AUGUST 23, 2018 / ELUL 12, 5778
We the Animals offers insights
into family dynamics.
OF NOTE Fitzpatrick
LOCAL Bipartisan
Nazi Wrestler on Israel
Not Disciplined
keeps sixth-grade
teacher on board. U.S. REPS. BRIAN FITZPATRICK and Shane Fein executes a bunt for the Philadelphia Maccabi 16U baseball team. Photos provided
Josh Gottheimer preached bipartisan sup-
Page 4 port for Israel at a roundtable discussion Philadelphia Brings Home
with local Jewish leaders at the Lower Maccabi Memories
SCHOOLS Bucks County Chamber of Commerce in
Fairless Hills on Aug. 15. SELAH MAYA ZIGHELBOIM | JE STAFF was watching because this was going to be
Changes Afoot the final four. My whole team was there.
in 2018-19 Fitzpatrick, a Republican repre- IN THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Everyone else was there, and I came back,
Day schools revamp senting Pennsylvania’s 1st District, and heat, 15-year-old Mackenzie Sherman felt and won in a tiebreaker to beat this girl
programming, Gottheimer, a Democrat represent- her teammates watching as she faced off in who was the higher seed.”
facilities. ing New Jersey’s 5th District, presented the tennis quarterfinals.
a united front. They spoke passionately This was Sherman’s third year partic-
Page 6 about Israel, insisting that the nation’s “It had to be like 100 degrees. It was so ipating in the JCC Maccabi Games. She
interests must not get lost in the throes of hot,” Sherman said. “I was down 1-4, and ended up placing third in tennis for girls
LOCAL extreme partisanship permeating swaths my whole team was watching. Everyone ages 15 and 16.
of United States politics.
‘Coach Kenny’
a Childhood “Josh and I were part of a bipartisan
Fixture delegation that went to Israel a year ago,
Fashion career this month, in August,” Fitzpatrick said.
shelved in favor “By far, it was the most impactful trip I’ve
of teaching. ever taken.”
Page 20 “That’s what Brian and I have in com-
mon. We are Americans first, before
Volume 203090 we worry about being Democrat or
Number 109
Published Weekly Since 1887
See Roundtable, Page 15 See Maccabi, Page 14
We are here when you need us.
Bennett Goldstein Gabe Goldstein Julian Weinstein Harry Schwartz Eileen Perice Bruce Goldstein Carl Goldstein Robert Weinstein Eric Goldstein Randi Casey
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Caring. Committed. Compassionate.
IN THIS ISSUE 00080647
Taos, N.M., a delight to visit.
Three Gaza residents to detail stress of Miriam’s Advice Well
living on the border. TRADITIONAL PRE-SHABBAT
Local A once-cherished pre-Shabbat call
with her mother is now causing
Israel headaches for a reader with two
small children. The reader wonders
National how to break the news to her mother
that she wants to end the tradition.
Global Visit Miriam’s Advice Well for her
thoughts on the subject. From
16 OPINION dating to parenting, Miriam
welcomes all questions. Email yours
Columns to [email protected] and
Kvetch ’n Kvell put “Advice Well Question” in the
The View subject line.
from Here
19 LIFESTYLE causing-resentment/
& CULTURE Philacatessen
Arts Visit our food
Food articles loaded ROSH HASHANAH
28 TORAH with Rosh The first apples are starting to make their
appearance in the Delaware Valley, just in
COMMENTARY Hashanah time for Rosh Hashanah. Food columnist
Keri White has taken a shine to a varietal
29 COMMUNITY recipes. called pristine apples and o ers some sug-
gestions on how to eat them (and other
Jewish Federation 23 apples). Read Philacatessen for details.
Calendar And be sure to read Philacatessen for
exclusive content that includes restaurant
Mazel Tov
reviews, food news and other tidbits.
Newsmakers hashanah/
Aug. 24 7:26 p.m.
Aug. 31 7:16 p.m.
2018 2100 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 SALES & MARKETING BUSINESS Andy Gotlieb, Managing Editor
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Teacher not Disciplined for Nazi Wrestler Portrayal
LOCAL Most recently I was cast as a “While many understand that With the first day of school set are safe and welcoming.”
JOSHUA NEEDELMAN | JE STAFF bad guy.” professional wrestling is a form for Aug. 27, the district appears “When my daughters come
of entertainment and not a reflec- ready to move past the issue.
AT ABOUT 8 P.M. on Aug. Professional wrestlers have tion of one’s personal beliefs, Mr. home and say, ‘Daddy, I heard
20, a slender man wearing a portrayed myriad gimmicks Bean understands that the char- The Spring-Ford Parents for there’s going be a Nazi working
light blue polo and khaki shorts to incite fan vitriol over the acter he played has been viewed Racial and Cultural Awareness in the sixth-grade center, is he
stepped to a podium in the years. Bean played a character by some as being offensive,” aren’t quite satisfied, though. In going to be our teacher?’ I don’t
Spring-Ford Area High School named Blitzkrieg, “The German Goodin wrote. an open letter addressed to the want to have that conversa-
cafeteria. It was the end of the Juggernaut,” who wore a black district’s board and administra- tion,” Rosenbloom said.
administrators’ and Board of shirt emblazoned with a light- In the meantime, Bean ex- tors, the parents wrote that “this
Directors’ first meeting since ning bolt. He waved an Iron pressed remorse for the “pain situation needed to be an oppor- DiBello said other district
June, since the video went viral. Cross flag, screamed “Sieg Heil!” and discomfort” caused to those tunity to affirm the character of parents told the board they
and performed a Nazi salute. offended by his actions. He Spring-Ford School District, our have seen Bean perform as
The man’s name was Zach derided media coverage of him commitment to diversity and a Blitzkrieg and didn’t find any
Laurie, he said, and he was When a video of Bean por- as “misleading” before clarify- strong rebuke of those actions.” issues with the character.
with the Spring-Ford Education traying Blitzkrieg gained trac- ing: 1) The Blitzkreig character
Association. He was at the work tion on social media in late July, no longer exists; 2) he has taken The parents called on the dis- A man who identified
session in Royersford to read a the district opened an inter- a hiatus from wrestling; and 3) trict to clarify its commitment himself as Kimzey Runyan,
statement from Kevin Bean, a nal investigation. In an email he won’t discuss wrestling in to creating an “inclusive and 58, echoed that sentiment.
sixth-grade social studies teacher. sent to parents Aug. 8, SFASD the classroom. diverse environment” and its Standing outside the Wegmans
Superintendent David Goodin stance on white nationalism and in nearby Collegeville, Runyan
Laurie reminded the room revealed the verdict: “Based on “I sincerely apologize to the hate speech. The parents sug- said he would have no issue
that the words were from Bean, the investigation completed we members of the Spring-Ford gested the district hold a forum sending his kids to a classroom
not him: “Wrestling was a boy- have found no evidence indi- community. I extend my thanks to discuss race issues in the com- helmed by Bean.
hood dream for me. During my cating violation of board poli- to those of you who have shown munity, create a district policy of
time as a professional wrestler, I cies by Mr. Bean. As such, Mr. support, and hope to regain the public conduct for teachers and “I’ve been to those wrestling
have portrayed many characters. Bean will continue to remain a trust of those who I offended,” employees and outline specific shows,” Runyan said. “There was
teacher within the District. Bean said in the statement. actions that will be taken in the a guy portraying a Canadian,
2018-19 school year to address waving a Canadian flag and say-
NAME: WEST END FLATS; WIDTH: 5.5 IN; DEPTH: 5.5 IN; COLOR: BLACK and encourage diversity. ing, ‘Boo USA!’ After the show
[the fans] get to talk to the wres-
Luxury Apartment HomesPLUS ONE; AD NUMBER: 00080578 SFASD Board President tlers, and I asked him, ‘Where
in Downtown Media Thomas DiBello said the district are you from, Toronto?’ He said,
doesn’t have tangible plans to ‘No. New Jersey.’ It’s no different
Coming Fall 2018 A Bruce E. Toll Community address those concerns, but did than an actor in a movie.”
say the district does not support
hate speech or anti-Semitism. But Karen Murphy, 71,
a retired teacher, said she
“There are labor laws and wouldn’t be comfortable hav-
teacher contracts all in place, ing Bean teach her grandchil-
and we can’t make decisions dren. SFASD’s sixth-grade
based on emotion,” he said. social studies curriculum
includes “Western Europe: Its
Andrew Rosenbloom, one of Land and Early History.”
the parents who helped pen the
letter, expressed frustration at “Any references to Nazis and
Goodin’s message that parents fascism, given today’s environ-
“talk with your students about ment, concern me,” she said. l
this situation and reassure them
that all of our Spring-Ford schools [email protected];
Call Today for Information: 215 907 9420 Correction
In “Jewish Agency Chair Isaac Herzog Talks Shades of Gray”
(Aug. 16), it was reported that Herzog cited several contingents
causing the agreement around Robinson’s Arch to fall apart. The
article erroneously included Rabbi Andy Sacks in the list of con-
tingents, which was inaccurate. Herzog actually spoke of work-
ing with Sacks productively in the creation of the prayer space.
Chef Daniel Israel of Kosher Catering Philadelphia, LLC
will be a vendor at this weekend’s event, Hava NaGrilla,
selling barbecue ribs, chicken, shawarma and falafel.
Sephardi Synagogue to Open in Rhawnhurst
A NEW SEPHARDI syn- The original house at 2018 Solly Ave. that is being converted to
agogue in Rhawnhurst is set
to open by the start of Rosh Congregation Dibrot Eliyahu. Photos provided
Elchanan Abergel (right) with his father, Rabbi Eliyahu Abergel. NAME: ARTIS SENIOR LIVING; WIDTH: 3.625 IN;
Rabbi Elchanan Abergel DEPTH: 7.38 IN; COLOR: BLACK PLUS ONE; AD
will lead Congregation Dibrot NUMBER: 00079911
Eliyahu, which will primar-
ily function as a haven for riages. He recently helped a con- At B’nai Israel-Ohev Zedek,
Sephardi Jews but will be wel- gregant’s wife and child convert his daughter held a leadership
coming of Jews of all stripes. to Judaism from Christianity. role in Bnei Akiva of North
America, which he described
“We’re working very hard to Dibrot Eliyahu, which as “religious Boy Scouts,” and
complete the job for the High translates to “Elijah’s words,” he hopes for the new synagogue
Holidays,” Abergel said. will fill a need in the local to have a youth program that
Jewish community for focused on love of Torah, love
Abergel previously led Sephardi rituals, Abergel said. of Israel and love of community.
Congregation Mesilat Yesharim, Elan Sanker, a Sephardi con-
which had a small room situated gregant who is helping get the In November, Dibrut
atop Congregation B’nai Israel- synagogue off the ground, Eliyahu will receive a new
Ohev Zedek in Rhawnhurst. previously belonged to both Torah, and a celebration will
Expansion was necessary Mesilat Yesharim and B’nai ensue. It will be a symbolic
for Mesilat Yesharim, which Israel-Ohev Zedek, which is christening of the new space.
needed room to accommo- an Ashkenazi synagogue. His Before that, though, Dibrut
date its growing congregation, family prayed at the latter Eliyahu will mark its opening
including women and children. because of its larger size, but with the High Holidays. l
his heart was with the former.
Dibrut Eliyahu, which [email protected];
is being built in a converted Sanker doesn’t have to split time 215-832-0737
house on Solly Avenue, will between synagogues anymore.
feature an upstairs playroom
for children. The adults will
pray downstairs.
Abergel’s father, Rabbi
Eliyahu Abergel, previously
served as chief judge of the
Jerusalem Rabbinical Court. The
family unit is ever important to
Abergel, who said he places a
priority on preventing intermar-
Social Work, Disabilities
Champion Dies at 84
OBITUARY commitment to family, ethics of his professional career,
MARISSA STERN | JE STAFF and the Jewish state. a newly elected President
Richard Nixon appointed
FOR EDWARD NEWMAN, Much of his professional Newman as commissioner of
family, helping others and life was focused on the social the Rehabilitation Services
Israel were strong pillars in services and policy sector. Administration in the
his life. Newman, who belonged to then-Department of Health,
Congregation Adath Jeshurun, Education and Welfare.
Newman died on Aug. 18 retired in 2013 as a professor He oversaw a billion dollar
after a battle with pancreatic at Temple University’s School state-federal program helping
cancer, but leaves behind a leg- of Social Work in social policy,
acy of giving back and a strong planning and management. See Obit, Page 36
Among the many highlights
Day Schools Make Changes for Academic Year
BACK TO SCHOOL students by providing differ- This year, the school will The Mesivta High School of The new playground at Abrams
SELAH MAYA ZIGHELBOIM | JE STAFF ent areas of play. The kinder- also integrate the responsive Greater Philadelphia Hebrew Academy Photo provided
gartners, for example, like to classroom approach into its
IF YOU HEAD to Abrams crawl through the playscape, Wish, Outcome, Obstacle and Marie Occhiogrosso, prin- year for faculty and families.
Hebrew Academy, you might while the older students like to Plan (WOOP) program, devel- cipal of secular studies at He will launch a Lunch & Learn
notice something different on swing. There’s also an athletic oped by Angela Duckworth’s Mesivta, said the school is mak- series, where faculty and staff
its campus. area for sports. Character Lab. The goal of ing changes so students have will have the opportunity to
WOOP will be to help sixth- more opportunities to access learn about Jewish holidays and
“It’s an entirely new play- Some students have already and seventh-graders develop high-level material. commemorative days. He will
ground, from A to Z,” said tried it and expressed approval, grit and self-control. also teach a 20-lesson course
Rabbi Ira Budow, Abrams’ Budow said. Mesivta has tripled the num- called “Foundations of Jewish
director. “It is a beautiful play- Jack M. Barrack Hebrew ber of Advanced Placement Family Living” for families, pro-
ground. … It’s important [for “It’s very important that chil- Academy classes it offers from two to spective families and alumni.
kids] to go into the classroom dren have a place to play, which six. Mesivta will also offer new This class will be taught both
and learn, and it’s important challenges them physically and After a yearlong review, extracurriculars, as well as in-person and through Zoom
for those kids to burn off some mentally,” he said. “[I] believe consolidation and overhaul learning experiences through video conferencing.
steam during recess and other it’s a very important piece to conducted by Barrack stu- a dual enrollment program
times.” their educational growth.” dents and faculty, the school with Montgomery County “I’m hoping it’s a model
Caskey Torah Academy added four new values to the Community College. we can explore in the future,”
The Yardley school built school’s derech eretz, or “way Galfand said. “If we have
the $150,000 playground over Caskey Torah Academy is of the land,” that guides its Tenth- through 12th-grade gauged the interest accurately,
the summer, just one of the making changes to both its ethics and student respon- classes will now be leveled, with and the registration is enough,
changes Jewish day schools building and programming. sibility. Those values are college prep, honors, high hon- then we’ll look to expand the
across the Philadelphia area honor, kindness, community ors or AP levels. Ninth-grade offerings.”
have made as they prepare for Caskey has built a and courage. classes will remain mixed,
a new academic year. While 500-square-foot addition that Occhiogrosso said, to not dis- [email protected];
students spend the summer at will serve as a secure entrance, This year, Barrack’s STEAM advantage students for coming 215-832-0729
camp or taking trips down the with an airlock and bulletproof Institute program will see its from disparate feeder schools.
shore, day schools took advan- glass windows, as part of its largest ninth-grade class yet,
tage of empty classrooms to capital campaign. with 21 students admitted to Perelman Jewish Day School
improve their buildings or the Intro to Engineering class. Perelman will offer some
enhance their programming. The school has a new music To accommodate that growth,
Abrams Hebrew Academy room, art room, library, office the school has added staff and new educational program-
wing and more. It has replaced technology and nearly dou- ming this year for both stu-
Budow said Abrams’ old the building’s windows and bled the size of its STEAM lab. dents and adults.
playground was built 30 years its heating, ventilation and
ago, so the school felt it was air conditioning systems and Barrack also added a new For students, Perelman will
time to replace it. is working on updating the senior suite for its oldest stu- launch a coding club for girls
interior and making it compli- dents. The suite includes a in third through fifth grades,
The school wanted to pri- ant with the Americans with lounge, workspace, computer using a curriculum by Girls
oritize making the playground Disabilities Act (ADA). lab and expanded college Who Code. The new club will
age-appropriate for kinder- counseling office. The school build on the material that all
garten through eighth-grade The entire project is being has added new tennis courts Perelman students learn in cod-
done in phases and will be and AstroTurf to its field. ing classes.
completed by the end of next
summer. School Rabbi Chaim Galfand
will start teaching classes this
New Programs in Store at Area Hillels
BACK TO SCHOOL For example, Hillel at Drexel Koninck explained. fun programs the year will Steven Cook of Zahav, who
MARISSA STERN | JE STAFF University is restructuring wShe’s looking forward to bring — starting with Penn will share stories about their
its internships program, per Hillel’s signature new stu- lives and Israel, and talk
IT’S THAT TIME of year Executive Director and Campus meeting incoming students dent orientation program about their new book, Israeli
when students start savoring Rabbi Isabel de Koninck. through Jewniversity, Hillel’s starting Aug. 21, where stu- Soul (bonus: there will be
their final home-cooked meals early move-in program. dents will get an introduc- food from their falafel joint
of the summer and pack their One highlight is the new tion to Philadelphia and Goldie, which also opened on
bags to head back to college. Tikkun Olam Engagement “Students should expect Jewish life at the University Penn’s campus last year).
Internship, focused on learn- Jewish life that meets them of Pennsylvania.
And area Hillels are ready ing about social justice issues where they are and inspires There will also be a focus
to welcome students back through Jewish perspectives them to become the best ver- During the year, students on building the Encompass
with open arms and a fresh and creating opportunities sion of themselves,” she said. can look forward to events experience, which brings
slate of programming. for students to volunteer in like an evening with Chef together Penn students of
local community agencies, de Ira Blum, assistant direc- Michael Solomonov and “diverse ethnic and religious
tor of Penn Hillel, is antici-
pating the many events and
Here’s to a
sweet and fruit�l
new year.
Penn Hillel students at a barbecue during New Student Orientation
Photo provided
backgrounds in order to build areas of interest instead of just As a community for people 62 and better dedicated to honoring beliefs
bridges and gain a deeper one general student board. and traditions, we wish you a happy and healthy new year.
understanding of the complex
narratives of Israel.” Mainstays such as free For a limited time, we will credit your entrance fee
weekly Shabbat dinners and up to $5,000 to cover your packing, planning and move.
