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Published by Repro Graphics, 2019-10-15 18:44:31

Glendowie Yearbook-2019-10-15

Glendowie Yearbook-2019-10-15


Glendowie College 2019
Staff 2019

Back Row: Elizabeth Wells, Nathalie Murray, Sarah Bassin, Norman Hawcroft, Andrea Curtis, Thais Nafissi, Debbie Lawn, Philippa Jones, Sandra Micallef, Fiona Smith
6th Row: Vicki Mercer, Andrew West, Sandi Dennison, Angie Winnington-Sharp, Clare Thomson, Tara King, Melissa McKay, Joanne Fraser, Nan Barton, Ginny Thomas, Ruth Richardson, Aileen Jan, Faizal Khan, Terry McBride
5th Row: Celia Finn, Bridget Rothbart, Jas Kaur, Jessica Pittwood, Asetoaua Asimotu, Sarah Conran, Kylie Jorgensen, Linda Tomlinson, Jeelie Christopher, Robin Harding, Julie Barrack, Jody Gayton, Eliza Wong, Terry Kim
4th Row: Adele Whittaker, Bernadette Hyde, Richard Thompson, Ben Lewis, Hayden So, Stephen Walker, Henry Liu, Kate Webster, Willa Henvest, Joseph Hurndell, Jackie Shi, Michelle Simpson, Amy Thomas, Dennis Reilly
3rd Row: Julia Cornthwaite, Mihai Ifrim, Stephen Galt, Oliver Humphries, Jonathan Spence, Mike Pavarno, Trevor Comber, Andrew Lile, Patrick Carrigan, Dave Storrie, Logan Reynolds, Jonny Barton, Simon Naisbitt, Aidan Wallace,

Jeremy Adams
2nd Row: Noeline Doherty, Fiona Cook, Pritika Harduar, Melisa Chase, Ena So, Kulbir Kaur, Sarrah Shapley, Jennifer Champness, Teri Shin, JP Keshav, Angela Gray, Giordana Santosuosso, Debbie Chapman, Vivienne Tubbs, Melissa

Sirimanne, Sharyn Gee
Front Row: Glenda Neilson, David James, Adrienne King, Anna Vincent, Monique Carrigan, Lisa Davis-Miller, Gordon Robertson, Richard Dykes, Sharon Hewetson, Praveen Chand, Trudy Gibb, Jonathan Eley, Lesley Walker, Robyn

Lewis, Clare Jennings
Absent: Stephanie Bretherton, Charles Champness, Margie Cooper, Jan Davison, Sheridan Hancock, Carrie Hodson, Ligi Huka, Olga Marchuk, Nicole Parish, Dananka Peiris, Tere Raveora, Wayne Ruffles, Melanie van Ansem

Staff 95

Principal Mr D Storrie, TTC, B Ed, PG Dip ELM (Faculty
Mr R Dykes, MEd Admin (Hons), BA (Hons) Leader) Accounts and Payroll Ms N Murray, GEA, ADMINISTRATION
Mr B Lewis, BPE Administrator GAPMO (France)
Deputy Principals Mr A Salmon, BSR, Grad dip ed
Mr P Chand, BSC, GCE, Dip SM Ms F Smith, BSc (Hons), PGDE, PG Ed Accounts Receivable Mrs B Hyde, BEd
Ms T Gibb, BA, PG DipSM Leadership, ATQ (Tangaroa House Dean) Administrator
Mrs S Hewetson B.Ed Mrs G Thomas, BEd, TTC, Cert Ed UK
Mr G Robertson, MA Hons, Dip SM Mr R Thompson, BA (Hons), PGCE, PG Ed Alumni Advancement Ms N Parish, BA,
Admin Coordinator Postgraduate Diploma -
Counsellors Ms K Webster, BSR, GradDipT Journalism
Ms G Neilson, MEd Hons, BA
Mrs A Curtis, BA (psych and engl), Hons Languages Arts Administrator Ms D Chapman
(psych), MA (psych) Ms A Vincent, BA (HOD Languages)
Ms M Chase, BEd - Primary Teaching Business Manager Ms L Davis-Miller, BMS
Developmental Programmes Ms G Santosuosso, MA (Hons), GradDipT (Hons), CA
Mr D James, BEc (Syd), Dip Ed, PG Dip SM Mr J Shi, BA, PGDip, MA (Hons), GradDipT,
(Careers / Transition Coordinator, Director of CELTA, TESOL Caretaker Mr A Asimotu
Sport, Development Programmes Manager) Ms V Tubbs, BA
Careers and Ms N Barton
Director of international Students Mathematics Development
Mrs L Walker, BA, CELTA Mr J Eley, MEd (Faculty Leader) Administrator
Mr J Batchelar, BE
TEACHING STAFF Miss F Cook BSc, BCom Curriculum Support Ms O Marchuk
Arts Ms N Doherty BEd, CTD, ATCL Food Technology and
Ms C Jennings, MEd, PGDipEd, BDan (Faculty Mrs J Fraser, BSc (Tane Mahuta Dean) Library Assistant
Leader; HOD Drama and Dance) Ms J Kaur, BSc, BEd,PG Dip
Ms A Whittaker, BVA, GradDipT, PG Applied Mr JP Keshav, Dip Ed (Ruaumoko Dean) Gateway Co-ordinator Mrs A Lonergan,
Practice (HOD Art) Mr H Liu, BE and Careers Advisor BA(Psyc), MSocSc
Mr A Lile, BMus, BA(Mus) (HOD Music) Mr T McBride, Dip PE (Hons) Orgn. Psyc.
Mr P Carrigan, H.Dip Art Ed, BA Art & Design Mr M Schollum, BE Mr S Davidson, BSc,
Mr O Humphries, BPA(Musical Theatre), Grad Ms M Sirimanne, BSc GradDipT
Dip T Mr N Visagie, HDE, ACE
Mrs S Shapley, B Art Th, Grad Dip. Ed Mr A West, BSc Groundsman Mr T Raveora
Miss T Shin, BFA, Grad Dip T
Miss C Thomson, BA Hons Science International Students Mrs J Cornthwaite,
Mrs A King, BSc, PGDip DigLearning Teaching Administrator DipPE, GradDipT
Design and Technology (Faculty Leader)
Ms R Lewis, BA (Hons), PGCE (Faculty Leader) Ms J Barrack, BHort Sci (Hons) PG Dip Bus International Student Mrs S Caiger, BSW,
Ms J Christopher, M Computer Applications, Admin (Tawhirimatea Dean) Administration and GradCertCareerDev
Grad Dip T Mr T Comber, BSc Pastoral Care Assistant
Mrs S Gee, MEd Mrs J Grant, BScEd, MProfStuds (Education)
Mrs W Henvest, BA, BSc Mr N Hawcroft, MA, DPhil, MBA Library Manager Ms J Gayton, MLIS
Ms V Mercer, BSc, Educ, (ICT Manager) Ms A Jan, BSc
Mr M Pavarno, Grad Dip, Engineering Ms K Kaur, MSc, PGDEd, PGCer in Applied Pastoral Care Mrs D Peiris, BAcc
Mr H So, BCom, BBIM Practice Interviewer International
Ms E So, BA Culinary arts Mr F Khan, BEd, PGDEd Students
Mr T Kim, BA Design Mr S Naisbitt, MEng, PhD
Dr T Nafissi, PhD, MSc, BS Principal’s Personal Ms E Wong
English Miss J Pittwood, BSc (Tawhirimatea Assistant Assistant
Mrs M van Ansem, BA, MProfStuds Dean)
(Education) (Faculty Leader) Mr A Wallace BE, GradDipEd Receptionist Mrs T King, BBS
Mrs M Carrigan, BA, Grad Dip Arts (Assistant
Head of Faculty) Social Sciences School Nurse Ms J Davison, NZRN
Mr J Barton, BA, MTchgLn Ms P Jones, BA, PGDipEd (Faculty Leader)
Ms S Bassin, BA (Tangaroa Assistant Dean) Ms J Champness, BA Science Laboratory Mr D Reilly
Ms S Conran Mrs C Finn, BA/BMus (Special Educational Technicians Mr J Geelan
Ms A Gray, BA, GradDipT, Dip Film & TV Needs Coordinator)
Mrs S Hancock, BBus, Grad Dip Arts Mr S Galt, BA, GDTSE Science Laboratory Ms S Hogan
Ms R Harding, MA Ms A Gray, BA, GradDipT, Dip Film & TV Assistance Technician
Mr M Ifrim, Int Bac Modern Lang, dBA Ms P Harduar, BCom (Ruamoko Assistant
Mr L Reynolds, BA Dean) Secretary to Senior Ms D Lawn
Mrs R Richardson, BA Mrs M McKay, BSocSc Leadership Team
Ms A Thomas Mrs B Rothbart, B Soc Sc (Year 13
Mr S Walker, MA (Hons), M.Inst.M Coordinator) Sports Co-ordinators Mr J Adams
Ms M Simpson, BA Ms K Jorgensen, BBus,
Ms L Tomlinson, MSc (Hons) (Specialist PGDip Sport
Classroom Teacher)
Mr R van Aswegen, BCom (Acc.), BA Hons Staffroom Supervisor Ms M Cooper
(Geo.), PGCE (Interm. & Snr.)
Student Services Mrs I Huka

Teacher Aides Mrs S R Bretherton
Mrs S Dennison,
Mrs C Hodson, BEM
Mrs J Konza, BSR
Ms E Wells

Technology Technician Mr P Lyon, NZCE (Prod),
Uniform Shop Manager CIE Tech Eng, AMI Prod

Ms S Micallef, Dip PhA

Itinerant Music Teachers
Mr Verrill
Mrs Brockelbank
Mr Nicholls
Ms Winter
Mr Gittins
Mr Tan
Mr Howell
Mr Lin
Mr Ofamooni
Mr Passells
Mrs Johnston

Glendowie College 2019

Senior Ball

Glendowie College 2019


Glendowie College 2019

98 Trip to China


The biennial China Trip continues to be a highlight of student lives.
It is a life changing experience and I hope it will be a part of those
“when I went to China ……” reminiscences in years to come. The
trip has many facets – language, cultural, networking, business and
camaraderie. Team China 2019 had the most amazing joie de vivre and
zest for life. A special thank you to Ms Harduar and Mr Shi for giving
up their time to accompany the group.
Mrs Bridget Rothbart, Social Sciences Faculty

During the April school holidays, a group of twenty senior students
from Business Studies, Economics and Chinese travelled to China for
a two-week cultural immersion. This trip had been in planning for over
a year and everyone was extremely excited for it. We took off from
New Zealand at midnight on the second last day of term 1 to start our
adventure. We arrived in Hong Kong thirteen hours later and waited
for an hour for the connecting flight to Beijing. After a 120km drive
from Beijing Airport, we arrived at our first location, a small oriental
hotel next to one of the Great Wall’s tourist locations. The majestic
mountains are like those we see in New Zealand countryside, the only
difference being the Great Wall in the background. On the second
day we walked a small section of the Great Wall. After two exciting
days in Beijing shopping and visiting cultural heritage sites such as
the Forbidden City and Tiananmen Square, we headed to our next
destination, Ningbo. We stayed at local students’ houses in Ningbo
for the week and went to school with them. This was the biggest
cultural shock for the group. School begins at 7:35am and lasts until
5:15pm with ten classes per day of 40 minutes each. Many local
students continue to study at school until 9pm. We were lucky to have
classes created specifically for us, from kite making to conversational
Chinese. An eye-opening daily activity at school was the morning run
at 9:35am where the entire school would turn up at the running track
and run two laps before going back to class. After the week at school,
we farewelled our homestays and their families and headed off to
our final destination, Shanghai. We explored many imitation markets
with lots of “genuine” high-end products costing less than NZ$10!
One highlight was visiting New Zealand Central, where we had the
opportunity to meet some New Zealanders working in China, who
shared their experiences with us. Thank you to Ashwin Pillay (Red Fern
Consulting) and Greg Romney (Walt Disney Company) for talking to
us. On the final day in Shanghai (and China), we all went to Disneyland
for the day. Many of us enjoyed the Tron ride, while Mr. Shi got lost
in the ‘Alice in Wonderland’ maze. The trip to China was an incredible
experience and one that none of us will ever forget. Huge thanks to
Mrs Rothbart, Mrs Harduar and Mr Shi as well as everyone who made
the trip possible for us.

