INSIDE page There will be no publication from
Monday to Wednesday on the
Will the 2 occasions of Worker’s Day and
Opposition Hari Raya Aidilfitri.
TELLING IT AS IT IS benefit from ‘big Please visit
for the latest news.
tent’ concept? theSun wishes all Muslims
Selamat Hari Raya.
No. 8017 PP 2644/12/2012 (031195) RAYA SPIRIT ... For the first time in
more than two years, Muslims in Malaysia
will be able to celebrate Aidilfitri without
Covid restrictions next week as those living
away from home balik kampung to reunite
with loved ones and indulge in family
togetherness. – MASRY CHE ANI/THESUN
Call of duty
█ BY IMAN MUTTAQIN oMedical frontliners, uniformed
[email protected] personnel sacrifice family time to fulfil
responsibilities during festivities
PETALING JAYA: For many of our
medical frontliners and before returning to your hometown. For (RTD) director Fatimah Mohamed
uniformed personnel, Hari Raya those who are not going back, inform the Ali Piah said her officers also
brings a mix of emotions, police if there are any suspicious cannot take leave as holidays are
especially when they have to work while activities around your neighbourhood.” frozen during Ops Hari Raya.
the rest of us enjoy the holidays. And to She recounted when she
do so for years in a row is a huge sacrifice Selangor Fire and Rescue worked at Selangor RTD, she had
by them to help ensure the safety and Department director Norazam Khamis to send her children to her
well-being of others. said having to work on festive days is hometown so they could celebrate
quite normal for all uniformed with their grandparents and relatives
This is what Brickfields district police personnel. while she returned to work during
chief ACP Amihizam Abdul Shukor (pix Hari Raya.
on Page 2) has been doing each Hari “A total of 1,254 state fire officers will “I could not take leave for the last 28
Raya for the past 24 years, in order to be on duty during Hari Raya, since only years of working at the RTD.
fulfil his responsibilities as a police 20% of them are allowed to take leave. Even during family gatherings
officer. held on the third or fourth day Turn to
“I have not gone back to my of Hari Raya, I would still not
He said working during the festive hometown in Pontian, Johor, for three able to be with them due to —
season is routine for police officers to years in a row.
maintain the nation’s peace and page 2
security. “It would be a lie if I said I am not sad
at all. But I must fulfil my duty.” work.
“Hari Raya morning usually will be a
bit gloomy for me, but I have come to Perlis Road Transport Department
terms with it.
“Drive safely, make sure you lock your
house and inform the nearest police
station by filling out the relevant form
Duty overides desire
to celebrate Raya Will Opposition benefit
from ‘big tent’ concept?
“Of course, as a mother,
I feel sad leaving my
children with their father From
but now, I am used to it.
My children and family front
also understand that my
job needs me to sacrifice my
time with them and they accept that their o Good idea but workable only if PH and PN can set aside government after being in power for 22
mother is on duty,” she said. differences and work together, say analysts months.
Dr Azureen Musa of the Putrajaya
Hospital He said there is also the question of
emergency Bersatu’s betrayal in the Sheraton Move.
and trauma
department █ BY RAJVINDER SINGH He said Pakatan Harapan (PH) and “Can PH component parties forgive the
said she used [email protected] Perikatan Nasional (PN) want to work together betrayal?”
to look forward PETALING JAYA: While a “big tent” concept but there are problems, such as the selection of
to Hari Raya would unite the Opposition against Barisan a candidate for the position of prime minister. Jeniri said with many questions remaining
celebrations, Nasional (BN) in the 15th general election, the unanswered, the Opposition must be willing to
but her work as question is whether they can bury the hatchet He added that when voters pick a party to sit down together and find ways to overcome
a doctor has and work together. support, one question they have in mind is who distrust.
been a huge the prime minister will be.
responsibility Malaysian Council of Professors senior He said one major stumbling block could be
that she holds fellow Prof Dr Jeniri Amir said recent state “PH and PN need to overcome this hurdle of seat allocation, as each party thinks it can win.
close to her elections have shown that BN would benefit as deciding on the candidate for the position of
heart. Amihizam long as the Opposition is disunited. prime minister. Only if they agree on this can “Another issue is whether voters are willing
“I visited they take the next step.” to forgive PH and others over what happened
my family in Malacca during the last “The big tent theory is a good idea. When after the last general election.
week of Ramadan, knowing I probably the Opposition unites, BN will face an uphill Azmi said seat allocation is also going to be
would not be able to celebrate with them task to win seats. harder since both PH and PN are confident “Voters gave the mandate to PH but it was
since the hospital cannot shut down for they can form the next federal government. usurped by Bersatu for its agenda.”
Hari Raya. “They (the Opposition) should have realised
“We don’t have enough non-Muslim by now, after having lost the polls in Malacca, Jeniri said the Opposition has to reflect on Azmi said the same issues might crop up
doctors to cover our shifts, so just like the Johor and Sarawak, that by going against one what needs to be done if it wants to win in the when Warisan is involved.
previous two years, I have to work during another, they will only end up losing,” he told next general election.
the holidays and take my leave once theSun. He said on a smaller scale, a tie-up between
everyone else is back at work,” she said. He said PH and PN need to put aside their PH and Muda could work because the latter is a
Nusantara Academy for Strategic Research differences and learn to work with each other. party that does not have a desire to form the
senior fellow Prof Azmi Hassan said it would be government.
difficult for the big tent concept to materialise. “If not, the only thing they will be doing is
sitting in the Opposition again. If the voters He said Muda only wants to be part of the
back them, they need to show that there will government and see BN defeated.
not be a repeat of what happened to the PH
“On a smaller scale, the big tent concept
involving PH and Muda is workable, while
Warisan must stick to Sabah to materialise the
big tent concept,” he said.
Kelantan Bersatu, PAS complete GE15 seat distribution talks Use existing
funds to address
KOTA BARU: The Kelantan chapters of Bersatu discussions, it was agreed that both parties Bersatu and PAS, before we bring the proposal flash floods,
and PAS have completed their discussions over would contest the seats they won in the to the central committee. City Hall told
seat distribution for the upcoming 15th general previous elections.
election. “For undecided seats, further deliberations KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister
“For seats won by Umno, which involve would be made by looking at potential Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob has
Kelantan Bersatu chairman Datuk three parliamentary and seven state seats, we candidates,” he said at a breaking of fast event instructed Kuala Lumpur City Hall to use
Kamaruddin Md Nor said during the will discuss further on those to be contested by on Wednesday. – Bernama its existing resources immediately to
overcome the problem of flash floods in
SHARING the capital.
JOY ... Prime
Minister Datuk Federal Territories Minister Datuk Seri
Seri Ismail Sabri Dr Shahidan Kassim said the prime
Yaakob buying minister wanted, among others, to
Hari Raya optimise City Hall’s emergency fund for
clothes at a the purpose.
shopping mall Shahidan added that Ismail Sabri had
yesterday for said the government would reimburse the
one of the 54 amount utilised.
orphans and
underprivileged He was speaking at a Nur Ramadan
children programme yesterday.
adopted by
him. He said the funds would be used for
– BERNAMAPIX short as well as long-term planning,
including studies and mitigation
Foreign minister voices concern over Suu Kyi jail sentence concepts to address flash floods in the
KUALA LUMPUR: Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Security Policy, Nabila Massrali. She was found guilty of receiving bribes of
Saifuddin Abdullah has voiced concern over “Aung San Suu Kyi’s trial was politically cash and gold from Yangon’s former chief Shahidan added that plans would
the latest development in Myanmar concerning minister Phyo Min Thein, reported Anadolu include identification of flood hotspots
the sentencing of its ousted leader Aung San motivated, another step to dismantle that rule Agency, quoting the Myanmar Now news and existing drainage systems that do not
Suu Kyi, 76, on corruption charges. of law and a setback for democracy in website. have the capacity to channel rainwater.
Myanmar. EU calls for the release of all political
He said in a tweet that the basic principles of prisoners and those arbitrarily detained since Thein claimed he gave Suu Kyi US$600,000 “City Hall has appointed the Public
human rights and justice should prevail and be the coup,” Nabila tweeted. (RM2.6 million) in cash and 11.4kg in gold “in Works Institute as a consultant for the
observed in Myanmar. exchange for favours for his businesses”. study, which will take 12 months,
A junta court in Myanmar on Wednesday involving five phases.”
Saifuddin also shared a tweet by European sentenced Suu Kyi to five years in prison over Suu Kyi described the charges as “absurd”.
Union (EU) spokesman for Foreign Affairs and alleged corruption, Bernama reported. Rulings on 11 other charges are pending. He also said among the short-term
measures that would be taken are placing
monitoring teams at hotspots and using
portable water pumps to transfer excess
stagnant water to flood reservoir ponds
and other suitable areas.
He added that more portable pumps
would be bought and the use of sand bags
would be implemented, while 25 teams
would help to clean up flooded areas
Shahidan said a long-term plan would
involve building an underground on-site
facility to accommodate excess water and
upgrading existing drainage systems
involving eight projects, which include
Jalan Jinjang, Sungai Kayu Ara, Sungai
Toba and Segambut Dalam. – Bernama
3theSUN ON FRIDAY | APRIL 29, 2022
Remain vigilant against Keepsake of
Covid, public told departed pets
o Everyone needs to take responsibility as risk of equipment. We can only decide on how KUALA LUMPUR: When a beloved pet becomes
contracting coronavirus or other respiratory disease many employees we can recall and how to part of the family, an embroidered portrait is a
still present, says expert optimise our resources after the SOP is great way to keep them forever in memory.
announced,” he said.
█ BY MUHAMMAD YUSRY Everyone should be responsible to ensure Rifasya Abdul Rashid, 47, who lost her job at a
AND IMAN MUTTAQIN they do not spread Covid-19 or other Lead singer for local band Loko, who canteen at the height of the pandemic-induced
[email protected] respiratory diseases. Those who have wished to be known only as Acap Loko, said movement restrictions, started offering the service
PETALING JAYA: Despite the relaxation of respiratory symptoms should wear masks he missed performing to a full crowd and two years ago.
Covid-19 standard operating procedures and avoid crowded places,” he said. expressed excitement in doing it again
(SOP) from May 1, Malaysians must soon. “One of the most expensive and challenging
continue to be vigilant and take Restaurant and Bistro Owners portraits I did was of a Rottweiler with the Petronas
responsibility to protect themselves and Association (RBOA) vice-president Jeremy However, he said after two years of Twin Towers and Kuala Lumpur Tower in the
their families against the coronavirus. Lim said the nightclub industry is happy having limited capacity venues, selling a background for a UK customer, who was living
with the relaxation of the SOP. high number of tickets would take time as here. It was A3-sized and cost over RM3,000.
Universiti Malaya social and preventive Malaysians are going through the
medicine head Dr Victor Hoe said the He said the industry is a complex “new norm”. “My customers want something to remind them
relaxation is reasonable based on the ecosystem that overlaps with other sectors, of their departed or missing pets,” she said, adding
current risk situation in the country and so it is welcome news for everyone. “Crowds influence musicians’ that it was not always easy to create a portrait from
around the world. performance, and relaxing the SOP would a photo sent via an online order as it can be blurry
“This includes shops within our affect our stage performances. I can’t wait to or instructions are unclear due to
“The number of cases in Malaysia is on a premises, employees, our supply chain and perform, but I wish to remind everyone to miscommunication.
downward trend and our vaccination rate is even Mamak restaurants that are supper be extra cautious as Covid-19 is still around.
very high. So, I am not too concerned with haunts for clubbers,” said Lim, who is also The responsibility lies with the individual, Rifasya, whose passion started when she was
the relaxation of the SOP. Dragonfly nightclub managing director. so please get yourself tested before going to young, said her most memorable embroidery
concert venues,” he said. creation was of an orangutan for a Russian
“However, the people should be He said RBOA is still waiting for a viable customer.
responsible for their actions and be mindful SOP from the government. On Wednesday, Health Minister Khairy
that the risk of contracting Covid-19 or any Jamaluddin announced the relaxation of She said it took her three weeks to finish the
other infectious respiratory disease is still “Realistically speaking, the crowd would Covid-19 SOP. piece and cost RM80 .
present, even though the SOP have been not return in full force. First, we need to
relaxed. show our customers that nightclubs are safe Among them are entry to all premises “When I was working as a canteen assistant, I
to visit. Hopefully, given enough time, we regardless of vaccination status, optional embroidered part-time. Losing my job was
“Besides Covid-19, the public should can once again see packed dance floors. wearing of face masks outdoors but probably a blessing in disguise because I could
also be concerned about tuberculosis. mandatory indoors and in public transport, focus on fulfilling my dreams,” she said.
“Right now, nightclub operators are and MySejahtera check-ins will no longer
conducting deep cleaning at their venues. be required for entering premises and Rifasya, who also has a talent for woodcarving
The next step is to service all technical public areas. Nightclubs, the only and dioramas, said she earns a four-figure income
remaining premises within the National per month from embroidery.
Security Council’s negative list, would be
allowed to operate from May 15. “I like learning new things. Right now, I’m
learning how to do tie-dye,” she said. – Bernama
Over 2m teenagers
fully vaccinated
KUALA LUMPUR: A total of 785,432 children aged
five to 11 or 22.1% of those in the age group have
been fully vaccinated under the National Covid-19
Immunisation Programme for Children as of
According to the CovidNOW website, 1,511,678
children or 42.6% have received at least one dose of
the vaccine.
For teenagers aged between 12 and 17,
2,890,870 or 92.9% have completed their
vaccination, while 2,989,453 or 96.1% have
received at least one jab.
Among the adult population, 16,024,957 or
68.1% have received the booster dose, 22,965,989
or 97.6% have completed the second dose, and
23,242,458 or 98.8% have received at least one
A total of 34,833 doses of vaccine were
administered on Wednesday, comprising 7,805 for
the first dose, 22,822 for the second dose and 4,206
for the booster, bringing the total number under
the National Covid-19 Immunisation Programme
to 70,197,502 doses.
Meanwhile, the Health Ministry’s GitHub portal
reported that six Covid-19 deaths were recorded on
Wednesday, with Selangor registering the highest
at three, followed by Johor, Malacca and Penang
with one each. – Bernama
3,461 local infections
among new cases
USEFUL INFORMATION ... Bandar Perda fire station chief Mohd Razlan Khalid explaining to visitors the importance of having a fire KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia recorded 6,900
extinguisher at home during a Fire Safety and Prevention Campaign yesterday in Seberang Jaya, Penang. – MASRY CHE ANI/THESUN recoveries from Covid-19 on Wednesday
compared to 3,471 new cases, said Health Director-
Nod for RM80m Labuan medical facility projects General Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah.
LABUAN: The Health Ministry has approved Ismuni said the allocation was also for the He added that the construction of In a statement yesterday, he said 3,461 of the
an allocation of about RM80 million for the construction of the Kampung Bebuloh healthcare and non-healthcare staff quarters new cases were local infections while 10 were
implementation of several new medical Health Clinic, which was made necessary at the Membedai Health Clinic is progressing imported.
facility projects and upgrading works on due to increasing population in the village smoothly and is expected to be completed
existing infrastructure in the duty-free-island and its surrounding areas. on schedule. Of the total 27 cases in categories three, four and
this year. five, five involved patients who are not vaccinated
“The clinic is also to cater to patients in Ismuni said the Labuan Hospital sterile or had not been fully vaccinated, 13 involved those
Labuan Health Department director Dr several other villages such as Kg Sungai compounding pharmacy project would be who are fully vaccinated but had not received the
Ismuni Bohari said this includes the Bedaun, Taman Mahkota Impian, Kg Sg Miri completed in October next year. booster jab, while nine had received the booster
implementation of the medical gas supply and Kg Sg Buton.” dose.
system at Labuan Hospital. “We want to fully equip Labuan Hospital
Ismuni said another project in the with the necessary medical facilities so that “Thirteen cases are aged 60 and above while 14
“This project is to supply specialised pipeline was the upgrading and local patients will not have to travel to have comorbidities.”
gases and gas mixtures to various parts of the maintenance works on the rooftop of the mainland Kota Kinabalu to seek treatment
hospital,” he told Bernama yesterday. Membedai Health Clinic. for chronic illnesses,” he said. Noor Hisham said the new cases bring the
cumulative figure for Covid-19 infections to
4,440,383. Two new clusters were detected on
Wednesday, bringing the number of active clusters
to 91.
On the use of health facilities dedicated to
Covid-19 cases, Dr Noor Hisham said no states
exceeded a usage rate of 50% for both intensive
care unit (ICU) and non-ICU beds. – Bernama
5theSUN ON FRIDAY | APRIL 29, 2022
6 theSUN ON FRIDAY | APRIL 29, 2022
MACC: We can probe
any public official
PUTRAJAYA: The Malaysian Anti-
Corruption Commission (MACC) has
quashed claims by certain parties that it had
crossed boundaries by initiating a probe into
Court of Appeal Judge Datuk Mohd Nazlan
Mohd Ghazali.
It said the law empowers it to investigate
any civil servant suspected of involvement in
corruption, and that it is the MACC’s
responsibility to investigate any report or
official complaint made to it on matters that
come under its purview.
Section 3 of the MACC Act 2009, states,
the MACC has the power to investigate any
government official including
parliamentarians, assemblymen and judges
from any court of law.
The commission said that in line with the
principle of separation of powers,
investigation papers were handed over to
the Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC)
upon conclusion of a probe. The AGC would
then decide the next course of action.
MACC said it has, previously,
investigated a judge, before handing over
the probe papers to the AGC.
It said the probe into Mohd Nazlan is a
case of public interest and it is in its early
stages of investigation after three reports
were received in March and April.
It said when a probe is initiated into an
individual, it does not imply that he or she
has committed an offence.
Mohd Nazlan is being probed following
Trees in urban areas serve to provide shade, absorb carbon dioxide and buffer noise. – ADIB RAWI YAHYA/THESUN allegations of having RM1 million in his
bank account.
Need to manage urban tree cover On Monday, Pasir Gudang member of
Parliament Hassan Abdul Karim had called
the probe on Mohd Nazlan an attack on the
judiciary and a violation of the principle of
separation of powers.
tree specialists. Foresters are also He said the public construes the
o Expert says environment needs to be considered and knowledgeable about urban foliage and investigations into Mohd Nazlan as
local authorities should not randomly clear areas there is a discipline called urban forestry, connected with the SRC International Sdn
which combines urban planning and Bhd trial.
forestry. Local authorities should refer to Mohd Nazlan, who was then a High Court
these experts before felling any trees,” judge, had found former prime minister
█ BY SURAYA ALI not be felled. They can be managed and it is he said. Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak guilty of
[email protected] not necessary to cut them at all.” misappropriating RM42 million from SRC
PETALING JAYA: Malaysia is known for its While urging local authorities to work International, a subsidiary of 1Malaysia
beautiful tropical forests and majestic trees Salleh, who is a tree scientist and smarter and use technical knowledge to Development Berhad.
along highways. Our cities generally have a conservationist, also said if the tree canopy is manage tree cover, he said: “Leadership is an
good number of trees, complemented by too big, it can be pruned or pollarded and issue here. The leadership at local Execution stayed for
beautiful shrubs and flowering plants along allowed to regrow new branches. authorities must be more aware and M’sian in S’pore
roads and in parks. concerned about the environment.”
