Stress Globe Stress Brain
Code: 109023 Code: 109027
Description: Globe shaped stress relieving toy made Description: Brain shaped stress relieving toy
from soft polyurethane. made from soft polyurethane.
Colours: Blue with Green accents. Colours: White.
Dimensions: Dia 63mm. Dimensions: W 70mm x L 85mm x 56mm.
Branding Options: Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 25mm circle (one colour). • Pad Print: 40mm x 15mm (one colour).
Packaging: Loose packed. Packaging: Loose packed.
Stress Cube Stress Heart
Code: 109019 Code: 106224
Description: Cube shaped stress relieving toy made Description: Heart shaped stress relieving toy made
from soft polyurethane. from soft polyurethane.
Colours: White. Colours: Red.
Dimensions: W 54mm x H 54mm x 54mm. Dimensions: W 72mm x H 70mm x 50mm.
Branding Options: Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 40mm x 40mm. • Pad Print: 32mm x 20mm.
• Direct Digital: 40mm x 40mm.
Packaging: Loose packed.
Packaging: Loose packed.
|P R O M O T I O N 199
Stress Van Stress Car
Code: 106222 Code: 107051
Description: Van shaped stress relieving toy made from soft Description: Car shaped stress relieving toy made
polyurethane. from soft polyurethane.
Colours: White with Grey and Black accents. Colours: White with Grey and Black accents.
Dimensions: W 47mm x L 112mm x 52mm. Dimensions: L 120mm x W 60mm x 38mm.
Branding Options: Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 30mm x 12mm. • Pad Print: 25mm x 20mm.
• Direct Digital (side): 50mm x 15mm.
• Direct Digital (roof): 65mm x 22mm. Packaging: Loose packed.
Packaging: Loose packed.
Stress Small Truck Stress Truck
Code: 107049 Code: 106217
Description: Small truck shaped stress relieving toy made Description: Truck shaped stress relieving toy
from soft polyurethane. made from soft polyurethane.
Colours: White with Grey, Yellow, Red and Black accents. Colours: White with Grey and Black accents.
Dimensions: L 105mm x W 42mm x 52mm. Dimensions: W 30mm x L 152mm x 42mm.
Branding Options: Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 45mm x 15mm. • Pad Print: 65mm x 18mm.
• Direct Digital (side): 65mm x 20mm.
• Direct Digital (roof): 65mm x 30mm. Packaging: Loose packed.
Packaging: Loose packed.
|200 P R O M O T I O N
Stress Plane Stress Wheel
Code: 106219 Code: 109013
Description: Plane shaped stress relieiving toy made from Description: Wheel shaped stress relieving toy made from
soft polyurethane. soft polyurethane.
Colours: White with Grey accents. Colours: Black/Grey.
Dimensions: W 130mm x L 145mm x 45mm. Dimensions: Dia 67mm.
Branding Options: Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 45mm x 10mm (one colour). • Pad Print: Please ask for a printing template (one colour).
Packaging: Loose packed. Packaging: Loose packed.
Stress Cargo Ship Stress Cruise Ship
Code: 109015 Code: 109014
Description: Cargo ship shaped stress relieving toy Description: Cruise ship shaped stress
made from soft polyurethane. relieving toy made from soft polyurethane.
Colours: Grey with White, Red and Blue accents. Colours: White with Grey accents.
Dimensions: W 54mm x L 94mm x 57mm. Dimensions: W 49mm x L 102mm x 50mm.
Branding Options: Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 35mm x 15mm (one colour). • Pad Print: 50mm x 15mm (one colour).
Packaging: Loose packed. Packaging: Loose packed.
|P R O M O T I O N 201
Stress Paint Brush Stress Light Bulb
Code: 109016 Code: 106223
Description: Paint brush shaped stress relieving toy made Description: Light bulb shaped stress relieving
from soft polyurethane. toy made from soft polyurethane.
Colours: White with Grey and Black accents. Colours: Yellow/White.
Dimensions: W 35mm x L 130mm x 19mm. Dimensions: Dia 56mm x H 99mm.
Branding Options: Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 45mm x 10mm or 30mm x 13mm. • Pad Print: 30mm x 20mm (one colour).
Packaging: Loose packed. Packaging: Loose packed.
Stress Spanner Stress Hammer
Code: 107059 Code: 106218
Description: Spanner shaped stress relieving toy Description: Hammer shaped stress relieving toy
made from soft polyurethane. made from soft polyurethane.
Colours: Grey. Colours: White/Black.
Dimensions: W 45mm x L 135mm x 28mm. Dimensions: W 90mm x H 147mm x 31mm.
Branding Options: Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 35mm x 12mm. • Pad Print: 45mm x 15mm (one colour).
Packaging: Loose packed. Packaging: Loose packed.
|202 P R O M O T I O N
Stress House Stress Hard Hat
Code: 106220 Code: 106225
Description: House shaped stress relieving toy made Description: Hard hat shaped stress relieving toy
from soft polyurethane. made from soft polyurethane.
Colours: White with Grey and Red accents. Colours: White, Yellow.
Dimensions: W 60mm x L 78mm x 71mm. Dimensions: W 70mm x H 45mm x 81mm.
Branding Options: Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 45mm x 15mm. • Pad Print (front): 30mm x 10mm (one colour).
• Direct Digital: 70mm x 30mm. • Pad Print (side): 20mm x 20mm (one colour).
Packaging: Loose packed. Packaging: Loose packed.
Stress Lightning Bolt Stress Star
Code: 109012 Code: 106221
Description: Lightning bolt shaped stress relieving toy Description: Star shaped stress relieving toy
made from soft polyurethane. made from soft polyurethane.
Colours: Yellow. Colours: Yellow.
Dimensions: W 48mm x L 147mm x 19mm. Dimensions: W 80mm x H 80mm x 31mm.
Branding Options: Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 45mm x 18mm or 65mm x 15mm. • Pad Print: 30mm x 20mm.
• Direct Digital: Please ask for a printing template.
Packaging: Loose packed.
Packaging: Loose packed.
|P R O M O T I O N 203
Stress Road Cone Stress T-Shirt
Code: 107055 Code: 110801
Description: Road cone shaped stress relieving toy made Description: T-shirt shaped stress relieving toy
from soft polyurethane. made from soft polyurethane.
Colours: Orange/Black. Colours: White.
Dimensions: H 85mm x W 60mm x 60mm. Dimensions: W 88mm x H 80mm x 29mm.
Branding Options: Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 15mm x 35mm (one colour). • Pad Print: 25mm x 35mm (one colour).
Packaging: Loose packed. Packaging: Loose packed.
Stress Blood Drop Stress Water Drop
Code: 110802 Code: 109022
Description: Blood drop shaped stress relieving toy made Description: Water drop shaped stress relieving
from soft polyurethane. toy made from soft polyurethane.
Colours: Red. Colours: Blue.
Dimensions: W 59mm x H 77mm. Dimensions: W 59mm x H 77mm.
