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Published by comms, 2019-03-20 23:26:37


International School Manila




International School Manila




TABLE OF 02 ISM Core Values and


CONTENTS 03 Learning at ISM

An Overview:
04 The Middle School

English Language Arts



Social Studies

Modern Languages Support Services
17 34

Physical Education English-as-a-Second-
19 36 Language (ESL)

Wellness Learning Support
22 37 Program

Design and Technology Middle School Library
24 38

Fine and Performing Clubs and Activities
27 Arts 39

Student Advisory Service Learning
32 Program 41

Classroom Without
33 Walls

ISM CORE We are an independent, international school with a structure,
style and traditions that emanate from the United States and
VALUES AND with a curriculum and methodology that reflect the best in
MISSION worldwide educational research and practice. Our school
is diverse and dynamic, and our students have the highest
aspirations for their education and future lives.

Integrity, Service, Merit

To build a vibrant and enterprising learning community in which all strive

• Accentuate learning, growth, perseverance and self-awareness as
life-long values.
• Nurture creativity and originality as precursors for critical and
reflective thought and action.
• Succeed collectively as well as individually, achieving our personal
best in all aspects of school life.
• Maintain a healthy balance in the time devoted to work, rest and
• Involve our community in sustaining and safeguarding our
• Interact through honest, respectful and open communication.
• Acknowledge and celebrate our differences and encourage
empathy, compassion, understanding and respect for human
• Live our lives positively, joyfully and ethically.

* Adopted by the Board of Trustees on 26 October 2015

The educational experience at ISM places the Learner at the center of
ISM everything we do. Guided by our Mission and Core Values, we seek to
engage all students in meaningful learning experiences that build on
their knowledge and understanding, encourage curiosity and reflection,
and lead to an appreciation of complex concepts.

Our Preschool through Grade 12 curriculum is the product of countless hours of 2 - 3 INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL MANILA MIDDLE SCHOOL PROGRAM GUIDE
conversation, collaboration, and rigorous evaluation and is subject to constant revision
by teachers and principals. It is our intention that the knowledge, understanding, skills,
and dispositions we value in our educational program will serve our students through
school, university, and into their careers.

ISM makes use of schoolwide subject area standards that are organized appropriately
for the learner at each grade level. Our curriculum is written using the Understanding by
Design framework, where units of study are developed by teams of teachers to identify
and target specific conceptual understanding in line with ISM’s Key Learning Principles.
ISM has developed a set of Assessment Principles that all teachers employ to improve
student learning. Assessments inform instruction, offer meaningful feedback for the
learner, and effectively measure student attainment of learning goals.

• Learning is purposeful and contextual.
• Knowledge is organized around transferable core concepts to guide learning.
• Different types of thinking mediate and enhance learning.
• Learners demonstrate their understanding when they apply, transfer and adapt
their learning to new situations.
• New learning is built on prior knowledge.
• Learning is social.
• Attitudes and values mediate learning by filtering experiences and perceptions.
• Learning is non-linear; it develops and deepens over time.
• Feedback enhances learning and performance.
• Recognizing and respecting an individual’s learning style makes teaching more




Middle School at International School Manila is a time when students are transitioning from childhood
to their adolescent years. This is an exciting and challenging time for both the students themselves and
the adults in their lives supporting them through this journey. We believe in the following characteristics
that are supported throughout our Middle School program.

We are:
• developmentally responsive, taking into consideration the nature of young adolescents as the
foundation on which all decisions are made;
• challenging, recognizing that every student can learn and everyone is held to high expectations;
• empowering, providing all students with the knowledge and skills they need to take control
of their lives;
• equitable, advocating for every student’s right to learn and providing challenging and relevant
learning opportunities; and
• internationally minded, being aware of the importance of acknowledging and benefiting from
the cultural diversity that exists in our community and how we use this to broaden perspectives
and build acceptance.

The Middle School comprises four grade levels, Grade 5 through Grade 8. The age range is from ten
to fourteen.

In general, all Middle School students are required to take English, Social Studies, Mathematics, Science,
Modern Language, Physical Education, Wellness and individual Elective options. Grades 5 and 6, all
students take one semester of Art and one semester of Drama, along with music elective choices. In
Grades 7 and 8, students can take a year-long and one semester elective or three semester electives.

English Language Arts Mathematics Science Social Studies
Modern Language Physical Education Wellness

Year-long Year-long Year-long Semester-long
Band Band Band ArtMud
Chorus Chorus Chorus ArtStudio
Be The Change
Semester-long Semester-long Blueprint for Success
Chorus Chorus Chorus
General Music General Music Dance Remix
Adventure-Based Games Team Sports Dance Revolution
IT iLearn IT iDesign DigiArt
Drama - Storm the Stage
Drama - Improv
Drama – Musical
Drama – Technical
Fun, Fast and Fit
Innovation Tech

The four core areas of the Middle School curriculum – English, Mathematics, Science and Social
Studies – collaborate to align the programs and ensure ongoing opportunities for student transfer of
understandings and skills between the different content areas from Grades 5 to 8.

Each set of Standards and Indicators has been aligned vertically between the divisions of the school
and guides the instruction at each grade level in the core area courses.

At the heart of each course is a range of micro concepts that provide disciplinary depth within courses.
There are also macro concepts that provide disciplinary breadth across courses and reinforce the
interconnectedness of content and skills by encouraging students to transfer what they are learning in
one class to what they are learning in another.

In addition to the concepts, there is a set of school-wide Learning Skills which are a set of broad,
essential skills that transcend subject areas. These include collaboration, communication, creative,
critical and reflective thinking, research and self-management. These skills are incorporated into the
learning experiences in each course and are a part of the assessment process.

A final component is our Dispositions, which are lifelong behaviors
we want to cultivate in students. They are rooted in common • Effective assessment is valid. Assessment tools and
values that will help a student learn how to contribute positively to processes are aligned to standards and directly measure
the school community and society at large. These include being what they are intended to measure.
balanced, caring, curious, ethical, persevering and responsible. • Effective assessment is fair and ethical. Assessment is
based on clear statements of purpose, standards and
Both within departments and across grade levels, teachers criteria against which success will be measured. Students
collaborate with one another to support instruction for students have a clear understanding of what is expected of them.
within these frameworks. The opportunities for Middle School Assessments are non-discriminatory, culturally appropriate
students to transfer their learning experiences make for a richer, and allow for diversity in learning styles.
more rigorous academic program and solidify the long-term • Effective assessment is efficient and feasible. Assessment
development and reinforcement of their understandings. tasks are clear, appropriate and well structured. They are
achievable in a reasonable time frame mainly within the
classroom. They are designed to allow teachers to give
ASSESSMENT AND GRADING FOR LEARNING timely feedback to students.
• Effective assessment promotes learner self-reliance. Student
Principles of Assessment involvement in the nature and timing of assessment tasks
• Effective assessment improves student learning. Assessment promotes self-reliance. There are ample opportunities for
for improved student learning and deep understanding students to monitor their learning through self-assessment.
requires a range of assessment practices to be used with • Effective assessment is authentic and contextual. Assessments
three overarching purposes: encourage students to engage in the thoughtful application
1. Assessment FOR learning occurs when teachers use of knowledge and skills to real issues and problems.
inferences about student progress to inform their
teaching (formative);
2. Assessment AS learning occurs when students reflect
on and monitor their progress to inform future
learning goals (formative);
3. Assessment OF learning occurs when teachers use
evidence of student learning to make judgments on
student achievement against goals and standards
(usually summative but can also be used as formative
when followed by further instruction).
• Effective assessment recognizes learning differences.
Learning is a complex process that is multidimensional,
integrated and revealed in student performance over time.
Students learn differently and at different paces and are
assessed in ways that show their learning in the best light.
• Effective assessment measures what is truly valued.
Assessment is based on a vision of the kinds of learning
we value most and how students might best achieve these.

