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Published by comms, 2019-03-20 23:34:02


International School Manila




ISM would like to thank the following for their contributions in photographs to this booklet:
M. Cowlin, Fine Arts Office, E. Godfrey, ISB, B. Suarez, W. Wong and N. Woods.

High School Artwork By: M. Anuar, E. Dickinson, D. Laminta, A. Shahira and N. Uttamchandani.

International School Manila




TABLE OF 02 ISM Core Values and


CONTENTS 03 Learning at ISM

An Overview:
04 The High School

Our Expectations for
06 You and of You

Choosing an Academic
08 Program

11 Baccalaureate (IB)
Courses Offered

Regular High School
13 Courses Offered

Design and Social Studies The Victoria SyCip
15 Technology 20 Courses 23 Herrera Counseling

English Courses Wellness Course ISM Co-Curricular
16 20 24 Program 2018-2019

Fine and Performing Peer Counseling CAS (Creativity, Activity
16 Arts Courses 20 Course 24 and Service)

Mathematics Courses Academic Support Service Learning (ICARE
17 21 Services 25 and Saturday Service)

Modern Language Learning Support Student Government,
17 Courses 21 Program 25 Clubs, Publications,
Honor Societies and

Physical Education English-as-a-Second- Athletic and Activities
18 Courses 22 Language Program 26 (ATAC) Program

Science Courses High School Library Fine Arts Program
19 23 27

ISM CORE We are an independent, international school with a structure,
style and traditions that emanate from the United States and
VALUES AND with a curriculum and methodology that reflect the best in
MISSION worldwide educational research and practice. Our school
is diverse and dynamic, and our students have the highest
aspirations for their education and future lives.

Integrity, Service, Merit

To build a vibrant and enterprising learning community in which all strive
• Accentuate learning, growth, perseverance and self-awareness as
life-long values.
• Nurture creativity and originality as precursors for critical and
reflective thought and action.
• Succeed collectively as well as individually, achieving our personal
best in all aspects of school life.
• Maintain a healthy balance in the time devoted to work, rest and
• Involve our community in sustaining and safeguarding our
• Interact through honest, respectful and open communication.
• Acknowledge and celebrate our differences and encourage
empathy, compassion, understanding and respect for human
• Live our lives positively, joyfully and ethically.

* Adopted by the Board of Trustees on 26 October 2015

The educational experience at ISM places the Learner at the center of
AT ISM everything we do. Guided by our Mission and Core Values, we seek
to engage all students in meaningful learning experiences that build
on their knowledge and understanding, encourage curiosity and
reflection, and lead to an appreciation of complex concepts.

Our Preschool through Grade 12 curriculum is the product of countless hours of 2 - 3 INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL MANILA HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAM GUIDE
conversation, collaboration and rigorous evaluation and is subject to constant revision
by teachers and principals. It is our intention that the knowledge, understanding, skills
and dispositions we value in our educational program will serve our students through
school, university and into their careers.

ISM makes use of school-wide subject area standards that are organized appropriately
for the learner at each grade level. Our curriculum is written using the Understanding by
Design framework, where units of study are developed by teams of teachers to identify
and target specific conceptual understanding in line with ISM’s Key Learning Principles.
ISM has developed a set of Assessment Principles that all teachers employ to improve
student learning. Assessments inform instruction, offer meaningful feedback for the
learner and effectively measure student attainment of learning goals.

• Learning is purposeful and contextual.
• Knowledge is organized around transferable core concepts to guide learning.
• Different types of thinking mediate and enhance learning.
• Learners demonstrate their understanding when they apply, transfer and adapt
their learning to new situations.
• New learning is built on prior knowledge.
• Learning is social.
• Attitudes and values mediate learning by filtering experiences and perceptions.
• Learning is non-linear; it develops and deepens over time.
• Feedback enhances learning and performance.
• Recognizing and respecting an individual’s learning style makes teaching more

THE HIGH The High School curriculum at International School Manila is designed to prepare
students to become well rounded, life-long learners who care for their local and
SCHOOL global community, and strive to be the best versions of themselves. This is achieved
through an academically challenging set of courses that put students on a path
towards gaining ISM’s High School Diploma, a recognized qualification for North
American colleges and universities.

IS Manila values critical thinking, effective communication, problem-solving, and
reflection. Students are encouraged to follow their passions and interests, as well
as choose appropriate courses for their future career plans. A significant majority of
our students in Grades 11 and 12 take the full IB Diploma, with most others opting
to study for some subjects at Certificate level. The program offered is varied and
allows students some degree of flexibility, particularly in Grades 11 and 12, where
there is an extensive array of IB subjects to choose from. In addition, there are a
range of elective courses for students in Grades 9 and 10 that include Robotics,
Digital Photography, Ceramics, Graphic Design, Computer Programming, Film,
Visual Arts, Theater, Peer Counseling among others.

