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Published by Repro Graphics, 2018-08-04 05:28:28











Disclaimer: Although every reasonable effort is made to ensure accuracy, the information in this document is
provided as a general guide only for students and is subject to change. All students enrolling at AUT should
consult its official document, the AUT Calendar, which is available online at, to ensure
that they are aware of, and comply with, all regulations, requirements and policies.
The information contained in this prospectus was correct at the time of print, May 2018.

AUT creates graduates who are world ready,
not just career ready. Curiosity, creativity,
connection and collaboration are the new
global currency. That’s why they’re at the
core of our teaching philosophy to ensure
our students thrive in this world of rapid
technological change. We’re proudly and
uniquely Kiwi with a firmly global perspective.
That’s the outlook and ambition we give our
students, whether they choose to go on
to live in New Zealand or the 80 different
countries our alumni now call home.

About AUT 04
Art & Design
27 Business & 31 Colab: Creative 37
Economics Technologies

Communication 41 45 Engineering, 51
Studies Education Computer & 69
Mathematical 83
Health Sciences Sciences

Law 57 Hospitality, 63 Language
Tourism & & Culture
Social Sciences Events
& Public Policy
75 Māori & 79
Applying to AUT Indigenous Science

89 Sport & 93


Welcome to Auckland
University of Technology.

More than 29,000 students from 150 countries study at AUT
across our three campuses in Auckland’s central business
district, on the North Shore and in Manukau, making us one
of the largest universities in New Zealand.
AUT is ranked in the top 2% of universities in the world and
15th in the world for international outlook. 15 of our subject
areas are world-ranked and we are rated a 5-star university
by rankings agency QS.
At AUT we aim to provide our students with exceptional
learning experiences that combine the best of digital
resources and technologies with the best teaching
techniques and practice. Our students learn in an engaging
environment which encourages them to participate and
develop their own opinions, to challenge and be challenged,
and to gain knowledge and learn how to apply it in real
situations. Students are connected to industry and business
through work placements, internships and entrepreneurial
programmes, and engage with our communities through
volunteering and leadership initiatives.
AUT has more than 950 doctoral students and more than 60
research institutes and centres. We undertake international
research in biotechnology, epidemiology, addictions and
rehabilitation, astronomy, artificial intelligence, big data,
human nutrition and metabolism, communications and
economics, amongst others, and have award-winning
academics in these fields.
I hope this prospectus provides you with some useful
information about AUT. I look forward to welcoming you to
our university.
Derek McCormack


3 campuses &
3 specialist facilities
60+ research centres and
institutes with world-

class expertise
9 out of 10 students
would recommend AUT
as a great place to study

AUT City Campus






Students at AUT City Campus

“While I was at AUT, I was part of the drama club and the debating
club, went on a student exchange to Denmark, was a finalist at AUT’s
entrepreneurship competition together with my brother, and I also
got to attend the Kea World Class New Zealand Awards. All of these
events meant I got to meet some awesome and inspiring people.”
Michael Lough
Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Communication Studies conjoint

“I think that AUT recognises the changing needs of employers and is
preparing its students for that. One example of this is the AUT Edge
Award, which enables students to develop the C skills that are highly
sought after by employers – collaboration, co-operation, community,
curiosity, communication and creativity. This ensures that AUT
graduates are well-rounded when they finish university.”
Amritpal Kaur
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Mechatronics Engineering

“I earned an internationally ranked degree, worked with professional
athletes, learned from some of the most prestigious professors in the
world, travelled and lived in a new country that’s rich in culture and
heritage, and met some of the greatest friends that I could ask for.
Most people only ever dream of these things, but I got to live them
thanks to AUT.”
Scott R Brown
Doctor of Philosophy - Sport and Recreation

“Coming to AUT from little old Hawke’s Bay, at first I was afraid that
starting my new journey in a different city would be overwhelming.
But everyone was extremely welcoming and I quickly became
involved in all the activities on offer.”
Brooke Hurndell
Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairoa
Bachelor of Communication Studies in Public Relations

“Studying at AUT is the best choice I ever made, and I would definitely
recommend the Master of Engineering. It’s a great choice for Chinese
students. I also love that AUT has a Chinese Centre to support
Chinese-speaking students, as well as language courses for students
with lower IELTS grades.”
Xiaoyue (Eviv) Hu
Master of Engineering