“The trees must be managed and not SINGAPORE: The High Court here
However, the country has recently been hit felled. They perform multiple functions that Salleh, who was the first director-general yesterday granted a stay of execution for
by several incidents of flash floods and natural benefit mankind, as they provide shade and of FRIM and served as president of the Malaysian K. Datchinamurthy, who was
disasters. The city centre and many urban oxygen, absorb carbon dioxide and buffer Malaysian Nature Society for 30 years, said he supposed to be executed today, just two
areas have not been spared such incidents, noise, especially in the city.” is utterly disappointed with the situation and days after the execution of another
which have caused loss of lives and millions of how trees are treated. Malaysian, Nagaenthran Dharmalingam,
ringgit in damage to property. Salleh said trees are beautiful and those who was sentenced to death in 2010 for
along our highways enhance the beauty of “Local authorities in Gombak, Klang, trafficking 42.72g of heroin in 2009 into the
An expert believes part of the problem is the surroundings. Kuala Lumpur and almost all other areas country.
the failure of local authorities to manage the where there are big trees usually decide to fell
environment or understand the benefits of “Without trees, the areas would look them without first attempting to save them.” According to Singaporean lawyer
trees in protecting the environment. barren and not aesthetically pleasing. M. Ravi, the stay was allowed “pending the
Salleh said to make matters worse, the outcome of the hearing of his prison
Forestry expert Tan Sri Dr Salleh Mohd “Local authorities fell trees without wood is also cut into small pieces and correspondence misconduct legal
Nor said one of the biggest mistakes local consulting experts such as the Forest discarded. He said this, is a waste when it challenge to be heard on May 20”.
authorities make is to wantonly cut down Research Institute of Malaysia (FRIM), could be used to make tabletops and other
trees in their areas. although it is one of the foremost forest items. “(Datchinamurthy) was supposed to be
institutes in the world, and its office is hanged (today),” he said on Facebook.
“Trees are a national treasure and must within the city. “Trees are a national treasure to be
conserved and respected, not destroyed,” he Datchinamurthy, 36, was charged with
“There is a fairly new profession called added. trafficking 44.96g of diamorphine into the
an arborist or tree surgeon, and they are city-state in 2011 and sentenced to death
in 2015.
EPF withdrawal boost for Hari Raya shopping
His family had recently received notice
SHAH ALAM: With Hari Raya just days away, shopping sprees where they would purchase being able to make the EPF withdrawal to tide that his execution was scheduled for
shoppers are flocking to make their more. her over in these hard times, but she worries April 29.
last-minute purchases. about the future too.
“But thanks to the EPF withdrawal, more Datchinamurthy himself filed the stay of
Jakel Holdings executive director customers can shop ahead of the Hari Raya “I am scared because we don’t know what execution application and it was carried out
Mohamed Izani Mohamed Jakel said celebrations.” the future holds for us, and how much we will in a closed-door hearing at
consumers are making smart choices and have in our EPF if we keep withdrawing 9.30am yesterday.
spending cautiously. Normawati Hassan, 38, said she was money like this. But my family has gone
shopping for Hari Raya outfits for her through so much in the last two years that I M. Ravi, who previously represented
“We are very thankful for our customers’ husband and children. think it is okay for us to spend some of our him, said the May 20 proceeding is “in
support and attribute part of this to the special savings to celebrate Hari Raya this year.” regard to the prison sending his privileged
RM10,000 Employees Provident Fund (EPF) “I have not decided if I need something for communications with his lawyers to the
withdrawal,” he said, adding that it has been myself, but I know my husband and children Aside from outfits, Normawati also bought attorney-general”.
two years since Malaysians were allowed to do, so I am buying something for them first. some Hari Raya cookies and set aside a small
travel due to the movement control order Maybe if I have extra money, I will buy an amount of money to give out as “duit raya”. “An application had been filed by our
(MCO) following the Covid-19 pandemic. outfit for myself too.” firm previously to determine the extent of
The Malaysian Muslim Consumers the breach by the prison.
“Now that we can travel, it may seem like Normawati added that she only buys one Association has advised the public to spend
consumers are spending a lot. But in truth, outfit per family member because she earns a wisely and not to waste money on “The question before the court is
they are being very careful with their money.” low salary as an office clerk. unnecessary items. whether they can hang him today when he
has a hearing date fixed for May 20.”
Mohamed Izani said the trend among “I lost my job as a restaurant manager “We have said repeatedly that consumers – Bernama
customers shows that each person purchases during the first MCO and was jobless for must be smart about their spending and have
an average of one or two outfits only almost eight months. I am now spending control of their money,” said its chief activist
compared with pre-pandemic Hari Raya some of my EPF savings on these outfits.” Nadzim Johan.
The mother of six said she is thankful for
7theSUN ON FRIDAY | APRIL 29, 2022
Guangzhou cancels flights BRIEFS STRIKE CRIPPLES
over single Covid case CRISIS-HIT SRI LANKA
BEIJING: The Chinese megacity of o City announces mass testing for until recently emerged relatively COLOMBO: A general strike
Guangzhou yesterday cancelled a third of its 19 million residents unscathed by the pandemic. crippled Sri Lanka yesterday, as
hundreds of flights and began demands grew for President
testing 5.6 million people over one including a weeks-long lockdown of downtown residents out of its 12.2 Over 10,000 of China’s cases Gotabaya Rajapaksa and his
suspected Covid case, part of an virtually all of Shanghai’s 25 million million population to get tested yesterday were detected in family members to resign over the
escalating battle across the country residents – have damaged the every 48 hours if they want to access Shanghai, where cases are trending country’s worst-ever economic
to extinguish the virus. economy, causing backlogs at the public spaces and transport. downwards after a weeks-long crisis. The island nation of 22
world’s busiest container port, a key lockdown which has enraged million people has been hit by
China is facing its worst outbreak node in the global supply chain. The aim is “that the virus has residents and seen rare protests months of acute shortages of
since the peak of the first wave in nowhere to hide or settle”, the city against a government accused of food, fuel and medicines,
early 2020, with eastern Shanghai Guangzhou, a major trade and government said in a statement, bungling the response and failing to prompting widespread protests.
recording dozens of daily deaths and manufacturing hub in southern raising fears of further restrictions feed people confined at home. However, yesterday’s strike was
the capital Beijing sealing off whole China, announced yesterday mass across a city home to some of China’s the first time the entire country
neighbourhoods where handfuls of testing for almost a third of its 19 biggest companies. In recent days, more housing had been brought to a standstill
cases have been detected. million residents after an compounds have lifted movement since those demonstrations
“abnormal” test result was detected China reported 11,367 new restrictions and authorities said began. Public transport was
Under its zero-Covid policy, at its airport, where most flights have infections yesterday, a small daily yesterday 90% of new infections stopped, school attendance
China has used lockdowns, mass been cancelled. tally compared with most major were found in quarantined areas. dropped and shops and offices
testing and travel restrictions to global economies, but enough to remained closed across the
stamp out infections. Meanwhile, the tech hub of rattle authorities in the country Around 50 new cases were found country. In Colombo, workers
Hangzhou near Shanghai on where the coronavirus was first in Beijing, the seat of government for joined a march chanting: “Go
The strategy is under strain, with Wednesday ordered 9.4 million detected in late 2019, but that had President Xi Jinping, who has until home Gota. Go home Gota,”
the highly transmissible Omicron now hailed China’s virus response as referring to the president. – AFP
variant punching through health an example of the superiority of the
controls. country’s Communist leadership. RECORD CANNABIS
Rolling virus restrictions –
RABAT: Moroccan police on
Russia, US Wednesday said they had seized a
swap prisoners record haul of cannabis and
arrested a man in connection with
MOSCOW: Russia and the United an international drug trafficking
States swapped prisoners on network. Officers captured 31.197
Wednesday despite tensions over tonnes of cannabis resin at a
Ukraine, with the Kremlin warehouse near the northern port
handing over a jailed ex-marine of Tangier, police said in a
in exchange for a Russian pilot statement. The cannabis was
stuffed in fruit and vegetable
figurines in an attempt to disguise
them as agricultural products for
export. A large refrigerated lorry
containing bags of hashish was
also seized at the warehouse. A
61-year-old man with a criminal
record was arrested on suspicion
of links with a global network
engaged in drug trafficking. – AFP
convicted of drug smuggling.
Trevor Reed, a 30-year-old
from Texas who was jailed in Weibo to combat
Russia in 2020, was exchanged for ‘bad behaviour’
Konstantin Yaroshenko, 53, who
had been serving a 20-year US
prison sentence since 2011.
In footage shown on Russian BEIJING: Weibo, China’s equivalent
state television, Yaroshenko of Twitter, told users yesterday it
emerged from a US plane onto a would start to publish their IP
sunlit airfield, wearing a tee-shirt locations on their account pages and
and accompanied by two men in when they post comments, in a bid to
dark suits. combat “bad behaviour” online.
Simultaneously, Reed The move, posted on Weibo’s
emerged from a plane opposite official account, garnered over 200
with a guard carrying bags. million views and was widely
The two men walked past one discussed, with some users rattled by
other, each on their way to the the perceived reduction in their
other’s plane. AQUA BOUNTY ... Cambodian online anonymity.
Russian Foreign Ministry farmers harvesting water mimosa, a “Every IP address seems to be
spokesman Maria Zakharova said popular vegetable, at a farm in whispering in your ear: ‘You be
the exchange was carried out on Phnom Penh yesterday. – AFPPIX careful,’” wrote user Misty.
Wednesday after “a lengthy However, others said they were
negotiations process”. supportive of the measures, in light of
State television showed footage Covid-related misinformation.
of Reed talking to guards in “Especially at a time when the
Russian as he left his penal colony Putin threatens retaliation against Covid situation is still serious, IP being
and being escorted onto a plane at countries intervening in Ukraine swiftly revealed can effectively reduce
Moscow’s Vnukovo airport by the appearance of disgusting content
men in military uniform. from rumour makers and spreaders,”
His father Joey Reed told CNN wrote user UltraScarry.
that Trevor was moved to a Weibo, which has over 570 million
Moscow prison this week and monthly active users, said users’ IP
then flown to Turkey where the KYIV: Russia stepped up its assaults second-largest city Kharkiv with the week at a US air base in Germany addresses would be displayed under
swap took place. on eastern and southern Ukraine Russian-occupied city of Izyum. and pledged to send heavy arms new settings which came into effect
In a statement, Reed’s family yesterday, and President Vladimir such as artillery for what is expected yesterday and cannot be turned off by
asked for privacy while their son Putin threatened “lightning-fast” The Kharkiv regional governor to be a vast battle of opposing armies users.
addresses health issues “brought retaliation against any Western said Russian forces were intensifying along a heavily fortified front line. For users in China, the platform
on by the squalid conditions he countries that intervene on the attacks from Izyum, but Ukrainian will display the province or
was subjected to in his Russian Ukrainians’ behalf. troops were holding their ground. Washington said it hoped municipality where they are posting
gulag”. Ukrainian forces can not only repel from, it said.
Reed was sentenced to nine More than two months into an Ukraine said there were strong Russia’s assault on the east, but For those using Weibo overseas,
years in prison by a Russian court invasion that has flattened cities but explosions overnight in the southern weaken its military so that it can no the country of users’ IP addresses will
in July 2020 after allegedly failed to capture the capital Kyiv, city of Kherson, the only regional longer threaten neighbours. be displayed.
attacking policemen while drunk. Russia has mounted a push to seize capital Russia has captured since the The settings are designed to
Russian television reported two eastern provinces in a battle the invasion. Moscow said that amounted to “reduce bad behaviour such as
that Yaroshenko had already West views as a decisive turning Nato waging “proxy war” against it. impersonating parties involved in hot
arrived back in the country, point in the war. Russian troops there used tear topic issues, malicious
showing him in an emotional gas and stun grenades on “If someone intends to intervene disinformation and traffic scraping,
reunion with his wife Victoria and “The enemy is increasing the Wednesday to suppress in the ongoing events from the and to ensure the authenticity and
their daughter Ekaterina at a pace of the offensive operation. The pro-Ukrainian demonstrations, and outside, and create strategic threats transparency of the content
Moscow airport. Russian occupiers are exerting were now shelling the entire for Russia that are unacceptable to us, disseminated,” Weibo said in a notice.
The pilot was arrested in intense fire in almost all directions,” surrounding region and attacking they should know that our retaliatory The effects of the new rules were
Liberia in 2010 for drug Ukraine’s military command said of towards Mykolaiv and Kryvyi Rih, strikes will be lightning-fast,” Putin already visible underneath the notice,
trafficking, then transferred to the the situation on the main front in the President Vladimir Zelenskiy’s told lawmakers. as thousands of user comments all
United States, where he was east. southern home city, Ukraine said. carried an extra label indicating the
sentenced to 20 years in prison in “We have all the tools for this, province or municipality of the user’s
September 2011. – AFP It said Russia’s main attack was Western countries have ramped things no one else can boast of IP address. – Reuters
near the towns of Slobozhanske and up weapons deliveries to Ukraine in having now. And we will not boast,
Donets, along a strategic frontline recent days as the fighting in the east we will use them if necessary.
highway linking Ukraine’s has intensified.
“And I want everyone to know
More than 40 countries met this that.”– Reuters
COMMENT Subsidy implementation
to cope with price inflation
by AmandaYeo
presented by the DOSM takes place “What the It was higher compared with the SGD3,000, the monthly food
SINCE Malaysia transitioned to amid drastically reduced purchasing rakyat requires average price of RM1.96 per litre in expenditure (30-day basis) would be
the endemic phase on April 1, power among the B40, who have lost now is an February 2021. SGD630 – consisting of only 21% out of
more Malaysians are resuming jobs or had their income halved by the empathetic the monthly salary received in
their usual routine of going out economic impact of the pandemic. government With the flash floods hitting Klang Singapore.
from home for work, leisure and taking care of Valley again on Monday, this would
travelling. Realistically, however, many may still their welfare indirectly increase the associated costs However, if each Malaysian spends a
be forced to reduce nutritious intake by and needs, among private vehicle owners. total of RM30 (RM10 multiplied by three
More cars are back on the roads and purchasing cheaper food such as bread giving them meals) per day on average with a
highways – traffic jams can be seen and instant noodles to counterbalance the opportunity If an individual parks in the monthly salary of RM3,000, the monthly
everywhere in the Klang Valley, the effects associated with the rising to resume their basement or drives around flood-prone food expenditure (30-day basis) will be
including during the weekends. cost of living. initial income areas, it would increase the risk of a car RM900 – almost one-third (i.e. 30%) out
and earnings submerging in floodwaters. of the monthly salary received in
More Malaysians are also flying out On the other hand, the other sub- back to Malaysia.
of the country or going on inter-state category, namely “food away from pre-pandemic If the car has massive flood-caused
travel by plane. home”, increased from 3.6% in February times. damage and cannot be repaired, the Hence, for Malaysians to cope with
2022 to 4% in March 2022. individual has no choice but to purchase the rising price inflation, EMIR Research
KL International Airport (KLIA) and a new one. would like to recommend the current
Kota Kinabalu International Airport Such a trend shows that more administration introduce three-month
recorded more footfall than before (i.e, Malaysians are going out to eat Moreover, public transport users in grocery, food and petrol subsidy
pre-endemic). frequently, among other social the Klang Valley are required to spend vouchers for individuals and
activities. an additional RM20 on commuting households in the lower M40 and B40
Many Malaysians were relieved with when the Rapid KL unlimited travel pass income groups from May to July.
the relaxation measures as they could Rice with side dishes (6.6%), satay has increased from RM30 to RM50 per
finally release their pent-up tension – (6.6%) and murtabak (6.2%) are among month effective from Jan 1. For example, a household earning
with the concomitant pent-up demand the items that contributed to the less than RM2,500 with three or more
(for travelling) – after experiencing increase in the index for “food away If some places are not accessible to children could receive RM750 (RM250
prolonged Covid-19 lockdowns for over from home”. public transport, they still have to book multiplied by three payments for each of
two years. e-hailing services such as Grab and the additional member of the
The fact is increasingly expensive AirAsia Ride to reach a particular household) per month (and capped at
However, with the continuous rise of vegetables, poultry products and destination within Klang Valley. that amount) in total until July.
food price inflation, are Malaysians in processed items have forced Malaysians
general able to enjoy the freedom of nowadays to fork out more money With fewer e-hailing drivers expected If divided among five family
travelling around the world? purchasing the same portion of food. following the flash floods in Klang Valley members, each family member would
during the current Ramadan period and have at least a RM150 government
It might not be the case, especially As reported by a daily on April 23, coming Raya season, this will trigger subsidy to spend per month.
among the eligible B40 and M40 titled “Inflationary consequences”, further price hikes.
contributors who had to withdraw their Human Resources Minister M. In addition, the government could
Employees Provident Fund (EPF) Saravanan said a minimum-wage Usually, a one-way trip from Mid determine whether M40 and B40
savings just to make ends meet. worker had to pay about RM10 extra to Valley to Bukit Damansara only takes 13 income groups are better off after
purchase 5kg of cooking oil. minutes of travel time and costs around receiving various subsidies in the next
This month, more than half of the RM13 around 10pm. However, an 8km three months. Or else, the government
eligible B40 and M40 members – at 55% Socio-Economic Research Centre journey with almost one hour travel could extend the provision of various
and 59%, respectively – applied for EPF’s executive director Lee Heng Guie time due to the massive traffic jam on a subsidies for another three months (i.e,
special withdrawal facility. commented in the same report that the Friday night could now cost RM28 – a from August to October).
price of 5kg of cooking oil increased by whopping increase of 115%.
At the same time, 39% of T20 almost 41% – from RM20.98 in More importantly, the government
members and 29% of informal (self- December 2019 to RM29.54 in February The continuous upward trend of the has to expedite the distribution of
employed or no formal employment) 2022. Singapore dollar (SGD) against the emergency cash aid of at least RM1,000
and inactive members also withdrew ringgit is expected to erode the per flood victim for all those affected by
their savings from EPF. Over the same period, the price of purchasing power among Malaysians the flash floods in the Klang Valley on
1kg of tomatoes also rose by 30.6% – further. Tuesday.
Last Friday, the Department of from RM5.19 to RM6.78.
Statistics Malaysia (DOSM) stated that Bloomberg showed that based on the No doubt, Malaysia has a “tighter”
the latest Consumer Price Index (CPI) Moreover, core inflation – which exchange rate at 1.52pm on Tuesday, fiscal space due to the introduction of
had increased by 2.2% year-on-year (y- measures changes in the prices of all SGD1 is equivalent to RM3.1710. numerous stimulus packages worth
o-y) from 122.9 in March 2021 to 125.6 goods and services but excludes prices RM530 billion over the two years of the
in March 2022. of volatile items of fresh food and goods It is much higher than a decade ago pandemic.
controlled by the government – went up (April 26, 2012), whereby SGD1 was only
It has surpassed the average inflation to 2% in March 2022. worth RM2.4583. However, what the rakyat requires
between January 2011 and March 2022, now is an empathetic government
which stood at 1.9%. Transport recorded the highest at While Singapore recorded higher taking care of their welfare and needs,
3.9%, followed by food and non- rates than Malaysia for CPI and core giving them the opportunity to resume
Same as the preceding month alcoholic beverages (3.5%), furnishings, inflation – by 5.4% and 2.9% y-o-y, their initial income and earnings back to
(February 2022), a rise in food inflation household equipment and routine respectively in March 2022 – most pre-pandemic times.
is the main attribute in the increase of household maintenance (3.0%), Singaporeans might not feel the direct Amanda Yeo is research analyst at EMIR
the CPI. restaurants and hotels (2.9%), hit arising from the rising cost of living as
miscellaneous goods and services Malaysians. Research, an independent think tank
The 4% y-o-y increase in the food (1.9%) and recreation services and focused on strategic policy
and non-alcoholic beverage group was culture (1.1%). They still can afford to choose hawker
largely due to the rise in the sub- food for daily consumption, which recommendations based on rigorous
category of “food at home” by 4.3% The rise in the transport category is typically costs between SGD3 and SGD7 research. Comments:
between March 2021 and March 2022. mainly due to the low-base effect with per meal.
the setting of the ceiling price for RON95 [email protected]
As supply-side and supply chain petrol effective March 2021 at RM2.05. If each Singaporean spends SGD21 in
issues persist, eggs, chicken and total (SGD7 multiplied by three meals)
vegetables – commonly consumed food per day with a monthly salary of
items among Malaysians – witnessed a
price increase of 17.1%, 10.5% and 5.1%
Spinach, lettuce and choy sum are
among vegetables that experienced a
price rise the most – at 24.1%, 22.2% and
14.5%, respectively.
