Jul - Sept 2021
Sleep & Rest
In This Issue: 02
President's Message 06
My Tango with Mania and Insomnia 07
Take The Best Sedative! 08
The Difference Between Night & Day in
Ensuring Good Sleep
Our Thoughts on Sleep
Club HEAL Newsletter Page 01
Jul - Sept 2021
Sleep & Rest
President's Message
“And out of His mercy He has made for you the night and the day, that you may rest in (the night) and
[by day] seek from His bounty, so that you have cause to be grateful.” [Qur’an 28:73]
Sleep is a gift from the Almighty to His humble servants. As the sun sets in the west, darkness follows and
the earth cools, making it conducive and quiet for sleep and rest.
The human brain, like other organs, needs time each day to rest. This is best achieved when the individual
gets quality sleep. Sufficient sleep is vital in preventing illness or relapse of illness.
Among the signs of a mental health challenge is disturbed sleep.
For example, a person with an anxiety disorder will find it difficult to fall asleep because he may be
ruminating about things happening in his life – that important exam he is sitting for, or the new job he is about
to undertake.
Many with mental health conditions relapse when they lack sleep.
A person with bipolar disorder, when sleep deprived, can go into a manic state, where his mind is stimulated
to the point that he continues to not sleep and not eat, yet is seized with an uncontrollable energy. Our in-
house writer, Yohanna Abdullah, shares in “My Tango with Mania and Insomnia” the chilling effect of
sleeplessness on her mental health in harrowing detail; but also offers hope, as she shares how she has
learnt to manage her sleep in her healing process.
The same can happen to a person with schizophrenia. Lack of sleep can worsen his symptoms, including
susceptibility to hallucinations and delusions. So can depression and dementia. Yang Chek Salikin,
Executive Director (Clinical), Club HEAL, provides in “Take the Best Sedative!” some medical insight into the
causes and consequences of sleeplessness and serves up some very simple principles that can help protect
our sleep.
Prevention is better than cure. In “The Difference between Night and Day in Ensuring Good Sleep”, Delly
Fareda Jumaa’at, our Dementia Wellness Programme Specialist, chimes in with a detailed recount of the
measures she takes (and which we all can) to maintain good sleep cycles.
If we have taken all the necessary measures and still cannot sleep sometimes, then it is possibly a test of our
resilience. Life is not perfect; maybe it is the perfect time to reflect – in the silence and stillness of the night.
“And We [God] have made your sleep as a thing for rest.”– [Qur’an 78:9]
Dr Radiah Salim Page 02
Club HEAL Newsletter
Jul - Sept 2021
Sleep & Rest
About Club HEAL
Club HEAL is a charity that promotes the healing and recovery of people with mental health
challenges by inspiring Hope, Empowering lives, fostering Acceptance and spreading Love. It has
a vision of a stigma-free society that is conducive for healing and recovery. Services provided by
Club HEAL include day rehabilitative services, counselling, home visits, public education, support
groups and volunteer training.
Be a HEALing Friend
“You see, the Mu’min in their mutual piety, love and affection, are like a (single) body. When
a part (of it) has a complaint, the whole body is united with it in wakefulness and fever.” –
(Bukhari and Muslim).
As a member or a volunteer, you can contribute in a variety of ways, from assisting in Club HEAL
events to conducting rehabilitative activities! We need people from all walks of life who can
contribute their time and skills to fulfil our cause. To become a member, please fill up the
membership form available at our website (under Resources section) and email it to us at
[email protected] or mail it to: Club HEAL, Blk 254, Bukit Batok East Ave 4, #01-229,
Singapore 650254. We look forward to hearing from you!
