 9:30am!

3rd Wednesday of the month
To compliment our series of “Open to God” and “Morning Word and
Prayer” on Wednesday mornings from 9.30 to 10.30, we will be hav-
ing a bible study on a specific bible passage, this will include watching
a short DVD or Video Talk and then there will be the opportunity to
share our thoughts or to ask questions on that particular section. This
will be approximately one hour long ending with refreshments at 10.
30. All are welcome to come and join us in the Church.


Harvest Song:

Sow your seeds carefully, choose them with love

Harvest the friendship and peace from above

Give thanks to God, Give thanks to God

We are obviously aware, as a Church, that millions of people are going
to be struggling to survive over the coming months, as nearly every as-
pect of daily life sees sharp price rises. There is helpful advice on Mar-
tin Lewis' website Money Saving Expert https://www.moneysavingex- and the Govt are constantly updating their plans too; if you
are entitled to a benefit like Pension Benefit or know someone who
might be please encourage them to claim; there are thousands of eligible
pensioners who are not claiming and yet this benefit gives you a free
TV licence and other help.

If you are experiencing financial hardship or mounting debts, please
seek help through organisations like Stepchange https://www.step- or Christians Against Poverty

We value all the contributions that are made towards keeping our
church and the other churches in our benefice going; the financial sup-
port we receive goes into maintaining a great variety of work including
pastoral visiting, visits to care homes, all the ‘Silver’ activities (Silver
Film, Silver Games and Silver Crafts), church services across all 3
churches, Bible Studies, Childrens work and FIG services etc; we are
also liaising with Brightwell to share the 6.30pm Evensong services

We want Playford, Little Bealings and Kesgrave to remain centres of
spiritual hope and social activity as the lockdowns certainly showed that
loneliness and isolation greatly undermined physical and mental health.

All methods of Giving remain available:
The Church website has a Green Donate Button for General Giving.
The Parish Giving Scheme system has been updated and improved and
now allows you to set up a DD online. (If you are new to our church
please consider this way of giving.)

Regular Giving (Direct Debit)
For regular giving please contact the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) : this
is a direct debit scheme, with built-in options for Gift Aid and inflation
proofed giving
There are now three options for signing up:
You can sign up by phone: 0333 002 1271, or by filling in an ASK-spe-
cific form and posting it off or by using the new online direct debit sys-
For all 3 ways you will need your own bank details, the special code for
our church: 330633093 and the Diocese: St Eds and Ips
If you would like to support our Church with a simple BACS payment
this can be made to:
Co-op Bank Sort Code: 08-92-99 Account No: 65453375
The name on the Account is: Kesgrave Parochial Church Council

If you can also Gift Aid your donation, please print off a Gift Aid form
from the website or collect a form from the church and then contact me.

Cheques: Please make cheques payable to Kesgrave PCC and send to

Envelope Giving: if you have Weekly Envelopes that need collecting
please phone me or place in the collection plate at any of the services.

We also have a “Donate” QR Code:
To donate online, scan the QR code

with your phone below:

Or go to
for more ways to give.

For all queries, please phone me on 07807 984589
Thank you for supporting the work of All Saints Kesgrave

Sally Wainman (Local Giving Advisor)

Please support FIND by donating goods at any of the participating su-
permarkets or financially, via bank transfer, (BACS) direct to FIND
BACS details are:
Account name: FOOD BANK FIND
Sort code: 30-94-55
Account number: 54354468
Reference All Saints Kesgrave or your own name

If you want to support FIND with cash, please speak to me at any of the
services or give me a ring

Thank you
Sally Wainman (Local Giving Advisor)
07807 984589

FIG Family Summer Castle Project

On Back to Church Sunday on the 18th of September, we were finally
able to present our finished FIG Family summer castle project to the
whole church! Princesses and knights gathered within the castle walls
(taking care to avoid falling into the very deep & wet ‘moat’!) and had
lots of fun exploring the castle and shop whilst the gatehouse with port-
cullis helped keep everyone safe.

During the sermon, Vicar Chris arranged a magnificent sword fight be-
tween two younger members of the congregation and also Vicar Robin,
to help illustrate her theme. Throughout the service crowns were deco-
rated, castle pictures coloured, and prayers written within the castle
bricks, and at the end Iced Gem biscuits (which looked a little like
crowns themselves!) were eaten at the banquet! “Our girls had a great
time over the summer and today playing in the castle, thank you!” com-
mented one family. “It was delightful to see everyone playing in the fin-
ished castle, it was by far my happiest service for ages!” said Vicar

A big thank you to everyone who attended on Sunday and to all those
who helped make the project so rewarding over the summer months!

Jennie Fidler, Children & Family Worker

If at any time you or someone you know are in need of prayer, we have
an active prayer ministry who would love to pray for you. We believe
that God answers all of our prayers, as he loves us dearly and knows
just what we need. We have seen God work in so many different ways
through the prayer ministry. Please do not hesitate to contact if you feel
this can help.

If your prayer request is urgent, contact our prayer chain by call-
ing John Wittgreffe on 07857 838678 or email ask.prayer-
[email protected] specifying "Prayer Chain".

If you have an ongoing request for prayer, each Wednesday a
prayer request email goes out to ministers and faithful people who
will include your request in their prayers on Wednesday, or as soon as
possible thereafter. If you would like your prayer included, please use
the same contact as above stating "For Wednesday prayers", or both
Wednesday Prayers and Prayer Chain if appropriate.

All information is considered private to those who take part in the pray-
ers. If, however, you feel something is very sensitive, please mention
this and we will make the prayers anonymous before they go out- God
still knows who you mean!

If you would like private prayer with a minister, you can request this
and we will work something out for you. If for any reason John is una-
vailable, please contact one of our ministry team as in our contacts list.