As well as academic courses, IS Manila prides itself on the vast range of co-curricular
learning experiences it provides. Students are given the opportunity to develop
in the visual and performing arts, forensics, and sports. They are encouraged to
become leaders within the community by taking on responsibilities outside the
classroom and developing skills in organizing, motivating and modeling good

There is a strong service component to the High School, with all students becoming
involved in activities that help foster an appreciation for their environment and the
people in it. Through annual ICARE experiences (Week Without Walls), students
have the opportunity to develop a sense of volunteerism that permeates throughout
their four years with us. All Clubs, Councils and Honor Societies are affiliated with
a service project and there are a myriad of opportunities for students to find their

When students graduate from IS Manila, and move on to the next stage of their
careers, they do so with the qualities needed to be happy and successful in life, both
inside and outside the classroom.

GRADING FOR LEARNING be able to show that they can develop or demonstrate their
“The primary purpose for grading should be to communicate knowledge about content-specific information through
with students and parents about the student’s achievement of these methods of communication as appropriate to the
learning goals.” - Ken O’Connor task.
• Creative, Critical and Reflective Thinking - Students
At ISM, we believe that grades should reflect the level of demonstrate creative, critical, and reflective thought
understanding and achievement in relation to established by analyzing a problem, and exploring and generating
standards, and that student behaviors (effort, participation, ideas. They try different ways to tackle a problem, 4 - 5 INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL MANILA HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAM GUIDE
adherence to class rules, etc.) should be described separately. working to find innovative solutions and outcomes that
Therefore, the ISM grade will consist of two separate learning are of value. They revise their thinking to incorporate
categories: Measures of Learning and Learning Skills. new learning and alternative perspectives from other
Measures of Learning • Research - Students demonstrate skill in the analytical,
• Knowledge and Understanding - What do you know and creative and systematic processes of collecting, organizing
how do you make meaning of what you know? Knowledge and evaluating information for the advancement of
refers to the acquisition of new information and skills. To knowledge.
demonstrate understanding, learners express their ability • Self-Management - Students demonstrate self-management
to make meaning of this new knowledge. The goal for skills through effective goal setting and organization;
the learner is to be able to process the information and students demonstrate thoughtful reflection on and
demonstrate their understanding in their own terms. acceptance of their progress, and also demonstrate taking
• Transfer of Learning - How do you apply what you know action for improvement based on meaningful feedback.
to new contexts? Transfer is the ability to extend what
has been learned in one context to new contexts. Transfer Grades will be reported on a scale of 7-1 with 7 and 6
occurs when learners independently apply knowledge, representing Exemplary Achievement and Learning Skills, 5 and
understanding and skills in increasingly complex situations. 4 representing Proficient Achievement and Learning Skills, 3 and
Students demonstrate the higher order thinking skills 2 representing Developing Achievement and Learning Skills and
of analysis, application, synthesis and evaluation when a 1 representing Emerging Achievement and Learning Skills.
they are able to apply and communicate their learning in
unfamiliar situations.

Learning Skills
• Collaboration - Students are informed, principled and active,
demonstrating the ability to work cooperatively towards
shared decision-making that reflects their responsibility
towards others, leading to positive solutions and actions.
• Communication - Students demonstrate effective and
accurate communication of their understanding in a
particular content area by being able to speak, write, read,
listen and use visual media with attention to audience and
purpose. Within a specific course of study, students should

OUR EXPECTATIONS International School Manila (ISM) provides all students with
opportunities to develop to the highest possible degree their talents,
OF YOU AND capacities and interests in a school climate that embodies the high
standards of good citizenship expected in countries around the world.
FOR YOU Effective learning is most likely to take place in a structured, disciplined
and respectful environment. Our High School will encourage all
students to develop desirable qualities of self-discipline, will hold
students accountable for their actions under the supervision of school
authorities and will protect students from those whose behavior or
actions are disruptive or detrimental to our learning environment.

Our students have a fundamental responsibility for their behavior in and out of school. They are expected to obey
all rules and regulations set forth in the ISM Student’s Rights and Responsibilities as stated below. Parents have an
obligation to assist the school in promoting and maintaining positive social and moral standards of conduct on and
off campus.

1. IT’S YOUR RIGHT: To be part of an environment in which you are addressed politely, treated with dignity
and respect and are free from discrimination.
• Avoiding language and behavior which is offensive to others.
• Respecting the rights of others.
• Using acceptable manners and appropriate social etiquette.

2. IT’S YOUR RIGHT: To be part of an environment that is free from intimidation, including all forms of
physical, mental and verbal abuse.
• Avoid causing or encouraging bullying, teasing, harassing or ganging up on others.
• Showing due consideration for others when moving on or around campus.