In addition to service trips a bimonthly bagel brunch will
and volunteer opportunities, return this school year as well. Call 215-814-0420 to learn more.
there will be seven fellow-
ships. Two of note include the Temple students can antic- 1515 The Fairway, Rydal, PA 19046 | 215-814-0420
Israel Learning Lab, an expe- ipate “more programming Find our schedule of fascinating events at
riential and conversational and more opportunities to get
seminar for students look- involved in a specific area of be vital at Bryn Mawr and and the surrounding area will occupational therapy student
ing to deepen their under- interest, whether it’s planning Haverford colleges, he noted, have expanded High Holidays from Jefferson University,” he
standing of Israel on their Shabbat dinners, social action along with lecture series and and Shabbat programming in said. “It creates this cool eco-
own terms, and the Alif Bet projects — there’s something speaker events. the upcoming year, with the system of everyone coming
Fellowship, which offers peer- for everyone in a more spe- big Welcome Shabbat Dinner from different walks of life
to-peer learning of Hebrew cific way,” she said. “Educational program- kicking things off on Aug. 24. and different programs, but
and Arabic languages and ming about Judaism is some- they’re all experiencing the
culture side-by-side. Outside city limits, stu- thing that really resonates “When you come to a same thing.”
dents — undergraduate and with a lot of students on those Welcome Shabbat Dinner,
A new update for this year: graduate — will have plenty campuses,” he said. you’ll be a Penn law student [email protected];
All of the fellowship gath- of ways to get involved in and sit next to a student at 215-832-0740
erings will take place on the Jewish life. Graduate students at Temple’s dental school and an
same evening. schools across Philadelphia
Tslil Shtulsaft, execu-
“We’re acting on the belief tive director of Hillels in
that we’re greater than the Philadelphia and the Jewish
sum of our parts, and that Graduate Student Network, is
students have much to offer excited for the upcoming year.
and gain in expanding social
circles,” Blum said. “We’re At West Chester University,
excited for this new model for instance, whereas there
to harness the meaningful was only a part-time rabbinic
learning already inspiring intern on campus, the nearly
students at Penn Hillel.” 500 Jewish students will now
have a full-time director of
At Hillel at Temple Jewish student life, which is
University, there will be “incredible,” Shtulsaft said.
a greater emphasis on its
Birthright program, thanks There also will be a West
to a new full-time staff mem- Chester Hillel Birthright trip
ber whose focus will be solely for the first time — open
on Birthright, noted Susan to the “HIP” network, as he
Becker, director of Jewish calls Hillels in Philadelphia
Life. — consistent Shabbat dinners
and services, and an engage-
Students will be able to ment internship offering.
build on the programming
boards created last year, which “At West Chester, every-
created boards for specific thing is going to be bigger
and better this year,” he said.
Shabbat programming will
Wish Your Friends & Family
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Barrack Provides
New Shacharit
BACK TO SCHOOL Jewish mindfulness or studying have a sweet and
SELAH MAYA ZIGHELBOIM | JE STAFF historical dilemmas for Judaism fruitful new year!
and Israel. Students also can
MATT BAR OF the Bible Raps participate in liturgical services, Best wishes for an exceptional
organization has said that rap including Reform, Conservative- new year from Rydal Waters,
and Judaism both have a strong egalitarian and Orthodox- the maintenance-free expansion
relationship to words. mechitza, or join in services with of the Rydal Park Life Plan
younger students, where they can Community. This brand-new
With this connection, Bar provide mentorship. The options cottage neighborhood for people
developed a curriculum to available change each trimester. 62 and better is now accepting
teach Mussar, or Jewish eth- reservations! When you reserve
ics, through rap and hip-hop. For this upcoming trimes- early, you’ll receive exclusive
He will pilot the Chai Mitzvah ter, Barrack will offer several perks just for Charter Members.
Mussar Teen curriculum this new alternative shacharit pro-
upcoming trimester at Jack M. grams including a Chai Mitz-
Barrack Hebrew Academy. vah Mussar Teen class taught
by Bar; a creative arts tefillah
“It involves normal text study class taught by Rabbi Daniel
and discussion questions,” Bar Rosenberg; and a Mussar jour-
said, “but also a lot of rap activ- naling class taught by Rabbi
ities, and I kind of help the stu- David Levin.
dents put it in their own language
and their voice behind their words “Our students like to try
when they have to rap it. There are everything on the menu,” said
different ways to make rap pretty Rabbi Will Keller, director of
easy for almost anyone, but there’s Jewish life at Barrack. “Our
students may start off in a litur-
Exceptional. Without Exception.
Barrack students during Shavuot programming Photo provided Contact us today to register for an info event, arrange a personal
tour or ask about special Charter Member perks.
Call 215-814-0355 or email [email protected].
Sales Office: 1515 The Fairway, Rydal, PA 19046 | 215-814-0355 |
also alternative creative expres- gical minyan, they may try the in the liturgical options. A group of boys in a yoga to give our students a glimpse
sions because it’s hip-hop.” journaling and then they may Keller said the 200 upper option last year, for example, and an opportunity to dive
try nature in a year. ... They can said they wanted shacharit deeper as well into those expe-
Upper school students will really sample everything.” school students have chosen options that provided more riences. As they grow into
have the opportunity to take evenly between liturgical and opportunities to get active. adults, they have a rich spiri-
this class instead of participat- Another development in the non-liturgical options. This led to Bar’s rap class. tual life and are able to kind of
ing in a liturgical tefillah ser- program is that upper school stu- navigate adulthood using our
vice as one option in Barrack’s dents are no longer required to take “Our students don’t want to “We want our students to programming.” l
shacharit programming. a liturgical tefillah class for one be obligated to pray,” he said. recognize that Judaism has so
trimester per year, as the school “They want to be invited to pray.” many entry points to spiritual- [email protected];
This programming can dropped the requirement. Keller ity,” Keller said. “As a pluralis- 215-832-0729
include exploring spiritual- said that did not affect enrollment When deciding options, tic school, it’s our responsibility
ity through nature, a class on Keller said they take into consid-
eration student interests.
Speakers to Share Stories from Gaza Border
LOCAL Hillel-Beth El in Wynnewood. or shelter and that happens mul- Scenes from Gaza border communities, where fires have burned more
MARISSA STERN | JE STAFF It’s a topic she feels the tiple times during the night.”
than 7,500 acres Photos provided
MARINA FURMAN WAS a American Jewish community is Children have been strongly
refusenik for 10 years, stuck not talking about enough, and affected by PTSD and the ongo- a student named Maya from ple feel and understand what’s
in what was then Leningrad she hopes the tour will encour- ing violence. In regions like Netivot told the Post. “We hear going on in the southern Israel
before ultimately making ali- age audiences to get behind the Sderot, where there are a lot of bombs all the time and since and Gaza border communi-
yah to Israel. cause and provide help to their children and young families, March, we have had fires every ties,” she said, “and that peo-
Israeli brethren — the same way the impact can be devastating day and our lives are at risk. ple know, people feel for them,
She credits the help of the they did for her in Russia. emotionally and morally as it We want the state of Israel to people talk and spread the
American Jewish community seems like “no one is talking give us a solution for a peaceful knowledge and this is some-
— especially in Philadelphia — “I know from personal expe- about it,” she said. life. It’s not a privilege; it’s a thing that becomes on top of
with granting her the chance to rience the tremendous power basic right that every person in the agenda for the American
have a “wonderful life.” that the American Jewish com- “Kids are terrified of balloons Israel deserves.” Jewish community.
munity has,” she said, “and we … and the parents who worked
Now, after living in just need to educate them and years growing crops, now it’s Furman hopes attendees from “We know that people
Raanana, she resides in Bala inspire them to do something.” all gone in fires,” Furman said. these speaking engagements will care,” she added, “they just
Cynwyd and works as regional “We decided right away — it feel inspired to become educated don’t know.” l
executive director of the Jewish The topic of PTSD will was done in three weeks — to and encouraged to help.
National Fund, which has be a key point of discussion, have these town halls to come [email protected];
launched a national speaking Furman said. Its effects started into 13 communities around “More than learn from their 215-832-0740
tour — “Gaza Border Crisis: before the current wave of the country simply telling peo- stories, I really hope that peo-
The Trauma, The Damage, The Hamas-led violence and ter- ple what really is going on in the
Needs.” The tour features three rorism along the border, she Gaza border communities.”
speakers from Israeli commu- said, citing the events lead-
nities along the Gaza border ing up to Israel’s Operation The speakers will share stories
who will share stories and Protective Edge in 2014. of living in these communities,
experiences of living through experiences running to bomb
violence and experiencing JNF worked with those shelters and sleeping in safe
post-traumatic stress disorder. communities — particularly rooms, and their own challenges
Kibbutz Nahal Oz, which is dealing with PTSD for them-
The speakers — Michal situated along the border — to selves and their own children.
Uziyahu, assistant to the help rebuild housing and pro-
mayor of the Eshkol Regional vide resources and centers for In Israel, a lull in violence
Council; Sarit Khanoukaev, a those impacted by PTSD. amid truce talks between Israel
21-year-old young professional and Hamas is not yet inspir-
born and raised in Sderot who “Since the last wave of ter- ing hope among its residents.
now counsels at-risk youth and rorism started,” she said, point- Hundreds of people took to the
young children impacted by ing to the Palestinian-launched streets of Tel Aviv for the past
PTSD; and Yedidya Harush, fire balloons, kites and rockets two weekends “to call on the
who grew up in the Atzmona that have set more than 7,500 government to end the cycle of
community in Gush Katif, relo- acres of land ablaze in the last violence more decisively,” the
cated to Halutza and served in few months, “we’ve been in Jerusalem Post reported.
the 890th Paratroooper Brigade contact with them, and we saw
— will share stories at 6 p.m. the devastating impact of this “We’re here because we want
on Aug. 29 at Temple Beth latest wave of terrorist attacks.” the state of Israel to give us a
solution because we don’t know
Every night, Furman said, a what’s going on — we don’t
siren goes on and “you have 15 know what’s going to happen,”
seconds to get in the safe room
Drexel Expects Influx of Orthodox Students
BACK TO SCHOOL “It’s a nice opportunity that the meal program exists.” students in the incoming Drexel Hillel’s cafe, but the
SELAH MAYA ZIGHELBOIM | JE STAFF to see each other,” said Rudi Drexel’s Orthodox commu- freshman class, about double cafe was not yet ready when
Weinberg, treasurer of the the number of previous years. he arrived.
EVERY EVENING DURING Chabad House’s student board nity is fairly small, especially in
the school year, students head and president of the kosher comparison to its neighboring The Chabad House’s kosher Goldstein told him that she
to the Chabad serving Drexel meal plan. “We’ll come, we’ll community at the University of meal plan began in April 2016, would cook meals for him and
University for a kosher meal talk, we’ll sit. We can take [the Pennsylvania. But over the last when Weinberg told Moussia other students if they paid for
that includes a protein, a starch food] to go, or we can sit and few years, efforts by Orthodox Goldstein, the organization’s the ingredients.
or carbohydrate, soup and a eat at Chabad. I know there are students on campus to enlarge co-director, that he was strug-
salad bar. students who have only come their profile has led to growth. gling to eat kosher meals while That was the beginning of
to Drexel because they know This year, the community living in the dorms. He had Chabad’s kosher meal plan,
expects about 15 Orthodox intended to rely on food from
See Drexel, Page 28
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Taos, New Mexico: Arts, History and Scenery
The Taos Pueblo lies just outside of town and has been continuously inhabited by Native The Taos Plaza is in the center of town. The venue, popular with residents and tourists alike,
Americans for more than 1,000 years. Tours are available. offers restaurants, shops and entertainment year-round.
T R AVEL contribute to Taos’ reputation junction. Since Taos is off the Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep were foraging around the Rio Grande
as a significant art colony. beaten path and attractions Gorge bridge on the outskirts of Taos. Wildlife sightings in the area are
JEFFREY AND VIRGINIA ORENSTEIN | are widely spread, a car is common.
JE FEATURE The Spanish colonial influ- recommended.
ence can be felt and mixes with • By air, the nearest major air- Just outside of Taos is Earthship, a community of futuristic, off-the-grid
TAOS IS A GEM: This beau- the New Mexico western ethos port is Albuquerque Sunport homes made of recycled material, including tires and bottles.
tiful town is located at the in the area’s architecture, food (ABQ). It is 137 miles from
foot of the Sangre de Cristo and shopping. The town has a Taos. Santa Fe Municipal
Mountains, astride the deep- thriving music scene and many Airport is 65 miles away and
est part of the spectacular Rio restaurants serve an eclectic has service to Dallas, Denver
Grande Gorge. cuisine that is heavily influ- and Phoenix.
enced by New Mexico culture. • By train, the nearest Amtrak
It enjoys more than 300 days station is in Lamy, N.M., 89
of annual sunshine, breath- Nearby, the UNESCO miles away.
taking scenery and abundant World Heritage Site Taos • Taos is inland and no cruise
wildlife. Moreover, it is a haven Pueblo, continuously inhabited ports are in the vicinity.
for whitewater rafters, skiers, for more than a millennium, Must-Sees for a Short Trip:
photographers, mountain bik- holds guided tours that offer • The Taos Plaza, with its shops,
ers and smart tourists galore. insights into Native American galleries and restaurants
That alone makes the New life as well as beautiful views • The Taos Pueblo, contin-
Mexico town a magnet for of the surrounding mountains. uously inhabited for more
travelers seeking a great travel than 1,000 years. Tour with
experience. But there is more. Put it all together and Historic Taos Trolleys are
today’s Taos is a multicultural, recommended.
Despite it being a bit off multilingual experience that • Taos Art Museum at
the beaten path, generations attracts throngs of tourists and Fechin House
of artists and nature seekers is a magnet for those seeking • An evening at Doc Martin’s
have found a trip to Taos so art and nature. Restaurant and the Adobe Bar
rewarding that many decided for food and entertainment.
to settle there. Today, it is justly Before You Go: The Love Apple and Martyrs
renowned as an art center. • Steakhouse are also highly
• recommended.
Chock-full of art galleries, If You Have Several Days:
museums and good restaurants, visiting-taos-pueblo/ • The Rio Grande Gorge
it has been home or a temporary • and bridge. Explore by car,
residence to renowned artists for raft or hiking.
more than a century. Drawing Getting There:
people like Georgia O’Keeffe, Taos can be reached by high-
Ansel Adams and their peers,
the clear air, remarkable light, way, with regional connections to
gorgeous natural vistas and air or train terminals.
many picturesque buildings • By car, Taos is on U.S. 64,
near the New Mexico 68
• Harwood Museum of Art. food are readily at hand on Mobility Level: NEWSBRIEFS
Buy a combo ticket for five every turn in Taos. A lei- Low to moderate. There are
local museums. surely pace is just right for some hills, but the area is walk- New JCRC Director Begins Work
• Tour the Millicent Rogers the Taos visitor. able and handicap-accessible. RABBI BATYA GLAZER started as director of the Jewish Community
Museum. Relations Council of Greater Philadelphia (JCRC) on Aug. 13.
• Explore the Couse-
Sharp Historic Site. When To Go: Glazer previously served as JCRC of Greater Washington’s director
• Visit and tour the Summer or winter. of D.C. government and community relations and director of D.C. and
With sunshine year- Maryland interfaith relations.
Earth-ship Biotecture round, abundant snow
community of futuris- in the nearby mountains “Society thrives when all communities feel supported. We are in
tic off-the-grid homes and beautiful summer a boat. We either sink or float together,” Glazer said. “By working
occupied year-round. weather and activities, together to build strong, healthy societies, where all communities
• Enjoy a mountain hike Taos’ high season is May and all community members are valued, we create the best possible
with Wild Earth Llama through September, but world for all of us.”
Adventures. winter draws throngs
of skiers and outdoor Glazer said she intends to leverage some of her D.C. connections
adventurers. to make contacts in the Philadelphia area. A Haddonfield, N.J., native,
Ginny O’s Tips for she’s excited to reconnect with the local Jewish community.
Dressing the Simply She noted she is particularly looking forward to connecting with
the local African-American community.
Smart Travel Way Where to Stay:
for Taos: The His-toric Taos Inn “I look at the experience of the Jews of Europe and a society
where anti-Semitism and bigotry were a factor in the experience of
This is the West, so is a good choice. Hotels being a Jew,” Glazer said. “I see parallels to this experience of being
casual dress suitable for and bed-and-breakfasts black in America.”
seasonal activities fits in are in the area, too.
well. Resort casual is fine Katz JCC Counselor Under Investigation
for restaurants and muse- A FORMER ASSISTANT counselor at the Katz Jewish Community
ums. Bring a bathing suit Special Travel Interests: Center in Cherry Hill, N.J., was fired as prosecutors investigate allega-
and water-compatible New Mexico art and tions of inappropriate touching of a minor.
cuisine, Native American
shoes for the hot springs. culture, art museums and Per CBS Philly, the Jewish Federation of Southern New Jersey
St. Francis de Asis, an adobe structure dating photography. released a statement about the allegations:
This Destination at a to the 18th century is one of the world’s most
Glance: photographed and painted churches. It has been Jeffrey and Virginia “Allegations have been made against an assistant counselor, a
depicted by Georgia O’Keeffe, Ansel Adams, Orenstein are travel writers minor, formerly employed at the Early Childhood Camps at the Katz
Over 50 Advan-tage: Paul Strand and Ned Scott. from Sarasota, Fla. JCC. Upon learning about the allegations, this person was immedi-
Art, shopping and good Photos by Jeffrey Orenstein ately separated from all children and the allegations were reported
to the state agency responsible. Thereafter, this person’s employment
Jewish Taos was terminated.
JEWS HAVE BEEN INVOLVED in New Mexico life since their arrival, having important “The Katz Jewish Community Center is cooperating fully with
roles in education, politics and commerce. law enforcement and cannot share any additional information given
this is an ongoing investigation. We are continuing to work with the
Jews, practicing or not, have been in New Mexico since the mid-16th century, according investigators for the safety and security of our children, which is always
to records of the Spanish Inquisition trials. our priority.”
Referred to as Crypto-Jewish culture, Jewish traditions can still be found among the Two Israeli Institutions Ranked Among Top 100
Hispanic community. It retains such practices as lighting of candles on Friday night, Universities in the World
observance of the Saturday Sabbath, eschewing the eating of pork and other customs, THE TECHNION Institute of Technology and the Hebrew University
although they do not recognize themselves as Jews, though, long having assimilated into of Jerusalem placed 77th and 85th, respectively, in the Academic
the prevailing Catholicism of this formerly-Spanish region. Ranking of World Universities (also known as the Shanghai Ranking), reported.
After the influx of the original Crypto-Jews fleeing the Spanish Inquisition, German
(Ashkenazi) Jews emigrated to northern New Mexico in the late 19th and early 20th A year earlier, Technion placed 93rd and Hebrew University wasn’t
centuries. They built a temple in 1885 in Las Vegas, N.M. (77 miles from Taos), and were in the top 100.
involved in mercantile trade throughout the region.
The rankings take into consideration the number of Nobel Prize
In 1885, Henry N. Jaffa was elected as the first mayor of Albuquerque and U.S. Rep. winners emanating from the university, along with the rate of publica-
Steven Schiff represented central New Mexico from 1989 to 1998. tion in acclaimed academic and scientific journals.
In Taos proper, the Taos Jewish Center opened in 2000 and holds services, lectures and Israel was the only Middle Eastern country featured in the Top 100 list.
community activities. There is also a Chabad congregation in Taos and a Jewish cemetery,
which is the only stand-alone Jewish cemetery in New Mexico. Emigration from Israel Slows in 2016
EMIGRATION FROM Israel slowed to its lowest total in 10 years in
Ernie Blake was a leader in the development of the Taos Ski Valley, a world-class ski 2016, with just 15,200 residents leaving the country and staying abroad
complex adjacent to Taos. consecutively for a year or more, reported, citing Central
Bureau of Statistics data.
Nearby Santa Fe has an extensive Jewish community.
That was a decline of 9 percent from the previous year.
Among those leaving the country, 11,100 were Jewish and 700 were
Arab. On the flip side, just 8,900 Israelis returned to live in Israel after
a year or more abroad. l
Headlines Maccabi made sure that they get to their a labor of love” for him, he said.
games on time and to evening Keitz competed as an ath-
The girls soccer team Continued from Page 1 activities. Their community
really came out in force.” lete in one of the first JCC
Mackenzie Sherman wears her bronze medal. Delegations from cities Maccabi Games 32 years ago.
across the country and from Sherman stayed with the There, he learned about other
The boys U13/14 soccer team won a silver medal. several countries around the family of a friend she made Jewish communities different
Top row from left: Coach Ed Weiss, Bram Schwardon, Ethan Green, world gathered in Irvine, Calif., at a previous JCC Maccabi from suburban Philadelphia.