Within the Achievement and Learning Skills categories, grades will
Purposes of Assessment be reported on in subcategories to provide further information to
The primary purpose of assessment is to improve student parents and students regarding strengths and areas for growth.
learning by: Within the Achievement category, students will be assessed
• giving students the opportunity to demonstrate their on Knowledge and Understanding (What do you know?) and
learning, experience success and increase self-reliance by Transfer of Learning (How can you apply what you know?)
understanding their own progress, setting realistic goals Within the Learning Skills category, students will be assessed on
and planning the next stages of their learning; Collaboration and Self-Management.
• enabling teachers to determine degrees of prior knowledge
before starting new learning, ascertain degrees of Student work is assessed using the 1-7 grade scale described 6 - 7 INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL MANILA MIDDLE SCHOOL PROGRAM GUIDE
understanding at various stages of the learning process, below:
identify and support learning differences and learning
styles, and monitor and modify teaching strategies and
Grade/ Label Description
• providing parents with the opportunity to be partners in the
learning process and giving them information to assist their
7 Exemplary
child in planning for the future, both in the immediate and
long term;
6 Exemplary/ Proficient
• providing curriculum leaders with the data necessary for
effective curriculum evaluation and revision;
5 Proficient
• providing other learning institutions with the data necessary
for admissions and grade/year placement decisions and
4 Proficient/ Developing
giving accurate information on what the child knows and is
able to do, including strengths and areas needing support.
3 Developing
Grading for Learning:
2 Developing/ Emerging
At ISM, we believe that grades should reflect the level of
understanding and achievement towards determined standards
1 Emerging
and that student behaviors (effort, participation, adherence to
class rules, etc.) should be included separately. Therefore, the
IE Insufficient Evidence
grade in each subject area will consist of two separate grading
categories. These include Achievement and Learning Skills
categories and both will be reported in the semester report.


ARTS The Middle School English Language Arts program inspires students to
explore their own strengths and interests as readers, writers, speakers,
and listeners. Students strive to be readers and thinkers who make
meaning from varied texts and craft written, visual, or oral pieces that
are sophisticated and accessible to a targeted audience. Students
explore the patterns and structures of text so they can transfer their
skills between different literary contexts and across subjects of study.

The English Language Arts program is skills-based and revisits the fundamental
components of reading, writing, speaking, and listening at each grade level in the
Middle School. The curriculum varies the complexity of texts and genres to build the
sophistication of students’ thinking each year and prepares them for the learning ahead.

Overarching essential questions encourage students to think about communication as a
part of their everyday lives. These questions help focus each student’s attention on why
English Language Arts is studied as a part of the core curriculum. Students revisit these
questions throughout each unit of study. At the end of each unit, these questions are
used to guide reflection on a student’s understanding of the unit of study.

Why read? How do I grow as a reader?

Why write? How do I grow as a writer?

Why speak? How do I grow as a speaker?

Why listen? How do I grow as a listener?

Students are viewed as individual learners who need developmentally The English Honors program is offered in Grades 7 and 8 and
appropriate and differentiated instructional strategies throughout caters to students who are able to incorporate more sophisticated
the year. During each unit, students are encouraged to explore points of view, contexts, and levels of critical analyses into their
different texts through the metacognitive reading strategies use of communication skills. In planning and implementing
and share their ideas with peers in small and whole group the curriculum, alternative texts, supplementary resources and
discussions. They utilize their own learning styles as they explore additional assessment tasks are identified that give students
and analyze texts from different perspectives. Independent a wider range of opportunities to showcase their thinking and
writing and reading are vital components of each course in order learning within each unit of study. Honors students are expected
to encourage each student’s inclination and passion for reading to be self-directed, reflective and creative thinkers who excel in
and writing. Self-reflection is a critical component of each course this context.
because it allows students to set and revisit personal growth goals
as an ongoing aspect of their communication development. A process has been established for the selection of students in
the Honors program, and is communicated to all parents and
ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS HONORS students at the beginning of each school year.
The aims and objectives of the English Honors program at ISM
• To broaden and deepen student appreciation of literature In the Introduction to Journalism elective course, students learn
by engaging in a study of challenging literary texts. about and experience what it means to be a journalist. They
• To foster a greater sense of the artistry and artfulness of practice gathering information, conducting interviews, and
language and writing. expressing their opinions in print, electronic and video media.
• To extend each student’s English skills beyond the regular The composition of text in each of these types of media as well as
English curriculum. the methods for producing each type of publication is explored.
• To foster a deeper understanding of how communication The goal of the course is to give interested students an authentic
skills enrich and enhance the learning experience across experience in communicating with an audience and purpose in
the curriculum. mind while creating an awareness of a journalist’s professional
duties and responsibilities.

MATHEMATICS The Middle School Mathematics Department believes that all
students have the capacity to learn mathematics at a high level. We
endeavor to move students along the learning continuum while
challenging and supporting them as they develop the dispositions,
skills, knowledge and understanding to effectively use and apply
mathematics inside and outside of the classroom.

The ISM Mathematics curriculum is designed to provide students with the
opportunity to focus deeply on the major work of each grade. This focus helps
students gain strong foundations, including a solid understanding of concepts,
a high degree of procedural skill and fluency, and the ability to apply the
mathematics they know to solve problems inside and outside of the classroom.
Our curriculum is a coherent body of knowledge made up of interconnected
concepts with articulated progressions from grade to grade so that students can
build new understanding onto foundations built in previous years.

We seek to develop varieties of expertise in our students through emphasis on
The Standards for Mathematical Practices. These practices rest on important
“processes and proficiencies” with longstanding importance in mathematics
education. These elements support a student’s ability to learn and apply more
demanding mathematics concepts and procedures while calling on students
to practice applying mathematical ways of thinking to real-world issues and
challenges. They prepare students to think and reason mathematically.

Standards for Mathematical Practices:
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
4. Model with mathematics.
5. Use appropriate tools strategically.
6. Attend to precision.
7. Look for and make use of structure.
8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

Instructional practices in the Middle School Mathematics program
are student-centered and designed to pursue conceptual
understanding, procedural skills and fluency and application
with equal intensity. Instructional decisions are informed through
ongoing formative assessment to ensure that all students
continually build skills and have access to rich curricular content.

The Grade 5 Mathematics course focuses on number and operations
in base ten, operations with fractions, and measurement and data.
Specifically, students will understand place value, perform operations
with decimals, perform operations with fractions, and understand the
concept of volume.

The Grade 6 Mathematics course focuses on ratios and proportional
relationships, the number system, expressions and equations, Statistics,
and Geometry. Specifically, students will use rational reasoning to solve
problems, divide fractions by fractions, extend previous understanding
of numbers to the system of rational numbers, solve one-variable
equations and inequalities and analyze quantitative relationships
between dependent and independent variables.

The Grade 7 Mathematics course focuses on ratios and proportional
relationships, the number system, expressions and equations, and
geometry of triangles. Specifically, students will use proportional
relationships to solve real world and mathematical problems, use
operations with fractions to add, subtract, multiply, and divide rational
numbers, and solve real-life and mathematical problems using
numerical and algebraic expressions and equations.

The Grade 8 Mathematics course focuses on expressions and
equations, functions, geometry and statistics. Specifically, students
will work with radicals and integer exponents, scientific notation,
understand proportional relationships, lines and linear equations,
solve linear equations and pairs of simultaneous linear equations,
understand geometrical congruence and similarity, apply the
Pythagorean Theorem, and solve real-world mathematical problems
involving volume of cylinders, cones and spheres.

In Grades 7 and 8, we offer courses for students who qualify for a more rigorous program
than standard-level mathematics. The accelerated curriculum of the Mathematics
Honors program challenges advanced learners who demonstrate superior aptitude in
reasoning and problem solving to use higher-order thinking skills.

The aims and objectives of the Math Honors program are:
• To broaden and deepen student appreciation of mathematics by engaging
and extending students with more demanding material, problem-solving and
enrichment beyond the challenges provided in the standard math curriculum.
• To provide students with the opportunity to see and apply mathematical
skills and concepts in everyday life, thereby making evident the fundamental
importance of mathematics in the world around them.
• To develop inquisitive and active problem solvers who regularly use higher level
thinking skills.
• To expand student understanding and appreciation of the nature of
mathematical thinking.

Honors students are expected to apply concepts and make connections to new situations,
demonstrate superior reasoning and problem-solving abilities, be independent and
desire challenges beyond the scope of a standard mathematics classroom.

The Grade 7 Mathematics Honors course focuses on algebraic reasoning, introduction
to linear functions, the number system, geometry and probability. Specifically, students
will work with scientific notation, extend algebraic reasoning and problem solving
skills, investigate the concepts of slope and linear relationships in their multiple
representations, solve real-world problems involving area and volume, derive and apply
the Pythagorean Theorem and develop their understanding of chance.