The soaring vegetable price trend
LETTERS [email protected]
Rigid justice has dulled the humane spirit
THERE seems to be a difference between that authorities had enough compassion when was lucrative enough that it couldn’t be earned to do away with the rigid approach to justice
justice and compassion if one perceives it it gave the accused enough time and from a normal profession. and take a broader perspective of addressing
through a binary mind, but if one perceives it opportunity to defend himself. drug crimes.
from a holistic point of view, justice and I began to wonder at the time, why are the
compassion are integrated values since it deals In my reply, I stated that what was given to top wealthy drug dealers and syndicates, who There is a need to do away with the death
with reality from a broader perspective. Nagaenthran was the due process of justice, but bankroll people into selling harmful drugs, were penalty that seems to target the most
compassion should transcend justice taking not caught and sentenced while those from the vulnerable, what more a disabled human being
In a Facebook comment I was criticised by a into consideration the situation of the accused lower strata are punished? in a context where the rich drug lords are still
netizen on my statement that even though a that requires sensible discretion on the part of a lurking around.
particular city state has progress significantly in judicial system than outright condemnation to If there is no lucrative money why do people
the social-economic sphere, it is still poor in death. take the risk even at the expense of their life? Justice cannot be divorced from
accepting the richness of compassion. discernment and compassion.
Years ago, when I was attached to a factory, It is not just the personal circumstances of
This comes to light after Nagaenthran there was a particular worker who was detained Nagaenthran’s poor IQ that should have been Rigid justice of sentencing the vulnerable
Dharmalingam, 34, from Perak, said to have an for a few days on suspicion of drug use. taken into consideration in deciding whether to has dulled the human spirit from addressing
IQ of 69 – a level recognised as a disability – and proceed with capital punishment, but the very the reality of drug crimes from a broader
had been on death row in Singapore since 2010 When he came out I asked him about his social economic context and system where the perspective.
after being convicted of smuggling 42.7gm of experience being in detention and he told me rich drug lords are able to get away with
heroin into the country a year earlier, had been that there was a person in the cell with him financing and recruiting the poor and Ronald Benjamin
hanged. detained for drug offences, who said that if vulnerable to commit a crime. Secretary
there was a so-called rebirth for him in next life,
In the statement, the netizen mentioned he would still sell drugs since the money from it Therefore, it is time for authorities, who are Association for Welfare, Community and
dealing with law and sentencing on drug issues, Dialogue
ON FRIDAY | APRIL 29, 2022
Celebrities and their
>>> page S2
aBrUtZaZncdhtahtes pwaisthsiotwnothMaatladyrisvieasntthaetmtoo>>a>rtpisatgseaSb4o&utS5their Moto Morini is back,
with ‘X-Cape 650’
>>> page S7
S2 Buzz
theSun BUZZ ON FRIDAY | APRIL 29, 2022
BACK in the day, having a
tattoo carried a strong sense
of stigma. Sporting a tattoo in
public meant you were
either a criminal or a deviant. But in
today’s culture, a tattoo is celebrated
as a work of art.
Whether it is purely decorative or
symbolic, a tattoo is among the many
popular ways one can creatively
express themselves.
And it is not just regular folks who
enjoy getting inked. Famous
celebrities too have sported creative
tattoo designs on their bodies. From
Maroon 5 lead singer Adam Levine to
K-pop star Jay Park, here are some of
the coolest celebrity tattoo designs.
Adam Levine Adam Levine’s back tattoo took six months to finish. - ADAM LEVINE Tattoos have come a long way since the 1800s. - ADAM DEGROSS
Maroon 5’s frontman Adam Levine is
big on expressing himself through o Celebrities with some of the coolest tattoo designs
body inks. Over the years, the singer
has accumulated various interesting
designs across his body. In fact, he
often flaunts them publicly during
concerts, photoshoots, and on social
While fans generally love all of his
tattoos, one in particular sticks out
the most. And that is none other than
the mermaid tattoo on his back.
Levine began the large back mural
in 2015 by first featuring a mermaid
with angel wings holding a skull. He
later added an intricate scene around
the angle mermaid with crashing
waves, a lost ship and swallows.
According to his Instagram post, it
took the tattoo artist Bryan Randolph
six months to finish the piece.
Dwayne Johnson Post Malone is “always tired”. - ADAM This was Jay Park’s most painful tattoo. - JAY PARK Angelina Jolie’s Sak Yant Yant ViHan Pha Chad Sada. -
Dwayne Johnson a.k.a The Rock is DEGROSS ANGELINA JOLIE
the epitome of fitness. Johnson, who strength, resilience, heart, power and
previously worked as a WWE fighter, defiance to so many people around stands out to me the most is the or anything… until the angel on the individual boxes) with magical text
is known for his jacked arms and the world. I got this tattoo when I was guardian angel ink behind his head. back of my head. It was kind of the inside of it. Whereas, the second part,
swole physique. So much so that it just a kid. Now I need it to reflect me Unfortunately, he found it to be the first. It hurt a lot and it was honestly which is divided into two sections
made him an action movie star. But as a man.” most painful one he ever had. the most painful one I’d gotten. I only has six individual boxes.
like many celebrities, Johnson is also Jay Park almost regretted getting it started …
admired for his body tattoos. While there is no rule that bans K- He said: “None of them hurt so Once I got through that, everything The meaning behind the tattoo?
idols from having tattoos, they are bad to the point that I couldn’t finish else was too easy.” The Sak Yant Talisman squares are
The former fighter has two often discouraged from having them. said to represent the four continents
prominent tattoos that are located on Those with tattoos frequently cover The tattoo was done by South and the four elements – earth, water,
both of his arms. The left tattoo is an them when they are live on TV. But Korean tattoo artist Sanlee. It was to wind, and fire. And as you can see
intricate tribal design that spans the Korean rapper Jay Park is not one to commemorate the divine blessings from the picture above, each box
width of his left shoulder, to his shy away from showing off his tattoos. and protection Park has received contains a specific text. But due to its
forearm and chest. The drawing is throughout the years. order, many have difficulties trying to
meant to honour his Samoan roots To date, the former 2PM leader has Angelina Jolie figure out its meaning.
and journey to overcome his 35 ink designs dedicated to his family, Aside from being known as a talented Post Malone
struggles. friends, and his career. But one that actress and compassionate Rapper Post Malone may arguably
humanitarian, Angelina Jolie is also have the most relatable tattoo out
For instance, The Great Eye tattoo admired for her iconic body inks. there. In fact, his “always tired” face
tunes into his aggressive warrior Throughout the years, fans have tattoo best describes how we
spirit. Whereas, the descending swirls fallen over heels for her 16 inks. One millennials and Gen Zs feel. Located
on his left shoulder represent him that stands out for me personally is right below his eyes, the two-line
connecting to his past, present and the ink across her back – the Yant phrase was to serve as a cheeky
future. And the rest of the symbols ViHan Pha Chad Sada. replacement for eye concealers.
pay tribute to his family. When asked, Malone gave a
The Yant ViHan Pha Chad Sada is hilarious response to why he went
As for the tattoo on his right arm, an original Sak Yant (sacred Buddhist with the phrase. He explained that he
Johnson originally had a small bull tattoo) created specifically for Jolie by wanted two words that were close in
tattoo drawn. But in 2017, the bull Ajarn Noo Kanpai. Steel rods fitted length.
underwent a massive transformation with a surgical steel needle were used Though “Always” has more letters
– becoming bigger and more realistic. by the ex-monk to ink the tattoo on than “Tired”, he still went with it
Johnson claimed the transformation her back. The complex design because – obviously – he was
was to capture his growth as a man. consists of two yants. exhausted at the time. “I was so tired
so I didn’t realise.”
Johnson called it “my core. It starts with the upper side which
Humbly, it’s also become a symbol of is a square box (there are 35
tattoos are a
tribute to his
family, Samoan
roots, and his
warrior spirit. -
Buzz S3
theSun BUZZ ON FRIDAY | APRIL 29, 2022
T█ BY MARIETTA MU o Did you know that you can go to different
ATTOOS as an art form can tattoo artists depending on the type of
be dated back thousands of tattoo you want to get?
years, with the oldest
evidence of human tattoos Gimmick
believed to be from between 3370 BC Tattoo Studio
to 3100 BC. is known for
its fun
Now in 2022, there are probably cartoony
thousands of styles of tattoos around tattoos. -
now as talented artists create their GIMMICK
own styles with each generation. TATTOO
Many tattoo designs are adapted
from certain cultures and history, and Greens Tattoo Studio does intricate pet portraits to remember your pets by. -
if you’re looking to get a tattoo, you GREENS TATTOO STUDIO
may already have an idea about what
kind of style and image you would tap tattoos led by Eddie David. Hand Chua hand pokes her adorable tattoo A playful cat
want to get tattooed, so here are tapped tattoo is a traditional tattooing with fine lines. - SAN MAO STUDIO tattoo by
seven tattoo parlours in the Klang method that often uses motives from Eddie. -
valley that you can check out for your mother nature with tribal prints, BORNEO INK
next – or first –ink. which tell the story of the wearer’s TATTOO
1. Yang Lee Tattoo heritage as well as achievements.
Yang Lee Tattoo is located in SS2 and Tribal tattoos are also a symbol of
led by Yang Lee, E’leen and Jimmy protection, power, and strength. A
who are known for their Oriental and hand tapped tattoo is done with two
Japanese tattoos. The studio was sticks, with a needle attached to one
established in 2008 and also offers and the other for tapping. Many
beautiful Chinese calligraphy tattoos. might think that it would be more
For many years, traditional Japanese painful, but hand tapped tattoos are
tattoos were associated with the less invasive than machine tattoos
yakuza, Japan’s notorious mafia, but and some might find the steady
Japanese tattoo art has gained sound of the two sticks hitting
unexpected global prominence, with soothing and relaxing.
irezumi (the Japanese word for Address: B-09-15, Gateway Corporate
tattoos) showcasing large scale
motifs based on the culture’s Suites, No. 1, Jalan Desa Kiara,
reverence for nature, such as animals Mont Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur,
and folkloric figures, with large Federal Territory of Kuala
tattoos that usually cover the back, Lumpur
arms, and legs.
Address: 52, Jalan SS 2/55, SS 2, 47300 3. Wayang Kulit Tatu Benji, Rynny, Frenemy, and TJ, but
Petaling Jaya, Selangor This tattoo shop in Subang Wayang Kulit Tatu often invites other
2. Borneo Ink Tattoo Jaya does the classic guest artists to their studio and they
Borneo Ink Tattoo is an international Americana tattoos that will be having their first international
award-winning tattoo studio that has are characterised by guest artist (since the pandemic)
been open since 1996, and also clean black outlines, from Seoul, who will be available
specialises in traditional Iban hand vivid colours, and from May 9 to 10.
minimal shading. This Address: 28, Jalan SS 15/4, Ss 15,
Yang Lee ranges from 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor
Tattoo is fundamental to 4. Sanmao Studio London to showcase her skills, and also more economical for the
known for its traditional styles, Instead of using a gun tattoo she will be back in Malaysia in July. customer since custom inks are
large and and makes it one of machine, Chua Yi Min, the tattoo Besides pet portraits, she also does generally more expensive.
vibrant the boldest and artist behind Sanmao Studio hand eccentric and comical flash designs Address: 38-2, Jalan Manis 3, Taman
Japanese iconic tattoo styles pokes her tattoos. Hand poking is a with Lucy, her signature character Bukit Segar, 56100 Kuala Lumpur,
tattoos. - there is, with type of permanent tattooing method with a bowl cut. Since most of her Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur
YANG LEE motifs such as where the tattoo artist manually hand tattoos are realistic tattoos that are 7. Gung Ho Tattoos
TATTOO nautical imagery, pokes the tattoo. It is generally less less than 10cm, good tattoo aftercare As you can see from the list, not all
pinup female painful than machine tattoos and less will be important to allow your tattoo tattoos have to be scary, big, and
figures, fierce invasive, which allows the skin to heal to age gracefully. So make sure to intimidating. Lesley Kow and Kevin
predatory quicker. Hand poke tattoos give a wear sunscreen and always ask your Khaw make up Gung Ho Tattoos,
animals, or more natural and organic look so if tattoo artists about touch-ups and who are present at a lot of pop-up
combinations you’re looking for a cute and soft healed tattoo pictures. tattoo events. By using just two
of hearts, tattoo, head over to Chua’s studio in 6. Gimmick Tattoo Studio colours for most of her tattoos, the
roses, and Kuala Lumpur for an elegant piece Just as its name suggests, Gimmick colour contrast makes Kow’s quirky
daggers. The with delicate lines. Tattoo Studio does larger-than-life, and cartoony art style stand out even
resident Address: Casa Indah Condominium colourful and fun flamboyant tattoos. more. On the other hand, Khaw does
tattoo 2A, Persiaran Surian Tropicana, Kota If you want a tattoo as an art form but clean black lines so that your tattoo
artists are Damansara, 47410 Selangor you’re not sure what to get, flash will stay where it is. Despite working
Julian 5. Greens Tattoo Studio tattoos are designs done by the artists together, the duo’s individual art
Oh, Tong Yee is the artist behind Greens which you can pick and choose to get styles are significantly different in
Skyy, Tattoo, who’s known for her tattooed. Even if you’re heading there their own unique way.
hyperrealistic pet portrait tattoos. For for a custom tattoo, it’s always worth
people who love their pets and want a taking a look to see what type of art Tattoos are something you might
forever reminder of their beloved style the tattoo artists usually do. have to live with for the rest of your
With a flash tattoo, you can see what life and there are many different
pets, make an appointment with you’re getting beforehand and you types of tattoo artists, so as long as
Greens Tattoo Studio which is can also be assured since it’s you do your research, you’ll be able
located near Sunway Giza Mall. something the artist has practised to find the perfect tattoo artist for a
Currently, she is actually in much on before. Besides that, it is permanent artwork on your body.
S4 Buzz
theSun BUZZ ON FRIDAY | APRIL 29, 2022
works are
TODAY, there’s a lot of freedom of self- influenced by her
expression in different forms of art architecture and
compared to previous decades. This design
extends to body art, as seen in people background. -
who ‘decorate’ their skin in tattoos. ANNIE TAN
(left) The interior
People have variety of reasons for why they of Kei’s place of
choose to get tattoos. Some want to work.- THE
commemorate their warmest memories, some TATTOO PARLOR
do it to hide scars, and for others, it’s a tribute to
style. There are many reasons. Tattoo art has
been around for a long time. And tattoos are not
just for urban hipsters, as certain tribes and
communities around the world consider tattoos
part of their culture or rituals.
This form of body art is widely gaining
acceptance in modern society. But do you know
all the pros and cons of getting a tattoo?
theSun reached out to two talented tattoo
artists, Lee Kei Mun (better known as Kei) from
The Tattoo Parlor Malaysia, and Annie Tan who
runs her own private studio. Some tattoo
afficionados might already be familiar with their
work, but we decided to have them take us
behind the scenes to learn more about them and
their work.
We ask several questions, ranging from how
they got into tattooing to where they receive
inspiration for their beautiful designs, as well as
what their best advice is for novice artists.
When did you start your career as a tattoo (right) Kei and his
artist? body of art. - THE
Kei: “It all started 15 years ago. I was always into TATTOO PARLOR
art and drawing and I knew I wanted a career in
art (somehow). I fell in love with drawing because o We speak to two local tattoo artists to get
I enjoyed it too much, and became a tattooist a sneak peek into their lives, and to find out
naturally after being a graphic designer for about how they began practising their art
eight years.”
Annie: “I started learning the art of tattooing in
2014 while still working full time as a creative in
an advertising agency. [I] officially started
tattooing in 2015 as a full-time artist under my
tattoo mentor, Haiyuan Sun.”
Who or what influenced you?
Kei: “The first time I can remember
being drawn to art was as a child. I
was eight years old and I fell into
the swimming pool, and a man
jumped straight to the pool and you have on your body?
pulled me out. He had quite a lot of Kei: “I don’t even know, I have over 50 tattoos. It’s
tattoos on him and it looked cool. because I use my body to practice tattooing.”
Probably that’s when my love for Annie: “About four, and they’re all hidden.”
tattoos started.”
Annie: “There was a love-hate Kuantan born Who is your favourite tattoo artist of all time?
relationship between me and Annie ditched Kei: “I don’t think I will be able to choose, there
my previous job. I love the fun her advertising are love of great artists up there that I look up to.
of working in advertising, but Almost all tattoo artists really understand the
clients are always working on a career and curves of a customer’s body and creates really
budget and sometimes started beautiful tattoos. I respect them all.”
[would] rather go with Annie: “There are too many great artists I love,
something really safe tattooing at the [but] I would say that the one who inspired me to
(boring). When you age of 30. - come out with the style of work (stippling work)
ANNIE TAN would be Kamil Czapiga from Poland.”
know your creative
work will be
rejected, you start If you could describe your art in one word,
creating something what would it be?
safe (boring). That Kei: “Chaos.”
moment I started Annie: “Contemporary.”
questioning myself:
was that the life I What is your favourite part of being a tattoo
wanted to pursue? artist?
My ex-partner was a Kei: “I have problems with attention, especially Kei inking one of his customers. – THE TATTOO
piercer and focusing for long periods of time or paying PARLOR
encouraged me to attention to details. So, working at my own speed clients. It was very challenging when I was still
learn tattooing, and space is very calming and I love that for me. new in this industry, nobody actually dared to
thinking that perhaps Nobody tells me what to do, I get to decide trust [me] to tattoo on their skin. You need to
we could work together everything.” worry about the stress of tattooing on strangers
as a team. Hence, I Annie: “To me tattooing is not just about creating and also making sure your commission could
decided to learn tattoo art, it is a collaboration between the client and cover your daily expenses. At one point I was
as hobby initially that doubting my decision to quit a decent income job
eventually lead me to the artist. I would say my favourite part is to see to become a tattoo artist. However, hard work
who I am today.” my clients’ expression, and being does pay off.”
appreciative when they look at the tattoo Any advice for someone considering this
How many tattoos do being permanently inked onto their skin; career?
those expressions are priceless. I would Kei: “Patience is the key. It’s not easy. Most of the
never get this kind of appreciation from time, you will probably feel like giving up, but it’s
my previous career.” all about the dedication towards what you love.
What is the most challenging part of So have patience, lots of it.”
being a tattoo artist? Annie: “Do some research and look for the right
Kei: “Goes back to the previous artist or mentor to learn the art. Learn from an
answer, I have ADHD. So, I artist, instead of learning from an academy that
struggle to focus. Most of the you barely know who the ‘trainers’ are. This
time, I tend to stress career requires you to draw every day, if drawing
about it, but I guess is not your passion, you will be struggling. Good
it’s a challenge I am attitude is a must, talent is a bonus.”
willing to face Based on your own experience, what are some
because I just of the pros and cons of having a tattoo?
love my job too Kei: “Tattoos are a great way to show your
much. I am personality without words. They are not only
learning, I am
getting better.”
