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Published by marketing, 2016-10-05 14:23:51

Jewish Exponent Oct. 6, 2016

Jewish Exponent Oct. 6, 2016

OCTOBER 6, 2016 / TISHREI 4, 5777
A look at TV shows with Jewish themes




OF NOTE Jews in Vermont, Part II


AHseaadNlienwe Year David Shankbone/Wikipedia THERE’S AN OLD Cha-
BHaecakdline sidic story about a grand-
rceovpiyews what made daughter and grandfather
ncoepwys. in 5776.
who go to shul together.
Page 400
The grandfather notices
his granddaughter leaving
GHreiaedvlinge Process SHIMON PERES the building each morning to
Kcoapdydish delves into
hcopwywe cope. Accolades Pour daven outside, in the woods.
Pcaogpey1.1 in Following
Death of One day he asks her,
Page 00 Former Israeli
LOCAL President “Why are you leaving? Don’t
Shimon Peres
JFOeOrDry Segal you know God is the same
BHeeaatdslitnhee Odds MARISSA STERN | JE STAFF
GHoelafidnlginbeuff everywhere?”
ocovperycomes multiple LATE SEPT. 27, messages of mourning
acoilpmyents. from the global Jewish community flood- His granddaughter an-
Pcaogpey1.3 ed the cybersphere as it was announced
Shimon Peres, former Israeli president and swers, “Yes, but I’m not.”
Page 00 prime minister as well as Nobel Peace
Prize winner, died at 93. He had been hos- This story is not, to my
Volume 203080 pitalized two weeks prior due to a stroke.
Number 709 knowledge, about a family
Born Shimon Perski in Poland before
Published Weekly Since 1887 immigrating with his family, Peres led a in Vermont. But after travel-
career in public service in various roles
throughout seven decades, including two ing to Vermont for a week

See Peres, Page 16 this summer, it seems prac-

tically tailor-made to de-

scribe Jewish life there.

I heard the story from

former Merion resident Sara

Esther Crispe, who moved

with her rabbi husband and

four children to Danby, Vt.,

two years ago to create the ▲ A tributary of the Mad River runs through the Living Tree
perfect setting for their Jew-
ish living-learning venture Alliance’s land.

called Interinclusion. She

used the tale to illustrate how nature influ- Vermont is nearly 80 percent forest.

ences people here — in particular, those There are mountains everywhere you

who attend Interinclusion’s retreats. look. There are also endless great

“It brings out that openness,” she said. swathes of fields and farms, cut through

“To be able to sit and just hear the birds — by single-lane roads, and long stretches

no traffic, no distraction — it really refo-

cuses you.” See Vermont, Page 17

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Comment: Jewish Exponent

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Zohar translation a labor
of love for Joel Hecker.


Accolades pour in for Betsy Sheerr. JEWISHEXPONENT.COM

4 HEADLINES 9 Online Extra

Israel Read more
about the
National achievements
of Shimon
Global Peres, the leg-
endary Israeli
20 OPINION leader and Founded in 1869
Nobel Peace Sister Cemetery of Laurel Hill Cemetery
Editorial Prize leader who died recently at the 187 Acre Certified Arboretum
Columns age of 93. Exquisite Art & Architecture
Kvetch ’n Kvell
The View israel Call Us Today To Set Up A Private Tour!
from Here
Online Extra 610.668.9900
Our online team William A. Sickel, F.D., Supervisor, West Laurel Hill Funeral Home, Inc.
Arts Honey isn’t will be regularly
Food just for updating with the latest
26 TORAH Rosh Hashanah on what is happening in Israel — and
the response in the United States
COMMENTARY these days. and around the world.
27 COMMUNITY 24 headlines

Jewish Federation


Mazel Tov





October 7 6:15 p.m.

October 14 6:04 p.m.

2100 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103


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5776: A Year in Review at the Jewish Exponent

LOCAL hazy blue. difficult to successfully execute, in March) for the Senate and National Tragedy

But between the decorative but the overwhelming lack of either Josh Shapiro or John Raf- Of course, not all moments are

RACHEL KURLAND AND donkeys and political rallies, it knowledge — where things ferty for Attorney General. positive, but this one definitely

MARISSA STERN | JE STAFF wasn’t exactly the best week of were occurring, who was going Outside of the election, in shook the entire nation in a

July, and the DNC turned out to to be there, when they were April, Gov. Tom Wolf held pos- panic that has yet to cease.

A LOT CAN happen in a year. be a D-N-dud. going to be there — well, it’s sibly the first-ever Passover The Orlando mass shootings

And Philadelphia has defi- Maneuvering the political cir- just not what I expected.” seder in the Governor’s House at Pulse nightclub in June that

nitely taken the forefront with cus was an introvert’s nightmare. At least now voters are clos- in Harrisburg with all the trap- claimed 49 lives reverberated

major events: Popemania, the “I can only imagine most er to deciding who they will pings of the holiday, and the all the way to Philadelphia. The

Democratic National Conven- large-scale nationally broad- choose for president … right? Exponent had an exclusive seat tragedy broke the news the

tion, Beyoncé performed twice. casted events like this are at the table. The only noticeable same day as the Philly Gay

Even at the Exponent, our Politics absence was the abundance of Pride Parade.

staff has worked hard during While the big race is obvi- relatives asking whether you “There was some fear, but at

5776 to share stories full of ously the one for the hot have a boyfriend yet. the same time I won’t let that

strength, laughs and the seat in the White House, “I think part of it is, part of take away from my pride and

unexpected. there were other my family is Jewish, we have very my desire to be there for my

So looking back, we elections that took close friends who are Jewish. It community and to be myself,”

pulled some of the best place back in the seemed part of the fabric of how said Phoenix Schneider, direc-

pieces from our archives to April primaries, re- we share time with family and tor of J.Proud.

rehash the happy, sad and member those? friends, so it seemed important,”

surprising moments. As far as some of First Lady Frances Wolf said. “It Personal Expression

the big Pennsylvania seemed the thing to do.” However you may change on

DNC elections outside of the the outside doesn’t mean you’re

The Democratic National ▲ Jonathan Mandell’s DNC donkeys ended up presidential race, come Holidays a different person on the inside.
Convention was definitely a in prominent locations, including in front of November, you’ll be vot-
big part of our summer, as it the Pennsylvania Convention Center and ing for either Sen. Pat Last year’s festivities started off And from these intervie-
was for the rest of the coun- at Independence Mall South. Mandell (inset) Toomey or Katie McGinty
try, which filled the city in a normally creates mosaics, but used acrylic (we interviewed her back with a few questions — plus wees, that message was
paint to decorate the donkeys.
some added FAQs for both Jews certainly clear.

and non-Jews. Whether is was dealing with

Our High Holidays edition the stigma of tattoos — “I have

outlined how to answer some non-Jewish friends who tease

Advanced Care common questions we may get me about not being able to be
Now Available
Only at Pine Run from our non-Jewish friends, buried in a Jewish cemetery,”

like, “So, how do you pro- said Michelle Harrison, a

nounce it?” woman who got her first tattoo

Which, to be fair, is

a pretty solid question.

Connect directly to all that “A lot of Jews have
Doylestown Health offers.
Pine Run Health Center is your trouble differing
best link to seamless healthcare
from a renowned medical between pronuncia-
community you know and trust.
tions. ‘Rosh Hashanah’

is fairly straightfor-

ward, but ‘Yom

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challenging. Some say

Advanced Care is now provided ‘Kipper’ like the fish.
in a dedicated setting where
complex medical patients have Personally, I go with
access to the expertise they
Reigner Sumague and Jill Ritter, need, right when they need it. ‘Yom’ (rhymes with ▲ Mark Greenstein’s tattoo — which says
rehabilitation therapists A unique nursing level aligned
at Pine Run Health Center. with Doylestown Health for the ‘home’) ‘Key-poor,’ “Winter is coming” — references both an
most comprehensive care available.
Better Than New! because I think there’s Israeli protest sign and Game of Thrones.
777 Ferry Road • Doylestown, PA 18901
Pine Run Health Center Ratings something too ironic

Overall Medicare Rating about a day of fasting associat- at 50, or Aviva Kaminsky who
Health Inspection Rating
Quality Measures ed with a herring.” liked “the idea that our bodies

Then came Chanukah, and are temples, and tattoos are

it became the Exponent’s most adornment” — or coming out

Source: popular article at around as transgender, they showed a
59,000 shares, where we lot of strength.
For more info call:
Beth at 215.340.5256 answered other seemingly sim- “I know that being trans and
or Nilsa at 215.340.5162
ple questions like, “How do you genderqueer in 2016 is a signifi-

spell Chanukah?” cant part of who I am,” said Kol

“Two K’s? One N? No H? Tzedek Rabbi Ari Lev Fornari.

The phlegmy clear-your-throat “It’s no small thing that I’m a

‘ch’ instead of just H?” Honest- transmasculine white person in

ly, we still don’t know. this moment, and how different

See Review, Page 6


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Review • TV’s favorite Jewesses Abbi Back in the ’Burbs ▲ By the end of the year, the Consulate
Jacobson and Ilana Glazer Times have changed, especially General of Israel to the Mid-Atlantic Region
Continued from Page 4 made an appearance at the back in Northeast Philadelphia. no longer existed in Philadelphia.
World Cafe Live and talked What used to be a popular Jew-
so many experiences are for about weed and body oil ish neighborhood has now them, there’s little question things on us — Prince, David Bowie,
trans women of color in this become full of streets with wouldn’t run quite so smoothly.” Alan Rickman.
moment. In that way, I don’t take • Henry Winkler said “Ayyy” closed-down Jewish businesses.
the privilege that I’m afforded for at the Jewish Federation of Consulate Closure And a decade later, Michael
granted. … But it’s certainly not Greater Philadelphia’s While some say it has dwin- Even though some may say the Levin was remembered this
all of who I am as a rabbi.” main event last November dled, others continue to grow Northeast is thriving, there past summer on the anniver-
and talked to the Exponent parts of their community, look- were some hiccups back in sary of his death in which the
You Can’t Succeed on about his happy days and ing on the bright side: Center City. 22-year-old American para-
Broadway (or TV) if You what’s next for him Synagogues said their member- trooper in the Israel Defense
Don’t Have Any Jews ships have grown, the Russian The Consulate General of Forces was killed in the Second
Philadelphia is always a top • And if you watch The Gold- and Eastern European commu- Israel to the Mid-Atlantic Lebanon War.
destination for arts and culture, bergs, you might recall an nity has expanded, and the Region announced its closure
and this year was certainly no interview with its creator, Orthodox Jewish community in January and officially vacat- “I keep thinking of every-
exception. Adam, who talked about has no plans to leave any time ed its Market Street address in thing he’s missed in the past 10
his love for the Flyers. soon. August. years,” said his twin sister, Dara.
To name just a few: “I’ve gotten married and have
• The inimitable Barbra ▲ Tovah Feldshuh as she appeared Even non-Jews scattered For all your future consulate two kids, one named for him.
in The Walking Dead. throughout other neighbor- needs, you’ll have to deal with My sister Elisa’s gotten married.
Streisand made a stop in hoods left an impact on the the one in New York. In some ways, it seems like yes-
Philadelphia, and we Jewish community, as terday. I can remember vividly
found her biggest fans explained in the “unexpected “There is a difference the day of my last visit with
going to see the show faces” of the city. between the previous situations him. But then looking at what’s
• We heard from Dr. Ruth where you were an elevator ride happened with us and friends,
talking about how she’ll “None of them are Jewish, yet away from the consulate, and it seems forever ago.
never bore of talking about all play essential roles within the now you’re a two-hour drive
sex Jewish organizations where they away,” New York Consul Gener- “But mainly I hold onto the
• Tovah Feldshuh made her work. They comprise just a small al Dani Dayan said. “But we are memories.”
cabaret debut at the RRazz sampling of the non-Jewish committed to minimizing that
Room at the Prince The- employees scattered throughout difference. We will visit fre- Bagel Bracket
ater earlier in September Jewish agencies across the quently. We will see and be seen. When Bon Appétit bestowed
Delaware Valley. But without We will continue giving the Jew- Fishtown’s Philly Style Bagels
ish community in Philadelphia with Best Sandwich of the Year,
the service it merits.” the Exponent staff scoffed and
said, “We could’ve told you that.”
▲ Time hasn’t healed wounds
created 10 years ago for Harriet and In honor of March Madness,
Mark Levin, whose son was killed we bit into nearly every bagel in
fighting for Israel in the Second the city and surrounding areas
Lebanon War. to find the best bagels in our
inaugural Bagel Bracket —
In Memoriam though, we might need another
Like any retrospective view on year or two to recover before
the past year, we have to revisiting this one. The food
acknowledge some of the Jewish comas were real.
leaders that left us — Elie Wiesel,
Shimon Peres, Gene Wilder. After rounds and rounds of
taste-testing in search of the per-
Even those who were not fect bagel (hey, we serve the
Jewish made a lasting impact people), Philly Style Bagels came
out on top in the good ol’ plain
bagel category, while Delancey
Street Bagels took home the win
for the everything category.

Shanah Tovah for 5777! l


[email protected];


[email protected];



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Laura Rosenberger Fulfilling Her Lifelong
Purpose as Foreign Policy Advisor

LOCAL upbringing in Pittsburgh, to speak with Clinton support- “Any time there’s LAURA ROSENBERGER
where she came to realize how ers. “I have a very hard time something on for-
JON MARKS | JE STAFF fortunate she was compared to saying ‘no’ when asked to do eign policy, I’m very ise to the Clinton campaign.
others in this country and things to serve my country. involved,” said Ro- While that’s her prime focus,
LAURA ROSENBERGER said throughout the world. senberger, who lives she’s never forgotten where she
someday she’ll “get a life,” even “Service is very important to in Washington, D.C., came from.
though few in her inner circle That’s largely why, in the me, and when you’re asked to although she’s usual-
believe her. words of the song from Rodgers serve by somebody at a senior ly somewhere on the “I believe in making the
and Hammerstein’s Oklahoma!, level, it’s very difficult to say road. “It’s a process. world safer and more secure
The woman who’s become she “cain’t say no.” ‘no.’ At this point, my focus is because I believe in social jus-
Hillary Clinton’s top foreign on Nov. 8, and if it doesn’t come “We do a lot by tice,” she said. “A lot of that is
policy advisor, after previously “My family jokes with me out right, nothing else matters.” phone, but we also informed by my Jewish
serving as President Obama’s they’re going to stop listening send out briefing upbringing and what I see
expert on Asia-Pacific rela- every time I say I’m going to To that end, she’s devoting materials and papers. as a Jewish approach to the
tions, said she’s always been slow down in my next job, her energy toward the woman She gets updates on world.
dedicated to public service. It’s because I never have,” said the hoping to become the nation’s world events from
a trait that dates to her Jewish 37-year-old Rosenberger, who first female president. That us. Obviously, as “Passover is my favorite hol-
was in Philadelphia last month includes prepping Clinton for we’re heading into iday. The story of Passover
the recent “Commander in crunch time, there’s a teaches us [that] having been
I have a hard time saying ‘no’ when asked to Chief ” interviews on the USS little bit more intense slaves and an oppressed people,
do things to serve my country.” Intrepid on Sept. 7, where of a pace.” we have an obligation to help
NBC’s Matt Lauer grilled Clin- root out oppression and slavery
LAURA ROSENBERGER ton on foreign policy. Rosenberger was all over the world.
a senior at Penn State consider-
She’s also playing a key role ing her options when the 9/11 “We remember that we were
getting Clinton ready for the attacks occurred. After that, her slaves because we remember
presidential debates. direction was clear. how fortunate we are as a peo-
ple. But with it comes a
“I’d been really interested in responsibility. For me, that is
domestic policy issues and kind of the core guiding princi-
efforts to combat violence ple of my life.”
against women,” Rosenberger
said. “But I was also really inter- It’s also why she doesn’t con-
ested in foreign policy issues. I sider herself special.
was kind of at that point where
you need to make a decision “Gosh, the idea of thinking
about your career path. of myself as a role model is a
funny way of thinking about
“Then, on Sept. 12, I woke things,” said Rosenberger, who,
up and said, ‘My decision’s been having visited Israel, does feel a
made. I need to do whatever I connection. “I just do what I do
can to make sure this never because I feel passionately
happens again.’” about it.” l

That led her to spend time as Contact:
a graduate student at American [email protected];
University of Kosovo following 215-832-0729
the Third Balkan War. She
turned her focus to Asia, start-
ing in Korea and then
expanding throughout the

“I ended up launching into a
nine-year focus on the Asia-
Pacific region,” she explained.
“I worked for the president at
the White House for two-and-
a-half years. When I was
working on Asia, I was involved
with a number of meetings he
was in with the Korean and the
Chinese presidents. And I was
in the national security office
and many meetings with him in
the Situation Room.”

Now she’s taken that expert-



Activist Betsy Sheerr Honored
by Joint Action Committee PAC

LOCAL wrote. “You have been a She thanked her family and “About 40 years ago, it struck BETSY SHEERR
remarkable role model to spoke about her late parents: me that political activism was a
LIZ SPIKOL | JE STAFF countless women through your “Their example, their values, natural outgrowth of communi- “As we are taught in Judaism
political activism and philan- their nurturing. These decades ty activism,” she said. about repairing our fractured
THE PHOTOGRAPHS ON thropy, and have embodied the of advocacy for the Jewish com- world, we are not required to
the video screens in the packed spirit of tikkun olam, inspiring munity and for people in need Sheer called political activism finish the task, but neither are
banquet room at the Union others to join the cause for everywhere comes straight “Torah in action,” and said she’s sup- we free to desist from trying.” l
League showed Betsy Sheerr, equality and social justice.” from Corky and Gene.” ported JAC for 35 years because
seemingly ageless, standing next it’s bipartisan, values-driven, Contact: [email protected];
to countless politicians: Bob After being presented with an She then explained how, despite and has given her the opportu- 215-832-0747
Kerrey. Gabby Giffords. Joe award — an etched-glass dreidel being a 1960s-bred activist, she nity to make change in the
Lieberman. Barack and Michelle because Sheerr collects dreidels got involved in working on world. “As a Jewish American
Obama. Hillary Clinton. — Sheerr addressed the crowd. issues from the inside. woman, it fits just right,” she said.