Branding Options: Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 30mm x 25mm (one colour). • Pad Print: 30mm x 25mm (one colour).
Packaging: Loose packed. Packaging: Loose packed.
|204 P R O M O T I O N
Stress Coffee Cup Stress Speech Bubble
Code: 109024 Code: 107057
Description: Coffee cup shaped stress relieving toy made Description: Speech bubble shaped stress
from soft polyurethane. relieving toy made from soft polyurethane.
Colours: White/Grey. Colours: White/Black.
Dimensions: Dia 61 mm x H 95mm. Dimensions: L 80mm x H 45mm x 65mm.
Branding Options: Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 25mm x 20mm (one colour). • Direct Digital: 60mm x 30mm.
Packaging: Loose packed. Packaging: Loose packed.
Stress No 1 Stress Dollar
Code: 109021 Code: 109020
Description: Number 1 shaped stress relieving toy made Description: Dollar shaped stress relieving toy
from soft polyurethane. made from soft polyurethane.
Colours: White. Colours: White.
Dimensions: W 55mm x H 98mm x 29mm. Dimensions: W 58mm x H 88mm x 22mm.
Branding Options: Branding Options:
• Pad Print (vertical): 65mm x 30mm. • Pad Print (top or bottom): 35mm x 12mm.
• Pad Print (bottom): 40mm x 20mm. • Pad Print (centre): 40mm x 12mm.
• Direct Digital: Please ask for a printing template. • Direct Digital: Please ask for a printing template.
Packaging: Loose packed. Packaging: Loose packed.
|P R O M O T I O N 205
- Full Colour
Code: 110907
Description: Round stress ball made from soft
polyurethane which can be branded all over
in full colour. Only available on indent for a
minimum of 5000pcs. Allow 10-12 weeks for
Colours: Can be produced in almost any colour.
Dimensions: Dia 68mm.
Branding Options:
• Digital Print: Please ask for a printing template.
Packaging: Loose packed.
|206 P R O M O T I O N
Pump Sunscreen Zinc Mini Compact PERSONAL
Code: 106318 Code: 107104
Description: Pocket size 30ml pump action SPF30 sunscreen Description: The ultimate sun protection in a 10 gram
which features a unique twist safety lock to prevent compact. Zinc is ideal for sensitive parts of the body and is
accidental discharging. Ingredient information is printed on traditionally used on the nose, face and ears. Contains zinc
one side of the container with plenty of space for branding oxide which is a naturally occurring mineral that works by
on the other. It complies with the AS/NZS 2604:2012 forming a barrier on the skin to diffuse the sun. It complies
sunscreen standard. (Not TGA registered). with the AS/NZS 2604:2012 sunscreen standard. (Not TGA
Colours: White.
Colours: Clear.
Dimensions: Dia 29mm x 107mm.
Dimensions: Dia 50mm x H 20mm.
Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 50mm x 15mm. Branding Options:
• Screen Print: 50mm x 40mm (one colour). • Pad Print: 40mm circle.
• Direct Digital: 70mm x 10mm. • Direct Digital: 45mm circle.
Packaging: Loose packed. Packaging: Loose packed.
Zinc Stick Dimensions: Dia 19mm x H 70mm.
Code: 107105 Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 42mm x 10mm.
Description: Sun protection in a handy twist action stick which • Screen Print: 42mm x 52mm (one colour).
is ideal for sensitive parts of the body and is traditionally used • Direct Digital: 40mm x 8mm.
on the nose, face and ears. It contains zinc oxide which is a
naturally occurring, non toxic mineral that works by forming a Packaging: Loose packed.
barrier on the skin.
Colours: White, Fluorescent Yellow, Fluorescent Pink,
Fluorescent Green, Fluorescent Blue.
|P E R S O N A L 207
PERSONAL Clip On Sunscreen
Code: 106266
Description: Small 15ml bottle of SPF30 sunscreen with
a rubber strap for attaching it to bags etc. Ingredient
information is printed on the back of the bottle and it
has a no mess flip cap for easy dispensing. It complies
with the AS/NZS 2604:2012 sunscreen standard. (Not
TGA registered).
Colours: White bottle with Black holder.
Dimensions: W 36mm x H 68mm x 23mm
(excludes handle).
Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 25mm x 15mm.
• Direct Digital: 34mm x 22mm (plus bleed if required).
Packaging: Loose packed.
Sunscreen Stick
Code: 106320
Description: Handy pocket size pump action stick
which contains 10mls of SPF30 sunscreen. Ingredient
information is printed on one side of the stick with plenty
of room for branding on the other. It complies with
the AS/NZS 2604:2012 sunscreen standard. (Not TGA
Colours: White.
Dimensions: Dia 16mm x L 140mm x 22mm
(includes clip).
Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 55mm x 10mm.
• Direct Digital: 80mm x 7mm.
Packaging: Loose packed.
Sunscreen Card
Code: 107103
Description: 20mls of SPF30 sunscreen in a unique
credit card shaped container. Ingredient information
is printed on the back and it has a convenient pump
action. It complies with the AS/NZS 2604:2012 sunscreen
standard. (Not TGA registered).
Colours: White.
Dimensions: H 86mm x W 55mm x 10mm.
Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 60mm x 40mm.
• Direct Digital: 60mm x 40mm.
Packaging: Loose packed.
|208 P E R S O N A L
Carabiner Sunscreen PERSONAL
• 30ml: 108812
• 50ml: 100948
Description: SPF30 sunscreen in the choice of 30ml
and 50ml tube sizes which has a handy carabineer
attached. Ingredient information is printed on the
back of the tube and it has a convenient flip cap for
easy, no mess dispensing. It complies with the AS/NZS
2604:2012 sunscreen standard. (Not TGA registered).
Colours: White.
• 30ml: W 35mm x H 101mm x 24mm.
• 50ml: W 42mm x H 114mm x 30mm.
Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 40mm x 23mm.
• Digital Label: 42mm x 22mm (plus bleed if required).
• Pad Print: 30mm x 50mm.
• Digital Label: 47mm x 32mm (plus bleed if required).
Packaging: Loose packed.
Sunscreen Tube
• 15ml: 108811
• 30ml: 104946
• 50ml: 102162
Description: SPF30 sunscreen in the choice of 15ml,
30ml and 50ml tube sizes. Ingredient information is
printed on the back of the tube and it has a convenient
flip cap for easy dispensing. It complies with the
AS/NZS 2604:2012 sunscreen standard. (Not TGA
Colours: White.
• 15ml: W 38mm x H 71mm x 24mm.
• 30ml: W 46mm x H 98mm x 29mm.
• 50ml: W 54mm x H 117mm x 34mm.
Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 25mm x 15mm.
• Digital Label: 26mm x 30mm (plus bleed if required).
• Pad Print: 30mm x 20mm.
• Digital Label: 30mm x 50mm (plus bleed if required).
• Pad Print: 40mm x 25mm or 50mm x 20mm.
• Digital Label: 40mm x 70mm (plus bleed if required).