3. IT’S YOUR RIGHT: To work, learn and achieve success in an environment that supports your efforts and
helps encourage you to successfully reach your goals. To be able to express your thoughts and to ask
• Arriving on time to all your classes with all necessary books and supplies, ready to work.
• Being cooperative and displaying a positive attitude.
• Completing all of your assignments and class work within an agreed upon time frame.
• Allowing others to speak and listening sensitively to what they have to say.
• Accepting and giving opinions which are critical of ideas but never of people.
• Being intellectually honest - No cheating, plagiarism or copying of another student’s work.
• Avoiding types of behavior that interfere with or discourage other students from learning effectively.

4. IT’S YOUR RIGHT: To expect that all property and 6. IT’S YOUR RIGHT: To be a member of a school that is
equipment at ISM whether personal, shared or belonging to highly valued by parents and the wider community.
the school should remain free from damage, abuse or theft. YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE:
YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE: • Obeying all Philippine laws.
• Treating all property with respect and using it in the • Behaving in an appropriate manner when off-campus.
appropriate manner. • Not smoking or consuming alcoholic drinks off-campus
• Refraining from touching property that belongs to other during school-sponsored activities. 6 - 7 INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL MANILA HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAM GUIDE
people, without their permission. • Complying with the ISM dress code and generally
• Compensating owners for property damaged due to your behaving in a manner that engenders pride in our school
inappropriate use. and in the achievements of its students.

5. IT’S YOUR RIGHT: To be able to spend your day at ISM in a 7. IT’S YOUR RIGHT: To have any disputes involving you
friendly, clean and safe environment. settled within a reasonable time frame and in a fair and
• Placing litter in appropriate containers and cleaning up YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE:
your table after lunch. • Allowing all members involved in a dispute to state their
• Refraining from bringing dangerous articles to school. case and be listened to.
• Helping to keep any non-prescription drug, alcohol or • An obligation to seek assistance from a teacher, counselor
tobacco away from the ISM campus. or administrator, if you feel that a dispute cannot be
resolved amicably.
• Accepting with good grace the final decision of the
arbitrating member of staff.

The High School comprises Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12. ISM offers a
AN ACADEMIC full High School program designed to prepare students for college
and university admission. Students who successfully complete the
PROGRAM requirements for graduation earn the ISM High School Diploma, a
recognized qualification for many colleges and universities around
the world.

ISM offers the prestigious International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma, an academically
rigorous and challenging program that is recognized in most countries of the world as
a university entrance qualification. Students in Grades 11 and 12 may choose to work
toward the full IB Diploma or they may take selected courses to complete a partial
diploma. Students are required to take the external examinations at the end of each
IB course. Participation in this program demands hard work, a mature attitude and self-
discipline. However, most ISM students are capable of successfully completing the IB
Diploma. It provides an excellent, well rounded preparation for university-level work.

In addition to the IB courses, ISM also offers an Advanced Placement (AP) class in AP US
History and AP Human Geography. Students enrolled in the English 2 Honors program
will be eligible and well-prepared for AP English Literature and Composition. Students
may also prepare for other advanced placement examinations such as AP Calculus AB
and BC examinations through their IB program and Independent Study.

ISM’s High School curriculum aims to provide students with a well-rounded education
that combines both breadth and depth in their coursework. As an ISM student, you should
be able to gain admission to those colleges and universities that meet your interests and
are suited to your academic potential. You will also develop the background knowledge
and work habits needed to be successful in your studies after leaving ISM.


The International Baccalaureate Organization’s (IBO) Diploma Program
is a demanding pre-university curriculum that is designed for highly
motivated secondary school students ages 16 to 19. The IB Diploma
Program has earned a reputation for rigorous assessment, thus giving IB
Diploma holders access to the world’s leading universities.

The IBO Mission Statement
The International Baccalaureate Organization aims to develop inquiring,
knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and
more peaceful world through inter-cultural understanding and respect. 8 - 9 INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL MANILA HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAM GUIDE

To this end the IBO works with schools, governments and international
organizations to develop challenging programs of international
education and rigorous assessment.

These programs encourage students across the world to become active,
compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people,
with their differences, can also be right.

What IB courses does ISM offer?

We are fortunate at ISM to have the richest IB Diploma Program in the Philippines and one of the most
comprehensive in Asia. There are few schools that can offer such a wide range of subjects in all of the
six groups at both Higher and Standard level. Such a wealth of choice allows students to select courses
that meet their needs and interests, as well as maintain breadth in their study.

