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Published by Aliyah Ruslan, 2019-03-31 09:30:29

dreamer (1)

dreamer (1)





When I was in secondary school, I love to read the story about a
successful person who has their own business with their own effort.
My favorite industries in business are food industries, I love to watch
people use their effort to make the best dishes for the customer. For

example, a pastry chef who struggling to get an idea on how to
decorate the cake to make his customer satisfied with his cake and


Since that moment, I made a decision to further my studies in Business
Management which can relate to my goals. I personally think become a
Young Entrepreneur in Food Industries is one of my goals to achieve. I

took my diploma in Entrepreneurship and now I continued my
bachelor studies in Business Management in Human Resource. This is
because I need to learn more about how to be the success of a young


2. Dateline to
Achieve My Goals

I want to achieve my goals at the age of 24. This
means after I graduate from my bachelor study

I must get ready with my own product or
service that can lead my goals to become a

young entrepreneur in food industries.

3. The Obstacle That Will

Need to Overcome

I am lacking the self-confidence to approach I always keep saying that “nobody
people to believe in my product. I usually get wants to buy my product” which
means, I had to be a closed-minded
uncomfortable and shy when I had to person. I need to continually learn
confront with a bunch of people. I need to how to make my product and my

overcome this obstacle because I need marketing skill become more
people to trust and believe in what I attractive. People will get attract

approach them. The first step I will take to toward my product if I keep
overcome this obstacle is I need to believe in updating my skills to approach
myself and overcome my shyness to get my
confidant when I had to talk to people.

My obstacle is always pleased for people to help my business. I can’t stand alone on my feet.
The way I have to overcome this obstacle is, I need to carefully make a business plan so I had

to follow my plan. With this plan, I can make people happy because they know that I can
make my own decision.

4. The people or
group that I will
need to work with

PARENTS : who loved to be the first person to try on
my new recipes. They will give their honest review of

my dishes. My parents also have encouraged me to
continue my studies in the business field. It is because

they know my abilities and passion for business and

MY IDOLS : everyone’s favorite entrepreneur in
Malaysia which is Vivy Yusof. Even though she is not
an entrepreneur from Food Industries, but I love how
she introduces her local company to worldwide. She

starts with a small company in an online shopping
website, and now, she had several offline stores and

there are many brands that still work with her
company. I really adore her passion for becoming an
entrepreneur. I wish I can learn how being a young

entrepreneur just like her.

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