It was just a few of the prominent IF YOU THINK
people that the founding member JEWISH DAY SCHOOL
and past president of the Joint ISN’T THE RIGHT FIT,
Action Committee (JAC) has YOU DON’T KNOW JACK.
worked with over the years to
promote JAC’s three-tiered We’re an inclusive Jewish day school with a broader worldview. So we welcome
agenda: separation of religion students from all facets of observance. We offer an amazing middle school and
and state; reproductive rights;
and the U.S.-Israel relationship. GET TO KNOW JACK. incredible high school...where everyone
fits. Our kids are baseball players, history
Sheerr’s tireless commit- buffs, engineers, mathletes, rising stars. And we encourage all of them to choose
ment was the reason that their own path. There’s a place for your family here. Come love where you learn.
movers and shakers gathered
luncheon in Sheerr’s name. Monday, October 10, 2016 • Friday, November 11, 2016
Tuesday, January 10, 2017 • Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Sen. Bob Casey was one of Time: 9:30am - Noon
the first to try to characterize
Sheerr’s accomplishments. Accredited by Pennsylvania Association for Independent Schools 272 S. Bryn Mawr Avenue, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010

“Advocate and activist. 610-922-2350 I [email protected] I
Fierce defender of Israel. Fight-
er for women. Communicator © 2016 JBHA
par excellence and, of course,
counselor. She was that for me
as a candidate and as a public

Some admirers sent Sheerr
regards via video, including
Rep. Nita Lowey — one of the
longest-serving Jewish mem-
bers of Congress — and Vice
President Joe Biden.

Lowey said, “For four
decades, [Sheerr] has fought for
civil rights, for social justice,
reproductive health for all
women, and an unbreakable
relationship between the Unit-
ed States and Israel.”

Vice President Biden called
Sheerr, 65, a friend and ally.

“You’ve played such a critical
role in strengthening our rela-
tionship with Israel and
fighting for equal rights for
women everywhere in the
world,” he said.

JAC Executive Director Marcia
Balonik read a note from Clinton.

“Please note that I am cheer-
ing for you from afar,” Clinton



Joel Hecker Finally Bringing JOEL HECKER
His ‘Baby’ Into the World

LOCAL was only 20 hours. It took me feminine aspects,” explained ingly on the Aramaic text. ple would hire a scribe to write
six years to do this. But, for the Hecker, sitting in the living “There are mystical streams for them. One of the things
JON MARKS | JE STAFF most part, it’s been an enor- room of his Bala Cynwyd home within all religions, and usually which is important for people
mous blessing. where he lives with his wife, psy- the people engaged in studying to know is that the Zohar is not
YOU WON’T FIND this birth chologist Frani Pollack, and or practicing within the mysti- a book. It’s a compendium, like
announcement in the paper or “The first few years it was so their three children. “A God we cal strands are the ones who the Bible.”
on the news. euphoric, because it’s a spectac- could impact through our ritual want to be intoxicated by God,”
ular text as a work form of practice. he said. Like the Bible, that means
But for Joel Hecker, who’s religious literature. [It’s] perhaps the common man or woman
spent the last six years working the greatest work of Spanish reli- “[It’s] about literature that “They’re seeking the most can find meaning by reading it.
on the 11th and 12th volumes gious literature — not just conceived of the Torah as a profound, intimate, unmediat-
of the Pritzker translation of the Jewish — of the Middle Ages.” book of mysteries that was ed relationship they can have “Zohar means ‘brilliance’ or
Zohar, a book of Jewish mysti- waiting to be revealed. [That’s] with holiness, divinity and ‘splendor’ in Hebrew,” said Heck-
cism dating to at least the 16th The story behind the Zohar because the Zohar reads the purity. Seeking a sense of the er, who was on sabbatical from
century, it’s just as rewarding. isn’t something you usually Torah in ways that texts, for the elation that comes through RRC nearly half the time he
learn about in Hebrew school. most part, did not read it.” union with divinity.” worked on the translation. “I was
“The first picture I’m going In fact, Hecker admitted he really amazed at the euphoria I
to take will be a selfie of me knew little himself until he was It gets complicated trying to For Hecker, that elation has felt the first year in particular.
holding it on top of my belly as studying in Jerusalem, and a understand but, according to Heck- come with trying to help trans-
if I just birthed it,” laughed fellow student suggested he er, there’s a true fascination to it. late his portion of the “We were in Jerusalem on
Hecker, a longtime associate read about it and the Kabbalah, 12-volume Zohar into modern- sabbatical for the year, and I
professor of Jewish mysticism the Jewish study of mysticism. “What I tell people is the day English. But besides the was just studying Zohar all day
at the Reconstructionist Rab- Zohar is the central and canon- words, each passage requires long. It was like when I first
binical College in Wyncote. It didn’t take long for Hecker ical text of Jewish mysticism,” special commentary trying to went through the entire Zohar
“I’ve joked that my wife’s first to get hooked. continued Hecker, who spent determine what the original in 1993. I’d spend hours study-
labor was pretty awful, but it hours each day squirreled away writer — or writers, since many ing Zohar, and then I’d go over
“I started to read about a God in his office working painstak- suspect it was a collective effort to Riverside Park in Manhattan
who had both masculine and rather than the work of a single and the sky was different. The
individual — meant to say. trees were different. The birds,
the sun. Everything was trans-
FROM OUR FAMILY TO YOURS The work was commis- formed in light of the Zohar.”
sioned by the Pritzker family in
Allen L. Rothenberg, Esq. MON-THURS 1995, which reached out to Soon that light will be
Barbara Rothenberg, Esq. University of California, Berke- revealed for all to see, after
Harry Rothenberg, Esq. 1:40 PM Torah Study ley professor Daniel Matt, who which the 56-year-old Hecker
Marc Rothenberg, Esq. 1:50 PM Mincha Minyan is considered one of the leading isn’t quite sure what he’ll do.
Beth Rothenberg Halperin, Esq. authorities on Jewish mysti-
Ross B. Rothenberg, Esq. Complimentary Lunch cism. He completed the first “I’m very excited to be
nine volumes, realizing in the almost done and looking for-
Rothenberg Center process he needed help. ward to doing other things,”
1420 Walnut Street said Hecker, who consults with
Australian professor Nathan his assistant in Jerusalem on a
Philadelphia Wolski translated the 10th vol- near-daily basis. “A lot of it will
ume with Hecker, who had be related, particularly a liter-
Scott J. Rothenberg, Esq. written Mystical Bodies, Mysti- ary analysis of the Zohar on the
cal Meals: Eating and parshat, because it’s clear this is
Melissa Rothenberg-Kapustin, Esq. Embodiment in Medieval Kab- different authorship.
balah in 2004 and other works
THE on Jewish mysticism, taking on “What I see is [that] modern
the last two volumes in 2010. scholars will sometimes modify
ROTHENBERG the translations. I suspect they’ll
Volume XI was released Oct. do the same with mine. But no
LAW F I R M L L P 5, with the final volume expect- one’s going to undertake doing
ed out in the spring. such a big project again.” l
“One of the things that Contact:
800.624.8888 struck me over the last six years
is the fluidity of the text and [email protected];
P H I L A D E L P H I A I NEW YORK how scribes can manipulate it
C H E R RY H I L L I LAKEWOOD I HACKENSACK one way or another,” said Heck- 215-832-0729
er, who has a picture in his
office of when he ran with the
bulls in Pamplona, Spain in
1980. “Very often, a scribe is
just someone who can copy.

“Until 200 years ago, books
were very expensive. Rich peo-


Width: 3.625"
Dealing With Death:
New ‘Kaddish’ Podcast CinderellaDepth: 11"
Explores How We Cope
Color: Black plus one
Comment: JE 10/6, 10/13, 10/20
Ad Number: 00069646

LOCAL ARIANA KATZ will form a community of peo- OCT
ple who are talking and listening 13-23
RACHEL KURLAND | JE STAFF lyze the yahrzeit, following the to each other,” she said. “It’s such
arc of a year, though Katz hopes a holy thing that I’m able to ACADEMY OF MUSIC
DEATH CAN BE a touchy the podcast will continue after that. spend time [listening] and being
subject. She’s raising $10,000 to continue another voice in that sort of GET TICKETS NOW
producing another season. ocean of feeling so isolated in
But Reconstructionist Rab- grief. 215.893.1999 or PABALLET.ORG
binical College student Ariana The $20,000 grant mostly
Katz doesn’t think it has to be. goes toward Katz’s salary so “Hearing people’s voices THANK YOU TO OUR SEASON SPONSORS:
she’s “able to spend a major- as they talk about death
So Katz started a new podcast, ity of my working time on and mourning is really impor- Oksana Maslova and Ian Hussey
Kaddish, to explore the themes of Kaddish. tant, continuing to humanize
death, dying and Judaism. and locate these stories in the OCTOBER 6, 2016 11
“I’ve been listening to pod- concrete.”
The 26-year-old was awarded casts for a decade,” she
a $20,000 grant from RRC to continued. “They come in and Katz’s grandparents died
start it this past July. out of vogue, and I think they’re when she was young, but she
having a moment right now. A experienced a different kind of
The tagline: “Death, mourning podcast does exactly what we mourning this past March.
and who we are while we do it.” do on Yom Kippur, which is
recite aloud what are our sto- Her mother’s best friend,
Katz discusses different ries, what are our truths. And so Lisa, was like a “bonus mom” to
themes of death and dying on for people who are traveling or Katz. Along with her mother
the podcast — about once a commuting so much, podcasts and father, Lisa also helped
month — because she said become someone who accom- raise her.
there is often a lot of stigma and panies you on the journey. I
shame around it. know for me, I develop emo- “That has been a formative
tional relationships with the moment in how I think about
“My objective with this people who I listen to week after death and dying. My grandpar-
project is to both increase week because they’re in your ents taught me one thing and
conservation, resource and ears. It’s a really intimate thing.” my mother Lisa — what our life
community around thinking together meant, what losing her
about death and dying because Katz believes this will be a has meant — it adds this other
it’s something that has touched whole new way to tell stories dimension.
all of our lives in such profound and connect with people, and she’s
ways,” she said. already developed a following. “This podcast can appeal to a
wide audience because even if
The idea for the podcast “I can write a sermon, I can no one in your life has died,
started as a class project, and teach a class, I can write a blog, you’re still surrounded by images
she wanted to do something I can storytell in that way, but and messages and your own
she’s passionate about. using audio to convey meaning humanity that grapples with
opens up all of these other for- death and dying all the time.”
“Death education that’s mats and venues. So it’s a really
death positive that says that we delightful challenge.” In light of Yom Kippur, Katz
can have fear but not be fearful hopes that from Kaddish “we’re
and we can give each other Many people have already speaking aloud truths that
resources, we can lean on those emailed her, and her introduc- haven’t been heard enough.”
sources Judaism has for us — tory episode has more than 700
that’s something that I care very listens so far. “Naming things aloud feels
deeply about,” she added. like a huge part of what we do
“My hope is that as this keeps on Rosh Hashanah and Yom
The first season will run going, I’ll be able to share stories Kippur, when we run through
through June 2017, exploring from people who are listeners so litanies of what we’ve done as a
topics such as the ritual cleans- it’s not just professionals talking community,” she said. “As we
ing of the body, burial, shiva, or about their work, it’s not just list literally every single way we
how to cope with loss, while rabbis and chevra kadisha or- could possibly die, instead of
also giving real-life examples in ganizers. … My hope is that this being rooted to this fear we’re
the news and pop culture able to root to each other
alongside a Jewish connection. instead and to see that one of
the ways out of the fear of death
“There’s a lot of ways we and dying is through connec-
experience life, and they’re not tion and kehilah.” l
all happy. There’s a lot of ways we
experience death, and they’re not Contact:
all sad. The bouncing between
the two is actually what makes [email protected];
life meaningful,” she said in her
introductory episode. 215-832-0737

The final episode will ana-



Local Author Pens Bucket-List
Book About Philadelphia

BOOKS Visitors Bureau,” she said. “And “I see them using it as an IRENE LEVY BAKER Rachel Baker
my job there was giving tours to adventure starter: Open it up,
LIZ SPIKOL | JE STAFF travel writers, and they are the pick a place and go,” she said. Zahav/Federal Donuts. In Festival; Women’s Film Festival;
most jaded travelers in the “Some people use it like a pass- her book, Levy Baker recom- the Philadelphia Film and
THERE WAS ALMOST a line world because every city wines port: You open it up and put the mends all of Israeli-born chef Animation Fest; Awesome
out the door last week to hear and dines and tries to impress date and put your own tips in.” Michael Solomonov’s ventures, Fest; and two of Jewish interest
Irene Levy Baker, owner of them. So I was doing that in including Abe Fisher (“featuring — the Israeli Film Festival
Spotlight Public Relations, talk Philadelphia, and I paid atten- The hardest part, she said, foods of the Jewish experience”) and the Philadelphia Jewish
about her new book, 100 tion to what impressed them, was limiting the choices to just and the “casual hummusiya” Film Festival.
Things to Do in Philadelphia what delighted them, what sur- 100 things. Dizengoff.
Before You Die. prised them. Elfreth’s Alley. The oldest
She divided the book into five Vedge. “Gain New Respect continuously occupied residen-
Baker went to Melrose Park “Then I spent 17 years at a sections: food and drink; music for Vegetables” is Levy Baker’s tial street in U.S. history may
to speak to a group of Hadassah public relations firm … So and entertainment; culture and headline for the page that fea- not be the first thing that comes
members, who queued up in doing that, I kind of got the history; sports and recreation; tures Rich Landau’s plaudits- to mind when doing a tour of
the foyer of Ellen and Michael behind-the-scenes insider look and shopping and fashion. earning restaurant. Each page Jewish Philadelphia. But, as
Matz’s home to meet Levy Bak- at all those places.” features an insider tip for the Levy Baker points out, one of
er and buy a signed copy of her “Clearly, culture and history reader. Here, she reveals that the street’s early residents was a
book. When Reedy Press came to is the longest because it is the restaurant holds a few tables Jewish merchant.
Levy Baker and asked if she’d be Philadelphia, after all,” she said. aside for walk-ins (just in case
Sara Koval, a stay-at-home interested in penning the “The second longest is food and that OpenTable time slots are Laurel Hill Cemetery. As
mom of three who lives in Philadelphia installment of their drink because that’s my passion.” filled up). Levy Baker points out, Laurel
Cheltenham, knew this one was “100 Things to Do in ______ Hill was the nation’s first ceme-
a can’t-miss event because of Before You Die” series, she ini- But of course Levy Baker’s InterAct Theatre Company. tery designated as a National
the book’s subject matter. tially gave them a hard time, she passions may not be other peo- Led by the vision of Seth Rozin, Historic Landmark. While it’s
said, because Philly was 40th in ple’s passions, so she created InterAct is one of two theater not known for Jewish burial, its
“I’m always trying to find the series. “Like, really, Little separate suggested itineraries: companies specifically highlight- sister cemetery, West Laurel
something fun or interesting to Rock before Philadelphia? “Young Families,” “Families With ed in Levy Baker’s appreciation of Hill, is. That cemetery’s Chesed
do, especially with teenagers,” Cleveland before Philadelphia?” Teens,” “Dates,” “Empty Nesters,” the city’s theater scene. “InterAct Shel Emet, a designated Jewish
she said. “I thought, ‘Maybe “Free,” “Happy Hour/Drinks,” Theatre Company commissions, section, opened in 2011. Make
there’s something out there I Then she had to consider “Near the Pennsylvania Conven- develops and produces new plays a day of it and visit both.
don’t know about.’” whether she was suited to the tion Center” and “Philadelphia that explore contemporary
assignment. Sites in the Movies.” She also has social, political, and cultural National Museum of Amer-
After some introductory activities divided by season. issues,” she wrote. ican Jewish History. This is
remarks, Levy Baker, a married “I thought about how I’m a just one of the many places
mother of two, explained how personal concierge to my friends “That’s my goal — to help Jewish Film Festival/Israeli where visitors can “melt into
she ended up a Philly expert, … So I thought maybe I could people fall in love with Philadel- Film Festival. Levy Baker the great melting pot,” as Levy
despite originally hailing from put these things in the book.” phia all over again,” she said. devotes a page to Philadelphia’s Baker puts it in her book.
Youngstown, Ohio. multiple film festivals, which
Next she had to think about With that in mind, we include the Philadelphia Film For more information or
“I landed here in 1991, and how people would use the picked a few things from Levy Society’s annual Philadelphia to buy the book, go to
my first job was working for the book, and she came up with Baker’s book that could fit on Film Festival; the Philadelphia 100thingstodoinphiladel-
[Philadelphia] Convention & several ideas. an itinerary of activities that Asian American Film Festival; l
pertain to Jewish interest. qFLIX; Blackstar Film Festival;
Customized Help First Glance Film Festival; Lati- Contact:
At Home Philadelphia’s Magic Gar- no Film Festival; Terror Film
dens. Levy Baker told the group [email protected];
For All Ages at Matz’s house: “I compare
what Isaiah Zagar did with the 215-832-0747
• Owned & Operated By Registered Nurses • Magic Gardens to what J.K.
Rowling did when she created
Eldercare, incl. Alzheimer’s • Respite Care / Live-In • Personal Care & Grooming Hogwarts or what Frank L.
Baum did when he created The
Travel Companions & Escorting To Appointments & Outings Wizard of Oz. He created a
world with art the way they cre-
Post-Partum Assistance & Child Care • Mentally & Physically Disabled ated a world with words.”
Medication Assistance • Post-Op Care
Rosenbach Museum. This
Meal Prep, Laundry & Light Housekeeping • & More… is Levy Baker’s answer to,
Call Today For A Free In-Home Consultation With An RN “Where should I take my moth-
er-in-law?’” “It’s a tiny museum
Home Health Care Services 10067 Sandmeyer La., Suite 212 owned by the Free Library of
N.E. Philadelphia Philadelphia that has a collec-
tion of books and antique
215-399-9766 furniture,” she told the Hadas-
sah group. “It’s on the prettiest street, Delancey, in the prettiest
neighborhood, Rittenhouse
Serving Philadelphia & Square. And she’ll only be on
Surrounding Counties her feet for about an hour.”