ISM IB Success

ISM vs. World
Total IB Diploma Scores (May 2017 Exams)






0-23 24-27 28-34 35-39 40-45
World 18.20% 20.60% 39.20% 16.90% 5.10%
ISM 0% 5% 33% 39% 24%



Visual Arts IB1

GROUP 1 LANGUAGE A English English
Literature Filipino Filipino
Japanese Japanese
Korean Korean
LANGUAGE A English English
Language and Filipino Filipino

GROUP 2 LANGUAGE B Chinese (Mandarin) Chinese (Mandarin)
English English
French French
Spanish Spanish
AB INITIO Chinese (Mandarin)
GROUP 3 INDIVIDUALS Economics Economics
AND SOCIETY Geography Geography
History – Europe History
Psychology Psychology
Business & Management Business & Management
Global Politics Global Politics
Environmental Systems & Societies
SCIENCES Chemistry Chemistry
Computer Science Computer Science
Design Technology Design Technology
Physics Physics
Sports, Exercise & Health Sports, Exercise & Health Science
Science Environmental Systems & Societies
GROUP 5 MATHEMATICS Mathematics Mathematics
Mathematical Studies
ELECTIVES Theater Theater
Visual Arts Visual Arts

Design and Technology Dance Exploration
Intro Computer Programming Advanced Dance
Advanced Computer Programming Dance Company *
REGULAR HIGH Computer Science IBS1, IBS2*** Ceramics and Sculpture
Computer Science IBH1, IBH2*** Digital Photography and Imaging
SCHOOL COURSES Robotics for Engineers Digital Graphic Design and Animation
Robotics for Makers Advanced Digital Graphic Design
OFFERED 2018-2019 Autonomous Robotics Intro Art
Intro Design Technology Explore Art
Advanced Design Technology Visual Arts IBS1, IBS2
Design Technology IBS1, IBS2*** Visual Arts IBH1, IBH2
Design Technology IBH1, IBH2*** Intro Film
English Film IBS1, IBS2
English 1 Film IBH1, IBH2
Courses will only be offered if sufficient English 1 Honors Intro Theater
enrollment numbers make them viable. English 2 Explore Theater
* By Audition English 2 Honors† Theatre IBS1, IBS2
**Transdisciplinary Subject – can be taken English 3 Theatre IBH1, IBH2
as either a Group 3 or Group 4 IB subject English 4
***IB Group 4 Subjects English A Literature IBS1, IBS2 Learning Support
† Leading to AP English Literature with English A Literature IBH1, IBH2 Strategy Instruction – Levels 1, 2, 3 & 4
Composition English A Lang & Lit IBS1, IBS2
English A Lang & Lit IBH1, IBH2 Mathematics
A copy of the High School Course Offerings English B IBS1, IBS2 Integrated Math 1
Book can be accessed on the ISM Website English B IBH1, IBH2 Integrated Math 2
under Math 1
High School > Academic Program. English-as-a-Second Language Math Honors 1
English for Academic Purposes (EAP) – Math 2
Grade 9 Math Honors 2
English for Academic Purposes (EAP) – Math 3
Grade 10 Math 4
Math IBS1, IBS2
Fine & Performing Arts Math IBH1, IBH2
Beginning Band Math Studies IBS1, IBS2
Concert Band Math Pre-Studies
Jazz Band *
Symphonic Band * Modern Languages
Concert Choir Chinese (Mandarin) 2, 3 & 4
Show Choir * Chinese B (Mandarin B) IBS1, IBS2
Beginning Strings Chinese B (Mandarin B) IBH1, IBH2
Concert Strings Chinese (Mandarin) Ab Initio, IBS2
Orchestra * Filipino - Intro to Literature 1 & 2 (native

Filipino A Literature IBS1, IBS2 (native speakers) Social Studies
Filipino A Literature IBH1, IBH2 (native speakers) AP United States History
Filipino A Lang & Lit IBS1, IBS2 (native speakers) AP Human Geography
Filipino A Lang & Lit IBH1, IBH2 (native speakers) Business Management IBS1, IBS2
French 2, 3 & 4 Business Management IBH1, IBH2
French B IBS1, IBS2 Economics IBS1, IBS2
French B IBH1, IBH2 Economics IBH1, IBH2
French Ab Initio IBS1, IBS2 Environmental Systems & Societies IBS1, IBS2**
Japanese - Intro to Literature (native speakers) Geography
Japanese A Literature IBS1, IBS2 (native speakers) Geography IBS1, IBS2
Japanese A Literature IBH1, IBH2 (native speakers) Geography IBH1, IBH2
Korean - Intro to Literature (native speakers) Global Politics IBS1, IBS2
Korean A Literature IBS1, IBS2 (native speakers) Global Politics IBH1, IBH2
Korean A Literature IBH1, IBH2 (native speakers) History IBS1, IBS2
Spanish 2, 3 & 4 History - Europe IBH1, IBH2
Spanish B IBS1, IBS2 Modern World History
Spanish B IBH1, IBH2 Philippine History
Spanish Ab Initio IBS1, IBS2 Psychology IBS1, IBS2
Psychology IBH1, IBH2
Physical Education
Physical Education & Health Wellness
Individual Sports Wellness
Personal Training
Team Sports Other Courses
Sports, Exercise and Health Science IBS1, IBS2*** Office Assistant
Sports, Exercise and Health Science IBH1, IBH2*** Teaching Apprentice
Theory of Knowledge 1
Science Theory of Knowledge 2
Biology Peer Counseling
Biology IBS1, IBS2
Biology IBH1, IBH2
Chemistry IBS1, IBS2
Chemistry IBH1, IBH2
Environmental Systems & Societies IBS1, IBS2**
Integrated Science 1
Integrated Science 2
Investigative Science
Physics IBS1, IBS2
Physics IBH1, IBH2



