OnPage Factors
Test # Test Title Test Result
27 Does Syndicated Duplicate Linking identical content to identical content is not a good idea – the test page dropped one spot!
Content Hurt or Help?
110 Is Duplicate Content Results show that the duplicate content filter is not restricted to a single domain.
Restricted to a Single
Unique Domain?
131 Can You Beat an H1 with The test page containing multiple H2s was unable to overcome the pages containing a single H1,
H2s? despite eventually containing a total of 6 H2s.
132 Can You Beat an H2 with We recommend optimizing your pages for the number of H3s as it appears that Google is
H3s? rewarding it.
166 Can You Get a Ranking Avoid using our target keyword as the only thing in our H1 zone.
Edge from Just Using Your
Target Keyword Exactly as
Your H1?
172 Will Google Display Meta If you have a few different keywords or variations of keywords that appeal to different buyer personas, you
Descriptions that are too could write multiple meta descriptions specifically for those variations and/or personas.
176 Does the Number of H2s There is a potential to hurt you here. Add htag averages to page analysis. Make sure your pages hit
on a Page Affect Rank? averages for htags.
178 Does the Number of H3s In all 3 of the tests, the page with the five H3s fell to the bottom of the SERPs.
on a Page Affect Rank?
186 Improperly Nested HTML These HTML errors will hurt you. HTML errors might harm rank when it takes time/money for Google to fix
OnPage Factors
Test # Test Title Test Result
215 Do Stop Words in URLs We do a fair amount of local SEO and we will be implementing this (no stop words) URL strategy across
Affect Rank? multiple clients.
256 Will Google Find Text in The algorithm can “see” that the text is the same color as the background and then does not index it.
White Font on White
261 Figure Caption vs an We would not use Figure Caption as a go-to move.
Image Alt Tag
262 Will a Page Index with The new fake keywords that were added in the meta description and meta keyword tag did not show up in
Keywords in the Meta the SERPs.
Descriptions and Meta
266 Will iFrame Help with Be careful. Could have slight negative effect. Adding the iframe to the page obviously increased the
Rankings or Will it Hurt word count / mention of other url in the code, as well as other things.
280 Does Linking to a Google It seems that Google does not like this and so, in turn, page ranking dropped.
Search Result Containing
Search Term Affect Rank?
300 Image Fields and Image If Google does not index for keywords within image TAGS field, image TITLE Field, can we trust that
Indexing putting anything in there is worth the effort? We would not be using these fields unless a positive signal
correlation is proven otherwise.
OnPage Factors
Test # Test Title Test Result
Google does NOT likeblock quotes on a page.
319 How Does Google Treat
Content in a Blockquote?
320 Do All SEO Tools Come Different tools come up with different page counts.
Up with the Same Word
326 Does Hidden Content on Only the page with the hidden images dropped 1 rank, all the other test pages stayed completely stable
Mobile Negatively Affect during the whole test period.
361 Does the Number of Words When you have the same number of words on a page, it isbest not have any in <blockquote>.
in Blockquotes Matter?
385 Does AdSense Tank a The page with AdSense droppedlike a brick.
OffPage Factors
Test # Test Title Test Result
Do You Lose Link Strength The page receiving the shortener had a higher CF than the page receiving the regular link. It’s possible
When You Use a Link that Majestic is identifying it as ‘a little more spammy’ than the regular link.
48 Do You Lose Link Strength TF/CF ratio is the critical point of Majestic’s metric. Even though the shortened link sent ‘more’ TF than the
When You Use a Link regular link, the TF/CF ratio is much worse.
Shortener (Part 2)?
54 Search Volume Test: The The Keyword Planner actually overestimated the average monthly search volume.
Keyword Planner Vs
140 Can You Use Relative It certainly looks like we have proved that adding links to the page contributes to the keyword density of
Links to Prevent Over- the page and can result in over-optimization.
221 Will Google Index We had no idea that Wordpress had this sort of sequencing as a standard function. It’s very interesting
Numerically Sequenced that Google willnot index the numbered pages.
254 Part 2: Links on Noindex These auto-generated pages are assumed to be duplicate content and can negatively affect rankings. I
Pages don’t want thin pages showing up in Google. No-index them.
259 Do Noindex Nofollow Links No-follow has some issues. It would seem that that there is some sort of barrier here. Straight (noindex,
Help, Hinder, or Neither? follow) links, Google has no issue.
276 Major Spam Some sites that get on the naughty list will always just be on the naughty list no matter what you do.
OffPage Factors
Test # Test Title Test Result
Pages were NoIndex when more than 2 Filters are selected.
324 Testing Observations:
Proper Indexing in Search
Engines for Product Filter
Pages for eCommerce
332 “Showing Results for” ProRank Tracker is unable to properly track rank for the switcheroo.
Keywords or The Keyword
345 What is Colinkri's Indexing Colinki indexed just 5%.
346 Colinkri As a Google Even though we "think" that Googlebot came at their direction (maybe), there is no desired outcomefrom
Crawler that crawling
379 Does a Branded Link Rank When the test first started, the page was #1 for a week then it juggled between 3-5, until the test ended.
Better than a Naked URL?
384 Google Is Returning Some Google is NOT picking up the Alpha-Numeric Keywordby itself.
Search Results Queries
with “No Results”
395 The Power of Links Within It did not improve results, it dropped them.
An Ordered List HTML
OffPage Factors
Test # Test Title Test Result
408 Does Rel Sponsored Stops A link with the ‘rel = sponsored’ link attribute does not appear to pass juice.
Link Juice from Flowing?
409 Does Rel UGC Stops Link The results of this test shows that a link with the ‘rel = UGC’ link attribute does not appear to pass juice.
Juice from Flowing?