Annie: “The
Buzz S5
theSun BUZZ ON FRIDAY | APRIL 29, 2022
meant for self-expression, but they can also help
you manage your emotions, and they remind you
how wonderful life can be, though it can be tough
at times. The disadvantage is that although
society is becoming more open to tattoos every
day, there are still taboos about body art that can
potentially affect the job you get in life. There are
still many professions and occupations where
tattoos are prohibited. From a scientific point of
view, they can be both very harmful and
beneficial at the same time.”
Annie: “Tattoos are a sign of artistic expression.
One is able to express themselves through arts,
and the cons are people’s misconceptions, they
judge you based on your tattoos and it’s definitely
a career killer. Some companies are not willing to
hire people with tattoos.”
What are your strengths and weaknesses as a tattooing someone. either. Or do cover ups for Thai chanting scripts / Annie’s studio is
tattoo artist? Kei: “I once tattooed a guy with a picture that he sensitive or religious elements.” the culmination of
Kei: “I think I am able to bring my vision to life. I claimed to be of his sister. I should have asked What are the most interesting tattoos you have Tan’s passion for
am well trained to see things. When customers him for more details but only after I was done given? what she does. -
pass me vague information about something inking him, he confessed that it was actually of a Kei: “I did a tattoo of Starry Night by Vincent van ANNIE TAN
they want to ink on their body, I am able to satisfy girl he was trying to pursue (I don’t do picture Gogh that took about two sessions (seven to eight artists pursuing this once male-dominated
them with my work. tattoos unless it’s of family members).” hours). It turned out super pretty, and I was industry. Perhaps many years back, most of the
Annie: “There was [an incident] during the early proud of the end result.” clients were males, [but] these days females are
“As for my weakness, it’s the stress. period of my career, a client messaged me the Annie: “A client requested for a blindfold tattoo, more expressive, they go for what they want;
Sometimes, I get too busy and end up not having word that she wanted to tattoo on her wrist. he sent me a list of his ideas and allowed me to hence the majority of my clients are actually
time for myself.” Everything was good when she arrived, until I choose a design from the list. He trusted me and females, and they are comfortable having me to
Annie: “I have the ability to convince clients to be saw her showing the picture of the tattoo she only saw the end result after I was done. It was a tattoo on them. Especially [with] private
more open with their ideas and to try something wanted to her friend who was accompanying her. really interesting process.” placements, they feel more secure having a
new, instead of just doing something that’s been It showed the word ‘Peace’ but I realised she had For Annie, what is it like being a female tattoo female artist to tattoo them.”
done many times; and my weakness: very bad sent me the wrong word earlier – ‘Peach.’ Thank artist in the industry, and has being a woman in Is there anything you want to tell our readers?
time management, and because I work mostly on God I found the mistake first!” the tattoo industry helped you in some ways, or Kei: “Tattoos last a lifetime. Always think twice
weekends as well, I am not able to spend time Are there any tattoo designs that you don’t do? has it ever been a disadvantage? before impulsively getting a tattoo.”
with my loved ones.” Kei: “Anything superstitious or gang signs.” Annie: “So far, I have not encountered sexism in Annie: “Always trust your artists. Most of the time
What is a common misconception people have Annie: “I don’t do tattoos on the fingerprint area our industry because I work as a solo artist. I have the best works come from [having] the trust and
about what you do? as it will not heal nicely due to the nature of the also noticed that there are more and more female creative freedom.”
Kei: “[People think I am a] gangster. People skin on that placement. I don’t tattoo on genitals The Tattoo Parlor
always stare at me while I’m out and about. It’s Instagram: @thetattooparlormalaysia
probably due to the fact that I have tattoos all over Conlll
my body. I am not a bad person. I enjoy reading Instagram: @conlll
and relaxing at home with my family.”
Annie: “Most people would think that tattoo
artists are high school dropouts, gangsters or
even addicts. They think their job is a disgrace
when that is really not the case.”
Tell me about a time you made a mistake when
A Community Campaign
NOVEMBEARP2R3,IL202198, 2022
Moto Morini returns with
X-Cape 650 The 650
o Say what you want about China – they variant is easily
certainly add more colours to the industry! identified by its
alloy sport rims.
█ BY AZLAN RAMLI 0 Maximum torque: 56Nm at and small bikes manufacturer Zhongneng In Malaysia, a local distributor sold a few
7,000rpm Vehicle Group for an undisclosed sum. Moto Morini models back in the 1990s, via a few
ITALIAN motorcycle brand Moto Morini 0 Fuel system: Bosch electronic of its showrooms around the Klang Valley,
returned to the local market with the fuel injection With the acquisition, the Chinese company – together with Cagiva and Ducati motorcycles.
introduction of the X-Cape 650 adventure 0 Front tyre: 110/80-19M/C established in 1988 – entered the large * Subject to change without prior notice.
bike, recently. 59H displacement motorcycle market.
Moto Morini products are distributed in 0 Rear tyre: 150/70-17m/C69V
Malaysia by MForce Bike Holdings Sdn Bhd. 0 Overall length: 2,200mm
0 Overall width: 900mm
The X-Cape is available in two variants, 650 0 Overall height: 1,390mm
(standard) and 650 X. 0 Wheelbase: 1,490mm
0 Dry weight: 210kg.
There are three colour options: Dolomites Moto Morini
Red, Monte Blanco White and Carrara Gray for Moto Morini was founded by Alfonso Morini
both versions, with a base price of RM39,999 for in Bologna, Italy in 1937. In 1938, it began
the standard and RM43,999 for the 650X, producing three-wheeled motorcycles with
excluding insurance and road tax. 350, 500 and 600cc engine sizes.
Standard features include stainless-steel Only in 1946 did the marque produce its
muffler “with a unique surface design”, first two-wheeled
Marzocchi fork, adjustable KYB rear motorcycle with its
monoshock, 810mm seat height for the first 125cc single-
standard variant
and 835mm for the cylinder, two-stroke
650X, adjustable engine with a three-
windshield, sump speed transmission for
guard, lightweight 20 its T125 model, before
chromium-molybdenum gradually producing four-
frame, two-channel ABS, dual stroke-engined motorcycles.
255mm front disc brakes with four- That 125cc bike was the first
piston Brembo callipers, single lightweight engine to be produced in
255mm rear disc brake with dual- an Italy liberated from fascism.
piston Brembo calliper, full LED The brand won several Italian
headlamps, seven-inch TFT-type motorcycle racing championships
display panel, Linux system, Bluetooth from 1951 to 1967 and also the
functionality, user interface, 18-litre fuel tank, Grand Prix (now known as
the standard variant equipped with aluminium MotoGP).
alloy “sport” rims and the 650X has vacuum Moto Morini came under
spoke rims. Cagiva control in 1987, then
in 1996 joined Texas Pacific
Both bikes will available from the middle of Group, which had also
next month at all MForce authorised bought Ducati and in April
distributors throughout Malaysia. 1999, the rights to the name
were purchased by Morini
Each X-Cape 650 comes with a two- Franco Motori spa, a company
year/20,000km manufacturer’s warranty and an which had been founded by
online genuine parts purchase service by Morini’s nephew in 1954.
MForce Bike Holdings. The company went into liquidation in late
2010, but by 2012 managed to restart
Other features* of the X-Cape 650: motorcycle production.
0 Engine: Inline two-cylinder, four-stroke, dual In 2018, it was acquired by Chinese scooter
overhead camshafts, eight valves
0 Bore and stroke: 83mm x 60mm
0 Cooling system: Liquid cooled
0 Compression ratio: 11.3:1
0 Maximum power: 60hp at 8,500rpm
Continental donates to Kechara Soup Kitchen
CONTINENTAL is celebrating 150 From each sale, Continental will come from Klang Valley and
years of “innovation and impact” and donated RM5 to Kechara Soup Pahang.
since 1871, the company has been Kitchen (KSK). The effort culminated
pioneering the world’s approach to in a total donation of RM115,500. Continental Tyre Malaysia
mobility and technologies. managing director Andrea Somorova
In conjunction with Continental’s is grateful for the enthusiastic
To mark the occasion, Continental anniversary celebrations, the response to the 150th anniversary’s
Tyre Malaysia launched its “Wheely proceeds were directed to KSK’s “Be CSR efforts.
Great 150 Years” campaign, a series the Light Household Items Project
of events and promotions aimed at and Food Mission 2022”. “We are thankful for our
thanking loyal customers, giving back customers’ participation and the
to the community and continuing to Thanks to the programme, a total opportunity to contribute to our
spread joy. of 615 urban poor and Orang Asli community. All of us at Continental
families were able to gain access to wish to do our part to uplift society,
The campaign ran from October essential items and benefit from especially amid the ongoing
to December last year. Continental’s donation. difficulties of living in pandemic
During the event, customers who Packages of food and appliances
purchased two car tyres or one worth RM150 will be given out, to Members of Continental Tyre
motorcycle tyre had the chance to families located in different states Malaysia will volunteer to visit
receive up to RM100 worth of e- across Peninsular Malaysia. participating families to ensure they
vouchers. have received their donations.
The first 150 families to benefit
Out & About theSun on friday 7
APRIL 29, 2022
Castrol Auto
Service’s 20th
AUTOMOTIVE lubricant company
Castrol has achieved another customers for a decade. initiative launched during the features. “We are grateful to have our
milestone with the celebration of its Additionally, CAS has vast dealer pandemic to provide a safe solution Through the enhanced app, mechanics alongside us celebrating
Castrol Auto Service (CAS) 20th to car maintenance, enhanced Castrol Malaysia’s milestones and
anniversary this year. coverage network throughout the convenience for customers to service customers can earn and redeem progress. We are committed to
country, with notable presence in key their cars with a reduced waiting Castrol products with Castrol Points bringing in more initiatives and
The celebration is being regions of the Klang Valley and Johor period, in a safe and hygienic at all participating CAS workshops, efforts to support our dealers.
commemorated with an exclusive Bahru. environment. getting notifications for their next car
promotion for its loyal customers. service, latest events updates and “Our customers are a big part of
Over the last 20 years, CAS has Castrol also introduced the promotions. our journey and we’d like to thank
Castrol is offering an all-exclusive outperformed its peers with an array Castrol Loyalty Programme since them for being with us throughout
promotion for its loyal customers as a of programmes organised for its 2004. The program was migrated Castrol Malaysia and Singapore the years. With plans to further
token of gratitude for supporting CAS mechanics and customers. onto a digital platform in 2012 to marketing director Keow Mei-Shan expand our CAS network, we look
throughout the years. inspire new customer loyalty through said: “Castrol is extremely proud of forward to witnessing the community
Among them are the CAS Service digital communication via the the CAS journey in the past two grow to become more
From April 15 to May 14, & Win campaign, where customers Castrol Motorist App, which was decades. CAS now has over 500 comprehensive and close-knit so we
customers who purchase any Castrol were given the opportunity to win recently upgraded to allow customers outlets, a long way from our humble are able to continuously provide an
Edge 4.0-litre products from any various prizes including a luxury to enjoy more rewards and greater start of only three outlets in 2002 – overall great experience to our
participating CAS outlets will receive watch, car, mobile phone, home convenience with various built-in and on the right track to launching customers.”
a complimentary CAS 20 years electrical goods and many more, more CAS outlets in the future.
English Premier League (EPL) upon servicing their vehicles at any
inverted umbrella, while stocks last. CAS outlet.
Castrol Edge is a fully synthetic Other events include the Castrol
engine oil developed to provide Cars Super Mechanic Contest, an
maximum engine protection and avenue for CAS professionals to
performance. showcase their skills and abilities to
vehicle owners; CAS Forum &
CAS has been in Malaysia since Appreciation Dinner, an annual
the conception of the first three CAS event to share and discuss marketing
workshops nationwide in 2002. campaigns, future improvements,
and business developments; as well
Various milestones were achieved as to promote a strong, sustainable
along the way, including the opening and conducive relationship between
of its 100th outlet in 2008, Castrol and CAS dealers.
establishment of CAS in East
Malaysia in 2010, celebrating its Additionally, CAS outlets are
300th outlet in 2013, the launch of active participants of the long-
Castrol Certified Branded Workshop running Castrol Hari Mekanik
(CBWS) in 2016 and the grand Malaysia (HMM) campaign since
milestone of 500 outlets nationwide 2019. This campaign continues to
in 2021. raise awareness to the public to
appreciate the mechanic
Today, CAS has over 500 outlets, community, who are an essential part
providing professional, efficient and of the society and its welfare.
comprehensive auto servicing for
vehicles nationwide. This year, Castrol HMM partnered
with EPL for a merrier celebration on
Sixty per cent of CAS workshops a larger scale. CAS is part of the
having been in operations for more ongoing “Castrol KitaCare”, an
than five years and 30% serving
BAuto Training School apprentices graduate
BERMAZ Auto Berhad’s 185 students accreditation centres on motor technologies. 22kW AC charger for electric vehicle requirements at all the service
from its apprenticeship programme vehicle mechanic training providers. The state-of-the-art training training purposes. centres operated by the group.
graduated recently. They were under
three technical training programmes BAuto has also introduced the school includes a wide range of The comprehensive facilities are Also, students who graduated
– 68 from Mazda Apprenticeship BAuto Mechatronics Programne facilities such as the new E-learning designed to nurture the next from the training school are
Programme (MAP), 60 from Mazda (BMP); a new programme that & Computer Lab, Advanced E-lab, EV generation of local talents, while guaranteed with an opportunity to be
Mechanic Programme (MPP) and 57 focuses on educating students in Learning Centre, Learning ensuring that the local workforce can employed as professional
from Body & Paint Programme (BPP). electronic and electric vehicle Management System (LMS) and a support and meet the service quality technicians in Bermaz’s aftersales
All of the graduates are currently
employed under Bermaz Auto and Bermaz Auto executive chairman
will be placed at the service centres Datuk Seri Ben Yeoh said: “The
for the three brands which the group objective of the Bermaz Automotive
operates: Mazda, Peugeot and Kia. technical and vocational academy is
to give our young school graduates
Bermaz Auto has also increased the opportunity to embark on a
and upgraded the technical career in the automotive industry.
equipment and facilities at its new
BAuto Training School to meet the “This academy is also a platform
aftersales workforce needs and to for continuous training and
equip them with the know-how to development of our skilled human
handle next-generation vehicles, resource. To upskill them to meet the
such as battery electric vehicles demands of the next generation
(BEVs) and plug-in hybrid vehicles which focuses on green and
electricvVehicles (PHEVs). clean technology, autonomous safety
features and better connectivity. Our
The new training school, located programmes will be structured to
in Shah Alam, provides Technical encourage continuous learning.”
and Vocational Education and
Training (TVET) programmes to fit The company believes in creating
the requirements of all the three a sustainable future for the youth by
aforementioned vehicle brands. inspiring them to unlock their
potential in the automotive industry
The vocational programmes and enhancing their lives with
include BAuto Body & Paint (BABP) invaluable knowledge and practical
and BAuto Mechanics’ Programme skills.
If you possess the combination of
Those programmes are certified passion, ambition and drive to
by Jabatan Pembangunan pursue a career in the aftersales
Kemahiran (JPK) and Institute of sector, you can submit your resume
Motor Industry (IMI) UK, one of the to [email protected].
8 theSun on friday Out & About
APRIL 29, 2022
Mitsubishi M’sia
sold 66% more
cars in FY21
MITSUBISHI Motors Malaysia (MMM) Company chief executive officer Shinya
ended Financial Year 2021 (April 2021 – Ikeda said: “In general, the past two years
March 2022) on a high note despite two have been tough on the automotive
years of being affected by the pandemic. industry, not only with the rising cases of
Omicron but floods that affected the Klang
The company sold 19,217 units in FY21, Valley and East Coast regions, as well as
which represents a 66% increase despite
the Total Industry Volume (TIV) parts or chips shortage.
shrinking by 6.7%, as compared to the “There were many hurdles for the
same period in Financial Year 2020
(April 2020- March 2021). industry to overcome, thus for our
sales performance to grow is a
“This noteworthy achievement significant triumph for us. We take
puts the company comfortably in this chance to thank the
the top three spots of the non- Malaysian government for
national automotive category,” initiating and extending the
said MMM. SST exemption these last
couple of years. With this,
The Mitsubishi Xpander our customers could
(pix) continues to enjoy extra savings while
dominate the non- it also gives us the time
national MPV segment to fulfil all booking
in Malaysia and also orders made.
leads the sales for “The company
the Mitsubishi will continue to
Motors brand. charge forward
with strong
The seven-
seater crossover momentum for 2022. We are aware that a
has closed the financial year with 9,065 large number of our customers aim to
units sold, which contributed 47.2% to the purchase their cars before the SST
company’s overall total sales. exemption expires by end of June.
The Triton pick-up truck is also “We are continuing our best efforts to
maintaining a solid market share of close to meet the booking numbers and we have
21.4% and remains one of the favourite already increased our production capacity
choices within the pick-up truck segment, while maintaining a high level of product
despite healthy competition from its newly quality. Our customers are the ones that put
launched rivals. us here, thus providing them with utmost
convenience and confidence towards the
MMM has sold 9,420 units of Triton in brand is our utmost priority.”
FY21, which is a 24% increase compared to
More meaningful with Toyota’s ‘Kota Raya’
UMW Toyota Motor recently cars for servicing, prior to making the
launched its 2022 Ramadan/Hari journey back to their kampungs. It is
Raya campaign with the theme important to be with family during
“Bersama Lebih Bermakna”. times like these and since there has
Continuing the celebration been no ‘balik kampung’ exodus for
nationwide, Toyota has released its the past two years, it will be
Hari Raya Aidilfitri film “Kota Raya”. wonderful to see everyone with their
Inspired by the importance of families once again.”
family, especially with the travel
restrictions Malaysians had to endure In conjunction with the “Bersama
these past two years, “Kota Raya” Lebih Bermakna” celebrations, all
highlights the struggles of millennials Toyota enthusiasts are invited to take
in the city. part in the ‘Pandu Uji dan Menang
“Our deeply-rooted sense of Duit Raya’ contest, available from
family and togetherness made the now till May 1.
inability to celebrate together that
much harder,” says the company. Each test drive qualifies the driver
“Thus, many are looking to take part in the
forward to spending valuable, contest and win
quality time together with
family.” It means ‘More meaningful together’.
The film stars some “duit raya” worth RM100,
Aedy Ashraf as while a test drive resulting in a
“Aidil” and successful booking will entitle the
Amerul Afendi as soon-to-be Toyota owner a chance to
“Fitri” and also receive RM200 “duit raya”.
features a special
appearance by A total of 30 winners will be
Toyota Gazoo selected weekly.
Racing and Toyota Yaris
ambassador, Janna Nick as
“Kota Raya” was up for viewing
on April 26, via YouTube and other
social media platforms. Part of the promotional poster for the short film ‘Kota Raya’.
