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Newsletter Issue 93 - 31.07.22 August- September 2022

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Published by All Saints Church, 2022-07-30 18:00:08

Newsletter Issue 93 - 31.07.22 August- September 2022

Newsletter Issue 93 - 31.07.22 August- September 2022


ISSUE NO 93 – 31.07.22
August- September 2022

James 1 v. 17
“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Fa-
ther of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”

For this newsletter I researched the concept of gratitude/gratefulness:
Grateful (adj) can be defined as something “pleasing to the mind”, also
“full of gratitude, disposed to repay favours bestowed.
There was also an interesting distinction between the word ‘grateful’
and ‘thankful’:

Grateful often expresses the feeling and the readiness to manifest the
feeling by acts, even a long time after the rendering of the favour;
thankful refers rather to the immediate acknowledgement of the favour
by words. [Century Dictionary]

So gratefulness has something of perseverance and longevity about it; it
goes with the remembrance of something bestowed:
eg Years ago I worked in a care home where all the residents were per-
manent and all suffered from a significant degree of disability.
On one occasion I was looking after a quadriplegic lady (paralysis of all
four limbs). I went in to see if she needed anything and she said ‘Can I
have a drink and can you scratch my nose for me as I have an itch
there,’ and I thought to myself ‘Wow, we really have to be grateful for
these kind of things, that we can move our arms and legs, that we can
pour a drink’ and I never forgot that lesson. Despite the physical suf-
fering most of the residents had Christian cards on their lockers or
above their bed expressing their faith.

Gratefulness is one of the gifts that James describes so beautifully, a gift
from above that illuminates us, a gift that has the power to displace the
negative and emphasise the positive aspects of our lives.
Through God’s grace we receive this wonderful gift, because grateful-
ness acts like a magnet in our souls drawing us ever closer to the author
of our being.

Sally Wainman 26th July 2022


Date Time Service Where / Who to contact
All Saints Church Kesgrave
Wed 9.30am Open to God
3rd Aug 10.30am At ASK All Saints Little Bealings

Wed 10.00am- Morning Prayer All Saints Little Bealings. For more information contact
3rd Aug 10.45am at Little Bealings [email protected] 07857838678.

Wed 10.30am- Fynn Valley Walks

3rd Aug 12.00pm

Date Time Service Where / Who to contact

Thu 11.00am- Thursday All Saints Church Kesgrave
4th Aug
12.00pm Holy Communion at ASK

Sat 10.00am- Private Prayer All Saints Little Bealings
6thAug 12.30pm At Little Bealings

Sun 8.30am- Holy Communion All Saints Church Kesgrave
7thAug 9.30am at ASK
F.I.G Project Church Hall.
Sun 10.00am- At ASK
7thAug 11.00am All Saints Church Kesgrave. You may attend in person or
Holy Communion participate via Zoom.
Sun 10.00am- at ASK ( Zoomed) Church Of St. Mary, Playford
7thAug 11.00am Family Communion
at Playford All Saints Church Kesgrave
Sun 10.00am-
7thAug 11.00am EVENSONG at ASK

Sun 6.30pm-
7thAug 7.30pm

Wed 10.00am- Morning Prayer All Saints Little Bealings
10thAug 10.45am at Little Bealings
All Saints Little Bealings. For more information contact
Wed 10.30am- Fynn Valley Walks [email protected] 07857838678.
10thAug 12.00pm

Thu 11.00am- Thursday All Saints Church Kesgrave

11thAug 12.00pm Holy Communion at ASK

Sat 10.00am- Private Prayer All Saints Little Bealings
13thAug 12.30pm At Little Bealings

Sun 8.30am- Holy Communion All Saints Church Kesgrave
14thAug 9.30am at ASK
All Saints Church Kesgrave
Sun 10.00am- All Age Service at ASK
14thAug 11.00am (Non-Zoomed) To find instructions how to join, visit our website
Sun 10.00am- Zoom ONLY All Saints Little Bealings
14thAug 11.00am Morning Service

