INSIDE page There will be
no publication tomorrow
Dire consequences 2 on the occasion of Deepavali.
if Budget 22 is Please visit
for the latest news.
No. 7896 PP 2644/12/2012 (031195)
LIGHTING UP ... till the end
Insp Nalini Thayananthan
lights a lamp for the
Kolam at the home of her
adopted family at Palma
Laguna, Prai ahead of
Deepavali, yesterday. The
police officer from
Seremban will be on duty
in Penang for the festive
period. – MASRY CHE
[email protected] oMost Malaysians don’t have enough LYFE
in nest egg to retire
PETALING JAYA: While most P6
Malaysians who are employed seniors believes that the number of those “The perception towards older people
have savings in their retirement who cannot afford to retire could be much should also change. They are not as Giving voice to
funds, there is little likelihood that higher given the rising cost of living and vulnerable and unhealthy as many unsung heroes
they will get to spend their twilight years in inflation. assume. In fact, they can be an asset to
comfort. companies that need to train younger
Founding president of Third Age Media workers. The two generations can
Among the factors that have been cited Association Cheah Tuck Wing said it is complement each other,” he added.
for this state of affairs are bad policies, low unrealistic to assume that the consequence Cheah also attributed the state of
wages and the phenomenon of a fast- of allowing withdrawals from EPF savings affairs to corruption, a scourge
ageing society. could be reversed by working an additional that he said has led to the loss of
four to six years after retirement. the country’s riches.
Unless the right measures are taken “Stop corruption and there
quickly, the nation will likely see more “I don’t understand how the will be money for various
social and financial problems ahead, government has allowed this. Retirement benefits and the country will
interest groups said. funds are there to ensure that the flourish,” he added.
individual has a safety net in their senior Cheah said the government
As of now, according to Employees years,” Cheah told theSun. should immediately stop the
Provident Fund (EPF) chief strategy officer programme that allows contributors
Nurhisham Hussein, only 3% of Malaysians He expects the situation to worsen given to withdraw from their EPF savings to
have enough in the nest egg for a decent the fact that Malaysia is becoming an prevent more damage.
existence after they leave the workforce. ageing nation. He said raising the quantum of
contributions to the EPF to match that of
Nurhisham said the situation has been “Birth rates have fallen as younger Singapore’s Central Provident Fund is YOUTH
worsened by the government’s policy to people prefer to emigrate for a brighter also not practical given that
allow EPF contributors to withdraw from future, leaving us with the older folks. wages are low in Malaysia.
their savings to make up the shortfall in Without a proper safety net, homelessness “To do that, the Turn to
income caused by the economic fallout of among senior citizens will rise,” he added.
the Covid-19 pandemic. government will have to —
Cheah said the government should start raise minimum wages and
The many programmes, namely i-Sinar, offering incentives to businesses to hire page 4
i-Lestari and i-Citra, have led to 6.1 million seniors and provide the necessary funds to
contributors depleting their savings to help them enhance their existing skills and fix the economy,” he added.
below RM10,000 each. acquire new ones, especially to make them
more tech savvy.
More troubling is the fact that 3.6
million of them have less than RM1,000 in
their savings after a lifetime of toil.
An interest group that focuses on
expected to yield
Dire consequences if budget RM3b
is passed: Mahathir THE government expects to collect at
least RM3 billion through the
KUALA LUMPUR: Former prime o It is the most bloated in nation’s history and is (actually) a possibility of reducing Prosperity Tax announced in Budget
minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad will lead to massive debt, warns former premier the allocation.” 2022, said Deputy Finance Minister II
has warned that there will be dire Yamani Hafez Musa.
consequences for the country if the more money to almost everyone and He advised the government to be Mahathir also alleged that a
just tabled Budget 2022 is passed. every quarter”. cautious in its spending so that the culture of corruption has led to the He said the Prosperity Tax was
debt burden would not be passed on increase in government allocations. proposed following suggestions from
“It is the most bloated in the He also asked how the to future generations. many who wanted companies not
country’s history and this will lead to government would obtain the He said unimportant positions are affected by the Covid-19 pandemic to
a massive debt,” he said. additional RM98 billion to meet the “We should not take pride in being created only to have the help revive the country’s economy.
targeted allocation. announcing the largest budget in the holders of these offices support the
A record RM332.1 billion has been country’s history because eventually, ruling party. Through the tax, companies with
allocated for next year’s budget while He added the nation is already in it will lead us to our biggest debt,” he taxable income up to the first RM100
the government’s revenue is expected debt of more than RM1 trillion. “With added during the budget debate. “They are given the status of million will be subject to income tax
to amount to only RM234 billion. The this new debt, the amount will rise ministers so that they can be paid at a rate of 24% and the remaining
additional RM98 billion will be further.” He said the current government higher income. As a result, the budget taxable income, at a rate of 33% for
financed through borrowings. should, in fact, be more careful so it allocation has to be raised, and our the year of assessment 2022.
Mahathir said raising the debt does not create a burden for future debt will increase.
Mahathir described the situation ceiling to 65% will not reduce the governments. He added that though the increase
as “worrying”. quantum of the government’s debt. “The cost that will be borne by the is generally 9%, it is a “one-off” tax
“It will take decades to pay off this “In the budget, there is no government will then be raised. This and quite affordable for such
With no attempt to hide his debt.” mention of reducing spending. There culture of corruption is back.” companies as they had made high
sarcasm, he said that if the general profits in the previous two years.
election were to be held tomorrow, He expressed hope that the
“the ruling party will take the ‘big government would revise Budget “It will be implemented fairly and
cake’ because the budget allocates 2022 to avoid falling into a bigger does not target any specific industry
debt trap. or sector.”
‘I did not receive
funds as claimed He was replying to a
in Pandora supplementary question from Datuk
Papers’ Seri Ahmad Maslan (BN-Pontian),
who asked about the estimated
DEPUTY Finance Minister II Yamani HOT AND CRUNCHY ... Tourists from Penang waiting to savour fried squid (sotong goreng) at a stall in Jalan Pantai amount that the government will get
Hafez Musa has denied that he Penarik in Kuala Terengganu yesterday. – MASRY CHE ANI/THESUN through the implementation of the
received funds from a company Prosperity Tax.
linked to him, as alleged in the
recently released Pandora Papers. Yamani said the government had
not yet implemented the Capital
He said that while he was among Gains Tax comprehensively,
those named in the Pandora Papers, including imposing a tax on capital
the company mentioned has been market profits.
“inactive or dormant”.
“The government has no plans to
“There has been no injection of reintroduce the inheritance tax to
funds or assets, nor have dividends boost national revenue.” – Bernama
been declared.”
Six-fold increase
Yamani is among several in fares for flights
Malaysians whose names have to Sarawak
popped up in the Pandora Papers.
Among others on the list are Umno FARES for flights from Peninsular
president Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Malaysia to Sarawak during
Hamidi, Finance Minister Tengku Deepavali are six times higher than
Zafrul Abdul Aziz and the parents of they were during the same period in
fugitive financier Jho Low. 2019.
He said the Inland Revenue Board Ticket prices are highest from Nov
was “fully aware of the amount of 2 to 8. Deepavali is celebrated
capital in the firm when I was there”. tomorrow.
He said all taxes have also been paid.
Transport Minister Datuk Seri Dr
Yamani was answering a Wee Ka Siong said the findings were
supplementary question by Hassan based on monitoring by the
Abdul Karim (PH-Pasir Gudang), Malaysian Aviation Commission
who wanted him to explain the (Mavcom) on Oct 27.
actions of 1,500 Malaysians who had
allegedly taken a total of RM1.8 However, fares to Sabah are lower.
trillion to offshore financial centres, Wee said that Mavcom found that
as revealed in the Pandora Papers. ticket prices for flights from the
peninsula to Sabah were 30% to 63%
According to the papers, Hafez lower for the period from Nov 4 to 10,
was a director of Great Ocean compared with the corresponding
Consultants, a company in the British period in 2019.
Virgin Islands, from 2013 to 2015. “The higher ticket prices to
Sarawak is the result of the
Also in the company were his implementation of flight capacity
siblings and his father, former Sabah limits by the state government as part
chief minister Tan Sri Musa Aman, of its efforts to curb the spread of
who took over as sole director in 2015. Covid-19.
“Flight frequency to Sarawak
The company held RM1.2 million dropped 86% compared with the
(US$310,000) in a Deutsche Bank pre-pandemic peiod, while for Sabah,
account before it was sold the the flight frequency decreased by
following year. 49%.”
Wee was replying to a question
from Kelvin Yii Lee Wuen (PH-
Bandar Kuching). – Bernama
Wider door for entry of foreign workers, says minister
A TOTAL of 11,751 employers have He added that a total of 212,926 work with any employer who wants the plantation sector with special Hamzah was replying to Steven
applied for permission to hire foreign illegal immigrants had also registered to rehire them.” exemptions. Choong Shiau Yoon (PH-Tebrau),
workers under the Labour for permits to work in Malaysia who asked which sectors had been
Recalibration Programme, said legally since last year. He said under the Return He explained that the decision allowed to recruit new foreign
Home Minister Datuk Seri Hamzah Recalibration Programme, a total of was made by the Special Committee workers, besides the number allowed
Zainuddin. Hamzah said 65,484 have RM71,368,700 was collected as on Covid-19 Pandemic Management, for each sector.
registered to return to work in the compound fines from 147,705 illegal chaired by Prime Minister Datuk Seri
He said the ministry has reviewed manufacturing sector, 122,075 in migrants. “This has proven the Ismail Sabri Yaakob on Oct 22. “The same SOP will be enforced
applications for hiring foreign construction, 12,003 in agriculture success of the programme.” on all selected sectors and will be
workers in manufacturing, and 7,176 in plantations. The decision was made based on approved on a case-by-case basis by
construction, agriculture and Hamzah said the government has the standard operating procedure the Foreign Workers Committee,” he
plantation industries. “These are migrants who have also allowed the hiring of an (SOP) for the entry of foreign workers added.
already registered and are keen to additional 32,000 foreign workers for into Malaysia for permitted sectors.
Organisers of 3theSUN ON WEDNESDAY | NOVEMBER 3, 2021
in Malacca fined
AI-driven talent search
KUALA LUMPUR: There was no gathering still not perfect
or social event related to the Malacca state
election held with the involvement of two o Complete reliance on artificial intelligence can lead to filtering and ranking resumes is not enough,”
former prime ministers, Tan Sri Muhyiddin hiring the wrong candidates, says expert she pointed out.
Yassin and Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak,
according to the Ministry of Health (MoH) █ BY ELWIN DAVA proves to be more reliable. “Sometimes, you “While AI can be useful for mass
yesterday. [email protected] need to ‘cheat’ to get the right person for the job. recruitment, the human touch is essential to get
PETALING JAYA: Human resource managers, AI is not programmed to have that leeway,” he the stand-out candidates for highly competitive
In a statement, MoH said the step aside. Artificial intelligence (AI) is taking added. positions,” she added.
investigation carried out by the Malacca over the recruitment process.
Health Department found that the recent Nonetheless, he believes that AI still has a Aside from its lack of flexibility, AI comes
programmes involving Muhyiddin, who is Incredible as it sounds, AI is creeping into yet role to play in the recruitment process. “It will with security threats.
Perikatan Nasional (PN) chairman, and another role traditionally played by man. make it easier for the HR manager and recruiter
Najib as Barisan Nasional (BN) advisory to discover potential candidates,” he said. “For instance, if the proper firewalls are not
board chairman, in Malacca were more of a The change, most experts think, is inevitable. in place to protect data, AI becomes yet another
walkabout. After all, AI technology is already common on Srithren pointed out that AI will serve well at risk to the organisation,” Srithren said.
job search platforms. large multinationals that may see more
However, the organisers of the applicants for a job. “It shortens the time taken AI-conducted interviews may also lead to job
programmes had been compounded in However, like most things new, the kinks are to screen all candidates. The HR manager can description documents being exposed to
accordance with the Prevention and still present. then make the final decision on who best fits the competitors.
Control of Infectious Diseases Act 1988 for bill,” he said.
non-compliance with the physical As head of human resource at Arena Group “Protection of the company’s proprietary
distancing rule among the attendees. Srithren Krishnan pointed out, complete Dr Zati Hakim Azizul Hasan, senior lecturer information will then be questionable,” he said.
reliance on AI can and will lead to the hiring of at the Department of Artificial Intelligence in
“A compound of RM20,000 was issued to the wrong candidates. Universiti Malaya, agreed that it is not a good Srithren said the best way forward is to use AI
Malacca PN as the organiser of the idea to rely wholly on AI to recruit. at the initial stage, when thousands of
programme involving Muhyiddin, while the He agreed that during the Covid-19 applications have to be screened.
organiser of the programme involving Najib pandemic, when face-to-face meetings are not “It does take away a large portion of the
was issued with a compound of RM4,000. possible, having AI take over the recruitment workload, given that it can look through “But at the stage when the applicant is
process is the way to go. thousands of resumes quickly and filter out the interviewed, it can be done via zoom if face-to-
“The compounds were issued under best candidates according to set criteria,” she face meetings are not possible,” he said.
Regulation 16 of the Prevention and Control “However, it has also made us realise that told theSun.
of Infectious Diseases (Measures within the complete reliance on AI is not sustainable,” he He pointed out that unless the recruiter sees
Infected Local Areas) Regulations (National told theSun. However, Zati said, an experiment to rank the candidate’s face, it is difficult to determine
Recovery Plan) 2021,” it said. job applicants according to a set of benchmarks the good and bad attributes.
“In my experience, not all that is written in by her students has shown that classifying
According to the Act, organisers who the resume is true. AI shortlists candidates people is difficult even with AI. “There is also the possibility that if the
failed to comply with the standard based on key words in the CVs, so a less-than- interview is conducted through AI, someone in
operating procedures such as ensuring accurate entry could lead to the selection of the “This is because skills such as problem- the family may be coaching the candidate from
physical distancing, wearing of face masks wrong candidate,” Srithren said. solving, communications, negotiation, empathy the side,” he said.
and providing the MySejahtera QR Code for and resilience are not quantifiable (yet). So
check-in can be compounded. – Bernama That, he said, is when the human factor Srithren favours what he describes as the
80/20 formula, which entails AI assessing the
candidate’s technical abilities, which account
for only 20% of the weightage in the decision-
making process.
The remaining 80% is behavioural and it can
be assessed only by a human,” he added.
Demand rising for
local dried chillies
PIGEON WHISPERER ... For taxi KUALA LUMPUR: Business keeps growing for
driver Ahmad Talib, 65, feeding Imperia Asia International thanks to increasing
pigeons at an LRT station in Subang domestic demand for dried chillies.
Jaya first thing in the morning has
become a routine. He said the birds From cultivating 1,000 plants in polybags in
would gather at the station at early 2020, it now has 120,000 plants at the farm in
around 7.30am every day without Teluk Intan, Perak, said its project manager, Amirul
fail to wait for his arrival. – ASYRAF Syafiq Adnan, 35.
The producer of premium quality dried chillies
said it is able to sell 500-600 packets online per day
to customers across the country, and that the sales
value since June stood at RM65,000.
“We officially started selling (dried chillies) in
June (2021), and it all started in Teluk Intan, Perak.
“When we couldn’t keep up with demand, the
Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority (Fama)
helped to draw up a marketing partner contract
that allowed us to recruit smallholders.
“There are many smallholdings in Teluk Intan,”
he told Bernama when met at the My Best Buy
programme at Fama’s headquarters.
Amirul Syafiq said the contract brought benefits
to both parties, with the company ensured an
adequate chilli supply and the smallholders a
market for their crop.
With the help of Fama, too, Imperia Asia
International is making foray into South Korea,
Hong Kong, Japan and Taiwan.
BMedia director among seven recipients of Japanese awards
PETALING JAYA: Seven Admiral (Rtd) Datuk Seri Ahmad companies in Malaysia, and wrote a and still remains one of the biggest keep reminding fellow Malaysians
Malaysians, including Berjaya Puzi Ab Kahar, former Foreign number of articles introducing foreign investors in Malaysia whose of the many good values and work
Media Bhd (BMedia) director Ministry secretary-general Tan Sri Japan’s work ethic and its high contributions to the Malaysian culture that we can and must learn
Datuk Seri Azman Ujang, have been Mohd Radzi Abdul Rahman and efficiency. economy are just awesome and from the Japanese. Uppermost in
named recipients of decorations for former president of the Japanese phenomenal. my mind is their uncompromising
the 2021 autumn conferment by the Language Society of Malaysia Even after assuming the post of practice on punctuality.
government of Japan. Edward Lee Chee Peng. chairman of Bernama, Azman was “During my long active years as a
The other Malaysian recipients active in interviewing individuals journalist and post-retirement now, “By the same token, I regard this
of the award today are AmBank Azman Ujang, who has been a such as Japanese senior I have always been passionate award as a recognition for the role
Group chairman Tan Sri Azman journalist for 50 years, was government officials visiting about reporting on the truly close and contribution of Bernama in
Hashim, Public Service recognised by the Japanese Malaysia and ambassadors of Japan bilateral ties especially on the forging and fostering these strong
Department director-general Tan government for his contribution to to report how the Japanese business and economic front bilateral ties.”
Sri Mohd Khairul Adib Abd relations between Japan and assistance and investment between Japan and Malaysia.
Rahman, former Ambassador Malaysia. He was decorated with supported the economic and social The other recipients were
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary The Order of the Rising Sun, Gold development in Malaysia. “I am also privileged to have bestowed with awards for their
of Malaysia to Japan Datuk Rays with Neck Ribbon. been warmly acknowledged by roles in strengthening bilateral
Shaharuddin Md Som, former “I am indeed so very honoured Japanese ambassadors serving in relations between Japan and
director-general of Malaysian When then-prime minister Tun and humbled by this high award Malaysia over the years. Malaysia, and promoting Japanese
Maritime Enforcement Agency Dr Mahathir Mohamad promoted and recognition from the language education and mutual
the Look East Policy in 1982, Azman government of Japan,” Azman said. “As we celebrate the 40th understanding between the two
interviewed Japanese and Japanese anniversary of Malaysia’s Look East countries.
“Japan has been one of earliest Policy next year, it’s always timely to
Brighter Deepavali As of noon yesterday
festival awaits
concTafiosrtemasl ed 2,481,339
o With opening of state borders, celebrants open houses should not be held.
look forward to balik kampung amid calls to “Even if the majority of us are Total
exercise caution and observe SOP active cases cNaesews 5,071
vaccinated, it’s best not to have them
PETALING JAYA: After a much scaled year’s Deepavali remains a joyous to protect our elders and children 67,233
down Deepavali last year due to most one. from the virus,” he said.
parts of the country under Total
conditional and enhanced Malaysia Hindu Sangam He advised those intending to balik recoveries Current
movement control order, Hindus can president Datuk R.S. Mohan Shan kampung to consider if the trip is recovery 95.92%
look forward to a brighter Festival of advised against hosting open houses necessary. 2,380,060
Lights tomorrow. and keep festivities within the family. rate
Public Health Medicine expert
With the opening of state borders “We should care for ourselves Professor Dr Rusli Nordin warned that Death 5,864Brought
for those who are fully vaccinated, because the pandemic is not over open houses or mass gatherings could toll
many are likely to seize the chance to yet,” he said. lead to Covid-19 clusters. -in-Dead
travel and spend time with their 28,975
families this Deepavali. Only fully vaccinated individuals “We are not really out of the woods
are allowed to visit temples and yet. There is a danger of new PROGRESS STATISTICS FOR THE NATIONAL COVID-19 IMMUNISATION PROGRAMME
Folks celebrating the first major engage in religious activities at Deepavali clusters if we put aside the As of November 1
festival in the country since the non-Muslim houses of worship, existing SOP. New infections are still Received second doses
easing of restrictions, have been according to National Unity Ministry. high and fatalities are also climbing.
reminded to exercise caution and Moderation is necessary,” said Rusli, 25,494,783 24,508,552
observe standard operating The Malaysian Youth Council who is the dean of the Faculty of
procedures (SOP) to ensure this treasurer Haridass Ramasamy, who is Medicine, Bioscience and Nursing at
also the Selangor Hindu Youth Mahsa University.
president, agreed that Deepavali
“If celebrating indoors, ensure
proper ventilation to avoid build-up of
viral particles. Limit air-conditioning
as crowding in an air-conditioned
space is a risk for Covid transmission.”
‘Healthcare travel industry
blueprint achievable’
A man shopping for flowers at Lebuh Ampang in Kuala Lumpur in preparation for the Deepavali celebrations tomorrow. KUALA LUMPUR: The Association travel industry.
– ADIB RAWI YAHYA/THESUN of Private Hospitals Malaysia “The success of Malaysia’s
(APHM) is confident that the three
Sabah mulls shorter quarantine for travellers pillars listed under the Malaysia healthcare tourism sector is
Healthcare Travel Industry attributed to three aspects: best in
KOTA KINABALU: The Sabah Masidi said fully-vaccinated of Covid-19 in Sabah, Masidi said 393 Blueprint 2021-2025 to boost the class care, hi-tech facilities and
government will consider reducing individuals could be considered to new cases were recorded on Monday, medical tourism industry are access to innovative treatment. As
the compulsory quarantine period for undergo seven days of compulsory bringing the cumulative number to achievable. such, fast access to high-quality
individuals from abroad entering via quarantine, while those who are not 218,342 cases, with seven deaths and innovative medications will
the international checkpoints in the vaccinated or have incomplete reported. APHM president Datuk Dr Kuljit support growth of this industry in
state. vaccination must undergo 10 days of Singh, in welcoming the blueprint the face of regional competition.”
quarantine. Masidi said 602 Covid-19 patients launched by Health Minister
Sabah Local Government and were reported to have recovered and Khairy Jamaluddin on Monday, Kuljit said as they plan to
Housing Minister Datuk Masidi “Travellers with complete allowed to be discharged from said the blueprint was timely as the achieve a sizeable growth of
Manjun, who is also the state vaccination can also be considered to hospitals and low-risk quarantine nation was moving towards an medical tourism in the country
Covid-19 spokesman, said it would be undergo quarantine at home if it is and treatment centres. This brings the endemic phase after fighting the within the next five years, private
applicable to citizens and deemed suitable,” he said in a cumulative total of recovery cases to Covid-19 pandemic, Bernama hospitals will also further commit
non-citizens who arrive in Sabah statement on Monday. 207,601 while 1,867 are still receiving reported. to assist the government by
from abroad, Bernama reported. treatments. providing services for local patients
Commenting on the development He said private hospitals are the who have difficulty in obtaining
main participants in the blueprint treatment in government facilities
as they have world-class with the allocation provided by the
infrastructure, facilities and Finance Ministry in the 2022
medical experts to meet the criteria Budget.
set in the blueprint.