When it Comes to Beating the
Odds, Jerry Segal Hits a
Hole-in-One Every Time

LOCAL office, Segal, Berk, Gaines & up four, you’re a winner.’ So I impaired again. Segal back to life, but he spent
Liss, where he still works today. think I’m a winner.” Segal was bitten by a mos- three days in a coma.
“I must have passed it a From there, he never quit. quito, and “I couldn’t form a “I woke up at 4 o’clock in the
TO SAY JERRY SEGAL has thousand times but never knew “We were sitting in the bar sentence. I lost my ability to morning, and the nurses say I
beaten the odds is an under- what it was,” he said. “All I can room having a drink and walk again.” woke up smiling because I had
statement. say is thank God it was there.” somebody said, ‘In honor of once again beaten the odds and
Segal coming out of Magee, He was diagnosed with God wasn’t ready for Segal yet.”
After four serious battles Segal had no movement let’s give $100 apiece to Fight encephalitis, a brain inflamma-
between life and death, he’s just below his shoulders. He could for Sight,” an organization he tion that affects the spinal cord. And, of course, each time he
happy to have a place to go back blink and stick out his tongue, was president of at the time, recovered, he went straight
to: the golf course. but nothing else. “and I said, ‘No, let’s give it to So he returned to Magee, back to the golf course.
Magee,’ and that’s what started where he had to not only learn
▲ Jerry Segal and his wife, Carolyn, “And after four and a half the golf tournament.” to walk again but how to speak. After his own therapy ses-
at the Jerry Segal Classic golf months of intensive therapy The Jerry Segal Classic golf sions, Segal visits other patients
tournament in September. under the watchful eyes of the tournament has taken place After another recovery, Segal to give them support, too.
therapists, I was able to beat the each year since, this year on later received triple bypass sur-
About 28 years ago, Segal had odds and walk out of Magee and Sept. 23 at Green Valley Coun- gery at Magee, and still goes to “I try to convince them that
spinal surgery in San Francisco go back to my passion of play- try Club in Lafayette Hill. It therapy three times a week due there isn’t anything in this
that left him a quadriplegic. He ing golf,” said Segal, now 75. raised about $700,000. to an injury just two years ago world you can’t accomplish. It
received care back in Philadel- Overall, the organization in which he nearly drowned in just depends on the sacrifice
phia — he was put him in a halo After his extraordinary has raised $15.2 million for his Florida swimming pool. you make to do it.” l
, which attaches to the skull to recovery, he felt that he had to Magee, which supports equip-
prevent movement, to stabilize repay Magee in some way. ment for patients, enables “I literally drowned,” he said. Contact:
him — where he then received family members who live more “I don’t know why or how it
treatment at Magee Rehabilita- But first, he went to a coun- than 60 miles away to visit Magee happened, but it did.” [email protected];
tion Hospital. try club with some of his and covers other sundries.
buddies to play golf for the first “Just because you’re a patient Paramedics had to bring 215-832-0737
To his surprise, it was only a time since he left Magee. doesn’t mean you have to be a
block and a half from his law shut-in,” added Segal, who lives
“I got up on the first tee, and in Blue Bell. “Our main goal is
they had a doctor on either side to help the patients get well so
of me. I swung and I fell down, that somebody sitting in a
and I got back up again. And I wheelchair today will be able to
swung and I fell down again. walk out of Magee tomorrow.”
And the third time I hit the ball But after 18 years back at his
about 75 yards. passion, a trip to Aruba left him

“Albeit, I wasn’t playing the
way I used to play, but I was
playing nevertheless,” he added.
“But someone once said to me,
‘If you fall three times and get

American Jews’ Apathy Toward Israel Worries Dayan

LOCAL “We have to persevere and as ambassador of Israel to the was born in Argentina) to reach ously we will make the neces-
do it over time. I’ve only been American Jewish community out to Latinos. “I met with sary adjustments.”
JON MARKS | JE STAFF [on the job] seven weeks. But and, at the same time, ambassa- community leaders, rabbinical
over time, I will become a dor of the American Jewish leaders, spiritual leaders. What Besides, he’s got enough here
IN THE BEGINNING … familiar face in the Philadelphia community toward Israel. concerns us all is that more on his plate.
The first words of Genesis Jewish community.” than differences of opinion,
“In some instances, that there’s a sense in some centers “We have many challenges
seem an appropriate place for the Shortly before he started, means I have to tell Jerusalem in the Jewish community of for the coming year,” he said of
new Consul General of Israel in Dayan got a congratulatory call certain policies or activities apathy toward Israel.” 5777. “The key to confronting
New York — who’ll be servicing from an ailing Shimon Peres, should be done in a different those challenges is our unity
Philadelphia as well — to start who offered some advice. way or not at all.” Regardless of what tran- inside the Jewish community
evaluating the task before him. spires in the upcoming election, and between the Jewish com-
“First and foremost, he said Dayan said his visit rein- Dayan said little will change. munity and Israel.
“It will be irresponsible to say to make sure the Jewish com- forced his perceptions,
the fact the consulate in munity is kept both within here including a belief that there’s a “Anybody who is elected “I never see the Jewish com-
Philadelphia is closed would not and Israel,” he recalled. “He disconnect between many president will be good for Israel,” munity as a separate asset. I see
be felt,” Ambassador Dani emphasized that importance — American Jews and Israel. he predicted. “The prime minis- it as part of us. The same way
Dayan said during a Sept. 29 vis- exactly as I do — of strengthen- ter met with the candidates and my right hand is not an asset to
it that included meetings with ing the relationship between “The biggest issue now is is also convinced. my left hand, but both are part
rabbis, Jewish community lead- Israel and the United States. the topic of religious pluralism of the same body.” l
ers and Philadelphia Mayor Jim in Israel and its consequences “A diplomat has to be flexi-
Kenney. “We’re doing well so far, “Following what President in the Jewish community here,” ble, assess the situation and be Contact:
but it’s only the beginning. Peres said, I believe my mission said Dayan, who intends to use pragmatic. When we know the
here is twofold. I see myself both his Hispanic background (he outcome of the election, obvi- [email protected]:




Israelis Bring Art, Diplomacy to Balkan State

GLOBAL diplomats, clergy and civic lead- the Israeli foreign

ers, at a reception on Sept. 15. ministry to restore an

JUSTIN KATZ | JE FEATURE At the center of the cultural ancient cemetery in

diplomatic effort are Shirley Bitola, Macedonia, a

KOTOR, MONTENEGRO, a Siegel and Shuruq Egbariah. town which had a

town on the Adriatic coast, was Both women were tapped by thriving Jewish com-

the scene in September of an the Israeli government to be cit- munity until the

effort to strengthen relations izen ambassadors delegated to Nazis deported the

between the Balkan state and bring communities together population to Tre-

Israel. through their art. blinka.

In an act of cultural diplo- The Israeli artists were to She said she met

macy, Israel’s foreign ministry “share their experiences with Egbariah for the first

teamed up with a Montenegro- the local artists” and be “influ- time at Ben-Gurion

based American Jewish enced by the energy and the airport for the flight

businessman to exhibit the spirit of the citizens and visitors to Montenegro, and

work of two Israeli artists — of Kotor,” according to the they quickly became

one a Jew, the other a Muslim Israeli embassy in Belgrade, friends.

— while welcoming them for a Serbia. (Israel has no ambassa- “We are both

two-week residency. dor to Montenegro.) mothers, so we share

“Art is the universal lan- Siegel, who is Jewish, spe- stories of our fami-

guage, and it plays a unique role cializes in painting portraits lies. We both have a

in bringing peoples and cultures on unpolished rocks, while young son that we

together,” Neil Emilfarb, Egbariah, a Muslim, is known miss very much,” ▲ Shirley Siegel specializes in painting portraits on stone.

founder of the Dukley Euro- for scenic paintings. Siegel said by email. Shirley Siegel

pean Arts Community, which This was not Siegel’s first visit “We talk about how easy it is to nationality.” Union, she in Ukraine and he

hosted the artists, told more to the Balkans as a citizen see each other as a woman and They decided to share an art in Moscow. They lauded Emil-

than 100 attendees, including ambassador. She worked with an artist, with no regard to our studio which they named The farb, who leads an international

Small Peace. Siegel said as an investment company and was

Israeli, she feels at home in born in the Soviet Union, for

Happy Jewish memories happen here. Montenegro. his support of the cultural

“With today’s global politi- diplomacy program.

cal situation and the growing “Any time a Russian-Jewish

We groPwRwESitChHyOouOrLfamily! anti-Semitism, it is very impor- immigrant gives back to com-
KINDERGARTEN tant for Israel and Israelis to munity and supports Israel, [we
HEBREW SCHOOL have friends in Europe. This feel] it is important for us to see
USY TEEN GROUP project brings the people of our that [positive] public relations
countries to learn to know each for Israel and Russian-speaking
other,” Siegel said. Jews,” Irene Tabach said.

Art is the universal language, and it
plays a unique role in bringing peoples and
cultures together.”


Make your New Year memorable! Egbariah was unavailable for Organizers say the celebra-
comment. tion was the first time Israeli
Celebrate the High Holy Days with our inclusive food was served in Montenegro,
and welcoming community at NO COST! The artists’ residency came but Siegel, who returned to Israel
on the 10th anniversary of on Sept. 25, was more impressed
FREE 1st Year MEMBERSHIP!* Montenegro’s independence by what didn’t happen.
from Serbia and its opening of
PLUS FREE 1ST YEAR HEBREW SCHOOL diplomatic relations with Israel. Siegel said: “There are few
other places that a welcome

Montenegro’s independence Israel and display the logo and
Call Jacques Lurie at 215.677.1600 or email was held in Jerusalem in June. not have security or protests.” l
o [email protected] for High Holy Day tickets.
Irene and Gary Tabach of Justin Katz is a reporter for the Wash-
Philadelphia were two of a
handful of Americans at the ington Jewish Week, an affiliated pub-
reception in Kotor. The couple
were both born in the Soviet lication of the Jewish Exponent.



Couple Celebrates a Jewtalian Rosh Hashanah



WHEN JEREMEY NEWBERG, ▲ The Newberg family: Jeremey, Sofia, Fran and Jessica. ▲ Young guests enjoying challah.
a nice Jewish boy from Mount
Airy, fell for Francesca Palli- bagels and fruit. I always pre- fesses to a culinary lesson learned. As time passes, change is Each year, before blessings
denetti, a nice Italian girl from pare some Italian antipasto “Who knew you must have inevitable; many of the original over the challah, wine, apples
South Philly, the way forward dishes, too: tomato pie, Sicilian preschoolers are now in college. and honey, he asks guests, espe-
seemed a bit daunting. olives, Caprese salad. I’ve come two different types of olive oil But the cherished tradition of cially the kids, to reflect on the
a long way since the first lunch, in the house? My Italian wife gathering friends from the syn- previous year and appreciate the
“It was important to me to when I put peppers stuffed with trained me that there is an agogue continues. blessings of their lives.
raise our children in a Jewish prosciutto on the table. Need- everyday olive oil for cooking,
home. It felt hypocritical to ask less to say, they did not remain. and then there is the fancy “One thing I love about our This year, in their “Jewtal-
Fran to convert, requiring her to Jeremey was horrified.” extra virgin olive oil for driz- synagogue is that it is a wel- ian” home, the Newbergs will
relinquish her roots,” Newberg zling over antipasto, tossing in coming, caring and open- harken back to that trip to Napa
said. “I struggled with this for a Jeremey Newberg chuckles at salads and dipping bread,” he minded community,” Jeremey with gratitude, as they wish
time, and then I had this aha the recollection and he, too, con- said. “Keep it separate.” Newberg said. everyone shanah tovah. l
moment. We were on a trip to
Napa when it hit me. Jewish and FROM A SINGLE PIECE TO A COMPLETE ROOM MAKEOVER, let us help you plan your next home design project. Put our inspired design talent, experience
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the Newbergs host an annual Where your good taste goes a long way!
Rosh Hashanah brunch for a FREE DELIVERY
group of friends they trace to NO-INTEREST FINANCING
their daughters’ classes at the
synagogue playschool.

Now serving as the syna-
gogue’s vice president, Jeremey
Newberg described the genesis
of the event.

“It’s all about community.
When our daughters, Jessica
and Sofia, started in the syna-
gogue playschool, we wanted to
connect with the other parents.
We organized a Rosh Hashanah
lunch for the families and, 15
years later, by and large, we’re all
still friends. It morphed into
their Hebrew school friends’
families, and now, two Bat Mitz-
vahs later, we still look forward
to the gathering every year.”

“We always have a round
challah, baked by our friend
Dana Feinberg, whose family
has been part of the celebration
from the start. We put out
apples and honey, of course. We
pop champagne to toast the
New Year,” Fran Newberg said.

“The buffet includes a selec-
tion of dairy and fish dishes,



Peres munity have had similar expe- “He was clearly an icon and strength of the Jewish people in founding generation of Israel is
riences. I join so many who clearly one of the founding our homeland.” now gone and that we’d do well
Continued from Page 1 have expressed how much they fathers of the State of Israel, and to remember their values, their
will miss him.” one of the founding fathers The message of tikkun olam hopes and their dreams,” Linde-
stints as Israeli prime minister especially of Israel’s defense stuck out for Bender as well, in mann said. “It’s up to us to
and one as president. Former Mayor Michael Nut- system, and a man of vision and that as the Jewish people, “we continue to work to fulfill them.
ter met with Peres in 2013 peace,” said Bender, co-presi- are able to use our own They gave us a great beginning,
World leaders from presi- while on a trade mission and dent of the Greater resources to better the world, they gave Israel a great begin-
dents to rabbis expressed their maintained a friendship with Philadelphia ZOA. “I can’t say which are clearly the highest of ning and guided it with love. It
grief at his passing. Peres’ son Chemi. that we at ZOA completely Jewish values.” was their life’s work and it, for
agreed with his vision com- example, continues to challenge
Meantime, members of the “I was honored to lead a PHL pletely, but he certainly had the Peres visited the Philadel- us to reflect that commitment
Philadelphia community — delegation to Israel, we met right goals in mind.” phia area many times to meet in our own engagements with
Jewish and non-Jewish alike — President Shimon Peres. A great with community members, at Israel and reflect that love.
also shared their thoughts. leader, he will be missed,” Nut- Bender recalled being at a synagogues and at schools.
ter tweeted Sept. 28 with photos conference some 15 years ago “You felt like you were in the
Jewish Federation of Greater of him with the Israeli leader. and hearing Peres speak. One In April 2003, the Jewish presence of history and the
Philadelphia President Bud New- thing Peres said stuck with him: Exponent sat down with Peres, presence of a world renowned
man remembered meeting Peres. Many Philadelphians simi- “The most important right of who was at the University of statesman, leader, thinker, and
larly remembered Peres as a the Jewish people is to breathe.” Pennsylvania meeting with stu- that loss will be felt.”
“I had the pleasure of meet- great humanitarian and leader. dents, to talk about the Oslo
ing Shimon Peres in Israel Bender saw that as “mean- accords, as well as his hope for Peres’ dream of achieving
several times and found him to “Shimon Peres was a man of ing, of course, that our rights to Israel’s future. peace in Israel stands out to
be a man who measured his great wisdom and insight,” said exist are primary, everything many in the community.
words, who always seemed to Mim Krik, president of Chil- else is essentially commentary. Peres hoped for Israel to
have his leadership directed dren of Jewish Holocaust That’s my interpretation. To “live in a world of peace,” he “Beyond his remarkable
toward the most important Survivors. “He served his fellow breathe, to be alive. If that’s the told then-reporter (now editor- achievements, Shimon Peres
issues of the time and most man and was recognized as a essence of the man, that’s the in-chief) Joshua Runyan. “We was an important part of Israel’s
importantly for me, he had Nobel Prize winner for his essence of his greatness.” have had our portions of war identity, and a spokesman for its
unwavering faith in the people humanitarian service and and terror. We would like to see best aspirations, for as long
of Israel, the Jewish nation and efforts in the quest for peace in Calling Peres a dreamer, our children enjoying peace.” as anyone with ties to Israel
its ability to rise above and sur- Israel and the world.” Bender added, “It’s a tremen- can remember,” said the
vive all obstacles,” he said in a dous loss, but his legacy is In March 2004, Peres visited Reconstructionist Rabbinical
statement. Lee Bender was vacationing clearly here. His legacy is the Cherry Hill synagogue Temple College, Jewish Reconstruc-
in Barcelona when he heard the Beth Sholom, and Rabbi Emer- tionist Communities and the
“I know many in our com- news about Peres. itus Steven Lindemann still Reconstructionist Rabbinical
remembers his speech. Association in a statement.
Keneseth Israel High Holiday Services 2016/5777
“[Peres] was well into his 80s “His dream of a more peace-
For more than 50 years Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel has when he visited us and spoke ful, just, interconnected, and
streamed the High Holy Days services; this year is better than ever! here,” Lindemann recalled. “It cooperative Middle East will
was remarkable to hear him continue to inspire the Jewish
Erev Rosh Hashanah Service speak not about the past — it people and seekers of peace
wasn’t a retrospective, he didn’t throughout the world. May his
Sunday October 2 at 8:00 PM review his own history of memory be a blessing, and may
WTEL 610 AM involvement in Israel’s history, his vision inspire us to continue
he didn’t talk about his many the work for co-existence,
Rosh Hashanah Morning Service accomplishments from work- humanity, and peace.”
ing with Ben-Gurion to
Monday October 3 at 10:00 AM working on Israel’s nuclear The Anti-Defamation League
WWDB 860 AM reactor, or his acquisition of turned to Peres’ work toward peace
arms for the country, or his and recalled honoring him with
Erev Yom Kippur Service (Kol Nidre) political positions, or his Nobel its Distinguished Statesman
Peace Prize. Award in 2014.
Tuesday, October 11 at 8:00 PM
WTEL 610 AM “Instead, he focused on the “History will remember Peres
future.” for his tireless commitment,
Yom Kippur Morning Service dedication and contributions to
Peres spoke about Israel’s a secure Jewish state of Israel liv-
Wednesday, October 12 at 10:00 AM technological innovations and ing in peace with its neighbors,”
WWBD 860 AM contributions, particularly nan- said Marvin D. Nathan, ADL
otechnology, and how it can be national chair, and Jonathan A.
215-887-8700 • used to attain peace and eco- Greenblatt, CEO, in a statement.
nomic stability. “In the weeks he spent in the
hospital, the love he received
“He always believed in the from Israel and all across the
possibility of peace, he always globe reflects how meaningful
believed in the possibility of he was for so many.
peace through scientific
advancement,” Lindemann “We will deeply miss his
said. “He knew Israel had to be clarion voice, statesmanship
strong but constantly pursue and wisdom.” l
the peace it wanted; it could not
simply give up on that.” Contact:

The legacy Peres leaves [email protected];
behind sends a message to the
rest of the community. 215-832-0740

“It’s a reminder that the



▲ Living Tree Alliance’s Melanie Kessler prepared an unfinished deck for Shabbat dinner at the Jewish intentional community in Moretown.