“AUT seemed like the place that would help me if I needed it,
without me even having to ask. For someone who was travelling
almost 12,000 kilometres to a new home, this was a strong form of
reassurance. The staff at AUT are absolutely phenomenal, and every
paper I took was backed up by support from the library, academic
counsellors and the various workshops offered.”
Sagorika Datta
Master of Computer and Information Sciences


Tracking the health of our Drones are also vastly more
environment is more critical efficient.
than it’s ever been, and AUT “In a single day one of our UAV
researchers are pioneering the teams can map 100 hectares,
use of drones and unmanned collecting thousands of images
aerial vehicles (UAVs) to gather and invaluable data. Before we
this vital data. started using UAVs that same
Geospatial scientist and AUT area could have taken a month
Associate Professor Dr Barbara to survey, or it might have just
Bollard says she and her team been deemed too hard or too
are using new and developing expensive.”
technologies to answer Barbara and her team are involved
longstanding conservation in projects all over New Zealand
questions. and the world. In Antarctica AUT
“The use of drones in researchers have used UAVs to
conservation and ecological collect a world-first, high-quality
research is a game changer. data set so they can monitor
“We can use drones to map changes in the environment in the
critical habitats, monitor invasive future.
and threatened species, look at In Africa they have been part of
coastal and marine ecosystems a project mapping threatened
and record the distribution and desert ecosystems and in Australia
abundance of marine mammals they are working with indigenous
for spatial conservation planning.” Australian communities to map
For ecologists, drones and UAVs their native title lands and build a
have several important advantages catalogue of sacred sites.
over other data-gathering And now AUT researchers are
methods. adding extra layers of innovation.
“These are ‘zero-harm’ research Having further developed their
tools. We’re often trying to UAV fleet, they are returning
survey remote and vulnerable to Antarctica to map several
ecosystems, and by employing Antarctic Specially Protected
drones we can access and map Areas (ASPAs), with bespoke
these environments much more technology and all new capability.
easily without putting any extra They are also using some of the
stress on the habitats we are drone-captured data from their
investigating.” various conservation research
projects to create virtual reality
(VR) experiences.


Anyone with visions of Beyond the creative support and
postgraduate students shut technology he had access to
away in offices, writing lengthy during his studies, Alejandro says
dissertations for a readership AUT really cultivated his business
of one, should talk to Master of skills.
Creative Technologies alumnus Through the University’s
Alejandro Davila. CO.STARTERS programme,
Alejandro’s postgraduate project, Alejandro was able to develop a
The Green Fairy, saw him create business model to wrap around
New Zealand’s first virtual reality his Green Fairy prototype, which
(VR) movie and attract funding was already attracting commercial
from the New Zealand Film interest following the trial of his
Commission and NZ on Air for an VR film at Auckland Libraries,
augmented reality (AR) animated Motat and Westfield malls around
series. New Zealand.
As for his postgraduate ‘office’, “CO.STARTERS helped me
at AUT most of Alejandro’s time understand that the prototype I
was spent at Colab, a collaborative built at Colab, the first of its kind
teaching and learning space in New Zealand, was the perfect
where design and creative tool to demonstrate our team’s
technologies researchers, capabilities to corporate clients.
students and creative partners can “I was able to create a business
innovate together. model around this and learn how
“Colab provided a very open to package it in a way that helped
environment to collaborate on me build a customer profile for my
my project. I loved being able to target audience.”
access the motion capture room With his business plan in place,
to experiment as much as I wanted Alejandro brought together
for my project. a team of AUT graduates and
“I was exposed to an environment formed his own company,
where students around me were CONICAL Interactive Studios,
also working on innovating which has multiple projects in
cutting-edge technology, which the pipeline including a TVNZ-
kept me on my toes, wanting to distribution deal for the Green
take things further.” Fairy AR animated series and an
AR children’s book.