UMW Toyota Motor president
Ravindran K said: “Hari Raya Aidilfitri Bringing their “Bersama Lebih value-added offers at Toyota For more details on where to view
celebrations this year will definitely Bermakna” festivities closer to their showrooms nationwide. “Kota Raya” along with the “Pandu
be more joyful as everyone will have customers, UMW Toyota Motor Uji dan Menang Duit Raya” contest,
the opportunity to ‘balik kampung.’ hosted their Ramadan Weekender at The excitement of the upcoming click on
We at Toyota are looking forward to all their outlets recently. More than Aidilfitri celebrations can already be and
welcoming our customers to all our 4,000 Toyota customers enjoyed great felt by the many visitors, marking this Toyota’s website,
service centres, as they bring in their Ramadan deals along with other as one of the many post-pandemic .
celebrations this year.
APRIL 29, 2022
197201001092 (12738-U)
Editorial Tel: 03-7784 6688
A Participating Organisation of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad Fax: 03-7785 2624/5
A Trading Participant of Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Berhad Email: [email protected]
Advertising Tel: 03-7784 8888
28/04/2022 Fax: 03-7784 4424
Participation Bought Sold Net Email: [email protected]
% RM m RM m RM m
49.4 Institutions 1063.2 1105.6 -42.4
23.9 Retail 509.8 538.1 -28.3
26.7 Foreign 621.1 550.4 70.7
100.0 2194.1 2194.1 0.0 11.33 14.42 329.81 17.20 461.27 116.03 28.43 95.70
Preliminary stats (excluding trade amendments). For final data, please refer to 1,597.31 3,335.09 2,975.48 26,847.90 16,419.38 2,667.49
Source: Bursa Malaysia 20,276.17 7,356.90
KL MARKET SUMMARY F&N: Demand bright spot
April 28, 2022
INDICES 11,435.48 CHANGE +97.68 in challenging environment
FBMKLCI 1,597.31 +11.33
CONSTRUCTION 167.19 +1.96
FINANCIAL SERVICES 16,911.46 +111.44
ENERGY 754.89 +13.16
TELECOMMUNICATIONS 629.59 -2.56 o Consumer group not
HEALTH CARE 2,043.24 -0.31 ruling out raising prices of F&N will complete several large
TRANSPORTATION 881.79 +6.35 products if commodity capital expenditure projects this
PROPERTY 719.42 +3.14 costs go up further year. – F&N WEBSITE PIX
FBMSHA 8,784.91 +66.72
FBMACE 11,990.53 +108.58
TECHNOLOGY 5,585.77 +15.00
71.11 +1.40
2.488 BIL RM2.194 BIL [email protected]
5 MOST ACTIVES PETALING JAYA: Fraser & Neave Holdings
April 28, 2022 Bhd (F&N) anticipates the challenging
environment to continue into the second
STOCK VOL CLSG (sen) +/– (sen) half of the year amid high input prices, rising
MNHLDG 212,548,900 23.5 +2.5 freight costs, geopolitical uncertainties, and
TECHNAX 159,386,400 12.0 +1.0 rising inflationary pressures.
ANZO 141,898,400 1.5 -2.0
TANCO 51,656,300 34.0 +3.5 However, F&N finance director Tiong
SAPNRG 44,550,600 3.5 UNCH Yean Yau said the group sees positive trend
in the market in terms of demand.
April 28, 2022 “And with the relaxation of Covid
restrictions in both Malaysia and Thailand,
STOCK VOL CLSG (RM) +/– RM we are positive market demand will help us cent and when we are going to increase, but Concurrently, the group will also be
NESTLE 99,000 135.70 2.40 mitigate the impact on business one thing that we can promise is that price equipping its Pulau Indah facility with
MPI 99,300 31.44 0.94 performance in the second half,” he said at increases will lag behind cost increases,” plant-based beverage capability by the end
CARLSBG 247,400 22.38 0.64 F&N’s half-year financial results virtual Lim explained. of 2022.
HEIM 128,000 24.10 0.60 briefing yesterday.
PMBTECH-WA 38,700 0.49 F&N will complete several large capital “The plant in Thailand is a combination
3.29 For the first six months ended March 31, expenditure projects this year in order to of pasteurised format as well as UHT format
2022 (H1’22), F&N’s net profit dropped save costs and grab opportunities in new products. Then we are investing in plant-
5 TOP LOSERS 22.3% to RM186.8 million from RM240.3 markets, he said. based. So in total, this capability will be
April 28, 2022 million in H1’21 due to higher commodity more than 50 million litres with space for
prices, flood impact and foreign exchange The projects include the RM128 million expansion.
STOCK VOL CLSG (RM) +/– RM translation loss from a weaker Thai baht. liquid milk and plant-based factory in
DIN045801028 400 103.00 1.00 Wangmuang, Thailand, the automatic “We want to capture not only product
UTDPLT 904,900 15.22 0.52 The group said it has prepared short- storage and retrieval system warehouse at categories that we are doing today, which is
PETDAG 432,400 20.62 0.32 term measures to withstand flood risks and Shah Alam, installation of solar photovoltaic evaporated milk, we also want to look at
F&N 96,300 22.80 0.20 is working on sustainable measures to systems at the Shah Alam, Pulau Indah and liquid fresh milk as well as going into plant-
HSI-HB6 3,000 0.15 floodproof its factories. Bentong plants, RM20 million drinking based slightly later,” he added.
1.42 water plant in Kota Kinabalu, and RM52
“At the exits we have got things that can million regional distribution centre in Commenting on its proposal to acquire
EXCHANGE RATES APRIL 28, 2022 better stop rain from coming in, and we are Rojana, Thailand. Ladang Permai Damai Sdn Bhd, Lim said
looking at our electrical items on the floor to the intention is for the group to embark on
Foreign currency Bank sell Bank buy Bank buy be raised (to a higher level). We’ll be doing Lim said the liquid milk and plant-based the upstream fresh milk business for
more in consultation with our advisers and plant in Thailand is in the final stage of downstream production and distribution of
1 US DOLLAR TT/OD TT OD definitely we want to be ready should there commissioning. The project represents a fresh milk. However, the project is still
1 AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR 4.4245 4.2915 4.2815 be any flood.” shift for F&N to reduce reliance on subject to the terms and conditions of the
1 BRUNEI DOLLAR 3.1630 3.0390 3.0230 condensed milk and grow the brand in the share sale agreement as well as government
1 CANADIAN DOLLAR 3.2000 3.1080 3.1000 Group CEO Lim Yew Hoe said it may liquid milk segment. approvals to be obtained.
1 EURO 3.4450 3.3530 3.3410 increase the prices of its products if
1 NEWZEALAND DOLLAR 4.6710 4.5210 4.5010 commodity prices go up further.
1 SINGAPORE DOLLAR 2.9010 2.7950 2.7790
1 STERLING POUND 3.2000 3.1080 3.1000 “Definitely we will need to increase
1 SWISS FRANC 5.5490 5.3760 5.3560 prices if commodity prices move up again.
100 UAE DIRHAM 4.5500 4.4460 4.4310 But when, how much, and how frequent
100 BANGLADESHTAKA 121.8400 115.5500 115.3500 depend on the movement of commodity
100 CHINESE RENMINBI 5.2070 4.8720 4.6720 prices. Since nobody can tell me what will
100 HONGKONG DOLLAR 67.4000 64.8000 be the commodity prices movement, I can’t
100 INDIAN RUPEE 56.9700 54.1500 N/A really tell you in certainty how many per
100 INDONESIAN RUPIAH 5.8700 5.5100 53.9500
100 JAPANESE YEN 0.0317 0.0287 Syed Zaid resigns as SC executive chairman,
100 NEWTAIWAN DOLLAR 3.4440 3.3360 5.3100 Awang Adek takes over starting June 1
100 PAKISTAN RUPEE 16.1000 0.0237
100 PHILIPPINE PESO 2.4300 N/A 3.3260 KUALA LUMPUR: The finance 30, 2022. An orderly transition and Bank Negara Malaysia, ex-chairman
100 QATAR RIYAL 8.6100 2.2700 minister has appointed Datuk continuity in the administration of of Tenaga Nasional Bhd and the first
100 SAUDI RIYAL 122.3500 8.1100 N/A Awang Adek Hussin (pix) as the new the SC are ensured,” it said in a director-general of the Labuan
100THAI BAHT 119.2500 116.1500 2.0700 executive chairman of the Securities statement yesterday. Offshore Financial Services
13.4400 113.2100 7.9100 Commission of Malaysia (SC) Authority.
11.9200 115.9500 effective from June 1, 2022 to May 31, The appointment of Awang Adek
113.0100 2025. is in line with Section 4(2) of the He also served as Malaysian
11.5200 Securities Commission Act 1993 ambassador to the US and was
He is replacing Datuk Syed Zaid (Act 498). deputy finance minister from 2006
Source: Malayan Banking Berhad/Bernama Syed Jaffar Albar, whose resignation to 2013.
takes effect on May 31, 2022. Awang Adek, a former member
of the SC board, has wide The Finance Ministry said it is
“The Ministry of Finance experience and expertise in capital confident Awang Adek, with his
expresses its highest appreciation markets and Islamic finance and has wide experience, will make put in an
and thanks to Syed Zaid for his a doctorate in economics from the excellent performance and ensure
contribution and service throughout University of Pennsylvania in the that the SC achieves its objectives as
his tenure as the SC executive United States. a high-performance organisation. –
chairman from Nov 1, 2018 to May Bernama
He was an assistant governor of
M’sia has highest percentage of
women board members in Asia KUALA LUMPUR: Capital A
Bhd’s consolidated air
o At 26%, country is management roles to ensure there is under the 2021 revisions to the wider pool of women candidates in operator’s certificates (AOCs)
aheadof Singapore, a healthy talent pipeline,“ said the MCCG is an extension of the 30% these countries given that the recorded a healthy load
Thailand and HK, and seventh edition of Women in the gender diversity requirement to all overall women participation on factor of 76% and capacity of
above the global boardroom: A global perspective companies, not just large boards has increased. 4.9 million passengers
average of 19.7% report by Deloitte in collaboration companies (companies on the FTSE carried in the first quarter
with The 30% Club. Bursa Malaysia Top 100 Index or The MCCG notes that an effective (Q1) of 2022. The holding
PETALING JAYA: Malaysia posted companies with market board should have adequate company of the AirAsia
the highest percentage of women Although the 30% target has yet capitalisation of RM2 billion and diversity and independence to avoid Aviation Group said the AOCs
board members in Asia with women to be achieved, the topic of greater above). “groupthink.” Boards should consist posted another significantly
holding 26% of board seats. gender diversity on boards and in of at least 30% women directors, and improved results across key
the workforce continues to be at the The percentage change for there should be gender diversity operational metrics during
This is ahead of similar forefront of discussions among tenure term of women in board policies in place to support the the quarter under review.
economies such as Singapore regulators and organisations. seats has also decreased for participation of women on boards. “The number of passengers
(17.6%), Thailand (17.8%) & Hong Among the significant changes Malaysia, which could be due to the These policies should be disclosed carried increased by 284% to
Kong (13.9%), and above the global in the company’s annual report. 3.7 million year-on-year (y-o-
average (19.7%). y) in Q1 2022, leading to a 9.0
“There has to be active percentage points (ppts)
“However, Malaysia is still 4% shy involvement from the board with improvement in load factor,”
from the targeted 30% the support of its committee; for it said in a statement
representation by 2020. Set by the example nomination committee to yesterday. Capital A also said
government in 2011, the Corporate push this agenda within an the group introduced
Governance (CG) Blueprint 2011 organisation. It is recommended for additional capacity of 238%
and the current Malaysian Code on organisations to have a y-o-y to support the surge in
Corporate Governance 2021 (MCCG comprehensive succession plan in demand, alongside relaxed
2021) stipulates that if this target is place that can be used to not only travel restrictions across the
not met, the board should then identify the candidates for both the group. “As a result, available
disclose its action plan and time board and management team, but seat kilometres (ASK) soared
frame to achieve that mark. also for training and development by 223% and revenue
purposes,” said Deloitte Malaysia passenger kilometres (RPK)
“Boards should also review the risk advisory executive director jumped by 264% y-o-y,
participation of women in senior Muzafar Kamal. primarily attributable to the
strong domestic travel
Malaysia also has the highest rebound and the gradual
percentage of women CFOs among further easing of travel
the Asian nations surveyed (34.9%), restrictions in Q1 2022,” it
more than double the global average said. – Bernama
of 15.7%.
Unitrade to raise RM100m in record ACE Market listing Q1 PROFIT, DECLARES
PETALING JAYA: Unitrade Industries capitalise on the industry’s uptrend. listing, the group had delivered issue of 312.5 million new shares,
Bhd, en route to a listing on the ACE “Thus, we plan to set aside RM50.5 commendable net profit despite the representing 20% of the enlarged KUALA LUMPUR: Maxis Bhd’s
Market of Bursa Malaysia Securities Covid-19 pandemic, with a compound share capital, along with an offer for net profit for the first quarter
Bhd, plans to raise RM100 million in million for working capital purposes annual growth rate of 23.3%. For its sale of 125 million existing shares. ended March 31, 2022
its initial public offering (IPO) to increase our inventory count and financial year ended March 2021, the dropped 10.8% to RM298
exercise. product varieties. Our group is also group’s net profit rose to a record high Of the new shares, it had allocated million from RM334 million a
allocating RM5 million to build a new of RM28.8 million from RM18.9 78.1 million shares for the Malaysian year ago mainly from the
With an issue price of 32 sen per pipe fabrication centre. Upon million reported in FY2019. public, 63.5 million to eligible spectrum rights amortisation.
share and an enlarged share capital completion, we will be able to provide directors, employees and persons who Its earnings before interest,
totalling 1.56 billion shares, the end-to-end pipe services with the Sim commented that the strong have contributed to its success and tax, depreciation and
building materials wholesaler is entire fabrication process being performance during the pandemic 117.2 by way of private placement to amortisation dipped 3.2%
expected to have a market conducted off-site at our new was indicative of its inventory approved bumiputra investors year-on-year to RM930
capitalisation of RM500 million on its industrial complex,” he said in a management expertise, robust approved by the Ministry of million, but revenue was up
debut on June 14, making it the largest statement. business model, and industry International Trade and Industry as 7.4% to RM2.41 billion from
listing on the ACE Market since the experience accumulated over the past well as a 53.7 million shares to selected RM2.24 billion. Maxis
market’s inception in 2009. Sim said the added service is set to four decades. investors via a private placement. declared an interim dividend
help its customers free up space at of 5 sen per share for the
The group’s managing director their construction sites, reduce the “Meanwhile, looking ahead, the As for the offer sale of existing quarter. Maxis CEO Gökhan
Nomis Sim Siang Leng commented need for manpower, and potentially Finance Ministry has projected the shares, 78.1 million will be made Ogut said its convergence
that with Malaysia’s transition into the expedite construction progress. construction industry’s gross available to Miti-approved bumiputra strategy is on the right track.
endemic phase, the building materials Consequently, Unitrade’s service domestic product to grow by 11.5% in investors and 46.9 million shares for “Our top priority is to
sector is seeing a recovery as orders offerings will be further elevated. 2022. selected investors, both via a private continue to deliver a
improve by the day on the back of placement. The application for the converged network with a
increased construction activities. He Apart from that, RM39.8 million or Under a more conducive operating shares is open from April 28 to May 30. personalised experience
stated that it has moved into a new 39.8% of the proceeds from the environment, we expect to do even across all channels for our
warehouse that is more than twice the exercise will be used towards the better in the upcoming periods and Unitrade intends to distribute up to customers.”
size of the previous one. The ready repayment of bank borrowings and look forward to seeing the rise of 30% of its net profits to shareholders.
storage space and the proceeds from RM4.7 million or 4.7% will be used to Unitrade’s industry stature post- RESERVOIR LINK INKS
the listing will allow Unitrade to defray the estimated listing expenses. listing.” M&A Securities is the adviser, SOLAR PPA TERM SHEET
sponsor, underwriter, and placement WITH SUNSEAP ENERGY
In the two years leading up to the Its proposed IPO will see a public agent for the exercise.
Bursa Q1 net profit falls 44% as revenue eases from pandemic high Link Energy Bhd subsidiary
Reservoir Link Renewable
PETALING JAYA: Bursa Malaysia million reported previously on the pre-pandemic levels which prices, interest rate policies and the Sdn Bhd will be collaborating
Bhd’s net profit fell 44% to RM67.97 back of higher revenue. contributed to the decline in profit for FBM KLCI,” he said in a statement. with Sunseap Energy (M) Sdn
million in the first quarter ended the quarter. Bhd for a joint venture (JV) to
March 31, 2022 from RM121.39 In addition, Bursa’s exchange Umar revealed that to sustain the develop, build, own and
million reported in the same quarter holding company saw a lower loss of “However, profit after tax is 4.6% interest of global investors, the bourse operate rooftop and ground-
of the previous year, attributed to a RM4.3 million for the quarter against higher than the fourth quarter ended will continue to enhance the mounted solar PV projects
lower operating revenue due to a RM5.1 million reported previously Dec 31, 2021 of RM65million, mainly attractiveness of listed issuers (solar PPA) in Malaysia, with
decline in securities trading revenue. due to lower corporate social contributed by a 2.8% higher average through initiatives such as the Public an initial paid-up share
responsibility expenses and its others daily trading value registered this Listed Companies Transformation capital of RM1 million. Both
Revenue for the quarter stood at segment saw a 22% hike in profit of quarter. programme launched earlier this parties aims to deliver
RM165.3 million, a 29.4% drop from RM2.1 million from RM1.7 million. year. 20MWp worth of Solar PPA to
RM232.28 million reported “However, with the reopening of the JV by the end of 2023.
previously. Its overhead rose by 12.3% to the economy and international “Further, and in line with the Reservoir Link will hold a
RM22.5 million from RM20 million in borders, Bank Negara Malaysia Sustainable and Responsible majority 51% while Sunseap
The securities market segment Q1’21 mainly due to higher expects Malaysia’s growth forecast to Investment and environmental social will hold the remaining 49%.
saw a 40.2% decline in profit to depreciation and amortisation of be between 5.3% to 6.3%. As such, governance agendas, the exchange Reservoir Link executive
RM104.4 million in Q1’22 from assets. better economic growth can be will continue to deliver new product director Thien Chiet Chai said
RM174.6 million Q1’21 due to lower expected as the nation moves towards and service offerings as well as the it views the solar renewable
revenue, while its derivatives market On the results, Bursa CEO Datuk the endemic phase, and we anticipate new voluntary carbon trading energy segment favourably
segment posted a RM12.9 million Umar Swift pointed out that the more trading opportunities for platform, which will enhance the and expect that it will
profit for the quarter from RM11.6 average daily trading value of investors due to movements in CPO breadth and depth of the ecosystem.” continue to prosper given the
securities continued to normalise to eventual commencement of
construction of the large-
scale solar 4 project and
future large-scale solar
MN Holdings impresses Concerns linger over
on its first day of trading higher minimum wage
oGroup aims to take on role as main 19 transition to the endemic phase PETALING JAYA: MARC Ratings occupations and industries, and
contractor for LSS projects and the reopening of Malaysia’s Bhd is concerned about the ethnic minorities and narrow pay
borders, have clearly provided a unprecedented implementation of gap between Malaysian and non-
PETALING JAYA: MN Holdings Bhd undertaking LSS projects. positive impact on the national a 25%, or RM300, increase in the citizen workers, urban-rural,
posted a solid performance on its “We are involved in EPCC economy. minimum monthly wage as it education attainment, and gender.
maiden day of trading on Bursa comes at a time when the Malaysian
Malaysia’s ACE Market yesterday, projects for main contractors who “This augurs well for the power economy has yet to fully recover A new minimum wage level will
opening at 26 sen per share, 5 sen or have secured solar photovoltaic infrastructure utilities industry in from one of its worst economic support the push in the wage-to-
23.81%, higher than the offer price. power plant projects under the LSS Malaysia as investments in utility crises. gross domestic product ratio higher
It closed at 23.5 sen for a 2.5 sen or programme which was introduced infrastructure are driven by long- towards the 12th Malaysia Plan
11.9% premium over its offer price of by the Energy Commission of term economic growth, The rating agency is concerned target of 40% by 2025.
