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Sanकल्प - The Annual Newsletter of National Service Scheme, Sri Aurobindo College (Eve)

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Published by Isha Kushwah, 2019-04-09 11:42:17

Sanकल्प - The Annual Newsletter of National Service Scheme, Sri Aurobindo College (Eve)

Sanकल्प - The Annual Newsletter of National Service Scheme, Sri Aurobindo College (Eve)






SANKALP From the Desk of Principal 1
Edition -1 (2018-2019)
Official students’ annual From the Desk of Programme Officer 2
digital Newsletter of
National Service Scheme, From the Desk of Student Editors 3
Sri Aurobindo College
(evening) Message from Office Bearers 4
➢ PATRON Even If Privacy Is Not A Fundamental Right,
Dr. Namita Rajput We Still Need Law to Protect It

➢ EDITORIAL BOARD Education Versus Literacy! 7
❖ Faculty
✓ Dr. Kalpana Rohit Safe at Home, They Say! 9

(Nss Programme Officer) Am I Really? I Ask!
Societal Pressure: A Teacher in Disguise 10
✓ Ms. Meenakshi Thakur
✓ Dr. Akhilesh Mishra Breaking The Stereotypes 11

❖ Students Stigma of Being Average 12
✓ Isha Kushwah
✓ Saurabh Singh Turmoil of Choices 13
✓ Shubham Taparia
✓ Shivansh Khare सुंदर क्याररयाँा 14
✓ Harshul Gupta
✓ Preet Rawat Paradigm of Excellence 15

Toilet-The Changing Story? 17

Depression: The Societal Poison 19

A Feminine Desire 20

A Distant Lover 21

Twinge to Normality 22

A Change Today, Will Change Tomorrow 23

Love in Life, Not Live in Life 24

वो पाँाव ज़मीन पर रखते है| 25

Annual Report 2018-2019 26


It is a moment of immense pleasure for me to showcase
the first edition of annual newsletter of the NSS Unit of
our college. The society provides a stimulating ambience
for the learners.

The students have always strived to incorporate the tag
line “Not me, but you” in their lives in true sense. Their
initiative in social events like project Navoudit, Road
safety week, Diwali celebration, Kerala donation camp,
etc., deserves a whole of credit. This newsletter
showcases all the efforts and hard work of the fellow
students who continuously try to carry out every activity
with utmost perfection and thus turning out the results to
be much stronger and more optimistic. This society is
proved beneficial not only for honing the man
management and social skills of our students but in also
developing a spirit of economical responsibility among
them. It is a manifestation of everything that the society
Hard Work, Sincerity, teamwork, and a well-rounded
image of the various perspectives of the students towards
the society.

I wish the team best of luck for their future initiatives and
I hope that the team will continue to achieve the epitome
of greatness, the eminence of which will be illustrated in
the contingent editions of this newsletter.

Principal OSD

Sri Aurobindo College (Evening)



“The highest education is that which does not merely
give us information but makes our life in harmony with
all existence.” ~Rabindranath Tagore

It gives me immense pleasure to introduce SANKALP-
the very first online edition of NSS SACE newsletter by
our NSS volunteers. This newsletter is conceptualised by
NSS SAC-E president, Isha Kushwah, who has taken the
initiative to motivate others by providing a platform for
students to get prepared to face the societal challenges.
Being an active member NSS volunteers would have the
exposure and experience to be an accomplished social
leader, an efficient administrator and a person who
understands human nature. In one word it is the
confidence of a person which matters a lot to do
something for the society and to feel the pain of others.

Confidence to express,
Confidence to visualise,
Confidence to learn,
and most importantly,
confidence to speak.

Inspiration comes from different sources even a bleak
and difficult situation can inspire many. I believe my
volunteers will prove it by understanding their
responsibility towards society and will do proper justice
to NSS motto, NOT ME BUT YOU!

Programme Officer

Sri Aurobindo College (Evening)



The NSS unit of SAC-Eve. is very happy to share their journey

with you, not as a team but as a family and to make a small effort
to make you understand the meaning of “Not Me, But you”.

ISHA KUSHWAH We are immensely delighted to indoctrinate the privilege we feel
when we embrace our experiences with some of our initiatives and
the glory they brought to the college.
A human's fate is decided and divided, but we have the power to
write our own destiny.

In this world where society is the basis of living, we here at NSS
enumerate the best ways to utilize the ins-and-outs of our

SAURABH SINGH We feel very honoured and delighted to share with you our journey
of achieving milestones by the means of this Newsletter ----
This Newsletter covers articles, poems, achievements of our
hardworking and enigmatic students. It gives the students a
brilliant opportunity to showcase their talent and creativity as well
as upgrade their exemplary skills.

SHUBHAM TAPARIA All the Activities and events which were eminently performed by
the members are also showcased.
“If you want to be the best, you have to act like you mean it.”
Just talking about success doesn't mean one will get it, you have
to work diligently with others to get the best results and that is why
we would like to thank our friends, members, and fellow students.
They are the real source of inspiration for the NSS.

Thank You!




Keep your dreams alive, understand to achieve anything requires
faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and
dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who
believe. Whatever you go into, you have to go in there to be the
best. There are no formulas. It's all about determination. It might
look glamorous, but it takes a lot of hard work. The blessing with
the arts is that you can do it forever.
So, with immense pleasure, we are proud to showcase the first
edition of our annual Newsletter.


It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up.
If you are working on something that you really care about, you
do not have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.
If you have a dream in your sight, start working towards it
because if you are good enough you are old enough.


Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win
championships. If you want to achieve something badly, then
your body will never listen to your mind.



Permanence, perseverance, and persistence in spite of all obstacles,
discouragements, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things
distinguishes the strong soul from the weak.


There are two kinds of people, ones who want to be the best and
ones who want to overcome the best. Now you have to choose what
you want to be. Be a Man worthy enough to make the goddess of
victory stand by your side.


Every man who walks on this planet, just once in his lifetime
wanted to be the strongest but, facing reality and hardship head on
is what truly means to be strong!!!


Fall seven times and stand up eight. The greatest discovery of all
time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his


“He who is not courageous enough to take risk never succeeds in life.”
~Mohammed Ali






“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither
liberty nor safety”

There has been a lot of mooling over the fact In 1947, the Constituent Assembly established
that is Privacy a Fundamental Right or not but an Advisory Committee to prepare draft
the unanimous public have different opinions. articles on fundamental rights and the rights of
From the time of our Independence and minorities. This committee had overall
Constitution was developed there have been supervision over five sub–committees,
several major Fundamental Rights affecting the including the Fundamental Rights Sub-
issue of the public. Putting aside all the rights Committee which had been entrusted the task
of the country, the Right of Privacy is creating of framing the fundamental rights of citizens.
a bit of unrest in the Constitution as it is
dynamically very important to protect a The Assembly was pushed to reconsider
person’s privacy and personal life and if his/her And this opened a new chapter in the book and
personal space is tampered then this results in eventually resulted in the issue being thrown
the violation of the rights as well as the further backwards.
aforementioned structure of working. There But the cycle is taking a prominent shape even
have been laws created to protect one’s privacy though bit by bit but we will get results soon
by the government. enough, I hope.