Elijah Bloch, Will Zamsky, Caleb Zucker and Coach Danny Weiss from Aug. 5-10 for this year’s Games. The two became even
Kneeling from left: Mori Rothman, Will Kendall, Dan Katz, games. Athletes ages 13 to 16 closer during the week. Now, “Everybody wants to win
Lucas Glozman and Will Levin competed in soccer, basketball, Sherman said, her friend every game you ever play. You
14 AUGUST 23, 2018 swimming and more. They also knows she has a place to stay in know, you’re not playing a
participated in volunteer and the Philadelphia area. sport to lose, of course,” Keitz
social programming. said. “Ultimately, the point of
She also got closer to the these games isn’t truly about
The Philadelphia delegation other athletes in the Philly del- the winning. There’s some-
brought 99 athletes, 22 coaches egation, many of whom come thing very special about the
and three delegation heads. from spots around southeast- Maccabi Games and bringing
ern Pennsylvania and New Jewish kids together from all
They brought back 57 med- Jersey. Because of how close over the world.”
als, with a gold in girls 16U these new friends live, she’ll
soccer, a silver in boys 14U soc- really have the ability to stay in At the end of the day, the
cer and a bronze in girls 16U touch, Sherman said. medals aren’t what’s most
basketball. In addition, players important, Sherman said.
from Philly won 41 medals in “It’s kind of cool,” she said. She’ll take home memories and
swimming, 11 medals in tennis “Jewish geography, everyone new friendships, too.
and two medals in dance. knows everyone.”
“When we played, we played,”
Amy Krulik, Kaiserman Krulik compared the games she said, “but after it, we got each
JCC CEO and one of the del- to the Olympics. At least, she other’s Instagram, social media,
egation heads, noted that joked, they are the closest all that kind of stuff. It’s great
Philadelphia’s ice hockey team she’ll ever come to attending because they live all over the
was the only team that scored the Olympics. world, and you see what kind
against two particularly tal- of racquet they use or what they
ented Canadian teams. The week started off with an wear, and you have a place to
Opening Ceremony, where the stay if you want to travel.”
“Jews in sports is a real different delegations walked into
thing,” Krulik said. “You can a stadium to the sounds of cheer- On the return flight, Krulik
have tough competition with ing and an announcer talking was already starting to think
other Jewish athletes. They about their city. Afterward, the about the 2019 games. The
learn that the Jewish commu- delegations watched a perfor- Kaiserman JCC is getting ready
nity is bigger than just their mance by the Maccabeats, an a to host the Mid-Atlantic Junior
synagogue and youth group cappella group. Maccabi Games next year.
and family. There really are
Jews all over the world.” As part of the evening activ- “The games were a week I
ities throughout the week, ath- will never forget,” Krulik said.
This was one of the big- letes went to Newport Dunes, a “It was a reminder to me that …
gest JCC Maccabi Games in waterfront resort and marina, and people don’t always say the nic-
memory, Krulik said. Most Boomers, where the athletes could est things about teenagers, but I
years, two communities host play arcade games, ride go-karts watched 99 kids be stellar rep-
the games, with about 1,500 and enjoy other activities. resentatives of our community.”
athletes at each. But only the
Merage JCC of Orange County On Aug. 8, the athletes also As the end of the week
hosted this year, so about 3,000 spent time with their host fam- approached, Sherman’s parents
athletes were in one spot. ilies, who showed them around started texting her, asking her
Orange County. Many of the if she was ready to come home.
This meant that especially host families took the players to
large numbers of local Orange the beach. “I really had a great time,”
County families stepped up to Sherman said. “My parents
host the multitudes of athletes The athletes also partici- didn’t really hear from me ever.
in their homes. pated in JCC Cares, a staple of I told them how I did, and that
the JCC Maccabi Games, where was about it. I showed them
“Their community came they are involved in a variety of a few pictures, but then when
out in amazing support to different service projects. I got home, I don’t think I
have over 800 host families,” shut up once. I told them every
Krulik said. “All of our ath- Krulik noted that all detail about it. They probably
letes stay with members of the coaches are volunteers. felt like they were there.” l
local community and are cared
for, have like surrogate parents Michael Keitz, for example, [email protected];
and are schlepped around and coached the girls soccer team. 215-832-0729
Volunteering to coach at the
JCC Maccabi Games “is purely
Roundtable — as well as Gottheimer — at From left: U.S. Reps. Josh Gottheimer (D-N.J.) and Brian Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.) affirmed their support for
the roundtable.
Continued from Page 1 Israel. Dani Dayan, consul general of Israel, is to the right. Photos by Joshua Needelman
“I am glad to be here
Republican,” Gottheimer said. because I am both with two the “skills gap.” lows a “Noah’s Ark” rule for for finding common ground. If
“Israel should never, ever be personal friends and two Fitzpatrick and Gottheimer entry: Any Republican seek- 75 percent of the caucus and 50
a partisan issue. Support for staunch friends of the state ing admission must find a percent of each party’s mem-
Israel should never be political of Israel,” Dayan said. “I met are members of the Problem Democrat to join with them, bers of the caucus agree to a
or partisan.” Brian and Josh many times and Solvers Caucus in the House and vice versa.
I was always touched by their of Representatives. The group See Roundtable, Page 36
Fitzpatrick and Gottheimer kindness personally, but first includes 48 members and fol- The Problem Solvers strive
sat beside one another, with and foremost for their support
an American flag positioned for Israel.”
behind them. To Gottheimer’s
right was Rabbi Mendel Prus, The Israel roundtable was
who kicked off the discus- the second of three events
sion by blowing the shofar. hosted by Fitzpatrick and
To Fitzpatrick’s left was Dani Gottheimer in Fairless Hills.
Dayan, the consul general of In the morning, they held a
Israel in New York. joint press conference advocat-
ing for the Saracini Aviation
Dayan’s spokesperson, Safety Act (H.R. 911), a bill
Almog Elijis, wrote in an email that calls for heightened secu-
that the diplomat would not rity measures for pilots in air-
be endorsing a candidate in crafts in response to 9/11, and
Fitzpatrick’s bid for re-election in the afternoon they invited
against Democratic nominee small business owners and
Scott Wallace in the November labor leaders to discuss train-
midterms. Dayan, though, ing the workforce and closing
spoke glowingly of Fitzpatrick
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Thinking About the First Amendment
BY JOSHUA RUNYAN be the first of the Bill of Rights to the Owner, nor in time of war, topic at the time because, like making mistakes. But we are
be adopted in 1791. Put simply, but in a manner to be prescribed the San Francisco Chronicle, not enemies of the president,
“CONGRESS SHALL MAKE it guarantees to all those subject by law” — the freedoms it lists which did not join the cam- of the Republican Party, of the
no law respecting an establish- to the protection of the laws of are as much a package deal as paign, I’m not convinced that United States or of democracy.
ment of religion, or prohibit- the United States the freedoms they are elements of a citizen’s newspapers should be coordi-
ing the free exercise thereof; or to think, to believe, to speak, to bundle of rights. Indeed, what nating with each other in a Instead of lambasting the
abridging the freedom of speech, publish and to act. good is the freedom of religion public call against any govern- news media, those who might
or of the press; or the right of the without the freedom to publi- ment official. But lest some- agree with the president that the
people peaceably to assemble, It is such a bedrock docu- cize your beliefs, either in spo- one mistake my silence in version of the truth promulgated
and to petition the Government ment in American governance ken or written form? the face of attacks against the in a newspaper article doesn’t
for a redress of grievances.” that it tends to be memorized press as acceptance — shtikah comport with theirs might want
by school children. If only their On Aug. 16, an estimated 350 k’hodaah, as the sages say — I to consider adding to the discus-
So goes the text of the First parents could remember it! newspapers published editori- don’t mind going on record sion instead of poisoning it with
Amendment to the Constitution, als striking back at what they now: A free press is as import- invective. They might want to
encompassing principles Like the rest of the Bill of asserted has been a campaign, ant to American life as the free write a letter to the editor or a
thought by the Founders to be so Rights, the First Amendment inspired by President Donald exercise of religion, and both blog post instead of retweeting a
foundational to the prevention offers a smorgasbord of enumer- Trump, against the indepen- deserve to be protected from message in all caps.
of tyranny that they insisted it ated rights and freedoms, and dence of the press. When the governmental coercion.
certain groups of people, owing cries of “fake news” that have Like the schoolchildren who
to their own ideologies, tend to done so much to undercut the To be sure, the president has learn that you don’t win an
emphasize some over others. people’s trust in journalists the First Amendment right to argument by being the loudest,
That’s why from time to time you finally became old hat, the pres- pretty much say whatever he it’s time for us as a country to
may hear a lot about — and at ident took to calling reporters wants, and the reporters and respect the liberty of its cit-
high volumes — the free exercise and other members of my pro- editors I work with, like their izens to hold opinions with
of religion and little about the fession “enemies of the people.” brothers and sisters across which we disagree.
freedom of speech, or vice versa. As The Philadelphia Inquirer the profession, are grown-up
wrote in its editorial, which it enough to know that being That liberty just happens to
But just as the First splashed across the front page criticized goes with the ter- be protected the most by a vig-
Amendment as a whole is pretty last week, Trump has, of late, ritory. Rare is the article that orous free press. l
worthless without the protec- branded all of the media as doesn’t spark the ire of some-
tion of the Third Amendment “dangerous and sick.” one, and human beings that we Joshua Runyan is the editor-
— “no Soldier shall, in time are, we are not immune from in-chief of the Jewish Exponent.
of peace be quartered in any I didn’t write about this He can be reached at jrunyan@
house, without the consent of
Meaning Well Does Not Always Do Well
BY SAUL GOLUBCOW who have shamelessly asso- ress.” Yet for Pildis and many contingent for showing up and are made when one’s argu-
ciated themselves with Louis others who see themselves as “supporting the young kids ment comes neatly wrapped
VARIOUS NEWS STORIES Farrakhan, and who gallingly Jewish social justice warriors, throwing rocks at all borders,” in a moral imperative that also
recently have called attention forced Starbucks to drop the the crossing of the anti-Sem- a blatant reference to scenes supposedly militates against
to a quandary facing the Jewish Anti-Defamation League as a itism, anti-Zionism line does of Palestinians throwing rocks speaking out against one’s
community in knowing when contributor to anti-bias training not create a total break with and incendiary devices at own people’s welfare. T’ruah,
to confront or walk away from — appears to have become an supposed “allies” who have Israeli soldiers. These anti-Is- after Charlottesville last year,
a seeming ally with whom we intersectionality almost too far venom in their hearts and rael aspersions were met with appropriately called President
believe we have common cause for most Jewish women associ- ill-intent against Jews. Jewish silence. Donald Trump to task for
but who also appears hostile ated with that movement. his “lackluster statement …
to a core part of ourselves. The Winning “big victories” Following the protests, Rabbi which refuses to condemn
difficulty is even greater when Carly Pildis, a strong voice overrides the menace Pildis rec- David Hoffman, a vice chancel- white supremacists [and] only
our Jewish sense of justice is for Jewish social advocacy, ognizes as she claims to “have lor at the Jewish Theological encourages these danger-
mediating for assisting that ally. writing a few months ago in forgiven people for engaging in Seminary, concluded that ous racists.” As T’ruah set an
Tablet frames her problem as anti-Semitic rhetoric in my local despite feelings of discomfort at example of finding even a lack-
Two instances point out follows: “Pitching a big tent is community.” hearing anti-Israel rhetoric, he luster response to anti-Sem-
these challenges. critical to creating a movement did not rue his silence because itism unacceptable, shouldn’t
that can mobilize for change. A second example involves he did not want to miss an T’ruah have also had only one
The appropriation of the I have partnered with people a trip last July by members of “opportunity to build founda- response to the Mijente anti-Is-
Women’s March movement by and organizations I have fierce T’ruah, The Rabbinic Call for tions for a real transformative rael rhetoric: zero tolerance?
blatant anti-Semites and Israel policy disagreements with in Human Rights, to the Mexican exchange of ideas,” a motivation
haters such as Tamika Mallory order to win big victories. That border to ally with Mijente, very similar to Pildis’ having The difference may be that
and Linda Sarsour — who have said, there are lines that can’t a Latino group protesting Mallory to dinner.
stated openly that one cannot be crossed in the name of prog- immigration policies. Mijente See Golubcow, Page 18
be a Zionist and a feminist, leadership praised the Jewish It’s interesting how choices
On Judicial Independence KVETCH ’N KVELL
BY A. MICHAEL SNYDER AND JENNIFER S. they supposed to be influ- sion into the right of Morley to This Kind of Opposition Expected From
COATSWORTH enced by partisan politics. act independently and without Israel’s Enemies
political or partisan pressure. IT IS UNFATHOMABLE that there can be such opposition to and
WHEN THE FRAMERS of In fact, a description of the Such attacks on judicial inde- acrimony directed at Israel’s new Nation-State Law (“American
the U.S. Constitution set out to qualification standards for pendence are a grievous assault Jews Must Speak Out,” Aug. 16). The new law — which went
define the basic structure of our administrative law judges, the on one of the structural legs of through the democratic process, including revisions — makes offi-
nation and our democracy, they Federal Office of Personnel our tripartite system. Judges cial what has been obvious about the character and characteristics
created what has become known Management mandates that who find that their actions are of the nation-state of the Jewish people for the past 70 years.
as a tripartite system. There “ALJs serve as independent countermanded by political
were to be three separate but impartial triers of fact in for- appointees, or that are directed The fulfillment of the right of national self-determination in
equal branches of government: mal proceedings requiring a by those appointees, are judges the state of Israel is unique to the Jewish people; that Hebrew is
the legislative branch, which decision on the record after whose very authority is improp- the official language, that the Star of David is emblazoned on the
creates our laws; the executive the opportunity for a hearing.” erly called into question. flag, that the national anthem is “Hatikvah,” etc., not only are
branch, which is responsible for Going further, as a condition among the things that make Israel Israel, but each of these should
carrying out the laws enacted of employment, “ALJs must It is not sufficient for us make every Jewish person proud.
by the legislative branch; and be held to a high standard of to merely call out the actions
the judiciary, which is charged conduct to maintain the integ- of the attorney general in this Sadly, in some respects, Israel’s War of Independence con-
with determining the validity rity and independence of the one instance. Actions such as tinues more than seven decades after it began. There are forces
of the laws, interpreting the administrative judiciary.” this, if not challenged, will throughout the world that relentlessly and aggressively try to
laws and administering justice soon become the norm and undo the modern-day miracle of Israel’s re-establishment. While
according to law. The tripartite And yet, despite these pro- not just an aberration. The some of these involve violence, many do not — such as those
system was supposed to create a tections, Attorney General judicial independence of Social taken at the United Nations and by countless non-government
system of checks and balances, Jeff Sessions made a direct Security judges, judges of the organizations.
ensuring that no one branch attack on the judicial indepen- National Labor Relations Board
of government could become dence of Immigration Judge and other administrative law We expect enemies of the Jewish people to oppose these fun-
all-powerful, thereby threaten- Steven Morley in the matter of judges may come under attack damental expressions of Jewish sovereignty. But it’s a tragedy
ing democracy’s foundations. Reynaldo Castro-Tum. to devastating effect. when fellow Jews — be they in Israel or the Diaspora — make
common cause with Jew-haters and their nefarious agenda.
In order for the checks and This case involves a depor- As lawyers and judges, we
balances of the tripartite sys- tation or removal proceeding recognize and respect the abso- The Jewish people must be unified in support of Israel, the
tem to be effective, an indepen- brought by the Department of lute necessity of judicial indepen- only Jewish state. ZOA supports the Nation-State Law.
dent judiciary is essential. If the Homeland Security. The mat- dence. A system in which the
judiciary is controlled or unduly ter was assigned to Morley, an ability of a judge to render a deci- Lee Bender and Kevin Ross | Co-presidents,
influenced by either the legis- immigration judge sitting in sion solely on the merits of the Zionist Organization of America, Greater Philadelphia Chapter
lative or the executive branch, Philadelphia. Castro-Tum evi- matter at hand is placed at risk is a
it becomes too easy for that dently did not appear for any system in which democracy itself Gene Shusman | Board chairman
controlling branch to assume hearing that had been sched- is at risk. Societies in which judi- Steve Feldman | Executive director
excessive power. Regrettably, uled. Morley concluded that cial independence is abrogated
the executive branch, through Castro-Tum had not received are those societies in which the Fiscal Support Grants Right to Speak Up
recent actions by the attorney the hearing notices, as there rule of law quickly becomes non- Yasher koach to Rabbi Neil Cooper on his magnificent letter
general of the United States, has was evidence that the address existent. Unless we are content to (“American Jews Must Speak Out,” Aug. 16).
attempted to improperly control originally given for him was allow the United States to fall into
the judiciary by actions that are incorrect. Morley then made this abyss, we must stand firm Decision-making and responsibility go hand-in-hand. That
a direct violation of the principle a decision to “administratively and demand that these assaults includes fiscal responsibility. The United States helps foot Israel’s
of judicial independence. close” the matter, a standard on our basic systems, and our bills, in the form of generous foreign aid — thanks to American
procedure by which the mat- core values, cease and desist. Jewry’s successful lobbying efforts. That gives us who are state-
Immigration judges oper- ter would be put into a sus- side a say.
ate under the Department pended status until such time If you believe in the impor-
of Justice. They are consid- as the government could prove tance of judicial independence Cooper also points out that “Israel is the only westernized
ered to be federal adminis- that it had a valid address for and the rule of law, take action country that sanctions by law discrimination against certain
trative law judges, operating Castro-Tum. Sessions ordered now: Call or write your repre- (non-Orthodox) Jews and their forms of religious expression.”
within the Executive Office the case to be reassigned to sentatives in Congress and the That makes Israel the only country in the world that discrim-
for Immigration Review. As an assistant chief immigra- Senate and urge them to take inates simultaneously against both non-Jews (via the Law of
federal administrative law tion judge, who normally sat action to stop these unlawful Return) and Jews (the haredi official monopoly on Judaism). Talk
judges (ALJ), their activities in Washington. The assistant attacks by the attorney general about uniqueness and exceptionalism. To think that it was once
are controlled and protected chief immigration judge then on one of the core principles of said about us, “What a wise and discerning people is this great
by the Federal Administrative came to Philadelphia and our society. l nation” (Deuteronomy 4:6). l
Procedures Act. They, like immediately issued an order
any other ALJ, are entitled of deportation, even though A. Michael Snyder and Jennifer Jesse H. Wohlberg | Philadelphia
to judicial independence. Castro-Tum’s whereabouts S. Coatsworth are the president
Their decisions are not to be were still unknown. and chancellor, respectively, of Statement From the Publisher
directed by others, nor are the Louis D. Brandeis Law Society
The actions of the attorney Foundation in Philadelphia. We are a diverse community. The views expressed in the opinion columns and letters
general represent a blatant incur- published in the Jewish Exponent are those of the authors. They do not necessarily reflect
the views of the officers and boards of the Jewish Publishing Group and/or the Jewish
Federation of Greater Philadelphia. Send letters to [email protected] or fax to
215-569-3389. Letters should be a maximum of 200 words and may be edited for clarity
and brevity. Unsigned letters will not be published.
Time to Recognize Israeli Golubcow It’s difficult to argue with
Sovereignty Over the Golan Heights someone like Hoffman who
Continued from Page 16 claims as an explanation for his
BY SARAH N. STERN Agreement, the Golan Heights as an opportunity to do so. And inaction that “focusing on our
has remained mostly peaceful. Iran is on a march to establish T’ruah views the cause Mijente shared humanity” is a righ-
BECAUSE OF CREEPING its own Shiite caliphate. espouses as part of a progres- teous impulse.
