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Published by comms, 2019-03-21 21:50:58



International School Manila





“I’ve been in

international education

for 20 years but I can

honestly say that the

faculty at ISM are

the most committed,

collegial and caring

group of people I have

ever worked with.”

Dave Birchenall
High School Assistant Principal



4 Message

5 ISM at a Glance

6 Growing Up Through

the Years
8 One School, Three
Places to Learn

9 Core Values & Mission

10 Elementary School

12 Middle School

14 High School

18 Our Students

19 Our Faculty

22 Facilities

24 Activities

Service Learning
26 Program
28 The Philippines

30 Living in Manila



Superintendent’s message

T h e re a re m a ny These pages give you a brief glimpse the school. In every classroom at ISM,

r e as o n s t o b e into life at International School Manila; I there are perhaps a dozen nationalities
hope they will go some way to convinc-
represented – different mother tongues,
nervous about an ing you that, yes, there really is a won- different cultures, different creeds. My
international assign- derful school in the Philippines where twins have grown up as global citizens
and will be comfortable wherever their
children learn to make the best of them-
ment - especially selves as young people growing up in an lives and careers take them. For that, I
if that new posting ever more complex world. shall always be grateful to ISM: A School
for the World.
will be the first time I am a parent as well as a school adminis-

that you have lived trator, and my twin children began their I hope you find this brochure and our
website informative. If there is anything
formal schooling in ISM’s Kindergarten,
abroad. What is the graduated from here after thirteen years more we can tell you, we shall be de-
country like? Where of first class education and are now in lighted to help.
fine universities. I saw at first hand the
will I live? Will I eat quality of work that they completed

the same kind of at home, and I watched them in the
huge range of activities they enjoyed David Toze
food? What can I after school and at weekends. One of Superintendent
do over the week- my great joys was in watching them
develop friendships with children from
ends? Is it safe? And around the world as they moved through

of course, if you are

a parent, the first

questions will always
be: Is there a good

school for my chil-

dren? Will they be
happy there? Will

they fit in? Will they

find friends?


ISM at a glance

ISM Campus Faculty Nationalities* Shortlist of Recent
7 hectares, located in the new Global » USA 42% University Acceptances
City development at Fort Bonifacio, » UK 22% » Brown University
Metro Manila » Canada 12% » Boston College
» Philippines 6% » Boston Univeresity
Facilities » Australia 4% » Carnegie Mellon University

» 400m all-weather track and 3 » New Zealand 2% » Columbia University
playing fields
» France 2% » Dartmouth
» Sports Hall, 8 tennis courts and 3
fully air-conditioned gymnasiums » South Africa 2% » Georgetown University
» Italy 1% » Harvard
» 3 Libraries with over 80,000 books
» Ireland 1% » Johns Hopkins University
» 920-seat Fine & Performing Arts
Theater » China 1% » McGill University
» 350-seat Little Theater for multi- » Japan 1% » New York University
purpose activities » Spain 1% » NYU, Abu Dhabi
» Amelita M. Ramos Hall: performance » Others 3% » Pepperdine University
space with retractable seating and » Princeton University
modular stage Student Body*
» Design Technology and Robotics » Simon Fraser University
Suite » Elementary School 759 » Stanford University
» Music wing with state-of-the-art » Middle School 691 » St. Andrews University
sound modules » High School 816 » The University of Edinburgh
» Fully equipped Film Lab » University College of London
» University of British Columbia
» University of Chicago
» University of Pennsylvania
» University of Warwick
» Yale

*As of SY 2016-2017



Growing up through the years

In 1920, a group of American and British parents living

in Manila founded the American School.


A group of American and British In 1952, the American School became
expatriates established the American the first private school outside of the US
School, Inc., which opened its to be listed in Sergeant’s Handbook of
doors on June 21, 1920 located Private Schools.
at 606 Taft Avenue, a loaned In 1961, the school moved to the Bel-Air
church building, with eight campus to accommodate the growing AS
teachers and fifty students community.
from Grades 1-12.

The American School (AS)
moved locations twice
in this decade: in 1922 to
Padre Faura Street and in 1928
to MH Del Pilar St. Both were
Spanish-style colonial homes.