The Grade 8 Mathematics Honors course focuses on algebraic reasoning, geometry,
introduction to functions, systems of equations, quadratic functions, and statistics and
probability. Specifically, students will solve equations and inequalities with fractional
terms, explore the Pythagorean Theorem and its applications, investigate the properties
and relationships in geometry, examine the concepts of relations and functions, solve
systems of equations with two variables and graph systems of inequalities, factor
quadratic functions and solve quadratic equations and calculate simple and compound

The Science program at ISM fosters in students a sense of wonder and
curiosity about themselves and the changing world around them. Using
scientific practices, students are encouraged to think critically, solve
problems and make claims with supporting evidence and reasoning.
SCIENCE Students develop knowledge, skills and understanding through guided
inquiry and meaningful investigations in order to arrive at conceptual

Middle School Science has adopted the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).
Within the NGSS, there are three distinct and equally important dimensions (Disciplinary
Core Ideas, Science and Engineering Practices, Crosscutting Concepts) to learning
science. These dimensions are combined to form each standard—or performance 12 - 13 INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL MANILA MIDDLE SCHOOL PROGRAM GUIDE
expectation—and each dimension works with the other two to help students build
a cohesive understanding of science over time. Middle School Science lessons and
units are built around this 3-Dimensional approach. Inductive teaching and inquiry is a
fundamental part of the NGSS, how we teach and how the students learn. Below you can
see a listing of the three dimensions. Check out the NGSS website for more information:

Disciplinary Core Ideas Science and Engineering Practices Crosscutting Concepts
(AKA Conceptual Lenses)

Life Sciences • Asking Questions and • Patterns
• From molecules to Defining Problems • Cause and Effect
organisms • Developing and Using • Scale, Proportion and
• Ecosystems Models Quantity
• Heredity • Planning and Carrying Out • Systems and System
• Biological Evolution Investigations Models
• Analyzing and Interpreting • Energy and Matter
Earth and Space Science Data • Structure and Function
• Earth’s Place in the • Using Mathematics and • Stability and Change
Universe Computational Thinking
• Earth’s Systems • Constructing Explanations
• Earth and Human Activity and Designing Solutions
• Engaging in Argument
Physical Science from Evidence
• Matter and Its Interactions • Obtaining, Evaluating
• Motion and Stability: and Communicating
Forces and Interactions Information
• Energy

In the first unit of Grade 5, students will develop a particle model history of the Earth. In the third unit, students will analyze how
of matter in order to identify materials and investigate whether the matter and energy cycle, flow and transfer through ecosystems
mixing of two or more substances will result in new substances. and the effect that this has on the interdependent relationships
In the second unit, students will make observations to provide between organisms. The final unit begins with students analyzing
evidence that energy can be transferred from place to place. The the effects of human impact on the environment, and culminates
third unit will explore the cycling of matter in ecosystems, with a with the Grade 8 interdisciplinary (along with Math, Social Studies
focus on the transfer of matter and energy between plants and and English) capstone project, Advocating for Change (AFC),
animals. In unit four, students will examine the interactions and during which students will apply their knowledge and skills to
relationship between the four subsystems/spheres (lithosphere, solve real-world problems.
hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere) of the Earth. Also, in the
fourth unit, students will look at patterns in the daily and seasonal INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICES
changes in the sky and then model the Earth-sun-moon system to Instructional practices in the Science classroom are differentiated
describe the cyclic patterns of lunar phases, eclipses and seasons. and aligned with the essential learning outcomes for each unit.
Students of all abilities gain a coherent understanding of the
In Grade 6, students will start the year by learning about the living, physical and material components of the world around
structure of living things and the function of their different parts them while engaged in the scientific process. Through fun and
from organelles to cells to tissues to organs to organisms. In the meaningful exploration in hands-on, minds-on, inquiry-based
second quarter, students will analyze how energy affects matter. methodology, students are immersed in a variety of situations
The third unit will explore the factors that affect gravitational, and experiences. During a typical day in any Middle School
magnetic and electric forces. The final unit will examine how Science classroom, one may observe teacher and student-led
plate tectonics, wind and water has shaped and is changing the discussions, laboratory and fieldwork investigations, individual
surface of our planet. and small-group instruction, various projects being carried
out, a diverse assortment of assessments being taken and the
In Grade 7, students will start the year by conducting investigations integration of a wide range of technology.
in order to analyze the relationship between motion, forces and
collisions, with an emphasis on Newton’s Laws. The second unit
will examine how gravity affects the interactions between the SAFETY
Earth, moon, sun, and solar systems, and how those interactions Student safety is paramount when participating in scientific
result in the changing seasons, moon phases, eclipses and activities. The Middle School Science Department will direct
night sky. In the third unit, students will look at the effect that students to wear goggles, aprons, rubber gloves and/or
temperature, pressure and humidity have on weather and climate. facemasks when necessary. Guidelines for appropriate behavior
Students will end the year by learning how organisms are affected while in the Science laboratory will be implemented and
by genetics, inheritance, natural and artificial selection, and the adhered to. Furthermore, students are expected to enter the
environment. Science laboratory with closed-toed shoes (such as PE shoes or
sneakers); flip-flops and sandals present a safety hazard and are
In Grade 8, students will commence the year by analyzing and not acceptable footwear.
interpreting data on the properties of substances before and after
mixing to determine if physical and/or chemical changes have
taken place. In the second unit, students will look for patterns in
the fossil record as they formulate theories on evolution and the

SOCIAL STUDIES The Middle School Social Studies program integrates studies in the social
sciences - history, cultural studies, geography, current events, sociology
and anthropology. The course is based on the intended learnings of
ISM that include subject-specific Standards and Indicators and Learning

In Social Studies classes, students are encouraged to go beyond the surface of
problems, to ask questions, to reflect, to make connections, to develop and test theories, 14 - 15 INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL MANILA MIDDLE SCHOOL PROGRAM GUIDE
to experiment with new ideas, to analyze problems, to debate hot topics, and to create
meaningful and useful products. Social Studies students are given opportunities to
become engaged in their own education, to take responsibility for learning and to
develop concerns that transfer beyond the confines of the classroom.

The Social Studies curriculum emanates from school-wide Standards that include such
key ideas as patterns of continuity and change, the causes and effects of interactions
among societies, the influence of physical and human geography on people and
places over time, and the influence and structure of social, economic and governmental
systems. Units of study are developed around rich concepts that are common to the
core subject areas in the Middle School. Each unit in Middle School Social Studies is
developed around unit understandings and essential questions. Students work to
“uncover” the answers to the essential questions over the course of a unit in order to
achieve deep understanding of concepts.

In Grade 5, students study topics such as the organizational structures of ancient
civilizations, mapping geographical patterns, the workings of mini-societies, and
perspectives on the causes and outcomes of change in our world.

In Grade 6, students study topics about the relationship between individuals and their
society. The year begins with a study of early humans and the Neolithic Revolution as
well as the sustainable and unsustainable decisions modern humans make to meet
their wants and needs in the global material’s economy. During second semester, the
students expand their understanding of sustainability, making a personal impact in the
Philippines through a service learning project. They furthermore study the interaction
between viewpoint and conflict, the significance of current events and important
governmental structures.

In Grade 7, there are four units of study where the students will focus on the concepts
of culture: government, society, cause and effect, environment, inequality, location,
population, urbanization, interaction, trade and globalization.

In Grade 8, students study topics such as the justification and use of power through government systems, political and
social revolutions and human rights and global issues.

Overarching essential questions encourage students to think about Social Studies as a part of their everyday lives. These
guiding questions help students to understand why social studies is a part of the core curriculum and directly connected
to their lives. Students come back to these questions repeatedly throughout each unit of study. Overarching essential
questions include:

• How does the study of the world help us to understand our place in it?

• How does the study of the past help us to understand the present and prepare for the future?

• How is Social Studies about me?

Instructional practices in the Social Studies classroom vary in accordance with learning objectives. They range from
traditional whole-class presentations to small-group activities and individualized instruction. Cooperative learning activities
complement teacher-led discussions, writing workshops, individual research projects, small-group instruction, hands-on
activities and simulations. The use of technology is regularly integrated into the Social Studies program.