CClulubbHHEEAALLNNeewwslselettteterr PaPgaege0203
Jul - Sept 2021 Feature
Sleep & Rest This is the stage of hypomania, which is a mood
of 7 on my own scale – where 0 is catatonically
My Tango with Mania & Insomnia depressed and 10 is wildly ecstatic. Hypomania
feels great but then my mood quickly escalates to
by Yohanna Abdullah 8, 9, 10 and all hell breaks loose. I can get
caught in compromising situations, spend
How long can one go without sleeping? I am extravagantly, and behave in such a way that the
normally not an insomniac, but I do get ambulance and even the police may get called in.
sleepless in Singapore (and once in Istanbul
and Kuala Lumpur) during the manic phase of For example, I have lived in the streets for two
my bipolar disorder. My insomnia brought about sleepless weeks under the delusion that I was
by mania can last for many weeks without married and pregnant with triplets. I was finally
treatment. Mania is hyperactivity accompanied persuaded to go home to my frantic family, and
by racing thoughts, impulsivity and lack of admitted to IMH yet again, by my counsellor at
rational judgment. In past episodes, my mood Club HEAL, Hamidah Bahashwan.
was stabilised only after intensive medication
and electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). The Brittle Bipolar
longest I had stayed in a hospital was for three I had been in an out of hospital for more times
months and even then, it was followed by a few that I dare to count, and I accept this as my
more admissions within that year. In 2018, I was journey in life which has made me who I am
admitted three times to the Mood Disorder Unit today. But my condition has stabilised mostly
at the Institute of Mental Health (IMH) between because I have let go of the past and partly
July and December. because I am serious about having enough sleep
as part of my total wellness management. My
The First Episode doctor said I have “brittle bipolar” which means
At the onset of my illness, I did not sleep at all my high mood escalates within a matter of one or
for two nights in a row, thinking of my family, two sleepless nights. The solution is to “catch it
financial and mostly marital problems. My early” so that, when my mood persists at level 7
thoughts were racing, connecting random ideas, for two days, I should see my psychiatrist and
such as the world is going to end; all the political have ECT, which has been found to be the most
leaders are corrupt and cheating on their wives; effective mood stabilising treatment for me. In
who will emerge as the leaders of their fact, I had weekly maintenance ECT for the
countries; my ex-husband was a spy; and aliens whole of 2019 to prevent relapses.
were invading Earth. The thoughts went ding-
dong in my head until, eventually, I lost my mind A Rollercoaster Ride
and literally shed all my clothes, thinking that it And so, I watch out for subtle changes in moods
was the only way to magically escape the doors which usually starts with lack of sleep. I am
my mother-in-law had locked shut for my own happy to say that with medication, prayers and
safety. I spun wildly in my living room, carrying the support of my family and friends, I have been
my toddler and baby. out of hospital for two and a half years, a record
in my rollercoaster ride with mania. I am
A session with a bomoh or traditional healer of diagnosed with Bipolar Type 1 which means I am
course did little to calm me down and I was prone to mania and hardly have depression. The
forcibly sent to National University Hospital low moods usually occur after intense treatment
(NUH) where I was sedated and given ECT. to bring my mood down after a manic episode.
The medications make me sleepy and provide
995 and 999 me with adequate rest.
Sleeplessness comes with mania: even when
the eyes especially are dead tired, the mind is
super-active, and the body follows suit. For me it
means frantically cleaning, working fast and
creatively, and socialising excessively.
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Jul - Sept 2021 Feature
Sleep & Rest
It is important to remember that when I am not Now, I place and charge my handphone across
having a relapse, I am as normal as normal can my bedroom so that I will not check my
be. As a mental health advocate, I also try to Facebook, read articles, or watch videos on the
normalise mental health challenges as Internet late into the night. Also, so that I cannot
something experienced by everyone, in varying easily turn off the alarm in the morning.
degrees. It is a physical illness, which affects the
most complex organ in the body. I also see it as My Sleep Routine
an illness of the heart, which needs spiritual Every night, I have a ritual of taking my meds,
cleansing to heal from its vices such as anger, brushing my teeth, washing my face and taking
vengeance, envy, and all kinds of ill-feelings. my ablution. Then I apply night cream and switch
Forgiveness, patience, and gratitude are the on the air-conditioner and a small yellow lamp
ingredients for peace of mind. before settling into bed. If I cannot sleep within
15 minutes, I park myself on my special red and
Sleep Hygiene white reading chair and read the Quran or other
I have always been an owl; I love the serenity of books until I feel like dozing off. Occasionally, I
the night. Until the onset of my illness, I used to will scrounge the kitchen for snacks and drink
sleep at 3am because of my work and water as sometimes my dinner was too early and
breastfeeding two babies. My poor sleep I cannot sleep on and empty stomach.
