Willingdon Catholic Gymkhana
Where the action never stops
About WCG
Since, its inception in 1928, Willingdon Catholic Gymkhana is the place where families come together for entertainment, health and fitness,
sporting pleasures, wining and dining, parties and festive celebrations. Over the years it has grown in popularity and amenities, with members
of all communities from far and wide, even across the globe.
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A hub of good times, WCG, as it is popularly known, has just the right mix of fun times and facilities. Renowned for its sports facilities and
talent that it harnesses, WCG is also a cultural hotspot, where the young and old come to mingle and enjoy themselves. This is the place
where good food, good friendships and the good times flow.
WCG - Where the action never stops
Membership at WCG
WCG has different classes of members who are entitled to admission
to and the general use of the Gymkhana premises and grounds i.e.
Life / Associate Life, Ordinary / Associate, Associate Patron, Senior
Citizen, Spouse of deceased members, Nominal Members.
A Corporate member is entitled to nominate corporate nominees from
any of their directors and / or senior officers for a membership period
of 10 years. Corporate nominees, along with their spouse and children
upto the age of 21 years are entitled to avail of the facilities of the
Gymkhana. Conditions apply.
Apart from the restaurants, usage of any facility is chargeable at a
greatly reduced rate. A member is entitled to bring his / her guest at a
nominal charge.
&AmFeanciitliietises "Thanks to WCG, my kids
are now sports enthusiasts;
Facilities are available for a wide range of sports at the they love to spend their
Willingdon Catholic Gymkhana throughout the year, weekends at the pool or on
including; swimming, tennis, badminton, table tennis, the tennis courts."
carom, billiard, snooker and squash and a fitness center.
Promoting sports in a big way, WCG organizes cricket, Cynthia D’Souza, WCG member
football, hockey, tennis and athletic tournaments at the
larger community level.
"At WCG, there is a
genuine atmosphere
of family, fun and
- Kevin Noronha,
WCG member
Besides these facilities, WCG also offers its members a range of cuisine options from Thai to
Continental - Goan to Indian! Aimed to please any palette, three restaurants; the air-conditioned
Temptations Restaurant, and the open-to-sky terrace Restaurants Starlight and Chill-n-Grill that
are currently operational at WCG.
Other facilities offered include; a comprehensive library and rental halls for various functions.
We will sincerely appreciate your participation and co-operation to enable us to give you our
best services at all times.
Outdoor Facilities
WCG enjoys the support and expertise of well known greats such as 3
times Olympian Merwyn Fernandis, Olympian and Arjuna Awaredee
Edward Sequeira, Arjuna Awardee Joaquim Carvalho, international
Arjuna Awardee Athelete Vandana Rao, Chatrapati Awardee Rahul
Shetty for chess, International footballer Godfrey Pereira…
WCG has two Tennis Courts of deco turf surface with international
standards. The courts are open on all days of the week.
WCG has a 9.5 feet deep swimming pool with coaching facilities and
lifeguards in attendance.
Outdoor Sports
WCG hosts an annual athletic meet under floodlights, Gala Sports
Festivals, Cricket, Rink Football, Rink Hockey and Tennis tournaments
to encourage sporting talent and spirit.
Rink Hockey
WCG is the pioneer of Rink Hockey in Mumbai, played under floodlights; we have approximately
40 teams participating in our 10-day tournament. Our courts have been graced by stalwarts in
the hockey fraternity such as Dhanraj Pillai, Joaquim Carvalho, Olympian Merwyn Fernnandes,
Mark Patterson, M. Somaya, Arjuna Awardee Viren Rasquinha and Adrian D’Souza to name a
Rink Football
WCG has been organizing a month-long, annual inter-parish rink football tournament for the last
20 years with the number of participants increasing each year; last year had 104 teams participating
from all over Mumbai,. This tournament attracts a large number of football enthusiasts. Mr.
Godfrey Pereira, an international footballer assist us in this field.
Floodlit Athletics Meet
WCG has been hosting an annual 4-day All Mumbai Athletics Meet for the last 25 years wherein
approximately 900 athletes from schools and colleges all over Mumbai participate and over 1000
supporters come to cheer their teams with bugles and drums.
