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In this issue, we picked out exemplary individuals who apply gentleness in their everyday lives.

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Published by Club HEAL, 2022-12-07 20:45:23


In this issue, we picked out exemplary individuals who apply gentleness in their everyday lives.


"The greatest strength a man can
achieve is gentleness."

Monty Roberts

OCT-DEC 2022

OCT-DEC 2022


President's Message 03
About Club HEAL 05
Gentleness... a Forgotten Virtue?
Feature on gentleness by Management 13
Committee Member, Noorunnisa Ibrahim Kutty
Inspiring Youths Through Gentleness 18

Interview with our Madrasah Counsellor, 23
Nurleen Mohamed by Sumaiyah

A Caregiver's Unconditional Love

Interview with Caregiver, "Wanee" by Atikah

Gentle, Yet Strong

Interview with Human Resource Advisory
Committee Member, Rohizan Talib by Atikah

What Does 'Gentleness' Mean to Me?

Quotes by our staff, clients and volunteers

Snapshots of Past Events

Write-ups on Garden Beautification, Beach
Clean Up, Qurban Distribution, "Breaditation",
Singapore Botanic Gardens Excursion,
Unpacking Wellness, Geylang Serai Outreach
and "Only Human"

Creative Corner

Poem "Gentle by Nature" by Atikah Yusof


OCT-DEC 2022


“Oh! That gentleness! How far more potent it is than force!” –
Charlotte Bronte, in Jane Eyre

To be gentle is to be kind, tender and mild-mannered. Gentleness also
refers to softness of action or effect. A gentle person is deliberately kind
and shows forbearance in dealing with others.

Gentleness allows us to interact in ways that are less harsh and more
caring, considerate and tender, both in our actions and in the way we
speak. This quality is a basic requirement for those in caring professions
such as medical doctors, nurses, counsellors, teachers, social workers
and peer support specialists. The gentle person is more likely to gain the
respect and trust of others, and thereby more able to motivate and
support those they interact with.

In this issue of HEAL, we feature the following individuals in the Club HEAL
family who exemplify gentleness: – Nurleen, one of our madrasah
counsellors, Wanee, one of our caregivers and Rohizan, our management
committee member.

Antonyms to gentleness include harshness, coldness, cruelty and
violence. When gentleness is lacking at the individual, family and
community levels, the path towards chaos and destruction is laid. Hence,
it is imperative that the quality of gentleness is nurtured in all of us, and
what better way than to start with the young through examples set by
their parents and the adults close to them.

“He who is deprived of gentleness is deprived of all goodness.” –
Prophet Muhammad

Dr Radiah Salim

Club HEAL Newsletter PAGE 03

OCT-DEC 2022


Club HEAL was formed in 2012 by a group of like-minded
individuals who have a strong passion in helping people
with mental illness and their family members lead a fulfilling
and stigma-free life.

A charity that promotes the healing and recovery of people
with mental health challenges by inspiring Hope,
Empowering lives, fostering Acceptance and spreading
Love, services provided by Club HEAL include day
rehabilitative services, counselling, home visits, public
education, support groups and volunteer training.

Club HEAL is a registered Charitable Organisation with an
approved Institution of Public Character (IPC) status. Club
HEAL is a member of the National Council of Social Service
(NCSS) and a part of the Community Mental Health
Intervention Teams (COMIT) and Community Resource
Engagement and Support Team (CREST) programmes
under the Ministry of Health (MOH).

Be a HEALing Friend
Join Us as Volunteers

“Volunteers are love in motion!” – Author Unknown

As a volunteer, you can contribute in a variety of ways, from assisting
in Club HEAL events to conducting fun and meaningful activities! We
need people from all walks of life who can contribute their time and
skills to fulfill our cause.

To sign up as a volunteer, do email your interest to
[email protected], sharing how you would like to contribute
to our cause.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Club HEAL Newsletter PAGE 04

OCT-DEC 2022

Gentleness... a Forgotten Virtue?