The constituent Assembly thought of including
Privacy in the Fundamental Rights but then
dropped the idea. But, “What could be the
reason?” I asked myself” why drop the idea?”
As I knew Privacy is a thing most precious to

“But there are other words for privacy and
independence. They are isolation and

There has much lot of debate over the last few
decades as to whether or not we have a
Fundamental Right to Privacy in India. The
Superficial bureaucrats told the Supreme Court
that we do not. Some lawyers disagreed with
him on the basis of the right that has been
implied through a long jurisprudence while
others agreed, though for different regards.



An education isn’t how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It’s being
able to differentiate between what you do know and what you don’t.”

~Anatole France

With these words, Anatole France sought to define forgotten but education lives with us even when the
the primary purpose of educating young people as learning has been blurred. Literacy might make
preparation for active participation in civic life. people feel superior to others, but only educated
Education is not just limited to the theoretical people are superior. The people who can read and
knowledge and practical questions, it’s beyond write yet use abusive and foul language are
that. Education is identifying and differentiating definitely not educated. Literacy people working at
the right and wrong through the help of the higher positions and degrading others are the
knowledge that we receive in educational biggest example of uneducated people.
institutions and acting according to that thereof. So, what do you think, which is more important in
There are many myths in the world, one of them is life education or literacy?
that Literacy and education are synonyms but it
isn’t true. Literacy has indirect relation with Yakub Memon, Osama bin Laden, Afzal Guru,
education. Literacy is about acquiring the skills and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Hafiz Muhammad
learning, while education is about applying these Saeed, Mahammad Masoor Asgar and Riyaz
skills and learning for benefits of other people. Bhatkal. Do you know what is common in them?
Literacy mainly revolves around acquiring the Yes, you are correct. They all the terrorists but
ability to read and write whereas education is about there is also one more thing common in all of them.
overall development of a person making it a They all are highly qualified and belong to literate
complete human who not only read or write but group of people. So where did the problem come?
also has the ability to think in broader terms and Why did the end up being terrorists? I have a very
analysis the things rationally. Every literate person simple answer to it. They were not educated
cannot be called an educated person. Education is a enough to differentiate between right and wrong.
much broader concept than literacy. Literacy
cannot make a person wise but education makes a Now, talking about the scenario in our own
person wiser and provides with the understanding motherland, literacy in our country is increasing in
of distinguishing between right and wrong. The a significant fashion. According to the Census of
learning received while becoming a literate can be India, literacy level of children above age 7 in the

Year Total cog. Crimes Murder Kid-napping Robbery Burglary
under IPC Per 100,000 Per 100,000 Per 100,000 Per 100,000
Per 100,000
953 160.5 2.61 1.40 2.24 7.92

2006 162.3 2.81 2.07 1.60 -79.84

% Change in 1.1 7.39 47.80 -28.85
2006 over 1953

SOURCE: National Crime Records Bureau


year 1951 was 18.33%, on the other hand in 2011 as a whole. Educated people understand their
it was 74.04%. But the major question that arises is responsibility towards the society and country. It is
that did that increase in literacy result in downfall more of using the ethical practices to bring a real
of the crimes like rape, murder, burglary, dowry, change in the society.
kidnapping, robbery? Unfortunately, the answer is
no. So how can we stop these crimes and evil Therefore, be educated, not “just” literate, as
practices? education remains forever with us where ever we
go and literacy remains just on a piece of paper.


Year Male % Female % Combined %
1951 27.16 8.86 18.33
1961 40.4 15.35 28.3
1971 45.96 21.97 34.45
1981 56.38 29.76 43.57
1991 64.13 39.29 52.21
2001 75.26 53.67 64.83

2011 82.14 65.46 74.04

Yes, you are absolutely correct (you are such a
genius), education can play a significant role in
controlling all the crimes and evil practices. But the
question arises, how can we educate them? There
are a few ways to do that. Firstly, parents and
teachers play a major role in the development of
their child. They should give equal importance to
the ability of children to differentiate between right
and wrong, as they give to academic subjects.
Secondly, addressing the crimes against women
like rape, domestic violence, dowry and many
more, mothers and sisters play a significant role in
the thinking and mindset of their sons or brothers.
So, they should educate them what kind of
behaviour is correct and which is wrong with
women. Thirdly, the punishment for these crimes
should be strict and the judgment should be fast.
The delay in judgment or a wrong judgment
empowers and motivates many more criminals like
them, thus increasing the crimes thereof. Therefore,
these points shall be taken into notice and educating
more and more people can control these crimes.

“Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind
with an open one.” ~Malcolm Forbes

Education is about knowing your skills, abilities,
and learning, and then using them in the right
direction at the right time. Educational institutions
can make all the students literate but cannot make
all of them educated. Education changes a person




A mother, a sister, a daughter, a wife, and many more again. Her husband took her to a clinic and illegally
no matter whatever role is she playing, she gets to determined that the foetus was a girl. Parvin was
hear few common advices from everyone around her, made to abort the foetus. In a few months, she was
like- you are safe at home, stay home at night, don't pregnant again, but was forced to terminate her

worry about your safety! your pregnancy for a second time because of the sex of the

father/brother/uncle/husband/etc. is with you. But foetus, she protested and cried but he beat her. She
then, I ask a question after analyzing the crime record
reports that why are perpetrators of sexual abuse are got pregnant a third time that year but miscarried. She
mostly related to the victim?
wanted another child. So, the next time she got
pregnant, she didn’t tell anyone. But in her fifth

In its annual report, the National Crime Records month, her husband beat her very badly with a hockey

Bureau (NCRB) said there were 337,922 reports of stick. She fell down and could not get up. She started

violence against women such as rape, molestation, bleeding and everyone found out about the

abduction, and cruelty by husbands last year, up 9 pregnancy. It was already the fifth month, so there
percent in 2013. The data showed that 85 percent of could be no abortion. She had her second daughter.
rapes had been committed by close family members The abuse continued unabated even after her birth.
such as fathers, brothers, and uncles, as well as Fed up, she started living separately in 2008. Parvin,
neighbours, employers, co-
workers, and friends. without the support of her natal
The report indicated that 38 family, decided to separate and
percent of rape victims were file for a divorce from her
below the age of 18. Out of the abusive husband. It was an
yearly 63,000 sexual abuse incredibly brave step in this
cases substantiated, or found deeply patriarchal society, but
strong evidence, by Child one that would cost her. Few
Protective Services (CPS), the months on, in March 2009, her
perpetrator was most often the separated husband turned up in
parent: 80 percent of the early hours of the morning
perpetrators were a parent, 6 when she and her daughters
percent were other relatives, 5 were sleeping. He gave the
percent were other (from girls some money and asked
siblings to strangers), 4 percent them to go get sweets. He then
were unmarried partners of a parent. We need to came in and attacked her
tackle the problem at all fronts. It's not just about brutally, he held her by the shoulders and started
better policing, safer public spaces, and transport. biting her face like a wild animal hunting its prey. He
bit her nose so hard and didn’t let up until it was torn

This data compels us to look at what is happening in off her face. She cried and shouted for help but no one

and around our homes and workplaces. came to her aid. Somehow, she survived, and now she

Let me narrate you a real story: Parvin, a woman from works as an anganwadi worker to support her family.