Vermont Like Netanel is very into metal how the natural world in Ver- beauty of the state.” across a ridiculously beautiful

detecting, and he’s constantly mont shapes engagement with That notion has certainly expanse of tall grass dotted with

Continued from Page 1 digging things up and hiking the divine. occurred to the future residents wildflowers as a group of us

around and finding old wells Rabbi Haigh — who spent of the Living Tree Alliance, a made our way to the woods.

of unspoiled, bucolic scenery. and [learning] history and 20 years working on Wall Street planned Jewish intentional There, snaking trails, shaded by

All the little towns — with their meeting with people and inter- before becoming a rabbi — told community in the Mad River tree cover, led to a wooden

clapboard houses, church viewing them — something he me about a Shir Shalom con- Valley, that I visited a few days bridge over a burbling creek —

steeples and Main Street com- never did in Philly. gregant who moved here from after meeting the Crispes. The its water refreshingly cool on

merce — are as quaint and “[Two of our kids] intern on New Jersey: “She said that what 93-acre property is absolutely this hot summer day.

picturesque as Bedford Falls. an agricultural farm. I’ve got she found when she moved to exquisite; it’s no surprise people In between attending to the

I’ve been all over the United [city] friends who are like, ‘All Vermont was that God’s pres- are trying to make a home needs of her two towheaded

States, and I’ve never been any- my kids are doing all summer is ence, the stillness, was so much there. On the day I was there,

where that feels quite as sitting on their iPads and easier to access here, in the dogs and children gamboled See Vermont, Page 18

divorced from the contempo- watching movies and TV and I

rary moment as Vermont does. can’t get them to do anything,’ BH
Surely this is why so many and here, you spend your day
Jewish people in Vermont look outside exploring and doing.” OF PHILADELPHIA
for and find deeper meaning in The state infrastructure is
the natural world, even if set up to encourage a love of the

they’ve been accustomed to the outdoors in children, making S U K K A HPRESENTS AN

crush of big-city life. activities accessible to all. EVENING OF JOY AT

When I visited the Crispe “There isn’t a financial dis-

family, I figured at least one of crepancy in the same way,” said

the family’s teenagers would be Sara Esther Crispe. “Nature is CELEBRATIONTHE 12TH ANNUAL
sulky about moving from the for everyone. So you don’t have CITYWIDE
Philly area to what some kids that sense of, “Oh, this one’s

might characterize as the mid- going to the Palmas in Hawaii

dle of nowhere. But the opposite over the break, and I’m stuck

was true. [at home], or this one’s at

“Within Vermont, there’s so overnight camp.” It’s something

much to do,” said 17-year-old everyone can partake in.

Nava Crispe. “You have to drive There’s a shared sense of love of

farther, but there are antique beauty.”

shops, country shops, muse- Nava noted that there’s a

ums, historical societies, cute long Jewish tradition of finding

towns, picnics. Because there’s God and spirit in nature.

nothing to do within a mile of “The Baal Shem Tov, he

our house, you’re almost forced would always take nature walks

to go out and explore the rest of and learn Torah and be one

the state, which I like. You’re with everything, so he always SIMCHAS BEIS HA’SHOEIVA
not distracted as much by references that,” she said. “It’s

crowds and noise and busyness more spiritual to be in this type WEDNESDAY OCT 19TH FREE ADMISSION

of everyday life that tends to of environment, he says.” FOOD AVAILABLE FOR SALE

happen more in cities and in There are many other Jews in 6:00PM - 10:00PM LIVE MUSIC & DANCING

suburbs. You have more time to Vermont who’d agree with him. CASTOR & NAPFLE ST. FACE PAINTING
do things.” In Woodstock, for instance,

“Since we’ve moved here,” sitting in the cozy, quiet office

said Sara Esther Crispe, “the of Shir Shalom’s rabbi, Ilene IN FRONT OF LUBAVITCHER CENTER OF NE PHILADELPHIA - 7622 CASTOR AVE. CRAFTS FOR THE KIDS

kids have discovered interests Harkavy Haigh, I talked with

that they never would have. the congregational leader about



Vermont like a small town than a full- bands raise questions about
fledged state of the union. observance. “It’s always a good
Continued from Page 17 conversation to have. It’s like,
“Anthony and I were looking ‘Let’s not do this unless we can
toddler sons, who ran barefoot at buying land,” Melanie find meaning in it and unless
through the woods with recalled, “and a rabbi in Mont- we can bring meaning to other
impressive ease, Cheltenham pelier was like, ‘You should call people through this experi-
native Melanie Kessler the Oshkellos down in New ence.’” Kessler is no fan of
explained what the finished Hampshire.’” unthinking obedience. “No,”
Living Tree Alliance product she said with a chuckle, “more
might look like. Like the Kesslers, Stacey and like overthinking unobedience
Craig Oshkello had been trying — that’s me.”
The community will have for years to puzzle out how to
seven off-the-grid houses for live Jewishly, communally and Kessler and Stacey Oshkello
residential co-housing, as well in connection with nature. serve as the Living Tree
as a community center with Alliance’s program directors,
programming driven by the “When Stacey and I met in and while the residential com-
Jewish calendar. Residents will 1997,” Craig Oshkello said as munity has a ways to go, the
celebrate Shabbat together, as we strolled the property with Alliance hosts and sponsors
well as Jewish holidays. his son and dog, “we both had a other events, like the upcoming
desire to live on a working Sukkot on the Farm Festival on
“And then, as a community, farm. I was very connected to Oct. 15 and 16. This is the festi-
we’re looking at managing the my ski community, and she was val’s third year, and the
land in a permaculture-orient- very connected to her Jewish weekend of klezmer, story-
ed way, so growing our own community. So we said, ‘Oh, telling, meditation, kabbalah
food,” Kessler said. “I want to we’ll do a Jewish farming com- teachings, horse-pulled wagon
do a Jewish holiday CSA [com- munity in a ski town.’” After rides, apple-pressing, puppet
shows, hands-on homesteading
We’re looking for families that are interested activities, crafts and more con-
in developing business opportunities off the tinues to grow in popularity.
land because it’s really fertile, and it is in a
great location.” Kessler is promoting the
event with outreach to syna-
MELANIE KESSLER gogues, including this message:
“We invite you to cultivate
munity supported agriculture], their honeymoon, they tried community cradled by the
abundant harvest of an organic
so maybe grow things for a something of the kind out with farm! Centered around the
Sukkah, the traditional hand-
Passover plate or potatoes for a Jewish family that owned a lot crafted harvest hut of the Jews,
we will explore the message of
latkes and bring it to Boston. I of land, but the experiment did- Ecclesiastes: ‘In an unpre-
dictable, ever changing world,
think that would be a nice n’t last. For the past 10-plus how do we create a life of
meaning, connection and joy?’”
niche. Grow grain for challah.” years, they’ve been home-
Kessler is ideally suited for
Kessler’s farrier/blacksmith steading in New Hampshire at the public relations tasks such
events require. She formerly
husband, Anthony, plows with the Cold Pond Community directed the chavurah program
at Burlington’s Ohavi Zedek,
horses on a 2-acre community Land Trust — which is where Vermont’s largest and oldest ▲ Living Tree Alliance founding member Melanie Kessler walks the
Jewish congregation, which property with her two boys, Judah and Ezra.
farm in Bristol, and he brings they were living with their two serves about 325 families.
There, she was constantly ask-
his expertise to Living Tree’s children, when they got a call ing the question, “What attracts
people in Vermont to their
working lands component. from Melanie Kessler several Judaism?” She never came up
with a simple answer.
“We’re looking for families years ago.   it-yourself and of seasonality Sukkot Festival.
“People who are members or
that are interested in develop- It was a good match. want to be members of a syna- and community? What kind of After our walk in the woods,
gogue know how to do that,”
ing business opportunities off “Stacey and Craig have a she said. “But people that are Judaism does that equal?” other Living Tree residents
Jewish and don’t necessarily feel
of the land because it’s really very similar compulsion toward like they want to run back to a While at Ohavi Zedek, Kessler joined us to prepare for Shabbat
synagogue and find their
fertile, and it is in a great loca- Judaism,” said Kessler, adding Judaism there, well, what are engaged non-affiliated Jews dinner. There was Kessler’s hus-
the alternatives? And what does
tion in terms of marketing that Stacey — who works as that alternative look like in a through classes at secular spaces band, Anthony, who’d been
place like Vermont, where
goods to Montpelier, to director of Family and Youth there’s a definite culture of do- like libraries, and she found there felling trees all day, and Glenn

Burlington, down to Boston,” Programming for Jewish Com- was an audience for that. Soberman and his college-aged

she said. munity of Greater Stowe — “They wanted that experi- son, David. Glenn, a clinical

One person who contacted “was sick of having Shabbat ence of meeting once a month psychologist and organic gar-

Living Tree about potentially dinners where she was the only and feeling connected to the dener, lives in the Hudson

joining the community wanted Jew. And so that’s why she deeper questions of spirituality Valley with his wife, Andrea,

to start a mushroom farm. That wanted this kind of community and Judaism,” she said, though who runs a developmental

person, Kessler noted, “was also where she felt like people class attendees didn’t necessari- music and movement program

Jewish and was also interested understood her background.” ly want to join the synagogue for children.

in looking at their heritage and Both couples are interfaith, afterward. In fact, she realized The Sobermans haven’t

raising their families along with too. that the lack of an institutional started building their house on

other families. That’s the best “Craig and Anthony are framework might be a selling the Moretown land yet, nor

match for us.” sometimes triggered by the point for some Vermont Jews, could they even consider man-

So far, the Living Tree match- kevah and the rules and the which is why she’s so commit- ual labor on this visit; Glenn’s

es owe something to the fact that halakhah,” said Kessler, who ted to creating nontraditional arm was in a sling, and David

Jewish Vermont operates more appreciates that the two hus- spaces for connection like the — wearing a shirt that said,



▲ Bowie the dog — also a resident member of Living Tree — goes toward said, noting the importance of the stars bright in the sky, I established by the family of the
the woods. “having rituals that tell us the reflected upon my Shabbat din- late Irving Felgoise, a printer, in
intention of how we should ner in a treehouse in the woods. honor of his longtime associa-
gather.” “The Baal Shem Tov,” I thought, tion with the newspaper field
“would approve.” and the Jewish Federation. The
“That’s why I feel it’s impor- Memorial Fund is administered
tant that Living Tree becomes a This is the second in a two- by the Jewish Federation Endow-
Jewish community,” she added, part series. The series was made ments Corporation. l
“in that we’re looking for guid- possible by a grant from the Irv-
ance from Judaism, which is ing Felgoise Memorial Fund of Contact: [email protected];
about living with people and the Jewish Federation of Greater
about finding holiness through Philadelphia. The fund was 215-832-0747
our connection to our everyday
life and all the people that we
relate to. And so it’s a great reli-
gion to use as a base for living
in community.”

As the sky went from bright
blue to pink, each person on the
deck went around and spoke
about their week — the chal-
lenges, the things for which they
were grateful — and poured
some wine into a communal
glass. It was remarkably quiet.
The clink of the bottle against
the glass, the glug-glug-glug of
the wine as it was poured — all
the sounds resonated and were
heard. It made each gesture
seem invested with significance.
At the end, the glass overflowed
like a Kiddush cup.

Before dinner, Kessler had
said, “I have a compulsion to
make meaning from tradition,”
and now I couldn’t help think-
ing how the natural world
seemed to work in concert with
her “compulsion,” creating
meanings that synced up per-
fectly with ancient and modern
Jewish traditions.

Driving back to my hotel on
Vermont’s twisty, dark roads,

YES Hours:
“WHATEVER,” and trailed by a able community living and 215-673-6000 MON-SAT 7AM-7PM
Call For Details SUN 7AM-6PM
placid Golden Retriever named spirituality,” Kessler said. “That

Ami — was graciously helping community doesn’t use any

his father navigate the property. electricity or petroleum and so

A New Hampshire friend of the we used to make beeswax can- BRINGING FRIENDS AND FAMILY TOGETHER
Oshkellos showed up, too. dles. Everything is local.

The entire group gathered Everything is built by hand. 2016 Yom Kippur Menu

on the unfinished second-story Really slow. They’re not Jewish,

deck of the Oshkellos’ under- but they say the blessings and Fancy Smoked Fish Tray - $17.95 pp A La Carte / Extras

construction home. Without they use [Shabbat] as a slow Your choice of Nova Scotia or Regular Lox - Kippered Salmon Nova Scotia Lox Chopped Herring Pumpernickel

Whitefish fillet Stuffed w/ our delicious Whitefish Salad - Chopped Herring

any barriers between the plat- transition in the community. Lettuce, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Onions & Olives Regular Lox Cream Cheese Rye
Sweet Munchee & Swiss Cheese, Cream Cheese & Chive Cheese Kippered Salmon Chive Cheese Bagels
form and the trees, it felt like Because that’s what it is — a Sable Vegetable Cream Cheese Vegetables
Bagels & Pumpernickel

having dinner in a treehouse. transition paradigm. A transi- Standard Fish Tray - $15.95 pp Smoked Carp American Cheese

Kessler is a strong advocate tion from our doing into being, Your Choice of Nova Scotia or Regular Lox - Kippered Salmon • Whitefish Salad Jumbo Whitefish Filleted

of Shabbat observance — so which unfortunately Ameri- Lettuce, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Onions & Olives Whitefish Salad ORDER NOW:
Sweet Munchee & Swiss Cheese, Cream Cheese • Bagels & Pumpernickel Kippered Salmon Salad Largest Display of Gefilte Fish
much so that she exports it. cans don’t do very much.”
Fish Salad Tray - $13.95 pp YES WE DELIVER, All Sizes
That’s what she did when she For the folks at Living Tree, PLEASE CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION Manischewitz
Nova Scotia or Regular Lox, Whitefish Salad, Kippered Salmon Salad, Adler’s and Rokeach
and Anthony lived at the Possi- Shabbat serves as a good time Chopped Herring • Lettuce, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Onions & Olives
Sweet Munchee & Swiss Cheese, Cream Cheese & Chive Cheese

bility Alliance, an intentional to take stock. Bagels & Pumpernickel Scan the
URL code
community in Missouri. “Sometimes we use our “”

“It’s a really, really lovely Shabbat dinners as a way to do Grant Plaza II: 1619 Grant Ave., Phila., PA 19115
ph: 215-673-6000 fax: 215-676-5927 email: [email protected]
place with a focus on sustain- a well-being check,” Kessler



