Level 13 Encounter Powers Slash at the Knees This attack is especially
Drive to the Ground An unbalanced useful when you're at the center of a battle, which is
where you like to be. You can wound and hinder a
enemy is a quickly defeated enemy. You have mas- number of enemies at one time, making them easier
tered the ability to send your foes stumbling to the targets for your allies.
ground when you strike them. When you do so,
your enemy is both at a disadvantage in combat and Slash at the Knees Barbarian Attack 1 5
unable to threaten your allies effectively for a time.
Even thouah surrounded byfo es,you become a whirlwind of
death, hurtina and incapacitatina every one of them.
Drive to the Ground Barbarian Attack 13 Daily + Martial, Weapon
You drive your weapon into your foe with such ferocity that it Standard Action Close burst 1
staaaers away and crashes to the around.
Target: Each enemy you can see in the burst Attack:
Encounter + Martial, Weapon Strength vs. AC
Standard Action Melee weapon Hit: 3[W] +Strength modifier damage, and the target is
Target: One creature immobilized until the end of your next turn.
Attack: Strength vs. AC Miss: Half damage.
Hit: 3[W] +Strength modifier damage, and you slide the Level 16 Utility Powers
target up to 2 squares and knock it prone. Distracting Advance You have learned
Blood for Strength When you cleave your how to attract an enemy's attention, making the foe
hesitate so that your endangered allies can get to
enemies, the blood that spills does more than whet safety.
your appetite. Such an offering strengthens your con-
nection to the primal spirits, who must be placated
lest they abandon you when you need them most.
Distracting Advance Barbarian Utility 16
Blood for Strength Barbarian Attack 13 You bolt into the fray, bellowin& a battle cry that distracts your
foe lana enouahfor your comrades to move away.
You deliver a brutal wound to your enemy, offerinB the result of
your bloodlust to the spirits thatfuel your raae. Encounter+ Martial
Encounter + Primal, Weapon Move Action Personal
Standard Action Melee weapon Effect: You shift up to half your speed. If you end this shift
Target: One creature adjacent to an enemy, each of your allies adjacent to that
Attack: Strength vs. AC enemy can shift up to 3 squares as a free action to a square
Hit: 3[W] + 2d8 +Strength modifier damage. that is not adjacent to that enemy.
Level 15 Daily Powers Path of the Predator Primal animal
Bloodletting Assault With the spirits driv- spirits hunt alongside you, remaining invisible but
lending you their strength. When you throw your-
ing your fury, you can rush across the battlefield and self against your enemies, overflowing with fury,
deliver a massive strike against your enemy, harming these spirits surge with you, granting you newfound
it severely ifnot killing it outright. strength and speed.
Bloodletting Assault Barbarian Attack 15 Path of the Predator Barbarian Utility 16
You sprint over the intenenina around, then driveyour weapon You lunae forward with such quickness and arace that you
into your enemy with an unnatural strenath that cannot be pounce on your foe before it seesyou comins.
Daily + Primal
Daily + Primal, Weapon Move Action Personal
Standard Action Melee weapon Effect: You shift up to twice your speed. During this shift,
Target: One creature you can make Athletics checks to climb, jump, and swim. If
Attack: Strength vs. AC you end this shift adjacent to an enemy, that enemy grants
Hit: 6[W] + Strength modifier damage. combat advantage to you until the end of your next turn.
Miss: Half damage.
Special: When charging, you can use this power in place of
a melee basic attack.
CHAPTER 3 I C lass e s
Level 1 7 Encounter Powers Torrent of Destruction Your rage sends
Forceful Spirits When you unleash your ripples out through the world, attracting primal spir-
its as moths are drawn to a flame. When they come,
fury, some ofyour strikes are more powerful than you you let the spirits take hold ofyou , turning you into a
can normally make because the spirits surround your creature of primal power whose speed and strength
weapon, lending their aid to increase the speed and is augmented by supernatural forces.
strength ofyour blows.
Torrent of Destruction Barbarian Attack 19
Forceful Spirits Barbarian Attack 17 The spirits spur you into action, 9ivin8 you the speed and fury to
Your attack is driven by the power ofthe spirits, sendinBfoes sweep across the battlefield like a windstorm.
near your enemy reelinB. Daily + Primal, Weapon
Encounter + Force, Primal, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon Effect: You shift up to your speed. During the shift, you can
Target: One creature make the following attack once against each creature to
Attack: Strength vs. AC which you move adjacent.
Hit: 4[W] + Strength modifier damage. In addition, each Target: One creature
enemy adjacent to the target takes 5 force damage and is Attack: Strength vs. AC
pushed up to 2 squares from the target. Hit: 4[W] + Strength modifier damage.
Miss: Half damage.
Unavoidable Stalker You are a predator Level 22 Utility Power
that cannot be escaped. Years ofhunting, whether for Limitless Advance With the power ofthe
wild game or fleeing enemies, have taught you how
to relentlessly track your quarry before bringing it primal spirits supporting you, you can surpass mortal
down. limits of exertion. You can now leap across chasms,
swim mighty rivers, and scale sheer surfaces without
Unavoidable Stalker Barbarian Attack 17 slowing.
You strike your tar9et and then continue to track it, remaininB
in step with it no matter where it 9oes.
Encounter + Martial, Weapon Limitless Advance Barbarian Utility 22
Standard Action Melee weapon No enemy is beyondyour reach, and you let no obstacle stop you
Target: One creature from reachinB afoe.
Attack: Strength vs. AC At-Will + Martial, Primal
Hit: 3[W] +Strength modifier damage. In addition, at the Move Action Personal
end of the target's next turn, if it is not adjacent to you, Effect: You move up to your speed. During this movement,
yo u can shift up to your speed + 2 to a square adjacent to you can jump horizontally a number of squares up to
t he ta rget as a free action. your speed without needing to make an Athletics check,
Level 19 Daily Powers and you can climb and swim at full speed rather than
Terrifying Presence When you enter half speed. Your total distance moved cannot exceed
your battle fury, your appearance takes on a danger- your speed. Additionally, any falling damage you take is
ous cast, as if death is hovering near you. W hen you
attack, you leave those near your foe quaking from reduced by 20 until the end ofthe turn.
your frightening countenance.
Special: You can use this power only once per round.
Terrifying Presence Barbarian Attack 19
You land a miBhty blow and face your enemies, terrif.yinB them
with the visa9e ofyour battle lust.
Daily + Fear, Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 4[W] + Strength modifier damage.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: Until the end of the encounter or until your defender
aura ends, enemies in your defender aura grant combat
advantage and cannot make opportunity attacks.
C HAPT E R 3 I Classes
Level 23 Encounter Powers Level 27 Encounter Powers
Driving Smash When the spirits are fuel- Forceful Evisceration You have battled
ing your rage and answering its call at the same time, enemies that have defenses so tough that your allies'
nothing can stand between you and your foe. You attacks barely scratch them. In a fight against such
know how to bend the spirits' power to your will, har- a foe, it is your responsibility to wound the enemy
nessing their magic to drive past any defenses. b adly, opening it up to further assaults from your
friends before it can recover.
Driving Smash Barbarian Attack 23
As your weapon strikes home, you shatter your enemy's defenses Forceful Evisceration Barbarian Attack 27
in addition to dealing it a vicious blow.
You channel the primal power around you into your weapon
Encounter + Primal, Weapon and strike. The attack not only causes immense damag e, it
leaves your enemy devoid ofits natural protectionfor a time.
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature Encounter + Force, Primal, Weapon
Attack: Strength vs. AC Standard Action Melee weapon
Hit: 4[W] + Strength modifier damage. This attack ignores Target: One creature
the insubstantial quality and the target's resistances. Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 4[W] + 3d8 + Strength modifier force damage, and the
Wracking Wound A wounded enemy will target loses all resistances until the end of your next turn.
take risks, sometimes causing itself as much injury Keep It Down Fighting from a disadvanta-
as ifyou had struck it a heavy blow. You know how to
inflict pain on a foe with every step it takes. geous position is dangerous, but ifyou can put an
enemy into the same situation, its chances of survival
Wracking Wound Barbarian Attack 23 drop rapidly. You've learned how to not only drop an
opponent, but to keep it offbalance, allowing anyone
You slash at your fo e, dealing it a wound that causes great pain nearby to attack it as it tries to right itself.
when your enemy moves.
Encounter + Martial, Weapon Keep It Down
Standard Action Melee weapon Barbarian Attack 27
Target: One creature You put your enemy down on the ground-and keep it there.
Attack: Strength vs. AC Encounter+ Martial, Weapon
Hit: 3[W] +Strength modifier damage. Until the end of Standard Action Melee weapon
your next turn, the target takes damage equal to your Target: One creature
Strength modifier for each square of voluntary move- Attack: Strength vs. AC
ment it undertakes. Hit: 4[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you knock the
target prone. Until the end of your next turn, the target
Level 25 Daily Power provokes opportunity attacks whenever it stands up.
Unmatched Precision Many warriors Level 29 Daily Power
hear tales ofbecoming one with the flow of a battle, Deadly Sweep W hoever strikes the quickest
where it seems as though time slows down and all
of one's attacks slip past enemy defenses with little remains standing at battle's end. You h ave perfected
effort. You are able to achieve this state, finding the technique oflashing out with several blows at
intense focus when the situation is most dire. those around you, which can make the difference
between taking a life and losing your own.
Unmatched Precision Barbarian Attack 25
You strike down your foe with such focus and poise that it seems Deadly Sweep Barbarian Attack 29
as though your attacks cannot miss. You execute a series ofstrikes so blindingly fast that your en-
emiesfall before you or are driven back.
Daily+ Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon Daily + Martial, Weapon
Target: One creature Standard Action Close burst 1
Attack: Strength vs. AC Target: Each enemy you can see in the burst
Hit: 6[W] + Strength modifier damage. Attack: Strength vs. AC
Berserker Fury: This attack gains the primal keyword and Hit: S[W] + Strength modifier damage.
deals 2[W] extra damage. Berserker Fury: This attack gains the primal keyword and
Miss: Half damage. deals 2[W] extra damage.
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, while you have no Miss: Half damage.
unused encounter attack powers, whenever you make an Effect: You can choose to either push the target up to 2
attack roll for a melee basic attack or a barbarian at-will squares or knock it prone.
attack power, you can roll twice and use either result.
C H APTER 3 I Classes
Bard u.J
Bards play an important role in the Feywild and u
among those who live near its fringes. Bards are not
only masters of a form of arcane magic, an important z
part oflife in the Feywild, but also are the keepers of
knowledge and history, revered for their role in pre- u.J
serving the past.
In this section, you can find new powers for the
bard class, introduced in Player's Handbook 2, as well ....J
as optional class features and a new bard subclass,
the skald, that can be made by swapping out one set wz..
of class features for another.
Optional Class Feature
All bards wield some influence no matter where they zVl
go among civilized peoples. Even in hostile cities, you
might be regarded with respect, however grudging. Cl
The Signs oflnfluence optional class feature repre·
sents the extent of a bard's influence in the world. most powerful rulers know better than to refuse a
bard who requests a meeting.
If you and your DM agree, your bard gains access
to certain qualities known as signs of influence. Each Benefit: Whenever you are in a village, town, or
sign ofinfluence provides an ability that the bard city that reveres bards, you can receive an audience
can use to gain some benefit in a civilized area. Most with someone representing the ruling power within
signs of influence provide benefits oflittle monetary 24 hours, and you are guaranteed safe passage to that
value, but they can be a great boon or reliefwhen a audience by the local authorities. You can use this
bard leads a bedraggled group of adventurers back ability no more than once a month in a particular
into civilization after a harrowing adventure. settlement.
Benefit: At 1st level, your bard gains two Signs of Ritual Beneficiary
Influence options ofyour choice. At 13th level and
17th level, you can choose an additional option. Though the bard is a master of many talents, some-
times you might have to call on someone who has
Attract Attendants greater knowledge in a certain field, especially in
In any civilized area that reveres bards, there are CHAPTER 3 I Classes
always those who are eager to please, hoping to have
themselves represented in the bard's tales. These
seekers offer their services to the bard for a short
while, allowing the bard to focus on important busi-
ness while the attendants take care ofmenial tasks.
Benefit: Whenever you are in a village, town, or
other civilized location that reveres bards, up to three
servants will attend to your needs while in that loca·
tion. These servants run errands for you, help you
with physical tasks (such as moving chests of treasure
or cleaning), and carry out any mundane task that a
servant could reasonably be asked to perform.
Demand Audience
Refusing an audience with a bard is tantamount to
writing yourself into history as a villain of one sort
or another. Bards can often gain entry into places
that others would be turned away from, and even the
matters related to magic. When you have need of SKALD
magical expertise, sages and magic users that respect
your calling are eager to provide you with their Arcane and Martial Leader: You combine a strong
services. tradition ofmartial training and expertise with
arcane tricks that you pick up along the way.
Benefit: Whenever you are in a village, a town,
or some other civilized location where a person lives Key Abilities: Charisma, Intelligence
who is capable of casting rituals , once per day you
can have any ritual cast for free if it normally has a Those who live on the fringes of civilization, or who
component cost of 150 gp or lower, provided that come from places where civilization is nothing like
the ritual caster is not hostile toward you. The ritual what the mortal races understand, rely on chroni-
cannot be one that produces a permanent item. clers and historians who maintain their history as
oral tradition. These individuals, respected for their
Travel in Style knowledge and insights, serve as the keepers ofthe
heritage oftheir people. It is their responsibility to
Bards spend a lot of time on the road. They like to make sure that none forget the past. They are both
travel with a bit of style when possible, or at least with observers and storytellers; what they see becomes the
speed and comfort. Many consider it an honor to give legends and tales passed on from one generation to
or loan one's horses to a bard, and many a good word the next. These historians are known as skalds.
has been included in a bard's tale for a kindly stable
master. A skald is no mere entertainer. Skalds are respon-
sible for witnessing firsthand the great events of their
Benefit: Whenever you are in a village, town, time, committing those events to memory, and then
or other civilized location where passing on those tales. They learned all the tales of
horses, carts, and carriages can the previous generation as well, and theirs is a line of
be obtained and where bards are
revered, you can procure horses storytellers who pass on the entire history of
for you and up to seven ofyour their people. Skalds travel from one place
allies, plus a single cart or carriage to the next, acting as witnesses to the
at no cost, from someone in that events oftheir time. Along the way they
location. Before you can use this pick up new stories and bits of
ability again, you must return the magic and other tricks that add to
horses and cart or carriage, their mystique.
leave them at a predeter- Among the people ofthe world
mined location, or pay for and other realms who know of this
them. bardic tradition, skalds are nearly
sacred. They can move freely
At the DM's discretion, through enemy territory and are
you can obtain other modes considered untouchable even
oftransportation ofa similar during the most bitter oftribal
value when available. For example, feuds. In many ways, skalds are
when visiting Cendriane, you like holy leaders: All but the most
might be able to obtain griffons to honorless thugs hesitate to attack
carry you to the city ofMithren- them, and they are revered
dain, provided that the eladrin valued the use and respected for their role as
ofgriffons similar to that of horses and carts in masters ofhistory. When a
the mortal world. culture's entire history is con-
tained within the tales told by
Welcome Guest
a single person, that person is more than just a story-
Having a bard stay under one's roof is a great honor teller; he or she is the sum total of that history, and
indeed. Innkeepers often compete vigorously for the that of all its ancestors, given flesh.
opportunity to offer shelter and food to visiting bards,
and the winner brags about having such a guest for In the Feywild, a skald is treated as a visiting dig-
weeks or months to come. nitary, no matter where he or she comes from. From
Cendriane to Mithrendain, even the most unman-
Benefit: Whenever you are in a village, a town, or nered and barbaric skalds can find food, shelter,
a city that has a public inn where bards are revered, and respect throughout the lands ofthe eladrin. The
you can use your influence (and perhaps the promise Summer Queen herselfwould not refuse an audi-
of a performance) to obtain meals and a comfortable ence with a skald, though most skalds know better
room for you and up to seven of your allies for the than to bother powerful fey lords and ladies with tri-
duration ofyour stay in that location. fling matters in such sessions. The status ofa skald
CHAPTER 3 I Classes
Andronus plays a tune on his lute, lullinB the dinosaurs on the Isle ofDread to sleep, as he and Lyrindel pass safely by
is perhaps even more elevated in the Feywild than Skald Traits
it is in the mortal world, so that few in the fey realm
would risk being savaged in the stories of a skald, Hit Points: You start with hit points equal to 11 +your
their names blackened for the rest of history because Constitution score. You gain 5 hit points each time
of an offense they committed against a storyteller. you gain a level.
Creating a Skald Bonus to Defenses: +1 to Reflex, +1 to Will
To create a skald, use the character creation rules in Healing Surges per Day: 7 +your Constitution modifier
the Rules Compendium or the Player's Handbook. The
Character Advancement table (page 160) summa· Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, leather, hide, chainmail;
rizes how many powers and feats your skald should light shield
have at each level, as well as when ability scores
increase. Weapon Proficiencies: Simple melee, simple ranged,
military ra nged, longsword, scimitar, short sword
A skald lacks several ofthe bard class features
from Player's Handbook 2: Bardic Training, Bardic Implement Proficiencies: Wands
Virtue, majestic word, and Multiclass Versatility. A
skald gains new class features: Deceptive Duelist, Class Skills: Acrobatics (Dex), Arcana (lnt), Athletics
skald's aura, and Master of Story and Song. (Str), Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Dungeoneering
(Wis), Heal (Wis), History (lnt), Insight (Wis), Intimi-
Ability Scores date (Cha), Nature (Wis), Perception (Wis), Religion
(lnt), Streetwise (Cha)
When you determine your ability scores, keep in
mind that a skald is best served by superior Charisma Trained Skills: Arcana, plus four more from the list of
and Intelligence scores. class skills
When thinking ofyour character's personality, as the frozen wastelands of the north , or the craggy,
consider your highest scores other than Charisma. broken steppes of a mountain range. Ifyou have a
Ifyou have a high Constitution score, it could indi- high Intelligence score, it might represent your past
cate that you come from a brutal environment, such as a scholar of some kind; if so, what drew you away
from your studies to a life of travel and storytelling? If
you have a high Wisdom score, it might signify your
C HAPT E R 3 I Classes
SKALD RACE CHOICES prior position as an elder or leader ofyour people.
Perhaps you are a member of a tribe's ruling council,
The following races are particularly good choices or a village elder from a place near a fey crossing. If
for a skald. your Dexterity is high, you might have spent years as
a roguish minstrel, wandering from realm to realm,
Human: Skalds are frequently found among getting yourselfin and out oftrouble as you gathered
human tribes and in settlements on the fringes and created tales.
of civilization. When making a human skald, you
should consider putting your racial ability score Class Features
bonus in Charisma, since you will use Charisma not
only for social skills but also for your attacks. You A skald has the following class features, starting at
could also choose to put your ability score bonus in levell.
Intelligence to improve your AC and Reflex. Since
skalds already receive several skill choices, you Deceptive Duelist A skald depends not on
should consider for your human bonus skill one that
reflects your character's history and upbringing. speed of sword or strength of arm, but on the natural
ability to read enemies and trick them into making
Human skalds possess the tenacity and ambi- themselves vulnerable. You know how to use your
tion of humanity. As they travel in search of new cunning in combat to make your enemy all but fall
tales, they often come across strange and mysteri- onto your blade or in some other way open itself up to
ous powers, finding themselves changed by their your attack.
experiences in a way that their own people might
find alien. Benefit: When you make a melee basic attack
with a one-handed weapon, you can use Charisma
Pixie: Pixies may be capricious and winsome, instead of Strength for the attack roll and the damage
but they are also eager explorers and seekers of roll.
knowledge. As such, the calling of the skald is a
natural fit for the pixie. Pixies are also natural users Skald's Aura When danger strikes, often the
of arcane magic, a nd their ability to inspire their
allies with story and song rivals that of any other only thing standing between your allies and their
race. Pixie skalds are all well respected in the courts defeat is their morale. Your ability to inspire your
of the archfey, since they have often seen and heard allies gives them (and you) the energy to fight on.
things that no other creature has. It is not unsual
for pixie skalds to be summoned to the Summer Benefit: You gain the skald's aura power.
Queen's court to regale the Court of Stars with tales
from across the Feywild. Skald's Aura Bard Utility
Satyr: Though satyrs are naturally concerned You chant, sina. or otherwise inspire your allies with your words,
more with their own entertainment than the dramas
of the larger world, they make excellent skalds allowina them to draw the strenath to battle onfrom your
because of their love of good stories and their
tendency to seek out such tales for their own encouraaement.