Sun 10.00am- Family Communion
14thAug 11.00am At Little Bealings

Wed 10.00am- Morning Prayer All Saints Little Bealings
17thAug 10.45am at Little Bealings
Fynn Valley Walks All Saints Little Bealings. For more information contact
Wed 10.30am- [email protected] 07857838678.
17thAug 12.00pm Holy Communion Church Of St. Mary, Playford
at Playford
Wed 11.00am-
17thAug 11.45am

Thu 11.00am- Thursday All Saints Church Kesgrave
18thAug 12.00pm Holy Communion at ASK

Date Time Service Where / Who to contact
All Saints Little Bealings
Sat 10.00am- Private Prayer
12.30pm At Little Bealings

Sun 8.30am- Holy Communion All Saints Church Kesgrave
21st Aug 9.30am at ASK
All Saints Church Kesgrave You may attend in person or
Sun 10.00am- All Age Service participate via Zoom.
21st Aug 11.00am at ASK ( Zoomed) All Saints Little Bealings

Sun 11.00am- Morning Service
21st Aug 11.45am at Little Bealings

Wed 10.00am- Morning Prayer All Saints Little Bealings
24thAug 10.45am at Little Bealings
All Saints Little Bealings. For more information contact
Wed 10.30am- Fynn Valley Walks [email protected] 07857838678.
24thAug 12.00pm

Thu 11.00am- Thursday All Saints Church Kesgrave

25thAug 12.00pm Holy Communion at ASK

Sat 10.00am- Private Prayer All Saints Little Bealings
27thAug 12.30pm At Little Bealings

Sun 8.30am- Holy Communion All Saints Church Kesgrave
28thAug 9.30am at ASK
All Saints Church Kesgrave You may attend in person or
Sun 10.00am- Holy Communion at ASK participate via Zoom.
28thAug 11.00am ( Zoomed) Church Hall.

Sun 10.00am- F.I.G Project All Saints Little Bealings
28thAug 11.00am At ASK

Sun 10.00am- Morning Prayer
28thAug 11.00am at Little Bealings

Wed 10.00am- Morning Prayer All Saints Little Bealings
31st Aug 10.45am at Little Bealings
All Saints Little Bealings. For more information contact
Wed 10.30am- Fynn Valley Walks [email protected] 07857838678.
31st Aug 12.00pm


It’s that time again - Kesgrave are signing up to our All Saints Fantasy
Football Premier League mini-league and we'd love you all to join.

This will be our sixth year, maybe our seventh. Its highly competitive
with our winners in the top 0.1-1pct nationally!! Think you can beat
them? Or maybe try beating me, that seems more achievable, doesn't it?
I usually finish around 18th in the league.

We have 125+ players in our league, of all standards, it takes a couple
of weeks to get the hang of it but the fact we grow in size every year
shows it’s a fun autumn/winter brain teaser.

We also have our Facebook page 'All Saints Kesgrave Fantasy Football
League', and would love this to become a place of parish/friends and
family football chat.

To join our league, simply click on the following link and enter the join-
ing code. You may have to choose a team first and then click on 'join a
league'. You can click auto-pick to pick a team for you, going back as
many times as you like before the Premier League starts to change your

All Saints Kesgrave League

Joining code: 6k40da

Happy season all!

Helen (Witt Ham United)

September 10th 2022: Annual Ride and Stride - Suffolk Historic
Churches Trust
“Ride and Stride” is the new name for the “Suffolk Historic Churches
Bike Ride” which happens annually on the 2nd Saturday of September
(this year it is the 10th ).
Gary (Jones) and I are stepping out this year on behalf of ASK and we
would love you to join us and/or sponsor us! We plan to set off at
10.00am and make our way from All Saints to the Roman Catholic
Church via Playford and Little Bealings Churches.
Here is the link for our Just Giving page but we are happy to pass on
cash dropped through my door at 4 Wades Grove too.

