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Published by Rudramuni Math, 2019-11-01 07:45:47

Newsletter - October 2019

Newsletter - October 2019

Daffodils English school

Affiliated to CISCE, New Delhi & Recognised by
Govt. of Karnataka

Sanjaynagar, Bengaluru – 560094

‘Always aim high, work hard, and care deeply about what you believe in.’

Hillary Clinton,
Former First Lady, US - Political Leader

Born on October 26th, 1947

➢ School reopened on Wednesday, the 9th.
➢ Annual Sports Day (Grades 1 to 10) was

conducted on Saturday, the 19th.
➢ Kannada Debate, Prelims, was conducted on

Tuesday, the 22nd.
➢ Kannada Debate, Finals, was held on

Thursday, the 31st.

Thishar, from Daffodils English School studying in Grade 8 has made
us proud with his talent in playing the violin. He played the

National Anthem during the Independence Day celebrations at

He has created an official music audio of CARNATIC music played
by him on the violin. Use the link given below to enjoy the power

of music.

“I have failed over and over again, that is why I succeed”

Micheal Jordan

The Annual Sports Day at Daffodils English School was celebrated on
Saturday, the 19th October 2019 at the school grounds. The entire event
was divided into two segments – the morning half saw the Junior Wing
students and the latter half of the afternoon saw the students of the Senior
Wing participating.

The school has always sought out the overall development of students and
sports has been an integral part ever since its establishment. The day
started with the arrival of the Chief Guest Mr. Dileep Kumar, a
Daffodils alumnus, the Best Sports Person of the academic year 2018-
19, basketball player and sport enthusiast.

The Chief Guest for the later part of the celebration was
Mr. Jayanandan S, a national level Football Player.

Flag hoisting, lighting of the ceremonial torch and declaration of the
Sports Meet open were followed by a March Past by students of the four
houses at school – Iris, Lily, Poppy and Tulip. The students of
Grade 3, well trained by the yoga instructor, Mrs. Vimala,displayed
several eye catching yogasana postures. Drill display by students of
Grades 1 and 2 depicting the letters D,E,S (symbolic for the school’s
name) and pyramid formation added fervour to the celebrations.

Mass drill competition with various properties like handmade fans, pom
poms, umbrellas and hula hoops amongst the students of Grades 6-8
belonging to different houses was a treat to the eye.

Special races - different versions of obstacle races were conducted for
students of all classes and prizes were distributed. Games for parents
were well organised.

The difference between winning and losing is most importantly not quitting
– Walt Disney.

Individual Championship Trophies and Overall Championship Trophies
in various sports like cricket, basketball, football, hockey, badminton,
volley ball table tennis – the clubs of which exist at the school; were
awarded to deserving students and Houses.

All the events were well planned and executed. The end of the celebrations
saw the lowering of the flag and rendering of the national anthemStudents
and the parents departed carrying impressions of a memorable day.

Grade 2 had an activity on the subject EVS which detailed on the concept
‘air is required for burning and air exerts pressure’.

Students of Grade 9 were taught the concepts of Geography in a unique

The process of humidity is abstract. Varying sizes of cotton balls were
used to show columns of air at different temperatures with different
capacities to hold moisture. With this, Children were able to understand
concepts like absolute humidity and relative humidity, saturation point
and condensation process..

Students of Grade 1 were taught Kannada Varnamaale differently with
the flash cards. Students were all excited to show off their cards and
learning became fun.

Students from 9th and 10th Grades participated in the Kannada
Debate – Prelims. In the midst of a tough competition, students of
Tulip and Iris Houses qualified for the Finals.

Students of Grade 10, coding and decoding to trace their path to unlock
the mystery during Code Decode, a virtual game of Treasure Hunt.
Congratulations to Harshitha Reddy and Aniruddh Ballal who
emerged the Individual Champions of Daffodils Code Decode - 2019.
Kudos to all the participants.

Smart searching online can make a huge difference in the quality and
relevance of the content our children find on the internet. But it takes a
bit of know-how to improve the chances of getting back the information
they’re looking for.

To help our children search smarter – and waste less time, and help them
search like a pro, we conducted an extended activity titled – ‘A-B-C
Searching’ as part of our Digital Citizenship Program for Students of
Grade 4.

SPOT - Success Path Of Toppers, an interactive session where
Toppers of ICSE Examination - 2019 shared their success stories with
the present batch of Grade 10 students. The session helped our Grade 10
students with tips to study effectively and face the upcoming Board Exams
with confidence and ease.

Life as a teacher, begins the day we realise that we are always a learner.

We had organised our very own in-house Digital Professional
Development Programme to prepare our teachers who were aspiring to be
Apple Teachers and to empower them in using iPad in teaching and
learning process. On successful completion of DPD3 and challenges on
Apple Teacher Learning Centre, participants were presented with
Certificate of Merit and Apple Teacher Certificate.

Congratulations Teachers...

This academic year 2019-20 we have initiated remedial classes to cater
to the needs of the slow learners of all Grades. This initiative has been
working well and is helping students in their academics. We have
completed 5 months and quite a lot of improvement can be seen in the
students' performance.

Some highlights and teaching areas of these remedial classes for Grades
1 and 2 are mentioned below.

1. Phonic sounds

2. The four skills. (reading, writing, speaking, listening)

3. Basic numbers

4. Circle time (Speak your heart)

The Indian Music Experience (IME) is India’s only interactive music
museum. The IME is an initiative of the non-profit Indian Music
Experience Trust, supported by the Brigade Group. The vision of the
museum is to increase the understanding and appreciation of the
diversity of Indian music, from the traditional to the contemporary
through exhibits, performances and learning activities.

Grade 3 students visited this wonderful place and rejuvenated
themselves with some basic knowledge of music.

Upcoming events for the month of November...

➢ Kannada Rajyotsava Celebration on Friday, the 1st.
➢ PTM scheduled for ICSE and State Board between

8.30 a.m. to 10.30 a.m. on Saturday, the 2nd.
➢ Cycle Test 1 for Grade 10 commences on Monday, the 4th

and ends on Friday, the 8th.
➢ Code Decode – Inter School Competition will be conducted

on Saturday, the 9th.
➢ Children’s Day celebrations and CCA Competitions

‘Hejje -2.0’ will be held on Thursday, the 14th.
➢ Term Test 3 for Grades 1 – 9 (ICSE) and FA 3 for Classes 9

and 10 (State Board) commence and end on Friday, the 29th.
➢ Cycle Test 2 for Grade 10 commences on Monday, the 25th

and ends on Friday, the 29th.

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