Encounter + Aura, Healing, Martial
Satyrs tend to be flamboyant storytellers more
than historians. They love the drama of their tales, Minor Action Personal
and are likely to embellish their stories a bit; a
satyr skald is more interested in the spirit of the Effect: You activate an aura 5 that lasts until the end of the
tale, rather than getting the details right. How-
ever, just like other skalds, a satyr garners respect enco unter. If the aura ends prematurely for any reason, you
wherever he goes, since satyr skalds are often seen
as the most trustworthy sources of information in can reactivate it during the encounter as a minor action.
the Feywild- if the listener can hear through their
embellishments to the truth ofthe tale underneath. Twice per encounter but only once per turn, you or any
ally in the aura can use a minor action to spend a healing
surge and regain 1d6 additional hit points. Alternatively,
you or any ally can use a minor action to allow an adjacent
ally to spend a healing surge and regain the additional hit
level6: 2d6 additional hit points.
level11: 3d6 additional hit points.
Leve/16: 4d6 additional hit points, and the healing can be
used three times per encounter.
Level 21: Sd6 additional hit points, and the healing can be
used three times per encounter.
Leve/26: 6d6 additional hit points, and the healing can be
used three times per encounter.
C HAP TE R 3 [ Classes
Master of Story and Song The skald's Skill Versatility Your travels have taken you
greatest ability is his or her mastery of song and tale. to places where you have encountered many strange
When the situation is most dire, the skald can recall and wondrous things. It benefits you to remain versa-
stories and ballads that provide great hope or inspire tile, and you are adaptable to almost any situation.
the strongest zeal. The skald's memory for such art is
legendary, and it rarely fails. Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to untrained skill
Benefit: You gain two 1st-level bard daily attack
powers ofyour choice, but each day you can use only Words of Friendship Bards use magic to
one bard daily attack power.
honey their words and turn the simplest argument
When you gain a bard daily attack power at 5th into a compelling oration.
level, you can use two bard daily attack powers per
day, but no more than one of a particular level. Simi- Benefit: You gain the words offriendship power.
larly, after you gain a bard daily attack power at 9th
level, you can use three bard daily attack powers per Words of Friendship Bard Utility
day, but still no more than one of a particular level.
You infuse your words with arcane power, turning even the sim-
At level15, 19, 25 , and 29, you gain a bard daily
attack power ofyour level or lower without having to plest speech into a compelling oration.
replace a power, but the number that you can use per
day remains at three. Encounter + Arcane, Charm
Song of Rest It is said among the fey races Minor Action Personal
that the right notes of a song, or the right words to a Effect: You gain a +5 power bonus to the next Diplomacy
tune, can not only soothe pain but actually help the
healing process. Whether this assertion is true or not, check you make before the end of your next turn.
bards are always good to have along on an adventure,
thanks to their ability to use their talent with music to Powers
provide a more refreshing rest.
Your skald starts with five bard powers ofyour choice.
Benefit: When you play an instrument or sing +Two 1st-level bard at-will attack powers
during a short rest, you and each ally who can hear +One 1st-level bard encounter attack power
you are affected by your Song of Rest. When an +Two 1st-level bard daily attack powers granted by
affected character spends healing surges at the end of
the rest, that character regains additional hit points the feature Master of Story and Song
equal to your Charisma modifier with each healing
surge. A character can be affected by only one Song See the Character Advancement table (page 160) for
ofRest at a time. the powers you gain as you advance in level.
When selecting your powers, consider the bard
powers introduced in this book, which are tailored
for the skald. Typically, a skald is either a master of
oratory, speech, and storytelling, or a musician who
puts tales to song. Many ofthese powers modify your
C HAPT E R 3 [ Classes
skald's aura and reflect the nature of the tale or the BARD'S TALE:
song your allies hear from you. THE SKALD'S APPRENTICE
Player's Handbook 2 and Arcane Power present a Long ago there was an old man, a storyteller of
variety of other bard powers to choose from. such great skill and reputation that young people
came to him from all across the land, begging to
Skills be his apprentice. After many years of refusing
them, finally the skald relented, taking on a young
Training in both Diplomacy and Bluffcan be half-elf female as his apprentice. For months
invaluable for the skald, who is often the social repre- they traveled together as the skald passed on his
sentative for a group of adventurers. Skalds develop knowledge to the apprentice. The apprenticeship
excellent communication skills thanks to their story- was not easy, for the skald demanded perfection
telling abilities, and they know when to deal honestly from his student, but she was determined and
with people as well as when to pull the wool over hard-working, and eventually she proved herself
their eyes. Streetwise, too, can be invaluable for the worthy of his secrets.
skald, since it is a skill most often associated with
gathering information in a civilized setting. One day, when traveling through a dark forest,
the skald and his apprentice were set upon by
A skald who has training in Dungeoneering or seven great dire bears. Though the apprentice was
Nature might have spent a lot oftime exploring, sat- quick and skilled with her rapier, she knew that the
isfying his or her curiosity by visiting distant lands skald's fighting days were well behind him. "I will
or dusty ruins. A skald who has training in History protect you," she said, "but I believe these bears
or Religion might have started his or her career as a will be the death of us both." The skald, smiling as
scholar, then moved on to a more practical pursuit of though he was not facing certain death, said to his
history by becoming a gatherer of stories. apprentice, "How much you have learned, yet how
little you know. It is not just the words of a tale, but
Though most skalds pick up a few arcane tricks the telling of it that has power." With that, the skald
along the way, few are actually trained spellcasters or began to recite the tale of a foolish bear cub who
masters ofthe arcane. Ifyou choose to have training was stung by a hive of bees, and though the dire
in Arcana, that choice could represent your dedicated bears could not understand the skald's words, to
study ofthe magical creatures and events you come her astonishment the apprentice saw the animals
across during your travels. begin to back down.
Feats After a few minutes, the dire bears turned and
fled. "My master," the young apprentice said, "How
When you choose your feats, consider those that did you do it? Those bears should have been our
benefit your basic attacks, since they are the only deaths!" The skald turned to the young woman, and
attacks you will make. Weapon Focus for your chosen said in a kindly voice, "The bears might not have
weapon, or the relevant weapon expertise feat, will go understood my story, but they could hear my voice.
a long way toward helping you bring down your foes. All things, in nature and in the world of men, can
Since you are a master of skills and knowledge, feats sense the power of a skald's words."
from the learning and lore category make excellent
choices for the skald, particularly since Skill Focus You might also consider taking feats from the
can help boost your already impressive skills such as enduring stamina category, such as Great Fortitude
Bluffor Diplomacy. and Improved Defenses, since they can help boost
your Fortitude, which might lag behind your other
CHAPT E R 3 I C lasse s defenses.
You start with 100 gp to buy your starting equip-
ment. You should buy a weapon ofyour choice, hide
armor, and an adventurer's kit. Ifyou plan on having
your skald be a part of a musical tradition, you should
purchase a light and portable musical instrument to
carry with you on your travels, such as a harp or a
NEW BARD POWERS Song of Serendipity Bard Attack 1 lll
The bard powers in this section expand on those You sin&a son9 that tells ofserendipitous events,9ivin9 your 0::
found in Player's Handbook 2 , Arcane Power, and other allies a keen eyefor openin9s in your enemies' defenses.
sources. These powers are among your options when UJ
you choose bard powers of the given levels. At-Will + Martial
Minor Action $
Effect: Until the end of the encounter or until you use
another bard at-will attack power, your skald's aura gains
Level 1 At-Will Powers the following effect: Each time you hit an enemy with a
Bolstering Speech Though some would $basic attack, one of your allies in the aura gains a +2 power
scoff at the thought of a few mere words affecting zbonus to his or her next attack roll before the end of your UJ
the outcome of a battle, just as many would say that a
briefbit of inspiration can turn the tide, even in the next turn.
middle ofcombat. Many military leaders hire bards
as standard bearers or drummers for their armies, Words of Gravity Stories about the perils
counting on the bards to provide words ofencourage·
ment at just the right moment. of the world are among the most common stories told
by bards about the Feywild. Though most children
eventually grow too old for such tales, there are some
stories even adults know better than to ignore. These
stories, told in the heat of combat, can focus the mind
and keep allies from falling prey to attacks.
Bolstering Speech Bard Attack 1 Words of Gravity
You offer up a story that inspires and reinforces the morale of Bard Attack 1
your allies, ur9in9 them toJi&ht past their pain.
You tell a storyfull ofdan9er and violence, ur9in9 your allies
At-Will + Martial into a defensive mind-set.
Minor Action Personal At-Will+ Martial
Effect: Until the end of the encounter or until you use Minor Action Personal
another bard at-will attack power, your skald's aura gains Effect: Until the end of the encounter or until you use
the following effect: Each time you hit an enemy with a another bard at-will attack power, your skald's aura gains
basic attack, one of your allies in the aura gains temporary the following effect: Each time you hit an enemy with a
hit points equal to your Charisma modifier. basic attack, one of your allies in the aura gains a +2 power
bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn.
Song of Savagery Among many barbaric Level 1 Encounter Powers
tribes, songs of victory are laced with the most violent Lesser Dimensional Step Many crea-
and brutal descriptions ofbattle. The bards ofthese
tribes say that it is the viciousness ofthe lyrics that tures of the Feywild, such as eladrin, can teleport
keep battle in the minds of their tribe's warriors at all short distances. You've learned the secret of these
times, and that when those songs are chanted on the teleporting creatures , and you can use it to put your-
battlefield, they drive the warriors into a frenzy. self and an ally within striking distance of a foe.
Song of Savagery Bard Attack 1
You sin& a son&that imparts a tale ofviolence and sava9ery; Lesser Dimensional Step Bard Attack 1
9ettin9 your allies' blood up and drivinB them into afrenzy.
As your weapon strikes, you and one ofyour allies vanish from
At-Will + Martial one spot and appear in another, confusinB your opponent.
Minor Action Personal Encounter+ Arcane, Teleportation
Effect: Until the end of the encounter or until you use No Action Close burst 5
another bard at-will attack power, your skald's aura gains Trigger: You hit an enemy within 5 squares of you with a
the following effect: Each time you hit an enemy with a basic attack using a weapon.
basic attack, one of your allies in the aura gains a +4 power Effect: The attack deals 1[W] extra damage to the enemy
bonus to his or her next damage roll before the end of your you hit, and you and one ally in the burst can teleport to
next turn. a square adjacent to that enemy.
Song of Serendipity Luck and fate are two
concepts that find their way into almost every song
and tale about the Feywild, for the fey races seem to
be masters at bending chance to their will. Bards who
sing about these events often find that their allies are
suddenly overcome by a streak ofgood luck them-
selves. Some believe that it is enough to sing of the fey
in order to steal their luck, but most bards b elieve it is
simply the ally making his or her own good fortune.
CHAPTER 3 I Classes
Lesser Flash of Distraction Malicious Dirge of the Damned Among the litany
fey often use distraction and misdirection to cause a of songs you know, some can only be called funeral
mortal to drop his guard for a moment. After experi- dirges. These songs or chants sound much like those
encing such an event firsthand, you learned the trick sung for fallen allies, but instead hold woeful portents
ofcreating small flashes oflight that can temporarily for your enemies.
dazzle your enemies.
Dirge of the Damned Bard Attack 1
Lesser Flash of Distraction Bard Attack 1 You beain chantina a dira e that makes every strike from your
allies cutjust that much deeper into your doomed enemies.
A sudden burst ofliaht and a blast ofnoise leaves your foe mo-
mentarily disoriented. Daily+ Martial
Encounter + Arcane Minor Action Personal
No Action Special Effect: Until the end of the encounter, your ska/d's aura gains
Trigger: You hit an enemy with a basic attack using a the following effect: Allies in the aura gain a +2 power
weapon. bonus to damage rolls, or a +4 power bonus to damage
Effect: The enemy you hit is dazed until the end of your rolls against bloodied enemies.
next turn. Disruptive Words Tricky fey creatures such
Lesser Ringing Weapon Some ofthe as satyrs and gnomes tell stories designed to mock
their enemies. These tales tend to drive enemies who
most dangerous magical predators use invisibility or hear them to distraction; merely the tone ofyour
natural camouflage to stalk their prey. In order to voice can be enough to cause your enemies to let their
protect yourself from such creatures, you have devel- guard down.
oped a trick that uses your weapon's strike to create
a loud noise that makes it easy to locate the predator.
Disruptive Words Bard Attack 1
Lesser Ringing Weapon Bard Attack 1 You call out to your enemies with words that distract and con-
fuse them, drawina their attention away at a critical moment
You drive your weapon into an enemy and then channel a spell and openina them up to your allies' attacks.
throuah it, causina it to rinalike a tuninafork and draw the
attention ofothers. Daily + Martial
Encounter + Arcane, Thunder Minor Action Personal
No Action Special Effect: Until the end of the encounter, your skald's aura gains
Trigger: You hit an enemy with a basic attack using a the following effect: Enemies in the aura grant combat
weapon. advantage. Once before the end of the encounter, when an
Effect: The enemy you hit takes 5 thunder damage. Until enemy in the aura takes damage from any source, you can
the end of your next turn, that enemy grants combat choose for that enemy to be dazed (save ends).
advantage and cannot benefit from partial concealment.
Level 1 Daily Powers Level 2 Utility Power
Cautionary Tale One of the most common Bardic Lore Through your travels as well as
kinds of stories you pick up in your travels is the cau- your knack for collecting stories, you have collected a
tionary tale, one that provides some warning to the large amount ofgeneral knowledge on subjects both
unwary. Though most commonly told to children, you common and esoteric. You can recall useful bits of
know a number ofsuch tales that can inspire even information, gleaned from people you have met or
the most hardened soldier to tread lightly in the face other bards with whom you have exchanged stories.
of an enemy.
Bardic Lore Bard Utility 2
Cautionary Tale Bard Attack 1 Usina your maaic to sharpen your memory, you recall an impor-
tant piece ofinformation that you picked up in a story or a sona
Your warnina inspires your allies to be viailant aaainst danaer you heard in your travels.
, from all sides. Your comrades exercise caution, waitin& until one
Daily + Arcane
ofthem can strike with areatest effect.
Minor Action Personal
Daily+ Martial Effect: You use Arcana, Dungeoneering, History, Nature, or
Minor Action Personal Religion to make a knowledge check, but instead of rolling
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, your skald's aura gains a d20, resolve the check as if you had rolled a 20.
the following effect: Allies in the aura do not grant combat
advantage while flanked. In addition, once before the end
of the encounter, one of your allies in the aura can deal
2d1 0 extra damage on any one attack that hits an enemy.
CHAPT ER 3 I Classes
Level 3 Encounter Powers Echoing Weapon Bard Attack 3
Chilled Blade Satyr bards claim that the origi- You place your hand on the weapon, and it beains to rumble
nal enchantments for making weapons that exude quietly, as thouah a boomina thunderhead is contained within.
an unnatural cold were forged by the Prince of Frost
deep within the Fortress of Frozen Tears. Whatever Encounter + Arcane, Thunder
the truth, those satyrs-or someone like them- taught
you how to turn a weapon as cold as ice. Minor Action Melee 1
Target: One weapon
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, the next weapon
attack made with the target weapon deals 2d6 thunder s
damage to one target of the attack, regardless of whether zI.OJ
the attack hits or misses.
Chilled Blade Bard Attack 3
Frostforms alona the edae ofthe weapon as you lay your hand Seek Weakness Some bards claim to have
on it, a fine mistfallina offit toward the around. come across weapons imbued with such great magic
that they develop minds of their own. You know
Encounter + Arcane, Cold magic that allows you to imbue a weapon with the
desire to seek out the weak spots in an enemy and
Minor Action Melee 1 plunge into them.
Target: One weapon
Effect: The next weapon attack made with the target
weapon before the end of your next turn slows the
attack's first target until the end of its next turn. On a hit, Seek Weakness Bard Attack 3
that target also takes 1d1 0 extra cold damage.
T he weapon you enchant quivers under your fina ertips as
Echoing Weapon You developed this thouah eaaer to strike.
enchantment to impart your strikes with more noise, Encounter + Arcane
allowing you to intimidate your opponents by h aving
your attacks echo with the crash ofthunder. Minor Action Melee 1
Target: One weapon
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, weapon attacks
made with the target weapon have combat advantage
and gain a +2 power bonus to damage rolls.
Nistyncia and A ndronus find comfort and safety in the home ofan old woman who dwells in the Murkendraw
C HAP TER 3 I C lasse s
Level 5 Daily Powers Level 6 Utility Powers
Haunting Thne You have mastered songs so Reactive Wards Eladrin masters ofward-
beautiful that they touch the soul. When you sing one ing magic long ago developed protections to combat
ofthese haunting tunes, it can affect even the most harmful magic already affecting a victim. You've
hardened hearts with its beauty, sapping your foes' learned some of these wards and can cast them to
willingness to continue fighting. help an ally shake off a malicious effect.
Haunting Tune Bard Attack 5 Reactive Wards Bard Utility 6
You chant a hauntin& dirae that seems to reach riaht into your You quickly inscribe a runic shape into the air, a ward aaainst
enemies' psyches, leavin9 them shaken. further harm, and then cast it on one ofyour allies.
Daily + Arcane, Fear, Psychic Encounter + Arcane
Minor Action Personal Minor Action Ranged 10
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, your skald's aura gains Target: You or one ally
the following effect: Enemies that end their turns in the Effect: The target makes a saving throw against an effect
aura take 3 psychic damage. This damage cannot drop an that a save can end, with a +2 power bonus to the saving
enemy below 1 hit point. If the damage would normally throw. If the saving throw fails, the target gains tempo-
drop an enemy below 1 hit point, that enemy must rary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier.
immediately move up to its speed as a free action if it can,
ending the move as far from you as possible. Revitalizing Incantation A spell derived
Scathing Rebuke In your arsenal ofstories from ancient satyr songs of merriment, this incanta-
tion revitalizes a wounded ally. Bards learn this spell
and legends are a few designed to rebuke those who to heal allies who are unconscious or cannot hear
would do you harm. When you recite one ofthese their inspiring words and songs.
tales, your enemies think twice before laying a hand
on you. Revitalizing Incantation Bard Utility 6
Scathing Rebuke Bard Attack 5 You whisper afew phrases in a secret laneuaee, W'tJina your
ally's body to mend itself.
You keep a barbed toneue handyfor your enemies, offerina Encounter + Arcane, Healing
them no quarter with your disparaaine words. Minor Action Ranged 5
Daily + Arcane, Fear Target: You or one ally
Minor Action Personal Effect: The target can spend a healing surge. Additionally,
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, your skald's aura gains the target gains temporary hit points equal to his or her
the following effect: Any enemy in the aura whose Will is healing surge value.
equal to or lower than 1 2 + your level cannot attack you,
unless that enemy is marked by you or in your defender's Level 7 Encounter Powers
aura. Alter Fate Sometimes great change can be
Song of Hope You have mastered several wrought by a matter ofmere inches. Instead of
deflecting off the enemy's helm, your ally's arrow
heroic ballads, stories of survival and success despite punches through an eye slit, dropping the foe. You
long odds. When you sing one of these songs, your can bend fate so that your allies' attacks always seem
allies' minds are filled with visions ofvictory and the to find just the right spot.
will to succeed despite any disadvantages they face.
Song of Hope Bard Attack 5
You sin& a sone that inspires your allies, aivina them the confi- Alter Fate Bard Attack 7
dence to triumph. You curl your hand in a twistina motion, and a strike that
Daily + Martial mieht have been aalancina blow becomes aarievous hit.
Minor Action Personal Encounter + Arcane
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, your ska/d's aura Immediate Reaction Ranged 10
gains the following effect: Your allies in the aura gain a +2 Trigger: An enemy within 1 0 squares of you is hit by your
power bonus to skill checks. Once before the end of the ally's attack.
encounter, when one of your allies makes an attack roll, as Target: The triggering enemy
Effect: The target takes 1d12 extra damage from the
a free action you can choose to have that ally roll twice for
the attack and use either result. attack.
CHAPTER 3 I Classes
Prescient Warning This magical technique Exposure of Weakness A good tale can
allows you to send a short m essage backward in time, not only provide listeners with entertainment and
warning one ofyour allies of an imminent attack. The
message arrives just in time to allow a first strike, per- lessons, it can expose the faults and foibles ofthe
haps stopping the enemy from attacking in the first
place. audience. By studying the reactions of an audience
to certain tales, you can tell where a listener's vulner-
abilities lie and then exploit them with further words. 0a:
Prescient Warning Bard Attack 7 Exposure of Weakness <(
Bard Attack 9 co
You utter words ofwarnina thatfly upstream throuah the river You tel! a tale that reveals the aaps in your enemies' armor, ex-
oftime, warnina your ally ofdanaer. posinB themfor your allies to see.