Packaging: Loose packed.
|P E R S O N A L 209
PERSONAL Lanyard Lip Balm Duo Lip Balm
Code: 106246 Code: 100879
Description: Pleasantly flavoured twist action lip balm with Description: A handy combination lip balm which features a
a SPF10 sunscreen and a convenient lanyard. conventional twist action SPF10 lip balm and a smooth SPF30
roll on lip balm in one convenient tube. It is supplied in a
Colours: White. printed box which has full ingredient information included.
Dimensions: Colours: White.
Dia 19mm x 80mm (lanyard 860mm approx).
Dimensions: Dia 19mm x L 90mm.
Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 42mm x 10mm. Branding Options:
• Screen Print: 42mm x 52mm (one colour). • Pad Print: 42mm x 10mm.
• Direct Digital: 40mm x 8mm. • Screen Print: 42mm x 52mm (one colour).
• Direct Digital: 40mm x 8mm.
Packaging: Loose packed.
Packaging: Individual boxes.
Lip Balm Dimensions: Dia 19mm x H 70mm.
Code: 104945 Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 42mm x 10mm.
Description: Pleasantly flavoured twist action lip balm with a • Screen Print: 42mm x 52mm (one colour).
SPF10 sunscreen included. • Direct Digital: 40mm x 8mm.
Colours: Frosted White, Frosted Yellow, Frosted Orange, Packaging: Loose packed.
Frosted Pink, Frosted Red, Frosted Bright Green, Frosted
Light Blue, Frosted Dark Blue, Frosted Indigo, Frosted Black.
|210 P E R S O N A L
Mini Hand Sanitiser Key Ring Carabiner Hand Sanitiser PERSONAL
- 30ml
Code: 108810
Code: 110462
Description: 5ml pump action hand sanitiser which is easily
attached to a key ring so it is always at hand when needed. Description: Gel hand sanitiser in a convenient tube with a
Kills 99% of bacteria and germs instantly and has full no mess flip cap and a carabiner clip. It has full ingredient
ingredient specifications on the tube with plenty of room for information on the back of the tube.
Colours: Clear.
Colours: Frosted Clear/Black.
Dimensions: W 35mm x H 103mm x 25mm
Dimensions: Dia 14mm x 86mm (Dia 16mm ring). (excluding carabiner).
Branding Options: Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 40mm x 8mm. • Pad Print: 23mm x 40mm.
• Screen Print: 40mm x 22mm (one colour). • Digital Label: 22mm x 42mm.
• Direct Digital: 40mm x 8mm.
Packaging: Loose packed.
Packaging: Loose packed.
Hand Sanitiser Card Hand Sanitiser Stick
Code: 108813 Code: 100877
Description: Unique credit card shaped 20ml pump action Description: 15ml pump action pocket sized sanitiser
hand sanitiser which features a large branding area. Full that kills 99% of all bacteria and germs. Comes with full
ingredient specifications are printed on the back of the ingredient specifications printed on one side and plenty of
card. room for branding.
Colours: Clear. Colours: Clear.
Dimensions: W 56mm x L 86mm x 11mm. Dimensions: Dia 16mm x L 136mm x 22mm (including clip).
Branding Options: Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 60mm x 40mm. • Pad Print: 55mm x 10mm.
• Direct Digital: 60mm x 40mm. • Screen Print: 55mm x 12mm (one colour).
• Direct Digital: 75mm x 7mm.
Packaging: Loose packed.
Packaging: Loose packed.
|P E R S O N A L 211
PERSONAL Manicure Set
Code: 104648
Description: Six piece manicure set in attractive
soft P.U. case with matt finished chrome trim.
Colours: Black.
Dimensions: W 60mm x L 103mm x 26mm
Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 60mm x 30mm.
• Direct Digital: 80mm x 40mm.
Packaging: Individual boxes.
Executive Manicure Set
Code: 104651
Description: Stylish seven piece manicure set in
a smart aluminium case that laser engraves to an
oxidised White colour.
Colours: Silver.
Dimensions: W 75mm x L 110mm x 27mm
Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 65mm x 45mm.
• Laser Engraving: 70mm x 45mm.
Packaging: Individual boxes.
Nail File
Code: 102174
Description: Handy nail file with both fine and
coarse filing surfaces. Presented in a sleeve for
storage when not in use.
Colours: White, Yellow, Orange, Pink, Red, Green,
Blue, Purple, Black.
Dimensions: W 20mm x L 163mm x 5mm.
Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 65mm x 12mm.
• Direct Digital: 159mm x 20mm (plus bleed if
Packaging: Plastic sleeve.
|212 P E R S O N A L
Emery Board Pack Swivel Nail Care Kit PERSONAL
Code: 104137 Code: 104633
Description: Book of 12 brightly coloured emery boards. Description: Four nail files and buffers in a convenient fold
away kit.
Colours: White.
Colours: White.
• Book: W 58mm x L 68mm x 5mm. Dimensions: W 22mm x L 67mm x 13mm (closed).
• Emery board: W 8mm x L 48mm.
Branding Options:
Branding Options: • Pad Print: 40mm x 15mm.
• Pad Print: 45mm x 20mm horizontal or vertical. • Direct Digital: 40mm x 18mm.
Packaging: Loose packed. Packaging: Loose packed.
Promo Tissues Compact Mirror
Code: 102159 Code: 100698
Description: Pocket sized pack of 10 soft three ply paper Description: Low cost compact mirror.
Colours: Frosted Clear.
Colours: White.
Dimensions: W 63mm x L 70mm x 5mm.
Dimensions: W 51mm x L 98mm x 26mm.
Branding Options:
Branding Options: • Pad Print: 45mm circle.
• Digital Label: 80mm x 40mm. • Direct Digital: 50mm circle.
Packaging: Loose packed. Packaging: Loose packed.
|P E R S O N A L 213
PERSONAL Bandage Box First Aid Kit
Code: 106267 Code: 104786
Description: Pocket size plastic box containing 12 Description: A compact kit containing an assortment of 30
bandage strips. Has a push-to-open flip top. bandages and 10 alcohol pads. The words ‘First Aid Kit’ and
the red cross are a standard part of the product.
Colours: White.
Colours: White.
Dimensions: H 83mm x W 35mm x 15mm.
Dimensions: W 107mm x L 90mm x H 33mm.
Branding Options:
• Pad Print (front and back): 50mm x 18mm. Branding Options:
• Direct Digital (front): 50mm x 20mm. • Pad Print: 65mm x 40mm.
• Direct Digital (back): 70mm x 20mm. • Direct Digital: 90mm x 30mm.
Packaging: Loose packed. Packaging: Loose packed.
Pill Box Medication Organiser
Code: 100638 Code: 104630
Description: Three compartment pill box.
Colours: Frosted Clear. Description: Unique medication organiserwhich has seven
Dimensions: W 60mm x L 38mm x 13mm. individual pill boxes which are easily removed. Each box is
Branding Options: clearly marked with days of the week for easy medication
• Pad Print: 25mm x 40mm. management.
