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Published by Club HEAL, 2021-04-07 00:53:12


HEAL 32 (3)

April - June 2021

Write to HEAL


In This Issue: 02
President's Address 05
Heartfelt Invocations and Intimate 07
Conversations with God 08
Journaling through Blogging
My Facebook, My Journal
The Freeing Serenity of Art Journaling

Club HEAL Newsletter Page 01

April - June 2021

Write to HEAL

President's Message

“I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn.” –
Anne Frank

Written words are a window to the mind and soul, revealing insights that spoken words may
never be able to articulate. Many peers at Club HEAL derive comfort from writing down their
thoughts and feelings. Under the able guidance of our writer and rehab executive Yohanna
Abdullah, many participants at Club HEAL rehab learn to journal.

A journal serves as a confidante, a listening ear that is available 24/7. All one needs is writing
material, or these days, only a mobile phone that one can tap-tap into.

Health benefits of journaling include reducing stress, helping a person recover from trauma and
distressing experiences, reducing pain, reducing depression and anxiety, reducing blood
pressure and heart rate and increasing T-cell counts that help boost a person’s immune system.

From the onset, we at Club HEAL have been writing to help educate the public – through our
blogs and website, Facebook, books, and this very newsletter. The writers include our staff,
volunteers and clients. As we write to educate, we learn more about ourselves and others. We,
too, heal … and grow.

“Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.” –
Jalaluddin Rumi

Dr Radiah Salim Page 02
Club HEAL Newsletter

April - June 2021

Write to HEAL

About Club HEAL

Club HEAL is a charity that promotes the healing and recovery of people with mental health
challenges by inspiring Hope, Empowering lives, fostering Acceptance and spreading Love. It has
a vision of a stigma-free society that is conducive for healing and recovery. Services provided by
Club HEAL include day rehabilitative services, counselling, home visits, public education, support
groups and volunteer training.

Be a HEALing Friend

“You see, the Mu’min in their mutual piety, love and affection, are like a (single) body. When
a part (of it) has a complaint, the whole body is united with it in wakefulness and fever.” –
(Bukhari and Muslim).

As a member or a volunteer, you can contribute in a variety of ways, from assisting in Club HEAL
events to conducting rehabilitative activities! We need people from all walks of life who can
contribute their time and skills to fulfil our cause. To become a member, please fill up the
membership form available at our website (under Resources section) and email it to us at
[email protected] or mail it to: Club HEAL, Blk 254, Bukit Batok East Ave 4, #01-229,
Singapore 650254. We look forward to hearing from you!

CClluubb HHEEAALL NNeewwsslleetttteerr PPaaggee 0032

April - June 2021 Feature

Write to HEAL The proud grandmother of two girls is a very
compassionate and generous person. She
Heartfelt always makes du’a for her loved ones, including
Invocations her friends in Club HEAL. I spotted one du’a
and Intimate where I was named specifically – to be granted
Conversations restful sleep! Aminah says that her du’as usually
with God – come true because God listens and responds to
Aminah’s Dua her heartfelt prayers. She prays fervently for her
& Gratitude family, especially for her Chinese son-in-law to
Journaling become a practising Muslim. “After I started
praying that he will receive hidayah [guidance]
by Yohanna Abdullah from Allah, and left it in His Hands, I felt less
troubled. Now I have a good relationship with
Making du’a or invocation is a part of the life of a him.” In her journal she also prays that her
Muslim. But for Aminah bte Mohd Saijab, 60, it granddaughters will not throw tantrums when
means writing them down consistently in a getting ready to go to school!
journal. There, she records her hopes and
prayers for herself and her loved ones daily. She Aminah also writes affirmations in her journal,
has a simple, worn, exercise book to do this but especially those she learnt in Therapist and
for her birthday, I had bought her a special Volunteer Shari’s sessions at Club HEAL. “I say:
green hardbound Du’a Journal which has ‘Today is the day of my amazing good fortune.
heartfelt du’a on every page. Today is better than yesterday. I have a
promising future and it is a very long one. Today,
It also has these sections: I am more knowledgeable than yesterday.’ It
I make du’a for: really helps to write them as well as say them
I am grateful for: aloud, repetitively.”
Today’s happy moments were:
An area I can improve on… and I will do this “Journaling has helped me a lot. It brings out my
by … thoughts and feelings on paper and it lessens my
My next level iman goal is… burden. It also reminds me of what I would have
A letter to Allah forgotten, had I not kept a record. I strongly
encourage others, especially my friends at Club
There are different types of du’a journals at HEAL, to keep a journal.”
Islamic bookstores such as Wardah Books, and
there are also online ones. Or like Aminah’s Through the process of journaling in Club HEAL,
previous journal, it can be a simple book with where it is an important component of Expressive
lined pages. You can choose one that has a Therapy conducted in Rehab, she has built a
nice cover to motivate you to write regularly in it strong bond with her peers at Bukit Batok East
and make it your best friend. OR you can (BBE).
decorate a plain cover to give it your personal
touch. “In the past, I did not have the confidence to
speak up as I had a fear of people. But as I went
Du’a is the most intimate sharing of the heart. through my recovery with my friends here at BBE
For Aminah, her book is filled with good and shared my journey, also through my journal,
thoughts and wishes for her loved ones, and I find that my feelings of depression and anxiety
affirmations for herself. Journaling was a habit lessened, and I could take part fully and happily
she acquired when she took a course on the in our activities here.”
Science of Life a long time ago. “I used to write
every night, but it became less frequent as the “My tips for journaling are to be positive, be
years passed. Then I joined Club HEAL and, in honest with yourself, be precise and write to gain
2018, Delly, our health coach, taught us knowledge of yourself.
gratitude journaling. Since then, I have been
doing it regularly before I sleep.” ” Page 04