Encounter + Arcane Daily + Arcane
Immediate Interrupt Ranged 10 Minor Action Personal
Trigger: An ally within 1 0 squares of you is hit by an Effect: Until the end of the encounter, your ska/d's aura gains
enemy's attack. the following effect: Enemies in the aura gain vulnerable 2
Target: The triggering ally to all damage dealt by your allies.
Effect: The target can make a basic attack against the
attacking enemy as a free action, dealing 1d8 extra Level 10 Utility Powers
damage on a hit. Enchantment Ward You know spells that
Urge to Victory Sometimes, the forces of can prepare you and your allies for the dangers that
you face, even warding you against harmful spells
fortune seem to conspire to keep your allies on their that might be cast your way.
heels. When one ofyour allies stumbles after being
dazed by a blow to the head, or when an ally has to Enchantment Ward Bard Utility 10
dash madly across the battlefield just to get into posi-
tion, you can use this spell to give him or her a nudge You place wards on an ally well in advance, allowina him or her
in the right direction. to resist harmful effects before they can take hold.
Urge to Victory Bard Attack 7 Daily + Arcane
You cast a spell ofhaste and direction on one ofyour allies, al- Minor Action Ranged 10
lowina your friend to strike when it seemed as thouah he or she
could not. Target: You or one ally
Effect: The first time before an extended rest that the
Encounter + Arcane target is subjected to an effect that a save can end, the
Immediate Reaction Ranged 10 target can make a saving throw to end that effect, with
Trigger: An ally within 10 squares of you ends his or her a +3 power bonus to the saving throw. If the effect has
turn without having made an attack. the arcane, charm, fear, or illusion keywords, the bonus
Target: The triggering ally instead equals your Charisma modifier.
Effect: The target can either make a basic attack or charge Special: If the target is still under the effect of this power
an enemy as a free action, even if the target is dominated when he or she is subjected to an effect that can normally
or stunned. If the attack hits, it deals 1d1 0 extra damage. be removed only by the Remove Affliction ritual, that
effect and this power both end.
Level 9 Daily Powers Project Vitality When the situation is dire,
Anthem of Aggression Many songs this spell enables you to exude your own vitality
so that your allies can benefit from it. It effectively
passed down by warriors are meant to stoke the fires broadcasts magical healing on the strength ofyour
of battle within their veins. You've spent time study- own willpower, and it can bring your allies back from
ing these battle songs and can replicate them to drive the brink ofdeath.
your allies to victory.
Project Vitality Bard Utility 10
Anthem of Aggression Bard Attack 9 You allow your eyes to slip ha!fc!osed, then project both strenath
and health out to your allies.
You sin& a sana that aets the hearts ofyour allies racin9, send-
in& them into battle withfervor. Daily + Arcane, Healing
Daily+ Martial Minor Action Close burst 5
Minor Action Personal Target: You and each ally in the burst
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, your skald's aura gains Effect: Each target regains a number of hit points equal
the following effect: The first time each turn one of your to your Charisma modifier. In addition, until the start of
allies in the aura misses with an at-will attack, that ally your next turn, the healing benefit of your skald's aura
deals damage to the missed target equal to your Charisma can be used as a free action instead of as a minor action
modifier. (it can still be used only once per turn).
CH APTER 3 I Classes
Level 13 Encounter Powers Ringing Weapon Bard Attack 13
Dimensional Step What was once stolen A sur9e ofsound rin9s out across the battlefield as you strike,
makinB it impossiblefor your enemy to hide its presence.
knowledge-the secret ofteleportation magic-has
now become a full-fledged weapon in your repertoire. Encounter + Arcane, Thunder
As you learn more about the subtleties of teleporta-
tion, you unlock new secrets about its nature. Just like No Action Special
powerful eladrin warriors, you can use your ability
to teleport to let one ofyour allies make a devastating Trigger: You hit an enemy with a basic attack using a
Effect: The enemy you hit takes 10 thunder damage,
and until the end of your next turn, that enemy grants
combat advantage and cannot benefit from partial
Dimensional Step Bard Attack 13 Level 15 Daily Powers
You warp thefabric ofthe world around you, transportinB you Directed Aggression Sometimes when
and your ally instantaneously into positions from which your
comrade can strike. you tell a story, you alter it in such a way that it has
more immediate meaning. Whether you change the
Encounter+ Arcane, Teleportation names or embellish on the details, you can use a story
to communicate information relevant to the current
No Action Close burst 5 situation-inspiring one ofyour allies to strike where
you intend, without tipping offyour enemies to your
Trigger: You hit an enemy within 5 squares of you with a tactics.
basic attack using a weapon.
Effect: The attack deals 1[W] extra damage to the enemy
you hit, and you and one ally in the burst can teleport to
squares adjacent to that enemy. The ally can then make a
basic attack against the enemy as a free action.
Flash of Distraction Small distractions Directed Aggression Bard Attack 15
and arcane tricks once served you well; now a greater You twist a common tale to make it so that your ally knows
degree of mastery over such magic enables you to where to attack, while your enemy has no idea what is comin9.
more deeply confuse your enemies' minds. Images
and sounds form the basis ofthe distracting flash you Daily+ Martial
place before your enemy, but there is also a pattern
underneath it that lingers in your enemy's mind and Minor Action Personal
makes it hard for the foe to focus on you .
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, your skald's aura gains
the following effect: Once before the end of the encounter,
when you or an ally in the aura hits an enemy with an
attack, that character can deal 3dl 0 extra damage to the
enemy with that attack.
Flash of Distraction Bard Attack 1 3 Song of Solidarity Many great ballads tell
You create a burst ofimaBe and sound that startles your oppo- tales ofstalwart companions standing side by side in
nent and leaves the distractinB visa9e lin9erinB in its mind for the face of danger. When you perform one of these
a short time. ballads, it inspires your allies to mimic the heroes of
the song, supporting one another when lesser war-
Encounter + Arcane riors would be tempted to run.
No Action Special
Trigger: You hit an enemy with a basic attack using a
Effect: The enemy you hit is dazed and takes a -2 penalty Song of Solidarity Bard Attack 15
to attack rolls until the end of your next turn. Your words rinB out over the battlefield, ur9inB your allies to
come to one another's defense.
Ringing Weapon When you channel magic
Daily + Martial
through a weapon you wield, you can strengthen
the sound it makes to create painful vibrations that Minor Action Personal
inflict harm on your enemy while keeping it from
slinking away. Effect: Until the end of the encounter, your skald's aura gains
the following effect: When an enemy uses a melee attack
power against an ally of yours in the aura, that enemy
provokes opportunity attacks from any of your allies who
are in the aura but not targeted by that attack power.
CHAPTER 3 I Classes
. ... Fearless Example Though fear can blind ~
BARD'S TALE: even the most courageous hero from time to time, you 1.1.1
know ways to break through the fear and inspire your $
Once upon a time there was a man named Halagar,
who was a well-loved storyteller of his people. As allies to keep fighting. You can use this spell to proj- ~
all men do, Halagar grew old and withered, to the
point where his hands no longer had the strength ect fe arlessness into the minds of your allies, not only 0cr.
to grip his sword. One day, the old man was travel- protecting them against fear but also helping them
ing from his village at the foot of the Barrier Peaks
to a nearby keep, planning to spend a few days shake offother lingering maladies. c<ot:
entertaining the people who lived there and keep
their spirits high. Fearless Example Bard Utility 16 $
As he traveled alone through the wilderness, You project a surae ofcouraae into the minds ofyour allies, al- z1.1.1
Halagar was set upon by a pack of vile gnolls,
intent on slaying him and stealing his belongings. lowing them to push throuah and keepfightina.
However, Halagar was an imperious man, even in
his advanced age, and he set about berating the Daily + Arcane
gnolls, casting insults upon them and scouring
them with every piece of savage mockery that he Minor Action Close burst 5
had learned in his many years spent traveling and
collecting tales. The gnolls were so taken aback by Target: You and each ally in the burst
the vitriolic words of the old man that they stood
transfixed for several long minutes, their weapons Effect: All fear effects end on each target. In addition, each
forgotten in their hands.
target can make a saving throw against each effect that a
Halagar kept the gnolls distracted long enough
for several soldiers from the keep to sneak up on save can end.
the gnolls and fall upon them, saving Halagar from a
grisly fate. Thereafter, whenever the keep fell under Level 17 Encounter Powers
attack by outside forces, the stewards of the keep
would always send word to Halagar, begging him to Greater Chilled Blade The magic used to
come to their aid, for it was said that his very words
could stop entire armies in their tracks. create a weater chilled blade spell, as well as its lesser
versions, is said to draw power from the P rince of
Frost's domain. When you cast this spell, you widen
that connection, allowing through it a cold infused
with the arcane power of the Feywild, a cold so deep
that it can make living fresh brittle.
Greater Chilled Blade Bard Attack 17
You touch a weapon and lay your enchantment upon it, sheath-
ina the weapon in a thin layer ofjaaged ice.
Encounter + Arcane, Cold
Minor Action Melee 1
Target: One weapon
Effect: The next weapon attack made with the target
weapon before the end of your next turn slows the
Level 16 Utility Powers attack's first target until the end of its next turn. On a hit,
Dramatic Intercession Like fey creatures that target also takes 2d1 0 extra cold damage.
themselves, fey magic is often described as nimble Greater Echoing Weapon Your skill
by its admirers, or slippery by those who have been
on the receiving end ofit. You've learned to quickly with the lesser version of this spell has improved, and
interpose a spell between your allies and certain the rumbling thunder you can place on a weapon
death, intervening in the nick of time. now sounds more like the coming ofa storm that
threatens to wipe entire villages off the map.
Dramatic Intercession Greater Echoing Weapon Bard Attack 17
Bard Utility 16 Your touch causes vibrations to shootfrom one end ofthe weap-
At the last second, you create a shield made offey maaic that on to the other, fill ina the air with a low rumble.
appears between your ally and danaer,aivina the ally a moment Encounter + Arcane, Thunder
to recover and keep fiahtina. Minor Action Melee 1
Daily + Arcane, Healing Target: One weapon
Immediate Interrupt Ranged 10 Effect: Until the end of your next turn, the next weapon
Trigger: An ally within 10 squares of you drops bel ow 1 hit attack made with the target weapon deals 3d6 thunder
point. damage to one target of the attack, whether the attack
Target: The triggering ally hits or misses.
Effect: The ally instead has 1 hit point and can spend a
healing surge, regaining additional hit points eq ual to 10
+ your Intelligence modifier.
C HAPTER 3 [ Classes
Greater Seek Weakness You have Song of Flagging Strength Bard Attack 19
honed your ability to create spells that seek out your Your sons seems to sap the spirit ofyour enemies, takins some
enemies, and now your enchantments have been
fine-tuned to the point of deadliness. Since your tem- ofthe zest ofbattle out ofthem.
porary enchantment lasts longer than many others
ofits kind, you or an ally capable ofmaking multiple Daily + Arcane, Psychic
strikes quickly can take advantage of it repeatedly
before the magic fades. Minor Action Personal
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, your skald's aura gains
the following effect: Twice before the end of the encounter,
when you or one of your allies hits an enemy in the aura
with an attack, that enemy is weakened and takes ongoing
Greater Seek Weakness Bard Attack 17 10 psychic damage (save ends both).
After you place your hand upon a weapon and enchant it, the Level 22 Utility Power
weapon seems to point to your enemy's weak spots. Aura of Reverence You have seen the worst
Encounter + Arcane that the world has to offer, and you did not flinch.
You carry with you the knowledge of a thousand tales
Minor Action Melee 1 and songs, and you are treated as an honored guest
in the halls of greatest power. You can harness the
Target: One weapon confidence that this knowledge gives you and use it to
project your assuredness, making your enemies back
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, weapon attacks down.
made with the target weapon have combat advantage
and gain a +4 power bonus to damage rolls.
Level 19 Daily Powers Aura of Reverence Bard Utility 22
Fable of Focus You have learned several sto- Enemies crinse before you, skulkins away lest you turn your ·
ries that tell of great concentration leading to great attention to them.
success. Likewise, you have mastered the art oftelling
one ofthese tales in such a way that, for your allies, Daily + Arcane, Fear
your words fade away into background noise, drown-
ing out other distractions and leaving your allies in a Minor Action Personal
state ofintensity.
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, your skald's aura
gains the following effect: Any bloodied enemy that starts
Fable of Focus Bard Attack 19 its turn in the aura must use the first action of its turn to
move out of the aura, if possible.
You weave a tale that forces your allies to concentrate on the
task before them, ensurinB that every attack counts. Words of Manipulation In many cul-
Daily + Martial tures, when a bard talks, others listen. There is an art
to manipulating one's voice to inspire fear, hope, joy,
Minor Action Personal and even obedience-the last ofwhich makes bards
such effective leaders on the battlefield.
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, your skald's aura gains
the following effect: You and each ally in the aura can
reroll any result of 1 or 2 on any damage die, keeping the
second result for each die rolled.
Words of Manipulation Bard Utility 22
Song of Flagging Strength While many You choose your words carefully, promptins one ofyour allies
ofyour songs are directed toward inspiring your into action.
allies, some are designed to demoralize your oppo-
nents and draw away their will to keep fighting. In Daily + Martial
fact, the right notes and words at the right time can
cause an enemy that has been struck to fight half- Minor Action Personal
heartedly for a time as it reconsiders its dedication to
the battle. Effect: Until the end of the encounter, your skald's aura gains
the following effect: As a standard action, you can choose
one ally in the aura; that ally can then take a standard
action as a free action.
CHAPTER 3 I Classes
Level 23 Encounter Powers Level 25 Daily Powers Ill
True Alter Fate Greater forces offortune and a:
fate know ofyour existence, and they favor you with LJ.J
gifts. Now, when all seems arrayed against you, you
can call upon the supernatural forces that alter the Chant of Devastation Often, the songs $
patterns of fate· and luck to benefit your allies' attacks,
such that every hit might be a killing blow. you sing require precise timing in order to inspire 0
your allies in just the right way. You can weave a tune 0
so perfectly that your allies are inspired to land dev- a:
astating blows on your enemies.
Chant of Devastation Bard Attack 25 $
True Alter Fate Bard Attack 23 You chant a sona that drives your allies to strike, and strike LJ.J
Your outstretched hands bend the fabric ofreality, turnina an Daily + Martial
unspectacular attack into a devastatina hit.
Encounter + Arcane Minor Action Personal
Immediate Reaction Ranged 10 Effect: Until the end of the encounter, your skald's aura gains
Trigger: An enemy within 10 squares of you is hit by your the following effect: Once per round when you or an ally
ally's attack. in the aura hits an enemy with an attack, that enemy takes
Target: The triggering enemy ongoing 1 5 damage (save ends).
Effect: The target takes 3d12 extra damage. Zeal-Inspiring Tale Stories are meant to
True Prescient Warning While your instill emotions in their listeners, and you know how
to whip your listeners into a frenzy. You can tell sto-
other spells have improved thanks to your mastery ries that fill your allies with zeal, so that they seize
over the magic that governs them, the effectiveness any opening to strike at an enemy that shows any sign
ofthis spell comes largely from your mastery oflan- of weakness.
guage. You choose the perfect combination ofwords
to travel back through time, telling your ally exactly Zeal-Inspiring Tale Bard Attack 25
what he or she needs to know to avoid harm.
True Prescient Warning Bard Attack 13 You tell a tale thatfills your allies with a zeal unmatched by the
words ofeven the most skilled demaaoaue.
A few quick words sail backward in time afew seconds, aivina Daily + Martial
your ally timely insiaht.
Minor Action Personal
Encounter + Arcane Effect: Until the end of the encounter, your skald's aura gains
Immediate Interrupt Ranged 10 the following effect: Each time one of your enemies in the
Trigger: An al ly within 10 squares of you is hit by an aura misses one of your allies with a melee attack, that
enemy's attack. enemy provokes an opportunity attack from that ally.
Target: The triggering ally
Effect: The target can make a basic attack against the Level 27 Encounter Powers
attacking enemy as a free action, dealing 3d1 0 extra Greater Dimensional Step Time and
damage on a hit. space bend themselves to your command, treat-
ing you with the respect that a king would give to
True Urge to Victory The enemy ofany a bard ofyour stature. When you bend reality and
hurtle your ally toward an enemy, he or she arrives
great bard is time; even the nigh-immortal fey races with such speed that the resulting attack can be
must grow old and fade some day. You have mas- devastating.
tered the art oftwisting time, giving you the ability
to hasten your allies to victory even when they might
not be in control of themselves for a moment.
True Urge to Victory Bard Attack 23 Greater Dimensional Step Bard Attack 27
You let no opportunityfor triumph pass, usina arcane power to You and an ally vanish from one place, appearina near an
urae an ally into makina a quick and brutal attack. enemy in aflash. When your ally strikes, the momentum of the
transport aives weiaht to the attack.
Encounter + Arcane
Encounter +Arcane, Teleportation
Immediate Reaction Ranged 10
No Action Close burst 5
Trigger: An ally within 10 squares of you ends his or her
Trigger: You hit an enemy within 5 squares of you with a
turn without having attacked.
basic attack using a weapon.
Target: The triggering ally
Effect: The attack deals 1[W] extra damage to the enemy
Effect: The target can either make a basic attack or charge
you hit, and you and one ally in the burst can teleport to
an enemy as a free action, even if the target is dominated
squares adjacent to that enemy. The ally can then make
or stunned. If the attack hits, it deals 3d1 0 extra damage.
a basic attack against that enemy as a free action, dealing
1d1 0 extra damage if the attack hits.
C HAPTER 3 I Classes
Greater Flash of Distraction Your abil- Greater Ringing Weapon Bard Attack 27
ity to create a distraction no longer simply muddles A areat clap ofthunder accompanies your strike, which seems to
the mind of a foe for a moment, it seizes that mind linaer on your enemy, callinB your allies' attention to your foe's
and paralyzes it. The patterns you choose when
creating a weaterflash ofdistraction seem to trigger position.
something in all creatures that causes them to freeze
for a moment, unable to clear their heads. Encounter + Arcane, Thunder
No Action Special
Trigger: You hit an enemy with a basic attack using a
Greater Flash of Distraction Bard Attack 27 Effect: The enemy you hit takes 15 thunder damage. Until
the end of your next turn, that enemy grants combat
You create a dizzyinB array ofimaaes and sounds that scram- advantage and cannot benefit from partial concealment.
bles yourfoe's senses.
Encounter + Arcane Level 29 Daily Powers
No Action Special Climactic Crescendo The method ofa
Trigger: You hit an enemy with a basic attack using a bard's telling is as important as the tale itself, and you
know better than any others how to craft a story that
weapon. reaches its dramatic peak at the right moment. You
can bring your tale to its climax at just the right time,
Effect: The enemy you hit is stunned until the end of your inspiring one ofyour allies to deal a crippling blow to
an enemy.
next turn.
Greater Ringing Weapon The thunder Climactic Crescendo Bard Attack 29
that rolls out of weapons you touch is no longer that As your tale reaches its peak, so too does your ally's deadliness.
of a dangerous gale; instead, your thunder is drawn
from the depths ofthe Feywild, the vestiges of a great
primeval maelstrom that lives only in stories and
Daily + Martial
Minor Action Personal
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, your skald's aura gains
the following effect: Once before the end of the encounter,
when you or an ally in the aura hits an enemy with an
attack, that character can turn that hit into an automatic
critical hit against the enemy.
Demoralizing Dirge Some songs are
so filled with depressing imagery that the listener
cannot help becoming despondent upon hearing it. It
is said that master bards have passed on the knowl-
edge ofthe song sung by the Raven Queen to the
dying, and they can use that song to literally exhaust
their enemies with sorrow.
Demoralizing Dirge Bard Attack 29
You sin& a sorrowful tune that demoralizes your enemies each
time they are struck by your allies.
Daily+ Arcane, Psychic
Minor Action Personal
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, your skald's aura gains
the following effect: Each time one of your allies hits and
damages an enemy that is in the aura, that enemy also
takes ongoing psychic damage equal to your Charisma
modifier (save ends).
CHAPTER 3 I Classes
Druid Creating a Protector
Druids are exceptional masters ofprimal magic. A protector is a type of druid, a class introduced in
Capable of summoning creatures out ofthin air and Player's Handbook 2. To create a protector, use the
shapeshifting, druids are found among many races character creation rules in the Rules Compendium or
ofthe Feywild, defending the primeval regions ofthe the Player's Handbook. The Character Advancement
plane from despoilers. table (page 160) summarizes how many powers and
feats your protector should have at each level, as well
This section includes new powers and a new sub- as when ability scores increase.
class for the druid, the protector.