• Direct Digital: 30mm x 55mm oval.
Packaging: Loose packed. Colours: White with Frosted Clear boxes.
|214 P E R S O N A L Dimensions: W 188mm x L 35mm x 38mm.
Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 65mm x 12mm.
• Direct Digital: 180mm x 17mm.
Packaging: Loose packed.
Fridge Magnets Colours: Can be produced in almost any colour.
Code: Dimensions: Standard sizes are as indicated and custom
• Rectangle (60mm x 40mm): 100097 sizes are available on request.
• Rectangle (78mm x 48mm): 100098
• Rectangle (90mm x 50mm): 100100 Branding Options:
• Round (Dia 66mm): 100099 • Digital Print: Branding areas are the same as the product
• Custom Sizes: 104099
size and shape plus bleed if required.
Description: Fridge magnets which are digitally printed and
cut from 0.8mm magnetic material. They are available in Packaging: Loose packed.
standard sizes with custom sizes available on request. They are
digitally cut so custom shapes are available at no extra charge.
Simply choose the size and then the shape required.
PVC Fridge Magnet Colours: Can be produced in almost any colour.
Code: 110539 Dimensions: L 90mm x W 60mm (maximum size).
Description: Attention grabbing PVC fridge magnet which is Branding Options:
manufactured in custom shapes with three dimensional branding • PVC Injection: Custom designed product.
on one side. The three dimensional branding allows part or all
of the artwork to be raised from the surface of the product for Packaging: Loose packed.
maximum impact. Pricing includes up to four PVC colours with
more colours available for an additional charge. Simply send us
the artwork and we will create a stunning design. A lead time of 20
working days applies to this product.
|P R I N T 215
W 30mm x L 12mm W 55mm x L 15mm
W 40mm x L 20mm
W 55mm x L 24mm Dia 24mm
Dia 35mm
W 30mm x L 30mm W 90mm x L 30mm
W 55mm x L 24mm W 74mm x L 43mm
Resin Coated Labels Colours: Clear, White, Matt Silver, Matt Gold.
Code: Dimensions:
• Rectangle (W 30mm x L 12mm): 100127 Standard sizes are as indicated. Special sizes and
• Rectangle (W 40mm x L 20mm): 100128 shapes are available on request.
• Rectangle (W 55mm x L 15mm): 100129
• Rectangle (W 55mm x L 24mm): 100130 Branding Options:
• Square (W 30mm x L 30mm): 100133 • Resin Coated Finish: Branding areas are the same as
• Round (Dia 24mm): 100131
• Round (Dia 35mm): 100132 the product size and shape plus bleed if required.
• Oval (W 55mm x L 24mm): 100134
• Oval (W 90mm x L 30mm): 100135 Packaging: Loose packed in sheets.
• Oval (W74mm x L 43mm): 100136
Description: Resin coated adhesive labels suitable for
permanently branding hundreds of products like cars,
computers, whiteware, furniture, electronics etc. Special
sizes and shapes are available on request.
|216 P R I N T
Temporary Tattoos Dimensions: Standard sizes are as indicated and are
the paper size and not the image size. Special sizes
Code: are available on request.
• Rectangle (38mm x 51mm): 103471
• Square (38mm x 38mm): 103470 Branding Options:
• Square (51mm x 51mm): 103472 • Digital Print (square): 38mm x 38mm.
• Digital Print (square): 51mm x 51mm.
Description: Temporary tattoos which are available in three • Digital Print (rectangle): 38mm x 51mm.
standard sizes with other sizes available on request. They are printed
with FDA & CE certified non toxic ink and are a safe, fun product. A Packaging: Loose packed.
lead time of 10 working days applies to this product.
Colours: White.
Business Cards Dimensions: L 90mm x W 55mm.
Code: 100087 Branding Options:
• Digital Print: 90mm x 55mm (plus bleed if required).
Description: Business cards printed on 300gsm matt finish
board. The reverse can be printed in one colour or full colour. Packaging: Boxes of 125.
Colours: White.
|P R I N T 217
L 20mm x W 40mm L 24mm x W 55mm L 25mm x W 90mm
L 50mm x W 50mm L 50mm x W 70mm Dia 60mm L 40mm x W 60mm
L 48mm x W 78mm L 50mm x W 250mm
AD Labels Description: Standard sized permanent vinyl adhesive labels which
are UV and solvent resistant.
• Rectangle (L 20mm x W 40mm): 100109 Colours: Clear, White.
• Rectangle (L 24mm x W 55mm): 100110
• Rectangle (L 40mm x W 60mm): 100112 Dimensions: Standard sizes are as indicated.
• Rectangle (L 25mm x W 90mm): 100115
• Rectangle (L 48mm x W 78mm): 100116 Branding Options:
• Rectangle (L 50mm x W 250mm): 100117 • Digital Label: Branding areas are as indicated.
• Square (L 50mm x W 50mm): 100111
• Round (Dia 60mm): 100114 Packaging: Loose packed in sheets.
• House Shape (L 50mm x W 70mm): 100113
Special Design Ad Labels Dimensions: Any size and shape is available.
Code: 104077 Branding Options:
• Digital Label: Custom designed product.
Description: Permanent vinyl adhesive labels which are UV and
solvent resistant. They can be supplied in any size and there is Packaging: Loose packed in sheets.
no extra charge for special shapes.
Colours: Clear, White.
|218 P R I N T
Plastic Event Wrist Band Colours: Silver, Gold, White, Yellow, Neon Yellow, Orange,
Neon Orange, Pink, Neon Pink, Neon Sunfire, Cranberry,
Code: 110889 Red, Neon Lime, Green, Aqua, Neon Blue, Blue, Dark Blue,
Lavender, Purple, Black.
Description: Tough tamper proof, snap lock wrist band
manufactured from stretch resistent tri-laminate plastic which is Dimensions: L 262mm x W 27mm.
also waterproof. It is designed for crowd management at multi
day events, rugged out door events and events where water Branding Options:
is involved. It is available either branded or unbranded in 21 • Screen Print: L 50mm x H 20mm (one colour).
different colours with optional serial numbering. A lead time of 15
working days applies to this product. Packaging: Box of 500.
|P R I N T 219
Tyvek Event Wrist Band
Code: 110890
Description: Tamper resistant single use wrist band with a strong Dimensions: L 256mm x W 25mm.
adhesive closure which is ideal for crowd management at events.
It is available either branded or unbranded in 22 different colours Branding Options:
with serial numbering included at no extra cost. A lead time of 15 • Screen Print: L 212mm x H 21mm (one colour).
working days applies to this product.
Packaging: Polybag of 1000.
