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Published by All Saints Church, 2023-02-23 17:30:26

Newsletter Issue 98- 26.02.23 March 2023

Newsletter Issue 9826.02.23 March 2023

ALL SAINTS KESGRAVE NEWSLETTER ISSUE NO 98 – 26.02.23 MARCH 2023 THOUGHT FOR THE DAY We are now in the season of Lent, the purpose of Lent is to set aside time to reflect on Christ and His life, teaching, death and resurrection. During these 40 days some people make a commitment to either give up something or take up something. The 40-day period is called Lent after an old English word meaning 'lengthen'. This is because of the time of year when it happens, as this is when the days start to get longer, as we approach summer. Ash Wednesday this year was February 22nd which marks the start of Lent and from Ash Wednesday till Easter many people who are Christian will not eat certain foods or do certain things for those 40 days. This is done

to imitate Christ’s 40-day period of fasting in the wilderness before He started His public ministry. 40 has for a long time been a number with special meaning, for example Moses stayed on Mount Sinai for 40 days waiting for the 10 commandments, Elijah walked for 40 days and nights to Mount Horeb and as I mentioned before Jesus fasted for 40 days in the wilderness. However, although people sometimes give things up during Lent for example chocolate, alcohol or smoking, why not take up something, start a fitness program, or even going for a daily walk. There are lots of beautiful places to walk around Kesgrave and even further afield like Thetford forest. Here is a radical idea take up daily bible reading, plus if you have an average reading speed and you read for about ten minutes a day for a year, you should finish with time to spare. We don’t have to do these things alone if we have a fitness buddy, not necessarily an instructor but just a trusted friend, then we will be more likely to go on that walk or whatever we decide to do during Lent. Also, according to research, a new habit can be formed in just 21 days, some people will take longer and the new habit will require a level of commitment but, 40 days to acquire a new habit, that shouldn’t be so hard. So, let’s give it a go together. Christine Bryer, Elder. WHAT’S ON MARCH 2023 Date Time Service Where / Who to contact Wed 1 st Mar 9.30am 10.30am Open to God At ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Wed 1 st Mar 10.00am12.30pm WARM Space At ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Wed 1 st Mar 10.00am10.45am Morning Prayer at Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings Wed 1 st Mar 10.30am12.00pm Fynn Valley Walks All Saints Little Bealings. For more information contact [email protected] 07857838678. Wed 1 st Mar 3.10pm 3.45pm Little Bealings BORROWERS All Saints Little Bealings. Please contact Ben Wale [email protected] for more information

Date Time Service Where / Who to contact Thu 2 nd Mar 11.00am12.00pm Thursday Holy Communion at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Sat 4 th Mar 10.00am12.30pm Private Prayer At Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings Sun 5 th Mar 8.30am9.30am Holy Communion at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Sun 5 th Mar 10.00am11.00am Holy Communion at ASK ( Livestreamed) All Saints Church Kesgrave ASK Church YouTube channel: Sun 5 th Mar 10.00am11.00am F.I.G Family At ASK Church Hall. Sun 5 th Mar 10.00am11.00am Morning Prayer At Playford Church Of St. Mary, Playford Sun 5 th Mar 5.00pm 5.45pm ZOOM After Hours To find instructions how to join, visit our website Sun 5 th Mar 6.30pm7.15pm Evensong at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Mon 6 th Mar 2.00pm4.00pm Silver Screen at ASK Church Hall. Tue 7 th Mar 10.00am11.30am LITTLE EXPLORERS at ASK Church Hall. For more information, please contact Jennie [email protected] Tue 7 th Mar 3.30pm5.30pm Broom Tree Café At Martlesham St Michael’s Church, The Runway Café , Martlesham Wed 8 th Mar 9.30am 10.30am Morning Prayer At ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Wed 8 th Mar 10.00am12.30pm WARM Space At ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Wed 8 th Mar 10.00am10.45am Morning Prayer at Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings Wed 8 th Mar 10.30am12.00pm Fynn Valley Walks All Saints Little Bealings. For more information contact [email protected] 07857838678. Wed 8 th Mar 3.10pm 3.45pm Little Bealings BORROWERS All Saints Little Bealings. Please contact Ben Wale [email protected] for more information Thu 9 th Mar 11.00am12.00pm Thursday Holy Communion at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Sat 11th Mar 10.00am12.30pm Private Prayer At Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings Sun 12th Mar 8.30am9.30am Holy Communion at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave

