SEP 2017 ISSUE - 3
Abu Times
Ian HS Riseley J Abraham
RI President District Governor
Rotary International President’s Message
One of the best parts of any Rotary do what we'll be doing – bring your families
convention is the sheer diversity of the along for the fun. If you plan early, your
people you see there. Whether you're convention experience will be even more
heading into a breakout session, exploring the affordable: The deadline for discounted early
House of Friendship, or sitting down for a bite registration (there is an additional discount for
to eat, you'll meet people from every corner of registering online) is 15 December.
the world, in all kinds of national attire,
speaking just about every language. It's a lot As much as Toronto offers to Rotarians, the
of fun, and it's a big part of what makes
Rotary great: that we can be so different and true draw is, of course, the convention itself.
still find ourselves so at home together.
It's a once-a-year opportunity to recharge your
That spirit of warm community that is so
central to Rotary also defines Toronto, our host Rotary batteries, to see what the rest of the
city for the 2018 Rotary International
Convention. Toronto is one of my favorite Rotary world is up to, and to find inspiration
cities. It's a place where half the population is
from another country, where over 140 for the year ahead. Find out more at
languages are spoken by 2.8 million
residents, and where no one ever seems to be – and find Inspiration around
too busy to be helpful. In addition to being
clean, safe, and friendly, Toronto is a Every Corner at the 2018 Rotary Convention
wonderful place to visit, with its attractive Lake
Ontario waterfront, great restaurants, one-of- in Toronto.
a-kind museums, and interesting
neighborhoods to explore. Ian HS Riseley
The 2018 convention already promises to be RI President
one of our best ever. Our Convention
Committee and Host Organization Committee
are hard at work lining up inspiring speakers,
great entertainment, fascinating breakout
sessions, and a wide variety of activities across
the city. There will be something for everyone
in Toronto, and Juliet and I encourage you to
SEP 07 02
District Governor’s Message
Various international studies have predicted predominantly raw material conversion into
that India will be one of the three largest economic products by man power and
economies in the world in next couple of machines. Now those manufacturing processes
decades- rubbing shoulders with Chinese have stabilized and India, though not part of
Dragon in the East and US Uncle Sam in the earlier evolution of those technologies, is able to
West. How is it possible for a country that has absorb them very easily and quickly.
missed earlier economic revolutions of the
world? Because this time the genre of revolution And the basis for becoming a leader in
is different – it is knowledge revolution distinctly knowledge driven economies is higher levels of
different from earlier ones which were education & research leading to innovation. The
foundation for this is literacy and skill
development. This is where Rotary is focusing
with Rotary India Literacy Mission and the
related TEACH & WinS programs in association
with various Governments at State & Central
level. These are highly structured programs
focussed at different verticals of the literacy
ecosystem for all inclusive growth. These are
highly relevant for such a highly geographically
diverse, multi-lingual, multi-cultural and multi-
religious country like India. In fact they act like
glue to bind such diverse populace and act like
a much needed levelling field to drive out the
many inequalities that have existed in Indian
society for ages.
In order to lay proper focus and stress on the
importance of Literacy, Rotary has designated
September as Basic Education & Literacy month.
It is not out of context to mention that in India
we celebrate 5th September as Teacher's Day in
memory of Dr. Radhakrishnan by recognizing
and honouring teachers as Nation Builders. In
our district many clubs would conduct various
programs in literacy area true to Rotary
J Abraham
District Governor
SEP 07 From the Editor’s Desk
None of the ancient civilizations like Roman, Greek, Egyptian, Persian,
Mayan, Chinese etc have dedicated Gods/Goddesses for learning like
Hindu Goddess Saraswati. Ancient Indians have recognised the
importance of education, iconized and worshipped with whatever social customs
prevalent then. It is inevitable for us to make the essence of our this age old
tradition as level playing field for all inclusive growth in order to grow as World
economic super power in years to come and Rotary has laid a well-defined
roadmap. Just follow! Happy Reading!!!
