The Newsletter of the Saint-Gobain Group in India Sep-Dec '17
Saint-Gobain Group in
India certified as one GNO Abrasives spreads Gyproc engages Movie-goers GNO Abrasives:
of the Top Employers Brand Awareness Online through Unique In-theatre Portal 2.0
Asia Pacific 2018 Projection Read More
Read More Read More
Read More
Saint-Gobain India SGIF Partners with Health and Wellbeing
Delegation Annual Project Nanhi Kali in Initiative by Gyproc
Finance Conference
Read More Gujarat Business
Read More Read More
Click here to send your
Best Wishes Card.
Watch the Best Wishes 2018
Video here.
GNO's High Performance GNO Abrasives’ Nagpur
Refractories Business receives Plant receives two Awards EHS BAROMETER FOR
CII's Innovation Award at CCQC CSR Initiatives by SGIF Supports School THE GROUP IN INDIA
Flat Glass India Building Project at
Read More Read More Read More Bangalore TF1: 0.49
Read More 12 rolling months (LTA)
12 rolling months
(LTA and non-LTA)
Gyproc receives GreenPro Accolades for Sekurit Publication Manager:
Certification from IGBC Business Krishna Prasad
Read More Read More
Editor: Medha Shanbhag
Glass Business receives Click here to explore
two Awards from CII Content Executive:
Read More Neeraj Kelkar
SPOTLIGHT Saint-Gobain Group in India certified as one of the Top Employers Asia Pacific 2018
The Saint-Gobain Group in India has
been certified for its outstanding
employee offerings. Independent
research by the Top Employers
Institute shows that the Group
looks after its people exceptionally
well. The Saint-Gobain Group in
India has achieved the exclusive
Top Employers Asia Pacific 2018
certification, showcasing its
dedication to the development of
its people.
The annual international research undertaken by the Top Employers Institute recognizes leading employers
around the world: those that provide excellent employee conditions, nurture and develop talent at all levels of the
organization, and which strive to continuously optimize employee practices. The Saint-Gobain Group in India is one
of the select companies to achieve the exclusive Top Employers Asia Pacific 2018 certification. The Group has been
certified in various countries in Asia Pacific.
The Top Employers Institute assessed the employee offerings of the Saint-Gobain Group in India on the following
• Talent Strategy • Compensation & Benefits
• Learning & Development • On-boarding
• Career & Succession Management • Leadership Development
• Workforce Planning • Culture
• Performance Management
2 THE INDIAN EYE Sep-Dec '17
GNO Abrasives spreads Brand Awareness Online MARKET BUZZ
Grindwell Norton’s Abrasives marketing team conducted a
series of online communication campaigns in the recent past for
spreading its brand awareness and building its employer brand.
• In Nov'17, as a part of the Gender Diversity communication
campaign, a series of posts were circulated through social
media platforms that aimed at encouraging prospective
women employees to join the organization. The posts
highlighted hobbies/interests pursued by a few women
employees currently working at GNO. The campaign
reflected upon the work-life blend prevalent within the
• The campaign titled “We are Customer Service” launched
in Oct ‘17 showcased a series of employee testimonials
on the topic. The posts highlighted the efforts taken by
the team members in ensuring customer satisfaction
and reflected their views on this important topic. The
campaign was part of the global initiative lead by Saint-
Gobain Abrasives (SGA).
• The 'Made by Me' (MBM) Campaign, part of the global
initiative lead by Saint-Gobain Abrasives (SGA), was
launched across all Abrasive plants in India in May
2017. The campaign celebrated the efforts put together
by members from diverse functions in manufacturing
Abrasive products at their respective locations every
single day. The core messages reflected a sense of pride
in making some of the technically advanced products and
the joy of working in a professional, safe and collaborative
work place.