谢谢. Sean Gibbs, Year 12 Student

Glendowie College 2019


Glendowie College 2019

100 Choir

CO-CURRICULAR The Glendowie College Choir is an all girls group that meets on Mon-
day mornings every week. 2019 was another great year for the choir,
kicked off by our performance during Summerfest. Next, we compet-
ed in the Auckland region’s Big Sing at the Auckland Town Hall, an
event we look forward to each year. Our performance included the
pieces ‘Skye Boat Song’, ‘Skyfall’ and a composition using words from
Shakespeare by the New Zealand Composer Janet Jennings, ‘Blow,
Blow Thou Winter Wind’. The choir also performed in the school’s
Whakaatu Toi Arts Showcase where we sang ‘Forty-Second Street’
and another Janet Jennings piece for female voices called, ‘Sigh no
more, Ladies’. These opportunities in addition to assemblies, Leavers
Concert and Prize Giving helped us improve our performance skills.

Thank you to our amazing choral director, Mrs Finn, for her endless
support and guidance. Also thank you to the dedicated choir members
who have made early morning practices worth-it. I’ve been fortunate
to be surrounded by talented students who share the same passion
for singing and have developed a close bond with the choir members.
The learning environment is light and positive, great for beginners
seeking a co-curricular for fun and also seasoned singers. This has
been a year of tremendous growth and I’m sure the choir will continue
to improve in the future.

Mercy Gorero

Glendowie College 2019

Junior Social 101


On Tuesday 12 March 2019, we hosted the year 9 and 10 social
evening with the theme of ‘Carnival’! It was a successful night filled
with lots of fun, plenty of food and of course, some killer dance moves.
It was a great opportunity to bring the two year groups together, and
where they were able to express themselves outside the classroom
and socialise with their peers in a stress-free environment.

Brianna Green, Year 13

Glendowie College 2019

102 Summerfest

CO-CURRICULAR In the week of 4 March 2019, the Arts Faculty enjoyed hosting the
annual celebration of the arts – Summerfest 2019. The week opened
with the reveal of the completed house panels, which were painted in
2018 and which are now proudly displayed in the Quad. Throughout the
week, students enjoyed participating in a range of lunchtime activities,
including sculpture making, theatre sports demonstrations, rock
painting, and many musical performances. The Dance students took
over the Quad on Tuesday with a flash mob from High School Musical,
and Art students spent the week painting the house canvases, which
are now on display in Student Services. A large number of students
took part in the daily Arts Quiz which was shared through the daily
notices. Our staff also enjoyed the Inter-Faculty Arts Challenge with
the Languages Faculty taking our first place, followed closely by the
Science Faculty. The weather joined in the fun for most of the week,
but rain sent us inside for our final Friday activities. The Concert Band
did not let this dim their spirit and performed their summery tunes in
colourful costumes for a large crowd in the hall.
2019 House winners were:
Canvas Painting Tāne Mahuta
Photobooth Competition Tangaroa and Tāne Mahuta (first place equal)

A huge thank you to the staff and students who contributed to the
event. It certainly was a collaborative event which went brilliantly,
celebrating the Arts through the theme of festivity, colour and fun.

Ms Clare Jennings, Faculty Leader Arts

Glendowie College 2019



The annual Inter House Swimming Sports event was held at the
Sacred Heart College pool on Monday, 11 February 2019. Despite the
humid conditions, lots of fun was had and there were some great
performances. Congratulations to Tāwhirimātea who finished first in
a very closely run competition.
Well done to our individual champions!
Junior Girls – Lou Lou Penman
Junior Boys – Finlay Walker
Int Girls – Jenna Watt-Wyness
Int Boys – Josh Hughes
Senior Girls – Alanna Chen
Senior Boys – Sean Gibbs
House Results:
4th – Tane Mahuta
3rd – Tangaroa
2nd – Ruaumoko
1st - Tawhirimatea
Thanks to all those who helped make this a successful event.

Glendowie College 2019

104 Whakaatu Toi

CO-CURRICULAR Exhibition of Art

On Monday the 24th June the school had the opening of the exhibition.
We estimated almost 500 pieces of work from students in year nine
through to year thirteen. There was photography, painting, drawings,
and mixed media works on display. The opening went very well with
students, parents, teachers and friends all coming along to see the
work. Live music was provided by the students and food and drinks
served by the Arts council. We had invited Melissa Wallace from Turua
Gallery who judged the works for us. There was also people’s choice
voting on the night.

Congratulations to our winners:

Photography: Double Exposure by Yuxin Xie

Painting: Peice 2 by Yean Chhit and Serenity by Charlotte Lambert

Drawing: Birds by Chloe Diprose

Junior Art: Steven Adams by Zakk Haddon

Senior Art: Ready to Sew by Paun-Charn Maung

People’s Choice: Twinning by Zoe Moltschaniwskyj

Thanks to the students that helped on the night. Thanks also to
the teachers who worked hard to get all the work ready, and for an
awesome event: Mr Patrick Carrigan, Mrs Sarrah Shapley, Ms Teri

Ms Adele Whittaker
HOD Visual Arts

Glendowie College 2019

Whakaatu Toi 105


On Wednesday 26 June, the Whakaatu Toi Gala Showcase featured
performances from 139 students in Drama, Music and Dance. The
programme included work from the performance arts at all year levels,
including NCEA assessment pieces and co-curricular groups (the Choir,
Concert Band, Big Band, Theatresports demonstrations, Scholarship
Drama, and the Junior and Senior Dance Troupes). Memorable
moments of the programme included the band ‘Ragaire’ (3rd place
in Rockquest 2019), the one act play ‘Out of Your Mind’, directed by
Miss Clare Thomson and Michael Hope, and Louis Carrier delighted
the crowd in his role as the Masters of Ceremonies. Highlights of the
visual arts exhibition were on display in the back of the hall, and the
winners of the exhibition awards were announced. The audience (of
over 250!) enjoyed watching the students present their learning and
enthusiasm for the arts both on stage and on canvas. Particular thanks
to Miss Clare Thomson, Mr Oliver Humphries and Mr Andrew Lile for
their work towards the event and on the night.

Ms Clare Jennings, Arts Faculty Leader

Glendowie College 2019


CO-CURRICULAR Nineteen students from Glendowie College are going on a World
Challenge Trip to Nepal in December 2019 for one month. The
Challengers have been fundraising, preparing and training for the
trip for the last 18 months. The Challengers have the responsibility
for leading the team, managing the budget, liaising with local guides
and successfully achieving their objectives with the guidance of the
School Trip Leader (Ms Fiona Smith) and the World Challenge Leader
Mike Grimmer. The trip involves orientation days in Kathmandu
where the students will adapt to the culture, climate, terrain, food
and smells! Next it is the physical challenge of completing an 11-day
trek though one of Nepal’s finest high mountain valleys between the
Langtang range and Everest range where the students will camp or
stay in teahouses. The group will trek through forests and glaciers
before reaching Tso Rolpa and it’s here that the notorious Yeti is
supposed to have made his home. In the next phase the group have
the opportunity to get their adrenaline pumping in white water rafting
the rapids of the Trisuli River where the group can enjoy the scenic
valleys, terraced rice fields and impressive gorges. The group will
then head to the city of Pokhara known as the centre of adventure
to celebrate Christmas. Here the group will get to enjoy its beautiful
lakes, stunning panoramic views of the Himalayan peaks and go
souvenir shopping. The last phase is the community project work at
a rural school near Kathmandu – a chance to interact with the local
community, gain an insight into the Nepalese culture, enjoy cultural
exchange, complete some community work, while helping to put
into perspective the groups’ privileged lives. The group then return
to Kathmandu where they will bring in the New Year before then
starting the return journey back to New Zealand. The students are
very enthusiastic about the trip and have some fun final fundraising
activities planned for the end of the year before they head off on their
expedition. Thank you to everyone who has supported and helped
with the group’s fundraising activities.

Fiona Smith
World Challenge School Leader

Glendowie College 2019

Rūaumoko 107




Rūaumoko’s year 9 camp kicked off with an early 6:45am start with
everyone gathering in front of the Riddell Road gate, and quickly
getting on the bus. Then the concert began with fifty kids jamming
the whole way to Tui Ridge Adventure Camp, Rotorua! Nestled in
170 acres of land, the facilities at Tui Ridge are beautiful and well
organised. After a quick briefing from the Tui Ridge staff, we made our
way to the three spacious dorms. We even had air conditioning! The
camp was packed full of amazing activities, such as the flying fox, high
ropes, abseiling down a 15-metre rock wall and the giant swing which
hauled you up 15 metres high and dropped you, letting you swing. All
these activities challenged the students and allowed them to discover
new things about themselves and each other, whilst having fun at
the same time. The camp provided a great opportunity for year 9’s
to bond with each other in their house as well as being able to meet
and get to know their 2019 leaders. At night, we had prefect and peer
support run activities, including a dress-up and a mathex-style quiz,
where students learnt more about Rūaumoko house and our culture.
All of this would not have been possible if it were not for our fabulous
deans, Mr Keshav and Ms Harduar, and all the other teachers and year
13 leaders who came along to make this camp the best it could be.