1930 On January 2, 1942, Japanese

troops arrived in Manila.
In 1930, the American Indian became All citizens of the Allied
the AS symbol. countries were interned at
the University of Sto. Tomas.
Just after the Christmas holidays of
1936, the school moved again; this time Heads of various schools
to a campus on Donada Street. organized classes within the
internment camp and these
ran until 1945. A total of thirty-
four students completed their High
School requirements and graduated
during WWII.
In September 1946, exactly one year
after the Japanese surrendered in
Manila, the American School re-opened
in Donada Street.


After forty years at the Bel-Air campus,
in 2002, International School Manila
moved to a purpose-built, state-of-
the-art campus on a 7-hectare site
in Bonifacio Global City.

With a growing international commu-
nity of over 2,266 students, ISM cel-
ebrated 95 years in 2015.


In 1970, the American School changed
its name to International School Manila
at the recommendation of the US
Embassy to reflect the growing student
diversity on campus. In the same year,
IS Manila also became the first interna-
tional school to receive Accreditation
by the Western Association of Schools
and Colleges (WASC).
In 1976, the International Baccalaureate 1990
Program was introduced to the High
School curriculum. 1994 marked the last year of
In 1982, ISM joined the Interscholastic the Indian symbol. The Bearcat was
Association of Southeast Asia Schools announced as the official mascot
(IASAS). beginning SY 1995-1996.

In 1999, the current globe logo was
introduced as the official emblem,
replacing the Indian insignia.

One School, Three Places to Learn

The Elementary School, Middle School and High School have their own Administration and Faculty, yet
the students and their educational goals remain the common thread that binds us as a community.

ISM Memberships
» International School Manila is
recognized by the Department of
Education (DepEd).
» Member of the East Asia Regional
Council of Overseas Schools (EARCOS)
since 1965.
» Member of the International
Baccalaureate (IB) Program since
1975 and one of the largest IB Schools
in the world.
» Member of the National Association
of Independent Schools (NAIS) since
» Member of the Council of International
Schools (CIS) since 2003.
» Member of the Association for
the Advancement of International
Education (AAIE) since 2005.
» ISM received dual accreditation by
the Western Association of Schools
and Colleges (WASC) and the Council
of International Schools (CIS) in 2008
and 2012.


Core Values & Mission

We are an independent, » Accentuate learning, growth,
international school with a perseverance and self-awareness as
structure, style and traditions life-long values.
that emanate from the United » Nurture creativity and originality as
precursors for critical and reflective
States and with a curriculum thought and action.
a nd m e t h o d o l o g y t h a t » Succeed collectively as well as
reflect the best in worldwide individually, achieving our personal
educational research and best in all aspects of school life.
practice. Our school is diverse » Maintain a healthy balance in the
and dynamic, and our students time devoted to work, rest and
have the highest aspirations
for their education and future » Involve our community in sustaining
and safeguarding our environment.
lives. » Interact through honest, respectful INTEGRITY
and open communication.
Core Values
Integrity, Service, Merit » Acknowledge and celebrate our SERVICE
differences and encourage empathy,
compassion, understanding and
Mission respect for human dignity.
To build a vibrant and enterprising learn- » Live our lives positively, joyfully and M ER I T
ing community in which all strive to: ethically.





The Elementary School

comprises seven year levels:
Preschool (covering two years),
Kindergarten and Grades 1 to
4. The age range is from
three to ten.


In the Elementary School, we provide a safe
and caring environment in which students are
challenged and able to take an active role in “
their own learning. We strive to meet students’ Grow with
individual needs and recognize each of our
students as a unique person with distinct set the children
of values, passions, experiences and ideas. of the world.
We want students to be knowledgeable and
informed, responsible and caring people who
enjoy rich relationships with others; people who ”
can communicate, question, inquire; people
who are both independent and collaborative,
risk-takers, and creative, critical and reflective
Curriculum at
ISM Elementary School

The key areas of our Curriculum are:
• Kindergarten to Grade 12 Standards and
Indicators which specify what a learner
needs to know, understand and be able to
do in each of the grade levels for:
o English Language Arts
o Math
o Science
o Social Studies
o Physical Education
o Music
o Visual Arts
• A set of Dispositions which are the life-long
behaviors we want to cultivate in students.
They are rooted in common values that
will help a student learn how to contribute
positively to the school community and
society at large.
• A set of Learning Skills which are school-
wide, broad, essential skills that transcend
subject areas.
• A Preschool to Grade 4 Healthy Relationships
curriculum which explicitly teaches children
the knowledge and skills they need to be
empowered advocates for themselves and
others and to recognize, value and maintain
healthy relationships in their lives.