Date Time Service Where / Who to contact Sun 12th Mar 10.00am11.00am All Age Service at ASK (Livestreamed) All Saints Church Kesgrave ASK Church YouTube channel: Sun 12th Mar 10.00am11.00am Morning Prayer at Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings Mon 13th Mar 2.00pm4.00pm Silver Games at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave. Tue 14th Mar 10.00am11.30am LITTLE EXPLORERS at ASK Church Hall. For more information, please contact Jennie [email protected] Tue 14th Mar 3.30pm5.30pm Broom Tree Café At Martlesham St Michael’s Church, The Runway Café , Martlesham Wed 15 th Mar 9.30am 10.30am Bible Study At ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Wed 15 th Mar 10.00am12.30pm WARM Space At ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Wed 15 th Mar 10.00am10.45am Morning Prayer at Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings Wed 15 th Mar 10.30am12.00pm Fynn Valley Walks All Saints Little Bealings. For more information contact [email protected] 07857838678. Wed 15 th Mar 11.00am11.45am Holy Communion at Playford Church Of St. Mary, Playford Wed 15th Mar 3.10pm 3.45pm Little Bealings BORROWERS All Saints Little Bealings. Please contact Ben Wale [email protected] for more information Thu 16 th Mar 11.00am12.00pm Thursday Holy Communion at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Sat 18th Mar 10.00am12.30pm Private Prayer At Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings Mothering Sunday Sun 19th Mar 8.30am9.30am Holy Communion at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Sun 19th Mar 9.15am10.00am BREAKFAST Special At ASK Church Hall. Sun 19th Mar 10.00am11.00am F.I.G Family At ASK Church Hall. Sun 19th Mar 10.00am11.00am Holy Communion at ASK (Livestreamed) All Saints Church Kesgrave ASK Church YouTube channel: Sun 19th Mar 10.00am11.00am Family Communion At Playford Church Of St. Mary, Playford Sun 19th Mar 6.30pm7.15pm Evensong at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave

Date Time Service Where / Who to contact Mon 20th Mar 2.00pm4.00pm Silver Screen at ASK Church Hall. Tue 21st Mar 10.00am11.30am LITTLE EXPLORERS at ASK Church Hall. For more information, please contact Jennie [email protected] Tue 21st Mar 3.30pm5.30pm Broom Tree Café At Martlesham St Michael’s Church, The Runway Café , Martlesham Wed 22nd Mar 9.30am 10.30am Morning Prayer At ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Wed 22nd Mar 10.00am12.30pm WARM Space At ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Wed 22nd Mar 10.00am10.45am Morning Prayer at Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings Wed 22nd Mar 10.30am12.00pm Fynn Valley Walks All Saints Little Bealings. For more information contact [email protected] 07857838678. Wed 22nd Mar 3.10pm 3.45pm Little Bealings BORROWERS All Saints Little Bealings. Please contact Ben Wale [email protected] for more information Thu 23rd Mar 11.00am12.00pm Thursday Holy Communion at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Fri 24th Mar 7.30pm9.00pm Zoom Pub Quiz To find instructions how to join, visit our website Sat 25th Mar 9.30am10.00am Men's & Ladies’ Breakfast at the Farmhouse Farmhouse, St Isidores, Kesgrave. Please contact Gary Jones [email protected] Sat 25th Mar 10.00am12.30pm Private Prayer At Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings Sun 26th Mar 8.30am9.30am Holy Communion at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Sun 26th Mar 10.00am11.00am All Age at ASK (Livestreamed) All Saints Church Kesgrave ASK Church YouTube channel: Sun 26th Mar 10.00am11.00am Family Communion At Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings Mon 27th Mar 2.00pm4.00pm Silver Games at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave. Tue 28th Mar 10.00am11.30am LITTLE EXPLORERS at ASK Church Hall. For more information, please contact Jennie [email protected] Tue 28th Mar 2.15pm4.00pm Mothers’ Union At ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Tue 28th Mar 3.30pm5.30pm Broom Tree Café At Martlesham St Michael’s Church, The Runway Café , Martlesham