21 sen, on volume of 212.55 million Malaysia in 2016. population growth and about the grace period and
shares. urbanisation, growing demand for exemption given to micro, small Meanwhile, the Federation of
“As an underground utilities and electricity, foreign and domestic and medium enterprises. Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM) is
With an enlarged share capital of substation engineering specialist, investment and Malaysia’s calling the government to ease the
408.75 million shares, this translates we are capable to assume the renewable energy generation “The exclusions would blunt cost impact of the higher minimum
into a market capitalisation of management and supervisory role targets.” wage growth impact and wage by providing all affected
RM96.06 million for MN Holdings. of the entire project, source for subsequently diminish the employers a wage credit or subsidy.
necessary construction materials, MN Holdings raised RM17.2 objective of imposing a minimum
The underground utilities and substation equipment and systems million from the public issue of wage level. It means statutory FMM said it is disappointed that
substation engineering services for installation and commissioning,” 81.8 million new shares alongside minimum wage level is higher than the implementation of higher
provider has tendered for several he said in a statement. the offer sale of 40.9 million new what it is in practice.” minimum wage is not a
large-scale solar (LSS) substation shares to selected investors via “progressive adjustment”.
jobs as project management Going forward, the group aims to private placement. MARC said the minimum wage
coordinator and for engineering take on the role of main contractors level should be set at the lowest pay “There is grave fear that the
design works. The group has secured for LSS project owners. Loy Of the proceeds it has level across economic sectors, immediate jump to RM1,500
three engineering, procurement, explained that this will enable it to earmarked RM5.84 million or 34% workers and regions. It suggested minimum wages will result in a
construction and commissioning build a track record to position itself to purchase machinery and that the focus should be on an steep cost increase and reverse the
(EPCC) projects under LSS2 in the to secure more contracts in the equipment over the next two years hourly, rather than monthly, basis. otherwise optimistic business
capacity as sub-contractor. future and strengthen its substation to support its expansion and has recovery for 2022.”
engineering services and solutions allocated RM4.33 million or 25.2% MARC also said minimum wage
MN Holdings managing director business segment. as general working capital for new should not be used as a tool to FMM said it is supportive of a
Loy Siong Hay believes it is well and existing projects. The substitute efforts at real wage- review of the minimum wages but
positioned in securing the tenders He expressed optimism with the remainder of the proceeds will be enhancing economic activities such based on the current economic
as it has proven capabilities in power infrastructure utilities used for the repayment of bank as infrastructure investments and factors. It added that a progressive
industry in Malaysia, as the Covid- borrowings amounting to RM4 economic liberalisation. adjustment with a RM150 increase
million (23.3%) and RM3 million in 2022 and a further increase of
(17.5%) for listing expenses. However, it agreed that a higher RM150 in 2023 to reach the
minimum wage is warranted. It RM1,500 minimum wage will be
revitalises the overall wage growth more manageable.
which has lost steam, benefits
Malaysian workers with low or no “The increase will have a
formal education, workers in the tremendous effect to the overall
East Coast states of the peninsula, payroll cost and impact business
female workers, lowly paid cost that could potentially derail
economic recovery.”
Selamat Hari Raya
Maaf Zahir & Batin
from all of us at
BRIEFS12 theSUN ON FRIDAY | APRIL 29, 2022 Omicron, imports expected
SUNBIZ to restrain US growth in Q1
CARLSBERG: RUSSIAN o GDP expansion estimated in reasonable shape, we should look forward to manufacturers lacking the capacity to meet the
BUSINESS DRAWS to have slowed sharply better growth for the second quarter.” demand, imports are filling the gap. It would be
INTEREST, PRICE UNCLEAR to annualised rate of 1.1% the seventh straight quarter that trade
According to a Reuters survey of economists, subtracted from GDP growth.
COPENHAGEN: Danish brewer Carlsberg WASHINGTON: US economic growth likely GDP growth likely increased at a 1.1%
said yesterday it was difficult to say what slowed sharply in the first quarter as a wave of annualised rate last quarter. That would be a big Growth in consumer spending, which
price it could achieve for the Russian Covid-19 cases curbed activity, but retained step down from the robust 6.9% pace logged in accounts for more than two-thirds of US
business it put up for sale last month and sufficient underlying strength to keep the the fourth quarter. Estimates ranged from as low economic activity, is forecast to have picked up
there were attendant risks, but it was expansion on track amid headwinds from as a 1.4% rate of contraction to as high as a 2.6% from the fourth quarter’s 2.5% pace, despite
seeing buying interest. Carlsberg, the soaring inflation and rising interest rates. growth pace. taking a hit from the winter wave of coronavirus
Western brewer most exposed to the cases, driven by the Omicron variant. Even with
Russian market, joined rivals Anheuser- The growth rate, which is anticipated to be The Federal Reserve is expected to hike food and gasoline prices soaring, there is no sign
Busch InBev and Heineken in seeking to the slowest since the recession triggered by the interest rates by 50 basis points next yet of consumers pulling back.
withdraw after Moscow invaded Ukraine pandemic ended nearly two years ago, would Wednesday, and soon start trimming its asset
on Feb 24. Carlsberg last year generated also reflect a surge in imports. Economists are holdings. The US central bank raised its policy Strong wage gains amid a tightening labor
10% of its total revenue and 6% of its split over whether inventories would contribute interest rate by 25 basis points in March, the first market and at least US$2 trillion (RM8.7 trillion)
operating profit in Russia. – Reuters to gross domestic product growth after they hike in more than three years, as part of its fight in excess savings accumulated during the
accounted for the bulk of the acceleration in against inflation. Annual consumer prices pandemic are providing a cushion against
NOKIA RESULTS BEAT GDP in the fourth quarter. increased in March at their quickest pace in 40 inflation. According to data from Bank of
EXPECTATIONS ON years. America Securities, lower-income consumers,
DEMAND FOR 5G GEAR The Commerce Department’s advance first- who tend to be disproportionately affected by
quarter GDP report yesterday could lead to But the GDP survey was conducted before inflation, were showing greater resilience.
STOCKHOLM: Telecom equipment warnings of stagflation and recession from the release on Wednesday of data showing a
maker Nokia reported stronger-than- some quarters, but economists cautioned that a record goods trade deficit in March and “The lower-income consumer will likely
expected quarterly results yesterday, low growth number would not be a true picture continued increases in retail and wholesale remain resilient at least until the end of this
helped by demand for 5G gear despite of the economy, noting that other measures of inventories. year,“ said Anna Zhou, a US economist at Bank
supply chain constraints and higher output such as aggregate hours worked and of America Securities in New York.
prices of components. The company has industrial production showed sustained growth The jump in the goods trade deficit, driven
been gaining ground against rivals such last quarter. by robust import growth, led Goldman Sachs to “But the path for next year and beyond is less
as Ericsson and Huawei after it made its lower its first-quarter GDP estimate to a 1.3% certain. Should gasoline prices remain elevated
products more competitive by investing “We do have to remember the context of why rate from a 1.5% pace. Citigroup predicted the for the foreseeable future, they will eventually
heavily in research and found ways to cut it is slowing,“ said James Knightley, chief economy contracted at a 1.2% rate. bite into consumers’ purchasing power despite
costs from other areas. But a global chip international economist at ING in New York. strong balance sheets.”
shortage and new Covid-19 lockdowns “The Omicron wave, which did hit confidence The imports surge, which economists
in China have also put more pressure on and people’s movements, largely explains it. attributed to front-loading by businesses fearful Solid growth is also anticipated in business
Nokia’s supply chains. – Reuters And now that we’ve come out the other side of it of shortages because of the Russia-Ukraine war, spending on equipment. As a result, a measure
will cut into growth. It is, however, also a sign of of domestic demand – excluding trade,
India antitrust body strong domestic demand, and economists say inventories and government spending – is
raids target sellers that should be the main focus in the GDP report. forecast to have grown at nearly double the
on Amazon, Flipkart fourth-quarter pace of 2.6%. Final sales to
The wider trade deficit is believed to have private domestic purchasers account for
NEW DELHI: India’s antitrust body launched chopped off as much as 1.5 percentage points roughly 85% of aggregate spending. – Reuters
raids early yesterday against two top domestic from GDP growth last quarter. With local
sellers of online retail giant Inc,
and some on Walmart’s Flipkart, following Alibaba looks to expand SE Asian arm Lazada to Europe
accusations of competition law violations,
sources told Reuters. SINGAPORE: Alibaba Group plans to expand its cross-border sales from China, one of the sources limited opportunities for expansion.
Southeast Asian arm Lazada to Europe, two told Reuters. Lazada Thailand CEO James Dong Lazada was founded in 2012 by Germany’s
Indian retailers have long contended that sources familiar with the matter told Reuters, as will help spearhead the initiative, that person said.
Amazon and Flipkart’s platforms benefit a few the Chinese e-commerce company seeks further Rocket Internet technology incubator to become
big sellers, via predatory pricing, though the overseas growth amid slowing opportunities at Alibaba overseas commerce head Jiang Fan Southeast Asia’s answer to Inc.
firms say they comply with all Indian laws. home. visited Singapore in April to discuss the Alibaba acquired a controlling stake in it for about
expansion, the same source added. US$1 billion (RM4.4 billion) in 2016 in what was
The two Amazon sellers figuring in The move comes months after Alibaba’s the Chinese firm’s biggest foreign deal at the time.
yesterday’s raids were Cloudtail and Appario, logistics arm Cainiao, opened a central hub for Lazada and Alibaba did not immediately
two sources said on condition of anonymity. European sales in Belgium. respond to requests from Reuters for comment. Alibaba said in December it had set targets for
the Southeast Asian marketplace of US$100 billion
Two other sources said some sellers on Alibaba is already present in Europe through The sources did not specify which European in gross merchandise volume and 300 million
Walmart’s Flipkart platform were also being its global e-commerce platform AliExpress, which countries Lazada intended to expand to. The users.
raided by officers of the Competition mainly targets consumers looking for such goods details were being finalised, they said. They
Commission of India (CCI), but there were no from Chinese manufacturers as smartphone declined to be identified, as they were not Lazada generated US$21 billion in gross
immediate details. accessories and clothing. authorised to speak to the media. merchandise volume in the year to end-
September 2021 and had 159 million users, as
One of the sources said the raids, carried Lazada plans to target local European vendors, In China, Alibaba has faced strong competition competition intensified with larger rival Shopee,
out in New Delhi and Bengaluru, related to an while AliExpress will continue to focus mainly on from such rivals as Pinduoduo Inc and ByteDance owned by Sea Ltd. – Reuters
investigation the CCI ordered in January 2020. subsidiary Douyin, while new regulations have
In that case, Amazon and rival Flipkart
face accusations of anti-competitive
practices, such as promoting preferred sellers
on websites and giving priority to listings by
some sellers. The antitrust investigation
continues. – Reuters
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DAN and
(Syarikat No : 1228011 M ) (M) SDN. BHD.
(PENGGULUNGAN SYARIKAT Registration No. 200001005900
302 Jobs NOTIS adalah diberikan bahawa anggota- (In Members’ Voluntary for unity WorldNo.1wantsunitedfront
anggota MOTUS SDN BHD (Co no 1228011 in Russian, Belarusian ban
WE ARE HIRING M) telah meluluskan Resolusi Khas seperti Winding-Up)
yang berikut di Mesyuarat Agong Syarikat NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that
ASSISTANT MANAGER bertempat di A-3-9 , 8 Avenue Business pursuant to Section 459(2) of the
Centre, Jln 8/1, 46050 Petaling Jaya, pada Companies Act, 2016, the Final
ADVERTISING SALES & MARKETING 28 APRIL 2022:- Meeting of the contributories of the
Job Description: abovenamed Company will be held
BAHAWA Syarikat ini digulungkan menurut at the Liquidators’ office at Wisma
• Building and sustaining strong working relationships with Seksyen 439 (1) (b) Akta Syarikat 2016, dan Goshen, 2nd Floor, 60, 62 & 64
advertising clients. Then Vei Yee dilantik sabagai Penyelesai Jalan SS 22/21, Damansara Jaya,
untuk tujuan penggulungan tersebut dan 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
• Drive to perform and bring in sales revenue for the company on all mengagihkan asset Syarikat mengikut Darul Ehsan on Monday, 30th day
media platforms. kuasa dan hak yang diberi. of May, 2022 at 10.30 a.m. for the
following purposes:-
• Plan and executive new, creative, exciting and innovative BAHAWA buku, akaun, dokumen Syarikat 1. To lay before the meeting IGA SWIATEK called yesterday for the know each other. We are spending so much time
marketing campaigns for the company dan Pelikuidasi boleh dimusnahkan selepas governing bodies of tennis to unite in their on tour that it feels like we’re family.
tempoh tiga (3) bulan dari tarikh Mesyuarat the Liquidators’ statement of decisions regarding the involvement of
• Develop and continuously improve marketing materials, Akhir . account and to give explanations Russian and Belarusian players at “For sure it’s a tough situation and that’s why
product/service presentations and proposals. thereof. I think the actual people who are responsible for
DENGAN INI DIMAKLUMKAN BAHAWA 2. To decide under Section 518(3) tournaments, to avoid the “chaos” created by making this decision, they should make one
• Work closely with the respective department to improve revenue pemiutang-pemiutang MOTUS SDN BHD (b) of the Companies Act, 2016, Wimbledon’s unilateral move to ban them from decision that is going to last.”
generating platforms. (Co no 1228011 M) yang sedang digulung the manner in which the books, this summer’s Championships. Women’s tour organisers the WTA and its
secara sukarela, diminta menghantar nama accounts and documents of the The world No. 1 has been vocal in her men’s counterpart, the ATP, criticised the move
Requirements: dan alamat dengan butiran hutang atau Company may be destroyed. support for Ukraine and has been wearing a from the All England Club.
tuntutan kepada Penyelesai di bawah ini di Dated this 29th day of April, 2022 ribbon with the country’s colours during her Swiatek did not state whether she believes
• Minimum Diploma/Bachelor's degree in business, marketing, or alamat A-3-9 , 8 Avenue Business Centre, Tan Kee Huat
any other related field. Jln 8/1, 46050 Petaling Jaya sebelum Lam Lee San (f)
30 MAY 2022. Sekiranya notis secara Liquidators
• Minimum 5 years of experience in sales and marketing in print bertulis daripada Penyelesai diperlukan, NOTE:
and digital media pemiutang-pemiutang diperlukan menulis A contributory entitled to attend
dan membuktikan hutang atau tuntutan and vote at the abovementioned
• Good communication, presentation, problem solving and mereka seperti yang dinyatakan dalam meeting is entitled to appoint a
organizational skills notis sedemikian, atau secara lalainya, proxy who need not be a member
mereka akan dikecualikan daripada faedah of the Company to attend and
• Possess own transport and willing to travel pengagihan yang dibuat sebelum hutang vote in his stead. The instrument
• Able to start immediately if successfully chosen dan tuntutan dibuktikan. appointing a proxy must be duly
• Successful candidate(s) will be based in the Petaling Jaya office deposited at the Liquidators’ office,
NOTIS MESYUARAT AKHIR DISAMPAIKAN not less than 48 hours before the matches. Wimbledon’s decision is correct or not and feels
SENIOR EXECUTIVE BAHAWA menurut Seksyen 459 (2) Akta time of the meeting. Last week, Wimbledon announced Russian she is not qualified enough to weigh in on the
Syarikat 2016, Mesyuarat Akhir Ahli- Ahli and Belarusian players were banned from this matter in a definitive way.
DIGITAL MARKETING Syarikat yang dinamakan di atas akan IN THE MATTER OF THE year’s tournament due to the invasion of “I don’t know what decision is right, because
Job Description: diadakan bertempat di A-3-9,8 Avenue COMPANIES ACT, 2016 Ukraine. “The situation is getting like more and honestly, I’m 20 and it’s not like I’m saying that
Business Centre,Jln 8/1, 46050 Petaling
• Design and develop online marketing strategies, digital roadmap Jaya pada 9 pagi 30 MAY 2022 untuk and
and creative campaigns that aligned with the business goals and tujuan berikut:- IN THE MATTER OF
directions. EMASUCI SDN. BHD.
Untuk menerima penyata akaun Registration No: more chaotic, I would say,” Swiatek told because I want to stay in a safe bubble. But
• Provide creative ideas for content marketing. akhir Penyelesai yang menujukkan 198301012434 (107828-X)
• Manage all digital marketing channels bagaimana penggulungan telah dijalankan (In Members’ Voluntary reporters at the Madrid Open after announcing honestly, I’ve never been involved in politics
• Plan and manage social media platforms. dan menerima apa apa penjelasan
• Able to create content & produce graphics for social media mengenainya. Winding-Up) her withdrawal from the tournament due to a and it’s not like I know everything.
postings. Then Vei Yee pursuant to Section 459(2) of the right shoulder injury. “It’s more like I still need to educate myself
• Prepare copywriting for the marketing campaign. Penyelesai Companies Act, 2016, the Final “But I feel like it would be nice to have all and I feel like I should educate myself a little bit
Meeting of the contributories of
Requirements: Tarikh 28 APRIL 2022 the abovenamed Company will be these bodies making the proper decision so that more in that.
held at the Liquidators’ office at
• Diploma/Degree in Marketing, Digital Marketing or equivalent. Wisma Goshen, 2nd Floor, 60, 62 we’re not going to have that kind of chaos. “So I can’t tell what’s the best decision that’s
• Minimum 3 years of experience in implementing digital & 64 Jalan SS 22/21, Damansara “I feel like people are expecting us players to for sure. Making some moves that are going to
IN THE MATTER OF THE Jaya, 47400 Petaling Jaya, make the decision, but it’s pretty hard for us to help stop the war a little bit would be better.” –
marketing strategies COMPANIES ACT, 2016 Selangor Darul Ehsan on Monday, make one because we know these people. We AFP
• Excellent understanding of digital marketing concepts and 30th day of May, 2022 at 10.00
AND a.m. for the following purposes:- 322 Notices Nadal fired Djokovic warning
best practices. IN THE MATTER OF 1. To lay before the meeting
• Required Skill(s): Google Adwords, Google Analytics, SEO/SEM, SRI SARANA TIMBER NOTICE NOVAK DJOKOVIC has been defence.
ENTERPRISE SDN. BHD. the Liquidators’ statement IN THE MATTER OF tipped to become a “scary” “It seems to me that he is
social media marketing and optimization. [198901006960 (184263-X)] of account and to give THE COMPANIES ACT, 2016 opponent in time for his French
• Team player (IN MEMBERS’ VOLUNTARY explanations thereof. Open title defence, threatening slowly getting in shape, and the
• Good time-management skills 2. To decide under Section 518(3) AND Rafael Nadal’s chances of picking best indicator is the final against
• Great interpersonal and communication skills WINDING UP) (b) of the Companies Act, 2016, IN THE MATTER OF up a record 14th title in Paris. The Rublev,” the American claimed on
Notice is hereby given that pursuant the manner in which the books, RANIVEST SDN. BHD. world No. 1 started the season Tennis Channel’s Inside-In podcast.