On the Sports Complex adjoining the Gymkhana, arrangements are made for Basketball, Athletics,
Jogging and Walking. Floodlights are made available whenever necessary.
Indoor Facilities
Situated on the first floor, the WCG badminton court boasts of an infrastructure with wooden
flooring of international standards.
The first floor also houses a state-of-the-art, wooden floor, glass back Squash Court.
Card Room
The card room is always buzzing with activity with Bridge and Rummy games. The Friday weekly
tournament is the most popular bridge tournament in Mumbai ... our team recently participated
in the 3rd Commonwealth Bridge Championship held in New Delhi in Oct 2010
and also won the inter club championship held in September 2010 at Otters Club,
Mumbai. An annual Ivor Martin Trophy tournament hosted by us is one of the
best bridge tournaments in Maharashtra with ‘live’ net cast all over the world on
bbo.com., and with a prize money of Rs.1 lakh.
Table Tennis & Carom
The Gymkhana has a well-lit air-conditioned table tennis and carom room, open all
days of the week.
Billiards & Snooker
The WCG has 2 billiards tables situated on the second floor, open on all days of
the week.
Health & Fitness
Fitness center
WCG has the most modern Health and Fitness facil ity with the state-of-the-art equipment. ,A separate strength training, cardio sections with
diet and nutrition counseling is also available. There are separate steam baths and chilled showers for ladies and gents.
The gymkhana organizes Yoga sessions for members and their guests thrice a week from 8.30 to 9.30 a.m. The sessions are aimed to bring
about Fitness, peace of mind and control stress through Yoga.
BCoannfqeureetnc&e Halls OUTDOOR
WCG offers spacious and well equipped rental halls for indoor receptions
with an and outdoor reception option.
WCG has two air conditioned indoor halls; the Orchid and the Carnation
– each having the capacity to seat a maximum of 175 people (by a table
system) with adequate space for dancing as well. For those occasions
where dancing space isn’t required, the hall can accommodate 200 people
by a table system and 300 people in auditorium style. These halls are also
available for seminars and conferences.
WCG also offers an outdoor reception option, where those interested can
avail of either one/both of our Tennis Courts.
Restaurants “The excellent quality and
variety at the 3 restaurants
Dining at WCG - We have three Restaurants open all days of the week. Situated at would encourage any food
different levels, each restaurant offers a choice cuisine selection at competitively lover to be back for more."
affordable prices.
Janice D’Souza, WCG member
Temptations situated on the 1st floor is the only air-conditioned restaurant and
has a long-standing reputation, delivering distinctive Indian, Continental, Thai and
Chinese cuisine of the highest quality.
Starlight is an open-air restaurant where you can enjoy a multi-cuisine fare of
Indian, Chinese, Continental and Tandoor at its best.
Chill-n-Grill is a specialiaty open-air restaurant.
Permit Room
The WCG has a Permit Room on the 1st floor that is open on all days of the week
for those above the age of 21.
To facilitate interaction between members, a number of ongoing activities are conducted on a weekly/seasonal basis. Members are encouraged
to join in! These activities include:
Housie Sessions are conducted on all Saturdays from 7.00 p.m. onwards for members in the Orchid Hall. This activity gives members a
chance to interact with each other and have fun! ‘Bumper housie’ sessions are held on special occasions.
Saturday Fellowship Nites
This is an old Gymkhana tradition that is designed around the pulse of every community - ‘Music’. Fellowship Nites are organized every
Saturday in the Orchid Hall and give members an opportunity to unwind, mingle and generally have a good time! Special theme nights are
occasionally organized with group games and prizes for the taking.
Friday Bridge Nites “My family spends hours in the library -
the wide variety of books and magazines
Another regular WCG activity is the ‘Bridge Nites’ conducted from 7.00 p.m. that are available ensure that we are all
every Friday. Other related activities that occur on a weekly basis are the entertained even though we have different
Sunday Whist, Knock-out Whist & Rummy Knock-Out Drives. preferences.”
Library - Sunil Gupta, WCG member
From Enid Blyton to science fiction, the WCG library has a wide array of
books, magazines and periodicals.