Rtn Raavi Srinivas, Editor-GML
Mythrivanam - District Membership Seminar
Mythrivanam - a Membership seminar of how one can give family members the gift of
created a festive mood at Leonia Resort Rotary.
on Saturday, 19th August, 2017. District
3150 was holding the seminar under the The keynote address was delivered by the noted
leadership of PDG Rtn. T.V.R. Murti. He followed inspirational speaker Sri Akella Raghavendra.
the dictum of “no holds barred". The delegates Speaking in chaste Telugu, he reminisced about
were welcomed with "band baaja" and a photo op how for the first time he bagged a first prize for
was also provided. elocution at a competition organised by Rotary. He
spoke of interpersonal relations and interactions
The magnificent hall was tastefully decorated. The with one another. A very inspiring speech laced
meeting had a professional MC. After lighting the with wit and humour.Rtn. Seshadri of RC Miyapur
lamp, the interact children sang the invocation in a spoke about ISO certification. President RC Sec.
very melodious chorus. This was followed by a West. Rtn. Suren Poruri and first lady Rtn. Malinis
vigorous and exhilarating dance choreographed Poruri were congratulated on the occasion of their
by the famous Suresh Verma. wedding anniversary.
President of RC, Himayatnagar Rtn. NRLSN This was followed by a panel discussion with DGE
Murthy delivered the welcome address. In a short Ramesh Vangala & DGN Shivan, PDG Dr. Ravi
speech PDG Vasudev enunciated the task lying Vadlamani was the moderator.
ahead-1000 more members in the district by the
end of the Rotary Year. Rtn. S. Anil kumar spoke about Membership
through Image Building. He used a very powerful
DG Abraham in his "Man ki Baat" spoke about the & effective power point presentation.
challenges in membership retention and advised
clubs to pull up their socks and ensure net growth Rtn. Vinod Ranka of RC Ameerpet spoke about
this year. "How Inter Relation between clubs can lead to
retention and attract New Members".
PDG TVR Murti enthused the Membership chairs of
various clubs and explained how to go about A dance programme by the famous Saket & group
getting new members. entertained the audience. Serial dance by Suresh
Verma was the grand finale.
Chief Guest PRID Yashpal Das spoke about the
challenges of membership development. He Vote of thanks was delivered by Rtn. Praful Kumar,
emphasised that new members should be Secretary, Host Club. Lot of games, stalls and
encouraged to attend projects. This will increase other attractions made for a day of complete
their involvement. He quoted personal examples enjoyment and fellowship. A sumptuous lunch
followed the programme.
SEP 07 04
SEP 07 Mythrivanam - District Membership Seminar
New members induction during the membership seminar
SEP 07 Mythrivanam - District Membership Seminar
Mythrivanam - District Membership Seminar
The District Literacy Level-2 training cum Level-3 seminar
The district literacy level-2 training cum level-3 TEACH and voluntary management presentations
seminar for the rotary year was held on 20th August were given by respective chair and co chairs.
2017, at Hyderabad Gymkhana club, organized by
Rotary Club of Secunderabad. T-Jhansi Premanand, E-Akella Madhuri, A-Sucharita
Reddy, C-Venubabu, H-Bibo Srinivas while Madhavi
DLCC Ravi has started the meet, while the chief guest Sashankota presented on Voluntary management.
District Governor Prof J Abraham addressed on 'how
we performed and our role this year' while PDG All the members have shown enthusiasm to the quiz
TVR Murty, DGE Vangala Ramesh and DGN Siva conducted by ZLC Jawahar at the end of every
Narayana were very attentive and involved through presentation.
out the proceedings.
All the participants were enthralled listening “Let’s
The event was precided by PDG Jawahar, Zonal do it” by PDG Ravi vadlamani, Central Committee
Literacy co-ordinator while conducted by DLCC member Happy Schools .
