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Published by anthony, 2017-04-12 15:57:33

Empire Final 8x8 Revised booklet r

Empire Final 8x8 Revised booklet r

Build With Us.

Understanding Your Empire Asset Management Account

Empire Asset
Management Company

Empire Asset Management is a full-service broker dealer located in the heart of New York’s
financial district. We provide a wide range of investing, banking, financial advisory and
management services to our high net worth individual, corporate and institutional client base.

Our benefits include:

• Full Service Broker Dealer
• Affiliated Registered Investment Advisor
• Affiliated Insurance Agency
• Institutional Trade Desk
• Fixed Income Trade Desk
• Research
• Financial Planning
• 401K Establishment & Retirement Planning
• Equity Capital Markets

Quality Service

As part of our effort to provide you with quality service, Empire Asset Management has
an agreement with RBC Correspondent Services a division of RBC Capital Markets, LLC, in
which RBC Correspondent Services a division of RBC Capital Markets, LLC provides trade
execution, clearing, and other related services for your brokerage account.

RBC Correspondent Services (RBC CS) is a division of RBC Capital Markets, LLC,
member NYSE/FINRA/SIPC. RBC Capital Markets, LLC, is a member of the NYSE,
AMEX, CHX, CBOE and PSE and has execution capabilities on all principal exchanges.
RBC Capital Markets, LLC is owned by Royal Bank of Canada, which trades under the
symbol RY on the New York Stock Exchange.

Our firm has a contractual agreement with RBC Correspondent Services (RBC CS) to serve
as our clearing firm. This fully disclosed agreement states the responsibilities of each party.
Prior to the agreement becoming effective, RBC CS is responsible for making all disclosures
to our firm’s designated examining authority as required by NYSE Rule 382. Each client of
our firm is notified of the relationship via a disclosure letter. The disclosure letter details the
responsibilities that our firm (the introducing broker-dealer) and RBC CS (the clearing firm)
have to the client. Although client assets are held by RBC Capital Markets, LLC, neither
RBC Capital Markets, LLC, nor RBC CS has responsibility for the financial condition or
performance of our firm or our Financial Advisors.

Quality Products & Services —
The Strength in Our Numbers

There is strength in numbers associated with Empire Asset Management. Working
through RBC Correspondent Services a division of RBC Capital Markets, LLC, Empire
Asset Management is able to offer our clients the quality products and services they demand.
As a privately held business, Empire Asset Management remains focused on service and
passes the resources and talents on to our clients.

Our products include:

• The retirement product line, which offers a wide array of funding options and services
to help meet a range of retirement planning needs.

• Access to Portfolio Managers, Money Managers, and other managed products.

• Flexible money movement options to and from your brokerage account, including check,
wire, and electronic funds transfer.

• Access to your brokerage account, quotes, market data, and bill payment features online.

• A comprehensive statement that gives you the convenience of having your investment activities
in one place, helping you better manage your investments and plan your financial future.

Roles & Responsibilities

Empire Asset Management and RBC Correspondent Services play different roles with respect
to the servicing of your brokerage account.

The role of Empire Asset Empire Asset Management
Management is: will direct your custodian in:
Opening, approving, and monitoring The execution, clearance, and settlement
your account(s) of securities transactions

Determining the suitability of the Determining the suitability of the
investments in your account(s) based on investments in your account(s) based on
information you provided to us information you provided to us

Responding to any questions or inquiries Responding to any questions or inquiries
related to your account(s) related to your account(s)

Private Client Services

The team at Empire Asset Management strives to build custom solutions to integrate planning,
asset management and risk management in a way that aligns with your goals and needs to
grow and preserve your wealth. Working through both Empire Financial Management, our
affiliated Registered Investment Advisor, and Empire Asset Management Insurance Agency,
our affiliated Insurance Agency, we are able to offer a suite of products and services to meet
your needs and goals.

Our Private Client Services group is dedicated to helping clients with their entire financial life,
not just investment management. We are process driven, not product driven. Every relationship
begins with two-way discovery; we follow a consultative approach to discover the specific goals
for the client while we are open and transparent regarding our process so the client can gain
trust and confidence that our goals are aligned with yours.