Office based in Petaling Jaya (5 days a week) to Section 459(2) of the Companies accounts and documents of the Registration No. slowly after being unable to
Closing date - 30 April 2022 Act, 2016, a Final Meeting of the Company may be destroyed. 198301001664 (96897-U) compete over his unvaccinated “It seems to me that he played
Members of Sri Sarana Timber Dated this 29th day of April, 2022 (In Members’ Voluntary Liquidation) status but recently made his first better and better from match to
Send in your CV with your photo via email to : Enterprise Sdn. Bhd. will be held Tan Kee Huat NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant final of the year in Serbia and has match and that this is a positive
[email protected] at the Registered Office, 12A (1st Lam Lee San (f) to Section 459(2) of the Companies Act, shown “glimpses” of returning to signal in front of Roland Garros. If
Floor), Jalan Dass, 30300 Ipoh, Liquidators 2016, the Final Meeting of the above- his top form. he continues like this, he will
322 Notices 322 Notices Perak on Monday, 30th May 2022 NOTE: mentioned Company wil be held at 3-19, really be a beast in Paris. Then
at 10.00 a.m. for the following A contributory entitled to attend Medan Perniagaan, Pauh Jaya, Jalan Djokovic suffered back-to-back everyone will be afraid of him, it
IN THE MATTER OF IN THE MATTER OF purposes: and vote at the abovementioned Baru, 13700 Prai, Pulau Pinang on May losses for the first time since July will be the real Novak.”
THE COMPANIES ACT 2016 THE COMPANIES ACT 2016 meeting is entitled to appoint a 30, 2022 at 11.00 a.m. for the following 2021 in his first two tournaments
AGENDA proxy who need not be a member purposes: of the season, crashing out in the But the American pro also
AND IN THE MATTER OF AND IN THE MATTER OF 1. To receive and adopt the account of the Company to attend and i. To consider and, if thought fit, adopt Dubai quarterfinals in February thought Djokovic wasn’t currently
DAYA INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP DMB MARKETING & TRADING vote in his stead. The instrument the Final Account of the Liquidator before losing his opening match at his physical peak, something
from the Liquidator showing the appointing a proxy must be duly showing how the winding up has been in Monte Carlo 47 days later. But that would come after more
SDN. BHD. SDN. BHD. manner in which the winding up deposited at the Liquidators’ conducted and the property of the the Serb recovered to reach the matches in Madrid and Rome.
200701022227 (780242-P) 200601005194 (724943-U) has been conducted and to hear office, not less than 48 hours company has been disposed of; final in Belgrade, where Andrey “Novak Djokovic did not play well
(In Member’s Voluntary Winding Up) (In Member’s Voluntary Winding Up) any explanation that may be before the time of the meeting. ii. To resolve under Section 456(5) of the Rublev defeated him 6-2, 6-7(4), 6- in Monte Carlo at all, suffering a
At a General Meeting of the Member At a General Meeting of the Member given by the Liquidator. Companies Act, 2016 that after the 0. sudden collapse in the third set of
of the abovenamed Company held of the abovenamed Company held 2. To determine pursuant to Section IN THE MATTER OF expiration of three months from the the match against Alejandro
on 28-04-2022, the following special on 28-04-2022, the following special 518(3)(b) of the Companies THE COMPANIES ACT 2016 date of the final meeting, the Company After his showing at the Serbia Davidovich Fokina,” he admitted.
resolution was duly passed:- resolution was duly passed:- Act, 2016, the manner in shall be dissolved; and Open, world No. 153 Christopher
“THAT the Company be wound up “THAT the Company be wound up which the books, accounts and AND iii. To resolve under Section 518(3)(b) Eubanks said the world No. 1’s “I don’t think his game is a
voluntarily pursuant to section 439(1)(b) voluntarily pursuant to section 439(1)(b) documents of the Company and IN THE MATTER OF of the Companies Act 2016, that the progress at the tournament problem, it’s just a consequence.
of the Companies Act 2016 and that Mr. of the Companies Act 2016 and that Mr. of the Liquidator thereof shall be books, accounts and documents of showed he could get back to his When he returns to 100% from a
Lai Chung En and Ms. Chan Bee Lee (f) of Lai Chung En and Ms. Chan Bee Lee (f) of disposed of. STELLA MAGNA the Company and of the Liquidator be top level just in time for his physical and mental point of view,
StanleyCo Corporate Services Sdn. Bhd., StanleyCo Corporate Services Sdn. Bhd., Neoh Tong Joo CAPITAL BERHAD destroyed as the company resolution upcoming French Open title everything will come
Suite 15, 6th Floor, IOI Business Park, Suite 15, 6th Floor, IOI Business Park, Liquidator REGISTRATION NO.: directs after the expiration of three automatically on the court.” –
Bandar Puchong Jaya, 47170 Puchong, Bandar Puchong Jaya, 47170 Puchong, Ipoh 201601030148 (1201089-U) months from the date of the final Express Newspapers
Selangor be and are hereby appointed Selangor be and are hereby appointed 29th April 2022 (IN MEMBERS’ VOLUNTARY meeting.
as Liquidators for the purpose of such as Liquidators for the purpose of such Note : Penang
winding up with all powers given under winding up with all powers given under A member entitled to attend and vote WINDING UP) Dated this April 29, 2022
section 456 and the Eleventh Schedule section 456 and the Eleventh Schedule at the meeting is entitled to appoint NOTICE OF FINAL MEETING
of the Companies Act 2016.” of the Companies Act 2016.” a proxy to attend and vote instead NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that t.t.
Dated this 29-04-2022 Dated this 29-04-2022 of him. A proxy may but need not pursuant to Section 459 of the ...................................
DATUK LIM THEAN SHIANG KONG TECK FONG be a member of the Company. The Companies Act 2016, the Final
Director Director instrument appointing a proxy must Meeting of the abovenamed Lam Wai Min
be deposited at the registered office Company will be held at Unit 20- Liquidator
IN THE MATTER OF IN THE MATTER OF of the Company not less than 48 05, Level 20, Q Sentral, 2A Jalan
THE COMPANIES ACT 2016 THE COMPANIES ACT 2016 hours before the time appointed for Stesen Sentral 2, Kuala Lumpur Note : A member who is entitled to attend
holding the meeting. Sentral, 50470 Kuala Lumpur on and vote at the meeting may appoint a
AND IN THE MATTER OF AND IN THE MATTER OF 31 May 2022 at 11.00 a.m. for proxy and vote in his stead. The Proxy
DAYA INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP DMB MARKETING & TRADING IN THE MATTER OF THE the following purposes: may but need not be a member of the
COMPANIES ACT 2016 1. To receive an account from Company. The instrument appointing a
SDN. BHD. SDN. BHD. AND IN THE MATTER OF the Liquidator showing the proxy must be deposited at the office of
200701022227 (780242-P) 200601005194 (724943-U) manner in which the winding the liquidator, 3-19, Medan Perniagaan,
(In Member’s Voluntary Winding Up) (In Member’s Voluntary Winding Up) CARGILL IT up has been conducted and Pauh Jaya, Jalan Baru, 13700 Prai, Pulau
Notice is hereby given that the Notice is hereby given that the SERVICES SDN. BHD. the property of the Company Pinang not less than 48 hours before the
Creditors of the above Company, which Creditors of the above Company, which has been disposed of, and to meeting.
is being voluntarily wound up, are is being voluntarily wound up, are [No. Syarikat. hear any explanation that may
required on or before 29-05-2022 to required on or before 29-05-2022 to 200201022604 (590267X)] be given by the Liquidator. NOTIS TRAMLINES Raducanu in no rush to
send in their names and addresses with send in their names and addresses with 2. To determine by resolution the DI DALAM PERKARA Teenager Rune knocks find new fulltime coach
particulars of their debts and claims and particulars of their debts and claims and (In Members’ Voluntary manner in which the books, AKTA SYARIKAT, 2016 out Zverev in Munich
of any security held by them and the of any security held by them and the Liquidation) accounts and documents EMMA RADUCANU has
names and addresses of their Solicitors names and addresses of their Solicitors of the Company and of the DAN TOP-SEEDED Alexander Zverev confirmed she has no immediate
(if any) to the undersigned Liquidators (if any) to the undersigned Liquidators NOTICE OF FINAL MEETING Liquidator, shall be disposed DI DALAM PERKARA was overwhelmed in his first plans to hire a fulltime coach and
at Suite 15, 6th Floor, IOI Business Park, at Suite 15, 6th Floor, IOI Business Park, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that of. RANIVEST SDN. BHD. match in the Munich ATP will focus her efforts on finding a
Bandar Puchong Jaya, 47170 Puchong, Bandar Puchong Jaya, 47170 Puchong, pursuant to Section 459 of the Dated: 29 April 2022 tournament by 18-year-old Dane suitable sparring partner in the
Selangor and if so required by notice in Selangor and if so required by notice in Companies Act 2016, the Final CHEAH TATT MUN No Pendaftaran Holger Rune 6-3, 6-2 yesterday. wake of her split with German
writing from the said Liquidators are by writing from the said Liquidators are by Meeting of the Members of Liquidator 198301001664 (96897-U) mentor Torben Beltz.
their Solicitors or personally to come their Solicitors or personally to come the Company will be held at Unit 20-05, Level 20, Q Sentral, (Dalam Penggulungan Sukarela oleh The German, ranked third in
and prove their debts or claims at such and prove their debts or claims at such Unit 30-01, Level 30, Tower 2A Jalan Stesen Sentral 2, the world had been given a bye in The US Open champion
time and place as shall be specified in time and place as shall be specified in A, Vertical Business Suite, Kuala Lumpur Sentral, Pemegang Saham) the first round of a tournament he announced on Tuesday she
such notice or in default thereof they such notice or in default thereof they Avenue 3, Bangsar South, No. 50470 Kuala Lumpur. won in 2017, 2018, but only lasted would no longer be working with
will be excluded from the benefit of any will be excluded from the benefit of any 8, Jalan Kerinchi, 59200 Kuala NOTIS adalah dengan ini diberikan in 1 hour 39 minutes in his Beltz, a former coach of three-
distribution made before such debts or distribution made before such debts or Lumpur on 31 May 2022 at bahawa mengikut Seksyen 459 (2) Akta second-roud match against the time major winner Angelique
claims are proved. claims are proved. 10.00 a.m. for the following Syarikat, 2016, Mesyuarat Akhir Syarikat 70th-ranked Rune. Kerber, and told reporters at the
Dated this 29-04-2022 Dated this 29-04-2022 purposes: di atas yang akan diadakan di 3-19, Madrid Open yesterday that
CHAN BEE LEE (F) CHAN BEE LEE (F) 1. To receive and consider Medan Perniagaan, Pauh Jaya, Jalan “He’s in the top three in the hiring someone to hit with during
LAI CHUNG EN LAI CHUNG EN Baru, 13700 Prai, Pulau Pinang pada 30 world and has been playing some practice is a top priority at the
Liquidators Liquidators the Liquidator’s Accounts Mei 2022 pada jam 11.00 pagi untuk unbelievable tennis,” Rune said in moment.
showing the manner in tujuan berikut: his on-court interview.
which the winding up has In her statement announcing
been conducted and to i. Untuk mempertimbangkan dan “I obviously didn’t expect to the split with Beltz, Raducanu
receive any explanations sekiranya difikirkan wajar, meluluskan win in two sets, and with a score said she plans “to transition to a
thereon. Akaun Terakhir Pelikuidasi like this. But it was a really hard new training model, with the LTA
2. To determine the manner yang menunjukkan bagaimana match, we played a lot of rallies supporting in the interim.”
in which the books, penggulungan telah dijalankan dan and I’m really happy about my
accounts and documents harta syarikat itu telah dilupuskan; performance.” “Going forward I’ll probably be
of the Company and of the putting a lot more emphasis on
Liquidator thereof, shall be ii. Untuk menyelesaikan di bawah Rune, who turns 19 on Friday, sparring; I feel like that’s definitely
disposed of pursuant to Seksyen 456 (5) Akta Syarikat, 2016 will meet either Finn Emil something that’s becoming more
Section 518 of the Act. bahawa selepas tamat tempoh tiga Ruusuvuori, ranked 63rd in the apparent to me as I spend more
Wong Wai Foong bulan dari tarikh mesyuarat akhir, world, or American Maxime time on the tour, is just getting
Liquidator Syarikat akan dibubarkan; dan Cressy, ranked 65th, in the used to these girls’ ball speed,”
Dated this quarterfinals. said Raducanu.
29th day of April 2022 iii. Untuk menyelesaikan di bawah
Seksyen 518 (3) (b) Akta Syarikat
2016, bahawa buku-buku, akaun dan
dokumen Syarikat dan Pelikuidasi
dimusnahkan menerusi resolusi
syarikat dalam tempoh tiga bulan
daripada tarikh mesyuarat akhir.
Pulau Pinang
Bertarikh 29 April 2022
Lam Wai Min
Nota :
Seorang ahli yang berhak menghadiri
dan mengundi di mesyuarat ini boleh
melantik seorang proksi dan mengundi
bagi pihaknya. Proksi dibenarkan tetapi
tidak semestinya seorang ahli Syarikat.
Suratcara perlantikan proksi hendaklah
diserahkan di pejabat pelikuidasi,
3-19, Medan Perniagaan, Pauh Jaya,
Jalan Baru, 13700 Prai, Pulau Pinang
tidak kurang daripada 48 jam sebelum
Rashid’s last-over heroics pull off C. League spots on offer in Bundesliga final dash
IPL heist for Gujarat
FOUR teams will battle it out for two mercurial Borussia Moenchengladbach after the elimination of Barcelona in the
AFGHANISTAN’S Rashid Khan hit two sixes off the lucrative Champions League spots starting (Tues, 2.30am). Europa League quarter-finals earlier this
final two balls to pull off a sensational chase for tomorrow as the Bundesliga enters the last month but having collapsed in the league.
Gujarat Titans after Sunrisers Hyderabad pace stretch with the three remaining matchdays. Freiburg have shattered all club records
sensation Umran Malik took his first IPL five-for to find themselves in fifth place, their best Frankfurt have just three wins from their
yesterday. Bayer Leverkusen, RB Leipzig and position ever at this stage of the season on 14 Bundesliga matches in 2022, having
surprise teams Freiburg and Union Berlin 52 points, and a win over Hoffenheim on already lost out on a European spot next
Needing 196 for victory, Gujarat slipped to 140-5 are locked in their final assault on the two Sunday (12.30am) would keep them firmly season, sitting in ninth place on 40.
but Rashid (31) joined Rahul Tewatia (40) to turn the spots, with champions Bayern Munich in the running for a surprise top-four finish.
match on its head and the pair hit four sixes between already having sealed their 10th straight Leipzig, who back in December were
them to score the 22 runs required from the final over league crown and Borussia Dortmund all Union, sixth on 50, complete their languishing in 11th place before a sparkling
and win by five wickets in Mumbai. but certain of second place. quartet with an outside chance of premier comeback under coach Domenico Tedesco
European football following their own this year, have hit top form at just the right
Tewatia hit the first six followed by a single and The top four teams qualify for the sensational run this season, having time, having won 10 of their 14 league
Rashid then smacked three sixes in four balls off South Champions League group stage. exceeded all expectations and taking on games since he replaced Jesse Marsch.
African left-arm quick Marco Jansen. already-relegated Greuther Fuerth Saturday
Leverkusen, in third place nine points (2.30am). With the title already wrapped up by
The left-right batting pair of Tewatia and Rashid behind Dortmund on 55, host Europa Bayern, second-placed Dortmund only need
put on an unbeaten stand of 59 off 24 deliveries to fire League semifinalists Eintracht Frankfurt on But it is Leverkusen who are best a point against VfL Bochum (Sat, 9.30pm) to
Gujarat, one of the two new teams, to the top of the Tuesday (2.30am in Malaysia) while Leipzig, positioned to lock down their spot first, with secure their spot in next season’s
10-team IPL table. a further point behind in fourth, travel to Frankfurt shining on the European stage Champions League group stage. – Reuters
“Happy to deliver against them, just trying to play Nightmare for Inter
my game and have that belief in my batting which I’m IKeeper howler keeps Nerazzurri off Serie A summit
working on from the last two years,” said Rashid. NTER MILAN failed to claim top spot in Serie A yesterday
after an incredible howler from reserve goalkeeper Ionut
“When it was 22 left. I just told Tewatia that we Radu consigned his team to a 2-1 defeat at Bologna.
have given 25 in the last over with one of our best With the teams locked at one apiece in the 81st minute Radu
bowlers bowling and I told him that we needed to Bologna’s Marko somehow hooked the ball towards his own net when trying to
have that belief and not panic, anything is possible.” Arnautovic (right) in pass it out, allowing Nicola Sansone to tap in a goal which hands
action with Inter Milan’s AC Milan the advantage in the title race.
Malik was named man of the match despite Stefan de Vrij during the
ending on the losing side. Italian Serie A match The Romanian left the field distraught after his first league
yesterday. – REUTERSPIX match of the season ended in humiliation following an error
“He is a fast bowler,” former England batter Kevin which could fatally damage Inter’s Scudetto defence.
Pietersen screamed on commentary. “He is going to
rattle stumps for a long time.” “It was an unfortunate mistake, but these things happen,”
Inter coach Simone Inzaghi said.
Struggling Mercedes could have
upgrades for Miami “Radu is an excellent goalkeeper with a bright future ahead of
FORMULA ONE champions Mercedes could have new
parts available to improve their bouncing car in time Champions Inter, who had taken the lead in the third minute
for next week’s Miami Grand Prix, trackside with a powerful strike from Ivan Perisic, stay two points behind
engineering director Andrew Shovlin said yesterday. league leaders Milan with four matches remaining.
Mercedes have been wrestling with the Defeat for Inzaghi’s side could be crucial to the race for the
‘porpoising’ problem since the start of the season, with Scudetto as yesterday’s match was Inter’s game in hand on their
seven times world champion Lewis Hamilton already local rivals.
58 points behind Ferrari’s Charles Leclerc after four
races. The evening’s matches were three of the four not played in
January following a spike in coronavirus cases across Serie A and
Hamilton finished 13th in last Sunday’s Emilia Italy in general.
Romagna Grand Prix at Imola.
Further pushing things in Milan’s favour is the superior
Shovlin said in a debrief on the team’s YouTube record Stefano Pioli’s side have in this season’s two league
channel that the problem posed new engineering derbies, as head-to-head decides the placings of teams locked
challenges that Mercedes needed to understand. on the same points.
“Hopefully soon, maybe as soon as Miami, we can Marko Arnautovic levelled the scores for Bologna with his
start to bring some parts to the car that will hopefully fourth goal in three games in the 28th minute and they went toe-
give us an indication on whether we are moving in the to-toe with Inter until Radu handed the hosts a potentially title-
right direction,” he said. deciding win.
“We are not expecting to solve this overnight, but “We’ve got to keep our heads. We’ve had a tough blow but
if we can get a clue that we are going in the right you saw how Bologna played today, every game is going to be
direction, that we really got to the bottom of what is difficult and two points is a gap that we can make up,” added
going on, then we will be quite pleased that we are Inzaghi.
just moving on the right path.”