Eilish Wood (13SOH), Deputy Head Prefect

Glendowie College 2019


Glendowie College 2019


Tāne Mahuta

My experience at Marsden bay camp was great. I had so many great
moments to share. There were so many fun activities that we all took
part in such as bumper balls, flying fox, airsoft, kayaking, archery and
of course the Burma trail. My favourites had to be the bumper ball,
airsoft, and kayaking. It was cool how everyone came together and
bonded when there were no activities to take part in for the rest of
the day. I personally liked playing volleyball and watching my mates
playing Ping-Pong. The food wasn’t good or bad, since it is a camp. My
cabin had a really cool vibe, but the only downside was that it smelled
pretty bad at times, but I adapted to it. I loved my experience at camp
mostly because I got to spend time with my friends, and I will never
forget my memorable experience I had at camp.
By Caesar Noten

Year nine camp was a blast for me, my mates and everyone else
that came along. For Tane Mahuta Camp we went to Marsden Bay
Christian Camp which took around 2 1/2 hours driving north to get
there. At Marsden bay we were close to a beach which we enjoyed.
It was a fun filled trip with lots of activities, delicious food and lots of
games. Some of the activities included Archery, Hunting rifle shooting,
ziplining. My favourite one was when you were inside these Zorb balls
and you had to play soccer, most of the time we were just running at
each other trying to bump each other over. My favourite part of camp
though was the Burma trail at night. Out of everyone there I think I
was the most scared, just cause of the fact that you were blindfolded
with year 13s not knowing when they would pop out, making weird
sounds to scare us. One of the Year 13s at camp was Julian, he lifted
me up near the end and ran with me all the way to the finish making
the scariest noises. There would be much more to tell but it would
take a while to explain how much fun we had.
By Mick Pearson

Glendowie College 2019


Glendowie College 2019

Tangaroa 111

Mangawhai Moirs CO-CURRICULAR

Point Camp

Camp was a once in a lifetime experience. Everyone had an
extraordinary time there meeting new people and doing great
activities. As well as that, we learnt so many new skills along the
way. Skills including team working, confidence building, risk taking,
showing empathy and learning to be resilient. Tangaroa camp was
run by the most amazing teachers and such supportive year 13’s. The
teachers gave us great help and support when we needed it and the
year 13’s provided us with the best games and activities. The year
13’s I had in my dorm were so kind and treated us like friends and this
made me and all the other girls in the dorm feel happy and comfortable
around them. We shared secrets and stories about school and camp,
it was a very enjoyable time. There were also some great people that
met us at Mangawhai Morris Point. The cook, Rob Mcarthur made
us delicious meals and desserts; my personal favourite were the
yummy muffins and the amazing chocolate mousse. The managing
director of the camp was Thomas Hayden who kindly gave us the
amazing facility and dorms to stay in. Camp gave me and so many
others an opportunity to meet many new people that we wouldn’t
have even talked to if it wasn’t for camp. I made so many new friends
and became closer with the ones I already had. I explored new things
and tried different activities. I shared all of this with the most amazing
people. Being risk takers together and encouraging each other the
whole way through. When we suffered loss against other teams, we
would bounce right back up and we all showed resilience and at the
same time, showing good sportsmanship and being happy for other
teams. When we experienced triumph, we were proud! However, we
showed modesty towards other teams in respect for their feelings.
2019 Tangaroa camp will be a time I and all the others will never forget.

Akasha Shroff - 9 KAR, 9 INDIGO

Glendowie College 2019


Glendowie College 2019




Camp Whakamaru

“Being a family means you are a part of something very wonderful. It
means you will love and be loved for the rest of your life.” –Lisa Weed.

Over four hours from Auckland, a group of Year 9’s tested their limits
and their comfort zones as they bonded through group exercises.
Through these exercises, the Year 9’s and some Year 13’s of
Tawhirimatea became a house, a family, learnt about one another and
supported each other. Even though we were intensely tested with
our fears of heights, falling and the dark, our friendship came through
and we overcame those fears while making new friends. Camp
Whakamaru provided so many amazing opportunities for us to push
boundaries. These included a Burma trail, kayaking, zip lining, archery
and a confidence course. Our house friendship was formed, along
with our individual friendships.

Let’s just say that we went home really tired on Wednesday. Still, we
had such an amazing three days and those memories and friendships
will last forever.

Jorja Kane 9CHS

Glendowie College 2019

114 Model United


The weekend just passed, a select few students from Year 12 and
13 represented Glendowie College at the East Auckland Rotary
Club’s Model United Nations Assembly for district 9910. The event
works in such a way that the students are placed in groups of three
and allocated a country to represent during the model UN General
Assembly. Glendowie Students were lucky enough to be assigned
Cuba, Monaco, and Zimbabwe. The idea of the weekend was to
possess the persona, morals, ethics, and values of the respective
nations, and to do so in a diplomatic and orderly fashion.

Held at Auckland Girls Grammar School, the students arrived and took
their seats in the auditorium set out in an identical fashion to that
of the General Assembly in New York. The day was spent debating
a selection of remits (including children’s rights, hate speech,
disarmament, climate change and regulations on internet platforms)
set forth by Rotary designed to evoke conversation about issues
incontestably relevant to today’s society and chosen with the purpose
of encouraging meaningful conversation among politically minded
students from schools as far north as Kerikeri. One of the students
summed up the event when she said, “It was a full on two days that
were spent listening, speaking, laughing, clapping and arguing. It was
amazing to spend those days in the atmosphere full of people who
speak up, demand change and are the future leaders of tomorrow. We
made friends and learned a lot.”

Walking away from the event, the Cuban team, closely aided by
Zimbabwe and Monaco, from Glendowie College had been pivotal in
initiating an ultimately successful vote to remove the United States
from the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) and later entirely
dissolve the UNSC on the grounds that the five powers were found to
be abusing their positions of power and not acting in favour of global
democracy and instead prioritising the advancement of individual
political agendas. Alongside this, the delegates of Glendowie College
backed amendments to remits which supported the progression
of international children and women’s rights, as well as initiating a
peacekeeping treaty to ensure global disarmament became a high
priority among member states and establishing a new state called
“Soviet Union 2: The Electric Boogaloo”

At the end of the two days the Cuban team was awarded Most
Engaging Speakers and Zimbabwe was likewise announced as the
runners-up in the award of Best Overall Team.

On behalf of all the students involved, “We, the delegates of Cuba,
Monico, and Zimbabwe are grateful for being invited to take part in
this event and most importantly for Mrs. Harding’s help, guidance,
and supervision in making this event a reality!.”

Glendowie College 2019

Creative Writing Group 115

Creative Writing Club was again a great success this year, with new events and members being added to the club. Although we had difficulty in STUDENTS
the first term trying to balance meetings, due to members in the club (including myself) having different commitments at different lunchtimes,
we were able to get back into it by term 2. During our Tuesday lunchtime sessions, we would do writing prompts and discussions on aspects of
story and poem writing in terms 1 and 2, and focused on finishing our pieces for our annual magazine in term 3. In term 4, we will be finalizing and
publishing our magazine, titled “Using Your Right Brain”, which will include writing pieces and illustrations by students.

On the last Thursday of term 2, we had our first Creative Writing Club school event: we had the privilege of having the amazing Ayobami Adesanya
come to GDC and speak to us about creative writing, especially poetry. The group she spoke to comprised of Creative Writing Club members
and others who signed up. She shared with us great pieces of wisdom around self-expression around creative writing, such as using images and
the world around us to inspire us, how we can approach poetry, and how each of us are different. We thank Ayo again for taking her time out to
speak to us.

Next year, the club will be led by the current Year 12 students. We hope that the club will continue to grow and develop in their leadership.

Below are some photos from our Term 2 event with Ayobami, and excerpts from pieces written by Creative Writing Club students.

“She sits on the deck and peers out towards the horizon, the sky draping over her like an endless crochet quilt.” -Mayna Tse
“Innocence had drifted from a man’s heart to a world beyond, and a religion of hate coupled with the sins of power and greed dominated a
civilisation.”-Anudi Thilakarathne
“Dearest diary, it’s me, President Lyndon Johnson.” -Dash Hunter
“A lie spewed like oil/Coating our tongues and slurring our speech.” -Sophie Newton
“Glancing below we saw a large school of fish all covered with vibrant orange scales swimming around, freely exploring the vast streambed.”
-Santhuri Naicker
“On certain days, the river of time stops.” -KohEun Lee
“‘We sang...Sorrowful, merciful and beautiful tunes to the moon night sky.” -Arbel Tenembaum
“We live, love and die/For those moments that make it” -Zoe Clark

-KohEun (Catherine) Lee, Leader of CWC-

Glendowie College 2019

116 The Makerspace Club

STUDENTS The Makerspace Club is the future of learning. The Makerspace
Club develops critical thinking, coding and problem solving skills
at Glendowie College through STEAM projects. These projects
provide challenges and opportunities for students to problem solve,
collaborate and think outside the box. Students can choose to work
on group projects, which will allow them to interact and socialise with
new people. Some current year projects that were completed by the
Makerspace Club members are an RC car, line follower robot, a full
racetrack for line following robots and a robot that walks! As well as
this we have many more fun and challenging projects planned for the

Benjamin Hunt & Sujaanan Jeyaseelan

GDC Spoken Word
Poetry Team

This year, the Spoken Word Poetry Team, comprised of Ava Franklin, Running Club
Holly Timmins, Toby Osborne and KohEun Lee, competed in an
Auckland-wide competition known as WORD: the Frontline. After For decades the running club has been one of the most prestigious
weeks of careful preparation, they performed their original material at and influential groups in the school. The numen infused guiding hands
the Allen Brewster Leisure Centre in Papatoetoe, in front of a sizeable of the leaders have trained and morphed godlings into the pinnacle
gathering of students, parents, and local poets. of stamina and speed. The attendees rival the X-43 in terms of power
and extent. A special thanks to our head of gender relations, treasurer
Ava and Holly performed as a duo, collectively addressing issues of and (ex)vice treasurer for allowing our team to triumph. What we have
colonisation, race and power in Aotearoa with conviction and gravitas. done in the past year has been nothing short of spectacular and we
Toby mused about stereotypes in an entertaining poem about vehicles shall continue to run through and succeed in life.
and the sort of people we expect to drive them, and KohEun delivered
a powerful, meditative piece on the nature of dreams.

Although the team did not place in the finals, they represented
themselves and Glendowie College with utter pride. The standard
of competition was extremely high, as most of the other poets were
seasoned participants of the competition. The judges emphatically
praised our team’s effort and creativity and urged them to continue
honing their poetic skills.

Any students with an interest in this art form, regardless of experience
level, are encouraged to come along to the Spoken Word Poetry
meetings. Our goal is to put forward two competitive teams in 2020.

As Carol Ann Duffy once said, “You can find poetry in your everyday
life, your memory, in what people say on the bus, in the news, or just
what’s in your heart.”