A protector lacks some ofthe druid class features
PROTECTOR from Player's Handbook 2: Balance of Nature, Ritual
Casting, and wild shape. A protector gains new class
Primal Controller: You have mastered the power features: nature's wowth; Druid Circle, which deter-
and magic of nature, using it to create a line of mines the druid's Primal Aspect; Primal Attunement;
defense between the natural world and those that and summon natural ally.
would harm it.
Also, rather than gaining druid daily attack
Key Abilities: Wisdom, Constitution, Dexterity powers, a protector gains additional uses ofsummon
natural ally as he or she advances in level. A protector
Though most people associate the Feywild with also gains the ability to summon more powerful crea-
arcane magic, it is also home to some ofthe most pris- tures at higher levels.
tine regions ofnatural growth across all ofthe planes.
Primeval forests sit untouched by civilization since Protector Traits
their creation, alongside mountainsides and hilltops
upon which no intelligent being has ever set foot. It Hit Points: You start with hit points equal to 12 +your
should be no surprise that there are those who have Constitution score. You gain 5 hit points each time
chosen a life of protection and guardianship over the you gain a level.
natural treasures of the plane.
Bonuses to Defenses: +1 to Reflex, +1 to Will
As with all druids, protectors are the masters of
ihe magic first shared with mortals by the primal Healing Surges per Day: 7 +your Constitution modifier
spirits. The primal spirits might dwell chiefly in
the world, but the druids ofthe Feywild hear their Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, leather, hide
call and heed their guidance even in the fey realm.
Th ough it might seem as though the presence of the Weapon Proficiencies: Simple melee, simple ranged
primal spirits in the Feywild would be at a dimin-
ish ed level, in truth primal magic is often among the Implement Proficiencies: Staffs, totems
m ost effective tools to use in a plane infused with
arcane magic. Where many ofthe dangers ofthe Class Skills: Arcana (lnt), Athletics (Str), Diplomacy
Feywild have evolved over the eons to deal with the (Cha), Endurance (Con), Heal (Wis), History (lnt),
omnipresent nature of arcane threats, primal magic Insight (Wis), Nature (Wis), Perception (Wis)
is still untamed and unanticipated by most creatures
of the plane. Trained Skills: Nature, plus three more from the list of
class skills
As a protector, you learned your primal magic from
a druid circle, which trained you to protect nature Ability Scores
and punish those that would do it harm. By ensur-
ing that the land, the water, and the sky inhabited by When you determine your ability scores, remember
ihe primal spirits is protected, you become a staunch that a protector depends on intuition and instinct to
defender ofthose who live in harmony with nature channel primal power, so make Wisdom your high-
and show respect for their natural surroundings. est score. A high Constitution or Dexterity lends
increased potency to many ofyour attack powers,
You might go out into the world to seek new depending on your Druid Circle choice. Make
experiences and powerful artifacts ofprimal magic. Constitution your second highest score ifyou are a
Though you will stray far from your druid circle in member ofthe Circle of Renewal, and make Dexter·
the course ofyour adventures, your efforts reflect ity your second highest score ifyou are a member of
on its goals, and you will use the knowledge it has the Circle ofShelter.
granted you to battle despoilers and defilers through-
out the world and across the planes. When thinking ofyour character's personality,
consider your highest scores other than Wisdom and
Constitution. A good Charisma score might suggest
that you are one ofyour druid circle's ambassadors
to the settlements you protect. With a high Intel-
ligence score, you might have been a sage in your
druid circle-almost a wizard ofprimal magic. A high
Strength score might suggest a past as a hardworking
C HAPTER 3 I Classes
Nature's Growth Druid Utility
A thicket ofvines, plants, and touah shrubs erupts as iffrom
nowhere to clutch at your foes.
Encounter + Primal, Zone
Minor Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares
(burst 2 at 11th level and burst 3 at 21st level)
Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of
the encounter. The zone is difficult terrain for all crea-
tures except you. You can dismiss the zone as a minor
Druid Circle Each protector druid belongs
to a druid circle, a group oflike-minded servants of
nature. A druid circle bears some similarity to the
orders of clerics and other servants ofthe gods. How-
ever, the druids ofyour circle serve a different entity
as they revere and protect the natural world.
A druid circle might be a secret society of masters
ofprimal magic, congregating to enact an agenda
known only to themselves. A circle is just as likely
to devote itself solely to the communities that arise
along the fringe of the wilderness, acting as mystics
and advisors while they channel the wisdom ofthe
natural world. Whatever its motive and structure,
each druid circle is known for the wisdom of its older
members, whose counsel is sought by influential
members of all cultures and races.
A druid circle has a hierarchy much like that of a
religious organization. At 1st level, you are an initiate
ofyour circle. As you gain levels, you improve your
standing. Even as your adventuring career brings you
experience and prestige, it grants you influence with
your fellow druids. With the growth ofyour mastery
ofprimal magic, you gain greater understanding of
the secrets kept by your order. Many druid circles
guard mysteries of primal power said to have been
handed down in the first days following the Dawn
War. The higher you rise through the ranks, the more
of these pieces of ancient lore are revealed to you.
Benefit: Choose a druid circle. You gain the ben-
efits ofthat circle.
farmer who mastered primal magic to produce boun- Circle of Renewal As a member ofthe Circle of
tiful harvests, then was formally invited to join a
druid circle. Renewal, your mission is to restore places ravaged by
war and unnatural threats. Druids such as you make
Class Features it their cause to bring life back to parched deserts and
scrublands, or to seed life for the first time in areas
A protector has the following class features, starting that have never known it.
at Ievell.
Your druid circle teaches you that the life created
Nature's Growth One ofyour fundamental by your nature's 9rowth can be used to heal the land of
its wounds. The plants you draw forth even from rock
evocations, nature's wowth allows you to bring life to or lifeless wasteland exude a primal energy that helps
even the harshest conditions and climes. The power speed the restorative process for your allies.
ofnature erupts at your command to hinder your foes ,
even as you slip through the hindrance with ease. Benefit: You gain the following features.
Primal Guardian: While you are not wearing heavy
C HAPTER 3 I Classes armor, you can use your Constitution modifier in
place ofyour Dexterity or Intelligence modifier to
determine your AC.
Healina Growth: When any ally in your nature's Call the Spirits Druid Utility 0::
arowth zone or adjacent to it spends a healing surge
to regain hit points, he or she regains additional hit By directina the minor maaic of the primal spirits, you can sub- 0
points equal to your Constitution modifier. tly alter the world around you to suit your needs.
At-Will + Primal
Standard Action Close burst 5
Circle of Shelter A druid who chooses the Circle Effect: You use this power to produce one of the following
of Shelter has made a pledge to defend the bounty of
nature. Members ofyour druid circle watch over for- 0
ests, plains, and grasslands, keeping them safe from
monsters, uncaring humanoids, and dark magic. 0::
Your druid circle teaches you to shape your nature's 0..
arowth for the benefit ofyour allies, giving them an
advantage ofmovement in the midst ofcombat. effects.
Benefit: You gain the following features. + Cause one candle, torch, lantern, or campfire in the
Primal Predator: While you are not wearing heavy
armor, you gain a +1 bonus to your speed. burst to burn more brightly, increasing the radius of its
Unhinderina Growth: Your allies ignore the difficult
terrain created by your nature's arowth. illumination by 1.
Primal Attunement Your innate connec- + Open or close a door in the burst that is not latched,
tion to the power ofthe primal spirits grants you a locked, or stuck.
measure of control over the world around you. With
your magic, you manipulate your surroundings to + Create a light gust of wind that can blow small, unat-
your advantage.
tended objects in the burst that weigh less than 1
Benefit: You gain three Primal Attunement
powers ofyour choice. pound to any other location in the burst.
+ Create sparks from your fingertips that can light one
candle, torch, or campfire in the burst.
Special: Nothing you do with this power can deal damage
or hinder another creature's actions. This power cannot
duplicate the effect of any other power.
Senses of the Wild As a protector, you are one
with the natural order, and you can detect disrup-
tions in that order and the balance between life and
Senses of the Wild Druid Utility
You close your eyes, so that you miaht sense the upheavals in the
balance ofnature that otherwise cannot be seen.
Air Spirit The primal spirits of the air are ever- At-Will + Primal
present in the natural world and are always ready to Minor Action Close burst 5
lend their aid to your cause.
Effect: You use this power to produce one of the following
Air Spirit Druid Utility +Automatically detect the presence of a disease or a dis-
With aflick ofyourfinaers, the air stirs before you to lift objects eased plant or creature in the burst.
with ease. + Detect the presence or absence of a type of mundane
plant or animal of your choice in the burst.
At-Will + Conjuration, Primal +Until the end of the current turn, gain a +5 power bonus
Minor Action Ranged 5 to Perception checks and Insight checks to detect poi-
Effect: You conjure an air spirit in an unoccupied square son or hazards that deal poison damage in the burst.
within range. The spirit lasts until the end of your next + Sense the presence of corpses in the burst.
turn or until you use this power again. When the spirit
appears, it can pick up or manipulate an object weighing Verdant Touch Your touch can heal the land and
20 pounds or less. direct its growth, letting you gently impose your will
on plant life and allowing it to prosper.
As a minor action, you cause the spirit to pick up or
manipulate a different object of the specified weight. As
a move action, you move the spirit up to 5 squares. As Verdant Touch
a free action, you cause the spirit to drop an object it is Druid Utility
holding. You lay your hands on the flora that surrounds you, arantina
it a momentary semblance oflife as it shifts and arows at your
As a minor action, you cause the spirit to shed bright command.
light in a 4-square radius. You can extinguish this light as
a free action. Encounter + Primal
Sustain Minor: The spirit persists until the end of your next Minor Action Close burst 1
turn. Effect: You can turn difficult terrain in the burst into normal
Call the Spirits The greatest ofthe primal spirits terrain until the end of your next turn, but only if the
boast a level of power that you can only dream of one terrain is composed of grass, underbrush, vines, or similar
day gaining access to. However, even the least of the
spirits can prove useful in your everyday life. growth and was not created by a power.
You can also use this power to cause plants in the burst
to blossom with flowers and to cause small plants or grass
in the burst to begin growing in barren terrain.
CHAPTER 3 I Classes
Vine Rope The primal spirits ofthe earth send Summon Natural Ally Druid Attack
forth a sturdy vine at your command, providing a You call out to the spirits ofthe natural world, which send a
helpful tool or an easy escape at a moment's notice. faithful creature to do your biddin&.
Daily+ Primal, Summoning
Vine Rope Druid Utility Standard Action Ranged 5
With a twist ofyour hands,you draw afast -wowin& vine from Effect: You summon a creature associated with your Primal
the wound before you, then watch as it weaves itselfinto a resil-
ientrope. Aspect (such as Primal Guardian or Primal Predator) and of
your level or lower. The creature appears in an unoccupied
At-Will+ Primal space within range. It is an ally to you and your allies.
Minor Action Personal The creature lacks actions of its own. Instead, you spend
Effect: You draw a vine from the ground that is up to 50 feet actions to command it mentally, choosing from the actions
in length. The vine functions as a silk rope and lasts until in the creature's description. You must have line of effect
the end of the encounter or until you use this power again. to the creature to command it. When you command the
You can cause the vine to vanish as a minor action. creature, you and the creature share knowledge but not
Summon Natural Ally You count the When the creature makes a check, you make it using
creatures of the natural world as your allies. With your game statistics, not including any temporary bonuses
magic learned from the elders ofyour druid circle,
you can call one ofthose creatures to you at any time or penalties.
and across any distance. With this ally at your side,
you can tip the balance of combat in your favor. The creature lasts until it drops below 1 hit point, at
Because ofthis feature, you do not gain a druid which point you lose a healing surge (or hit points equal to
daily attack power at levelS , 9, 15, 19, 25, or 29.
Instead, you gain the summon natural ally power at your surge value if you have no surges left). Otherwise, it
level 1. At level 5, you can use summon natural ally
twice per day, and at level 9, you can use it three lasts until you dismiss it as a minor action or until the end
times per day.
of the encounter.
CHAPTER 3 I Classes
Primal Guardian You can use summon natural ally to summon a a:
bulette or a venomous scorpion.
Levell: The creatures ofthe remote deserts of 0
the world are among the most resilient, sharing a Bulette Level15 Summoned Creature
strength that they dedicate to you in combat. Said to Large natural beast 1u-
have no natural enemies, the giant cobra has a ven-
omous bite that can drop prey in a heartbeat. The HP your bloodied value; Healing Surges none, but you can L.LJ
desert hawk is a patient predator whose swooping
strikes can stagger any foe. 1-
You can use summon natural ally to summon a giant 0a:
cobra or a desert hawk
expend a healing surge for the bulette if an effect allows it to
spend one
Defenses your defenses, not including any temporary bonuses or
Speed 6, burrow 6
f Standard Action + At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); your level+ 5 vs. Reflex
Giant Cobra Level1 Summoned Creature Hit: 4d8 +your Wisdom modifier damage, and the target is
Medium na tural beast slowed until the end of your next turn.
~ StandaJd Action + Encounter
HP your bloodied value; Healing Surges none, but you can
expend a healing surge for the cobra if an effect allows it to Attack: Close burst 1 (creatures in the burst); your level + 5 vs.
spend one Reflex
Defenses your defenses, not including any temporary bonuses or Hit: 4d8 + your Wisdom modifier damage, and the target falls
penalties prone.
Speed 6 Minor Action+ At-Will (1 / round)
f Standard Action (poison) + At-Will Effect: The bulette either walks , shifts, runs, stands up,
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); your level + 5 vs. Reflex squeezes, or crawls.
Hit: 1d6 +your Wisdom modifier damage plus 2d6 poison Instinctive Effect
damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until If you haven 't given the bulette any commands by the end of
the end of your next turn. your turn , it uses its melee attack power against an adjacent
Minor Action+ At-Will (1 /round) enemy if it can. Otherwise, it moves up to its speed to a square
Effect: The cobra either walks, shifts, runs, stands up, squeezes, adjacent to an enemy.
or crawls.
Instinctive Effect Venomous Scorpion Level 15 Summoned Creature
If you haven't given the cobra any commands by the end of Large natural beast
your turn , it attacks an adjacent enemy if it can. Otherwise, it HP your bloodied value; Healing Surges none, but you can expend
moves up to its speed to a square adjacent to an enemy. a healing surge for the scorpion if an effect allows it to spend
Desert Hawk Level 1 Summoned Creature Defenses your defenses, not including any temporary bonuses or
Medium natural beast penalties
HP your bloodied value; Healing Surges none, but you can Speed 6
expend a healing surge for the hawk if an effect allows it to f Standard Action (poison) + At-Will
spend one Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); your level + 5 vs. Reflex
Defenses your defenses, not including any temporary bonuses or Hit: 2d8 + your Wisdom modifier poison damage, and the target
penalties is immobilized and takes ongoing 10 poison damage (save
Speed 6, fly 8 e nds both).
t Standarc!_Action '! At-Will~ Minor Action+ At-Will (1/.;und)
Effect: Before the attack, the hawk shifts up to 2 squares. Effect:The scorpion either walks, shifts, runs , stands up,
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); your level + 5 vs. Reflex squeezes, or crawls.
l~stinctivlj Effect
Hit: 2d8 +your Wisdom modifier damage, and the hawk can
slide the target 1 square. If you haven't given the scorpion any commands by the end of
Minor Action+ At-Will (1/round) your turn, it attacks an adjacent enemy if it can. Otherwise, it
Effect: The hawk either walks, shifts, runs, stands up, squeezes, moves up to its speed to a square adjacent to an enemy.
or crawls.
Instinctive Effect Level29: When you are at the height of the epic
tier, the creatures you summon are the fiercest preda-
If you haven't given the hawk any commands by the end of your tors ofthe wastelands. A blue dragon wyrmling that
answers your call is no less formidable for its rela-
turn , it attacks an adjacent enemy if it can. Otherwise, it moves tively small size, but it overcomes its naturally wicked
tendencies to do your bidding. When you summon
up to its speed to a square adjacent to an enemy. a desert roc, you claim the allegiance of a fell bird of
prey that can descend on your enemies and snatch
Levell5: As your power grows, you are able to them up b efore they can escape.
call on beasts from more desolate climes, capable
of surviving conditions that would slay lesser crea- You can use summon natural ally to summon a blue
tures. The venomous scorpion is an instinctive killer dragon wyrmling or a desert roc.
whose poison will freeze a foe in its tracks. The rare
bulette is a brute of a beast, its enormous claws raking
through foes or enabling it to swim through solid
ground as a shark moves through water.
CHA PT ER 3 I C lasses
Blue Dragon Wyrmling Level 29 Summoned Creature Primal Predator
large natural beast Levell: The creatures of the wilderness live in
harmony with nature, but they are fierce in defense
HP your bloodied value; Healing Surges none, but you can of their territories and their young. You call on that
fierceness when you summon the grizzly bear or the
expend a healing surge for the wyrmling if an effect allows it to pack wolf to fight at your side.
spend one You can use summon natural ally to summon a
grizzly bear or a pack wolf.
Defenses your defenses, not including any temporary bonuses or
r•~~~;~ 8, fly ~ _
+Standard Action + At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); your level + S vs. Reflex
Hit: 4d8 + your Wisdom modifier damage, and the wyrmling
marks the target until the end of your next turn. Grizzly Bear Level1 Summoned Creature
Standard Acti o~ (lightning) + Encounter
Medium natural beast
Atta~k: Close blastS (creatu res in the blast); your level + S vs.
HP your bloodied value; Healing Surges none, but you can
Reflex expend a healing surge for the bear if an effect allows it to
Hit: 4d1 0 + your Wisdom modifier lightning damage, and the spend one
target is dazed until the end of your next turn. Defenses your defenses, not including any temporary bonuses or
Ml nor A~ti~n t~At-Will (1/rou ~d) . penalties
Effect: The wyrmling either walks, shifts, runs, stands up, Speed 6
squeezes, or crawls. [J RStan~r.cJR~~j.ipn + A~\tlVll
lnsti~ctive Effect
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); your level+ S vs. Reflex
If you haven't given the wyrmling any commands by the end Hit: 2d8 + your Wisdom modifier damage, and the target is
of your turn, it uses its melee attack power against an adjacent grabbed if the bear has no creatures grabbed. The grab lasts
enemy if it can, preferring an enemy marked by it. Otherwise, until the end of your next turn.
it moves up to its speed to a square adjacent to an enemy. Sustain Minor: The grab persists until tEe end of your ne)(t tur!!.
Minor Actjpn +At-Will (1/round)
Desert Roc Level29 Summoned Creature Effect: The bear either walks, shifts, runs, stands up, squeezes,
large natural beast or crawls.
HP your bloodied value; Healing Surges none, but you can Instinctive Effect
If you haven'~th:be;'any com r:;;;ds
expend a healing surge for the roc if an effect allows it to
spend one your turn, it sustains a grab if it is grabbing a creature. If it is
Defenses your defenses, not including any temporary bonuses or not grabbing a creature, it attacks an adjacent enemy if it can.
penalties Otherwise, it moves up to its speed to a square adjacent to an
Speed 8,fly 8 enemy.
R+ Sta~dard Action • At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); your level+ S vs. Reflex Pack Wolf Levell Summoned Creature
Hit: 4d8 +your Wisdom modifier damage, and the target is Medium natural beast
grabbed if the roc has fewer than two creatures grabbed. The HP your bloodied value; Healing Surges none, but you can
grab lasts until the end of your next turn. expend a healing surge for the wolf if an effect allows it to
Sustain Minor: The grab persists on any creature grabbed by spend one
I +the roc until the end of yournext turn. Defenses your defenses, not including any temporary bonuses or
Minor Action At-Will (1/round)
~. vti? "-'•~ penalties
Effect: The roc either walks, shifts, runs, stands up, squeezes, Sp!_ecJ~6 ~
or crawls. If the roc has a large or smaller creature grabbed, +Standard Action +At~Will
it can pull the grabbed creature with it. The creature remains •Attack: M; l;;; (~·n;· c-r~;ture); your level + S vs. Reflex
grabbed, and the roc does not provoke opportunity attacks Hit: 1d10 +your Wisdom modifier damage, and the target falls
from the grabbed creature for this movement. prone.
~ Instinctive Effect
-M_i~or ~~t-Wi!H1L!:21-!mt) ---- ~---- -----
~-lfyou haven't given the roc any commands by th~ end of your
Effect: The wolf either walks, shifts, runs, stands up, squeezes,
turn, it sustains a grab if it is grabbing a creature. If it is not or crawls.
lnstin-~tl~e Effect
grabbing a creature, it attacks an adjacent enemy if it can.
If yo;h-.;~~~given the wolf any commands by the end of your
Otherwise, it moves up to its speed to a square adjacent to an
enemy. turn, it attacks an adjacent enemy if it can. Otherwise, it moves
up to its speed to a square adjacent to an enemy.