Be The Change is a semester-long elective course for students in Grades 7 and 8. The goal of the Be The Change course
is to cultivate a sense of empathy and compassion in students for all members of the local and global community and the
planet we share. Students develop self-awareness through an opportunity to discover, discuss and reflect on a variety of
problems. Students examine their actions and responses to uncover their passions and find ways to affect change through
active global citizenry.


LANGUAGES The Middle School Modern Languages program seeks to provide
an environment where students feel confident to take risks while
exploring the complex process of acquiring a new language. The
Modern Languages courses are carefully sequenced from Middle
School to High School. Functional themes and situations are mastered
first, followed by more academic themes in the High School. The
program focuses on the interpersonal, interpretive and presentational
modes of communication. Throughout the program, the language- 16 - 17 INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL MANILA MIDDLE SCHOOL PROGRAM GUIDE
study process is used as a vehicle to discover connections between the
target language’s culture and the students’ own culture and language.
Assessment is carried out through a variety of listening, speaking,
reading and writing tasks. Communication and conversation drive our
instructional approach.

The Introductory Courses Level A aim to develop students’ confidence and ability
to interact in the target language through engaging students in a thematic and
communicative approach. The themes explored are personal information, family and
friends, school, home, city, free time and entertainment, hobbies and sports, shopping,
health and food. These themes and in-class learning experiences are closely linked to
students’ interests and awareness of the world. Vocabulary and grammar structures
are learned in context to further students’ ability to interact in the target language. By
the end of these courses, students will have acquired skills to communicate in oral and
written forms with some coherence and a reasonable amount of grammatical accuracy
within the range of themes studied.

Level B courses follow the same instructional approach as the introductory courses. The
aim is to build upon basic grammar and vocabulary to further students’ abilities to express
themselves and support their opinions in the target language. The same themes as Level
A are used as the context to develop students’ confidence and fluency with the basic
language, grammar, concepts and vocabulary. By the end of these courses, students
will have acquired skills to communicate in oral and written forms with coherence and a
reasonable degree of grammatical accuracy within the range of themes studied.

Level C courses aim to provide students with the skills necessary to begin analyzing,
debating and interacting in the target language at an intermediate level. Vocabulary and
advanced grammar continue to be introduced through the same instructional approach
designed to engage students in the language-learning process. The themes studied are

expanded to encourage discussion and interaction with authentic
materials of the target culture and language. By the end of the
Level C course, students are expected to use the language with
grammatical accuracy and to express themselves spontaneously
during class.

Upon completion of Grade 6 and Grade 8, students will be
evaluated based on in-class performance and placed in the most
suitable level for the following year. Students from Grade 6 will
usually be placed in Level A or B. Students from Grade 8 will usually
be placed in High School Level 2 or 3.

The ISM Modern Languages Department is equipped with a
variety of materials used to engage students in the target language
and culture. Resources include iPads, subscriptions to websites,
audio-visual equipment, books, movies, music, games and mini-
whiteboards. Our Modern Languages teachers create lesson
resources in order to provide the most appropriate, relevant and
engaging learning experiences for our students. These resources
are shared with students via Google Drive and Google classroom.


EDUCATION Physical Education is an important part of the total educational program.
The ISM Middle School Physical Education program provides each
student with the opportunity to participate in a comprehensive curriculum
of activity.

The program has two primary focal points. The first is to equip students with levels
of motor skills that enable safe, satisfying participation in lifelong activities. They will 18 - 19 INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL MANILA MIDDLE SCHOOL PROGRAM GUIDE
acquire the language and knowledge they need to participate successfully. The second
focal point is to equip students with the knowledge and skills essential to monitoring
and managing their own health-related levels of fitness.

Students participate in physical activities that allow them to develop an understanding
of the physical abilities of themselves and others. Students become aware of the social
benefits of physical activity through participation. The program promotes the spirit of
cooperation, leadership, fair play and friendly competition.

Students receive instruction in skill development, the application of rules and strategies in
the following different movement forms: health-related fitness activities, aerobic exercise,
team sports, individual and dual sports, gymnastics, outdoor pursuits, aquatics, dance
and recreational games. Ongoing assessment includes both written and performance-
based skill evaluations.

Our mission is to empower all students to sustain regular, lifelong physical activity as a
foundation for a healthy, productive and fulfilling life.

In addition to the core Physical Education program, students in Middle School at ISM
also have the opportunity to choose from a variety of PE-based electives:

In Grades 5 and 6, students develop their understanding of sports and fitness-related
concepts through participation in numerous competitive and non competitive situations.
The focus is on the continued development of basic skills that can be incorporated into
a variety of activities instead of specific sports. Team spirit and individual values are
also developed as students evaluate their interactions with others on a regular basis.
Additionally, students have the opportunity to select Adventure-Based Games or Team
Sports elective courses for one semester.

In Grade 7 and 8, students have the opportunity to transfer their
knowledge into more realistic sports and game situations. They
also gain a greater understanding of their social responsibility,
fitness development and knowledge of rules through participation
in competitive team and individual activities, evaluation and
feedback sessions together with research projects. Students have
the opportunity to select the Fun, Fast and Fit elective for one

Grade 5 and 6
Motor Skill Development in the courses:
• Invasion Skills
• Movement Skills
• Aquatic Skills
• Net Skills
• Striking and Fielding Skills

Overarching Themes:
• Teamwork
• Cooperation
• Competition
• Communication
• Healthy Lifestyles

Adventure-Based Games
For Grade 5 students, this semester-long elective course is
aimed at developing: personal confidence, cooperation in a
group, increased levels of agility and coordination, self-joy in
one’s physical self and in being with others. Students will have
the opportunity to engage in activities that have an element of
surprise and risk that challenge and are FUN and SAFE. They will
be guided through activities that will enhance their team-building,
problem-solving and communication skills. They will experience
being leaders, followers and observers and learn how to perform
such roles effectively so that the group can reach its goal.

Team Sports Fun, Fast and Fit
For Grade 6 students, this semester-long elective course is aimed This is a fun PE elective created for Grade 7 and 8 students. It
at those who wish to further their abilities in a wide variety of uses music, movement and the power of fitness to boost energy,
team sports such as Basketball, Soccer, Water Polo, Touch Rugby, increase skill level and generally make you feel awesome. Best
Volleyball, Flag Football and Floor Hockey, among others. By of all, there are many types of fitness activities to suit everyone.
playing fun and competitive games against opponents, students The music and activities change regularly, so there will always be
will explore advanced skills and tactics. Through teamwork, something new to look forward to.
communication and cooperation, the students will make 20 - 21 INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL MANILA MIDDLE SCHOOL PROGRAM GUIDE
collaborative efforts to devise and incorporate existing skills, The aim of this course is to promote an interest in physical
tactics and strategies to gain an advantage over and to pressure activity, which will lead to participation and involvement in and
opponents. This will be a very active course that will promote out of school and throughout life. This course has been designed
high levels of activity and fitness with an aim to develop a positive for individuals who have an interest in physical activity as a
attitude towards lifelong participation in sports and exercise. lifestyle. A wide variety of activities are covered; students will be
introduced to fun and challenging activities including movement,
The Grade 7 and 8 Physical Education program will provide the martial arts, sports conditioning, team challenges, dance, yoga
opportunity for students to incorporate the motor skills developed and Pilates. Students will develop the spirit of success both as
in Grades 5 and 6 into cooperative and competitive situations and individuals and as a group while feeling motivated to work harder
games. The focus will change to increased participation in enjoyable each time. The course will focus on the importance of an active
and physically demanding lessons. Students will develop skills and lifestyle and the benefits of regular physical activity. Students will
team tactics, together with their social interaction, leadership, personal be provided with the opportunity to develop their own fitness
management and communication skills. lessons and will be expected to maintain a high level of effort and
Grade 7 and 8
Activities will include the following (and potentially others): RESOURCES
• Basketball, Soccer, Touch Rugby, Hockey ISM houses some of the best sports facilities in the Philippines.
• Climbing, Gymnastics, Fitness, Track & Field Throughout the Physical Education program, students have
• Swimming, Survival, Water Polo access to two floodlit synthetic turf sports fields, a six-lane running
• Volleyball, Pickleball, Table Tennis, Badminton track, three indoor gyms, three swimming pools, eight covered
• Softball, Cricket tennis courts, a nine-line climbing facility, a fitness suite, two air-
conditioned fitness rooms, a fully equipped Olympic gymnastics
area and a covered utility area.