By Mr Reynolds

Glendowie College 2019


The TECHS are a community service group that is run by a group STUDENTS
of students that have a wide variety of technical expertise in either
computer hardware or software. Their role in the school community A subcommittee of the team are in the process of starting a ‘coding
is to provide assistance to both students and staff with IT related club’ for students who are interested in learning how to develop virtual
problem solving and advice regarding using the various ICT facilities reality programs using Unity for the coding and Blender for creating
at the school. Some members of the team are also responsible for the the graphics. They hope to get this running on a weekly basis in 2020.
audio visual presentations during school assemblies.
This year the team is sadly losing several of the senior team members.
Each year one of the team’s main responsibilities is providing an Anyone who is interested in joining this community service team
ICT induction assembly for the new Year 9 students. This assembly should see Ms. V. Mercer, ICT Manager.
covers a wide variety of topics, including some cyber safety advice,
instructions for getting the logins set up for the school’s cloud based
facilities and instructions for accessing the Wi Fi at the school.

In term two, the team worked with one of the school’s guidance
counsellors (Ms. Andrea Curtis) to provide some presentations to
the Year 9 students regarding the topic of “Connections.” The team
shared some advice about online interpersonal connections and

Each Tuesday during lunchtime, the TECHS were readily available to
provide technical assistance to any students or teachers that required
assistance with their use of personal devices at school.

Glendowie College 2019

118 Junior Prize Giving


RECIPIENTS William Paing - Ist in Mathematics Martha Diprose - 1st in Spanish

RŪAUMOKO HOUSE Jake Stafford - Certificate in Enhanced Natalie Edgeworth - 1st in Health
9DHY Jonathan Khoo - 1st in English, 1st
Elizabeth Turner - 1st in Enhanced English in Health 1st in Physical Education
Ralph Balazo - 1st in Physical Education Certificates in Mathematics and Music
Elisana Waaka - Certificate in Te Reo Maori
Jessica Butland - 1st in Drama Certificate Hayley Mason - 1st in Music
in Creative Technology Lucy Witehira - 1st in Te Reo Maori
Lachlan Potter - Certificate in Drama
Ken Cao - 1st in Science Cooper Cook 9GEE
Certificate in Mathematics Elsie Richardson - Certificate in Drama
Samara Bayliss - 1st in Art, 1st in Drama
Annabel Hanakin - 1st in Creative Certificate in Dance Lexie Sheed - 1st in Social Studies
Technology, Certificates in English and Health
1st in Mathematics, 1st in Science Chi-Jui Chen - Certificate in Creative
Certificates in Drama, German, Social Technology David Yuan - Certificates in Creative
Studies and Spanish Technology and Mathematics
Amy Coughlan - Certificate in English Certificates in Music and Physical
Oshaani Khetarpal - 1st in Mathematics Education
Sauasofaronia Fepuleai - Certificate in
Danielle McComish - 1st in Science, 1st in Drama TĀWHIRIMĀTEA HOUSE
Social Studies Certificate in English
Matthew Grace - 1st in Physical Education 9NAI
Clara Miranda Dutra Tofono - 1st in Certificate in Creative Technology
Enhanced English Nathan Bilby - 1st in German, 1st in Music
Mia Horridge - 1st in Mathematics
Caitlin Neville-White - 1st in Art Certificate in Dance Serge Carroll - 1st in Spanish Certificate in
Creative Technology
Bob Peng - Certificate in Creative Gia Jeffrey - 1st in Health
Technology Ella Court - 1st in English, 1st in Science
Arona Leofo - 1st in Te Reo Maori
Abhaya Puthigae - 1st in English, 1st in Certificates in Mathematics and Social
German, 1st in Health, 1st in Mandarin Otis McKenzie - 1st in English Certificate Studies
Certificates in Science and Social in Science
Studies Max Davies - 1st in Mathematics
Molly Spratling - 1st in Science Certificate Certificate in Physical Education
Jett Rose - Certificate in Te Reo Maori in Mathematics
Maia Hall - 1st in Spanish
Charlotte Smith - 1st in Drama Sophie Strang - Certificate in Physical
Education Kieran Joe - Certificate in Mandarin
Harry Smith - 1st in Mathematics
Certificates in Drama and Science 9HRD Nadia de Jong - 1st in Art Certificates in
Drama, English, Science and Social
9THR Moe Awajiya - 1st in Science Studies

Lewis Azzopardi - 1st in Physical Education Hannah Dagger - Certificate in English Harrison Gough - 1st in Science
Certificates in Creative Technology, Certificates in Mathematics and
Music and Science Zakkary HaddonCertificates in Art, Physical Education
Creative Technology and Mathematics
Monty Doorey - Certificate in Physical Ryan Lock - 1st in Health, 1st in Social
Education Demi Jonassen - Certificate in Art Studies

Simon Fink-Jensen - Certificate in Science Maya McEwan - Certificate in Health Certificate in Physical Education

Grace Lawlor - 1st in Health Shivani Samanthula - 1st in German Bella van der Merwe - Certificates in
Creative Technology and Social Studies
Kieran Smith - 1st in Mathematics Bradley Tanner - 1st in Health
Maya Beldon - 1st in Art, 1st in German,
9COA 9SAN 1st in Mandarin, 1st in Music

Lila Baroumandi - 1st in Drama, 1st in Bar Avni - 1st in Mandarin Amelia Clark - Certificates in Dance and
Social Studies, Certificate in Health Mandarin
Hannah Barclay - Certificate in Physical
Sophie Campbell-Patston - 1st in Drama, 1st Education Callum Gibbs - Certificate in Social Studies
in English, 1st in Music, 1st in Physical
Education, 1st in Social Studies, Erica Butcher - Certificates in English, Naomi Hay - 1st in Health Certificates in
Certificate in Science German, Physical Education and Dance and Music
Neal Grayson - 1st in Physical Education Emma Herbert - Certificate in Health
Certificates in Health, Mathematics, Matthew Calvert - 1st in English, 1st in
Science and Social Studies Physical Education Sylvie Manning - 1st in Art, 1st in Dance

Nathan Johnson - 1st in Physical Education Matthew Crocker - 1st in Social Studies Luke Rous - Certificate in English

Sarah Kayes - Certificates in German and Amy Duncan - Certificate in Spanish Lisa Schubert - 1st in English, 1st in
Mandarin Science, 1st in Social Studies, 1st in
Paneh Espiritu - 1st in Drama, 1st in Spanish Certificates in Art and Mandarin
Maria Kulashko - 1st in Art Mathematics Certificate in Health
Brianna Shalfoon - Certificates in Dance
Alix Marniquet - Certificates in Art, Samuel Luff - Certificate in Art and German
Physical Education and Spanish
Claudia Nieves - Certificate in Social
Jenna McLaren - 1st in English, 1st in Studies

Gaia Panduri - Certificate in Health

Eden Wood - 1st in Mandarin

Brandon Yiu - 1st in Science, Certificates
in Art and English

Glendowie College 2019

Studies and Mandarin Benjamin Hargreaves - Certificate in 119
Creative Technology
YEAR 10 AWARD Caitlin Jones - Certificate in Health AWARDS
Annabel Hay - Certificate in Design and
RECIPIENTS Emily Mackie - Certificates in German and Visual Communication (Graphics)
RŪAUMOKO HOUSE Sujaanan Jeyaseelan - 1st in Mathematics
Ie Mon Maung - 1st in Mathematics Certificates in Digital Technologies
10JON Electronics, Enterprise Studies and
Brittany Stephens - 1st in English, 1st in Science
Emily Clague - Certificate in Health Health, 1st in Science, 1st in Social
Studies Amie Primrose-Hore - 1st in Health
Olivia Connolly - Certificate in
Mathematics Iroha Terakado - 1st in Social Studies Emily Ryan-Marshall - Certificate in Health

Madalen Guibert-Soehadi - 1st in Art Christopher Tims - Certificate in Digital Raymond Tran - Certificates in Mandarin
Technologies Electronics and Science
Holly Harding - 1st in Science, 1st in
Spanish Chloe Tran - 1st in Science Certificates in Olivia Whiteman - 1st in German
English and Social Studies
Hannah Howe - 1st in Year 11 Spanish Matthew Worthington-Church - Certificate in
Certificate in Design & Visual Emily Tudor - 1st in Dance Certificates in Mathematics
Communication (Graphics) Certificates English, Health and Media Studies
in Health and Social Studies 10KIM
Molly Madill - 1st in Art - Photography, 1st Lydia Boyd - 1st in Physical Education
in Enterprise Studies 10HAW Certificate in Science

Sophie McKeogh - Certificate in Health Harriet Blair - Certificate in Social Studies Sarah Brown - 1st in Health

Tom Noonan - 1st in Mathematics Chloe Diprose - Certificate in Dance Luanna Carneiro - Certificate in Physical
10SHJ Mackenzie Godfrey - Certificate in Physical
Education Lily Fowler - Certificate in Mathematics
Kevin Cao - 1st in Mathematics Certificate
in Science Nagomi Inoo - 1st in English Literacy, 1st David Lawrence - Certificate in
in Mathematics Mathematics
Georgina Clague - 1st in Social Studies
Audrey Milburn - Certificate in Art Joshua Lay - 1st in Enterprise Studies, 1st
Adi Einhar - 1st in Drama Certificate in in Music, 1st in Social Studies, 1st in
English Jack Milmine - Certificates in Digital Year 11 Specialist Mathematics, 1st in
Technologies Computing & Year 11 Specialist ScienceCertificate in
Ethan Elgin - 1st in Health Certificate in Programming and Mathematics English
Physical Education
Damyan Ng - 1st in Social Studies Aaron Painter - Certificate in Physical
Ryan Gin - Certificate in Physical Education
Education Laura Smith - 1st in Health, 1st in
Mandarin Annika Smart - 1st in Food Technology
Zoe McGeorge - Certificates in Enterprise and Nutrition Certificate in English
Studies and Social Studies Carys Stythe - 1st in Physical Education
Jake Stapleton - Certificate in Art -
Fraser McPherson - 1st in Science Andrew Tham - 1st in Health, 1st in Photography
Physical Education
Sarena Shwe - Certificate in Food Benjamin Taylor - Certificate in Digital
Technology & Nutrition Daniel Wiranata - 1st in Mathematics Technologies Computing and
Phoebe Videbeck - 1st in English
10HEN Robert Bass - 1st in Enterprise Studies
Kiwa Brown - 1st in Mathematics Jane Duncan - 1st in Health Certificates in
Certificate in Enterprise Studies English and E nterprise Studies Georgia Agnew - 1st in Physical Education

Cristin Burrell - 1st in Drama, 1st in Damon Herlihy-O’Brien - Certificate in Bella Bavin - 1st in Health
English Certificate in Social Studies Music
Mya Coromandel - 1st in English, 1st in
Jocelyn Glenn - 1st in Art, 1st in Design Ela Kalman - 1st in Science, 1st in Social Science Certificates in Social Studies
and Visual Communication (Graphics) Studies Certificate in Art and Te Reo Maori