Colours: Silver, Gold, Grey, White, Yellow, Neon Yellow, Orange,
Neon Orange, Pink, Neon Pink, Neon Sunfire, Cranberry, Red, Neon
Lime, Green, Aqua, Neon Blue, Blue, Dark Blue, Lavender, Purple,
|220 P R I N T
Metal Clip Loop Attachment Loop Clip Spring Clip Safety Clip
Snap Lock Joiner Duet ID Holder ID Holder Single Clip Double Clip BUSINESS
Colour Max Lanyard Dimensions: W 20mm x L 490mm.
Code: 105804 Branding Options:
• Sublimation Print: Please ask for a printing template.
Description: Very versatile polyester lanyard which offers both
single clip and double clip options along with full colour printing Packaging: Loose packed.
on both sides at no extra cost. It can be customised as required
with seven standard attachments including a safety clip. A lead
time of 15 working days applies to this product.
Colours: White.
|B U S I N E S S 221
BUSINESS Custom Lanyards Colours: See the standard colour palette. Special PMS
colours are available for a minimum of 1000pcs.
• 12mm Fabric - 103799 Dimensions: Custom designed product.
• 16mm Fabric - 103800
• 20mm Fabric - 103801 Branding Options:
• 24mm Fabric - 103802 • Screen Print: The logo repeats along the full length of
• Duet ID Holder - 110792
• ID Holder - 104921 the lanyard material.
Description: Design a custom lanyard from 14 standard colours, Packaging: Loose packed.
four standard fabric sizes and ten standard attachments. The fabric
is woven polyester which is available in widths of 12mm, 16mm,
20mm and 24mm. There are 14 standard fabric colours and PMS
colours are available for any quantity with an additional charge.
Simply choose the fabric size, fabric colour and the attachments
required to build a custom lanyard. Each lanyard can be supplied
with a plastic card holder already attached to save assembly time.
Other attachments are available on request and a lead time of 15
working days applies to this product.
|222 B U S I N E S S
1 Select the colour from the standard colour palette.
Grey White Yellow Orange Pink Red Bright Green
Dark Green Teal Light Blue Dark Blue Navy Purple Black
2 Select the fabric size.
12mm 16mm 20mm 24mm
3 Select the attachments.
Metal Clip Loop Attachment Loop Clip Spring Clip Safety Clip
Snap Lock Joiner Duet ID Holder ID Holder Single Clip Double Clip
|B U S I N E S S 223
Metal Clip Loop Attachment Loop Clip Spring Clip Safety Clip
Snap Lock Joiner Duet ID Holder ID Holder Single Clip Double Clip
BUSINESS Jacquard Lanyard Colours: Can be produced in almost any colour.
Code: 110788 Dimensions: L 900mm x W 20mm.
Description: Premium 20mm lanyard with the choice of our Branding Options:
standard attachments which has the logo woven into the fabric in • Weave: L 780mm x W 15mm.
one colour. Both the lanyard and the woven logo can be produced
in most PMS colours and a lead time of 15 working days applies to Packaging: Loose packed.
this product.
|224 B U S I N E S S
Metal Clip Loop Attachment Loop Clip Spring Clip Safety Clip
Snap Lock Joiner Duet ID Holder ID Holder Single Clip Double Clip
Woven Lanyard Colours: Can be produced in almost any colour. BUSINESS
Code: 110789 Dimensions: L 900mm x W 20mm.
Description: Premium 20mm lanyard with the choice of our standard Branding Options:
attachments. It features the logo woven into a fabric strip in up to two • Weave: L 820mm x W 10mm.
PMS colours and then sewed on to a polyester backing. The fabric strip,
the woven logo and the polyester backing can all be produced in most Packaging: Loose packed.
PMS colours. A lead time of 15 working days applies to this product.
|B U S I N E S S 225
Crest Lanyard
Code: 110502
Description: Polyester lanyard complete with a spring loaded metal
clip, a safety clip and a unique plastic insert which can be branded with
a full colour resin coated finish. The lanyard itself can also be branded
and a lead time of 15 working days applies to this product.
Colours: White, Yellow, Orange, Pink, Red, Bright Green, Dark Green,
Light Blue, Dark Blue, Purple, Black.
Dimensions: W 20mm x L 900mm.
Branding Options:
• Resin Coated Finish: Dia 26mm (plus bleed if required).
• Screen Print: Logo repeats along the full length of the lanyard material.
Packaging: Loose packed.
BUSINESS Eterna Lanyard Dimensions: W 31mm x L 525mm.
Code: 108056 Branding Options:
• Resin Coated Finish: 20mm circle (plus bleed if required).
Description: 16mm wide lanyard with a retractable ID holder and a
safety clip. The ID holder can be branded with a resin coated finish Packaging: Loose packed.
but branding on the lanyard is only available on indent.
Colours: White, Blue, Black.
|226 B U S I N E S S
Evox Lanyard Dimensions: W 12mm x L 490mm.
Code: 100225 Branding Options:
• Unprinted.
Description: 12mm wide lanyard complete with a metal clip and a
safety clip which is supplied unbranded. Packaging: Loose packed.
Colours: White, Yellow, Orange, Red, Green, Blue, Black.
Multi Purpose Lanyard Dimensions: W 7mm x L 450mm. BUSINESS
Code: 106869 Branding Options:
• Unprinted.
Description: Affordably priced lanyard with a detachable loop
which will hold a wide range of items. Branding is not available. Packaging: Loose packed.
Colours: Silver, White, Yellow, Orange, Pink, Red, Bright Green,
Dark Green, Light Blue, Dark Blue, Purple, Black.
|B U S I N E S S 227
BUSINESS Encore Lanyard Dimensions: W 20mm x L 490mm.
Code: 108057 Branding Options:
• Screen Print: 250mm x 12mm (one colour).
Description: 20mm wide polyester lanyard complete with a
metal clip and safety clip. Branding is available in one colour. Packaging: Loose packed.
Colours: Grey, White, Yellow, Orange, Pink, Red, Bright Green,
Dark Green, Light Blue, Dark Blue, Purple, Black.
|228 B U S I N E S S
Twister Lanyard
Code: 107071
Description: Unique lanyard which has two
colour twists running through the cord. It is
supplied with a safety clip and a slider which is
branded with a full colour resin coated finish.
Each of the colour twists can be matched
to different PMS colours for a minimum of
1000pcs and a lead time of 25 working days
applies to this option.
Colours: White/Red, White/Blue, White/Black.
Dimensions: Dia 5mm x L 490mm.
Branding Options:
• Resin Coated Finish: 26.4mm circle (plus
bleed if required).
Packaging: Loose packed.
For a minimum of 1000pcs choose a PMS
colour for each twist.
(The PMS colour match will be approximate.)
|B U S I N E S S 229
Optional Lanyard
Duet ID Holder
Code: 110792
Description: Unique multi directional vinyl holder for credit
card sized plastic ID cards. Designed to accommodate ID
cards which are printed both vertically or horizontally. It
will hold any type of card up to 88mm x 57mm and can be
supplied with an optional lanyard or badge holder.
Colours: Clear.
Dimensions: W 108mm x H 77mm.
Branding Options:
• Digital Print (insert card): 88mm x 57mm.