Morena in Madhya Pradesh. Married off at 12 by her So, this is how the so-called protectors of women
parents, she refused to go to her in-law’s place. Later claims to protect them? And this is how our society is
standing still and watching the whole play, waiting
she met and got married to Hanif, her husband. Since for more of these to happen. Can we be so confident
she went against her parents’ wishes in marrying him, about our safety when we are at home, when we
already know that we have many ill minds around us?
they refused to have anything further to do with her. It is high time now for us, we must stop taking our
safety for granted with known people.
But her marriage was not a happy one and she faced "Known people are not always Own, So, take a stand
for yourself and your loved ones".
a lot of domestic violence. In 1997, when she gave

birth to her first child, a daughter, the mental and

physical assaults from her husband intensified, as he

wanted a son. Three years later, Parvin was pregnant





People have claimed that an earring in the left As we ponder upon such statements, we might
ear indicates that a man is heterosexual while figure out that it is not a problem with society
an earring in the right ear indicates that a man but rather a problem with its members.
is homosexual. While these classifications may Although there may not be a clear distinction
not hold true, the fact that they exist says a lot. between the two, we are the ones who make up
The society pigeon holes people into certain the society, so if the society is not uplifting
identities. People work tirelessly to abide by inclusive entity that we desire, then it is our
the society’s arbitrary classifications, but what responsibility to change it. Maybe if we decide
is it about society that creates this pressure to to embrace our authentic selves and encourage
conform? Why can't the society allow others to do the same, then a changed society
individuals to express themselves in their own will follow suit.
way? In such a society, earring would no longer be
the social norm but rather a simple form of self-
More or less, a society paints a specific picture expression.
in our minds about who we are, what we should
believe, and what our relationships should be
like. It will happen so suddenly that one won't
even notice at first. You will graduate, put your
resume out there and get your ducks in a row.
Then, you will wake up one day and realize that
you live on your own, and have a stable job.
Somewhere between this hustle-bustle of this
demanding life you would have become an
adult, even if you would call your parents three
times a day for reassurance. This means career,
marriage and family, this mechanism works.
That is the normal path everyone is supposed to
follow, right? Or is it just what the society tells
us? Sometimes life happens and things fall a bit
out of order, but that is the beauty of it.

There are many of us who feel that we should
already be reaching those milestones in life.
We feel anxiety or sadness settling in because
we have not yet found the "one" to go the
distance with. Societal pressure can hit twenty
something(s) in many different ways, adding
stress to one’s already hectic schedules. This
new-found work schedule demands further




Stereotype is commonly referred to something where a examples we hear of Prithika Yashini as first
perception is made on something which isn’t actually transgender cop, Rudrani Chettri as model, Padmini
true. And I think it is pretty common to have Prakash as first TV anchor or Kalki Subhramaniam as
stereotypes. People have it on food and places but when social activist, these transgenders have achieved
stereotypes are present on another person, that is where excellence in their fields and made the world recognize
we see the burden of false perception, and when it their mettle. These achievements not just help them
comes to people, transgender are worst hit by individually but we can see the fact that given chances
stereotypes and one thing we can be all certain of, these they can go toe to toe with the world and that they have
stereotypes are never ever good. Transgender or broken the barrier which inspires other to step up and do
transsexual are those people whose gender identity or great things in life. In India, after Transgender act 2018,
gender expression is different from their assigned sex or the benefits were not just legally but people got aware
if they take medical assistance to transition from one sex of transgender issues prevailing. As the act itself has
to another. It includes the whole of trans-men, trans- many opposes and favours, there are many ups and
women, asexual, bisexual, homosexual and cross- downs in its journey getting multimedia attractions of if
dressers and is a pretty common term for entire LGBT transgender should be accepted or not. What was
community. But when said like this, it doesn't seem benefitted during such long time was that people are
much of a stereotype. So, if someone is not male or aware of the act, aware of transgender, and the biggest
female, it is still a human being. But how then a salient features is people logically thought about it
stereotype is made on it is the question arises. For any which helped in changing and acknowledging
false perception to grow, the main reason is less perception. Stereotypes on transgender have one more
knowledge and society's view. For when we see there factor that people don't talk on it. Mostly people tend to
are many people who hate pizza
without even trying it, similarly avoid opinion on such sensitive issue
many of us don't even know as if it is contaminable if you spoke
completely about transgender about it. Situation of transgender get
beyond a basic define of neither male worse when people ignore their very
nor female. People tend to resist existence and prefer not to talk about
things they do not understand and it them or they know but simply don't
is just there in their nature. Being a care. If we cannot help transgender in
transgender is something we cannot any way, this way is the easiest of all.
feel if we are not it. But a faint idea All we have to do is talk on them,
can always be kept with when we see acknowledge them, and treat them
their denial in society, rights, justice, education, all the equal. However, to conclude,
problems we are so commonly aware of. People glance Transgender and its stereotypes can never be changed if
at transgender people as if they are some organism of we keep thinking it as issue. Yes, it is something wrong
separate galaxy and show utter disrespect to them just we do when we abuse them physically or mentally, very
because of their dress-code and behaviour. wrong and should not be done to anyone, but this issue
But in recent times, this issue is being highlighted many should be raised only to acknowledge people, to
a times and a considerably visual change is now being encourage people to talk about them, to them without
seen in the society and the world. India is one the worst any problem. To allow parents to talk to talk to their
place as they fear continuous abuse and oppression, but children and to be free about this but that should be it.
after the transgender act 2018 with amendments, things We should not think of them as some charity case or
are hoping to get better. They now possess equal rights charity people, as for any perception to end, we should
to health, education, justice. Now if someone is being not give it any extraordinary attention, but what they
discriminated on who they are, it does not just vanish need and deserve. And this is what is remaining left.
like that. Be it racism or transgender, issues like this We should stop seeing them as some needy people but
take time. People are now getting aware of transgender; as strong people who are waiting for equal rights and
however, acceptance is still a long way but opportunities. Thus, Stereotypes on Transgender are
acknowledgement has been done. The perception is getting shattered with people getting aware. We should
also influenced by environment around us. Many treat them more equal than better and then only they will
NGO's and the government are working for their rights. secure their well-deserved equal place in the world. It is
Transgender are now achieving in various fields like us people who create the society and it should be us that
should change, collaborate, understand, and make
literature, media, politics, law, and army. Various 11 efforts to make this world better.