SILVER GROUPS We welcome anybody who wishes to come to the Silver events. There’s always a good variety of food to be had and enjoyed with tea, coffee or chocolate and sometimes squash. The Screen is in the hall and the Games are in the church. When you turn up you can be assured of a warm welcome. Next sessions of Silver Screen are Mondays 6 th and 20th March Church Hall, 2pm-4pm. It has been a pleasure to see so many people get so much out of those sessions so far. Following the screening, we have a short talk. Come along for an enjoyable afternoon and companionship. Next sessions of Silver Games are Mondays 13th and 27th March at the Church, 2pm-4pm. Come and enjoy playing the old fashioned and some modern games such as Up-Words, Scrabble, Mexican Train, Uno, Rummikub and Scrabble. Even if you don’t play board games you will be welcome to just come along and sit with our regulars and have a chat. For more details contact Chris or Mike Bryer 01473 611143 Date Time Service Where / Who to contact Wed 29th Mar 10.00am12.30pm WARM Space At ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave Wed 29th Mar 10.00am10.45am Morning Prayer at Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings Wed 29th Mar 10.30am12.00pm Fynn Valley Walks All Saints Little Bealings. For more information contact [email protected] 07857838678. Wed 29th Mar 3.10pm 3.45pm Little Bealings BORROWERS All Saints Little Bealings. Please contact Ben Wale [email protected] for more information Thu 30 th Mar 11.00am12.00pm Thursday Holy Communion at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave

MOTHERS’ UNION Our next meeting is on Tuesday 28th March, 2.15pm at all Saints Kesgrave. Our speaker for March will be Helen Wittgreffe who will be telling us about the wonderful work of the Ukraine Hub in Kesgrave. We look forward to her talk and visitors are always welcome to join us at our meetings. Jenny Billinge Secretary EASTER LILIES It’s always a lovely time to see our church decorated for Easter after the period of Lent, when there are traditionally no flowers in church. We will be having our usual arrangements of lilies for Easter Sunday, and if you would like to sponsor a lily in memory of a loved one or for your own personal reasons, they will be £2.50 each and we will be pleased to accept the order and the cash any time before 19th March. This will give us time to order the flowers. We will either be at the 8 30 or 10 o’ clock services but you could also leave the cash in an envelope in the pigeon holes and we’ll collect it. Thank you so much. Maggie Thomas and Jenny Billinge. BISHOPS' LENT APPEAL FOR KAGERA (OUR LINK DIOCESE WITH EDS & IPS) Once again the Lent Appeal is for Kagera in Tanzania; the aim is to empower and equip subsistence farmers, doctors, priests and evangelists on the road to self-sufficiency. Therefore, the donations are used in a very practical way eg motor

bikes for the evangelists to cover the long distances, more training opportunities for doctors and midwives Please see details on the diocesan website, where you can also donate online: There is also an Auction, under the title "Buy a Bishop", email the organisers to place a bid, [email protected] or phone 01473- 831423 There will be leaflets in the church too about Kagera and different ways to give. GIVING TO THE PARISH SHARE DURING LENT I would also like to encourage people to donate to the Parish Share, as this remains an essential part of our Giving: it goes towards the stipend for our new incumbent, as well as much of the background work of the diocese eg Safeguarding, Study & Training events and Vocation. This coming Sunday 26th February, for example, the Rev Stuart Batten will be visiting All Saints Kesgrave to speak on a range of possible vocations. If you wish to support either of these through the collections, please put your offering in an envelope clearly marked "Kagera" or "Parish Share" Sally Wainman Licensed Giving Advisor 07807 984589 ZOOM LENT COURSE - LED BY BISHOP MIKE: Living your life with God Tuesday evenings 7pm - 8.30pm, starting on February 28th and then 7th March, 14th March, 21st March and 28th March This year the Diocese are offering a zoom Lent Course based on a book called "The Practice of the Presence of God", written in 17th Century

by Brother Lawrence; he was a lay brother in a Carmelite monastery in France, inspired to see God in the simplest circumstances of daily life. The course is free, but please register with Eventbrite to get your free tickets and the links for the evenings: To help things along, I have just ordered 3 copies of the book (£3.99) each, so if you would like to have one of these please let me know Sally Wainman 07807 984589 KESGRAVE UKRAINE HUB – AN UPDATE Kesgrave Ukraine Hub physically closed in October following five months of flat out welcoming, teaching and supporting our new guests. Whilst closing sounds sad, the reason for closing is very positive - our guests found jobs, the children are thriving at school, and at weekends all are either resting, playing football, or out exploring. Many families seem to be visiting London too. Our new friends found their wings in Kesgrave and fledged from our nest; this is testament to our great volunteers, great hosts, the whole community, and the sheer determination of our Ukrainians to learn English, find jobs and become independent. Whilst the hub has been closed, many of us continued to be very busy in the background. Catherine and Martin of Playford, and Gavin Hamilton's son Stuart, have assisted with 3-4 house moves as guests move on to private rented accommodation. Catherine sourced all furniture and furnishings from free donations, and oversaw collection and delivery on moving day. She was kindly assisted by husband Martin, Robin Wittgreffe, and Stuart who lent his van and muscle! We are so very grateful for their amazing efforts. Natalie gave a truly powerful address at Christchurch Park on Remembrance Sunday, continues to run the WhatsApp group for