Next sessions of Silver Screen are Monday 5th of September and
Monday 19th of September at the Church Hall, 2pm-4pm.
It has been a pleasure to see so many people get so much out of those
sessions so far.
Following the screening, we have a short talk.
Come along for an enjoyable afternoon and companionship.
Next session of Silver Games is Monday 12th September at the
Church, 2pm-4pm.

Come and enjoy playing the old fashioned and some modern games
such as Up-Words, Scrabble, Mexican Train, Rummikub and Scrabble
and other traditional games. Many have also enjoyed the opportunity to
just sit with friends and relax and chat to each other.

For more details contact
Chris or Mike Bryer 01473 611143


We are taking a break in August, and our next meeting is on Tuesday
27th September at 2.15pm at All Saints Kesgrave. Sally Letman will
speak on the topic "Walking the Way of the Pilgrim". We welcome vis-
itors at all our meetings.

Jenny Spittle

Please Come along on Saturday 17th of September at 9.00am and join
us at the Farmhouse Pub for our Men’s & Ladies’ Breakfast and fellow-
ship. All ages welcome. Please contact Gary Jones
[email protected] or Anita Jones
[email protected] to reserve your place.

Final Exhortations
“4 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5 Let your gen-
tleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6 Do not be anxious about an-
ything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,
present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends
all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Je-

8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble,
whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is ad-
mirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such
things. 9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or
seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with

Paul explores rejoicing, it is so easy when weather is fair and life is pos-
itive; we, like Paul, who wrote letter in a Roman prison, trust all will be
well when times are dark and weary if we offer everything to God with
prayer and supplication.
God knows and understands. He knows us better than we know our-
selves. He has promised to carry and deliver us from fear and darkness.
This infinite, unconditional awesome love has promised we are His and
not to fear, we believe He will relax the tensions of our body, still the
anxieties of our mind, calm storms within.
We find comfort and joy in knowledge God is our Father will grant
deep, deep peace this world can not give. It envelops us, we can almost
see and touch it, we can then experience whatever is true, honest, just,
pure, lovely and of good report. Pray that profound peace of security
and reassurance may flow in is and through us to others, let us treasure
this peace rejoicing in thy Lord always.


Jane Gillard

If at any time you or someone you know are in need of prayer, we have
an active prayer ministry who would love to pray for you. We believe
that God answers all of our prayers, as he loves us dearly and knows
just what we need. We have seen God work in so many different ways
through the prayer ministry. Please do not hesitate to contact if you feel
this can help.

If your prayer request is urgent, contact our prayer chain by call-
ing John Wittgreffe on 07857 838678 or email ask.prayer-
[email protected] specifying "Prayer Chain".

If you have an ongoing request for prayer, each Wednesday a
prayer request email goes out to ministers and faithful people who
will include your request in their prayers on Wednesday, or as soon as
possible thereafter. If you would like your prayer included, please use
the same contact as above stating "For Wednesday prayers", or both
Wednesday Prayers and Prayer Chain if appropriate.

All information is considered private to those who take part in the pray-
ers. If, however, you feel something is very sensitive, please mention
this and we will make the prayers anonymous before they go out- God
still knows who you mean!

If you would like private prayer with a minister, you can request this
and we will work something out for you. If for any reason John is una-
vailable, please contact one of our ministry team as in our contacts list.