Level15: Your commitment to defending nature
grants you sway over the strongest and most peril-
ous creatures ofthe forest and jungle. The dire bear
is a larger, primeval version of the deadly grizzly you
earlier learned to tame. The hunting tiger is an enor-
mous feral beast ofthe jungle, a lone stalker with
fangs like daggers and a thirst for blood.
CHAP TE R 3 [ Classes
You can use summon natural ally to summon a dire Dire Lion Level 29 Summoned Creature "0
bear or a hunting tiger.
large natural beast u1-
HP your bloodied value; Healing Surges none, but you can u.J
Dire Bear Level 15 Summoned Creature expend a healing surge for the lion if an effect allows it to 1-
Large natural beast spend one 0
Defenses your defenses, not including any temporary bonuses or "0..
HP your bloodied value; Healing Surges none, but you can penalties
expend a healing surge for the bear if an effect allows it to Speed 6
spend one f Standard Action + At-Will
Defenses your defenses, not including any temporary bonuses or Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); your level + 5 vs. Reflex
penalties Hit: 4d8 + your Wisdom modifier damage, and the target falls
Speed 6 prone.
f Standard Action + At-Will <+Standard Action (fear, thunder)+ Encounter
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature}; your level + 5 vs. Fortitude Attack: Close burst 1 (enemies in the burst}; your level + 5 vs.
Hit: 4d8 + your Wisdom modifier damage, and the bear pushes Will
the target up to 3 squares. Hit: 5d8 +your Wisdom modifier thunder damage, and the
Minor Action +At-Will (1/round) target takes a -1 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your
Effect: The bear either walks, shifts, runs, stands up, squeezes, next turn.
or crawls. 1 Minor Action +At-Will (1/round}
Instinctive Effect Effect: The lion either walks, shifts, runs, stands up, squeezes,
If you haven't given the dire bear any commands by the end of or crawls.
your turn, it attacks an adjacent enemy if it can. Otherwise, it Instinctive Effect
moves up to its speed to a square adjacent to an enemy. If you haven't given the lion any commands by the end of your
turn, it uses its melee attack power against an adjacent enemy
Hunting Tiger Level 15 Summoned Creature if it can. Otherwise, it moves up to its speed to a square adja-
Large natural beast cent to an enemy.
HP your bloodied value; Healing Surges none, but you can
expend a healing surge for the tiger if an effect allows it to Raptor Behemoth Level 29 Summoned Creature
spend one large natural beast
Defenses your defenses, not including any temporary bonuses or HP your bloodied value; Healing Surges none, but you can
penalties expend a healing surge for the behemoth if an effect allows it
Speed 6 to spend one
f Standard Action + At-Will Defenses your defenses, not including any temporary bonuses or
Effect: The tiger shifts up to 1 squares. penalties
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature}; your level + 5 vs. Reflex Speed 6
Hit: 4d8 + your Wisdom modifier damage, and the target falls f Standard Action +At-Will
prone. Attack: Melee 1 (one creature}; your level + 5 vs. Fortitude
Minor Action+ At-Will (1 / round) Hit: 4d8 +your Wisdom modifier damage.
Effect: The tiger either walks, shifts, runs, stands up, squeezes, Effect: If the target ends its next turn within 1 squares of the
or crawls. If the tiger has either superior cover or total conceal- behemoth, the behemoth shifts 1 square as a free action to a
ment when it ends this movement, it can make a Stealth check square adjacent to the target_and deals 15 damage to it.
to hide with a +15 power bonus.!o the check. Minor Action+ At-Will (1/round)
Instinctive Effect Effect: The behemoth either walks, shifts, runs, stands up,
If you haven't given the tiger any commands by the end of your squeezes, or crawls.
turn, it attacks an adjacent enemy if it can. Otherwise, it moves Instinctive Effect
up to its speed to a square adjacent to an enemy. If you haven't given the behemoth any commands by the end of
your turn, it attacks an adjacent enemy if it can. Otherwise, it
Level 29: The most fearsome creatures ofthe moves up to its speed to a square adjacent to an enemy.
living world are now yours to command. The raptor
behemoth is a jungle predator without peer, whose Powers
talons and fangs can bring any enemy down. The dire
lion is the true king of the jungle, with a roar that can Your protector starts with six druid powers ofyour
frighten its foes to death. choice.
You can use summon natural ally to summon a dire -+ Two 1st-level druid at-will attack powers
lion or a raptor behemoth. -+ One 1st-level druid encounter attack power
-+ Three druid powers granted by the Primal Attun-
ement feature
See the Character Advancement table (page 160)
for the powers you gain as you advance in level, but
rather than gaining druid daily attack powers, you
gain summon natural ally.
CHAPTER 3 I Classes
When selecting your powers, consider the druid PROTECTOR
powers introduced in this book. Player's Handbook RACE CHOICES
2, Primal Power, and Heroes ofthe For8otten Kin8doms
present a variety ofother druid powers to choose The following races are particularly good choices
from. for a protector druid.
Skills Drow: Though their race enjoys a reputation
as aloof spellcasters, many drow have an unchar-
As a druid, you walk a fine line between the natural acteristically strong connection to the power of
world and the world of civilization. You need to b e nature. The Underdark that is their birthplace is a
able to communicate with the inhabitants ofboth brutal landscape teeming with as much life as the
worlds, making skills such as Diplomacy and Insight surface world. Drow protectors are trained to deal
important to you. Likewise, Endurance and Heal rep· with the deadly flora and fauna found throughout
resent your time spent learning the mysteries ofthe their subterranean realm, and they act as guides for
natural world. their peoples' exploration ofthe Underdark. Those
drow protectors who make their way to the surface
The other skills you select say something about world find that their knowledge and abilities easily
how you fulfill your role as a memb er ofyour druid translate to this less familiar world. Indeed, drow
circle. Ifyou have training in Arcana, you might protectors often have an edge in dealing with the
have been a student ofmagic who abandoned that darker creatures and magic of nature because of .
path in favor of a more natural power source. Train- their experiences beneath the earth.
ing in History might mark you as a scholar studying
the impact ofhumanoid encroachment on nature, or Half-Elf: As a child of two races, the half-elf is a
seeking insight into how the world has been shaped natural fit for a class that stands astride two worlds.
by cities, war, famine, and disease. Ifyou were a Half-elves inherit their relationship to nature from
farmer or a woodcutter before taking up the path of their elf parents. They have an innate connection to
the protector, the Athletics skill reflects a life spent the land that they share with their elf kin, enabling
working the land. them to hear the whispers of the primal spirits.
Feats Many half-elves prefer to live as loners or to
dwell on the fringes ofsociety, granting them ample
Implement training feats help you maintain an edge opportunity to reflect on their place in the natural
in combat. Both Implement Focus and an expertise world. Half-elves shunned by their communities can
feat for your implement (either StaffExpertise or find a new community in a druid circle, appreciating
Totem Expertise) are straightforward feat choices that the chance to dwell among people willing to accept
will boost your accuracy and damage. them for who they are.
The primal soul feats are also appropriate for a Human: Humans make exemplary protectors,
protector. Such feats not only grant good benefits in thanks largely to the versatility that is their birth-
combat, they mirror your dedication to primal power right. Human protectors often come from the ranks
and your connection to the natural world. of those who have eschewed life in the settlements
of their people. Acting as emissaries between
As a defender of nature, you might consider feats their kin and the primal spirits, they dwell along
from the vigilant reflexes category. These feats reflect the frontier between the civilized and the natural
the eternal watchfulness you embody as part ofyour worlds. A human protector is as flexible as the reed
druid circle. When you put yourselfin danger in that bends before the blustering wind, yet remains
order to further the goals ofyour circle, improve- strongly rooted to his or her ideals. In the aftermath
ments to your mobility and defenses can make the of the fall of the Empire of Nerath, human druid
difference between life and death. circles and the protectors they train have become
an increasing presence in the regions between iso-
Equipment lated points of civilization.
You have proficiency with the following types of
armor: cloth, leather, and hide. You have proficiency
with the following types ofweapons: simple melee
and simple ranged. You also know how to use staffs
and totems as implem ents.
You h ave 100 gp to buy your starting equip-
ment. Purchase an implement ofyour choice that
represents your relationship to nature and your com-
mitment to defending the natural world. Then choose
your weapons and armor. You should also consider
CHAPTER 3 I Class es
Viltham and Lyrindelflee from a horde ofaoblins in the kinadom ofNachtur
gear for surviving in the wilderness. Though your jolt of Lightning Druid Attack 1
allies no doubt have survival gear oftheir own, they
will look to you as their guide and advisor on long A bolt ofliahtninB streaks down from empty air, cripplina your
treks through inhospitable terrain. Such gear lets
you deal with the threats ofthe natural world easily, foe with a numbina pulse of power.
letting you reserve your magic for more important
challenges. At-Will + Implement, Lightning, Primal
NEW DRUID POWERS Standard Action Ranged 10
The druid powers in this section expand on those Target: One creature
found in Player's Handbook 2, Primal Power, and other
sources. These powers are among your options when Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
you choose druid powers ofthe given levels.
Hit: 1d1 0 +Wisdom modifier lightning damage, and the
Level 1 At-Will Powers
target cannot take opportunity actions until the end of
Jolt of Lightning The power ofthe storm is
your next turn.
yours to command even from your first steps along
the druid's path. Your jolt ofliahtnin& can balance the leve121: 2d1 0 +Wisdom modifier damage.
odds against the most opportunistic foe, curbing its
ability to react in the heat of combat. Magic Stones By imbuing mundane stones
with the strength ofnature, you fuel a deadly primal
attack. The magic stones you create drive your ene-
mies back as if the earth had moved beneath their
feet, serving as a potent challenge to those that violate
the land you are sworn to renew.
Three small stones clutched in your hand alow with a areen liaht
as you throw them, then explode when they strike your foes .
At-Will + Implement, Primal
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One, two, or three creatures
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
.Hit: 1d4 +Wisdom modifier damage, and you can push
the target 1 square.
leve121: 2d4 +Wisdom modifier damage.
CHAP T ER 3 I Classes
Spirit Briar Many stories tell ofghosts of Wall of Smoke You draw on the power of
departed humanoids haunting their former abodes. the primal spirits of fire and air, creating a caustic
In the Feywild, the destruction ofsome primeval haze that swirls and rises at your command. By laying
vines leaves behind an echo oftheir existence in down a wall ofsmoke at the opportune time, you can
much the same manner. Druids who have seen these create a hazy barrier that thwarts your enemies' sight
spectral plants of the fey realms can mimic their and chokes them if they try to pass through it.
appearance and create them using primal magic.
Wall of Smoke Druid Attack 1
Spirit Briar Druid Attack 1 The around blackens as foul smoke rises in a roilina wall that
shrouds the battlefield.
Phantom thorns aouae the flesh ofthose who move aaainst
them. Encounter+ Implement, Poison, Primal
At-Will+ Implement, Poison, Primal Standard Action Area wall 5 within 10 squares
Standard Action Ranged 10 Target: Each creature in the wall
Target: One creature Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will Hit: 1d1 0 +Wisdom modifier poison damage, and you can
Hit: 1d8 +Wisdom modifier poison damage. Choose slide the target 1 square.
either yourself or one ally you can see. If the target ends Effect: The wall of smoke lasts until the end of your next
its next turn adjacent to the chosen character, the target turn. The squares of the wall are lightly obscured, and any
takes poison damage equal to your Constitution or creature that ends its turn in the wall takes poison damage
Dexterity modifier. equal to your Constitution or Dexterity modifier.
Leve/21: 2d8 +Wisdom modifier damage.
Level 1 Encounter Powers BARD'S TALE:
Gust of Wind This evocation subjects the
Once there were two princely brothers who lived
power ofthe wind spirits to your command. Crea- in a faraway kingdom. The elder brother concerned
tlues caught by your attack cannot hope to stand fast, himself with the duties of rulership and warfare.
leaving enemies prone and vulnerable to your allies' The younger hawked and hunted, for he loved the
follow-up attacks. The gust affects all creatures, how- forest more than any other man in the kingdom.
ever, so be careful that allies do not stray into its path.
One day, the younger brother came to court
Gust of Wind Druid Attack 1 with a beautiful lady whom he introduced as his
bride. She was tall and fair as the sunrise, with eyes
A blast ofair buffets nearby creatures, hurlina them backward as calm and golden as autumn hearth fires. When
as it drives them to the around. the elder brother saw her, he knew his reign would
mean nothing if she were not his queen.
Encounter+ Implement, Primal
The next day when the young prince went
Standard Action Close blast 3 hunting, the elder prince waited in ambush. As he
prepared to strike, an oaken branch knocked him
Target: Each creature in the blast violently to the ground. Suddenly, standing over
him was a terrible female creature of bark and
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude vine, with blazing eyes as fierce as wildfires. It said
to him, "I am the spirit of the wood, and this curse
Hit: 1d8 +Wisdom modifier damage, and you knock the I cast on thee: Strike at thy brother, and you shall
lose all you desire."
target prone.
Terrified, the elder prince fled the wood. That
Effect: You push the target up to 2 squares. very night he commanded that the entire forest be
burned to the ground, his brother along with it.
Insect Swarm You call forth thousands of
The next morning as he walked among the
buzzing insects that swarm around you in a tight cinders, the elder prince saw the beautiful lady
cloud. Creatures that stand too close to you feel the standing alone amid the charred stumps, her eyes
brunt oftheir stings and bites and are hard-pressed to like smoldering embers. He reached out to touch
see you through the cloud. her, and as he did so, her body turned to ash, for
the lady his brother had loved was the spirit of the
Insect Swarm Druid Attack 1 trees. And when his subjects saw what beauty he
had destroyed, they turned on the elder prince and
A buzzina drone fills the air as a heavy cloud ofinsects swirls buried his remains in an unmarked grave.
around you.
Encounter + Implement, Primal
Standard Action Close burst 1
Target: Each creature in the burst
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d8 +Wisdom modifier damage.
Effect: The area of the burst is lightly obscured for your
enemies until the end of your next turn.
CHAPTER 3 I Classes
Level 2 Utility Powers V1
Form of the Sprinting Elk You take on ct.:
the form of the sprinting elk, becoming a bounding IJ.J
creature of the forest. You can cross vast distances
with ease, allowing you to outdistance your foes or /~
come quickly to the aid of those who need you.
Form of the Sprinting Elk Druid Utility 2
Your form shifts as you assume the auise of a areat elk and
quickly bound away.
Daily + Polymorph, Primal
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You assume the form of the sprinting elk until you
take an extended rest or until you end the form as a free
action. While in this form, you gain a +4 bonus to speed,
but you cannot attack, manipulate objects, or use any
magic item powers. Also, your gear becomes part of the
form and is inaccessible.
Lesser Restoration You call on the energy Quills Many animals have developed natural
ofnature's growth and resilience, channeling that deterrents to predators, including spines and barbs.
This power allows you to transform your body to
energy to enable an ally to shake off the effects of adopt this lethal defense, striking enemies that
combat. believe they are out ofrange ofyour melee attacks.
lesser Restoration Druid Utility 2
Motes ofareen ene1;gy suffuse your ally, lettina him or her draw Quills Druid Attack 3
strenathfrom the essence of the world.
Daily+ Healing, Primal Poison-tipped quills emerae from your body, then shoot out to
strike the foes that press you.
Minor Action Ranged 10
Target: One ally
Effect: The target can make a saving throw and spend a Encounter + Implement, Poison, Primal
healing surge. Standard Action Close burst 2
Target: Each enemy in the burst
Level 3 Encounter Powers Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Call the Crows The crows that blacken the Hit: 2d6 +Wisdom modifier poison damage.
sky above a battlefield are nature's response to the Effect: Each target is slowed until the end of your next turn.
wars ofthe mortal races. Called by your primal
power, a spectral flock ofsuch crows appears in the Wind Wall By calling on the spirits of air, you
midst of the fray to tear at your enemies. Be wary of
leaving your allies exposed, however, because the tame the winds that blow across the battlefield. This
crows you call cannot tell friend from foe. evocation creates a barrier whose strength is the
swirling storm, assailing your enemies and turning
aside ranged attacks with ease.
Wind Wall Druid Attack 3
Call the Crows Druid Attack 3 Swirlina wind stirs up a wall ofdust and debris, tossina your
foes about and dejlectina projectiles that pass throuah it.
With a shriekina hiss of winas, a ahost!y flock of crows descends
onyour enemies. Encounter+ Implement, Primal, Zone
Encounter+ Force, Implement, Primal, Zone Standard Action Area wall 8 within 10 squares
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares Target: Each enemy in the wall
Target: Each creature in the burst Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex Hit: 2d6 +Wisdom modifier damage, and you can slide
Hit: 2d8 + Wisdom modifier force damage. the target 1 square.
Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of Effect: The wall creates a zone that lasts until the end of
your next turn. Any creature that ends its turn in the zone your next turn. The zone grants superior cover against
takes force damage equal to your Constitution or Dexterity ranged attacks made through it that target AC or Reflex.
C HAPTER 3 J Classes
Level 6 Utility Powers Level 7 Encounter Powers
Meld into Stone Though stone and rock are Charm Beast Your link with the primal spirits
impassable for most creatures , you recognize and creates a conduit between your mind and the mind
take advantage of stone's connection to the natural of another, granting you a connection to that crea·
world. By slipping inside living rock, you create a safe tures. Your power is most potent when used to charm
haven that even the most dedicated foe struggles in the beasts ofthe n atural world, but your will can be
vain to break. imposed on sentient beings as well.
Meld into Stone Druid Utility 6 Charm Beast Druid Attack 7
Your body mer9es with stone, lettinB you slip out ofsi&ht and You 9aze hard at your f oe, momentarily brin&inB that enemy
away from harm. underyour control.
Daily+ Primal Encounter+ Charm, Implement, Primal
Move Action Personal Standard Action Ranged 5
Effect: You shift into an adjacent square occupied by an Target: One creature
object made of stone or earth that is your size or larger, Attack: Wisdom vs. Will. You gain a +2 bonus to the
such as a wall, a statue, or a boulder. While you occupy attack roll when using this power against a beast.
this square, you can see normally but you do not have line Hit: The target is dominated unti l th e end of your next turn.
of effect to anything, and nothing has line of effect to you. Miss: The target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
You remain in this state until the end of the encounter,
until you end this effect as a minor action, or until the Grasp of Winter The chill winds ofthe
object is destroyed. When the effect ends, you appear in distant reaches of the world are drawn forth at
your command. Like a creature trapped in an icy
the nearest unoccupied square. wasteland, your foe is drained oflife and frozen to
the quick, unable to move as it is seized in winter 's
Nature's Stride The bond you forge with clutches.
nature lets you sense the contours of the world Grasp of Winter Druid Attack 7
around you. Just as the wind shifts around rocks and
trees, the primal spirits can direct you to avoid any A cold wind swirls around your enemy, slashinB it and waspinB
object or obstruction that might bother you as you it with icy claws.
Nature's Stride Druid Utility 6 Encounter + Cold, Implement, Primal
You Bain a hei&htened sense ofthe world around you, lettinB Standard Action Ranged 10
you move unhindered.
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Daily+ Primal Hit: 2d8 + Wisdom modifier cold damage.
Minor Action Melee 1 Effect: The target is restrained until the end of your next
Target: You or one ally turn.
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, the target gains a+ 2
power bonus to speed and ignores difficult terrain. Swarm of Scarabs This evocation allows
Verdant Surge Even after your resources have you to call forth a cloud of scarab beetles that swarm
at your command. Filling a vast space, the scarabs
been expended, this evocation allows you to tap into feast on any creature they can find-including you
the p ower held by the n atural world around you. You and your allies, ifyou draw too close.
open yourself to that reserve of primal energy, which
enables you to channel again the p ower oflife and Swarm of Scarabs Druid Attack 7
A chitterinB swarm ofravenous insects sprays outfrom your
Verdant Surge hand, coverinB all creatures in its path.
Druid Utility 6 Encounter+ Implement, Primal, Zone
The poweryou learned at the earliest sta9e of your traininB can Standard Action Close blast 5
be unleashed a9ain.
Target: Each creature in the blast
Daily + Primal Attack: W isdom vs. Refl ex
Minor Action Personal Hit: 2d6 + Wisdom modifier damage.
Requirement: Your nature's wowth must be expended. Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of
Effect: You regain the use of your nature's wowth, and you your next turn. Creatures grant combat advantage while in
can use it as a free action. th e zone. Any creature that ends its turn in the zone takes
damage equa l to your Constitution or Dexterity modifier.
