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Published by marketing, 2018-12-26 09:57:19

Jewish Exponent Dec. 27, 2018

Jewish Exponent Dec. 27, 2018

DECEMBER 27, 2018 / TEVET 19, 5779
Filmmaker explores push/pull of politics
and caring for his sick mother.




LOCAL Immigrant
Views Have
Kosher Eatery Become
Shuffle Continues Mainstream
in Bala Cynwyd
mainstay to debut.
A REPORT ISSUED by the Anti- The impact of the Tree of Life shootings in Pittsburgh was the dominant factor in 2018 in Jewish
Page 4 Defamation League’s Center on Extremism
concludes that anti-immmigrant views communities here and across the world. Jim Busis
LOCAL have become much more mainstream over
the past 10 years, which was the last time 2018: A Year of Sorrow,
How a Plaza the ADL did a report on this issue. Joy and Turmoil, Reflected
Got its Name in Stories
Name recognizes a The 52-page report said that the increase
Holocaust survivor. in anti-extremist rhetoric has been caused JED WEISBERGER | JE STAFF That was when suspect Robert Gregory
by “a concerted push by anti-immigrant Bowers, 46, burst into the service with
Page 5 groups, including President Trump, FOR JEWISH COMMUNITIES world- semiautomatic weapons, killing 11 wor-
using stereotypes and outright bigotry to wide, 2018 stopped while Shabbat morn- shipers and injuring seven. It was the
BOOKS blame immigrants for various problems ing services were underway in the Tree of deadliest attack ever on the Jewish com-
in America.” The report examines how Life building in the Squirrel Hill section munity in the United States.
Former Exponent views once only espoused in back chan- of Pittsburgh.
Staffers Write nels and behind closed doors have become Though two months have passed,
Kids’ Books accepted in everyday conversation.
Writers start a
new chapter in Titled “Mainstreaming Hate: The
their lives. Anti-Immigrant Movement in the U.S.,”
the report focuses on the way that such
Page 18 rhetoric has gained legitimacy, and why

Volume 203090
Number 307

Published Weekly Since 1887

See ADL, Page 13 See Review, Page 12


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IN THIS ISSUE 0N0U0M8B2E43R47:69500081709

Consider Sweden for your next
European trip.



Vaccine inventor dies while on cruise. Miriam’s
Advice Well
A woman asks a friend to be a brides-
National maid, but the friend — who just had her
own wedding — doesn’t reciprocate and
Global essentially snubs her. That leaves the
question-writer wondering whether she
14 OPINION should revoke the bridesmaid invitation.
Miriam weighs in with a couple di erent
Editorial scenarios. Miriam welcomes all
Columns questions. Email yours to news@
Kvetch ’n Kvell and put “Advice
The View Well Question” in the subject line.
from Here
17 LIFESTYLE bride-to-be/

Arts Caprese salad OPTIONS
Food versatile for all
The Plenty Café has a fan in food colum-
20 TORAH occasions. nist Keri White, who visited the Queen
COMMENTARY Village location and liked what she saw.
19 Aside from a comfortable interior, there’s
21 COMMUNITY a strong selection of breakfast and lunch
favorites, as well as specialty co ees
Jewish Federation and a full bar. Check out Philacatessen,
our food blog, for details. And check the
Calendar blog regularly for content not found in
the printed edition, including additional
Mazel Tov recipes, gift ideas, restaurant reviews and
food news from around the area.
Newsmakers ty-of-options/


Dec. 28 4:25 p.m.
Jan. 4 4:31 p.m.

2018 2100 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 SALES & MARKETING BUSINESS Andy Gotlieb, Managing Editor
MAIN PHONE NUMBER: Steven Rosenberg 215-832-0797
215-832-0700 Display: [email protected] Publisher’s Representative, [email protected]
215-832-0753; fax: 215-832-0785 General Manager, 215-832-0577
SUBSCRIPTIONS Liz Spikol, Senior Sta Writer
[email protected] Sharon Schmuckler, Director of Sales Cheryl Lutts 215-832-0747
215-832-0753 Director of Business Operations [email protected]
215-832-0710 [email protected] 215-832-0727
Jesse Bernstein, Sta Writer
JEWISH FEDERATION OF GREATER PHILADELPHIA Susan Baron Marie Malvoso, Finance Assistant 215-832-0740
Susanna Lachs Adler, Chair 215-832-0757, [email protected] 215-832-0770 [email protected]

Naomi L. Adler, President and CEO Taylor Orlin Subscriptions Jed Weisberger, Sta Writer
215-832-0732, [email protected] 215-832-0710 215-832-0737
Andrew L. Cherry, Chair Shari Seitz EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT
215-832-0702, [email protected] 215-832-0740 Selah Maya Zighelboim, Sta Writer
Jay Minko , Immediate Past Chair fax: 215-569-3389 215-832-0729
Robin Davidson [email protected]
Ken Adelberg, Lonnie Barish, Allison Benton, Justin Chairman, Elliot Curson, 215-832-0731, [email protected] News & Tips: [email protected]
Dayna Finkelstein, Nancy Astor Fox, Joan Gubernick, Shawn Neuman, PRODUCTION
CLASSIFIED Letters: [email protected] [email protected]
Hershel Richman, Rachael Rothbard Heller, Lee Rosenfield, Brett Studner classifi[email protected]
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Nicole McNally, 215-832-0750 Steve Burke, Art Director
classifi[email protected] Joshua Runyan, Editor-in-Chief
215-832-0744 Isaac McCoy, Graphic Designer
Jill Ra , 215-832-0749 [email protected]
classifi[email protected]



As Bala Cynwyd’s Dairy Cafe Closes,
New Pizzeria, Nana’s Kitchen to Open

LOCAL which closed on Dec. 17, they Zagafen will be owned by area Zagafen will occupy the same spot as the original
JED WEISBERGER | JE STAFF will gain Zagafen — a kosher restaurateur and philanthropist kosher restaurant Citron & Rose.
version of the popular Center David Magerman — owner of
WHEN ONE DOOR closes, City and University City pizza Citron & Rose Tavern and the Greater Philadelphia area is to Zagafen will occupy the same
another one opens — it’s a say- spot Zavino — in April, when Dairy Cafe — in partnership provide people who are strictly spot as the original kosher restau-
ing that’s apropos for kosher it is slated to open across the with Greg Dobbs of Zavino kosher the same culinary rant Citron & Rose, a venture
dining spots on Montgomery street at 370 Montgomery Ave. Hospitality Group (ZHG) as the opportunities [as] non-kosher Magerman pursued with Michael
Avenue in Bala Cynwyd. managing partner. It will be cer- people, and to o er them at a Solomonv and Steve Cook, which
Nana’s Kitchen, which cur- ti ed kosher under the auspices level of quality and service that moved and was recon gured as
While area diners searching rently operates at the Kaiserman of the Orthodox Union. is attractive to the entire com- the C&R Tavern & Market at 261
for kosher cuisine lost the Dairy JCC in Wynnewood, will move munity, Jewish or not, kosher Montgomery Ave.
Café at 321 Montgomery Ave., into the former Dairy Café “My main goal in operat- or not,’’ Magerman said.
space next month. ing kosher restaurants in the “As with the original Citron
“Zavino is a fantastic restau- & Rose,” Magerman said of
NAME: JEWISH FED. OF GREATER PHILA. (; WIDTH: 5.5 IN; DEPTH: 7.38 rant with a great menu and an Zagafen, “we hope to create
IN; COLOR: BLACK PLUS ONE; AD NUMBER: 00082530 appealing dining experience a restaurant that will bring
for its guests. With Zagafen, together people from all across
THIS YEAR, OUR JEWISH FEDERATION: we will be o ering a compara- the Philadelphia community.”
ble experience with a compara-
And so much more — but we can’t do it without your support. ble menu, but with everything As far as replacing the Dairy
Our communities are counting on you. Make your 2018 gift to being strictly kosher.” Café, Magerman is pleased by
the new tenant, Nana’s Kitchen,
the Jewish Federation before December 31st by visiting ZHG has worked closely which he characterized as “an or calling 215.832.3484. with Magerman on sev- excellent small kosher food
eral projects, both in the service and catering company.”
Together let’s Carry the Light. Philadelphia area and beyond.
“I knew that they were
“I own restaurants,’’ Dobbs interested in expanding into
said. “We feel we know the Bala a full-service restaurant, and
Cynwyd area and are lling they seemed a perfect t for the
a need.” location and the community. So
I approached Gladys Fink, the
Zagafen, unlike Zavino, will owner of Nana’s Kitchen, about
not have any meat on its menu. moving into the space, and she
jumped at the opportunity.”
e emphasis will be on vege-
tables and cheese. It will also Lee Senderowitsch, Fink’s
feature gluten-free items. daughter, will be the general
manager of the new restaurant,
“Zagafen will cater not only which will be called Nana’s
to kosher dietary needs, but Kitchen and Catering at Bala.
also to diners who are look-
ing for vegan and gluten-free “ is is a huge step for us,’’
options. If you are vegan or fol- Senderowitsch said. “We are
low a gluten-free diet, we feel working on the transition and
you will be quite satis ed with everything else we need to
this restaurant,” Dobbs said. do to get going. All our busi-
ness, catering, school lunches
While the menu will have will now come out of our new
some items from Zavino, obvi- location. We’re hoping to open
ously the non-kosher items will between mid- to late-January,
be eliminated. Dobbs believes but we don’t have an exact date.”
the majority of Zavino’s piz-
zas and many salad and pasta Senderowitsch said the
items will be available in Kaiserman JCC location will
strictly kosher fashion. remain open. ●

“ ere are a lot of combina- [email protected];
tions we can do with vegetables 215-832-0737
and cheese, mushrooms and
avocado,’’ Dobbs said.


Headlines NAME: D. ATLAS
Plaza’s Name Recognizes Holocaust Survivor PLUS ONE; AD

LOCAL of dawned on him how import- Plaza honors these two people: NUMBER: 00082368
ant my grandfather was to his Alan Horwitz, whose generous
life,” Adelman said. “He said it contribution helped make it

AS THE PROJECT to create a From left: David Adelman and wouldn’t feel right just having possible, and Sam Wasserman, Divorcing?
Holocaust memorial plaza at 16th his name on it. He wanted to whose story reminds us both Inherited Jewelry?
Street and Benjamin Franklin Alan Horwitz Photo provided share it with a great man.” to hope for the future and
Parkway drew to a close, Campus to never forget the past,” the Starting a
Apartments Chairman Alan two kids when the Nazis invaded. Wasserman never spoke plaque reads. College Fund?
Horwitz decided to step up and They were deported to concen- about his experience in the
contribute the $2 million naming tration camps. Wasserman’s wife Holocaust. It was only in Adelman said Wasserman We have the expertise,
gift — both as a proud father and and children died, but he escaped the last years of his life that would probably be embar- reputation and history
as a devoted son. and joined the resistance move- Adelman’s mother told him rassed by the attention, but
ment and fought as a partisan. about his grandfather’s past. Horwitz said Wasserman of buying jewelry
“If it was $2 million, it was Adelman had always felt that would be proud. for over 120 years.
$5 million, it was $10 million,” After the war, he was recov- his grandfather had a solem-
Horwitz said. “I was going ness to him. Finally, the pieces “He’s so proud of David. Are What We Buy: Fine Jewelry,
to make sure that this was were coming together. you kidding?” Horwitz said. Diamonds Rings, Color Gems, Top Brand
taken care of. [Philadelphia “Regardless of the name or the
“He was a really kind, gen- fact that David spent, what, 10 Watches, Gold & Platinum Jewelry
tle, quiet man,” Adelman said. years from day one with this
Holocaust Remembrance ering from a gunshot wound at a Since the plaza opened to the thing because of him, my God, D. Atlas Estates
Foundation Chairman] David hospital in Germany when he met public on Oct. 22, Adelman said he’d be so proud that he’s car- FINE JEWELRY
[Adelman’s] like my kid, and the woman he would marry. The he’s received inquiries about his rying on his grandfather’s life Buying Since 1898
whatever David ever needed, two had a daughter named Shelley, grandfather, both because of and everything that he went
I’m going to take care of it. ... who was born in a displaced per- the plaza’s name and because through.” l 610-245-3100
Me being so proud of David, sons camp. They moved to Israel, there’s a plaque at the plaza that
putting all this time — 10 then later to Philadelphia, where shares Wasserman’s story. [email protected]; 510 W. Lancaster Avenue

Haverford, PA 19041

years! — into something. Are his sister lived. “The name of this Memorial 215-832-0729
you kidding? My God, I did Wasserman’s wife became
what any parent that loves their best friends with Horwitz’s
child so much would do. You mother and, over time, the two THE PLAZANAME: WEST END FLATS; WIDTH: 5.5 IN; DEPTH: 5.5 IN; COLOR: BLACK
do for your kid. In this case, families grew close. Shelley was
I’m not only doing for my kid, also like a sister to Horwitz, PLUS ONE; AD NUMBER: 00082427
I’m doing for somebody that he said. When she had a son
Garage Parking | Complimentary Shuttle | Concierge Services

was an adopted father to me.” named David, Horwitz became JENKINTOWN, PA
Adelman is not literally like a father to him as well.
Horwitz’s son, just as Sam The biggest difference
Wasserman — the other person between Adelman’s relationship
whom the Horwitz-Wasserman with Horwitz and Horwitz’s
Holocaust Memorial Plaza’s relationship with Wasserman,
name pays tribute to — is not Adelman said, is that he and
literally Horwitz’s father. Horwitz are business partners
But Horwitz stepped into as well. Adelman is the CEO of
that role in Adelman’s life Campus Apartments, and he’s
after his parents got divorced, been helping out in the business
as Wasserman stepped into since he was a child. He even
that role in Horwitz’s life after invested his Bar Mitzvah money ALL INCLUSIVE
Horwitz’s father passed away in the company. He started
when he was only 10 years old. working there right after college. PREMIER
“We went to movies. We Adelman was inspired by his
went to sports events,” Horwitz grandfather to get involved with
said. “I would talk to him about the foundation and the plaza. NOW
my girl problems. Whatever it He said the foundation has been
is. Typical stuff you talk to your wanting to redevelop the site for
dad about. What David talks the last 12 years, but the proj- AVAILABLE
to me about all [those] years. I ect really came together in the
was like his dad. That’s the cra- last two or three. Horwitz got
ziness about it. It’s like history involved toward the end. 215.884.0700
repeats itself.” “After [Alan realized] he
Wasserman, who died in 1992, wanted to be involved in this
was a Holocaust survivor. He was and knew that I was doing this

living in Poland with a wife and to honor my grandfather, it kind


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Vaccine Inventor Zvi
Markus Dies at 86



ZVI MARKUS, a biologist Zvi Markus Photo provided Toast to Your Favorite Jam
whose accomplishments were
unknown to even those who Connecting people 62 and better to
knew him well, died Dec. 6 everything from cocktails to concerts
while on a cruise with his wife
of more than 50 years, Helene. working there, piling up patents Steps from live jazz and classical concerts. Right down the hall from
He was 86. along the way. He invented a vac- our Club Room & Bar. Minutes from the attractions of Abington
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by Henri, Heanue, or Hersh,
depending on the country — He spoke nine languages lock in 2018 entrance fee pricing.
was born in So a, Bulgaria in uently, and played violin —
1932. His father was a linguist, well enough to be in the Old 1515 The Fairway, Rydal, PA 19046 | 215-814-0420
and his work eventually took York Road Philharmonic — Find our schedule of fascinating events at
the family to Rhodes, Greece; until two weeks before he died
however, the rise of fascism then in his sleep. He was well-read, ture. Over the years it also “added a worldly dimension to “He had this genuine smile
chased them back to So a. and kept up with the news. He became a place for lively dis- the group.” all the time,” Stroiman said.
had, according to Rabbi Steve cussion and debate, and though “It’s not a plastered smile, it
In 1948, they made aliyah, Stroiman, lived the Jewish his- the Markuses never much cared To Stroiman, Zvi Markus was a genuine smile. He was
just months before the War tory that many of his friends to voice their opinions, let alone cut an avuncular gure; he a person who seemed content
of Independence broke out. read about. forcefully, their perspectives was slightly older, warm and with himself. I would use that
Markus served in the Israeli were deeply valued by the other knowledgeable about things that word. He seemed content with
army and remained a Zionist And yet Stroiman, a friend members of the Havurah. Stroiman had only read about. himself.” ●
throughout his life, solidly of the couple who eulogized To David Herman, Zvi was an
Labour in his outlook and a Zvi Markus, did not know “They were just very important part of the Havurah; [email protected];
regular Haaretz reader, accord- about many of his professional friendly and they t in imme- like Stroiman, he knew very lit- 215-832-0740
ing to those who knew him. accomplishments or biographi- diately,” Stroiman said. ey tle about Zvi Markus.
cal details until he sat down to
It was in Israel that his apti- consult Helene Markus for the
tude for biology was nurtured, eulogy. Why not?
and when he met his future wife
in the 1960s, he was seeking a “ at was work,” she said,
Ph.D. in microbiology in vaccine not something to be discussed
research at Hebrew University. in the group that she and her
Helene, born in Paris, was in husband belonged to with
Jerusalem on an NIH fellowship, Stroiman. “It was irrelevant.”
studying salivary secretion.
e Markuses belonged to
In the beginning, Helene the Unstructured Synagogue
said, he was “just someone to Havurah, an educational and
say to ‘hi’ to at lunch.” But soon social group of local Jewish cou-
they were married and moved ples now in its 48th year. It was
to Boston. While Zvi Markus originally founded as an alter-
conducted research at MIT, she native religious and social space
was across the Charles River for Jewish couples who wanted,
at Harvard University Medical as the name suggests, less struc-
School, doing the same.

ey settled in Elkins Park,
where they raised their two
sons, Elliot and Maurice. Helene
Markus worked at Temple
University as a researcher, while
Zvi Markus worked for Merck,
Sharp & Dohme Pharmaceutical
Company. He spent decades