Packaging: Loose packed.
BUSINESS Lanyard ID Holder Single Card Holder
Code: 104921 Code: 107072
Description: Low cost clear identification holder which is
manufactured from flexible PVC which fits any lanyard and Description: Durable plastic card holder with a convenient key
holds a 102mm x 72mm insert card. The optional insert ring which will hold one card. Features a thumb slot on the back
card is available on request and can be printed on both so the card can be easily removed. It is ideal for credit cards, ID
sides. cards, fuel cards, membership cards etc.
Colours: Clear.
Dimensions: W 110mm x L 100mm. Colours: Frosted Clear.
Branding Options:
• Digital Print (insert card): 102mm x 72mm (plus bleed if Dimensions: L 89mm x W 62mm x 4mm (Dia 25mm key ring).
Packaging: Loose packed. Branding Options:
• Pad Print (front): 55mm x 18mm
|230 B U S I N E S S
(above or below the slot in the centre).
• Pad Print (front): 55mm x 40mm
(print goes over the slot in the centre).
• Pad Print (back): 55mm x 22mm.
• Direct Digital (front): 55mm x 18mm
(above or below the slot in the centre).
• Direct Digital (front): 55mm x 40mm
(print goes over the slot in the centre).
• Direct Digital (back): 55mm x 22mm.
Packaging: Loose packed.
Ezy Badge
Code: 108490
Description: A unique double sided
adhesive badge incorporated into an A4
information sheet which can be printed on
any laser printer or copier. After printing,
simply peel and fold the badge then clip
it onto a lanyard. Relevant information
on the sheet can be retained by the
user for reference. Ideal for conferences,
events, trade shows, site visitors, seminars,
meetings, health and safety etc. Lanyards
and badge holders are both available for an
additional charge. The Ezy badge printing
template can be downloaded from the PDF
wire on our website and assembly is required
after printing.
Colours: White.
• Sheet: W 210mm x L 297mm.
• Badge: W 97mm x 86mm (folded).
Branding Options:
• Digital Print: Download for self print or
please ask for a printing template.
Packaging: Loose packed.
|B U S I N E S S 231
BUSINESS Bravo Retractable ID Holder Colours: White, Yellow, Orange, Pink, Red, Bright Green, Dark
Green, Light Blue, Dark Blue, Purple, Black.
Code: 110793
Dimensions: Dia 33mm x L 84mm x 14mm.
Description: Retractable ID holder which features a reliable
steel spring, a pocket clip on the reverse and a standard dome Branding Options:
attachment for holding plastic ID cards and card holders. It is • Pad Print: 18mm circle.
available ex stock for immediate delivery in 11 vibrant colours • Resin Coated Finish: 18mm circle (plus bleed if required).
and can be manufactured in PMS colours for a minimum of
250pcs with a lead time of 15 working days. Packaging: Loose packed.
|232 B U S I N E S S
Evo Retractable ID Holder
Code: 110794
Description: Retractable ID holder with a reliable steel
spring and a standard dome attachment for holding
plastic ID cards and card holders. It has a carabiner
clip and can be branded on both sides.
Colours: White, Black.
Dimensions: Dia 35mm x L 55mm x 10mm.
Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 25mm x 15mm.
• Screen Print: 25mm x 15mm.
Packaging: Loose packed.
Alta Retractable ID Holder
Code: 110795
Description: Retractable ID holder with a reliable steel
spring and a standard dome attachment for holding
plastic ID cards and card holders. It has a pocket clip
on the reverse and a split ring on the top for attaching
to a lanyard.
Colours: White, Black.
Dimensions: Dia 35mm x L 85mm x 12mm.
Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 28mm circle.
• Screen Print: 28mm circle.
• Resin Coated Finish: 28mm circle (plus bleed if
Packaging: Loose packed.
Retractable ID Holder BUSINESS
Code: 100533
Description: Retractable identification holder with
a reliable steel spring, an unbreakable cord and
a standard dome attachment for holding plastic
identification cards.
Colours: White, Blue, Black.
Dimensions: Dia 33mm x L 85mm x 15mm.
Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 18mm circle.
• Resin Coated Finish: 21mm circle (plus bleed if
Packaging: Loose packed.
|B U S I N E S S 233
BUSINESS Magic Flags
Code: 107076
Description: Book of 125 assorted colour,
stick anywhere flags.
Colours: Natural, White, Black.
Dimensions: W 54mm x L 82mm x 3mm.
Branding Options:
• Pad Print (front): 55mm x 30mm.
• Pad Print (back): 55mm x 35mm.
Packaging: Loose packed.
Cameo Pocket Pad
Code: 107077
Description: Flip top pocket pack complete
with 110 assorted colour flags and a 20 page
stick anywhere adhesive note pad.
Colours: Natural, White, Black.
Dimensions: W 82mm x L 85mm x 6mm.
Branding Options:
• Pad Print (front): 55mm x 20mm.
• Pad Print (back): 55mm x 55mm.
Packaging: Loose packed.
Hard Cover Notes and
Code: 100926
Description: Stylish hard cover notebook
containing two different sized pads of stick
anywhere adhesive notes and a pad of brightly
coloured flags.
Colours: White, Blue, Black.
Dimensions: W 80mm x L 105mm x 18mm.
Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 50mm x 50mm.
• Screen Print: 60mm x 80mm.
• Direct Digital: 70mm x 90mm.
Packaging: Loose packed.
|234 B U S I N E S S
Pocket Rocket Notebook
Code: 100495
Description: Pocket size notebook with an 80 page pad
in an impact resistant hard plastic case complete with
a pen.
Colours: Metallic Silver, Frosted Clear, White, Frosted
Yellow, Frosted Orange, Frosted Red, Frosted Green,
Frosted Blue, Frosted Purple, Frosted Black.
Dimensions: W 81mm x L 105mm x 11mm.
Branding Options:
• Pad Print (notebook): 55mm x 65mm.
• Pad Print (pen): 45mm x 6mm.
• Screen Print (notebook): 55mm x 90mm.
• Direct Digital (notebook): 60mm x 90mm.
Packaging: Loose packed.
Code: 100901
Description: Pocket size notebook which contains a
pad of stick anywhere adhesive notes as well as a pad
of adhesive flags in four bright colours and a pen.
Colours: White.
Dimensions: W 81mm x L 105mm x 11mm.
Branding Options:
• Pad Print (note pad): 50mm x 65mm.
• Pad Print (pen): 45mm x 6mm.
• Screen Print (note pad): 50mm x 90mm.
• Direct Digital (note pad): 60mm x 90mm.
Packaging: Loose packed.
|B U S I N E S S 235
Prism Eraser Pencil Sharpener
Code: 107070 Code: 105622
Description: Unique eraser with plastic inserts on both Description: Pencil sharpener that holds its
sides for branding. There is no additional cost for different own shavings for easy disposal.
copy on each side.
Colours: White.
Colours: White.
Dimensions: W 35mm x L 44mm x 18mm.
