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of the Bar Mitzvah milestone in Judaism. To say that the Bar Mitzvah boy
drove his parents crazy to the point where the parents were hearing voices,
but not the good kind, would not be an exaggeration. In the end, however,
it was all worth it. We all heard the voice of G-d which gave us the strength
to persevere. Michael did a great job at his Bar Mitzvah and his parents
were very proud. We all stayed committed to the cause, though there were
times that either the Bar Mitzvah boy or his parents simply should have
been committed.
The poem below was read to Michael and to Congregation Israel of
Springfield at his Bar Mitzvah on June 22, 2019. It captured our experience
as Michael became a Bar Mitzvah, and hopefully gave Michael some guiding
words of wisdom for his future. It is both humorous and thought-
provoking. The poem shows the evolution of the connection between
becoming a Bar Mitzvah and the theme of “Hearing the Voice.” May one
of the messages that Michael takes from his Bar Mitzvah be openness to
“Hearing the Voice;” namely the voice of G-d, but also the voice of his
parents, and the voices of those who have his best interests at heart.
Mazel Tov Michael, it’s your Bar Mitzvah Day;
Now Mom and Dad have a few things to say.
We are extremely proud of what you have done;
But we have to admit, you did not make it fun.
Bets were being taken regarding your appearance today;
So thanks for coming and we’re glad you could stay.
Your favorite things are your skateboard, music, video games and outdoors;
So for you to study for your Bar Mitzvah was truly the greatest of chores.
However, staying completely true to form;
When push came to shove you did perform.
So now we all breathe a sigh of relief;
And put behind us all the grief.
Without question, you worked very hard;
But through it all, you were clearly the wild card.
136 Rei’ach HaSadeh
For your lead role in “The Bar Mitzvah Boy,” you deserve an Academy Award;
Namely, Best Actor in a Drama Series, during which no one was ever bored.
Yet in the end, you learned your Haftorah, Maftir, Musaf and understood their meaning;
Finally believing in yourself as your parents certainly were beaming.
You have a very strong and beautiful voice;
You could be a cantor, if that is your choice.
You practiced and pronounced the Hebrew words correct;
And you remembered to stand upright and project.
You showed a love for your Jewish roots;
You buckled down and pulled up your boots.
You’re athletic, handsome, funny, and smart;
Remember, the best feature you can have is a good heart.
As to family history, Ashkenazic equals Harelik and Sephardic equals Mevorah;
But regardless of the many distinctions, we all love the Torah.
On both sides of your family, everyone has been active in their Shul;
We hope you will follow family tradition and make it your golden rule.
Speaking of family, Mom and Dad want to give you some advice;
Be the best you can be and always be nice.
Your sister Cayla told us to say;
That she is happy for you on your special day.
Your brother Cole should be an inspiration to you;
The way he must work so hard at everything he tries to do.
As you know, you were named for Grandpa Mel;
If he and Grandma Lee were here they would simply kvell.
Grandpa Mel regularly davened here in his Southern drawl;
And he always greeted everyone with his famous Shalom y’all.
Grandma Lee would have loved hearing you sing at your Bar Mitzvah;
She was known for her operatic voice and her renditions of The Star Spangled Banner
and Hatikvah.
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If Grandpa Bob were here he would enjoy following along;
And from time to time he would chime in on a song.
Grandma Sheila is here to celebrate with you;
And she is very excited about all that you did do.
Thank you to all our family, friends, and congregants here in attendance;
For sharing with us Michael’s newly acquired Jewish independence.
Thank you to Rabbi Mendy for Bar Mitzvah lessons extraordinaire;
And you made it through the sessions without losing your hair.
Thank you to Rabbi Marcus for your spiritual motivation;
This allowed the entire family to make it the duration.
Thank you to Asher for the extra practice sessions;
To ensure that Michael would master his Bar Mitzvah lessons.
Did you know the first Bat Mitzvah at Congregation Israel was your Mom;
It was a Sunday service, also June 22nd, which included the daily psalm.
Your Dad for his Bar Mitzvah had it easier than you;
As a twin, he split it with your Uncle, and only had half to do.
To conclude, Mom and Dad have words of wisdom to share;
So listen closely Michael and follow through if you dare.
Today Michael you become a man;
So face life and say “here I am.”
Do mitzvot and make the world a better place;
With that mindset there will be nothing you can’t face.
Remember to observe kashrut, holidays, and Shabbat;
But most of all enjoy your Jewish identity a heck of a lot.
Be strong minded, but compromise when you must;
Have good judgment and then your instincts you can trust.
Be your own hero and stand up tall;
When others are in need of help, answer the call.
138 Rei’ach HaSadeh
Do not become consumed with jealousy, nonsense, or strife;
Take the high road, appreciate what you have, and you will have a good life.
Try your hardest and avoid unnecessary stress;
And that will pave the way for your success.
Respect others and respect yourself;
May you live to 120 in the best of health.
You have it in you to do great things;
It is up to you to understand what that means.
Whether you are good, bad, angry, glad, happy or sad;
Know that you can always count on your Mom and Dad.
Enjoy life’s journey and make good memories along the way;
Know that Mom, Dad, Cole, and Cayla love you each and every day.
Congregation Israel of Springfield