Ariana Heslop-Riddell - 1st in Te Reo Maori Sarah Mercer - 1st in Enterprise Studies, Carly Green - 1st in English Certificate in
1st in Social StudiesCertificate in Science
Sophie Jongen - Certificate in Physical Education
Mathematics Mikayla Harvey - Certificates in Dance,
Alyssa Peters - 1st in English, 1st in Food Technology & Nutrition and
Francesca Kidd - Certificate in Enterprise Physical Education Mathematics
William Shen - 1st in Mathematics Scott Janiszewski - Certificate in Science
Kieran Morris - Certificate in Drama
Ethan Tizzard - 1st in Digital Technologies Vidhi Patel - 1st in Enterprise Studies
Leo Spykerman - 1st in English Certificate Computing and Programming, 1st in Certificates in Food Technology &
in Social Studies Science Nutrition, Health and Mathematics

Samantha Tyro - 1st in Physical Education Certificate in English Oscar Simpson - 1st in Science Certificate
in Health
Sophie White - 1st in English, 1st in
Philippe Carrier - Certificate in Physical 10DVS Mandarin, 1st in Social Studies
Education Certificates in Drama and Science
Jasmine Brewer - Certificates in English
Benjamin Hunt - 1st in Digital and Science Samuel Williams - 1st in Creative
Technologies Electronics, 1st in Physical Technology
Education Certificates in Enterprise Samuel Davey - 1st in Media Studies
Certificate in Social Studies Andre Yray - 1st in Physical Education

Glendowie College 2019

120 Scholarships –
Successful Students
Alvaro Nola Dodd (Biology, Physics, Statistics)
Marco de Kretser (Visual Arts - Photography)
Anthony White (Calculus)
Michael (Yuezhang) Song (Music, Economics)
Ashley Khoo (Visual Arts - Painting)
Minh Pham (Geography)
Beatrice Smit (Statistics, English)
Olivia Davies (Geography, Health and Physical Education)
Daniel Tran (Biology)
Olivia Sorensen-Tyrer (Biology, History)
Deanna Louis (Biology [Outstanding], Statistics)
Ricki Huang (Geography)
Emma Barrett-Garnier (Geography)
Rose Stephens (Dance, Geography)
Isaac Mercer (Geography)
Sophie Painter (English)
Isabella Spinosa (Visual Arts - Photography)
Tarun Muralidhar (Statistics)
Jamie Martin (English)
Tyler Sullivan (Visual Arts - Painting)
Joshua Taylor (Technology, Economics)
Willem Scott (Calculus)
Lauren Connolly (English)
Xavier Vowles (English)
Liam Brydon (Technology)
Yujia Chen (Calculus)

Glendowie College 2019


Glendowie College 2019

122 9COM

CLASSES Back Row: Henry Gibson, Henry Wilson, Reece
Griffiths, Oliver Wigglesworth
3rd Row: Joseph Kwon, Sean Marshall, Olivia
Mager, Addison Young, James Shinkarenko
2nd Row: Gianluca Cisaria, Jamie Mackie,
Matthew Evans, Samuel Beadle, Tessa McLaren,
Charla Woods, Mr Trevor Comber (Teacher)
Front Row: Rose Kyaw, Grace Lynch, Michaela
Boag, Olivia Wilson, Baoying Wang, Anusha
Liyanage, Mary Ong
Absent: Emi Yasuda


Back Row: Luke Hulbert, Aito Watanabe, Cian
Fuller, Kessia Veal, Angel van Zyl, Michal Nikel,
Tawananyasha Mashingaidze
2nd Row: James Boyd, Hamish Cruikshank,
Oliver Blake, Alex Curzon-Bavin, Louise Wanden,
Maja Alexander, Mr Stephen Galt (Teacher)
Front Row: Daisy Green, Mia Hay, Aislinn Prest,
Rikki Teura, Sofia Roberts, Isobelle Mussell,
Sabrina Joe
Absent: Kelvin Gan, Jiwon Han, Hollie Irwin,
James Macdonald, Andy Zhao


Back Row: Joshua McHugh, Ranash

Kulendrarajan, Seb McFarland, Cooper Paalvast

3rd Row: Hugo Madill, Benjamin Hawken,

Helena Quirk, Hollie Langley, Amelia Males

Bundock, Caleb McCormack-King

2nd Row: Tyler Gilmer, Tarquin Mortland, Quinn

Smith, Jordan Lindsay, Kelly Jans, Aleisha Folu,

Ms Angela Gray (Teacher)

Front Row: Mimi Reeves, Chriszelle Veloria, Luna

Fukuchi, Megan Cartwright, Xixi Gates, Kellee

Shwe, Emma Smith

Absent: Benjamin Pike, Kaya Walsh


Back Row: Michael Pearson, Jake West Mason,

James Joyce, Harry Maud

3rd Row: Ed Littlesmith, Thomas Ramsbottom,

Kate Allan, Sarah Butterworth, Finlay Walker,

Caesar Robertson

2nd Row: Rebecca McLaren, Milly Rea, Nathan

Tims, Hugh Nevell, Oliver Kestle, Saw Be, Mr

Oliver Humphries (Teacher)

Front Row: Nicole Miller, Alyssa Boag, Kaiya

Mayhew, Isabella Farnell, Sophie Svensson,

Megan Hall, Gabby Leyland

Absent: Waimanu Clarken

Glendowie College 2019

9KAR 123

Back Row: Shaylin Dahya, Kourosh CLASSES
Rahimialiabady, Jackson Brown, Harrison Klette
3rd Row: Ashton Muraahi, Benjamin Connolly,
Harry Allen, Mia Staples, Emma Bass
2nd Row: Jayda Hitchlock-Good, Emilie Warren,
Steven Zheng, Ivan Fateev, Sahil Farhat, Robert
Liu, Ms Jas Kaur (Teacher)
Front Row: Jania Cawson, Akasha Shroff, Tatum
Dunhill, Matinah Ayobie, Zoe Paterson, Morgan-
Taylah Guard, Zifan Chen
Absent: Sehee An


Back Row: Mason Brown, Nathaniel Snook,
Ryan Hellowell, Boston Thompson
3rd Row: Oliver French, Lucia Lee-Johnson,
Felicity Thompson, Zach Howe, Ryan Cronin
2nd Row: Milla Taylor-Mangan, Jemma Stiles,
Jacob Bainbridge, Mustafa Guler, Elijah Ivimey,
Lennart Pant, Mr Linda Tomlinson (Teacher)
Front Row: Luna Duval, Georgia Jost, Lulu
Connolly, Jodie Westgrave, Elise Chapman, Amy
Cran, Rosa Hoodless
Absent: Ignacio Bernedo, Patilda Tuafafo

Glendowie College 2019


124 Back Row: Ivan Ko, Caitlin Neville-White, Saskia

Hickey, Annabel Hankin, Jett Rose, Harry Smith,

Sean Sun

3rd Row: Evie Boughey, Charlotte Smith,

Jessie Butland, Annabel Macdonald, Isobel

CLASSES Hughes, Nate Bartlett, Deyton Bloxham

2nd Row: Ken Cao, Kyle Koekemoer, Bob Peng,

Cooper Cook, Konstantyn Derecha, Ryuji Ochiai,

Ralph Balazo, Ms Noeline Doherty (Teacher)

Front Row: Abhi Puthigae, Rosemary Phelvin,

Clara Miranda Dutra Tofono, Amelia Lawson,

Oshaani Khetarpal, Rubi Eliahu, Ayane Hirai

Absent: Danielle McComish


Back Row: Arthur Wang, Arona Leofo, Leo

Whiteside, Hilton De Graaf, Otis McKenzie, Taichi


3rd Row: Nia Fepuleai, Gia Jeffery, Molly

Spratling, Sophia van den Hoven, Amelie Rinke-

Mailman, Nate Sims, Jack Butland

2nd Row: Yoshinobu Maekawa, Matthew

Grace, Justin Chen, Ben Tsoumas, Jack Parish,

Jonathan Merrill, Marcus Insley-Tuala, Mrs

Sharyn Gee (Teacher)

Front Row: Shion Motegi, Ruby Denny, Samara

Bayliss, Sophie Glasgow-Palmer, Jessica Millar,

Sophie Strang, Mia Horridge

Absent: Amy Coughlan


Back Row: Aidan Ferguson, Cameron De La

Haye-Stokes, Bach Chinh Kha, Maui Steadman

3rd Row: Mark Lee Mirzabaev, Flynn Coxhead,

Beren Eskildsen, Zakk Haddon, Blair Dargaville,

Bailee Payne, Charlotte Glover

2nd Row: Bradley Tanner, Zoe Clark, Hannah

Dagger, Jacqueline Zhao, David Zingel, Sam

Gerrard, Bailey Horton, Ms Robin Harding


Front Row: Moe Awajiya, Sophia Ong, Maya

McEwan, Demi Jonassen, Peggy Pan, Alyssa

Manivanh-Mafoe, Sawa Shimizu

Absent: Lilly Kim, Smile Li, Rupesh Patel


Back Row: Kevin Hadian, Liam Thorburn, Nathan

Johnson, Rajdeep Singh Parhar, Jake Stafford,

Julian Hartinger, Neal Grayson

3rd Row: Nicolas Chenlau, Cade McAllansmith,

Elizabeth Turner, Stella Mitchell, Sophie

Campbell-Patston, Tien Long Ngo, Oliver McNae

2nd Row: Rylee Underwood, Elisana Waaka,

Marsha Kulashko, Jenna McLaren, Micah Fitton-

Higgins, William Paing, Harry Drew, Mr Faizal

Khan (Teacher)

Front Row: Alexis Khoo, Lucy Witehira, Alix

Marniquet, Sarah Kayes, Lila Baroumandi, Erin

Walshe, Caroline Pome’e

Glendowie College 2019

10NAI 125

Back Row: Serge Carroll, Kieran Joe, Ryan Lock, CLASSES
Yuta Sato, Jono Sayal, Angus Monro
3rd Row: Max Davies, Jared Gates, James Joo,
Miami Taula, Jack Stevens, Eugenie May, Bella
van der Merwe
2nd Row: Karla Morkel, Alexa Wells, Douglas
Russell, Harrison Gough, Alexander Audley, Ryan
Newton, Mr Simon Naisbitt (Teacher)
Front Row: Maia Hall, Kaythi Finn, Ella Court,
Emma Osborne, Evelyn Mati, Nadia de Jong,
Yvonne Bu
Absent: Nathan Bilby, Valentin Gadras, Sita
Lufe, Kalani Teura, Alvin Wang