patterns probably contributed to my first
breakdown. Now I sleep mostly at midnight, No More Sleepless Nights
earlier if I am tired out. My daughter will shoo me This has been my tango with mania and
off to bed if I am not lying down by then. I wake insomnia. Every illness impacts on sleep patterns
up at 4 am and sleep from 6 to 7am on and mine has been quite a super-speedy dance.
workdays and to 9 m on my off days. This has I pray for one at a moderate pace yet spirited
been a pattern that works for me. I feel (maybe the ronggeng?) at an optimal level of 6
refreshed when I wake up in the morning and where I am happily sane and creative. Hopefully,
am energetic and productive throughout the day. my family and I can finally go through our days
I may have a 10 to 15-minute nap in the early without having sleepless nights.
afternoon at work and a 30 to 45-minute nap at
When on one instance last year I could not
sleep for one whole night and felt the racing
thoughts coming, I asked for a day off just to
sleep it off, which is one way of coping. I am
thankful I get to work in the supportive
environment of Club HEAL.
For some people, drinking coffee late in the
evening does not cause sleeplessness and I am
one of them. Nevertheless, I usually have my
afternoon coffee before 5pm. And I try to eat
dinner by 7pm so that my food is well-digested
before I sleep. Sometimes I have difficulty falling
asleep, mostly because I am guilty of using my
handphone or laptop before bedtime. I used to
sleep with my handphone under my pillow or
even in my hand. This is a “no-no”.
Club HEAL Newsletter Page 05
Jul - Sept 2021 Feature
Sleep & Rest Mental Challenges and Sleep Disorders
Mental health conditions, unfortunately, can
Take cause sleeplessness, leading to worsening
the health.
sedative! “The brain is very interesting and complex. In the
case of bipolar disorder, mania causes
Interview with Yang Chek Salikin, Executive Director sleeplessness as the brain is very active and
(Clinical), Club HEAL - By Yohanna Abdullah prevents rest and sleep even when the person is
bone tired,” said Kak Yang.
Exercise and keeping busy are the best
treatments for sleep problems, says Yang Chek “As for those with anxiety disorders, the brain is
Salikin, 68, whom we address affectionately as pre-occupied with worries and cannot relax, as is
Kak Yang. “They are free, and do not need the case too with those experiencing depression.
prescription from the doctor.”
“Those with schizophrenia may be unable to
There are many kinds of sleep disorders, sleep and have an inner restlessness due to their
including movement disorder, which involves hearing voices.”
periodic limb movements (also known as restless
leg syndrome); night terror or nightmares; and Someone with depression may have frequent
sleep apnoea (where breathing temporarily stops sleep disturbances – perhaps too little, because
during sleep and is often associated with negative thoughts disturb him, or too much,
snoring). because he does not have the motivation or
energy to get up from bed.
Then there is insomnia. “One is said to have
insomnia if he has sleeping issues for at least Persons with dementia also may have difficulty
three times within a period of at least three sleeping at night, which keeps them active into
months. There are different types of insomnia, the wee hours. When this happens, it can be very
such as having trouble falling asleep, not being exhausting for caregivers and other family
able to sleep at all, and insufficient sleep that members who are also kept awake.
causes impairment and distress in daytime.”
Treatment of Sleep Disorders
Sleep problems will naturally cause tiredness and Sleep disorders are treated in a variety of ways,
the ability to concentrate. Physically, it affects using prescription medicine and melatonin
blood pressure, blood sugar levels, the immune supplements.
system, and the proper functioning of the organs.
This is why it aggravates most existing illnesses, But, first, one should practice good sleep hygiene
whether physical or mental. This is why good and a healthy diet. Regarding the latter, Kak
sleep is vital to good health. Yang advises, “Watch your eating patterns. Take
a lot of fruits and drink plenty of water. Take
small meals and avoid spicy meals close to
bedtime. Cut down on refined grains and
processed food. Self-regulation is key to good
health and sleep.”
And over all that, “The best way to ensure a good
night’s sleep is to exercise, work and be active in
the day, so that you are tired out at bedtime. That
is the natural sedative for our body.”