Ipswich and surrounding area Ukrainians, responding to all Ukrainian questions, and fully supported an Ipswich guest going through a very tough time over Christmas and since. We helped settle a new family in Little Bealings in January, again sourcing bikes from the community, free weekly English lessons at home, and introduced the family to local Ukrainians over breakfast at The Farmhouse. I am now working with Framlingham in an attempt to re-home another family and build up a support network in that town. A much-appreciated donation from a Suffolk company enabled us pay towards Christmas parties at KWMCC and Hope Church, Christmas presents, help someone in extreme need, and help those moving from host to private accommodation with a small donation for new bedding, cushions and towels. We have continued working with humanitarian aid driver David, filling a large transit van in December that took warm clothes to orphanages, plus baby milk, Calpol, heat and light. We also funded half his petrol cost from kind donations. David leaves for Ukraine again shortly and all donations towards petrol and a van, plus baby milk, nappies, batteries, thermal wear for all ages, continues to be collected. Please speak to Helen or Natalie should you wish to donate. 24th February was the first anniversary of invasion and we opened the Fred Upson Hall on Saturday 25th for a shared lunch with our benefice guests and a craft activity. Separately, a vigil was held on the Cornhill organised by Together for Ipswich. It is so important we keep showing our support as sadly nothing is improving. We also keep in regular contact with guests who have returned to Ukraine to join their families. For these the pull to return to family was just too great despite the warmest of welcomes by hosts and our volunteers. Thank you once again to everyone who has kindly volunteered, donated and shown kindness, Helen & Natalie [email protected]

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO SERVE CAKES AND KINDNESS Do you love serving with a smile? If so, might you enjoy helping me launch our pretty new cafe at Little Bealings Church? We hope to open from mid-April/early-May and I need lovely ladies and gents to volunteer to serve food, clear tables, prepare hot drinks and toasted sandwiches, and welcome with a ready smile whoever comes through our door. We plan to open Wednesdays 10.30am to 4pm, and either Tuesday or Thursday. It would be wonderful if you could join me all day, or else cover 3hrs fairly regularly. It’s going to be fun, with a really friendly atmosphere, excellent coffee, deep filled toasties/panini and great cake! It won't get too busy as we are restricted by car park spaces but I'm sure we can provide something very special and bring joy to our communities. If you know a friend or neighbour who may benefit from a friendly voluntary role, benefit from some work experience, or would simply enjoy serving cakes and kindness, please also let them know we are looking. To join our new team, or learn more, please contact Helen on 07825 004585 or [email protected] Thank you all, and I hope to see you soon for coffee and a catch up! Helen Wittgreffe Elder & Churchwarden All Saints Little Bealings MEN’S & LADIES’ BREAKFAST Please Come along on Saturday 25th March at 9.30am and join us at the Farmhouse Pub for our Men’s & Ladies’ Breakfast and fellowship. All ages welcome. Please contact Gary Jones [email protected] or Anita Jones [email protected] to reserve your place.

COMING SOON: POSSIBLE COLLECTION POINT FOR THE HYGIENE BANK I am hoping to start a small collection point for the Hygiene Bank in the church; this is an organisation which is trying to support those in poverty who can't afford household or personal hygiene products. eg for Adults: Period products, shampoo & conditioner, hair styling products, face wash, cleanser & creams, body wash, , deodorant, toothpaste & toothbrush, disposable razors and shaving equipment Nappies, baby wipes etc for babies Household detergent, toilet rolls, washing up liquid etc The local organiser is then contacted when we have sufficient for further distribution; there is a collection point in Boots in Ipswich already if you are interested in supporting this initiative Sally Wainman SUPPORTING THE “FIND” FOODBANK Please support FIND by donating goods at any participating supermarket OR by bringing them to church with the bag or box marked FIND please! OR by donating financially, via bank transfer, (BACS) direct to FIND BACS details are: Account name: FOOD BANK FIND Sort code: 30-94-55 Account number: 54354468 Reference All Saints Kesgrave or your own name If you want to support FIND with cash, please speak to me at any of the services or give me a ring.Thank you Sally Wainman (Local Giving Advisor) 07807 984589