He said market stability is
“Prior to the pandemic in 2019, crucial to enhance local ecosystem,
medical tourism was one of the key which requires an enabling policy
contributors to Malaysia’s environment as opposed to
economic growth, and as the inhibitive policies such as price
country enters the endemic phase, controls, which will have negative
it is crucial to have a guide to boost impact on healthcare players in the
the recovery of our medical country.
Labuan ferry schedule back to normal
‘Revamp economic plan, budget allocation’ LABUAN: The roll-off ferry services Mainland Link Sdn Bhd and Juta
from the duty-free island to Bonus Sdn Bhd.
Social activist Tan Sri Ramon Policy Research at the Asia should considering a revamp of its mainland Sabah is back to normal.
Navaratnam said the Strategy and Leadership overall economic plan and budget Labuan Mainland Link operates
government would have seen From Institute, told theSun. allocation. As of Monday, the service has three ferries – Kimanis 1, Putrajaya
this when it launched the i- front been operating according to its 1 and Goodwill Star – with six trips,
Sinar, i-Lestari and i-Citra page He noted that the Covid-19 “Expenditure on big projects regular schedule. while Galaxy and Blue Ocean
pandemic has finally revealed should be cut back, and there ferries operated by Juta Bonus with
programmes. the weakness of the programme should be some kind of welfare Labuan Marine Department two trips daily.
“It is unfortunate that not much to allow withdrawals from EPF scheme for the lowest income director Alimuddin Amirudin said
has been done to prevent such a sad savings. “The ones who bear the groups,” he said. the back-to-normal ferry service Alimuddin reminded ferry
outcome,” Ramon, who is also brunt are the rakyat,” he pointed out. schedule was in accordance with operators to enforce the standard
chairman of the Centre for Public Ramon said the government “No society can sustain what we the lifting of the interstate travel operating procedures onboard
have been doing for long,” he added. ban by the Sabah government. their ferries to help curb Covid-19
“Following the relaxation on the
interstate travel requirements from “Enforcement of SOP will be
Labuan to Sabah via Menumbok, carried out regularly on the ferries
we agreed to allow the ferry and at the terminal, especially
services to go back to normal during public holidays and
beginning this month,” he told weekends.”
Bernama yesterday.
Sabah has released the
Alimuddin said eight trips guidelines for entry procedures for
between Labuan and Menumbok Malaysians and non-Malaysians
were approved for two ferry effective Monday, as it begins to
operators, namely Labuan open up for domestic tourism.
Odd jobs
Healing and restoring confidence
█ BY ELLY FAZANIZA o Oncoplastic breast surgeon makes it her mission to advocate women. Patients who are recovering
[email protected] the importance of early cancer detection from cancer surgery are also
BEING a doctor can be rewarding in encouraged to join support groups
many ways but the job can be arduos thought of her entering the medical myself up-to-date on theories. It is they felt a lump in the breast, and managed by survivors.
and challenging, and for Dr See Mee- field. “My aunt was a nurse who had not easy, but it can be fun, too.” some waited until it was already at an
Hoong, a day at work can mean being to work shifts, and she would often advanced stage,” she lamented. “These are trained counsellors
on her feet for up to six hours at a complain about being tired. It is not Recounting when she was a who understand the pain of their
stretch, staying fully focused mentally easy to have a work-life balance.” surgeon in Malacca Hospital in 2011, Apart from the cost, many fear that peers. Some get advice on whether to
and physically. she said back then people were afraid they would end up losing a breast – a proceed with breast re-constructive
But See’s passion drove her. to talk about breast cancer. prospect many women cannot come surgery during discussions with their
As an oncoplastic breast surgeon, “It is hard work. There is a lot of to terms with. However, the option of counsellors,” See said.
her task is rather delicate as her job studying, clinical work, and “There were some who getting a breast re-constructive
entails removing cancerous tumours until now I still have to keep were reluctant to come surgery has made it easier for most Many are not aware that patients
from patients’ breasts. who opt for chemotherapy or
forward even when radiotherapy may also need breast
On top of that and equally re-constructive surgery.
important is her commitment in See using a 3D model to explain
restoring women’s greatest assets. about the risks of lumps. “Therapy also has an impact on
– NORMAN HIU/THESUN the size and shape of the breast.
The 45-year-old associate Advice on what steps to take is given
professor at Universiti Malaya on a case-by-case basis,” she added.
Medical Centre is one of six pioneer
oncoplastic breast surgeons in As a pioneer in the sub-specialty of
Malaysia. breast re-constructive surgery, See
has made it her mission to get the
She conducts an average of eight right message across to people.
surgeries a week, or more than 30 a
month. Given the need to Three years ago, she teamed up
concentrate on the most minute with a patient to compile first-hand
details, being mentally focused and accounts of 15 different cancer
emotionally detached are essential survivors, with a special focus on
traits. nutrition.
“The aim is to help the patient get The book, in Chinese, was
rid of the cancer,” she told theSun. published recently.
But her work does not end there. “The book was inspired by my
“We also have to ensure that she is patients’ journeys. The net profit from
safe and well after the surgery. This the book will be used to fund
will motivate her to continue with diagnoses and mammograms for
post-surgery care,” she explained. those in the B40 group.”
For See, there was no doubt in her
mind that she would be a healer, She said that while some of
given her fascination with the work of the cost of procedures are low
a relative, who was an anaesthetist. because they are subsidised by the
“I could see his passion whenever government, many still cannot
he spoke about work. I felt that it was afford it.
my calling to be a healing hand.”
Initially, her parents balked at the “We don’t want these people to be
left behind,” she said.
See said her efforts are her way of
doing something good, not just for
her family but also her country.
Heavy rains alert for Six students charged with murder 685 at relief centres
Kelantan, T’gganu of cadet escape the gallows in Kedah, Malacca
KOTA BARU: The Malaysian KUALA LUMPUR: Six Universiti Pertahanan after finding them guilty of injuring Zulfarhan KUALA LUMPUR: A total of 685 people were
Meteorological Department (MetMalaysia) Nasional Malaysia (UPNM) students escaped Osman. Mohamad Shobirin was previously at flood relief centres in Kedah and Malacca
has issued a yellow alert weather warning, the gallows but were sentenced to 18 years in jail charged with the same offence but was as of yesterday morning following heavy rains
with forecast of heavy rain in Kelantan and by the High Court here yesterday after they were acquitted of the charge at the end of the that hit the two states on Monday.
Terengganu from yesterday until today. found guilty of culpable homicide not prosecution’s case.
amounting to murder of UPNM cadet officer Kedah Civil Defence Force Disaster
MetMalaysia, in a statement issued Zulfarhan Osman Zulkarnain four years ago. The 12 others are Mohd Hafiz Fauzan Ismail, Management Committee secretariat chief
yesterday, said the areas expected to be Mohamad Lukhmanul Hakim Mohd Zain, Mejar (PA) Mohd Muaz Mohd Yusof said the
affected in Kelantan involved Tumpat, Kota They are Muhammad Akmal Zuhairi Azmal, Ahmad Shafwan Berdal, Muhammad Amirul number of evacuees in Kedah as of 8am had
Baru and Bachok Pasir Puteh while in Muhammad Azamuddin Mad Sofi, Muhammad Asraff Mala, Luqman Hakim Shamsuri, increased to 526, compared with 337 on
Terengganu the areas are Besut, Setiu, Kuala Najib Mohd Razi, Muhammad Afif Najmudin Muhammad Sufi Mohd Mustapha, Noriznan Monday night.
Nerus and Kuala Terengganu. It added that Azahat, Mohamad Shobirin Sabri and Abdoul Izzairi Noor Azhar, Muhamad Ashraf Abdullah,
winds from the northeast is expected to Hakeem Mohd Ali. Muhammad Danial Firdaus Azmir, Muhammad “Four more centres were opened
bring heavy rain that could cause floods. Hasif, Muhammad Adib Iman and involving Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) Darul
Justice Datuk Azman Abdullah ordered them Mohamad Syazwan. Hikmah, Kota Star, which is sheltering 62
Meanwhile, Deputy Inspector-General of to serve the sentence from the date of their evacuees from 14 families, and SK Dewan
Police Datuk Seri Mazlan Lazim has arrests on June 1, 2017. They were found guilty of deliberately Kampung Tradisi in Lembah Keriang,
directed personnel to cooperate with locals injuring the victim to coerce a confession from Kubang Pasu, where 65 evacuees from 19
owning private boats in handling the Five accused were charged with the murder him that he had stolen a laptop, as charged families are being housed.
evacuation of flood victims. of Zulfarhan Osman under Section 302 of the under Section 330 of the Penal Code.
Penal Code, which carries the mandatory death “SK Siong and SK Tunku Putera, Baling
He said this was necessary as the boat penalty, while Abdoul Hakeem was charged Justice Azman ordered the sentence for were also opened, with each sheltering seven
owners were more knowledgeable about the with abetting the murder under Section 109 of Muhammad Akmal, Muhammad Azamuddin, evacuees and eight evacuees, respectively,”
affected areas. the same Act, which carries a similar sentence. Muhammad Najib, Muhammad Afif and he said in a statement yesterday.
Abdoul Hakeem for both the culpable homicide
“We need people with local knowledge However, the judge in his decision said that and injuring charges to run concurrently. Mohd Muaz said the number of evacuees
because if floods occur, then rescue teams the court found that all the accused were guilty at the existing centres, which is still operating
will not know much about the terrain. under Section 304(a) of the Penal Code for “Meanwhile, for the other 12 accused, the at Dewan Rakan Sukan in Tanah Merah for
causing injuries to the deceased with no intent court hereby sentences them to three years’ jail, Pendang district, also increased to 245,
“I have instructed the district police chief of murder, which carries an imprisonment of up starting today (yesterday),” he said. compared to 222 on Monday night.
to get villagers with boats to register with the to 30 years, and shall also be liable to a fine.
police,” he said after a working visit to However, the judge allowed a stay of He said the number of evacuees at SK
observe the Op Benteng at the Malaysia- The court also sentenced five of the accused, execution of the jail sentence for the 12 accused Langgar (Kota Star) also increased to 79,
Thailand border in Sungai Golok yesterday. except Mohamad Shobirin, and their 12 friends pending appeal. – Bernama while SK Suka Menanti (Kota Star) saw an
– Bernama increase to 38 people. However, there was no
change in the number of evacuees sheltered
Three motorcyclists killed in PD road crash at Surau Permatang in Pokok Sena.
SEREMBAN: Three motorcyclists including Pakistani men, Usman Muhammad, 34, and adding that police believed the victims’ In Malacca, a total of 159 evacuees from 40
two Pakistani men were killed in a road crash at Hassan Ahmad, 29. motorcycles could have gone out of control due families were placed at three centres in Alor
Km4 along Jalan Chuah in Bukit Pelandok, Port to the heavy rain. Gajah, following flash floods that hit Durian
Dickson near here on Monday. He said initial investigations revealed that Tunggal late Monday afternoon.
Daneswaran, who was believed to be on his way “The three victims sustained severe head
Port Dickson district police chief Supt Aidi to Bukit Pelandok via Lukut, collided with the injuries, but Usman was pronounced dead at Malacca Civil Defence Force director Lt
Sham Mohamed said the incident occurred at other motorcycle ridden by Usman from the the scene, while Daneshwaran and Hassan died Col (PA) Cuthbert John Martin Quadra said a
about 7pm when a motorcycle ridden by opposite direction. at the Port Dickson Hospital,” he said. centre was opened at SJKC Sin Wah, housing
P. Daneshwaran, 22, was believed to have 81 evacuees from 19 families.
collided with a motorcycle ridden by two Aidi Sham said the victims were thrown off Aidi Sham said further investigations are
the road due to the impact of the collision, ongoing. – Bernama “The Durian Tunggal State Constituency
Development and Coordination Committee
Hall has been opened to accommodate 54
evacuees from 11 families. – Bernama
World leaders vow Nigeria building
collapse kills six
new drive to save forests ABUJA: At least six people have died
in Nigeria’s commercial capital of
o COP26 summit also pledges States, China, Australia and France. deforestation by 2020, and end it by Lagos after the collapse of a high-rise
to respect rights of indigenous people The government of Brazil, much 2030. building that was under
criticised for its environmental construction, an official said
policies, announced on Monday at However, trees continue to be cut yesterday.
the summit that it would cut down on an industrial scale, not
2005-level greenhouse gas least in the Amazon under the Building collapses are frequent in
GLASGOW: World leaders issued a temperature rises to 1.5°C – the emissions in half by 2030 – up from a far-right government of Brazilian Africa’s most populous country,
multibillion-dollar pledge yesterday most ambitious Paris Agreement previous pledge of 43%. President Jair Bolsonaro. where regulations are poorly
to end deforestation by 2030, a target. “We are presenting a new, more enforced and construction materials
promise met with scepticism by ambitious climate goal,” Deforestation in Brazil surged often substandard.
environmental groups who say “Climate change and biodiversity Environment Minister Joaquim last year, leading to a 9.5% increase
more urgent action is needed to are two sides of the same coin. Leite announced in a message in its emissions. State emergency services chief
save the planet’s lungs. transmitted from Brasilia to Olufemi Oke-Osanyintolu said a
“We can’t deal with the Glasgow. Humans have already cut down search and rescue effort had been
According to COP26 summit devastating loss of habitat and Leite also said Brazil would aim half of Earth’s forests, a practice launched for survivors of Monday’s
hosts the British government, the species without tackling climate to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. doubly harmful for the climate when incident.
pledge is backed by almost US$20 change and we can’t tackle climate The summit pledge to “halt and CO2-sucking trees are replaced with
billion in public and private funding change without protecting our reverse deforestation and land livestock or monoculture crops. “Currently all responders are on
and is endorsed by more than 100 natural environment and respecting degradation by 2030” encompasses the ground as search and rescue is
leaders representing over 85% of the the rights of indigenous people. promises to secure the rights of Greenpeace criticised the ongoing,” he said, adding the death
world’s forests, including the indigenous peoples, and recognise Glasgow initiative for effectively toll now stood at six.
Amazon rainforest, Canada’s “So protecting our forests is not “their role as forest guardians”. giving the green light to “another
northern boreal forest and the only the right course of action to While Johnson described the decade of deforestation”. Four people were rescued alive
Congo Basin rainforest. tackle climate change, but the right pledge as “unprecedented”, a United and three more treated for minor
course for a more prosperous future Nations climate gathering in New “Indigenous peoples are calling injuries at the scene, he said.
British Prime Minister Boris for us all,” he said. York in 2014 issued a similar for 80% of the Amazon to be
Johnson said the agreement on declaration to halve the rate of protected by 2025, and they’re right, Witnesses say up to 100 people are
deforestation was pivotal to the Signatories include Brazil and that’s what’s needed,” said missing after the luxury residential
overarching goal of limiting Russia, which have been singled out Greenpeace Brazil executive structure crumbled, trapping
for accelerating deforestation in director Carolina Pasquali. workers under a pile of rubble.
their territories, as well as the United
“The climate and the natural Rescue workers used excavators
world can’t afford this deal.” – AFP to sift rubble in the glare of
floodlights powered by generators as
heaps of shattered concrete and
twisted metal engulfed the site where
the building once stood, as more
workers watched. – Reuters
... A woman lighting KIEV: Ukraine has denied reports
a candle during All of a Russian military build-up
Saints Day at Mirogoj near its eastern border that raised
cemetery in Zagreb, fears of a new escalation in
Croatia on Sunday. fighting with pro-Moscow
– REUTERSPIX separatists. Videos posted on
social media in recent days
Firecrackers seized as India crackdown on pollution showed Russian military trains
and truck convoys moving tanks
NEW DELHI: Police have seized construction dust and burning crop dozens of people illegally selling the most polluted cities are in India, and missiles in the country’s
four tonnes of illegal polluting stubble from nearby states to explosives. with Delhi being the most polluted southwest near the Ukrainian
firecrackers as the Indian capital worsen a poisonous cocktail that capital city, according to a world air border. Pentagon spokesman
heads into its winter smog season regularly exceeds safe limits by up to Media reports said some of the quality report released last year. John Kirby told reporters the US
when its 20 million people regularly 20 times. firecrackers were procured from was monitoring the situation and
choke on putrid grey-yellow air. illegal factories and brought into A Lancet report last year said 67 The Washington Post quoted
Seeking to reduce the pollution, Delhi from the neighbouring states million deaths were attributable to American officials saying they
Traditionally, millions of authorities like in previous years of Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. air pollution in India in 2019. were concerned. But Ukraine’s
firecrackers are set off during have banned firecrackers in cities Defence Ministry said in a
Deepavali, the festival of light, which with particularly bad air. Delhi on Monday experienced its Earlier this year, the Delhi statement on Monday that “no
takes place tomorrow across the first day of the season with “poor” government opened its first “smog additional deployment” of
nation of 1.3 billion people. On Monday, four tonnes of air while the suburbs of Ghaziabad tower” containing 40 giant fans that Russian forces had been
firecrackers were seized from and Noida recorded “very poor” air pump air through filters to reduce observed near the border. – AFP
In Delhi, their smoke mixes with various locations in Delhi after on a government index. the amount of harmful particulates
car exhaust, factory emissions, police raided markets and arrested within a radius of 1sq km. – AFP ATTACK ON KABUL
Twenty-two of the world’s 30 MILITARY HOSPITAL
KABUL: Two blasts rocked the
Afghan capital yesterday, injuring
several people in an attack on a
military hospital. “I am inside the
hospital. I heard a big explosion
coming from the first checkpoint.
We were told to go to safe rooms.
I also hear guns firing,” a doctor at
Sardar Mohammad Daud Khan
Hospital told AFP. “I can still hear
gun firing inside the hospital
building. I think the attackers are
going from room to room.”
Interior Ministry spokesman Qari
Saeed Khosty said Taliban special
forces had rushed to the scene to
secure the area. “The blast has
caused casualties, details will be
shared later,” he said. – AFP
France delays retaliation in fish feud with Britain
PARIS: French President Emmanuel because “it’s not while we’re on Thursday,” Frost said on Twitter. It had said it would prevent British a UK government spokesman said.
Macron said on Monday that negotiating that we’re going to Announcing the invitation to Frost fishermen offloading their catches in “We are ready to continue
retaliatory measures threatened impose sanctions”. French ports, after Britain and the
against Britain over a row about to come for “in-depth discussions”, Channel Islands of Jersey and intensive discussions on fisheries,
post-Brexit fishing rights would not Macron said he had “confidence Beaune tweeted that Britain had sent Guernsey declined to issue dozens of including considering any new
be implemented at midnight, with in British Prime Minister Boris “the first signals to accelerate French boats with licences to fish in evidence to support the remaining
fresh talks planned this week. Johnson to take seriously” the French exchanges”. their waters after Brexit. license applications.”
Discussions will continue France had vowed to subject “We welcome the French The feud has already seen a
between France, the UK and the Brexit minister David Frost said he British imports to tighter controls government’s announcement that British trawler detained in a French
European Commission, Macron said. had accepted an offer from French starting from yesterday, in a bitter they will not go ahead port and France’s ambassador in
Europe Minister Clement Beaune to row over fishing rights that has grown with implementing their proposed London summoned to the Foreign
He ruled out the application of meet. since Brexit took full effect at the start measures as planned tomorrow,” Office for the type of rebuke usually
French reprisals for the time being of the year. reserved for hostile states. – AFP
“I look forward to our talks in Paris
China tells families to BRIEFS THREE HOSTAGES
stock up on daily necessities IN MALI RESCUED
o Directive stirs BAMAKO: Three Chinese men
concern on social kidnapped in Mali escaped their
media, triggers captors at the weekend and were
panic buying rescued by security forces on
Monday, the Sahel state’s army
BEIJING: The Chinese government said. The trio were abducted on
has told families to keep daily July 17 when armed men attacked
necessities in stock in case of a construction site in the
emergencies, after Covid-19 southwest of the conflict-ridden
outbreaks and unusually heavy rains country. Two Mauritanian
that caused a surge in vegetable nationals also captured in the
prices raised concerns about supply incident were freed 10 days later.
shortages. But the Chinese captives
The Commerce Ministry managed to stage a successful
directive late on Monday stirred escape on Sunday, according to a
some concern on domestic social Malian army statement. Ground
media that it may have been and air forces then located the
triggered by heightened tensions men the following day, in a joint
with Taiwan, while some said people operation whose success was
were rushing to stock up on rice, aided by “anonymous people of
cooking oil and salt. good will”. Beijing said yesterday
“As soon as this news came out, the three men were in a good
all the old people near me went physical condition. – AFP
crazy panic buying in the Chinese tourists wearing protective suits arrive at Suvarnabhumi Airport during the first day of Thailand’s reopening
supermarket,” wrote one user on campaign yesterday. – AFPPIX FORMER U.S. DIPLOMAT
China’s Twitter-like Weibo. VISITS MYANMAR
Local media has also recently purpose was to make sure citizens The government typically makes Last week, prices of cucumbers,
published lists of recommended were not caught off guard if there extra efforts to boost fresh vegetable spinach and broccoli had more than YANGON: Former United States
goods to store at home including was a lockdown in their area. and pork supplies before China’s doubled from early last month. diplomat and hostage negotiator
biscuits and instant noodles, most important holiday, Lunar New Bill Richardson has arrived in
vitamins, radios and flashlights. The People’s Daily said the Year, which in 2022 falls in early The pandemic has brought an Myanmar on a “private
The public response forced state ministry issues such notices every February. increased focus on food security, humanitarian mission”, his
media yesterday to try to soothe year, but had issued its instruction with the government drafting a food organisation said, as the country
fears and clarify the ministry’s earlier this year because of natural But this year those efforts have security law and outlining new enters nine months under a junta
statement. disasters, the surge in vegetable become more urgent after extreme efforts to curb food waste. that has detained a US journalist.