By Noorunnisa Ibrahim Kutty, Management Committee Member, Club HEAL

How do you respond when you see a gentleness shall force. More than your
new-born baby? Most people regardless force moves us …”This is a truth that
of their backgrounds, cultures or age, true leaders have always known. Hence
would be more mindful of the way they the Bible advises in Proverbs 15:1, “A
move; their voices would be more gentle answer turns away wrath, but a
restrained; they smile or even have a harsh word stirs up anger”.
glow on their faces. We all have it in us –
this sense of gentleness – although This was what Prophet Muhammad
many have forgotten about its (saw) manifested at one of the most
importance and eventually, may not trying times of his life, when practically
even know how to express it! all of his companions, even his closest
friends, in a moment of panic and
To me, gentleness comprises an cowardice, disobeyed his instructions
awareness of self, our appearance and and the Muslims as a community
our responses, and wanting to control suffered at the hands of their
them so as to put others at ease. We are persecutors. Yet, instead of punishing
gentle with the baby because we see it or even censuring his followers for their
as a helpless almost fragile creature, betrayal, he chose to embrace them
and we feel the primal need to assure it and forgive them unconditionally. As a
that it is safe. result, his companions became even
more devoted to him, and with time
Imagine if that same gentleness is developed both the courage and
invoked in our daily lives eg. during compassion that made them an
parenting when your teenager seems unstoppable force, one that managed
lazy or defiant. Instead of reacting with to retrieve their homes and the Ka’abah
anger and punishing him, would you be much later from their oppressors
able to assure him of your love while at without war or bloodshed.
the same time, express your concerns
and desire to help him resolve the In Islamic traditions, God himself is
issues that arise from his actions? Then known as "ar-Rauf" - The Gentle
you would have to invoke the art of Compassionate One. One of the
gentleness. greatest signs of His compassion is the
love and gentleness that He has placed
Gentleness is often mistaken for in all of us. Discover for yourself the
weakness when, in fact, the opposite is miracles it can invoke in your life and in
true. As Shakespeare says in As You Like your interactions with others. Try
It, “What would you have? Your gentleness today!

Club HEAL Newsletter PAGE 05

OCT-DEC 2022

Nurleen (right) with Nursyarafana, a youth peer she had counselled, who is
now a staff in Club HEAL, an Assistant Programme Executive with the
Dementia Wellness Programme.

Inspiring Youths Through Gentleness

By Sumaiyah Mohamed

As a child, Nurleen Mohamed used Nurleen is a counsellor supporting
to be inspired by her late maternal students from the Madrasah schools
grandfather. “I seldom heard him in Singapore. She enjoys interacting
raise his voice. I remembered with the students, who are between
touching the wrinkled skin on his seven and 18 years old, and finds the
hands as he sat quietly watching work meaningful and fulfilling.
his TV shows. He was a man of few Inspired by her late grandfather, and
words but his quiet and gentle also the former Mufti Dr Mohamed
demeanour created such a deep Fatris Bakaram – whom she follows on
impression on me that I still social media – she too aspires to be
remember him vividly today gentle and nurturing even while she
although he had passed on remains firm with the children and
decades ago,” Nurleen fondly youths that she works with.

Club HEAL Newsletter PAGE 06

Youths need gentleness OCT-DEC 2022

As a counsellor, Nurleen observes that emphasises that one can
the youths of today face many real exude gentleness and still be
issues. Besides the usual physical and firm. “We can communicate
hormonal changes that they have to our needs and expectations in
go through, the youths have to communicating with our loved
grapple with modern day challenges one. For example, we may say,
such as social media influences that 'When you raised your voice at
may be confusing, stress from peer me, I interpreted it as you are
pressure, cyber bullying and disrespecting me and I feel
expectations – both their families’ and hurt. I would appreciate it if we
their own. According to Nurleen, if the could speak to each other
adults around them were gentle and gently and with love. What are
kind in their approach, the your thoughts about this?’”
circumstances that the youths
experience would be greatly eased. Nurleen’s Instagram post about
Harsh words and cold shoulders just her late maternal grandfather,
add on to the tension the youths are
already feeling. who inspired her.

Nurleen explains, “When you are PAGE 07
gentle with them, they are more likely
to trust you. This provides them with a
safe avenue to share their
experiences openly. It is important for
us to be aware of our words and
behaviours as the youths observe how
the adults around them manage
difficult situations despite feeling
strong emotions, they will learn how to
navigate theirs too.”