An average person is average only till he/she is not society and others who scored 50-70% are worthless?
driven/guided towards the requisite efforts. This Do 80-90% scorers have extra heads and 50-70%
article revolves around the mindset of society towards scorers have a half head? Then why so much
an average person. In a society where topper is classification between them? Teachers are teachers
constantly being praised, an average scorer is judged, they are not astrologer that they will predict average
neglected, insulted, and ignored. students scoring 50-70% cannot achieve anything.
They are not like toppers but nothing can make them Now we come to some famous examples of people
losers in life. It’s just that they are not doing with average marks in exams but achieving wonders
something they are good at. later in their lives. Who knows that 50-70% scorer
There are many such examples, but first we will talk can become an astronaut or a famous singer or writer
about people’s perception. In our society, family or painter? Aamir Khan gave hard effort by
considers an average student as something useless or introducing “Taare Zameen Par” film to show the
burden on them, forgetting the fact that he might be society that what an average or almost drop out
good in the field he/she interested in. This starts student can do if he is guided in a correct way. Now
discrimination, which could
result in total depression and the villains are not only teachers,
anxiety for that average student. but also parents. Even a missile
So it is recommended not to needs a gyroscopic guidance
discriminate a person for lower system to achieve the exact
marks in exams. In fact, the target. Can't we become that
family should keep encouraging gyroscopic guidance system for
and see for the specific field a those average students?
person is interested in. There are First example is of Richard
so many examples where a Branson who left school at 16.
person was once average in one Branson never had much interest
field but when changed to another in school, dropping out at 16 to
field, he/she topped. So it is start his first business -- a
always good to encourage people joining the field of magazine called “Student”. His
their interest where they may not be average. If we principal, Robert Drayson, told him he would either
talk about society, they consider average people as end up in prison or become a millionaire. He achieved
someone useless, which is not the case in reality, as a the latter, and now owns over 200 companies in 30
person with average exam marks can be skilful in countries around the world. Another example is of
some other work, like many successful Simon Cowell who barely passed any exams. In the
businesspeople were average students in the class but music industry, very few opinions matter more than
then we see the same hiring toppers of the same class those of Simon Cowell. Cowell left school with just
as their employees. This discrimination affects one O level and dropped out at just 16. He began his
overall life and performance of those average people career working in the mailroom at his father's
by making them waste their time in hard work and not company EMI Music Publishing. There, he was
smart work. There is a very famous example of hard eventually promoted to a talent scout, then left during
work where a donkey keeps running and doing hard the early 80s to form E&S Music with his boss Ellis
work the whole day just to achieve his daily food, Rich. After a few short-lived successes with several
while smart people work smartly and earn millions. companies, Cowell made his name at BMG Records
This needs to be understood by the people who get where he sold more than 150 million records and 70
lower marks while putting the same effort like top-of-the-chart singles in the UK and US.
toppers. Working hard in the right direction is the key So, we can confidently conclude that people getting
to success. average marks in exams have the same or even
Why are we obsessed in 90% and 80% or more should greater calibre of being successful in life as of those
I say we are obsessed by the scorer who scores? Does who tops because an average student is better as
that approve him/her/them to be the king of the he/she can think and learns more other than things
about study.






“Life is a matter of choices, and every choice you make makes you”.
~John C. Maxwell

What we choose is how we live. One of the easiest these days. They help students to identify their
and at the same time the hardest task that can be strengths and capabilities and their areas of interest.
assigned to a person is to make a choice. Choosing Students can also interview experts in different
involves decision-making. The perplexed professional fields to get an insight into the
situations developed in the process of decision different aspects of the career they are interested in.
making are not only faced by the elderly people but They can go for internships in the fields in which
even by toddlers if they are asked to choose their they are interested. They should go for variety of
toys from a toy store. This implies that the task of experiences before putting the stamp on the final
choosing an option is not confined to some decision. Online platforms like Linked-In, indeed
particular age group but everyone throughout can be accessed for latest career-path information.
his/her life has to go on making some choices,
whether big or small. In a nutshell it can be said that though making the
right career choice is a great ordeal but systematic
From childhood to adulthood, as the time passes, research, proper analysis of facts and patient
choices become more complex and require greater decision making can lead to highly effective career
degree of application of knowledge and analysis of choices which will bring great victories in the long
various factors involved in choosing an option. At run.
this point, making a choice becomes a crucial task
in terms of future growth and survival. Everything
in our life is a reflection of the choices we have
made. Even the smallest choices in our everyday
lives such as choosing what to wear or what to eat
and even deciding on our company in college
makes a huge difference in life leave alone the
choice of the career that one would like to pursue.
Today, students have limitless fields to get into to
earn a living. Most of them have reasonable amount
of resources and a vast potential to explore their
world of interest and make their lives highly
purposeful. But to reach the pinnacle of success, the
first step is to make a right choice and then stick to
that choice.
Joe Andrew’s words are well suited here – “the
hardest decisions in life are not between good and
bad or right and wrong, but between two goods or
two rights”.

To be clear with their choice of career, students
should always try to identify their field of interest.
They can even get help from their parents and
teachers regarding the same. Psychological
methods of career counselling are highly effective


संुदर क्याररयाँा

आययन प्रताप
बी.ए. ह ुंदी ऑनसय

“We need to reshape our own perception of how we view ourselves. We have to step up as women
and take the lead”
— Beyoncé

सृष्टि का आरं भ ष्टकससे? ष्टर्नके भी मानोमक्तिष्क खुले,
पुरुष वर्ग का दं भ ष्टकससे? बनी लक्ष्मी, मीरा, साष्टवत्री फू ले|
पहली करुं ण पुकार ष्टकसकी? र्ह धारा कब रुकने वाली थी,
सर्गना की चीत्कार ष्टकसकी? ष्टफर उषा, मेररकोमं की बारी थी||

वह हंै स्त्री, कई नाम ष्टर्सके , अब रुक नही सकती नाररर्ा,
पर्ागर् ररश्ते तमाम ष्टर्सके | मानवता की सुंदर क्याररर्ा|
कभी मां, बहन, कभी पत्नी, ष्टर्तनी उची उनकी उडान होर्ी,
मानवता पर कई एहसान ष्टर्सके || स्वस्थ्या समार् की पहचान होर्ी||

सबसे बडी रचनात्मकता ष्टर्समे, क्तस्त्रर्ो के है हम पर क ग बडे,
मानव र्डने की शम्टा काल बनी, सब ष्टमल हो र्ाओ साथ खडे|
समसार्ा बहुत ष्टवकराल बनी|| उनके होने से ह्मारा संबल है,
उनके ही कं धो पर ह्मारा कल है||
वह कलाकार थी र्न्मर्ात,
इसे सह पता क्या पुरुष र्मात| 14
करके उसमे ष्टवष्टवध र्तन,
शोषण, अन्यार्, मानष्टसक पतन||

स्त्री समार् को दबाए रखा,
भक्ति र्ाचना ष्टसखाए रखा|
सष्टदर्ो से दष्टलत बनाए रखा,
बंधन सारे सर्ाए रखे||

अष्टशक्षा और अनाष्टधकार हवाले,
पडते रहे ष्ट ंदर्ी के लाले|
ष्टवधवा और सती बनाकर,
लाखो ष्ट ंदष्टर्र्ा र्ला डाले||

र्ह कब तक चलने वाला था,
शोषण अब ढलने वाला था|
एसी भी कु छ नारी थी,
स्वतंत्रता ष्टर्न्हे र्ान से प्यारी थी||



➢ 2nd Prize in solo ➢ 2nd Prize in Shalaka ➢ 3rd Prize in ad mad
dance in exuberance competition. (dare to ad), Kamla
2019 Nehru College




➢ Best Male Model at ➢ 1st Prize in Trendbola,
Jaypee Institute of (Dyal Singh College ➢ 1st Prize in Amazing
Information and Eve.) Chase, Jesus And Mary
Technology College
➢ 1st Prize in IPL Auction
(Maitreyi college)

➢ 1st Prize in Quiz
➢ 2nd IPL Auction (CVS)





● India is experiencing a great revolution in toilet-building.
● Before Prime Minister Narendra Modi came to power, below 40 percent of the country's population had

access to a household toilet, a situation he committed to change by investing billions of dollars.
● He launched the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan i.e., Clean India Movement campaign on October 2, 2014 with

the goal of eliminating open defecation and manual scavenging within five years.
● Since the campaign was launched, 80 million toilets have been built in India so far.
● In total, 419 districts are now classified as being open defecation free.
● The share of the population with access to a toilet has also been climbing steadily and it currently stands

at 89 percent,

SOURCE: The Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation.