The Middle School
comprises four grade levels,
Grade 5 through Grade 8.
The age range is from ten to


In the Middle School, we offer a range of
educational experiences that encourage
personal success for every student, while
recognizing their developmental needs and
differences. Respecting different learning
styles, teachers offer students opportunities to
develop strategies that will help them benefit
from academic challenges and discover their
own strengths as learners.

» English Language Arts » Dance Remix
» Math » Dance Revolution
» Modern Language » DigiArt
» Physical Education » Drama - Storm the Stage
» Science » Drama - Musical Theater
» Social Studies » Drama - Technical
» Wellness Theater
ELECTIVE COURSES: » Drama - Improv
» Fun, Fast and Fit
» Adventure-Based Games
» ArtiSan » General Music
» ArtMud » Innovation Tech
» ArtSculpt » IT iDesign
» ArtStudio » IT iLearn
» Journalism
» Band
» Be The Change » Robotics
» Blueprint for Success » Strings
» Chorus » Team Sports

Students in the Middle School maintain
a sense of small-group community by
participating in Advisory twice a week.
Advisory provides our students with
team-building activities, service learning
opportunities and strengthens both peer
and student-adult relationships. Student
Advisory Program allows our students
to focus on developing self-awareness,
developing interpersonal communication
and conflict resolution skills at each
grade level.





College Attendance
for 2017 Graduates

» Four-year colleges 93%
» Two-year colleges 1%
» US colleges & universities 43%
» Other world colleges
& universities 51%


ISM offers a full High School program designed
to prepare students for college and university
admission. Students who successfully complete 100%
the requirements for graduation earn the ISM
High School Diploma, a recognized qualification
for most colleges and universities around of International
the world. Baccalaureate Candidates
received the full
Diploma in 2016.

ISM offers the prestigious International
Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma, an acade-
mically rigorous and challenging program
that is recognized in most countries
of the world as a university entrance
qualification. Students have the option
to work towards a full IB Diploma or
they may enroll in select courses for IB



University Acceptances

Class of 2017
UNITED STATES » Trent University
» American University » University of British Columbia
» Barnard College » University of Ottawa
» Bentley University » University of Toronto
» Boston College » University of Waterloo
» Boston University » York University
» Brown University UNITED KINGDOM
» Carnegie Mellon University » Birmingham City University
» Chapman University » Cardiff Metropolitan University
» Claremont McKenna College » Durham University
» Columbia University » King’s College London
» Dartmouth College » Manchester Metropolitan University
» Duke University » New Castle University
» Emerson College » Queen Mary University of London
» Emory University » St. George’s University of London
» Fordham University » The Glasgow School of Art
» George Mason University » The London School of Economics and Political
» Georgetown University Science
» Georgia Institute of Technology » The University if Edinburgh
» Harvard University » The University of Manchester
» Ithaca College » University College London
» John Hopkins University » University of Bath
» Loyola Marymount University » University of Exeter
» New York University » University of Glasgow
» Northeastern University » University of Leeds
» Occidental College » University of St. Andrews
» Pennsylvania State University » University of Surrey
» Pepperdine University » University of Sussex
» Princeton University » University of Warwick
» Saint Mary’s College of California
» San Diego State University EUROPE
» Santa Clara University » EU Business School - Montreaux
» Sarah Lawrence College » Marist-LdM -Florence
» Savannah College of Art and Design » Montreux School of Business
» Stanford University
» Texas Tech University ASIA
» The George Washington University » Ateneo de Manila University
» The Ohio State University » De La Salle University Manila
» The University of Texas, Austin » International Christian University
» Tufts University » Keio University
» University of California, Berkeley » Nagoya University
» University of California, Los Angeles » NYU Abu Dhabi
» University of California, San Diego » The Chinese University of HK SAT Scores
NYU Shanghai
» University of Chicago »
» University of Illinois at Chicago » University of Hong Kong
» University of Pennsylvania » University of the Philippines
» University of San Diego » Waseda University
» University of San Francisco » Yale-NUS College
» University of Southern California
» University of Washington 645
» Vanderbilt University
» Virginia Tech
» Wesleyan University 610
» Yale University 595
» Acadia University 494 482
» Brock University
» Carleton University
» Dalhousie University
» McGill University
» McMaster University
» Mount Saint Vincent University
» Queen’s University
» Simon Fraser University