In defining being gentle to youths,

Nurleen recommends kindness,

especially by choosing to not take any

confrontation personally or

responding adversely to a negative


The gentle are strong

At times, gentleness may be
misinterpreted as being submissive,
passive or meek. However, Nurleen

Club HEAL Newsletter

Be gentle and patient with OCT-DEC 2022
ourselves first
Nurleen on being a gentle
She explains to the youths that we individual herself

are often our own worst critics and When I told Nurleen that her
colleagues consider her extremely
encourages them to be gentle to gentle, she remarked with a laugh
that her family would beg to differ.
themselves. Exercising patience
“I might generally exude
towards ourselves is about gentleness, but that depends also
on my mood. How I respond largely
tolerating distress and depends on several factors, such
as how I am feeling that day, the
understanding that recovery does thoughts that run through my
mind, and if I am well-rested. Most
not usually happen smoothly or in a of the time, I would consider
myself mild-mannered. I do not
linear manner. Regressions are often respond or react strongly
(be it positively or negatively). And
bound to happen sometimes. I take time to process what has
been said and observed. However,
There will be days when it feels like gentleness is definitely a virtue I
would like to inculcate.”
we are back where we started.

“By encouraging our clients to
exercise patience and be nurturing
towards themselves, they are
often able to self-motivate instead
of self-blaming or self-loathing.
When we show ourselves patience
in our journey, it demonstrates

Club HEAL Newsletter PAGE 08

Wanee and her family performing the OCT-DEC 2022
pilgrimage in Mecca in September 2022.
A Caregiver’s


By Atikah Yusof

Wanee (not her real name), a addition to other pre-existing
caregiver, is known for her gentle health conditions. This meant she
persona, which is why she was had to take strong medications
nominated to be featured in this and attend phototherapy and
newsletter by Mr Zainal Abidin physiotherapy up to three times a
Lee, Head of CREST Caregiver week.
Support Network (CSN).
“I accepted the illnesses sincerely.
Wanee got married at 24. Like any Perhaps it was life’s way to slow
other first-time parent, she was me down and embrace self-love,
clueless about raising a child. self-healing, and caring for my
When she stumbled upon a book loved ones more than ever
called “How to Have a Smarter before.”
Baby” while walking around a
bookstore, she realised she had Due to her declining health and
an interest in Montessori. She with her husband’s support,,
signed up for a diploma in Wanee decided to stop working
Montessori Pedagogy with as a principal. She works on ad-
Montessori Centre International, hoc projects on information and
and eventually earned her distribution, which her son
certificate as a Montessori Marzuqi (not his real name)
Directress. introduced her to before his fell ill
and was diagnosed with bipolar
After furthering her studies, disorder. Wanee not only has to
Wanee worked her way up to take care of her own health, she is
becoming a preschool principal also a caregiver to her son.
for 13 years.
“I would like to keep myself
However, life had other plans for abreast with the knowledge of
her. In 2018, Wanee was what Marzuqi is going through.
diagnosed with severe and painful The knowledge I gain reassures
skin and lymphatic disorders in me and prepares me for

Club HEAL Newsletter PAGE 09

anticipated challenges. I am also OCT-DEC 2022
keen to help others who have a
mental health condition and are “It was hard for us to accept his
going through trying times.” diagnosis as he is our only child. It
was especially painful as it was
She is currently pursuing a post-
graduate diploma in counselling the height of the Covid-19
and psychotherapy, which she outbreak and no visitors were
hopes to complete in January allowed at IMH. Nevertheless, we
2023. managed to keep in touch with
Marzuqi via video calls which
Marzuqi helped to reassure and calm us.

Marzuqi completed national I believe that being gentle to
service at 21. He received an award someone who is ill greatly helps to
stabilise his moods and emotions.”

Barely a month aft their son's

for outstanding teamwork in the diagnosis, the family faced yet
design and implementation of an another blow when Wanee's
innovative project. Subsequently, husband had to fold up his
he attained an Upper Honours’ company. During that trying
Bachelor’s Degree in Business period, Wanee had to be the sole
and Marketing and started an breadwinner of the family while
online marketing agency. sharing caregiving duties with her
husband. The increased stress
In September 2021, however, he inevitably caused her health
fell ill and their family doctor condition to deteriorate.
advised Wanee to send Marzuqi
to the Institute of Mental Health “A good friend who had previously
(IMH) for treatment. gone through depression