Club HEAL Newsletter

April - June 2021 Feature

Write to HEAL

Journaling through Blogging

by Nur Amalina Binte Ithnin

My name is Nur Amalina Binte Ithnin and I have Page 05
been the author and publisher of the blog since 2009.
The title “Love & Revenge” symbolises
something deep to me: love – to love myself first
and utmost – and revenge – to not show an
ounce of care towards those who give me hate. I
am pretty much an open book on my blog and
what I write is all based on my feelings and my
definition of truth.

The advantage of writing on a public domain is
that I get to share my stories and my challenges
as a person in recovery, but it does come with its
disadvantages. Writing on a public domain
means that I may offend some people in my life
who disagree with what I write. However, that
does not stop me as it is a space where I can
safely rant about my feelings and vent my
frustrations. At times I do use a personal diary,
but I prefer my blog because I believe that
sharing my emotions and daily frustrations there
might help someone who is feeling the same way
as me, but has no outlet to air their emotions.

As much as I show my vulnerability on my blog, I
find it satisfying, and it also gives me a sense of
strength. I hope to show people that they should
express their innermost feelings, be it via
blogging, painting or just writing in a personal
diary. At the end of it, you would feel much better
when you have a space to let things out.

Club HEAL Newsletter

April - June 2021 Feature

Write to HEAL Life in a nutshell
In the 90’s when blogging started to be popular, I
My Facebook, My Journal chose to share my innermost thoughts and
feelings online, capturing my days on a public
by Yohanna Abdullah forum. I enjoyed writing Life in a Nutshell at where I journaled
Journaling has been a habit since I was in my days and penned my musings and poems on
secondary school. Then, I had a diary called a platform that I found beautiful and fulfilling. I
Yoyo, my nickname, and I would begin the letters decorated my writings with photos and graphics
to myself, “Dear Yoyo”. I would snuggle up in my and the page layout and design made my
bed and write short and long entries about my writings come alive. It contained the earliest part
day, thoughts and feelings, every night. With of my days dealing with bipolar disorder and my
content like my crushes, anger at my parents, struggles with my ailing marriage. But when I
annoyance at my siblings, and reflections on how discovered Facebook (FB) 11 years ago, I
my day went, I made sure I kept it private, hidden ceased blogging and preferred to express myself
away in my closet, safe from the prying eyes of instead on FB.
my sister who shared a bed with me. She
admitted years later that she had fun reading my Immediate response
diary without my knowledge! There are a few reasons why I did this. Firstly, on
a social media, I had immediate response to my
I had a special, hardbound, floral diary when I posts unlike my blog, which had only a few
went to the university. There, I jotted down my regular visitors. On FB – my favourite social
adventures as a student, with all its challenges media platform now – the interaction becomes
academically, and thrills, socially. I recorded my immediate and two-way, in fact multiple-way. I
crushes and the fun I had sharing a rented flat receive instant readership and reactions – ‘like’,
with university mates. I also wrote about my epic ‘care’, ‘anger’, ‘wonder’ – seconds after a post.
one-month trip to Australia with my best friend There are discussions to the content of my posts
pre-graduation, and about being courted by my which strike a chord with the readers. Life events
ex-husband. such as my daughter’s engagement have higher
likes, hitting 300, while interesting, heartfelt
sharing tend to receive about 100 likes.