Club HEAL Newsletter Page 06
Jul - Sept 2021 Feature
Sleep & Rest "That is why lack of sleep affects the nervous
system and makes people stressed or jumpy,
The Difference between Night & and even causes weight gain,” said Delly, adding
Day in Ensuring Good Sleep to the already long list of conditions worsened by
lack of sleep.
Interview with Delly Fareda Jumaa’at, Dementia
Wellness Programme Specialist, Club HEAL Good Sleep Hygiene
By Yohanna Abdullah For people with mental health conditions getting
a good night’s sleep is even more crucial for their
Delly Fareda Juma’at, 38, is known at Club peace of mind and physical health.
HEAL for leading a fit and healthy lifestyle. She
does strength training at least once a week, and Here are Delly’s tips on how to achieve
cycles and walks a lot to get as much a good night’s rest:
“cardiovascular exercise and sunlight as [she]
can”. 1.Wake up by 7am.
2.Do not sleep for more than 45 minutes during
For good sleep and rest, the spending time in
sunlight during the day is most important. This the day. A nap for 10 to 15 minutes is,
sets the body to its natural body circadian however, fine.
rhythm, which regulates the sleep and awake 3.Get enough exercise in the day.
cycle. “Our body does not recognise time 4.Get plenty of sun during the day.
according to the clock but to the amount of light 5.Do not take caffeinated drinks after noon.
in the environment.” 6.Wind down with a 30-minute walk in the
“There is a need to get enough sunlight in the 7.Go to bed between 8 and 11pm.
day. Then, by 6 to 7 pm, the body naturally winds 8.Have a strict ‘down time’ after 9pm. No
down and by 9 pm, melatonin is produced, which arguments. No upsetting news. No horror
induces restful sleep,” she explained. movies.
9.Have a warm shower.
A Healthy Diet Plays an Important Part to a 10.Have at least 15 minutes of meditation, then
Good Sleep read a book.
To ensure a good night’s sleep, one must also 11.Turn off the lights.
have a healthy diet. Sharing her dietary lifestyle, 12.Also turn off electronic devices which
Delly said, “I eat a variety of food. I also love my produce blue light, which is like sunlight and
desserts, but I do not indulge. While I take juices, stops the production of sleep-inducing
coffee, and tea, I also drink a lot of water. I melatonin.
choose whole foods as much as possible. Most
importantly, I try not to overeat.” How do you know if you had a good, restful
sleep? Delly said that the key indicators are that
“The simple rule is to eat when you are hungry you feel refreshed when you get up, and you
and stop when you are full.” said Delly. wake up daily at the same time even without an
No Overeating, Especially at Night
Overeating causes the digestive system to “The main takeaways are (a) eat the right food
overwork when it is supposed to rest at night and and do not over-eat; (b) exercise; and (c) keep to
naturally lowers its metabolic rate. This in turn a routine. This will help the body function well
affects the function of the other organs in the and improve your chances of sleeping and
body such as the gall bladder and the liver, resting well regardless of any psychiatric
which help to detoxify the body and purge waste disorders that you may have,” Delly summed up.
material. Poor digestion causes many health
issues including mild or chronic insomnia, high
blood pressure and the inability to regulate blood
Club HEAL Newsletter Page 07
Jul - Sept 2021 Feature
Sleep & Rest
Our Thoughts on Sleep
By Peers of Club HEAL’s Marsiling Rehab
“I have no issues with sleeping. I sleep at 9.30 pm after taking my medication which makes me drowsy.