Club HEAL Newsletter PAGE 10

reminded me that it was ok to cry OCT-DEC 2022
and let it out but to remember to
rise again after a good cry. I pulled me up with Mr Zainal, Head of the
myself up for Marzuqi, myself and Caregiver Support Network. I'm
my family.” grateful to this kind lady and hope
to meet her one day so I can
Marzuqi was discharged three personally thank her,” says Wanee.
weeks later but had several
relapses. Wanee and her husband Wanee's tips on gentleness:
had to be gentle and patient while
disciplining and handling him. He 1. Gentleness begins with self-
is still going through counselling care, which is why Wanee sets
and following up on his medical aside personal time to go for walks
reviews. He has since started or spend time with her friends.
working and has recently gotten a
full-time job 2. Gentleness starts from a state
of humility; it is actually strength
“The silver lining about caregiving
is when my husband and I listen to "It is ok to cry and let it
each other’s plans and put them out, but remember to rise
into practice for Marzuqi. Funnily again after a good cry. I
though, when I felt lost at times, it
was Marzuqi who braced me up pulled myself up for
and became my source of Marzuqi, my family and I."
strength. It is natural of us to
worry as we are all going through under control. Someone who lacks
pain and hardship. Nonetheless, gentleness is often prideful, easily
we must focus on the presence angered and filled with negativity.
for the future.”
3. To be gentle, do not view ourselves
A gentle caregiver as better than someone else. Rather
than asserting superiority or
Wanee had chanced upon Club dominancy, have an empathetic
HEAL while she was searching for spirit to help others. Eg. Being a
mental health support. After caregiver is a conscious decision – to
reading about Dr Radiah Salim, constantly be involved and lend a
helping hand.
founder and president of Club
HEAL, and her reasons for PAGE 11
establishing the organisation, she
decided to contact Club HEAL.

“A lovely lady picked up the phone
and listened intently as I explained
my situation. It was she who linked

Club HEAL Newsletter

OCT-DEC 2022

Wanee (centre) enjoying her time out at Changi Beach with CREST Caregiver Support Network
(CSN) on a sunny Sunday in July 2022.

A gentle caregiver is an active listener. “Club HEAL has given my family
Active listening allows others to bond important resources on my son's
and develop trusting relationships. condition and supported us
throughout our journey, giving us the
Wanee shares what she has learned courage to carry out our caregiver
from her caregiving journey with duties. There are still many people out
fellow caregivers: there who hesitate or refuse to reach
out due to stigma, shame and fear. I
1. Do not try to change the person’s would like to assure them there are
behaviour. Instead, mend his heart, others who can understand your
focus on his struggles as well as his situation and be here for you,” Wanee
strengths. added.

2. Envelop yourself in a spirit of peace. During the caregiver support
Be soothing, nurturing and sessions, they are able to express
comforting. their feelings in a safe environment.
They also looked forward to outdoor
3. Shower the person with activities which serve as a respite for
unconditional love. other caregivers and their families,
which foster positivity, hope and
CREST Caregiver Support Network bonding among them.

Throughout her caregiving journey Wanee’s wish as a caregiver is that
with CREST CSN, she has received "All organisations from both the
tremendous support from her peers public and private sector will be more
and was nominated as a Caregiver receptive and supportive in their
Advocate. She is sociable and well- hiring practices for employees with
liked by her caregiver peers. mental health conditions.”

The family was grateful to have found If you are a caregiver for someone
someone like Mr Zainal who
understood their situation well and with mental health issues or a senior
they soon felt a bond with him,
especially Marzuqi who would turn to with dementia, please reach out to
Mr Zainal for help when he was
struggling. our CREST Caregiver Support

Network at

Club HEAL Newsletter PAGE 12

OCT-DEC 2022

Yet Strong

by Atikah Yusof

“That’s not me!” was the first behaviour.
response Rohizan had when asked if
she is a gentle person. “I tend to “It is to remain calm and clear-
synonymise the word ‘gentle’ to headed, especially in situations
‘lemah lembut (soft)’ but I guess I can where you must be more assertive. A
relate gentleness to one of Allah’s gentle person says or does things to
(swt) attributes, which is rafeeq (to influence another without harshness
be gentle and kind).” or the use of force. Just like the
saying in Malay, ‘Bagai menarik
Rohizan Talib, 60, has been a member rambut dari tepung, rambut jangan
of Club HEAL's management putus dan tepung jangan berserak
committee since 2012. She enjoys [Like pulling a strand of hair from
hiking, painting and playing her flour while ensuring that the hair
favourite game ‘Woodoku’ – which is does not break and the flour remains
similar to Sudoku. These activities undisturbed].’”
calm and relax her mind, which helps
her to be “mindfully” gentle. She applies the quality of gentleness
into her everyday life through its
She was raised by her late mother, attributes.
Mdm Absah, who was affectionately
known as Mak Besah by the children “Being gentle is the perfect trait –
in the kampung they lived in. To gentleness is a default character trait
Rohizan, she was the gentlest figure of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). I feel
in her life and one of her inspirations. that I have bits and pieces of
gentleness as I’m generally a
So what does “gentleness” mean to composed and relaxed person.”
Rohizan adds, quoting Sahih Bukhari,
“Being gentle means being the “Allah (swt) is gentle, and He loves
opposite of loud, aggressive or foul gentleness in all things.”