DEBT AND GIVING: MARCH 2023 If you are in debt, please seek help: The Suffolk Coastal Debt Centre now has a dedicated section of the SKC website: SKC stands for the Benefice of Saxmundham with Kelsale cum Carlton and CAP stands for Christians Against Poverty. There is a free phoneline: if you are weighed down by debt call FREE on 0800 328 0006 or find us at There are also other organisations like Stepchange and the CAB: Citizens Advice Bureau: although they cannot give you financial aid, they can often do a great deal to reduce the harassment that debt attracts and negotiate or stop ever-increasing demands for repayment. DON'T SIT IN SILENCE - SEEK HELP GIVING: From the Book of Common Prayer: "Be merciful after thy power. If thou hast much, give plenteously; if thou hast little do thy diligence gladly to give of that little; for so gatherest thou thyself a good reward in the day of necessity" All methods of giving remain available: cash, weekly giving envelopes, BACS payments, the Donate Button on the website, the Parish Giving Scheme (Direct Debit) and contactless giving. Details are on the website under the Support Us section: For BACS payments: our bank is the Co-op Bank and the name on the account is Kesgrave Parochial Church Council Sort Code 08-92-99 Account No. 65453375 For the Parish Giving Scheme please log onto or speak to me if you would like a paper form to fill in. The Parish Giving Scheme now facilitates One--Off gifts as well as regular giving. Your generosity underpins all that we try to do at All Saints Kesgrave including our popular Breakfast Special services, the Silver Films and Games, the new Winter Warm Space Initiative, the Young Explorers

Group etc. We want our church to be warm, welcoming and a source of help, prayer and encouragement. We also have a “Donate” QR Code: To donate online, scan the QR code with your phone below: Or go to for more ways to give. For all queries, please phone me on 07807 984589 Thank you for supporting the work of All Saints Kesgrave Sally Wainman (Local Giving Advisor) DO YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW NEED PRAYER? If at any time you or someone you know are in need of prayer, we have an active prayer ministry who would love to pray for you. We believe that God answers all of our prayers, as he loves us dearly and knows just what we need. We have seen God work in so many different ways through the prayer ministry. Please do not hesitate to contact if you feel this can help. If your prayer request is urgent, contact our prayer chain by calling John Wittgreffe on 07857 838678 or email ask.prayer[email protected] specifying "Prayer Chain". If you have an ongoing request for prayer, each Wednesday a prayer request email goes out to ministers and faithful people who will include your request in their prayers on Wednesday, or as soon as

possible thereafter. If you would like your prayer included, please use the same contact as above stating "For Wednesday prayers", or both Wednesday Prayers and Prayer Chain if appropriate. All information is considered private to those who take part in the prayers. If, however, you feel something is very sensitive, please mention this and we will make the prayers anonymous before they go out- God still knows who you mean! If you would like private prayer with a minister, you can request this and we will work something out for you. If for any reason John is unavailable, please contact one of our ministry team as in our contacts list. "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 John Wittgreffe, Elder KESGRAVE LIBRARY NEWS – March 2023 Sunday Crafts 11.00 – 12.00 noon (after Church) – the following crafts are running during March: Sunday 5th – To celebrate World Book Day on the 2nd of March, we are making the character ‘Supertato’. Sunday 12th – Next Sunday is Mother’s Day. Pop along and create a beautiful card by drawing around your hands. Sunday 19th – Tomorrow is officially the first day of Spring. Create a spring flower picture to take home. Sunday 26th – Have you seen the sun yet? Make a sundial out of an old CD. Activities are free. Parents must stay with under eights.

Word Play Sessions – These free sessions are run by trained staff every Thursday morning. Tot Rock – 9.45 – 10.15 a.m. – active songs and rhymes for pre-school children. Baby Bounce – 10.45 – 11.45 a.m. – Gentle songs for you and your baby to enjoy. No need to book. Please just pop along. We look forward to seeing you soon. Story Time – 9.45 – 10.15 a.m. Fun stories, rhymes, and songs every Friday in the library. No need to book – just pop along. Lego Club – every Tuesday 3.30 – 4.30 p.m. Free play with each child given a basket of Lego bricks to create designs of their choice. We hope to see you soon. Afternoon Book Club –Thursday 2nd March 2.45 – 4.30 p.m. They are currently reading Life after Life by Kate Atkinson. Evening Book Group – Thursday 23rd March 7.00 – 8.00 p.m. The group are currently reading Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro. If you are interested in joining, please contact staff. The library supplies copies of the titles being read. Morning Book Group – The library is looking to start a Tuesday morning book group for those who are unable to attend our other groups due to their commitments. If you would like to be part of this new group, please contact us, and let us know. Suffolk Libraries Day – Saturday 11th March 3.00 p.m. at Felixstowe Library. In conjunction with Felixstowe Library and to celebrate Suffolk Libraries Day, the author of The Little Wartime Library, Kate Thompson, is coming to talk about her book.