All students are expected to have competent ICT (Information and
Communication Technology) skills prior to graduation. At Grade
9, all students will complete at least a half credit of Technology.
This requirement can be completed with any one of the following
courses: Robotics for Engineers, Robotics for Makers, Autonomous
Robotics, Digital Photography and Imaging, Digital Graphic Design
and Animation. In addition, students at any grade level may choose
the year-long Design Technology course at either introductory or
advanced levels.

The Design Technology course equips the student with knowledge
and understanding of the world around them. It may be viewed as
both an applied science and an applied arts course, and it helps
students learn about and utilize the technology and materials of
the 21st century. Successful students may be looking at careers in
Product Design, Industrial Design, Graphic Design, Architecture
and Engineering. Design Technology is offered at three levels:
Intro, Advanced and IB Design Technology.

The Computer Science curriculum is divided into three levels:
Computer Programming, IB Computer Science 1 and 2. Students
who are interested in programming but do not wish to undertake
the IB course of study can enroll in the year-long Computer
Programming Course. This is also a prerequisite for IB Higher Level
Computer Science. IB Computer Science is a challenging course,
highly recommended for students who plan to study computing or
engineering at college level.

All students in Grade 9 are required to take either English 1 or English 1 Honors. After successful completion of English 1, Grade
10 students should take either English 2 or English 2 Honors. In Grades 11 and 12, students may be recommended for IB English A
Literature, English A Language and Literature or English B, depending on language proficiency and aptitude. Those who choose not
to take an IB class at this level may fulfill graduation requirements by taking English 3 and 4 instead.

Credit for the two-year graduation requirement in the Fine and Performing Arts may be earned from one or a combination of two
disciplines. Membership in the music performance classes (Band, Strings and Choir) beyond the beginning level may be repeated
for credit. To be a member of the Dance Company, Show Choir, Symphonic Band, Jazz Band or Orchestra, one must audition and be
accepted before officially enrolling in the class. Please note that the commitment to join scheduled performances is a requirement for
these classes.

ISM has a very well developed and resourced Dance, Drama and Film program. Students are able to enter at an introductory level and
develop their skills to an extremely high standard over the course of their four-year high school experience.

To achieve an appropriate match between student learning and teaching pace, as well as depth and breadth
of content in preparation for a wide range of mathematics needed for future university work, our program
offers various levels of mathematics including Honors, Integrated and a regular Math program. Taking into 16 - 17 INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL MANILA HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAM GUIDE
account placement tests, previous mathematics records and grades, teacher recommendations and career
goals, the Guidance Counselor will help each student access the appropriate math class.

An integrated approach to algebra, geometry, functions, probability, statistics and discrete math is used
throughout our curriculum. To make mathematical content more meaningful to students, problem-solving
applications connecting mathematics to the real world and other academic disciplines are integrated
within each course. To facilitate discovery and analysis, as well as to reinforce the understanding of abstract
mathematical concepts, the use of technology (particularly graphing calculators and computer software on
graphing, spreadsheets and geometric explorations) is integrated across the Mathematics curriculum.

Chinese (Mandarin), French and Spanish are offered at levels 1-4 and also IB Language B level. Japanese,
Filipino and Korean are offered at native level for IB students. Chinese (Mandarin), French and Spanish
are offered at ab initio level for those students who have not had sufficient prior exposure to one of the
aforementioned languages.

Please note that the International Baccalaureate Organization has specific guidelines for students selecting IB
language courses. ISM is required to follow these guidelines. Students are placed in courses that meet their
needs and offer them an academic challenge. The level of competence already achieved in that language
is a key factor in the appropriate placement of a student. Under rare circumstances, if a student happens to
possess a degree of fluency that is beyond the level offered in our language curriculum, ISM may not be able
to provide a taught course in that language.