Ravi, which was largely attended.
The event started with breakfast and concluded with
lunch and house of fellowship, well in time with the
full attendance till the end.
SEP 07 07
Designated Month Page
The October month is OCTOBER ISECONOMIC AND regulated financial
designated as COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT institutions.
Economic and
Community Development, MONTH The Rotary Clubs help
one of the focused areas. local women complete
Nearly 800 million people financial literacy courses
live on less than $1.90 so they could pool their
(Rs.120/-) income per day. money and fund their own
We the Rotarians are micro lending program.
passionate about
providing sustainable 6.Skills development,
business training : We can
solutions to eradication of SEWING MACHINES - A STITCH IN TIME BUILDS LIVES provide small grants as
poverty. Our members microloans to community
and our foundation work to strengthen local members to help in sewing, baking, plumbing,
entrepreneurs and community leaders, microcredit, business management, and
particularly women. We provide training and leadership.
access to well-paying jobs and financial 7. Sustainable farming : Soil erosion and loss of
management institutions.
soil fertility have significantly reduced the
Some of the initiatives Rotary Clubs and Rotarians production of farmers’ harvests. Our members
can take up in our Communities in association can give farmers the skills they needed to improve
soil fertility, control soil erosion, and market their
with our Rotary Community Corps (RCC’s):
The following initiatives can be taken up by our produce.
clubs in urban and rural areas through needs The results : increased crop yields and profits.
assessments survey of our communities using the 4 We have spent Rs.588.80 million through our
global grant survey form.
Rotary Foundation to grow local economies and
1. Adopt a village : Rotary members use a reduce poverty last year all over the World. The
multifaceted and coordinated strategy to break burden on our Communities to be addressed by
the cycle of poverty in extremely impoverished our clubs is as follows:
communities. 4 795 million people i.e. 1 in 9 people in the
2. Micro loans : Entrepreneurs use micro loans to world do not have enough to eat 60% of the
become street vendors, rickshaw drivers, weavers, world’s hungry people are women and girls 70%
of the world’s poorest people live in rural areas
and tailors.
and depend on agriculture and related activities
3. Agricultural opportunities : Entrepreneurs in for their livelihood.
rural communities can borrow money to buy
livestock or plant crops, or get training in 4 So let us take some initiatives through Global
sustainable farming. Grants to improve our communities to providing
4.Impact on local economies : Our members can sustainable solutions to eradication of poverty.
train people to become 4 Let us plan and work to
resources for their strengthen local
community, offering entrepreneurs and
networking activities, community leaders,
advice on new business particularly women
development and financial through various Women
management training. Empowerment Initiatives
5. Breaking the cycle of either through Global
poverty for women : Most Grants or to see that
of the women living in various Government
rural areas do not have the initiatives available for
collateral to get loans from Women to reach the end
user the WOMEN.