Potentially reaching millions
Secondly, FB, if you make your posts public,
which I do, can potentially reach the whole FB
community and I can share my writings to the
world. Since I am a writer and a mental health
advocate, it is a wonderful way to communicate
my ideas and vision and mission to the masses.
My niche is mental health, and I often share my
journey with bipolar disorder. Writing about my
treatment in the Institute of Mental Health (IMH)
openly, I hope to destigmatise the hospital, which
has been much maligned in the past, and even in
the present, despite mental health issues being
more of a public concern now. I also write about
my electroconvulsive therapy, as many people
are ignorant about it.

Club HEAL Newsletter Page 06

April - June 2021 Feature

Write to HEAL

Yohanna THE PERSON, not the mentally-ill Healing and therapy
person I feel that I have now healed sufficiently from the
Thirdly, in sharing about my day-to-day life, I traumas that caused my mood to be
make sure that people know me as a person: uncontrollable and develop into mania. Now, I feel
Yohanna, an active, fun-loving friend; a caring free to share my thoughts in public without the
mother and daughter; and an artiste with varied “Ooops I did it again!” moments. On a side note,
interests who is also passionate about posts can always be deleted, so while you cannot
community service. Thus, I feel, I am breaking take back your words from those who have seen
stereotypes of what a mentally-ill person is like. I them, you can limit their damage. For the past two
give an in-depth insight into my mind as years, I have not relapsed. My mood is stable,
someone who is blessed, not cursed, with bipolar and for this I am very grateful. Journaling my
disorder, while showing, the real struggles. I am recovery on FB has been very therapeutic and, I
open with my views on topics ranging from family believe, has helped others heal too. There, I am
issues to racial issues. I am also not too serious able to track my recovery journey over the years. I
and keep things light-hearted, preferring to laugh can see how ill I had been in some phases, how
at myself in many posts. well I had been in others, and how my insights
into my condition have evolved.
Keeping a record of all the special moments
Capturing my events such as birthdays; my Beware
excursions with friends, from hiking to lunch and A final word about journaling on FB is that we
tea; and my involvement in a musical film and should post only what we feel comfortable with
book launches; is also a means of keeping a sharing, for we can expect instant feedback from
permanent record for such moments. I others. This can be encouraging and positive, but
appreciate the fact that FB would remind me of it can also be negative and demoralising. Not all
my pasts posts on the anniversary of each day, persons-in-recovery are prepared to face the
going all the way back to 11 years ago. “haters” in social media and our mental condition
may be adversely affected. We are vulnerable to
Fun, fun, fun criticisms when we post our feelings and thoughts
Finally, FB is a fun medium to work on as I share publicly. I am fortunate that the responses I have
others’ posts and have my posts shared with in FB are positive, and I have a healthy self-
friends and strangers alike. We share esteem that can handle differences of opinions
motivational quotes, my own personal musings without being judgmental or argumentative.
and poems, videos from YouTube and Live FB
shows, which altogether make FB an interesting I wake up each day checking my FB. In fact, I do
place. Some strangers turn into friends, but for it many times a day, and it has become a habit to
the most part, I am now careful about letting key in my thoughts and feelings from wherever I
people into my friends’ list, unlike what I did in am, be it in the train or on my bed, or while
the past. Then, during manic episodes, I had waiting for a friend who is late. I must say that
accepted all friend requests and made random journaling on FB, like for many people, has
friend requests. I have yet to delete most of become an integral way of my life right now. I do
them. I had also posted unsuitable material while have a beautiful journal that my friend gave me
not in my right mind, which embarrassed me last year, but it has few entries as I prefer to type
when I returned to normalcy. Now, I filter (my handwriting is atrocious).
carefully messages from people that I do not
know, especially men. And should – God forbid – On FB, I am a keyboard warrior, the heroine of my
I have a relapse, I have left strict instructions to own book. I am sure I am not alone in my
my family to take my gadgets away from me journaling journey on this addictive social media
immediately. platform of our time.