Help Us Make Israel Safer

JtHooHHinperteeohlvllepppidIserUUUaveitslssaBlloMyMMnndesaaeDdkkoeeedubalmIIessMbrrruiaaltaazeenvecallehlsSSCStaaaoamIffsfpeeraaerreigrl.n Headlines

JtoJJottooioonpiinnpprtohrrttoohhvevveeidiiIddsIIessreerravaavveieetiilttllaaaBBBlllollyooyynnnnnndddeeessseeDDddooeedduubbaallmmeeme MMbbMbuuuiiillttltaazzaznnvvnvccaacaeehhehsssCCCttaatooaommIImssIppsrrpaaaaraaeeiiggeillg..nnl.n NEWSBRIEFS

Each year, Magen David Adom, Israel’s national ambulance, disaster- ACLU Sues Texas Regarding its Anti-BDS Law
relief, and blood-services agency answers more than 4.8 million A 2017 TEXAS LAW that prohibits government contractors from
BeoaerEmmfeematcerEooreElbeheeciammeaafferhuellugcciittfreeeel,hhghhsysaeffrraeeeete,,ggnnyyanaaansseeeecoctdnnttrcaanneey,faaddyrrccb’sMtt,,tsceeyyhcbblMMaao8’’aaisscclllsoo.ogaallaay888slooggisllde..enlla88mssddeen-acansnn--aammnrirsseDdlenn.deeDDlriiiddadllMvorrtllaatvviiviroonrttcvvbiiaiDrraccdiinneaavddleepvAesvveppAesseAAeelaweelisdaaollsddgssooggoopmoomenppmmeermlmmnokellonnoeeoocl,.tcc,,ror..rryeIeyyIIeeasassaraarrttdttgaaahnhnnhh,eeeoasassaaIlllwwwvnnnn’’s’sssereee5555nnnarrrrnaassammsemmttmtmmlmiiiiiooiillonlllleooliinnloinooienorroaareeannetnllnldaattammatmhhmmmghsmaaiillaiebbeeinnallbennessuub44suclls4tto..aaloo88yt.atnnuo,8onmmssccstaamsceeosiiavv1e,,llallieeviiidd,l0vootleidiill0eonnssdiivvilaansieleenvssiavpsstteeseeeeswtrrse--nrd- s engaging in boycotts of Israel is under fire from the American Civil
IosBonrafeBBaoatetchmmneehlae’ccesbbtuaahgsuussuueettllessaarageeenonnteeefccoont’eertffssoehsstt.8rshhiosaa.iii8tsssiyyyniiimteennycoccaarifolerrrrleep..ifdoddMMpeinbiieobbDDloppellAAeepelwelowwiiessoplooilnnrkilrrkkeookkeel.llttoooyyaaaaoodddgguu,,,ooIIIttvvsssooeerrraarrpapnneeeuummlltltnneemnmeenneoeettoerddaaedreggsssleeiaalfainnebbfbeccsooayysouu,,vaussttivnoot11ign1ii00ttgv000dde0veehnneppieencheewwleeinncwsddleosssnon Liberties Union (ACLU), which claims it violates free speech rights,
AammoIsenbrrautiechllae’sngscteFerenrseeieatrson.ysdeitsyaoro.ffMpMDeaoAgpilesennliokDetaayvoigduotvAoedprnoummt meanontredagliIfesernsacaeyv,linsBgoovinteddhisecplaeersneodns JTA reported.
poanrIsttrnhaeerl’gisnesgtnreteorotgss.eittyhoefrpteoospalevelikleivyeosuintoIspruateml.ore lifesaving vehicles on
IsrAamel’esrsictraeneFtsr.iends of Magen David Adom and Israel Bonds are The ACLU filed suit on Dec. 19.
InvpAesamtrteinreicarai3nn-gyFrtroiSeganebdtrshaeobrfotMnodasga(emvneinDlimvaevusidminA$Id1sor,0am0e0la.,ntdheIsnra$e1l0B0oindcrseamreents) and “This lawsuit is about fundamental First Amendment rights,
aWdrerIpAneneghdadmrWIIaWrpvgienneerseniaiwtcvvengghhtsdsrneeeatriiieettsstlesseitrwnlnnhttciittrnreeoeiriaetiiittleirrnnrlnnhhtnatcibiirgeenotttaaeoc3Foogtt:cebb-g33troo:nyoAorooi--tnA::erdeyygomnngAAirrnmSmsnzgddemmSSedaeimesszeotaabrseeehtIrmmibbnsarchirreocaIrrryiitasaaeccaaaarufrttnbaarienanuurbbtMnnoeetloFrrooFoeeo,nlBFFarnnr,,BsiuAdrriogseddeiiAAaoreeaFnen(nvFF((nnnmvcMmmdnddeMMdoddesissiiDsDnssmlnnDDliPoioiPvooiiAavmAAmmmeffeeffevnuMwnMuuMMwwsusidnmnmmniiiiiaaaalllssnnllliAggggyyt$$$pppylIleeIeed11v1sv.uusunna,,nnr,aorrr000ranccancDDm00D0Dhheiehi00a0aaaaalaal,,a.vva,.dssvvttdsiieetnhhidduiehddudeeraaeAAirannnAnnAinIddnngsd$$aadoog$r11mmaoaaomm100mname0bbm00nl0auubiimBnnllauiaanccomlbnnarrcncceeurbneedemmlacumsffneeelooacnnaerrfnettronIIsscesstr))errsaaaaI)seennarllddanedl which protect us all from having the government use its power
nYshoaWdeanueedYnYadhrddrdooneieeenigduueddwcnogrrdiiiaiwffcctlggttilaahoeiniiiloorttffelfmeiittntfoorecheoobeannmoccefforeoccvggeaanmeeregrnedevvgrrhniieeeenmszetiimmhhezccznmoeviiylcccooeIansayllImnneeshrytfamryyoueaffioeoonrriieednnelfrrMdloi,’’snnnsiiiifldddsseliiiaayttytspyyyAAsAlslhv..v.uddiadia,frfnooncsoyyimmahoiamoavauudiiids’nssir’ueseurgttrehhrtiasnihaeennisgteigtlggtaiatnfgiimaieffngnttin.fbgaootnaumffoenmlllxfabiiefftbneeluxitfcultotteaeooltnatotfchnIIoosseectrrrhaaIedsIeesrrllariiidvasseeeriilinnrilv,seinr, to force us to choose one side or another in a public debate,” said
2THonsTY6ahooe7rn2THHs2sTpauo.ehhoo66pe4aaarrdlaa77ie4adrrrppngrroo..td3r44oiigaaitnnillFc.44fddifrro2.ggctitti33epnii0fMiFFocc..piim22..e1anniitfppaa00MMm0theattet11aarehheceaar•00ttvgeeieeurrrmnie8ccg••ensmmiiuuh0enni,tn88ttssih0iinEzc00chtt,,tte.zzcvhhyl00xe7EEevvyaee..e5xxcm77aahcfmceea255hhccoaeuccomaa.22emr5ooduutmm..fd556Miffpttipvpc66iiipp7ppvvcaeaaa77i1aaeeaiikiikkg11lgiiDglugguu•DDcecn••nainnaaaanriihcrrcchherooreeoohaehheDaacrrccrrr..rrtnonnttafoofffIoIooooooteteevlll’’rdrrddssrrirrfffdeee•••...mmmmaammmssssAsIIIhhhoossoosaaai,,drri,rrrfrrfraareeasscceseocyeeyaauueaoumiiollivvinnssvlnnusiiBBu@@ffinnBf@n’oofioo’orsoggiiroegrrssnniermmrtsrrnmaaddmshaaarsdaaiasseeelltaiiiattlttsefflliPPititbbeeftgooniliePieeob..nooonnig.fnnengno,,tnnnnn,ddppno,nssenpsslldpyyfeeex..slllccslelaatvvxyieoo.faassatltceavmmeeonnstoaseoiitcctaamenohooctiRRechannIoseeoettdnrRaaggnatrdcceiiiaetoovttragc::lenniicvtisro:,eti:nnr, Edgar Saldivar, a senior staff attorney for the ACLU of Texas.
Harold F. Marcus, Executive Director • Israel Bonds Pennsylvania Region “Whatever you may think about boycotts of Israel, the bottom line
267.443.2010 • 800.752.5671 • [email protected] is that political boycotts are a legitimate form of nonviolent pro-
test. The state cannot use the contracting process as an ideological
DDeveeveloloppmmeenntt CCoorrppoorraattiioonnffoorrIsIrsaraelel litmus test or to tell people what kind of causes they may or may
HHaDraeorvoledlldoFp.F.mMMeaanrrtccuCuso,rpEoxeracctuuiottinivveefoDDrirIiesrercatcoetlror not support.”
ShSahroarnonRiRchicmhHmaanaronaldanndFd. AMArariirScSiuirsn,eEr,xeRceeuggtiisvsteteerDreeidrdeRcRetoperperseesnetnataivteivses Texas was the 20th state approving a law to counter the boycott,
phipplahhdii1llSaae5hddl11ap0ee55rh0llopp00inahhW00ii@RaaWWa@@ilicaansHhDlliirunnssmaaerrtuueraavattoSleeenblSStllldbb.ootta,..oopnF,,nSnn.mdSSduddMuusieAss.tii..attcnercceeoirtooc1Sm11mmCui33rosn00•,••re22pEr222,ox••111Rera55c5ePPPtu..g.hh55ih5otii44siill4nvlaat55aee5dd..fdr88ee.oeD8ell33rdppil388rpIhhRes800hiirceaa0ait••pa,,oe•rPP,lr88eAAPs008Ae00110n..990177t11a.955700t122i522v..0e5522s66.57761171 divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel. But the
ThfuisllyTTishhffeuuiinssvlllloayyiisstleeunnavvaoonaatttlleuuoaaaatfnnhftteeeeoorttffirhhffneeieesgrrkii,rrnnsiiwssggkkap,,hssswwhiscaaihholhSssaiicsshccdc1ooihhaaeacc5rtlcciinop0eaaaandhtt0nnbeeieRaddWwbb@ieemwwciathlmmhiiiansttmhhdraauianaeddtiiennvneeSloevvbtaooeens.onn,nsstlniyttllSdniiyydnnubgAsbbggiy.tyyriceiiniponnppS1rmrrIIIiosoo3ssrrnsrrss0•aaapppe2eeeeeer2,lllccc•1Rbbbtttuu5uooeoPss.nnsgnh..5.ddiidRR4sRlssatsee..5ee.daaII.arssI8eddesssdl3sduupttuhh8eethRheeess0ieaessspp•p,uusrrprPoobbu8erAssjjobs0eeppesjcc01eeepntt.9ccce7ttttt1aoouuc50tttss2aaiou2vccvv.se5aaaasrr6ciivlleeaaaa7ffbbriuu1leiialllllfiiyybuttyyibbll..liyeetMMffyboo.eerremmMeefobbiiennreemevvrreebFFissnIIettNNviirnneRRFggsAAItNtt..ioonRgAt.o legality of those laws has been called into question, and courts have
struck down two of them.
This is not an offering, which can be made only by prospectus. Read the prospectus carefully before investing to
fully evaluate the risks associated with investing in Israel bonds. Issues subject to availability. Member FINRA. Reform Rabbinical College Chooses
Non-Rabbi as its 13th President
Your Solution for Peace of Mind Political science professor Andrew Rehfeld — who is not a
rabbi — was chosen as the 13th president of the Hebrew Union
“ e help you have given us can only be described as priceless. If I have any regret, it is in not having made the connection earlier.” –W.D.R. JR., CLIENT’S SON College-Jewish Institute of Religion, JTA reported.

Our highly qualified and trained professionals will help you navigate It will be the first time the college has not been led by a rabbi. Rehfeld
the medical maze when caring for loved ones. will begin at the Reform movement’s flagship seminary in April. He
succeeds Rabbi Aaron Panken, who died in a plane crash in May. Former
GERIATRIC CARE MANAGEMENT • SPECIAL NEEDS President Rabbi David Ellenson has been serving as interim president.
Rehfeld, 52, has been an associate professor of political science at
Complete Care Strategies A Division of Elder Connections Washington University in St. Louis since 2001 and has also led the
Jewish Federation of St. Louis since 2012.
Innovative Care Management. Patient Advocacy. Home Care. Lenny Dykstra Now Studying Torah
Troubled former Phillies centerfielder Lenny Dykstra now studies
Torah every Wednesday, according to the New York Post.

Dykstra studies with Rabbi Shmuel Metzger, who runs the
Chabad at Beekman-Sutton, in the basement of a wine shop on New
York’s East Side.

“I’m on a spiritual journey,” he told the Post, adding that he has
no plans to convert. “I’m trying to find if God exists. I want to deal
with people who are smarter than me.”

Since his playing days ended, Dykstra has owned a car wash,
offered financial advice, written his memoirs, served prison
time and was arrested earlier this year for alleged cocaine and
methamphetamine possession and for menacing an Uber driver.

Julian Edelman Honors Pittsburgh Shooting
Victims by Wearing Tribute Cleats
New England Patriots wide receiver Julian Edelman — whose father
is Jewish — wore special cleats during a game on Dec. 16 against
the Pittsburgh Steelers to honor Tree of Life shooting victims,
JTA reported.

Edelman’s cleats included the words “The Tree of Life” in
Hebrew, the logo of the Tree of Life*Or L’Simcha Congregation and
an Israeli flag, with the hashtag #strongerthanhate. In a tweet that
included a photograph the cleats, he also listed the 11 victims of the
Oct. 27 attack.

The Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Boston sponsored the
cleats. Patriots owner Robert Kraft, who is Jewish, visited Tree of
Life and attended Shabbat services there ahead of the game. l


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First Ethiopian Pilot Starts with Israel Air Force Grant Plaza II: 1619 Grant Ave., Phila., PA 19115
A MAN KNOWN AS Lt. Y will become the first Ethiopian pilot ph: 215-673-6000 fax: 215-676-5927
in the Israel Air Force (IAF), The Jerusalem Post reported on Dec. 19. email: [email protected]

Lt. Y will be a navigator on IAF jets. SPECIALS
About 140,000 Ethiopian Jews live in Israel, but have had diffi-
culties in integrating into Israeli society since arriving via Operation Wednesday, December 26 - Tuesday January 1
Moses and Operation Solomon in the mid-1980s to early 1990s. Look for our specials on our website & by email
Lt. Col. Dr. Avraham Yitzhak became the military’s high-
est-ranking Ethiopian in the military in 2016 after he was WE ARE LET US CATER YOUR HOLIDAY PARTY!!!
appointed the chief medical officer of the army’s Southern OPEN
Command. He was also the first Ethiopian Israeli serving as a FREE MINIATURE DANISH & COOKIES WITH ANY MEAT,
28 Czech Police Dogs Arrive in Israel DAY
Twenty-eight Czech police dogs, including Malinois and German OFFER VALID THROUGH NEW YEAR’S DAY.
shepherds, arrived in Israel on Dec. 19 to begin a six-month
When those dogs are trained, they will join about 260 already EXTRA SPECIAL
working for the police. The dogs will be used in a variety of ways, such
as locating missing persons and uncovering illegal drug shipments. WE ALSO OF-LB
Israel Tour by Pink Floyd Tribute Band Back On BY THE LB.
The cover band UK Pink Floyd Experience reversed course Dec. $799SALAMI CATERLIBNG SALAMI
18, two days after announcing that it was canceling an upcom- KOSHER FER MANYHEBREW NATIONAL KOSHER
ing Israel tour because of pressure from original Pink Floyd
co-founder Roger Waters, a boycott, divestment and sanctions BROEAESFT $699FISH TRAYS •TRAYS:BYTHELB. BROEAESFT
(BDS) movement proponent, JTA reported.
The band, which had scheduled shows in Tel Aviv, Haifa DELICIOUS GARLIC
and Beersheba, said on its website that it was “obliged to ful-
fill our contractual obligation” and would “perform a one- LB.
off special concert together with Israeli Pink Floyd Tribute BY THE LB.
Band ‘Echoes.’”
The band also said its members regret “the upset caused TBURREKAESYT $699PURE BREAST TBURREKAESYT
by all of this, it was far from our intention to stir up all this LB.
anger and hatred, when the opposite was what was intended. In BY THE LB.
hindsight, it was very naive to think our motives would not be $1199NOVA SCOTIA HAND CUT
misunderstood and misrepresented.” LOX - LOX REGULAR
Yair Netanyahu Blocked by Facebook 1/2LB. LOX - LOX
The account of the son of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin BY THE 1/2LB.
Netanyahu was blocked by Facebook after he shared “banned”
content that called for the avenging of Israeli deaths by Palestinian ICEBERG DELICIOUS EATING SWEET EATING DELICIOUS EATING
terrorists, JTA reported on Dec. 17. LETTUCE
Yair Netanyahu called Facebook “thought police” in a post criticiz- HONEY CRISP ONIONS NAVEL
ing the removal of previous content and reposted some of that content 99¢
with screenshots — circumventing the social media site’s controls. EA. 99APPLES 79¢ ORANGES
A week earlier, a Yair Netanyahu post labeled the press, left- ¢ LB.
wing NGOs and politicians as “traitors.” He suggested that all LB. 10 FOR
Muslims leave Israel in another post.
Housing Starts Drop in West Bank 1$ 69 BAG
Housing starts in the disputed West Bank dropped sharply in
the third quarter of 2018, according to statistics released by the
Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics, The Jerusalem Post reported.
Housing starts dropped 52 percent between the second and
third quarters. In addition, housing starts were down 17 percent
during the first three quarters of 2018 compared to the same
period in 2017 — despite the right-wing government, which is
considered pro-settlement.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he would accelerate
settlement construction in the wake of several recent terror attacks. l