Every religion is incomplete without a sacred book hole in it, underneath was a container filled with
similarly every idea of sanitation is incomplete sand which had to be emptied by hand. Unlike
without “Toilet” but before that let’s go back to Egypt, Indus Valley Civilization, streets were built
history from its origin to evolution which will help on a grid pattern and networks of sewers were dug
in understanding that scenario really changed or it under them. Toilets were flushed with water.
was just a new paint over old wall.
In middle ages, toilets were simply pitting in the
Basically, Toilet word is derived from the French ground with wooden seats over them. Monks built
word ‘toilette’ which means little cloth and is used stone or wooden lavatories over rivers. Wealthy
to cover a dressing table. Lavatory comes from the people might use rag to wipe their behinds whereas
Latin ‘lavare’ meaning to wash which was a place ordinary people often used a plant called common
for washing. For as
long as people has mullein (woolly leaves).
been around on the In modern world,
earth, managing flushing lavatory with a
human waste has cistern be invented which
been necessary for was failed in gaining its
living in a healthy position.
environment, but,
earlier, situation of In the 19th century,
toilets is extremely toilets were made inside
dissimilar to what we homes and there were
see nowadays, they public lavatories too
varied from regions, whereas toilets in today
classes and most world in rich countries
importantly ages are for granted but in
(time period), like in poor countries people do
the ancient world of Egypt, Indus Valley not have hygienic toilets.
Civilizations, Romans had different conditions. In Now, only 40% of world's population, that is,
Egypt, rich people had proper bathrooms and approximately 2.8 billion have access to toilets.
toilets in their homes made of limestone whereas Today, conditions of toilet in developed countries
poor people made loo with wooden stool with a are much better than the developing countries.
Many people in poor countries still do not have


adequate sanitation due to lack of facilities which toilets is improving day by day, not only in
are not only the matter of public health but also developed countries but also in developing
touches on the issues of safety, women's rights, and countries. World health organization (WHO)
human dignity. Open defecation, lack of sanitation manages sanitation through sanitation safety
and unhygienic environment causes various types planning, giving guidelines on safe use of
of diseases like diarrhoea, intestinal worm wastewater, excreta and greywater so it initiated a
infections, typhoid, cholera, hepatitis, polio, day to spread awareness, to promote cleanliness
trachoma, cryptosporidiosis, and ascariasis. and building more toilets for public use which is
Rural/poor women sometimes endure sexual celebrated as World Toilet Day on November,19.
assault when they relieve themselves outdoors, so ‘Healthy public leads healthy environment’ so
they travel in small groups for protection. To avoid ‘wipe right, have healthy life’ which is only
being leered at during the day, some women hold possible by cleaning toilets, by regular flushing.
on for hours for darkness to fall, waiting that long Various initiatives being taken by the government
can create health problems, particularly for like, to promote provisions of toilet, providing civic
pregnant women who are highly susceptible to educational programs (to change cultural norms
urinary tract infections. Toilets and sewage were and beliefs) so that there will be reduction in
invented as a way of preventing out breaks of diseases, severity, impact of malnutrition, promote
diseases, filth, stench in cities and most importantly dignity and boosting safety. As now, we are
for women safety. enjoying the convenience of modern toilets, we are
“Better toilets can improve the world”, well said well aware that in modern toilets, there are more
by Bill Gates. For improving the condition of usage of water in flushing. Water is considered as
toilets, various revolution held in the world in renewable resource, that is, limited resource which
which Toilet Revolution in China held significant has to be sustained for future lives/generation. So,
position which aims to improve the sanitary more environment friendly toilets are being
condition in Mainland China, especially in tourist invented to conserve water. Totalling the histories,
attractions which once complained by foreign policies, technologies aspects gives a conclusion
travellers. Over 6,800 public toilets were that though evolution was great but still implication
constructed during 2015-17 in China. Now the of building toilets were not given stress specially is
authorities are going to improve the poor sanitary developing countries but this is changing and
conditions in rural areas in China. Similarly, in everyone is understanding the importance and
India too, Meera Devi wanted a toilet revolution. In impact of sanitation and hygiene. So, story really
2007, who took out a loan to pay for squat latrine, has changed and more works like toilet building
the first in the village of Kachhpura located just campaign needs to be done by us to not only change
across the river from the Taj Mahal. Today, she is the story but end this whole toilet less book of
a toilet evangelist, part of a grass roots movement shame.
of about 4,50,000 volunteers working in “A healthy body leads to a healthy mind similarly
communities across India. World Toilet sanitation leads to a healthy and productive
Organization was formed in 2001 to improve toilets nation”
in the developing countries so the condition of




Globally, more than 300 million people of all ages suffer from depression. Women are twice as likely to
suffer from depression than men.

What is depression? In layman’s terms, depression How to prevent it? Everything ultimately leads to

is a stage in which one prefers to stay alone and the conclusion that we are to calm the affected and

disconnect himself/herself from the whole world & distract them from the topic that is affecting them.

does not feel interested in doing any recreational This can be done in several ways-:
1. Medication – A practicing doctor can prescribe
work or any other work for that matter. However,
as Science defines it, “it is a mental health disorder a few sleeping pills, also known as anti-

characterized by persistently depressed mood or depressants because they make the consumer

loss of interest in activities, causing significant sleepy and relaxed.
impairment in daily life.” Depression is one of the 2. Counseling – The affected is always advised to

most major health disorders existing in the world consult a psychiatrist for counseling purposes.
for which there is no actual cure. That’s right. However, one can always do counseling with

When thought from a practical point of view, one their own family members at home, because in
can prevent depression but cannot cure it, because the end, it’s all about speaking it out.
there might be some other instance that would 3. Recreational activities – Distraction is one of

make a person get depressed again. The reasons for the best remedies available. Keep yourself busy

depression vary from person to person, but if in other activities that require extreme attention

discussed on a broad level, they are generally and focus. Play outdoor games, exercise,

emotional, social and financial stress. Over the past meditate, eat healthy food and stay away from

few years, scientists have been doing intensive things/people that make you feel depressed.

research on this disorder and the research suggests

that these factors may be causing changes in the One can always overcome depression in day-to-day

brain function, including altered activity of certain situations. Find an alternative, stick to it. Face the

neural circuits in the brain. While this may sound problems, man up.

deranged, but eating of junk food is known to boost

depression and laziness, which affects both

physical as well as mental health. The actual
problem isn’t depression. It’s the treatment. In
today’s world, almost everyone is suffering from a

problem or the other and many people suffer from

depression. But the real issue is that almost half of

this population does not consult any friends or

family members, let alone a doctor. That means that
half of such population who’s suffering from such

a severe mental disease is not treated. If we go over

the statistics provided by WHO (World Health

Organization) and Assocham for India only, nearly

36% of Indians are likely to suffer from depression.