The Economic Daily, a prices and recent Covid-19 cases. weather early last month destroyed Former UN ambassador
Communist Party-backed crops in Shandong – China’s biggest The Commerce Ministry said Richardson will “discuss
newspaper, told netizens not to have The ministry’s statement on vegetable growing region – and as local authorities should buy humanitarian delivery of Covid-19
“too much of an overactive Monday urged local authorities to Covid-19 outbreaks stretching from vegetables that can be stored well in vaccines, medical supplies, and
imagination” and that the directive’s do a good job in ensuring supply and the northwest to the northeast of the advance and also strengthen other public health needs,” his
stable prices, and to give early country disrupt food supplies. emergency delivery networks. organisation, the Richardson
warnings of any supply problems. – Reuters Centre, said in a statement
announcing his departure on
Sunday. The statement did not
mention whether Richardson
would raise the case of American
journalist Danny Fenster, who was
detained in May and has since
been charged with encouraging
dissent against the military and
unlawful association. – AFP
Japan opposition
leader resigns
Indonesia deports Bali ‘suitcase murder’ convict TOKYO: The leader of Japan’s main
opposition party announced his
JAKARTA: American Heather Mack, jail term in 2015 while her boyfriend Earlier, Mack’s lawyer told AFP part of Bali, where police arrested resignation yesterday after an
convicted as a pregnant teenager of Tommy Schaefer got 18 years for the that she did not want her daughter to them. election drubbing that saw him fail to
helping to kill her mother at an murder of Chicago socialite Sheila be deported and “hounded by the capitalise on public dissatisfaction
Indonesian luxury hotel, was in the von Wiese Mack on the holiday (US) media”. Schaefer, who remains in prison, with the ruling party’s pandemic
process of being deported along island of Bali. confessed to the killing during his response.
with her now six-year-old daughter, Schaefer – the father of Mack’s Since the pandemic began, Mack trial but claimed he was defending
immigration officials said yesterday. child – beat the 62-year-old victim to – now fluent in Indonesian and himself during an argument with Yukio Edano – who has headed
death with a fruit bowl during an Balinese – had only video contact von Wiese Mack, who was unhappy Japan’s leading opposition faction,
Mack, 25, was released from a argument at the five-star St Regis with her daughter, a prison official that her daughter was pregnant. the Constitutional Democratic Party
Bali prison last week, nearly three resort. said earlier. of Japan, since its founding in 2017 –
years early for good behaviour, and The couple then stuffed the Prosecutors alleged that Schaefer apologised for the poor electoral
was set to be flown to the United woman’s body into a suitcase and The 2014 murder shook the “blindly hit” von Wiese Mack with showing, in which the party lost 14
States. tried to flee with it in a taxi, but usually sedate holiday island, with the fruit bowl in a fit of rage after she seats, down to 96.
quickly abandoned the details of the grisly killing emerging hurled a racial slur at Schaefer, who
“Yes, it’s true. (She’s) got the ticket blood-soaked luggage. during the closely followed trial. is black. He said yesterday he would step
already,” Bali Justice Ministry Mack, who was pregnant at the down in response.
spokesman I Putu Surya Dharma time of the crime, was found guilty The court heard how von Wiese During the attack, Mack hid in a
told reporters when asked about on a lesser charge of assisting in the Mack’s badly beaten body was bathroom but later helped Schaefer “We were able to create a structure
Mack’s pending deportation. murder. discovered in the taxi outside the stuff the body into a suitcase, the trial offering political options, but the
hotel where she had been staying heard. results mean that many of our
In a case dubbed the “suitcase with her daughter and Schaefer. deserving members are not returning
murder”, Mack was handed a 10-year The sentencing judge described and the number of seats we hold will
The couple had fled to another the killing as “sadistic”. – AFP decline.
American Navy says damaged nuclear sub hit underwater mountain “It’s a very disappointing result,”
he said, adding “this is primarily
WASHINGTON: An American USS Connecticut smashed into a that the Connecticut, a fast-attack without any change in US actions. because of my lack of ability”.
nuclear submarine that was severely geological formation and not submarine, “struck an object while The 7th Fleet said there would be
damaged in an accident while another vessel on Oct 2. submerged”. In Sunday’s election, the ruling
submerged in the disputed South further deliberation on “whether Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) won
China Sea last month struck an “The investigation determined But Beijing yesterday accused follow-on actions, including a strong majority under new leader
uncharted underwater mountain, USS Connecticut grounded on an Washington of failing to provide accountability, are appropriate.” Fumio Kishida.
the US Navy said on Monday. uncharted seamount while timely and detailed information on
operating in international waters in the incident, complaining of a “lack USNI News, published by the US Final results are expected later in
The US Navy regularly conducts the Indo-Pacific region,” a 7th Fleet of transparency and lack of Naval Institute, a thinktank close to the week, but the LDP and its
operations in the South China Sea to spokesman said in a statement. responsibility from the US”. the Navy, reported that there were coalition party Komeito are projected
challenge China’s disputed some moderate and minor injuries to hold 293 of the lower house’s 435
territorial claims on small islands, Beijing claims almost the entire Foreign Ministry spokesman in the accident. seats, a slight drop from the previous
reefs and outcrops, to the irritation South China Sea, parts of which are Wang Wenbin said Washington figure of 305.
of Beijing. also claimed by four Southeast Asian should “stop sending warships and It said the crash damaged the
countries as well as the self-ruled military aircraft to provoke trouble sub’s forward ballast tanks and The vote’s surprise star appears to
The 7th Fleet, which operates in island of Taiwan. and make shows of force”. forced it to sail on the surface for a have been the Nippon Ishin (Japan
the western Pacific, said an week back to Guam for repairs. Innovation) Party, an Osaka-based
investigation had concluded that the The Navy confirmed the incident He said “this type of accident will faction that won 41 seats, up from just
a week after it took place, only saying only become more frequent” The ship’s nuclear plant was not 11.
damaged, it said. – AFP
The party, which advocates small
government, deregulation and tax
cuts, becomes the third-largest in
parliament and has ruled out joining
the ruling coalition. – AFP
█ BY CAROLINE LUCAS Climate diplomacy leading
to Cop26 has been woeful
IN the run-up to the Paris climate
summit in 2015, the French diplomacy” ahead of COP26 has “There is always 1.5°C of heating in the near term and year in climate finance by 2020, first
government went into overdrive to consisted of lecturing other countries the chance that, certainly well before mid-century if the made in 2009 and repeated at
ensure COP21 was a success. about the need for ambition and at the eleventh world fails to cut emissions fast. subsequent climate summits, has not
The foreign minister made 11 visits action, while at home his government hour, world been honoured.
to China in the three years leading up takes almost no action at all or, worse, leaders will The latest emissions gap report from
to the summit. undermines the chances of success. show that it is the UN Environment Programme says The breakdown in trust that this has
possible to pull the new, supposedly more ambitious created in the global south has made
The French diplomatic corps hosted While Alok Sharma is calling on together in the climate pledges that countries have the challenge of reaching an agreement
900 climate-related meetings with other countries to increase climate face of a crisis come up with ahead of COP26 actually even more difficult.
ministers, companies and non- finance to poorer countries, which he that threatens put the world on track for an average
governmental organisations, and four has rightly called “a matter of trust”, his us all, that they global temperature rise of 2.7°C by the The Cop26 agenda is huge, covering
roving ambassadors made sure no government cuts overseas aid and uses will not only end of this century, and that is if the so many vital issues: keeping alive the
country was left out in the pre-summit part of the money to claim it is meeting agree to much pledges are met. hope of 1.5°C, the phase-out of coal,
negotiations. climate finance commitments. That more ambitious progress on loss and damage for
does not fool anyone, least of all the emissions cuts, If we are to keep 1.5°C alive, one of countries whose economies are
They were “amazing”, said global south. they will also the key objectives of the summit, global already being devastated by climate
Christiana Figueres, the then head of make them emissions need at least to halve this change, deforestation, the rights of
the UN framework convention on We have just had a budget and with far greater decade. indigenous peoples, the rules
climate change. spending review from the chancellor urgency. governing carbon markets and more.
where the words climate and nature And the UK along with other None of them have seen sufficient
It was that kind of effort and were not even mentioned in his speech advanced economies, which in progress.
commitment that led to the Paris to MPs. Johnson’s own words have “reaped the
Agreement in December 2015. benefits of untrammelled pollution for This summit is our best chance of
This was the last big chance before generations, often at the expense of avoiding climate breakdown. There is
The comparison with the UK’s COP26 for the government to show it is developing countries”, must move even always the chance that, at the eleventh
efforts couldn’t be more revealing. The serious about tackling the climate and faster. hour, world leaders will show that it is
lack of vision, political leadership and nature crises – and it blew it. possible to pull together in the face of a
groundwork from this government is This is not just a matter of global crisis that threatens us all, that they will
shameful. No wonder Johnson is now talking climate leadership, which the prime not only agree to much more ambitious
down the prospects of a successful minister so often boasts about, it is a emissions cuts, they will also make
Yes, the preparations have taken summit, saying it is “touch and go”. question of climate justice. them with far greater urgency.
place during a global pandemic that
has added to the challenges. What makes this worse is that there Despite the current finger-pointing But whatever happens, failure is not
is a clear mandate for progress: there is at China and India, the fact is that the end of the fight against climate
But, apart from the overseas visits of huge public support for bold and Europe and North America are change. It just makes the challenge
COP26 president Alok Sharma, the ambitious action, and the extreme overwhelmingly responsible for the more difficult.
absence of any meaningful climate weather events of the past two years carbon emissions pumped into the
diplomacy by government ministers have shown the urgency of cutting atmosphere over the past 150 years. For all of us who are determined
and the prime minister in particular emissions, not by 2050 but in the next that our planet has a healthy future
has been shocking. decade. The principle of “polluter pays” well beyond our lifetimes, the
means the richest countries need to campaign will continue. – The
Two months ago, I asked foreign As the IPCC report this summer meet the cost of that damage. Independent
office ministers what meetings they made clear, we are in danger of hitting
had had where COP26 was the focus of Yet the pledge of US$100 billion a
discussion. They sent me a spreadsheet
that had not been updated since 2020.
It then transpired there were no
dedicated foreign office meetings in
the second half of last year, and the
prime minister has had only one
COP26 meeting this year. One of the
four he had in 2020 was with BP.
Boris Johnson’s “international
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T APPEARS the sordid drama
between Kim Seon-ho and his ex-
girlfriend, now widely believed to
I The dramabe former weather forecaster Choi
Young Ah, will never end.
On Monday, online gossip portal
Dispatch released an article which o More damning revelations come out about Kim Seon-ho’s ex
exposed private messages between
Kim Seon Ho and his ex-girlfriend.
Previously, Dispatch reported that
Choi’s pregnancy was confirmed on Dispatch then continued to describe Dispatch
July 24 last year, and she immediately Choi’s expose of Kim’s supposed bad screenshots
broke the news to Kim. behaviour last month as “sly”. They
The Dispatch article said: “In her further claimed her post was detailed showing loving
post, she wrote that Kim had given a enough to sound plausible, and that conversations
trashy response, but according to this is why they are revealing more
acquaintances the truth was actually far private messages between between Kim
and his ex. –
from this.” them. DISPATCH
The article also revealed more text Dispatch quoted a What was promised (above); and what
messages backing up their previous former friend of Choi was sent (below). – WEVERSE/TWITTER
claim that Choi had in fact, saying that “she never
misrepresented the situation. accepted the break- Fans saddened by
In the revealed text messages – in up” and that she poor BTS merch
contrast to Choi’s previous claims that warned that she
Kim had acted coldly to her following would “bring [Kim] ONCE again, BTS fans are upset over
her pregnancy– Kim is seen reassuring down”. the quality of the merchandise
her by saying things such as: “Babe, no Dispatch further purchased through the Weverse
matter what happens I will take explained to readers that, shop.
responsibility. So Don’t worry”, “We while Kim took
should get married”, and “We can talk it responsibility for the The limited-edition Butter
out and get through this. I’ve never had abortion of their baby, he Cassette from BTS that costs US$6.98
anyone in my life that I loved as much “doesn’t deserve to be (RM28.94) was supposed to be a
as you.” mocked and blamed … beige tape, but fans complained
The messages also displayed the for the ex-girlfriend’s through Twitter that they received a
couple showing affection for each other false account of white tape with smudged and faded
with several selfies and heart what happened.” “Butter” text instead.
emoticons. Both Kim and
Kim’s messages also included his his agency, SALT Some of them thought that they
worries that she might not be able to Entertainment, had received the wrong item because
have children again, and also said: “And have repeatedly of how different the tape looked
the abortion itself is a big deal, too”. said they have compared to the photos on the shop
“I want to be blessed. I want this to nothing to app.
be a blessing for us. So I’m sad that this c o m m e n t Kim has been largely
exonerated by these new One fan posted on Twitter: “Did I
is how it has to be,” another message by about this developments. – TVN receive the wrong tape? What is this?
Kim detailed. report. My tape is white and the font looks
faded. Even the BTS logo is faded and
Kal Penn comes out, gets engaged there isn’t even a hologram sticker. Is
KAL PENN has some exciting news to share: dude is unironically watching cars go around this a fake merch? HYBE, did you
The actor is finally engaged to his partner of 11 and make left turns? Next thing you know, it’s Kal Penn talks about how he met his fiance in his send me a fake merch?”
years, Josh. Penn who rose to fame in the been a couple months and we’re watching upcoming memoir. – GETTY
Harold & Kumar films first shared the news on NASCAR every Sunday.” House. But upon receiving a job offer at the The Butter cassette tape was not
his new memoir, You Can’t Be Serious. White House, the actor left the creative scene – the first merchandise that had made
“I’m like, ‘What is happening?’,” he only to return two years later to pursue his fans flustered with the quality.
“I’ve always been very public with everybody continued. “I wanted the reader to enjoy the acting endeavours once again.
I’ve personally interacted with,” said the 44- love and the humour through all those stories.” One fan also vented on Twitter
year-old actor in a recent interview. “Whether about receiving a BTS ring with many
it’s somebody that I meet at a bar, if Josh and I He even shared about the experience of him scratches on it, while another fan,
are out or we’re talking to friends. I’m really breaking the news to his family. “I know this who only bought BTS clothing
excited to share our relationship with readers.” sounds jokey, but it’s true: When you’ve already merchandise to get the photo cards,
told your Indian parents and the South Asian ended up being disappointed after
However, he said his partner, Josh, and his community that you intend to be an actor for a receiving a bent photo card.
family members are more private when it living, really any conversations that come after
comes to their personal affairs. Due to this, that are super easy. They’re just like, ‘Yeah, There was also an instance where
Penn was considerate in including details of his okay” he said. a fan shared about their experience
personal life in the newly released book. getting a BTS binder sleeve with a
In regards to him discovering his sexuality, part of the page being cut off.
At the same time, the actor also wanted to Penn disclosed how it came relatively late for
stay true to his life events, including his time as him. “There’s no timeline on this stuff. People JAY-Z and
a White House staffer under the Obama figure their s*** out at different times in their Chappelle
administration. This was for the readers to be lives, so I’m glad I did when I did.” at the
able to know about and relate to him. ceremony.
The couple is currently planning their – GETTY
Penn even disclosed how he initially thought wedding.
their romance was not going to work out. “I
have one day off from The White House and this Penn rose to fame with his roles in the
Harold and Kumar trilogy andthe TV series
TAYLOR SWIFT delivered a Stars gather to honour music greats
captivating performance at the
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame JAY-Z added: “Growing up we Hudson sang A Natural Woman to Jennifer Lopez, Lionel
Induction Ceremony 2021. The 31- didn’t think we could be inducted honour the singer-songwriter, King, Richie and Keith Urban.
year-old serenaded Carole King, a in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. We who the led the audience in a sing- Christina Aguilera
four-time Grammy award winner, were told that hip-hop was a fad.” a-long of her hit You’ve Got a Friend. led a medley of
while former U.S. President Barack Turner’s biggest hits.
Obama praised rapper JAY-Z and Swift opened the show with a The ceremony that took place in The 81-year-old
Paul McCartney paid homage to pop version of Will You Love Me Cleveland, Ohio was filled with A- singer, who was
the Foo Fighters. The ceremony Tomorrow. Meanwhile, Jennifer listers including Dr. Dre, Eminem, unable to
also honoured Tina Turner and The
Go-Gos, attend the
Obama, who spoke via video, delivered
called the 23 time Grammy winner her
JAY-Z “the embodiment of the thanks
American dream” due to his via video.
journey from living in a poor New The 2021
York neighbourhood to a ceremony will broadcast
billionaire songwriter, record on HBO on Nov 20.
executive and businessman.
King (left) being
The 51-year-old looked introduced by
overwhelmed by the tributes Swift. – AP
which included one from
comedian Dave Chappelle.“That’s a
lot. Trying to make me cry in front
of all these white people!”he joked.
@thesundaily 3theSun LYFE ON WEDNESDAY | NOVEMBER 3, 2021
Scenes from The
Wheel of Time
series. – AMAZON
PRIME VIDEO is offering Standing the test of time
a whole new viewing o The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills ... fans will finally get to watch The synopsis of the plot
experience. For its the adaptation of Robert Jordan’s fantasy masterpiece on Nov 19 explains that it tells of
upcoming series, an Moiraine’s struggle as “a
adaptation of the iconic Robert member of the incredibly
Jordan fantasy series The Wheel powerful all-female
of Time, Amazon Prime Video is organisation called the Aes
seeing things in 360 degrees! and symbols hidden amongst Sedai, as she arrives in the small
the energy weaves. town of Two Rivers.
The streaming platform used “On the right, the corruption “There, she embarks on a
YouTube’s 360 tool to unveil a of the Dark One represents a dangerous, world-spanning
special trailer, to offer a totally dissention into madness.” journey with five young men
immersive experience. It’s In an interview with IGN, and women, one of whom is
almost like being there yourself. Pike said of the character she prophesied to be the Dragon
plays: “Moiraine is a woman Reborn, who will either save or
Internet users can currently who you never quite know destroy humanity.”
view the first images with where you stand with her. Pike will also act as co-
Rosamund Pike, who is “In our show, producer of the
portraying the powerful Aes she’s designed to series, which also
Sedai known as Moiraine keep an audience Scan the stars Daniel
Damodred, in full 360 degrees! guessing as to her QR code Henney, Zoë
motives. She’s to watch Robins, Josha
The streaming platform used someone you trailer Stradowski,
YouTube’s 360 player and
spatial audio sound to deliver always have to be Marcus
an immersive experience on your toes with. Rutherford and Madeleine
“unlike any other,” Amazon She’s [also] surprisingly Madden.
Prime Video said. warm. Although she’s feared, so The first three episodes will
that makes her an interesting be unveiled on Amazon Prime
In an official press release, balance, because there’s a lot of Video on Friday, Nov 19, in
the streaming platform said: talk about Aes Sedai in the more than 249 countries and
“When fans arrive at the world of The Wheel of Time.” territories. – Agencies
YouTube page to watch the
trailer, a quick scan to the left or
right will reveal there is much
more to experience. To the left
of the screen, they’ll discover
Moiraine’s powerful ‘One
Power’ channelling-featuring
her voice and faces, artefacts,
Imagine Dragons, J.I.D. release video for Arcane series
Platinum band Imagine Dragons Released last week, Enemy will The creators of League of Games collaborated with
be heard in the upcoming Legends have also channeled musicians. In 2019, they
has teamed up with J.I.D., a animated series based on the their talents into crafting a partnered with a group of real-life
Grammy-nominated, East League of Legends Universe, stunning animated video for stars to conceive True Damage, a
Atlanta-based rapper signed to J. Arcane and will also appear on Enemy, which immerses virtual band in the game itself
Cole’s Interscope Records the accompanying soundtrack. animated consisting of Becky
venture, Dreamville Records, on representations of G, Keke Palmer,
the epic, electrifying new single Made up of clips from the Imagine Dragons Scan the Soyeon of (G)I-dle,
Enemy. series itself, which follows the and J.I.D. in the QR code Duckwrth, and
The song examines living with origins of several of the game’s world of two of the to watch Thutmose.
conflict – both internal and characters, the video previews franchises’ iconic video League of
some of the exciting scenes fans characters, Jinx
external – with Imagine Dragons can look forward to when the new and Vi. Legends, the debut
frontman Dan Reynolds animated series – developed and title from Riot Games, was
delivering the first two bristling, produced by Riot Games in The video also features an released in 2009 and has since
emotional verses, and J.I.D.’s partnership with Fortiche animated J.I.D. rapping his become the most-played PC
trademark lightning-fast flow Productions – hits Netflix on Nov lightspeed verse. game in the world. Arcane is Riot
spotlighted on the third. 6. Games’ first series for television.
