1 Contents
2 Mr. White
4 Mrs Soysa
5 Mr. Kelly
6 Student Council
7 House Leaders
8 Kapa Haka
10 Room 1
12 Room 2
14 Room 7
16 Room 8
18 Room 9
20 Room 23
22 Room 24
24 Marshall Memories
26 Room 3
28 Room 4
30 Room 5
32 Room 6
34 Athletics Day
36 APPA Choir
37 Pasifika
38 Enviro
39 Chess Club
40 Cross Country
41 Zone Sports
42 Class of 2018
43 2018 Graduation Awards
44 Ukulele Club
46 Room 10
48 Room 11
50 Room 12
52 Room 13
54 Room 14
56 Room 15
58 Kea Crossing, Walking School Bus & Travel Wise
60 Room 16
62 Room 17
64 Room 18
66 Room 19
68 Room 20
70 Room 21
72 Room 22
74 Classroom Photos
2018 in Pictures
2018 was a busy year at Marshall Laing, as all school years seem to be. What made this even busier
was the number of property developments we undertook during the year. Here is our year - in
property pictures.
At the start of the year we refurbished and
expanded our staffroom. Previously we had one
of the smallest staff rooms, so this feels very
good to have more space for the staff at
playtimes and lunchtimes. The staff really
appreciate this as sometimes in the old room
there wasn't enough seats for everyone. During
the teaching blocks this space is also used for
lessons. Already we have had chess, extension
maths and science in this space and I am sure
it will be well utilised by everyone in the future.
Also at the start of the year we refurbished a
new space for our library and after school music
lessons. It felt good to get a permanent home
for our library as we have often lost the use of it
over the past few years. The after school music
lessons are an exciting development as it gives
MLPS students a chance to have music lessons
straight after school and on our site. This space
has also been used for our Pasifika group
practices and next year we will use it for our
new school orchestra as well.
During 2018 we also built two new classrooms
at the senior end of the school.These are
fabulously big classrooms and we wish all our
classrooms could be this size. The students
and teachers in these classrooms really
appreciate them. They were well worth the wait.
In Term 4 we undertook the construction of an
artificial turf. It is a fabulous new facility that
really adds value to our sports and P.E
programme. I know we will get the most benefit
from it in Terms 2 and 3 when our fields are
usually closed due to the weather. I personally
love grass fields but the reality is in rains on
average every three days in Auckland and the
grass areas are often closed at our school.
Despite all the physical changes in our school
this year, the most important thing still is people -
our wonderful students, staff and community.
This is what makes Marshall Laing.
He aha te mea nui o te ao
What is the most important thing in the world?
He tangata, he tangata, he tangata
It is the people, it is the people, it is the people
Mrs. Soysa
Well – we made it! As the school year comes to a place. I hope that you will all carry these
close, our minds and hearts are filled to the brim. It’s experiences with you wherever you go and that
been a great year! What a school! Together we’ve you will use your memories of your time here to
learned much and shared experiences that will long inspire you as you take this next big step in your
remain with us in the years to come. A very big, life.
special thanks to all of our families who have
contributed in ways small, large and unimaginable! “Let us make our future now, and let us make our
The strength of our community and wholehearted dreams tomorrow’s reality.”
passion to make our school a wonderful place of – Malala Yousafzai
learning for our children primarily but for all of us
makes Marshall Laing a truly special place. “If you do not believe you can do it then you have
no chance at all.”
A special highlight for me this year was our variety – Arsene Wenger
shows. Just remember, what happened backstage
stays backstage - all I’m going to say is ‘Macarena’ May your summer be filled with play, exploration,
v ‘Baby Shark’ … which one was your favourite? and lots of time spent outdoors. To those of you
who are leaving us for new places and adventures
Congratulations to our very capable Year 6 - I wish you all the best. To our returning staff and
students - you are all shining stars in my eyes and students thank you for a wonderful year and I look
I wish you the very best as you leave. It has been a forward to seeing you all in 2019.
great pleasure to watch all of you grow. Some of
you have grown so much, you are almost taller
than me, so you can stop now! You are extremely
talented students, and I am so very proud of who
you have become. I know that you are going to put
what you have learned at MLPS into practice and
find your own way to make the world a better
Mr. Kelly
I like robots but I like people much, much more. attention to making sure screen time is used
Why do I say that? Things are changing very quickly judiciously and that learning is always the focus. We
in the world. Technology is advancing at a dizzying make sure our students run, jump, kick and throw
pace and many of the traditional jobs and practices balls, swim, draw, paint, debate, verbally interact
we observed in the past are now being exposed to with peers and teachers, think critically, experience
scrutiny. Changes are inevitably underway. gardening, learn to love and respect nature and so
forth - because each and every one of us knows
Our school tries to be just a little back from the how important that will be for every student in their
forefront of changes to the way children are taught lives.
and changes to the tools they have available to
them to learn. We stand a little back from the very Some of our colleagues have moved on and I wish
front because we both want to observe what is them well in their careers and lives. Each is being
occurring before committing our resources to replaced by wonderful new teachers to our school
change, as well as keeping ourselves aware of all and I look forward to their new ideas and
the research that is available about the best enthusiasm to teach and learn.
practices in modern education.
