Beaver Boogie Quick Guide:
Boogie Veteran? Here are your quick links.
Need a little more help? Move on to the next pages.
Register Here:
on or before Septermber 27
Fundraise Here:
Donations due by October 2
Volunteer Here:
We need your help to make this a success!
October 4, 2019
Rain Date October 18, 2019
Now through September 27 - Register for the Beaver Boogie on the PTA
website at (All
Manager to indicate that your child will be staying after school for the
Boogie. Choose BEAVER BOOGIE 10/4/19 from the drop down menu.
If not participating, please make sure that the appropriate dismissal
instructions are chosen. (All students)
Now through October 2 - Create your web page and start
fundraising through Raise Craze:
(All students who have registered)
Now through October 2 - Complete the random Acts of Kindness
you chose in Raise Craze
(All students who have registered)
October 2 - Donation deadline. All donations must be received
(online and cash/checks) in order to qualify for prizes.
October 2 - Distribution of water bottles (all registered students) and t-
shirts (students who raised at least $30).
October 4 - It’s time to Boogie! (Rain Date: October 18)
October 7 - Announcement of top fundraising
class/student and total amount raised. (10/21 if rain date)
3-4 weeks after event - Distribution of incentive prizes.
For all of this information plus MORE about the Beaver Boogie please visit
REGISTERBeaver Boogie: How Do I Get Started?
GET DONATIONS Register online at
You can find the registration page by logging into your PTA account.
PRIZES You will see the registration form on your homepage or by clicking on >my
account >my forms/paperwork.
During registration, you will be asked to commit to raising at least $30. If you
indicate “no”, your child will still receive a free water bottle. If you indicate
“yes”, you are promising to raise at least $30 and, once the $30 goal has been
met on our fundraising site, your child will receive a Beaver Boogie t-shirt (in
addition to the water bottle) a few days before the event. No monies are due at
the time of registration.
Please register even if you are not participating in order to receive the free water
bottle and to help us account for every student that day. Please register no later
than September 27. Our goal is 100% participation so we do hope you'll join us.
Change Dismissal Manager to indicate that your child is participating in the
Boogie by choosing BEAVER BOOGIE 10/4/19 in the drop down menu. If not
participating, please make sure to indicate appropriate dismissal information.
This is an online platform enabling students to set up a secure, custom website where
they request donations via email. During the fundraiser, students can also go out and
pay it forward by completing Acts of Kindness for others.
Follow the prompts and in 5 minutes you are ready to go. It's that simple.
New this year...Fundraising envelopes will no longer be distributed as we are moving
toward our goal of 100% of fundraising online. If you do receive cash/check donations,
please place the donations in an envelope with the student’s name, his/her teacher’s
name, and Beaver Boogie written on the outside. These envelopes should be returned
to school by October 2 to count towards prize eligibility.
REGISTER FOR BOOGIE - Beaver Boogie Water Bottle
RAISE $30 - Beaver Boogie T-Shirt
RAISE $50 - Happy Face Stress Reliever
RAISE $75 - BES Notebook and Pen
RAISE $100 - $5 Gift Certificate to BES School Store
RAISE $150 - Reusable BES Tote Bag
TOP FUNDRAISER - 4 Tickets to ACT of CT’s Production of FREAKY
IF BES RAISES $20,000 - School-wide Pajama Day!
*all prizes are cumulative
**Scholarships are available on a confidential basis by contacting your child’s teacher or Principal Margolus.
***Anyone requiring special accommodations due to disability is asked to contact Principal Margolus.
For all of this information plus MORE about the Beaver Boogie please visit
What is the Branchville Beaver Boogie?
The Beaver Boogie is a FUNDRAISER for the PTA's programs. It is a fun, healthy event designed to promote
wellness while raising funds for the school. Students will walk, jog, or run around a one-eighth mile track located
at the Lower Field behind the school for 30 minutes.
When will the Boogie take place?
Immediately following school on October 4 (or rain date October 18). Students who are participating will stay at
school with parent class leaders. This is a PTA sponsored event.
Does everyone need to register online?
Yes! This will allow for us to account for all students making transportation and dismissal run smoothly.
Remember, everyone who registers online gets a Boogie water bottle.
After registering for the Boogie, parents MUST change their children’s dismissal instructions in School
Dismissal Manager. There will be a drop down choice of “Beaver Boogie” in the menu. By clicking on the
Boogie option, you are indicating that your child will be staying after school to participate in the Boogie. If you
do not do this, the school will follow regular dismissal procedures and send your child home on his/her
designated bus.
How will this raise money for Branchville?
Students will collect donations from friends and relatives Donations are collected online through the Raise
Craze website. Incentive prizes are offered at various giving levels. Donations are due on October 2, 2019. T-
shirts and water bottles will be distributed that day. All other incentive prizes will be distributed 3-4 weeks after
the event.
Why is the t-shirt important?
The Boogie is the only fundraiser that the PTA holds annually and the only time we ask families to fundraise.
We set the t-shirt as the $30 incentive prize hoping that all students and their families will set this as their
minimum fundraising goal. Think of it as your entry fee into a 5K race. Scholarships are available on a
confidential basis by contacting your child’s teacher or Principal Margolus.
*Anyone requiring special accommodations due to disability is asked to contact Principal Margolus.
How will the event be conducted?
The school will be divided into two groups of grade levels. Once school is dismissed, parent volunteer leaders
take grades K-2 to the Lower Field where they will begin to warm up and participate in the Run portion of the
event. Grades 3-5 will be in the cafeteria and gym working on a service project for the benefit of our community
partner, Ridgefield Meals on Wheels.
My child can't participate. Can they still win prizes?
Yes! All students can help their class reach 100% participation and win prizes by collecting donations.
How/when can I pick up my child?
After the event is completed, all students will be fathered at the Lower Field by grade level and class near their
backpacks. Parents must go to the Parent Leader and sign their child(ren) out. For safety and security
reasons, no student may leave without a parent’s signature. The scheduled completion of activities is 5:00 pm.
May adults participate?
Because of safety concerns, the only adults permitted to participate in the run portion will be teachers and
administrators. Parents are strongly encouraged to VOLUNTEER or come to watch and cheer!
Are volunteers needed?
Yes! Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and older siblings are welcome! Either look for our Beaver Boogie
signup sheet on the PTA website or email [email protected] if you would like to volunteer!