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Published by bernardcbw, 2024-01-13 11:40:16



8 Whatdo you think? The big debate The WeekJunior• December 22, 2023 The goal ofthe big debate is to present two sides ofan issuefairlyin order to stimulate discussion and allow our readers to make up their minds.Theviews on this page do not reflect those ofThe WeekJunior,and the pageis not funded bythird parties. Now thatyou’ve read a bit more about this issue,visit so you can vote in our debate. Vote YES ifyou think winter is better for being outside or NO ifyou don’t. We’ll publish the results next week. Yes—frostyfun is good foryou What’smore fun than building a snowmanwith friends, having a snowball fightwith family, or speeding downhill on a sled? Even peoplewho don’t live nearsnowhave funwintertraditions, likewalking around the neighborhood to see holiday decorations, picking up pinecones, and sipping hotcocoa. Some scientistssay outdoor activity in chillyweatheris good for you because it boosts brain activity, increases blood circulation, and exposes you to vitamin D fromsunlight. And lately,summers have been so hot and sweaty that being outside isn’t fun. You’re justcounting the minutes until you can head back indoors. LAST WEEK’S POLL Lastweek,we asked you if we should stop using real Christmastrees.Most of you favorfresh-cut trees:66% voted no, while 34% voted yes. No—it’stoomuch trouble In coldweather, you have to bundle upwith jackets, boots, hats,scarves, and gloves,so it takesforeverto get outthe door.And itcan be uncomfortable tomove aroundwith allthose layers. Butwhen it’swarmout, you can head right outside and startthe fun immediately.Winter days are so short—itcan get darkwell before dinnertime. Butwarmweather offerslonger days and endless activities, fromshooting hoopsto hitting the beach. The equipment and coldweather gear needed to enjoywinter,such asskis and sleds, are expensive, and not everyone can afford those leisure activities and extra layers. Iswinterbetterforbeing outside? Asthe temperature startsto drop,coldweatherfans are pulling out their boots, jackets, and gloves, preparing forchilly outdoor fun. Formany people,coolertemperaturesmean crisp daysspent playing in the snow,while for othersit’staking awinter nature hike. Luckily for them, experts are predicting a drop in degrees throughout the US thiswinter,withwetter and snowierweatherthan last year. But that’s not great newsfor peoplewho preferspending time outdoorsinwarmerweather, at the beach, pool, or park. They don’twant toworry aboutcold noses and hands orlayering on clothes.What do you think? Iswinter betterfor being outside? O About 10.5 million people in the US ski or snowboard every year, making these the most popular winter activities. O Just under 30 million Americans go swimming each summer. O The average summertemperature in most ofthe US is 73.9° F, while the winter average is 35.2° F. O In the winter months,the coldest place in the US is Fairbanks, Alaska, while Honolulu, Hawaii, has the highest overall wintertemperature. What you needto know Some people think chilly day activities are best, but otherslovewarmdays outdoors. 1 You don’t have to layer up in warmer weather—you can just head outside. 2 The days are longer in summer, and there are so many fun warm-weather activities to fill them. 3 Not everyone can afford all the special clothing and equipment needed to enjoy outdoor winter activities. Three reasonswhywinteris better for being outside Three reasonswhywinteris not betterfor being outside YES NO 1 There are many fun outdoor activities and cozy traditions, like winter walks, snowball fights, and hot chocolate. 2 Cold weather is known to have health benefits, such as boosting brain activity and increasing blood circulation. 3 Summers have gotten so much hotter that it’s uncomfortable to be outside. ANCIENT HISTORY The oldest known skis were found in what is now Russia and date back to 8000 to 7000 BCE. GETTY IMAGES 34% YES 66% NO

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