Club HEAL Newsletter Page 07

April - June 2021 Feature

Write to HEAL Tips on Journaling
We've scoured the internet to find you some
The Freeing Serenity of Art great links to set you off on your journal journey:
by Sumaiyah Mohamed writing-tips/
There are no rules in art journaling. It is a mixed -to-quran-journaling
media art form to freely express one’s feelings,
reminders to self, hopes and aspirations. I em/tips_for_keeping_a_gratitude_journal
bought myself a large A4-sized notebook with
thicker white paper and there, I put together my journaling-tips-to-help-you-heal-grow-
thoughts through a mix of writing, drawing, and-thrive/
painting and collaging. I do not need to be “good”
at any specific artform. My hands and heart just tips-for-people-who-are-absolutely-
flow. There is no right or wrong – only what is terrible-at-keeping-a-journal-15514789
true to my spirit. I feel attracted to art journaling
because, somehow, it is almost a spiritual to-stop-thinking-about-journaling-and-
practice – one where I get in touch with my actually-start-journaling
innermost self, and wonder, what do I really feel
in my heart and how do I want this state to burst fabulous-tips-for-art-journaling-with-amy-
out of me, in a beautiful way, even if messy and maricle/
disorganised? I have taken some online courses
on art journaling – but I find that I prefer to do it
my own way. Some of the pages in my art
journal were done in Club HEAL’s day rehab,
where I had facilitated art journaling sessions
with fellow peers, and some, at my home during
my “me time”.

Club HEAL Newsletter Page 08

April - June 2021 4

Write to HEAL 2
Snapspots of Past Events
Jan to Mar 2021 PPaaggee 0092

1. Healing Friends Training – 9 Jan & 6 Mar

2. FB livestream panel discussion: "Mental Wellness in the New Workplace
Normal" with counsellor Nabiilah, organised by the Singapore Kindness
Movement – 13 Jan

3. Dementia Lecture Engagement Series: “All they need is a touch from the heart
– Communicating with persons with dementia” with ED Yang Chek, organised by
the Chapal Malay Dementia Community – 13 Jan

4. Our HEALing Voice (OHV) Graduation for 2020 cohort .We proudly celebrated
their journey of recovery and empowerment, where they shared their stories of
resilience and healing and gave back to the community through their work in peer
mentoring. Congrats to the OHV Graduates! - 23 Jan

5. "Our Mental Wellness Journey” organised by M3@Woodlands on mental health
affecting seniors, with social worker Juniahti and counsellor Nurulain – 24 Jan

6. Peace Talk Webinar by Universal Peace Federation of Malaysia: “The heart,
knowledge and experience in building bridges” with Dr Radiah – 3 Feb

7. Chit-chat session with leaders Mr Masagos Zulkifli, Assoc Prof Dr Muhammad
Faishal Ibrahim, Dr Wan Rizal Wan Zakariah, Mr Saktiandi Supandi, Mr Mohd
Fahmi Aliman, sharing on the growth and upcoming developments of Club HEAL,
and how we can continue to work with community partners to achieve our vision –
11 Feb

8. Dementia Engagement Lecture Series: Activities for Persons with Dementia,
with Nurulain, organised by the Chapal Malay Dementia Community – 21 Feb

9. FB Live programme: Bilik Kaca (Glass Room) Programme by MAEC, Keat
Hong CC on mental health, with Dr Radiah and volunteer befriender Mdm Sameni
– 28 Feb

10. Social and Multicultural Issues Class (Counselling) talk for the 'Master's in
Counselling' program: “Understanding the needs and healing traditions of the local
Malay community” organised by the School of Counselling, Singapore Bible
College, with counsellor Fauzy – 2 Mar

11. Mediacorp Warna 92.4 FM Radio programme: Dinamika Warna on mental
wellness – 16 Mar with senior counsellor Siti Hamidah Bahashwan, 23 Mar with
Nadirah, 30 Mar with Balqis