Enemy isn’t the first time Riot
█ BY S. TAMARAI CHELVI Colourful clutches for the opposite colour on the wheel, which is (above) S
green. If your outfit has a busy print, go for a the clutch
LET’S celebrate Deepavali dressed in the [monotone] clutch. available
latest designer outfits or traditional Colorz Cl
sarees, with a trendy twist. But don’t “Choose multicolour printed designs,
forget to complete your look with a which can match any single-coloured
timeless accessory inspired by Indian motifs o Here are tips to style a clutch with your traditional or outfit, or pick gold or black which can
and made in a variety of fabrics – a clutch. modern outfit for the upcoming Deepavali celebration match with everything. Select a brightly
The Festival of Light is the right time for one coloured clutch for dark-coloured outfits,
to experiment with a new design or style, and and vice versa.”
the clutch – which can come in a box, oval,
rectangular, round or envelope shape, or even Apart from the colour combinations, the
a potli (a distinctly Indian design which looks type of occasion – whether it’s a wedding,
like a small sack) – is the perfect way to stand [the textile prints] chikankari, ikkat, kalamkari Choose the right clutch Deepavali party, and the amount of things that
out from the crowd. or ajrakh.” According to Anuradha, choosing a perfect one intends to put or keep inside a clutch – is
clutch depends on the colour of the attire you also important to take into consideration.
are wearing.
According to Colorz Clutches Anuradha, who established her Size does matter
founder and festive fashionista online business selling traditional Sharing some tips with theSun readers, she “Select a clutch size according to your needs.
Anuradha Karunakaramoorthy: and modern Indian designs in 2019, said firstly, one needs to decide on the colour Rectangular-shaped ones if you need more
“Besides the outfit, a clutch imports the fabrics she uses to of the clutch based on the shade that is not the space, and box- or oval-shaped clutches [are
completes the look of a person. As make her clutches from India, primary one on the outfit. good for just your phone], also it’s also more
a handbag lover myself, a clutch mainly from the cities of New stylish to carry small ones,” shared Anuradha.
will look more apt for traditional Delhi, Mumbai and Jaipur. “For example, [if you have] a blue saree with
or modern Indian outfits.” “Most clutches are a red border, go for a red clutch.” “If you prefer lightweight clutches, go for
So, we suggest that you pick handmade, especially envelope-shaped or kiss-lock clutches or
a beautiful design with an embroidery styles such as She added: “[You can also] select your potlis. For hassle-free maintenance, go for
Indian theme; such as zardozi. Beaded works are clutch colour according to a colour chart printed clutches. Embroidered ones need
embellished clutches or hand-stitched and fitted into wheel. For example; if your outfit is all red, go more attention and care, though.”
those with traditional the clutch frames. The
embroidery, which images of the printed
includes saree clutches are hand-
motifs, printed drawn and printed on
designs featuring matte finished satin,“
an elephant, she explained.
peacock and In addition,
even Moghul Anuradha also has
royals. clutches with
For instance, machine-made
an embroidered embroidery and
or brocade digitally-printed
clutch is materials, which
perfect for a are much lower
traditional in price
look and the compared to
best way to the handmade
turn heads, clutches.
while an
abstract print
clutch is right for a
casual look, and
even modern and
traditional outfits, as
Anuradha added:
“The Indian clutch is not (left)
only used for sarees, but Anuradha
it can also be paired with with one
modern attire and Indo- of her
Western outfits. Nowadays many
clutches, which come in elegant
various Indian fabrics are clutches. The Kisslock c
getting popular. For example
Printed clutches are the Santhi Raj Barr with
perfect accessories for festive her delicious chicken
celebrations. briyani dish. –
Some of A delicious Deepavali
hes recipe from Santhi Raj Barr
lutches. DEEPAVALI is just around the corner. As 1 handful of roughly chopped coriander
we celebrate the victory of good over evil leaves
The abstract and light over darkness, let’s not forget the 1 small tub yogurt
box print many different dishes one can enjoy. So, 2 tablespoons red chili powder
clutch. let’s start planning the menu for the festival 4 tablespoons ground almond and cashew
feast! nut
clutch. Although any clutch size can work well for choose, Anuradha has a simple and yet smart 1 tablespoon lime juice
people of diverse shapes, sizes or body frames, solution. For a scrumptious Deepavali feast, 2 tablespoons of ghee
Anuradha notices that some women prefer to home chef Santhi Raj Barr shares her
select clutches based on their body frame, “Get a clutch with a detachable sling, you Deepavali menu and some cooking tips. Garnishing:
either to avoid putting the focus on the clutch can style it in more ways. Usually, a clutch 0 3 tablespoons of fried cashew nuts and
or to allow the clutch to take centrestage. comes with a sling and one can carry it by hand According to Santhi, who has her own
or use the sling for ease of movement.” cooking show, Sizzle With Shanti on fried raisins
“For those, who like to pay attention to YouTube, this Deepavali is will be unique as 0 Coriander and mint leaves
proportions, select a clutch size [that suits] “Last but not least, get a clutch that matches she is unable to hold an open house for her 0 -Fried onions
your body frame. For example, a petite person your style and personality,” added Anuradha. family, due to the stay-at-home order for
can carry a smaller sized clutch.” almost two years. Instructions:
To all the fashionistas out there, after 0 Fry spices in ghee and when fragrant add
If you are still unsure of which one to learning all these tips, are you ready to dazzle Thus, she revealed that she would be
during Deepavali? cooking something special to make up for onions.
the lost time with her loved ones. 0 Sauté till onion becomes translucent and
On the auspicious day, Santhi plans to add ground ginger and garlic.
begin with an anchovy sambal as the 0 Next add chicken, chilies, diced
tomatoes, yogurt and chili powder.
“It will go well with the thosai and idli 0 Cover and cook, stirring often for about
(made with rice flour), which will be served
for breakfast. My main course will be 20 minutes.
chicken kurma, mutton varuval, mutton 0 Add chopped mint and coriander leaves
curry, raita, chicken sambal and mixed
vegetables,” said Santhi. and stir through.
0 Cook on medium fire until chicken
For flavourful chicken and mutton
dishes, Santhi suggests early preparation as becomes tender
the key to successful cuisines. 0 Drain the gravy (you will get
”My advice is to marinate all the meat approximately 1 cup) and this will be
and non-vegetable items the night, prior to used to cook the rice.
Deepavali Day.” 0 Add ground almond and cashew nuts.
0 Switch off stove, add lime juice, stir and
She advised them to grind their own keep the chicken aside.
spices or go to flour mills to buy them. Rice:
0 Cook rice with 1 cup of gravy and 2 cups
“You will get a better cooking result and of water. If the gravy is not sufficient, add
in fact, many senior persons have extra water to cook the rice.
commented that my cuisine tastes just like 0 When rice is cooked, transfer half the
their mothers’ cooking,” said Santhi, who rice into an oven proof dish, pressing the
shared her special Chicken Briyani recipe layers down.
with theSun readers. 0 Add the cooked chicken over the rice,
Chicken Briyani by Santhi Raj Barr cover with the remaining rice (if there is
1.5kg chicken (cut into 15 pieces) too much chicken, you may keep it aside
2 cups Basmati rice washed and soaked for to serve with the rice later)
2 hrs 0 Press down the rice, cover with foil and
3 large red onions chopped place in an oven at 160 degrees for about
4 spices (1 cinnamon stick, 3 cloves, 2 star 30 minutes.
anise, 5 pods cardamom) To serve:
2cm ginger and 1 clove garlic ground to a Garnish with fried onions, roasted
paste cashew nuts and coriander and mint leaves.
3 green chillies – by S. Tamarai Chelvi
2 tomatoes (diced)
1 handful of roughly chopped mint
Next Gen █ BY S. TAMARAI CHELVI Giving voice to
unsung heroes
classical dancer Agnesmary oDocumentarian Sanadt Kumar’s works
Selvaraj struggled to pursue speak volumes about his passion for his craft
her life-long dream of
Sanadt performing in India before being forced University in Canada, to hone his skills Hard work
Kumar’s to give it all up. and get a deeper understanding of the pays off ...
future plan is filmmaking process. Sanand’s
to continue Agnes later revived her passion for documentary
learning how dance, and began teaching children who “It’s an interesting journey to study on dancer
to tell were rejected by established dance and make films at the same time, and I Agnesmary
meaningful academies due to their poor am very excited to learn and grow,” said Selvaraj
stories about performance, or lack of money to pay a Sanadt. (above and
the common high fee for the classes. What attracted you to documentary left) was a
people. film-making? semi-finalist in
The courageous story of the dancer is “Documentary filmmaking is something the
captured in the Wanted: Shades of Life I stumbled onto by accident, actually. Stockholm
documentary series directed by 21-year- When I was 18, I wanted to tell a story of City Film
old Sanadt Kumar, whose aim is to a national hero, in the form of a biopic. Festival. – ALL
showcase the struggles and successes of IMAGES
unknown local heroes. “After trying to write, disappointing COURTESY
some people, and making mistakes, I OF SANADT
Recently, the documentary featuring understood that filmmaking is not an KUMAR
Agnes was nominated as a semi-finalist easy process. It takes years of practice,
in the Stockholm City Film Festival, understanding, and experience. filming the documentary? footage we had shot.”
which aims to promote and encourage When we did the first film, I didn’t know
short, feature, and documentary films “As I kept on trying to write scripts, I the detailed processes of filmmaking, What is next for you?
around the world. found that the stories that I want to tell and to be honest, I still don’t. As “Wanted: Shades of Life Episode 3 is on its
are the stories of people who are just like filmmakers, we can never stop learning. way and I am very, very excited about it.
Speaking about Agnes, Sanadt me. The ones who were afraid they “The biggest challenge I faced was This film is unique as it explores the world
revealed: “I have never seen someone, lacked experience but had the heart to understanding how to present the story of sports, and shares the story of someone
who is so connected to nature, to her keep on trying.
heart, and to have unconditional love for
“I ventured into documentary films to
her students, and share the most human experiences
herself.” people go through, and who better to
The share about this, than the person
filmmaker involved themselves.
is “Making these films, while
pursuing a going to film school, helps me
diploma in gain perspective about
filmmaking filmmaking, and about life as
at the
To r o n t o well.”
Fim School What subjects do you want to
in Yorkville highlight or explore in your
“The main purpose of in an engaging way, and I lost my who ‘redeemed’ himself, and who
temper when things is providing the platform
Wanted: Shades of Life is to didn’t go as planned. for others like him to do
talk to people who took the “After we edited \TRIVIA the same.
road less travelled. The ones
who chose to follow their Episode 1, we realised “What fascinated me
heart and in that process, that, unlike narrative about this story is that
learn many things about f i l m m a k i n g , Who is your favourite sometimes we feel we
themselves. documentary films documentary filmmaker? cannot succeed
“These people went on to impact present the story to us “Ava DuVernay, from 13th, all the because of our past
and inspire other people, who came from as we go along, so way to When They See Us.” actions, but all it takes is
similar backgrounds. That resonates with there is no way for us a little bit of courage.
me a lot. Everyone has a unique purpose, to decide on what we What is your favourite movie? Wanted 3 will be
and through following their heart, learn want beforehand. “The Shawshank Redemption by premiering in early
about themselves.” There’s a balance Frank Darabont.” 2022.”
What challenges did you face while between planning and
structure, and what What is your favourite What are your future
outcomes we get. plans?
documentary on Netflix?
“In the second film, “David Attenborough’s A Life On “My future plan is to
we approached it with Our Planet. A must-watch.” continue learning how
a little more to tell meaningful stories
experience, and about people like us, the
allowed it to take us where everyday man, to inspire people to live
the story chose to go. There were many their lives truthfully. From small-scale
draft cuts of the film before we shrunk it YouTube Productions, I would like to
to its 68-minute runtime at the end. venture into content for streaming
“Nonetheless, I enjoyed the process of platforms, originals and to hit the big
rethinking, restructuring, re-editing and screen, making films that people
finding the best way to present the continue talking about for years to come.”
/theSunMedia 7theSun LYFE ON WEDNESDAY | NOVEMBER 3, 2021
Thousands of peer-reviewed studies on climate change found that almost all Rising temperatures have caused glaciers to melt and sea levels to rise. – 123RF
authors agreed that climate change was caused by humans. – ETX STUDIO
Five climate change myths
o Find out what are the most common misconceptions rings for the period before the Industrial heating – with the assumption that even if
on this globa issue – and why they’re wrong Revolution, and recorded temperatures since warming is happening, it isn’t all bad.
Climate is a measure of average weather
IN CONJUNCTION with the ongoing 26th Claim 3: No proof of human cause variations over time. One day or one week of
Conference of the Parties (COP26) Its latest report – 3,500 pages long – released As evidence of unusual warming has become snow is therefore not enough to prove that
organised by the United Nations incontrovertible, some sceptics concede it is average temperatures are not rising over
Framework Convention on Climate this year, was approved by delegates from 195 happening but deny it is caused by the carbon decades.
Change (UNFCCC) in Glasgow, Scotland , AFP states. It lists 234 authors from 66 countries as emissions from humans burning fossil fuels.
Fact Check examines some common claims contributors. The IPCC developed a climate model that Could “a little global warming” be nice?
that question the existence of global heating measures the impact of different factors. It Parts of Siberia could become arable,
caused by humans. The panel was founded under a UN calculates the expanding food resources – but the melting of
Claim 1: It’s a hoax / conspiracy resolution, which provides fuel for extent of heating permafrost in the same region threatens to
Some brand the crisis a hoax by scientists to conspiracy theorists but offers proof of Scan the QR code with and without create more problems.
justify their research grants or even a its bona fides for other people. to read the full the effect of
conspiracy by governments to control people. Claim 2: Climate has always human activity. A two-degree rise may sound pleasant
If so, it would have to be one of extraordinary changed IPCC report “It is enough – but the IPCC calculates that it is
complexity, coordinated by successive Scientists know the Earth has long enough to drive up the level of the seas by half a
governments in scores of countries with vast alternated between ice ages and periods of unequivocal that metre or more, enough to drown coastal cities.
numbers of scientists. warming – about one ice age every 100,000 human influence has warmed the atmosphere, Claim 5: Scientists question climate change
years over the past million years. Is the current ocean and land,” this year’s IPCC report Specialists often voice scepticism, signing joint
Tens of thousands of peer-reviewed studies heating just another stage in this cycle? concluded. statements and editorials. But an examination
in the public domain have led to an of their credentials in numerous cases has
overwhelming scientific consensus that No – the speed, relative abruptness and Claim 4: A little warming is good revealed that these are rarely climate scientists.
human-made climate change is real. The most global extent of the heating over the past 50 “Large parts of the Country are suffering from
comprehensive such source is the years make it different this time. tremendous amounts of snow and near record- Among scientists’ criteria for measuring the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change setting cold ... Wouldn’t be bad to have a little of legitimacy of claims, one of the most important
(IPCC). “Global surface temperature has increased that good old fashioned Global Warming right is consensus – and the consensus on climate
faster since 1970 than in any other 50-year now!” change is now overwhelming.
Far from being a covert operation, its period over at least the last 2,000 years,” the
evidence and methods are published at IPCC says, with graphs to demonstrate. Former US president Donald Trump’s tweet A recent survey by Cornell University of
on Jan 20 blended a common climate myth – thousands of peer-reviewed studies on climate
This is based on several forms of data: that cold weather is evidence against climate change found that in more than 99% of them
palaeological analysis of sediment, ice and tree the authors agreed that climate change was
caused by humans. – ETX Studio
French astronaut has bird’s-eye view of 2021 climate disasters
FROM his perch 400 kilometres above Earth, window of your space craft makes you think. French astronaut Thomas Pesquet recently finished up his second mission at the International Space
French astronaut Thomas Pesquet has had a You only have to see it once: you can spend two Station. – EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY
unique perspective on the climate-fuelled days in space and just getting that distance,
natural disasters that have swept the planet over seeing the fragility of the atmosphere, that thin place. restrictive measures and international
the past six months. bubble that makes life possible in the vacuum “The most urgent task at hand is to commitments for which countries can be held
of space, that incredible oasis – it changes your accountable. That’s what COP26 is all about.” –
Pesquet recently finished up his second life. decarbonise. You have to prioritise renewables ETX Studio
mission at the International Space Station, an and carbon-free energy. And that takes
experience that made him appreciate Earth’s “When you see changes over the long term –
fragility like never before. sometimes you need more than five years to see
it – you can’t help but feel concerned.
He spoke to AFP prior to the UN’s COP26
climate summit which is currently underway, “That’s why I became an ambassador for the
sharing his hopes and fears for the planet. (UN’s) Food and Agriculture Organisation, and
What images strike you the most? an advocate for many environmental causes.”
“The massive storms, and the forest fires. I have What worries you the most?
never seen anything like it, incredibly huge fires “The idea that we might not succeed in
with plumes of smoke visible from space for reaching an agreement at an international level,
days and days. and that economic concerns dominate over
environmental ones.
“It was striking to think about the energy it
gave off and the damage it caused for people “It’s a completely short-sighted approach.
unfortunate enough to be in its path. Over the long-term, profits are directly
threatened by climate change.
“We had never seen so many extremely
impressive tropical storms – you could “When you see the Great Barrier Reef not
practically see into the eye of the cyclone. included on the list of endangered sites because
of Australian government pressure, you think
“They’re walls of clouds with phenomenal the priorities are wrong and we’re in trouble.
power, coming more and more often and
causing more and more destruction.” “The first thing to do is listen to the experts
Does the Earth seem fragile? who have dedicated their lives to providing
“Yes, absolutely. Seeing the planet from the solutions on a local, regional, national and
global level. We have to try to put solutions in
█ BY MARIETTA MU Intentional Synchronicity
I’VE ALWAYS loved exploring o Randonautica is an app that generates a random coordinate based on your intentions
and seeing different places, even
if it’s just around the block. If you resets when “the sun rises over the we wouldn’t be in close contact with at night time. With the help of some quantum
also enjoy doing that, you should Pyramid of Giza”. anyone. A few days later, I saw a news magic, a random coordinate helps
try out the Randonautica app, which you break free from the monotony,
is available on both Google Play and However, not all points cost the The first time I Randonauted with article that said a group of teens who and see how big and interesting the
the App Store. same, as points that require deeper my housemate, our intention was were filming a TikTok video found a world really is, even if it’s within your
computation and higher entropy “star”. We started our drive and dead body in a suitcase when using neighbourhood.
When I first heard about sources will cost more. eventually reached a small restaurant the app.
Randonautica, it was in June 2020, we’d never been to, with strings of Sometimes, it doesn’t bring me to
when the hype had just begun. The An owl was chosen as their logo star-shaped fairy lights! Although it That incident skyrocketed the a location with anything specific, but
app was founded by Joshua because owls are symbolic of might very well be confirmation bias, app’s popularity, and many even tried I might catch something interesting
Lengfelder, and was launched earlier transformative experiences. it was still a fun app to explore around to post fake creepy experiences on along the way, as the journey is often
that year. your local town, and see things that TikTok. just as meaningful as the destination.
Additionally, Randonauts are also you’ve never noticed before.
Randonauting works by like owls, in that they observe and are Even so, many Randonauts Whether the app actually works
generating a random coordinate in conscious of things in their local area The second time we tried it, it weren’t discouraged by the story, as with the intentions, it is still an
your local area, and aims to they haven’t seen before. brought us to a cemetery, which many still had positive experiences. interesting game to play and explore
encourage you to explore your area freaked us out, and after that, I didn’t your local area.
by setting an ‘intention’ of what you’d In their beta tester, Randonautica want to use it anymore. Although a The tips they give you in the app
like to come across. It gained traction revealed a new social feature that cemetery isn’t exactly an evil place, it include: Randonauting with a If you follow Randonautica’s
after teenagers began sharing their allows Randonauts to discover and spooked us as we were Randonauting positive mindset, bringing a trash bag official Twitter, you may also find
adventures on TikTok. share Trip Reports, allowing you to to clean up any rubbish you may interesting events, such as the
comment, like, or share posts. come across, to have a friend with “community intention” event which
Although there are a lot of fake you, to Randonaut during the started on Oct 16.
videos on the internet, I was still Players either love or hate the app, daytime and with a charged phone,
intrigued by the idea of it. with most either giving it one star, or and to never trespass. Currently, I still enjoy filming
five stars. That’s because some are whatever interesting things I come
Randonautica is essentially an freaked out by the places the app has After a couple weeks, boredom set across when I Randonaut. After that, I
adventure game which claims to use sent them, while those who love the in and my housemate and I decided post some of the videos on my
“quantum entropy” to randomise the app find really interesting to try Randonauting again. YouTube channel, and it’s a fun
coordinates. The process is said to synchronicities. hobby for me.
use “theoretical mind matter We kept the tips in mind and it has
interaction” paired with quantum Personally, I was afraid when I first mostly been an enjoyable experience The next time I travel to a different
entropy to test the strange played it, but grew to enjoy it. ever since. country or state, I will try to use the
entanglement of consciousness with app so that I can find a nice surprise,
observable reality. I first started Randonauting when In the app’s Q&A, they explain that and maybe see something different
it became popular in 2020. It was the game is to help you “break out of aside from the typical touristy spots.
Mind-matter interaction is a during the lockdown, and because your reality tunnel”. A reality tunnel is
phenomenon in which the ability of borders were closed, we couldn’t the set path that your life is on. For If you’re still unsure, check out
thoughts is able to influence the travel. example, you might always take the Randonautica’s offical YouTube
distribution of values created by a same route to work and that’s why channel, where you can see people
quantum random number generator. Since the maximum radius for free you would only drive through the sharing their adventures!
play is 10km, we were still following same route to work all the time.
The quantum random number the 10km rule during lockdown, and
generator is then used to generate a
random number – in real-time, in a
lab – by “measuring the quantum
fluctuations of the vacuum”.
This means that Randonauts often
find their journeys result in
serendipitous experiences that
seemingly align with their thoughts.