Club HEAL Newsletter PAGE 13

“Gentleness is a weakness” – any OCT-DEC 2022
care and kindness to all of them
“There is a quote by the American equally.”
actor and cultural icon, James Dean:
‘Only the gentle are really strong’. "Disciplining children is a difficult
Being gentle is not being weak, nor is balancing act. It is necessary to help
it being cowardice or fearful. It is a children learn responsibility, but
strength because you can still be when done in a harsh way, it might
fearless and yet be gentle – you have harm their self-esteem and positive
control over your emotions even in identity.
the face of vulnerability.”
“I chose to discipline them without
“I am not assertive or confrontational scolding or getting angry at them
so there have been unnecessarily. I was direct and
seldom used sarcasm. Disciplining
means you have to talk, explain and

Rohizan celebrating Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2022 with her family.

instances where people use their show your child how things can be
loud and harsh voices onto me to try done.”
and crush my ideas or force their
point of view. I remain calm most of Rohizan has been happily married
the time as it is important to not for 29 years and blessed with three
fight fire with fire.” children. She has learnt that
gentleness as a familial foundation is
Being gentle to your family vital, especially when disagreements
“I used to mediate arguments
between my children and I have “My husband told me during our
always tried to do this in a calm and recent anniversary that he
collected manner, showing love,
appreciates me because I don’t
Club HEAL Newsletter nag;


he actually nags more than I do!” she OCT-DEC 2022
"Teachers should be caring,
“In times of disagreements, I choose encouraging and give students a
to be quiet and self-reflect, ‘Why am sense of purpose. We need to
I in this situation?’. It is important to understand that different contexts
redha (to be satisfied with Allah’s call for different approaches.”
(swt) decree) – to believe and trust
that everything does get better. Is Singapore a gentle society?
Things can be solved in better ways
than screaming.” “Gratitude and kindness are two
qualities that our society should
Being a gentle teacher embrace. While it may not be our
current priority, we have leaders
The year 2022 marks her 29th year such as our Mufti who speaks with
as a physics teacher at Fuchun gentleness and assertiveness. It is
Secondary School. She is known for something we can achieve with
her cool composure and is adored constant effort.”
by both her students and colleagues.
Gentleness as a value in Club HEAL
“There are many ways to manage
students and I prefer to engage “I want to see and experience
them through gentle nurturing and gentleness in our interactions with
guidance.” one another. Club HEAL is about
people and how we relate to one
She still looks forward to going to another, how we help people and
school every day, with new ways to how we can contribute to society.
interact with students and bring joy We must be willing to provide
in their learning. assistance and make connections.
Gentleness should be our default
“I am not a disciplinarian, but I ensure behaviour; it enhances acceptance
my students follow lesson plans. I still and love, which are two elements in
stay true to what I’ve been doing, our mission.”
which is to establish good
relationships with all my students Rohizan beaming as she shows her
and inspire them.” artwork she titled “DNA Dance”.

She received an affirmation recently PAGE 15
on her teaching style and gentle
approach. Her school counsellor

shared with her that one of her
students was positively impacted by
her and is doing better in school.

Club HEAL Newsletter

OCT-DEC 2022

"Sometimes it is only through
affirmation and encouragement that
we can make a difference to a person’s

life. Healing is possible when we
journey alongside our clients and their
caregivers, empowering and accepting
them, and giving them the strength to
change. For me, this is gentleness, and
through God’s grace and love, recovery

is possible for everyone.”

- Wong Ming Sze, Executive Director, Club HEAL

What Does Gentlen

“Gentleness in words and
actions magnify the unspoken
soul of the heart of the giver.”

- Fran Wong, volunteer from RSVP

“Gentleness to me is like when we call PAGE 16
someone a gentleman – it refers to

courteous and honourable behaviour.
Gentleness is the connection between two

good persons to nurture good hearts.”