EDITORIAL Why Banning the Burkini

Shalom, Shimon Peres Is Possible in France

A CARTOON BY Israeli Amos Biderman making the rounds last BY GERARD LEVAL freedom. However, it also has been a hallmark since virtu-
week showed Shimon Peres climbing the steps to heaven. Waiting reflected a specifically French ally our very creation, it is
to greet him, wearing robes, wings and haloes, are three former EVERY SOCIETY IS, in large approach. much easier to accept public
prime ministers: Golda Meir, Yitzhak Rabin, who is puffing on a part, the product of its history. expressions of religious belief,
cigarette and in front with arms outstretched, and David Ben- France is no exception. In ana- Article 10 of the declaration even if they are profoundly
Gurion, Israel’s first prime minister and Peres’ mentor. “We lyzing the widespread attempt addressed the same issues as offensive to some segments of
thought you weren’t coming,” he says. by French municipalities to ban were addressed by the First the population. In a nation such
the full-body female swimsuit Amendment to our Constitu- as France, where the vast
For a long time, Peres, who died at age 93 on Sept. 28, two known as the burkini that some tion. However, it did so in a majority of the population
weeks after suffering a stroke, seemed as much a permanent fix- Muslim women insist on wear- distinctly different manner, shares a set of common reli-
ture in Israel as the Knesset and falafel. ing on public beaches, it is with a recognition of the near gious beliefs, the propagation
essential to understand the his- homogeneity of religious belief of opinions, especially religious
Biderman’s cartoon showed Peres being welcomed into the torical underpinnings of the then prevailing in France. Our ones, which may be offensive to
prime minister’s club. It’s a group that also includes Likud leaders concept of religious freedom — First Amendment reads in rele- that majority can engender
Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir; Ariel Sharon, who broke not as we know it here, but as it vant part: “Congress shall make serious risks.
away from Likud; and early leaders of Peres’ Labor Party — Levi has developed in France. When no law respecting an establish-
Eshkol and Moshe Sharett. French local officials try to ban ment of religion, or prohibiting As a consequence, while in
the burkini, they do so within a the free exercise thereof.” The the United States, wearing
Although he spent nearly 40 years in politics, Peres was not a historical context. text of Article 10 of the French a kippah, a Muslim head scarf,
particularly popular politician or successful party leader. He Declaration, however,
didn’t win a single election that would have made him prime min- It must be remembered that reads: “No one ought a Sikh turban or any other
ister. But he served as prime minister twice — first, when an for a thousand years, France to be disturbed on ostentatious religious symbol in
election stalemate led to him rotating the office with Shamir, dur- was dominated by the Catholic account of his opin- public does not pose any threat
ing which time Peres proved to be a popular leader. His second Church. The Church wielded ions, even religious,” to societal stability and could
stint followed the assassination of Rabin. But, in the elections that not conceivably be banned —
followed, Peres lost to Benjamin Netanyahu. The task of balancing freedom with that is not necessarily the case
societal sensitivities is never easy. ... In a in France. (France’s highest
While perhaps not a popular candidate in elections, Peres nation such as France ... the propagation administrative court recently
found his niche in the rarified sphere of diplomacy. And, as a of opinions, especially religious ones ... reversed the burkini ban, but
diplomat, he helped secure a vulnerable Israel crucial weapons in can engender serious risks. some municipalities continue
its early years and helped build its nuclear program. But his most nonetheless to apply it.)
public diplomacy helped usher in a new era of peacemaking with great power, controlled much but then, significantly,
the Oslo Accords, which enabled Israel to leverage the fostering of of the wealth of the nation and adds, “provided their Freedom is not an abstract
its security in unconventional ways. That the Oslo Accords have stifled freedom, especially reli- manifestation does concept. It is a very real and
not led to the hoped-for peace does not diminish the legacy of gious freedom. Non-Catholics, not disturb the public practical balancing act. When a
Peres as Israel’s elder statesman: He was until the very end an including Protestants, but espe- order.” nation’s self-conception is tied
important link between Israel’s ideological past and its pragmatic cially Jews, were barely to its almost homogeneous reli-
present, and he helped shepherd the Jewish state through some of tolerated and were frequently The intent of giving gious identity, sensitivity to that
its most turbulent times. persecuted. citizens the right to have their identity is essential to the
own religious opinions is the preservation of tolerance for
Although Israel has had several prime ministers, Peres was the When the French Revolu- same as with the American other religious identities.
only one who was also elected president. In that largely ceremoni- tion overthrew the absolute approach, but the manner of
al position, he used the wisdom, relationships and prestige he had monarchy, its leaders also dealing with that right is dra- The burkini, which is not in
accumulated over a lifetime to project to the world an aspect of sought to break the power of matically different. Reflecting
Israel that was sober, confident and hopeful. It was in that role the Church. However, they the Catholic tradition that then See Burkini, Page 22
where he finally won respect at home, long after becoming a could not end the emotional still held great sway over the
prominent citizen of the world. hold of the Catholic faith on the vast majority of the French
people of France, nor did they population, the text of Article
We will remember Shimon Peres as a leader with strong con- really end the political power of 10 articulates concern about
nections with Israel’s past, and the public embodiment of its the Church. That did not occur putting alternative religious
aspirations. May his memory be for a blessing. l until 1905, when, in the wake of expressions in the public arena
the Dreyfus Affair, separation — or, to use a modern turn of
Join the of church and state was finally phrase, in the face of the
conversation! legislated. Catholic majority. The French
revolutionaries, for all of their
Tell us what you’re thinking In a first effort to establish desire to overturn the old order,
new freedoms in revolutionary were realistic about deep-seat-
and interact with the community at France, in 1789, the French ed religious sensitivities.
National Assembly adopted a Declaration of the Rights of The task of balancing free-
Man and the Citizen. That doc- dom with societal sensitivities
Connect with us on ument was inspired by the is never easy. In a nation such
American experiment with as ours, where heterogeneity



OU’s New Women’s Commission: KVETCH ’N KVELL

Sadly, More of the Same Enforce Current Immigration Law

of the most liberal immigration laws ever enacted in any country,
THE ORTHODOX UNION was passed by a Congress with an overwhelming majority of
Democrats and signed by President Lyndon Johnson.
has chosen a group of seven rab-
It is the duty of every public official, especially the president, to
bis for the purpose of providing, fully enforce it.

according to the OU, “guidance Conversely, it is criminal for anyone, especially the mayors,
sheriffs and district attorneys of the so-called “sanctuary cities,” to
regarding the ordination of interfere in any way with its enforcement. It is hoped that, in the
next administration, the Department of Justice will cease its cur-
women and related issues such rent role as the legal goon squad of the Democrat Party, and will
return to its mission of equitable law enforcement. Donald
as the broadest spectrum of pro- Trump’s position on immigration is therefore rational, equitable,
just and humane.
fessional roles within the shul
Nahum J. Duker | Melrose Park
that a woman can perform.”
Readers Want More
This initiative seems misguided. Perhaps most disturbing is that a panel formed I READ WITH interest the columns “The Jewish-American Sto-
First, while the issue of ry Dictates a Vote for Clinton” and “Trump is the Pro-America,
Pro-Israel Candidate” in the Sept. 1 issue.
women in Orthodoxy makes for to make decisions on the role of women includes
The one by Seymour Rosenbloom supporting Clinton was
a critical conversation, the sin- pathetic. It was entirely a diatribe against Donald Trump. There
was not one word — not one — that said anything about her. Her
gling out of this issue raises only men. There are so many women, pious and name is not even mentioned until the next-to-the-last sentence.
With that exception, the article could have been supporting Gary
questions as to the organization’s learned, who would be eminently qualified Johnson or Jill Stein.
priorities. There were no such
Surely, your readers are entitled to a more rational comparison
policy panels to address OU to participate. of candidate positions, promises and performance. Mr. Tems’ arti-
cle had, at least, some information about Donald Trump’s positions
congregations who employ rab- with respect to Israel, government spending and foreign policy.

bis who are accused of sexual tion on their spiritual lead- has chosen to engage in a Readers deserve better.

abuse, or who do not use the ership staff. And there are process that will only increase Robert M. Rubin | Huntingdon Valley

prenuptial agreement that pro- many other recognized talmidei divisiveness within — and More Than Two Candidates This Election
RICHARD TEMS WRITES that “Americans will have a binary
tects women against recalcitrant chachamim (Torah scholars) alienation from — the Ortho- choice between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump” (“Trump Is
The Pro-America, Pro-Israel Candidate,” Sept. 1).
spouses. There are also no who support women’s ordina- dox community.
guidelines that address OU shuls tion and women’s involvement This dynamic in Orthodoxy Why is the Jewish Exponent perpetuating a lie about the
upcoming presidential election by printing that incorrect state-
not taking Zionist positions by in synagogue spiritual leader- has its roots in the Israeli Chief ment and by only promoting Clinton and Trump? The reality is
that voters also have the option of choosing Gary Johnson of the
reciting a prayer for the Israel ship who were excluded. Rabbinate, which has been an Libertarian Party or Jill Stein of the Green Party.
If people make their decision based on where all of the candi-
Defense Forces and, for that Perhaps most disturbing is alienating force not only to dates stand, anything is possible this election cycle, given the
massive disapproval ratings for Clinton and Trump. By taking an
matter, the U.S. Armed Forces. that a panel formed to make non-religious Israelis but to the online quiz, voters can see which candidate they most closely
align with and how much they align. Then a decision can be made
Why is there only a need to con- decisions on the role of women Religious Zionist community based on the issues and the full-range of choices. The only wasted
vote is one made for a candidate with whom you disagree on the
vene a commission to deal with includes only men. There are so as well, stifling and coercive. important issues.
If you vote for the lesser of two evils, evil still wins. Instead, let’s
women in spiritual leadership? many women, pious and The Chief Rabbinate is widely consider all of the candidates and make an informed, intelligent
choice. l
Second, the choice of rabbis learned, who would be emi- viewed in Israel as being out of
Michael J. Rosen | Philadelphia
serving on the panel is unfortu- nently qualified to participate. touch with the masses at a time

nately unbalanced. While they Rabbi Norman Lamm, when people want more of their

are learned and ba’alei chessed immediate past president of voices heard.

(men of good deeds), they do Yeshiva University, has acknowl- That rabbinate, whose

not support women’s prayer edged that the issue of women’s modus operandi is to keep pow-

groups in their communities, ordination is sociological, not er in the hands of the few, has

nor have they demonstrated halachic. So, why should a panel turned to the Rabbinical Coun-

openness to women as syna- have authority to effectively dic- cil of America (RCA) and

gogue spiritual leaders. The tate sociological public policy to pressured it to do the same by

panel does not present the hundreds of synagogues around centralizing its American con-

breadth of modern Orthodox the country? What do these rab- version policy. Unfortunately,

rabbis. It does not include out- bis, who are primarily based in the RCA buckled to the Israeli

standing Orthodox rabbis who Bergen County, N.J., and Wash- rabbinate’s demands and, in

are granting ordination, or het- ington Heights, N.Y., know turn, centralized its power in

er hora’ah (the right to give about Orthodoxy outside of the hands of the few as well.

halachic rulings) to women, their communities? The results were all too pre-

such as Rabbis Shlomo Riskin, In short, the OU, which has dictable: Stringent standards

Herzl Hefter, Daniel Sperber prided itself on being an open were adopted, the central

and Jeff Fox. Nor does it tent for Orthodoxy, is now courts were unable to under-

include some of the most showing itself to be narrow stand context and specific

exceptional rabbis of OU shuls when it comes to decision-

who have women with ordina- making about women’s roles. It See OU, Page 22

CORRECTION Statement From the Publisher
Due to a production error, the cover of the Jewish Exponent’s annual community guide,
The Guide to Jewish Greater Philadelphia, which is being distributed this week, contains the We are a diverse community. The views expressed in the opinion columns and letters
wrong year of the Hebrew calendar. The correct year is 5777. A correct version of the Guide published in the Jewish Exponent are those of the authors. They do not necessarily reflect
is available at We regret the error. the views of the officers and boards of the Jewish Publishing Group and/or the Jewish
Federation of Greater Philadelphia. Send letters to [email protected] or fax
to 215-569-3389. Letters should be a maximum of 200 words and may be edited for clar-
ity and brevity. Unsigned letters will not be published.




Peres Was More Than Continued from Page 20 be a tolerant society, but it has
Just Another Dreamer frequently failed to devastating
and of itself a religious vest- effect, such as during World
BY JOSHUA RUNYAN drawal and rise of the Islamic ment, is a very public mani- War II, when its government
festation of a religious identity. collaborated in the destruction
In Like Dreamers, the 2013 State would all lie several years Denying its presence on public of a large part of its Jewish pop-
history of post-Six Day War beaches is not necessarily the ulation. Today, in its efforts to
Israel, author Yossi Klein into the future. repression of a religious opin- be tolerant, France has to take
Halevy traces the journeys of ion. It is, however, the re- its very difficult history into
seven of the elite paratroopers Peres’ particular dream — of pression of a manifestation of account and has to be con-
who, in 1967, liberated the that opinion that can be consid- scious of its traditions. Simply
Western Wall and the rest of the an Israel fully accepted as a ered a disturbance to a delicate put, religious freedom in
Old City of Jerusalem, using public order. This is not to jus- France does not necessarily
their stories to encapsulate the regional partner by its Arab tify any ban of the burkini have to look precisely like reli-
diversity of opinions that devel- anywhere, but it is to under- gious freedom in our nation. l
oped during the Jewish state’s neighbors, of a Palestinian state stand why in France it is even
evolution to become the eco- possible to contemplate impos- Gerard Leval is a partner in the Wash-
nomic powerhouse it is today. and a secure Jewish state living ing such a ban. ington, D.C. , office of Arent Fox LLP.

It takes its title from Psalm side by side — has not yet come pre-state past and its innova- Over the course of its mod- ing women’s ordination, the
126: “When the Lord returns ern history, France has tried to OU is moving towards a mono-
the returnees to Zion, we shall true. And while reasonable tive present. lithic message by empowering a
be like dreamers.” OU small, right-leaning panel of
people may disagree about the In 2004, Rabbi Steven C. rabbis to make rulings for all of
Though he was no para- Continued from Page 21 its synagogues, thereby under-
trooper, Shimon Peres, the assumptions inherent in Peres’ Lindemann noted that while mining the autonomy of local
longtime head of state who circumstances, and potential communities and neutralizing
passed away last week at 93, vision, no one can fault him, a Peres won the Nobel Peace converts were passively and the power of local rabbis.
could have just as easily been actively turned away. Beyond
one of Halevy’s dreamers. In one-time defense hawk who Prize for his involvement in the the converts themselves, local In order to maintain rele-
rabbis were undermined and vance in the 21st century,
2004, during a visit to Philadel- cemented crucial arms deals signing of the Oslo Peace disempowered; a message was Orthodoxy must reflect as wide
phia, the future president even — directly or indirectly — a spectrum of halachic conver-
described himself as such, with the West and was an archi- Accords between Israeli Prime being sent that Modern Ortho- sation as possible. We live in a
telling me that though his dox conversions done outside time when people are looking
vision of a “new Middle East” tect of Israel’s unacknowledged Minister Yitzhak Rabin and of the RCA were invalid. for meaning, purpose and spir-
may be a dream, all dreams of ituality. Orthodoxy has much to
peace will come true in the end. nuclear program, for embody- Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, This was an embracing of a offer. But an Orthodoxy that is
haredi ethos — placing the val- increasingly fractured and con-
“You can see already the ing the fervent hope of a people his left-wing positions had by ue of conformity over diversity stricted is not in our best
changing winds in the Middle and of a distant rabbinic author- interest. What is required is a
East,” he told an audience at longing to live in peace. then earned him the derision of ity over the local community bold, strong Modern Ortho-
Temple Beth Sholom in Cherry rabbi. When power is held by so doxy that allows for differing
Hill later that day. The strategic implications of many in Israel and the world- few, checks and balances are dif- voices within the halachic con-
ficult to put into place. If those versation, and one that trusts
That was 12 years ago, of implementation aside, it is an wide Jewish community. holding power are corrupt, the the rabbis in the field who are
course, back when America’s whole system could collapse. in the best position to apply the
invasion of Iraq was still fresh, intoxicating vision, and to con- “Politics aside,” said Lindemann, This was the case with the RCA’s halachah to the situations and
and the Pentagon spoke openly first head of its conversion com- conditions that are unique to
of a realignment in the region. template what the region — “people have to acknowledge this mission, who is now serving their communities. We need an
Turkey had decided to join the time in prison for placing cam- Orthodoxy that is broader and
European Union, and with al and the rest of the world, for is one of the elder statesman of eras in a mikvah. more open, not more narrow. l
Qaeda in Iraq, the surge, with-
Israel. … To be in his Significantly, as women in Avi Weiss is the rabbi-in-residence of
that community were in deep the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale-the
SHIMON PERES presence is an hon- emotional and spiritual pain, it Bayit and founder of Yeshivat
or.” was the voices of Orthodox Chovevei Torah and Yeshivat Maharat.
women spiritual leaders — voices He is also the co-founder of the
Lindemann was such as Maharat Ruth Balinsky International Rabbinic Fellowship.
Friedman, who was ordained by A version of this article first appeared
absolutely correct. Yeshivat Maharat and serves at in The Jewish Week.
The National Synagogue — that
For me, in particular, were key to the healing process.
These leaders could best under-
being able to con- stand the vulnerability and
violation that these women felt.
verse with Peres and
And now, after the RCA has
hear him, in his Pol- already issued three statements
in the last several years oppos-
ish-accented English

and Hebrew, paint a

picture of a world

without war, was

most certainly an
honor.YouTube Screenshot/Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs/

that matter — might look like if The lesson I got from that

decision makers and ordinary encounter is that no matter the

people behaved according to realities of the moment, no

common interest and mutual matter the challenges, pressures

respect is to engage in what and concerns that dictate a spe-

might ultimately be a messianic cific action, we as a people must

endeavor. never forget how to dream.

But that was how Peres It’s our dreams that keep us

thought. Over a career span- sane, that keep us inspired, and

ning more than six decades, it’s dreams like Shimon Peres’

the two-term prime minister that will prod us toward a

and ninth president of Israel future more perfect than our

— he also occupied every current, compromised exis-

Cabinet position — Peres was tence. You don’t have to agree

the pragmatist and the with him to realize how badly

visionary all rolled up into needed such optimism is today.

one. In that sense, he was the

quintessential Israeli, firm Joshua Runyan is the editor-in-chief of

yet contemplative, a link the Jewish Exponent. He can be reached

between his nation’s meager at [email protected].