C HA PTE R 3 I Class es
Level 9 Daily Power Level 13 Encounter Powers
Pain from Perseverance Primal magic Bolt of Lightning You call down the energy
taps into the foundations oflife and can be used to ofthe deadliest storms, channeling it through your
transform some of the most fundamental aspects of a body and unleashing it as a bolt oflightning that can
creature's nature. Druids of the Feywild often use this leave any foe reeling.
evocation to strip away the defenses of malicious fey
before turning their own weapons against them. Bolt of Lightning Druid Attack 13
An arc ofenersy lances outfrom your hand to strike afoe.
Pain from Perseverance Druid Attack 9 Encounter+ Implement, Lightning, Primal
Your wrath sends a bitter spirit throush your foe, transformins Standard Action Ranged 10
its resistance into weakness.
Ta rget: One creature
Daily + Implement, Primal, Psychic Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Standard Action Ranged 10 Hit: 2d1 0 +Wisdom modifier lightning damage.
Target: One creature Effect: The target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude Primeval Thunder This evocation calls on
Hit: 2d8 +Wisdom modifier psychic damage. the echo ofthe storms that swirled across the world
during its creation. With that power at your com-
Miss: Half damage. mand, you produce a pulse ofthunder that explodes
out from you, blasting your foes and leaving them out
Effect: Choose one damage type: acid, cold, fire, light- of position for their follow- up attacks.
ning, or thunder. The target loses any resistances to
that damage type and gains vulnerable 5 damage to
that damage type (save ends both). Until the end of the
encounter, your druid attack powers can deal damage of
the type you chose instead of their normal damage type.
Primeval Thunder Druid Attack 13
Level I 0 Utility Powers A deafenin& clap ofthunder unfurls around you to thrust your
foes back.
Form of the Hunting Falcon This evo-
Encounter + Implement, Primal, Thunder
cation grants you the ability offlight by transforming
you into a hawk, a falcon, or a similar bird. Though Standard Action Close burst 2
being in this form might take you out ofthe fight, you
can soar long distances with almost perfect percep- Target: Each enemy in the burst
tion of the world below you.
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Hit: 3d6 +Wisdom modifier thunder damage.
Effect: You push the target up to 3 squares.
Form ofthe Hunting Falcon Druid Utility 10
You chanse into a nimble bird of prey that easily soars out of
reach ofyour foes.
Daily+ Polymorph, Primal
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You assume the form of the hunting falcon until you
take an extended rest, or until you end this effect as a free
action. While in this form, you are Small, you have a fly
speed of 8, and you gain a +5 power bonus to Perception
checks. However, you cannot attack, manipulate objects,
or use any magic item powers.
Updraft You have learned to whisper to the wind
and have it answer your call. As long as you maintain
your control over the spirits ofthe air, they can carry
you and your allies wherever you want to go.
Updraft Druid Utility 10
A sust ofwind swirls around you, liftins you into the air.
Daily+ Primal
Move Action Ranged 10
Target: You or one ally
Effect: The target flies up to 5 squares.
Sustain Move: The target flies again, or you use t he power
on a different target.
CHAPTER 3 I Classes
Verdant Retaliation The rise ofciviliza- Level 16 Utility Powers
tion has inflicted many wounds on the world, but Form of the Raven Flock Though many
this evocation gives you the ability to let nature take
its revenge. As the ground churns with life beneath evocations allow you to take on the shape of a wild
your enemies, those foes will experience the wrath of beast,Jorm ofthe ravenflock lets you scatter your body
nature firsthand. and mind between a group ofcreatures. With your
life force spread out in this way, you are better pro-
Verdant Retaliation Druid Attack 13 tected against individual attacks, and you can swarm
around creatures that would block your path.
Writhing plants thrust up beneath your foes, assailing them
with poisonous barbs and thorns.
Encounter+ Implement, Poison, Primal Form of the Raven Flock Druid Utility 16
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares A shadow passes over you as you are scattered and reshaped,
becoming aflock ofravens that quickly takes to the air.
Target: Each enemy in the burst
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 3d6 + Wisdom modifier poison damage. Daily+ Polymorph, Primal
Effect: Each enemy in your nature's growth zone that was not Minor Action Personal
hit by this power takes 1 0 poison damage. Effect: You assume the form of a flock of ravens until you
take an extended rest or until you end this effect as a
minor action. While in this form, you have a fly speed of
6 and can move through enemies' spaces. However, you
cannot attack, manipulate objects, or use any magic item
powers. You take only half damage from melee attacks and
ranged attacks, but you gain vulnerable 15 to close attacks
and area attacks.
Level 1 7 Encounter Powers
Bloodthirsty Vines The most dangerous
creatures of nature are nothing in comparison to the
deadly flora you command. Vines that you call forth
from the earth drag your enemies closer to you as
they drain those foes oflife.
Bloodthirsty Vines Druid Attack 17
Level 15 Daily Power Rope-like vines spring from the ground, sinking their thorns
into your foes.
Encounter + Implement, Primal
World-Warp The first druids to develop this Standard Action Ranged 10
power were eladrin members ofa circle guarding Target: One creature
a fey crossing in the natural world. Their order had
been founded to keep mortals from wandering into Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
the Feywild, and they developed ways to use primal
magic to manipulate the fey crossing's inherent Hit: 3d1 0 +Wisdom modifier damage.
Effect: You pull the target up to a number of squares equal
to 2 + your Constitution or Dexterity modifier.
World-Warp Druid Attack 15 Center of the Vortex The eye ofa storm
A ripple in the natural world transports your enemy and pro- offers a safe haven that you take advantage ofwhen
tects you from its attack. you call on the power of storms to destroy your foes.
Caught in your vortex, enemies are thrown out of
Daily+ Primal, Teleportation position and forced to watch as you teleport away
from possible retribution.
Immediate Interrupt Close burst 10
Trigger: An adjacent enemy makes a melee attack against
Target: The triggering enemy
Effect: The target and one of your allies in the burst tele-
port, switching places. The triggering attack now targets
another creature of your choice adjacent to the target.
If the triggering attack now has no legitimate target, the ":zs
attack is lost. C>
CH A PTER 3 I Classes
Center of the Vortex Druid Attack 17 ;gsuch, many of their evocations cause the world to
A spiralinB stormforms at your command, drawinB your en- transform into something more deadly, just as lycan- UJ
emies toward its center even as you slip away. 5
thropes do. 0
Encounter+ Implement, lightning, Primal, Teleportation, Cl
Thunder Thorns of the Hinterlands Druid Attack 19
Standard Action Close burst 3 All across the field of battle, thickets and brambles rise up to
entrap your foes.
Target: Each enemy in the burst ::::l
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Daily+ Acid, Conjuration, Implement, Poison, Primal Cl
Hit: 3d6 +Wisdom modifier lightning and thunder
Standard Action Area wall12 within 20 squares
damage, and you pull the target up to 2 squares. 5
Effect: You conjure two walls of thorny, writhing vines,
Effect: You teleport up to 4 squares to a square outside the zUJ
which cannot have any squares adjacent to each other.
Each wall contains 6 of the power's 12 squares and can ~
Rolling Earth By drawing primal power from be up to 4 squares high. The walls must be on a solid sur-
face, and they last until the end of your next turn. Each
the earth, you cause the ground to buck up, forcing wall provides cover and blocks line of sight.
nearby creatures away from you and leaving a wall of
dirt and stone that will keep them away. Entering a wall square costs 2 extra squares of move-
ment. If a creature enters the wall's space or starts its
turn there, that creature takes 1d1 0 +your Wisdom
Rolling Earth Druid Attack 17 modifier acid and poison damage (a creature can take
You strike the wound with your open palm, causinB it to shift this damage only once per turn), and it takes ongoing S
and roll like the waves ofan ocean storm.
acid and poison damage (save ends).
Sustain Minor: The walls persist until the end of your next
Encounter+ Implement, Primal turn.
Standard Action Close blast S
Target: Each creature in the blast Level 22 Utility Powers
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex Wall of the World A living barrier chan-
Hit: 3d6 +Wisdom modifier damage, and you push the neled by your primal power, the wall conjured by
this evocation recognizes your allies even as it holds
target up to S squares. your enemies behind an impenetrable expanse of
stone and dirt, bark and vines. You can cause the
Effect: Choose up to S contiguous, unoccupied squares in wall to heal ifit is damaged, thwarting your enemies'
attempts to break through it.
the blast that are on a solid surface. Until the end of your
next turn, those squares are blocking terrain that is up to 2
squares high.
Searing Winds You have seen much ofthe Wall of the World Druid Utility 22
world in your lifetime, even as you draw primal Earth, stone, and plants rise up at your command,forminB a
power from places you might never visit. When you livinB wall to hem in your foes.
use this evocation, you reach out to the distant desert
to steal the strength of a burning storm.
Searing Winds Druid Attack 17 Daily + Conjuration, Primal
DrawinB power from the storms ofthe deepest deserts, you ham- Standard Action Area wall12 within 10 squares
meryour enemies with a pulse ofblisterinB heat.
Effect: You conjure a wall of earth, trees, vines, and other
plant life that lasts until the end of the encounter. The wall
Encounter + Fire, Force, Implement, Primal can be up to 6 squares high and must be on a solid surface.
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares The wall is blocking terrain for your enemies, but your
Target: Each creature in the burst allies can move through (though not occupy) the squares of
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude the wall. Each square of the wall can be attacked, has your
Hit: 2d6 +Wisdom modifier fire and force damage. defenses, has SO hit points, and crumbles into difficult
Effect: The target is weakened until the end of your next terrain if it is destroyed. As a minor action, you can repair
turn. 1 unoccupied square of wall within range that has been
destroyed, causing it to be restored with SO hit points. The
Level 19 Attack Power whole wall crumbles into difficult terrain at the end of the
Thorns of the Hinterlands High in the encounter.
mountains ofBrokenstone Vale are said to be druid Level 23 Encounter Powers
circles composed oflycanthropes that gather near
fey crossings into the mortal realm's hinterlands. Dominate Beast Your command over the
Many of these lycanthropes believe that the key to
controlling their urges lies with the primal spirits of natural world lets you reach into any creature's mind
the world, and the druids' understanding of primal and use your primal magic to break that creature to
magic is twisted by their own shifting nature. As your will.
CHAPTER 3 I Classes
Dominate Beast Druid Attack 23 Whipping Vfnes When you use this power,
Your mind reaches out to touch that ofyour enemy; bringing the spirit trees spawned at the world's creation send
that creature under your sway. for th vines that do your bidding. These tendrils can
turn the most well-ordered force into a shambles,
Encounter + Charm, Implement, Primal sending even the largest foes careening out of posi-
tion at your command.
Standard Action Ranged 5
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Will. You gain a +2 bonus to the attack
roll when using this power against a beast. Whipping Vines Druid Attack 23
Hit: The target is dominated until the end of your next Flailing vines wrap themselves around an enemy you gesture
to, binding thatfoe as they sling other enemies across the
turn. battlefield .
Miss: This power is not expended.
Ice Spikes The power ofwinter is yours to com- Encounter + Implement, Primal
mand. You channel icy shards that strike like a storm Standard Action Ranged 10
of daggers, slashing at your foes and pinning them in
place as fast-frozen statues. Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 3d1 0 +Wisdom modifier damage, and the target is
immobilized until the end of your next turn.
Ice Spikes Druid Attack 23 Effect: You slide the target and each of your enemies
The air swirls white beforeyou, congealing as a blast oficy adjacent to it at the beginning of the slide up to l squares.
spikes that launch themselves at your foes.
Encounter+ Cold, Implement, Primal Level 25 Daily Power
Standard Action Close blast 5 Writhing Henge The great primal spirit
Target: Each creature in the blast known as the Steadfast Henge is one of the most
ancient powers of the mortal world, its existence
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex dating back to the days immediately following the
Daw n W ar. In those days, the foundations of creation
Hit: 2d8 + Wisdom modifier cold damage. were often unstable, and the Feywild intruded upon
the world for a short time. Among the primal spirits
Effect: Each target is restrained until the end of your next present at this intrusion was the Steadfast H enge,
which has since become a patron to druid circles of
turn. both the Feywild and the natural world.
Writhing Henge Druid Attack 15
The limbs ofthe Steadfast Henge protrudefrom the earth,fling·
ing and rending at your command.
Daily+ Implement, Primal, Summoning
Standard Action Close burst 10
Effect: You summon up to six Medium briar-covered ten-
drils in unoccupied squares in the burst. The tendrils
have a speed of 0 and are immune to being pushed,
pulled, or slid. You lose a healing surge only when all the
Scalding Geyser By combining the forces of tendrils have been destroyed. You can give the tendrils
water and fire, you create an attack far deadlier than the following special command. On the turn you sum-
either on its own. The ground shatters where you call
forth a geyser of boiling water and superheated steam mon the tendrils, you give this command as a part of us-
that scours your foes.
ing this power.
Standard Action: Each tendril makes an attack against
a different target: Melee 1; targets one creature; Wisdom
vs. Reflex; 1d8 + Wisdom modifier damage, ongoing 5
damage (save ends), and the tendril slides the target up to
Scalding Geyser Druid Attack 23 3 squares.
The earth cracks and breaks open at your command, releasing Instinctive Effect: If you haven't given the tendrils any
afountain ofsearing water whoseforce slams your foes to the
ground. commands by the end of your turn, each one attacks the
nearest creature within l squares of it, if it can.
Encounter+ Fire, Force, Implement, Primal
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares
Target: Each creature in th e burst
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 3d8 + Wisdom modifier fire and force damage.
Effect: Each target falls prone.
C H AP T E R 3 I C lass e s
Level 2 7 Encounter Powers
Barrage of Lightning This evocation enables
you to harness the might ofthe deadliest planar storms,
letting you hurl multiple bolts oflightning at your ene-
mies while leaving your allies unscathed. Even a foe
that escapes being harmed by the storm is left reeling
in the aftermath ofyour attack.
Barrage of lightning Druid Attack 27
With a clenchedfist, you create an arcins storm oflishtnin&
bolts that lash and debilitate even the most resilient foes.
Encounter+ Implement, Lightning, Primal
Standard Action Close blast 5
Target: Each enemy in the blast
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8 + Wisdom modifier lightning damage.
Effect: Each target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
Cast in Stone When your most powerful foe ofthe earliest world, the phantom serpent can help
debilitate even the most formidable offoes.
seizes control ofthe battlefield, you can negate its
advantage by trapping it in an unbreakable crust of
stone. By continuing to concentrate, you can hold that
foe in this state, preventing it from engaging your allies.
Cast in Stone Druid Attack 27 Phantom Serpent Druid Attack 27
As you hold out one hand and lock it into afist, your enemy is A shostly serpent materializes and wraps around yourJoe, sub-
frozen in a shell ofstone. jectins it to a poisonous bite and a blindin& cloud ofvenom.
Encounter+ Implement, Primal Encounter + Implement, Poison, Primal
Standard Action Ranged 10 Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: The target is petrified until the end of your next turn. Hit: 3d8 + Wisdom modifier poison damage.
Sustain Standard: You repeat thisattack against the same Effect: The target is blinded until the end of your next turn.
target, but only if the target is still petrified by this power.
Lava Vents This evocation reaches down into Level 29 Daily Power
the depths ofthe earth, calling up the molten rock Hinterland Exile In certain regions ofthe
and volcanic gases that pool there. When you open
up the ground to release this storm, all nearby crea- mortal realm, the walls between worlds are particu-
tures are consumed by it, so you must be careful to larly thin, and the fabric of the world is weakened,
keep your allies at a safe distance. influenced, and besieged by other worlds, including
the Feywild. These regions , known to many druids
lava Vents Druid Attack 27 as the Hinterlands , contain gaps in creation filled
only with nothingness. The most powerful druids can
Great cracks split the wound beneath your feat, ventin& caustic banish creatures to this void.
sas and lava that turns the area around you into a maelstrom.
Encounter + Acid, Fire, Implement, Poison, Primal Hinterland Exile Druid Attack 29
Standard Action Close burst 3 You sendyourJoe to a place between worlds, where the planes
meet and the fabric ofcreation is torn by cosmic force.
Target: Each creature in the burst
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex Daily+ Force, Implement, Primal
Hit: 3d8 +Wisdom modifier acid and fi re damage. Standard Action Ranged 20
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, the area of the burst Target: One creature
is difficult terrain, and any creature other than you that Attack: Wisdom vs. Will
ends its turn in that area takes 15 poison damage. Hit: 5d1 0 +Wisdom modifier force damage, and the
Phantom Serpent When you call on the target is removed from play (save ends).
power of this evocation, you manifest an aspect of an Third Failed Saving Throw: The effect ends, but the target
ancient primal spirit whose poison blinds any crea-
ture it touches. A throwback to the primal guardians is permanently trapped on another plane (OM's choice),
:<>s-: unless the target has some means of planar travel.
Miss: Half damage, and the target is dazed (save ends).
C HAP TER 3 f Classes
\Vizard see your wondrous powers vanish from the world,
while clerics ofjealous gods decree you an unholy
In the Feywild, wizards and spellcasters in general menace, sending witch hunters to track you down
are far more common than they are in the world, and destroy you.
thanks to the plane's strong ties to arcane magic. The
following section presents new powers for wizards Creating a Witch
with a strong Feywild theme, as well as a new wizard
subclass, the witch. A witch is a type of wizard, a class introduced in the
Player's Handbook. To create a witch, use the character
WITCH creation rules in the Rules Compendium or the Player's
Handbook. The Character Advancement table (page
Arcane Controller: You practice the first, most 160) summarizes how many powers and feats your
ancient form of arcane magic, which allows you to witch should have at each level, as well as when abil-
charm, transform, and curse your enemies. ity scores increase.
Key Abilities: Intelligence, Wisdom A witch lacks some ofthe wizard class features
from the Player's Handbook: Arcane Implement Mas-
Part religion, part ritual, and all mystery, witchcraft tery, Ritual Casting, and Spellbook. A witch gains
is an ancient practice that came about in an age
before arcane magic was studied, institutionalized,
and etched in writing, when monstrous titans ruled
over creation and the secret ofmaking fire was yet
undiscovered. In this chaotic dark age, the gods had
little influence on the titans' world. Instead of seek-
ing their aid, the primitive peoples called out to the
night for protection and power, and a voice from the
darkness answered. Those who accepted its arcane
gifts became the first witches, and they wielded
such power as only immortals had known-seen by
some jealous gods as an affront that they have never
Witches gain their power from a patron who
instructs them by way of a mystical familiar that
comes and goes as it pleases, unbound by the stric-
tures ofthe material world. The most prevalent
patron among witches-the original voice from the
darkness-is the moon goddess Sehanine, referred
to by witches as simply the Goddess. Other entities
have since seen the advantage ofimbuing mortals
with power, and so your patron might be an archfey,
a god, an angel, a primordial, a demon lord, a devil, or
another legendary being that believes it can benefit
by imbuing you with a gift of arcane prowess. It might
prefer to remain anonymous.
The circumstances by which you obtained your
gift can vary widely. Some witches seek out the gift
in order to fulfill a personal desire or vendetta, while
others were brought up in a coven. Some receive their
power after making a pact with a devil, as a warlock
might do, and others have it bestowed upon them by a
fairy godparent or a witch queen.
Though witches are common among the fey
races in the Feywild, as a witch in the natural world
you must be mindful of whom you trust. In the
world, common folk fear your kind. Envious wiz-
ards refuse to acknowledge you as a peer and would
CHAPTER 3 I Classes
new class features: W itch 's Familiar, Moon Coven, reasons for bestowing power, but such entities always u:t-I
andau3ury. have their reasons , which become clear in time, for
Witch Traits good or ill. $
Hit Points: You start with hit points equal to 10 + A witch's familiar takes the shape of a Tiny crea-
your Constitution score. You gain 4 hit points each
time you gain a level. ture, usually a natural or a fey beast such as a cat,
Bonus to Defenses: +2 to Will a serpent, or a raven, and acts as an intermediary
Healing Surges per Day: 6 + your Constitution modifier between the witch and the patron of the witch's
Armor Proficiencies: Cloth power. Bound to the witch 's soul, this familiar
Weapon Proficiencies: Dagger, quarterstaff instructs the witch in the use ofsupernatural powers.
Implement Proficiencies: Orbs, staffs, wands Your familiar can have as active a role as you like.
