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Hannah Marx_Are you Always Aware__Mrs. Eckhoff (2)

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Published by hannah marx, 2019-09-16 19:56:16

Hannah Marx_Are you Always Aware__Mrs. Eckhoff (2)

Hannah Marx_Are you Always Aware__Mrs. Eckhoff (2)

Are you Always Aware?

By: Hannah Marx

Learning Objectives

By the end of this book you will be able to…
+ Describe what ability awareness is.
+ List the different types of disabilities.
+ Describe the way students with disabilities are treated.


Ability Awareness

Ability awareness according to Disabled World, is education people regarding disabilities
including disability etiquette guidelines in the community.


Teachers need to embrace the concepts of ability awareness because most
children to some degree have a disability. Having teachers embrace the
concept that their studetns have a disability will have them better
understand their student and how to teach them. It might be harder in the
beginning, but by the end it will all be worth it to know that you changed
someones life. Everyone in the world is important, therefore, no one
should be treated, and/or taught differently. Children with disabilities are
a blessing in disguise.


Types of Disabilities From Those Who Can, Teach; Table 3.3 Percentage of Students Ages 6
Through 21 Served Under IDEA, Part B, Within Racial/Ethnic Groups, by
Diability Category: Fall 2007

*Percentages may not add up to 100 percent due to rounding.

Source: 31st Annual Report to Congress on the Implementation of the Individuals with Disabilites Edcuation Act, 2009, (Washington, 4

DC: U.S. Department of Education, 2012), Table 14.

Accomidations for Students

Accomidations for students with disabiites can be a little rough, but for studetns who really
need it it does become very helpful. Ways teachers can make their classroom more accomidating
for their students with disabilites is to: provide spaces with minimal distractions, have a
private test room or tests in a small group setting, Allow students breaks when needed, and
allow studetns the ability to answer test questions verbally.


How Students with Disabilites are Treated

Students with disabilities are given the same standards as every other student in the room.
With that in mind, it really helps the student succeed in class and life after school when they
are given the same standards a their peers.
Students with disabilites for the most part are in in inclusive classrooms. Students who are
completely seperated from their classmates tend to do less work are not given the same amount
and type of work.
Teachers believe the students with disabilities can succeed. When teachers believe in their
students, they will succeed and go far in life.


Multiple Intelligences


Pause and Reflect Questions

1. How can you better prepare yourself for your future for these children in the classroom?
2. What personal experiences can you bring into the classroom to help you succeed?


Our Final Word

Ability awareness is a very important topic as our generations grow older. Overtime there has
been an increase in the amount of discovered disabilities whether that be a learning disability,
visual impairment, autism, and so many more. Many multiple intelligenges can help in the
way that we teach the younger generations of children and students who are strugglig. With the
help of our dedicated teachers, administration, and government we can all succeed in the way
that we should if we all work together.


My Final Word

1. After reading this book, what questions do you have that you have with your
administration about your programs in your school?

2. Do you believe that with the amount and also the increasing amount of disabilities
currently and in our future should or will affect the way teachers teach?


Key Terms

Ability Awareness
Special Education
Multiple Intelligences


For Further Information Check Out these Websites

“Home.” The Joe Stone Foundation, 2019,
“Should Students with Disabilities Be Taught in Separate Classrooms?” Think Inclusive, 1 Mar. 2017,
Ascd. “Including Students with Disabilities in General Education Classrooms.” Including Students with Disabilities in General

Education Classrooms, Jan. 2002,


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