Around 5, 66, 76,000 people suffer from this

mental disorder in India as of 2015. Such statistics

go on and on.




Woman must not accept; she must challenge. She must not be awed by that which has been
built up around her; she must reverence that woman in her which struggles for expression.

~Margaret Sanger

Women’s day is a special day allotted by the
UN for the identification of women as a
respectable part of the society. But do you
really think that posting pictures of your
favourite woman on social media or wishing
every female in your life is just enough? No,
not really!

A husband should celebrate women’s day only
when he feels that his wife is no less, whether
she is pretty or not, whether she is earning or
not, but she is equal to him.

A father should celebrate women’s day only
when he does not discriminate between his son
and daughter. A son should celebrate women’s
day only when he learns that his mother is not
his servant but his progenitor, the one who is
equally responsible for bringing him to the
world and deserves as much respect as that he
gives to his father.

A brother should celebrate women’s day only
when he stops seeing his sister as someone
vulnerable, a liability and treats her with full

Above all, a MAN should celebrate women’s
day only and only when he becomes a REAL
man and stops being a heartless, discriminate
creature who does not value the existence of the
‘fare’ sex.




“Just as our troops embody the courage and character that make America’s military the finest in the
world, their family members embody the resilience and generosity that make our communities
strong. They serve with heroism in their homes and neighbourhoods while they are without the
comfort of having loved ones nearby.”

President Barack Obama, November 1 2011 Proclamation

“I am an Indian Army Soldier. I have been serving what gives me peace is that I know my family is
my country for the past 12 years now. Throughout safe back home and I am protecting them. Many of
these years of serving my country, I have been my fellow acquaintances asked me many times that
deployed many times. Even though I get very little why did I sacrifice my dreams and wishes for some
time to spend at home with my family as I am on strangers. My answer to them was very simple,
duty, I consider myself as a family head. My protecting my family, my country’s citizens is my
family, that is, my wife and my two children, live dream and my wish and without sacrifice no dream
in Delhi, the Capital of India. When I had just is worth living.
joined the army, I thought the impact of an Army “Indian Army” — When we utter these two words,
Man dying was something that
mostly affected those of us in our head bow in respect and
the uniform. But with time I gratitude for the sacrifices they
realised the anguish of a have made for the public of
soldier’s death is borne by his India and for their nobility to
family. The families of the keep us safe. From the icy
army officers sacrifice a lot terrain of Himalaya to the
during the deployment period. scorching heat of the desert,
My wife, when I was on duty, they protect us as their own
became a single parent of two family all day and night without
growing children. She, at all any Complains. We all are
times, made sure that our aware about the sacrifices made
children never felt that their by the army officers on a daily
father abandoned them. She basis for us, for those they have
assured our children felt never met, for those they will
honoured and proud of the man perhaps never meet but among
whom they called their father. all those sacrifices, the most
My wife expressed that there important one is the sacrifice of
were times, during my their wives, their lovers, their
deployment, when she would sit in front of the children, their parents. These
television just to see if my name was among those army men know what real love is, they know that
who lost their lives while serving our nation. The love is unconditional, love does not need you to be
thought alone terrified me. familiar with each other, love does not care about
It is difficult for me to stay away from my family. the distance. Among all the things these soldiers are
I have missed the most important moments of my more than capable of doing, love is something they
children’s’ lives, to miss our anniversaries, but ace, because they know how to love even if they are
far away from their loved ones.





A stare, a proximity, a smile, a touch- oddly familiar. He knows you wouldn't speak, he
knows you don't understand enough to speak; me, too!
~Nipunya Panda

When I was a child, he was a stranger. It was late but something finally fell into the
While growing up, he was a friend and now, he right place with my extraversion.
is a colleague. A new day began and a sanguine ray of hope
‘He’ kept changing, and I kept struggling in transpired, to see myself virtuous yet again.
dire need of resilience.
A part of me perished every time I suffered
with the pain that was caused by a storm of
What kept this all unpronounced, is what
caused it to repeat.

Every time the subdued self, felt a tad more
dishonoured and urged to react,
the societal pressures complemented my
mental provocation and mellowed my
conscience down,
Causing me to bear the pain without me even
realising, when this tolerance turned

I was declared ‘victim’ by those who rugged
and slaughtered my identity each day.
Finally, when the sun went low and the anguish
decided to abandon the indifference,
The selfless sufferer died awakening the insane
woman in me.

It was time for me to refrain myself from

refraining any longer and emanate stronger.

Eventually the countenance and capacity to
conceal broke off,
And a new ‘me’ was born who was there to
contemplate and rebuild off my ruptured scars.





“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself”

In this modern and unpredictable era, the social environment so that our sisters, wife, daughters,
and mothers can move freely and do what they
issues are like a normal news of any newspaper want without any fear of being victim of crime
against them. The goal of attaining the clean and
which is full of crimes and bad news which only hygiene environment all over the country is
possible only when all the citizen of our country
gives stress and worries to save it. Undoubtedly, take pledge to not litter the society and not let
others litter the society. By this way each and every
our country is progressing and achieving success in citizen can contribute in achieving the hygiene and
sanitation all over the country. And the day will
every field whether it is technology, sports, medical come that our India will be one among the cleanest
nation like Finland, Iceland, Sweden etc. Another
science, or telecom sector. Despite these issue which is of a great concern prevailing in the
society is education. This may sound a little weird
achievements, we are somewhere lacking the very but its a bitter truth of contemporary world. The
meaning of education has been changed overtime
basic fundamentals and ethics among ourselves. from “Learning to Acquiring”. Earlier, people used
to go schools, sansthan, gurukul etc. To attain the
Vast number of issues are prevailing in our society basic values and morals, and the only aim was to

like Shaming (body shaming, victim shaming, slut impart knowledge to the
students. But this goal has
shaming etc.), Pollution (air, water, sound etc.), changed now. The students
are considered as customers,
women safety, hygiene and sanitation, education who wants to acquire degree
just for some purpose and the
and many more. Since social issues are numerous, institutions act like a business
whose main aim is only to
we just need to focus and understand the most earn profit and not educating
the children. However, not all the institutes are
critical and basic problems and figure out the practicing this, some of them are working really
hard tp provide good scholars to the country.
preventive measures. One of the most serious The issues in society can’t be answered without the
help of society itself. We should understand the
social issues prevailing in our country is Pollution. need of change and update our thoughts
accordingly. Besides these social issues, there is an
The pollution level has increased rapidly in the past eternal problem that we the people of society wants
the change in prevailing society but don’t want to
few years which is not change ourselves. Our thoughts, mentality and
actions are the powerful tools that can help us to
only harmful for our eliminate any social issue whether it is child abuse,
crime against women or pollution. So “Be the
country but also a change, you want to see”.

concern for the whole

world. Air pollution

has increased so much

that it has led to the

cropping of many

severe diseases

affecting the humans and other living things in their

daily life. Not only the air pollution but the water

and sound pollution has also increased accordingly

with the pace of time. Since we ourselves are

responsible for this, we have to take preventive

measures to reduce the level of pollution.