Physical Education develops ISM students’ physical competence and confidence as well as their ability to use these
skills to perform in a range of activities. It promotes physical skillfulness, physical development and knowledge of
the body in action. The courses offered provide opportunities for students to be creative, competitive and to face
different challenges as individuals and in groups and teams. The courses provide students with the opportunity
to learn how to think in different ways to suit a wide variety of activities as well as to learn how to plan, perform
and evaluate actions, ideas and performances to improve their quality and effectiveness. Through this process,
students discover their aptitudes, abilities and preferences, and they are able to make choices about how to get
involved in lifelong physical activity.

ISM is excited to offer the IB Sports, Exercise and Health Science course at Standard Level and Higher Level. This
course enables students to investigate success in sports from a scientific background. It incorporates the study of
anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, psychology and nutrition within the context of sports, exercise and health.

New students and freshmen are also required to pass the swimming competency test, which is given during the
school year. Those students who fail the swimming competency test will be offered additional swimming lessons.

The courses offered by the High School Science program aim to: provide access for all students to IB courses;
prepare IB students to successfully complete these challenging courses; provide a range of non-IB Science course
alternatives. The Science curriculum is structured so that the first credit is gained in Integrated Science, and the
second is open for student choice. Students sit IB examinations at the end of Grade 12. Biology, Chemistry, Physics
and Integrated Science are offered at non-IB levels. Biology, Chemistry and Physics are offered at IB Higher and
Standard Levels. Environmental Systems & Societies is a transdisciplinary course offered at IB Standard Level and
can satisfy the IB Group 3 or 4 requirement or both Group 3 and 4 simultaneously, allowing students to select an
additional Group 6 elective. Computer Science, Sports Exercise and Health Science can also be taken as IB Group
4 subjects.

The Peer Counseling course, offered to students in Grades 10,
11 and 12 develops basic knowledge and life skills to help their
peers with social, individual, school and family concerns through
classroom instruction, role-playing and skill building activities. The
focus of the curriculum is preventative; a variety of intervention
strategies are employed and when needed, trained professionals
will be included. In addition to working with students individually
and in groups, peer counselors can act as conflict mediators,
provide classroom presentations on teen issues, and provide
outreach to students in need in the elementary and middle

The foundation of the High School Social Studies program is In order to take advantage of the expertise, talent and experience
a two-year requirement in Geography and History. In Grade 9, of our team of international teachers, the Teaching Apprenticeship
students study a theme-based Geography course, which aims program is available to students in Grades 11 and 12. Students
to introduce students to the necessary skills, knowledge and may enroll as teaching apprentices in a particular division
attitudes that are foundational to success in the upper school. (Elementary, Middle or High School) and/or subject area (Acting,
In Grade 10, all students study History. With this background, Art, Physical Education, ESL). A post-evaluation conference with
students are thus equipped for the more rigorous course the coordinator (the Assistant Principal) and a student portfolio
offerings in Grades 11 and 12. The IB/AP curriculum provides an with written input from the supervising teacher will determine the
opportunity for a more in-depth and focused study of one of the final grade.
major Social Studies areas. All IB courses are two years in length.
Geography, Economics, Business Management, Global Politics, Students in Grades 11 or 12 may also choose to enroll in the
Psychology, European History and World History are offered at IB Office Assistant program. Students are expected to report to the
level. US History and Human Geography are offered at AP level. assigned office on time for each session and to complete tasks
This US History AP course is open to Grade 10 students, and the assigned by the Administrators/Counselors/Secretaries. Such
Human Geography AP Course is open to Grade 9 students. tasks may include filing, poster-making, showing new students
around, delivering messages and answering the phones. The
WELLNESS COURSE grade earned after each marking period is based on attendance,
Wellness is a concept of health that includes many types of well- punctuality, efficiency, responsibility and attitude.
being including: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and social.
The degree to which these interrelated aspects are nurtured in
the individual will determine one’s quality of life. This semester-
long course, compulsory for Grade 9 students, investigates topics
relevant to adolescents who are entering life in the High School.
It seeks to provide information and experiences that will assist
in continuing students’ development into young adulthood and
to promote behaviors and attitudes that will help make their life
more satisfying and rewarding.

ACADEMIC The Learning Support Department at International School Manila coordinates
programs and services for students with learning needs. The model is based on the
SUPPORT philosophy that students vary in their level of ability, achievement, motivation and
interest and that individuals respond best to educational programs that provide
SERVICES appropriate challenges and meet their individual needs.

The Learning Support Program provides three levels of service. Levels of support are
determined on an individual basis and according to each student’s identified special
educational need. Determination of level of support is made by the Learning Support
Resource Team (LSRT) based upon information available to them. Level of support is 20 - 21 INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL MANILA HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAM GUIDE
reviewed on a regular basis by the LSRT and may be changed. The level of support
identified for a particular student reflects what ISM is currently able to provide; it is
not a contractual obligation between the School and its teachers or the School and
parents of students identified for support.