- Professor Daniel Fung, Chief Executive Officer,
Institute of Mental Health

Club HEAL Newsletter

OCT-DEC 2022

“The great poet and teacher Rumi
once wrote ‘Our greatest

strength lies in the gentleness and
tenderness of our heart.’ I

resonate with these words. For
me, gentleness is being

considerate, kind, respectful and
sensitive to others.

Be gentle; with yourself, your
family, children, and all

- Faiz Thalib, Facility Management and Information
Technology Officer, Club HEAL

“Gentleness is having
sincerity, lots of patience and

ness Mean to Me? showing little anger. It means
often giving in, saying lots of
prayers and not making small
matters big. It is refraining
from quarrelling and
everything that is ugly.”

- Mahmud bin Md Som, caregiver at the
Dementia Wellness Programme, BBE

“As a caregiver to my sister, there are a PAGE 17
lot of challenges and a lot of patience is

required. My own emotions must be
managed as I shoulder a lot of

responsibilities; I am getting older too.
To be gentle is important and I try to
speak kindly, even when I remind my

sister to take steps to care for herself.”

- Manisah Arshad, caregiver to her sister, Mahani Arshad
who attends Recovery & Wellness Programme, BBE

Club HEAL Newsletter

OCT-DEC 2022

Launch of Community Mural & Open House at Bukit Batok Centre

Mdm Rahayu Mahzam and Dr Radiah Salim cutting the programmes in memory of her late son, KJ*
ribbons to officiate the unveiling of the mural. whom she had lost to depression the year
before. She was resolute that the project
she sponsored be a tangible one involving
young people’s creativity and uplifting to
their spirit so as to offer alternative support
for their mental wellbeing. Mdm Sandra
initiated this project to promote youth
mental wellness as part of her advocacy for
the PleaseStay. Movement Singapore.

Participants of the mural painting project Together with Mural Lingo, a creative studio
specialising in mural arts, Mdm Sandra and
Club HEAL collaborated with the Bukit Club HEAL came up with this community
Batok East constituency to promote mural painting project. Besides the official
mental health and wellness and to bring launch of the mural, the Open House at our
the mental wellness message to the centre was to welcome residents to learn
neighbourhood. The mural “Put Your more about our programmes and services.
Mental Health First” was officially launched *Pseudonym used as requested by our
by Mdm Rahayu Mahzam, Senior donor for privacy and confidential reasons.
Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Health
and Ministry of Law, and Advisor to Jurong Art workshop held at our Open House at
GRC GROs at Club HEAL’s Open House Bukit Batok Centre
together with Dr Radiah Salim, Club HEAL’s
President on 27 November 2022. Club HEAL's President, Dr Radiah Salim, giving
a speech at the Open House
The mural was completed on 13
November. It was painted by a group of 26
participants comprising of our clients,
student volunteers and residents from the
neighbourhood. The painting project was
mooted in May 2021 when our donor Mdm
Sandra* approached us offering to
support our youth mental health

Club HEAL Newsletter PAGE 18

OCT-DEC 2022

(From left to right) Muzhafar Shah Bin Ramli, Beach Clean-Up with NUS
Mohammad Lutfil Hadi Bin Mohammad Hydzir Students
Shahrul Iman Bin Rosland, Daryl (our Peer Support
Specialist) and Muhammad Hafiy bin Amran. Thirty-five of our staff and clients teamed up
with 43 National University of Singapore (NUS)
Garden Beautification @ student volunteers from Temasek Rag and Flag
Marsilling Centre for a beach clean-up at East Coast Park on 6
“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time,
they just have the heart.” – Elizabeth Andrew The participants had fun getting to know each
other through ice-breaker activities after the
During the June holidays, four students from clean-up. This collaboration was a great
ITE College West dedicated three weeks of opportunity for the students to better
their time to clean up the garden at our understand mental health challenges while
Marsiling centre. The student volunteers, doing their part to care for the environment.
Shahrul Iman Rosland, Muzhafar Shah Ramli, The bags of trash that the participants
Muhammad Hafiy Amran and Mohammad collected were promptly cleared after the
Lutfil Hadi Mohammad Hydzir, worked activity.
together with the staff at Marsiling to beautify
the garden, which is used for client activities One of the student volunteers from NUS, Xing
in the rehabilitation programme. Tian, felt that it was a memorable and impactful
experience. “The beach clean-up allowed me to
Rudy Hendra Saleh, Assistant Programme interact with people who face mental health
Coordinator at our Marsiling Centre, said issues personally and gave me the opportunity
students can benefit from such activities as it to hear about the struggles they face first-
allows them experience the joy of hand. The public should be empathetic
contributing to society. towards their struggles as they are facing
difficulties that most of us do not understand.”
Lutfil, one of the volunteers, said that it was
an inspiring experience for him to be able to Our staff, clients and volunteers at East Coast Park
interact and help people with mental health for the beach clean-up.