Iranian entrenchment on U.N. Disengagement sive, social justice vanguard
Israel’s northern border with Observation Forces have over- Earlier this summer, that is excused for being incor- When one’s family, people,
Syria on the Golan Heights, two seen the 80-kilometer buffer the supreme leader of Iran, rect when it comes to Israel and community and homeland is
weeks ago the Israel Defense zone between the sides. However, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, anti-Semitism because other in danger, seichel should serve
Forces were forced to shut they have been occasionally repeated his exhortation that interests match. as a counter balance to the
down the “Mazor Ladach” Field attacked by Jabhat al Nassra, “Israel is a cancerous tumor well-meaning impulses toward
Hospital. The clinic had treated the Syrian branch of Al Qaeda. that must be eliminated.” And The Talmud teaches us, shti- the welfare of others so that we
approximately 6,800 casualties Therefore, the 1,000-man obser- the deputy commander of the kah k’hodaah, silence means also consider the safety of our
of the brutal seven-year Syria vation force, tellingly, prefers to Revolutionary Guards, Hossein consent. The Mijente leadership, own. While saving others, pur-
civil war as part of Israel’s remain on the Israeli side. Solomei, said, “I am awaiting hearing no counter response, suing justice, and protecting
Operation Good Neighbor. orders to eradicate the evil reflecting on no pain or anger the stranger are core Jewish
The Golan Heights has served regime,” and that “Israel has no or repudiation from its Jewish values, the Torah also states,
The first losers here are, of as the demarcation line between strategic depth and therefore allies, would they not conclude “You shall keep My laws and
course, the Syrian people in the chaotic, feuding forces of rad- this can be easily achieved.” that the silence means that even My rules and live by them.”
need of medical care. ical Islam and the liberal, west- the Jewish folks are with them,
ern values of the State of Israel. The inherent instability of not only on immigration policy Today, in our cultural and
Israel had also been pro- It creates the definitive dividing Syria has created fertile ter- but also on the negative way political environments, we
viding sorely needed medical line between the authoritarian ritory for Russia and Iran, as they feel about Israel? must find ways to ally with
equipment, baby formula, food rule of Islamists and a vibrant, well as for a whole scorpion others to accomplish certain
and fuel to the Syrian refugees thriving democracy. pit of terrorist groups such as Because the T’ruah rabbis objectives.
amassed along Israel’s border. the Islamic State and Jabhat al and Pildis are Jewish leaders and
The proximity of more than The Golan affords Israel a Nussra, Hezzbollah and the role models, how they respond But allies respect strength
100,000 Iranian-backed troops topographical vantage point for Revolutionary Guards — and to anti-Semitism and Israel dele- and resolve from their part-
as far south as Quneitra, which defensive and intelligence strat- many permutations — to dig in. gitimization is critical, particu- ners, not a one-way street.
is perilously close to Israeli ter- egy from which its forces can larly for our Jewish youth.
ritory, makes the delivery of peer directly into Damascus But Israel’s Golan Heights Not responding to Mijente’s
these life sustaining materials and Beirut. It affords Israel a border presence offers the Many of our children on col- anti-Zionist drivel exhibited
even more treacherous. defensive shield stretching to United States valuable insight lege campuses are attacked and self-abnegating weakness in
Tiberius. That is why the IDF into these pernicious forces. It made to feel guilty with accu- the relationship and was a
Now Hezzbollah and Iran’s referred to the Golan Heights as has been a regional force of sations of white (Jewish) privi- missed opportunity by Jewish
Islamic Revolutionary Guard “the eyes of the nation.” stability for 45 years and offers lege, economic class exploitation participants to have educated
Corps have become increasingly a protective shield for all of us. and fifth-column behavior in a community that has a poor
entrenched in the area, making In 1981, the Israeli govern- support of Israel. Cowed into understanding of our history,
this region — which had been ment voted to extend Israeli As long as the Golan Heights silence, insecure in their emo- love of Israel, the danger Israel
relatively stable for 45 years — a law over the Golan Heights. is perceived as being “in play” as tions and at times succumbing faces in being surrounded by
potential line of confrontation. part of the lexicon of “occupied to a Stockholm syndrome affilia- enemies vowing its annihila-
This constitutes just one more Israeli Prime Minister territories,” the illusion that it tion with their bullies and accus- tion and our pain in listening
chapter in the rapidly expanding Benjamin Netanyahu has repeat- might someday be captured by ers, our vulnerable youth are left to the diatribes aimed at us.
book of Iran’s pernicious influ- edly met with Russian President Syrian or Iranian forces is per- reeling and in need of defenders.
ence in the Middle East. It aims Vladimir Putin to request that petuated, which, in turn, per- Pildis extending hospitality
to create an uninterrupted land he use his influence to remove petuates a potential state of war. As they waited to see what to Mallory demonstrates a mis-
bridge stretching from Tehran Iranian troops from Syria. their own leaders would do, placed generosity of spirit.
through Beirut and Damascus However, although Moscow has The simplest way to put an did they not need a champion
to the Mediterranean Sea. offered assurances, the Russians end to this dangerous illusion to say, “The words we are hear- As we ally with other com-
have already demonstrated that as well as to put an end to the ing from Mijente leadership munities, we must stand up
Israeli sovereignty over they are unwilling to do anything voracious Iranian appetite is are absolutely unacceptable!” proudly and make it clear that
the Golan Heights creates an to remove Iranian forces. Iran’s for the United States to recog- If they hear that Mallory sat there can be no friendship
important roadblock in that troops and Hezzbollah forces have nize Israeli sovereignty over the at Pildis’ table uttering use- between us if you spew anti-Se-
land bridge. been deeply intermingled with Golan Heights. That would send less deflections, what will mitic and Israel-bashing senti-
Syrian army forces, and have even a strong, clear and unequivocal the acceptance of that coarse ments regardless of how much
The Golan Heights is about been given Syrian military uni- message to America’s foes in the sophistry do to their resolve in agreement exists elsewhere. l
690 square miles that was cap- forms to conceal their activities. region without putting a single standing up to anti-Semitism?
tured by Israel in its defensive boot on the ground. l Saul Golubcow is an attorney living
war of 1967 and successfully There are no surprises here. in Potomac, Md.
retained in its defensive war The Syrian regime has been Sarah N. Stern is founder and
of 1973 from attacking Syrian kept on life support through president of the Endowment for Join the conversation!
forces. Since 1974, when Putin’s Russia and Iran. Russia Middle East Truth, a pro-Israel and
the United Nations cre- is only concerned about flexing pro-American think tank and policy Tell us what you’re thinking
ated the Separation of Forces its power on the world stage center in Washington, D.C. and interact with the community
and sees the failed state of Syria at
Connect with us on
Akiba Alumni Draw Success with ‘Animals’
FILM documentaries,” said Yaches, ents found out I was gay because Evan Rosado and Sheila Vand Photo by Tayarisha Poe
MARISSA STERN | JE STAFF who co-founded Brooklyn-based they read my journal,” he said.
production and entertainment “Emotionally, we were able to Raul Castillo and Evan Rosado Photo via The Orchard
WHEN JEREMIAH ZAGAR company Public Record with connect deeply to the story and
first read We the Animals by Zagar, “but reading this, it was certainly the queerness of it was From left: Evan Rosado, Sheila Vand and Raul Castillo in We the Animals
Justin Torres after finding it in very apparent it was the right something I related to from the Photo via The Orchard
a bookshop, he immediately fell kind of story and the right subject very first page.”
in love with it. matter for Jeremiah to direct and one else’s dream and they’re site pain, and I’m hoping that
felt like the right size movie for us The overarching famil- part of yours. That goes to Dan through this movie we are all
He encouraged his friends to try to pull off.” ial theme will resonate with a and Jeremy and I, too.” going to be connected to that
Jeremy Yaches and Dan Jewish audience, Zagar said. time we are apart and hopefully
Kitrosser to read it, and the And pull it off, they did Kitrosser hopes the story that can steep some empathy as
trio ended up sharing a deep — though it was “a beauti- “Actually, there’s a close kin- inspires a sense of empathy as it we are in the least empathetic
enthusiasm for the story about ful and long writing process,” ship in Jewish families and this portrays the feeling and sense of times of all.”
three young brothers growing Kitrosser said. family,” he said, “especially in being apart from others.
up in rural upstate New York terms of the touchiness and After a beat of silence, he
with mixed parentage — Ma is “It took 33 years,” he the kind of very intimate, emo- “Though obviously the asked, “Was that good?”
white, Pops is Puerto Rican — lamented jokingly. tional bond that Jews have and milieu and the world of this
and the seesaw of naive child- Latins share.” story is terribly specific, we have “Well said,” his friends
hood and the messy chaos of The film went through six all been a kid who realizes they approved.
growing up. years and many iterations of The film also explores the are apart from the world,” he
screenplay development before notion of questioning, a Jewish said. “For some people, or for [email protected];
Yaches and Kitrosser shared it won the NEXT Innovator value the three learned in school many people, that’s an exqui- 215-832-0740
Zagar’s love for the story, which Award at Sundance following at what was then Akiba Hebrew
they then transformed into a its debut at the film festival in Academy (now Jack M. Barrack
feature film produced by Yaches January 2018, and it’s recently Hebrew Academy).
and written by Kitrosser and opened in wide release to over-
Zagar, who also directed. It will whelmingly rave reviews. “There’s a push in Judaism
begin showing in Philadelphia — a push for life and a push
on Aug. 24 at the Ritz Five. “Now that more and more for questioning life,” Zagar said,
people are seeing it, we’ve just “and that questioning is at the
“I was just incredibly moved been hearing from more and heart of this book. ”
by seeing a family that was not more people who find it moving
unlike my own on the page, and touching and it helps them At Akiba, he said, it was a
and I really wanted to bring it deal with things going on in “revelation” that he could earn
to screen,” said Zagar, who’s their lives,” Yaches said. better grades by questioning the
made a name for himself in answers and teachers.
documentary filmmaking. “It’s The story explores the bond
really messy and intense and [a] of siblings through Jonah and Zagar and Yaches have been
beautiful, potent, powerful kind his older brothers as they cre- friends since seventh grade, and
of love that you don’t ever see. ate their own worlds within met Kitrosser — who graduated
A complicated, nuanced love, the one contained in their tur- a few years after them — when
family love that we often sani- quoise house. Zagar directed a production of
tize in stories and in this case it Lost in Yonkers that Kitrosser,
was not.” They chant “Body heat!” as also a playwright, acted in.
they huddle on the bed they
Yaches and Kitrosser iden- share, under which Jonah “My finest performance,”
tified with the story in their takes a flashlight at night and he laughed. “Dan was great,”
own ways, but all shared Zagar’s scribbles in a journal, writing Zagar agreed, displaying the
love for the story that explores what he sees and thinks as banter and affection found
a volatile tender-turned-violent he processes a budding sex- among long friendships as the
(lather, rinse, repeat) relation- ual awakening after meeting three were on conference call
ship between Ma and Pops, a neighbor’s teenage grandson from events in New York and
and the inseparable brothers who shows the brothers porn Los Angeles.
— Manny, Joel and Jonah. The and listens to Iron Maiden
story is seen primarily through (“Who’s she?” asks Jonah). The To them, the audience’s reac-
the eyes of quiet, contemplative scrawled sketches come to life tions and connections to the
10-year-old Jonah. in the film thanks to animation film have been most gratifying.
from Mark Samsonovich.
And all three agreed We the For Zagar, who wanted
Animals had to make its way to The exploration of sexuality Torres involved in the adap-
the screen. Jonah experiences was a jour- tation from the start, having
ney Kitrosser could relate to not only the audience’s but
“Before this, we’d only done upon reading the book. the author’s approval was
“I’m a younger brother and
similarly to the book, my par- “Everything else is sort of
cake on top,” he said. “It’s lovely
to feel like you’re part of some-
Coach Finds Purpose with Day School Kids
BACK TO SCHOOL called “Coach Kenny.” “My embarked on a path of self-dis- sitive to the needs of those with His run at Caskey has been
JOSHUA NEEDELMAN | JE STAFF background is in athletics covery, devouring books on less athletic experience. He a hit. He teaches students as
and I’ve always loved working Buddhism, Judaism and other hosts skills clinics to even the young as 3, playfully chasing
TO BE CLEAR, Kenny Myers with children, and there’s a religions. He realized that the playing field and, during base- after them while blaring music
is not Jewish. Sure, he works at grace I feel when I work with best path for him was a spiri- ball games, outfielders cheer on from Uncle Moishy and the
a Jewish summer camp. And at these kids.” tual one, where he has a per- the opposing team’s batter. Mitzvah Men. He often joins
a Jewish school. But Myers, who sonal relationship with God. his eighth-graders for pickup
was raised Christian, fashions Myers was a standout bas- “You don’t need to step sports games.
himself a “spiritual” person, not ketball player at Harriton High “That’s when things started on one person to feel taller,”
beholden to a specific religion’s School in Bryn Mawr. He said falling into place,” Myers said. Gerber said. “He is completely “They like the competitive-
rules and regulations. many of his peers growing up on board with this message.” ness,” Myers said.
were Jewish, and from an early He started working part-
That hasn’t stopped him age he developed an apprecia- time at Camp Gan Israel and One afternoon at Gan Israel, Myers practices what he
from becoming a popular fig- tion of the faith. quickly took a liking to the Myers was approached by the preaches. He eats healthy and
ure in the local Orthodox com- work. Soon, he was promoted father of a camper. Impressed exercises daily, so as to model
munity, where he’s revered for Before he moved into the to be the camp’s athletic direc- by Myers’ work, the father good behavior for his students.
his commitment to working physical education field, Myers tor and his responsibilities in asked him if he was interested But he wants his lessons to
with children of all ages. Myers, worked in the fashion industry fashion waned. Eventually, he in an opening at Caskey; his expand past the gym.
who is African-American, is as an assistant buyer and sales got a job at a Catholic school, wife was a member of the
coming up on his 14th year as associate for about 11 years. where he taught physical edu- school’s board of directors, “I use sports to teach life
athletic director at the Caskey His dream, he said, was to cation during the school year he said, and could help Myers skills. That’s really what this is
Torah Academy of Greater open his own store. before returning to Gan Israel through the process. about,” he said. “I have a say-
Philadelphia in Wynnewood. for summers. ing: ‘Sometimes you win, some-
But as his 30th birthday “Once he said, ‘My wife is times you lose, but you always
“I’ve truly found my pur- neared, Myers had an epiph- Gan Israel Camp Director on the board,’ I knew some- win with your attitude.’”
pose,” said Myers, who is any. He was passionate about Rabbi Zalman Gerber said thing was going to happen.
fashion, yes, but felt unfulfilled. Myers is “in tune” with the God had sent this man into my He implements a theme for
What was his purpose? He campers and particularly sen- life,” Myers said. every school year. This year it
is chesed, which calls for love
and kindness among people.
In Myers’ eyes, that translates
in the world of sports to being
a good teammate
Myers, a frequent attendee of
his students’ Bar Mitzvahs, said
he harbors a special connection
with his students, regardless of
their differences in faith.
“We share same the spiritual
and family values,” he said.
[email protected];
Kenny Myers is a favorite among campers at Gan Israel Camps of Philadelphia. “Coach Kenny”
was a high school basketball standout, but he’s well-versed in many sports, including hockey.
Gan Israel Camps of Philadelphia
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Warm Weather Rosh Hashanah Dinner
1 cup couscous
FOOD large baking dish and place it 1 cup vegetable or chicken iuliia_n/Thinkstock
KERI WHITE | JE FOOD COLUMNIST in the oven for five minutes
until the butter melts. broth
SINCE THE HIGH Holidays 1 teaspoon curry powder
are early this year, the idea of Remove the pan from the ½ teaspoon salt
a lighter meal may be more oven, add the honey and mus- 1 can chickpeas, rinsed
appealing than roasting chick- tard; mix the sauce. 1 tablespoon olive oil or
ens or braising briskets.
Place the salmon in the butter
This repast is still plenty fes- dish, skin side down. Sprinkle
tive, delicious and traditional, with salt and pepper and spoon Boil the broth and add the
but it has the benefit of shorter the sauce over the fish until it is curry powder, salt and cous-
cooking times, which means thoroughly coated. Return the cous. Stir.
less schvitzing for the cook. pan to the oven.
Remove the contents from
This honey mustard salmon Bake for 20 to 30 minutes the heat, cover and let it sit for
appeals to celebrants of all ages until the fish is done. five minutes.
— kids love the sweetness, and
everyone appreciates the sym- CURRIED COUSCOUS Remove the lid, add butter
bolism of honey for an auspi- AND CHICKPEAS or oil, then fluff with a fork.
cious new year. The couscous Serves six Add the chickpeas and stir.
complements the dish nicely
and, by including chickpeas, This dish is somewhat of a TZIMMES SALAD
you provide a viable protein-rich blank canvas. It stands just fine Serves six or more
main dish alternative for the on its own, but can also serve as
vegetarians and vegans at the a bed for roasted meat or vegeta- This is a unique, light and
table. The tzimmes salad is a riff bles, fish, kebabs or even salad. fresh presentation of a tradi-
on the traditional honey-roasted
root veggies. By roasting the See Dinner, Page 24
veggies ahead of time and serv-
ing them cold as part of a salad, L’Shana Tova
you deliver a lighter, updated
version of the traditional side.
Although this meal does not
require it, the coconut custard
“pie” is pareve; for those who
prefer to serve a meat meal on
the holiday, this dessert deliv-
ers a delicious, simple sweet
that plays by the rules.
Serves six SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH Rosh Hashanah BLUE BELL, PA
and Yom Kippur
This recipe couldn’t be sim- RESERVATIONS REQUIRED catering menus
pler; you do the whole thing
in the baking pan, so no dirty Please Call Now to Reserve are here!
dishes. I prefer the grainy Your Table – 484-322-2126
Dijon-style mustard to give the Plan ahead and place your order today
sauce some texture, but you $25 Deposit Required by emailing [email protected]
can use any type of mustard Please check out our or calling 484-322-2126
that you have on hand. website for menu details
Also visit for ordering information.
2 pounds salmon fillet
½ cup honey Make sure to come In Be sure to like us on Facebook at
¼ cup mustard and get your holiday
½ stick butter favorites at the deli.
Sprinkle of salt and pepper
Heat your oven to 400
degrees. Add the butter to a
Dinner 2 potatoes can pause for a day coconut on hand, sim-
¼ cup olive oil or more, chilling the ply reduce the sugar to
Continued from Page 23 ¼ cup honey vegetables, and resume ½ cup.