Back Row: Bar Avni, James Gibson, Will
Massam, Charlie Solly
3rd Row: EJ Santos, Billy Khammy, Ari Zwitser,
Sam Luff, Brandon Yiu, Josh Hughes
2nd Row: Rin Onozuka, Eden Wood, Erica
Butcher, Joel Sheed, Albert Edmondson,
Kiran Perera, Matthew Crocker, Ms Giordana
Santosuosso (Teacher)
Front Row: Sophia Allwood, Claudia Nieves,
Hannah Barclay, Gaia Panduri, Amy Friery, Marwa
Farhat, Paneh Espiritu
Absent: Matthew Calvert, Yu Chen, Amy
Duncan, David White


Back Row: Emma White, Lara Nielsen, Elsie
Richardson, Natalie Edgeworth, Jonathan Khoo,
Alex Roberts
3rd Row: Harper Johns-Kerr, Jenna Watt-
Wyness, Francesca France, Sua Kim, Anita
Gusentsov, Phoebe Longson, Nicholas Miller
2nd Row: Jonathan Setiawan, Luke Hawkins,
Derek Dixon, Ryan Mills, David Yuan, Lachlan
Potter, James Kemp, Ms Clare Thomson
Front Row: Lexie Sheed, Hayley Mason, Martha
Diprose, Tayla Campbell, Sascha Varnier, Eden
Webster, Olivia Eady
Absent: Carlos Wells


Back Row: Mylo McFarlane, Oscar Ko, Kegan
Mahon, Bailey Hood, Miles Hunter
3rd Row: Charlie Peng, Brooke McKenzie,
Grace Lawlor, Joseph Matejka, Millie Holliman,
Keira Ferguson, Elle Bainbridge
2nd Row: Takayasu Sugiyama, Kieran Smith,
Lewis Azzopardi, Benjamin Stearne, Simon
Fink-Jensen, Jackson Cardy, Jordan Eliahu, Mr
Richard Thompson (Teacher)
Front Row: Cassandra Lindsay, Asta McMahon,
Reyna Paul, Emma Goodall, Phoebe Wild,
Maddie Smith-Rice, Rebecca Phelvin
Absent: Paris Gilbert-Staines

Glendowie College 2019


126 Back Row: Lucas Cubas Oda, Charlie Birch,

Quinn Lincoln, Josh Calvert, Jett Lee, Dylan

Facer, Di Zhang

3rd Row: Callum Gibbs, Jace Thomas, Cooper

McConnon, Amelia Clark, Maya Beldon, Violet

CLASSES King, Mila Semmens

2nd Row: Elliot Blakey, Kieran Carter, Zhi Yuan

Zhou, Joseph Francis, Luke Rous, Levi Liao, Jack

Doolan, Dr Angie Winnington-Sharp (Teacher)

Front Row: Lisa Schubert, Naomi Hay, Zoe

Hannah, Brianna Shalfoon, Alyssa Roberts, Sylvie

Manning, Emma Herbert

Absent: Amelia Botting, Joao Madeira


Back Row: Thomas Lee, Jack Milmine, Marlo

Devereux, Benjamin Troncoso

3rd Row: Chloe Diprose, Harriet Blair, Sasha

Watson, Karla Heavey, Emilia Spinosa, Theo

Lewis, Andrew Tham

2nd Row: Clifford Duan, Brandon Macaulay,

Zach Nichols, Jason Kan, Haojun Shi, Damyan

Ng, Mr Norman Hawcroft (Teacher)

Front Row: Konatsu Nishikawa, Nagomi Inoo,

Laura Smith, Holly Timmins, Audrey Milburn,

Mackenzie Godfrey, Bella Politis

Absent: Sarah Anandarajah, Mateo Paz

Portugal, Carys Stythe, Daniel Wiranata


Back Row: Eric Chueameeraeng, Kieran Morris,

Anthony Pome’e, Alex Cozens, Giancarlo


3rd Row: Brooklyn Paterson, Samantha Tyro,

Elizabeth Hawkins, Amar Redzepagic, Joshua

Mengel, Francesca Kidd, Xanfira Goulder-

Chisholm, Chelsea Ferguson

2nd Row: Connor Underwood, Michael

Brenton-Rule, Benjamin Kestle, Benjamin Riuas,

Daniel Howard, Jack Main, Flynn Harbin, Mrs

Willa Henvest (Teacher)

Front Row: Fannika Darazs, Cristin Burrell,

Michi Hatakeyama, Constanza Maldonado,

Kiwa Brown, Ariana Heslop-Riddell, Natalie Lau,

Sophie Jongen

Absent: Jocelyn Glenn, Melody Lu, Josefa

Prado-Creixell, Leo Spykerman


Back Row: Rotem Einhar, Harrison Arahill-Ragg,

Isaac Khan, Samuel Mbalazi, Antony Skyrme

3rd Row: Yuji Ochiai, Mateo Herrmann Faggi,

Lily Dybvig, Livy Connolly, Olympia Gedye, Emily

Clague, Tanisha Griffiths, Sophie McKeogh

2nd Row: Tom Noonan, James Eskildsen, Theo

Ludbrook, Caleb Gaul-Harris, Benjamin Cooper,

Harry Webb, Daniel Cormack, Mrs Philippa

Jones (Teacher)

Front Row: Martina Zepeda, Madalen Guibert-

Soehadi, Holly Harding, Molly Madill, Gabriela

Almeida Preuhs, Veronica Lin, Brooke

Thompson, Hannah Howe

Absent: Poppy Campbell, Lizzie Thompson

Glendowie College 2019

11KIM 127

Back Row: Keanu Struckmann, Lydia Boyd, Olivia CLASSES
Hinds, Joshua Lay, Ignacio Galdames
3rd Row: Lily Fowler, Annika Smart, Bob Chen,
William Chen, Ben Taylor, Caleb Jarvis-Buttling,
Sarah Brown, India Gunn
2nd Row: Ethan Bakkerus, David Lawrence,
Aaron Painter, Jake Stapleton, Luke Barter, Daniel
Russell, Abolfazl Bahrami, Mr Terry Kim (Teacher)
Front Row: Honoka Hayashi, Phoebe Videbeck,
Emanuela Sepetavc, Ashley Tupou, Aino
Kitayama, Luanna Carneiro, Gabrielle Holley,
Emma Crossan
Absent: Neha Prakash


Back Row: Joaquin Vega, Grace Kane, Thomas
Milmine, Blake Povey, Ella Sullivan, Sienna Burch
3rd Row: Damon Herlihy-O’Brien, Aaron Liao,
Alyssa Peters, Stella Boyte, Kishan Maisuria,
Sarah Mercer, William Shen
2nd Row: Mattia Panduri, Morgan Pascoe,
Ethan Tizzard, Robert Bass, Joshua Brewer,
Daniel Watt-Wyness, Miss Robyn Lewis (Teacher)
Front Row: Hanako Sarumaru, Isabel Bernard
Rocha, Lara Boing, Marlana Burch, Ela Kalman,
Anna Heaps, Tracy Nguyen
Absent: Jane Duncan, Marin Oikawa, Forrest


Back Row: Mercy Timu Moe, Chloe Tran, Henry
Evans, Mateo Aeancibia, Ie Mon Maung
3rd Row: Ashton Nichols, Philippe Carrier,
Callum Boag, Theo Thompson-Rikys, Annalise
Insley Tuala, Emily Mackie, Madison Nouwens,
Drey Montero
2nd Row: Charlie Stanners, Benjamin Hunt,
Mason Frank, Benjamin Webb, Christopher Tims,
Evan French, Mr Mike Pavarno (Teacher)
Front Row: Iroha Terakado, Emily Tudor, Jaime
Allan, Brittany Stephens, Mikayla Mager, Amelia
Alexandersen, Camryn Young, Caitlin Jones
Absent: Abdulla Farhat, Zhenmin Xu


Back Row: Gyiel Marquez, Mali Somaratne,
Connor Lindsay, Ava Franklin, Freya Jian, Doreen
3rd Row: Ryan Gin, Ariana Alves Culley,
Georgina Clague, Francesca Colwill, Michael
McMahon, Ella Hoodless, Harry Turnbull
2nd Row: James Hollamby, Carlos Simon-
Farrell, Ethan Elgin, Fraser McPherson, Vicente
Dabanch, Jonathan Leather, Kevin Cao, Mr
Jackie Shi (Teacher)
Front Row: Ashley Dacyon, Sarena Shwe, Alyona
Derecha, Zoe McGeorge, Quinlan Nassau, Bella
Nola, Adi Einhar
Absent: Doreen Chen, Freya Jian, Shaina
Rasheed, Liron Rosin, Alexis Wistow

Glendowie College 2019


128 Back Row: Oscar Simpson, Thiago Zago, Amos

Chao, William Atkinson, Tanner Lind, Liam


3rd Row: Grace Hollis, Emma McHugh, Sophie

White, Ebba Alexander, Ellie-May Wright, Bella

CLASSES Curzon Bavin, Mikayla Harvey

2nd Row: Andre Yray, Regan Norris, Scott

Janiszewski, Brandon Dainty, Andrew Gong,

Night Doctor, Ms Michelle Simpson (Teacher)

Front Row: Dieu My Pham, Zoe Lin, Vidhi Patel,

Georgia Agnew, Carly Green, Mya Coromandel,

Xiting Liu

Absent: Ryan Garcia, Samuel Williams


Back Row: Rokas Vaitkunas, Keegan Graham,

Dylan Wyness, Benjamin Hargreaves, Rachel

Bakkerus, Sarah Crossan

3rd Row: Ella Ewing, Sophie Cross, Annabel

Hay, Kate Rickard, Hans Setiawan, Raymond

Tran, Jaxson Murphy-Winterstein

2nd Row: Jonah Szecket, Sujaanan Jeyaseelan,

Calvin White, Callum Lincoln, Sam Davey,

Matthew Worthington-Church, Mrs Ena So


Front Row: Olivia Whiteman, Tia Gates, Amie

Primrose-Hore, Ana Mapa, Hope Makiri-

Hennings, Rina Mori, Maggie Tse

Absent: Jasmine Brewer, Dillon Cooper,

Seoyoung Park, Emily Ryan-Marshall


Back Row: Jose de la Macorra Batiz, Mio Suzuki,

Noa Eliahu, Amy John, Sheida Mahmoodzadeh


3rd Row: Joao Tompson da Silva Konno,

Vincent Gates, Florian Pant, Isaac Petrich, Tomas

Montano Arteaga, Tom Wild, Kieran Mahon,

Aimee Court

2nd Row: Ben Cran, Max Graham, Angus

Stone, Andre Rose, William Macdonald, Jacob

Gordon, Avinaash Krishnan, Veronica Fu, Mr

Jonny Barton (Teacher)

