Master of Professional Creative Practice
Master of Professional Creative Practice Your Career Opportunities
programme is collaboratively offered by EIT’s ■■ Advancement in creative practice/creative
two iconic creative practice schools:
ideaschool and our Gisborne campus. It offers industries
a unique perspective from both the Māori ■■ Self-employment/entrepreneurship
and non-Māori cultures, allowing for a wide ■■ Academic positions in creative practice
selection of art mediums to be advanced. ■■ Gallery owner
■■ Curator
The programme enables the student to
further their creative practice through guided ENTRY CRiTERiA
reflection, research and professional practice. A person is eligible to apply for entry who:
Delivery of the programme is “blended” - That
is, it is a combination of online study and ■ An undergraduate degree in a creative practice with a B
research by creative practice. Students will average or better; or
have opportunities to engage with staff and
students based at both schools, as well as ■ B average in a postgraduate qualification (level 8) in a creative
students who may be practicing throughout practice field.
New Zealand and the global village.
■ Where the applicant does not meet the entry criteria
MPCP is a 180 credit programme, full time above, the applicant may be provisionally admitted on
study at level 8 and 9. It consists of four the basis of an evaluation of a portfolio of work. Such
compulsory courses that provides the students provisionally accepted students will be expected to pass
their first course in the programme in order to progress.
with the opportunity to create a significant Students will be required to have a Skype interview.
body of work to a standard that develops,
extends and refines prior professional practices, English Language Entry Requirement
processes and knowledge. This will be achieved Any applicant, whose first language is not English, may be
through research and critical evaluation to required to undertake an IELTS test to demonstrate they
strengthen students' creative practice while have attained an acceptable level of English language fluency
contextualizing this in relation to relevant to succeed on the programme. If required, the minimum
communities, contemporary concepts, models, IELTS score specified for entry is 6.5 in all academic bands.
theory, technologies and professional practice
management techniques.
The MPCP is 18 months full-time.
Level 8-9 | February | 120 credits at Level 8 and 60 credits at Level 9 | 18 months
Classes are scheduled between 8.00am and 5.00pm Monday -
When you study at EIT you’ll get the kind of experiences that will Friday as timetabled.
help you gain the knowledge and skills to get ahead. You’ll also be
supported by lecturers and tutors who are here for you, within a individual Study Hours
learning environment where you are treated as an individual, not just
a number. The ’ll know your name and you’ll receive one-on-one MMP -1464 Hours of Independent Study.
attention to make sure you get the support to succeed.
WORLD CLASS ‘A’ RATED LECTURERS Assessments may include presentation, documentation of the
creative process including research & critical evaluation, group
EIT is rated one of the top two institutes of technology and activities, creative research proposals and creative bodies of work.
polytechnics in New Zealand for research excellence by the
Tertiary Education Commission. For you, it means highly qualified Facilities
academics who have the most up-to-date learning available to pass Students on both campuses have fulltime access to the
on to you via their teaching. Communication room. They can work in provided studio
spaces or use their own studio. Students will have
allocated studio space with 24-7 access.
Extensive workshops on either campus can be accessed on an
‘as available’ basis, after health & safety clearance.
Technology Support
Students need to have a computer with internet access and have a
camera or camera device (phone) with high resolution photo ability.
P= Pre requisite-courses that must be successfully completed before the next course can be taken.
C= Co requisite-courses which can be studied before or at the same time.
Course No. Brief Description No. of NZQA
Credits Level
MPP8.101 Critical Reflection and Evaluation of Practice 30 8
Ths course enables students, through research and critical reflectio , to strengthen their creative professional
practice. Students will contextualise their practice in relation to relevant communities, contemporary concepts,
models, theory, technologies and professional practice management techniques.
MPP8.102 Proposal 30 8
Ths course enables students to develop a proposal for a body of professional creative work, based on in-
depth and broad research that they can implement in MPP8.200 Creative Professional Project 1.
P: MPP8.101
MPP8.200 Creative Professional Project 1 60 8
Ths course enables students to implement the proposal they created in MPP8.102 by creating an effective and
professional body of creative work, making it publicly available and speaking professionally about that work.
MPP9.300 Creative Professional Project 2 60 9
Ths course enables students to create a body of creative work that develops, extends and refines prior
professional practices, processes and knowledge.