I believe we have done, are doing and will continue I personally look forward to 2019 to see how much
to do, a good job. better again we can make our school and I wish all
of our departing year six students every success that
Our school has been developing procedures to hard work and critical thinking offers. Kia Kaha!
introduce programming into our classrooms. We
have been researching and investing in small
programmable robots, drones, 3D printers, larger
more sophisticated robots as well as the associated
coding software [all of this, not too long ago, the stuff
of science fiction] that goes with such devices.
We pay even more attention to making sure our
students balance technological tool use and
traditional tool use in our school. We pay particular
2018 Student Council
Being in student council has given me an What I’ll miss about student council is the hard
opportunity to express my ideas to make working team. All the different ideas inspired me.
everyone’s learner adventure fun. I have had to What I like about student council is the team helps
overcome many obstacles like having to stand up the school and the charity, It makes the school a
and give a short speech in front of everybody in the better place. Hopefully I’m in the student council in
council to become the Student Council President Intermediate as well.
for Term 4. It has been an amazing experience
working behind the scenes and organising Hrithika Ganesh
fundraisers for the school like CRaZy Hair and P.J Room 16
Day and many more. I hope I have helped
everyone’s learning journey be more fun in my time
in Marshall Laing Primary School!!!
Srinidhi Totha
Room 16
2018 House Leaders
The main reason that I wanted to be a House I remember nervously walking down the steps to
Leader was because I wanted to help the Juniors. face everyone. After my speech, me and the other
We wanted them to enjoy Primary School and student competing for House Leader turned around.
remember the amazing time they had at MLPS. “This years Pohutukawa house leader is…”I bit my
The colouring and art competition that we had in lip and tightly clutched my hand.
Term 3 was organised by Oliver and myself (we “Rebecca!”. Being a House Leader is a great
are the Kowhai House Leaders). All the House responsibility. I thank Marshall Laing for giving me the
Leaders had an important job in giving everyone opportunity to be one! One time we organised this
an opportunity to participate in all sorts of things, amazing movie at lunch. Students were swarming
for example sports, learning our house chants and outside our school hall. What a great year I had as a
being proud of the other kids in their Houses. House leader!
I am going to miss listening to Mr Kelly who was
in charge of the House Leaders. I like his voice, Rebecca Shi
his enthusiasm and his imagination. Room 18
I will also miss all the kids chanting at the top of Hello readers, as some of you know my name is
their lungs to show that Kowhai is better than the Pankhudi… and I am the Totara House Leader (for
other Houses!!!! the past two years). I really enjoyed being a House
Leader. It's really fun to organise competitions and
Breanna Callander cool events. Being a House Leader was a great
Room 21 opportunity to practice my leadership skills. It was also
a good opportunity to work with other House Leaders,
get to know different people and to get along with
them. Being a House Leader is a big part of my
memories, and I love it! I will never forget the beautiful
memories of Marshall Laing. I will really miss all of
Pankhudi Arya
Room 18
Kapa Haka
Hello my name is Josie Manea and I took Being in Kapa Haka has taught us a lot of things.
part in the MLPS Kapa Haka group. In Kapa Haka Papa Jarrod taught us waiata, actions and
we got to learn different and many Māori songs discipline. Sometimes I had to stay dead serious
like E Minaka Ana, Te Pou etc. My favourite above and other times we got to be the goofballs we are.
all was Mā Te Kahukura. In my opinion the best
thing about Kapa Haka was that Papā Jarrod was Lorina Lui Godinet
our Mātua. I had many other memories of Kapa Room 21
Haka, but these were my favourites.
By Josie Manea I have been doing Kapa Haka for as long as I can
Room 22 remember and being part out our school’s culture
and representing our school in performances has
been fun. Even though it takes time to learn a new
song or dance, it has been amazing to be a part of
our school and country’s nationality and culture.
Srinidhi Totha
Room 16
Room 7 likes to aim high.
Room 8
We will be
high flyers
when we
grow up!
Room 9
When I
grow up
I want to
be a...