I do breathing exercises, while sitting up or lying on my bed. I read ‘Ayatul Kursi’ before I sleep. I do not
have my phone on my bed. I place it on my bedside table and set the alarm at 6.3 am. I wake up
energetic and go to the park to jog. I think eating healthily and drinking enough water help us get good
sleep.” - Noor Hidayah Bte Abdul Rahim, 38, peer
“I had an operation in the neck in 2018 and after that I grew anxious, especially about going out of my
home. I feared falling and meeting people and had difficulty sleeping. I could only fall asleep at 3 or 4
am and would wake up at 6 to 7am. I kept waking up in the night. After my doctor gave me medication, I
had good sleep as I felt calmer. I like to read the Qur’an before I sleep or listen to Islamic talks on my
handphone until I feel sleepy. I would recommend taking a honey drink before sleeping.” - Hamidah
Bte Said, 63, peer
“My bed is now my peaceful sanctuary. But this was not the case from late 2017 to 2018. Then, I had so
much going in my mind, unresolved matters, problems for which I had no answers. I was suffering from
anxiety, but I refused to take sleeping pills for fear of getting addicted to them. I tried various sleeping
aids, but they did not work. I lost 12kg, had chronic fatigue and became very weak. I became better
especially after going to Club HEAL and listening to motivational talks by Mr Zainal, and learning to
forgive and let go. Forgiving others and asking for forgiveness gave me peace of mind and that made it
easier to sleep better. I practise gratitude and acceptance and slowly, slowly, I am getting better.’’ -
Sameni Berchoe, 67, volunteer
“In the past, I had sleep problems. I had it all: bipolar mania and depression, and schizophrenia. Last
year, I took two medicines but that did not help me sleep. But now with my new medicine, Quetiapine, I
sleep very well almost immediately after I take it. So, I must make sure that I am at home and have
brushed my teeth first. What makes me comfortable to sleep is also sleeping beside my father who has
dementia.” - Lee Aik Kim, 46, peer
“At night, I don’t have a problem falling asleep. But sometimes I will wake up at 1 to 2 am and cannot fall
back to sleep. When I do not have enough sleep, I will feel very tired, very feverish and cannot
concentrate. Also, I usually cannot sleep in the morning between 5 and 7am. At that time, my heart feels
very tight and heavy. It is because I worry about the day to come, whether I can perform my work and
fulfil my expectations. The way I work towards having good sleep is to exercise, take care of my body,
get plenty of sunlight and bond with nature.”- Angeline Tong, 55, Programme Executive
Club HEAL Newsletter Page 08
Jul - Sept 2021
Sleep & Rest
Snapspots of Past Events 5
Apr - Jul 2021
1.SMU Muslim Society's Mental Health Talk on Zoom by
Counsellor Balqis – 1 Apr
2.Silver Volunteer Training on Zoom by Club HEAL’s
CREST team – 10 Apr
3.E-Brunch with Mendaki: “Nourish to Flourish - Nurturing 3
Academic Success through Mental Wellness” by MC
Member Dr Bibi Jan – 10 Apr
4.Society for WINGS’ Mental Health Talk on general mental
health and dementia delivered by ED Yang Chek – 10 Apr
5.Ramadan Iftars at Club HEAL’s centres – 23 Apr @
Marsiling, 26 Apr @ Bukit Batok East, 3 May @ Buangkok
6.Syukran.com’s Mental Wellness Talk on youth and the 8
pointers and information that parents should be aware of,
by MC Member Dr Bibi Jan – 6 May
7.Online Hari Raya & Volunteer Appreciation Celebration –
5 Jun
8.Mental Health Awareness Talk by Silver Ribbon
Singapore on “Mind Your Language” by Dr Radiah – 11 Jun
9.Mental Health for staff in Fuchun Secondary for EAS by
Fauzy – 24 Jun
10. Mental Wellness Programme for M3@Woodlands
Series of Programme for 2021 on women, held on Zoom
and/or Live FB Page of Club HEAL, M3 and Sembawang
MAEC – 3 Jul
11. NLB Read Fest 2021: “Reboot - Getting Sucked Into
Cyberspace: How Do You Get Out?” (in Malay) by Dr
Radiah – 18 Jul
ClCulbuHb HEAELANL eNweswlesltetettrer PageP0a2ge 09
Jul - Sept 2021 PagePa0g2e 10
Sleep & Rest
Creative Corner
Sleep and Rest
by Nur Umairah
Before I go to sleep, I look up and pray
Begging Him to not lead me astray;
To guide me to the straight path
and to reclaim and fix my heart.
I listen to the lullabies
of hope, love and mercy.
Then, I gently close my eyes
and bring my heart towards calmness and ease.
I bring my body and soul to sleep.
Then, I enter the door of peace in my dream.
The door that has the brightest light.
