This has been the school’s motto throughout its 137 year history and we live it today as much as
we always did. Our heritage is based on friendship, pride, respect and understanding.
Motto/Whakatauki Vision
Ko te manu e kai ana I te miro, nona te ngahere Inspired young women, equipped for life through
Ko te manu e kai ana I te Matauranga, nona te ao quality education
Knowledge is Power
Strategic Goals 2017 - 2019
All Timaru Girls’ High School students will
1. Community (Manaakitanga) experience success through a full education
2. Heritage (Taonga tukuiho) which recognises individual needs and reflects our
3. Leadership (Nga Ranga tira mo apopo) vision and values (underpinned by NZ Curriculum,
4. Learning culture (Wananga) measured by NCEA and with support for our
priority groups).
Our Mission Statement and Values........................................................ 2
From the Principal’s Desk........................................................................ 3
The Curriculum......................................................................................... 4
Support and Guidance............................................................................. 4
Student Leadership.................................................................................. 5
Art and Culture........................................................................................ 6
Outdoor Activities.................................................................................... 6
The House System.................................................................................... 7
Sport......................................................................................................... 7
Uniform..................................................................................................... 8
Boarding Facilities.................................................................................... 9
International Students........................................................................... 10
Welcome to Timaru Girls’ High School. We are in their learning taking full advantage of all that
very proud of this school which has challenged the school can offer them.
and supported young women since 1988 and has Our school reflects the richness of New Zealand
produced many leaders in a variety of walks of society and prepares young women for success in
life. Achievement has always been important their future. Join us as we learn, grow and share
in the school in academic, sporting, cultural together.
leadership and service activities and we are proud
of our students’ results in all these areas on both Mrs Sarah Davis, JP, M Ed Admin, BA, Dip. Tchg.
a local and a national level. Principal
We deliver a quality education through
identifying and knowing the needs of all of our
Positive, supportive relationships between
students and teachers form the basis for learning
and these are what we promote in the school. We
want our students to be confident, active partners
During Years 9 and 10 all Technology, Financial Literacy, Food Tourism, Economics and Accounting);
students study a number of core Studies, Graphics and Materials Health and Physical Education and
or compulsory subjects. These Technology in the Technology area. Home Economics.
are English, Mathematics, Health At Year 12, English is compulsory
and Physical Education, Science, At Year 11, English, Mathematics and and students study four (or five)
and Social Studies. Some of these Science are compulsory. All students additional subjects, usually at Level 2.
subjects remain compulsory at higher choose three additional Level 1 At Year 13, students study five
levels, while others become optional. subjects from the following: subjects, usually at Level 3. Students
At Years 9 and 10, students also with a strong academic focus are
study between three and six optional The Arts (Drama, Music and Art); also encouraged to work towards
subjects. These include French, Technology (Digital Technology, scholarship in their strongest
German and Te Reo Maori in the Design and Visual Communication, subjects.
Languages area; Drama, Music Materials Technology); Languages
and Art in the Arts area; Digital (French, German, Te Reo Maori);
Social Sciences (Geography, History,
Timaru Girls’ High School has a strong support and guidance network. It is designed to meet the
academic and social needs of all students.
The network begins at the classroom a chance to really get to know the outside agencies in order to ensure
level. Subject teachers set a learning students in their year group and the best possible outcomes for
environment that encourages their families and provide personal students.
academic achievement and creates a guidance. The last part of the support and
positive classroom community. Form More specialised help for individual guidance network is the senior team:
teachers provide the next level of students can be sought from the Deputy Principals (2) and Principal.
support. Guidance Counsellor or the Careers The senior team works with all of the
Further guidance and support is Advisor. The Guidance Counsellor people mentioned above in order to
offered by Deans who oversee the offers advice on emotional, or social make Timaru Girls’ High School the
progress and welfare of students in a issues; she works individually with best possible environment for the
single year group. The Dean follows students who have been referred or academic and social development of
a year group from Year 9 until they who just need to talk. The Guidance each student.
leave in Year 13. This gives the Dean Counsellor also works closely with
A strong emphasis is placed on developing leadership skills, particularly in the senior school.
Each Year 13 student is expected to sit on one of a number of committees that organise events
and promote key ideas around the school.
Staff and students vote each year as The popular and successful Peer The popular and successful Peer
part of the application process for Support Programme provides Support Programme provides
the key offices of Head of School, leadership training and opportunities leadership training and opportunities
Head of The Arts and Head of Sports. for Year 13 students while also for Year 13 students while also
Each of these positions also has a providing support for students in providing support for students in
deputy who works in a support role. Year 9. Years 9 and 10. Complementing the
Junior students may also take A team of fully trained and very Health Curriculum, the programme
leadership roles, such as class approachable senior students forms focuses on key issues such as
representative on the School Council, the Peer Support Committee. These maintaining healthy relationships,
sport team captain or class librarian. students are available to offer advice making new friends and starting at a
A student representative to the to individuals needing help, support new school.
Board of Trustees is elected annually. or just someone to talk to.