WELLNESS ISM expects each of its students to work towards becoming knowledgeable,
respectful and responsible citizens. In keeping with these aims, the Middle
School Wellness program seeks to inform students about issues related to their
personal health and to assist them in developing the skills necessary to make
good decisions about their health and safety.

Our program is based on the premise that in order to achieve a state of wellness, students
must understand the interrelated nature of physical, mental, emotional, environmental
and social health.

By following our Wellness Standards and Indicators, students will understand that:

• Personal choices related to health promotion and disease prevention will
enhance health.
• The influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology and other factors
affects health behaviors.
• Practicing health-enhancing behaviors can help them avoid or reduce health
• Advocating for personal, family and community health promotes healthy
behaviors and choices.

The Middle School Wellness program presents health information that is developmentally
appropriate for the students at each grade level. Course topics have been carefully
selected to address the particular needs of our students at various stages of their pre-
adolescence and adolescence and to assist them in making good decisions about their
own health and safety during these years.

In Grade 5, students are taught the importance of a holistic approach to health that
places equal emphasis on physical, mental, emotional and social well-being. The course
begins by examining healthy eating habits, nutrition and the importance of physical
fitness. Students then explore various health-enhancing behaviors and learn how to
keep safe both at home and in the wider community. In the second unit, we introduce
the topic of digital citizenship, where we explore internet etiquette as well as ways to
safely use the internet. In the substance abuse unit, students investigate the effects of

caffeine on the body and mind. The fourth unit of study looks at Grade 8 Wellness investigates topics relevant to young adolescents
personal development and the different body changes that occur in the areas of time management, personal safety, human
during puberty, the reproductive system and ways that students development and sexuality. It seeks to provide information
can develop healthy personal care routines. which will assist them in making safe and healthy choices about
relationships, both now and in the future. In Unit 1, A Balancing
In Grade 6, the course is divided into four units of study, Act, students explore the dangers of over-commitment and
beginning with physical health. This physical health unit importance of nutrition. Unit 2, The Thinking Brain, provides an
augments lessons already presented in our Physical Education overview of understanding and expressing emotions, stress 22 - 23 INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL MANILA MIDDLE SCHOOL PROGRAM GUIDE
program and provides students with information on the benefits management, unhealthy thinking strategies and common mental
of physical fitness, as well as nutrition, healthy eating habits and health disorders. Unit 3, Addiction, investigates addiction and the
body image. The next unit of study is emotional health. This adolescent brain, the physical and mental effects of alcohol and
unit investigates the importance of making healthy decisions marijuana abuse, peer pressure, refusal skill strategies, decision-
and provides strategies for managing emotions. Here, students making skills. Unit 4, Reproductive Anatomy and Relationships,
also learn about peer pressure and how their decision skills can study the human reproductive system, fetal development,
aid in dealing with peer pressure. In the substance abuse unit, childbirth, teen pregnancy, safe dating and healthy relationships.
the students study the effects of inhalant abuse on the body
and mind. The course ends with a unit on growth and personal INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICES
development. Topics in this unit include changes during puberty, Readings accompanied by lecture and class discussion are used
personal hygiene, building better relationships (peers, friends, to introduce and reinforce key concepts and ideas in all Wellness
family, teachers) and appropriate use of social media. courses. These practices are augmented by a wide variety of
instructional practices including small-group activities and
In Grade 7, the course begins with personal goal setting then discussions, journal writing, and individual and group projects.
moves into an investigation of how a high-fat, high-sugar diet Students are assessed through teacher observation, tests,
and a lack of physical activity affect the body systems. In unit quizzes, and completion of assignments and projects.
two, students focus on social health and the importance of
developing social thinking skills to help in maneuvering through
social media, in developing conflict management strategies, in
recognizing and addressing facets of bullying, and in coping with
unhealthy relationships. This is followed by a drug education unit.
The topics of study for this unit include the effects of tobacco
and nicotine on one’s health, peer pressure, the role of media in
teen drug use, refusal skills, proper use of over-the-counter and
prescription medications and an exploration of natural remedies.
Lastly, students continue their investigation of physical health
through an in-depth study of the reproductive systems, including
guidelines for the care and maintenance of these systems.

The Middle School Design and Technology program is extensive and
TECHNOLOGY includes integrated projects in all subject areas, as well as optional
explicitly-taught technology classes. This ensures student learning
beyond basic computer literacy, while also allowing students to pursue
their passions in the Information Technology (IT) field should they
so choose. The Middle School subject curricula are informed by the
evolution of technology in the real world and are continually reviewed
and modified in collaboration with IT staff specialists so as to remain
current and pertinent to student needs.

At ISM we believe that students are best served by technology when it is integrated
into their learning environment and used thoughtfully to engage and promote effective
learning. All students in Grades 7 to 12 are required to “Bring Your Own Device” (BYOD)
to support this effort, and on campus 1:1 device access is provided in the 5th and 6th
grade core subject classes. Wi-Fi is provided schoolwide through an appropriately
protected and monitored student network login.

The Middle School Design and Technology curriculum focuses on the key areas of:
technology use and competency; cyber safety in online choices; the integration of
technology into the process and presentation of learning. Following a concept-based
teaching and learning model, ISM encourages students to focus on the meaning and
purpose behind technology use, and to think critically about how this informs their day-
to-day lives as learners and members of the community. An emphasis is placed on the
understanding of Web 2.0 applications, appropriate online behavior, the exploration
of fundamental skills in editing digital media, data management and the application of
multimedia resources to demonstrate understanding.

In Grade 5 and 6, students further their understanding of collaborative tools such as
Google Docs and Google Slides; develop organizational habits through the use of
learning management systems such as Google Classroom; and are exposed to the use
of technology for media production through the availability of class Chromebooks,
iPads, and associated media software production tools. In addition to the use of
technology tools, students investigate online educational resources, are taught
internet search strategies, and begin a four year cyber safety curriculum through their
Wellness classes. Students in Grade 5 have the opportunity to enroll in the IT iLearn
elective course. Students in Grade 6 have the opportunity to enroll in the IT iDesign
elective course.

In Grades 7 and 8, students enter the BYOD program and focus Innovation Tech
on how to leverage technology to further their learning goals. Innovation Technology ensures students acquire the basic skills
In doing so they gain a depth of understanding of how to use in presentation design, multimedia publishing, video production,
technology in more independent environments and how to digital imagery (Photoshop) and game design/coding- with an
manage their work and social time effectively. Through the opportunity for in-depth expertise based on student interests. As
access to their own personal laptops, students have the ability much as possible, projects are student inspired and integrated
to collaborate with each other, both at school and at home. with other classes. Student products will be published to a
wide audience in various forms (YouTube, blogs, posters, class 24 - 25 INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL MANILA MIDDLE SCHOOL PROGRAM GUIDE
DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY COURSES presentations) and personal progress chronicled in student
All Design and Technology courses are informed by the ISTE e-portfolio websites. Students will propose, design and produce
NETS standards and aim to involve students in learning an integrated self-study project (Quest Project) to further develop
environments that allow them to pursue their own interests their skills, interests and expertise in one or more areas previously
in-line with the Middle School concept-based teaching and covered in the course.
learning methodology.
Introduction To Robotics
iLearn This is a problem solving based course in which students will work
Students acquire foundational skills and experience activities primarily in teams to design, build and program robots. Each
and tools to enhance production and efficiency in regular group of students will be required to program their respective
classes. Students are introduced to online collaborative tools and robots to solve the ten Carnegie Mellon Obstacle Challenges. The
become adept at managing their school work and resources. main hardware for the robots will be EV3 Lego Mindstorms, which
Online safety is discussed as well as exposure to a vast amount uses both LEGO materials and computer programming software.
of digital educational resources. Audio manipulation and movie Students also learn how to block program sensors including touch,
production allow for students to express their learning creatively. sound, light, ultrasonic and gyroscopic. Creativity, teamwork and
Students leave the course with a solid foundation of skills and critical thinking will be necessary to solve the obstacle challenges
knowledge and experience with a wide range of technology through the design, investigation, building, testing, redesigning
applications. and reflection. No prior programming experience is necessary.

iDesign Advanced Robotics
iDesign allows students to explore the design cycle of Advanced Robotics continues to challenge students to refine
investigation, planning, creation and testing. Students have the their programmatic skills by engaging them in realistic real world
opportunity to explore and experiment with various creative programming projects. Students learn advanced programming
software applications, focus and develop an idea or product, techniques to program their own Etch-A-Sketch, Rubik’s Cube
and through presentation and peer evaluation, modify their Solver and other projects of their choosing. The hardware used
designs and creations. The iDesign curriculum explores online is the EV3 Lego Mindstorms and students are also introduced
video creation and publishing, animation, 3D modeling and to RobotC line coding for the first time. Students learn the
photo manipulation and editing. Students will demonstrate fundamentals of developing and compiling line code as well as
learning through the use of an e-portfolio. Finished projects the use of subroutines and how to include libraries. They also
and reflections on learning will be included in the e-portfolio. learn how to program sensors including touch, sound, light,
ultrasonic and encoders.