Sprinkle of salt and pepper this recipe closer to the
tional dish. If you want to stick meal. If you don’t have 3 eggs
to the norm, simply stop after For the salad: time to chill them, 2 cups coconut milk
the veggies are cooked and you can serve this as 1 cup sugar
serve the tzimmes as it comes. 1 package of your favorite a room temperature or ½ cup flour
baby greens (arugula, warm salad. ½ teaspoon baking
If you choose to proceed, the kale, spring mix, etc.) powder
tzimmes’ drippings basically Place the greens in a Pinch of salt
function as a salad dressing, 1 tablespoon balsamic large salad bowl or plat- 1 teaspoon vanilla
so when you pour the veggies vinegar ter and pour the tzim- 1½ cups shredded
onto the greens, you probably mes and the drippings unsweetened coconut
won’t need to do much else. Salt/pepper/oil if needed on top. Add the vinegar. ½ cup plus 1 tablespoon
Toss and taste; if you feel like it Toss and taste; season coconut oil, melted
needs more flavor, you can add Heat your oven to 400 degrees. with additional salt/
some salt, pepper and vinegar Peel the vegetables if desired pepper/oil if needed. nito100/thinkstock
to the salad and toss again. and cut them into bite-sized
pieces. COCONUT BLENDER PIE Heat your oven to 350
This may make more Place the vegetables on a Makes one 9-inch pie the temperatures outside are degrees and spray a 9-inch pie
roasted veggies than you need large, rimmed baking sheet high, but it can be served warm pan with nonstick oil.
for the salad — that’s a good and toss them with oil, salt This “pie” is as simple as they or at room temperature as well. Place all the ingredients in
thing. Leftover veggies are a and pepper. Roast for 45 min- come. I put the term in quotes
cook’s friend. utes until the vegetables are because it does not require a The version here is pareve, a blender and mix thoroughly.
cooked through and beginning crust, and can be prepared in but it is also wonderful as a Pour the mixture into the
For the vegetables: to brown. a matter of minutes. I prefer it dairy dessert; just swap the pie pan and bake for 45 min-
Cool the tzimmes, reserv- served chilled, especially when coconut milk for regular milk utes until the pie is golden
4 carrots ing all drippings, and set and the coconut oil for butter. brown on top and firm through
2 sweet potatoes aside. At this point, you If you only have sweetened the middle. l
2 parsnips
OPEN Sun- urs 8am-9pm Fri & Sat 8am-10pm
Complete Dinners Includes: Chicken Matzo Ball Mushroom Barley (Veg.) Assorted Smoked Fish Trays Include:
Soup • Appetizer • Entrée Chicken with Kreplach
(Highest Quality, Hand Sliced Fresh)
(2) Side Dishes Gefilte Fish, Horser adish Chopp ed Liver
Pickles & Sour Tomatoes Sweet ‘n Sour Meatballs Jumbo Whitefish • Kippered Salmon
Nova Scotia Lox or Regular Lox (or Both)
Challah & Dessert Roasted Brisket of Beef w/Brisket Gravy
Half Roasted Chicken w/Challah Stuffing Whitefish Salad • Chopped Herring
$21.99 p.p. (4 Person Min.) Fresh Roasted Turk ey w/Challah Stuffing & Gravy Cream Cheese • Greek Olives
24 AUGUST 23, 2018 Stuffed Capon w/Orange Glaze Sweet Munchee • Imported Swiss
Moroccan Chicken w/Tu rmeric Sauce Tomatoes • Cucumbers • Onions
Broiled Fresh Salmon Fi llet Pomadoro Assorted Bagels (2pp) & Pumpernickel
Vegetarian Stuffed Peppers Lavishly Garnished ~ Fit For A King!
$21.99 p.p. (10 Person Min.)
Roasted Garlic Potatoes Kasha ‘n Bowties
String Beans Almandine Potato Latkes The Smoked Fish Alternative
Carrot Tzimmes w/Sweet Potatoes Your Choice of Nova Scotia or Reg. Lox,
Whitefish Salad, Cream Cheese, Swiss & Sweet
Sours: Pickles, Tomatoes, Sweet Krau t, Cucumber Salad Munchee, Asst. Bagels, Pumpernickel,
Kugels: Potato Spinach Sweet w/ Pineapple
Assorted Veggies; $18.99 p.p.
Pareve Pastries with Apples
for Rosh Hashanah pareve yet delicate pastry.
Eventually, I began baking
FOOD New Year,” my father always for Rosh Hashanah with AnjelaGr/Thinkstock
LINDA MOREL | JE FOOD COLUMNIST explained. “Let’s hope mixing my granddaughters.
two sweet things together will
WHEN I GREW UP, it was bring prosperity and peace.” Like apples and round chal-
considered elegant to buy des- lahs, everything comes full cir-
serts at bakeries. Within seconds, our Rosh cle at Rosh Hashanah. I miss
Hashanah apple experience my grandmother and the choc-
Every Rosh Hashanah, my was over. By dessert, we’d for- olate desserts she bestowed.
grandmother arrived carry- gotten the connection between But now that I’m a grand-
ing a mountain of white boxes apples and a sweet New Year, as mother myself, I’m passing on
fastened with thin red and we indulged in chocolate from a different kind of memory — a
white string. Inside, I’d find a French patisserie. collection of apple recipes that
leaf cookies dipped in dark have become part of our New
chocolate, éclairs, brownies But as an adult I realized Year’s tradition.
and a chocolate layer cake with apples could be baked into RECIPES
mocha frosting. My family was Rosh Hashanah desserts,
ecstatic about chocolate. underscoring their nectar Use any baking apples for
and our optimism for the these recipes, such as Gala,
Following an age-old Jewish year ahead. I searched for
custom, our Rosh Hashanah dessert recipes calling for See Apples, Page 26
dinners started with us dip- abundant apples. Removing
ping apple slices into a crystal dairy products, I created
bowl of honey. “For a sweet
Apples ing apple filling ingredients. tric mixer on low speed, mix APPLE RASPBERRY slices. Place it in a large mixing
Cover the pot with a lid. Over together the flour, sugar, COFFEE CAKE | PAREVE bowl and add the sugar. With an
Continued from Page 25 a low flame, bring the mixture orange juice and vanilla until Serves 12 electric mixer, cream the marga-
to a slow simmer. Simmer for combined. The dough will be rine and sugar for 1-2 minutes.
Cortland, Fuji or Macoun. 20 minutes, stirring occasion- thick. Divide the dough into Cake The consistency will look like
Optional accompaniment for ally, until the apples wilt and two parts — one-third and cottage cheese. Add the egg and
there’s a thick sauce. Cool to two-thirds. With a spoon, 3 cups baking apples, about lemon zest and beat until creamy.
these recipes: Sharon’s Sorbet, warm with the pot covered. drizzle two-thirds of the batter 3-4
which is pareve. Coconut, cof- over the melted margarine as Sift together the flour, baking
fee, strawberry and raspberry Cobbler evenly as possible. The marga- ½ pint raspberries powder and salt. In three batches,
pair well. rine will be puddled under the Nonstick vegetable spray add the dry ingredients alternat-
Nonstick vegetable spray batter, which will not cover the 1 stick (½ cup) cold margarine ing with the liquids. End with the
APPLE COBBLER | PAREVE 8 tablespoons margarine margarine entirely. ¾ cup sugar liquids. With a spatula, scrape
Serves 18 1 cup flour 1 egg down the bowl 2-3 times to make
1 cup sugar Place the apple mixture ½ teaspoon lemon zest sure the ingredients adhering to
Apple Filling ½ cup orange juice over the dough as evenly as 2 cups flour the sides of bowl get mixed in.
¼ teaspoon vanilla possible. With a spoon, drizzle 2½ teaspoons baking powder
6 baking apples the remaining one-third of the ¼ teaspoon salt Move the batter to the pre-
1 teaspoon lemon juice Preheat your oven to 350 dough over the apples. ½ cup orange juice pared pan. Spread the dough
4 tablespoons margarine degrees. Coat a 9-by-13-inch 1 teaspoon vanilla evenly.
2 tablespoons flour baking pan, such as Pyrex, with Bake for 55 minutes or
⅓ cup sugar nonstick spray. Cut the marga- until the top is golden brown. Peel, core and dice the Crumb Topping
¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon rine into 12 pieces and scatter Serve immediately. apples. Rinse the raspberries
⅛ teaspoon ground cloves it in the prepared baking pan. under cold water and drain ¼ cup margarine, at room
Place the pan in the oven and The recipe can be made them on paper towels. Reserve. temperature
Peel, core and slice the apples. melt the margarine completely. two days in advance, cov-
Sprinkle the slices with lemon Remove the pan from the oven ered with plastic wrap and Spray a 7-by-11-inch baking ½ cup sugar
juice and mix to coat them. when the margarine is melted. refrigerated. Bring it to room pan, such as Pyrex, with non- ½ teaspoon cinnamon
temperature and place it in stick spray. Preheat your oven ⅛ teaspoon cloves
In a large pot, preferably Meanwhile, using an elec- a 350-degree oven for a few to 350 degrees. ½ teaspoon flour
nonstick, place the apples, minutes until warmed.
margarine and the remain- Cut the margarine into 12 In a small bowl, mash the
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Complete Dinner Includes The Smoked Fish Buffet
♦ Tender Roast Prime Brisket of Beef au jus, ♦ Jumbo Whitefish stuffed with our Homemade Whitefish Salad
♦ Half Roast Chicken (classic, herb lemon garlic, or apricot glazed) ♦ Nova Scotia and/or Regular Lox, Kippered Salmon
♦ Whole Roast Turkey with Stuffing (carved down for $15) ♦ Chopped and Creamed Herring, Smoked Sable
♦ Prokas—Sweet & Sour Stuffed Cabbage with Meat & Rice ♦ Cream Cheese & Whipped Cream Cheese, Sweet Butter
♦ Portobello Mushroom stuffed with Grilled Vegetables-add $1 ♦ Assorted Cheese tray with Sweet Munchee, Imported Swiss, American
♦ Boneless Breast of Capon with Herbed Challah Stuffing-add $2 per person ♦ Vegetable Tray with Romaine lettuce, Sliced Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Red Onions,
♦ Apricot Glazed Cornish Hen stuffed with Wild Rice – add $2 per person
♦ Grilled Teriyaki or Poached Alaskan Salmon Fillet– add $3 per person and Olives
♦ Garlic Rib Eye Roast with Wild Mushroom Sauce—add $5 per person ♦ Sliced Assorted Bagels, Russian Pumpernickel
♦ Herb Crusted Lamb Chops with Wild Mushroom Sauce– add $5 per person 20.98 Per person (min. 10)
*Split entrées under 20 will incur a $10 charge. The Deluxe Fish Buffet Includes everything above plus-
Choice Of 2 Vegetables- ♦ Cream Cheese and Lox, Cream Cheese and Chives
♦ String Beans Amondine, Glazed Baby Belgian Carrots, or Broccoli, ♦ Homemade Sweet Apple Kugel, or Blintzes with Sour Cream
♦ Fancy Assorted Mini Pastries or Fresh Fruit
Cauliflower & Carrots 25.98 Per Guest (Minimum 10 People)
♦ Herb Roasted Bliss Potatoes, Kasha & Bows, Candied Sweet Potatoes,
The Budget Fish Buffet
Roast Garlic Mashed Potatoes or Kugel (Potato & Onion, Spinach & Garlic,
or Sweet Apple) ♦ Nova, or Regular Lox, Kippered Salmon, Whitefish Salad
♦ Lettuce, Tomato, Cucumbers, Onions
Choice Of 1 Salad ♦ Cream Cheese, Olives, Swiss & Sweet Munchee Cheese
♦ Tossed Salad, Cole Slaw, or Garden Pasta Salad ♦ Bagels and Pumpernickel
♦ Assorted Pickles, Sour Tomatoes, and Olives 17.98 Per Guest (Minimum 10 People)
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margarine and sugar with 2 eggs ents until well combined. Add the your oven to 350 degrees. Pronina_Marina/Thinkstock
a fork. Add the remaining ½ cup vegetable oil flour mixture alternating with Peel, core and slice the
ingredients and continue to 2 teaspoons vanilla the apples. Turning the mixer on Using a wooden or silicone
mash and mix until all the 1 teaspoon orange zest and off, beat until well combined. apples thin. Sprinkle a few spoon, fold the apples into the
ingredients are combined. ⅔ cup chopped pecans Add the pecans and beat on a low drops of lemon juice on each dough. Mix until the slices are
Spoon the crumb topping over setting until mixed in. apple as you slice it. Toss the completely coated and distrib-
the apples and raspberries as Coat a 9-by-13-inch baking apple slices to coat. Reserve. uted evenly throughout the
evenly as possible. pan, such as Pyrex, with non- Using a spatula, move the batter. Move to the prepared
stick spray. Preheat your oven batter to the prepared pan. Bake In a large mixing bowl, spring form pan. Spread the
Bake for 50 minutes or until a to 350 degrees. for 45 minutes, or until a tooth- beat the eggs and orange juice dough evenly in the pan.
cake tester or toothpick inserted pick or cake tester inserted into together until foamy. Add the
in the center comes clean. Cool Peel, core and slices the apples the center of the cake comes out sugar and salt, beating until Bake for 45 minutes or until
to warm before serving. to measure 4 cups. Then coarsely clean. Cool to room tempera- combined. Add the flour, half at a cake tester inserted into the
chop the slices. Move them to ture before cutting the cake. a time, scraping down the bowl center comes clean. Torte will
APPLE SPICE CAKE | a large bowl. Gradually pour with a spatula after each addi- be golden brown on top. Cool
PAREVE in the sugar, as you take two APPLE TORTE | PAREVE tion. Add the vanilla and beat completely before releasing the
Serves 15 to 18 spoons and toss the apples and Serves 10 again briefly until combined. springform and cutting the
sugar until the apples are coated torte into slices. l
Nonstick vegetable spray with sugar and the two are com- Nonstick vegetable spray
4 cups apples, about 4-5 pletely combined. Reserve. 4 baking apples
½ teaspoon lemon juice
apples In a second bowl, with a 2 eggs
1¾ cups sugar clean spoon, mix the flour, ¼ cup orange juice
2 cups flour baking soda, salt, cinnamon, 2 pinches of salt
2 teaspoons baking soda allspice and ginger. Reserve. 1½ cups flour
1 teaspoon salt ⅛ teaspoon vanilla
1½ teaspoons cinnamon Into a large mixing bowl (a
¼ teaspoon allspice third bowl), place the eggs, oil, Coat a 9-inch springform
¼ teaspoon ground ginger vanilla and orange zest. With an pan with nonstick spray. Preheat
electric mixer, beat the ingredi-
L’Shanah Tovah 5779
ROSH HASHANAH 1$ 49 2/$6
Gunter’s Honey Bear
12$ 99 Fresh Gold Apples
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Fresh Kosher 2$ 99 2 5$ 99 $ 49
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Kosher Turkey Cut-up Chicken
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Selected Varieties 3228508 Selected Varieties 3228508 3220948
Our kosher products are supervised by the Community Kashrus House of Greater Philadelphia at our Wynnewood and Huntingdon Valley locations
The Wynnewood Giant’s ENTIRE Bakery is now under the supervision of the Keystone K.
$189 3/$5 2/$6 2/$6 4/$5 4/$5 5/$5
Gold’s Horseradish Kedem Kedem Grape or Wolff’s Kasha Lieber’s Lipton Kosher Streit’s or Lipton
Apple Juice Sparkling Juice Rice Cakes Noodle Soup Matzo Ball and
Selected Varieties, Selected Varieties, Matzo Ball Soup Mix
6 oz. cont. 64 fl. oz. btl. Selected Varieties, Grape, 64 fl. oz. 13 oz. pkg. Selected Varieties, 4.09 oz. pkg.
3189964 3228538 or Sarkling, 25.4 fl. oz. btl. 3148079 2.9–3.1 oz. pkg. 3144178 Selected Varieties,
3148668 4.3–4.5 oz. pkg. 3144169
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Use your BONUSCARD® and save on items on this page. Prices valid August 24 through September 13, 2018.
Some items not available in some stores. We sell kosher and non-kosher foods.
Torah Portion
Seeing the Good Within Part of Aug. 24 7:26 p.m.
First Step Toward Teshuvah Aug. 31 7:16 p.m.
BY RABBI MALKAH BINAH KLEIN our sense of loving connection [our sins] to lead to self-hate or on our ego, we regard it as a growth. May we all be blessed
will be restored. self-contempt. We must be able form of bad behavior in our with the self-acceptance that
Parshat Ki Teitzei to see good in ourselves. We relations to the world about us, allows us to try, to fail, to learn,
The Days of Awe, or High must believe that we have within a disposition to wrong-doing to take responsibility and to
FOR A LITTLE while I forsook Holidays, are just a few weeks us something that reflects the rather than wrong-being, we try again. This is the path to
you, away, and we are now in the goodness that exists in the will not brood about what has knowing divine love. In the
season of teshuvah, or return — world. Most of our moral fail- already been done, but try to words received by Isaiah, “with
but with vast love I will bring the process of taking an honest ures are due to a distrust of our learn from our experience how kindness everlasting I will take
you back. look at how we have been living capacity for virtue … Nothing to do better. We use our expe- you back in love.” l
and how we can bring ourselves that we can say or think can rience of sin to attain virtue.
In slight anger, for a moment, more into proper alignment. really undo what has been done. The power of teshuvah, that Malkah Binah Klein is the rabbi
I hid My face from you; Our tradition is ever-hopeful The past can never be relived is turning in the direction of of Congregation Am Haskalah
in the possibilities for restoring and it always conditions the the will to moral achievement, in Allentown and leads a weekly
but with kindness everlast- love; teshuvah was sewn into present and future. Therein lies converts what were willful Jewish meditation group at the
ing I will take you back in love the very fabric of creation. the inexorable reality of sin. sins into virtues” (from Kol Germantown Jewish Centre.
Having failed, however, does not Haneshamah, Prayerbook for The Board of Rabbis of Greater
(Isaiah 54:7-8, Haftarah How do we enter into the mean that we are failures, for the Days of Awe). Philadelphia is proud to provide the
for Ki Tetzei, 5th haftarah of process of teshuvah? I share the future lies before us with its Torah commentary for the Jewish
consolation). here an important teach- infinite possibilities.” As Kaplan teaches, seeing Exponent.
ing on transforming sin the good in ourselves is the first
These verses from this week’s from Mordecai Kaplan “In our discouragement, step to teshuvah. We humans
haftorah invite us to widen (1881-1983), the founder of many of us brood over our are, by our very nature, imper-
our perspective: When life is Reconstructionist Judaism. incapacity for good behavior fect, and what is helpful is to
hard and we feel abandoned … If, instead of thinking of focus on what we have done
and alone, remember that Kaplan asks us, “What are our sin as though it were a taint wrong as a path to learning and
on the scale of divine time, we to do about our sins? In the
this devastation is but “for a first place, we must not permit
moment” — and to trust that
Drexel From left: Joshua Boniuk, Jonathan Kravitz, Dalia Kirzner, Jeremy students would request these 15 Orthodox students there.
suites, but 13 students have Last year, the number grew to
Continued from Page 10 Solomon, Max Kahn, Tal-Or Boaron and Betsy Morgan are or have been done so this year. Additional nearly 30, he said.
incoming Orthodox students
which expanded in its first year involved in Drexel University’s Orthodox community. Photo provided have chosen housing outside Shamir said he hopes
from just a few students to 15. the kosher suites. that, with the growth, OMG
Chabad serving Drexel hired a said. “Even now, there’s not suites at Van Rensselaer Hall can begin offering services
cook (and then another, subse- much kosher food at Drexel kashered so that students can “Our goal is to make Drexel throughout the week.
quent cook when the first one other than this, a little bit, but prepare their own meals. The an accessible campus for every
married and left the position) nothing fresh.” deadline to make this request kind of Jewish student,” de “[The students] would love
to handle the growth. for the upcoming year has Koninck said. to see a nightly Maariv or a
Hillel at Drexel University already passed. Sunday morning davening,”
With the anticipated has worked with the univer- She said the growth has Shamir said. “Not to say we
influx of Orthodox students, sity’s housing department for Rabbi Isabel de Koninck, come from deliberate efforts to don’t go to Penn. We do go to
Weinberg expects Chabad’s four years to provide fresh- Drexel Hillel executive recruit students from Orthodox Penn for a lot of davening, for a
meal plan to further expand. man students with the option director and campus rabbi, day schools, as well as from lot of services. To be able to say
To accommodate, the Chabad of kosher housing. First-year said the number of students the work of student leaders in we have our own is a big step,
House plans to hire a pro- students can request kosher requesting kosher suites for the Orthodox Minyan Group and that is definitely something
fessional staff, either a more housing through Drexel this school year has doubled. (OMG) at Drexel Hillel. we hope to have happen, as well
professional chef or a catering Hillel, which arranges to have In past years, five to seven as just continued growth.
company, and will begin offer- Five years ago, OMG set up
ing a lunch option as part of its SMASH, which involves pro- “Once others start seeing
meal plan if enough students gramming for Shabbat Mincha, that it’s possible, and that it’s
express an interest. Seudah Shlishit, Maariv and not only just like, ‘OK, it’s a
Havdalah. That kicked off minor inconvenience that we
Weinberg said the Chabad the Orthodox community’s have to do X, Y and Z to make
House is raising funds to renovate growth, said OMG President it manage,’ rather [they see
the basement to create a larger Liam Shamir. SMASH cre- that it’s] easily doable to be
eating space for the students. ated a sense of community for an Orthodox Jew on Drexel’s
Orthodox students, who began campus, we’ll have even more
“I would not have been able to see each other regularly. continued growth.” l
to stay at Drexel if not for the
kindness of Moussia and Rabbi When Shamir started [email protected];
Chaim [Goldstein],” Weinberg at Drexel four years ago, 215-832-0729
there were only about 10 or
New Liberty Distillery
The Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia
NEXGEN’S BEN GURION SOCIETY and guests joined together last week mobilizes financial and volunteer resources to
for an evening of craft whiskey, specialty cocktails and a dive into the history address the communities’ most critical priorities
of whiskey in Philadelphia and the whiskey-making process at New Liberty locally, in Israel and around the world.