Periodicals available at the Library include: India Today, Time, Outlook
Money, The Week, The Economist, Business India, Newsweek, Examiner,
Readers Digest, Scientific American Journal, Health Journal, Health &
Nutrition, My Doctor, Sanctuary Asia, National Geographic, India Today,
Travel Plus, Cosmopolitan, Savvy, Woman’s Era, New Woman, Femina,
Good Housekeeping, Society, Sportstar, Auto India and Harmony.
Newspapers available at the Library include: Times of India, The Asian
Age, Hindustan Times, The Indian Express, DNA, Free Press Journal, The
Economic Times, Business Standard, Afternoon and Midday.
Social Activities “ A really fun
place for the
Throughout the year, the WCG celebrates diverse cultural and entire family.”
seasonal festivals through exciting, fun and affordable programmes
that the entire family can enjoy. - Austin Mendonca,
WCG member
“WCG has loads of indoor
and outdoor activities for
all age groups, no matter
what your tastes are.
Rest assured you will
have a good time here!’’
- Rajesh Verma, WCG member
Carnival Fiesta
The ‘WILLINGDON CATHOLIC GYMKHANA CARNIVAL FIESTA” held every year. This event comprises of a wonderful enjoyable
evening full of fun, and frolic for the entire family. Groups colorfully attired parade the streets of Santa Cruz dancing to an exotic Brazilian
tempo setting the streets afire. From tribal dances, to mando dances to groups doing the salsa – the Carnival is a nite of dancing and pure
entertainment. King Momo and his bevy of exotic beauties is usually the centre of attraction, proclaiming a nite of enjoyment and festivity.
Tantalizing food, delicacies and beverages set spirits high, truly an enjoyable evening.
Children’s Christmas Tree
At WCG’s Childrens’Christmas Tree event, one can find hair braiders, tattoo
artists , popcorn, candy floss, photo corners, jump abouts with a climbing
wall, game stalls stage shows, magician and dance performances and much
Special Children’s Christmas Party
Every year in the month of December, WCG has made it a tradition to
invite about 400 Special Children from various orphanages, blind, deaf
and handicapped institutions participate in a Special Childrens’ Christmas
Party, where WCG and its members put smiles on the faces of these special
“ WCG - It is truly the
hub of good times!”
-Katherine Fernandes,
WCG member
children - they enjoy a puppet show, skits put up by the children themselves, face
painting, magic shows and refreshments; they also take home gift hampers.
Apart from these, the WCG hosts an annual Rain Dance where members and their
guests can enjoy themselves under sprinklers to music. Other events include Dandia
Night, Valentine’s Day Celebrations, Christmas and New Years Eve parties, Diwali
firecrackers and the Gymkhana Day on December 3rd.
The common thread running through all our programmes and events is that there is
something for everyone!!!
Change for the better
The most consistent thing in life is “Change” and change for the
better – our gymkhana is in the process of negotiating with some
Gymkhanas in key cities and hill stations all over India so that our
members can enjoy reciprocal facilities at these Gymkhanas and vice
Our Gymkhana has made hotel accommodation facilities available
in the vicinity of the Gymkhana, on request, at very reasonable rates.
The other ongoing change is that we are in the process of refurbishing
our two halls, our three restaurants located on the 1st floor and the
terraces as well as the building in general; an additional capsule lift
will be installed to make our institution more elegant and member
friendly. Whilst retaining the grandeur of the Carnation Hall, we are
installing a movable divider so as to use this hall as one big hall or
two small halls for smaller parties and / or conferences and seminars
How to reach us
Towards Airport (Andheri)
Towards Bandra
Nearest Airport: Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminal SantaCruz West (2 Kms)
Nearest Railway Station: SantaCruz (0.5 Km)
Willingdon Catholic Gymkhana
Church Avenue, Santacruz (W), Mumbai - 400 054
Tel - 26497531 | 6573 | 65064101 Fax - 26054421
E-mail – [email protected], [email protected]
Website : www.willingdon.in
The WCG office is open from Mondays through Saturdays.
Office timings are: Mornings: 10.30 a.m. to 01.00 p.m. Afternoons: 02.30 p.m. to 07.00 p.m.