The door that brings me up and I take flight.
I am resting now.
Resting my mind and body to the fullest I need.
I hope to wake up later by the bright sun shining;
kissing my skin.
The next day I know is another day for me to live
And another day to be a better me.
I can foresee again bringing myself to sleep and rest
For I will be exhausted by all of these worldly affairs.
And, that is okay.
CClluubb HHEEAALL NNeewwsslleetttteerr
Jul - Sept 2021 PageP0a2ge 11
Sleep & Rest
Creative Corner
Sleep And Rest
Fara BBE
A disconnection of the 'roh'
A depart from earthly matters.
For a good cognitive performance,
memory consolidation for energy restoration
and conservation.
A short nap at home, in the bus, or in a cab.
Untangling the mess in your head
to have the best rest.
It's not a jest.
To feel sleepy on a day
so breezy and rainy.
A slumber, deep wonder, even with thunder,
I sleep under the covers.
To doze off as the wind blows
on my face and neck,
eyes slowly shut as the day enclose.
A rest from your life sacrifices and overdrive.
Some eyes close as they sleep,
some half-open blinking,
regulating sleep, breathing, rhythming.
Or dream of falling and have hit the ground
more than once.
Yet we are still here.
A dream, a catalyst
to send insight and direction.
If you want to go into that kind of dimension.
Then, you will enter the journey of ambitions
and inspirations by interpretation.
I am not much into interpreting sleep patterns
and dreams but it's a topic worth discussing.
Just don't go too much into details.
Rest, health, temporary death
temporary release.
Thank you for being receptive to my ideas.
Think about it or sleep on It.
CClluubb HHEEAALL NNeewwsslleetttteerr
Jul - Sept 2021
Sleep & Rest
Pledge Your Support
Do help people with mental health
challenges receive the support they need.
HOW TO SUPPORT? For Bank Transfer & PayNow
To request for tax deduction , please
Online at www.giving.sg/club-heal indicate your full name (as per your
identification card) under “Bill Reference”.
Cheque (crossed & made payable to 'Club
HEAL'). Please indicate your NRIC at the Thereafter email your full name, NRIC, FIN
back of cheque for tax deduction. or Passport No, contact number, transaction
ref No., gift amount and date of donation to
Via Bank Transfer
OCBC Current Account: 641-372131-001 [email protected]
Via PayNow For Cheque & GIRO
UEN no: T12SS0028K or Please mail cheque or completed form to
scan QR Code using bank app
254 Bukit Batok East Ave 4 #01-299
singapore 650254.
Please note that all donations made to Club
HEAL which is an IPC Status Charitable
Organisation are eligible to get 250% (2.5
times) Tax Deduction of the donation
amount made.
Madam Halimah Yacob
President: Members: Editorial Team
Patrons: Dr Radiah Salim Dr Bibi Jan Ayyub
Mr Zaqy Mohamad Vice-President: Ms Noorunnisa d/o Ibrahim Chief Editor
Madam Rahayu Mahzam Ms Siti Hawa Sulaiman Kutty Noorunnisa d/o Ibrahim Kutty
Hon Treasurer: Ms Deena Bajrai
Hon Advisors: Ms Fauziah Mohd Hussein Ms Eunice Olsen Editorial Team Members
Dr Joseph Leong Jern-Yi Hon Asst Treasurer: Mr John Ho Radiah Salim
Dr Habeebul Rahman Mr Muhammad Fithri Daud Ms Rohizan Talib Sumaiyah Mohamed
Dr Norhisham Main Hon Secretary: Ms Siti Aishah Jaafar Yohanna Abdullah
Dr Sharifah Mariam Aljunied Ms Amarjit Kaur Ms Siti Noor Baizura
Mr Ram Dubey Hon Asst Secretary: Rahmatullah Designer
Ms Nur Izzati Zainudin Ms Tazrinah Hussein Marina Chong
Hon Legal Counsel:
Ms Roslina Baba
Contact Club HEAL Office: 6899 3463 (9am - 5pm weekdays) | Mailing Address: Blk 254 Bukit Batok East
Ave 4 #01-229 S(650254) | Email: [email protected] | Website: www.clubheal.org.sg