Stockholm and Dalarna, Sweden

T R AVEL beautiful countryside of cen- tourist. Highlights include The Dala horse is the symbol of Dalarna province. It is found in arts,
tral Sweden and the province mountains, hotels carved out
JEFF AND VIRGINIA ORENSTEIN | of Dalarna on this trip. of ice and a tree hotel, dog crafts and toys and legend throughout the region. Here is a large version in
JE FEATURE sledding, reindeer, fly fishing
Central Sweden, composed for salmon and char, the north- Mora, on Lake Siljan. Photos by Jeff Orenstein
IF YOU ARE LOOKING for a of the provinces of Dalarna and ern lights, skiing, hiking and
beautiful, prosperous and hospi- Varmland, is fairly close to the nearly 24 hour daylight in the The trendy pedestrian-friendly shopping street of Drottninggatan is one
table European country to visit, capital and worthy of extended late spring and early summer. of the must-do highlights of Stockholm.
you should consider Sweden. exploration. We explored
Dalarna in depth, all the way to Before You Go, Check Out: The sculpture of mama bear and her cubs adorn the trail entrance
This vast nation has a ski country and Norway. • to beautiful and remote Fulufjallet National Park, adjacent to the
wonderful mixture of wide- • Norwegian border.
open spaces, beautiful cities, If you are looking for the stockholm/
beaches, rugged seacoasts, quintessential Sweden, you will • The urbanized islands that comprise Stockholm are close to each other
mountains, lakes, dense forests find it in Dalarna. The province dalarna/ and linked by ferries and bridges.
and distinctive culture. is famous for its many represen- •
tations of the red Dala Horse, •
Its people are generally the region’s picturesque sym-
friendly, and most of them bol. Dalarna boasts mountains, Getting There and
speak surprisingly good dense forests, lakes, red cot- Getting Around:
English since they study it tages, local crafts and charm-
starting in elementary school. ing towns like Mora, Rattvick Sweden can be reached by
and Falun. It is also a center of highway, air, cruise ship or train.
The best place to start any winter sports and hiking and
Swedish visit is its capital and biking, summer festivals with • By air, Stockholm is
largest city, Stockholm. Located native dress and an historic served internationally
adjacent to a scenic Baltic Sea copper mine that is a UNESCO by Arlanda Stockholm
archipelago with nearly 30,000 World Site near Falun. Airport (ARN), 26.5
islands, Stockholm encom- miles from the Central
passes 14 islands. All of them Among its highlights Train Station. It is a quick
are close together and easily are the beautiful small town 18-minute trip downtown
reached by sightseeing boats, of Mora, home to a famous from the airport via the
buses, ferries and/or more than 56-mile cross-county ski race Arlanda Express train.
50 linking bridges. (and the CykelVasan mountain
bike rally in summer) between • By car, Sweden has mod-
Among Stockholm’s high- Mora and ski country in Salen. ern and well-marked
lights are cobblestone streets, The latter area is home to beau- roads. Rental cars are
museums and beautiful build- tiful vistas, dense forests, ski plentiful in Stockholm.
ings in Gamla Stan, the old town. resorts and is close to Norway.
Also interesting are the commer- • By train from other
cial district of Norrmalm, home Southern Sweden is points in Scandinavia
to the main railroad station; home to the nation’s sec- and from Denmark, over
shopping galore at Kungsgatan; ond- and third-largest cities, the Øresund Bridge.
and the Drottninggatan pedes- Gothenburg and Malmö. Both Copenhagen to Stockholm
trian shopping avenue, which cities are rich is cultural and is a little over a five-hour
features a range of international scenic attractions. journey.
chains and local shops and
department stores. As you travel through the • By cruise ship, the main
region, rather than vast forests terminals are Stadsgarden
Not enough? Check out and mountains, you will see and Frihamnen, both
the bohemian restaurants and the landscapes made famous less than 3.5 miles from
pubs of Södermalm and the by the Wallander TV series, Stockholm Central
impressive brick city hall on beaches, rugged seacoast, rich Station. Other ports are
Kungsholmen and many nearby rolling farmland, rugged coasts 34 miles away and in
small restaurants and bars. and islands. At Malmö, you western Gothenburg, both
can cross the 4.9-mile Øresund connected by frequent
Once you have enjoyed Bridge (also the subject of a TV trains to Stockholm.
at least two or three days in series) to Denmark. It is a gor-
Stockholm, it is recommended geous way to get to and from Must-Sees for a Short Trip:
that you venture out to see Copenhagen by car or train. • Old Town Gamla Stan’s
more of this beautiful coun- Royal Palace, the Riksdag,
try. While we intend to return For a much different expe- the Swedish Parliament
to Sweden and explore more rience, a visit to Northern building and Stortorget
of both the north and south, Sweden and Swedish Lapland
we chose to visit some of the await the more adventuresome




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The Swedish love their Fika ritual, a 4 p.m. break for a sweet and coffee More than half the houses in Sweden are painted in this red color, Nat’l Tay-Sachs & Allied Diseases
Association of Delaware Valley
or tea. Here is a typical Fika scene from Mora. inspired by the copper mines at Falun.

Square, the Nobel Hall and many shops and • The Nordic Museum If You Have Several Days: relaxed scenic tours.
Museum and a 13th- small restaurants and bars • A hop-on-hop-off bus tour • Exploring the Stockholm Mobility Level: Varies
century cathedral • The Vasa Museum, home
• The urban islands of to an authentic Viking and a canal and boat tour Archipelago by boat depending on where you are
Kungsholmen and longboat • Drottninggatan (Queen • Taking a scenic train trip and what you want to do.
Södermalm, home to • The Skansen Open Air Cities are generally accessible
impressive Stockholm City Museum Street), a typical European/ from Stockholm to Mora and it is national policy to make
Scandinavian walking and • From Mora, renting a car all of Sweden accessible. See
shopping street.
and driving 46 miles to disability-policy/.
Jewish Sweden Salen ski country. Once
there, a visit to Fulufjallet When to Go: Summers are
SWEDEN MAY NOT BE one of the top 10 they are uncomfortable with Chabad. National Park adjacent beautiful with mild tempera-
Jewish global hotspots, but it still has its inter- Swedish Jewry is active in international to the Norwegian border tures and a lot to do. Winters
esting Jewish side. in northwestern Dalarna, are cold in most of the country
Jewish welfare activities. There are branches another 48 miles distant, but popular with those who
About 14,000 of Sweden’s 20,000 Jews of the WIZO, General Organization of Jewish is another beautiful drive. seek winter sports.
(out of a total population of 9 million) live in Women, Emunah, B’nai B’rith and B’nai Akiva. • Alternatively, head north
and around Stockholm, and it is estimated or south by train or car Where to Stay: Stockholm
that about a third of those belong to orga- Out of the capital, Goteborg has one to explore the Swedish has many hotels in various
nized congregations. There are also Jewish Orthodox and one Conservative congregation countryside. price ranges throughout the
communities in Malmö, Gothenburg, Borås, and Malmö’s shrinking Jewish population metropolitan area. Hotels,
Helsingborg, Lund and Uppsala. has one Orthodox synagogue. Jewish ceme- Ginny O’s Tips for Dressing hostels and bed and breakfast
teries can be found in Gothenburg, Gotand, the Simply Smart Travel Way facilities are found throughout
Stockholm’s Jewish community has an Kalmar, Karlskrona, Karlstad, Lärbro, for Sweden: most of the country.
Orthodox rabbi with a small congregation, a Malmö, Norrköping and Sundsvall.
Conservative congregation and Chabad rabbis for Stockholm is a fairly stylish Special Travel Interests:
each of Sweden’s three official Jewish communities. Historically, Sweden’s Jewish commu- city. While upscale dress is not The Stockholm Archipelago,
nity was officially recognized in the 1770s. necessary, dress up a little. Out museums, the varied Swedish
Stockholm’s Jews have a cemetery, a pri- Until the 1860s, Jews were only allowed to in the provinces, dress casually countryside, summer cycling
mary school, a kindergarten, a Judaica House, live in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Norrköping, for the weather. and hiking, winter sports and
a communal library, a bimonthly publication Karlskorna and Marstrand. The first Jewish history. l
(Judisk Kronika), a weekly Jewish radio show cemetery was consecrated in 1776. Nationwide This Destination at a Glance:
and even an official Jewish community build- Jewish emancipation began in 1838 and was Over 50 Advantage: Great Jeffrey and Virginia Orenstein are
ing. It is also home to Paideia: The European fully accomplished by 1910. travel writers from Sarasota, Fla.
Institute for Jewish Studies. shopping, museums and
Sweden was not complicit in the
Yiddish is a state-sponsored minority lan- Holocaust. Christian Swedish diplomat Raoul OPEN 24 HOURS
guage in Sweden, although few Swedish Jews Wallenberg helped save Budapest Jewry, and
speak it. Swedish Jews guard their liberal tradi- many Swedish Jews are there because the Enj f FaTcoetnadlaFaWmhiiltyakFun!Lanes
tions vigorously. All the diverse denominations country was a refuge for Jews during the war.
and Jewish communities are linked within the Our bowling center in East Norriton is the perfect place for a birthday party,
Official Council of Jewish Communities in Anti-Semitism is not unknown in Sweden, catered event, or just a night out bowling with the family.
Sweden. Secular, non-observant and mostly but the present government has condemned it
female leaders run the show, including the vigorously and outlawed hate speech and Nazi Facenda Whitaker Lanes 2912 Swede Road, East Norriton, PA
council and its secular yeshiva. Reportedly, paraphernalia. Sweden has a large nationwide has everything you need
Holocaust education program. l
to have a great time!   610-272-6547



Review gregation Or Hadash in Fort prompted area synagogues to Minneapolis the previous October. just about playing music,”
Washington. “So many families beef up security in an e ort to Congregation Rodeph Orchestra Executive Vice
Continued from Page 1 in our area have relatives and assure those attending services President Ryan Fleur said. “It’s
other relations with Pittsburgh felt safe a er the unparalleled Shalom won its bet with also about the work we do o -
American Jewish communi- in various ways. is a ected a attack on innocent Jews who Boston’s Temple Israel, in stage, how we connect with
ties, Philadelphia among them, lot of us in our area because of attended Shabbat morning ser- which a donation 18 times people who don’t have the same
are still working through those relationships.” vices as they always had. ere the di erence in scores to an access as others. And then also,
the emotions the gunman also are community members organization of the opponent’s what we refer to diplomacy,
wrought, and what Jews both David Straus, senior rabbi of learning rearm usage at an choosing was on the line. Both the way we use music to help
in our area and beyond will the Main Line Reform Temple Israeli-owned range. won, with Temple Israel donat- communicate among people of
associate with 2018. in Wynnewood, agreed. ing to Philly Youth Basketball di erent backgrounds.”
Both Waxman and Straus, and Rodeph Shalom contrib-
“It’s only been eight weeks, “ ere are a lot of similari- while guiding their respective uting to that organization and A name change and a move
and we certainly feel the pain ties between the Main Line and communities through the pain the CTE Center at Boston Also back in May, the
in our area,” said Rabbi Joshua Squirrel Hill,” Straus said. “Both of loss, were encouraged by the University Medical Center.
Waxman, the president of the are longstanding communities reaction and support their con- Gershman Y, which has been
Board of Rabbis of Greater with tradition. at was upset by gregants received from the over- “We thought it was just a at 401-11 S. Broad St. for years,
Philadelphia and spiritual a horri c act we all felt.” all community. Show Up for perfect way to channel our announced it would be both mov-
leader of Reconstructionist con- Shabbat, scheduled Nov. 2-3 in energy, not only into the com- ing and changing its name. e
e event in Pittsburgh reaction, lled area synagogues petition, but also into doing University of the Arts has owned
with both their members and a mitzvah,” Rodeph Shalom the Y’s building since 2000 and
A community of family. support from the general com- Senior Rabbi Jill Maderer said. its lease was ending in December.
munity to over owing.
Making the decision to move your loved An orchestra caught in the e organization is now the
one into a memory support community “It wasn’t just Show Up for middle Gershman Philadelphia Jewish
is simple when you choose Artis Senior Shabbat, but all the events we par- Film Festival and it focuses
Living. You can rest easy knowing that we ticipated in,” Waxman said. “ e 2018 proved to be a year in exclusively on lm-related pro-
treat them as you would — like family. event in Pittsburgh was a tragedy. which the Israeli-Palestinian gramming. It has taken o ce
issue o en grabbed headlines space at the National Museum
Put your mind at ease. e response from the general on regional campuses and even of American Jewish History
Contact Artis Senior Living community was heartwarming.” put e Philadelphia Orchestra (NMAJH).
today to become a member in the middle as it prepared for
of our family. Straus, who is chair of the a June trip to Europe and Israel. “We felt the Jewish Film
National Council of Synagogues Festival was elite program-
267.571.2699 and serves on the board and On May 30, about 60 ming,” Gershman Y board executive committee of the pro-Palestinian demonstra- President Jacob Cohen said,
2085 Lieberman Drive Interfaith Center of Greater tors disrupted the Orchestra’s “and that moving forward the
Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 Philadelphia, feels the Greater performance of Tosca in the best way to go. We’re not going
Philadelphia Jewish Community Kimmel Center by both block- to be just a movie theater that
(located behind Huntingdon Valley’s Post Office) can count on its neighbors. ing tra c and sending two of operates out of di erent venues.
their group into the concert
“My parents in Germany saw hall, according to a report in the “We’re going to continue to
their synagogue destroyed and have our conversations with
their neighbors just stood by,” he e Philadelphia Inquirer. e directors, screenwriters and
said. “In our area and the entire performance was halted for 10 actors; panel discussions; lm-
United States, the vast majority minutes as Conductor Yannick and-food pairing events; and
is involved in ghting hate, big- Nézet-Séguin slammed his Film Connect, which is going
otry and anti-Semitism. baton on the podium and to be a series where musicians
walked o the stage with some and vocalists perform in con-
“ at we can feel good of the musicians. junction with lm projections.”
about and heal.”
Celebrating a Super Bowl win Tosca resumed a er the Elections played a role
two protestors, opposed to the A pair of area Jewish
Other stories covered by the Orchestra visiting Israel, were
Exponent in 2018 catalogued removed from the Kimmel Republicans took unsuccessful
the region’s highest highs. Center. stabs at running for higher o ce.
Ethan Rabbino, for example,
had a football-themed Bar e Orchestra performed in Philadelphia’s Brian Leib was
Mitzvah. What he did not Belgium, Luxembourg, France, defeated by veteran Democratic
plan on was a surprise trip Germany and Austria before U.S. Rep. Dwight Evans in the
to Minneapolis with mom, extending its tour to Israel,
Stacey, where he watched the where it was joined by 70 mem- ird Congressional District.
Eagles win Super Bowl LII. bers of the Jewish Federation of Montgomery County real
Greater Philadelphia in honor estate developer Je Bartos lost
“It was really loud, but it of the Jewish state’s 70th birth- in the race for Pennsylvania
was really fun and a great day and as part of an emerging lieutenant governor. ●
experience,” Ethan said. partnership between the Jewish
Federation and the Orchestra. [email protected];
His mom took no chances, 215-832-0737
booking a hotel room in “Our mission is not



ADL the report said. • Improve federal response to to immigrants For more information, the
The ADL cites two Fox hate crimes • Have officials denounce report can be downloaded at
Continued from Page 1
News shows, Tucker Carlson • Build trust between law anti-immigrant bigotry, movement-in-the-us. l
American society is willing to Tonight and The Ingraham enforcement and immi- racism and xenophobia
accept such characterizations. Angle, as prime-time plat- grant communities • Expand dialogue between [email protected];
forms where spokespersons of civil society and the tech 215-832-0737
“Sadly, it’s plain for all to see anti-immigrant present their • Make cities and towns sector
that extreme anti-immigrant arguments as legitimate main- work to become welcoming
ideas are a common feature in stream views. Both shows have
our political discourse,’’ said millions of viewers. LOCK IN 2018 ENTRANCE FEES.
Jonathan Greenblatt, the ADL’s
CEO and national director, in a To deal with this new reality, A LIFESTYLE THAT LACKS
statement. “We must take steps the ADL has offered several rec- FOR NOTHING. EXCEPTIONALLY
to remove this anti-immigrant ommendations and initiatives.
ideology and xenophobia, and CLOSE TO EVERYTHING.
act on the U.S.’ longstanding Nancy Baron-Baer, the
belief that America is stronger regional director of the Set on 33 scenic acres in the heart of Abington Township, Rydal Waters
as a pluralistic society that wel- Philadelphia-area ADL, will be a fun, elegant, maintenance-free expansion of the renowned
comes immigrants.” pointed out one of the pol- Rydal Park Life Plan Community.
icy recommendations of the
In particular, the report anti-immigration report that This exciting new neighborhood is now accepting reservations! Select
explains how, over the last involves our area. your cottage soon — more than half of Phase One is already reserved.
10 years, many groups that
espouse extreme anti-immi- “More towns and cities need Call 215-814-0355 today to learn more.
grant ideas have increasingly to adopt ‘sanctuary’ or ‘welcom-
used social media and 24-hour ing’ policies, as has been done Call today to register for an info event, arrange a personal tour
news outlets to promulgate in Philadelphia,’’ Baron-Baer or ask about special Charter Member perks. • 215-814-0355
their views. By taking advan- said. “We need to send a wel-
tage of a new media environ- coming and protective message Sales Office: 1515 The Fairway, Rydal, PA 19046
ment, groups that were once to all community members as
considered fringe are now in we have done in Philadelphia.”
the center of political debate.
In addition, the ADL rec-
One such group, the ommends the following series
Federation for American of “intentional steps” to safe-
Immigration Reform (FAIR), guard refugee populations:
tweeted a statement that Sen. • A pathway to citizenship for
Dianne Feinstein made in
1994 in which she used what Dreamers and protection
is now seen as anti-immi- for refugees from Muslim-
grant language. The group majority countries
provided no context, but used • Comprehensive immi-
Feinstein’s words as justifica- gration legislation that
tion for their own extremist addresses the millions of
points of view. The Tweet saw undocumented individuals
tremendous engagement, and living in the U.S.
the group gained credibility in • Improved reporting of hate
the Twitter universe. FAIR now crimes to the FBI and more
has 224,600 followers on a veri- anti-bias training for law
fied account. This was one such enforcement
example the ADL cited in its • Tools for students to com-
report of social media manipu- bat hatred and bigotry and
lation by these groups. protect immigrant students
• Expanded efforts between
Another such group, the government and social
NumbersUSA, has 32,100 fol- media, and other technology
lowers on Twitter and uses sim- platforms, to counter extrem-
ilar strategies, helping Twitter ism and bigotry online
become a mainstream space The ADL also offered a
for anti-immigration interac- series of policy recommenda-
tion, the report said. tions, including the following:
• Enact policies that provide
These groups, which char- legislative and legal protec-
acterize immigrants as danger- tions for immigrants and
ous, “invading” outsiders, have refugees
also cultivated larger audiences
via 24-hour TV news networks,