Sep-Dec '17 THE INDIAN EYE 3
MARKET BUZZ Gyproc engages Movie-goers through Unique In-theatre Projection
As a part of its experiential marketing campaign, the
Gyproc Business recently showcased some of its
most breath-taking ceiling designs via 3D projection
on the ceilings of movie theatres across India. The
audience witnessed an array of ceiling designs
displayed one after the other, making the projection
a unique visual treat. Through this initiative, Gyproc
reached out to more than 4000 potential customers
in India.
Click here to discover more about the campaign.
4 THE INDIAN EYE Sep-Dec '17 4
GNO Abrasives: Portal 2.0 MARKET BUZZ
The Abrasives Business of Grindwell
Norton has begun the process of upgrading
its existing sales portal. As a first step,
the team launched “Portal 2.0 – All in one
click” – a revamped version of its existing
sales portal dashboard in September 2017.
Developed with the technical support from
INDEC, the new dashboard empowers
users with convenient and holistic visual
representation of sales data for effective
decision-making. Equipped with a
refreshing user interface, it provides access
to real-time Customer Relationship Management (CRM) data at a single click. The users can visualize the sales
data across a number of dimensions including customer information, product segments and market geographies.
Along with this, the dashboard also offers advanced analytics like sales dips & gains and sales performance reports
of Channel Partners to spot and respond to queries and concerns. These features will immensely benefit the
Business’ primary sales that currently happen through the portal.
Sep-Dec '17 THE INDIAN EYE 5
REWARDING MOMENTS GNO's High Performance Refractories Business receives CII's Innovation Award
The High Performance Refractories
Business of Grindwell Norton (GNO) has
been conferred with the 'Innovation Award'
by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII).
The Business received the national award
for its refractory solutions brand HeatKing™.
This coveted recognition makes it the first
refractory manufacturer in India to receive
the award.
HeatKing™ is used for lining applications
in induction furnaces for the production of
various kinds of steel. The brand delivers
best performance in terms of quality, cost
per unit, productivity, safety, energy efficiency and sustainability.
Mr. Sunil Jain – Head Application Engineering (3rd from right) and Mr. Vignesh Babu, Sales Manager - Foundry
(2nd from left) accepted the award on behalf of the Business at the award ceremony held in Hyderabad in
September 2017.
6 THE INDIAN EYE Sep-Dec '17
GNO Abrasives’ Nagpur Plant receives two Awards at CCQC REWARDING MOMENTS
Grindwell Norton’s Nagpur plant has won two awards at
the 28th Chapter Level Convention & Competition on Quality
Concepts (CCQC) organized by the Quality Circle Forum of
India (QCFI), Nagpur Chapter in October 2017. The team
received a rolling trophy and a Gold Award for their Kaizen
presentation on ‘Setup time reduction on 1500T Press’.
Another Gold Award was received for presenting a case
study on ‘Rejection Reduction on Linear Press using defect
reduction route’. More than 100 teams from 40 companies
participated in the competition.
Sep-Dec '17 THE INDIAN EYE 7
REWARDING MOMENTS Gyproc receives GreenPro Certification from IGBC
Saint-Gobain India’s Gyproc Business has been
conferred with the “GreenPro Certification”
from the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC).
The certification is a mark of guarantee that the
product bearing a “GreenPro” label is environment
friendly throughout its life cycle. Gyproc received
the certification for its Gypsum Boards and Plaster
products at an award ceremony held at Jaipur in
October 2017.
Gyproc has consistently adopted a sustainable
approach while delivering innovative solutions
and services to its customers. As a part of this commitment, the Business has adopted a Life Cycle Assessment
(LCA) approach to monitor environmental impact of its products, at every stage from raw materials to finished
products. This approach has benefitted the customers in evaluating Gyproc’s products used for projects
registered under Green Building Rating Systems, including Indian Green Building Council (IGBC), the U. S. Green
Building Council and the Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment (GRIHA).
Ms. Niharika Gujar, Product Manager & Sustainability Ambassador, Gyproc India, accepted the award on behalf
of the Business.
