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Published by florawork1, 2022-04-25 06:33:12

Business Presentation2

Business Presentation2


Edited by: Asst.Prof.Dr.Chariyada C.

What is a • A business presentation uses
business public speaking and visual
presentation? materials to communicate
important information to a
group of professionals, such
as co-workers, supervisors,
managers and investors. An
effective business
presentation goes beyond
lecturing and contains
elements similar to a story.

Edited by: Asst.Prof.Dr.Chariyada C.

How to make a business presentation

Being Being able to create and present effective business presentations can help you develop leadership skills and prove your potential for
Follow advancement.
Know Follow these steps to create a great business presentation:
Know Know your audience
Know your material
Tell Tell a story
Be Be organized
Consider Consider the visual appearance of your presentation
Practice Practice your presentation
Prepare Prepare what you’ll wear

Edited by: Asst.Prof.Dr.Chariyada C.

1. Know your audience

The first step to creating any type of For example, you would use a different
presentation is to know your audience. presentation style and information for a
Understanding who will be hearing your
business presentation to your
presentation is critical to creating a supervisor than you would for a
presentation that will have relevant presentation to your co-workers.
Regardless of your audience, it’s
information, stories and visuals.
important to make sure your
presentation accurately conveys your


Edited by: Asst.Prof.Dr.Chariyada C.

Edited by: Asst.Prof.Dr.Chariyada C. • To be a great presenter, you should prepare
to show you have a comprehensive
2. Know understanding of your topic. Have clear
your goals for your presentation and anticipate
material any questions your audience may ask.
Researching and keeping up to date on the
current trends in your area of expertise is
essential. Outlining your presentation is one
way to help you organize your thoughts and
keep your presentation focused on the
relevant material.

3. Tell a story

• No one likes being lectured, even by an industry expert. Once you’ve
gathered all of your information try to find ways to inject anecdotes
into the topic. Do you have examples from real life that can illustrate
the points you’re making? Do you have visual aids that can bring
some of your lecture’s themes to life? Audiences react to information
that they can relate to so look for opportunities to elevate your
speech beyond mere words and facts.

Edited by: Asst.Prof.Dr.Chariyada C.

4. Be organized

• On the day of your presentation, make sure your
slides are in order, you have all the equipment you
need and confirm the time and location of your
presentation. Being organized will help you
effectively deal with any last-minute glitches.

5. Consider the visual appearance
of your presentation

Whether you choose to use card stock, a
whiteboard or electronic presentation software,
visual elements can support and enhance your
message. Be cautious of using too many graphics
that could distract from the main focus of your

You can make the visual appearance of your
presentation more appealing by using simple
graphics, fonts and colors, limiting the amount of
text on each slide and removing unnecessary
sound effects or music.

6. Practice • Practice your presentation before the big
your date so you’ll feel more confident during
presentation your presentation. You can practice with or
without a test audience, whichever will
boost your confidence.

Edited by: Asst.Prof.Dr.Chariyada C.

7. Prepare what you’ll

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Edited by: Asst.Prof.Dr.Chariyada C.

Edited by: Asst.Prof.Dr.Chariyada C. Tips for giving Here are some additional tips to help you deliver
a business a great business presentation:
Eliminate fear of rejection
presentation Form a conversation
Control the pace of your speech
Keep your presentation length appropriate

Eliminate • Fear of rejection is common for
fear of public speakers. It may help you to
rejection remember that the audience is
there to learn the information you
can teach them and not judge the
presenter personally. Delivering
presentations is a great way to
grow and develop both personally
and professionally.

Edited by: Asst.Prof.Dr.Chariyada C.

Form a • A presentation is a form of
conversation communication that should involve
an engaged conversation between
you and the audience. Try thinking
of your presentation as a personal
conversation you are having one-
on-one or with a small group of co-
workers, family or friends. The only
difference is your presentation is on
a stage or in a conference room and
possibly with a larger group of

Edited by: Asst.Prof.Dr.Chariyada C.

Control the pace of your

• Try to remain focused on the pace at
which you are speaking to ensure
you are not speaking too fast or too
slow. You can do this by pacing your
speech with the slides in your
presentation, practicing deep
breathing exercises that help control
nerves and speaking clearly. Your
audience will be better able to
understand you and the information
you are presenting if you control
your pace.

Edited by: Asst.Prof.Dr.Chariyada C.

Keep your presentation
length appropriate

• Make sure your presentation
length is long enough to fully
convey the information you
need to present and brief
enough to maintain your
audiences’ attention and

Edited by: Asst.Prof.Dr.Chariyada C.

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