Front Row: Olivia Bing, Alesha Davies Blackburn,

Zoe McFarlane, Ella Wake, Emma Chin, Maia de

Klerk, Melissa Pangestu, Tyler Cheng


Back Row: David Land, Quan Duc Le, Lin Aung,

Tung Kha

3rd Row: Zenobie Cawson, Lauren Blakey,

Jarod Nelson, Jack Jessiman, Zachary Vowles,

Irene Xue, Katya Rusakova

2nd Row: Barsin Akbari, Rafe Nielsen, Dash

Hunter, Kahu Hema, Luca Jamieson Soper,

Flynn Struckmann, Oliver Heafield, Ms Monique

Carrigan (Teacher)

Front Row: Lavee Khammy, Ruby Wilkinson,

Emma Taylor, Emily Zou, Caitlin Massey, Chloe

Hefer, Mengchun Zhou

Absent: Kieffer Chong, Toby Craig

Glendowie College 2019

12CHP 129

Back Row: Jett Taylor, Mingxuan Lu, Miro CLASSES
Hirabayashi, Mathias Svensson, Laura Oh, Isabel
3rd Row: Shelby Baird, May Gan, Torah
Johnson Sparf, Rachel Edwards, Ethan Denny,
Hamish Miller, Max Dawes
2nd Row: Maurice Santing, Rima Samuelu, Tim
Marshall, Chris Ramsbottom, Marcus Moody,
Tevivi Tuarae, Mrs Jennifer Champness (Teacher)
Front Row: Kelly Fernandes, Ruby Kibblewhite,
Sophia Pianova, Abbi Bramwell, Susan Ouyang,
Zoe Butterworth, Ashlene Khoo
Absent: Lance Fretton, Paul Hebrard, Larissa


Back Row: Kira Seaman, Maddy Floyd, Lu Zhao,
Chris Liao, Lachlan Collison, Gregory Doo
3rd Row: Dorsa Moradi, Viktorija Kuzeva, Sarah
Hunter, Luca Mazzaschi, Jeffrey Liu, Mataio
Leofo, James O’Connor-Robertson
2nd Row: Theo Mallinson, Matt Kayes, Max
Wilson, Nelson McKenzie, Joel Anderson,
Thomas Bramwell, Max Duder, Miss Fiona Cook
Front Row: Sally Paing, Ashleigh Johnson, Hayley
Davies, Fiona Ibrahimbegov, Maggie Gibson,
Brooke Leyland, Chiara Thorburn
Absent: Toby Smit


Back Row: Piper Finn, William Beauchamp,
Damian Lee, Carlos Alberto Juarez Zurita, Tim
3rd Row: Tomas Vaitkunas, Guy Irwin, Michael
Terekhin, Cameron Todd, Jacob Gaul-Harris,
Keely O’Grady, Emma Crowe, Lisa Mansell
2nd Row: Kylan Cardy, Ben Smith, Rowan
Warren, Hamish Jones, Cody Holley, Elias
Galaverna Gonzalez, Maddie Thompson, Mrs
Kulbir Kaur (Teacher)
Front Row: Yuxin Xie, Britney Hansen, Macayla
Lock, Devon Bloxham, Sage Carruthers, Alice
Webster-McNamee, Joanne Heley
Absent: Alina Luo


Back Row: Jc Quiocho, Ryan McKay, Jimmy
Ballentyne, Kasra Mahmoodzadeh Namin, Jaden
Kreutner, Shade Guo
3rd Row: Caitlin Bowie, Emily Wood, Qinqi
Zhang, Quenton Yeo, Jack Peers, Sofia Hammer,
Renata Panoho
2nd Row: Santiago Montano Arteaga, Liam
Bartlett, Tomas Broderick, Kai Lewis, Jordan
Herbert, Corban Smith, Mr Terry McBride
Front Row: Andrea Eng, Natalie Goh, Alanna
Chen, Nina Harding, Grace Morgan, Sree Kurani,
Siddika Guler
Absent: Linxi Li

Glendowie College 2019


130 Back Row: Nathan Sherman, Brody Green, Haoyi

Li, Kazuma Nagasako

3rd Row: Gena Shimoda, Ella Gleeson, Jared

Aquilina, Sean Gibbs, Jack Manning, Vanja

Mirkov, Michaela Kuriger

CLASSES 2nd Row: Harrison Noyce, Owan Lazic, Oselise

Talataina, Fergus Bell, Daniel Clark, Felix Hannah,

Miss Jessica Pittwood (Teacher)

Front Row: Emily Griffith, Sophie Newton, Isabel

Isaac, Caitlyn Young, Arabella Semmens, Emma

Mansell, Anudi Thilakarathne

Absent: Max Chu, Oscar King, Rodolfo

Rodriquez, Josh Vodanovich


Back Row: Thomas Miller, Josh Sage, Sasha

Barrett-Garnier, Caitlin Buchanan, Liam

Jessiman, Erick Lao

3rd Row: Alex Reid, Cooper Longson, Adam

Jonkers, Awhinarose Wood, Rebecca Redman,

Sophie Rawbone, Laetitia McCracken

2nd Row: Stanley Findsen, Samuel Clayton,

Joshua Sain, Amogh Mulye, Stephen White,

Sam Worn, Ilia Sverdlov, Ms Melissa Sirimanne


Front Row: Suzuka Sone, Justine Lohner, Anika

Mulye, Hoang Ha My Nguyen, Brianna Ching,

Seval Kaplan, Norah Blomfield

Absent: Yonghong Liao


Back Row: James Hodder, Felipe Zago, Jack

Birch, Michael Tran

3rd Row: Stephanie Gough, Stephanie Li,

Annika Boehm, YoungJin Kum, Kevin Ng,

Binghao Xue

2nd Row: Robbie Ivill, Faaiua Matagitau,

Samuel Ritchie, Ethan Wells, Lorenzo Cilli Bilish,

Philip Kolesnikov, Miss Vivienne Tubbs (Teacher)

Front Row: Cindy Huang, Meghana Bandlamudi,

Lydia Staples, Sally Liddell, Holly van der Merwe,

Yean Chhit, Renee Sayal

Absent: Matthew Bilby, Ella Coldrick, Ozias

Lam, Campbell Nightingale, Shalini Patel


Back Row: Sirikorn Pansang, Sulaiman Farhat,

Andrew Hughes, Sean Collins, Cecily Cai, Alyssa


3rd Row: Jean-Marc Varnier, Jakob Calvert,

Leonid Sverdlov, Ethan Qi, Jinelle Nicholson,

Jodie Barclay, Avi Richardson

2nd Row: Ethan Cleland, Aleksandar

Milivojevic, Oliver Milne, Michael Heavey, Callum

Hibbert, Nathan Dodds, Hayden Crocker, Miss

Amy Thomas (Teacher)

Front Row: Stella Mackenzie, Sophie Williams,

Lauren Zhao, Francesca Hughes, Thet Lin,

Andrea Dang, Ierei Timu

Absent: Conor McLoughlin

Glendowie College 2019

13IFR 131

Back Row: Tate King, Gryffen King, Alvin Cao, CLASSES
Sakurako Kabashima
3rd Row: Caragh Clarken, Marcus
Alexandersen, Jaideep Singh Parhar, Britney
Jamieson, Nikita Horselenberg
2nd Row: Erit Jonuzi, Imesh Mallawaarachchi,
Peter Zingel, Adam Kinley, Luke Kneale,
Benjamin Ellis, Mr Mihai Ifrim (Teacher)
Front Row: Amanda Chan, Momo Hirahara,
Marin Hagiwara, Natalie Jongen, Mayna Tse,
Siniva Sanato, Hui-Ning Chong
Absent: Atlanta Applin, Bianca Gibbs,
Alessandro Olla, Jasper White


Back Row: Sarah Tham, Cassie Potter, Hayley
Keats, Yujia Chen
3rd Row: Rose Stringer, Alexandria Solly,
Madeleine White, Louise Swain, Ruby Napier,
Jessica Huang
2nd Row: Tom Sullivan, Sean Southall, Myron
Blackmore, Edward Blair, Cairo Stark, Oliver
Mcconnel, William Roberts, Ms Aileen Jan
Front Row: Paun-Charn Maung, Brianna Green,
Elise Callaghan, Lydia Edgeworth, Charlotte
Lambert, Lauren Connolly, Calista Callaghan
Absent: Matthew Brewer, Tina Chen,
Samantha Eden, Anny Vu, Tana Whineray


Back Row: Pamela Ong, Liam Wilson, Louis
Carrier, Shaun Howard, Cole Davis, Anna
3rd Row: William Spratling, Luke Tyro, Daniel
Bohinc, Isabella Adams, Ava Whiteside,
Courtney Webb, Aaron Taylor
2nd Row: Jackson Schofield, Thomas Mengel,
William Evans, Charles Devlin, Benjamin
Hawkins, Ryan Kidd, Adrienne King
Front Row: Himena Inamura, Ashton Lilley, Molly
Lees, Jessica Nielsen, Ashlee Pearce, Pippa Carr,
Liana Jonuzi
Absent: Elise Harte


Back Row: Kroiwun Charndai, Sebastian
Simpson, Callum Collier, Toby Osborne, Hollie
3rd Row: Niamh Montgomery, Matthew
Calvert, Willem Scott, Olivia Hay, Heather
McIntosh, Avneet Sharma, Cole Bullot, Niamh
2nd Row: Alex Baldwin, Sam Lind, Jacob
Wanden, Oliver White, Lachlan McCormick,
Benjamin Miller, Zac van der Merwe, Yannik
Boehm, Mr Henry Liu (Teacher)
Front Row: Sora Araki, Bridget Barter, Lara
Farnsworth, Sascha Moltschaniwskyj, Emma
Coster, KohEun Lee, Mila Beldon, Anya Harvey
Absent: Georgia Bunt

Glendowie College 2019


132 Back Row: Cameron McGeorge, Jaden Zeng,

Zoe Neville-White, Jade Azzopardi

3rd Row: Joshua Karlsen, Daniel Tran, Nicholas

Gill, Zachary Hankin, Georgia McPherson, Jodie


CLASSES 2nd Row: Samuel Calvert, Zane Samuel, Henry

Harford, Anthony White, Fletcher Milne-Urlich,

Almog Hershco, Mrs Thais Nafissi (Teacher)

Front Row: Julia Tan, Lita Owen, Samantha

Moros, Amy Hughes, Christina Murrell, Talia

Head, Zoe Moltschaniwskyj

Absent: Fynn Hickey, Shengyu Huang, Enlin

Jiang, Colin Kwon, Sitong Shang, Diandian Zhang


Back Row: Sameer Tripathi, Pranesh Patel,

YouJia Xu, Junwei Ou, Brandon Gin, Tayla Clark,

Paige Sturgess

2nd Row: Anthony Matsis, Abinuka Malewwa

Thanthrige, Max Young, Finn Leeming, Hamish

Khan, Sebastian White, Jack Jun, Mr Hayden So


Front Row: Janica Bayogan, Phoebe Zhang,

Isabella Liu, Marliana Meteka, Eilish Wood,

Mercy Gorero, Isabella Clague

Absent: Jonathan Aung, Anthony Doctor,

Shaun Hogan, Rawitphoom Kiatthitinan, Ha Eun

Kim, Callum Skyrme, Avantika Srinivasan


Back Row: Noel Yang, Josafa Di Carlos Inacio
Magalhaes, Oscar Webb, Jonathan Tokios,