Class Skills: Arcana (lnt), Diplomacy (Cha), Dun- Familiars have a distinct personality and a unique
geoneering (Wis), History (lnt), Insight (Wis), Nature
(Wis), Religion (lnt) relationship with the witches they instruct. Your
Trained Skills: Arcana, plus three more from the list of familiar might provide hints and lore, or it might be a
class skills
subtle presence in the background that appears and
Ability Scores
disappears without a sound, ifyou prefer to downplay
When you determine your ability scores, keep in
mind that a witch is best served by a superior Intel- its role in your story.
ligence or Wisdom score. Intelligence is the primary
ability associated with arcane magic, and a high Benefit: You gain the Arcane Familiar feat (page
Intelligence contributes to both the accuracy and the
damage ofyour attacks. Wisdom is a strong second- 126) as a bonus feat.
ary ability, however, reflecting every witch's need to
be canny, perceptive, and self-sufficient in a world At the end ofeach extended rest, when you confer
that hates and fears their kind. A high Wisdom con-
tributes to the side effects of some ofyour spells. with your familiar you can replace one ofyour wizard
Witches tend to be loners, and most spend peri- daily attack powers or wizard utility powers with
ods of each day in solitude living by their wits in the
wilderness, gathering herbs and components for another wizard power of the same type. The new
their spells or conferring with their familiars high
on isolated hills or in sheltering groves beneath the power must have a level, and its level must be the
moon. This constant activity makes witches hardier
than most other wizards, and since some witch abili- same as the old power's level.
ties grant the capacity to m ake attacks at close range
and in reach ofenemies' swords, your witch might When you reach level 24, your familiar enables
benefit from a good Constitution. Your very presence
unnerves and intimidates other creatures, which nat- you to spend an action point on your turn to regain
urally find your eldritch powers either awe-inspiring
or frightening. A good Charisma score enhances the the use ofone ofyour expended wizard encounter
dread or awe they experience when you intimidate or
charm them. attack powers, instead oftaking an extra action. If
Class Features you do so, you gain combat advantage against every
A witch has the following class features, starting at target of that power the next time you use it during
the current encounter.
Witch's Familiar Unlike other wizards, a
Witch Cantrips A witch knows a few tricks at
witch receives the gift of arcane power from a patron
such as an archfey, a god, a devil, an angel, a demon, the outset ofhis or her career that can be ofgreat use
or another powerful being. The witch might or even when other potent eldritch powers are also at
might not be aware of the patron's true identity or its the witch's disposal.
Benefit: You gain three cantrips of your choice.
(This book includes the chameleon's mask cantrip. See
Heroes ofthe Fallen Lands or the Player's Handbook for
other cantrip options.)
Moon Coven When you create your witch,
you choose a moon coven with which you are affili-
ated. A moon coven is a loose order of witches that
share a philosophy ofwitchcraft. Each moon coven
represents one of two phases of the moon- full or
dark (new)-and symbolizes the witch's quintessen-
tial attitude toward the application ofhis or her craft.
Each moon coven reflects a member witch's phi-
losophy regarding the use ofmagic-not necessarily
corresponding to the witch's alignment, since witches
of all alignments are found in each coven. Neverthe-
less, a greater number of evil witches gravitate toward
the dark moon and its powers over ill fortune and
necromancy, whereas good witches more frequently
affiliate themselves with the full moon coven and
favor its charms and healing magic.
C HAP TE R 3 I Classes
Nistyncia commands a bewitched werewolfin the Brokenstone Vale to defend her,
while Keldar attempts to break throu9h the door to a dun9eon
Witches are solitary by nature, requiring little Many witches learn their craft in isolation,
arcane instruction beyond the teachings of their unaware ofthe presence ofthe fundamental moon
familiar, and most prefer to keep their craft secret covens, or even of other witches. Regardless of
lest they be targeted by witch hunters. Therefore, a whether a witch or a local coven identifies with a
moon coven typically convenes only once during the moon coven, every witch makes a choice concerning
course of a year, in an isolated location in the wilder- the type ofwitchcraft he or she wants to practice.
ness often near standing stones, ley lines, or other
sites that thrum with arcane power, on an evening Benefit: Choose a coven, and gain its benefits.
when the coven's moon phase displays in its ideal
state in the dark heavens above. Despite their oppos- Dark Moon Coven The witches ofthe dark
ing philosophies on witchcraft, the two moon covens
sometimes come together on the night ofa lunar moon coven believe that the night is a witch's birth-
eclipse, when both are symbolically represented in right. Powers over fate and darkness are theirs to
the night sky. Such meetings occur only when all command, and they strive to further their own
witches, or the world in which they live, are threat- ends at any cost. Good dark moon witches use their
ened by forces bent on their extermination. powers offear, terror, and darkness against the
wicked, whereas evil dark moon witches blight those
In addition to, or instead of, meeting with their that cross them with ill fortune and plague, heed-
moon coven, some witches gather in local covens less of the mortal lives that fall in their wake. Dark
attended by witches that inhabit the area. Such local moon witches call on the tides and the night winds
covens are often the way new witches are initiated and summon the dead from their graves; they conjure
into the craft, and they show the initiate the way to objects from nowhere, or imbue them with momen-
call on a powerful entity and receive the gift ofits tary life.
power in the form of a familiar. These local covens
usually have their own aims and goals related to their Benefit: You gain the dread presence power (page
immediate surroundings, and might or might not 92).
adhere to the philosophy of either ofthe moon covens.
In addition, you gain training in the Intimidate
skill. At level 5, you gain a +2 bonus to Intimidate
checks and Stealth checks.
CHAPTER 3 [ Classes
Augury Because of their intimate connection 3
with powerful otherworldly entities , witches are well 1-
versed in the arcane arts offortune telling and proph- $
ecy. The witch's familiar instructs them in the means
to look deep into the spirit world and see the patterns
WORLDS WITH and images that reveal the future. Some learn to read
runes, decks of cards , tea leaves, knucklebones, or
Some worlds, including Athas of the DARK SuN
ca mpaign setting and the world of the EBERRON weather patterns. Some gaze into crystal balls or boil-
setting, have multiple moons, which has an impact
on the nature of moon covens on those worlds. For ing cauldrons, and some channel spirits directly into
a witch in one of these settings, you have several
options for describing how the multiple moons their bodies, which foretell the future. As a witch, -~1
interact with your moon coven. Here are two sug· your method ofprophecy might be one ofthese or it
gestions to help you reconcile multiple moons and could be a ritual ofyour own devising. W itches are ~- '
your coven.
said to achieve the most favorable resu lts beneath the
Single Moon: You focus your attention on one
of the moons. This means that you are accustomed light of the moon.
to a regular rhythm of ebb and flow in the world.
You and others of your coven are likely patient and Augury Wizard Utility
able to think long·term, and you don't let setbacks
slow you down. After all, it's only a matter of time You read the mystic sians and alean a notion of the future.
before the moon changes phases again. You make
plans, watch for signs of change, and take no action Daily + Arcane
without careful consideration.
Standard Action Personal
All Moons are Equal: Your coven treats all of
your world's moons equally, meaning that at any Requirement: You must use this power during an extended
given time you have one moon full, one moon
new, and others waxing or waning. As a result, rest.
you and other members of your coven are often
seen as mercurial at best, or conflicted and con· Effect: You ask a question and receive a vague notion of
tradictory at worst. Your eyes constantly flit to the
heavens at night, and every day brings a different the future. You might receive a clue as to whether a spe·
mood upon you.
cific course of action is likely to have positive or negative
Full Moon Coven Witches ofthe full moon
results. This notion can take the form of a single image, a
coven believe in the sanctity oflife, the tidal pull
oflove, and the capacity of pure beauty to enchant hint about a danger that might be faced, or just a positive
the eye. These witches use their powers to beguile,
charm, and inspire. Many full moon witches are kind or negative feeling about the current course of destiny.
and good; others are stark, aloof, and compassion-
less, idealizing the image ofbeauty and grace but not Powers
the heart of it. When they manifest their power, full
moon witches awe allies and enemies alike with the Your witch starts with six wizard powers of your
celestial m ajesty of their presence. choice:
Benefit: You gain the glorious presence power + Two 1st-level wizard at-will attack powers
(page 92). + One 1st-level wizard daily attack power
+ Three wizard cantrips granted by the feature
In addition, you gain training in the H eal skill.
t 5th level, you gain a +2 bonus to H eal checks and Witch Cantrips
Diplomacy checks.
Your 1st-level wizard encounter attack power is
determined by your Moon Coven choice. See the
Character Advancement table (page 160) for the
powers you gain as you advance in level.
When selecting your powers, consider the wizard
powers introduced in this book, which include many
of the magical effects witches display in folklore.
The Player's Handbook, Arcane Power, and Heroes ofthe
Fallen Lands present a variety of other wizard powers
to choose from.
Novice witches keep the secret of their craft well
hidden, preferring to spend time in the wilds gath-
ering h erbs and spell components for complicated
charms rather than socializing with the locals in
village taverns or discussing magical theory among
the academic elite. Despite that fact, m any witches
are cunningly persuasive, choosing training in the
Diplomacy skill, their wits sh arpened by perilous
CHA P TER 3 [ Cla s s e s
WITCH RACE CHOICES interactions with fey beings and otherworldly
The following races make good choices for a witch
character. Your exploits in the natural world , studying its
flora and fauna , might give you an expert grasp of the
Hamadryad: Blessed with the accumulated Nature skill. It is also likely that through the rituals
wisdom of ancient trees that nightly stretch their you learned to call your familiar, you gained insight
branches toward the moon, hamadryads take natu- into the nature ofimmortal entities that promise
rally to the arts ofwitchcraft. Charm magic is inherent power to witches, from gods to devils. The Religion
to hamadryads, whose spellbinding beauty enhances skill reflects this choice, and gives you the ability to
the witch's ability to make others do her bidding. identify undead.
Hamadryads dwell in harmony with the birds and
tiny beasts of the wood, and learning to adopt such Feats
familiar shapes comes easily to them.
Since you use an implement, consider feats from the
As a hamadryad, magic runs deep in the roots of implement training category. Implement Focus or
your heritage. Your grandmothers were the seasons one of the expertise fe ats, such as Orb Expertise, can
themselves, and you received their gift under the light make your attack powers even more potent. Like-
of Sehanine's moon. Alternatively, you might have wise, feats from the quick reaction category, such as
been granted the gift of your magic from an archfey Improved Initiative, allow you to unleash your spells
such as the Summer Queen or the Prince of Frost. before your enemies can react, giving you an edge at
the start ofcombat. Witches have a number of abili-
Are you a witch who snares the minds of others ties that move them into close contact with their foes.
with your spells, or one who brings the power of You might consider taking Toughness, Improved
the night down upon those that incur your wrath? Defenses, or Defensive Mobility to give yourself a
Did you leave your home to battle those who would better chance of escaping close encounters.
destroy the woodlands, or did you accept the gift of
magic to aid you in pursuit of a quest or to help you Equipment
unravel the riddle of mortal thought and emotion?
W itches are proficient with cloth armor. Many simply
Human: Outside the Feywild, most witches orig- wear robes, gowns, or traveling clothes. As for weap-
inate in rural villages and the wild borderlands far ons, you have proficiency with the dagger and the
removed from civilized centers of arcane learning. quarterstaff, but you rarely use them; your powers of
witchcraft are far greater than any mere weapon.
Humans become witches for a variety of reasons.
Many seek a quick path to power, burning with You start with 100 gp to buy your starting equip-
ambition. Ordinary folk desperate for harmony in ment, as normal. Purchase a dagger or a quarterstaff
a brutal world of monsters, famine, and strife gain for contingencies, but you should otherwise spend
some measure of control over their lives with the your money on adventuring gear and supplies ofuse
abilities witchcraft bestows upon them. Others are to you and your allies.
seduced by devious entities that grant them power
in order to terrorize an unwary populace. You use an implement-an orb, a staff, or a wand-
as a conduit for your spells. Magic implements add to
As a human witch, you most likely keep your your attack rolls and damage rolls with your arcane
power a secret. Word of strange doings spreads powers,just as magic weapons do to weapon powers.
quickly, and you have heard tales of how ordinary You should purchase the proper implement ifyou
folk accused of being witches for the most trivial of have taken one of the implement training feats. Per-
reasons were captured and executed by frightened haps your witch uses an orb like a crystal ball that
mobs seeking a scapegoat for their troubles. you gaze into to make predictions and prophecies,
or maybe you possess a willow wand made from
Unlike the witches of the Feywild, who usually the bark of an infamous dryad witch, or a staffthat
receive their gift from Sehanine or the archfey, manifests the face of every creature you have cursed
human witches are endowed with power from any patterned in the wood grain. When you choose to
number of sources, not the least of which include play a witch, you're playing a character who possesses
devils and demon lords. For this reason, witches exciting story-focused abilities such as the ability to
in the world have an evil reputation, and clerics of instantly turn an enemy into a frog, so your equip-
many deities hunt and destroy witches of any kind. ment should have an equally interesting story flavor
or personality.
CHAPTER 3 I Classes
NEW WIZARD Breath of Night Whether you stand in 1./)
the fastness of a sunny elven grove or in a dark rx:
The powers in this section expand on those found in cavern beneath the surface ofthe world, the night
the Player's Handbook and other sources. They can be wind knows your voice, and you can call it to your u.J
selected by any wizard of the appropriate level. command.
Breath of Night Wizard Attack 1
Cantrips At your whisper, the chill niaht wind answers, aforcefulaust a.
that heeds your will.
Chameleon's Mask This cantrip lets you 0
At-Will +Arcane, Cold, Evocation, Implement
put your arcane learning to practical use, bending rx:
light and sound to make you almost invisible. Wiz- Standard Action Close burst 1
ards use this power to hide from strong creatures that -<
get too close, or to spy on creatures that happen to Target: Each creature in the burst
wander into their lairs. N
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d6 + Intelligence modifier cold damage, and you
push the target up to a number of squares equal to your
Wisdom modifier.
Level21: 2d6 +Intelligence modifier cold damage.
Chameleon's Mask Wizard Utility Winged Horde A wizard, and particularly
You pull strands ofshadow, blendin& your colors and sounds a witch, cultivates knowledge from practical expe-
with your surroundinas to help you hidefrom your enemy's siaht rience, and your study of(or perhaps unpleasant
and hearina. contact with) the tiny but vicious sprites of the Fey-
wild has given you new fodder for creating nightmare
Encounter + Arcane, Illusion visions in the minds ofyour enemies.
Free Action Personal
Trigger: You make a Stealth check.
Effect: You make an Arcana check instead, using that result Winged Horde Wizard Attack 1
to determine the outcome of the Stealth check. A horde offlesh-devourina sprites appears in your foes' minds.
The enemies shriek in horror and swat at the menace, leavina
Level 1 At-Will Powers them unable to react to your allies' maneuvers.
At-Will +Arcane, Illusion, Implement, Psychic
Beast Switch Some polymorph spells can Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares
transform a creature from one form to another for a Target: Each enemy in the burst
moment, and others for all time. Beast switch contains
only the barest essence of a transformation spell, Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
ideal for transforming a foe just long enough to con-
found it and take advantage of its disorientation. Hit: 1d6 psychic damage, and the target cannot take
opportunity actions until the end of your next turn.
Level21: 2d6 psychic damage.
Beast Switch Wizard Attack 1 Witch Bolt You have mastered the ability to
You reach out to touch your foe, and for an instant it transforms create bolts of energy and hurl them against your ene-
into a small,friahtened beast that runs in a wild panic before mies. Wizards use this spell to ward off enemies that
returnin& to its true shape. approach too closely, or to punish a foe that does not
have the ability to escape.
At-Will+ Arcane, Implement, Psychic, Transmutation
Standard Action Melee 1 Witch Bolt Wizard Attack 1
Target: One creature You hurl a bolt ofcracklina eneray.formina a line ofliahtnin&
betw.een you and your foe.
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d8 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage. You At-Will + Arcane, Evocation, Implement, Lightning
knock the target prone and can slide it 1 square. The Standard Action Ranged 5
target cannot make opportunity attacks until the end of Target: One creature
your next turn. Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Level21: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage. Hit: 1d1 0 + Intelligence modifier lightning damage.
Level21: 2d1 0 + Intelligence modifier lightning damage.
Sustain Standard: Reroll the damage and deal it to the
target again. Once the target is out of range, you can't
sustain this power.
CHAPTER 3 I Classes
Level 1 Encounter Powers Level 1 Daily Powers
Dread Presence Spellcasters from the Fey- Bewitching Charm When the mind is
wild have mastered the art ofappearing to be more seized by a strange attraction or dazed under the
frightening than they are, scaring offenemies with a influence of a spell, a person is said to be bewitched.
presence so terrifying that it causes pain in the minds Bewitchin& charm defines this effect, overtaking the
ofthose who look on the caster. senses and captivating the subject, setting its mind to
wander as if in a dream.
Dread Presence Wizard Attack 1
Your shadow len9thens and wows, loominB over your enemies Bewitching Charm Wizard Attack 1
and overcominB them with dread.
You chant the twistinB words ofthe bewitchinB charm, !ullinB
Encounter+ Arcane, Fear, Implement, Necrotic, your foes into a waking dream.
Nethermancy, Zone Daily + Arcane, Charm, Enchantment, Implement
Standard Action Close blast 5 Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares
Target: Each creature in the blast Target: Each creature in the burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
Hit: 1d1 0 + Intelligence modifier necrotic damage, and Hit: The target is dazed (save ends).
the target is slowed until the end of your next turn. First Failed Saving Throw: The target is instead dazed
Effect: The blast creates a zone that lasts until the end of and immobilized (save ends both).
your next turn. Any enemy that ends its turn in the zone Miss: The target cannot make opportunity attacks until the
takes necrotic damage equal to your Wisdom modifier. end of your next turn.
Special: All damage from this attack and its effect ignores
5 points of necrotic resistance. Charm of Forbiddance The charm offor-
Glorious Presence The Sidhe lords and biddance places a punishing hex on a creature that
intends you harm. Whenever it tries to resist the
other eladrin nobility are often described as having
the epitome ofregal bearing. Many eladrin learn charm and make an attack, it suffers the same pain it
to project a strong presence that inspires awe and means to inflict.
wonder in those who look upon them, so much so that
the eladrin seem to burn brightly with pure silver Charm of Forbiddance Wizard Attack 1
energy. As happened with many eladrin secrets, it did
not take long for knowledge of this spell to spread to Your voice tremulous with thunder, you invoke the charm of
other races. forbiddance on your enemy. With eachfurther attack it makes
against you, it howls its torment.
Daily + Arcane, Charm, Enchantment, Implement,
Glorious Presence Psychic
Wizard Attack 1 Standard Action Ranged 20
Radiant moonli9ht streams from you in all directions, and those Target: One creature
who behold you are stricken with awe.
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
Encounter + Arcane, Charm, Enchantment, Implement, Hit: 3d8 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage.
Radiant Miss: Half damage.
Standard Action Close burst 2 Effect: The target takes psychic damage equal to 2 +your
Target: Each enemy in the burst Wisdom modifier whenever it hits or misses you or one
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will of your allies (save ends).
Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier radiant damage, and you
push the target up to a number of squares equal to your
Wisdom modifier.
Effect: You and each ally in the burst gain temporary hit
points equal to your Wisdom modifier.
CHAPTER 3 I Classes
Level 2 Utility Powers Level 3 Encounter Powers
Charm of Protection In moments ofdes- Call the Night Winds In the night,
peration, a wizard can hastily summon objects to beneath the moon, it is said that witches are at their
block an attack that might otherwise have proved most powerful. You have learned to call the night
fatal. The charm ofprotection places a physical barrier winds to you and to swirl them about you in a flurry
between the wizard and the coming blow and grants of darkness that grants protection from your foes.
a slight amount ofmagical protection.
Call the Night Winds Wizard Attack 3
Charm of Protection Wizard Utility 2 Howlin& ni&ht winds spiral around you, blottin& out li&ht, chill-
The instant before a blow connects, your spell interposes a spec- in& your foes, and heedin& your every command.
tral object in its path. Encounter + Arcane, Cold, Evocation, Implement, Zone
Encounter + Arcane Standard Action Close blast 5
Immediate Interrupt Personal Target: Each creature in the blast
Trigger: You are hit by an attack. Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Effect: You gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses against Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier cold damage.
the attack, and you gain temporary hit points equal to 2 Effect: The blast creates a zone that lasts until the end of
+ your Wisdom modifier. your next turn. The zone is heavily obscured to creatures
other than you, and any creature but you that starts its
Herbal Healing Some wizards, and most turn in the zone is slowed until the end of its next turn.
witches, are famous for their knowledge of magical Grim Shadow Those that stand before you
herbs and poultices that harm and heal. Wild plants
and restorative herbs prepared with a healing incan- cower beneath the shadow you cast. Deeper and
tation can ease pain and aid in the recovery ofan darker than any ordinary play of the light, it origi-
ally's stamina. nates in the Shadowfell, and you can extend it to
tower over your foes, freezing the blood in their veins.
Herbal Healing Wizard Utility 2 Grim Shadow Wizard Attack 3
Usin& a mix ofherbal lore and witchcraft, you work a spell that Reachin& into the Shadowfell, you cast a tan&ible, loomin&
binds a wound. shadow that strikes fear into the livin&.