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circum-
stances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1 Thessa-
lonians 5:16-18
John Wittgreffe, Elder

October 2022
Sunday Crafts 11.00 – 12.00 noon (after church) – the following crafts
are running during October:

Sunday 2nd – This week we are creating jelly fish. How many tentacles
will yours have?

Sunday 9th – Create an elephant using a paper plate.

Sunday 16th – Design a scarecrow picture.

Sunday 23rd – Make a Diwali fire work to celebrate the festival of light
on Monday 24th October.

Sunday 30th – We are making CD monsters for Halloween this week.
How scary will you make yours?

Activities are free. Parents must stay with under eights.

Word Play Sessions – These free sessions are run by trained staff every
Thursday morning.

Tot Rock – 9.45 – 10.15 a.m. – active songs and rhymes for pre-school
Baby Bounce – 10.45 – 11.45 a.m. – Gentle songs for you and your
baby to enjoy.

No need to book. Please just pop along. We look forward to seeing you

Story Time – 9.45 – 10.15 a.m. Fun stories, rhymes, and songs every
Friday in the library. No need to book – just pop along. These sessions
restart on Friday 9th September.

Lego Club – every Tuesday 3.30 – 4.30 p.m. Free play with each child
given a basket of Lego bricks to create designs of their choice. These
sessions restart on Tuesday 6th September. We hope to see you soon.

Afternoon Book Club –Thursday 6th October 2.45 – 4.30 p.m. They are
currently reading Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens.

Evening Book Group – Thursday 27th October 7.00 – 8.00 p.m. The
group are currently reading Away with the Penguins by Hazel Prior.

If you are interested in joining, please contact staff. The library supplies
copies of the titles being read.

Home Library Service – If you would like to access the library but are
unable to visit us, Kesgrave runs four home library routes where volun-
teers come out with a selection of books to your homes. To access this
service please ring the library or log on the Suffolk Libraries website
and complete the online form.

Knit and Natter – every second and fourth Thursday 2.30 – 4.30 p.m.
These sessions are restarting following a long break due to Covid. Why
not pop along and meet some new people? Don’t’ knit – just pop along
for a natter. Tea/coffee and biscuits are provided. Donations towards the
cost would be welcomed.

Cancer Support Group 10.30 – 11.30 a.m. – we are restarting this on
the third Monday morning each month in the library from September.
Our volunteer who helps run these sessions, is available to help on any
aspect that may be worrying you, whether you are currently suffering
from cancer or a carer in need of advice.

Christmas Cards – This year we will have a wide selection of cards,
available to buy from Monday 10th October. This will also include a
range from The Somersham Ward at Ipswich Hospital.
Payment is by cash or card with every purchase supporting your local li-

Wednesday 17th October 10.00 – 11.00 a.m.
Free HSBC Fraud Prevention Workshop – this session covers hints
and tips on how to avoid scams. Please ring staff to book a place on this
session. 01473 626103.

Halloween Fayre Sunday 30th October 10.00 – 12.00 noon. We will
be holding our first fayre pre-Covid and look forward to welcoming you
back to the library. Why not pop along in fancy dress? We will have a
raffle, tombola, Halloween Lucky Dip bags and loads more. We look
forward to seeing you there.

PC Hannah Canning will be at Kesgrave Library on Friday 28th Oc-
tober 4.30 – 5.30 p.m. PC Canning is available for you to talk through
anything that is concerning you or you may wish to bring along bikes,
so they can be postcode marked for safety.

Book Donations – we are still looking for good quality book donations,
mainly fiction – adult or children. Please speak to staff if you are inter-
ested in donating some items to us.

Opening Hours -

Monday 9.00–12.00 noon

Tuesday 9.00–12.00 noon/2.30–5.00 pm

Wednesday 2.30 – 6.00 pm

Thursday 2.30 – 8.00 pm

Friday 9.00–12.00 noon/2.30–6.00 pm

Saturday 10.00-5.00 pm

Sunday 10.00-3.00 pm

Maggie Lusher
Kesgrave Library Manager
Tel: 01473 626103


Vicar Rev Robin Spittle 01473 623388

[email protected]

Assistant Priest Rev Chris Nunn 01473 622363

[email protected]

Assistant Priest Rev Gary Jones 01473 412329

[email protected]

Parish Administrator Natalie Lawrence 07737821034

[email protected]

Lay Readers Martyn Shakespeare 01473 610367

Sally Wainman 07807 984589

[email protected]

Mike Bryer 01473 611143

[email protected]

Children’s Worker Jennie Fidler 07584420729

[email protected]

Church Wardens Karen Pringle 01473 611472

[email protected]

Bob Bullamore 01473 729586

[email protected]

Church Hall Bookings Bob Theobald 01473 620709

[email protected]

Fred Upson Hall Karen Pringle 01473 611472

Bookings [email protected]
Prayer Chain John Wittgreffe 07857 838678

Safeguarding Officer [email protected]
John Wittgreffe 07857 838678
[email protected]


Thanks for taking the time to read this edition, we would appreciate any

feedback you may have.

If you would like to receive this Newsletter electronically, please email all-

[email protected] to be added to the distribution list. You will be

welcome to unsubscribe at any time. Your e-mail address will not be passed

on to third parties.

Alternatively, it is available on our website.

Our church website has all the information you might

need. We try to regularly update notices and information as they become

available, as well as adding items onto our pages on The Church of Eng-
land’s ‘A Church Near You’ site – https://www.achurchnear-

If you are on Facebook, please like and follow us on our page – All Saints
Church Kesgrave

– where we will also upload important developments and information,

videos and ideas for prayer and worship.

Issue 95 available from 30th October 2022- November 2022- please note

should you wish to have something included in this issue, the deadline is
25th October 2022.

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