Tickets are £8.00 each. Please contact us if you would like to attend. We will also be putting on some other activities to celebrate. Look out for our posters and social media posts. PC Hannah Canning will be at Kesgrave Library on Sunday 19th March 10.30 – 12.00 noon. PC Canning is available for you to talk through anything that is concerning you or you may wish to bring along bikes, so they can be postcode marked for safety. Did you know that you can join the library from birth? Adults need ID with their name and address on and children will need an adult to be their guarantor, who can bring in their proof of address. Cards can be made up while you wait. We hope to see you soon. Printing and Photocopying –You can print and photocopy at your local library. A4 Black & white is 20p single-sided and 30p double sided. A3 colour is 50p single-sided and 80p double-sided. We are also able to photocopy in A3 and enlarge and reduce documents. Home Library Service – If you would like to access the library but are unable to visit us, Kesgrave runs four home library routes where volunteers come out with a selection of books to your homes. To access this service, whether you are house bound, recovering from an operation, enquiring for a relative/friend or someone you care for, please ring the library or log on the Suffolk Libraries website and complete the online form. Knit and Natter – every second and fourth Thursday 2.30 – 4.30 p.m. These sessions are restarting following a long break due to Covid. Why not pop along and meet some new people? Don’t’ knit – just pop along for a natter. Tea/coffee and biscuits are provided. Donations towards the cost would be welcomed. Cancer Support Group 10.30 – 11.30 a.m. – we are restarting this on the third Monday morning each month (Monday 20th March) in the library from September. Our volunteer who helps run these sessions, is

available to help on any aspect that may be worrying you, whether you are currently suffering from cancer or a carer in need of advice. Book Donations – We are still looking for good quality book donations, mainly fiction – adult or children. Please speak to staff if you are interested in donating some items to us. Thank you to everyone who has already donated items to the library. Opening Hours - Monday 9.00–12.00 noon Tuesday 9.00–12.00 noon/2.30–5.00 pm Wednesday 2.30 – 6.00 pm Thursday 2.30 – 8.00 pm Friday 9.00–12.00 noon/2.30–6.00 pm Saturday 10.00-5.00 pm Sunday 10.00-3.00 pm Maggie Lusher Kesgrave Library Manager Tel: 01473 626103 ALL SAINTS CONTACT DETAILS Priest in Charge Rev Chris Nunn 01473 622363 [email protected] Assistant Priest Rev Gary Jones 01473 412329 [email protected] Parish Administrator Natalie Lawrence 07737821034 [email protected] Lay Readers Martyn Shakespeare 01473 610367 [email protected] Sally Wainman 07807 984589

[email protected] Mike Bryer 01473 611143 [email protected] Children’s Worker Jennie Fidler 07483 212875 [email protected] Church Wardens Karen Pringle 01473 611472 [email protected] Bob Bullamore 01473 729586 [email protected] Church Hall Bookings Bob Theobald 01473 620709 [email protected] Fred Upson Hall Karen Pringle 01473 611472 Bookings [email protected] Prayer Chain John Wittgreffe 07857 838678 [email protected] Safeguarding Officer John Wittgreffe 07857 838678 [email protected] FINAL WORD Thanks for taking the time to read this edition, we would appreciate any feedback you may have. If you would like to receive this Newsletter electronically, please email all[email protected] to be added to the distribution list. You will be welcome to unsubscribe at any time. Your e-mail address will not be passed on to third parties. Alternatively, it is available on our website. Our church website has all the information you might need. We try to regularly update notices and information as they become available, as well as adding items onto our pages on The Church of England’s ‘A Church Near You’ site – If you are on Facebook, please like and follow us on our page – All Saints Church Kesgrave – where we will also upload important developments and information, videos and ideas for prayer and worship.

Issue 99 available from 26 th March 2023- April 2023- Easter Edition Please note, should you wish to have something included in this issue, the deadline is Tuesday 21 st March 2023.

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