Distillery. Friends from all around came together to taste the whiskey, see the
distillery and schmooze. NextGen’s Andy Kaplin led a discussion with New From left: Brian Gilberg and
Liberty’s Master Distiller Rob Cassell, who spoke to his journey and what makes Zachary Golen enjoy specialty
New Liberty unique. cocktails made with New Liberty’s
craft whiskey.
Allison and Brett Benton browse the offerings at New Liberty Distillery. From left: Master Distiller Rob Cassell and NextGen’s Andy Kaplin discuss the history of
New Liberty Distillery.
Ben Gurion Society friends reunite at New Liberty Distillery. From left: Jackie Drobny, Liz The Ben Gurion Society and guests listen to details about whiskey distilling.
Fineman, Tori Manis, Amanda Littman Prine and Danielle Weiss
Community / calendar
Swim Trip.
Bring a bathing suit, towel and sunscreen and join the Mosaic Outdoor
Club of Philadelphia for a swim trip to Nockamixon State Park in
Quakertown, weather permitting. The group will carpool at 10 a.m. from
in front of the Target at Bustleton Avenue and Bleigh Street in Northeast
Philadelphia. We will go out for dinner and ice cream afterward. Non-
members are welcome. For information, call Janet at 267-205-6651.
THURSDAY, AUG. 23 course of the year. All congregants Diane Steinbrink, actress and Prospective Family Shabbat. beyond at 8 p.m. No RSVP necessary.
are welcome to join in at any point, director, will present the life and Temple Sholom in Broomall For further information, call the
Mommy and Me. whether you are a longtime student works of Alfred Uhry and the family welcomes our prospective and newest Reform Congregation Keneseth
Sherrie Turetsky, director of the of Torah or if you have never looked members who influenced many of families for a fun Shabbat at 7 p.m. Israel office at 215-887-8702.
School of Early Learning at Old York at the Torah before. 410 Montgomery his characters, starting at noon. The Call 610-356-5165 or email director@ 8339 Old York Road, Elkins Park.
Road Temple-Beth Am, will lead Ave., Wynnewood. audience will learn about Uhry’s to RSVP.
a weekly one-hour “Mommy & Me” unique southern background. $11- 55 N. Church Lane, Broomall. SATURDAY, AUG. 25
class at 9:30 a.m. 971 Old York Road, Lunch and Blood Pressure. $20. Light lunch is optional prior to
Abington. Lunch and blood pressure reading program. RSVP needed for lunch. Open House. Torah, Bagels, Coffee.
at 11:30 a.m. at Northeast Older 250 N. Highland Ave., Merion Station. Join Temple Judea of Bucks County Begin Shabbat morning at Old York
Bible Study. Adult Center. Program at 12:30 p.m. for an open house and Friday night Road Temple-Beth Am with an
A member of Main Line Reform Call 215-320-0351 to register. 8101 FRIDAY, AUG. 24 services starting at 7 p.m. with Rabbi interactive, engaging discussion of the
Temple’s clergy leads a discussion of Bustleton Ave., Philadelphia. Simon. 38 Rogers Road, Furlong. weekly portion including bagels and
the Tanakh, or Jewish bible, at 11 a.m. Shabbat in the Park. coffee at 9 a.m. followed by a peer-led
This is an ongoing process, beginning The Jewish Southern Beth Israel Congregation of Chester The Monster of Wyncote. Shabbat service at 10:15 a.m. Casual
with Genesis and proceeding over the Playwright. County hosts Shabbat in the Park at Rabbi Sussman will examine the life dress is appropriate, and everyone is
Marsh Creek State Park in Uwchlan of Ezra Pound (1885-1972) and the welcome. For more information, call
Township at 6 p.m. Bring a lawn chair, nature of American anti-Semitism 215-886-8000. 971 Old York Road,
blanket and a dairy dinner. during the Progressive Era and Abington.
Hava NaGrilla.
The Men’s Club of Temple Beth Hillel-Beth El will
host the second annual Hava NaGrilla Charity BBQ
Festival in the Mid-Atlantic region, certified by
the Kansas City Barbecue Society. Starts at noon.
$10 individual and $20 family, will benefit the
Jewish Relief Agency. The gate fee only includes
admission to the charity food festival. 1001
Remington Road, Wynnewood.
IN; DEPTH: 3.62 IN;
of mahjong that meets in Room 10
TUESDAY, AUG. at Congregation Adath Jeshurun tops all offers for your
weekly at 9 a.m.. All levels welcome. diamonds & jewelry.
For more information, call Judy
Modern Ancient Egypt. Szekely at 215-635-8812 or email We can pay more because
Stephen Phillips of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, will [email protected]. we know the true value.
show his photographic journey. taking the audience on an extraordinary 14-day journey through
post-revolution Egypt, from Old Cairo to the Aswan Dam at Adath Israel Synagogue at noon. Lunch and Learn. Immediate cash for one
Phillips visited Egypt just days after the revolution in 2011, and as an archaeologist he brings insights Discussion of the parshah of the piece or an entire
into the modern Egyptian era. $11-$20. 250 N. Highland Ave., Merion Station. week at Premier Dental Products. collection.
This session will be led by Rabbi
kasto80/Thinkstock Gary Charlestein at 12:30 p.m.. 201 Old York Road • Jenkintown, PA
All are welcome. 1710 Romano Drive,
Norristown. (215) 885-7070
Mahjong Game. Open Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat.
Old York Road Temple-Beth Am 11am - 4:00pm
Closed Sunday, Monday & Tuesday
hosts a drop-in mahjong game every
Wednesday at 7 p.m. Bring your
cards. Mahjong sets and cards will be class at 9:30 a.m. 971 Old York Road,
for sale. Call 215-886-8000. Abington.
971 Old York Road, Abington.
Bible Study.
Torah Study. 610-667-5000, ext. 112. 1500 Hagys NextGen at Brauhaus Schmitz at 6 Bereavement Support Group. A member of Main Line Reform
Each week, the rabbis at Main Line Ford Road, Penn Valley. p.m. There will be cold drinks and Are you or do you know of someone Temple’s clergy leads a discussion of
Reform Temple lead us as we read light appetizers. $18 per person, $20 who is su ering after the loss of the the Tanakh, or Jewish bible, at 11 a.m.
from the parshah, or weekly portion, Mahjong. at door. 718 South St., Philadelphia. loved one? Cantor David Green of This is an ongoing process, beginning
and learn about its context and Join the Sisterhood of Melrose Congregation Beth Or facilitates a with Genesis and proceeding over the
history at 9 a.m. There is always B’nai Israel Emanu-El for our Meet Ohev Shalom O cial. support group to help cope, starting course of the year. All congregants
a lively discussion and anyone is weekly friendly mahjong game at Ohev Shalom of Bucks County at 8 p.m. Anyone from the greater are welcome to join in at any point,
welcome to join us. 410 Montgomery 7 p.m. Open to the entire kehillah. cordially invites you to meet our community can join at any time. whether you are a longtime student
Ave., Wynnewood. No charge for MBIEE sisterhood innovative Education Director Barbara Contac Green for more information of Torah or if you have never looked
members. The one-time charge of $36 Glickman over a complimentary cup at [email protected] or call at the Torah before. 410 Montgomery
Open House Shabbat. includes membership to the MBIEE of co ee at the Starbucks at the 215-646-5806, ext. 218. Ave., Wynnewood.
Temple Beth Ami is opening its Sisterhood. Call 215-635-1505 or email intersection of Second Street Pike 239 Welsh Road, Maple Glen.
doors to prospective members for [email protected] for further and Street Road at 6:30 p.m. Elul Beit Midrash.
Shabbat services at 9 a.m. Arrive as information. 8339 Old York Road, THURSDAY, AUG. Join Tiferet Bet Israel for the last of
a stranger, leave as a friend. There Elkins Park. WEDNESDAY, Mommy and Me. a three-part series taught by Rabbi
is no charge to attend and everyone AUG. Sherrie Turetsky, director of the Woodward, Rabbi Danielle and David
is welcome to stay after services for TUESDAY, AUG. Kuperstein reflecting on the themes
Kiddush and a meet and greet with Mahjong. School of Early Learning at Old York on the High Holiday at 7 p.m.
Rabbi Mitchell Novitsky. For more Lunch and Learn. Does your weekly schedule need Road Temple-Beth Am, will lead 1920 Skippack Pike,
information, call 215-673-2511 or email Discussion of the parshah of the week more fun? Join this friendly game a weekly one-hour “Mommy & Me” Blue Bell. ●
[email protected]. 9201 at Congregation Adath Jeshurun’s
Old Bustleton Ave., Philadelphia. library. This session will be led by
Rabbi Charles Kraus. All are welcome.
SUNDAY, AUG. Starts at noon. 7763 Old York Road,
Elkins Park.
Religious School Open House.
Powell Religious School open house Mahjong.
for prospective (and current) students Every Tuesday at 1 p.m., the mahjong
and their families at Temple Brith group at Temple Beth Zion-Beth
Achim at 10:30 a.m. There will be Israel meets in the synagogue chapel
activities and fun for all. 481 S. Gulph to play the game, have fun and raise What’s going on in Jewish Philadelphia?
Road, King of Prussia. money for tikkun olam. We’re
MONDAY, AUG. always looking for new players. Submit an event or browse our online calendar to find out what’s happening
$4 donation per session. 300 S. at local synagogues, community organizations and venues!
Sisterhood Mahjong. 18th St., Philadelphia.
Submit: [email protected] • Online:
You may bring a kosher/dairy/pareve NextGen Happy Hour.
lunch or snacks to Har Zion Temple As we finish o the summer, enjoy
at 12:30 p.m. Contact Phyllis Gorson, the evening with your friends from
UNDER CONTRACTbbyy AApppptt..OOnnlyly MARGATE Private tutoring, all subjects, EXPERIENCED COMPANION
2 RENTALS 9 EDUCATION Sunday August 26, 2018 SATURDAY, AUGUST 25TH elemen.-college, SAT/ACT prep. Personal Assistant -
ACTIVITIES TOWER-Deluxe 1 BD+den, 10th The Luxurious Kennedy House 10:00AM TO 12:00PM Licensed driver to as-
floor includes heat and air VA- 7 days/week. sist with errands,
3 BUSINESS/ 10 EMPLOYMENT/ CANT $1350 1901 John F. Kennedy Blvd 18 N. QUINCY AVE. Expd. & motivated instructors. shopping, appts., read-
FINANCIAL HELP WANTED TOWER-9th floor all new Units 2303 11:00 -12:00 NEW CONSTRUCTION BY THE ing, walking, food
1BD,1.5 BA new kitchen, bath, AREAS FINEST-OASIS PROP- (215)576-1096 prep., socializing and
4 OUT OF AREA 11 INFORMATION lots of closets $1500 Come See This One ERTY GROUP! THIS 5 BEDRM 5 daily activities
VACATION 12 AUTOMOTIVE TOWER-1 BD, 1.5 BA sunny Bedroom With A View BATH HOME WAS DESIGNED BY inside/outside of your
SALES/RENTALS corner, W/D hardwood floors, Unit 904 12:30 - 1:30 PM AWARD WINNING TERRY CUM- MIRRORS home. Will help you
13 MERCHANDISE includes heat and air $1600 You Are Invited To See This MINGS IS LOCATED IN THE MIRRORED WALLS understand your bills,
PROFESSIONAL/ granite kitchen, corner VA- Unit 903 1:30-2:30 PARKWAY! TOP OF THE LINE Closets Doors, Jacuzzi, Vanity, make telephone
PERSONAL CANT $1750 FINISHES, APPLIANCES, EX- Fitness area, custom shower calls.for you. Support
TOWER- Full size designer 2 Take a look at this QUISITE TILE & GRANITE, CUS- doors and enclosures, etc. Free Services - Refs Call
6 HOUSEHOLD BD, 2BA, W/D lots of closets! Lovely 1 bedroom Unit. TOM CABINETRY, OUTDOOR Estimate. Call 215-675-9633 Phyllis 215-886-4040
SERVICES $1995 Unit 1505 3:00 - 4:00 SHOWER, PORCH DECK AND SO
7 14REPAIRS/ PARTY GUIDE KKKKKK You Must See This LIEVING $1,535,000
CONSTRUCTION Studio With A Balcony BNeOst RraTteHs aEroAuSndT1MpcOtVo IeNntGire Experienced & Trained
TOWER- 10th floor, special sun Unit 1110 4:00 -5:00 SATURDAY, AUGUST 25TH BONDED & LICENSED
drenched 1 BD/1BA, carpet, lots Move Right In To This 12:00PM TO 2:00PM home moved anywhere. Lic. Ins.
of closets $89,900 dependable 215-677-4817 Available 24/7
TERRACES- Top floor, modern Updated Studio 9413 PACIFIC AVE, UNIT #48 20 Years Experience
TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD: 1 BD/1BA, large balcony, lots of Building amenities include FABULOUS NEW LISTING! JUST
closets,WW carpet.. REDUCED concierge, 24 hr security, A SHORT BLK TO BEACH!! 2 Very Affordable
LINE CLASSIFIED: $144,500 roof-top swimming pool, BEDRMS, 2 FULL BATHS WITH 215-477-1050
215-832-0749 BD/2BA, courtyard view W/D, community room, gym, FLRS, COMPLETE APPLIANCE HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED Certified home health aide
classifi[email protected] open modern kitchen, custom library, bike room, hospitality PACKAGE, POOL & PET looking to care for the elderly.
cabinets, ... REDUCED $184,900 FRIENDLY TOO! NEAR DONʼT SELL Kind and reliable, own car,
DISPLAY ADVERTISING: TERRACES- SPECIAL, Sunny suites and on-site parking EVERYTHING! ONLY $295,000 UNTIL YOU live-in preferred. Assist pa-
renovated 1 BD plus den or 2nd Barbara Sontag-Feldman CONTACT US! tient in activities of daily living.
215-832-0753 BD, 1 BA, modern kitchen W/D, VENTNOR Knowledgeable of kosher
across from elevator... RE- Keller Williams Realty ENTIRE ESTATES food preparation. Bath and
DEADLINES: DUCED $189,900 1619 Walnut St, 5th Floor SUNDAY, AUGUST 26th PURCHASED groom, administer medication,
LINE CLASSIFIED: 12 p.m. Mondays TERRACES- Sundrenched 2BD Philadelphia, Pa 19103 10:00AM to 12:00pm sssss mobility assistance, errands
DISPLAY ADVERTISING: 12 p.m. Fridays 2BA open modern kitchen, lots and light house keeping. Ex-
of closets...$209,000 917-562-4147 cell 6515 WINCHESTER AVE. Silver • Coins • Gold cellent references avail.
W/D, modern kitchen,large bal- 215-627-3500 Office RENOVATED BEAUTIFUL HOME 201-580-0300
HOMES FOR SALE cony lots of closets!! $210,000 JUST 3 SHORT BLKS. TO BEACH Pieces Private boutique home health
Damon Michels Catch the Summer Sizzle Floor Sun-drenched 2BD, 2BA, Gorgeous Vassar Square NEW EIK, 4 GREAT BEDRMS,3.5 Estate Jewelry censed chef, cert. medical
Associate Broker with the DeSouzas open kitchen, W/D, wood flrs. Lg. Eff. unit overlooking ocean. LOVELY BATHS, MASTER HAS Glassware • Trains • Dolls asst. and health care man-
610-668-3400 TENNIS ANYONE? Available immediately $214,900 High floor. Available August 1 to BIG WIC & HUGE SHOWER! FAB- Vintage Clothing/ ager. Over 35 years of exp. Spectacular May 30 $1,275/mo. Fully furn., all ULOUS NEW FLOORING, GAS Handbag and service, own transporta-
European Style Villa UNDER CONTRACTTERRACES- Designer expanded inclusive with parking. HEAT, HOT WATER HEATER, C/A, Entire cleanout & tion reliable woman. Profes-
FFFFF in Meadowbrook ELECTRIC, LIGHTING, WIN- removal service sional and bonded. 267-940-
*New Listing* and renovated 2 BD 2BA open Call 215-264-5844 DOWS & INTERIOR & EXTERIOR provided. 8591.
5 beds 4 & 2- 1/2 baths on granite kitchen with breakfast FLORIDA RENTALS AND SALES DOORS ALL NEW! GREAT YARD 30 years experience.
Penn Valley 3.5 manicured acres. bar. Tons of closets and light- HIGHLAND BEACH/ BOCA FOR PARTIES! OFFERED AT sssss SITUATION WANTED
Swimming pool, ing.REDUCED $234,900 $365,421 COMPANION/AIDE seeks
1351 Bobarn Dr ESTATES-Renovated 2 BD 2 BA RENTALS/SALES CALL KEVIN “D” Pos. to care for sick/elderly
5 Bed/4.1 Bath; 6,647 Sq Ft Regulation tennis court, 2nd floor. Large modern kit- Call Brad Berman MARGATE 267-934-3002 live in/out 25 yrs EXP, Great
This magnificent Contemporary Gated Security, chen custom lighting, overlook- DOWNSIZING References; own car
Home is situated on a wooded car port & more! ing woods REDUCED $259,900 561-706-4339 THIS 4 BEDRM, 2.5 BATH HOME
.95 acre lot, in a quiet cul-de-sac, TERRACES- Coming Soon! Cus- Signature International IS IMMACULATE!!! NEWER KIT- OR CLEANING OUT? 215-681-5905 or
with a gated circular driveway. Asking $1,195,000. tom built 1st floor 2 BD/ 2BA CHEN SO TASTEFULLY DONE!! 215-242-5691
A Must See! open kitchen, W/D sunny patio, Real Estate LAY-OUT IS PERFECT FOR THE 1 man's trash/another man's
$1,279,000 ESTATES- New Listing! Design- ENTERTAINER OR BIG FAMILY! treasure Aide/Companion will
Call or email Rick & Andi for all er 2BD/2BA, 2nd floor walk-up. YOUR FABULOUS FAMILY ROOM care for sick/elderly,
FFFFF your real estate needs. Gourmet granite kitchen, new AD OVERLOOKS A BEAUTIFULLY Call Joel 215-947-2817 day/night, exp. w/refs.
*Recently Reduced* Same dynamic agents; appliances. Fabulous cabinetry, LANDSCAPED FENCED-IN YARD 215-470-9825
great new company!! full size W/D, HWF and ceramic HERE WITH NEWER PAVER PATIO. CASH IN YOUR CLOSET INC.