Level 1 (LS1) In Learning Support Level 1 the student is working on the same
instructional objectives and the same curriculum content as his/her peers but requires
adaptations to the way the material is presented and/or to the way in which they
demonstrate what they have learned. The Learning Support Plan is developed and
coordinated by the Learning Support Teacher and implemented in conjunction with
the classroom teacher.

Level 2 (LS2) In Learning Support Level 2 a student typically works in the regular
classroom with his/her peers but may require accommodations and some modification
to the content of the curriculum and/or instructional practices under the direction
of a Learning Support teacher. These are implemented through direct and indirect
services in content classes and in Strategy Instruction. The Learning Support Plan is
developed and coordinated by the Learning Support teacher.

Level 3 (LS3) In Learning Support Level 3 the student requires significant modifications
to the content of the curriculum and instructional practices. If necessary, explicit
instruction in the development of social skills or other services provided by the
professionals in the Specialized Learning Support Program will be made available.
Curriculum is modified under the direction of a Learning Support teacher. Depending
on the extent of the modifications to the curriculum it may lead to graduation with
a modified high school diploma. Students will have support from an Educational
Assistant who usually works 1:1 with the student to help meet the goals of The
Learning Support Plan.

Specialized Learning Support Program (SLSP)
In addition we also provide a Specialized Learning Support Program that serves students with significant learning
needs, which may include intellectual or developmental disabilities. Students in this program will be integrated
into our regular ISM classrooms and activities to the greatest extent that it is appropriate. The Specialized
Learning Support Program will be taught by a highly trained special educator and assistants, and will include
support by other related service professionals such as Speech Language Pathologists, School Psychologists
and Occupational Therapists. Each student is provided with a Learning Support Plan. The Learning Support
plan includes individual goals; developed based on assessment. An individualized curriculum will focus on all
academic and functional areas, including social-communication and behavioral needs.

International School Manila provides an English-as-a-Second Language (ESL) program for Grade 9 and 10
students who need specialized language support and instruction. Our program supports an inclusive model
of language learning and teaching, in which language acquisition experts work collaboratively with content
experts in the language rich classes of English, Science, History and Geography. In addition to this in-class
support, ESL students also receive direct instruction in the English for Academic (EAP) classes in Grade 9 and

Grade 9 English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
Learning both content and language is a formidable challenge. The Grade 9 EAP class is designed to provide
ESL students with the explicit language support they need to face the challenge of not only learning English,
but learning in English. The focus on academic language and a range of text types enables language
learners to develop the skills, strategies and language they need to participate and function successfully in
the academic context of Grade 9. The EAP class helps ESL students develop effective learning strategies to
interact, communicate and function in both social and academic contexts. Students attend all mainstream
classes excluding Modern Language.

Grade 10 English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
The Grade 10 EAP class is designed to provide ESL students with the explicit language support they need
to face the challenge of not only learning English, but learning in English. The focus on academic language
and a range of text types enables language learners to develop the skills, strategies and language they need
to participate and function successfully in the academic context of Grade 10. The EAP class helps students
develop effective learning strategies to interact, communicate and function in both social and academic
contexts. Students attend all mainstream classes excluding Modern Language.

Drop-In English Language Support Lab
The Drop-In English Support Lab is open during the school day and staffed by a team of language specialists
who support students with their classwork, help them improve their English language skills, and encourage
learner autonomy and independence. With explicit instruction and support based on the individual needs of
each learner, the instructors guide students to improve their speaking, reading, writing and listening skills in

Our Library is a bright, spacious facility situated on the
third floor, directly above the Elementary and Middle
School Libraries. Under the direction of a professional
librarian, a range of programs and services are offered to
satisfy the reading and research needs of the whole High
School community.

The Library is well stocked with over 28,000 books and 50
magazine subscriptions. It has subscriptions to a variety
of online databases and Wi-Fi access for over 100 laptop
computers. Quiet rooms are available for group or private

Use of the Library carries the expectation that students will
demonstrate consideration for others. Food should not be
brought in to the Library, and noise should be kept to a
minimum. Students and faculty will receive more detailed
information about Library policies and procedures during
their orientation.

The High School has seven Guidance Counselors whose primary role
is to assist students with any academic, personal, social, emotional or
family problems. Our Counselors are also able to provide assistance
to students and their parents in terms of referrals to outside agencies
for further support. Additionally, our Counselors play a large role
in college and career counseling. All students are encouraged to
see their Counselor throughout the year. The atmosphere in the
Counseling Center is friendly and informal, and the Counselors are
very accessible. Students may drop in during their free time before
or after school, at breaks or during study periods.