About GreenPro Certification: GreenPro is a product certification given by Confederation of Indian Industry’s
Indian Green Building Council (IGBC). The main objective of GreenPro certification is to facilitate green product
market transformation in India.
8 THE INDIAN EYE Sep-Dec '17
Accolades for Sekurit Business REWARDING MOMENTS
Saint-Gobain India’s Sekurit Business recently received a series of recognitions.
• In November 2017, the Business received two awards
from General Motors (GM). The “Quality Excellence”
Award was presented to the team, second time in a row,
for its sustained efforts in meeting and exceeding GM’s
strict quality and performance criteria during the year
2016. The Business also received “One Team Award” in
recognition of the timely support provided to GM during
the launch of new vehicles. The award is a reflection of the
efforts made by the team in providing quality products and
services in the development of new models and supplying
additional requirements on time. Mr. Ravi Balakrishnan,
National Head – Sales & Marketing accepted the award
on behalf of the Business at the General Motors’ Supplier
Meet in Pune.
• The Business received “Gold Award for Quality Excellence”
from Honda Motor Company for its commitment in
delivering superior quality products and competitive glazing
solutions. Sekurit has been supplying automotive glass to
Honda’s AMAZE & BRV models. Mr. A. Dinakar, Managing
Director - Sekurit Business and Mr. Ravi Balakrishnan,
National Head – Sales & Marketing accepted the award on
behalf of the team at Honda’s Annual Supplier Convention
2017 at Delhi.
Sep-Dec '17 THE INDIAN EYE 9
REWARDING MOMENTS Glass Business receives two Awards from CII
The Bhiwadi team of Glass Business received
two awards from the Confederation of Indian
Industry (CII) in October 2017. The team received
the Runner-up trophy at the 30th Quality Circle
Competition organized by CII’s Rajasthan Chapter.
The award was received for the presentation on
“Reduction of Glass Breakage due to Robots”
to curb cutting line losses. People involvement,
methodology used, problem-solving capabilities
and presentation techniques were some of the
judging criteria for the award.
The team bagged a ‘Special Recognition’ award at
5S National Level Competition organized by CII’s
Delhi Chapter. The team received the award for
its outstanding commitment to 5S practices. As a
part of the competition, participating companies
that conform to 5S standards had to undergo
stringent tests and audits that assessed the
overall compliance with 5S standards and norms.
Active participation of employees in 5S practices,
regular training programs, timely 5S audits and
adherence to 5S methodology were some of the
judging criteria for the award. About 50 companies across India participated in this year’s competition.
10 THE INDIAN EYE Sep-Dec '17
Saint-Gobain India Delegation Annual Finance Conference CONFERENCES & MEETS
Organized from 23rd-25th November, the Annual Finance Conference of the Group in India began with the context
setting by Mr. Deepak Chindarkar, Vice President – Finance & IT, Delegation & GNO and Mr. Phani Kumar, Vice
President – Finance & IT, Construction Products Sector. In the three-day conference, a series of presentations on
diverse topics including GST implementation, Internal Controls and Digitization were made by the team members
and department heads. Prior to the conference, participants were divided into sub-groups and were expected to
prepare on topics to be presented during the conference. Monthly financial closing, Indirect Tax, Compliances &
Controls and Financial Ratio were some of the topics presented and discussed. This was followed by the General
Delegate’s address. In his presentation, Mr. Anand Mahajan spoke about updates related to the India Delegation
and the way ahead for both the Group and the finance professionals. The conference concluded with the closing
remarks by Mr. Chindarkar and Mr. Phani Kumar, in which key takeaways from the conference were summarized
and presented to the participants.