Penn Valley tile. Living room with fireplace, OPEN PORCH & DECK OFF MAS- Licensed and Bonded CNA/ CPR/ FIRST AID
RE/MAX custom LED lighting, ceiling To TER. VERY SCENIC AREA OF
1116 Tower Ln E Eastern, Inc. fans, all new heat,air and hot Place PRETTY LAGOON DR $648,000 ESTATE SALES My name is Linda Agyemang, I am
6 Bed/4.1 Bath; 5,151 Sq Ft water heater. Sunny balcony, NEW PRICE!!! LOVELY UP- a home care giver, I am a CNA with
Sitting on a level .64 acres; Eric DeSouza parking at your door...$269,900 a DATED 1 BEDROOM SEASHORE ARTS & ANTIQUES first aid and CPR Certified;I am
this Cape has great open living Associate Broker ESTATES-Coming Soon! 1st Classified UNIT WITH GREAT RENTAL HIS- looking for someone who will be
space, first floor master bedroom, Andrea DeSouza floor 2 BD 2BA modern open TORY & LOW CONDO FEES!!! We Buy Antiques, interested in getting my services,
Sales Associate kitchen, wood floors parking at Ad $124,900 Furniture, Jewelry, Coins, references are available. I am also
and in-ground pool. door available for all shift. I can be
$850,000 Eric Cell CALL: ATLANTIC CITY Watches and More... reached at 267-808-8945 or
OTHERS AVAILABLE Entire Estate Contents [email protected]
Rittenhouse Square Bus 215-953-8800 215.832.0750 APPROVALS FOR DOCKS & Purchased. LEGAL NOTICES
1919 Chestnut St. [email protected] 215.832.0749 RENDERINGS ARE AVAILABLE. TRUST UA DTD 10/7/2010, as
Studio, 1, 2, & 3 Realtor® Emeritus. NEWER BULKHEAD APPROX. 5 CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE amended by the First Amendment
5 Star winner, YEARS OLD. SOLD AS A PACK- 2 adj. plots Shalom Memori- dtd 11/6/2012. STANLEY W.
bed available AGE W/ APPROVALS FOR 5-4 al Park, Gabriel II plot sec. ROBIN, DECEASED. Late of Phil-
$200,000-$600,000 Philly Mag 2016, 2017 BEDRM, 3.5 BATH TOWN HOMES $4,000 for the pair currently adelphia County, PA. This Trust is
Exclusive Listing Agent oakhillcondominiums ON THE WATERFRONT selling for $8,000 thru the in existence and all persons having
$1,299,000 cemetery. 215-235-6060 claims or demands against said
.com FOR SALE-2 cemetery plots, Sha- Trust or decedent are requested to
VISIT US AT lom Memorial Park, Maccabees make known the same and all per-
CONDO SALE SHAWSHORETEAM.COM section $2000, 215-591-9123 sons indebted to the decedent to
[email protected] ROOSEVELT MEMORIAL PARK make payment without delay to
TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD To place an For Sale: Ventnor, NJ. Totally Harvey Robin, Charles Robin and
CALL 215.832.0749 ad in the renovated second floor 2 BR DCIeRlEl#CT6: 0690-94-34827-1-7928260 4 PLOTS in Granite Sec. Q. Susan Cohen, Trustees, c/o Adam
Real Estate 1 BA condo. Two blocks from JENNIFER HAFNER SHAW Spaces 1,2 3 & 4. S. Bernick, Esq., 2047 Locust St.,
Section, call boardwalk and beach. Con- Philadelphia, PA 19103; Adam S.
215.832.0749 tact owner 610-649-4910 or 609-204-0385 Units must be sold together. Bernick, Atty., Law Office of Adam
610-716-8339 for realtor in- Reduced $7750 S. Bernick, 2047 Locust St., Phil-
formation. 800-333-7045x120 215-499-4851 adelphia, PA 19103
Phila Mfg. Company is looking for ad in the
215-832-0749 a highly professional, organized, Real Estate
efficient individual. The ideal can-
didate MUST HAVE: High School Section, call
Diploma or GED, phone manners, 215.832.0749
capable of handling a multiline
telephone, be professional, atten-
tion to detail, and must exhibit
great organizational skills. Know-
ledge of Microsoft office pre-
ferred. Mas 90 exp a plus. Start-
ing salary $11.50 / hr., Health be-
nefits & 401k. Please submit your
resume to [email protected] or
Mail to Ardex Laboratories, Inc.
2050 Byberry Road Philadelphia,
PA 19116 Attn: Administrative
PAULA 9211 Ventnor Avenue, Margate
8017 Ventnor Ave
Margate, NJ 08402
609C-e2ll7610-97-237317-7337 Office 609-W48W7-W72.3H4ARTMANHOMETEAM.COM 609-487-7234
VENTNOR $485,000 MARGATE $529,000 MARGATE $949,000 *OPEN HOUSE SUN 10-12PM *OPEN HOUSE SAT & SUN 10-12PM
MARGATE $359,000 VENTNOR $1,699,000 MARGATE $2,275,000
MARGATE $1,699,000 MARGATE $113,000 MARGATE $949,000 *OPEN HOUSE SAT & SUN 12-2PM MARGATE $209,000 VENTNOR $419,000
THE CATHERINE M. JANEZIC RE- ESTATE OF ARNOLD S. KESSLER Estate of Ellen O. Kristiansen aka ESTATE OF JEANNE SIGEL, DE- Estate of Leonara Zagacki a/k/a Le- Estate of Sinclair Whiteman, De- ESTATE OF SOPHIA K. VERROS,
VOCABLE LIVING TRUST EREC- a/k/a ARNOLD KESSLER, DE- Ellen R. Kristiansen aka Ellen Kristi- CEASED. onara A. Zagacki, Deceased ceased DECEASED.
TED ON 2/11/2004, AMENDED CEASED. ansen Late of Philadelphia Late of Philadelphia County Letters of Administration on the Late of Philadelphia
3/16/2016. CATHERINE M. JANEZ- Late of the Township of Chelten- late of Philadelphia, PA. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the LETTERS TESTAMENTARY above estate have been granted to LETTERS of ADMINISTRATION on
IC, DECEASED. Late of Phil- ham, Montgomery County, PA LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the above Estate have been granted to On the above estate have been the undersigned who request all the above Estate have been gran-
adelphia County, PA. This Trust is LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the above estate have been granted to the undersigned, who request all granted to the undersigned, who persons having claims against the ted to the undersigned, who re-
in existence and all persons having above Estate have been granted to the undersigned, who request all persons having claims or demands bequest all persons having claims Estate to present them in writing quest all persons having claims or
claims or demands against said the undersigned, who request all persons having claims or demands against the estate of the decedent or demands against the estate of and all persons indebted to the demands against the estate of the
Trust or decedent are requested to persons having claims or demands against the estate of the decedent to make known the same and all the decedent to make known the decedent to make payment without decedent to make known the same
make known the same and all per- against the estate of the decedent to make known the same and all persons indebted to the decedent same, and all persons indebted to delay to: Barbara A. Whiteman, Ad- and all persons indebted to the de-
sons indebted to the decedent to to make known the same and all persons indebted to the decedent to make payment without delay to the decedent to make payment ministrator, 716 S Warnock St., cedent to make payment without
make payment without delay to persons indebted to the decedent to make payment without delay to ARTHUR KARAFIN, EXECUTOR, without delay, to James W. Kraus, Phila., PA 19147 delay to DIMITRIOS JAMES VER-
Adam T. Baals, Jr., Successor to make payment without delay to Steven H. Kristiansen Administrat- 1717 Arch St., Ste. 1320, Phil- Executor. The Beneficiary are ESTATE OF SONYA RICHMAN a/k/a ROS and ATHANASIOS VERROS,
Trustee, c/o Shaun Griffith, Esq., ARTHUR KARAFIN, EXECUTOR, or, c/o Henry S. Warszawski Esq., adelphia, PA 19103, James W. Kraus and Stanley R. Ge- SONYA S. RICHMAN, SUNNY ADMINISTRATORS, 442 Cloverly
6234 Ridge Ave., Philadelphia, PA 1717 Arch St., Ste. 1320, Phil- 413 Johnson St. (201) Archways Or to his Attorney: cewicz., or to their attorney: RICHMAN, SONYA STERN RICH- Ln., Horsham, PA 19044.
19128; Shaun Griffith, Atty., 6234 adelphia, PA 19103, Prof. Bldg., Jenkintown, PA 19046 ARTHUR S. KARAFIN Jon Taylor, Esquire, PC MAN, DECEASED. Estate of Vincent DePaul Leader;
Ridge Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19128 Or to his Attorney: Henry S. Warszawski, Esq. LAW OFFICES OF ARTHUR S. 1617 JFK Blvd. Late of Philadelphia Leader, Vincent DePaul late of Phil-
ARTHUR S. KARAFIN 413 Johnson St. (201) KARAFIN Suite 1838 LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the adelphia, PA.
ESTATE NOTICES LAW OFFICES ARTHUR S. Archways Prof. Bldg. 1717 Arch St., Ste. 1320 Philadelphia, PA, 19103 above Estate have been granted to LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION
ESTATE OF AARON AIDENBAUM, KARAFIN Jenkintown, PA Philadelphia, PA 19103 ESTATE of MARIE PUCKETT, DE- the undersigned, who request all on the above estate have been
DECEASED. 1717 Arch St., Ste. 1320 Philadelphia, PA 19046 ESTATE OF JEROME RUBIN, DE- CEASED. Late of Philadelphia persons having claims or demands granted to the undersigned, who
Late of Philadelphia Philadelphia, PA 19103 ESTATE OF EUGENE P. VANDIVER, CEASED. County, PA. against the estate of the decedent bequest all persons having claims
LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the ESTATE OF CATHERINE E. MAXIN, SR. a/k/a EUGENE VANDIVER, SR., Late of Philadelphia LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION on to make known the same and all or demands against the estate of
above Estate have been granted to a/k/a CATHERINE MAXIN, DE- EUGENE VANDIVER, DECEASED. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the the above Estate have been gran- persons indebted to the decedent the decedent to make known the
the undersigned, who request all CEASED. Late of Philadelphia above Estate have been granted to ted the the undersigned, who re- to make payment without delay to same, and all persons indebted to
persons having claims or demands Late of Philadelphia LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the the undersigned, who request all quests all persons having claims or GARY LEE, EXECUTOR, 1015 the decedent to make payment
against the estate of the decedent LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the above Estate have been granted to persons having claims or demands demands against the Estate of the Spring St., Ste. E, Philadelphia, PA without delay, to Tiffany Ann Lead-
to make known the same and all above Estate have been granted to the undersigned, who request all against the estate of the decedent decedent to make known the same, 19107, er, c/o Stuart R. Lundy, Esq.,
persons indebted to the decedent the undersigned, who request all persons having claims or demands to make known the same and all and all persons indebted to the de- Or to his Attorney: Lundy Beldecos & Milby, PC, 450
to make payment without delay to persons having claims or demands against the estate of the decedent persons indebted to the decedent cedent to make payment without GARY LEE N. Narberth Ave., Suite 200,
JEFFREY GARBER, EXECUTOR, against the estate of the decedent to make known the same and all to make payment without delay to delay to: 1015 Spring St., Ste. E Narberth, PA 19072, Administrat-
5136 Euston Court, Bensalem, PA to make known the same and all persons indebted to the decedent MARGARET P. DiPINTO, EXEC- Kevin Puckett, Administrator Philadelphia, PA 19107 rix.
19020 persons indebted to the decedent to make payment without delay to UTRIX, c/o David S. Workman, 5929 Summer Street Estate of William J. Doherty, Jr. aka Lundy Beldecos & Milby, PC
ESTATE OF ALFRED ASTORINO, to make payment without delay to LISA A. VANDIVER, EXECUTRIX, Esq., The Bellevue, 6th Fl., 200 S. Philadelphia, PA 19139 or William J. Doherty aka William Do- 450 N. Narberth Ave.
JR. DECEASED WILLIAM G. MAXIN, EXECUTOR, c/o Harry Metka, Esq., 4802, Ne- Broad St., Philadelphia, PA 19102, Attorney: herty aka William Doherty, Jr., De- Suite 200
Late of Township of Lower Merion, c/o Harry Metka, Esq., 4802 Ne- shaminy Blvd., Ste. 9, Bensalem, Or to her Attorney: Rebecca Sallen ceased Narberth, PA 19072
Montgomery County, Pa. shaminy Blvd., Ste. 9, Bensalem, PA 19020, DAVID S. WORKMAN 325 Merion Road Late of Philadelphia, PA.
above Estate have been granted Or to his Attorney: HARRY METKA DEL, LLP Estate of Neil W. Weiner aka Neil on the above estate have been 7830 GERMANTOWN, INC. has
to the undersigned, who request HARRY METKA 4802, Neshaminy Blvd., Ste. 9 The Bellevue, 6th Fl. Weiner, Deceased granted to the undersigned, who been incorporated under the provi-
all persons having claims or de- 4802 Neshaminy Blvd., Ste. 9 Bensalem, PA 19020 200 S. Broad St. Late of Holland, PA. bequest all persons having claims sions of the Pennsylvania Business
mands against Bensalem, PA 19020 ESTATE OF IRINA JIVAEVA, DE- Philadelphia, PA 19102 LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION or demands against the estate of Corporation Law of 1988.
the estate of the decedent to make ESTATE OF EDWARD W. WAX- CEASED. ESTATE OF JOHN K. DESMOND, on the above estate have been the decedent to make known the McCreesh, McCreesh, McCreesh &
known the same and all persons in- MAN, also known as EDWARD Late of Philadelphia JR., DECEASED. granted to the undersigned, who same, and all persons indebted to Cannon
debted WAXMAN. Late of Haverford Town- LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the Late of Philadelphia bequest all persons having claims the decedent to make payment 7053 Terminal Square
to the decedent to make payment ship, Delaware County. above Estate have been granted to LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the or demands against the estate of without delay, to William H. Law, Upper Darby, PA 19082
without delay to: LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the the undersigned, who request all above Estate have been granted to the decedent to make known the Executor, c/o Gary A. Zlotnick, Core Stripper, Inc. has been incor-
ELAINE SILVERMAN ASTORINO, above Estate have been granted to persons having claims or demands the undersigned, who request all same, and all persons indebted to Esq., Zarwin Baum DeVito Kaplan porated under the provisions of the
ADMINISTRATRIX the undersigned, who request all against the estate of the decedent persons having claims or demands the decedent to make payment Schaer & Toddy, PC, 1818 Market Pennsylvania Business Corpora-
1001 City Ave. persons having claims or demands to make known the same and all against the estate of the decedent without delay, to Alex Blaise and St., 13th Fl., Philadelphia, PA tion Law of 1988
Unit EC802 against the estate of the decedent persons indebted to the decedent to make known the same and all Audrey Shapiro, Co-Administrators, 19103 or to their attorneys, DX USA Packaging Corp. has been
Wynnewood, Pa. 19096 to make known the same, and all to make payment without delay to persons indebted to the decedent c/o Gary A. Zlotnick, Esq., Zarwin Gary A. Zlotnick, Esq. incorporated under the provisions
persons indebted to the decedent ELENA JIVAEVA, ADMINISTRAT- to make payment without delay to Baum DeVito Kaplan Schaer & Zarwin Baum DeVito of the Pennsylvania Business Cor-
SELL IT IN THE to make payment without delay to: RIX, 271 S. 15th St., Apt. 1905, MICHAEL J. CHAIN and LEE A. Toddy, PC, 1818 Market St., 13th Kaplan Schaer & Toddy, PC poration Law of 1988.
JEWISH EXPONENT Jessica F. Waxman, Executrix Philadelphia, PA 19102, STRANBURG, EXECUTORS, c/o Fl., Philadelphia, PA 19103 or to 1818 Market St., 13th Fl. Reardon & Asssocs. LLC
c/o Joseph S. Hocky, Esq. Or to her Attorney: Stacey Willits McConnell, Esq., 24 their attorneys, Philadelphia, PA 19103 985 Old Eagle School Rd.
215-832-0749 3300 Darby Road, Unit 6203 ANTHONY J. ROCCA E. Market St., P.O. Box 565, West Gary A. Zlotnick, Esq. Suite 516
Haverford, PA 19041 LAW OFFICES OF ANTHONY J. Chester, PA 19381, Zarwin Baum DeVito SELL IT IN THE Wayne, PA 19087
ROCCA, P.C. Or to their Attorney: Kaplan Schaer & Toddy, PC JEWISH EXPONENT 1528 Walnut St., Ste. 1507 STACEY WILLITS McCONNELL 1818 Market St., 13th Fl.
Philadelphia, PA 19102 LAMB McERLANE, PC Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-832-0749
24 E. Market St.
P.O. Box 565
West Chester, PA 19381
Indoor Antique & Vintage Market At The ATTORNEYS!
Kimmel Center
This Sat, Aug 25th 8AM til 4PM AND LEGAL SERVICES
Antique Furniture, Collectibles, Vintage Jew-
elry & Clothing, Home Furnishings, THE BEST RATES!
Art Work & So Much More!
Free Admission / ATM / Handicap Accessible TRI-STATE AREA (PA, NJ, DE)
300 S. Broad Street (Broad & Spruce)
215 - 625 - 3532 215-832-0749 or 215-832-0750
classifi[email protected]
FAX: 215-832-0785
provisions of the Pennsylvania
Business Corporation Law of 1988. PRINTING ELDER LAW AND PaSuENlIORNS TOeSnENtIORwS ig
GIVEN THAT Articles of Incorpora- INVITATIONS & CO1W3NMy7FnE2InRDeIGEnwENdRoTiaoSInAd&L,CPBrAAeUCeSQk1IU9NDI0ESr9iSIv6TSeIOSNASLES Single Jewish Female for friendship. En-
tion were filed with the Department CALLIGRAPHY Wills Trusts jdoryinskmeru,OsNicoffaipncedtesT:. .8V.6A6g-e8s2480--5187.6N0-smkr, N-
of State for MAC’S FUND, a non- Powers of Attorney Respond toCJeelwl:is6h1E0xp-o3n3e1nt-6B6ox2F5NO
profit corporation organized under GREAT DISCOUNTS!!
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Community / deaths
Adam Ross Blumberg, age 45 died on June Ralph C. Dumack on August 10, 2018. Hus- If you ever met Charna Gordon (Korhan) you Janice Netzky (nee Strasberg), 102, of Palm David Weissman, on August 13, 2018. Be-
28, 2018. He was a Vice President of Key Ac- band of the late Sandra; father of Heath Du- would surely not forget her beautiful smile, Beach, FL, passed away on April 21, 2018. loved husband of the late Betty Weissman
counts for Korn Ferry International. Adam is mack (Karen Hirschman) and Miles Dumack and loving and caring personality.Wherever Janice was born in Humboldt, TN, married (nee Taylor). Devoted father of Judith Weiner
survived by his daughters, Addison and (Jennifer Hillson); brother of Gertrude Davis, she went she would make friends with every- John Netzky, of blessed memory, and they (David), and Nancy Weissman (Edward “Ned”
Dakota, his parents Barbara and Daniel Blum- Samuel Gerstein and Herbert Gerstein; also one. Charna, grew up in Logan, daughter of lived in Philadelphia, PA and Palm Beach Wolff). Loving grandfather of Tamara Galin-
berg and his brother Michael (Melanie) Blum- survived by 4 grandchildren. Contributions in Harry and Mary,youngest sister to Belle and throughout their lives. A devoted and gener- sky (Licia), Kate Wolff, and Gregory Wolff
berg. He was the former husband of Heather his memory may be made to a charity of the Ann.It was while attending Bernie Middle ous wife, mother, sister, grandmother, great- (Katharine). Loving great grandfather of Tova
Blumberg. Contributions in Adam’s memory donor’s choice. School and reading Bible at assembly one grandmother, and aunt, Janice was adept at Zurn-Galinsky, Milo Zurn-Galinsky, Zora Gal-
may be made to day she caught the eye of 16 year old Ed. He needlework, sewing, baking, bridge and insky, Shane Sudia, and Asa Wolff. Contribu-
ingtogetherthepuzzle GOLDSTEINS’ ROSENBERG’S was sitting in the assembly and remarked to Scrabble. She has secured a seat at the table tions in her memory may be made to the
RAPHAEL-SACKS the kid next to him that he was going to for an eternal game of bridge and will have an Alzheimer’s Association, The Sierra Club, or
JOSEPH LEVINE and SONS marry that girl, never meeting her before. He excellent hand forevermore. She is survived any charity of the donor’s choice.