The Mail, and Other Worries

BY JOSHUA RUNYAN time they had a cold. safety organization, reported Despite news stories the next ried about the evangelicals. I am,
Whether we realize it or not, on a suspicious package having day reporting on what actually hap- however, worried about our ten-
ANYONE WHO’S EVER been been opened by workers at a pened, Shomrim has stayed silent. dency towards hysteria before
a parent can understand the we in the Jewish community local synagogue. Two who sup- knowing all the facts. There’s
impulse to think the worst every act a lot like first-time parents. posedly came in contact with an When I first heard of what a difference in being cautious
time something bad happens. With our guard up, especially in unknown substance after open- was transpiring an hour and and being paranoid, between
recent years, every little whiff of ing the package had gotten sick. a half down I-95, my first approaching a situation like a
Especially for first-time anti-Semitism — real or imag- thoughts were to the handful of veteran parent — assessing all
mothers and fathers, every little ined — quickly causes bouts of In actuality, though, it wasn’t similar handwritten and hand- available information before
cough or sniffle can easily result communal agita. Either we’re a package, but a hand-addressed addressed letters I’ve received in jumping to conclusions — and
in sleepless nights taking a baby’s convinced it’s the 1930s again, envelope with a Christmas my two decades as a Jewish com- being the guy carrying his baby
temperature every half hour and or we’re furiously equating every stamp and a Dallas postmark. munity journalist. All contained into the pediatrician’s office
breathless phone calls with the bomb scare and suspicious pack- Inside was a letter referenc- southern postmarks and most because she slept through a
on-call pediatric nurse. I firmly age with a mass attack. ing the holiday season and the were sent close to Dec. 25. They scheduled feeding time. (I know
believe that one of the reasons importance of being “saved.” all talked about salvation. this from experience.)
why second-born children, on As we’re only two months The pair who opened it legit-
average, are so calm is that they from the largest anti-Semitic imately did not feel well and That there are some evan- Most distressing of all, there
didn’t have to deal with nervous attack in the nation’s history, rightfully called the police. But gelical Christians who are still is very much the danger of
caretakers subjecting them to the Oct. 27 murder of 11 con- by the time paramedics arrived, trying to convert Jews is not harming ourselves if by con-
needless tests and anxiety every gregants at Pittsburgh’s Tree of they were fine, and a hazmat news, and it’s not a threat to stantly being on edge — even
Life, being this much on edge is crew declared the letter clean. either our safety or our way when it’s not justified — we
more than understandable. But of life. It might be unnerv- eventually become anesthetized
we seem to be waiting for the But if you had been follow- ing in today’s day and age to to the real threats out there. Not
next Tree of Life to happen, God ing the Shomrim feed — or had receive handwritten mail, but every letter is a threat. Not every
forbid. And that’s not good. been reading the messages shared there’s nothing inherently package is a bomb. If it looks
around Philadelphia — you unreasonable in members of suspicious, don’t open it and
Take how Jews from New wouldn’t have known any of that. other religions proselytizing by call the authorities. But please
York to Florida responded to What you would have learned post. It’s protected by the First don’t alert the masses. We’ve got
word last week of an incident in instead was that synagogue after Amendment. And I’d rather enough to worry about. l
Baltimore: For a brief moment, synagogue had received similar they spend their time writing
many of us had worked ourselves mail, and had called the FBI. thousands of letters than shov- Joshua Runyan is the editor-
up into a frenzy, sharing text ing pamphlets in my face on in-chief of the Jewish Exponent.
messages and spreading rumors “The hazmat team is testing the street corner. He can be reached at jrunyan@
on Facebook and other social every envelope,” the organization’s
media channels after Shomrim last post on the incident read. “We So long as they engage in
of Baltimore, a volunteer Jewish will keep everyone posted.” peaceful methods, I’m not wor-

‘Settling the Score’ with Terrorists Won’t Prevent
Subsequent Attacks from Occurring in the Future

BY ALEX TRAIMAN Minister Benjamin Netanyahu policy of deterrence that pre- Ashkelon and Beersheva, send- rockets from Gaza and Lebanon,
condemned the actions of the vents these attacks from hap- ing hundreds of thousands of are not part of some lone-wolf
ON THE LAST night of “horrible terrorists” at the pening in the first place. Israelis ducking for cover. phenomenon that cannot be
Chanukah, a Palestinian terror- weekly Likud Party faction defended, deterred or fully erad-
ist wounded seven in a drive-by meeting in the Knesset. Polls show that Israeli sup- Yet a policy of de-escalation icated. Rather, they are part of an
shooting at a bus stop outside port for Netanyahu remains is not necessarily a policy of anti-Semitic campaign to erad-
the large Jewish community in “It’s monstrous,” said at all-time highs — for his security for Israel’s citizens. icate Jewish life and destabilize
Ofra, Samaria. Injured in the Netanyahu. “Security forces numerous accomplishments in the State of Israel.
attack were Shira Ish-Ran, a are pursuing. … They’ll cap- building and strengthening the Within Israel, and partic-
21-year-old and 30-week-preg- ture them. We’ll bring them to economy and the diplomatic ularly in Judea and Samaria, The willingness of the cur-
nant woman, and her husband, justice and settle the score.” channels of Israel, as well as for there is a steady stream of rent government to allow even
Amichai, both of whom suf- the lack of a suitable successor. radical violence against Israeli a limited number of civilian
fered multiple gunshot wounds. But Israelis are not interested citizens. In 2018, there have deaths — as long as they aren’t
Two weeks ago, their baby, who in bringing individual terrorists Israelis recently backed been nine deadly incidents, not piling up in mass-casualty
had been delivered in an emer- to justice. And they most cer- Netanyahu over his political including this week’s shooting. events or too quickly one after
gency Caesarean section soon tainly are not interested in a pat- rivals to the right, regarding Each of the incidents has killed the other — is disturbing.
after the attack, died. tern of suffering deadly terrorist the de-escalation of hostilities parents of young children.
attacks, only then to capture the with Hamas in Gaza, after the Each of the incidents tears at Harsh statements of con-
The Monday morning terrorist in a manhunt and then rogue terror organization fired the heart of the Jewish people. demnation and assertions that
after the attack, Israeli Prime “settle the score.” more than 450 rockets at Israeli
population centers, including The shootings, stabbings, See Traiman, Page 16
Israelis are interested in a car-rammings, as well as the



Today, We Can and Should Do KVETCH ’N KVELL

Something About Anti-Semitism Gun-Safety Critical When Keeping Firearms at Home
REGARDING “Gun Range Event Teaches Firearm Usage,”
BY RABBI NEIL COOPER icies is not anti-Semitic (a state- from censure by the concept of Dec. 20, anyone inclined to have a gun in their home, especially
ment that any reasonable person academic freedom. with children around, should be gun-safety conscious. There is
OVER THE PAST several would agree with). With that, she overwhelming scientific evidence that having a firearm in the
weeks, we have seen a resurgence justifies the boycott, divestment Write a letter to The New house increases the risk of suicide; more than half of all firearms
of anti-Semitism. Here are a few and sanctions (BDS) movement York Times to protest and hold fatalities each year are suicides, not homicides.
examples from the news: as a demonstration of a differ- accountable a columnist who
ence of agreement over policy. espouses BDS and believes it It is critical to lock weapons up — bullets and weapons sep-
The number of anti-Semitic The BDS movement, however, is appropriate and moral not sim- arate — perhaps even removing weapons if either depression or
and hate crimes perpetrated an active and direct attack. ply to ignore the fact that Israel aggression is evident. Trigger locks are also helpful. Having a
against Jews has risen over the is the only functional democracy firearm in the house almost doubles the risk of a violent death
past couple of years precipi- Rashida Tlaib, has been in the region, but to pressure there. The gun death rate in America is 25 times higher than in
tously. Within the last few weeks elected as the first Palestinian- Israel to change policies by way other high-income nations (like Great Britain).
alone, we have seen murderous American to Congress, rep- of BDS, threatening economic
attacks on Jews gathered for resenting the 13th District repercussions if Israel does not Anyone welcoming a weapon into their home should do so
Shabbat services in Pittsburgh, in Michigan. As a congress- capitulate with the demands of only with eyes wide open.
perpetrated by one aligned polit- women, she has already stated those who are Israel’s enemies.
ically with the extreme right. her desire to see U.S. military Theodore S. Tapper | Merion
A similar attack with similar aid to Israel slashed. She is also Israel is not perfect. There is
motivation and similar results a vocal proponent of BDS. much within Israel that Israelis Can You Find Common Ground with Marc Lamont Hill?
intended was being planned in would like to change and many I have listened to every word of Marc Lamont Hill’s United Nations
Toledo, Ohio. Fortunately, that There is a lawsuit that has things that I would like to see speech, and I have this response: He does not recognize the right
attack was prevented. been initiated against the changed. But change must of Israel to exist. His final words — river to the sea — imply the
Philadelphia Police Department occur through the democratic erasure of the state of Israel and in its place one state with an Arab
Jewish students and faculty alleging anti-Semitism against process — not by way of threats majority. The creation of Israel was based on a two-state solution.
have become frequent targets on Jewish police officers. and blackmail. Moreover, His “river to the sea” proposal fails to recognize that.
campus. From the extreme left, Israel is neither the worst nor
the office of Professor Elizabeth It is not hard to make the the only country that should Hill refers to 1948 as the Palestinian catastrophe, but he fails
Midlarsky, a Jewish profes- historical analogy between the be scrutinized. If repressive to recognize Israel’s birth in the same year. That is completely
sor of Holocaust education at anti-Semitism that is reflected governments in nearly every one-sided. I have no patience for extremists on either side: those
Columbia University’s Teachers in the events of the past few other Middle Eastern country who do not understand Israel’s security need to protect and
College, was vandalized with weeks and events that occurred are not taken to task, if we defend itself, and equally those who do not understand the issue
anti-Semitic graffiti on Nov. 28. in Germany in the early 1930s. make no demands on them, of Palestinian national rights. Israel has a right to exist, and the
Listed above are examples of then singling out Israel for spe- Palestinians have a right to national sovereignty.
Anti-Semitism, in the anti-Semitism finding its way cial treatment and punishment
thinly veiled language of anti- into the culture and conscious- is an expression of racism/ In addition, Hill complains about Israel’s use of solitary
Zionism, is becoming com- ness of both the extreme politi- anti-Semitism and hate. confinement. He should look no further than his own country’s
monplace. Marc Lamont Hill, cal left and right. borders. The United States of America uses solitary confinement
a professor of media at Temple Anti-Semitism has been part as well, and on a much broader scale. That’s hypocrisy — when
University, delivered a speech I say this not as a call to of the world since the begin- you criticize another for a crime you are committing.
at the United Nations that calls arms and not to suggest that ning of the Jewish people. It
for a Palestinian state “from another Holocaust, God forbid, is our task to watch for the Hill complains about Israel’s treatment of its Arab citizens.
river to sea.” Hill, who knows is around the corner. But in a shades of anti-Semitism, to All Israeli citizens, Arabs included, have the right to vote, and
the power and meaning of world that is increasingly hos- point it out when it surfaces, women have the right to drive a car. Where is his criticism of
the words he chooses, means tile toward Jews, we are living to condemn it when we see it more-restrictive Saudi Arabia? Arab citizens in democratic Israel
the eradication of the Jewish at a time when we have the and to raise our voices against have more civil rights than Arabs in Arab countries. Ask the
state. And for those who dif- power to resist, the power to those who would be complicit. refugees from Syria’s civil war how they liked life under the dic-
ferentiate between anti-Israel refute and the power to make Anti-Semitism is part of this tator Assad. Ask the Yazidis and Kurds how they like life under
and anti-Semitic, the new our voices heard. Unlike the world. We do not and should Iraqi rule. Ask the Palestinians living in Jordan how they liked
Palestinian state that the pro- political situation before World not delude ourselves into think- the bloody war waged against them by King Hussein’s regime in
fessor and his supporters envi- War II, we now can mobilize, ing that one day we will live in a September 1970.
sion includes the expulsion, if raise our voices and put our world devoid of anti-Semitism.
not the termination, of all of pens to paper. In the face of all Indeed, when we think that we I respect Hill’s right to differ with me, but I would love to find
the Jews of Israel. of this, we are not powerless have reached a moment in time common ground with him. To begin with, I recognize Palestinian
this time. Today we can speak, when anti-Semitism no longer national rights. Is he able to recognize Israel’s right to exist? l
Anti-Semitic views are toler- write and protest. exists, that will be the moment
ated by the print media under when the next wave will begin. l David Broida | Bryn Mawr
the banner of “freedom of the Write a letter to the president
press.” Syndicated columnist for of Temple University, Richard Rabbi Neil Cooper is the rabbi Statement From the Publisher
The New York Times Michelle Englert, (1801 North Broad at Temple Beth Hillel-Beth El in
Goldberg recently explained that St., Philadelphia, Pa., 19122). Wynnewood. We are a diverse community. The views expressed in the opinion columns and letters
legitimate criticism of Israeli pol- Protest the fact that Hill is being published in the Jewish Exponent are those of the authors. They do not necessarily reflect
wrongly shielded and protected the views of the officers and boards of the Jewish Publishing Group and/or the Jewish
Federation of Greater Philadelphia. Send letters to [email protected] or fax to
215-569-3389. Letters should be a maximum of 200 words and may be edited for clarity
and brevity. Unsigned letters will not be published.



Leading with Honor and Derech Eretz Traiman they have been trained.
The Palestinian Authority,
BY JUDD KRUGER LEVINGSTON more recent years, such as inclu- reminders in both good times Continued from Page 14
sion and perseverance. and, yes, in moments requiring which most of the Western
“THERE’S A PROBLEM with a disciplinary tone, students are the murderers will be captured world continues to view
cheating at our school,” I was We changed our name from being called to act with courage do nothing to deter the next as legitimate rulers of the
told when I first arrived at Jack the Derech Eretz Committee and kindness, to carry them- murderer from carrying out Palestinian people and legiti-
M. Barrack Hebrew Academy to the Derech Eretz Council, selves and to treat others and an attack. Immediately follow- mate peace partners, incites its
(formerly Akiba Hebrew reflecting our status as a their building with honor, and ing the Barkan Industrial Park constituents publicly at every
Academy), the pluralistic com- school-wide body, now with to value the learning community shooting last month that left possible opportunity, and liter-
munity day school for sixth- elected officers. As a Council, and the nation in which they are two young parents dead, the ally pays individuals to attack
12th graders in Bryn Mawr. we selected six values: Honor, privileged to enjoy citizenship. prime minister assured that Jews, while providing lifetime
Colleagues were sounding the Honesty, Humility, Modesty, “the security forces are in pur- stipends to terrorists’ families
alarm bell and because I had Community and Fellowship. More importantly, honor, suit of the assailant. I am cer- if the attacker is killed during
just published a book about Doing the work of both educa- courage, kindness and commu- tain that they will apprehend the act of attempted murder.
moral education. They were tion and adjudication, we led nity have become watchwords him, and we will deal with him
looking to me to restore trust in educational programming and for us, not only in character to the fullest extent of the law.” The 2018 Palestinian
our students and to help steer convened disciplinary hearings education, but also in what has Authority budget earmarks $340
our school back on course. at the request of our school’s come to be known among edu- Chaim and Liora Silberstein, million in payments to terrorists
administrative leadership team. cators as “SEL,” social and emo- the parents of Shira Yael and their families — amounting
I was invited my first sum- Barrack students now affirm the tional learning. To be mindful Ish-Ran, spoke with clarity to 7 percent of its entire budget.
mer to join the school’s unique school’s values by reciting the of our students’ emotional lives about the need to dramatically
faculty-student Derech Eretz pledge each year at a festive cer- and to raise awareness about improve the security situation. While Israel recently passed
Committee that focused on per- emonial assembly held on the inclusion and possible innu- a law to withhold payments
sonal behavior and moral char- annual National Character Day. endo, it is incumbent upon us “We want to send a clear it makes each month to the
acter. I learned about widespread to educate “the whole child.” message to the government Palestinian Authority as part of
concerns about cheating and Lest the pledge begin to feel Derech Eretz has come to be that it’s unthinkable that sweet an Oslo-generated tax-collection
plagiarism, about cyber-bully- like a routine matter, student part of an entire cultural shift. innocent children are shot at,” arrangement, that law has yet to
ing and about students push- members of the Council in Liora Silberstein said. be implemented. Many of the law’s
ing one another in the lunch 2017 advocated for a method- Each week presents a new proponents are afraid that the gov-
line. Concerns also came to my ical reboot, first giving every opportunity for the Council Chaim Silberstein, while ernment will find a means to pre-
attention about students not fol- student and teacher an oppor- to plan an upcoming assembly expressing his great appreciation vent the law’s execution, out of fears
lowing the dress code and about tunity to take the ViaCharacter and to determine how to high- for “the work of the IDF, Shin Bet that restricting funds could lead
students mistreating the new Survey to discover the values light our four values. When we and everyone else in the area,” to the collapse of the Palestinian
building into which they had and character strengths held are called to adjudicate a high- stated that the Israel Defense Authority, together with pressure
moved only a year or two earlier. by members of our commu- level disciplinary case, we have Forces have been prevented by from the international community
nity. After identifying that the to consider how to maintain our the political establishment from to restart the payments.
The Derech Eretz Committee more than 320 respondents to own integrity while investigat- “re-establishing deterrence … so
began to mount a two-year cam- the survey value and embody ing and listening to a case. Our that terrorists and degenerates Yet the continuing cycle of
paign to establish an honor code character strengths of team- job is not to focus on punish- will think twice — or 10 times violence against Israeli civilians
at Barrack. We achieved buy-in work, a community orientation, ments, but to help to restore the — before carrying out such acts.” will not disappear until Israel’s
from the student government kindness and humor, among integrity and name of the stu- political leaders are ready to
presidents by promising that stu- others, we polled the school, dent who has come before us. To accomplish that type of take responsibility for each and
dents would not be asked to turn giving teachers and students deterrence, harsh steps must be every Jewish life, and to defend
in other students and by making the opportunity to select four I realize that our four values taken. Roadside shootings and each one as if it were the entire
the case that a strong set of val- values from a menu of 12 that cannot be guaranteed to solve car-rammings represent an abuse nation. Israel’s government and
ues can discourage students from could guide us into the future. every breach or challenge to of the roads that Israeli taxes have its security forces must take
cheating and encourage students Clear majorities favored the derech eretz. paid to build and maintain. When whatever steps are necessary to
to do the right thing instead. values and character strengths Palestinian terrorists abuse these prevent the death of the next
of Honor, Moral Courage, As adviser to the Derech roads to injure or kill Israelis, their young parent going about his
Having made the case for an Kindness and Community. Eretz Council, I feel privileged to access to these roads should be or her life at work, a bus stop,
honor code, we could not find play a role in leading and guid- completely restricted. crosswalk or supermarket.
any other Jewish day schools Those four values already ing our school’s moral climate
with an honor code. We looked guide us into this present school and to partner with our counsel- In the 25 years since the If the current leadership,
to independent schools for prec- year, and when I walked into a ing staff and with every teacher failed Oslo Accord were signed, including Israel’s prime minis-
edent and learned that many sixth grade class one day, the stu- so that our students will go off Palestinian terrorists have been ter are not willing to take such
schools don’t require students dents had no difficulty naming to college and other settings taught to target, kill and injure steps, the Israelis who increas-
to report one another for honor most, if not each one, of them. as clear-thinking, emotionally Jews in all facets of their lives ingly find themselves under
code violations. We also learned Through the syllabus given to intelligent young people with a — from school textbooks to attack, may task a new set of
about the wide range of values every student in every class, ban- firm moral compass. l television, to city squares and leaders with the challenge of
that independent school honor ners hanging in the reception soccer fields that have been deterring terrorists and pre-
councils uphold from tradi- area, art projects, assemblies Rabbi Judd Kruger Levingston named after martyrs, to ongo- venting these heinous acts once
tional values, such as honesty featuring speakers who embody serves as director of Jewish studies ing incitement on social media. and for all. l
and sportsmanship, to values these character strengths, and and as advisor to the Derech Eretz The generation that grew up
that have come to be affirmed in through the occasional verbal Honor Council at Jack M. Barrack watching “Hamas Mickey Alex Traiman is managing director
Hebrew Academy. Mouse” and attending summer and Jerusalem bureau chief of
camps where they learn to mur- Jewish News Syndicate.
der Jews is now acting exactly as