Sep-Dec '17 THE INDIAN EYE 11
OUTREACH Saint-Gobain India Foundation Partners with Project Nanhi Kali in Gujarat
Saint-Gobain India Foundation (SGIF) has
partnered with Project Nanhi Kali to support
the education of girl children in and around
villages at Jambusar in Gujarat. The initiative
is implemented in some of the most deprived,
remote and difficult regions where the literacy
levels, especially female literacy levels are
low. Through the initiative, SGIF will provide
support to 2500 girls from 38 schools in and
around Jambusar. The project is also close to
the Jhagadia plant of Glass Business and Halol
plant of Grindwell Norton.
Initiated in September 2017, the collaboration ensures comprehensive sponsorship towards a range of
educational needs of the children. This includes providing direct material support in the form of uniforms, note
books, stationery, and school bag, providing daily academic support in the respective schools, conducting
3 assessments a year for every girl in the project, encouraging parents to provide education to their girl child,
tracking the child’s attendance and academic progress at the Nanhi Kali Academic Support Centres and affirming
the value of education to the child, parents and community as a whole.
As a first step in this direction, a “Nanhi Kali Kit” distribution ceremony was organized in two schools in Jambusar
in September, 2017. The kits (including uniform, school bag, shoes and books) were distributed to 150 children
by Mr. P. Padamakumar (Team Leader-Human Resources-Flat Glass, Head CSR) and other members from the
Glass Business.
About Nanhi Kali: Project Nanhi Kali was initiated in 1996 by the K. C. Mahindra Education Trust (KCMET) with
the aim of providing primary education to underprivileged girl children in India. The Project works in collaboration
with 19 NGO implementation partners at the grassroot level to ensure that the Nanhi Kalis receive academic,
material and social support. Today, it is a national sponsorship program which provides academic and material
support to more than 120,000 underprivileged girl children in primary and secondary classes.
12 THE INDIAN EYE Sep-Dec '17
Health and Wellbeing Initiative by Gyproc Business OUTREACH
With a view to promote employee wellness, the Gyproc Business introduced a “Health & Wellbeing” initiative
across its locations in April 2017. Since then, the team has been communicating on topics related to nutrition,
healthy living habits, stress & time management and physical exercise on a weekly basis. In addition to this,
awareness sessions have been organized at periodic intervals. Two such sessions were conducted in Bangalore
and Jind in the month of September 2017.
• An Oral & Breast Cancer Awareness Camp was conducted in Bangalore on 2nd September, 2017. The camp,
organized in association with Narayana Health – a multi-specialty hospital, aimed at sensitizing employees
on the need of early detection of the disease which can enable early treatment and better outcomes. The
initiative benefitted about 130 employees from the location.
• On 21st September, 2017 a session on ‘Heart Care’ was organized at the Jind plant. Dr. D. P. Jain, a cardiologist,
was invited to share a few insights on preventing cardiovascular diseases. In his talk, Dr. Jain spoke about
the causes of heart attack, precautionary measures and the first line of treatment. The session was attended
by more than 80 employees.
Sep-Dec '17 THE INDIAN EYE 13
OUTREACH CSR Initiatives by Flat Glass India
A series of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives were organized by the Flat Glass Business in and
around its sites at Bhiwadi, Chennai and Jhagadia.
• As a part of its socially responsible actions, the
Bhiwadi team organized Children’s Day celebrations
at two nearby schools in November 2017. As a part
of the celebration, students were encouraged to
participate in poster making and quiz competitions.
The quiz competition was themed around the topic
‘Bharat Ko Jano’. Educate the girl child, Government
of India’s Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and environmental
sustainability were the themes for the poster making
competition. The objective of the initiative was to
increase awareness about nation-wide government
initiatives amongst the students. The initiative
benefitted about 300 students.
• The team from Chennai organized a series of ‘Anemia
and Optical Hygiene Awareness Camps’ in villages
close to the site. The camps focused on creating
awareness about optical hygiene and anemia amongst
senior citizens and women in particular. So far, eight
such camps were organized, which have benefitted
close to 800 people.