Jump Into Fall TV With These Jew-ish Shows

TELEVISION The characters are inherently seasons where the comedy was follows the Jewish family as destructive one at times) con-
Jewish: They host Yom Kippur still trying to find its footing, the Adam, entering the scary ninth fronting her feelings about Josh
MARISSA STERN AND break fasts, struggle over sixth season has so far shown a grade in the current season, (she didn’t move to California
RACHEL KURLAND | JE STAFF ketubahs and just share some more mature side — literally. documents what’s going on in for him, he just happened to live
good ol’ kvelling in between. his life — and his house. there).
IT’S THE MOST wonderful While we sit on the couch
time of the year. Most recently, at the Emmy eating Cookie Butter with a Bonus for viewers, the Except that yes, yes she did
Awards earlier this month, spoon and watching the show episodes feature real VHS move there because he lived
No, not that time. Tambor and director Jill in our pajamas (it’s on at 8:30 (remember that?) footage there, and we were left won-
Fall TV has returned, and we Soloway — who is Jewish — p.m., after all, that’s nearly bed- Adam taped growing up. dering what happened next:
couldn’t be happier. The leaves took home Outstanding Lead time), Schmidt, played by Max Are they together? Are Rebec-
are changing colors, the heat is Actor in a Comedy and Out- Greenfield, and new wife Cece The Goldbergs airs on ca and Greg together? Why are
slowly (finally) disappearing, standing Directing for a are buying a house and being Wednesdays at 8 p.m. on ABC. we crying?
and the inimitable Viola Davis Comedy respectively and used real adults.
Crisis in Six Scenes If you haven’t watched the
▲ From left: Part of The Goldbergs cast, with George Segal as Pops, Wendi The two were married in the As of press time, little is known first season, go do it now. We’ll
McLendon-Covey as Beverly and Sean Giambrone (with glasses) as Adam. last episode of the previous sea- of the much anticipated Crisis wait. Hint: It’s on Netflix.
son, with a joint Jewish-Indian in Six Scenes on Amazon,
Disney|ABC Television Group wedding to appease both sides Woody Allen’s first experience This show is a must on the
of the families. The iffy fifth in television. list because Rebecca Bunch
is back where she belongs: on their acceptance speeches to season was worth it to see (played by Rachel Bloom) is
Schmidt in a kippah under the Allen plays a novelist- Jewish — as are writers Bloom
the TV screen as Annalise Keat- push for societal change. chuppah — was anyone else as turned-TV writer in upstate and Aline Brosh McKenna —
verklempt as we were? New York during the social the comedy explores her
ing kicking butt and taking Tambor, for one, despite his revolution of the ’60s. Then upbringing, including a feud
New Girl airs on Fox at 8:30 comes the flower child/hippie with frenemy Audra Levine, as
names (and sometimes lives) in success in the role, hopes to be p.m. on Tuesdays. Miley Cyrus to shake things up well as terrific cameos from the
— as she usually does as her Jewish mother Naomi Bunch
How to Get Away With Murder. the last cisgender male to play a Divorce real self. (Tovah Feldshuh).
Sarah Jessica Parker has taken
And OK, while that isn’t a transgender woman and on a role that might be a result His response to the uproar: Hopefully the second season
or the aftermath of her Sex and “Forget it. I’m allergic to tear will bring even more clever dia-
the City days: Divorce. Her new gas.” Typical. logue, catchy songs — oh yeah,
HBO show, as the title indi- this show is a musical — and we
cates, shows Parker’s character Crisis in Six Scenes is stream- can finally see Rebecca attain
going through the tedious ing on Amazon Prime. happiness.
process of divorce — but prob-
ably without the Manolo Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Crazy Ex-Girlfriend airs Oct.
Blahniks. Starting Oct. 21, get ready to 21 at 9 p.m. on the CW. l
board a plane back to West
Through the trials and Coviiiina, Califoooorniaaaa. Contact:
tribulations, it turns out saying
you want a divorce is actually When the first season of the [email protected];
easier than getting one. totally underrated hit Crazy Ex-
Girlfriend wrapped up, we last 215-832-0740
Divorce premieres on HBO saw our heroine (albeit a self-
on Oct. 9. [email protected];

The Goldbergs 215-832-0737
How can you ignore the come-
Jewish TV show nor does it dis- Soloway dropped the mic with dy that takes place in your
backyard? The real Goldberg
play any noticeable Jewish a loud “Topple the patriarchy!” family lived in Jenkintown,
where the show also takes
themes as far as we’ve seen, at the end of her speech. place, and its fourth season
started Sept. 21 with an episode
there are plenty of Jewish-ish “This TV show allows me to that paid homage to everyone’s
favorite teen movie: The Break-
TV shows ready to grace your take my dreams about unlike- fast Club.

screens — TV and computer — able Jewish people, queer folk, “What’s a breakfast club?”
asked patriarch Murray (Jeff
this season. trans folk, and make them the Garlin).

These shows are full of rich heroes,” she said in her speech. “No one knows,” answered
Adam (Sean Giambrone).
plot lines and Jewish guilt. “Thank you to the trans com-
This show, created by the
munity for your lived lives. We real Adam Goldberg, is laugh-
out-loud funny, in our case
Transparent need to stop violence against usually due to overbearing
mother Beverly (Wendi
We would be steering you transgender women and topple McLendon-Covey). The show

wrong if we didn’t include this the patriarchy!”

Amazon hit on this list. Jeffrey The third season of Trans-

Tambor stars as Maura Pfeffer- parent is streaming on Amazon

man, a transgender woman, Prime.

and it is chock-full of Jewish

moments and themes. New Girl

Transparent is a critically If Schmidt isn’t your favorite

acclaimed hit, both for its act- character on New Girl, it would

ing and directing, as well as its only be OK if it’s because Nick

focus on the transgender and Miller is your favorite instead.

queer community, which isn’t New Girl returned two weeks

exactly in the spotlight on ago and is off to a great start so

primetime TV. far. After a few rocky middle




FOOD acquire and relatively scarce, word for “raw” is “chai,” which which likely referred to the contains the line, “honey and
scholars suspect that bee honey also means “life.” As the new aforementioned date honey milk under your tongue” and
KERI WHITE | JE FOOD COLUMNIST came to be associated with spe- year begins, the focus on life, and goat, not cow milk, as Samson’s slain lion, “with a
cial occasions, like the many Americans assume. The swarm of bees in its belly, com-
THE TRADITION OF dipping High Holidays celebra- renewal and reju- heavenly manna, “like pastry plete with their honey.” The latter
apples and challah in honey at tion. venation is at fried in honey,” fell from the is yet another illustration of
Rosh Hashanah is ubiquitous. It the forefront.
is observed by Jews the world The sting associated
over, from the strictly secular to with bees provides anoth- Some say that the pain of the sting, which is a negative, is softened by the
the uber-Orthodox. er connection. Some say sweetness of the honey. A parallel can be drawn with the judgment of God
that the pain of the sting, tempered with his mercy.
The custom symbolizes the which is a negative, is softened
wish for a sweet year, but dig- by the sweetness of the honey. There are frequent allusions sky and nourished the tribe something negative producing a
ging a little deeper, I discovered A parallel can be drawn with to honey in the Bible, perhaps during its years in the desert. positive, which is a recurring
some interesting honey lore. the judgment of God tempered the most familiar being the Other references include theme in Jewish thought. And
with his mercy. “land of milk and honey,” Solomon’s Song of Songs, which this list just scratches the surface.
In biblical times, date honey
was more plentiful and easily Some Jewish tables require a
accessed than bee honey. raw honeycomb for the Rosh
Because it was difficult to Hashanah feast. The Hebrew

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While the biblical references plants (grains are pollinated habitats, the varroa mite (a Depth: 3.62" & Bar201“7WEBenoatoreekrt”ianntmheent
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Ancient Olympians ate honey without them.” So, as we celebrate the High Get One -cannot be combined with any other offer.
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3 cups rolled oats YOM KIPPUR
1 cup chopped pecans WSEADT.,, SOECPTT.. 1142TTHH
½ cup honey
¼ cup olive oil ORDER NOW!
1 teaspoon kosher salt
½ teaspoon cinnamon

Heat the oven to 300 degrees. Mix all the ingredi- $1999
ents in a large bowl.

Spread the mixture
onto a large-rimmed
baking sheet.

Bake for 15 minutes,
remove from the oven,
stir well and return to
the oven. Bake for 15 to
20 minutes more, until
golden brown.

Remove the gra-
nola from the pan and
allow it to cool. Scrape
the granola off the bot-
tom of the pan with a
spatula, and place it in an airtight container. This
will keep for up to two weeks.

Makes 4 cups granola




Finding Inner Peace a Goal of Yom Kippur

BY SHRAGA SHERMAN of hiddenness and living our lives “clay” and who is the “potter.” safe. Torah and mitzvot CANDLE LIGHTING
in peace and harmony, is very The next stanza says “Behold, are the anchors of every
Yom Kippur and much the goal of Yom Kippur. Jew. Yom Kippur October 7 6:15 p.m.
Parshat Vayeilech as a stone in the hand of a anchors and reconnects October 14 6:04 p.m.
There is no greater day of mason … so are we in your
WHEN A CHILD CRIES, we closeness and at-one-ment with hand.” G-d is the “rock of our us to the cosmic sailor.
ask, “What’s wrong?” If they are G-d than Yom Kippur. It’s a day salvation.” His bedrock allows us
happily playing we don’t ask, that reminds us of how He cra- to have the confidence, strength The fifth stanza says, “Be- smith leaves the silver too long
“Why are you happy?” dles us. The theme of the day is and pride as Jews, in a world
not hopelessness, but G-d’s per- often less than hospitable to the hold, like the glass in the hand in the flames, it would be
Yet strangely with an adult sonal involvement in our lives. Torah’s ethics, values and direc-
it’s the opposite. If someone tives. Each challenge allows us of the glazier … so are we in destroyed. Sometimes life is like
walks around with a smile, we This is dramatically ex- to dig deeper, down to our foun-
ask, “What’s wrong? Why are pressed in a moving liturgical dations, where we can truly see your hand.” Life, like glass, is being in a hot spot. However, G-
you smiling?” But if they are poem that we sing on Kol Nidre how rock-solid we are despite
moping around with a frown, night. I want to share an explana- the turbulence around us. fragile and should never be tak- d places us there just the right
we don’t ask anything. We tion I heard of its seven stanzas
assume that’s normal. that discovers of our closeness “Behold, as the iron in the en for granted. Handle with amount of time for refinement,
and intimacy with G-d through hand of the blacksmith … so
The simple answer is that metaphors of craftsmanship. are we in your hand.” Iron care. If we make the wrong to burn the impurities away.
children are worry-free. We sources the implements of war:
have an endless list of worri- It opens with the words, swords and spears. We must be moral decision, I am shattering And how do we know when it’s
some issues. To the child, their “Behold, as the clay in hand of physically strong and ready for
entire world is front of their the potter … so are we in your battle. With that same bravery, my soul, like glass. Something polished enough? When we see
eyes, in the present, in the now. hand.” On the potter’s wheel, a we also wage our internal bat-
The adult sees life as elusive, subtle touch of the finger creates tles. The fight against immoral beautiful and precious. Howev- our own image in it. G-d is
just beyond reach. The truth shape, detail and the cavity of desires, depression, narcissism,
seems concealed. the vessel. So, too, G-d forms us superficiality, arrogance, lazi- er, the glass maker can remelt, refining and polishing us, until
every moment something out of ness, is supported by our
This is the definition of exile nothing, creating us as open ves- ironclad G-dly connection. remold and repair. On Yom He sees His image in us.
given in a verse in this week’s sels to the many opportunities
Torah portion, Vayeilech, “… and and joys of life and destiny. “Behold, as an anchor in the Kippur, we appreciate the Yom Kippur is when we
I will hide My face from them.” hand of the sailor … so are we
Even though this is only an If we are full vessels, as in full in your hand.” G-d holds our fragility and restorative nature shine as Jews. It’s when our
appearance of G-d hiding, it cre- of ourselves, there is no room anchor as we navigate the rough
ates anxiety, worry and fear. for anything else. On Yom Kip- seas of life. This is the key to of our relationship with G-d. inner G-dliness unites with our
Coming to appreciate the facade pur, we empty our vessel, open staying on course, directed and
ourselves and realize who is the “Behold, like a cloth in the outer self. It’s a time of true

hands of the weaver … so are we oneness, unity and shine. Good

in your hand.” G-d’s cloak pro- Shabbos and good Yom Tov!

tects and warms us. So, too, are

we charged with doing the same Shraga Sherman is the senior rabbi at

for others. G-d gives each of us Chabad of the Main Line. The Board of

our own tailor-made weave, as Rabbis of Greater Philadelphia is proud

each of us has our own unique to provide the Torah commentary for

way of delivering that warmth, the Jewish Exponent.

care and love to others. This is

the master weaver’s plan.

Lastly, “Behold, like silver in

the hands of the silversmith …

so are we in your hand.” If the



The Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia
mobilizes financial and volunteer resources to
address the communities' most critical priorities
locally, in Israel and around the world.

JFRE Event Attracts Real Estate Professionals

ON SEPT. 27, 100 men and women joined the Jewish Federation

Real Estate (JFRE) group at its first recruitment event for profes-

sionals who are entering or relatively new to the real estate field for

networking, food and drinks at the Independence Beer Garden.

According to Rachel Sigman, senior development officer at the Jew-

ish Federation of Greater Philadelphia and JFRE lead staff,

approximately half of the attendees were new to JFRE. “The event

chairs, Andrew Zakroff and Mark Krantz, put a lot of effort into

inviting people representing diverse areas of real estate who are

starting out in their careers and knew little to nothing about JFRE.”

Attendees spent time with members of JFRE's Executive Com-

mittee and Program Committee as well as other seasoned real

estate professionals to learn how joining JFRE can grow their

careers, while also benefiting the Jewish community. For young

professionals ages 21 to 45 who become JFRE members, their

donation to either the JFRE Fund or the Jewish Community

Fund or a combination of the two also qualifies them for

Ben-Gurion Society programming through NextGen, the Jewish Photos by Amit Gabai
Photos by Jordan Cassway
Federation’s young professionals division. To fur-

ther attract younger members, JFRE also launched

a new initiative inviting individuals under age 30

to participate in two Jewish Federation communi-

ty service projects, entitling them to

complimentary admission to JFRE’s annual Leg-

ends and Leaders event in the spring. For more ▲ Seasoned JFRE
information on JFRE, contact Rachel Sigman at members and new real

215-832-0513 or [email protected], or vis- estate professionals

it For more information on From left: David Lipner and Mark Krantz network.
From left: Brian Gilberg, Matt Pincus, Emily Pincus and
NextGen, contact Cara Behneman at 215-832-0861 catch up during the JFRE recruitment event. Ken Wellar enjoy the beautiful night at the Independence

or [email protected]. Beer Garden.

Event Provides Meaningful Way to Honor and Remember
Generous Members of Our Jewish Communities

From left: CEO Naomi Adler, event From left: New Legacy Society members Legacy Society member THE JEWISH FEDERATION of Greater Philadelphia’s Fed-
chairs Connie and Donald Berg, Adam Levine and Rachel and Jonathon Levine Elizabeth Fineman with her eration Endowments Corporation hosted 60 community
event chair Adam Klazmer, (not pictured: Lindsey Levine, Brian and father, new Legacy Society members at its annual Legacy Society and Remembrance
Chief Development Officer Jennifer Levine and Alina Levine). member Elliot Fineman. Event on Sept. 28 at the Jewish Community Services Building
Melissa Greenberg, Director of in Philadelphia. The evening honored all Legacy Society mem-
Planned Giving and Endowments bers and welcomed new members into the society. The new
Rachel Gross, Chairman of the members’ gifts totaled over $7 million in gifts for the Jewish
Board Bud Newman. Federation, which were made through the donors’ estate
Top: New Legacy Society member
Dr. Gerson Schwartz with The event also paid tribute to those who passed away
Campaign Director Bob Seltzer. during 5776 and whose acts of tzedakah will live on forever.
Reflections about some of these generous men and women
of blessed memory were shared by their family and friends.
The evening also was an opportunity for attendees to
mourn together the passing of Shimon Peres, z”l, earlier
that day.

Connie and Donald Berg and Adam Klazmer served as the
event’s chairs. The Kohelet Keys, Kohelet Yeshiva High
School’s a cappella group, provided the evening’s entertain-
ment. For more information on the Jewish Federation’s Legacy
Society and planned giving and endowment programs, please
contact Rachel Gross, Director of Planned Giving and Endow-
ments, at [email protected] or 215-832-0572.