SEP 07 08
Clubs in Action
Ameerpet Armoor Aadarsh
Digital Class Room Project Project in Jail
Banjara Hills Bhadrachalam
Club Fellowship Slates Distribution Project
Bhagyanagar Cantonment
On the eve of Independence Day Behavioural addiction program for Interactors
SEP 07 Chandanagar Charminar
09 Independence Day at ZPHS Club Meeting
Clubs in Action
Chimakurthy Coalfield Manuguru
Installation Donation for hunger relief
Gachibowli Hyderabad Gajwel Central
Independence Day celebrations Atlas Donation project
Greater Hyderabad Greenwoods Yellandu
Road Repair Work Free Clay Ganesha Distribution
SEP 07 Guntur - 3 Rotarians on Peace Rally Guntur Aadarsh
10 from Bangalore to Bhutan Blood Donation Camp
Clubs in Action
Guntur Vikas Hanamkonda
Independence Day Celebration & Note book distribution Solar Water Heater Project @ Govt School
Hyderabad Hyderabad Centennial
Independence day eve meeting Note book Distribution project
Hyderabad Central Hyderabad Deccan
Independence Day at Bakaram village Annual Family Holiday @ Goa
SEP 07 Hyderabad East - Bags donated to Hyderabad Himayathnagar
11 Health Workers-Primary Health Centre Old Age home visit on Rakshabandan
Clubs in Action
Hyderabad Metro Hyderabad Pearls - Gottimukala village
Tree plantation program Mega Tree plantation & Sports meet for Rural folk
In Bhadra Sarapaka Jubilee Hills
Nutrition food to HIV affected patients Independence Day at ROSE School
Kamareddy Kothagudem
Importance of Breast feeding and Child Health BMD Test Project
SEP 07 Khammam Zaheerabad
12 Artificial Limb Project Note book distribution project
Clubs in Action
Kshirapuri Chirala Medchal
Dental Camp Eye Checkup Camp
Miyapur Narasaraopet
Old Age Home Visit Free Clay Ganesh distribution project
Nizamabad Ongole Central
International Youth Day program Felicitating Director K Vishwanath
SEP 07 Pandaripuram Parchur Central
Interschool chess competitions School Desk Distribution
Clubs in Action
Piduguralla Lime City Ponnur
40 school benches distribution program Club Training program
Repalle Rural Saampradaya Hyderabad
Donation of Fans Installation of Dust Bin - Swach bharat
Sainikpuri Secunderabad Secunderabad Spectrum
Notebook distribution project Clay ganesha distribution
SEP 07 Secunderabad Sunrise Secunderabad West
14 Speaker meet and Fellowship Independence Day @ Tandur Schools
Clubs in Action
Smart Hyderabad partnered in Krishna's Heritage Stambadhri Khammam
Festival being conducted in 6 zones. Friendship day celebrations
Independence Day Celebrations
A joint meeting of the Twin Cities Rotary Clubs at FTAPCCI, Hyderabad.
Chief Guest Dr. Duvvuri Subba Rao, former RBI Governor shared his views on Indian Economy.
Guest of Honor District Governor Rtn J Abraham.
SEP 07 15
Public Image
Governor’s Official Club Visits
SEP 07 Luxettipet Green Corps Kakatiya Warangal
Governor’s Official Club Visits
Bhagyanagar Chilakaluripeta
Huzurnagar East Kandukuru Cenral
Sewing machine centre inaugurated by DG J. Abraham, sponsored by Rotary Club of Mancherial.
SEP 07 Narsampet Warangal
New Generation
LET’S GLOW THE GLORY - Rtn Dr. T. S. Sashikala, District Interact Chair
Rotary meant a lot of things, to lots of people. create programmes that complement the
It has been the platform for all the Rotarians curriculum. This is where Rotary clubs can pitch in.
to find friends, sense of purpose; get
connected with people, advance careers, and Sponsoring Interact club is an opportunity given to
have incredible experiences. Do we have to limit the Rotarians to canalize the energies of these
this experience to ourselves? Shouldn’t the New children and motivate them towards Community
generations get this incredible experience? service and Joy of Giving. We need to help them to
Children are the future of the world. They should gain tools and skills, to become responsible and
understand their roles and responsibilities and productive members of the society and develop
also hone leadership qualities to take the leadership skills while discovering the power of
challenges ahead. Service above Self.
It is Rotary’s belief that young people and The next generation of community leaders can be
Generations should take up active interest in strengthened with Rotary Youth Leadership
community activities. Hence, Interact clubs came Awards (RYLA) event. RYLA gives the club an
into existence. As per Ri’s Interact Constitution, opportunity to develop young leaders while
“The purpose of Interact is to provide opportunity inspiring them to connect, exchange ideas, and
for young people to work together in a world take action in their schools and communities.
fellowship dedicated to service and international
understanding.” It is for us to impress upon these future citizens that
this is a platform for them to understand that
Schools & colleges are one of the first places where leadership need not necessarily be serious but can
children’s behavior and future success is shaped. also have fun element in it!!