Personal Film Wins Award for Local Filmmaker

FILM After he realized that there were feature-length film. He thinks
JESSE BERNSTEIN | JE STAFF scenes in the book that lent them- that the movie is useful as an
selves to film, he did what any educational, artistic represen-
IN 2004, Ross Schriftman, 66, aspiring screenwriter would do. tation of end-of-life issues, and
was presented with an oppor- “I Googled screenwriting hopes to have it screened for
tunity he’d been chasing for software,” he said. people seeking answers on how
decades. He took webinars to learn best to approach that subject.
the basics of screenwriting, and Schriftman also recommends
Though he’d run for office in attended conferences to learn the movie to anyone who would
the past, he’d never had a chance how to connect with industry find themselves moved to tears
to run for Congress, a dream of professionals. It took years of by an emotional scene involv-
his. Some people he knew in high Screenshot from My Million Dollar Mom where Ross and Shirley meetings, proposals, and draft ing Debbie Friedman’s original
places within the Democratic after draft of the script, but the recording of “Mi Sheberach.”
Party wanted to know: Was Schriftman converse. Photo provided
he interested in running in
Pennsylvania’s 13th District? He movie finally became reality, “If they have a good feeling of
couldn’t wait to get started on the Nelson Rockefeller in the office 152nd District in 2004, cover- and Schriftman was enamored faith in god and family, there’s a
campaign. of Inter-American affairs, ing Hatboro and Bryn Athyn, with the final product, which real tie-in there,” he said.
translating State Department and he lost again. It was then he self-funded. The movie was As for how his mother
But it was around this press releases into Spanish that Schriftman’s dilemma dra- largely shot in his own home, would like it, well …
time that his mother, Shirley for Latin American allies. All matized in My Million Dollar with a director and actors with “She would say, ‘I liked
Schriftman, started to show the while, she was a junior Mom takes place (with some credits in everything from The it very much but she would
symptoms of Alzheimer’s dis- USO hostess, visiting troops at slight changes — it’s a guberna- Sixth Sense to Westworld. also say I never said that!’”
ease. She’d always encouraged Walter Reed Hospital. torial run in the movie). In the near future, Schriftman said. l
his political ambitions, but Ross Her political involvement, Though Schriftman had Schriftman wants to expand
Schriftman had promised to combined with the election already written the book, a movie the availability of the movie, [email protected];
care for his mother. What was of John F. Kennedy, sparked script was a different animal. and maybe even extend it to a 215-832-0740
he going to do? Schriftman’s own interest.
“I told my mom I’d be
That’s the central tension the first Jewish president,”
of Schriftman’s short film, My Schriftman said.
Million Dollar Mom, adapted As a teenager, he campaigned
from his memoir of the same for Lawrence Curry in his suc-
name. Shot in a few days in cessful bid for county commis-
August of 2017, My Million sioner, and interned for Hubert
Dollar Mom recently won Humphrey. He studied political
Best Drama at the Tampa Bay science at American University,
Underground Film Festival, and then came home to throw
beating out dozens of other himself into local politics.
dramas. For Schriftman, it feels He unsuccessfully ran for del-
a fitting tribute to his mother. egate in support of Humphrey
in 1972, and lost races for state
“She was my greatest inspi- legislator and Montgomery
ration in life,” he said. County Commissioner in 1976 GIVE YOUR CHILD THE GIFT OF A QUALITY EDUCATION AT

After his mother died in 2009, and 1979, respectively. (It wasn’t PHILADELPHIA HEBREW PUBLIC
Schriftman found himself drawn all bad — he was a National
to writing as a way of processing Committeeman for the Young
the emotional turmoil of his loss. Democrats of Pennsylvania Philadelphia Hebrew Public Charter School is a tuition-free public
During her shiva, he’d write for
hours on end, and the product from 1976 to 1978.) charter. We offer an academically rigorous curriculum, intensive
of those sessions turned into the Until 2004, he didn’t run instruction in Modern Hebrew, Israel studies and teach children of
memoir, which recounted her life another campaign, instead
along with his own. becoming an insurance rep- all backgrounds to become global citizens.

The richness of her life made resentative, serving as the
sure that he was never short Legislative Chair for the
for material. She was head Pennsylvania Association of Apply Online:
of the Soviet Jewry commit- Health Underwriters, among
tee at Congregation Rodeph HEBREWPUBLIC.ORG/PHILLY
Shalom, and once ran for dis- Application deadline: 1.28.18 Lottery date: 2.8.18
trict judge. During World War other positions that showcased
II, she was translator for the his aptitude for leadership.
State Department, worked for After a long break, he ran
for a seat in the Pennsylvania Philadelphia Hebrew Public - 3300 Henry Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19129
[email protected] | 267-225-1211

House of Representatives in the



Journalists Write Jewish Children’s Books

BOOKS book, so she decided to reach Faygie Holt is the author of of the year in Pittsburgh and Soon after the book was
out to some Jewish publish- Layla’s Vistaville Summer. part in Florida, found the genre published, Holt reached out to
SELAH MAYA ZIGHELBOIM | JE STAFF ers. At first, she received depressing. She took a break Roteman to congratulate her
nothing but rejections. Then Ellen Roteman is the author of from it by writing a novel instead on being a new author. Holt
FAYGIE HOLT AND Ellen a few months later, Menucha The Case of the Disappearing for her own grandchildren. wanted to interview Roteman
Roteman, two journalists and Publishers offered to release it. Chanukah Candles. for her blog, and as they talked,
former Simon Rockower Award- That book became The they discovered what they had
winning Jewish Exponent writ- Menucha has released her Photos provided Case of the Disappearing in common.
ers, released new Jewish chapter other three books as well. Chanukah Candles, also
books in November. organizations in Pittsburgh. released by Menucha. “It’s just so cool to meet
“I’m thankful,” Holt said. As she was nearing retire- somebody by chance and find
Holt published Layla’s “This is a niche that I really ment, she began to take her out you have a lot of things in
Vistaville Summer, a novel about fell into, and I’m loving the dream of becoming a children’s common with them,” Roteman
a young girl who searches for the adventure that it’s taken me on author more seriously. She said. “It’s the Jewish story.
treasure her great-great-grand- as a writer.” joined the Society of Children’s That’s how we make contact in
father hid somewhere in her Book Writers and Illustrators, our whole world.”
Aunt Rivka’s house. This is Holt had dreams of writing where others encouraged her
Holt’s fourth children’s book. novels, but she never thought to write for market trends. Reflecting on their experiences
Her previous three make up she’d write one for children. The Hunger Games series was of becoming children’s book
the Achdus Club series, which Roteman, meanwhile, had big at the time, so that meant authors, the two women had some
follow the lives of students at an wanted to write children’s dystopian literature. advice for aspiring writers.
Orthodox girls school. books for a long time.
But Roteman, who lives part “Just do it,” Holt said. “Sit
The Case of the Disappearing She started her career at the down and start working on it.
Chanukah Candles is Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle, There’s no right time. It’s never
Roteman’s debut novel. It fol- and has also worked for the going to get easier. You’re never
lows the five Stern siblings as Jewish Federation of Greater going to miraculously have 15
they attempt to solve the mys- Philadelphia and several Jewish hours in the day where you can
tery of what’s happening with just sit and do nothing and sit
Mrs. Rabinovitz’s disappearing and write. If you think you want
Chanukah candles. to write, take five minutes in
the morning, in the afternoon,
“I’ve been a journalist for your lunch break — whatever
many years, and I’d always it is — and start writing notes.
dreamed of writing screenplays Just start writing something.”
or novels. I have a whole stack
of manuscripts and screenplays “If you’re really serious, you
and whatnot,” said Holt, who do need to find a good critique
now lives in Livingston, N.J. group,” Roteman offered. “You
“Nothing ever quite clicked. get so close to your project. If
Nothing ever sold. [I] got pretty you love writing, you’re going
close a couple of times, but in to get so close to it that you
the end there was always some- lose your perspective, and a
thing that didn’t quite push it critique group will bring you
to that next level.” perspective and ideas and of
course help you with the tools
Holt’s journalism career of writing for kids, how to pace
includes work at the Jewish the story, how to develop your
Telegraphic Agency, Jewish characters.” l
News Syndicate,
and more. [email protected];
She had taken a break from
her journalism career and was WE’RE A twitter
working in an Orthodox girls
elementary school when she ABOUT JEWISH PHILADELPHIA.
started writing her first chil-
dren’s book, The New Girl. She Follow us @jewishexponent
wrote it for her students, as there
didn’t seem to be many books on
the market for them at the time
that had Orthodox characters
whose lives reflected their own.

Holt’s students loved the



Double Duty Caprese When diners have eaten BLUE BELL
their fill, place the salad in
FOOD a sealed container with any Fine Italian Cuisine
extra dressing and all the
KERI WHITE | JE FOOD COLUMNIST “drippings” from the bowl. BYOB - No Corkage Fee
Refrigerate until ready to use
I WAS INVITED to a Chanukah luncheon in early December. The hostess prefaced the — no more than 24 hours later. Daily Specials
invite with, “We are serving latkes, bagels, lox, deli, bread, sandwiches. A total carb fest, Whole Filleted Fish
nothing healthy.” DOUBLE DUTY
Sounded great to me, but it was clear she was a bit sideways about the spread. Available for
1 quart leftover caprese Private Parties
I offered to bring some-vasiliybudarin/Thinkstockshocked me more than anyone For the dressing: (see above) Outdoor Seating
thing — sweet treat or healthy lily_rochha/Thinkstockbecause I refuse to save salad
green salad. She opted for the once it’s dressed. I have no use ½ cup extra-virgin olive oil 1 pound your favorite pasta Off-Premises Catering
greens, so I began to con- for that soggy mess, and gen- ¼ cup balsamic vinegar Parmesan cheese and fresh Gift Cards
sider what to make. I wanted erally I am precise in my salad ¼ teaspoon salt
something that would be size to avoid waste. Generous grinding pepper pepper to taste Mon-Sat 11am-10pm; Sun 3pm-9pm
hearty enough for the folks ¼ teaspoon garlic powder 721 Skippack Pike
that were avoiding bread and But I had no idea how many Remove the “salad” from Blue Bell, PA 19422
carbs (which alas, has become people were coming or how Heat your oven to 400 the refrigerator about an hour
almost the norm these days), many would eat salad, so I went degrees. Place the rinsed toma- before serving so it can come to
but I did not want to upstage big. And, OK, the salad didn’t toes on a large rimmed cookie room temperature. (This helps 215.283.9500
the latkes and lox. last for eight days, but the mini sheet and toss with the olive the cheese melt a bit when it
Chanukah miracle was that the oil, salt and pepper. Roast for hits the hot pasta). shallow bowl, and toss with
A caprese salad seemed to leftover salad became a deli- about 30 minutes until some the caprese. Slowly and gradu-
strike the right note; the cheese cious pasta for my hosts’ dinner of tomatoes are charred and all Cook the pasta according to ally drizzle the cooking water
delivers enough heft and pro- the following night. have split open. Stir occasion- package directions in well-salted over the dish, about ¼ cup at
tein that the salad can stand on ally while roasting. water to al dente (usually 1 min- a time, tossing with each addi-
its own, but it can be a perfect Henceforth, I shall strongly ute less than indicated on the tion until the ingredients are
side if there are other items tak- consider doubling my quanti- Remove the tomatoes from package). Save about 1 cup of the well distributed. (You proba-
ing center stage. I managed to ties for this salad and having the oven and cool completely. cooking liquid, then drain. bly won’t use the whole cup.)
find fresh mozzarella “pearls,” tomorrow’s dinner in the bag This step can be done two Serve with Parmesan cheese
which are the ideal size for a in a few simple steps. days ahead. Place the cooled Pour the pasta into a large, and fresh ground pepper. l
large salad and requiring no tomatoes in a container in the
cutting by the cook. DOUBLE DUTY CAPRESE refrigerator.
Serves six with leftovers
Tomatoes this time of year In a large salad bowl, place
are rather grim, but I located For the tomatoes: the arugula, cheese and toma-
some cherry tomatoes on sale toes (with liquid) in layers to
at the grocery store and roasted 4 pints cherry tomatoes ensure even distribution. (If
them into a sweet, slightly 2 tablespoons oil you use a glass bowl it looks
charred oblivion a day ahead Generous pinch kosher salt really pretty.)
of time. If this is not appealing Generous grinding of fresh
to you, if you don’t have time In a small bowl, mix the
to roast and chill the tomatoes, cracked pepper dressing ingredients with
or if you are a strict “in-season” a fork. Taste for salt. Right
produce eater, julienne-cut For the salad: before serving, toss half of the
jarred sun-dried tomatoes are dressing over the salad and
a suitable substitute. 1 pound arugula (the large mix well. If more dressing is
double-sized bag) needed, add a little bit at a
The best part about this time. Serve immediately. (Save
dish was the leftovers, which 1 pound fresh mozzarella any remaining dressing for the
cheese (pearl sized, or next recipe.)
cut into small, bite-sized