Dimensions: L 50mm x W 35mm x 14mm.
Branding Options:
Branding Options: • Pad Print: 35mm x 27mm.
• Direct Digital: 35mm x 20mm (plus bleed if required). • Direct Digital: 37mm x 30mm.
Packaging: Loose packed. Packaging: Loose packed.
BUSINESS HB Pencil HB Mini Pencil
Code: 100428 Code: 100437
Description: Full size round HB pencil with an eraser.
Colours: Natural, White, Yellow, Orange, Red, Green, Description: Half size round HB pencil.
Blue, Black.
Dimensions: Dia 7mm x L 190mm. Colours: Natural, White, Yellow, Orange, Red,
Branding Options: Green, Blue, Black.
• Pad Print: 55mm x 6mm.
• Screen Print: 60mm x 18mm (one colour). Dimensions: Dia 7mm x L 88mm.
Packaging: Loose packed.
Branding Options:
|236 B U S I N E S S • Pad Print: 50mm x 6mm.
• Screen Print: 50mm x 18mm (one colour).
Packaging: Loose packed.
Puma Pencil Case Dimensions: L 210mm x W 115mm x 10mm.
Code: 108491 Branding Options:
• Sublimation Print: Please ask for a printing template.
Description: Neoprene pencil case which offers branding on both
the front and back at no extra cost. A lead time of 20 working days Packaging: Loose packed.
applies to this product.
Colours: Can be produced in almost any colour.
Pencil Case Radius Pencil Case BUSINESS
Code: 104759 Code: 109030
Description: Frosted finish PVC pencil case with a zip Description: Large round pencil case manufactured from 600D
closure. polyester with a foam padded inner lining and a zip closure.
Colours: Frosted Clear. Colours: Black.
Dimensions: L 210mm x W 87mm x 5mm. Dimensions: L 192mm x Dia 84mm.
Branding Options: Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 65mm x 30mm. • Screen Print: 100mm x 45mm (one colour).
• Screen Print: 130mm x 40mm (one colour). • Digital Transfer: 100mm x 45mm.
Packaging: Loose packed. Packaging: Loose packed.
|B U S I N E S S 237
BUSINESS Letter Opener and
Satchel Cutter
Code: 100552
Description: Very effective opener with a
metal blade for opening letters and courier
Colours: White.
Dimensions: W 70mm x L 55mm x 4mm.
Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 50mm x 20mm.
• Direct Digital: 60mm x 20mm.
Packaging: Loose packed.
House Magnetic Clip
Code: 100542
Description: House shaped clip with a strong
magnet which will securely hold documents or
notes on a fridge or any metal surface.
Colours: Translucent Clear, White, Translucent
Red, Translucent Blue.
Dimensions: W 73mm x L 65mm x 36mm.
Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 50mm x 25mm.
• Direct Digital: 55mm x 35mm.
Packaging: Loose packed.
Pronto Magnetic Clip
Code: 100538
Description: Rectangular clip with a strong
magnet which will hold documents or notes
on a fridge or any metal surface.
Colours: Translucent Clear, White, Translucent
Red, Translucent Blue.
Dimensions: W 70mm x L 70mm x 33mm.
Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 50mm x 25mm.
• Direct Digital: 55mm x 35mm.
Packaging: Loose packed.
|238 B U S I N E S S
Code: 100606
Description: Desk top clip dispenser with a
convenient magnetised roller wheel for easy
dispensing. It is supplied complete with paper
Colours: Clear.
Dimensions: W 84mm x L 90mm x 42mm.
Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 40mm x 25mm.
• Direct Digital: 40mm x 25mm.
Packaging: Loose packed.
Plastic Business Card
Code: 100550
Description: Plastic pocket size card holder that
can also display cards neatly on a desk.
Colours: Silver.
Dimensions: W 97mm x L 63mm x 7mm.
Branding Options:
• Pad Print: (top): 60mm x 40mm.
• Pad Print (inside): 50mm x 8mm.
• Direct Digital: 90mm x 45mm.
Packaging: Loose packed.
Aluminium Business BUSINESS
Card Case
Code: 100743
Description: Smart metal business card case
which laser engraves to an oxidised White colour.
Colours: Silver.
Dimensions: W 95mm x L 62mm x 8mm.
Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 65mm x 45mm.
• Laser Engraving: 85mm x 50mm.
Packaging: Loose packed.
|B U S I N E S S 239
BUSINESS Highlighter
Code: 100480
Description: Design inspired highlighter with a
co-moulded soft touch rubber insert in the barrel.
Colours: Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue.
Dimensions: W 25mm x L 111mm x 17mm.
Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 40mm x 10mm or 30mm x 15mm.
• Direct Digital: 40mm x 10mm or 30mm x 15mm.
Packaging: Loose packed.
Mini Highlighter
Code: 100473
Description: Small fully functional highlighter.
Colours: Yellow, Orange, Pink, Green, Blue,
Dimensions: W 18mm x L 57mm x 9mm.
Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 25mm x 10mm.
• Direct Digital: 25mm x 10mm.
Packaging: Loose packed.
Wax Highlighter
Code: 107079
Description: A novel but effective highlighter
which uses fluorescent coloured wax for
highlighting instead of ink. Wax won’t dry up so it
has a shelf life of many years and will always work
when required.
Colours: Yellow, Orange, Pink, Green, Blue.
Dimensions: W 11mm x L 136mm x 15mm
(includes clip).
Branding Options:
• Screen Print: 45mm x 15mm (one colour).
• Direct Digital: 55mm x 6mm.
Packaging: Loose packed.
|240 B U S I N E S S
Wax Highlighter Set
Code: 107080
Description: Compact set of three mini
wax highlighters with a convenient desk
stand. They use fluorescent coloured wax for
highlighting instead of ink so won’t dry up
and have an indefinite shelf life.
Colours: White.
Dimensions: L 107mm x W 53mm x 18mm.
Branding Options:
• Pad Print (case): 50mm x 40mm.
• Pad Print (highlighters): 30mm x 9mm.
• Direct Digital (case): 45mm x 60mm.
Packaging: Loose packed.
Flower Highlighter
Code: 108516
Description: Flower shaped highlighter
complete with Yellow, Orange, Pink, Green
and Blue highlighters.
Colours: White.
Dimensions: Dia 90mm x 20mm.
Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 40mm circle.
• Direct Digital: 50mm circle.
Packaging: Loose packed.
Serrano Desk Pen BUSINESS
Code: 107156
Description: Smart leather look, dual
compartment desk item for holding pens and
other stationery items. It laser engraves to a
textured Black colour.
Colours: Black.
Dimensions: H 110mm x L 120mm x 60mm.
Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 65mm x 50mm.
• Screen Print: 90mm x 75mm.
• Laser Engraving: 90mm x 75mm.
• Direct Digital: 90mm x 110mm.
• Debossing: 65mm x 50mm.
Packaging: Loose packed.
|B U S I N E S S 241
Magnifying Ruler Dimensions: W 45mm x L 162mm x 6mm.