Simon Mashingaidze, Farhad Habibi, Gonzalo

2nd Row: Kian Hassanzadeh, Fletcher Shuter,
Graham Fruisen, Samu Auvinen, Lucca Cilli
Bilish, Francesca Treuren, Mr Dave Storrie

Front Row: Caitlin Whiteman, Selina Zu, Melina
Darvish, Sophia Bower, Erica Moss, Elena Liu,
Dilan Kokcu

Absent: Jack Bell, Lucia Miller, Juan Jacobo
Montano, Tayla Ranger, Andrea Ross, Kate
Speirs, Yehan Xie, Bingzi Xue, Junjie Zhang


Back Row: Yuxuan Mao, Daniel Morison,

Thomas Hayward, Kouki Hadano

3rd Row: Nathan Philipiah, Addison Campbell,

Selwyn Sein, Asta Schnell, Jamie Iro, Jessica

McIntosh, Caitlin Adams

2nd Row: Jackson Godfrey, Benjamin France,

Liam Ng, Michael Hope, Andrew Heavey,

Michael Berman, Ms Kate Webster (Teacher)

Front Row: Michaela Ivanier, Isabella Farnham,

Madison Clarke, Dhara Maisuria, Grace

Macdonald, Devon Parker-Auld, Jhillian Remedio

Absent: Keilan Hepburn, Eden Nelson, Maia


Glendowie College 2019

13WHI 133

Back Row: Roshan Baroumandi, Sina Ghandhari, CLASSES
Rei Hirose, Mary O’Sullivan, Eden Grace, Josefa
3rd Row: David Chen, Jack Cozens, Lupio
Thompson-Rikys, Isaac Evington, Patrick Collier,
Molly Whelan-Platt, Madison Davis-Donnelly
2nd Row: Logan Caldwell, Samuel Leabourn,
James Belcher, Julian Santing, Chantel
Anderson, Georgie Higham, Ms Adele Whittaker
Front Row: Alison Winstanley, Ngan Kim Nguyen,
Candice Lin, Arbel Tenembaum, Alice Savage,
Michelle Park, Sara Morikawa
Absent: Seong Min Choi, Mingze Gao


Back Row: Samuel Crump, James Barker,
Nicholas Mills, Yi Lam Cheong, Cate Shearer,
Sam Somerville, Anthony Shen
2nd Row: Sora Endo, Amy Kan, Hannah
Watson, Brooklyn Alovili, Zachary Schultz,
Benioni Duthie, Max Bros, Mr Patrick Carrigan
Front Row: Cara Collins, Tyra Naea, Cassandra
McElwee, Jessica Michaels, Aimee Thomas,
Georgia Mathewson, Amy Hanna
Absent: Carlos Chavez, Vinnie Maloni, Junshu


Back Row: Oskar Smerdon, Ryan Scobie, Jacob
McKinnon, Will Schwartfeger, Freeman Mapa,
Ethan Lay, Hayden Bakkerus
2nd Row: Samuel Wright, Christopher
Lawrence, Paige McIntosh, Isabella Worthington-
Church, Sophie Wylie-Cannell, Jorja Kane, Zajk
Thurston, Ms Jeelie Christopher (Teacher)
Front Row: Zoe Hodder, Sabrina Ng, Amelia
Dunbar, Abimbola Dawodu, Zoe Bews-Hair,
Chloe Miller, Linjie Chen
Absent: Po Chaw, Ushane Gunasekara,
Suhani Patel


Back Row: Archie Jost, Marco McGill, Luke
Gordon, Daniel Graham
3rd Row: Alessandro Sorrentino, Aidan
Beauchamp, Zach O’Connor, Ciara Elliott, Amy
Tupuola, Ram Hershco, Ashton Brown
2nd Row: Thomas Boynton, Nicholas Van Der
Westhuizen, Richard Faleono, Connor Sumner,
Taya Lewis, Megan Yeo, Mia Cayless, Ms Sarah
Conran (Teacher)
Front Row: Samantha Bing, Elah Aguirre-Escobar,
Ruby McMahon, Kaya Toyoda, Lily Walker, Pippa
Ballentyne, Sophie Court

Glendowie College 2019


Glendowie College 2019


Glendowie College 2019

136 Athletics Day


Athletics day 2019 was a showcase of GDC’s outstanding
sportsmanship and team spirit. What I enjoy most about the day is
that everyone participates and has a fantastic time, regardless of their
physical abilities. Those who shine on the track get cheered on by eager
spectators. Those who excel in field events get to go for gold and try
to beat school records. But most importantly, even the students who
don’t think of themselves as athletes get a chance to give everything a
go with the support of the school community. Another thing I noticed
was the pride in the new houses, and the friendly competitiveness all
the houses had towards giving it their all and winning team points.
Everyone enjoyed dressing up in their house colours and parading
across the field with their mates. In the end Ruaumoko snatched the
win, but regardless all houses exhibited courageous team spirit and
house patriotism that made me proud to be a part of Glendowie.

Holly Harding
Athletics Day was held on Friday, 1 March 2019, the weather was
perfect for the day. Participation rates at all levels was high, with
excellent involvement and performances from both junior and senior
students. House colours were proudly displayed right from the start in
the House March In and this created the foundation for a positive and
competitive atmosphere throughout the day. The House relays at the
end of the day were a highlight for everyone.

Mr David Storrie, Faculty Leader Health and Physical Education

Glendowie College 2019


Central Eastern Zone
Athletics Championship

On Tuesday 5 March 2019, a group of athletes represented Glendowie
College at the Central Eastern Zone Athletics Championships. In a very
competitive zone, our athletes achieved some outstanding results.
Highlights were Charles Devlin (Year 13) winning both the Senior Boys
High Jump and the Triple Jump. Alice Webster-McNamee (Year 12)
winning both the Senior Girls Discus and Shot Put and placing 3rd in
the Javelin. Aimee Court (Year 12) finished 2nd in Senior Girls High
Jump, Hope Makiri-Hennings (Year 11) was 2nd in Intermediate Girls
Javelin and Lila Baroumandi (Year 10) was 3rd in Intermediate Girls
Long Jump. Angus Monro (Year 10) also captured 3rd position in the
Intermediate Boys 3000m, an excellent result for a younger athlete.
Both Sophie Court (Year 9), Junior Girls High Jump and Holly Harding
(Year 11), Intermediate Girls 3000m, were very competitive finishing in
fourth place in their events.
Mr Jeremy Adams, Sports Coordinator

Glendowie College 2019

138 2019 Cross Country Results

Junior Girls Race - Top six placings Junior Boys Race - Top six placings

SPORTS Place Name Form Class Place Name Form Class
6th place Phoebe Wild 9HUM 6th place Serge Carroll 10THR
5th place Rebecca McLaren 9GRY 5th place Kieran Smith 9GRY
4th place Hannah Barclay 9HUM 4th place Henry Davis 9COM

3rd place Helena Quirk 3rd place Benjamin Hawken

2nd place Lou Lou Penman 2nd place Matthew Calvert

1st place Sarah Butterworth 1st place Henry Gibson
Champion Champion

Intermediate Girls Race - Top six placings Intermediate Boys Race- Top six placings

Place Name Form Class Place Name Form Class

6th place Alyssa Peters 11LWS 6th place Evan French 11PVN

5th place Erin Walshe 10KHN 5th place Luke Barter 11KIM

4th place Chelsea Ferguson 11HEN 4th place Rowan Warren 12KAU

3rd place Emma Goodall 10THR 3rd place Benjamin Hunt 11PVN

2nd place Gia Jeffery 10GEE 2nd place William Atkinson 11SIM

1st place Holly Harding 11JON 1st place Angus Monro 10NAI
Champion Champion

Senior Girls Race- Top six placings Senior Boys Race - Top six placings

Place Name Form Class Place Name Form Class
6th place Zoe Moltschaniwskyj 13NFS 6th place Toby Smit 12BAR
5th place Jodie Dickens 13SOH 5th place Avinaash Krishnan 13NFS
4th place Mayna Tse 13LIU 4th place Patrick Collier 13NFS

3rd place Tayla Clark 3rd place Almog Herscho

2nd place Jessie McIntosh 2nd place Yannik Boehm

1st place Olivia Hay 1st place Samuel Calvert
Champion Champion

Form Classes with Highest Participation levels House Points and placings for the 2019 Cross Country

Form Class House 4th Place Tangaroa 566 points

Year 9 9 CGN Tangaroa 3rd Place Tawhirimatea 620 points

Year 10 10 SAN Tangaroa 2nd Place Tane Mahuta 772 points

Year 11 11PVN + Tane Mahuta 1st Place Ruamoko 817 points
11LWS Tangaroa

Year 12 12BAR Ruamoko

Year13 13NFS Ruamoko

Glendowie College 2019

Table Tennis 139

Did you know that Glendowie College had a table tennis team? Three, SPORTS
actually! With our Glendowie 1 (Binghao Xue, Evan French and Clifford
Duan) and Glendowie 2 (Daniel Clark, Andrea Eng, May Gan, Emily
Zou) teams placing second in their respective B2 and C1 grades, we
are proud to have grown and strengthened our bond as a team.

Our Glendowie 1 team performed spectacularly, getting first place in
the inter-school regionals in Term 2. This is a huge accomplishment.
Well done to all those involved!

Our Glendowie 3 team consists of Bar Avni, Ethan Bakkerus, and
two new players, Theo Thompson-Rikys and Irene Xue. Under
the supportive eye of our coach, Dinyar Irani, they have improved

To prove that we’re not making this up, here is a testimonial about
how great table tennis at Glendowie College is:
“Joining table tennis this year was the best decision I’ve ever made!
It’s such a welcoming and encouraging environment and I’ve enjoyed
every second of the table tennis season. Farewell, table tennis, we will
meet again in the near future” - Irene Xue

The journey we have undertaken through table tennis has been long
and suffering, with many trials and tribulations. Being overshadowed
by mainstream sports, forced to move training grounds and
considered recreation instead of a sport are some of the adversities
we have faced. Thank you to Mr So, Mr Keshav and Mr Shi for helping
us through these times and driving us to our competition venue every
Friday. We owe it all to you!

See you all next year,

Table Tennis Co-leaders - Andrea Eng, May Gan and Emily Zou

Glendowie College 2019

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