Club HEAL Newsletter PAGE 19

OCT-DEC 2022

Clients receiving the Qurban at all four of our centres Breaditation

SSA Culinary Institute and Club HEAL jointly
Qurban (PERGAS) organised 'Breaditation', a programme
specially curated for Club HEAL clients, i.e.,
Marking a joyous start to the Islamic New people in recovery from mental illness. The 8-
Year, Pergas Investment donated 200kg of week programme (7 July to 2 August) was
Qurban meat to Club HEAL on 30 July. This is therapeutic and participants learned to bake
the third year of their generous donation to focaccia bread, Japanese milk buns and
our beneficiaries. wholemeal loaves.
The programme, while teaching baking
The Qurban meat was distributed to all our techniques and new recipes, also helped to
four centres at Bukit Batok East, Buangkok build participants’ self-confidence and gave
Crescent, Marsiling and Pasir Ris East. The them a sense of accomplishment.
donation was well received by 91 of our clients In the final session, Berita Harian covered the
and staff. event. One of the participants, Mr William
Puay, shared that 'Breaditation' was a unique
Eli Ernawati, caregiver to our client Hawa Rasif concept, and that he gained a lot of
who has been attending the Dementia knowledge through it. He also felt happy
Wellness Programme since 2020, was one of because he was able to establish a closer
the recipients of the Qurban meat. She said relationship with other friends at Club HEAL
that the meat was succulent and enjoyed by while learning to make bread.
everyone in Mdm Hawa’s family. If given the
opportunity again next year, they would love News coverage by Berita Harian on the Breaditation event
to receive the Qurban meat again.

Club HEAL Newsletter PAGE 20

OCT-DEC 2022

Unpacking Wellness – Arab
Network @ Singapore

Happy clients and staff enjoying a day out at the Arab Network @ Singapore invited Dr Radiah as
beautiful Singapore Garden Festival. one of the speakers at their event "Unpacking
Wellness" on 11 September at the Malay Heritage
Orchids Galore @ the Centre.
Singapore Botanic Gardens
Dr Radiah shared on mental health challenges –
NParks invited Club HEAL to enjoy the how to identify factors that affect mental health;
Singapore Garden Festival held at the overcoming the stigma of mental illness; and
Singapore Botanic. Twenty-six of our clients, how to promote good mental wellness. Club
caregivers and staff from the Bukit Batok East HEAL also held a booth at the event and was able
and Pasir Ris East centres enjoyed a guided to engage with the attendees before and after
tour of the colourful orchid and flower the talk.
displays at the National Orchid Garden on 4
August. Sumaiyah Mohamed, Programme Coordinator
for Our HEALing Voice, shared her recovery
Participants of the Dementia Wellness journey with the audience as well. “When I shared
Programme (DWP) and Rehab programmes my recovery story, my intention was to make
from the two centres were able to mingle and others feel less alone, and that – while recovery is
get to know one another while enjoying the a long journey – there is life after the mental
scenic routes of the 2-hour tour. health challenges that afflict us. There is joy and
peace too. I always feel a great sense of hope
Delly Fareda Juma’at, our DWP Programme and am in awe when I hear the recovery stories
Specialist, listed the benefits of doing from other persons in recovery too.”
outdoor activities. “Our clients can get more
Vitamin D, which is essential for a healthy Dr Radiah receiving a token of appreciation from President of Arab
body. Also, being in nature in the morning Network @ Singapore, Khadijah Alattas. (From left to right) Dr
calms the mind and recalibrates the body Sharifah Zainah Alsagoff, Dr Lubna Harharah, Dr Radiah Salim,
clock to have a better sleep schedule.” Khadijah Alattas and Sarah Bagharib.

Caregivers such as Mr Asmin Amri was able to
experience a respite. “I get to go out and feel
refreshed while looking after my wife. She
enjoyed the event too, as it is a different

Club HEAL Newsletter PAGE 21

OCT-DEC 2022

Only Human

To commemorate this year’s WMHD, Club
HEAL initiated and participated in several
outreach events throughout the month of
October to spread the word on mental
wellness and encourage those in need to step
out to receive assistance.