COMMUNITY / calendar

▼THURSDAY, OCT. 6 artists Wilmot Heitland and Mac York Road, Elkins Park.
Fisher from the personal collection
Yoga, Meditation of Lee Casper Z”L, along with pieces ▼FRIDAY, OCT. 7
and Discussion. from Lee Casper, Mina Smith and
other friends of JEVS. All art sales Shaboom Shabbat.
InterfaithFamily/Philadelphia and Congregation will benefit the Lee Casper Youth
Rodeph Shalom invite you to join us for “Yoga, Innovation Fund at JEVS Human Join in for Kinderlach Rock Shaboom
Meditation and Discussion for Parents.” This four- Services. Can’t make the reception? Shabbat, a Friday morning musical
week class offers parents an opportunity to gather Pieces will be on display and celebration of Shabbat with Lori of
for the practice of yoga (all levels welcome), available for purchase during the Music Monkey Jungle. Join us at 10
meditation and discussion. Sessions are sensitive month of October. Visit a.m. at the Kugel Collaborative
to parents raising children in interfaith families, 119 N. Third St., Philadelphia. Jewish Art Space as we sing, dance,
but all parents are welcome. Sessions include laugh, play, move, imagine and
reflection, yoga, facilitated discussion and All About Art. create, while making friends and
meditation. Classes will meet Oct. 6, 13, 20 and 27 having an awesome good time. The
from 9:30 to 11 a.m. at Congregation Rodeph MossRehab’s All About Art event fall session runs from Oct. 7 to Dec.
Shalom. $80 for all four sessions; $70 for all four is a juried exposition and sale at 16, with no performance on Nov. 25.
sessions (discounted for Buerger Early Learning MossRehab’s main campus at Total cost, which includes a CD,
Center and Congregation Rodeph Shalom Einstein Medical Center Elkins Park challah and grape juice at
families). 615 N. Broad St., Philadelphia. that is open to professional artists performance end, is $130 per child.
with physical, cognitive, visual and $15 at the door per child. For more
Broadway Legend Maurice Hines Is ▼THURSDAY, OCT. 6 hearing disabilities. Eligible media information, contact Lori at
include works on paper, works on [email protected]. 703
TAPPITNhr’uLIFE Mommy and Me. canvas or board, mixed media, S. 15th St., Philadelphia.
sculpture, jewelry, photography and
Created and Performed by Sherrie Turetsky, director of the fine crafts. This year’s show includes Oneg Shabbat.
Maurice Hines School of Early Learning at Old York more than 200 items, all for sale. The
Featuring Road Temple-Beth Am, will lead a exhibit is free and open to the public. Join KleinLife at 10 a.m. for Oneg
weekly one-hour “Mommy and Me” For tickets and more information, Shabbat: Yom Kippur Yizkor. Reflect
The Manzari Brothers and the class at 9:30 a.m. For more contact Kimberly Gross at 215-456- on this past year and honor the
Diva Jazz orchestra information, call 215-886-0650. 6172 or [email protected] or loved ones you have lost in this
971 Old York Road, Abington. register online at program led by Rabbi Berliner. 10100
“The Performance was Blistering HOT! Mr. Hines is a Singing, Dancing Showman Jamison Ave., Philadelphia.
Extraordinaire! He WOWS us with his Footwork as he sings Classic Song after Song!” News and Schmooze. mossart16. The exhibit is open daily
from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. 60 Township Rydal Park Speaker.
- The New York Times Join Burt for interesting and lively Line Road, Elkins Park.
discussion about current topics As part of its fourth annual Fall
NOW PLAYING THRU NOV 20 facing us today at 10:15 a.m. at Ethics Seminar. Speaker Series, Rydal Park
KleinLife: Montgomery County. welcomes Tom Keels at 2 p.m. to talk
SHOWTIMES: Wed 2pm, Thur 2 & 7pm, Fri 8pm, Sat 2 & 8pm, Sun 2pm 7763 Old York Road, Elkins Park. Institute for Jewish Ethics presents about “The Golden Age of Retail,”
a special pre-Yom Kippur Jewish walking listeners through the once-
Penn’s Landing Playhouse Independence Seaport Museum Beading Decorations. ethics seminar on what Judaism bustling aisles of Wanamaker’s, Lit
teaches about forgiveness of Brothers, Strawbridge & Clothier and
211 S. Columbus Blvd. & Walnut St. Arlene Kenin is taking her beading others, as well as of ourselves, Nan Duskin, to name just a few of
to a new level at KleinLife: and how we can overcome the the retail legends of the not-so-
on the Waterfront, next door to the Hilton Hotel, Philadelphia, PA Montgomery County at 12:45 p.m. barriers that divide us in personal distant past. All talks are free and
She will facilitate teaching us to and professional relationships, open to the public on a limited,
Tickets: 1-855- HIT SHOW (1-855-448-7469) make lovely beaded decorations to with Rabbi Alexander Coleman, reserved seating basis by calling 215-
Groups (12+) Call Marla: 1-888-264-1788 hang in a window, on a doorknob or Jewish ethics lecturer and 376-6292. Rydal Park, 1515 The • Discount Parking! even in our sukkah. All beads and therapist. 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Fairway, Rydal.
necessary materials will be supplied. Approved for one-hour Ethics
Sign up in advance in the office or at CLE. Cost: $36 with CLE; $10 Shabbat and Birthdays.
the front table to be certain we have without CLE (lunch included).
proper quantities on hand. 7763 Old Register 2 Penn Old York Road Temple-Beth Am
York Road, Elkins Park. Center, 3rd Floor Conference will celebrate an intergenerational
Room, 1500 John F. Kennedy Shabbat service featuring grades 2
Art for JEVS. Blvd., Philadelphia. and 3 at 7 p.m. October birthdays
will be honored. For more
Join JEVS Human Services for a Candidates Forum. information, call 215-886-8000. 971
special reception from 5:30 to 8:30 Old York Road, Abington.
p.m. at Old City Jewish Arts Center.
Featuring the works of acclaimed Candidates for state representative Evening Service.
and attorney general will present
and discuss their political platforms Reform Congregation Keneseth
at 7 p.m. at Reform Congregation Israel welcomes Shabbat at 8 p.m.
Keneseth Israel. Bring your For more information, call 215-887-
questions to meet Rep. Madeleine 8700. 8339 Old York Road, Elkins
Dean and Anthony Scalfaro; Thom Park.
Estilow and Rep. Steve McCarter;
Rep. Kevin J. Boyle and Rep. Jim Pio. ▼SATURDAY, OCT. 8
Free and open to the public. Co-
sponsored by the Brotherhood of Service and Study.
Reform Congregation Keneseth
Israel and the League of Women Begin Shabbat morning at Reform
Voters. For more information, email Congregation Keneseth Israel with
[email protected]. 8339 Old an engaging discussion of the
weekly portion at 9 a.m. in the


COMMUNITY / calendar

▼SATURDAY, OCT. 8 experience needed. All are welcome. Robyn Hirshburg at tops all offers for your
For any questions, call the office at [email protected]. diamonds & jewelry.
Overbrook High Reunion. 215-677-1600. 9768 Verree Road, Event runs from noon to 5 p.m. 645
Philadelphia. Louis Drive, Warminster. We can pay more because
Overbrook High School Reunion: Class of ’66 starts at 7 p.m. at the we know the true value.
Hilton Hotel. For more information, email Terry Kleitman Axler at Fair Trade Judaica. Friendship Walk 2016. Immediate cash for one
[email protected]. 4200 City Ave., Philadelphia. piece or an entire
Join Germantown Jewish Centre for The Philly Friendship Circle is collection.
Olney High Reunion. Adventures in Guatemala with fair hosting our annual Walkathon
trade Judaica at 10 a.m. featuring fundraiser at Jack M. Barrack 201 Old York Road • Jenkintown, PA
Olney High School Class of 1971 is speakers Mindy Shapiro and Betsy Hebrew Academy. Come with family
celebrating its 45th reunion at 7 Teutsch. Come enjoy a slideshow, and friends from 2 to 4:30 p.m. to (215) 885-7070
p.m. at the Hilton Garden Inn, Fort fair trade Judaica bazaar and light enjoy fantastic music, food and a
Washington. For more information, refreshments. 400 West Ellet St., beautiful walking trail. Join us as we Open Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat.
contact Judy at 215-870-7572 or Philadelphia. spread awareness and expand an 10am - 4:30pm
[email protected]. inclusive community where each and
530 Pennsylvania Ave., Fort JRA Distribution. every person is valued and Closed Sunday, Monday & Tuesday
Washington. embraced for the special gifts they
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are possess. For more information, Keneseth Israel’s adult education
Meyers Library. Morning services Please RSVP by calling the office for quickly approaching, and you can’t contact [email protected]. program for “Origins of the Middle
also at 9 a.m. Kiddish nosh and reservations, 215-677-1600. 9768 break the fast without food. Join To register or donate, visit East Conflict” at 11 a.m. After WWI,
kibbitz following services. 8339 Old Verree Road, Philadelphia. Jewish Relief Agency as we help 272 S. Great Britain and France arbitrarily
York Road, Elkins Park. struggling families throughout the Bryn Mawr Ave., Bryn Mawr. divided among themselves lands of
Haunted Hayride. Philadelphia area start the New Year the former Ottoman Empire, thereby
Torah, Bagels, Coffee. off on the right foot by packing and Breakfast Program. sowing the seeds of the present-day
Congregations of Shaare delivering food from our warehouse conflict. Discussion led by Dr. Barry
Begin Shabbat morning at Old York Shamayim welcome single Jewish right to their homes. This wonderful, The rich, vibrant story of Mexico’s Stein. $10 per class if not an adult ed
Road Temple-Beth Am with an professionals to join us at 8 p.m. for fun, opportunity is great for Jewish community, including its member; KI members: $50 per
interactive, engaging discussion of a haunted hayride at Winding Brook volunteers of all ages and abilities. history, culture, customs and person/year; synagogue-affiliated:
the weekly portion including bagels Farms, 3014 Bristol Road, Box packing runs from 10 a.m. to practices, will be the subject of a $100 per person/year; unaffiliated:
and coffee at 9 a.m. followed by a Warrington. We will meet next to 11:30 a.m., followed by food delivery. Tiferet Bet Israel Men’s Club $150 per person/year. For more
peer-led Shabbat service at 10:15 the ticket office. The cost is Times are flexible. Groups welcome. breakfast program, featuring TBI information, call 215-887-8700. The
a.m. Casual dress is appropriate, and $20/person. Please RSVP to Steve Community service forms available. congregant Michel Reznik, a native Meyers Library, 2nd Floor, 8339 Old
everyone is welcome. For more Albert at 267-221-2677 or email him For more information, contact us at of Mexico City. The program will be York Road, Elkins Park.
information, call 215-886-8000. at [email protected] or call the [email protected] or 610-660-0190. held in the synagogue’s courtyard
971 Old York Road, Abington. synagogue office at 215-677-1600. 10980 Dutton Road, Philadelphia. from 10:15 a.m. to noon and will be Public Yizkor.
preceded by an optional lox, bagel,
Tot Shabbat. ▼SUNDAY, OCT. 9 Dress for the Cure. cream cheese and whitefish All members of the community are
breakfast for $5. If you’re planning invited to join Temple Beth Zion-
Join us at Congregations of Shaare Sukkah Building. Join LulaRoe consultants and try on to attend, send your RSVP to Keith Beth Israel at this sacred afternoon
Shamayim at 11 a.m. for a special more than 5,000 pieces of LulaRoe Cohen at [email protected]. service in which we offer prayers in
Shabbat musical experience for ages We are looking for sukkah-builder clothing while supporting breast 1920 Skippack Pike, Blue Bell. memory of our relatives and friends
2 to 5. We will have songs, dance, volunteers to help Congregations of cancer patients and survivors. $4 to
snack and exciting surprises. Family Shaare Shamayim Men’s Club and $6 per piece of clothing sold will be ▼MONDAY, OCT. 10 See Calendar, Page 30
and friends are welcome to join us. PTA to build our community sukkah. donated to Living Beyond Breast
There is no charge for this event. This project will begin at 9 a.m. No Cancer; sizes XXS-3X, children’s, Adult Education.
tweens’ and men’s styles. Free to the
public. Clothing for sale, food truck Join Reform Congregation
raffles. For information, contact

Photo: Larry Magid, photo by Tom Case, Felt Hammer ProductionsNLaimv eeA: iNdational Museum oLfiAv emAeird. JeF awcitsohr y Bijou Cafe TLA The Spectrum Broadway The Tower Theater Electric Factory

Width: 9.25"
Dreamers and Doers:TLADepth:3.62"

Color: Black plus one
The Tower Theater Live Aid Bijou Cafe Beautiful: The Carole King Musical 700 Sundays Live Aid T

Comment: JE 10/6 -Bill GraThhaemS p e c t r u m Electric Factory Broadway The Tower Theater Live 8 Broadway Beautiful Broadway

AdL iNv eum8 ber: 00069514
TLA Live 8 The Spectrum Electric Factory Bijou Cafe The Spectrum 700 Sundays The Tower The

700 Sundays Broadway Live 8 The Spectrum Electric Factory Beautiful: The Carole King Musi
The TowLievreT8heaterTThheeTower Theater Bijou Cafe 700 Sundays
Wednesday, October 19 • 7 pm

Legendary concert and tour promoter and Tony Award-winning Broadway producer Larry Magid—the driving force behind

the world famous Electric Factory, Bijou Cafe, and the Spectrum—joins WHYY Arts and Culture reporter Peter Crimmins for an

onstage conversation.

Reserve your spot today! Media sponsor: In conjunction
$18/$15 Members
Details and tickets at 5th and Market |

This series has been anonymously endowed by a friend of the Museum and admirer of all Dreamers and Doers.


COMMUNITY / calendar

Calendar ▼SATURDAY, NOV. 12

Continued from Page 29

that have passed on. Located in the Highland Ave., Merion Station. Temple Sholom in Broomall invites Author Discussion.
Chapel. 4 p.m. 300 S. 18th St., all of our preschool-aged families
Philadelphia. Yontif Services. and friends to a fun Yom Kippur Tot Dr. Sara Lipton will be speaking
Service. Members and non- about her book Dark Mirror: The
JAFCO Orientation. KleinLife is hosting free Yom Kippur members are welcome. No High Medieval Origins of Anti-Jewish
services that are welcome to Holy Day tickets are required. The Iconography Nov. 12 at 7 p.m. at
Jewish Adoption and Family Care everyone at 6:15 p.m. Led by Rabbi service will be held in our main Temple Covenant of Peace. Lipton
Options (JAFCO) will host its monthly Robert Rymshaw. 10100 Jamison sanctuary at 9 a.m. Please contact is also the author of Images of
foster care/adoption orientation 6:30 Ave., Philadelphia. the temple office with any Intolerance: The Representation
p.m. for those interested in learning questions, 610-356-5165. 55 N. of Jews and Judaism in the Bible
about becoming a foster or adoptive Yom Kippur Services. Church Lane, Broomall. Moralisée. Free and open to the
parent. This orientation will give public. 1451 Northampton St., Easton.
members of our community a chance Congregation Leyv Ha-Ir will hold Young Family Yom Kippur.
to ask any questions they may Kol Nidre services at 6:30 p.m. Yom
have and gain a more in-depth Kippur services and programming Join Miss Cindy and Rabbi Yosef and interfaith families and is a member followed by Neilah. Visitors will be
understanding about the foster will start Oct. 12 at 10 a.m. through let’s welcome a sweet New Year of JProud, an LGBTQ consortium of asked to provide identification and
care and adoption process in 7:30 p.m. for a break fast. No tickets together at Temple Beth Zion-Beth Jewish institutions. 1301 Hagys Ford sign in. Our goal is to provide a safe
general. RSVP to Rachel Levy: required to attend our observance of Israel at 9:45 a.m. Experience a Road, Penn Valley. and secure environment with limited
[email protected] or 610-525-1040. the High Holy Days. Rabbi Julie family-friendly service for children inconvenience. For more
234 S. Bryn Mawr Ave., Ste. 100, Greenberg and cantorial candidate ages 5 and under and their “grown- Family Service. information, call 215-887-8700. 8339
Bryn Mawr. Jessi Roemer will lead us in a warm ups” that will have us singing, Old York Road, Elkins Park.
and inspiring service. While no blessing and thinking about making Reform Congregation Keneseth
▼TUESDAY, OCT. 11 tickets are required, it is important better choices in the year ahead as a Israel will hold a family Yom Kippur Break-the-Fast.
to register your name for security new year is ushered in. We will meet service at 2 p.m. Visitors will be
Pre-Kol Nidre Meal. purposes. Register at or in the Lower Wolfson Auditorium. asked to provide identification and Join Rabbi Zeff and his family for a
call 215-629-1995; Also, find out 300 S. 18th St., Philadelphia. sign in. Our goal is to provide a safe delicious vegetarian meal provided
Join Adath Israel before Kol Nidre about parking arrangements. 1906 S. and secure environment with limited by Centre Catering (under
and the Yom Kippur fast for a fully Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia. Intergenerational Service. inconvenience. For more Traditional Kosher Supervision) to
catered meal by Food Design at 4:30 information, call 215-887-8700. 8339 break your fast immediately after
p.m. RSVP in the main office. ▼WEDNESDAY, OCT. 12 Join Beth Am Israel for a fun Old York Road, Elkins Park. Yom Kippur services at 7:15 p.m. at
Evening service and Kol Nidre will intergenerational family service on Germantown Jewish Centre. The
take place immediately following Yom Kippur Services. Yom Kippur at 9:45 a.m. Our family Community Service. cost for the dinner is $16/person.
dinner at 5:30 p.m. in the Mandell service is geared toward our
Sanctuary. $48/adult, $20/child, free KleinLife is hosting free Yom Kippur younger members but is fun for the Old York Road Temple-Beth Am Children 7 and under are free. 400
under 3. 250 N. Highland Ave., services that are welcome to whole family, with instruments, invites the community to Yom West Ellet St., Philadelphia.
Merion Station. everyone. Led by Rabbi Robert singing, puppets and much more. Kippur afternoon services at 3 p.m.,
Rymshaw. Begins with a morning Free for families with children under followed by Yizkor at 4:30 p.m. and ▼THURSDAY, OCT. 13
Break the Fast. service at 9 a.m., followed by Yizkor 12. Preregistration in advance to the Neilah at 5:30 p.m. For more
at 11:30 a.m., noon and 12:30 p.m. An BAI office at 610-667-1651 or information, call 215-886-8000. Open House.
Immediately following the last afternoon service will be held 4:45 [email protected]. Guest
shofar blast on Yom Kippur, all are p.m. followed by shofar and tickets and prospective family tickets Afternoon Services. We invite you to visit Perelman
welcome to break the fast in the havdallah at 7:10 p.m. 10100 Jamison available to purchase through the Jewish Day School and attend an
Tabas Auditorium at Adath Israel. Ave., Philadelphia. BAI office as well. BAI is an inclusive Join Reform Congregation open house event at our Stern
RSVP in the main office. $18/adult, congregation that welcomes Keneseth Israel for afternoon and Center in Wynnewood at 9:30 a.m.
$10/child, free under 3. 250 N. Tot Service. memorial services at 3:30 p.m. Please register for this event at or by contacting Mindy
Happy students have a LAST PHILADELPHIA SHOW Andelman, associate director of
favorite subject— BEFORE CHANUKAH! admissions, at 610-658-2518, Ext.
207. 49 Haverford Road,
All of Them Come see Joy's Wynnewood.
exquisite works at the
Open House Pa Guild of Craftsmen Show Mommy and Me.
Grades PK-12 in Rittenhouse Square
October 15, 9:30 a.m. Sherrie Turetsky, director of the
10% off at the show School of Early Learning at Old York with Coupon Road Temple-Beth Am, will lead a
weekly one-hour “Mommy and Me”
October 7 - 9, 2016 class at 9:30 a.m. For more
Friday: 11 am to 6 pm information, call 215-886-0650. 971
Saturday: 11 am to 6 pm Old York Road, Abington.
Sunday: 11 am to 5 pm
Puppet Improv.
Also come see me at the Grand Central Station Holiday Fair
November 14 - December 24 Bring your imagination, your humor
and your storytelling talent to — Abington, PA — 215-885-2930 KleinLife: Montgomery County at
12:45 p.m. Together, in the round we
will tell a new tall tale through
improvisation and hand puppets. This
is an experiment in play and creativity.
7763 Old York Road, Elkins Park. l


COMMUNITY / mazel tovs



Jody and Phil Davies of Lafayette Hill, Michael Brodkin Cindy and Ken Siegel of Philadelphia (formerly of Eric and Barbara Spevak of Cherry Hill, N.J., and War-
of Philadelphia, and Ellen and Chuck Shechtman of Dresher) and Caryn Corenthal and Mark Zimmerman ren and Emily Katz of Fairview, N.J., announce the
Wynnewood announce the engagement of their children, of East Greenwich, R.I., announce the engagement of engagement of their children, Marshall Spevak and
Samantha Leigh Brodkin and Samuel Lee Shechtman. their children, Melissa Siegel and Kyle Zimmerman. Andrea Katz.