All students in the High School have the opportunity to engage
in an exciting and diverse range of co-curricular activities.
These activities encourage a broad learning experience
outside of the classroom, develop student leadership, promote
active contribution to school life and engagement within the
wider community. All activities are supported by faculty who
coach, encourage and facilitate learning. The activities offered
include, sports, the arts, music, student government, clubs,
councils, honor societies, publications and distinct Service
Learning activities such as ICARE and Saturday Service.

To develop the importance and recognition of co-curricular
activities, the High School will follow the aims and learning
outcomes of the International Baccalaureate CAS Programme.
CAS (Creativity, Activity and Service) is the term used for
all learning that takes place outside of the classroom. All
curriculum subjects have a counterpart in the co-curricular
program (CAS). Learning in one can inspire, complement and
deepen understanding within the other.

ICARE (International Community Actively Responding to the Environment) is a wonderful
experience for all high school students. It allows students to contribute positively to their
community, the environment and learn more about the Philippines and Filipino culture.
ICARE embodies many of the school’s aims and CAS requirements. The school offers
both Metro Manila and provincial sites for four days in December. Over the four years
in High School, where possible, a student will attend different sites, experience a wide
range of activities and work with many different students. ICARE encourages students to
move out of their comfort zone and accept new challenges.

All organizations have a service component as part of their modus operandi. Each
organization offers distinct service learning opportunities for students throughout the
year. Four organizations are directly supported by a class council. In partnership they 24 - 25 INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL MANILA HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAM GUIDE
will organize four Saturday Service days during the academic year. The Service Learning
Council and the Sustainability Council will also assist in the planning and implementation
of these events as well as in offering other Saturday Service opportunities. Collaboration,
sustainability and quality are the goals for these events.

Student government is headed by the International School Student Body Association
(ISSBA) and four class councils. Each council has five elected members. ISSBA oversees
councils and other organizations and play a vital role as the communicative between
the faculty, administration and the student body. Class councils serve the purpose of
representing their respective classes and communicating closely with their fellow
classmates. Class councils plan events to encourage grade-level interaction and class
spirit through service. Councils work closely with service organizations to provide
Saturday Service opportunities for their grade.

The Bearcat, Sustainability, Fine Arts, Service Learning and ICARE councils provide
specific support and direction for their particular interest area. These are referred to as
Representative Councils. Councils meet regularly to discuss common High School issues.
Clubs offer students the opportunity to engage in individual interests and pursuits with
fellow students whilst providing leadership skills and service learning opportunities.
Honor Societies are open to qualified candidates demonstrating aptitude and a range
of specific qualities, depending upon the particular organization.

High School publications provide an invaluable source of information and opinion about
every aspect of school life. They also provide lessons in journalism, media production
and editing. Lastly, committees consist of a range of leadership positions and work on a
specific event in the High School such as the Prom or Battle of the Bands.

International School Manila believes that a well rounded education includes activities beyond the
classroom. The School offers a wide range of activities including athletics, social functions, cultural
clubs, service organizations, publications, a television news service and many others.

The Athletic and Activities and the Fine Arts Offices organize and manage a multitude of athletic
events, exchanges and cultural activities. In athletics, ISM competes both locally and internationally
in Soccer, Volleyball, Cross-Country, Tennis, Basketball, Swimming, Rugby, Touch, Track and Field,
Softball, Baseball, Badminton, Table Tennis, Gymnastics, Golf, Wall Climbing, Judo and Tae Kwon Do.
Students from ISM also have the opportunity to travel and compete with other premier international
schools in academic and artistic competitions through the Interscholastic Association of Southeast
Asian Schools (IASAS) organization. At annual cultural conventions, students showcase their abilities in
Debate, Forensics, Art, Music, Dance and Drama; our students participate in two Model United Nations
(MUN) Conventions annually, as well as in interscholastic Mathematics, Academic Bowl and Robotics

There are over 30 clubs, councils, societies and media publications in the High School at ISM. Each
organization plays its part in improving the experience students enjoy at a world-class educational

ISM has an excellent reputation for its Fine and Performing Arts program and offers many
opportunities for performers to share their work with both local and international audiences.
Every year an array of drama performances, music concerts, dance, recitals, art exhibitions
and public speaking events in varied forms are showcased for the ISM community to enjoy.
Students who participate in international events form ties with other students, building
artistic and academic communities enriched by the varied world viewpoints on offer.

When planning co-curricular experiences, ISM is always mindful of the rapidly changing
world students are living in and therefore seeks out new opportunities for students to
enrich their education experience. 26 - 27 INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL MANILA HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAM GUIDE

International School Manila

University Parkway, Fort Bonifacio Global City, 1634 Taguig, Philippines
Trunk Line: (632) 840.8400 • Fax: (632) 840.8405

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