Room 23
What we
love about
Marshall Memories
Kia ora my name is Josie Manea and I’m a Year My sixth year at Marshall Laing. I owe everything
6. I have lots and lots of memories of being at this to this amazing school. Everyone here helped me
school, Marshall Laing Primary. One of my become who I am now. The staff and students are
favourite things that I enjoyed doing at this school extremely nice. I made friends in my first week.
was all the art and sport, I enjoyed playing Netball Now this is my last year. The memories I've made
and Cricket. One of my others were probably, at Marshall Laing will stay with me forever!
when my class would get together and play a nice
cheerful game like... team tactics, and cricket. I Rebecca Shi
loved being able to play in a team that would Room 18
cooperate with each other and always think about
others. The last thing that I would miss about Time flies by so fast. It felt like only yesterday
Marshall Laing is our teachers and friends. I will when I was just starting school as a five year old
miss every teacher who taught me, from Mrs girl feeling scared, shy but also excited about
Robinson to Mr Jolly, and I will definitely miss my going to my new school. It has been an awesome
friends. I have had six successful years here and I few years of my school life, learning new things
can’t wait to see what my future holds. and meeting new friends . I have been inspired by
my teachers to be the best I can be and dream
Josie Manea big. I will forever cherish my time with MPLS as I
Room 22 move to the next chapter of my school life. I will
miss walking to school, chatting with my friends,
Marshall Laing was the school I heard about when I representing my school at zone sports.
came to New Zealand. My dad said it was the best
school for me and guess what, it was!!! The day I One of the highlights of my school life is to be
first stepped into Marshall Laing I felt nervous. I selected to represent MLPS to the Swimming
didn’t know that much English either. But in three Zones. I represented the school from Year 4 to
years I got better. I made lots of friends and learned Year 6. I was nervous but also excited and ready
new things and got involved in things like, Kea to win and make my school proud. This year was
Crossing, Netball, Basketball, Student Council and a big achievement for me, coming first for all my
more! I don’t want to leave MLPS. It feels like home. individual races. I can still hear the cheers,
encouragement and the yelling of my teammates
Hrithika Ganesh during swimming zones. It was a truly remarkable
Room 16 day and something that I will always remember. I
have also helped my team mates with the relays.
Throughout my six years at Marshall Laing I’ve It was such a good team effort and I hope the
enjoyed and experienced fun, meeting new kids, school will continue to have great swimming
laughter and learning new things. You can have fun results.
playing sports and join fun things like Kapa Haka,
Choir and Zone Teams. I can never forget my family MLPS you will always be a big part of my life.
at Marshall Laing Primary School. Thank you to everyone who made my school
years an amazing experience.
Andrea Ravinold Abigail Williams
Room 21 Room 18
I have enjoyed my time at Marshall Laing and I
am disappointed that I have to leave at the end of
this year. I wish that I could stay here for another
year but I can’t, it’s so sad. I will miss Miss Lee,
Mr Broadly, Mr White, Mrs Meacham, Mr DJ and
Miss Swart.
Elise Hackett
Room 16
R O O M 6 T O T H E R E S C U E ! I would fly so I can go
If I were a superhero... anywhere. Riya
I would go invisible so
when we’re playing hide
and seek, I'll win! Ethan
I would run so fast that the bad I would like all the
guys would get really dizzy. superpowers to fight the
baddies. Harrison
I would turn invisible so I
could sneak up on the I would save the
bad guys! Jaithra world and have
an ice form.
I would freeze baddies. I would like to
Samsi fly and watch
I would blast my
electricity power the whole
at the bad guys! world. Jane
I would turn invisible I would like all the
so I can quickly hide superpowers so I can
help people in danger.
from bad guys.
Kaitlin Blake
I would have electricity
powers so I could
control the TV. Brae
I would fly because if there's an I would freeze the baddies!
earthquake I can fly away. Lucienne
I would like lightning powers so I I would like to have
could turn the bad guys electric. muscle man powers
so I can punch bad
guys. Krishav
I would have I would fly
snowflake powers
to freeze bad guys. because I can feel
the beautiful,
fresh air. Sarvani
I would like fire power so
I can be strong. I would go invisible
Max because then no one
can see me. Tanvi
I would throw fire
to the bad people. I would get the
bad guys so the
world is safe.
I would fly so then I can Abdul
see over my house to
check if there were any
bird nests in the gutters.
Athletics Day
APPA Choir
Hi my name is Josie Manea and I was one of Being in choir was an amazing experience for
seventeen who were chosen to be in the me this year. I met some new people that I’m
MLPS famous APPA Choir. Which was to be friends with now and we drove to different
performed at the big city Town Hall on schools in different in different parts of
Tuesday the 13th of November. Every Friday Auckland that were new to me. The
we would get together at lunch times and performances was the best part of it all,
practice our songs like “Come Together” and standing in front of over one hundred people
“The Sound of Music” etc. It was a spectacular felt amazing and showing my passion to the
year being a member of the APPA Choir group world made me come out of my shell and open
and the the day of the performance was up to people. That’s why choir was an
amazing. I can’t wait to join the Waikowhai amazing experience for me.