By choosing an anomaly in the
quantum generator, the algorithm
runs and finds the most statistically
improbable distribution of points
within the radius selected.
There are two types of points –
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Choosing Power Anomaly will
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power (whether Attractor or Void).
Blind Spots are simply random
points that are called so because they
are places you wouldn’t even think of
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intention for your trip in mind, or just
go with the flow to see the
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COMMENT by Dr Rais Hussin and Dr Margarita Peredaryenko
Remember the Squid Game!
WHEN Squid Game hit
Netflix in mid-September, it The relentless pursuit of personal The night of unpunished in the system, the sin opponent, stretches out his hand and
caused an ambiguous gain at the expense of others is, violence scene mushrooms in abundance, variety and invokes to go back home together.
response from the public unfortunately, the code of conduct in in Squid Game brutality.
and movie critics, and rightfully so, as our social-economic-political life. very Do we need the red pill to finally wake
many could not see beyond the graphically However, as we already know up and realise that we also do not need
grotesque, exacerbated, bloody Some observant spectators might illustrates politicians are only the reflection of the to compete to live happily together?
depiction of murders in “just another probably even exclaim that Squid Game what happens society, the two looking at each other
survival game”. must have been written by a politician as when a group like in a mirror, the perfect pair. We need to stop allowing divisive
it depicts everything that a typical of people learn politics to destroy the nation and us.
However, others probably have politician is in moral agreement, with that any sin Thus, the Squid Game VIPs and
realised that the creators of the movie fraud, absence of shame, dishonesty, goes players might have more in common It has always been the case, just like in
have deliberately exaggerated the double standards, empty promises, unpunished in than initially may seem. the Squid Game, the signs (hints) were
brutality. breaking promises, outright trickery, the system, the there on the wall all this while.
coldhearted treachery and corruption. sin mushrooms In this regard, it is interesting to
The aesthetically pleasing decor in in abundance, analyse how the theme of people, Did not we have enough of Squid
bright and joyful colours during the Yes, ironically enough, Squid Game variety and society, again grotesquely, is discerned Game for just these last two years of the
games, or the relaxing, soft, and has its own cartel. But why would we be brutality in the Squid Game. pandemic?
melodious background music played, all surprised?
of this intentionally makes the on-screen It is all meaningful how the red and Perhaps, right now, many are losing
violence even more pronounced. These days cartels are everywhere, blue envelops in the first episode of the hope and see no avail in voting.
and corruption is the way of life in our Squid Game echoes the “red pill” and
With that, some souls, not country. “blue pill” from The Matrix, symbolising However, there is no better time than
accustomed yet to a reflection-less “willingness to learn a potentially now to come together as one and start
consumption of graphical content from Player 001 sums up succinctly the unsettling or life-changing truth by voting to stop the Squid Game.
the screen, will undoubtedly find the unspoken postulate of politics taking the red pill or remaining in
cruelty of various societal vices depicted nowadays: “Life is like a game, there are contented ignorance with the blue pill”. Let us together make sure that
in the movie to be a much more many players. If you don’t play with selfish, dishonest, corrupt, and simply
traumatising scene even in contrast with them, they will play with you”. In the drama, numerous scenes ignorant politicians have no future in
the excessive physical brutality. illustrate how players (society) remain our country. Let us show zero tolerance
Thus, for most politicians, the ignorant and fixated on their personal to them.
As the game progresses, the Squid moment at power is like a day in the gain, continuously reiterated to them by
Game turns out to be a Squid Game facility, a day that has no the Squid Game masters. They may give petty handouts in their
multidimensional (socio-economic- tomorrow. political campaigns, but then steal not
political) reflection of the life of a sick However, the “glass stepping stones” only billions of ringgit Malaysia but the
society in its complete moral decadence, They use identity politics to break us game is probably the apotheosis of such national future from all of us.
heightened individualism, and spiritual apart and eventually break us. Like the ignorance and the model of our society.
chaos. Squid Game masters, they make us They will take all our marbles and
believe that we need to compete for Note that no one forced them to make us walk with the pebbles on our
These scenes depicting humanity personal gain at the expense of others. complete this game. According to “the chests instead.
from its lowest to its highest are now out rules”, they could have jointly voted to
there for us to reflect deeply and course Sometimes, they divide us into stop the game at any time. We can accept whatever handouts, as
correct. smaller teams, while at other times they they are ours (the tax-payers’) money
say “we need to be one team” without And in these circumstances, it makes anyway.
The drama series is full of symbolism, really meaning it. all the perfect sense to do so (even while
multiple meanings and hidden being driven by personal gain) because But at the same time, we should still
references. And to those watching close Like in Squid Game, they claim the it is easy to estimate immediately that vote only for selfless, sincere,
enough, it is not just about South Korean system to be fair and equal for all, but it the death rate in this game on average competent, professional, high integrity,
society but has universal appeal. For turns out it is not on many occasions. should be certainly much higher than God-fearing characters to be our
example, it is not just about growing 50% (the exact death rate was 81.25%). national leaders who are full of
worldwide indebtedness. The promises here have no binding compassion, empathy, and a genuine
power. The feeling of shame does not However, when personal gain (some love and concern for the welfare of the
The drama very explicitly touches on reside. The fear of punishment … “is more elusive) overshadows not only the people as a whole. Therefore, we can
a more fundamental societal problem, eliminated”. common good but the self-preservation prosper all together!
the general tendency and ardent desire instinct itself we have the state of the
to live beyond one’s means. Nowadays, even convicted political nation that we have, self-destruction. Let us go home together, Malaysians!
leaders get off scot-free and we should Please remember the Squid Game and
This greed and thirst make some not be surprised to see them in the In contrast to this, the critical reflect.
gamble even with the money they do not political arena again and even gain moment and probably the key message
own, parts of their body, or the dual support. of the controversial Netflix drama is in Rais Hussin and Margarita
value of life (own life and lives of others). the “squid game” scene itself. Peredaryenko are part of the research
However, the night of violence scene
in Squid Game very graphically When one player, while just a step team at EMIR Research, an
illustrates what happens when a group away from winning the entire cash prize, independent think tank focused on
of people learn that any sin goes turns back towards his almost defeated strategic policy recommendations
based on rigorous research. Comment:
[email protected]
COMMENT by Dr Ganesh Ramachandran
Eliminating cervical cancer in our lifetime
THIS Nov 17 marks the first HPV and cervical cancer system, this may take up to five to 10 times for an appointment, lack of a and pre-cancerous lesions has
anniversary of the declaration by the Almost all cervical cancer is years. call-recall system, patient overload, dropped in countries with a
World Health Organisation (WHO) to associated with the Human Papilloma The Malaysian scenario lack of resources, manpower and vaccination programme, and in time
eliminate cervical cancer. Virus (HPV). Other cancers associated The WHO 2020 report derived from educational material. this should lead to a drop in new
with the HPV infection include anal, the Malaysian National Cancer cervical cancer cases.
This is a laudable aim as cervical vulvar, vaginal, penile, and Registry and the Penang Cancer The silver lining though is the
cancer is one malignancy for which oropharyngeal cancer. Registry reported 48,639 new cancer inception of the cervical cancer Adopting a healthy lifestyle,
there are reliable screening methods cases, with 29,530 cancer deaths. vaccination programme in Malaysia. vaccination against HPV, regular pap
and effective vaccination. Not all HPV cause cancer, and most The vaccine was approved for use in smears, and the recent availability of
The burden of disease women and men will not develop Overall, among men and women, Malaysia in 2007 and was self-testing kits for HPV play an
As socio-economic standards cancer following an HPV infection. the commonest cancers were breast, incorporated into the national important role in preventing cervical
improve around the world, life colorectal, lung, nasopharyngeal, and vaccination programme in 2012, and cancer. Pre-invasive lesions caught on
expectancy also increases and with The transmission of this virus is liver cancers. the population coverage exceeds 80%. screening can also be treated relatively
that, comes an increased risk of non- largely associated with the sexual easily and effectively. It has been
communicable diseases, one of which behaviour of an individual. For Among women again the Another innovation is the suggested that more than 99% of
is cancer. example, multiple sexual partners and commonest were breast, colorectal, Removing Obstacles to Cervical future invasive cancer may be
early-age sexual intercourse. ovarian, cervical, and uterus cancer. Screening (ROSE) programme, which prevented by screening for and
In 2018, the World Cancer was launched in Malaysia back in treating pre-invasive lesions.
Research Fund reported a total of 18 Other risk factors include smoking, Concerning cervical cancer, there 2019, allowing women to self-test for
million new cancer cases around the the presence of other sexually is a national screening programme in HPV and overcome the barrier of The evidence of the usefulness of
world of which 47% involved transmitted infections and an place which recommends regular seeing a healthcare professional for a screening programmes, the
women. immune compromised state. screening between the age of 20 and pap smear. This test, apart from being availability of safe and effective
65. self-administered, requires less testing vaccines together with self-screening
In women, the commonest There are almost 100 subtypes of and is also more sensitive in picking kits, and the improvement of socio-
cancers were breast, colorectal, lung, HPV. HPV 16 and 18 are seen in 70% of Despite this programme existing up the risk of cervical cancer. economic and educational status will
and cervical cancer. Of the more than all cervical cancers. Other common since the 1960s and being offered free Can we eliminate cervical cancer? serve to empower women to manage
eight million new cases in women, cancer-causing subtypes are HPV 31, since 1995, only 45.7% of Malaysian their health in time to possibly
almost 600,000 were new cases of 33, 45, 52 and 58. Cervical cancer does women have been screened compared Cervical cancer is a good example eliminate this disease.
cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is the not occur immediately after exposure with the minimum target of 80%. of cancer that can be eliminated
fourth most common cancer among to HPV, in 90% of women recovery is because there is a clear cause in many Dr Ganesh Ramachandran is an
women, and the eighth most the norm, in others, depending on the Factors that have proven to be an patients, a relatively long period associate professor and head of
common among men and women type of HPV, progression to a pre- obstacle include individual-based before cancer develops, effective school for the School of Medicine at
combined. cancerous lesion and subsequently, factors such as fear of cost, screening methods, and most of all, an the Faculty of Health and Medical
cancer is a possibility. embarrassment, lack of knowledge or effective vaccine. It has been reported
The burden of disease is largest time, and fear of the procedure. that the number of HPV infections Sciences,Taylor’s University.
among poorer countries. Generally, this takes about 15 to 20 Comments: [email protected]
years in otherwise healthy women. In Systemic factors that have
women with a weakened immune impeded screening include long wait
NOVEMBER 3, 2021
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RM m
% RM m RM m
44.7 Institutions 1163.8 1255.8 -92.0
30.9 Retail 851.2 819.0 32.2
24.4 Foreign 690.2 630.4 -59.8
100.0 2705.2 2705.2 0.0 6.71 13.32 54.65 38.85 126.18 2.27 34.55 46.50
Preliminary stats (excluding trade amendments). For final data, please refer to 1,537.63 3,232.37 25,099.67 29,520.90 17,065.97 3,013.49
Source: Bursa Malaysia 3,505.63 7,324.30
KL MARKET SUMMARY Nadiah Wan in Forbes Asia’s
November 2, 2021
INDICES 11,398.49 CHANGE +68.32 top businesswomen list
FBMKLCI 1,537.63 +6.71
CONSTRUCTION 165.95 +0.32
FINANCIAL SERVICES 15,179.81 +22.54
ENERGY 803.50 +13.49
TELECOMMUNICATIONS 664.92 +4.80 o Individuals selected for
HEALTH CARE 2,391.89 -17.27 their achievements in
TRANSPORTATION 913.46 +2.97 managing either a
PROPERTY 754.47 +3.80 business with sizeable
PLANTATION 6,842.92 +129.51 revenues or startup valued
FBMSHA 12,457.59 +91.52 at over US$100m
FBMACE 7,122.47 +72.24
TECHNOLOGY 100.86 +2.70
3.653 BIL RM2.705 BIL
November 2, 2021 group CEO and executive director Nadiah
Wan is the youngest to make Forbes 2021
STOCK VOL CLSG (sen) +/– (sen) Asia’s Power Businesswomen list. Nadiah is group CEO and executive director of TMC Life Sciences Bhd. She is also CEO of
KANGER 234,696,000 4.0 UNCH Thomson Hospital Kota Damansara.
DNEX 231,094,000 82.5 +5.5 The list, which was released yesterday,
AAX 120,247,900 5.5 -2.0 recognises 20 female business leaders in the
TOPBLDS 116,050,600 2.5 -3.0 Asia-Pacific region. It will be published in the
TAWIN 108,977,000 15.5 UNCH November issue of Forbes Asia.
5 TOP GAINERS Nadiah took on the role of group CEO and billion). Amid the pandemic, AWC has Lee is MBK’s first female partner in the
November 2, 2021 executive director of TMC in 2019. She is also signed new hotel partnerships with firm’s 16-year history and has the additional
CEO of its flagship Thomson Hospital Kota InterContinental and Nobu Hospitality, responsibilities of being chief financial
STOCK VOL CLSG (RM) +/– RM Damansara, a position she has held since adding to existing ties with Marriott and officer and head of limited partner relations
GENETEC 922,900 48.80 2.22 2017. Hyatt. at MBK.
NESTLE 105,700 135.00 1.50
MPI 157,900 47.58 1.12 The Malaysian introduced a Covid-19 Another notable listee is Converge ICT Also featured on the list is serial
VITROX 161,500 20.00 0.64 task force at the hospital and launched a Solutions co-founder and president Maria entrepreneur Meena Ganesh, who co-
SAM 154,700 22.00 0.54 mobile app providing remote end-to-end Grace Y. Uy, who helped grow her company founded Portea Medical, India’s largest
patient care. into one of the largest fixed broadband home healthcare company by revenue. Prior
5 TOP LOSERS operators in the Philippines. Converge went to taking over as chairperson in August,
November 2, 2021 “Businesswomen across the Asia Pacific public in late 2020 in one of the country’s Ganesh had been running the eight-year-old
region continue to break barriers and in largest-ever IPOs, raising US$522 million. Its Bangalore-based company as managing
STOCK VOL CLSG (RM) +/– RM many cases, expand their businesses despite shares have since risen over 70%, pushing director and CEO.
PETDAG 377,500 20.02 0.66 the lingering pandemic,” Rana Wehbe the company’s market capitalisation to
PMBTECH-LA 12.32 0.48 Watson, editor of the 2021 Asia’s Power US$4.6 billion. Keiko Erikawa, executive chairman of
AYER 500 5.90 0.40 Businesswomen list, said. Koei Tecmo, co-founded the company with
MGRC 700 2.31 0.33 Helen Wong is the first woman to helm her husband Yoichi and built it into one of
CHINHIN 10,900,200 1.99 0.20 “Forbes Asia’s Power Businesswomen list the 89-year-old Oversea-Chinese Banking Japan’s largest video-game developers over
8,889,900 this year recognises 20 outstanding leaders Corp (OCBC), Singapore’s second-largest four decades. The listed company now has a
who managed to adapt and thrive in bank by market value. She started in banking market capitalisation of US$8.5 billion.
EXCHANGE RATES NOVEMBER 2, 2021 industries including technology, healthcare, at OCBC in 1984 and became its first China
banking and manufacturing. They are desk manager in Hong Kong a year later In June this year, Erikawa became an
Foreign currency Bank sell Bank buy Bank buy leading the way as the world struggles with before joining other banks. outside director and the only woman on the
the post-Covid reality.” board of SoftBank Group. She also manages
1 US DOLLAR TT/OD TT OD In February 2020, Wong returned to Koei Tecmo’s US$1.1 billion in assets across
1 AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR 4.2095 4.0845 4.0745 All the businesswomen highlighted this OCBC as deputy president and head of Japan, Hong Kong and the US.
1 BRUNEI DOLLAR 3.1830 3.0570 3.0410 year are newcomers to the list, further global wholesale banking based in
1 CANADIAN DOLLAR 3.1210 3.0310 3.0230 expanding Forbes Asia’s network of Singapore. She was appointed group CEO of Marina Budiman is co-founder and
1 EURO 3.3970 3.3070 3.2950 prominent businesswomen in the region. OCBC this April. president commissioner of DCI Indonesia,
1 NEWZEALAND DOLLAR 4.8880 4.7310 4.7110 They have been selected for their the largest data centre operator in Indonesia
1 SINGAPORE DOLLAR 3.0330 2.9230 2.9070 achievements in managing either a business In January last year, South Korea’s Lee In- with over 50% market share. It is also
1 STERLING POUND 3.1210 3.0310 3.0230 with sizeable revenues or a startup valued at kyung became a partner at MBK Partners, Southeast Asia’s first Tier IV data centre, the
1 SWISS FRANC 5.7530 5.5730 5.5530 over US$100 million. one of the largest home-grown buyout firms industry’s highest rating for reliability and
100 UAE DIRHAM 4.6130 4.5060 4.4910 in Asia with US$24 billion in assets under resiliency.
100 BANGLADESHTAKA 115.9400 109.9500 109.7500 Among the women on the list is management headed by billionaire Michael
100 CHINESE RENMINBI 5.0070 4.6840 4.4840 Thailand’s Wallapa Traisorat, president and Kim. At around US$7 billion, DCI is now one of
100 HONGKONG DOLLAR 65.8000 63.3000 CEO of real estate company Asset World Indonesia’s most valuable public companies.
100 INDIAN RUPEE 54.6700 51.9500 N/A Corp (AWC). In late 2019, AWC went public
100 INDONESIAN RUPIAH 5.7200 5.3700 51.7500 and raised nearly US$1.6 billion (RM6.6
100 JAPANESE YEN 0.0306 0.0277 5.1700
100 PAKISTAN RUPEE 3.6960 3.5800 0.0227 Hartalega chalks up higher Q2 profit of RM914m
100 PHILIPPINE PESO 2.5000 2.3300 3.5700
100 QATAR RIYAL 8.4400 7.9500 2.1300 PETALING JAYA: Hartalega Holdings Bhd’s Revenue for the period more than Leong stated the one-off “Cukai Makmur”
100 SAUDI RIYAL 116.9000 110.9800 7.7500 net profit spiked 67.7% to RM914.01 million doubled to RM5.91 billion from RM2.27 unveiled in Budget 2022 last Friday could
100 SOUTH AFRICA RAND 113.4700 107.7200 110.7800 for its second quarter (Q2) ended Sept 30, billion reported previously. have a material impact on earnings in the
100THAI BAHT 28.2800 25.5400 107.5200 2021 from RM544.96 million reported in the second half of its current financial year.
13.2100 11.7300 25.3400 corresponding quarter of the preceding year From its financial performance, Hartalega
11.3300 on the back of higher sales revenue which has declared a first interim dividend of 35.2 “Nevertheless, for the long term, post-
was partially offset by the higher raw material sen per share to be paid on Dec 2, 2021. pandemic prospects remain positive driven
Source: Malayan Banking Berhad/Bernama cost. by the structural step-up in demand
In its filing to Bursa, the group said the stemming from heightened glove usage in
Revenue for the quarter stood at RM2.01 average selling prices (ASP) for gloves have emerging markets with low glove
billion, a 49.4% improvement from RM1.35 been declining from its peak in the first half of consumption per capita and rising hygiene
billion reported previously. the year. awareness.
For the six months ended Sept 30, 2021, It attributed the tapering ASP to increasing “To this end, the group continues to
the group’s net profit rocketed over fourfold supply from major glovemakers as well as expand our capacity in line with market
to RM3.17 billion from RM764.68 million moderating demand because of customers supply and demand dynamics via our Next
reported in the same period of the previous adjusting inventories in view of declining Generation Integrated Glove Manufacturing
year. selling prices. Complex,” he said.
Going forward, Hartalega CEO Kuan Mun
/thesundaily 11theSUN ON WEDNESDAY | NOVEMBER 3, 2021
SALES IN OCTOBER HIT US$1 billion in Malaysia
o Ally Logistic Property to develop smart 23.3% year-on-year to RM267.6 “ALP’s investment will help to
PETALING JAYA: Perodua set a warehousing parks, starting with US$180m million in the second quarter of create more job opportunities in
record for the most vehicles sold facility called OMega, in Bukit Raja, Selangor 2021, driven mainly by the Malaysia. With automation at the
in a month with 27,858 vehicles manufacturing and services sectors. core of ALP’s offerings, we aim to
registered in October, smashing PETALING JAYA: Taiwan’s largest will generate an estimated 500 job enrich Malaysia’s warehousing
its previous record of 26,848 warehousing infrastructure opportunities. ALP co-founder & CEO Charlie infrastructure and advance
vehicles sold in October last year. developer, Ally Logistic Property Co Chang said Malaysia’s supply chain convergence with global supply
It attributed the achievement to Ltd (ALP), is set to invest US$1 The sheer magnitude of OMega industry presents vast opportunities chains; this in turn will support
improved product and prompt billion (RM4.14 billion) in Malaysia enables ALP to introduce a “shared that are yet untapped; however, Malaysia’s Logistics 4.0 ambition
deliveries to customers. The to develop smart warehousing warehouse” structure to offer large-scale investments and a and strengthen its position as the
figure represents a 90.67% solutions to boost the country’s flexibility to support its clients’ sharing economy business model preferred warehousing gateway in
increase from 14,160 units sold in logistics industry. business expansion. OMega’s scale will see the industry experience a Asia.”
September. Of the 27,858 ALP’s plans in Malaysia are also makes it possible to boom.
