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As a cloud based compliance management software, CPDone was designed to work across a global workforce, allowing businesses to monitor various aspects of different compliance initiatives. The platform provides board to front line visibility on policy & professional development initiatives. A comprehensive and constantly updated view of weaknesses and program status. Information that is readily available enables businesses to make an informed decision.

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Published by cpdone2163, 2016-01-13 00:51:16

Business Process Management

As a cloud based compliance management software, CPDone was designed to work across a global workforce, allowing businesses to monitor various aspects of different compliance initiatives. The platform provides board to front line visibility on policy & professional development initiatives. A comprehensive and constantly updated view of weaknesses and program status. Information that is readily available enables businesses to make an informed decision.

Keywords: Business Process Management


Compliance Process Dynamics

Platform strategy Keeping up with change

• As a cloud based compliance • As compliance grows to be fast
management software, CPDone paced and interconnected,
was designed to work across a CPDone enables a centralised
global workforce, allowing solution that facilitates
businesses to monitor various delivery of your content with
aspects of different compliance consistent messaging from
initiatives. The platform board to front line. Our
provides board to front line platform enables businesses to
visibility on policy & create and deliver their
professional development compliance initiatives through
initiatives. A comprehensive connectivity and automation.
and constantly updated view of We help you rise above issues
weaknesses and program with targeted messaging to
status. Information that is your employees. This enables
readily available enables you to have measured, timely
businesses to make an and seamless execution.
informed decision.

The growing needs of industries

In the global economy compliance serves as a formula or guideline on how
proper business practices should be conducted within an organization. In
recent developments compliance has been growing to encompass the way
different industries interact or conduct business with each other on the local
and international stage. Compliance has become an imperative across the
world especially in sectors such as Banking, Financial Services, Insurance,
Energy and Utilities, Biotech and Pharma, Information Technology and
Telecom. Spending on compliance management continues to grow as
businesses strive to react to new requirements and regulations and the
ensuing trend towards increasing punitive action by governments and
international regulators. It seems that very few industries are immune from
the reach of public scrutiny and government regulation. With severe financial
penalties, loss of license and even jail terms at risk the call to action for
compliance is now part of everybody’s job. The need for achieving and
maintaining a sound culture of compliance is a role that the whole
organization / industry must take part of.

Common compliance elements making up a corporate compliance
programs include:

 Employee compliance training
 Policy Management
 Third Party Training & Risk Management
 Demonstrating Effectiveness

What do you need to know about them?

 Employee compliance training

About 56% of organisations globally provide their employees with annual
online Compliance training and there is increasing pressure on
organisations to reduce employee ‘seat time’.72% of companies view the
adoption of mobile technology for the delivery of training as desirable or
essential but less than 10% are actually doing it.

AUSTRAC charges tabcorp with failed anti money laundering

AUSTRAC, the Australia financial intelligence unit is charging Tabcorp
with failure to comply with anti-money laundering and counter
terrorism financing laws.

The penalty placed by the finance body, could see Tabcorp charged with
an AUS $17 million fine, for failing to meet Australian anti-money
laundering compliance laws and practices.

AUSTRAC has stated to Australian media that it has gained a
comprehensive document of Tabcorp’s anti laundering failures, the body
has detailed that it has over 100 separate breaches of laws by Tabcorp.

Furthermore following warnings by the body, Tabcorp management had
failed to undertake the necessary steps to improve its monetary processes.

CPDone - Cloud Based Compliance Management Software

Accurate and reliable compliance progress tracking for internal and
external activities

CPDone tracks personal and annually
recurring business goals. (i.e. Renewal of:
Licenses, Certificates, Permits, Continuous
Professional Development
requirements).CPDone allows businesses to
monitor important / business critical
requirements accurately and
consistently.CPDone will record, measure
and keep you and your teams updated on
the deadlines of business critical
requirements.This enables your teams and
business to focus on other aspects of the
business with the security of not having to
worry about recording their business goal

Quality Content that is constantly updated to meet ever changing
compliance requirements.

Content is king with CPDone. CPDone
together with our content partners
provide relevant quality content that is
continuously being updated to meet
changing regulatory standards. Teams
can access content collections online
through existing platforms and mobile
devices.Enabling businesses to
educate their staff i.e. ensuring they
have the required knowledge &
understanding for all regulatory &
compliance obligations they have. Not
just at a single point in time but
ongoing as these things change.

CPDone - The company

CPDone was originally founded in Brisbane, Australia in 2011 by Paul
Eldridge, Andrew Hetherington and Shaneal Sharma. Initially launching in
the Financial Services industry, the company secured clients such as
NAB, LJ Hooker, GE Money and YBR.

In 2014 the company expanded into the ASEAN region, establishing an
operations centre in Manila (Philippines) and in 2015 moved the
headquarters of the business to Singapore.

CPDone has strategic partnerships in Australia with Mullins Lawyers and
Australis College for legal and management content and in 2014 secured a
content distribution agreement with Thomson Reuters.

Level 37

50 Raffles Place
Singapore Land Tower

Singapore 048623

Mark Forsyth — Chief
Executive Officer
+65 9759 2163 |

[email protected]

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