FREEMAN then courted her and they wed in Sept by her two daughters, Carol Freundlich and
BUCH 1948,this September would have been their Joanna (Lane) Gerber, five grandchildren, GOLDSTEINS’ ROSENBERG’S
Elaine Harris Freeman, 83, of Philadelphia, a 70th wedding anniversary. They lived in Chel- Sondra (Alan) Hall, Fred (Ana) Freundlich, RAPHAEL-SACKS
Judith Abrams Buch, 65, passed away public relations specialist and educator, died tenham and raised 3 sons; Jeffrey,Harris Jackie (Duncan) McFarland, Jennifer Gerber MEMORIALS
Sunday, August 12, 2018. Born in Trenton, Wednesday, August 15, at home. Elaine Free- (Carol) and. Mitchell. Charna always made (Jason Goldstein), and Matthew (Karen) Ab-
NJ, to Rose Ann and Harry Abrams, she has man grew up in Brooklyn, Minneapolis, and her family her biggest priority beside her love rams Gerber, and eight great-grandchildren. ROSENBERG
one brother, Jeffrey Abrams. Although raised the Philadelphia area. She earned a bachel- for Ed. She is also survived by 5 grandchil- Janice will be deeply missed by family and
in Trenton, Judi graduated from Pennsbury ors degree in communications from Temple dren, Chad, Todd, Dana, Amanda and Jes- friends. Contributions in her name may be Our Dearest Mindy:
High School. She obtained a Master of So- University and a master’s degree in English sica and 3 Great-grandchildren, Austin,Sage made to your local Jewish Family Service. Please know that you are sorely missed and
cial Work from Temple University and taught as a Second Language from West Chester and Brayden.She loved going to Atlantic City thought of each and every day of our lives.
in the university’s Criminal Justice program University. Elaine joined the staff of WHYY with Ed,and lived at the Ocean Club. They SABULSKY Your legacy of love, hope, and caring has
in the early 1990s. Her professional career Public Television in 1955, shortly after its loved the boardwalk and Casino.She also was been our source of strength and you will al-
was spent primarily at the Bucks County founding. She was committed to women’s a Master bridge player and loved Maj Herbert Sabulsky, age 87, died on August 7, ways be our true inspiration and shining light
Adult Probation and Parole Department in rights and civil rights, and the importance of Jong.She passed away on August 9th at 2018. Beloved husband of Arlene (nee Fish- wherever there is darkness. Continue to
jobs that she loved-as a Parole Officer for 18 the arts in public schools and libraries. She home after a battle with breast cancer. Please er); loving father of Sheryl Becker; brother of guide us throughout the days of our lives and
years and a Supervisor for seven years. She led creative dramatics programs for children make contributions to the charity of choice. Marvin Sabulsky; grandfather of Lance may God, the Angels, and your loved ones
was the Chief Shop Steward in the Court unit in Philadelphia before moving to Chester (Haley) Becker and Samantha Becker; broth- keep you forever in their loving arms.
for years, which may surprise some people. County, where she worked in public relations KLEIN er of the late Norman Sabulsky; and father-in- Love always and forever,
Judi’s most important focus was on her chil- for the Devereux Foundation and founded her law of the late Charles Becker. Contributions Your Loving Family and Friends
dren and left her first job to raise Jonathan own PR company, Precise Communications. Donald J. Klein, August 14, 2018, of Bluffton, in his memory may be made to Leukemia &
and Benjamin, her most beloved sons. They In the latter part of her career, she earned her SC and formerly of Philadelphia, PA. Beloved Lymphoma Society, 100 N. 20th St., Suite A
traveled to many parts of the world, even master’s degree in English as a Second Lan- husband of Janet (nee Green); devoted step- 405, Phila., PA 19103 or Pancreatic Cancer COMMUNITY
when Jon and Ben were adults. Her sons guage and taught ESL classes at Drexel Uni- father of Courtney (Michael) Bean Michaud; Research in Memory of Charles Becker at REMEMBERS
were devoted to their mother and showed it versity, in regional hotels, and in Gredos, loving father Audrey Klein, Mark( Heather) Sloan-Kettering Memorial Hospital, 1275
regularly by actions and words. Ben’s wife, Spain. A lifelong feminist, she was active in Klein and Jeffrey (Lisa) Klein ; dear brother of York Ave., New York, NY 10065. MONTHLY ARCHIVES
Larissa, was very supportive. When grand- the League of Women Voters and presented Charlotte Taylor; and cherished grandfather OF JEWISH EXPONENT
sons Asher and Abram Buch were born, lectures on women’s issues, participating in of Marc and Carter Michaud, Samuel and GOLDSTEINS' ROSENBERG'S DEATH NOTICES ARE
Judi’s heart swelled. She cooked and cared the 1995 Beijing UN–World Conference on Rachel Najdowski, Sydney, Eliana and RAPHAEL-SACKS
for them as often as possible. A past mem- Women. Elaine was a passionate traveler; she Madelyne Klein and Marisa, Jacob and Gabri- AVAILABLE ONLINE.
ber of Adath Israel Congregation and Con- was a member of Hope Afloat Dragon Boat elle Klein. Contributions in his memory can SLOTT
gregation Beth El, Judi was most recently a team for breast cancer survivors; she parti- be made to the Dementia Society of America
member of Shir Ami in Newtown, PA. A life cipated in multiple book groups, and was at Meyer Slott on August 9, 2018. Husband of
member of Hadassah, she was also a mem- work on a biography of Martha Freud. She Phyllis Ringold Slott (nee Wolfson) and the
ber of Shomrim of Philadelphia and the was predeceased by her husband, Dr. Leo C. JOSEPH LEVINE and SONS late Fay (nee Parness). Father of Michael
Delaware Valley and served as its first female Freeman, and is survived by her sister Lila (Sharon) Slott and Susan (Neil) Silver. Step-
president. She was a member of many pro- Levin of Haverford, PA, Robert Harris of Sac- LIEBERMAN father of Lori (Peter) Vogdes, Robert Ringold,
fessional Social Work and Criminal Justice ramento; her children, Jan Freeman of Ash- Amy (Seth) Kivnick and Lisa (Joe) Catral.
organizations, over the years. The Mah Jongg field, Massachusetts, Nancy Freeman-Carroll Phillis C. Lieberman (nee Crane), on August Grandfather of Steven, Ricky, Sara and
group that Judi was a part of for ten+ years of New York City, Carla Freeman of Atlanta, 11, 2018. Beloved wife of Max L. Lieberman. Joseph. Great Grandfather of Nora and Car-
was very special to her. When Judi was dia- Eric Freeman of Madrid, Spain, and five Devoted mother of Neil R. Lieberman (Nina) son. A War Hero and member of the Jewish
gnosed with breast cancer, she became in- grandchildren, Isabel, Alice, Claudia, Ben- and Matthew Lieberman. Dear sister of An- War Veterans Post #697, Meyer served in the
volved with Bucks County Breast Friends and jamin, and Joseph. Donations in her honor ita Gross (Paul). Loving grandmother of Vera U.S. Army Air Corps from 1942-1945 as a
MetaFriends (sponsored by the Healing Con- may be sent to WHYY or to Hope Afloat USA and Seth Lieberman. Contributions in her Nose Gunner on the B-24 Bomber. He flew
sciousness Foundation) which were safe of Philadelphia. memory may be made to Philabundance or 35 successful missions over Europe. Relat-
places to get support and nurturing. The the US Holocaust Museum, Washington DC. ives and friends were invited to Graveside
Machestic Dragons, a New Jersey dragon A Community Services Sunday 1 PM precisely at Mt. Shar-
boat team for breast cancer survivors that Remembers GOLDSTEINS' ROSENBERG'S on Cemetery (sec. R), Springfield, PA.
Judi joined, brought excitement and more RAPHAEL-SACKS
support to her. Special recognition to Nancy Monthly archives of GOLDSTEINS’ ROSENBERG’S
Johnson, a first cousin who was more like a Jewish Exponent Death Notices LOVETT RAPHAEL-SACKS
sister to Judi, and Cathy Buch, who stood
with her in all difficult times. Dr. Philip Kivitz, are available online. Fay Lovett passed on August 14, 2018. Sur- Honor the memory
her maternal uncle, was always important to vived by brothers Martin and Jerome of your loved one...
Judi. There are many cousins and friends- Trachtenberg. Beloved Mother of daughter
you know who you are-who enhanced Judi’s Rebecca Brilliant, sons Michael, Phil, Joel, Call 215.832.0749 to
life so much. Even Judi’s “ex-family” re- Brian Lovett and their grandchildren and place your memorial.
mained important in her life. A funeral ser- great grandchildren. Funeral services were
vice was held Sunday 11am, August 19 at private and held on Wednesday, August 15,
Shir Ami, 101 Richboro Road, Newtown, PA. 2018 at Roosevelt Memorial. Contributions
Interment will be private. Memorial contribu- in her memory may be made to Migdol Ohr, 6
tions may be made to the Abrams Hebrew Belilius Street, POB 5507, Jerusalem, Israel
Academy, Shir Ami, Metavivor or the Healing (Tower of Light – provides education and so-
Consciousness Foundation. cial guidance to the children from problem
homes in Israel).
Family owned and Operated since 1883
Continued from Page 5
Local Jewish leaders gathered for the roundtable on Israel on Aug. 15. people with physical and men- Edward Newman Photo provided
tal disabilities.
Roundtable the works Aug. 16, with Egypt in Minnesota’s 5th District, develop the state of Israel.”
reportedly helping orches- referred to Israel as an “apart- He also worked on President He spent the last six years
Continued from Page 15 trate a deal between Israel and heid regime” in a May tweet. Lyndon Johnson’s administra-
Hamas to halt violence at the She recently stated her support tion on the president’s Task teaching a mini course for
principle, the group votes “yes” border for a year. for Israel, though, insisting Force on the War Against social work students at Sapir
as a bloc. that she was opposed to the Poverty. He was then invited College in the Negev and
Dayan, who was born in boycott, divestment and sanc- to serve in the Budget Bureau previously chaired the Israel
“If we can grow our num- Buenos Aires, Argentina and tions (BDS) movement against of the O ce of the President Programs Committee of the
bers to 60 or so, you’ll see immigrated to Israel in 1971, Israel. to monitor program budgets Jewish Federation of Greater
the Problem Solvers become said the con ict will only of the O ce of Economic Philadelphia, whose recent
the new governing body in end permanently when the “If you actually still look at Opportunity. luncheon with Jewish Agency
Congress,” Fitzpatrick said. Palestinians realize that the where Democrats vote on these Chairman Isaac Herzog
“ e reason we are doing Israelis are not foreigners try- things, and we have things During the 1960s, Newman Newman pushed himself
this is to x that brokenness ing to invade their country. that are pro-Israel pieces of developed two federally sup- to get to, even rescheduling
and to have common sense legislation, overwhelm- ported 10-year state plans in appointments. “ at was really
solutions.” “When the Palestinians ingly the Democrats and the Massachusetts, the rst to important to him,” Claire said.
come to term with the obvious, Republicans support it. Right? improve the lives of people
One primary area of focus that we are not like the cru- You have a sliver of people that with developmental disabilities He also had an inclina-
for the Problem Solvers is the saders,” Dayan said. “But that won’t support it,” Gottheimer and the second to help people tion toward athletics. He was
Israeli-Palestinian conflict, we also belong. at day the said, annunciating a view that with disabilities attain employ- a baseball pitcher in college
which last week took a particu- peace process will start. And Fitzpatrick endorsed in an ment and independent living. and enjoyed playing tennis and
larly violent turn, with Hamas you will be surprised probably interview the following day. golf. He took up skiing in his
and a liated Palestinian orga- how forthcoming we Israelis “It’s a minority of people, and At Temple, he served 40s and continued into his 70s.
nizations in Gaza ring about will be.” we have to push back on them from 1974 to 1991 as execu- He and his wife rode a tandem
180 rockets and mortar shells and overwhelm them with the tive director of the school’s bicycle into their 80s, as his son
at Israeli communities. One guest at the roundtable facts.” ● Developmental Disabilities recalled going on bike rides as
brought up questionable rhet- Center (now the Institute on a family.
e IDF responded, carry- oric toward Israel from some [email protected]; Disabilities).
ing out extensive attacks on Democrats. 215-832-0737 From his father, Mark
Hamas’ infrastructure. “My dad spent most of his Newman learned the impor-
Ilhan Omar, the Democratic life in some kind of service tance of family, helping others
A truce appeared to be in nominee for the U.S. House to others,” son Mark Newman and living an ethical life.
said, “whether it was commu-
Chai. News for people who know nity organizing, whether it was “Family was very import-
we don’t mean spiced tea. working on behalf of the dis- ant to him, friends were very
abled or teaching at Temple important to him, Israel was
Every Thursday in the University, students or the very important to him,” he said.
JEWISH EXPONENT Developmental Disabilities “He was generous. You could
and all the time online Center. His life was about help- ask for the shirt o his back.” ing other people.”
Newman is survived by his
For home delivery, ere was no familial or wife, Claire; three children
call 215-832-0710. genetic connection to his ded- Mark, Julie and Paul; and seven
ication to helping those with grandchildren. Contributions
disabilities, noted his wife of 61 in his memory may be made
years, Claire Newman. “Social to Temple University Edward
services was related to his want- Rosen Hillel. ●
ing to help others,” she said.
[email protected];
In addition to his accom- 215-832-0740
plishments in the social ser-
vices arena, Newman was a
staunch supporter of Israel —
he was even able to combine
his passion for the two.
“He became very involved in
helping to organize American
partnerships with social ser-
vice and disability programs
in Israel,” Mark Newman said,
“and that’s how he contributed
professionally and contin-
ued his interest in helping to
Community / mazel tovs
Rachel Azarow, originally of New York City, and Jared Dashoff, originally of Barry and Elise Dinetz of Mount Laurel, N.J., announce the engagement of their
Philadelphia, announce their engagement. daughter, Sarah Dinetz, to Ari Levine, son of Neil and Jodi Levine, of Cherry
Hill, N.J.
Rachel is the daughter of Robert and Amy Azarow. She is a graduate of The
George Washington University and a graduate of Benjamin N. Cardozo School Sarah, a graduate of William Paterson University, is a freelance writer and
of Law. Jared is the son of Todd and Joni Dashoff. He is twice a graduate of current graduate student at Rosemont College. Ari is a graduate of Brandeis
American University in Washington, D.C., having earned his bachelor’s degree University and a tuition scholar at Villanova University, where he studies history.
and a master of public policy. He is a public affairs specialist with the Association
of American Medical Colleges. An October 2019 wedding is planned.
The ceremony will be held on Oct. 21 in Washington, D.C.
Diedre and Stephen Cole of Sheri (née Greenberg) and
Huntingdon Valley announce Jonathan Etkowicz of Jamison,
the marriage of their daugh- along with big brother Dylan,
ter, Ashley Brooke Cole, to announce the birth of their
Michael Cullen Occhiogrosso, daughter Scarlett Paige on
son of Deborah and Francis June 2.
Occhiogrosso of New City, N.Y.
Sharing in their happi-
The ceremony and recep- ness are grandparents Debbie
tion took place at Union Trust and Robert Greenberg of
on July 22, 2017. Steven Stein, Newtown, Marcine and Guy
the bride’s uncle, officiated. Schiehser of Washington
Crossing, Marlene and
Lauren Ferry served Jacques Etkowicz of Maple
as maid of honor and Lora Glen, and great-grandfa-
Schlein Grasso was the matron ther Leonard Greenberg of
of honor. The bridesmaids Willow Grove.
were Julia Judd Cardamone, Meghan Cianfarini, Jessica Silverberg Konopka and
Molly Anolik Vasaturo. Joining the welcoming of their baby girl are Uncle Ryan Greenberg; Aunt
Dana and Uncle Matthew Hasness; and cousin Harrison Hasness.
John Occhiogrosso, brother of the groom, was the best man. The bride’s
brother Jared Cole, Brett Harvey, Bryan Farrell, Jon Gellis, Michael Weinstein, Scarlett Paige (Shifra Malka) is named in loving memory of her pater-
Jon Smolanoff and Jon Schneider were the groomsmen. nal great-grandmother Selma Wohl and her maternal great-grandmother
Margaret Greenberg.
Ashley’s grandparents, Helen and Sheldon Stein, completed the wedding party.
Ashley and Michael honeymooned in Mexico City and Oaxaca, and reside in
Astoria, N.Y.
NEWSMAKERS Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia Men’s Mission alumni gathered at the home of Alysa and Steve
Margulies in Margate, N.J.
Lori F. Reiner will assume the newly created role of
chief people officer at EisnerAmper. In her new role,
she will be responsible for designing and implement-
ing cutting-edge human resource strategies that
align with EisnerAmper’s people-first focus.
Lori F. Reiner From left: Rich Gorodesky, Randy Stein, Mark Fishman, Henri Levit, Jon Powell, Bud Newman, Steve Margulies, Mark
Goldstein, Steve Rosenberg, Sam Menaged and Ken Roshkoff
The residents of the Samuel A. Green House, managed by Federation Housing, danced and sang along with the Tzofim Friendship Caravan, who performed there on
Aug. 15. The Tzofim Friendship Caravan brings a message of hope and peace for Israel.
The Tzofim Friendship Caravan performs.
PUBLISHER’S STATEMENT Published weekly since 1887 with a special issue in September (ISSN 0021-6437) ©2018 Jewish Exponent (all rights reserved) Any funds realized from the operation of
the Jewish Exponent exceeding expenses are required to be made available to the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia, a nonprofit corporation with offices at 2100 Arch St., Philadelphia,
PA 19103. 215-832-0700. Periodical postage paid in Philadelphia, PA, and additional offices. Postmaster: All address changes should be sent to Jewish Exponent Circulation Dept., 2100 Arch St.,
Philadelphia, PA 19103. A one-year subscription is $50, 2 years, $100. Foreign rates on request.
Velda Levitsky, her daughter Susan Kaufman and their family have supported Philanthropist and music industry legend Kal Rudman was featured in Times
the work of the National Museum of American Jewish History (NMAJH) to bet- Square on the Thomson Reuters screen by Marquis Who’s Who, in conjunction
ter tell the history of Southern New Jersey’s Jewish agricultural communities. with being honored with the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement
Recently, the group of family and friends attended a private tour of “Leonard Award. Rudman began his career as a DJ at WCAM in Camden, N.J., and was
Bernstein: The Power of Music.” the first R&B editor/columnist for Billboard magazine.
Front row from left: Velda Levitsky, NMAJH Associate Curator Ivy Weingram, Susan Kal Rudman on the Thomson Reuters screen in Times Square
Kaufman, David Finger and Cantor Marlena Taenzer. Back row from left: Marsha Hyman,
NMAJH Development Director Cobi Weissbach and Fran Shore
Temple Beth Hillel-Beth El volunteered with Leket Israel on a recent mission to Vered Nohi, Philadelphia-Israel Chamber of Commerce (PICC) executive direc-
Israel. The group sorted eggplants that Leket Israel rescued for distribution to tor, and PICC President Neil Cooper visited New York City to welcome the new
Israelis in need. The eggplants will feed 385 needy families. Israeli Deputy Consul General Israel Nitzan. They also met with Consul for
Public Diplomacy Galit Peleg, Economic Minister to North America Inon Elroy,
and Director of Regional Affairs Michael Alexander.
Temple Beth Hillel-Beth El volunteers From left: Galit Peleg, Neil Cooper, Vered Nohi and Israel Nitzan
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