However, these institutions alone cannot cater to
all the needs and aspirations of new generations. Dear Friends, I urge you to sponsor as many as
They require an organization to work with them to Interact Club as possible and lead the future
generations to Glory and ensure that our District
has maximum number of Interact clubs!!
SEP 07 18
Women in Rotary
HISTORY OF WOMEN IN ROTARY Good wishes to all my fellow Rotarians,
especially to women Rotarians, for being part
1950: An enactment to delete the word “male” from of all the events and make them a grand
the Standard Rotary Club Constitution is proposed by a success. I wish all of you to motivate other
Rotary club in India for the Council on Legislation members to participate actively in Rotary
meeting at the 1950 RI Convention. services, the best way of doing good to the
1964: The Council on Legislation agenda contains an
enactment proposed by a Rotary club in Ceylon (Sri I feel ‘Abu Times’ is the best platform to bring
Lanka) to permit the admission of women into Rotary out your experiences and service projects,
clubs. Delegates vote that it be withdrawn. which would be inspiring. I invite women
Rotarians to write for ‘Abu Times’ and send
1972: As more women begin reaching higher positions photos to publish. Let’s increase our pages in
in their professions, more clubs begin lobbying for the GML.
female members. A U.S. Rotary club proposes
admitting women into Rotary at 1972 CoL. We are celebrating Bakreed, Teachers Day,
Batukamma and Dashara in the month of
1977: The RI BoD and Rotary clubs in India, Sweden, September, my greetings to all.
Switzerland, and US propose an enactment to remove
from the RI and club constitutions and bylaws all Let’s do good in the world....
references to members as “male persons.”
Rtn. J. Shailaja
1983-86: On 4 May, the U.S. Supreme Court rules that
Rotary clubs may not exclude women from Quotable quote
membership on the basis of gender. Sylvia Whitlock, of
the Rotary Club of Duarte, California, becomes the first Imagine with all your mind,
female Rotary club president. believe with all your heart,
achieve with all your might.
1988-89: In November, the RI BoD issues a policy
statement recognizing the right of Rotary clubs in
Canada to admit female members based on a
Canadian law similar to that upheld by the U.S.
Supreme Court.
1990: As of June, there are about 20,200 female
Rotarians worldwide. The Rotarian runs a feature on
women in Rotary.
1995-2005: In July, eight women become district
governors, the first elected to this role: Mimi Altman,
Gilda Chirafisi, Janet W. Holland, Reba F. Lovrien,
Virginia B. Nordby, Donna J. Rapp, Anne Robertson,
and Olive P. Scott.
Carolyn E. Jones begins her term as the first woman
appointed as trustee of The Rotary Foundation.
2008-2010: Catherine Noyer-Riveau begins her term
as the first woman elected to the RI Board of Directors.
More than 199,000 women are members of Rotary
clubs worldwide.
2012-2013: Elizabeth S. Demaray begins her term as
treasurer, the first woman to serve in this position.
Anne L. Matthews begins her term as the first woman to
serve as RI vice president.
SEP 07 DISTRICT First lady Rotarian and First lady
3150 First lady President District Governor
Rtn. Jhansi Premananda Rtn. Rajyalakshmi
19 Rotary Club of Jubilee Hills Vadlamani
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The Rotary
Foundation Seminar
12th Nov 2017, Hotel Daspalla
Host Club : Rotary Club of Jubilee Hills
Editorial Board : Raavi Srinivasa Rao, Padmini Prasad, Design : Rtn. Vajrala Raja Gopal :: 9000 36 0007
Ranjith Singh, T Rajasekhar Reddy, Anil & Vijaya Durga
Published by : Abraham J, District Governor, RI District 3150; Reach us @ : [email protected]
For Private Circulation Only