14 THE INDIAN EYE Sep-Dec '17
• In September 2017, ‘Teacher’s Day’ was celebrated OUTREACH
in eight schools close to the Chennai site. The
initiative focused on motivating the teachers who
have been diligently working at these schools
and providing educational support to nearly 3000
students. As a part of the celebration, the Chennai
team presented a token of appreciation to the
teachers and expressed gratitude for their invaluable
services. Team members and a few teachers then
interacted with the students on the importance of
education and the contribution of teachers in the
development of the society.
• With a view to support the Government-run mid-
day meals scheme, the team from Jhagadia
distributed utensils to children from three primary
schools around its site in August 2017. The initiative
benefitted more than 500 children.
Sep-Dec '17 THE INDIAN EYE 15
OUTREACH Saint-Gobain India Foundation supports School Building Project at Bangalore
As a part of its socially responsible actions, the Saint-
Gobain India Foundation (SGIF) provided support in
improving existing infrastructure at Sarkari Kannada
Prathamik School Cheemasandra, a Government school
in Bangalore. The Foundation facilitated construction
of two new classrooms adjacent to the existing school
premises to enable enrolment of new students. The
newly constructed classrooms were officially handed
over to the school staff on 27th November, 2017.
Located in the Cheemasandra village, close to Grindwell
Norton’s (GNO) Bangalore factory, the school has been
conducting classes from nursery till the fifth standard. Prior to the construction of the new classrooms, all the
classes, with a total count of about 100 kids, were conducted in three rooms. This was done by clubbing of two
or more batches into one classroom. The increase in the enrolment of students, which escalated to 150 in 2017,
made it difficult for the school staff to manage day-to-day classes with the existing infrastructure. With a view to
resolve this crisis, SGIF initiated construction of the new classrooms in June 2017.
SGIF partnered with GNO’s PEG (Project Engineering Group) for this very first project near GNO’s Bangalore
factory. Support was provided for end-to-end construction of the new infrastructure. This included concreting,
slab reinforcement, wall plastering, fixing doors and windows, terrace water proofing, electrical fittings, drainage
arrangements and painting. Going forward, the Foundation and PEG team plan to support more such value-
adding projects.
16 THE INDIAN EYE Sep-Dec '17
InCtCoemernlepDabltaiiaryoanntciaoeln EVENTS & CELEBRATIONS
Introductory presentation by the
Business Head - Crystals Business, Bangalore
TaenaempimsoedmebweirssewfialmtchoinngvathlueeMs -inGMlasins Tara Show – Posing with the compliance mascot – Gyproc
Business, Chennai Business, Jind
Employee Get-together – GNO, Bangalore Address by site sponsor – GNO, Halol
Sep-Dec '17 THE INDIAN EYE 17
EVENTS & CELEBRATIONS Awareness workshop
on values – GNO,
Himachal Pradesh
HMTeOian,mMMmuinmeTmbaarbaieSrshoinwte–raacntinegpidsuordinegwthisee screening of IFnStrSoCd,uMctuomrybparie sentation by the site sponsor -
film on values-
Message by the CIO – SG INDEC Awareness workshop on values – GNO, Mora
18 THE INDIAN EYE Sep-Dec '17
Employees signing the compliance poster – Awareness session by the site sponsor - GNO, EVENTS & CELEBRATIONS
GNO, Nagpur Tirupati
Address by the site sponsor - Sekurit Business, Pune Employee Get-together – SEPR, Palakkad
Employees signing the compliance poster- SEPR, Employee Get-together – Weber Business, Wada
Sep-Dec '17 THE INDIAN EYE 19
EVENTS & CELEBRATIONS Group dance by employees @
The Annual Day Celebration,
SGIPL – Crystals Business
5BSusAinnneisvse, rJshaarygaCdeilaebration, SGIPL – Glass Winners of the –ICGOlaNss(IdBeuassinfeosrsC, oJhnatignaudailaImprovements)
Awards, SGIPL
Samuha Celebration
(Employee Get-together)
at SGIPL – Glass Business,
20 THE INDIAN EYE Sep-Dec '17