Torah Portion

The Contrast Between Joseph and Moses

BY RABBI SHLOMO RISKI Moreover, in resisting the lished his place in history by that he had a special CANDLE LIGHTING
seductive perfumes of his mas- taking the Jews on their way to task for Joseph, per-
Parashat Shemot ter Potiphar’s wife, Joseph mer- Israel. Joseph was the insider sonally chosen to save Dec. 28 4:25 p.m.
“BLESSED ART THOU, its the unique accolade haTzadik who chose to move outside (he the descendants of Jan. 4 4:31 p.m.
Lord our God, and God of our (literally, ‘the righteous one’) dreamt of Egyptian agriculture,
fathers, the God of Abraham, appended to his name. as well as the cosmic universe). Jacob and the world identifies with them. As the
the God of Isaac, the God from a relentless famine.
of Jacob…” (The Opening As a result, he has come to Moses was the outsider Nevertheless, he must pay a Torah most poignantly records:
Blessing of the Amida) represent for all of his descen- (Prince of Egypt), who insisted price for being Grand Vizier of “And it happened in those days
dants the mastery of the spiri- on coming inside (by slay- Egypt: The gold chain around [after the baby Moses was taken
The opening of the Amida tual over the physical. If indeed ing the Egyptian taskmaster). his neck is Egyptian, his gar- to the home of Pharaoh’s daugh-
prayer stops with Jacob’s name. Joseph is known to us forever Joseph brought his family to ments are Egyptian, his limou- ter] that Moses grew up and he
But why should the patriarchal as Joseph the Tzadik, and being Egypt, Moses took his people sine is Egyptian, and even his went out to his brothers and he
line be limited to three — why that he is the son of Jacob, why out of Egypt. Moses saw Egypt language is Egyptian. Indeed, saw [attempting to alleviate] their
not four patriarchs: Abraham, is he not considered the fourth as a foreign country, and when his brothers come to ask sufferings.” (Exodus 2:11)
Isaac, Jacob and Joseph? After patriarch? After all, there are names his son Gershom “for for bread, an interpreter’s pres- Even though Joseph and
all, Joseph’s role in the Genesis four parallel matriarchs. he said I have been a stranger ence is required for the inter- Moses both change the world
narrative is unquestionably cen- in a strange land” (Ex. 2:22). views because his very language and preserve the Jewish peo-
tral to the entire book of Genesis. To understand why, we must Joseph has at best ambigu- of discourse is Egyptian, with ple through the divine will that
compare and contrast him not ous feelings about his early his countrymen totally unaware flows through them, their ener-
A case could be made for with the patriarchs who pre- years in Canaan, naming his of his knowledge of Hebrew. gies get channeled into different
showing that he shares a sim- cede him, but with the person- firstborn in Egypt Manasseh The difference between directions: Pharaoh and Egypt
ilar fate to those of all three ality who, from the moment of “since God has made me Moses and Joseph takes on its on the one hand, the Jewish
patriarchs. Like Abraham, he his appearance in the book of [allowed me to] forget com- sharpest hue when seen against people and Torah on the other.
lives among idolaters and must Exodus, stands at center stage pletely my hardship and my the shadow of Pharaoh. Joseph’s This may be the signifi-
maintain his faith and tradi- for the rest of the Torah and parental home” (Gen. 41:51). life work consists of glorifying cant factor in explaining why
tions within a hostile environ- all of subsequent Jewish reli- and exalting Paraoh, in effect our sages stop short at calling
ment. Like Isaac, he suffers a gious history: Moshe Rabbenu, Joseph, through his eco- bestowing upon the Egyptian Joseph a patriarch. He may be
personal akedah, about to be Moses our Teacher. nomic policies, enslaves the
slain not by his father but by his Egyptian farmers to Pharaoh; A good case could easily be made in praise of
brothers, saved not by a ram but In many ways, Joseph and Moses frees the Jews from their Joseph. He never loses sight of God or morality,
by Midianite traders. And like Moses are contrasting person- enslavement to Pharaoh. And despite the blandishments of Egyptian society.
Jacob, who set the foundation alities, mirror images of each Joseph’s dreams are realized, And God would even testify that he had a special
for the twelve tribes of Israel, other, with Moses rectifying whereas Moses’ dream — the task for Joseph.
Joseph provided Jacob’s descen- the problematic steps taken vision of Israel’s redemption
dants with life and sustenance by Joseph. Joseph was born in in Israel — remained tragically King-God the blessings of a tzadik, two of his sons may
as the Grand Vizier of Egypt. Israel, but became profession- unfulfilled at the end of his life. a prosperous and powerful become the heads of tribes,
ally successful in Egypt; Moses kingdom, whose subjects are and he may even deserve burial
was born in Egypt, but estab- The truth is that for the enslaved to him; Moses flees in Israel; but ultimately a hero
majority of Joseph’s profes- Pharaoh’s court with a traitor- who spends so much of his
Custom Built-Ins sional life he functions as an ous act against him, ultimately energies on behalf of Egypt
Egyptian, the Grand Vizier of humiliating and degrading him cannot be called a patriarch of
Artisan Custom Bookcases Egypt. He may have grown up by unleashing the 10 plagues. the Jewish nation.
Specializing in custom built-in: in the old home of the patri-
arch Jacob, heir to the tradi- A shepherd and the son of It is recorded that the first
• Bookcases • Entertainment Centers tions of Abraham and Isaac, shepherds, Joseph becomes the chief rabbi of Israel, Rabbi
• Home Libraries • Home Offices but from the practical point first Jewish prince in history, Abraham Isaac Hakohen
of view, his time and energies while Moses, a genuine prince Kook, was tended to in his are devoted to putting Exxon, of Egypt, begins his mature final years by an internation-
Call today for more information! Xerox and MGM on the map. years as a shepherd on the run, ally known physician. His last
215-817-3814 risking his life for his com- words to the doctor were: “I
Ultimately his professional mitment to free the Israelites. yearn for the day when Jews
activities enable him to pre- Jealousy and destiny force who are great will also be great
serve his people, the children Joseph to live out his life away Jews.” It was Moses who was
of Israel; but day to day, hour to from his brothers, estranging undoubtedly the greatest Jew
hour, he is involved in strength- himself from them. But Moses, who ever lived. l
ening and aggrandizing Egypt. despite his foreign, Egyptian
background, nevertheless cares Rabbi Shlomo Riskin is the chief
A good case could easily for his Hebrew brothers and rabbi of Efrat.
be made in praise of Joseph.
He never loses sight of God
or morality, despite the blan-
dishments of Egyptian society.
And God would even testify


Highlights from a COMMUNITY NEWS
Historic Israel Year
The Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia
ISRAEL HAS BEEN a priority for the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia mobilizes financial and volunteer resources to
since our 1901 founding — back when the state of Israel was merely a hopeful address the communities’ most critical priorities
dream. That’s why, when Israel turned 70 this past May, we weren’t about to just locally, in Israel and around the world.
let the moment pass. We hosted a yearlong celebration throughout 2018, packed
with countless festivities and Israel engagement opportunities. Here are a few THE U.S.-ISRAEL RELATIONSHIP: A
DANIEL SHAPIRO: Daniel Shapiro,
former U.S. Ambassador to Israel during
the Obama administration, called on
his 20-plus years in senior foreign
policy and national security positions
to give insight into the recent political
relationship between the United States
and Israel in March.

THE MAIN EVENT: Wrapping up our yearlong celebration of Israel70, this year’s Main PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA TOUR AND MISSION: Only three North American orchestras
Event celebrated our love for Israel and our long history of supporting our Jewish homeland, have ever toured Israel, and thanks to a partnership with our Jewish Federation, The
with a big missions reunion and special guest speaker Avi Issacharoff, co-creator of Netflix’s
hit show Fauda. Thanks to ticket sales and the generous support of our sponsors, the Main Philadelphia Orchestra made its second visit to the country this June. Our patron tour was
Event raised more than $930,000, which will help our Jewish Federation continue serving
vulnerable populations, inspiring community engagement and supporting Jewish life and by their side the whole time, visiting Haifa, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and our partnership region.
learning — locally, in Israel and around the world.
Did we mention the last two days was a culinary tour hosted by James Beard Award-winning

chef Michael Solomonov?

HUMANS OF TEL AVIV: Partnering with Citizens Diplomacy International, we celebrated 5-6-70 ISRAEL!: On May 6, thousands of our Greater Philadelphia community members
Philadelphia’s special sister cities connection to Tel Aviv with a public art exhibit of “Humans gathered for the ultimate birthday party to celebrate Israel’s 70th anniversary of

of Tel Aviv,” featuring an array of photographs of the residents who make Tel Aviv the vibrant independence. The day was packed with cooking demos, wine and olive oil tastings, Israeli

city we know and love. dancing, Gaga courts, Israeli films, art and science exhibits, vendors offering fine crafts and

Judaica, local music and the popular Israeli cover band Capaim.


Community / calendar

RomoloTavani/Thinkstock THURSDAY, DEC. 27 This is an ongoing process, beginning
with Genesis and proceeding over the
MONDAY, DEC. 31 Mommy and Me. course of the year. 410 Montgomery
Sherrie Turetsky, director of the Ave., Wynnewood.
Fireworks and Dinner. School of Early Learning at Old York
Join the Mosaic Outdoor Club of Philadelphia at 5:40 p.m. at the Walnut Street Bridge at Front and Road Temple-Beth Am, will lead a Canasta.
Walnut streets in Philadelphia to view the 6 p.m. fireworks. Afterward, the group will go out to dinner. weekly one-hour “Mommy & Me” Weekly drop-in canasta game at
Nonmembers are welcome. For information, call Gale at 215-331-8194. class at 9:30 a.m. 971 Old York Road, 1 p.m. with the Sisterhood of Ohev
Abington. Shalom of Bucks County.
$2 donation. Lessons by request.
Knitting With a Mission. Call 215-958-6755 for information.
Join us at 10 a.m. as we knit/sew 944 Second Street Pike, Richboro.
squares together to make afghans
for people in need of comfort. Basic Caregiver Support Group.
knowledge of knitting is required to Are you parenting an adult child
participate. To learn more about with special needs, physical and/
JFCS, contact Jennifer Pedulla at or mental Illness, or chronic illness?
267-314-0909 or jpedulla@jfcsphilly. Would you like to be part of a
org. The Barbara and Harvey support group to share you and your
Brodsky Enrichment Center of JFCS. children’s challenges, struggles and
345 Montgomery Ave., accomplishments? Group led by
Bala Cynwyd. Barbara Weintraub from
7-8:30 p.m. at Beth Sholom
Bible Study. Congregation. Questions/RSVP:
A member of Main Line Reform [email protected].
Temple’s clergy leads a discussion of 8231 Old York Road,
the Tanakh, or Jewish bible, at 11 a.m. Elkins Park.




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Community / calendar NAME: SACK’S JEW-
lnzyx/Thinkstock Active Adult Friday. Bereavement Group.
A full day of activities for active adults For the newly bereaved, there’s tNopUsMaBllEoRf:fe0r0s 0fo8r2y4o0u8r
MONDAY, DEC. 31 with KleinLife: Center City. 8:30 a.m. help at Congregations of Shaare diamonds & jewelry.
coffee, tea and munchies. 9:30 a.m. Shamayim from 1-2:30 p.m.
Mahjong. chair exercise or current events. No charge. Email rivkahpowers55@ We can pay more because
Join the Sisterhood of Melrose B’nai Israel Emanu-El at 7 p.m. for 10:30 a.m. Kabbalat Shabbat service or call 215-677-1600 we know the true value.
our weekly mahjong game. Open to the entire kehillah. No charge led by Rabbi Beth Janus. 11:30 a.m. for details. 9768 Verree Road, Immediate cash for one
for MBIEE sisterhood members. The one-time charge of $36 includes hot kosher lunch from Betty the Philadelphia. piece or an entire
membership to the MBIEE Sisterhood. Contact 215-635-1505 or Caterer. 12:15 p.m. The Jimmy Alex collection.
[email protected] for further information. 8339 Old York Road, Mummers Trio. RSVP for all programs WEDNESDAY, JAN. 2
Elkins Park. 10 days in advance, either at the sign- 201 Old York Road • Jenkintown, PA
in table or by phone at 215-832-0539. Bereavement Group.
TUESDAY, JAN. 1 2100 Arch St., Philadelphia. For the post-bereaved, held at (215) 885-7070
Northeast NORC from 1-2:30 p.m.
Mahjong. SATURDAY, DEC. 29 No charge. Email rivkapowers@ Open Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat.
Our mahjong group at Temple Beth Zion-Beth Israel meets in the or call 215-320-0351 11am - 4:00pm
synagogue chapel at 1 p.m. to play the game, have fun and raise Torah, Bagels, Coffee. to register. 8546B Bustleton Ave.,
Begin Shabbat morning at Old York Philadelphia. Closed Sunday, Monday & Tuesday
money for tikkun olam. 300 S. 18th St., Philadelphia. Road Temple-Beth Am with an
interactive, engaging discussion of THURSDAY, JAN. 3 additional classes or call Debbie Rose
WEDNESDAY, JAN. 2 the weekly portion including bagels at 267-984-0722, 101 Richboro Road,
and coffee at 9 a.m. followed by a Mommy and Me. Newtown.
Mahjong. peer-led Shabbat service at Sherrie Turetsky, director of the
Old York Road Temple-Beth Am will host a drop-in mahjong game 10:15 a.m. Casual dress is appropriate, School of Early Learning at Old York Bible Study.
at 7 p.m. Bring your cards. Mahjong sets and cards will be for sale. and everyone is welcome. For more Road Temple-Beth Am, will lead a A member of Main Line Reform
information, call 215-886-8000. weekly one-hour “Mommy & Me” Temple’s clergy leads a discussion of
Call 215-886-8000. 971 Old York Road, Abington. 971 Old York Road, Abington. class at 9:30 a.m. 971 Old York Road, the Tanakh, or Jewish bible, at 11 a.m.
Abington. This is an ongoing process, beginning
Torah Study. with Genesis and proceeding over the
Each week at Main Line Reform Branches of Government. course of the year. 410 Montgomery
Temple at 9 a.m., our rabbis lead Learn about the role of the legislative Ave., Wynnewood.
us as we read from the parshah, or and executive branches of our
weekly portion, and learn about its government with Golden Slipper Canasta.
context and history. There is always Gems at 10 a.m. This is the first Weekly drop-in canasta game at
a lively discussion and anyone is class of a series of several classes 1 p.m. with the Sisterhood of
welcome to join us. 410 Montgomery for January. Visit our website Ohev Shalom of Bucks County.
Ave., Wynnewood. at for $2 donation. Lessons by request.
Call 215-958-6755 for information.
944 Second Street Pike, Richboro. l

NAME: WWDB AM 860; WIDTH: 3.625 IN;

in Jewish Philadelphia?

Submit an event or browse our online calendar to
find out what’s happening at local synagogues,
community organizations and venues!

Submit: [email protected]


SHARE your COMMUNITY / mazel tovs
engagement, wedding, birth,
Bar/Bat Mitzvah announcement BIRTHS
and any other simcha on
both Samantha Jones, Louis
and the weekly Jewish Exponent Weintraub and Matthew
Robert Weintraub
newspaper for ... announce the birth of
FREE. Ethan Archer Weintraub
and Zoe Frances
Weintraub on May 22.

Sharing in the family’s
happiness are grandpar-
ents Susan and Stanley Weintraub of Havertown, and Jessica and
Paul Jones of Forestburgh, N.Y.; Aunt Dayna and Uncle Larry
Weintraub; cousins Jonah and Noam; Uncle Gary and Aunt Erin
Weintraub; Uncle Alex Jones and Aunt Maria Cleveland-Jones;
cousin Elliott; Uncle Zach and Aunt Kristina Jones; and Uncle
Lawrence Jones and Aunt Amelia Wolf.
Ethan Archer is named for his maternal great-aunt Ellen
Reisman and maternal great-grandfather Arthur Roth. Zoe
Frances is named for her maternal great-grandmother Eva Jones
and paternal great-grandmother Frances Paster.


Debbie and Perry Ko er of Cherry Hill, N.J., announce the birth
of their grandson, Ryan Steven Miller, on June 8.

e parents are Pam (née
Ko er) and Travis Miller of
Mount Laurel, N.J.

Sharing in their happi-
ness are great-grandparents
Shirley and Sam Benn and
Janice Ko er of Philadelphia
and Uncle Josh Ko er of
Cherry Hill, N.J.


Meryl (Jacobs) and Shai Shefer of Merion Station announce the
birth of their daughter, Sophia Devon, on Dec. 13.

Sophia’s grandparents are Eric and Marjorie Stern Jacobs of
Merion Station, Sam Shefer and Naomi Schlesinger of South
Brunswick, N.J., and the late Adi (Dafrin) Shefer.

Welcoming Sophia to the family are brother Adam; Aunts
Holly Barg and Rachel Shefer; Uncles Jason Barg and Gil Shefer;

rst cousins Mitchell and Ella Barg; and great-grandparents
Rebecca and Baruch Dafrin of Ashkelon, Israel.

Sophia Devon is named in loving memory of maternal
great-grandmother Sylvia Stern and in loving memory of
maternal great-aunt Debbi (née Jacobs) Eckert. ●