Asset Management Financial
• Process driven, not a singular moment or decision
• Part of a team approach, not alone but an integration Retirement

of advisors Education Savings
• Global multi-asset solutions that include equities, fixed
Tax Strategies, Gifting
income, REIT, commodity & alternative funds/ETFs as
well as private investments Trust & Estate Planning
• Dedicated Portfolio Strategist who will implement a
broad range of strategies, as well as access to over Insurance Planning
1,000 separately managed accounts run by world class
money managers 401(k) & Retirement Plans

• Tax awareness approach Our dedicated Certified
Financial Planner® works
Risk Management with the Advisor and Portfolio
Strategist to smoothly integrate
• Risks exist outside of the portfolio the created plan. From a sound
• Certain events can undermine even the best planning, financial plan, the asset
allocation is created along
but some can be mitigated with the discovery of any risks
• Liability coverage such as through Umbrella Policies and opportunities specific to
each family.
• Life Insurance, Long Term Care, Disability

In today’s complex environment, it is imperative that a
disciplined approach to portfolio design is followed. We use
a system based approach with robust research, reinforced by
both practitioners and academics. Diversification takes a step
beyond just multiple asset classes, a high focus on balancing
the correlations between various positions can help mitigate
a portion of a portfolio’s volatility during market dislocations.

How your assets are
protected — Regulatory Controls
for Your Protection

Empire Asset Management is a registered broker-dealer and along with RBC Correspondent
Services a division of RBC Capital Markets, LLC we are subject to the rules and regulations
of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Financial Industry Regulatory
Authority (FINRA) and a member of the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB).

These regulatory organization each have certain rules and regulations that we
must follow to safeguard your assets, including:

• Keeping accurate records of your assets
• Maintaining net capital at required levels

In compliance with SEC rules, RBC Correspondent Services a division of RBC Capital
Markets, LLC will have an independent public accounting firm audit your financial information
every year. Further, as a member of the NYSE and FINRA and registered with the SEC, RBC
Correspondent Services a division of RBC Capital Markets, LLC are subject to continuous
oversight and examinations.


Further Safeguards

As your custodian, it is required by the SEC to file monthly and quarterly financial and operations
reports (FOCUS reports) within 17 business days of the month’s end.

The quarterly report contains financial statements, including:

Statement of financial condition

Income statement and statement of changes in stockholders’ equity

Regulatory schedules, including a computation of net capital, a reserve formula computation,
and other key financial and operational data

Empire Asset Management cannot use your fully paid securities for its business. These securities must
be held for your own exclusive benefit, and are subject to the instructions that we provide to RBC
Correspondent Services a division of RBC Capital Markets, LLC. RBC Correspondent Services a
division of RBC Capital Markets, LLC must account for and inspect every physical security owned by
an investor as least once every calendar quarter. Any difference must be recorded and corrected within
specific time frames. Net customer cash balances not required for customer transactions must be
maintained in a cash account segregated for the exclusive benefit of customers.

Securities Investor Protection
Corporation (SIPC)

Both Empire Asset Management and RBC Correspondent Services a division of RBC Capital
Markets, LLC are members of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC), which
was created in 1970 to protect customers of member broker-dealer firms in case of member
broker-dealer liquidation. A nonprofit membership corporation, SIPC is funded by broker-dealers,
and protects its membership by law. To cover assets such as yours, the SIPC fund is supported by:

• $1 billion line of credit with a bank consortium

• Borrowing power of up to $1 billion from the U.S. Treasury through the SEC

Because the Securities Investor Protection Act of 1970 affords special benefits to SIPC- covered
firms such as RBC Correspondent Services a division of RBC Capital Markets, LLC provides your
assets a high level of coverage.

Securities in accounts carried by RBC Correspondent Services a division of RBC Capital Markets,
LLC are protected in accordance with the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC) up to
$500,000 (including cash claims limited to $250,000). For details, please visit

Within certain limits, SIPC coverage applies to both investor securities held by RBC
Correspondent Services a division of RBC Capital Markets, LLC and cash on deposit that
will be used to purchase securities, or that has been generated from the sale of securities. This
SIPC coverage protects your assets in the unlikely event that RBC Correspondent Services a
division of RBC Capital Markets, LLC should fail to meet its obligations, but this SIPC
coverage is separate from the SIPC coverage that is available should our broker-dealer fail to
meet its obligations. It does not protect against a decline in the market value of your securities.

When analyzing your SIPC coverage, you should
consider the following additional facts:

The maximum SIPC coverage for covered amounts is $500,000.

Your cash balances awaiting reinvestment are protected up to $250,000, which is
included in the $500,000 coverage

These limits are on a per-customer basis, as defined in the Securities Investor
Protection Act.

Most types of securities held in a brokerage account at RBC Correspondent Services
a division of RBC Capital Markets, LLC are protected, including stocks, bonds, notes,
debentures, certificates of deposit (CDs), and mutual funds.

“Excess of SIPC” Coverage

In additional to SIPC protection, Empire Asset Management Company through its affliction
with RBC Correspondent Services a division of RBC Capital Markets, LLC provides for
“excess of SIPC” coverage from Lloyd’s of London, together with other insurers.

Build With Us.

29 Broadway 12th Floor • New York, NY 10006
888.417.8050 • [email protected]


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