Intermediate choir next year all the best to my
wonderful choir teacher, Mrs Litchfield Amelia Williams
Room 21
Joise Manea
Room 22
On Tuesday the 13 of November the Choir
group went to the Town Hall to perform in
front of about one hundred people maybe
more, it was kinda scary. I was really nervous
even though it was my second year
performing. I was amazed at how long it was,
it was way longer than last year. I love to
Elise Hackett
Room 16
Kia ora my name is Josie Manea and I took I chose to do Pacifica to explore new cultures
part of the Pacifica group. Pacifica has really and to build my confident to perform on stage.
showed and taught me my true island side.
We got to lean lots of cool and tropica I like Pacifica because of the outfits and the
dances including, Samoa, Niue song, and dances. It’s fun to do Pacifica because of the
Fijian. I really wish that the year could be people who teach us come from different
longer and we could learn more Pacific types of islands.
dances. It has been a big year and I can’t
wait to perform at prizegiving assembly. Ishani Dissanayake
Thank you to our wonderful teachers who Room 16
taught us
By Josie Manea
Room 22
I have been doing Pacifica for a couple years
and it has been so much fun. Exploring new
cultures like Samoan, Fijian, Tongan is
pleasant and enjoyable. The best part about
it is doing it with my friends. I can’t wait for
next years group.
Srinidhi Totha
Room 16
Enviro is a fun way to take care of nature and worms etc. I can still remember doing the compost
bins with Andrea and hearing the legend of digging from Mr. Heke, taking out weeds and making
little gardens. I hope this would go on forever. I can’t wait for the new Enviro group to start, and I
hope they enjoy it just as much as have. Mrs. Cooke has been an outstanding leader and so has Mr.
Kelly. Thank you everyone who participated in Enviro this year. Whenever we had Enviro all the
others made my day even more cheerful, fun, happier and brought some sunshine to my day!
Aashna Puri
Room 21
Chess Club
Chess club was a wasn’t just a club it was a MLPS Chess Club was a really important part
family we bonded closer than we could of my primary years. It was an amazing place
normally. Bringing students closer and where you can analyze your moves! It also
thrashing each other YEAH! brought the A-Team Together as friends.
Especially after how we made it to the Chess
Haydn Kemp Nationals!
Room 19
Jonathan Meng
MLPS Chess was the highlight of primary. Room 19
Over the years, we’ve had amazing
experiences. Especially going to the Nationals
at Mt Maunganui!
Isaiah Tan
Room 19
Cross Country
Sports Zones
At first I had mixed feelings about Cross Country and I nearly screamed when I realised I was going to Cross
Country ZONES. An exhausting, but mind you, INCREDIBLY fun day! It was an extraordinary experience,
running like my life depended on it.
Rebecca Shi
Room 18
2018 Graduation Awards
Principal's Award Outstanding Sporting Outstanding Sporting Fair Play Award
Jonathan Meng Jalana Jayawardena
Achievement Achievement
Abigail Williams Oliver Sutton
Leadership Award Leadership Award Citizenship Award Citizenship Award
Srinidhi Totha Isaiah Tan Madeline Fleming Bhargav Patel
Performing Arts Performing Arts MLPS Values MLPS Values
Josie Manea Vavia Nathan Hohepa Ali Zahid Sione Apelu
Service Awards Academic Achievement Boy
Isaac Lamorie
Ruqayya Moorad Poovika Parthiban
Jacky Zhou Zack Jones Academic Achievement Girl
Breanna Callander Ishani Dissanayake Srinidhi Totha
Persia Ghanavati Joel Nightingale
Seamus Mohally-Sheehan Jessica Sor Excellence in Writing
Emma Lyall Pankhudi Arya Sophia Smythe
Ahana Lal
Language Learner
Maryam Ahmed
Ukulele Club
Ukulele group is a playful group led by Mr. Walker. We learn new chords and play songs
like In “The Jungle” and “Alice The Camel”. When we all play together it sounds amazing.
That's why I love the ukulele group.
Meera Rathod
Room 21
Vanisha Saira Zakariye Tayla
Room 10
Isaac Braylon
Devon Aidan Aditi Arnav
Melinda Vikranth Jamien Shruti
Ibrahim Isaiah Ammar Ana
Charmi Mr Ferguson Ms Burgess Trishona
Sabha Richelle Stephen Jadrien
Emaan Evangeline Fatima Gireesa
Abdullah, Shyon, Urwa, Suryaansh, Jiya, Raina, Logan, Darshil,
Joshua, Bastian, Setahish, Areeba, Emerald, Shiana, Taybah,
Maha, Shona, Yannis, Nerisa, Rahul, Suhaib, Hafsah, Harsh,
Shriya, Hudhaifah, Nazhan, Rebekah, Ansh, Shreya