Perodua vehicles sold, 8,761 were accommodate a complete industry Located in Bukit Raja Industrial
Myvi, 5,973 were Axia, 5,257 vertical to shorten respective supply “The Malaysian market offers Park, OMega will serve as a hub for
Bezza, 3,973 Ativa, 2,553 Alza and chains, accelerate turnover of tremendous potential, and we are distribution along the west coast of
1,341 Aruz. October also saw materials and products, and reduce confident that our investment here Malaysia. The facility will feature 1.2
Perodua achieve the highest-ever working capital and distribution will attract more regional players million square feet in leasable area
number of vehicles produced costs. Its automation solution and other high-value investments to with additional 100,000 pallets in the
within a month with 29,803 units. supports the transformation of drive Malaysia’s aspirations towards co-sharing automated storage and
Year to date, the national carmaker labour-intensive supply chains via becoming a regional e-commerce retrieval system zone with a total of
registered 146,951 units from data application and helps hub. ALP’s OMega introduces 150 loading docks.
January to October this year, 14.5% companies tackle the complexity of collaborative operating models to
below the 171,861 registered in warehouse management to unveil new economic opportunities The construction of ALP Bukit Raja
the same period of 2020. optimise business processes, gain and spur growth for the industry OMega is expected to be completed in
time and improve cost efficiency. while empowering local brands in first-quarter 2024. It will be part of
SC SEEKS PUBLIC’S already under way with the their digital transformation journey ALP’s regional chain of warehousing
HELP TO LOCATE development of a US$180 million Malaysia continues to remain an to reach new markets and unlock facility networks and will capture the
RICKY WONG SHEE KAI 27-acre logistics park with smart attractive market for e-commerce wealth,” Chang said in a statement. attention of multinational investors
warehousing facility called OMega, with its gross merchandise value and brands looking to establish their
PETALING JAYA: The Securities in Bukit Raja, Selangor. projected to rise to US$30 billion by ALP Malaysia managing director regional distribution centres in
Commission Malaysia (SC) is OMega is a multi-storey, 2025. E-commerce income grew Keren Liu explained that the smart Malaysia.
seeking information and technology integrated warehousing warehousing model that ALP is
assistance from the public to platform with hyperautomation introducing in Malaysia will provide Strategically located OMega smart
locate the whereabouts of the built in. It is designed to help not greater momentum for Malaysian warehouses across Malaysia are
former managing director and only Malaysian but also businesses to be part of the global expected to generate about 3,000 job
CEO of Asia Media Group Bhd multinational brands and retailers supply chain. opportunities.
(AMGB), Ricky Wong Shee Kai. A achieve improvements in efficiency
warrant of arrest was issued for and greater accuracy in decision-
Wong by the Kuala Lumpur making in response to the high
Magistrate’s Court on Sept 29, volatility of e-commerce and
2021 for offences under the vigorous development of
Capital Markets and Services Act digitalisation. ALP Bukit Raja OMega
2007 (CMSA). The SC said Wong
had furnished a false statement Nestle Malaysia’s Q3 net profit jumps 15%
relating to AMGB’s revenue of
RM11.13 million to Bursa Malaysia. PETALING JAYA: Nestle (Malaysia) previous year.
He has been at large since Bhd’s net profit for its third quarter Revenue for the period stood at
December 2019. Wong is facing ended Sept 30, 2021, rose 15.3% to
charges under Section 369(b)B of RM148.02 million from RM123.39 RM4.27 billion, a 5.6% increase from
the CMSA and, if convicted, would million in the same quarter of the RM4.02 billion previously, mainly
be liable to a fine not exceeding previous year on higher revenue and driven by domestic sales, as the
RM3 million and imprisonment lower marketing spend, which were retail F&B business saw an increase.
not exceeding 10 years. offset by higher commodity prices
and Covid-19-related expenses. Nestle has declared a second
VENTURETECH, JAPAN’S Nestlé’s recent product innovations include the Lively Tea range, Nestlé’s first interim dividend of 70 sen per share
SBI VENTURES FORM Revenue for the quarter inched iced tea drink with adaptogens, Nescafe Ready-To-Drink Limited Editions, and to be paid on Dec 15, 2021.
RM75M PRIVATE FUND up 3.6% to RM1.44 billion from its plant-based range.
RM1.39 billion previously on the The group said it remains positive
PETALING JAYA: Government- back of solid sales growth in both on its outlook in Malaysia as the
backed impact investment domestic and export markets, vaccination rate has surpassed 90%
company VentureTech has driven by the group’s F&B business. of the country’s adult population and
launched a private equity co- it is hopeful an economic recovery
investment fund of RM75 million Nestle Malaysia CEO Juan will progress further and intensify in
for growth stage technology Aranols stated that its efforts and the coming months.
companies with its foreign resilience have delivered a strong
partner, Japan’s SBI Ventures quarter in spite of multiple ”Looking ahead, a key challenge
Malaysia. This fund will play a role operational constraints. in the fourth quarter of the year will
in supporting local and be the rising food commodity costs.
bumiputra companies in the high “We have maintained our We expect the impact to be more
value-added and emerging operations safely and continued to pronounced in the coming months
industry market segments to ensure stable supply to fulfil the and especially in 2022.”
scale up to their full potential. solid demand for our brands, while
ramping up our product innovation Nevertheless, Aranols is confident
IBRACO BAGS RM375M and accelerating our environmental actions,” he said in a statement. profit registered a 8.9% increase to the group will maintain its positive
CONSTRUCTION DEAL For the nine-month period RM457.71 million from RM420.23 momentum and deliver another year
ended Sept 30, 2021 Nestle’s net million in the same period of the of solid results in 2021.
KUALA LUMPUR: Ibraco Bhd has
clinched a RM375 million Mr DIY results reflect resilience in face of challenging operating climate
contract to be the turnkey
contractor for a development PETALING JAYA: Mr DIY Group orders in selected locations provided strong upward revenue
project in Kuching, Sarawak. The (M) Bhd, whose net profit jumped nationwide. momentum from a low in June
group has accepted a letter of 29.9% to RM297.28 million in the 2021, supported by an
award from Lestari Asiabina Sdn first nine months of 2021, said Revenue for the quarter went up improvement in overall domestic
Bhd to construct, among others, a while it was impacted by the 3.8% to RM768.02 million from demand.
20-storey office tower, closure of stores due to Covid-19 RM740.23 million previously,
condominium and apartment restrictions in the short term, its mainly attributed to positive As economic activity has largely
blocks of seven to 15 storeys, and longer term performance contributions from new stores. returned to normality post-
112 units of three- to four-storey September 2021, Mr DIY remains
shophouses. – Bernama For the nine-month period confident of its ability to deliver
ended Sept 30, 2021, the group’s net sustainable growth, premised on its
RAMSSOL, IMPIANA IN continued to show steady growth, profit increased 29.9% to RM297.28 strength and new store growth
driven by new stores. million from RM228.9 million in the progress, which remains a core
WORKERTRAININGTIE-UP “Also encouraging to note was same period of the previous year. growth strategy and remains intact
PETALING JAYA: Ramssol Group that the number of transactions and Revenue for the period rose 33.9% to for immediate future and medium
Bhd and Impiana Hotels Bhd have RM2.4 billion from RM1.79 billion to long term.
entered into a two-year partnership the average basket size had both previously.
increased following the “Moving forward, we will
to provide Human Resources normalisation of store operations,” The group declared an interim continue to focus on improving cost
Development Corp-certified single tier dividend of 0.65 sen per efficiencies, managing our supply
training programmes for Malaysia’s CEO Adrian Ong (pix) said in a share amounting to RM40.8 million, chain efficiently, and employing
statement yesterday. which will be paid out on Dec 23, stringent data discipline to ensure
workforce that supports economic Mr DIY’s net profit for its third 2021. the continued relevance of our
recovery through upskilling and products,” Ong said.
reskilling. The two parties are quarter ended Sept 30, 2021 fell Mr DIY said the economic
20.4% to RM90.35 million from mainly due to store closures related reopening in August 2021 has
targeting RM100 million in training RM123.45 million recorded in the to Covid-19 restrictions and the
value over the collaboration period. enhanced movement control
same quarter of the previous year,
China developers’ bonds take
hit after Yango debt exchange COPENHAGEN: Shipping group
A.P. Moller-Maersk said yesterday
o Fujian based company in talks with investors to seek Yango Group’s bonds fell sharply for a second record-high freight rates boosted
extension of payments on yuan-denominated asset-backed day, with Duration Finance quoting its 12% quarterly earnings despite lower
securities that holders are entitled to redeem this month March 2024 bond down almost 58% on the day to container volumes due to
less than 13 cents, yielding nearly 160%. Its congestion at ports. The coronavirus
BEIJING: Chinese developers’ shares and bonds Moody’s Investors Service earlier cut Yango’s Shenzhen-traded April 2024 bond fell more than pandemic has prompted a
stumbled yesterday on worries over spreading corporate family rating to Caa2 from B2, citing 20%, triggering a trading halt. shortage of container ships and
financial contagion, as sources said one of the liquidity risk. logjams at ports at a time of high
country’s top 20 homebuilders is seeking a new November 2022 and 2023 bonds issued by consumer spending, pushing the
extension for its onshore debts. “Yango may not be able to mobilise all of its Evergrande unit Scenery Journey fell more than cost of transporting freight to
cash holdings to repay its maturing debts, given 12% to about 20% of their face value ahead of record levels. It said final third-
Fujian province-based Yango Group Co Ltd that most of it resides in its project companies. In coupon payments totalling US$82.5 million this quarter earnings before interest,
has been in talks with investors to discuss the addition, Yango’s exposure to its joint ventures is weekend. tax, depreciation and amortisation
extension of payments on yuan-denominated significant, which could limit its ability to control tripled to US$6.9 billion (RM28.6
asset-backed securities that holders can redeem its cash flow,“ Moody’s said in a statement. Bonds issued by developers Yuzhou Group billion). The Danish company said
this month, three sources familiar with the matter Holdings Co , Ronshine China Holdings and container volumes were down 4%
told Reuters. China Chengxin International, a domestic Zhenro Properties Group also fell more than 10%. in the quarter compared to the
agency, said it had placed the company on a same period in 2019 and slightly
The company plans to repay interest in full, watchlist for possible downgrades, while Dagong Clarence Tam, fixed income portfolio below last year. It also announced
with unpaid principal rolled over for a year, they Global Credit Rating Co on Monday cut its manager at Avenue Asset Management in Hong yesterday it will buy freight-
said. Reuters was unable to confirm whether the outlook on Yango to negative due to uncertainty Kong, said the Yango exchange offer had forwarder Senator International
company would make principal payments on the over funds for debt repayments. aggravated gloomy sentiment. Falling market for an enterprise value of around
securities this month. value forced some leveraged products to unwind US$644 million. – Reuters
The downgrades and warnings weighed on positions, weighing prices down further, he said.
Yango Group did not immediately respond to market sentiment yesterday, pushing Hong JAL POSTS NARROWER
Reuters’ requests for comment. Kong’s mainland properties sub-index down “Quality BB and split names ... suffer the most FIRST-HALF LOSS,
more than 4% at one point, taking its losses since these two days,“ said Tam. AIDED BY COST CUTS
On Monday, Yango offered to exchange some an Oct 22 peak – when China Evergrande Group
US dollar bonds for new notes personally narrowly avoided a US$19 billion default – to Evergrande narrowly avoided a catastrophic TOKYO: Japan Airlines Co Ltd
guaranteed by its chairman to avoid defaulting nearly 17%. default for the second time in a week on Friday, (JAL) reported yesterday a
on upcoming debt payments. making a last-minute payment on an overdue narrower first-half loss before
The CSI300 real estate index of A-shares fell dollar bond coupon. Yesterday, its shares gave up interest and tax from a year ago,
Fitch Ratings said yesterday that it considered 2.4%, while Yango’s own shares fell as much as early gains to fall 2.5%. helped by cost cuts the carrier
that offer a distressed debt exchange, 9%. undertook during the pandemic,
downgrading Yango’s rating to “C” from “B-”. Evergrande’s woes have brought collateral but it flagged a wider-than-
damage to China’s property sector, with some expected annual loss. The
Chinese developers forced into formal default on company posted a first-half loss
their dollar bonds last month and others of ¥151.8 billion (RM5.6 billion). In
proposing extended payment schedules. – the prior year, Japan’s second-
Reuters largest airline had reported a loss
of ¥223.9 billion in the six months
ShopBack to EV startup Rivian could be worth ended Sept 30. JAL said it
acquire BNPL nearly as much as Honda in US IPO expected to stop burning cash by
player Hoolah the fourth quarter of the financial
BENGALURU: Rivian Automotive Electric vehicle sales set to soar year as travel demand improved.
SINGAPORE: Shopping and Inc, which is backed by Global sales of electric vehicles (EVs), estimated at 2.5m units in 2020, It said domestic passenger
rewards platform ShopBack Inc, is targeting a are forecast to grow to 31.1m by 2030, around a third of all new vehicle numbers began increasing last
yesterday announced that it has valuation of more than US$53 month, and by March should
received consent from billion (RM220 billion) for its US sales. But skilled labour shortages may hamper progress reach 92% of pre-Covid levels,
shareholders of “buy now, pay debut, making the electric vehicle though international traffic
later” (BNPL) platform Hoolah manufacturer potentially almost as FORECAST GLOBAL CAR AND LIGHT-DUTY VEHICLE SALES (million units) would remain subdued at 23% of
for a 100% acquisition of the valuable as rival Honda Motor. pre-Covid levels. – Reuters
company by ShopBack. 100 Covid-19 disruption EVs: 32% of
The startup is looking to raise up 90 new sales STANDARD CHARTERED
Hoolah, combined with to US$8.4 billion, setting it up to be Q3 PROFIT DOUBLES
ShopBack’s position as the the third-largest initial public 80 AS BAD LOANS SHRINK
publisher and shopping offering (IPO) by funds raised in the
companion across the Asia past decade in the United States. 70 LONDON: Standard Chartered
Pacific, will transform the (StanChart) rode a recovery in
shopping experience for Only three other companies 60 pandemic-hit markets to post a
shoppers, while providing a have raised more than US$8 billion stronger-than-expected pre-tax
one-stop solution for demand while going public since 2011, 50 2010 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 2030 profit for the third quarter
generation and user according to data from Dealogic. yesterday, aided by lower credit
engagement for merchants Internal combustion engine Estimate charges and growth in trade
across the Asia Pacific. Alibaba raised a record US$25 finance. Statutory pretax profit for
billion in 2014, Meta Platforms Inc Battery electric vehicle Hybrid electric vehicle the bank, which earns most of its
Launched in Singapore in garnered US$16 billion in 2012, revenue in Asia, jumped to
2018, Hoolah offers shoppers an while Uber made US$8.1 billion in Battery makers racing to keep pace with shift to EVs, but development US$996 million (RM4.1 billion) in
option to pay for purchases in 2019. hampered by shortage of research and engineering specialists July-September, from US$435
three interest-free instalments million a year earlier. The beat
and has helped over a quarter Since last year, companies in the WHY SOLID-STATE BATTERIES MATTER comes amid a push by CEO Bill
of a million shoppers shop EV space have emerged as some of Winters to restore growth while
smarter and more responsibly. the hottest investments, especially PRESENT FUTURE creating a portfolio of digital
Today, Hoolah works with over among SPAC investors on the hunt Lithium-ion Solid-state battery: assets in the last few years, after
2,000 online and in-store for the next Tesla Inc. battery More powerful than repairing the bank’s balance
merchants in Singapore, (Li-ion) Li-ion sheet and slashing thousands of
Malaysia and Hong Kong While Rivian has yet to sell any jobs. – Reuters
including Charles & Keith, significant volume of its electric Electrons Cathode (+) Battery:
Secretlab, Zalora, and Zenyum. vans or trucks, it could likely be Anode (-) Charged ions APPLE CUTS IPAD
valued higher than Ferrari, travel from cathode PRODUCTION TO FEED
The acquisition supports the although less than Honda, General to anode through CHIPS TO IPHONE 13
shared vision of ShopBack and Motors or its backer Ford Motor Co. electrolyte. Free
Hoolah to build a rewarding electrons pass from BENGALURU: Apple Inc has cut
commerce enablement Founded in 2009 as Mainstream anode to cathode, back production of iPad tablets to
platform. Hoolah will accelerate Motors by R. J. Scaringe, the allocate more components to the
its growth with a platform to company changed to Rivian in powering iPhone 13, a sign the global chip
extend its BNPL offering to over 2011, a name that is derived from device supply crunch is hitting Apple
8,000 merchants and 30 million “Indian River” in Florida, a place harder than previously indicated,
shoppers across nine markets in Scaringe frequented in a rowboat as Liquid or Ions Solid electrolyte: Smaller and lighter Nikkei said yesterday, citing
the Asia Pacific. a youth. gel electrolyte: than liquid or gel. Sodium-based – multiple sources. Production of the
Highly flammable less harmful to environment and less iPad was down half from Apple’s
ShopBack will further The startup has been investing likely to catch fire original plans for the past two
enhance its suite of shopping heavily to ramp up production, months, the newspaper said on its
tools and rewards by offering including for its upscale all-electric EV with solid-state battery: Range of 500km per charge (more than double website, adding that parts
shoppers a responsible, R1T pickup truck, which was Li-ion fuel cell), and fully rechargeable in 10 minutes. Can power EV intended for older iPhones were
convenient and flexible launched in September, beating out for 380,000km before degrading, and requires no cooling system also being switched to the iPhone
payment option at checkout. competition from established rivals 13. The iPhone maker is prioritising
such as Tesla, General Motors and Sources: Deloitte, Reuters, MotorTrend, Make Tech Easier © GRAPHIC NEWS iPhone 13 output in part because it
Ford. forecasts stronger demand for the
October, has ordered 100,000 of its Exchange Commission. smartphone than for the iPad as
Amazon, which disclosed a 20% electric delivery vans as part of the Rivian, which confidentially Western markets begin to emerge
stake in Rivian at the end of e-commerce giant’s effort to cut from the pandemic. – Reuters
carbon footprint. filed paperwork for an IPO in
August, will, however, face tough
Ford holds a more than 5% share competition from automakers in
in the EV startup, according to a both the consumer and
filing with the US Securities and commercial van markets. – Reuters
302 Jobs 322 Notices 322 Notices 322 Notices SHORTS
Buttler says Sri Lanka ton
WE ARE HIRING IN THE MATTER OF THE To the biological mother of a IINN TTHHEE MMAATTTTEERR OOFF ‘right up there’
Digital Marketing born on 1 January 2015 at ENGLAND opener Jos Buttler reckoned his
IN THE MATTER OF 1.00 am at No. 10, Jalan Melor AANNDD century in yesterday’s Twenty20 World Cup
Senior Executive UMW SG POWER SYSTEMS 10E, Taman Desa Melor, 48200 IINN TTHHEE MMAATTTTEERR OOFF contest against Sri Lanka was among his
Serendah, Selangor. MMIITTRRAA PPAACCKKIINNDDOO SSDDNN..BBHHDD.. best but chose a piece of fielding as his
Job Description: SDN. BHD. Kindly contact our firm, Messrs [[220011550011004444996677 ((11117700228888--TT)) favourite moment in the Super 12 match.
· Design and develop online marketing strategies, (Company No. Ruby Anthoa & Partners at
digital roadmap, creative campaigns that aligned with 200501013446 No. 12, Jalan Anggerik Vanilla ((IINN MMEEMMBBEERRSS’’ Buttler smashed an unbeaten 101 off 67
the business goals and directions. (690493-M)) 31/100C, Kota Kemuning, VVOOLLUUNNTTAARRYY WWIINNDDIINNGG UUPP)) balls to rescue England from a top order
· Provide creative ideas for content marketing. (Incorporated in Malaysia) 40460 Shah Alam, Selangor NNOOTTIICCEE IISS HHEERREEBBYY GGIIVVEENN ppuurrssuuaanntt ttoo wobble and effected two run outs as Eoin
· Plan and manage our social media platforms. (In Members’ Voluntary Darul Ehsan or contact us at 03- SSeeccttiioonn 443399 ooff tthhee CCoommppaanniieess AAcctt,, 22001166 Morgan’s men stood on the brink of the
· Able to create content & produce graphics for social Liquidation) 51318106 with regards to the tthhaatt tthhee SSppeecciiaall RReessoolluuttiioonn sseett oouutt bbeellooww semifinals after their fourth win in as many
media postings. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Adoption Petition No. BF-58-9- wwaass dduullyy ppaasssseedd bbyy tthhee mmeemmbbeerrss ooff tthhee matches.
· Prepare a copywriting for marketing campaign. pursuant to Section 459 of the 10/2021 wherein an application CCoommppaannyy oonn 3300tthh OOccttoobbeerr 22002211::
Companies Act, 2016 that a has been submitted to Court for ““RREESSOOLLVVEEDD TTHHAATT ppuurrssuuaanntt ttoo SSeeccttiioonn 443399 Put in to bat, England’s batting looked
Requirements: Final Meeting of the Company the adoption of the said boy. ooff tthhee CCoommppaanniieess AAcctt,, 22001166,, tthhee CCoommppaannyy under pressure for the first time in the
1.) - Diploma/Degree in Marketing, Digital Marketing will be held at Unit 7-03, Kindly take notice that the bbee wwoouunndd uupp vvoolluunnttaarriillyy aanndd tthhaatt MMrr FFoooo tournament but Buttler fired them to a
Wisma Conlay, 1, Jalan USJ said matter has been fixed for PPoohh KKhheeaann ooff NNoo.. 2200--33AA,, JJaallaann PPaannddaann strong 163-4 at the Sharjah Cricket Stadium.
or equivalent 10/1, Taipan Business Centre, Hearing on 26th November 22//11,,PPaannddaann JJaayyaa,,5555110000 KKuuaallaa LLuummppuurr bbee
2.) - Excellent understanding of digital marketing 47620 Subang Jaya Selangor 2021 at 9.00 am at Kuala aappppooiinntteedd aass LLiiqquuiiddaattoorr ffoorr tthhee ppuurrppoosseess Sri Lanka threatened to pull off an upset
Darul Ehsan on 4th day of Kubu Bharu Sessions Court ooff ssuucchh wwiinnddiinngg uupp aanndd tthhee LLiiqquuiiddaattoorr bbee at one stage before being bowled out for
concepts and best practices December, 2021 at 12:30 p.m. wherein your attendance as the hheerreebbyy aauutthhoorriisseedd ttoo mmaakkee ddiissttrriibbuuttiioonn 137 all out in 19 overs to go down despite
- Required Skill(s): Google Adwords, Google for the following purposes:- biological mother is required. iinn ssppeecciiee ooff tthhee CCoommppaannyy’’ss aasssseettss aanndd ttoo Wanindu Hasaranga’s all-round brilliance.