Community / deaths



Marcia Allenberg, on December 13, 2018,the Our beloved Grampa, Harold E. Levine, was a Gertrude “Trudy” Malis (nee Fine) on Decem- Charlotte Rosenthal (nee Greenberg), on Morton Stupp (Mort) 88 originally from Phila.
former Marcia Maislin, wife of the late Max; man full of dignity and integrity, a real class ber 14, 2018. Devoted and loving wife of 44 November 29, 2018. Charlotte had an over of Tampa, Fla. passed away on Tuesday Dec.
mother of Hope Fastman (Alan) and Larry Al- act. He served in the US Army in West Point ½ years of the late Sidney Malis. Mother of 30 year history of charitable work in the Phil- 4, 2018. Husband of Elaine for 60 years. Son
lenberg; grandmother of Adam, Alicia, Staci during World War II and was deeply involved Linda Malis and the late Michael Malis. Sis- adelphia Community. She was a long time of the late Herman and Anna Stupp. Father of
and Michael. Also survived by 2 great-grand- in supporting the State of Israel and helping ter of the late Martin Fine, the late Annette board member of Einstein Health Care Net- Gary (Mary) and Shari. Grandfather and great
children. Contributions in her memory may Soviet Jewry. Along with his wife, Phillis, he Hoffer and the late Frances D’agostino. Also work Women’s Auxiliary as well as a board grandfather of 3. Brother of Esther Myers,
be made to Abramson Senior Care - Staff Re- gave of himself not just financially, but even remembered by many loving nieces, neph- member of Federation Early Learning System Dorothy Klevan, Marsha Stone (deceased).
cognition, 1425 Horsham Road, North Wales, at personal risk, smuggling items in to the ews, great-nieces and great-nephews. Ser- (FELS). In addition, she was a Park House Contributions in his memory can be sent to
Pennsylvania 19454 USSR for the Jewish communities there and vices Private. Contributions in her memory Guide for the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Temple Schaarai Zedek,Cantors fund, 3303
serving in several voluntary programs in the may be made to a charity of the donor’s An avid cook, Charlotte loved to entertain and W. Swann Ave. Tampa, Fla. 33609
GOLDSTEINS' ROSENBERG'S IDF. My Grampa lived life to the fullest, dis- choice. was known far and wide for her crab cakes
RAPHAEL-SACKS cerned the important things in life early on and brownies. Beloved wife of the late Louis. WAXMAN
and made sure never to lose that focus. He GOLDSTEINS’ ROSENBERG’S Devoted mother of Ed Rosenthal and Susan
BAYLSON supported his family and his grandchildren in RAPHAEL-SACKS Hopfan (Robert). Loving grandmother of Carol Fay Waxman (nee Sharapan) on
every way he could and took personal pride Jeremy Rosenthal, Madison Rosenthal, December 17, 2018. Beloved wife of the late
Carroll W. Baylson of Phila. December 14, in their achievements. Grampa had such MILLER Lauren Zerega (Jason), and Allison Hopfan. Alvin; Loving mother of Adam (Judy),
2018. Resident of the Watermark. Husband presence when he entered a room, a com- Loving great grandmother of Leah Zerega. Jonathan (Jodi) and Melissa; Dear sister of
of Mona (predeceased). Father of Bruce pletely disarming manner. He would charm William Miller, CPA, 84 on December 19, Dear sister-in-law of Edward Rosenthal and Don Sharapan; Devoted grandmother of
(Elise) and Josh (Colette). Also survived by anyone within minutes of meeting them. 2018. Husband of Lois (nee Grossman). Nancy Shrier (Marc). Contributions in her Sammi, Jacob, Josh, Bari, Alexa, Brooke,
grandchildren Jennifer, Rachel, and Alexan- Grampa taught his family and those who Father of Anita (Neil) Simon, Suzanne Miller memory may be made to Einstein Healthcare Sydney and Taylor. Mrs. Waxman is formerly
dra and three great grandchildren. Graduate knew him the value of patience and of really and David (Caroline) Miller. Stepfather of Network or Federation Early Learning Ser- of Pittsburgh, PA. She was 81 years old and
of Central High School and Pennsylvania respecting one another, the importance of Scott Kattelman. Grandfather of Rachelle vices (FELS). currently lived in Wyncote, PA. She was a
State University. World War II era veteran of travel and openness to new experiences, and Lansky, Chloe Miller and Hudson Miller. Con- secretary in the field of education. Relatives
the U.S. Navy. Worked as a Certified Public how to keep learning. At age 96, the night tributions in his memory may be made to The GOLDSTEINS’ ROSENBERG’S and friends were invited to Funeral Services,
Accountant for mortgage companies and after Chanukah, Grampa passed away. The University of Maryland Medical Center Kid- RAPHAEL-SACKS, INC. Wednesday, 11:30 AM precisely at Gold-
banks. Very active in the Jewish community light he brought into the world still shines ney Transplant Program steins’ Rosenberg’s Raphael-Sacks, 6410 N.
and with interfaith organizations. He was a brightly through his loving wife of 67 years, SELSMAN Broad St., Phila. Int. Montefiore Cemetery.
founding member of Temple Beth Hillel, and his 2 children, 9 grandchildren, 13 great- GOLDSTEINS’ ROSENBERG’S Contributions in her memory may be made to
served as a past President and Trustee. He grandchildren, and everyone else who knew RAPHAEL-SACKS Ronald Harvey Selsman 80, of Philadelphia, American Cancer Society, 1626 Locust St.,
chose to donate his remains to science, thus and loved him. Rest in peace, Grampa. You died Tuesday, December 18, 2018. He is sur- Phila., PA 19103 or American Diabetes As-
a formal funeral and internment will not be live on in our hearts. PESSIN vived by his loving wife, Susan Linder; soc., 150 Monument Rd., Ste. 100, Bala Cyn-
held at this time. daughter, Miriam Giove (the late Larry wyd, PA 19004.
RIVERSIDE STANETSKY Esther R. Pessin (Nee Berg), 93, of Giove); daughter-in-law, Kara Selsman (the
BERNHARD MEMORIAL CHAPELS Worcester, MA, formerly of Oak Park and late Michael Selsman); son, David Selsman; GOLDSTEINS' ROSENBERG'S
Southfield, MI and Philadelphia, PA. Wife of granddaughters, Cristina Giove and Angela RAPHAEL-SACKS
Kenneth Alan Bernhard, M.D., 61, of South LIPKIN the late Dr. Louis S. Pessin. Loving mother Giove; grandsons: Anthony Giove, Adam
Whitehall Twp., passed away December 14, of Alan (Audrey Kahn) Pessin of Delray Selsman, Jacob Selsman, and Sammy Sels- WEISS
2018. He was the husband of Carol ( Jaspan) Anthony “Tony” Lipkin on November 29, Beach, FL, and Renee (Bart) Vinik of man. Memorial services were held at noon on
Bernhard. Born in Philadelphia, on Jan. 21, 2018. Beloved husband of Mike (Myrna, nee Worcester; grandmother of Sam Pessin, Bri- Friday, December 21, 2018 at West Laurel Irwin Weiss on Dec. 14, 2018. Husband of
1957, he was a son of Marilyn (Kaufman) Rosner.) Loving father of Linda Lipkin (Shar- an Vinik and Michael Vinik. Honorary Bubbie Hill Cemetery’s Conservatory. Memorial con- the late Jeanne. Father of Robert David
Bernhard and the late Dr. Robert A. Bernhard. on Feigenbaum), Deborah Lipkin (George to Jodi, Leah, Marley and Allison. Relatives tributions in Ron’s honor may be sent to The Weiss. Relatives and friends were invited to
Kenneth was a graduate of Abington High Clarke), and Robin Lipkin Moore (Gary and friends gathered graveside on December Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation or The Funeral Services Tuesday 12:30 PM pre-
School, Princeton University and University Moore). Adoring grandfather of Matthew, 19 alongside Dr. Pessin’s grave at Mount Jimmy Fund, Dana Farber. Arrangements by cisely at Temple Adath Israel, 250 N High-
of Pennsylvania Medical College. He served Emma, Sophie, Lili, Annie, and Miller. Also Sharon Cemetery in Springfield, PA. Contri- West Laurel Hill Funeral Home, Inc. 225 Bel- land Ave., Merion Station PA 19066. Int. Mt.
his internship and residency in Internal Medi- survived by his special cousins, Jim Feldman butions in her memory may be made to the mont Ave. Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 Sharon Cem. Contributions in his memory
cine at Temple University Hospital and his and Jane Walker and their families. A lifelong Jewish Healthcare Center in Worcester. may be made to Temple Adath Israel or
Fellowship in Cardiology at the University of sports enthusiast (playing, watching, cheer- WWW.WESTLAURELHILL.COM Madlyn & Leonard Abramson Center for Jew-
Rochester, Strong Memorial Hospital, ing) he was also a proud graduate of Central JOSEPH LEVINE and SONS ish Life.
Rochester, NY. Ken worked as a cardiologist High School and the Wharton School at SILVER
in Pittsburgh at Montefiore Hospital and in Penn. He practiced as a CPA until the day he A Community GOLDSTEINS’ ROSENBERG’S
Allentown and Bethlehem. He worked at the died, but enjoyed most his family and family Remembers Shirley Silver (nee Sade), on December 14, RAPHAEL-SACKS
Veterans Administration Outpatient Clinic in of friends. Contributions may be made to a 2018. Wife of the late Kenneth. Mother of
Allentown where he was an advocate for the charity of the donor’s choice. Monthly archives of Michael (Avis) Silver and Lois Silver (Steph- WELT
veterans. Ken loved his family and practicing Jewish Exponent Death Notices en Merion). Sister of Alice Jacobs. Grand-
medicine. He was a member of Temple Beth GOLDSTEINS’ ROSENBERG’S mother of Rebecca (Joshua) Bass, Joseph Peggy Ann Welt (Kaliser) on November 24,
El, Allentown. Survivors: Wife; Mother; Chil- RAPHAEL-SACKS are available online. Silver and Matthew Bleiman. Great Grand- 2018. Survived by her life partner Jeffrey
dren: Julie Bernhard Teitelbaum (Jordan) mother of Caiden Bass. Contributions in her Kaliser; children Jonathan Wolf (Molly), An-
and Ellen Bernhard (Allon Levin); Grand- memory may be made to the International drew Welt, and Jennifer Cruickshank (Mike);
daughter, Stella Teitelbaum; Sister, Janet Essential Tremor Foundation www.essential- a grandson Nathan Wolf; a brother Steven
Hood (John); Brother, Mark Bernhard Harris (Karen); Uncle Morton “Bud” Roth-
(Laura); Nieces and Nephews. Ken was dia- schild and her puppy Ella. Relatives and
gnosed with Frontal Temporal Lobe Demen- GOLDSTEINS’ ROSENBERG’S friends were invited to Memorial Services
tia; in his memory, please consider a dona- RAPHAEL-SACKS Monday 3 PM precisely at Goldsteins' Rosen-
tion to The Association for Frontotemporal berg's Raphael-Sacks Suburban North, 310
Degeneration, (AFTD), Radnor Station, Bldg. SMITH 2ND Street Pike, Southampton, PA. Contribu-
2, Suite 320, 290 King of Prussia Road, Rad- tions in her memory may be made to Wood-
nor, PA 19087 or to Temple Beth El, 1305 Marcia Hope Smith (nee Bluestein). Wife of bridge Animal Group PO Box 133, Sewaren,
Springhouse Road, Allentown, PA 18104. Dr. Randall Smith. Mother of Todd (Lori) NJ 07077
Smith and Taryn (Eric) Ferst. Sister of Craig
BACHMAN, KULIK & REINSMITH (Anita) Bluestein. Grandmother of Jared, GOLDSTEINS' ROSENBERG'S
FUNERAL HOME Jana, Haley and Tyler. Relatives and friends RAPHAEL-SACKS
were invited to graveside services Tuesday
December 18, 1:00pm at Har Jehuda
Cemetery. Contributions in her memory be
made to a charity of the donor's choice.


Family owned and Operated since 1883


SERVICES Four plots; Zone Z ; 4 Graves Late of Philadelphia Late of Philadelphia
bbyyAAppptt..OOnlnyly MARGATE 2 openings and Closings, LETTERS of ADMINISTRATION on LETTERS of ADMINISTRATION on
2 RENTALS 9 EDUCATION BEACH HOUSE the above Estate have been gran- the above Estate have been gran-
ACTIVITIES TOWER- Designer JR 1BD 1BA 2 Liners, and a Monument for ted to the undersigned, who re- ted to the undersigned, who re-
includes heat, air, gym, HW TOWNHOUSE Across from only $10,000 quest all persons having claims or quest all persons having claims or
3 BUSINESS/ 10 EMPLOYMENT/ floors, move in condition $1250 Beach! 3BD., 3 BA. Rooftop demands against the estate of the demands against the estate of the
FINANCIAL HELP WANTED TERRACES- 1BD 1BA top floor, deck w/skyline and ocean Call Billy Roseman at decedent to make known the same decedent to make known the same
sunny balcony, W/D, ceiling fan, views. 2 car garg. plus addl. 561-865-9838 and all persons indebted to the de- and all persons indebted to the de-
modern kitchen..COMING off street prkg. Steps from cedent to make payment without cedent to make payment without
TOWER-1 BD, 1.5 BA sunny everything. Will Split season 2 Plots, Sect. “T”, Lot 157, Sites MINISTRATRIX, c/o Bess M. Colli- ADMINISTRATRIX, c/o Kelly Barse,
corner, W/D hardwood floors, or monthly available. Season- 1 & 2. Valued at $3,995 each, er, Esq., 820 Homestead Rd., Jenk- Esq., 1701 Walnut St., 6th Fl., Phil-
door man, storage, gym, pool, al $26,000. Call/text 609-313- asking $6,000 for both including intown, PA 19046, adelphia, PA 19103,
includes heat and air REDUCED 4013 fees. Call or text 856-857-8598 Or to her Attorney: Or to her Attorney:
VACATION 12 AUTOMOTIVE washer/dryer, modern open 820 Homestead Rd. KLENK & ASSOCIATES
SALES/RENTALS granite kitchen, hard wood EDUCATION PLUS SENIORS, NEED HELP? Jenkintown, PA 19046 1701 Walnut St., 6th Fl.
13 MERCHANDISE floors, sunny balcony $1850 ESTATE OF DENNIS J. BOOTH, DE- Philadelphia, PA 19103
PROFESSIONAL/ W/D, modern kitchen, wall to elemen.-college, SAT/ACT prep. Personal Assistant - Late of Philadelphia CEASED.
PERSONAL wall carpets $1250 Licensed driver to as- LETTERS of ADMINISTRATION on Late of Philadelphia County
TOWER- Full size designer 2 7 days/week. sist with errands, the above Estate have been gran- LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the
6 HOUSEHOLD BD, 2BA, W/D lots of closets! Expd. & motivated instructors. shopping, appts., read- ted to the undersigned, who re- above Estate have been granted to
SERVICES $1995 ing, walking, food quest all persons having claims or the undersigned, who request all
(215)576-1096 prep., socializing and demands against the estate of the persons having claims or demands
7 14REPAIRS/ PARTY GUIDE KKKKKK daily activities decedent to make known the same against the estate of the decedent
CONSTRUCTION inside/outside of your and all persons indebted to the de- to make known the same and all
TOWER- Jr. 1BD 1BA 8th floor, CHANDELIER RESTORATION home. Will help you cedent to make payment without persons indebted to the decedent
TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD: sunny balcony BLOWOUT CRYSTAL CHANDELIER understand your bills, delay to JANICE T. PETNER, AD- to make payment without delay to
$89,900 do paperwork.and also MINISTRATRIX, c/o Adam S. Ber- DOVID DUNOFF, Executor, c/o Dah-
LINE CLASSIFIED: TERRACES- Top floor, 1 SERVICE make telephone nick, Esq., 2047 Locust St., Phil- lia Robinson-Oaken, Esq. 822
BD/1BA, large balcony, lots of Rewiring, refin, cleaning. Looks calls.for you. Support adelphia, PA 19103, Montgomery Avenue, Suite 204,
215-832-0749 closets, W/D, WW carpet, sunny brand new when we're thru. Services - Refs Call Or to her Attorney: Narberth, PA 19072 or his attorney;
classifi[email protected] balcony, lots of closets, RE- Howard Serotta 215-423-2234; Phyllis 215-886-4040 ADAM S. BERNICK Dahlia Robinson-Ocken Esq.
DUCED $139,900 368-4056 Call 215-920-2528 LAW OFFICE OF ADAM S. BERNICK 822 Montgomery Ave
HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE, Pro- CLEANING Philadelphia, PA 19103 Narberth, PA 19072
215-832-0753 fessionally renovated, 2 BD, 2 Louise & Kedecia ESTATE OF ELISABETH SHAR- ESTATE OF GLORIA M. SCHLOS-
BA, modified custom kit., coun- Cleaning Service ROCK SPEIGHT, DECEASED. BERG a/k/a GLORIA SCHLOSBERG,
DEADLINES: ters, hallways, baths, closets. For all your residential and Caring & Reliable Late of Philadelphia DECEASED.
LINE CLASSIFIED: 12 p.m. Mondays W/D, new appliances, commercial cleaning. LETTERS of ADMINISTRATION on Late of Philadelphia
DISPLAY ADVERTISING: 12 p.m. Fridays TOWER- Designer 2 BD, 2BA 215-459-1300/484-687-3895 Experienced & Trained the above Estate have been gran- LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the
W/D, modern kitchen,large bal- BONDED & LICENSED ted to the undersigned, who re- above Estate have been granted to
HOMES FOR SALE cony lots of closets!! $210,000 MIRRORS quest all persons having claims or the undersigned, who request all
TERRACES- Top Floor Sun- MIRRORED WALLS Available 24/7 demands against the estate of the persons having claims or demands
drenched 2BD, 2BA, open kit- BY JERRY GROSSMAN 20 Years Experience decedent to make known the same against the estate of the decedent
chen, W/D, wood flrs. Available Closets Doors, Jacuzzi, Vanity, and all persons indebted to the de- to make known the same and all
immediately REDUCED Fitness area, custom shower Very Affordable cedent to make payment without persons indebted to the decedent
$210,900 doors and enclosures, etc. Free 215-477-1050 delay to THOMAS B. SPEIGHT, AD- to make payment without delay to –
TERRACES- Custom built de- Estimate. Call 215-675-9633 MINISTRATOR, c/o Flora M. ROBIN SCHLOSBERG, EXECUTRIX,
HOMES FOR SALE signer 1st floor 2 BD/ 2BA , CAREGIVER Seeks Novick, Esq., 1701 Walnut St., 6th c/o Miriam N. Jacobson, Esq., 1900
open kitchen and lighting W/D, MOVING/HAULING Fl., Philadelphia, PA 19103, JFK Blvd., Ste. 1519, Philadelphia,
lots of closets sunny patio RE- pos Hrly, 20 yrs exp. Or to his Attorney: PA 19103,
DUCED $214,900 BNeOst RraTteHs aEroAuSndT1MpcOtVo IeNntGire CNA CPR, FLORA M. NOVICK Or to her Attorney:
Top floor, 2BD 2BA Open kit. w/ home moved anywhere. Lic. Ins. Mon-Friday KLENK & ASSOCIATES 1900 JFK Blvd., Ste. 1519
breakfast area, sunny balcony, dependable 215-677-4817 267-298-0211 1701 Walnut St., 6th Fl. Philadelphia, PA 19103
modern baths, extra closets. Philadelphia, PA 19103 ESTATE OF IRVIN SCHWARTZ, DE-
Associate Broker Back on Bustleton! floor 2BD 2BA modern open kit- ing employment with Senior a/k/a FRANCES EMANUEL TOBIN Late of Philadelphia
610-668-3400 chen, wood floors, Stone fire- DOWNSIZING Please contact Shevon Lee and FRANCES TOBIN, DECEASED. LETTERS of ADMINISTRATION on Holiday Special!! place, lots of closets, sunny OR CLEANING OUT? 267-312-3036 Late of the Township of Lower the above Estate have been gran-
Meadowbrook Area patio with gate access, parking Looking for Caregiver/Companion Merion, Montgomery County, PA ted to the undersigned, who re-
FFFFF Lower Moreland Schools at your door! 1 man's trash/another man's LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the quest all persons having claims or
4 bed 2 & 1/2 bath TERRACES-Special Opportun- treasure Monday-Friday above Estate have been granted to demands against the estate of the
Penn Valley ity! All new renovation, design- Day or Overnight the undersigned, who request all decedent to make known the same
single two-story er 3BD 2.5BA, open spectacu- Call Joel 215-947-2817 Over 25yrs experience persons having claims or demands and all persons indebted to the de-
1750 Oakwood Ter Unit 1A on Scenic Cul de Sac lar gourmet kitchen, granite against the estate of the decedent cedent to make payment without
2 Bed/2Bath; 1,299 Sq Ft Great Location Move in Condition counters, breakfast bar, sub- CASH IN YOUR CLOSET INC. Have a Car to make known the same and all delay to BRUCE S. MARKS, AD-
Located in Oak Hill Estates, New Price $499,900. way tile backsplash custom Licensed and Bonded 267 432 6075 persons indebted to the decedent MINISTRATOR, c/o David S. Work-
Rarely Offered: Excelsior bath, shower/tub, full size W/D to make payment without delay to man, Esq., The Bellevue, 6th Fl., 200
this condo features First Floor 1 BD+ den custom closets and lighting. 3rd ESTATE SALES ESTATE NOTICES MARK S. BLASKEY and RICHARD S. Broad St., Philadelphia, PA
floor to ceiling windows, condo with 2 full baths bedroom with full bath and ESTATE OF ANN GERALDINE GOL- M. HOROWITZ, EXECUTORS, 3000 19102,
oversized living room, Price reduced to $119,000 closet. State of the art appli- PHIN, DECEASED. Two Logan Square, 18th & Arch Or to his Attorney:
ances, sunny balcony, MB suite Late of Philadelphia Streets, Philadelphia, PA 19103- DAVID S. WORKMAN
gas fireplace, RE/MAX with "his/her closets". $379,900 LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the 2799, ASTOR WEISS KAPLAN & MAN-
and a balcony Eastern, Inc. above Estate have been granted to Or to their Attorney: DEL, LLP
OTHERS AVAILABLE the undersigned, who request all MARK S. BLASKEY The Bellevue, 6th Fl., 200 S. Broad
$227,000 Eric DeSouza SALE/RENT persons having claims or demands PEPPER HAMILTON LLP St.
FFFFF Associate Broker against the estate of the decedent 3000 Two Logan Square Philadelphia, PA 19102
Andrea DeSouza 610-667-9999 to make known the same and all 18th & Arch Streets ESTATE OF JOHN O. McGOVERN,
Penn Valley Sales Associate persons indebted to the decedent Philadelphia, PA 19103-2799 JR.
Realtor® Emeritus. to make payment without delay to ESTATE OF GEORGE PRINOS Late of Philadelphia, PA.
1311 Flat Rock Rd Eric Cell 5 Star winner, ROBERT E. WHALEY, JR., EXECUT- Late of Philadelphia, PA. LETTERS of ADMINISTRATION
5 Bed/3.1 Bath; 3,760 Sq Ft Philly Mag OR, 319 Warsaw St., East Norriton, LETTERS of ADMINISTRATION on the above estate have been
This completely renovated 215-431-8300/8304 PA 19401, on the above estate have been granted to the undersigned, who
Bus 215-953-8800 oakhillcondominiums Or to his Attorney: granted to the undersigned, who request all persons having claims
Stone Colonial .com Gerald R. Clarke request all persons having claims or demands against the estate of
sits on .69 acres, includes a [email protected] Clarke & Associates or demands against the estate of the decedent to make known the
SELL IT IN THE 119 S. Easton Rd., Suite 207 the decedent to make known the same, and all persons indebted to
private back yard, JEWISH EXPONENT Glenside, PA 19038 same, and all persons indebted to the decedent to make payment
and is within walking distance the decedent to make payment without delay, to Joseph M.
Follow us on 215-832-0749 without delay, to Demetrios Prinos Feeney, c/o Philip A. Charamella,
to Welsh Valley and Evagelia Prinos, c/o Anthony J. Esq., Law Offices of Michael O,
Middle School @jewishexponent Beldecos, Esq., Lundy Beldecos & Fioretti, 325 Chestnut St., Suite
Milby, PC, 450 N. Narberth Ave., 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106,Ad-
$1,199,000 Suite 200, Narberth, PA 19072, Ad- ministrators, CTA
ministrators. Law Offices of Michael D. Fioretti
FFFFF Lundy Beldecos & Milby, PC 325 Chestnut St., Suite 800
William Penn House 450 N. Narberth Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19106
Rittenhouse Square Suite 200
Narberth, PA 19072
1919 Chestnut St.
Studio, 1, 2, & 3 To place an To place an
ad in the ad in the
bed available Real Estate Follow us on Real Estate
Exclusive Listing Agent Section, call @jewishexponent Section, call
215.832.0749 215.832.0749
CALL 215.832.0749