Deciding what you want to do for also taught a lot about creative
a career can seem like a daunting thinking processes, which has
task but for Simon Waters it been really valuable.”
all clicked when he chose to Through the degree Simon
study the Bachelor of Creative discovered his interest in
Technologies. computing and coding and
“When I was looking at my study teamed up with another student to
options after school I knew I create a ‘heads-up display’ helmet
wanted to do something within attachment for motorcyclists.
the realm of technology, but It allows riders to see their speed,
beyond that it was a bit of a distance and navigation details
mystery. When I came across in an unobtrusive display in the
AUT’s creative technologies periphery of their vision – without
degree it appealed because it let taking their eyes off the road.
you explore different areas.” After further development, the
Instead of lectures and heads-up display now features a
classrooms, students on the novel application of augmented
Bachelor of Creative Technologies reality and is one part of the
programme spend most of their technology driving Kiwi start-up
time working on a series of company REYEDR, which was
different studio-based projects named as a finalist in the 2017 NZ
with input from AUT staff and Innovation Awards and winner of
industry partners. Display Component of the Year in
“You’re introduced to all these the US SID Awards.
different disciplines and then you Since graduating in 2015, Simon
work towards your own projects. has balanced full-time work with
Some people do film, some do his role as creative & community
music, some do web apps, some manager for REYEDR.
people do robotics and gaming, “We’ve now got our second
and each person sort of finds their prototype ready and we’ve got all
own way. the manufacturers lined up and
“I’ve always been more of a ready to produce our first saleable
practical, hands-on learner, so the product. We’re expecting to
degree’s studio-based projects launch our product later this year.”
were perfect for me. We were


A massive, global scientific project Andrew says these challenges
is underway to build a giant radio come with massive opportunities
telescope capable of looking for AUT and its students.
deep into space and answering “We’re working with incredibly
important questions about the talented people from around
origins of the universe. And AUT the world and we’re getting
has a critical role in this project. input from industry and big
AUT is leading New Zealand’s multinationals who recognise the
contribution to the Square importance of the project.”
Kilometre Array (SKA) project Master of Computer and
and spearheads the team of Information Sciences student
researchers charged with Adam Campbell has been able
designing a computing system to work alongside Andrew and
that can process the vast the wider SKA team at AUT
quantities of data that will flow and his thesis research could
from the telescope once it is up end up delivering improved
and running in 2024. data processing for the SKA
Dr Andrew Ensor, director computing.
of AUT’s High Performance “The algorithm I’m working on
Computing Research Lab and could improve the speed and
director of the NZ SKA Alliance, precision of part of the SKA
says to process the volume of imaging pipeline and it could
data produced by the telescope also reduce the amount of power
(which will actually be thousands required for that part of the
of dishes with a collective area process,” Adam says.
of one square kilometre) his “When I came to AUT I never
team needs to design a system imagined that I would have an
that is four to five times more opportunity to contribute to the
powerful than the world’s best world’s largest science project.
supercomputers right now. And It’s an honour and I would love to
the system needs to be capable of see my work benefit the SKA and
running 24-7. future research in this area.”
“This is the biggest big data
project in the world and it brings
with it a lot of challenges that
have to be solved.”


Graduating with a Bachelor of “We want to help women feel
Business majoring in International confident and empowered in their
Business and Marketing is own skin.”
impressive, but leaving university Aside from the knowledge
having founded your own and skills she gained from her
company is even more satisfying. studies, Kamya says AUT helped
AUT alumna Kamya Ghose her get her business off the
paired her own difficult life ground by giving her access to
experiences with insights from her the CO.STARTERS programme
degree to create Queen Zaria, a for aspiring entrepreneurs and
company that develops attractive the AUT Venture Fund Kickstart
mastectomy bras for cancer Competition.
patients and those in recovery. “Through CO.STARTERS I learned
Kamya was shocked when she was about all aspects of starting and
diagnosed with a type of breast running a business and I was
cancer at just 23 years of age. To challenged to think about what
beat the cancer she underwent a would and wouldn’t work for my
mastectomy, but she says coming business.
to terms with losing a breast was “My AUT lecturers have also been
made much harder by the lack of incredibly supportive throughout
lingerie options available to her the whole process.”
after surgery. Queen Zaria has completed its
“When I went lingerie shopping first pre-production run with
there was nothing available for its Chinese manufacturer and is
someone like me who wanted to waiting for the second sample.
feel feminine and needed a bra “We’re discussing opportunities to
that could hold a prosthesis,” she make our brand widely available
says. in different parts of the world,”
“Feeling good about yourself Kamya says.
again is a really important part of
recovery. Wearing nice lingerie
is part of that. With Queen Zaria,
we’re aiming to produce not just
a product but also a feeling.”