This important position ensures
that an advocate for the student
body is part of key decision making
2017 Deputy Head of School
Sunny Hurtig & Head of
School Amy Doran
The school’s Arts Department offers classes in Drama and Musical Productions
Music. These classes often lead to performance evenings
and other presentations. Our Head of The Arts and A combined musical production with Timaru Boys’ High
Deputy Head of The Arts work with the Arts Co-ordinator School is performed annually. Each school alternates
to provide a variety of activities. Cultural activities responsibility for producing and hosting this event.
offered by the school include: Choir, Chorale, Lip-sync,
Public Speaking, Orchestra, Shakespeare Festival, Speech Drama
Cup, Singing Cup, Kapa Haka, Debating.
Every alternate year Timaru Girls’ High School enters
Stage Challenge.
Music Tuition
Students are offered music tuition in a range of
instruments from the pool of itinerant music tutors.
At the beginning of the year, all new students are put
into a House. Tradition will see girls who have a family
history with a particular House being placed in that House.
Leadership of the Houses is by senior students who have
gone through an application process.
There are four Houses: Konini (blue), Kowhai (yellow),
Ngaio (green), and Rata (red). Students then have the
opportunity to represent their House in five major ac
vi es during the year. The first of these events is the
Swimming Sports, which is usually held at CBay Aquatic
Centre. Students can compete in championship events
or accumulate points for their house in a variety of fun
novelty events.
House activities give students the opportunity to get to
know and work with students from every year level.
This association creates a feeling of community within the
school and the friendly rivalry of House competition is one
of the bases of our school’s unique spirit.
In addition to competitive and social team sports, Timaru
Girls’ High School provides expert instruction in other
outdoor pursuits from annual school camps to high country
tramping as part of the Duke of Edinburgh programme.
Healthy physical exercise is an important part of the
culture and traditions at Timaru Girls’ High School. Our
students play a variety of team sports both competitively
and socially with other schools where team work and co-
operation are essential.
Our school employs a Sports Co-ordinator who works ordinator to provide a range of lunch time activities.
with staff, students and outside volunteer coaches to Sporting activities currently offered by the school
ensure our girls have access to coaching and equipment include: Archery, Athletics, Badminton, Basketball,
so that they can participate in a wide range of winter and Cricket, Croquet, Cross Country, Cycling, Equestrian,
summer activities. Hockey, Indoor Bowls, Lawn Bowls, Netball, Petanque,
The Head and Deputy Head of Sports and senior student Rowing, Rugby, Skiing, Small-bore Rifle Shooting, Soccer,
representatives from each sport work with the Sports Co- Squash, Table Tennis, Tennis, Touch, Volleyball
UNIFORM Nina Oed, 1930
Uniform is an important part of school tradition. Wearing
correct uniform in a neat and tidy fashion is a way for students
to show self-pride and discipline, as well as pride in the school
and respect for its traditions.
Summer Uniform Winter Uniform Sports and PE Uniform
• Regulation blue and white • Napier tartan kilt • TGHS Sports Polo Shirt purchased
checked skirt • White cotton shirt, button to neck through school
• Regulation white blouse with pointed collar • Plain blue or CCC shorts or TGHS
• (embroidered crest on sleeve) • Regulation Auckland blue tie: Shorts purchased through school
• Brown low-heeled sandals with a
Year 13 blue and white striped tie • Regulation TGHS Sports Gear
heel strap and ¾ filled in front OR • Regulation Auckland blue V-neck purchased through school*
brown leather shoes with white
ankle socks jersey • Sports shoes with non-marking
• Regulation Auckland blue • Regulation Auckland blue wool vest* soles
V-neck jersey* • Regulation Auckland blue blazer*
• Regulation Auckland blue wool • Navy blue tights (full or knee-high)
vest* • Brown leather shoes with low heel
• Regulation Auckland blue blazer* • Regulation blue and white striped,
plain navy or black scarf*
• Plain navy jacket or coat for wet
Timaru Girls’ High School can provide full accommodation at its hostel, called “The House”, which
is situated right next to the school.
Casual accommodation can also be network. As “The House“ is adjacent Our caring staff develop close
arranged - for example, if a girl to the school, the girls have full relationships with the girls and
has a regular sports practice it is access to the school’s recreational are committed to making boarding
often easier for all if she stays that amenities such as tennis and at Timaru Girls’ High School a
night at the hostel. Costs are very basketball courts, music practice rewarding, productive and enjoyable
reasonable. rooms and library. experience, in a safe and secure
Each girl has her own room, and “The House” also has its own environment.
all meals are provided. There is television lounges with DVD players
supervised prep in the evenings and and the girls have access to tea and
the girls have access to computers snack-making facilities.
which are connected to the school’s
Timaru Girls’ High School welcomes International Students from all over the world.
We aim to provide a quality education for each student in The Dean of International Students will also work very
a secure and caring environment. closely with you at school. She will meet with you every
When you arrive in the South Island of New Zealand we week to discuss any concerns you may have with your
will pick you up at Christchurch International Airport and studies or personal issues.
drive you to Timaru.
After you have settled in we will help you buy your At Timaru Girls’ High School you can board either at
school uniform, open a bank account and select the the school hostel or in homestay accommodation.
subjects you will study at school. We have many high quality homestays and the large
The Homestay Co-ordinator will work very closely with school hostel is situated on the school grounds. In the
you in these first few weeks. hostel you need to be able to speak in English to both
the staff and the girls.
Learning styles designed specifically for girls, an extensive
curriculum, and a warm, engaging environment to grow in.
Cain Street, Timaru
P: 03 688 1122
F: 03 688 4254
E: [email protected]