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circum-
stances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1 Thessa-
lonians 5:16-18
John Wittgreffe, Elder


We are obviously aware, as a Church, that millions of people are going
to be struggling to survive over the coming months, as nearly every

aspect of daily life sees sharp price rises.
If you are experiencing financial hardship or mounting debts, please
seek help through organisations like Stepchange https://www.step- or Christians Against Poverty

We value all the contributions that are made towards keeping our
church and the other churches in our benefice going; the financial sup-
port we receive goes into maintaining a great variety of work including
pastoral visiting, visits to care homes, all the ‘Silver’ activities (Silver
Film, Silver Games and Silver Crafts), church services across all 3
churches, Bible Studies, Childrens work and FIG services etc; we are
also liaising with Brightwell to provide support during Rev Toby Tate’s

We want Playford, Little Bealings and Kesgrave to remain centres of
spiritual hope and social activity as the lockdowns certainly showed that
loneliness and isolation greatly undermined physical and mental health

All methods of Giving remain available:
The Church website has a Green Donate Button for General Giving.
The Parish Giving Scheme system has been updated and improved and
now allows you to set up a DD online. (If you are new to our church
please consider this way of giving.)

Regular Giving (Direct Debit)
For regular giving please contact the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) : this
is a direct debit scheme, with built-in options for Gift Aid and inflation
proofed giving
There are now three options for signing up:
You can sign up by phone: 0333 002 1271, or by filling in an ASK-spe-
cific form and posting it off or by using the new online direct debit sys-
For all 3 ways you will need your own bank details, the special code for
our church: 330633093 and the Diocese: St Eds and Ips

If you would like to support our Church with a simple BACS payment
this can be made to:
Co-op Bank Sort Code: 08-92-99 Account No: 65453375
The name on the Account is: Kesgrave Parochial Church Council

If you can also Gift Aid your donation, please print off a Gift Aid form
from the website or collect a form from the church and then contact me.
Cheques: Please make cheques payable to Kesgrave PCC and send to
Envelope Giving: if you have Weekly Envelopes that need collecting
please phone me or place in the collection plate at any of the services.

We also have a “Donate” QR Code:
To donate online, scan the QR code

with your phone below:

Or go to
for more ways to give.

For all queries, please phone me on 07807 984589
Thank you for supporting the work of All Saints Kesgrave

Sally Wainman (Local Giving Advisor)

Please support FIND by donating goods at any of the participating su-
permarkets or financially, via bank transfer, (BACS) direct to FIND

BACS details are:

Account name: FOOD BANK FIND

Sort code: 30-94-55

Account number: 54354468

Reference All Saints Kesgrave or your own name

If you want to support FIND with cash, please speak to me at any of the
services or give me a ring

Thank you

Sally Wainman (Local Giving Advisor)

07807 984589

This Summer we are celebrating the return of our FIG Summer project!
On Sunday 3rd July several families with young children met in the
church hall for the launch of our Castle project. Thanks to a successful
application to the Growing in God Growth Fund from the Diocese of St
Edmundsbury, All Saints Kesgrave has been able to purchase two card-
board castles, a shop and a ‘gatehouse’ to build and decorate with the
younger members of the congregation. Crayons and colouring pens,
and tissue paper ‘bricks’ were at the ready to colour and stick on the
towers and battlements, alongside castle themed colouring sheets and
royal crowns to decorate! “I liked hiding in the castle!” commented one
participant, and “I liked gluing and making a crown,” said another.
Vicar Robin also brought in a wonderful 1960s version of Snakes &
Ladders, and we worked as teams to try to get each player’s counter
from the start to the finish, climbing ladders wherever possible and try-
ing to avoid the pesky, slippery snakes! We studied the different pic-
tures at the top and bottom of each snake & ladder, and Robin spoke to
us about how the decisions and choices we make affect the outcomes in

life. It was good to remember that God is with us all the time, in the ups
and downs of life, to nurture us and guide us towards making the right
choices. He, like the castle we’re building, is our refuge and strength.
We have further sessions throughout August and September, and we’d
love for you to join us in helping to decorate our castle, shop and gate-
house, and in making flags, shields and decorating biscuits! Each ses-
sion we’ll have a different theme to focus on.
Remaining sessions are August 7th & 28th, and September 4th. On
September 18th we will be showcasing our project in the main church
for Back to Church Sunday! We look forward to welcoming you!

