OnPage Factors
Test # Test Title Test Result
14 Word Count Round 3 Somewhere between 1100 and 1600 appears to be the sweet spot. Still shoot for around 1300.
75 Google does not appear to have any preference for PNG or JPG.
99 Part 2 - PNG vs JPG Test Yes, get it above the fold or first 100 words.
Keyword Prominence is a
Ranking Factor (Part 2)
199 Number of Unoptimized As the results are not consistent, we are not seeing it as a ranking factor. Being under the tag total is not
H2s on a Page (Part 2) something that will affect rank.
267 How Important is it to have Very. Google does consider phrases and having the exact phrase on your page will outperform a page
the Exact Keyword Phrase without the exact phrase, if an equal density is used.
312 Will Adding a Question in The page with the question “Why” in the title rose to the top of the SERPs, where it still remains
the Page Title Affect Rank?
329 How Does Google Treat The page without the block quote added moved one spot upin the SERPs.
Content in a Blockquote?
(Part 2 –Testing The
337 Is there a Preferred They are still bouncing around so we need to give it more time and check caching and report back.
Number of Images?
339 Does Adding a Tag Page If you give it more time, it would reach the top position and it would stay there.
with Canonical Act Like an
Internal Link? (Part 2)
OnPage Factors
Test # Test Title Test Result
Do Paragraphs with Even though the page in Test 2 that had larger paragraphs dropped, the page with shorter paragraphs in
Shorter Sentences Rank Test 1 didn't rise, so it isn't as clear cut as I would have liked it to be.
Better Then Pages with
Longer Sentences (Part
359 How Many Videos on a It is looking very similar to the image test where .006 to .008 was the sweet spot, here we are looking at a
Page is Optimal? .004 to .007. This test is for retesting.
381 How Many Images On A The final result is about an 8% image density.
Page Best Helps Ranking?
OffPage Factors
Test # Test Title Test Result
15 Web 2.0 Round 3
* Top sites from round 1 and round 2 were placed head to head and these sites rose to the top:
1) Tumblr
2) Academia.edu
3) Ucoz.site
4) Wikidot1) Tumblr
2) Academia.edu
3) Ucoz.site
4) Wikidot the #1 spot in this test.
48 Do You Lose Link Strength TF/CF ratio is the critical point of Majestic’s metric. Even though the shortened link sent ‘more’ TF than the
When You Use a Link regular link, the TF/CF ratio is much worse.
Shortener (Part 2)?
71 Bounce Rate Hack - Part 2 Test results were inconclusive, unfortunately, as some of the variables were difficult to control.
78 Do Deindexed Sites Still They pass juice and still have ranking power.
Pass Link Juice (Part 2)?
102 Test Update: Link Echoes Links last 6 months!
116 Can You Boost Link Test page moved to number 1.
Strength Through Traffic?
(A Follow Up Test)
212 What is The Best Web 2.0 The top five: Reddit, Tumblr, Diigo, Wordpress, Sites.Google The ones above are must builds. The next
Property? five: Site123, Wikidot, Blogger, Medium, Issuu. If you are doing reputation management and looking to
push down results, we would go with sites with multiple listings: Wordpress Medium Reddit
OffPage Factors
Test # Test Title Test Result
214 Is Google’s Index Mobile If you have received the notice from Google that your site is in the mobile first index, it really is. If you
First (Part 2)? haven’t received that notice yet, then it is not.
234 Do You Need a Unique Continuing from test #218: It's better to use an exact duplicate. In theory, you could build links to the
Page for a Canonical to canonical version of the page and this would be somewhat hidden from your competitors.
Pass Juice?
254 Part 2: Links on Noindex These auto-generated pages are assumed to be duplicate content and can negatively affect rankings. I
Pages don’t want thin pages showing up in Google. No-index them.
310 Re-performing Page Rank They are not in perfect order according to Majestic’s prediction of page rank, but the order is indicative that
According to Majestic’s page rank is still in play.
Model (Continued)
322 Will a PBN Link Help Boost PBN links boost rank.
a Page’s Rank (Part 2)?
343 Continuation of For this test, we had a 70% index rate.
BulkAddURL Indexing The page being linked to shot up to number 1 within 12 hours.
347 Will Adding Links to
BulkAddURL Boost