Samantha is a graduate of Tulane University and Both Kyle and Melissa graduated from the Univer- Marshall is a graduate of Syracuse University and is
received a master’s degree from Columbia University. sity of Pennsylvania and earned a JD from New York the chief of staff to Assemblyman Vince Mazzeo in
She received her doctor of osteopathic medicine from University School of Law. Atlantic City. Andrea is a graduate of the George
PCOM and is a general surgery resident practicing in Washington University and the Seton Hall University
the Philadelphia area. Melissa is a practicing attorney for Wilson Sonsini School of Law. She is an associate counsel for the New
Goodrich & Rosati in New York City. Kyle is a practic- Jersey General Assembly Democratic Caucus.
Sam is a graduate of Ithaca College and received an ing attorney for Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton &
MBA from Pepperdine University. He is a client strate- Garrison, also in Manhattan.  The couple met while Marshall is the grandson of Sylvia Spevak and the
gist of marketing and sales at PwC. attending the University of Pennsylvania and got late Manuel Spevak, Janice Spieller and the late Arthur
engaged in Spain while on vacation there. Spieller. Andrea is the granddaughter of Lenore Argoff
Samantha is the granddaughter of Arlene Arbittier and the late Arthur Argoff and the late Irving and
Schecter and the late Larry Schecter, and the late Sharing in the couples’ happiness are their grand- Pauline Katz. Sharing in their happiness is Marshall’s
Phoebe and Samuel Brodkin. parents, Samuel and Shirley Shevlin, Beverly and sister, Michelle (Spevak) Woldoff, and her husband,
Seymour Corenthal, Sheldon and Madeline Siegel, and Ryan Woldoff.
Sam is the grandson of the late Ruth and Sam Anne Zimmerman,  as well as their siblings, Ross
Hatow, and the late Bernice and Leon Shechtman. Siegel and Cali Zimmerman. The couple lives in Cherry Hill and is planning a
September 2017 wedding in Atlantic City. l
Sharing in the couple’s happiness are Sam’s siblings,
Jake and Rachel Shechtman.

A 2018 wedding is planned.


Susan and Stuart Rosenthal of Montgomery Township Candy and Jonas Singer of Newtown and Rachel and engagement, wedding, birth, bar/bat-mitzvah announcement
and Cheryl and Sam Green of Trumbull, Conn., Alan Risch of Santa Monica, Calif., announce the and any other simcha on both and the
announce the engagement of their children, Emily engagement of their children, Debra Shawn Singer and
Rosenthal and Jonathan Green. Reuven Benjamin Risch.  weekly Jewish Exponent newspaper ... for

Emily has a bachelor’s degree from Ithaca College Debra is a graduate of Council Rock High School FREE.
and a master’s in public administration from CUNY North and the University of Pittsburgh. She serves as
Baruch College. She works as membership manager an associate area director for AIPAC in Los Angeles.  JEWISHEXPONENT.COM/SUBMIT-CONTENT
for the Connecticut Audubon Society. 
Reuven is a graduate of Milken Community High
Jon has a bachelor’s degree from Ithaca College and School and the University of Wisconsin. He is a com-
graduated summa cum laude from the American mercial loan specialist at First Financial Bancorp in
McAllister Institute of Funeral Service. He works as a Los Angeles. 
funeral director at Abraham L. Green and Son Funeral
Home in Fairfield, Conn. Joining in the couple’s happiness are their siblings,
Genna and Zara Singer and Jessica (Ryan
The couple met while attending Ithaca College and Haselton) and Adam Risch. 
got engaged in Ithaca, N.Y., while on vacation there. A
fall 2017 wedding is planned in the Philadelphia area. Debra is the granddaughter of the late Irene and
Roy Marder and of the late Barbara and Harry Cho-
dosz. Reuven is the grandson of Esther Nissani of
Holon, Israel, and the late Nissan Nissani. He is also
the grandson of the late Pauline and Irving Risch. 

The couple, who lives in Los Angeles, is planning a
September 2017 wedding in Philadelphia.


You are invited to... COMMUNITY / deaths



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Dr. Julie Gubernick, chief of the Depart- The Einstein Healthcare Network appointed nine
ment of Radiology at Einstein Medical
Center Montgomery, was elected president people to its Board of Overseers. Among them,
of the Pennsylvania Radiological Society. A
member of the executive committee of the Lawrence S. Reichlin of Villanova will serve as
Philadelphia Roentgen Ray Society since
2001, she served as president from 2008 to chairman of the Board of Trustees and the Board
2009 and has been involved with the Amer-
Julie Gubernick ican College of Radiology and Pennsylvania of Overseers. Lewis I. Gantman  of Wynnewood
Radiological Society since 2003.
The University of Pennsylvania graduate completed her was elected the new chair of the Einstein Health-
internship in internal medicine at Abington Memorial Hospi-
tal, followed by residency in diagnostic radiology at Einstein care Services Board of Trustees and Geoffrey
Medical Center Philadelphia.
A member of Temple Sinai in Dresher, Gubernick’s been Duffine of Fort Washington was elected the new
active within the Jewish community, serving as vice president
in the Women’s Philanthropy division of the Jewish Federa- Lawrence S. Lewis I. Gantman Geoffrey Duffine chair of the Einstein Medical Center Mont-
tion of Greater Philadelphia, in addition to sitting on the
Jewish National Fund Board of Directors. Reichlin gomery Board of Trustees.

Montgomery County attorney Lori K. The other six members include:
Shemtob was inducted as president of the
Pennsylvania chapter of the American Allyson Y. Schwartz of Rydal, Pennsylvania’s
Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML)
at its annual meeting in Williamsburg, Va. 13th  Congressional District representative from
An experienced trial lawyer for 29 years
and the founding partner of Shemtob Law, 2005 to 2015. She’s the president and CEO of Bet-
P.C., which focuses on family law, she’s the
Lori K. Shemtob 66th Pennsylvania lawyer to be a fellow of ter Medicare Alliance.
the AAML.
A member of Congregation Beth Or in Maple Glen, she’s Dr. Jacqueline Bowers of Philadelphia, who
an adjunct law professor at Drexel University’s Thomas R.
Kline School of Law. will serve as the president of the Einstein Medical

Center Philadelphia medical staff and as a mem-

Allyson Y. Dr. Jacqueline Robert Heller ber of the Healthcare Services Board of Trustees.
Schwartz Bowers Robert Heller of Lafayette Hill. He is the

founder of the Alpha Benefits Group, an employee

benefits firm, and president of Brown & Brown, an

insurance and risk management consulting firm.

Ruth Lefton of Elkins Park. A 22-year Einstein

official, she is the newly appointed chief operating

officer for Einstein Medical Center Philadelphia,

Einstein Medical Center Elkins Park, Moss Rehab

and Willowcrest.

Ruth Lefton David Rosenberg Dr. Robert David Rosenberg of Villanova. He is the co-
Schiowitz founder of the David and Marjorie Rosenberg
Foundation, a nonprofit organization that assists

other nonprofits focusing on children and youth in underserved communities.

Dr. Robert Schiowitz of Elkins Park, who is president of the medical staff of Einstein Medical Cen-

ter Montgomery. He specializes in general and minimally invasive surgery.

Landau Makerspaces Dedicated

The Landau Makerspaces, innovative labs that
enable students to participate in a wide range of
activities, were dedicated at Perelman Jewish Day
School (PJDS) in Wynnewood. The labs are expected
to result in a greater learning for students, better
preparing them for the future. PJDS is celebrating its
60th year of existence.

▲ From left: Hunter Landau; Van Mahlab, board member; and
Leora Zabusky, board member.

◀ From left: Michael Landau and Hunter Landau cut the ribbon at the
Sept. 20 Perelman Jewish Day School Landau Makerspaces dedication.

38 OCTOBER 6, 2016 ◀ From left: Peggy Carver, Perelman board member; Ruth JEWISHEXPONENT.COM
Horowitz, board president; and Rena Kopelman, vice president.



Late IDF Colonel Recognized in Jerusalem

The late Col. Ruth Muscal was honored for her 22 years of service in the Israel
Defense Forces at a dedication ceremony at Ammunition Hill in Jerusalem. In
addition to being chief commander of the IDF’s Women’s Corps, her rank of full
colonel was the highest attained by a female.

A number of Philadelphia women from the Jewish National Fund and Israeli
Bonds attended the event, along with her husband, Zvi Muscal, and daughter, Sigal.

▲ Terry Katz, who paid tribute to the late Col. Ruth Muscal,
and Zvi Muscal pose at Ammunition Hill in Jerusalem.

AJC Honors Keystone Property Group CEO

Bill Glazer, president and CEO of Keystone Property Group,
received the American Jewish Committee’s 2016 Community
Leadership Award at a dinner at the Atrium at the Curtis Center.
More than 350 people attended the event, which included a pres-
entation on the growing number of BDS (boycott, divestment and
sanctions) movements on college campuses by Dan Erlbaum, the
AJC’s national assistant executive. l

▲ From left: Josh Gross, tribute chair; Jim Rosenstein, ▲ From left: Morris Gocial, AJC Philadelphia/
AJC chairman emeritus; Bill Glazer, honoree; and Joe Zuritsky, SNJ president; Bill Glazer, honoree; Fred Strober,
AJC board development chair. AJC Philadelphia/SNJ chairman; and Josh Gross,
tribute chair.
▶ From left: Sarita Gocial; Sam Greenblatt; Morris Gocial,
AJC Philadelphia/SNJ president; and Fred Strober,
AJC Philadelphia/SNJ chairman.

PUBLISHER’S STATEMENT Published weekly since 1887 with a special issue in September (ISSN 0021-6437) ©2015 Jewish Exponent (all rights reserved) Any funds realized from the operation of theJewish Exponent exceeding
expenses are required to be made available to the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia, a nonprofit corporation with offices at 2100 Arch St., Philadelphia, PA 19103. 215-832-0700. Periodical postage paid in Philadelphia,
PA, and additional offices. Postmaster: All address changes should be sent to Jewish Exponent Circulation Dept., 2100 Arch St., Philadelphia, PA 19103. A one-year subscription is $50, 2 years, $100. Foreign rates on request.


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Automatic Grey Dial w/Date. Custom Platinum Ring w/2 Trapezoids & Retail $15,950 SALE $7,975.00 G.I.A. Certified.
Retail $2,450 SALE $1,225.00 White Diamonds. 1.13 ct.t.w. Retail $28,950 SALE $14,475.00
Retail $17,495 SALE $8,747.00 AP-201965 1.00 ct. Radiant Cut Diamond I-SI3
IB-208903 Michele Mini Urban. Silver Dial Certified. AP-202695 1.74 ct. Round Diamond H-VS2
50% OFF DIAMONDS Retail $4,995 SALE $2,497.00 G.I.A. Certified.
w/Diamond Bezel on Red Patent Strap. Retail $25,950 SALE $12,975.00
AP-202215 0.50 ct. Round Diamond F-VS1 Certified. AP-202691 1.01 ct. Round Diamond G-VS2
Retail $1,825 SALE $912.50 Retail $3,995 SALE $1,997.00 G.I.A. Certified. AP-202492 1.80 ct. Cushion Shape Diamond G-VS2
Retail $12,650 SALE $6,325.00 G.I.A. Certified.
IB-210423 Michele Ladies SS Deco II Black Mother AP-201952 0.55 ct. Round Diamond F-SI3 Certified. Retail $25,950 SALE $12,975.00
Retail $2,195 SALE $1,097.00 AR-208097 1.03 ct. Princess Cut Diamond F-VS2
of Pearl Diamond Dial and Bezel G.I.A. Certified Set in Platinum AP-202610 1.87 ct. Pear Shape Diamond H-VS2
AP-202671 0.68 ct. Round Diamond H-SI1 Tacori Ring. 1.01 ct.t.w. G.I.A. Certified.
on Bracelet G.I.A. Certified. Retail $17,990 SALE $8,995.00 Retail $26,950 SALE $13,475.00
Retail $3,990 SALE $1,995.00
Retail $1,995 SALE $997.50 AP-202510 1.05 ct. Round Diamond D-SI2 Certified. AP-202506 2.00 ct. Cushion Shape Diamond E-SI1
AP-202568 0.70 ct. Radiant Diamond H-VVS1 Retail $11,195 SALE $5,597.00 G.I.A. Certified.
HA-222442 Jaeger-LeCoultre Mens Stainless Auto - G.I.A. Certified. Retail $31,950 SALE $15,975.00
Retail $4,490 SALE $2,245.00 AP-202276 1.08 ct. Pear Shape Diamond G-SI1
matic Master Hometime Silver Dial Retail $8,995 SALE $4,497.00 AP-202669 2.00 ct. Round Diamond I-SI2
AP-202686 0.71 ct. Princess Cut Diamond E-SI2 G.I.A. Certified.
Power Reserve 2 Time Zone Certified. AP-202529 1.09 ct. Round Diamond H-VS2 Certified Retail $23,950 SALE $11,975.00
Retail $9,750 SALE $4,875.00 Retail $3,995 SALE $1,997.00 Retail $11,950 SALE $5,975.00
AP-202682 2.01 ct. Oval Diamond E-SI2
HB-207593 Jaeger-LeCoultre Ladies Stainless Steel AP-202447 0.72 ct. Pear Shape Diamond F-VS1 AP-202311 1.14 ct. Round Diamond G-SI3 Certified. G.I.A. Certified.
Certified. Retail $7,995 SALE $3,997.50 Retail $28,950 SALE $14,475.00
Reverso Squadra Silver Dial with Retail $4,995 SALE $2,497.00
AP-202657 1.20 ct. Cushion Shape Diamond F-VS2 AP-202646 2.27 ct. Round Diamond F-VS2
Diamonds G.I.A. Certified. G.I.A. Certified.
Retail $7,750 SALE $3,875.00 Retail $10,950 SALE $5,475.00 Retail $59,950 SALE $29,975.00

50% OFF JEWELRY AP-202628 2.32 ct. Pear Shape Diamond G-VVS2
G.I.A. Certified.
AN-203315 Gregg Ruth 18K White Gold Diamond Retail $49,950 SALE $24,975.00

Pendant. AP-202359 3.00 ct. Radiant Cut Diamond I-SI2
Retail $3,035 SALE $1,517.50 Certified.
Retail $33,950 SALE $16,975.00
AM-206727 Alor Noir Black Cable Bracelet
AP-202124 3.01 ct. Round Diamond E-SI2 Certified.
w/ Diamonds. Retail $53,950 SALE $26,975.00

Retail $895 SALE $447.50 AP-202621 3.06 Round Diamond J-SI2
G.I.A. Certified.
BK-200207 Gregg Ruth 18K White Gold Diamond & Retail $42,950 SALE $21,475.00

Pink Sapphire Heart Shaped Earrings. AR-207608 4.04 Round Diamond J-VS2 Certified.
Retail $3130 SALE $1565.00 Set in Platinum Split Shank Diamond
Ring 1.08 ct.t.w.
ER-204064 Stephen Webster Silver and Lapis Crystal Retail $87,950 SALE $43,975.00

Haze Ring w/ Diamonds. AR-208501 4.59 ct. Princess Cut Diamond H-SI2
Certified. Set in Custom Platinum Ring
Retail $1,195 SALE $595.50 OMEGA w/Trapezoids and Rounds. 1.58 ct.t.w.
BREITLING Retail $64,950 SALE $32,475.00
AL-206991 Aaron Basha 18K White Gold Baby TAG HEUER Selected
MICHELE ON Items up to
Shoe w/ Yellow Ducks and Diamond
SALE! 515 Rt. 73 South, Marlton, NJ 60% OFF!

Retail $2,800 SALE $1,400

EC-201070 Aaron Basha 18K White Gold Pink and 856-596-8600 OUR

White Flower Baby Shoe w/ Diamond BIGGEST
Strap. Sale Hours: Thurs. 10-8, Fri. 10-6, Sat. 10-6, Sun. 10-6 the YEAR!

Retail $2,600 SALE $1,300 *No special orders • Prior sales and layaways not included • Major credit cards accepted
• Security provided at your convenience *One half off everything on display in the store;
AK-209864 Jude Frances 18K White Gold Diamond LARGEST
quantities are limited.
Hoop Earrings w/ Pavé Tear Drop Diamond
Selection in
Charm. 0.40 ct.t.w.
Retail $2,480 SALE $1,240.00 Southern N.J.


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