World ISM


“ ISM students are

the nicest and most

motivated students I

have ever taught. ”

Ringo Dingrando

High School Science and Robotics Teacher



Our Students

I strive to make

759 a difference in

Elementary 691 the world.
School 2,266 Middle ”

PS-Grade 4 School
Student Grades 5-8


High School
Grades 9-12

Student Diversity*

» Asia Pacific 56%
» North America 29%
» Europe 11%
» Others 4%


Our Faculty

1% Spain
1% Japan
1% China
1% Italy
1% Ireland
3% Others
2% France
2% South Africa
2% New Zealand
4% Australia
USA 42%
6% Philippines

12% Canada

22% UK

*As of SY 2016-2017



“The ISM community is a melting pot of

cultures from around the globe. The diversity

promotes an environment of appreciation,

recognition and interaction, which breaks

the barriers of race, religion and tradition.

At ISM, there is only one community:

a global community.”


“The ISM community is a melting pot of

cultures from around the globe. The diversity

promotes an environment of appreciation,

recognition and interaction, which breaks

the barriers of race, religion and tradition.

At ISM, there is only one community:

a global community.”




In June 2002, ISM moved to a » The School houses a 350-seat Little
purpose-built, state-of-the-art Theater and a 920-seat Fine and
campus on a seven hectare site Performing Arts Theater. The newly
remodeled music wing features a
located in the new Global City performance hall and practice areas
development at Fort Bonifacio, with state-of-the-art sound modules.
Metro Manila. Based on the The recently constructed Film Lab
needs of the Elementary School, is equipped with editing station,
surround sound projection and
Middle School and High School, various cameras and sound gear.
the design and facilities of » Each school has its own Library,
ISM complement the dynamic allowing ISM to maintain over 80,000
curricular and co-curricular books, videos and compact discs.
programs being offered to

» Supporting ISM Athletics and Activities,
each school also has its own air-
conditioned gymnasium and outdoor
field. The aquatics area is composed
of an 8-lane competition swimming
pool, a shallow teaching pool and a
deep-water pool for scuba and diving
activities. There is a fully equipped
fitness gym and a dance studio. On the
roof deck, the newly opened tennis
facility consisting of eight covered
courts built on synthetic grass provides
a year-round venue for sports.


» Students enjoy learning in spacious,
carpeted, air-conditioned classrooms,
as well as having access to specialized
activity rooms for art, pottery, music,
dance, drama, weight training and
the martial arts. The campus also
offers fully equipped laboratories for
both Science classes and Information
& Communication Technology (ICT)
studies. Our entire campus has cable
and WiFi access to the internet, and
there is ample hardware in the form
of desktops, laptops, projectors,
interactive whiteboards, digital
cameras and other hi-tech devices.
Information technology has a key role in
learning at ISM. An entire new floor was
recently built to enhance opportunities
for students in Design Technology and




No school in the world offers a
broader range of activities. Our
High School students compete
internationally against the
biggest and most prestigious
schools in the region. Together,
there are literally a hundred
activities that make up ISM’s
vibrant after-school co-
curricular program. Whether
it’s Sports, Fine and Performing
Arts, Information Technology,
Model United Nations, Outreach,
Publications, Languages and
Cultures, students are sure to
find something they enjoy.

Local Sports Associations/

Private Schools Athletics Development

Inter Scholastic Sport Association

Metro Manila Basketball League

Inter-Scholastic Tennis Association

Rizal Football Association Girls
Rizal Football Association Boys
Manila Sports & Activities Conference


Interscholastic Association
of Southeast Asian Schools

» Cross-Country
» Soccer
» Volleyball
» Basketball
» Rugby/Touch
» Swimming
» Tennis
» Badminton
» Baseball
» Softball
» Track & Field
» Golf

» International School Manila (ISM)
» International School Bangkok (ISB)
» International School Kuala Lumpur
» Jakarta Intercultural School (JIS)
» Singapore American School (SAS)
» Taipei American School (TAS)






International School Manila has a deep “
commitment to developing responsible, I slept and dreamt
caring and ethical contributors. It is
therefore essential that all students life was joy. I awoke and
have both the opportunity and saw that life was service.
guidance to engage in meaningful
service learning experiences. The I acted and beheld
interaction between students from service was joy.
different grades, cultures and life
experiences with those of our partner ”
organizations, develops a broader, more - Rabindranath Tagor
inclusive understanding of the world. ISM
places great emphasis on students becoming
inquiring and reflective problem solvers and
it is in this spirit that our students engage with
environmental issues. We encourage our students to acknowledge the interconnected
complexity of life on earth of which the planet’s natural resources are the basis.
Our Service Learning program aims to empower students to address issues of real
importance at both a local and global level.