After completing her Master of “Older adults are still able to
Science at Canada’s McMaster increase their strength, bone
University, one of the reasons PhD density, muscle mass, functional
candidate Ashley Gluchowski was capacity and decrease their fasting
drawn to AUT for her doctoral plasma glucose, insulin, bad
studies was the knowledge she cholesterol and inflammation as
could tap into the expertise and they age.”
world-class sports training and For Ashley the greatest sense of
performance equipment at AUT achievement has come from being
Millennium. able to use her research findings
It’s a decision that has paid off. to make a difference.
Being based at AUT Millennium “As a result of my research, I
has given her access to incredible founded the Active Ageing Clinic
facilities which have underpinned at AUT Millennium, a twice-
her research on the effects of weekly strength and conditioning
eccentric strength training in session that puts our research
older adults. findings into immediate action.”
“The facilities at AUT Millennium Aside from offering access to
are first class. The strength and world-class facilities, Ashley says
conditioning laboratory has being based at AUT Millennium
everything I need to carry out meant she was surrounded
quality research, whether it be by like-minded researchers
clinical or practical in nature. Our and motivated by the staff and
participants love the dedicated students who were collecting their
space, which has contributed own unique research data on a
to their commitment to the daily basis.
programme over the course of my “AUT really supports you to
research.” research what you’re interested in.
Ashley’s research has already The interconnected community
yielded impressive results, of researchers at AUT Millennium
showing that older adults not only translates into networks that make
tolerate, but thrive on heavy load almost everyone accessible.”
resistance training.


For students to successfully learn The new Engineering, Technology
and innovate they need the right and Design precinct has
environment. AUT is committed to employed sustainable design and
providing teaching and learning construction practices and the
spaces that cultivate collaboration, 12-storey building at its centre
research and innovation. has been developed so it can be
Each time AUT develops new or used as an education tool, with
existing facilities on one of its glass walls for the plantrooms
three campuses in Auckland – the and exposed building services
City, North and South Campus and structural connections for
– the focus is on delivering students to study. The building
contemporary, adaptable spaces also includes a ground-source
that encourage students and heat recovery system to heat and
researchers from different cool spaces.
disciplines to come together. Preparing students to take
AUT’s success in creating advantage of future opportunities
transformational educational also means putting the right
spaces has been recognised with a technology in their hands.
five-star ranking for teaching and AUT’s specialist facilities ensure
facilities, awarded by the world students have access to the latest
university rankings organisation industry-leading technology,
QS. The South Campus’ newest including New Zealand’s only
building, Mana Hauora, netted radio astronomy observatory, the
the university three awards at the country’s most advanced additive
NZIA Auckland Regional Awards manufacturing centre with state-
and an excellence at the 2017 of-the-art equipment capable of
Property Council Awards, and 3D printing in plastics and metals,
firmly established its reputation top quality video and motion
as an innovative teaching and capture studios, a hi-tech textile
learning space. design laboratory, and world-
One of AUT’s current projects class health research and high
also speaks to its overarching performance equipment.
philosophy of building flexible,
future-proofed teaching and
learning spaces.


Plan your future career See the world before you graduate

The AUT Employability and Careers team helps An international student exchange offers an
you plan in advance for your future career by amazing opportunity to study overseas as part of
developing job search and interview skills, while your degree. Study for a semester or a year at one
building your personal brand and networking of our partner universities around the world, and
skills. We also support students into AUT Internz, immerse yourself in another culture, make lifelong
an in-house agency, that pairs students with paid friends and get international experience before
internships and employers looking to recruit AUT you graduate.
Gain an edge on the competition
A launchpad for entrepreneurs
The AUT Edge Award is designed to challenge,
At AUT, the best place for aspiring entrepreneurs is reward and formally acknowledge the ‘C skills’ –
CO.STARTERS@AUT. This nine-week programme collaboration, co-operation, community, curiosity,
helps you turn your entrepreneurial ideas into a communication and creativity – gained through
viable business. your volunteering, leadership and employability
activities. The award helps prove to employers that
you’re more than your qualification and gives you
an extra edge in the competitive marketplace.