12. Mental Health Awareness Talk: Employment issues for persons with mental
health via zoom, organised by Silver Ribbon Singapore, with programme
coordinator Sumaiyah – 31 Mar

CClluubb HHEEAALL NNeewwsslleetttteerr

April - June 2021 PPaaggee 0102

Write to HEAL

Creative Corner

Let Go with Love

By Sumaiyah Mohamed (who writes poems to heal)

Forget your rage, wash anew, allow
your expectations to gracefully drip away, disappear
recycle toxicity, turn it into beautiful words
on a page, your poetry is prayer, devotion
an exercise in inviting pause and pondering
what does it mean to live, to hurt, to forgive?
remember the Sages, their sincere advice
they would pour into your heart, drink up
dizzy with Divine Love, see truth with a sharpness
envision forgiveness, fall free, an eternal sujood

Forget your guilt, trade it for gratitude
time is too precious a gift, tread the earth gently
do your best, with a spirited humility and when you falter
there is no shame in returning
do not be afraid to be a beginner
the Divine is not only at the finishing line
He is where you are, you are seen, heard
and your feelings, how meaningful, how valid
you belong in beautiful circles
daughter, wife, mother, sister, friend
you are a rose whose beauty never diminishes
even if your petals surrender to the ground
so lovely, the dull pavement comes to life

So, forget your low self-confidence, imagine
more than one thousand yesterdays ago
a beautiful light wept for you
tear-soaked beard, prayer garments,
swollen eyes and feet, were witnesses
how much you must have meant
to the beloved of a glorious God, rejoice

May your dreams come true, hold on
until you meet our beloved at a pond
then you would have truly forgotten
seeing everything as presents from the One

CClluubb HHEEAALL NNeewwsslleetttteerr

April - June 2021

Write to HEAL

Pledge Your Support

Do help people with mental health
challenges receive the support they need.

HOW TO SUPPORT? For Bank Transfer & PayNow
To request for tax deduction , please
Online at indicate your full name (as per your
identification card) under “Bill Reference”.
Cheque (crossed & made payable to 'Club
HEAL'). Please indicate your NRIC at the Thereafter email your full name, NRIC, FIN
back of cheque for tax deduction. or Passport No, contact number, transaction
ref No., gift amount and date of donation to
Via Bank Transfer
OCBC Current Account: 641-372131-001 [email protected]

Via PayNow For Cheque & GIRO
UEN no: T12SS0028K or Please mail cheque or completed form to
scan QR Code using bank app
254 Bukit Batok East Ave 4 #01-299
singapore 650254.

Please note that all donations made to Club
HEAL which is an IPC Status Charitable

Organisation are eligible to get 250% (2.5
times) Tax Deduction of the donation
amount made.

Madam Halimah Yacob
President: Members: Editorial Team
Patrons: Dr Radiah Salim Dr Bibi Jan Ayyub
Mr Zaqy Mohamad Vice-President: Ms Noorunnisa d/o Ibrahim Chief Editor
Madam Rahayu Mahzam Ms Siti Hawa Sulaiman Kutty Noorunnisa d/o Ibrahim Kutty
Hon Treasurer: Ms Deena Bajrai
Hon Advisors: Ms Fauziah Mohd Hussein Ms Eunice Olsen Editorial Team Members
Dr Joseph Leong Jern-Yi Hon Asst Treasurer: Mr John Ho Radiah Salim
Dr Habeebul Rahman Mr Muhammad Fithri Daud Ms Rohizan Talib Sumaiyah Mohamed
Dr Norhisham Main Hon Secretary: Ms Siti Aishah Jaafar Yohanna Abdullah
Dr Sharifah Mariam Aljunied Ms Amarjit Kaur Ms Siti Noor Baizura
Mr Ram Dubey Hon Asst Secretary: Rahmatullah Designer
Ms Nur Izzati Zainudin Ms Tazrinah Hussein Marina Chong
Hon Legal Counsel:
Ms Roslina Baba

Contact Club HEAL Office: 6899 3463 (9am - 5pm weekdays) | Mailing Address: Blk 254 Bukit Batok East
Ave 4 #01-229 S(650254) | Email: [email protected] | Website:

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