Our Partners

» ABS-CBN Eco Village » Makabata Foundation
» Baguio Bethesda School » Mindoro Community
» Banawe School » NKOO (Jose Fabella Memorial School)
» Bataan-Pawikan Conservation Center » Operation Smile
(Karanisan) » Pangarap Boys School
» Bearcat for Street Soccer » Papaya Academy
» Biak na Bato (Karanisan) » Pedro Palacio School
» Botolan-Aeta Farming Community (Karanisan) » Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS)
» Caliraya PA Schools » Philippine Community Foundation (PCF)
» Child Hope Foundation » Philippine Inst.for the Deaf School
» Chosen Children Village » Project Best
» Cottolengo Filipino » Promoting Rural Education in the Philippines
» Down Syndrome/Stepping Stones Foundation (PREP)
» Estancia Elementary School » Red Cross Philippines
» Exchange with People of Indigenous Culture » Renovate to Educate (rED)
(EPIC) » Sagip Kapamilya ABS CBN
» Foster the Children » Samahang Bukas Palad (SPB)
» Gawad Kalinga (GK) » SPECS-TEC
» GK Enchanted Farm » Stairway Foundation
» Habitat for Humanity » Tarlac-Aeta Community (Karanisan)
» Holy Family School » The Coral Conservancy
» Hospicio de San Jose » The Vicky SyCip Herrera Scholarship Fund
» Invisible Foundation » Thrive
» KASAMA » Tzu Chi Foundation
» Karanisan » UNICEF
» Kids International » White Cross Orphanage
» La Mesa Dam » Zambales-Aeta Community (Karanisan)
» Love 2 Learn/Young Focus



The Philippines

Recreation and Travel in Asian heritage blended with a Spanish Pacific War Memorial or venture to the
the Philippines and American colonial past lends the southeast of Luzon and visit the Cagsawa
Filipino culture a varied and rich his- Church ruins.
Imagine an archipelago of over 7,000
tory. From remote indigenous tribes to
islands, an area sustaining one of the Feel the Warmth of the
the modern urban intellectuals, Filipinos
world’s most diverse ecosystems ly- reflect the warmth and vitality of the is- Tropics
ing at the crossroads of Southeast Asia.
lands in their smiles and hospitality. The friendly people and warm climate
Welcome to the Philippines, where will make you feel right at home—so
travelers have plenty to enjoy: pristine Festivals to See much so that you may not want to leave!
beaches located over miles of coastline, » Feast of the Black Nazarene With miles of coastlines, exploring the
some of the best diving and snorkeling » Ati-Atihan Philippines offers travelers a mosaic of
spots in the world, not to mention beau- » Pasungay tropical settings: the rugged shoreline
tiful volcanoes and underground rivers. » Pahiyas Festival of Northern Luzon, the white powder
This is a place where nature’s generos- » Maskara sands of Boracay, the limestone cliffs of
ity blends perfectly with a culture that
» Dinagyang Palawan, and the coral-fringed reefs of
exudes warmth, kinship and hospitality. Anilao. All these destinations are but a
Indulge in History short car, plane, or boat ride away from
Explore the Variety of Treat your eyes to the quaint old houses Metro Manila.
Cultures of Vigan, Ilocos Sur, Iloilo, the churches

The islands play host to an exchange of Bacolod in Negros, and the walled city Savor Great Food
of cultures and ideas handed down of Intramuros for a rich architectural The Philippines has a rich cultural mix
through the generations. The mixed tour. Across Manila Bay you will find the of Chinese, Spanish, Indian, Malay, and
Arabic, so you can imagine the variety of
food there is from the North to the South
of the archipelago.