Jennie Fidler, Children & Family Worker

Our church website has all the information you
might need. We try to regularly update notices and information as they
become available, as well as adding items onto our pages on The
Church of England’s ‘A Church Near You’ site – https://www.achurch-
Available on both websites are the Rev Robin Spittle’s ‘Thought for the
Times’ videos, which can be accessed easily from the home pages. If
you are on Facebook, please like and follow us on our page – All Saints
Church Kesgrave
– where we will also upload important developments and information,
videos and ideas for prayer and worship.

August & September 2022
Summer Reading Challenge Crafts – are running during all the chal-
lenge sessions as per the times later in this article.

Sunday 7th – Saturday 13th: We are using old CDs, to make fish with
3D fins.

Sunday 14th – Saturday 20th: This week we are making secret coders.
What message will you send?

Sunday 21st – Saturday 27th: Which vehicle will you choose for our
moveable world of vehicles?

Sunday 28th – Saturday 3rd September: – Why not pop along and de-
sign a windmill this week.

Sunday 4th September – why not pop along and complete any crafts
you have missed during the challenge?

Sunday 11th September – This week’s craft is to design a cupcake.

Sunday 18th September – Have you heard of the poem The Owl and
the Pussy Cat? This week we are making owls out of paper plates.

Sunday 25th September – To complete the poem we are creating a 3D

Activities are free. Parents must stay with under eights.

Word Play Sessions – These free sessions are run by trained staff every
Thursday morning and are running all throughout the summer hol-

Tot Rock – 9.45 – 10.15 a.m. – active songs and rhymes for pre-school
Baby Bounce – 10.45 – 11.45 a.m. – Gentle songs for you and your
baby to enjoy.
No need to book. Please just pop along. We look forward to seeing you

Afternoon Book Club – There is no afternoon book group this month
due to the reading challenge. They are currently reading The Child by
Fiona Barton and Here We Are by Graham Swift.

Evening Book Group – Thursday 25th August 7.00 – 8.00 p.m. The
group are currently reading The Dying Day by Vaseem Khan.

If you are interested in joining, please contact staff. The library supplies
copies of the titles being read.

Summer Reading Challenge
Saturday 16th July – Sunday 4th September.
There is still time to sign up for this year’s challenge ‘Gadgeteers’.
Kesgrave’s sessions are running as follows:
Monday 9.30 – 11.30 a.m.
Tuesday 2.30 – 5.00 p.m.
Wednesday 2.30 – 5.30 p.m.
Thursday 2.30 – 5.30 p.m.
Friday 9.30 – 11.30 a.m.
Saturday 2.30 – 4.30 p.m.
Sunday 10.00 – 1.00 p.m.
This is a free activity and open to all ages from pre-school upwards.
Children will need their own library card, which can be issued before
the challenge begins. Please speak to staff. Adults will need to bring ID
to act as guarantor.
To finish the challenge each child needs to read 6 books, at least one of
which needs to be non-fiction. There are prizes and stickers throughout
the challenge to motivate our young readers to finish, as well as compe-
titions to enter.
We are launching the challenge with a party on Saturday 16th July at
2.30 p.m. Hope to see you there!
Please speak to staff for details.

Home Library Service – If you would like to access the library but are
unable to visit us, Kesgrave runs four home library routes where volun-
teers come out with a selection of books to your homes. To access this

service please ring the library or log on the Suffolk Libraries website
and complete the online form.

Knit and Natter – every second and fourth Thursday 2.30 – 4.30 p.m.
These sessions are restarting following a long break due to Covid. Why
not pop along and meet some new people? Don’t’ knit – just pop along
for a natter. Tea/coffee and biscuits are provided. Donations towards the
cost would be welcomed.

PC Hannah Canning will be at Kesgrave Library on Friday 19th
August 9.30 – 11.30 a.m. PC Canning is available for you to talk
through anything that is concerning you or you may wish to bring along
bikes, so they can be postcode marked for safety.

Bank Holiday – Monday 29th August – the library will be closed on
this date.