1. To receive the Liquidator’s Kindly take further notice eexxeerrcciissee tthhee ppoowweerrss ooff tthhee LLiiqquuiiddaattoorr aass
Analytics, SEO/SEM, Social media marketing and Statement of Accounts that if you fail to be present sseett oouutt iinn SSeeccttiioonn 445566 aanndd tthhee EElleevveenntthh “It’s right up there, isn’t it? Hopefully
optimization showing the manner in in Court on the said date and SScchheedduullee ooff tthhee CCoommppaanniieessAAcctt,,22001166..”” there’s still more good days to come, but
which the winding up has time, an Adoption Order will be NNGG SSAAYY HHOOCCKK certainly enjoyed today,” the 31-year-old
Send in your application with your photo been conducted and to hear granted in the absence of your DDiirreeccttoorr Butler said after playing what his captain
to [email protected] any explanations that may presence. KKuuaallaa LLuummppuurr Eoin Morgan also called “one of his best ever
be given by the Liquidator. DDaatteedd::33rrdd NNoovveemmbbeerr 22002211 innings in an England shirt”.
322 Notices 2. To determine pursuant to Dated 30th day of October,
Section 518(3)(b) of the 2021 IINN TTHHEE MMAATTTTEERR OOFF “To put in a performance in a World Cup,
LOST CERTIFICATES Companies Act, 2016 the TTHHEE CCOOMMPPAANNIIEESS AACCTT,,22001166 they’re all must-win games in this
manner in which the books, ……………………… tournament, so yeah, delighted,” Buttler
The following Share Certificates have been reported accounts and documents Messrs Ruby Anthoa & Partners AANNDD added.
lost or destroyed of the Company and of the IINN TTHHEE MMAATTTTEERR OOFF
liquidator thereof, may be Solicitors for the Applicant MMIITTRRAA PPAACCKKIINNDDOO SSDDNN..BBHHDD.. Spieth returns to top 10
Certificate No Name No Of Share destroyed. This Notice is issued by Messrs [[220011550011004444996677 ((11117700228888--TT))
Dated this 3rd day of Ruby Anthoa & Partners, JORDAN SPIETH returned to the top 10 in
November, 2021 Solicitors for the Applicant ((IINN MMEEMMBBEERRSS’’ the Official World Golf Ranking yesterday
Lam Suk Kham with address at No. 12, Jalan VVOOLLUUNNTTAARRYY WWIINNDDIINNGG UUPP)) despite taking the past two weeks off.
Liquidator Anggerik Vanilla 31/100C, Kota NNOOTTIICCEE IISS HHEERREEBBYY GGIIVVEENN tthhaatt tthhee ccrreeddiittoorrss
Kemuning, 40460 Shah Alam, ooff tthhee aabboovvee--mmeennttiioonneedd CCoommppaannyy,, wwhhiicchh The former World No. 1 rose three spots
322 Notices Selangor Darul Ehsan. iiss bbeeiinngg wwoouunndd uupp vvoolluunnttaarriillyy aarree rreeqquuiirreedd in the rolling ranking system, passing Brooks
322 Notices oonn oorr bbeeffoorree 22nndd DDeecceemmbbeerr 22002211 ttoo Koepka, Hideki Matsuyama and Tony Finau.
IN THE HIGH COURT OF sseenndd tthheeiirr nnaammeess aanndd aaddddrreesssseess wwiitthh It’s a notable accomplishment for Spieth,
MALAYA AT KUALA LUMPUR IN THE MATTER OF THE ppaarrttiiccuullaarrss ooff tthheeiirr ddeebbttss oorr ccllaaiimmss aanndd tthhee who fell as low as 92nd after missing the cut
COMPANIES ACT 2016 AND IN THE nnaammeess aanndd aaddddrreesssseess ooff tthheeiirr ssoolliicciittoorrss ((iiff at the Farmers Insurance Open in February.
(COMMERCIAL DIVISION) aannyy)) ttoo tthhee LLiiqquuiiddaattoorr ooff tthhee ssaaiidd CCoommppaannyy,,
COMPANIES (WINDING-UP) MATTER OF aanndd iiff ssoo rreeqquuiirreedd iinn wwrriittiinngg ffrroomm tthhee He has teed it up in 19 stroke play events
NO. WA-28NCC-709-10/2021 MAYA AKTIF SDN BHD ssaaiidd LLiiqquuiiddaattoorr,, aarree bbyy tthheeiirr ssoolliicciittoorrss oorr since, winning the Valero Texas Open and
In the matter of Section 465(1)(h) of (Co Reg No. 687437-W) ppeerrssoonnaallllyy ttoo ccoommee iinn aanndd pprroovvee tthheeiirr posting a pair of runner-ups along with six
the Companies Act 2016; (In Members’ Voluntary ddeebbttss oorr ccllaaiimmss aatt ssuucchh ttiimmee aanndd ppllaaccee other top-10 results.
aass sshhaallll bbee ssppeecciiffiieedd iinn ssuucchh nnoottiiccee oorr
And Liquidation) iinn ddeeffaauulltt tthheerreeooff tthheeyy wwiillll bbee eexxcclluuddeedd Spieth, 28, has only made one start
In the matter of PAN REWARDS SDN At an Extraordinary General Meeting ffrroomm tthhee bbeenneeffiittss ooff aannyy ddiissttrriibbuuttiioonn mmaaddee during the fall swing thus far, tying for 18th
BHD (Company No. 702695-W / of the Company held at B-5-4, Block bbeeffoorree ssuucchh ddeebbttss aarree pprroovveedd.. at The CJ Cup @ Summit in Las Vegas two
200501020571) B, Megan Avenue 1, 189, Jalan Tun FFOOOO PPOOHH KKHHEEAANN weeks ago. He also is not in the field at this
Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur on 25 LLiiqquuiiddaattoorr week's Mayakoba Classic.
BETWEEN October 2021 the following special 2200--33AA,,JJaallaann PPaannddaann 22//11,,PPaannddaann JJaayyaa
CHAN KONG HONG resolution was duly passed: 5555110000 KKuuaallaa LLuummppuurr Spieth was the only movement within
[NRIC No. 680117-06-5281] “That the Company be wound-up DDaatteedd::33rrdd NNoovveemmbbeerr 22002211.. the top 10, with Jon Rahm maintaining his
voluntarily and that Lee Chee Hong comfortable cushion at No. 1 over Collin
…PETITIONER (NRIC No: 680222-10-6487) of Falcon 322 Notices Morikawa and Dustin Johnson.
AND Management Services Sdn. Bhd.
8946 LAM SOON (M) BERHAD 1 x 1000 1. PAN REWARDS SDN BHD be and are hereby appointed the IN THE MATTER OF THE 322 Notices 322 Notices
7917 TEH YOON LOY 3 x 1000 [Company No. 702695-W / liquidators of the company for the COMPANIES ACT 2016
23107 - 108 T P THAYAMAN PILLAI 1 x 1000 200501020571] purpose of such winding-up.” AND IN THE MATTER OF IN THE MATTER OF THE IN THE MATTER OF THE
10575 IDEAL CAKE & BAKERY C S/B 1 x 1000 [NRIC No. 680309-10-6623] Nor Zaili Bin Ibrahim (Co Reg No. 690256-W)
2776 HONG LEE MING 3 x 1000 Director (In Members’ Voluntary IN THE MATTER OF IN THE MATTER OF
26777 – 778 HOO CHIA CHOON 6 x 1000 ADVERTISEMENT OF PETITION Liquidation) (Co Reg No. 800945-H)
44955 -957 KONG SAM CHIN 1 x 1000 NOTICE is hereby given that a IN THE MATTER OF THE At an Extraordinary General Meeting (In Members’ Voluntary (Co Reg No. 685490-H)
12628 – 629 CHIA KIAN BENG Petition for the Winding-Up of COMPANIES ACT 2016 of the Company held at B-5-4, Block (In Members’ Voluntary
24779 – 782 the abovenamed 1st Respondent AND IN THE MATTER OF B, Megan Avenue 1, 189, Jalan Tun Liquidation)
12354 Company by the High Court was, MAYA AKTIF SDN BHD Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur on 25 At an Extraordinary General Meeting Liquidation)
on the 5th day of October, 2021 (Co Reg No. 687437-W) October 2021 the following special of the Company held at B-5-4, Block At an Extraordinary General Meeting
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that if within fourteen (14) days presented by Chan Kong Hong (In Members’ Voluntary resolution was duly passed: B, Megan Avenue 1, 189, Jalan Tun of the Company held at B-5-4, Block
from the date hereof, no claim or representation in respect of 7, Jalan DU6/5, Ambrosia @ “That the Company be wound-up Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur on 25 B, Megan Avenue 1, 189, Jalan Tun
of such certificates is made to the Directors, they will then Kinrara Residence, Taman Damai Liquidation) voluntarily and that Lee Chee Hong October 2021 the following special Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur on 25
proceed to issue replacement certificates and the original Utama, 47180, Selangor Darul NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the (NRIC No: 680222-10-6487) of Falcon resolution was duly passed: October 2021 the following special
certificates will be deemed cancelled and void. Ehsan, and that the said Petition creditors of the abovementioned Management Services Sdn. Bhd. “That the Company be wound-up resolution was duly passed:
REGISTRARS is directed to be heard before the company which is wound up be and are hereby appointed the voluntarily and that Lee Chee Hong “That the Company be wound-up
BOARDROOM SHARE REGISTRARS SDN BHD Court sitting at Kuala Lumpur at voluntarily are required on or liquidators of the company for the (NRIC No: 680222-10-6487) of Falcon voluntarily and that Lee Chee Hong
(378993-D) 9:00 o’clock in the forenoon, on before 25 October 2021 to send in purpose of such winding-up.” Management Services Sdn. Bhd. (NRIC No: 680222-10-6487) of Falcon
Date : 03.11.2021 the 8th day of February 2022; their names and addresses with By order of the Board be and are hereby appointed the Management Services Sdn. Bhd.
and any creditor or contributory of particulars of their debts and claims, Saiful Azreen Bin Mohmad liquidators of the company for the be and are hereby appointed the
CALL TO PLACE IINN TTHHEE MMAATTTTEERR OOFF the said 1st Respondent Company and names and addresses of their Director purpose of such winding-up.” liquidators of the company for the
CLASSIFIED ADS TTIIOONNGG LLIIMM TTIIMMBBEERR MMAARRKKEETTIINNGG desiring to support or oppose the solicitors (if any) to the undersigned Dated this 03 November 2021 By order of the Board purpose of such winding-up.”
making of an Order on the said Liquidators of MAYA AKTIF SDN BHD Suzilawati Binti Badli By order of the Board
KLANG VALLEY SSDDNN.. BBHHDD.. Petition may appear at the time of (In Members’ Voluntary Liquidation) IN THE MATTER OF THE Director Aziz Bin Baba
PENANG | KEDAH ((CCoommppaannyy NNoo..220000220011002211990066 hearing by himself or his Counsel c/o Falcon Management Services COMPANIES ACT 2016 Dated this 03 November 2021 Director
PERAK | PERLIS | PAHANG | for that purpose; and a copy of the Sdn Bhd, B-5-4, Block B, Megan AND IN THE MATTER OF Dated this 03 November 2021
((558899556699--XX)) Petition will be furnished to any Avenue 1, 189, Jalan Tun Razak, REKA INDUK SDN BHD IN THE MATTER OF THE
KELANTAN ((IInn MMeemmbbeerrss’’ VVoolluunnttaarryy LLiiqquuiiddaattiioonn)) creditor or contributory of the said 50400 Kuala Lumpur and, if so (Co Reg No. 690256-W) COMPANIES ACT 2016 AND IN THE MATTER OF THE
TERENGGANU 1st Respondent Company requiring required by notice in writing from the (In Members’ Voluntary COMPANIES ACT 2016 AND IN THE
NNOOTTIICCEE OOFF FFIINNAALL MMEEEETTIINNGG the same by the undersigned on said liquidators, or by its solicitors, to IN THE MATTER OF
MS. Shoba NNOOTTIICCEE IISS HHEERREEBBYY GGIIVVEENN ppuurrssuuaanntt ttoo payment of the regulated charge come in and prove their said debts Liquidation) NOBLE PLAN SDN BHD MATTER OF
TEL: 03-7784 8888 SSeeccttiioonn 445599 ooff tthhee CCoommppaanniieess AAcctt,, 22001166 for the same. and claims at such time and place as NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the (Co Reg No. 800945-H) TEMA BERSAUDARA SDN BHD
FAX: 03-7784 4424 tthhaatt tthhee ffiinnaall mmeeeettiinngg ooff tthhee aabboovveennaammeedd The Petitioner’s address is 7, shall be specified in such notice, or in creditors of the abovementioned (In Members’ Voluntary
CCoommppaannyy wwiillll bbee hheelldd oonn WWeeddnneessddaayy,, 88tthh Jalan DU6/5, Ambrosia @ Kinrara default thereof they will be excluded company which is wound up (Co Reg No. 685490-H)
MALACCA | N.SEMBILAN DDeecceemmbbeerr 22002211 aatt 22..0000 ppmm aatt SSuuiittee 11,, Residence, Taman Damai Utama, from the benefit of any distribution voluntarily are required on or Liquidation) (In Members’ Voluntary
NNoo.. 2255,, JJaallaann MMeerraannttii MMeerraahh,, MMeellooddiieess 47180, Selangor Darul Ehsan. made before such debts and claims before 25 October 2021 to send in NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the
MR. Rajah GGaarrddeenn,,8800225500 JJoohhoorr BBaahhrruu,,JJoohhoorr ffoorr tthhee The Petitioner’s solicitors are are proved. their names and addresses with creditors of the abovementioned Liquidation)
TEL: 012-628 2844 ffoolllloowwiinngg ppuurrppoosseess::-- Messrs Meng Wai & Associates of Lee Chee Hong particulars of their debts and claims, company which is wound up NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the
FAX: 06-764 2051 11..TToo rreecceeiivvee aann aaccccoouunntt ffrroomm tthhee Unit 39-3(2nd Floor), No. 8, Jalan Liquidators and names and addresses of their voluntarily are required on or creditors of the abovementioned
Anggerik Vanilla BE 31/BE, Kota Dated this 03 November 2021 solicitors (if any) to the undersigned before 25 October 2021 to send in company which is wound up
JOHOR BAHRU lliiqquuiiddaattoorrss sshhoowwiinngg tthhee mmaannnneerr Kemuning, 40460 Shah Alam, Liquidators of REKA INDUK SDN BHD their names and addresses with voluntarily are required on or
iinn wwhhiicchh tthhee wwiinnddiinngg uupp hhaass bbeeeenn Selangor Darul Ehsan. (In Members’ Voluntary Liquidation) particulars of their debts and claims, before 25 October 2021 to send in
MS. Anne Lim ccoonndduucctteedd aanndd ttoo hheeaarr eexxppllaannaattiioonnss c/o Falcon Management Services and names and addresses of their their names and addresses with
TEL: 013-770 6699 tthhaatt mmaayy bbee ggiivveenn bbyy tthhee lliiqquuiiddaattoorrss.. MENG WAI & ASSOCIATES Sdn Bhd, B-5-4, Block B, Megan solicitors (if any) to the undersigned particulars of their debts and claims,
FAX: 07-355 5549 22..TToo ddeetteerrmmiinnee bbyy oorrddiinnaarryy rreessoolluuttiioonn Solicitors for the Petitioner Avenue 1, 189, Jalan Tun Razak, Liquidators of NOBLE PLAN SDN BHD and names and addresses of their
iinn tthhee mmaannnneerr iinn wwhhiicchh tthhee bbooookkss,, NOTE- 50400 Kuala Lumpur and, if so (In Members’ Voluntary Liquidation) solicitors (if any) to the undersigned
aaccccoouunnttss aanndd ddooccuummeennttss ooff tthhee Any person who intends to appear required by notice in writing from the c/o Falcon Management Services Liquidators of TEMA BERSAUDARA
CCoommppaannyy aanndd tthhee lliiqquuiiddaattoorrss tthheerreeooff on the hearing of the said Petition said liquidators, or by its solicitors, to Sdn Bhd, B-5-4, Block B, Megan SDN BHD (In Members’ Voluntary
sshhaallll bbee ddiissppoosseedd ooff.. must serve on or send by post come in and prove their said debts Avenue 1, 189, Jalan Tun Razak, Liquidation) c/o Falcon Management
LLIIMMAAHH LLAAII to the abovenamed Meng Wai & and claims at such time and place as 50400 Kuala Lumpur and, if so Services Sdn Bhd, B-5-4, Block B,
LLiiqquuiiddaattoorr Associates, notice in writing of his shall be specified in such notice, or in required by notice in writing from the Megan Avenue 1, 189, Jalan Tun
DDaatteedd tthhiiss 33rrdd NNoovveemmbbeerr 22002211 intention so to do. The Notice must default thereof they will be excluded said liquidators, or by its solicitors, to Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur and, if so
JJoohhoorr BBaahhrruu state the name and address of the from the benefit of any distribution come in and prove their said debts required by notice in writing from the
NNoottee :: person, or, if a firm, the name and made before such debts and claims and claims at such time and place as said liquidators, or by its solicitors, to
AA mmeemmbbeerr eennttiittlleedd ttoo aatttteenndd aanndd vvoottee aatt address of the firm, and must be are proved. shall be specified in such notice, or in come in and prove their said debts
tthhee aabboovvee mmeeeettiinngg iiss eennttiittlleedd ttoo aappppooiinntt signed by the person or firm, or Lee Chee Hong default thereof they will be excluded and claims at such time and place as
aa pprrooxxyy ttoo aatttteenndd aanndd vvoottee iinnsstteeaadd ooff his or their solicitors (if any) and Liquidators from the benefit of any distribution shall be specified in such notice, or in
hhiimm.. AA pprrooxxyy nneeeedd nnoott bbee aa mmeemmbbeerr ooff must be served, or, if posted, must Dated this 03 November 2021 made before such debts and claims default thereof they will be excluded
tthhee ccoommppaannyy.. be sent by post in sufficient time are proved. from the benefit of any distribution
to reach the abovenamed not later Lee Chee Hong made before such debts and claims
than twelve o’clock noon of the 7th Liquidators are proved.
day of February 2022. Dated this 03 November 2021 Lee Chee Hong
Dated this 03 November 2021
14 theSUN ON WEDNESDAY | NOVEMBER 3, 2021 Tough test for Jesse
SPORTS Marsch struggling to steady RB Leipzig as star-studded PSG come to town
CHAMPIONS LEAGUE semifinalists in time after so many changes both to the team thrashed Stuttgart 4-0 at the start of the season. Four days after going down fighting in Paris,
2020, RB Leipzig are struggling under and coaching staff and changes off the pitch.” Then came defeats to Wolfsburg and Bayern they struggled badly at home to Greuther
American coach Jesse Marsch to Fuerth before late goals sealed a 4-1 win.
maintain the form that took them Saturday’s 1-1 draw at Eintracht Frankfurt before Leipzig were crushed 6-3 at Manchester
close to the pinnacle of European football. meant Leipzig missed out on fourth place in City in the Champions League. Marsch rated Leipzig’s plucky performance
the Bundesliga after leaking a last-gasp in Paris as their “best of the season” but a
Leipzig host Paris Saint-Germain tomorrow equaliser. “Maybe it’s not fair that we have such big fourth defeat tomorrow will be the final nail in
(4am Malaysian time) in a repeat of their 2020 tests now like against Bayern and away at their Champions League hopes this season.
semifinal won by the French champions, who “It was crazy, we had everything under Manchester,” said an exasperated Marsch at
also beat the Germans in Paris earlier in this control, but the forwards missed a lot of the time. The Parisiens have won three of their last
season’s group stage a fortnight ago. chances and we made too many mistakes,” four in all competitions heading into
Marsch fumed. Leipzig bounced back and whipped Hertha tomorrow’s game – although all three of those
Marsch, 47, replaced Julian Nagelsmann Berlin 6-0 in the Bundesliga. successes came at the Parc des Princes –
who left to join Bayern Munich afer last season. His appraisal of Saturday’s game could also Mauricio Pochettino’s side will be out to end a
sum up Leipzig’s season. Then they lost 2-1 at home to Brugge before two-game winless and goalless run away from
Despite steering sister club Red Bull leading PSG at the Parc des Princes only for home at the Red Bull Arena tomorrow.