The other most important issue that a society needs

to cure is Women safety. The crime against women

has increased a lot and is at its peak. Regardless of

many efforts and policies made by the govt., our

women are not safe and facing many problems like
– eve teasing, harassment, molestation, rapes, acid

attacks etc. We have to come forward and take

some positive measures to improve the social

“Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live”




Life is not a rat race. But sadly, rat race is the life of many. Today, make sure you don't
belong to that class of people. Best Wishes!

“All money’s greed and no love, Makes Jack because of your materialistic life, always
an unhappy man” choose and prioritise your loved ones as money
will come and go but the support of the loved
Gone are days when happiness and love used to ones is what will make a person truly happy and
matter more than money, today Money is god that person will be in true sense a ‘rich man’ !!
but fit it in your head that “Money can't buy
friends, but you can get a better class of enemy “Money will give you all the luxuries
“People nowadays are earning good and have a But
well settled life. However, it is still not up to
that point where they are enjoying with their Only love will give you True Happiness”
families and friends. Humans have learned a Choice is yours.!
lot, gained so much of knowledge, read so
many of the books and earned so much respect
in society, yet they failed to learn what their
families are up to. It has definitely good to have
that conscience to gain your self-respect and
value among people but it has worst when we
forget our roots as it is because of this only that
we are what we are today.

It's often said that “Tree can grow as much as it

wants but once it forgets its root nothing could
stop it from falling “ We need to know that

there is no respect of the person who values
only “money”, it is necessary to have enough

money to fulfil our basic needs, but we need to

understand the difference between what we

want and what we need, being materialistic is

not wrong but giving all the importance to

material is worst. One should always maintain

a balance while living a healthy life, and on the
days when you notice that you’re relationship

with your loved ones is getting interrupted


वो प ँाव ज़मीन पर रखते है|

शिवम अग्रव ल
बी.कॉम (प्रोग.)

“Pride makes us artificial and humility makes us real”

-Thomas Merton

क्यू ना हो असमानो तक उनकी
वो पााँव ज़मीन पर रखते है ....

बेशक गिनती के नोट है जीबोों मंे,
उनकी आँाखोंो मंे अनगिनत ख़्वाब
सजते है

क्यू ना हो बुलंोद उनकी आवाज़ ,
वो गदल मई जज़्बात और ज़ुबान पे
सच रखते हैं

उन्हंे मंोगज़लोंो की भी परवाह कहा, आग़िर क्यू ना हो ,
वो तो राहोों को ही घर समझते है गदल की सुनने वाले दुगनया काबू
करने का जज़्बा रखते है ।
लोक लाज की भट्टी मंे,
ना जाने गकतने अरमान तपते है, वो पाँाव ज़मीन पर रखते है ....
शस्त्र बनाके उनके वो रोज़ ज़माने से
लडते है .... वो पाँाव ज़मीन पर रखते है |

मनचले से है ये पररों दे,
नवाबोों सा रोहब रखते है



(SESSION 2018-2019)


“A dream doesn’t become reality through magic, it takes sweat, determination and hard work which always
lead to success” with a view of this thought, team of NSS SAC-(E) has worked throughout the academic

session 2018-2019 to bring a change in the society and attract people attention towards the social development

of the society.

NSS TEAM 2018-2019

FACULTY Programme Officer Dr. Kalpana Rohit
Member Ms. Meenakshi Thakur
Dr. Akhilesh Mishra

President Isha Kushwah

Vice-President (M) Saurabh Singh

STUDENT Vice-President (F) Vaishnavi Thakur
Secretary Pawan Kumar

Joint-Secretary -1 Shivansh Khare

Joint-Secretary -2 Harshul Gupta

Treasurer Ankur Singhal


Sri Aurobindo College (Evening) celebrated the Kargil Diwas

on 26th June, 2018, to commemorate the 1999 victory of India

in the Kargil War. The event was held under the aegis of the

National Social Service Scheme (NSS) of the college, led by Dr.

Kalpana Rohit, under the leadership of the principal, Dr. Namita

Rajput. On 26th June, 1999, the mission in Kargil was declared

successful. The Pakistani forces had been defeated and driven

out of the captured territories of Kargil region in Jammu and
Kashmir. The day had been declared ‘Vijay Diwas’, and remains

a landmark achievement in Indian history. The citizens of the

country laud the grand victory of our nation, and the countless

sacrifices made by our soldiers. The gallantry of the Indian army
remains etched in every Indian’s heart. The event was held in

college to acknowledge the efforts and gallantry of Armed

Forces in the war to protect the nation. The students, faculty, as
well as administration, gathered together before the “Wall of
Heroes”, and sang patriotic songs to commemorate the day. The

heroes of the nation were remembered and praised, and their will

and courage, celebrated.

The Music Department, under the guidance of Dr. Renu Rajan,

lead the singing, and the halls of the college reverberated with

the music of nationalism. The gathering then observed a minute

of silence in gratitude of the brave soldiers of the country.

Finally, the teachers, led by the principal, offered flowers at the

portraits, to pay tribute to the fallen heroes.



On the occasion of World Food Day, “Roti
bank”, an initiative taken by one of our volunteer
Ankur Singhal in collaboration with Shyam
Milan Pariwar, Kotla Mubarak Pur, New Delhi,
distributed food items like biscuits, pieces of
bread, roti, sabzi, chawal, grains, nuts etc at
A.I.I.M.S, Safdarjung and the People who are
living under the flyovers, pathways etc. We are
very proud that our Volunteers joined hands
with them in such a noble cause. We look
forward towards contributing our part in well-
being of the society and pledge for a better


NSS unit of Sri Aurobindo College Evening
collaborated with Gyandeep Growth Foundation to
organize its annual sports day on 16-3-19 and made
it a great success. The event included many fun
games and physical activities for the kids. Our
motive was to make this a memorable day for the
kids and we made sure the participation and
involvement of every kid in the games and
activities, and kids had a great time with us. The
smile on the face of children at the end of the event
was very satisfying, signifying the success and
giving us the reward of our hard work.


The NSS Unit of Sri Aurobindo College (evening)
organized a Christmas celebration on 23rd December
with the children of Digital Shiksha Foundation to
enumerate the vivid colours and exuberance on the
occasion of the birthday of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ
was coronated as the enlightened who guided people
to supremacy and the reason behind celebrating
Christmas is to spread the light in the lives of the
people. The National Service Scheme unit of Sri
Aurobindo College Evening decided to celebrate the
day with underprivileged children. The volunteers
visited Digital Shiksha Foundation (N.G.O) who is
looking after these children to make their lives
sustainable. Competitive events such as singing,
dancing, role playing, painting, poem recitation etc
were organized and prizes were also given. We also
distributed stationery items, eatables and finally ended
our gala time by cutting a cake with satisfaction that
the kids enjoyed the time spent with us. Joy and
happiness on those little kids face truly reflected that
we achieved our aim of spreading love and kindness.