Cancer Support Group 10.30 – 11.30 a.m. – we are restarting this on
the third Monday morning each month in the library from September.
Our volunteer who helps run these sessions, is available to help on any
aspect that may be worrying you, whether you are currently suffering
from cancer or a carer in need of advice.

Opening Hours -

Monday 9.00–12.00 noon

Tuesday 9.00–12.00 noon/2.30–5.00 pm

Wednesday 2.30 – 6.00 pm

Thursday 2.30 – 8.00 pm

Friday 9.00–12.00 noon/2.30–6.00 pm

Saturday 10.00-5.00 pm

Sunday 10.00-3.00 pm

Maggie Lusher
Kesgrave Library Manager

Tel: 01473 626103


Date Time Service Where / Who to contact

Thu 11.00am- Thursday All Saints Church Kesgrave
1st Sep
12.00pm Holy Communion at ASK

Fri 7.00pm- Zoom Pub Quiz To find instructions how to join, visit our website
2nd Sep 8.30pm

Sat 10.00am- Private Prayer All Saints Little Bealings
3rd Sep 12.30pm At Little Bealings

Sun 8.30am- Holy Communion All Saints Church Kesgrave
4th Sep 9.30am at ASK
Church Hall.
Sun 10.00am- F.I.G Project
4th Sep 11.00am At ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave. You may attend in person or
participate via Zoom.
Sun 10.00am- Holy Communion Church Of St. Mary, Playford
4th Sep 11.00am at ASK ( Zoomed)
To find instructions how to join, visit our website
Sun 10.00am- Family Communion
4th Sep 11.00am at Playford All Saints Church Kesgrave

Sun 5.00pm - ZOOM Church-
4th Sep 5.45pm After Hours

Sun 6.30pm- EVENSONG at ASK
4th Sep 7.30pm

Mon 2.00pm- Silver Screen at ASK Church Hall. Contact Robin Spittle to request attendance
Email [email protected]
5th Sep 4.00pm

Tue 10.00am- Coffee, Chat & Play Church Hall. For more information, please contact Jen-
6th Sep 11.30am nie [email protected]

Wed 9.30am Open to God All Saints Church Kesgrave
7th Sep 10.30am At ASK
All Saints Little Bealings
Wed 10.00am- Morning Prayer
7th Sep 10.45am at Little Bealings All Saints Little Bealings. For more information contact
[email protected] 07857838678.
Wed 10.30am- Fynn Valley Walks
7th Sep 12.00pm

Thu 11.00am- Thursday All Saints Church Kesgrave

8th Sep 12.00pm Holy Communion at ASK

Sat 10.00am- Private Prayer All Saints Little Bealings
10th Sep 12.30pm At Little Bealings

Date Time Service Where / Who to contact
All Saints Church Kesgrave
Sun 8.30am- Holy Communion
11th Sep 9.30am at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave

Sun 10.00am- All Age Service at ASK To find instructions how to join, visit our website
11th Sep 11.00am (Non-Zoomed)
10.00am- Zoom ONLY All Saints Little Bealings
Sun 11.00am Morning Service
11th Sep
10.00am- Family Communion
Sun 11.00am At Little Bealings
11th Sep

Mon 2.00pm- Silver Games at ASK ASK Church. Contact Robin Spittle to request attendance
Email [email protected]
12th Sep 4.00pm

Tue 10.00am- Little EXPLORERS Church Hall. For more information, please contact Jen-
13th Sep 11.30am nie [email protected]

Wed 10.00am- Morning Prayer All Saints Little Bealings
14th Sep 10.45am at Little Bealings
All Saints Little Bealings. For more information contact
Wed 10.30am- Fynn Valley Walks [email protected] 07857838678.
14th Sep 12.00pm

Thu 11.00am- Thursday All Saints Church Kesgrave

15th Sep 12.00pm Holy Communion at ASK

Sat 9.00am- Men's & Ladies’ Break- Farmhouse, St Isidores, Kesgrave. Please contact Gary
17th Sep 10.00am fast at the Farmhouse Jones [email protected]