The integration of Design and Technology in the Middle School division places a strong emphasis on
developing computer skills across all subject areas. Middle School technology integrators and teachers
employ a variety of teaching strategies including auditory, visual and kinesthetic approaches to using
technology tools. Within these modalities, teachers undertake discussions of the subject matter,
demonstration lessons to augment and supplement discussions, and the performance of hands-on
activities to reinforce the first two levels. Based on this, students are encouraged to use technology to
construct their learning and assist in their knowledge development when appropriate. Cooperative
learning activities and student-led presentations further typify the teaching-learning interaction and
areas where students use technology to represent themselves. An example of this is the e-portfolio
initiative where students maintain a digital portfolio of their work across classes and that represents
their learning and progress in the subjects over the year.

In addition to the BYOD program, students have access to computer laboratories, laptop and ipad
carts, and an array of other technology tools including the Adobe Suite and Google Apps for Education
learning management platform. Students use these and other resources for Internet access (including
webmail/email), word-processing, multimedia presentations and lesson supplements as well as subject
specific technology uses.


ARTS The Fine and Performing Arts program in the Middle School covers four subject
areas: Visual Art, Drama, Music and Dance. It is enhanced by the diverse
opportunities available within and beyond the classroom. It seeks to emphasize
the importance of process while striving for excellence in performance or
product. Recognizing the importance of reflecting the ethnic and cultural
diversity of the school’s community, the program encourages individual
expression while developing respect and appreciation for others. 26 - 27 INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL MANILA MIDDLE SCHOOL PROGRAM GUIDE


Grades 5 and 6 - Foundations of Art
In this compulsory semester course, assignments emphasize
building basic skills and an appreciation of the elements of
art and the principles of design. The course is designed to
encourage the development of creative and conceptual thinking,
a respect for quality and originality, self-confidence, visual and
tactile perception, and the ability to work independently.

The program concentrates on practical studio production but
also includes discussion of aesthetics, art criticism and art history.
Curricular units will build on the structure already established
and familiar to art students in the Elementary School. During
Grades 5 and 6, each semester of art will include increasingly
demanding assignments that cover four basic art experiences:
drawing, painting, form and construction and digital design. Grades 7 and 8 – Electives
In the semester-long courses in Grades 7 and 8, the assignments
allow students to develop a stronger skill set within a targeted
range of media. The courses are in accordance with the Middle
School concept based curriculum model. In order to cater to
individual student interests, the following semester courses are

This traditional arts course is tailored for students who wish to
enhance their skills in drawing, painting and mixed media with an
emphasis in utilizing techniques and materials. Students are given
more in depth problems to solve creatively while documenting
the creative process. Strategic composition is addressed within
each unit in conjunction with the organization of the principles of
design. Each student will create a portfolio that will follow them
into their high school careers as an artist.

Students build upon their introductory knowledge of the ceramic
process. Students plan, design and create a wide range of work
further exploring the basic building methods: pinch, coil and
slab. The stages of clay are addressed, along with the importance
of skill and patience throughout the glazing process. Advanced
students are challenged through dynamic problem solving, high
fire glazing methods and includes opportunities to throw vessels
on the clay wheel. Students document their work and reflections
in their ePortfolio.

This independent study course, enables students to create
concept-based work based on real-world issues. Each unit allows and understanding of digital software and techniques. The
students the flexibility to work with media of their choice. The importance of a working sketchbook is highlighted through
importance of a working sketchbook is highlighted through idea idea development, media testing and artist research to further
development, media testing and artist research. Students work progress their work.
collaboratively through daily reflection and bi-weekly critique
sessions with their peers.
Middle School Drama develops and stimulates creative thought,
DigiART collaboration and teamwork, improvisational skills and physical
DigiART allows students to look at and create art through awareness. Our program is inclusive, enriching and geared
the digital lens via photography, graphic design and movie towards developing self-esteem, lateral thinking and problem-
making. Students will work through concepts and themes to solving skills, all of which can be transferred to other disciplines
produce pieces of artwork whilst also gaining further knowledge of the ISM Middle School curriculum.

Grade 5 Drama Units
Introduction to Drama
This unit is designed to introduce students to the building blocks
of Drama. The student will participate in practical activities which
will develop ensemble skills, group work, communications skills
as well as the fundamentals to build a performance. Students
will reflect on their learning within class discussions and journal

This unit is designed to give students exposure to the importance
of storytelling. The students will examine what are the elements
of drama and how they are used to create scripts and characters.
They will learn how to work collaboratively to produce original
plays. The students will work to perform their final scripts to an
invited audience.

Grade 6 Drama Units
Ensemble Building
The focus of this unit is to build a sense of community and
collaboration. The importance of being able to work together
as a group effectively is an essential part of becoming an active
citizen. Through working as an ensemble the students will focus
and enhance their leadership skills, such as speaking in public,
reading non-verbals and facilitating group work and discussion.
Grade 5 and 6 Exploratory This will be undertaken through exercises, collaborative
challenges, research and reflection.
Content/Skills Overview
Grades 5 and 6 Middle School Drama students learn the basis Improvisation
of performance through interactive and active lessons. Students The ability to think on the spot and be creative is a 21st Century
develop collaborative skills as they work in whole-class and small- skill. Through this unit, students will examine how to challenge
group settings to explore drama in different forms. In Grade 5, themselves by thinking creatively and working collaboratively.
students investigate the drama building blocks through ensemble The art of improvisation will be defined, developed and extended
games and storytelling. In Grade 6, students further expand their through exploring the basic building blocks of improvisation and
skills through looking at ensemble building, improvisation and applying those skills to the creative framework of Theater Sports.
physical comedy. In addition to being designed for students of
any experience level, both Grade 5 and 6 Drama are hands-on
and practical in their approach to both onstage and behind-the-
scenes features of the theater.

Physical comedy Realizing Visions: Technical Theater 101 (Semester course)
Physical comedy is a unique form that allows actors to This course focuses on how to design and create a vision for
leave the voice behind and focus on body and expression the stage with lighting, sound and set design. The students will
to communicate a message or story. Students will develop explore these different aspects of technical theater in the first part
physical comedy skills in class exercises, investigate the genre of the course and then specialize in areas of interest by designing
of street and create their own street performance, which and implementing the tech for performances. In order to provide
will then be performed live to an audience. They will have these practical opportunities for working with actors, Technical
opportunities to become more aware of their bodies and learn Theater 101 will run alongside Storm the Stage, Triple Threat
how to communicate intentionally without sound, as well as Training and/or the Semester 2 Middle School musical.
collaborating in small groups and reflecting upon their acting
experiences in journal entries and group discussions. Theater “Improv-able”: Becoming a Devising 007 (Semester
Grade 7 and 8 Electives Building on the skills learnt in Improvisation in Grade 6, this
unit focuses on the 21st century skills of devising. Through
Content and Skills Overview creative games and fun, students will learn that anything can be
Grades 7 and 8 Middle School Drama students continue to developed into a performance. One of the key concepts of the
build upon the skills explored in Grades 5 and 6, including unit is that creativity, collaboration and communication can be
improvisation, collaboration, use of voice and body and group developed whilst having enormous amounts of fun. Through a
performance. Students are able to select four different courses mix of theater games, improvisations and devising the students
to supplement their drama needs. Each course offers them a will create original performances that will be based on a theme.
unique viewpoint on Theater as well as continuing to build the
important life skills of communication and collaboration. MUSIC
Middle School students are exposed to music in a variety of year-
Grade 7 and 8 Drama Units long and semester-long courses offered in General Music, Choir,
Storm the Stage: Theater 101 (Semester or year-long course) Band and Strings.
Students learn the processes behind analyzing play scripts and
realizing them in performance. These processes include: physical
explorations of character, narrative and themes; developing a
performance vision; rehearsal and performance techniques.
Working alongside students from Technical Theater 101, the
group will utilize all elements of the theatrical experience (lights,
sound, costumes, props, ensemble acting) to “put a show on!”