MARGATE $549,000 MARGATE $1,699,999 VENTNOR $550,000 MARGATE $1,200,000 LONGPORT $1,099,000 VENTNOR $999,999

MARGATE $749,000 MARGATE $189,000 MARGATE $899,000 VENTNOR $389,000 MARGATE $899,000 VENTNOR $775,000



AAnnggeell DDiiPPeennttiinnoo The JJeerroommee DDiiPPeennttiinnoo VILLA IN LAKE WORTH FLORIDA
SSaalleess AAssssoocciiaattee88 Premier Team BBrrookkeerr AAssssoocciiaattee88 Light, bright and beautiful Corner unit
CCeellll:: 660099--445577--00777777 CCeellll:: 660099--443322--55558888 in Willow Bend 2/2 Fully upgraded 8k
AAnnggeellDD@@LLNNFF..ccoomm PPrreemmiieerrSSeellllss..nneett JJeerroommeeDD@@LLNNFF..ccoomm dollars kitchen, recess lighting, LG
LLOONNGGPPOORRTT SSEEAAVVIIEEWW French door refrigerator, A/C only a
throughout and Lanai, Cathedral ceil-
LONGPORT ings. Mirror wall in the dining room.
Only two Kosher owners! Motivated
Fabulous, Custom Built Southside Beach House. seller wants to move near kids in Or-
##661199 $$333355,,000000 11 BBRR,, 11 BBaatthh ##551100 $$334455,,000000 11 BBRR,, 11 BBaatthh BBeeaacchh BBlloocckk PPeett FFrriieennddllyy lando. Many Philadelphians here.
LLoonnggppoorrtt CCoonnddoo Tennis Courts two pools, activity.
Location, Location, Location – This lovely 5 bedroom,##661133 $$335500,,000000 11 BBRR,, 11 BBaatthh ##331144 $$336699,,000000 11 BBRR,, 22 BBaatthhss ##4499 $$119999,,000000 11 BBRR,, 11 BBaatthh Trulia has photos 7551A Caesar St
$$442244,,000000 22 BBRRss,, 22 BBaatthhss ##441122 $$339999,,000000 11 BBRR,, 22 BBaatthhss ##1188 $$225599,,990000 11 BBRR,, 11 BBaatthh Lake Worth 33467 $165,000
$$446655,,000000 11 BBRR,, 11 BBaatthh ##662200 $$663399,,999900 22 BBRRss,, 22 BBaatthhss ##11 $$339999,,000000 33 BBRRss,, 22 BBaatthhss
$$669999,,000000 22 BBRRss,, 22 BBaatthhss ##440033 $$669999,,000000 22 BBRRss,, 22 BBaatthhss 561-598-9722

6 full bath 3-story home is located just one short##330011
block from the beach! Meticulously maintained with##332222
UUnniitt ##55
$$331155,,000000 22 BBRRss,, 22 BBaatthhss

an ad
beach / ocean views! in the
Offered @ $1,785,000 Estate
OOcceeaann && BBaayy VViieewwss OOcceeaann FFrroonntt CCoonnddoo OOcceeaann FFrroonntt CCoonnddoo OOcceeaann VViieewwss CALL:
##11330022,, $$889955,,000000 33 BBRRss,, 22 BBaatthhss ##991199,, $$447799,,000000 22 BBRR,, 22 BBaatthhss ##330022,, $$227755,,000000 11 BBRR,, 11 BBaatthh ##2200--GG $$339999,,000000 22 BBRRss,, 22 BBaatthhss
“We Cover The Island”

22440011 AAttllaannttiicc AAvveennuuee LLoonnggppoorrtt,,
NNeeww JJeerrsseeyy 0088440033


DECEASED. SPAN, DECEASED. ant to the Business Corporation
Late of Philadelphia Late of the Township of Lower Mo- Law of 1988, Prime Kidney Stone
LETTERS of ADMINISTRATION on reland, Montgomery County, PA Treatment, Inc., a corporation in-
the above Estate have been gran- LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the corporated under the laws of the
ted to the undersigned, who re- above Estate have been granted to State of New Jersey will withdraw
quest all persons having claims or the undersigned, who request all from doing business in
demands against the estate of the persons having claims or demands Pennsylvania. The address of its
decedent to make known the same against the estate of the decedent principal office is 9825 Spectrum
and all persons indebted to the de- to make known the same and all Drive, Bldg. 3, Austin, TX 78717.
cedent to make payment without persons indebted to the decedent The name of its commercial re-
delay to MICHAEL RAY, ADMINIS- to make payment without delay to gistered office provider in
TRATOR, c/o Flora M. Novick, Esq., BRENT F. GREENSPAN and EVAN Pennsylvania is CT Corporation
1701 Walnut St., 6th Fl., Phil- M. GREENSPAN, EXECUTORS, c/o System.
adelphia, PA 19103, Rebecca Rosenberger Smolen,
Or to his Attorney: Esq., One Bala Plaza, Ste. 623, Bala Pursuant to the requirements of
FLORA M. NOVICK Cynwyd, PA 19004, section 1975 of the Pennsylvania
THE LAW OFFICES OF PETER L. Or to their Attorney: Business Corporation Law of 1988,
KLENK & ASSOCIATES REBECCA ROSENBERGER notice is hereby given that
Philadelphia, PA 19103 BALA LAW GROUP, LLC INC. is currently in the process of
One Bala Plaza, Ste. 623 voluntarily dissolving.
DECEASED. RC Trading Company has been in-
Late of Philadelphia County and Al- ESTATE OF ZACHARY A. corporated under the provisions of
exandria, Fairfax County, VA CAPRARA, DECEASED. the Pennsylvania Business Corpor-
LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the Late of the Township of Lower ation Law of 1988
above Estate have been granted to Gwynedd, Montgomery County, PA
the undersigned, who request all LETTERS of ADMINISTRATION on FICTITIOUS NAME
persons having claims or demands the above Estate have been gran- FICTITIOUS NAME REGISTRATION
against the estate of the decedent ted to the undersigned, who re- Notice is hereby given that a Regis-
to make known the same and all quest all persons having claims or tration of Fictitious Name was filed
persons indebted to the decedent demands against the estate of the in the Commonwealth of
to make payment without delay to decedent to make known the same Pennsylvania for Frutta Bowls with
Joseph Lavery, Executor, P.O. Box and all persons indebted to the de- a principal place of 2001 Hamilton
609, Green Lane, PA 18054 cedent to make payment without St., Philadelphia, PA 19130. The
delay to JOHN A. CAPRARA and name of the individual interested in
ESTATE OF LUCY A. INFANTE, DE- BETSI L. CAPRARA, ADMINIS- this business is John E. Baum with
CEASED. TRATORS, c/o Mark S. Blaskey, an address of 528 Francis Road,
Late of Philadelphia Esq., 3000 Two Logan Square, 18th Brick, NJ 08723. This is filed in
LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the & Arch Streets, Philadelphia, PA compliance with 54 Pa.C.S. 311.
above Estate have been granted to 19103-2799,
the undersigned, who request all Or to their Attorney: FICTITIOUS NAME REGISTRATION
persons having claims or demands MARK S. BLASKEY Notice is hereby given that a Regis-
against the estate of the decedent PEPPER HAMILTON LLP tration of Fictitious Name was filed
to make known the same and all 3000 Two Logan Square in the Commonwealth of
persons indebted to the decedent 18th & Arch Streets Pennsylvania for National Whole-
to make payment without delay to Philadelphia, PA 19103-2799 sale Liquidators on December 7,
JESSICA MARIE INFANTE, EXEC- 2018 with a principal place of busi-
UTRIX, c/o Adam S. Bernick, Esq., CORPORATE NOTICES ness located at 900 Orthodox St.,
2047 Locust St., Philadelphia, PA CITY BLOCK INC. has been incor- Philadelphia PA 19124 in Phil-
19103, porated under the provisions of the adelphia County. The entity inter-
Or to her Attorney: Pennsylvania Business Corpora- ested in the business is 900 Ortho-
ADAM S. BERNICK tion Law of 1988. dox Street LLC with a principal of-
LAW OFFICE OF ADAM S. BERNICK fice also at this same address. This
2047 Locust St. Console and Associates PC, a cor- is filed in compliance with 54
Philadelphia, PA 19103 poration organized under the laws Pa.C.S. 311.
of the state of New Jersey, has ap-
CEASED. Pennsylvania under the provisions AD
Late of Philadelphia of Chapter 4 of the Associations ATTENTION!!! ADVERTISE YOUR LEGAL NOTICES
LETTERS of ADMINISTRATION on Code. The address of its principal Are you a single AND LEGAL SERVICES HERE
the above Estate have been gran- office under the laws of the juris- woman from 65-80?
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TRATOR, c/o Flora M. Novick, Esq., DISASTER SOLUTIONS INC. has
1701 Walnut St., 6th Fl., Phil- been incorporated under the provi- No fees. 215-832-0749 or 215-832-0750 NICOLE MCNALLY 215.832.0750
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inders or cases of cans. (312)291-
ESTATE OF ROBERT GREENSPAN Notice is hereby given that Articles 9169;
a/k/a ROBERT P. GREENSPAN, DE- of Incorporation were filed in the
CEASED. Department of State of The Com-
Late of the Township of Lower Mo- monwealth of Pennsylvania for
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to make payment without delay to State of Delaware and with its prin-
BRENT F. GREENSPAN and EVAN cipal office located at 4 World
M. GREENSPAN, EXECUTORS, c/o Trade Center, 150 Greenwich St,
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Esq., One Bala Plaza, Ste. 623, Bala business in Pennsylvania with the
Cynwyd, PA 19004, Department of State of the Com-
Or to their Attorney: monwealth of Pennsylvania, at Har-
REBECCA ROSENBERGER risburg, PA, on 12/10/18, under the
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BALA LAW GROUP, LLC Business Corporation Law of 1988.
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venue and official publication pur-
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NEWSMAKERS The Philadelphia Jewish Archives Center (PJAC) held a recent board meeting at Congregation
Rodeph Shalom. PJAC material is housed at the Temple University Library Special Collections
The American Academy for Jewish Research awarded Mira Beth and is a source of Philadelphia Jewish archival materials.
Wasserman with the annual Salo Baron Prize for the best first
book in Jewish studies published in 2017. Wasserman is the
author of Jews, Gentiles, and Other Animals: The Talmud After
the Humanities.

Mira Beth Wasserman Back row from left: Walter Spector, Tom Perloff and Fred Blum. Middle row from left: David Wice,
Susan Steigman, Susan Popkin, Mickey Langsfeld, Harvey Finkle and Berard Cedar.
Front row from left: Audrey Merves, Charles Kahn Jr., Rhena Kelson and Avivah Pinski

The National Council of Jewish Women Greater Philadelphia Section recently celebrated the 70th anniversary of the founding of the state of Israel with a festive
luncheon, Israeli music and dancing and a computerized presentation of the history of modern Israel.

Standing from left: Margie Zukerman, Char Kurland, Margaret de Rouleaux, Paula Burstyn Goldberg, Barbara Nussbaum, Sherri Minkoff, Janet Ecksel and Lynda Myers.
Seated from left: Diane Steinbrink, Diane Plotnick and Lynne Jacobs



RSVP Philadelphia recently hosted a thank-you breakfast for its volunteer drivers and food packers in its Subaru Share the Love Home Delivered Meals program
at KleinLife. The drivers and packers were being saluted for the thousands of hours they donated to provide some 70,000 home-delivered meals for area seniors in
Philadelphia, Bucks and Montgomery counties who cannot shop or cook for themselves.

Seated from left: Sol Stark; Ginny DeLeon, a financial assistant at Colonial Subaru Volkswagen in Feasterville; Sara Weingram; Loretta Katz and Janet Silbert. Standing from left:
Don Rosensweig; Barry Weisberg; Jay Lipschutz; Howard Rothman; Ronne Hellmann; June Feith; Julie Borsky, KleinLife director of community services; Barnett Ellis; Howard Dyner;

John Eskate, director of RSVP Philadelphia who oversees the home-delivered meals program in cooperation with KleinLife; Hank Walens; Dan Goldberg and Inna Gulko, KleinLife director

of support services

The Philadelphia-Israel Chamber of Commerce installed five new
board members. The new members are Immanuel John K., who
was named to its executive committee as treasurer, and Rajesh
Aggarwal, Lori Gavrin, Michael Kelsen and Elizabeth D. Sigety.

From left: Vered Nohi, Nili Lesnik, E. Carolyn Hochstadter Dicker,
Mike Kelsen, Steven L. Friedman, Mike Krupit, Lori Gavrin, Lori F. Reiner,
Neil A. Cooper, Elizabeth D. Sigety, Immanuel John K., David J. Allon,
Matthew I. Fingerman, J. Todd Abrams and Seth Freedman

PUBLISHER’S STATEMENT Published weekly since 1887 with a special JEWISH EXPONENT DECEMBER 27, 2018 31
issue in September (ISSN 0021-6437) ©2018 Jewish Exponent (all rights
reserved) Any funds realized from the operation of the Jewish Exponent
exceeding expenses are required to be made available to the Jewish
Federation of Greater Philadelphia, a nonprofit corporation with offices at
2100 Arch St., Philadelphia, PA 19103. 215-832-0700. Periodical postage
paid in Philadelphia, PA, and additional offices. Postmaster: All address
changes should be sent to Jewish Exponent Circulation Dept., 2100 Arch
St., Philadelphia, PA 19103. A one-year subscription is $50, 2 years, $100.
Foreign rates on request.


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