“We have to keep going with our heads held high because we
The bouncing problem has forced the team, now still have a chance.”
third in the standings, to run their car higher than
planned which affects aerodynamic performance. Fiorentina’s hopes of a return to European football were hit
yesterday after they fell to a 4-0 Serie A home hammering at the
Hamilton’s ‘psychological hands of Udinese.
strength’ questioned
Vincenzo Italiano’s side would have moved into fifth and the
LEWIS HAMILTON’S ‘psychological strength’ has division’s Europa League spot had they won yesterday’s game in
been questioned as the seven-time champion hand, which was not played in January following a spike in
continues to struggle at Mercedes. Former NASCAR coronavirus cases at Udinese.
and IndyCar driver Danica Patrick said the Briton’s
issue might be a ‘mental’ one as he fails to extract Fiorentina sit seventh and outside the European places after
the same performance as new team-mate George the heavy defeat, two points behind Roma and level with Lazio
Russell. who hold the Europa Conference League place, as they seek
continental competition for the first time since the 2016-17
Hamilton finished 13th in Imola, his second season. – AFP/Reuters
disappointing result of the campaign after his 10th
in Saudi Arabia. Meanwhile, Russell bagged solid Miami will bring Super Bowl vibe to F1, says Brown
points for the Silver Arrows in fourth to maintain his
record of finishing in the top five in every race this NEXT WEEK’S inaugural Miami Grand Prix Miami… it rivals the Super Bowl as far as ‘are there’s the halftime celebs and shows, this feels
year. already feels like Formula One’s version of you going to the Miami race?’. like the Super Bowl,” he said.
Super Bowl with a huge buzz and celebrities
The 24-year-old’s consistency has pushed him clamouring for the hottest tickets in town, “I’ve been around F1 for 20 years and I’m The Miami metropolitan area has hosted
into the championship hunt and the rookie lies just according to McLaren boss Zak Brown. used to going to grands prix but I’ve never Super Bowl 11 times, more than anywhere else,
37 points behind Ferrari’s Charles Leclerc. Hamilton seen anything like it.” with six of them at the Hard Rock Stadium and
has almost half his teammate’s points and is stuck The American said his team were the the most recent in 2020.
down in seventh. biggest buyers of hospitality for the May 8 race The race is the fifth round of the season
around the Hard Rock Stadium, home of the and, with the long-established race in Austin, Austin drew the biggest F1 crowd of the
Speaking to Sky Sports F1, Patrick said: “You’ve NFL’s Miami Dolphins, but demand far Texas, one of two in the United States this year. season last year, with a total three-day
got to emerge from this hole meaning the speed, outstripped supply. In 2023 there will be three with Las Vegas attendance of 400,000, and Brown said the
where is he going to find it. It’s not like there’s just a debuting. Texas track had played a big role in building
couple of bad races it’s just not fast. “It’s going to be awesome. I’ve been here six the sport’s popularity in a region of key
years and I’ve never seen demand or buzz for a Brown said McLaren had 1,000 guests, importance to Formula One.
“I’m really curious, I’m curious as to where the grand prix like I’ve seen for Miami,” Brown, including A-list celebrities, coming over the
speed is. George Russell’s having a pretty decent whose background is in sponsorship and course of the weekend and would have a So too had the acclaimed Netflix docu-
season, he had a good day. I don’t know are they marketing, told Reuters. McLaren House as well as Paddock Club series ‘Drive to Survive’, credited with bringing
trying different things with Lewis? hospitality and grandstands. in new and younger audiences to a
“We can easily double our hospitality and championship that once struggled for air time
“Are there certain specifications that are different we’re already the largest hospitality buyer in “Having been around the Super Bowl, in a market dominated by US sports. – Reuters
this year that he’s not getting on with. Is it mental? where there’s the football game and then
Hearing Nico speak about Toto taking the fault for
the situation with Lewis is an interesting
“There’s a lot of psychological strength that’s
needed to endure the pressures of the season. Every
single race counts.”
/thesundaily 15theSUN ON FRIDAY | APRIL 29, 2022
EPL PREVIEWS & FIXTURES Season’s end cannot come
soon enough Rangnick’sdisjointedandinjury-strickensquad
MATCH-BY-MATCH facts and statistics ahead of
the 35th round of the Premier League from April are playing for professional pride alone
30 to May 3 (all times at 10pm in Malaysia unless
Newcastle vs Liverpool (7.30pm) █ MARK CRITCHLEY has gone according to expectation at under scrutiny there,” he insisted, “but
Liverpool have won 12 of their last 13 Premier League Stamford Bridge over these past few months. obviously if we are supposed to have seven
games, keeping a clean sheet in 10 of them. Newcastle AT THE start of the season, there was outfield players missing out tomorrow this is
have won their last six league games at St James’ Park. a broad consensus on the make-up The takeover saga is reaching its most not a good thing at this part of the season.”
Liverpool forward Mohamed Salah leads the goalscor- of the Premier League’s final top decisive days. Most importantly, whatever
ing charts with 22 league goals, five ahead of four and a band of overwhelming the outcome, the future of the club is secure. Scrutiny is instead turning to Rangnick
Tottenham Hotspur’s Son Heung-min. favourites to qualify for next season’s himself. This is far from an easy club to
Watford vs Burnley Champions League. United have not suffered an existential manage but his interim spell has not had the
Burnley and Watford played out a goalless draw in the crisis in the same way but that is just about desired effect.
reverse fixture at Turf Moor earlier this season. Watford The order depended on who you asked the only thing that has not gone wrong at Old
have lost their last 10 matches at home in the league. but just about everybody agreed that Trafford over the past nine months. “I think I’ve tried everything I can but that
Burnley have won only once in 16 away matches this Manchester City and Liverpool would be does not necessarily mean that we did
season. joined by Chelsea and Manchester United. This season could be described as everything right,” he conceded at Carrington,
Southampton vs Crystal Palace forgettable if it had not arguably been the when asked if this spell had damaged his
Crystal Palace have scored one goal in the last four Two of those four clubs have spent the most dramatic and traumatic of the post- reputation.
games in all competitions. Southampton have only past week competing in the semifinals of this Ferguson era.
won one of their last eight games in the Premier season’s Champions League, having already “Everybody has to question himself, the
League. The two teams drew 2-2 at Selhurst Park in the secured their place in next season’s too. Erik ten Hag’s appointment can only offer staff, the players and myself, what could we
reverse fixture earlier this season. delayed gratification at a club that needs - have done better in the past. This is part of
Aston Villa vs Norwich City For City, to win the competition would be and often craves – an instant hit of optimism. our job. Everybody has to be self-critical
Bottom side Norwich have won only one of their last 11 the crowning moment of the Abu Dhabi era. enough to do that.”
league games. Aston Villa have not won in their last The problems continue to pile up. After
five league matches. (L4 D1) Norwich lost 2-0 to Villa at For Liverpool, it could still complete an Paul Scholes’ public proclamations of Whether it is players or management,
home earlier this season. unprecedented quadruple. It is late April and dressing room unrest and Scott McTominay nobody at Old Trafford can be spared that
Wolves vs Brighton this season could still be a historic one for hinting at something similar after the defeat criticism, even if United win all four of their
Wolves have not been held to a draw so far in 2022. both clubs. to Arsenal at the weekend, there is now an remaining league games.
Four of the last six games between the teams have injury crisis to contend with.
ended in a draw. Wolves beat Brighton 1-0 at the Amex Their two rivals, by contrast, can barely It says everything about how badly the
Stadium in the reverse fixture. wait for the campaign to end. United’s injury record remains a worry, season has gone that a perfect record
though, and it is an issue Rangnick has between now and the end of next month
SUNDAY Many viewers might decide that West repeatedly brought up in recent weeks, could be viewed by some as less a blessing
Ham’s first European semifinal in 46 years is having been deprived of players during a and more a curse.
Leeds vs Man City (12.30am) an altogether more enticing prospect than critical stage of the season.
City beat Leeds 7-0 earlier this season. Leeds are unde- this meeting of two jaded giants. If a spot in the Champions League has
feated in their last five league games (W3 D2). Leeds He has suggested a thorough internal gone, as it surely has, a place in the Europa
are aiming to go six Premier League matches unbeaten Chelsea still have the FA Cup final to look review to get to the bottom of the problem, League is little consolation and one in the
for the first time since April 2021. They beat City in that forward to, at least, and will eventually secure but was sure to divert any blame away from Conference League even less so. – The
run. their top-four finish. those individuals within United’s medical Independent
Tottenham vs Leicester (9pm) department.
Spurs have only drawn once at home this season, a 2-2 It is some way sort of the sustained title
draw against Liverpool in December. The teams have challenge many expected, but then very little “There is nothing that needs to be put
met 31 times in the Premier League, with Tottenham
winning 14 and Leicester 12. Leicester have won one of Reds step up talks with Klopp over new contract
their last 11 away league matches.
Everton vs Chelsea (9pm) LIVERPOOL manager Jurgen Klopp is set for Merseyside beyond the next two seasons,
The teams drew 1-1 earlier this season. Everton have discussions over a new contract at Anfield after the prompting him to open the negotiation process
won only one of their last five league games (L3 D1). club have received encouragement that he would formally.
The teams have played each other 59 times in the be open to staying beyond 2024.
Premier League, with Everton winning 12 times and The news will come as a monumental boost for
Chelsea 27 times. The Reds’ incredible season has revitalised Liverpool fans the day after all-but sealing their
West Ham vs Arsenal (11.30pm) Klopp, who had initially intended to leave place in another Champions League final.
West Ham have not lost in their last six home games in
the Premier League (W4 D2). Hammers have lost more Merseyside at the end of his current This season has the potential to be the greatest
Premier League matches against Arsenal (33) than deal. of his tenure yet, with the Reds gut-wrenchingly
against any other side in the competition. Arsenal for- According to mass reports, close to an unheard-of quadruple.
ward Alexandre Lacazette has been involved in six Liverpool are preparing to
goals in his last seven league appearances against move ahead with contract They will face Chelsea in the FA Cup final, are
West Ham. extension talks after Fenway one game away from the Champions League final,
Sports Group became aware of and could be crowned Premier League champions
TUESDAY if Man City make a single slip-up in the run-in. –
his recharged attitude. And the German Express Newspapers
Man United vs Brentford (3am) coach could commit to as many as four
Brentford have won five of their last seven games in the more years at Anfield. RESULTS & STANDINGS
Premier League. United won 3-1 when the teams last
met. Brentford’s Christian Eriksen has scored once and Klopp has reiterated throughout his CHAMPIONS LEAGUE (semifinal 1rst leg):
provided two assists since joining them after a long Liverpool tenure that he will only sign Liverpool 2 (Estupinan 53-og, Mane 55) Villarreal
period of recovery following a heart attack. contracts he knows he has the energy 0.
and motivation to honour in full.
Reuters CHAMPIONSHIP: Middlesbrough 2 Cardiff 0.
It makes suggestions that he could
sign a new four-year deal surprising, SERIE A: Atalanta 4 (Muriel 18-pen, De Roon 23,
Pasalic 78, Muriel 84-pen) Torino 4 (Sanabria 4,
given his previous claims that he Lukic 36-pen, 63-pen, Freuler 68-og), Bologna 1
would be done in 2024. (Arnautovic 28, Sansone 81) Inter Milan 2 (Perisic
3), Fiorentina 0 Udinese 4 (Mari 12, Deulofeu 36,
When speaking about his 2024 Walace 90+1, Udogie 90+4).
contract expiry as recently as March,
the 54-year-old declared: “That will be TOP 6 P W D L F A Pts
me, thank you very much.” But FSG Milan 34 22 8 4 60 30 74
Inter 34 21 9 4 72 28 72
president, Michael Gordon, was in Napoli 34 20 7 7 61 30 67
attendance at Anfield as Juventus 34 19 9 6 52 30 66
Liverpool beat Villarreal 2- Roma 34 17 7 10 55 40 58
0 yesterday, joined by Lazio 34 16 8 10 66 50 56
Klopp’s representative
Marc Kosicke.
Gordon has
been informed
that Klopp is now
open to staying on
Ferguson outlines Ten Hag hope since appointment The Dutchman boasts one of the most
glittering reputations among elite coaches across
MANCHESTER UNITED legend Sir Alex Ferguson decade, in which David Moyes, Louis van Gaal, Alongside him, commentary legend Des Europe, but he’s walking into one of the toughest
has made his first public comments about Erik Jose Mourinho and Solskjaer have all fallen to the Scahill added: “Well, we were spoiled; this man jobs football has to offer.
ten Hag since he was appointed as the club’s new sword. (Sir Alex) gave us so many great days. We’re
manager. suffering at the moment, but we keep the faith.” Former United defender Mikael Silvestre
Sir Alex, part-owner of horse Clan des hopes his reputation will sky rocket in line with
Earlier this month, United confirmed Ten Hag Obeaux, spoke to RTE Racing yesterday about Ten Hag has a monumental task on his hands success on the pitch, similarly to Sir Alex’s
would be taking charge at Old Trafford this the competitor’s chances of success at this week’s to steer the club away from the sinkhole that it’s throughout his 27-year tenure.
summer. Punchestown Festival. And at the end of the currently engulfed in amid a disastrous season
interview, the iconic Scotsman was asked for his from start to finish. “He isn’t a massive name, and when Sir Alex
Ten Hag, completing his fourth full season as thoughts on Ten Hag’s imminent arrival. joined the club as manager, he wasn’t a big
Ajax boss, will succeed Ole Gunnar Solskjaer and Ralf Rangnick has struggled to inspire a name. I hope that he can follow in Alex’s
become United’s fifth permanent manager since He said: “Well, I hope he does well because dressing room in disarray and United look set to footsteps and Erik’s name is huge when he
Sir Alex’s retirement in 2013. the club needs someone to get in control. I hope miss out on Champions League football next eventually leaves United. That, for me, would be
he does well, yeah.” season. the best-case scenario. It would be amazing.” –
The club have endured a largely dismal last Express Newspapers
“He isn’t a massive name, and when Sir
Alex joined the club as manager, he
wasn’t a big name. I hope that he can follow in
Alex’s footsteps and Erik’s name is huge when he
eventually leaves United. That, for me, would be
the best-case scenario. It would be amazing.”
Former Man United defender Mikael Silvestre
Villarreal branded ‘the new Atletico Madrid’ backfires dramatically
UNAI EMERY was hailed on Twitter after his Bayern Munich over two legs of their recent Henderson’s cross past Rulli before Mane produce the best version of ourselves, let the
Villarreal side delivered a “masterclass” to leave quarter-final. grabbed a second. wave carry us.
Liverpool feeling frustrated at Anfield – just
before his team fell apart by conceding twice However, they were left frustrated Before the fixture, Emery admitted that his “We have to try to get the perfect game: we
in two minutes. following a tight opening half in which they team would need to put in a perfect know this is a semifinal and that we’re playing
failed to break the deadlock, leaving rival fans performance to come away with a result the biggest favourite, but we believe in
The former Arsenal boss was credited by feeling pleased on social media. before the second leg in Spain next week. ourselves and we want to have our place on
some for turning his side into ‘the new Atletico the pitch.
Madrid ‘ – before Jordan Henderson’s cross One Twitter user wrote at the break: He said: “This is the best Liverpool I’ve seen.
beat Geronimo Rulli and Sadio Mane’s prod “Villarreal is nothing but Atletico Madrid 2.0.” I was there when that magnificent Liverpool “It’s not a case of finishing and being
put the hosts in the driving seat. won the Champions League and this year satisfied (to be here), no. We play a team that
With a second adding: “Masterclass so far watching them, analysing them, it is better. under normal circumstances could be better
Jurgen Klopp’s men went into the from Villarreal. Have to appreciate good than us but we have our mechanisms, our
Champions League semifinal first leg as huge football tactics when I see it.” “Liverpool are in a great moment, with a response, and we have to seek ways to beat
favourites against Villarreal, who sit seventh in project that has been growing with Klopp them, to compete.
La Liga, despite Emery’s side knocking out That mood was swiftly turned on it’s head growing for years.”
in the second half, with Pervis Estupinan “Above all, we’re going to live it.” – Daily Star
credited with an own goal for deflecting Adding: “We have to analyse, prepare,
Reds in control
Liverpool’s Sadio
Mane (left) scores
their second goal
during the UEFA
Champions League
semifinal 1st leg
match against
Villarreal at Anfield
Liverpool roll over Villarreal to close in on Champions League final
JURGEN KLOPP said Liverpool first. We know it will be a tricky with a defiant defence. goalkeeper Geronimo Rulli escaped perfectly weighted pass for Mane to
have to remain “on alert” despite atmopshere for us.” In stark contrast to the free-flowing unpunished with some sloppy prod past Rulli on 55 minutes.
putting one foot in the Champions handling from a number of speculative
League final with a dominant 2-0 Against Villarreal, Liverpool thrills of Manchester City’s 4-3 win over efforts. The offside flag came to Villarreal’s
win over Villarreal in the the first leg of illustrated that they have got better at a Real Madrid in the other semifinal on rescue once more to rule out Andy
their semifinal tie at Anfield yesterday. game of patience. “We kept them Wednesday, Emery’s men followed the Another long-range strike was the Robertson’s strike.
quiet,” said Klopp, the advocate of same tactic that saw them past closest Liverpool came to breaking the
Two goals in two minutes undid heavy-metal football embracing the Juventus and Bayern Munich by deadlock before the break as Thiago Emery was hailed the “king of the
Villarreal boss Unai Emery’s defensive silence. retreating behind the ball. Alcantara’s sweet strike clipped the cups” by Klopp for his stunning Europa
game plan as Pervis Estupinan post. League record, with one of his four
deflected Jordan Henderson’s cross Alisson had to retrieve the ball from However, the Yellow Submarine triumphs in that competition coming
into his own net before Sadio Mane his net five times in a semifinal here for could barely lay a glove on Klopp’s men The six-time European champions as Sevilla boss against the German
slotted in a second. Roma. In Liverpool’s colours, he did as Liverpool just had to bide their time started the second half at a higher during his first season at Liverpool in
not have a save to make against to make their dominance count. tempo and quickly began to punch 2016.
The Reds remain on course for an Villarreal. holes in Villarreal’s rearguard.
unprecedented quadruple of “The 2-0 is a clear, deserved result,” However, Liverpool are a different
Champions League, Premier League, And after pacifying them, then they said Emery. “It could have been even Fabinho’s goal was ruled out for beast six years on and the limitations of
FA Cup and League Cup. struck. Instead of blowing opponents worse but we still have a chance. offside against Virgil van Dijk in the a side sitting seventh in La Liga were
away, they wear them down. build-up. shown up as they struggled to mount
And barring a huge upset when the “I want to show we are capable of any sort of response to going behind.
sides meet again in southern Spain in “It’s intense for us to play the way playing a different game at home.” Moments later, Anfield erupted as
six days’ time, Liverpool’s season will we play but it’s intense for the the error-prone Rulli finally cost the Luis Diaz smashed across the face
finish with a third Champions League opponent to defend us,” Klopp The Reds have now scored 135 goals Spaniards with a feeble attempt at of goal as Liverpool threatened to kill
final in five seasons in Paris on May 28. rationalised. this season, but were held scoreless in a parrying Henderson’s deflected cross. the tie off with a third.
frustrating first 45 minutes.
“It is 2-0 at halftime,” said Klopp. “Maturity is part of quality, to be The last thing the visitors could The English giants had to settle for a
“You have to be completely on alert, honest. We should be like this.” Mane headed wide Mohamed afford was the floodgates opening, but two-goal advantage, but they are yet to
100 percent in the right moment and Salah’s pinpoint cross with the best they were powerless to stop the waves lose by a two-goal margin in 55
play the second half like we played the Increasingly, Liverpool do not panic opening. of Liverpool attacks. matches this season. – AFP/Express
when the burden of expectation is Newspapers
upon them and they are confronted The Senegalese also saw a deflected Salah was the architect with a
effort fly just wide and Villarreal
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