Triple Threat Training:
The Art of Musical Theater (Semester course)
Students explore how acting, singing and dancing work
together to not only create spectacle but also drive the narrative
and character development in Musical Theater. After initial
explorations of these skills, students select, choreograph and
perform ensemble scenes where all three performance skills are
utilized. The course is structured so as to support both beginning
and experienced performers to develop both their individual
abilities and an understanding of the power of ensemble

General Music The Choir, Band and String students perform at various
Students can explore a broad range of musical topics in General assemblies, parent coffees and other events on campus. Select
Music. Students look at the elements of music and experiment groups perform for the Filipiniana assembly in October. Each
with different instrument groups on how these can be employed. group is also featured during a formal concert each semester.
Students also use loop-based software to create electronic In the fall semester, the department presents three separate
compositions. Seventh and eighth grade students enrolled in concerts with a focus on vertical collaboration with the high
Music Madness further extend their music experiences through school counterpart groups: the All-Bands, All-Strings and All-
units such as guitar, keyboard, world music, musical, movie Choirs Concerts. The Spring semester culminates with the Middle
soundtracks, computer-based composition and the history of School Finale Concert, highlighting the achievements of the
rock and roll. middle years music classes.

Choir ISM is a member of the Association for Music in International
Students may choose to develop their vocal talents by taking a Schools (AMIS) and students may be selected by audition to 30 - 31 INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL MANILA MIDDLE SCHOOL PROGRAM GUIDE
semester or full year of Choir. Singers at every level of ability and participate in AMIS music festivals hosted around the world.
stage of physical transition are encouraged to develop their vocal
skills and musicianship in Choir. DANCE
Dance offers students the chance to explore their movement
Band and Strings potential and develop spatial awareness. Throughout the
Students interested in learning to play an instrument may semester, different dance forms such as modern, jazz and hip-
choose to take Band or Strings. String students choose to play hop and the foundations of choreography will be explored.
violin, viola, cello or bass while the focus in band is on playing Above all, this course is designed to give students the confidence
instruments in the woodwind, brass and percussion families. to move forward into ISM’s already thriving Dance program at
Band and String classes are taught year-long and students may the High School level and to inspire them to experiment with
enter these programs at a Beginning, Intermediate or Advanced different avenues of movement expression. For this reason, the
skill level. Instruments are available from the school for a nominal course is suitable for both experienced and beginning dancers.
charge each semester. As part of this program, the students are given the opportunity to
share, celebrate and showcase their talent through participation
in school activities and dance recitals.

The Student Advisory program focuses on addressing the social and
PROGRAM emotional needs of Middle School students while building a sense of
small-group community and strengthening student-adult relationships.
Students are placed in small groups with a teacher-advisor. It is a time
of friendship, support and social-emotional learning.

The school-wide Dispositions provide a framework for Advisory, along with three
Advisory objectives developed by faculty: self-awareness, a sense of belonging and
time for “inspiring, memorable fun”. Each grade level also addresses developmentally
appropriate issues such as relationship skills, stress-reduction skills, decision-making
and healthy risk-taking. Advisory supports the Counseling Department and social-
emotional learning that occurs throughout the Middle School program - Wellness
classes, other academic courses and co-curricular activities - by giving students the
opportunity to share and apply their learning to issues they are facing in the context
of a safe environment. Teacher-advisors serve as mentors and a first line of academic
support for their advisory students.

• Each Advisory is made up of a maximum of thirteen students in the same grade
level who meet with an assigned advisor throughout the year.
• Advisory period takes place twice each week.
• Regular assemblies reinforce Advisory themes structured around ISM’s Dispositions:
Balanced, Caring, Curious, Ethical, Persevering, Responsible.Advisory sessions
include circle discussions, group sharing, collaborative games, inspiring videos,
time to get organized and reflective activities.
• Various activities focus on community building, “character strengths” development,
service learning, mindfulness, study skills, self-expression and self-regulation.
• Advisory teachers serve as advocates for their students.

The Classroom Without Walls (CWW) program at ISM spans Grades 5
WITHOUT WALLS to 8 in the Middle School. This program engages students in activities
outside the school and is linked to the academic program and Service

Students in the Middle School attend two experiential programs during the school year.
These programs offer experiences at a level appropriate to the respective grades. Some
common elements run throughout the Classroom Without Walls program for all grade 32 - 33 INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL MANILA MIDDLE SCHOOL PROGRAM GUIDE
levels. The September activities focus on team-building, while the February trip focuses
on fieldwork, outdoor challenges, health and social education, community and service.


The Middle School Counseling program is designed to help students develop
holistically as they move through the different levels of Middle School. This is
accomplished by providing consultation and support through individual and group
counseling, grade-level initiatives, crisis intervention and facilitation of communication
among students, parents, teachers and Administrators. There are four Counselors in
the Middle School and one Counselor will be dedicated to each of the four grade
levels. The counseling model is a developmentally responsive partnership between
Grades 5 & 6 and 7 & 8. Each Counselor will rotate up with a given cohort as they
move from Grade 5 to Grade 6 or from Grade 7 to Grade 8 to ensure continuity in
their social-emotional development. After working with a cohort for a two-year cycle,
Counselors will return to the younger grade level.

The role of the Middle School Counselors at ISM is varied:

The Counselors are an early point of contact for new students. During the initial interview
when applying to ISM, Counselors meet with new families. This meeting is an opportunity
for the Counselors to get to know new students better before they start school. It is also
an opportunity for parents to share useful information about their child and to ask any
questions about the Middle School program.

Working with Students
Over the course of the school year, Counselors interact with students in a variety of
settings. The main focus of the Counselor is to support the social, emotional and
behavioral needs of students in collaboration with parents, teachers and other related

Counselors are involved in individual counseling aimed at assisting students with
transition or issues related to academic, social, personal or family dynamics. Students
are free to make an appointment with any of the Counselors when a need arises.
Confidentiality is observed in accordance with generally accepted counselling norms.

Counselors are also engaged in group and classroom support in
order to help students gain insight. These sessions are designed
to help students build awareness regarding their behaviors,
attitudes, interests, capabilities, and learn how to make intelligent
decisions. Special interest group guidance sessions can also be
suggested and requested by students (e.g. Dealing with Stress,
Developing Studying Skills, Adjusting to Moving Away).

Counselors facilitate Kid Talk - a support structure to ensure that 34 - 35 INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL MANILA MIDDLE SCHOOL PROGRAM GUIDE
all students receive any intervention necessary that will help with
their global functioning. They are also members of the Learning
Support Resource Team who work in collaboration with teachers,
administrators, parents and other professionals to assists students
with special learning needs. In addition, the Counseling Team
works with each grade level and conducts grade-level assemblies
to address a variety of issues adolescents face. A large part of
these efforts is to create positive relationships and a congenial
atmosphere at school.

Working with Parents
Counselors support parents by offering individual consultation
and counseling, facilitating parenting groups and conducting
other parent education seminars. Information on these sessions
is advertised in the Parent Bulletin, School Calendar and on
notice boards outside the Middle School Office. The Counselors
maintain an open-door policy and are often able to accommodate
parents on a drop-in basis.

Working with Teachers
Counselors work with teachers in a collaborative approach to find
the most effective methods to help children reach their personal
potential. The Counselors operate with the best interest of the
student in mind and they work together with teachers to help
each child achieve academic and social success.

SECOND-LANGUAGE Learning English, but also learning in English, is a formidable task and

(ESL) PROGRAM the ESL program at ISM is designed to help students successfully meet
this challenge. ISM offers specialized language instruction for students
whose first language is other than English.

Research shows that language learning is greatly enhanced by meaningful use in
authentic learning environments. Our program ensures that students have access to
the mainstream curriculum as well as meaningful daily interactions with their English-
speaking peers. In this sheltered-immersion model of teaching and learning, language
specialists and content specialists work together to ensure that all language learners
are given the support they need to access the curriculum. ESL teachers and content
teachers co-plan and co-teach lessons to explicitly integrate language and content in
the English, Social Studies and Science classes.