Salzburg to the Austrian league and cup It looked like the transition after Lionel Messi to exploit basic mistakes and
double in each of the last two seasons, Marsch Nagelsmann would be smooth when they score twice as Leipzig lost 3-2. Furthermore, PSG’s only previous meeting
has cut a frustrated figure as Leipzig have with Leipzig at the Red Bull Arena ended in a 2-
posted inconsistent results. SHORTS 1 defeat back in November 2020, with Emil
Forsberg and former Parisien Christopher
“Obviously we had imagined a very Canada’s Nkunku propelling the German side to victory
different start to the season,” admitted CEO Gabriela on the day. – AFP/Agencies
Oliver Mintzlaff, who has backed Marsch to Dabrowski
steady the ship after three Champions League (centre) and
defeats. Rebecca Marino
(left) celebrate
“We were well aware that it would take some with captain
Sylvain Bruneau
5368/2021 02/11/2021 (TUE) after winning
their group
SPORTS TOTO MALAYSIA SDN BHD (8420 - D) stage doubles
match against
TOTO 4D PRIZE PAYMENTS GUARANTEED IN FULL France during DrawDate:02/11/21(Tue) DrawNo:5315/21 Venue: PERAK TURF CLUB
the Billie Jean
1st Prize 3959 King Cup Finals
at the O2 Arena
2nd Prize 9065 in Prague
3rd Prize 3991 – REUTERSPIX
Special Consolation 2257
1114 2679 0393 6411 8628
4415 2657 4007 4574
7591 0735 2329 3399 0376
0074 2224 7647 9438
3729 3228 7440 9248 9322 + 1144
0210 + 1460
11,781,904.82 8991 + 5758 1652 + 7268
4792 + 3217 2604 + 3228
3959 9065 9065 3959 1272 + 0603 5931 + 7933
3959 3991 3991 3959 7675 + 5294
9065 3991 3991 9065 6401 + 1360
208,963.62 RM13,240,122.20
Winning combination of any 1 of Top 3 & any 1 of Special prizes.
Aguero out for three months Djokovic makes winning return 2257 + 8628 8628 + 2257
2257 + 0376 0376 + 2257
1st Prize 3959 + BARCELONA striker Sergio Aguero will be NOVAK DJOKOVIC made a winning 8628 + 0376 0376 + 8628
2nd Prize 9065 out for at least three months while his return to court at the Paris Masters, seven
3rd Prize + treatment for a heart problem is assessed, weeks after losing the US Open final, by RM459,764.60
3991 the club said yesterday. picking up a doubles win yesterday.
“Aguero has been subjected to a Djokovic and Serbian compatriot Filip
4th Prize Special Prize + diagnostic and therapeutic process... He is Krajinovic needed a super tie-break to
unavailable for selection and during the beat Australians Alex de Minaur and Luke
5th Prize Consolation Prize + next three months the effectiveness of Saville 4-6, 6-4, 10-7, in front of a packed
treatment will be evaluated in order to Bercy arena.
6th Prize Any 4D drawn number determine his recovery process,” the club 742 257 + OX RM1,003,333.30
said. “I’ve never played in front of so many
TOTO 5D & 6D PRIZE PAYMENTS GUARANTEED IN FULL people for a doubles match, it’s
The Argentine was taken to hospital incredible,” said the world No. 1.
75277 after suffering breathing problems on 668 628 + BOAR RM3,066,457.50
5277 Saturday as Barcelona drew at home with Djokovic had not played since his
52822 277 Alaves. He was replaced before half time dream of winning a calendar Grand Slam 660 376 + DOG RM560,000.00
43409 77 by Philippe Coutinho. was shattered in the US Open final in
mid-September by Russian Daniil
229516 The club uploaded a photo of the Medvedev. 698 991 165 758 819 322 011 144
player, known as “Kun” on Twitter along 414 792 423 217 730 210 381 460
22951 29516 with the hashtag ‘ForcaKun’ (Strength “It’s been a very trying season, but it’s 031 272 360 603 021 652 287 268
2295 9516 Kun). not over,” he said. 317 675 845 294 082 604 133 228
229 516 886 401 631 360 635 931 837 933
22 16 I did not deserve to “I’m very proud of the way I played in
win, says Murray the Grand Slams this year, I didn’t end up
TOTO GAMES GIVES YOU MORE WINNING CHANCES! with the trophy in New York, but there are 257 628 376
FORMER world No. 1 Andy Murray failed a lot of things I can be happy about.”
14 18 22 26 46 55 to convert seven match points but said he
did not “deserve to win the match as I did Canada stun holders France
27,466,493.09 not play well enough” after losing a three
hour thriller to lucky loser Dominik CANADA’S Gabriela Dabrowski and
Koepfer of Germany in the Paris Masters Rebecca Marino won the deciding RM1,079,852.20
first round yesterday. doubles rubber to help stun defending
7 22 37 40 41 48 champions France 2-1 on the opening day 257 + 628 + 376 628 + 376 + 257
6,335,118.30 Murray, ranked 144, had been given a of the new-look Billie Jean King Cup finals 257 + 376 + 628 376 + 257 + 628
wild card but while the 34-year-old lacked yesterday. 628 + 257 + 376 376 + 628 + 257
killer instinct, he did show steely
Jackpot 1 9 16 17 33 42 47 1 determination to battle back from a set Formerly called the Fed Cup, the event DMC 33rd Anniversary CARnival
Jackpot 2 5,270,944.03 and a break down to take the match to a was renamed last year in honour of Contest Round 1 is ongoing!
100,000.00 third set before Koepfer won 6-4, 5-7, 7-6 American 12-time major winner King and
(11-9). restructured into a “World Cup of tennis”
Toto 6D format concluding with 12 nations
“The thing I’m most disappointed with, competing over one week for the title.
RM1,000,000 was the way that I played tonight, to be
honest,” said Murray. With the Russian Tennis Federation,
won on 31/10/2021 ! whose entire squad is ranked in the top
“I did really well to get myself in the 50, the third Group A team, France will
Visit for e-Results and more info. position to win the match, but I don’t face an uphill task to make it to the
think I deserved to win. semifinals.
“Obviously I had a ton of opportunities The sides play two group-stage ties to
at the end to do it, but the way that I was determine the winners of the four three-
playing tonight was not good enough.” team groups, who progress to the
TOUCHLINES Wolves whistle for Jimenez
Striker nets 50th club goal to pile on misery for Rafa’s Toffees
TOTTENHAM are set to pay Nuno WOLVES condemned Everton to a third
Espirito Santo a severance package successive Premier League defeat as “For now I don’t care about the table. I want for Rafael Benitez’s spluttering team.
worth £14m (RM79m) – but a clause in Max Kilman and Raul Jimenez scored the points. I think the winter will be hard for us, we Everton have won just one of their last six
the Portuguese coach’s contract would in a 2-1 win at Molineux yesterday. will have to work.
have allowed Spurs to sack him for free League games to shatter the optimism created by
at the end of the season if they had “To win the most points we need to win this their four-match unbeaten start to Benitez’s first
failed to finish in the top six of the Bruno Lage’s side took control in the first half kind of game,” Lage said. season in charge.
Premier League. thanks to Kilman’s first ever Wolves Lage hailed Jimenez’s performance after the “When you lose games you have to be
ASTONVILLA have made informal con- goal and a clinical finish from Mexico international, who suffered a serious head disappointed. We were too worried about
tact with former Roma boss Paulo Jimenez. injury in November last year that ended his making mistakes but in the second half we saw
Fonseca as they consider potential Alex Iwobi reduced the season. the character we have,” Benitez said.
replacements for Dean Smith. deficit in the second half, but “What Raul does for us, he runs 90 minutes, he’s “We have to learn from it. When we have all
AL SADD have told Barcelona officials Wolves held on to extend the first guy to press,” Lage told reporters. the players available we will be much better.”
they will have to visit Qatar to agree a their unbeaten run to five “This is the most important thing he does for “We were very good in the beginning (of the
deal for Xavi to take charge of the club league games. us, the way he runs for the press and the way he season),” Benitez added. “We saw a lot of good
he played for. With four wins in that comes to link the play between the lines is and positive things.
XAVI has already given Barcelona a list of impressive streak, Wolves important for us. “We are trying to make sure we are strong
four players he wants to sign, including have climbed to “It’s a good example of his personality. He ran enough… but still we are maybe missing the
Manchester United’s France midfielder seventh, while and he believed the ball would go to him and he players that can make the difference.
Paul Pogba, 28, who is out of contract at Everton dropped scored. That’s why he’s a good example of what a “At least we saw the character in the second
the end of this season. down in striker can be.
PARIS ST-GERMAIN are the favourites 10th. half to react after a bad first half. We have to see
to sign Pogba when his contract runs After Everton’s dismal 5-2 home loss to Watford what we did in the second half for 90 minutes.” –
out next summer. in their previous match, this was another setback AFP/Reuters
LIVERPOOL and Arsenal are among five
clubs who have made offers to sign Solskjaek insists he
Marco Asensio from Real Madrid in thrives on criticism
January, along with Juventus, AC Milan
and Borussia Dortmund, with the █ SIMON PEACH how precarious both managers’
German club the favourites to sign the OLE GUNNAR SOLSKJAER says jobs looked heading into the
Spain attacking midfielder, 25. he has always enjoyed criticism Premier League clash.
AC MILAN are preparing to offer and told detractors to keep it
Swedish striker Zlatan Ibrahimovic, 40, coming. It lived up to the billing as
a contract extension on the same Nuno Espirito Santo was sacked
terms as his current deal. The 1999 treble hero was in the just four months into his Spurs
JUVENTUS may be forced to sell Wales eye of a storm this time last week reign, with ex-Chelsea boss
midfielder Aaron Ramsey, 30, or United after arch rivals Liverpool ran amok Antonio Conte tipped to replace
States midfielder Weston McKennie, 23, at Old Trafford and secured their him.
to fund moves for Fiorentina’s Serbia biggest ever victory on enemy
striker Dusan Vlahovic, 21, and Borussia territory. “Of course (I have sympathy
Dortmund’s Belgium midfielder Axel with Nuno),” Solskjaer said of the
Witsel, 32. The 5-0 loss will live long in the Portuguese’s departure. “It’s never
PARIS ST-GERMAIN are contemplating memory and could have brought nice to see men, good men, lose
rescinding the two-year contract of the end to Solskjaer’s reign, yet the their jobs. He’s been working hard.
Spain defender Sergio Ramos, 35, who United hierarchy stuck with him
joined on a free transfer from Real and were rewarded with a 3-0 win “I don’t know what the
Madrid in July but is yet to play for the at Tottenham on Sunday. situation has been or is at
French club because of a calf problem. Tottenham so I can’t comment too
PSG are set to make an offer to sign But the Norwegian knows much, but as a colleague you’re
Portugal defensive midfielder Joao there can be no let-up amid never happy when that happens –
Palhinha, 26, from Sporting Lisbon. continuing scrutiny and pressure, you try to get in touch with him
BRAZIL forwardVinicius Jr says he with Manchester City coming to and tell him your feelings.”
wants to renew his contract with Real town this weekend.
Madrid, with the 21-year-old adding he United’s move to a three-man
is still on the same deal he signed at 16. “Criticism can make you doubt defence was key on Saturday as it
yourself or you can stand up for stifled Spurs and gave them the
RESULTS & STANDINGS yourself and I’ve always enjoyed platform to build on, with Cristiano
criticism,” Solskjaer said. “Just keep Ronaldo and Edinson Cavani
ENGLISH PREMIER LEAGUE: Wolves 2 that coming, that’s fine. leading the attack.
(Kilman 28, Jimenez 32) Everton 1 (Iwobi
66). “You know, journalists, pundits, “You can put any tactics out or
experts, we’ve all got different jobs system out, it’s the players within it
and it’s their job to give their and how they execute the role,”
opinion. Solskjaer said when asked if it was
a plan he intended to stick with.
“That’s their job. I’m not here to
fight with them, I don’t need a spat “That was the difference on
with anyone.” Saturday. The quality of what we
did was more important than the
Saturday’s game had been system we played.” – The
dubbed “El Sackico” by some given Independent
Chelsea P W D L F A Pts Emery top choice for Newcastle job
10 8 1 1 26 3 25
Liverpool 10 6 4 0 29 8 22
Man City 10 6 2 2 20 6 20 NEWCASTLE UNITED have drawn up plans to will be able to push a deal for Emery over the
West Ham 10 6 2 2 20 11 20 announce their new manager by the end of line before this weekend’s clash against
Man Utd 10 5 2 3 19 15 17 this week as Unai Emery continues to be linked Brighton as they look to kickstart their survival
Arsenal 10 5 2 3 12 13 17 with the vacancy at St James’ Park, according to bid with all three points at the Amex Stadium.
Wolves 10 5 1 4 11 10 16 reports.
Brighton 10 4 4 2 11 11 16 The Tyneside club are yet to win a single
Tottenham 10 5 0 5 9 16 15 The Magpies have been on the lookout for a match in the League this season and have
Everton 10 4 2 4 16 16 14 permanent solution in the dugout since the taken just one point from two matches under
Leicester 10 4 2 4 15 17 14 departure of Steve Bruce, who left the club by the guidance of interim boss Graeme Jones.
Brentford 10 3 3 4 12 12 12 mutual consent last month.
Crystal Palace 10 2 6 2 13 14 12 Meanwhile, former England striker Chris
Southampton 10 2 5 3 9 12 11 The navigation of Bruce’s exit was one of the Sutton suggested that Emery could be
Aston Villa 10 3 1 6 14 19 10 very first tasks undertaken by Newcastle’s tempted by the lure of a long-term project at
Watford 10 3 1 6 12 18 10 Saudi-backed ownership group after the Newcastle, who are expected to be heavily
Leeds 10 2 4 4 10 17 10 completion of their long-awaited takeover. backed by their new owners in future transfer
Burnley 10 1 4 5 10 16 7 windows.
Newcastle 10 0 4 6 11 23 4 A number of big names have since been
Norwich 10 0 2 8 3 25 2 linked with the club, including the likes of Paulo “It’s not impossible,” Sutton told BBC Radio 5
Fonseca, Frank Lampard and Antonio Conte. Live. “I can’t speak for Unai Emery, but... the fact
LA LIGA: Rayo Vallecano 0 Celta Vigo of the matter is that Newcastle United, with the
0, Levante 0 Granada 3 (German 7, However, according to the Daily Mirror, it has spending power which they have, they could
Suarez 38, Puertas 69). emerged that Emery is reportedly being possibly challenge for a Premier League title
considered as a priority target as they prepare within the next few seasons.
SERIE A: Bologna 2 (De Silvestri 49, to accelerate their search for Bruce’s successor.
Arnautovic 90+6) Cagliari 0. “That is the gamble which somebody like
The report claims that final interviews will Unai Emery may actually think is worth taking.
take place this week as the club’s new owners
look to appoint a permanent manager before “A manager who was laughed at at Arsenal
Saturday’s trip to Brighton and Hove Albion. may think what an opportunity this is, a point
to prove.” – Express Newspapers
It remains to be seen whether Newcastle
Criticism can make you doubt yourself or
you can stand up for yourself and I’ve
always enjoyed criticism. Just keep that coming,
that’s fine. You know, journalists, pundits, experts,
we’ve all got different jobs and it’s their job to give
their opinion. That’s their job…”
Man United manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer
Conte agrees to blockbuster RM87m Tottenham deal
TOTTENHAM have confirmed the appointment of But the Portuguese oversaw several or my obsession was money, in the past I would the team and the fans the passion, mentality and
former Chelsea boss Antonio Conte as head disappointing results. There were Premier League have stayed where I was. determination that have always distinguished me,
coach. defeats against Crystal Palace, Chelsea, Arsenal as a player and as a coach.
and West Ham because his fate was sealed by the “I would have accepted compromises and
Spurs moved quickly to agree a reported dismal 3-0 defeat by Manchester United last perhaps obtained new contracts, which can act as “Last summer our union did not happen
blockbuster £15million-per-year (RM87m) weekend. a golden umbrella. because the end of my relationship with Inter was
contract with the Italian after sacking Nuno still too recent and emotionally too involved with
Espirito Santo on Monday. Spurs failed to have a shot on target in the “But instead I look at the projects and I’m the end of the season, so I felt that it wasn’t yet
latter reverse at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium willing to stay at home if they don’t convince me. the right time to return to coaching.
The north Londoners actually attempted to despite having Kane and Son Heung-min on the
appoint Conte in the summer. pitch. “It is a question of vision, seriousness, “But the contagious enthusiasm and
intellectual honesty and principles from which I determination of Daniel Levy in wanting to
Chairman Daniel Levy sacked Jose Mourinho in It is hoped that Conte will get the best out of do not deviate.” entrust me with this task had already hit the mark.
April and former midfielder Ryan Mason stepped Kane, who has scored just one Premier League
in to oversee the first team for the remainder of goal this term. The 52-year-old faces a big job turning the “Now that the opportunity has returned, I have
the 2020-21 season. club’s form around in the immediate future. chosen to take it with great conviction.”
He was said to have rejected the opportunity
A chaotic recruitment process saw Spurs go to manage Spurs after growing concerned over Spurs are eighth in the top-flight having Spurs’ sporting director Fabio Paratici added:
close to appointing three different coaches on the club’s lack of ambition back in June. already lost five matches and are desperately “We are delighted to welcome Antonio to the
separate occasions, including Conte. battling to progress from their Europa Conference Club.
Conte declared shortly afterwards that he League ground.
Talks are believed to have broken down with would only accept jobs if he is fully convinced by “His track record speaks for itself, with vast
the two parties failing to agree terms. the projects on offer. “I am extremely happy to return to coaching, experience and trophies in both Italy and
and to do so at a Premier League club that has the England.
Conte wanted assurances over spending and “The market, the results achieved, the work ambition to be a protagonist again,” Conte said
Harry Kane’s future, with the striker widely done over the years make the figures,” he told La yesterday after his appointment. “I know first-hand the qualities Antonio can
understood to want out. Gazzetta dello Sport. bring to us, having worked with him at Juventus,
“Tottenham Hotspur has state-of-the-art and look forward to seeing his work with our
Spurs went on to speak to Paulo Fonseca and “But beyond this, let me say that if my problem facilities and one of the best stadiums in the talented group of players.” – Express Newspapers
Gennaro Gattuso before eventually landing Nuno. world. I can’t wait to start working to convey to
Klopp’s kryptonite
Liverpool prepare again for Atletico amid feud over style, character and Simeone
JURGEN KLOPP wants to say the
right things when it comes to UEFA Champions League 2021-22 Sadio Mane, worried about Atletico’s
Atletico Madrid and Diego attempts to get him sent off.
Simeone but there is always an itch
he ends up scratching. “I was afraid his opponent would go
down if he took a deep breath,” he said.
Liverpool play Atletico again in the MATCHDAY 4: NOV 4 Head-to-head W D L He noted Atletico’s celebrations at
Champions League tomorrow (4am the end.
Malaysian time) in a game that this time GROUP A Standings GD Pts “I saw a lot of happy faces among
carries more significance for the their players and staff, but it’s not over,“
Leipzig GER 1 0 3 PSG 37 said Klopp. He also seemed irked by
Spaniards than the Reds. PSG FRA Man City 56 Simeone’s antics on the touchline.
Klopp’s team are already five points Man City ENG 1 0 0 Brugge -3 4 “Wow, that’s energy,” he said. “I hope
clear at the top of a group that looked I can be a little more focused in the
awkward when the draw came out in second leg.”
August. Club Brugge BEL Leipzig -5 0 After winning in Madrid, a grinning
Atletico are in a scrap, level on four GROUP B Klopp sarcastically waved down the
points with Porto, whom they still have tunnel at Simeone, who habitually
to play in Lisbon in the final round. avoids shaking the other coach’s hand.
In theory, the pressure on Liverpool AC Milan ITA 4 3 3 Liverpool 69 “I wanted to shake his hand and he
Porto POR Atletico 04
should be reduced and yet this fixture was running off,” he said. “I’m also not
keeps finding a way to irritate the overly happy with my reaction to be
German, to push his buttons and draw Liverpool ENG 2 2 3 Porto -3 4 honest.”
reactions he later has to rephrase or Atletico ESP Milan -3 0
retract. Klopp has also stayed true to his
more professional instincts, offering
This will be the fourth meeting generous praise of Atletico and
between the sides in the past 18 months. GROUP C Simeone, if not for their style, then their
Atletico claimed victory in a thrilling Dortmund GER 2 0 3 Ajax 10 9 achievements.
knockout tie last year after winning 1-0 Ajax NED “His teams are always well-
at home, and 3-2 after extra-time away. Dortmund -2 6
organised, world class, so that makes
Liverpool then won by the same -2 3 him one of the best coaches,” he said
scoreline in Madrid last month, Sporting POR 2 1 0 Sporting -6 0 before the first meeting in 2020.
capitalising on a red card for Antoine Besiktas TUR Besiktas Afterwards he said: “Their defence was
Griezmann and a penalty, scored by the GROUP D exceptional.”
blistering Mohamed Salah. And he has tried to smooth over
For the last decade, Klopp has been previous comments when they have
one of the game’s most charming Real Madrid ESP 3 0 2 Sheriff 16 resurfaced.
characters and charismatic voices. Shakhtar UKR Real 56 “I’m not the pope of football,” he said
He is not a coach that seeks Sheriff MDA 0 0 1 Inter 14 after the last match. “What does it
matter what I like?”
confrontation, either deliberately or
desperately, as a technique to get the Klopp’s impatience is perhaps a
best out of players. His jabs at Atletico Inter ITA Shakhtar -7 1 compliment to Atletico, to the depths
feel out of sync and out of character. Liverpool had to go to beat them and the
There have been several, but the battle they know they will face this week.
most notable came after the loss at Sebastian Haller Ajax striker breaking records It is an indication too of the fervour
Anfield last year. One of two players to score four goals with which Klopp holds his own beliefs
and the relentlessness that brings his
“I don’t understand with the quality
they have to be honest, that they play players along with him.
this kind of football. I don’t understand on Champions League debut, after Marco But perhaps most of all, it is good
that,” Klopp told BT Sport. van Basten; rst player to score ve in
drama, a healthy, ongoing
“When I see players like Koke, Saul rst two matches; second African to score disagreement between two of the
(Niguez), (Marcos) Llorente – they game’s greatest coaches about how best
could play proper football but they in rst three matches, after Didier Drogba to win.
stand deep and have counter attacks. “It’s not too bad,” said Klopp. “When
But they beat us that’s how it is.” © GRAPHIC NEWS we see each other we’ll shake hands.” –
In the first leg, Klopp substituted Sources: UEFA, Gracenote Picture: Getty Images AFP
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