NSS unit of Sri Aurobindo College Evening
organized Sanjeevani 2018 - the annual mega
health mela in collaboration with BLK Super
Speciality Hospital, RG Stone Hospital, Axiss
Dental and Center for Sight. A proper health
check-up was conducted in the college library for
students, teaching and non-teaching staff
members. While some students were going
through various health check-ups, simultaneously,
there was a special interactive session with our
Hon’ble guest, Dr. Sanjeev Gera, senior
consultant-cardiologist at BLK Heart Centre. All
the students, teaching staff & non-teaching staff
members were cordially invited and the majority
of the people showed their willingness in this
mega event for health check-ups. Bone-
Densitometry test (BDS), Blood Pressure Check-
up, Body Mass Index (BMI), ECG and Diet
Counselling were some of the check-ups
conducted in the mela. This great initiative turned
out to be a very innovative and most effective way
of generating awareness regarding health benefits
among youth.
BMI & BDS help determining the basic physical
health, whereas Blood Pressure, ECG and Diet
Counselling help to determine internal health.
These tests were highly supported by the active
participation of the staff as well as students of the
college & thus this Health Mela was a huge



On the occasion of NSS DAY, the

volunteers organized an awareness
campaign street play on “SWACHHATA
HI SEVA”. It highlighted the damage of

the surrounding areas by Ganpati Visarjan,

the casualness of students towards

spreading waste, resource waste during DU

elections, waste collected at celebratory

areas such as marriage halls and pent

houses and the effects of all the above

mentioned on human life.

Cleanliness is the issue which should be

given the primary importance and the street

play was a positive step towards it.



The NSS unit of Sri Aurobindo college evening
has participated in Navoudit project, which aims
to provide a platform for underprivileged kids to
bring forth their hidden talents. Several
competitions like science model, street play,
yoga, wealth out of waste etc. were organized for
them. All the volunteers went to their allotted
centres, with dedication and willingness, to teach
under privileged kids for different competitions
and brought out the best in them. Volunteers had
worked hard throughout the project tenure with
sheer passion and excitement because for them
working at their best for society is not just work
but a duty to perform. Volunteers trained these
kids for a period of one month.
Finally, the hard work and dedication of our
volunteers paid off. Kids in the supervision of
volunteers participated in various activities and
won several prizes. These young shining stars
were fabulous and fantastic, and not to forget our
volunteers, in the hustle bustle of this mega
event, motivated kids and managed all the work
with ease and utmost dedication. “All’s well that
ends well” and it really ended with a positive

We ended up securing 9 prizes under different
✓ First prizes in Street play, Science Model,

✓ Second prizes in Clay Art, Yoga, Wealth out

of waste.
✓ Third prize in Clay Art, Yoga.


Donation drive for Kerala disaster was organized
from 20th August to 23rd August 2018 in the
college. A donation centre was established in the
college premises and donations in the form of both
cash and other kind were accepted. In-kind form
donations, several items including Medicines,
Food Items, Sarees, Sanitizers, Soaps etc. were
accepted. During the 3 Day donation period, NSS
received an immensely positive response from the
students of SAC(E). Even the professors, including
our Hon’ble Principal Dr. Namita Rajput, donated
a great deal. On the last day, all the cash and kinds
were donated to the centers where donations were
being taken and transferred to Kerala.



The NSS unit of Sri Aurobindo College
Evening organized a cleanliness drive
within the college premises to inculcate
awareness about cleanliness among
youth. Launched and brought forward
with the help of our Hon’ble principal,
Dr. Namita Rajput, the drive witnessed
the participation of several faculty
members and students. The main motto
towards this drive was to spread the
message that ‘there is wealthiness only
through healthiness. All the students
participated & gave their best into
making the drive successful and
collected segregated garbage from within
the college premises. Also, the students
are looking forward to make such drives
a routine affair to keep their surroundings
clean and green. All the participants
showed immense support. We at NSS
SACE are enlightened and blessed to be
working on making the society and the
world a better place to live.


On the occasion of road safety week, the

volunteers visited Digital Shiksha

Foundation for an interactive session with

children regarding road safety measures.

The aim of the visit was to teach them road

safety rules and avoid future mishaps. A

series of videos and some games were

organized so as to teach them road safety

measures with ease. An interactive session

was also held with the children as to create

an understanding of the various aspects of

transportation knowledge and

commutation. They were also presented

with certain situations where they were

asked to take initiative and carry out

Activities like a responsible citizen.



Diwali is a festival celebrated by Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, and Newar Buddhists. They all celebrate Diwali for

different reasons but they all symbolize the victory of light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance, good

over evil and hope over despair. However, this festival is now celebrated worldwide without any

foundations and in India, almost all people now become a part of this auspicious and full-of-light festival.

While the majority of people tend to celebrate this festive occasion by lighting up crackers and having

sweets with their close ones & relatives, there are some people for whom this occasion is all about sharing

the happiness with everyone around them as much as possible. NSS SACE celebrated this victory of good

over bad with those senior citizens who were ignored by their families, but without whom this life would

be so much more difficult.

The whole team of NSS went to the following 4 different places on 2nd and 3rd November:

1. Vardhan Hospital. 2. Malviya Nagar Market.

3. Tamanna Special School. 4. Gyandeep Growth Foundation.

Vardhan Hospital
Vardhan Hospital is a senior citizen center located in
the vicinity of New Delhi’s Malviya Nagar. Our NSS
volunteers went there to celebrate Diwali with old age
people. The volunteers interacted on various subjects
with them and kept an indulging conversation going on
at the center. There was a dance session as well, which
was highly supported and motivated by the residents at
the Senior Citizen Centre. The NSS Team went to the
center on 3rd November.

Malviya Nagar Market

Some volunteers reached the Market area of
Malviya Nagar and decided to celebrate Diwali
with shopkeepers and vendors by distributing
sweets among them. The team went to the market
area on 2nd November.

Tamanna Special School

Tamanna Special School is located in Vasant
Vihar (South-West Delhi). It is a non-profit NGO
for multiply challenged and autistic individuals.
The volunteers went to the NGO on 3rd November
and celebrated the day with mentally-challenged
children. There were several games and activities
in which the children participated enthusiastically
and thus this visit was a great success.

Gyandeep Growth Foundation

Gyandeep Growth Foundation is an NGO whose primary
motive is to help the underprivileged, financially weak
children to fulfill their dreams of pursuing their
education, vocational training, hobbies, alternative
career, or sports etc.
The NSS Team visited Gyandeep on 3rd November. The
visit to all the aforementioned places was a huge success
and the event was truly worthwhile. NSS SACE is truly
proud to work towards the betterment of the nation by
building a responsible, caring and goal-oriented youth.


THROWBACK 2018-2019







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