In addition to support in English, Science and Social Studies classes, ESL students are
enrolled in the English for Academic Purposes (EAP) class. This is an intensive course
designed to provide students with the explicit instruction, academic language and
specialized support they need to be successful in their core classes. The focus on
academic language enables students to develop the skills, strategies and language they
need to participate and function successfully in their content classes. There is a focus
on vocabulary enrichment, academic writing, textual analysis, research and problem-
solving skills that support the concepts introduced in the core classes. The EAP class is
compulsory for all ESL students and replaces the Modern Language option.

The Learning Support Department at International School Manila coordinates
programs and services for students with learning needs. The model is based
on the belief that students vary in their learning profiles and that individuals
LEARNING SUPPORT respond best to educational programs that are specifically designed to meet
their individual needs.
The Learning Support Program provides three levels of support. Levels of support are
determined on an individual basis and according to each student’s identified learning
needs. Determination of level of support is made by the Learning Support Resource Team
(LSRT) based upon information provided by Admissions, school reports, standardized
testing, teachers and parents. A Learning Support teacher assigned to the student in
partnership with the parents then develops a Learning Support Plan (LS Plan). This plan 36 - 37 INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL MANILA MIDDLE SCHOOL PROGRAM GUIDE
includes specific goals for the student’s improvement.

Level 1 (LS1) LS1 students receive support in the core classes (English, Math, Science, and Social Studies). Each student is provided
with a Learning Support Plan. The LS Plan includes individual goals and guidance to teachers on how to implement classroom
accommodations that address the student’s needs. The LS teacher consistently monitors the student’s progress and provides
direct and indirect support within core classes.

Level 2 (LS2) LS2 students receive support in the core classes and in a small-group setting. Each student is provided with a
Learning Support Plan. The LS Plan identifies goals and specific interventions for students with identified needs who may require
more significant accommodations and/or modifications. These are implemented through direct and indirect services in core
classes and in Strategy Instruction.

Level 3 (LS3) The LS3 student may require significant modifications and/or accommodations to the content of the curriculum as
well as direct instruction in social skills. Social skills training is taught by an LS teacher or a Speech and Language Pathologist in a
small-group setting and implemented in the core classes. In the Middle School, the LS3 student also receives Strategy Instruction

Strategy Instruction is designed to provide students with strategies to improve their individual organizational, study and self-
advocacy skills. Additionally, it provides students with a range of strategies to use across content areas to maximize success. This
class is recommended for students requiring direct support in their regular academic program. Placement in Strategy Instruction
will be determined by the LSRT. Strategy Instruction is taught by an LS teacher and supports the core curriculum. This is usually
in lieu of a Modern Language course.

Specialized Learning Support Program (SLSP)
This Specialized Learning Support Program serves students with significant learning needs, which may include intellectual or
developmental challenges. Students will be integrated into our regular ISM classrooms and activities to the greatest extent that is
appropriate. The Specialized Learning Support Program is taught by a highly trained special educator and assistants and includes
support by other related professionals such as Speech Language Pathologists, School Psychologist and Occupational Therapists.
Each student is provided with a Learning Support Plan. The LS Plan includes individual goals; developed based on assessment. An
individualized curriculum will focus on all academic and functional areas, including social-communication and behavioral needs.
The program will be funded by additional fees and costs on top of regular ISM tuition.

The ISM Middle School Library supports the ISM community by providing:
• Access to global print and digital resources within ISM and the wider world.
• Collaboration opportunities to support teaching and learning.
• Environment with modern stimulating spaces that inspire learning and

In upholding the International School Manila Mission, the ISM Middle School Library
strives to create a community of learners who are:










The ATAC Office (located by the Middle School Gym) oversees the competitive aspect
of the Middle School Sports program. Students try out for teams that compete against
other schools in local seasonal sports leagues. If a student is successful in gaining a
place on a Middle School team, a high level of commitment and dedication is expected.
The Middle School competitive sports program aligns with the High School seasonal 38 - 39 INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL MANILA MIDDLE SCHOOL PROGRAM GUIDE
sports structure.

• 1st Season: (August to mid October) Volleyball, Soccer,
Cross Country
• 2nd Season: (November to late January) Basketball,
Tennis, Rugby, Touch Football
• 3rd Season: (February to mid April) Track & Field,
Badminton, Mixed Touch Football
• 4th Season: (mid April to end of May) Baseball and
• All Year-Round Sports: Sailfish Swim Team, Gymnastics,
Wall Climbing, Tae Kwon Do, Aikido, Judo, Table Tennis,

All Middle School students are eligible to try out for team
selection. A ‘tryout’ week at the beginning of each season is used
to select students for the above seasonal sports teams.

For All Year Round Sports teams - tryouts are done at the
beginning of the school year and if spaces are available students
can also tryout during the year for a place on a team by contacting
the coach of the team they are interested in joining.

ISM offers a wide variety of afternoon activities for interested The Student Ambassadors play an active role in creating an
Middle School students. The program includes recreational/ engaging environment that encourages respect and mutual
non-competitive sports, languages, music, arts, robotics, Model appreciation among the student body. Students volunteer their
United Nations, Salinlahi (MS Yearbook) and dance for students time and attend weekly meetings to prepare for upcoming
from Grades 5 to 8. activities. Student Ambassadors will be involved with:

Students may enroll in after-school recreational activities online • New Student Orientation
each semester. Full details are posted on the MS Activities • Departing student send-off
Website prior to sign-up dates. • Student-led assemblies
• Student-led events
• First Semester Online Sign-up will open on August 15th at • Supporting all school activities
• Second Semester Online Sign-up will open on November
16th at 4pm

Adjustments to schedules or additional activities can be booked
where available throughout the year via the Activities Office,
located in the Elementary School Administration Area.

SERVICE LEARNING In the Middle School, students have various opportunities to engage

in service learning projects that connect their passions, talents and
concerns. Through the MS Service Learning Program students:
• Gain a better understanding of themselves and their ‘place’ in the world;
• Develop sustainable, mutually beneficial relationships within the community;
• Apply what they learn to real-world problems; and
• Are empowered to make positive change in the world.
There are three layers to service in the Middle School: Co-curricular, Grade Level, and

Voluntary co-curricular activities such as Saturday Service and Service Learning Clubs
allow students to explore ways to make a difference in the community. Throughout
the year, students have an opportunity to participate in twenty Saturday Service events
organized with ISM Service Partners, some opportunities include volunteering at an
animal shelter, interacting with disabled children at Chosen Children’s Village, planting
trees at La Mesa Watershed and visiting the Tzu Chi recycling center. These trips are
planned and are promoted by Service Clubs that meet during lunch and after school.
Middle School Saturday Service is open to both ISM students and their parents.

Grade level service projects, such as Classroom Without Walls (CWW) and Project
Awesome, strive to strengthen bonds within our own community and develop mutually
beneficial relationship with partners in the community outside our school. CWW projects
include partnerships with schools for underprivileged and disabled children, interaction
with indigenous communities, and environmental projects such as tree planting, organic
farming, and coral reef preservation. CWW gives students the opportunity to identify
local issues, contribute to a solution, and reflect on their experiences. These projects
are also opportunities for students to transfer knowledge and skills developed in the
classroom to real-world problems.

The third layer of Service Learning is embedded in our curriculum. Various examples of
service learning are embedded in class content connecting global and local issues of
concern with the Middle School curriculum. Some examples include math classes that
measure and report on waste produced by ISM students, the Be the Change elective
course and the interdisciplinary capstone project, Advocating for Change.

Service Learning serves as a vehicle for experiential, inquiry-based learning and supports
our mission to “involve our community in sustaining and safeguarding our environment”
and “acknowledge and celebrate our differences and encourage empathy, compassion,
understanding and respect for human dignity.”

ISM would like to thank the following for their contributions in photographs to this booklet:
J. Cargile, K. Fong, M. Hillman, E. Perez

Middle School Artwork By:
T. Kim, P. Mercado, O. Reyes, Z. Siazon, R. Wu

International School Manila

University Parkway, Fort Bonifacio Global City, 1634 Taguig, Philippines
Trunk Line: (632) 840.8400 • Fax: (632) 840.8405

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