Encounter + Arcane Encounter + Arcane, Fear, Implement, Necrotic,
Minor Action Melee 1 Nethermancy
Prerequisite: You must have training in Heal. Standard Action Close blast 3
Target: One creature Target: Each creature in the blast
Effect: The target can make a saving throw and use his or Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
her second wind if it is available. Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier necrotic damage, and the
Simple Animation Many wizards are soli- target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of
tary folk. In order to weed gardens, wash clothing, your next turn.
and organize herbs and spell components, they learn
to animate ordinary objects and set them to tasks. Effect: Each target takes a -2 penalty to Will until the end of
In magical duels, they move such items to take shel-
ter behind them, or to deny such protection to their your next turn.
Simple Animation Wizard Utility 2
Atyour command, an ordinary object sprin&s to life and moves
where you bid.
Encounter + Arcane
Move Action Ranged 10
Target: One Medium or smaller object that is not fastened in
place or held by a creature
Effect: The target animates until the end of your next turn,
and you slide it up to 5 squares. While the target is ani-
mated by this power, you can move it farther by sliding it
up to 5 squares as a move action.
Sustain Move: The animation persists until the end of your
next turn, and you slide the target up to 5 squares.
CHAPTER 3 I Classes
Level 5 Daily Powers Level 6 Utility Powers
Foe to Frog In stories and folk tales, witches Evanesce W hen a wizard casts this spell, he
transform unfortunate mortals into toads, mice , and or she does not reappear immediately. Some believe
other tiny animals. Foe to jro9 turns a powerful threat that you exist for a moment removed completely from
into a tiny, harmless creature of the wizard 's choice. time and space.
Foe to Frog Wizard Attack 5 Evanesce Wizard Utility 6
A billowinB cloud ofareenfoB surroundsyour fo e. When thefoB The instant you f eel your enemy's attack,you vanish in a puffof
dissipates, your enemy is sane, and a minuscule creature such as black smoke.
afroB, a newt, or a mouse stands in its place. Daily + Arcane, Zone
Daily + Arcane, Implement, Polymorph, Transmutation Immediate Reaction Personal
Standard Action Ranged 10 Trigger: You are damaged by an attack.
Target: One creature Effect: You are removed from play until the start of your
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude next turn. The space you vacate becomes a zone that is
Hit: The target turns into a Tiny beast of your choosing heavily obscured and lasts until the end of the encounter.
(save ends). At the sta rt of your next turn, you reappear in a square of
Miss: The target turns into a Tiny beast of your choosing your choice up to 5 squares from the zone.
until the end of its next turn.
Effect: As a Tiny beast, the target is dazed, and the only
actions it can take are to move its speed or shift. All of
the target 's equipment transforms with it. If it takes BARD'S TALE:
damage from any source, this effect ends.
Once upon a time there was a young, brash, and
Savage Transformation When you cast spoiled eladrin prince whose parents left their
home to join the court of the Summer Queen,
savaae transformation, you turn your target into a bequeathing their castle in the Feywild to him. One
bestial, half humanoid monster driven by savage day, a traveler arrived at the gates of his castle. The
instincts. Use this power when your target is sur- foolish prince ordered his soldiers to turn the trav-
rounded by its allies, forcing your enemy to choose eler away, but they refused his order, and instead
between movement and taking damage from its escorted the man into the prince's audience cham-
friends. A brute is an especially good target for this ber. The man was old and gnarled, like an ancient
power. tree, and wore fu rs and a tattered suit of leather
armor. The man introduced himself as a bard from
Savage Transformation Wizard Attack 5 the mortal realm, and requested food and shelter
for the night. The prince refused and personally
You warp your enemy's form, chanBinBit into a monster cov- threw the bard out of the castle, mocking him the
entire way.
ered with coarse fur or scales, theflam es of savaBery burninB in
Months passed until the day that the prince
its eyes. found his castle besieged by cyclopses. The prince
sent messengers to nearby castles, requesting help,
Daily + Arcane, Implement, Polymorph, Transmutation but they were refused. When the walls ofthe castle
fell, the prince and his retainers fled into the forest-
Standard Action Ranged 10 There, they came upon a group of satyrs, lounging
by the riverbank, and asked for shelter. The satyrs
Target: One creature also refused him. Finally, days later, the prince and
his few remaining retainers arrived at Senaliesse.
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Falling to his knees at his parents' feet, the young
prince said, "Forgive me, Icould not hold your castle
Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier damage, and you partially when none would come to my aid."
transform the target's mind and body into that of a sav- His father looked down upon him, then turned
his back, saying, "I have no son. My son died the day
age monster (save ends). Until this transformation e nds, he refused hospitality to a bard and lost the respect
of the entire kingdom."
the target must make an opportunity attack against any
creature that willingly leaves a square adjacent to it, and
if any creature ends its turn adjacent to the target, the
target must use a free action to deal damage to that crea-
ture equal to 5 +your Intelligence modifier.
Miss: Half damage, and the target must make an
opportunity attack against any creature that willingly
leaves a square adjacent to it until the end of your next
C H APTE R 3 I Cla ss es
To even the odds a9ainst a pair ofcyclops guards, a witch changes one ofthem into afroB
Oracular Maneuver With their powers of Level 7 Encounter Powers
prophecy, witches witness briefflashes of events that Puckish Sprite The puckish sprite spell con·
might come to pass. Oracular maneuver enables you to
take action in response to such a vision. jures forth a glimmering fey creature, or at least an
impressive simulacrum of one, that grabs an enemy
Oracular Maneuver Wizard Utility 6 and whisks it a short distance away, causing it to
attack one ofits companions. Before the sprite van-
You witnessed this encounter in a dream, and you told your ishes, it dances around, taunts your enemies, and
companions that it would come to pass. otherwise distracts them from their tasks.
Encounter + Arcane
Immediate Reaction Close burst 5
Trigger: An enemy ends its turn within 5 squares of you. Puckish Sprite Wizard Attack 7
Effect: You and each ally in the burst can shift 1 square as
a free action. You callforth a mischievous fey creature, aalow with fairy liaht
and as meddlesome as a satyr.
Revitalizing Charm With a sprinkled Encounter+ Arcane, Conjuration, Implement, Radiant
handful of dried herbs and a briefincantation, you Standard Action Ranged 10
cause the subject of your spell to reach deep into his Target: One creature
or her reserves ofinner strength.
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
Hit: 1d1 0 + Intelligence modifier radiant damage. You
Revitalizing Charm Wizard Utility 6 slide the target up to 2 squares, and it makes a basic
attack as a free action against a creature of your choice.
You crumble enchanted herbs betweenyourfina ers and command Effect: You conjure a puckish sprite in an unoccupied square
yourflaaaina companion to steel herselfor himselffor battle.
adjacent to the target. The sprite lasts until the end of your
Daily + Arcane next turn. Any enemy of yours adjacent to the sprite takes
Minor Action Ranged 5 a -4 penalty to attack rolls.
Target: You or one ally
Effect: You remove one effect from the target that a save
can end.
CHAPTER 3 I Classes
Vile Vermin This spell causes swarms ofskit- Level 10 Utility Powers
tering, crawling creatures to answer the spellcaster's Witch Thorns Your expertise with plants,
call. These creatures bite, sting, and nip at a chosen
foe , harrying enemies that get too near to the swarm. herbs, and the powers of transformation has given
you insight into a sp ell that creates a climbing wall of
Vile Vermin Wizard Attack 7 twisting black thorns that expands and grows m adly
in all directions. Many a witch has cast this spell to
The around seems to burst upward as a surae ofcentipedes, beetles, bar intruders or to create a temporary sh elter in the
rats, and snakeswork their way to the surface around yourfo e. wild.
Encounter + Arcane, Implement, Poison
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature Witch Thorns Wizard Utility 1 0
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex As you utter the command word, the veaetation at your f eet
writhes like snakes, twistina into a hiah wall ofblack thorns that
Hit: 2d1 0 + Intelligence modifier poison damage. snaa those who try to pass throuah it.
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, any enemy that ends
its turn adjacent to the target takes 5 poison damage.
Daily+ Arcane, Transmutation, Zone
Level 9 Daily Powers Standard Action Area wall 3 within 10 squares
Fool's Charm The fool's charm sends a creature Effect: The wall creates a zone that lasts until the end of
carelessly wandering about, heedless of any possible the encounter. The zone can be up to 4 squares high and
danger. Wizards who wish to rid themselves of trou-
blemakers place the charm upon them and send them must be on a solid surface. The zone can provide partial
out near cliffs, down into mine shafts, or into the sea.
cover and blocks line of sight. The zone is difficult terrain,
and when any enemy attempts to leave a square in the
zone, the creature must succeed on a saving throw or
be immobilized until the start of its next turn_ Once per
round as a minor action, you can expand or contract the
zone by 2 squares in any direction.
Fool's Charm Wizard Attack 9 Special: If the zone is created in an area of natural
You turn your implement round and round, invokina the words vegetation, the zone's squares can be attacked, and
to the charm that will rob your enemy ofall tactical sense.
it doesn 't vanish at the end of the encounter, instead
Daily + Arcane, Charm, Enchantment, Implement, remaining until destroyed. Each square of the zone
Psychic has 25 hit points and vulnerable 10 fire and can be hit
Standard Action Ranged 20 automatically by any attack, but it is immune to forced
Target: One creature moveme nt, all conditions, and attacks that target Will.
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Level 13 Encounter Powers
Hit: 3d8 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and you Improved Dread Presence Fear can
slide the target up to a number of squares equal to your b e a potent power in any spellcaster's arsenal. W hen
you unleash the fury ofyour presence upon your
Wisdom modifier. The target also takes ongoing 5 psy- enemies, you not only make them want to fle e b efore
you , but can also cause them to quake with such fear
chic damage (save ends). that they seem unable to do more than cringe at the
sight ofyou .
Each Failed Saving Throw: You slide the target up to a
number of squares equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Miss: Half damage, and you slide the target up to a
number of squares e qual to your Wisdom modifier.
Hex of Madness Mortal creatures seldom Improved Dread Presence Wizard Attack 13
realize how close th eir fragile minds rest to the brink
of madness. This power nudges them over the edge.
Hex of Madness Wizard Attack 9 You becom e aareat shadow made manifest, a thina ofnia ht-
mare that causes your enemies to cower beforeyou.
You incite a mob ofyour enemies, turnin& them into afrenzy of Encounter + Arcane, Fear, Implement, Necrotic,
ravina madness.
Nethermancy, Zone
Daily + Arcane, Enchantment, Implement, Psychic, Zone Standard Action Close blast 5
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares Target: Each creature in the blast
Target: Each enemy in the burst Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier necrotic damage, and the
Hit: 2d12 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage. target is slowed until the end of your next turn.
Miss: Half damage. Effect: The blast creates a zone that lasts until the end of
Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end your next turn. Any enemy that ends its turn in the zone
of your next turn. Each enemy that ends its turn in the takes necrotic damage equal to your 5 +your Wisdom
zone takes psychic damage equal to 2 +your Intellige nce modifier.
modifier. Special: All damage from this attack and its effect ignores
Sustain Minor: The zone persists until the end of your next the first 1 0 points of necrotic resistance.
C HAP TER 3 I C lasses
Keldar sits enchanted upon a throne ofthorns in the Brokenstone Vale,
while Nistyncia attempts to draa him away before a as fills the chamber
Improved Glorious Presence When Level 15 Daily Powers
you release the energy bound within you, it no longer Charm of the Dark Dream You can
flashes quickly and vanishes. Instead, the very world
around you seems to warp with the impression you change into the form of a dream to haunt your
made on it, causing vestiges of your prowess to linger enemies and drive them to madness and murder.
long enough to inspire your allies. Wizards in the Shadowfell cast this spell to eliminate
their enemies without a trace.
Improved Glorious Presence Wizard Attack 13
The bri&ht li&ht ofthe full moon erupts from within you, leavin& Charm of the Dark Dream - Wizard Attack 15
thousands of&litterin& motes offaint li&ht lin&erin& nearby. As a wisp ofblack smoke, you enter your enemy's mind and
Encounter + Arcane, Charm, Enchantment, Implement, control it with sinister whispers.
Radiant Daily + Arcane, Charm, Enchantment, Implement,
Standard Action Close burst 2 Psychic
Target: Each enemy in the burst Standard Action Ranged 5
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Target: One creature
Hit: 3d6 + Intelligence modifier radiant damage, and you Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
push the target up to a number of squares equal to your Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and the
Wisdom modifier. target is dominated (save ends). Until the domination .
Effect: You and each ally in the burst gain temporary hit ends, you are removed from play. You can end the domi-
points equal to your Wisdom modifier+ one-half your nation at the start of your turn. When you return to play,
level. you appear in an unoccupied space within 5 squares of
the target.
Miss: Half damage, and you are removed from play until
the start of your next turn. When you return to play, you
appear in an unoccupied space within 5 squares of the
CHAPTER 3 [ Classes
Hex of Woe The hex ofwoe is used by wizards Tides of Fate Wizard Utility 16
to make themselves appear mighty before their ene- With a cry to your mighty patron, you alter the course offate,
mies. The charm quenches the spirit ofyour enemy, turning the tables on your enemies.
removing its will to fight, thus granting your allies a
momentary advantage. Daily + Arcane, Aura
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You activate an aura 3 that lasts until you end it as
Hex ofWoe Wizard Attack 15 a minor action or until you fall unconscious. Any ally who
\.vhen you complete the spell, yoUY foe resigns itselfto the chill fails a skill check in the aura gains a +2 bonus the next
ofdeath, leaving holes in its defenses.
time he or she makes the same kind of skill check, and
any ally who fails a saving throw in the aura gains a +2
Daily + Arcane, Cold, Implement, Necromancy, Necrotic power bonus to his or her next saving throw. Any enemy in
Standard Action Ranged 10 the aura that hits you or an ally in the aura grants combat
Target: One creature advantage until the end of its next turn.
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
Hit: 4d1 0 + Intelligence modifier cold and necrotic Level 17 Encounter Powers
damage. Choking Shadow Some witches can draw
Miss: Half damage. upon the dark ofmoonless nights to animate their own
shadows with necrotic energy. Many a murder has
Effect: The target gains vulnerable 5 to all damage (save been committed in this way, with shadows material-
izing above their sleeping victims and strangling them
ends). before drifting away to reunite with their masters.
Level 16 Utility Powers Choking Shadow Wizard Attack 17
Mare's Body When you need to travel swiftly Your shadow separatesfrom you andflits across the ground to
throttle your enemy with spindly talons made offreezing darkness.
across the battlefield or make a quick overland jour-
ney, mare's body grants you additional legs. You can
even transport a companion who can fight from your
Encounter + Arcane, Cold, Conjuration, Implement,
Mare's Body Wizard Utility 16 Necrotic, Nethermancy
You partially transform your body into that of a swift horse, a Standard Action Ranged 20
monstrous spider, a scaly lizard, or an even stranger creature.
Target: One creature
Effect: You conjure your shadow in an unoccupied square
Daily +Arcane, Polymorph, Transmutation adjacent to the target. The shadow lasts until the end of
Minor Action Personal your next turn or until the target is not adjacent to it. The
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you transform your shadow then makes the following attack against the target.
body from the waist down into the body of a creature with Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
more than two legs, such as a horse, a lizard, or a giant Hit: 2d1 0 + Intelligence modifier cold and necrotic dam-
spider. While in this form, you retain your equipment and age, and the target is immobilized until the end of your
gain +4 power bonus to speed. When you move willingly, next turn.
you can choose one adjacent ally, and for each square you Miss: Half damage, the target is slowed until the end of
move you can pull that ally 1 square. Your size category your next turn, and you cannot sustain the shadow.
also increases by one (from Medium to Large, for instance); Sustain Standard: The shadow persists until the end of
however, your weapons do not grow, and when you use your next turn or until the target is not adjacent to it, and
a close power, you must choose a single square in your the shadow repeats the attack against the target.
space as its origin square. You can end this form as a minor
action. Night Tempest Now that you have mastered
Tides of Fate As the beneficiary of arcane the night wind, you can control its temper, inciting it
to destruction or calming it to a gentle breeze. When
might from a powerful entity, you can call upon it enemies press upon you, you can call down a wind-
to sway the balance of fortune in your favor. As the storm to sweep them away.
moon pulls the tides of the ocean, so you bring luck
back to your allies ,just as those who oppose you learn Night Tempest Wizard Attack 17
too late that it is bad luck indeed to tangle with you.
Your will is as strong as the chilling wind that comes at your
call, grasping your enemies and tossing them like toys.
Encounter + Arcane, Cold, Evocation, Implement
Standard Action Close blast 5
Target: Each creature in the blast
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence modifier cold damage, and you
push the target up to 5 squares and knock it prone.
Miss: Half damage, and you can push the target 1 square.
CHAPTER 3 I Classes
Level 19 Daily Powers Level 22 Utility Powers Vl
Fragile Form Wizards use fraaile form to Preserving Sleep The powerful preservina a:
transform their enem ies into dolls m ade of flimsy, sleep spell places an enchantment on the subject at WJ
easily destroyed materials. A spark or a flame typi- the moment death would take it, putting it in a deep
cally consumes such creatures so quickly that there slumber until it can be awakened to life. Some wiz- $
is little left of them by the time the spell has run its ards cast the spell on themselves, sleeping through
course. A wizard typically reserves this spell for an the ages to reawaken in an unsuspecting world that 0
enemy that poses so great a threat it must be elimi- believed them to be only legends.
nated quickly. 0..
Preserving Sleep Wizard Utility 22 0
Fragile Form Wizard Attack 19 With words as soft as fallin& wains ofsand, your spell places 0:
the subject into a deep slumber, preservin& itfrom death.
With a word, you transform your enemy's body into a livin& dol! <
made ofslass, dry paper, or threadbare doth.
WJ :::::-..
Daily + Arcane
Daily+ Arcane, Implement, Polymorph, Transmutation Immediate Interrupt Ranged 20
Standard Action Ranged 10 Trigger: You or an ally within 20 squares of you dies.
Target: One creature Target: The triggering character
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Effect: The target does not die. All harmful effects end
Hit: 3d8 + Intelligence modifier damage, and you trans· on him or her, and the target's hit points reset to 0. The
form the target's physical form into glass, paper, cloth, or target falls into a stasis that resembles sleep. In this state,
another fragile material (save ends). Until the transforma· the target does not age, although he or she can be killed,
tion ends, the target is slowed and the target gains your and the target is immune to hunger, thirst, poison, dis-
choice of vulnerable 10 to all damage or vulnerable 15 ease, and suffocation. This stasis lasts until th e target is
fire. healed.
Miss: Half damage, and the target gains vulnerable 5 to all
damage (save ends). Umbral Stride With this power you trans-
Mass Transformation Your mastery of form your being into shadow substance, allowing
you to merge with the darkness and transport
shapechanging nearly complete, you can now cast yourself from one creature's shadow to another.
spells you learned long ago in the form of power- Where the veil between shadow and the world is
ful incantations strong enough to reduce armies to thin, some wizards use this power to cross freely
flopping , scurrying creatures. Mass traniformation between planes.
removes several enemies from the battlefield, allow-
ing you to concentrate on one threat at a time. Umbral Stride Wizard Utility 22
Mass Transformation Wizard Attack 19 You chanse into an insubstantial entity that flits from shadow
to shadow.
When you utter the powerful command, your foes disappear in Daily + Arcane, Nethermancy, Teleportation
plumes ofsmoke, to be replaced byfross, mice, hermit crabs, or
some other tiny creatures. Minor Action Personal
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you are phasing,
Daily+ Arcane, Implement, Polymorph, Transmutation and you can use a move action to teleport up to 10
Standard Action Area burst 2 within 20 squares squares to a square adjacent to a creature that you can
Target: Each enemy in the burst see.
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude Sustain Minor: The effect persists until the end of your next
Hit: The target turns into a Tiny beast of your choice (save turn.
Aftereffect: The target takes 3d8 +your Intelligence modi- Level 23 Encounter Powers
fier damage from the transformation. Brutish Construct Many wizards spend
Miss: The target turns into a Tiny beast of your choice until months or years laboring over the construction of
artificial guardians. This spell enables you to bring
the end of its next turn. together pieces of debris, discarded materials, and
anything else that is lying around to build such a con-
Effect: As a Tiny beast, the target is dazed, and the only struct on the fly. This construct is stable enough to
last for only a short time, but before the bindings that
actions it can take are to move its speed or shift. All of the hold it together dissipate, it is capable oflanding at
least one great blow.
target's equipment transforms with it. If it takes damage
from any source, this effect ends.
CHA PT ER 3 I Classes