CREST at their outreach booth at the "Redefining We launched “Only Human” - a Human Library
Kampung Eunos" event. event on 9 October in partnership with Bukit
Batok Public Library. Our specially curated
Geylang Serai Outreach “human books” or mental health advocates,
shared their personal stories of grit and
CREST @ Geylang Serai was invited to the determination as they battled various mental
“Redefining Kampung Eunos” event on 24 health conditions. Among them were also
September. The event was to celebrate the caregivers supporting loved ones with the
renaming of Tembusu Senior Activity Centre conditions. Their moving stories touched the
(TSAC) to Tembusu Active Ageing Centre (TAAC). hearts and encouraged the participants. A
second session was held on 23 October.
The event highlighted TAAC’s focus on building a
close-knit Eunos Crescent community, based on Afiqah Adris, Programme Executive and
the values of compassion, kindness and unity. The speaker at the event, said “If we want to
event attracted about 400 attendees, and among acknowledge the problems within ourselves as
them were seniors above the age of 60. well as society, we have to unmask ourselves
first. I’m good to peel away the facade I wear
Our team from CREST shared their services such everyday if it means others can understand
as home visits, caregiver support, referrals, both themselves and the people around them
resources, and home-based activities to those a little better! That’s the first step to a more
who participated at the booth. compassionate world.”

Raihan Rashid, social worker from CREST @ Speakers and staff at the Only Human library event held
Geylang Serai, said “While it's important for us to at Bukit Batok Public Library.
share on Club HEAL and CREST services, it's also
as important to network with other agencies PAGE 22
especially those serving in the same area.
Sometimes they may have clients who require
mental health support and they can refer them to
us. We also aim to connect with seniors who have
yet to know our CREST @ Geylang Serai team and
how our services may benefit them. Such
outreach from mental health organisations can
help bridge the gap for those who may not know
where to seek help and resources.”

Club HEAL Newsletter


Gentle by Nature

By Atikah Yusof













*Quran 94:5

Club HEAL Newsletter PAGE 23

OCT-DEC 2022


Help people with mental health challenges receive the support they need.

HOW TO SUPPORT? Via Bank Transfer
OCBC Current Account:
Via PayNow 641-372131-001
UEN no:
T12SS0028K or GIRO
scan QR Code using Please fill up the form which is
bank app available at our Website:
(Crossed & made payable to 'Club *For tax exempt receipt, please email
HEAL') and mail it to Blk 254 Bukit [email protected] with your full
Batok East Ave 4 #01-229 S650254 name, NRIC/FIN/UEN, date of bank
transfer, amount and email address.

Please note that all donations made to Club HEAL which is an IPC Status Charitable Organisation
are eligible to get 250% (2.5 times) Tax Deduction of the donation amount made.

Madam Halimah Yacob
Editorial Team
Mr Zaqy Mohamad President: Members: Chief Editor
Madam Rahayu Mahzam Dr Radiah Salim Dr Bibi Jan Ayyub Noorunnisa d/o Ibrahim Kutty
Vice-President: Ms Noorunnisa d/o Ibrahim
Hon Advisors:
Dr Joseph Leong Jern-Yi Ms Siti Hawa Sulaiman Kutty Editorial Team Members
Dr Habeebul Rahman Hon Treasurer:
Dr Norhisham Main Mr Muhammad Fithri Daud Ms Deena Bajrai Radiah Salim
Dr Sharifah Mariam Aljunied Hon Asst Treasurer: Ms Eunice Olsen Penny Chua
Mr Ram Dubey Ms Siti Aishah Jaafar Mr John Ho
Hon Secretary: Ms Rohizan Talib Sumaiyah Mohamed
Hon Legal Counsel: Ms Amarjit Kaur
Ms Roslina Baba Yohanna Abdullah
Dr Sharifah Munirah Alhamid Atikah Yusof
Ms Siti Noor Baizura

Hon Asst Secretary: Rahmatullah Designer
Ms Nur Izzati Zainudin Ms Tazrinah Hussein Atikah Yusof

Ms Fauziah Mohd Hussein

Contact Club HEAL Office: 6899 3463 (9am - 5pm weekdays) | Mailing Address: Blk 254 Bukit Batok East
Ave 4 #01-229 S(650254) | Email: [email protected] | Website:

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