Code: 100418 Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 65mm x 12mm.
Description: 15cm ruler with a magnifying bar which magnifies an • Direct Digital: 150mm x 18mm.
individual line of text as it is moved down the page.
Packaging: Loose packed.
Colours: Clear.
BUSINESS Multi Ruler Dimensions: W 32mm x L 170mm x 5mm.
Code: 100413 Branding Options:
• Pad Print: Please ask for a printing template.
Description: Multiple function ruler which can be used as a letter • Direct Digital: Please ask for a printing template.
opener and book mark. Has a magnet attached so it can be kept on a
fridge or filing cabinet. Packaging: Loose packed.
Colours: White, Translucent Red, Translucent Green,
Translucent Blue.
|242 B U S I N E S S
15cm Mini Ruler
Code: 100420
Description: Small plastic ruler with both
centimetres and inches.
Colours: White.
Dimensions: W 30mm x L 156mm x 3mm.
Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 65mm x 10mm.
• Screen Print: 140mm x 12mm.
• Direct Digital: 150mm x 12mm.
Packaging: Loose packed.
30cm Metal Ruler
Code: 100739
Description: Metal ruler with both
centimeters and inches which laser engraves
to an oxidised White colour.
Colours: Silver.
Dimensions: W 38mm x L 315mm x 5mm.
Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 65mm x 12mm.
• Laser Engraving: 90mm x 12mm.
Packaging: Loose packed.
Scale Ruler BUSINESS
Code: 110787
Description: 300mm oval plastic architects
ruler with eight different scale rule
Colours: White.
Dimensions: W 347mm x L 35mm x 4mm.
Branding Options:
• Screen Print: 300mm x 12mm.
• Direct Digital: 300mm x 12mm.
Packaging: Loose packed.
|B U S I N E S S 243
BUSINESS Flip Ruler Dimensions: W 40mm x L 315mm x 3mm.
Code: 100422 Branding Options:
• Screen Print: 290mm x 14mm.
Description: Conventional plastic ruler with both centimetres and • Direct Digital: 290mm x 14mm.
inches. It has a recessed bottom edge to give a novel flip action so the
ruler can easily be picked up from a flat surface. Packaging: Loose packed.
Colours: White, Yellow, Orange, Red, Green, Blue, Black.
|244 B U S I N E S S
Icon Calculator Branding Options:
• Pad Print (cover): 65mm x 40mm.
Code: 108381 • Pad Print (inside): 48mm x 15mm.
• Direct Digital (cover): 85mm x 45mm.
Description: Dual power foldable eight digit calculator.
Packaging: Loose packed.
Colours: Silver, White, Black.
Dimensions: W 110mm x L 66mm x 15mm.
Nova Desk Calculator Dimensions: W 115mm x L 170mm x 45mm. BUSINESS
Code: 100715 Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 45mm x 15mm.
Description: Dual powered desk calculator with large keys
and a large easy to read display. Packaging: Individual boxes.
Colours: Silver with Grey keys, Black with Silver keys.
|B U S I N E S S 245
Comet Note Pad Dimensions: W 77mm x L 79mm x 12mm.
Code: 107078 Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 55mm x 55mm.
Description: 100 pages of stick anywhere adhesive notes in a pocket size
pack with a cardboard cover. Packaging: Loose packed.
Colours: Natural, White, Black.
BUSINESS Reflex Notepad
• Small: 110459
• Medium: 110465
• Large: 110466
Description: Perfect bound note pad in
three handy sizes with 60 lined pages and a
cardboard cover.
Colours: Black.
• Small: W 85mm x L 140mm x 7mm.
• Medium: W 130mm x L 210mm x 6mm.
• Large: W 177mm x L 253mm x 7mm.
Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 50mm x 50mm.
• Screen Print: 50mm x 90mm (one colour).
• Direct Digital: 50mm x 90mm.
• Pad Print: 65mm x 30mm.
• Screen Print: 80mm x 140mm (one colour).
• Direct Digital: 80mm x 140mm.
• Pad Print: 65mm x 40mm.
• Screen Print: 120mm x 190mm (one colour).
• Direct Digital: 120mm x 190mm.
Packaging: Loose packed.
|246 B U S I N E S S
Eco Note Pad - Mini
Code: 100897
Description: Mini size, top opening wiro bound
note pad. Both the cover and note pad are
manufactured from recycled paper.
Colours: Natural.
Dimensions: W 80mm x L 125mm x 15mm.
Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 55mm x 55mm.
Packaging: Loose packed.
Eco Note Pad - Medium
Code: 100895
Description: Medium size, side opening wiro
bound note pad. Both the cover and note pad are
manufactured from recycled paper.
Colours: Natural.
Dimensions: W 158mm x L 215mm x 15mm.
Branding Options:
• Pad Print: 60mm x 60mm.
• Screen Print: 100mm x 150mm (one colour).
Packaging: Loose packed.
Enviro Notebook BUSINESS
Code: 100933
Description: 50 page, wiro bound, pocket
notebook complete with an elastic strap and
pen. The notebook and pen barrel are made
of 100% recycled paper and the plastic parts
of the pen contain corn starch material to
reduce the amount of plastic used.
Colours: Natural.
Dimensions: W 88mm x L 137mm x 10mm.
Branding Options:
• Pad Print (notebook): 55mm x 55mm.
• Pad Print (pen): 60mm x 7mm.
Packaging: Loose packed.
|B U S I N E S S 247
Rado Notebook with Pen Branding Options:
• Pad Print (notebook): 65mm x 65mm.
Code: 110463 • Pad Print (pen): Positions D & E - 50mm x 7mm.
• Screen Print (notebook): 80mm x 160mm.
Description: Refined medium size notebook with 80 lined pages, • Screen Print (pen): Position A - 45mm x 12mm (one colour).
an elastic closure band and a unique pen holder on the inside of • Direct Digital (notebook): 80mm x 160mm.
the spine. Rado has a hard cover with a soft touch textured PVC • Laser Engraving (pen): Positions D & E - 50mm x 7mm.
finish and a stylish aluminium Panama pen is included in the pen • Debossing (notebook): 70mm x 70mm.
Packaging: Loose packed.
Colours: White, Blue, Black.
Dimensions: W 144mm x L 210mm x 15mm.
BUSINESS Notebook with Calculator Branding Options:
• Pad Print (notebook): 65mm x 20mm.
Code: 110500 • Pad Print (pen): Positions D & E - 60mm x 6mm.
• Screen Print (pen): Position A - 60mm x 16mm (one colour).
Description: Unique medium size, hard cover notebook which • Direct Digital (pen): Positions D & E - 80mm x 6mm.
features a very handy solar powered calculator built into the front
cover. It has 70 lined pages, wiro binding and an elastic pen loop Packaging: Loose packed.
with an Omega Pen included.
Colours: White, Black.
Dimensions: W 145mm x L 178mm x 19mm.
|248 B U S I N E S S