Sample the national dish, Adobo, which Felipe all offer great waves for beginner TAGAYTAY
comes in as many varieties as the regions to intermediate surfers. A range of re- Driving an hour and half south, away from
it is served in. Let sinigang, lechon (roast sorts are available in the area for those the metro will bring you to Tagaytay.
pig), buko (coconut) and sweets made of who prefer to stay for the weekend. Known for all year-round cool weather,
glutinous rice like suman latik tickle your MT. PINATUBO, ZAMBALES
there are a lot of things to do in this city.
taste buds. Fusion was invented in the Enjoy incredible views while trekking Mt.
From taking a volcano tour to windsurf-
Philippines! Pinatubo and go swimming in the aqua
blue waters of the volcano’s Crater Lake. ing in Taal Lake, you will find that one
Day Trips from Manila During the trek, you will have the chance weekend is not enough to do all the dif-

A short drive from Manila will lead you to visit the Aeta Village and interact with ferent activities. With the vast options of
to nature trails and exciting adventures. the indigenous tribe inhabiting the area. restaurants and quaint boutique hotels,
ANILAO, BATANGAS LA MESA ECOPARK most make this a regular weekend geta-
Anilao, a popular diving spot is just 2.5 Developed to protect and preserve the way destination.
hours away from Manila by car. With over La Mesa Watershed, the La Mesa Ecopark ANGELES CITY
48 dive sites, all divers from beginners offers outdoor recreation. Fishing, bun- For thrill seekers, ultralight flying is a
to instructors will have plenty of marine gee jumping, horseback riding, biking, must do. Offered in Angeles City, 2-3
life to see. Different resorts surround and camping are just some of the activi- hours away from the metro, you can
the area offering accommodations for di- ties this park has for visitors. experience flying an ultralight plane or
vers who want to make the most of their CORREGIDOR ISLAND simply hop on to enjoy the view. This is
weekend. An hour away by ferry, Corregidor is
known as the Island Fortress where sure to be an exhilarating adventure!
Filipino and American defenders held
Zambales, a 3-hour drive from Manila is
their ground against the Japanese invad- Enjoy life on the
known for various beaches and surfing
ers during World War II. Perfect for his-
spots. San Antonio, San Narciso, and San islands!
tory buffs, a tour around the island will
lead visitors to ruins, tunnels, and big
guns used during the war.




» Fort Bonifacio Global City, where ISM to numerous international/local » Manila is proud of its moniker as the
is located, is the new hub of dining, networks and news programs. mall capital of Asia. Shopping centers
culture and arts in Taguig, where » Personal services such as household in all shapes and sizes abound in the
expatriates and Filipinos mix and help, a driver, and a babysitter, are metropolis, offering a great variety
mingle. all readily available and relatively of goods and services. International
» Live conveniently in Fort Bonifacio inexpensive in the Philippines. Other and local brands make shopping in
Global City and experience an easy reasonable services include: custom and around Manila a delight.
5-10 minute walk to campus. tailoring, salon & spa services,
» The Fort BGC Bus offers easy and laundry & dry cleaning, as well as
affordable transportation around many more home delivery services. While you live and
Bonifacio Global City. Transportation » Some of the city’s major hospitals work here, don’t
to the Makati Business District and offer medical and dental facilities
other areas of the metropolis can that are among the best in the region. forget to have fun!
be achieved with metered taxi » Wine and dine in restaurants
cabs. Smartphone based taxi and specializing in American, Mexican,
private car booking services are also Continental, Middle Eastern or
accessible for convenience. Oriental cuisine.
» Get your daily dose of news by » The tropical climate in Manila allows
staying connected online with the for year-round summer clothing.
use of campus Wi-Fi. Television Western dress is appropriate and the
cable access tunes you in to CNN, norm.
BBC, ESPN, and HBO in addition

ISM would like to thank the following for their contribution in
photographs to this brochure: Jiyoon Kang, Sienna Hagedorn,
Juan Antonio Periquet, Andie Tolhurst, Brandon James McAlister,
Eugene Perez, Maricel San Agustin, Jason Juteau, Peter Emmett,
Neil Woods, Krista Plank, Brandon Hoover, ISM Digital Photography
30 INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL MANILA Club and the Philippine Department of Tourism.

“We believe that

International School

Manila has a unique

opportunity to foster

the development of

global citizens of the




International School Manila
University Parkway,
Fort Bonifacio Global City
1634 Taguig, Philippines

[email protected]
[email protected]

Trunk Line
+63 2 840.8400

+63 2 840.8405


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