Sat 10.00am- Private Prayer All Saints Little Bealings
17th Sep 12.30pm At Little Bealings

Sun 8.30am- Holy Communion All Saints Church Kesgrave
18th Sep 9.30am at ASK
Sun 18th Breakfast at ASK Church Hall
Sep 9.15am-
10.00am All Age Service All Saints Church Kesgrave You may attend in person or
Sun at ASK ( Zoomed) participate via Zoom.
18th Sep 10.00am- Harvest Festival Church Of St. Mary, Playford
11.00am at Playford
Sun EVENSONG at ASK All Saints Church Kesgrave
17thJuly 10.00am-
18th Sep 6.30pm-

Mon 2.00pm- Silver Screen at ASK Church Hall. Contact Robin Spittle to request attendance
Email [email protected]
19th Sep 4.00pm

Tue 10.00am- Coffee, Chat & Play Church Hall. For more information, please contact Jen-
20th Sep 11.30am nie [email protected]

Wed 10.00am- Morning Prayer All Saints Little Bealings
21st Sep 10.45am at Little Bealings

Date Time Service Where / Who to contact
Fynn Valley Walks All Saints Little Bealings. For more information contact
Wed 10.30am- [email protected] 07857838678.
21st Sep 12.00pm Holy Communion Church Of St. Mary, Playford
at Playford
Wed 11.00am-
21st Sep 11.45am

Thu 11.00am- Thursday All Saints Church Kesgrave

22nd Sep 12.00pm Holy Communion at ASK

Sat 10.00am- Private Prayer All Saints Little Bealings
24th Sep 12.30pm At Little Bealings

Sun 8.30am- Holy Communion All Saints Church Kesgrave
25th Sep 9.30am at ASK
All Saints Church Kesgrave You may attend in person or
Sun 10.00am- Holy Communion at ASK participate via Zoom.
25th Sep 11.00am ( Zoomed) Church Hall.

Sun 10.00am- F.I.G Family Service All Saints Little Bealings
25th Sep 11.00am At ASK

Sun 11.00am- Harvest Festival
25th Sep 11.45am at Little Bealings

Tue 10.00am- Little EXPLORERS Church Hall. For more information, please contact Jen-
27th Sep 11.30am Mothers’ Union nie [email protected]
All Saints Church Kesgrave
Tue 2.15pm-
27th Sep 3.45pm

Wed 10.00am- Morning Prayer All Saints Little Bealings
28th Sep 10.45am at Little Bealings
All Saints Little Bealings. For more information contact
Wed 10.30am- Fynn Valley Walks [email protected] 07857838678.
28th Sep 12.00pm

Thu 11.00am- Thursday All Saints Church Kesgrave

29th Sep 12.00pm Holy Communion at ASK


Vicar Rev Robin Spittle 01473 623388

[email protected]

Assistant Priest Rev Chris Nunn 01473 622363

[email protected]

Assistant Priest Rev Gary Jones 01473 412329

[email protected]

Parish Administrator Natalie Lawrence 07737821034

[email protected]

Lay Readers Martyn Shakespeare 01473 610367

Children’s Worker Sally Wainman 07807 984589
Church Wardens
[email protected]
Church Hall Bookings
Fred Upson Hall Mike Bryer 01473 611143
Prayer Chain [email protected]
Safeguarding Officer
Jennie Fidler 07584420729

[email protected]

Karen Pringle 01473 611472

[email protected]

Bob Bullamore 01473 729586

[email protected]

Bob Theobald 01473 620709

[email protected]

Karen Pringle 01473 611472

[email protected]
John Wittgreffe 07857 838678

[email protected]
John Wittgreffe 07857 838678
[email protected]

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Issue 94 available from 25th September 2022- Oct 2022- please note should
you wish to have something included in this issue, the deadline is 20th Sep-
tember 2022.

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