New AUT graduates have once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to apply their learning in a global context thanks to the
AUT Internz International Scholarship programme. As well as providing a chance to intern with amazing employers
in a range of industries, AUT provides scholarships to cover US or Canadian visas, return travel, travel and health
insurance and a stipend to support living expenses.
Facebook Creative Shop, Icebreaker, Allbirds, Lululemon, FCB, Paramount Recording Studios, Sundance Institute,
the Metropolitan Museum of Art and The Smithsonian are among the many employers welcoming at least one AUT
Internz Scholarship recipient each year.

AUT Internz scholarships are only open to NZ citizens


“Ngahuia brings a really important “It has been very exciting for “Your programme must be terrific
level of knowledge and expertise Sundance Institute to host Toiroa. because these guys have really
because we are caring for collections I hope that his legacy at Sundance contributed in a huge way with great
from the Pacific. So she’s navigating Institute will set a new standard for ideas, great insight and fun energy.”
a very important line which is to help interns in our organisation because
the public who visit these galleries to he came to Sundance with such a Karin Osanger-Birch, Chief Creative
understand that these collections are strong cultural perspective that fed Officer, FCB West, San Francisco
more than just objects.” into the larger organisation.”

Dr Maia Nuku, Associate Curator Bird Runningwater, Director, Native
for Oceanic Art, The Metropolitan American and Indigenous Program,
Museum of Art, New York Sundance Institute, Los Angeles


AUT is a modern and innovative university with endless opportunities and a supportive culture. Studying at
AUT is your chance to meet new people and develop lifelong skills, while getting the support you need to
succeed at university and beyond.

We’re proactive in enabling students to succeed, and our comprehensive student support services ensure that you
have an amazing experience inside and outside the classroom and are prepared for any challenge in front of you.

Easy to get help Settling into university life

At AUT, we don’t want anything to get in the way of you Studying at university can be quite an adjustment. That’s
enjoying your student experience and achieving your why AUT helps new students transition to university life
goals. So no matter what the problem, the Student Hub by delivering a wide-ranging orientation programme
is here to help. You can find a Student Hub on each of at the start of each semester. AUT Orientation is
our three campuses and our specialist staff can help complemented by a fun social programme to help you
with anything from enrolment and student ID cards to meet new friends and celebrate the exciting new journey
matters far beyond university like support with visa you’re on. Yet Orientation is just one aspect. We also
and immigration matters, StudyLink issues or landlord offer activities throughout the semester, designed to
challenges. equip all students with the skills to succeed in academic
study, get around campus, access student support
Getting around services and embrace university life.

Whether it’s finding your way to campus or getting Finding the right place to live
around between lectures, AUT offers a range of
resources to help you navigate your new environment. Living in AUT student accommodation is a great
AUT has shuttle buses that travel between campuses option; especially if you’re in your first year of study
(including New Zealand’s first electric bus), delivers or from outside Auckland. AUT’s self-catered student
campus and city tours during Orientation, and provides accommodation is convenient and modern apartment
MazeMaps online, a mapping tool designed to help style living, just minutes away from our City or North
navigate complex environments and highlight any Campus. You’ll also enjoy an exciting and supportive
obstacles for people with accessibility needs. community with a unique residential life programme. If
you don’t choose to live on campus, our accommodation
advisor can help you find, apply for and rent private
accommodation that suits your needs. You can also get
guidance on accommodation costs, contracts, bonds and
tenancy issues.

We speak your language Get involved in campus life

Our students come from 150 countries, so we know Joining a club is a great way to meet like-minded people
that sometimes it’s easier to have things explained in and make lifelong friends outside of lectures. Choose
your native language. That’s why many of our student from a range of student-run social, sustainability,
ambassadors and Student Hub staff are multilingual and academic and cultural clubs – a great way to meet
can clearly explain information if needed. We also have new people, participate in events and get involved in
a dedicated AUT Chinese Centre, providing pastoral and campus life.
academic assistance for Chinese-speaking students.
Success for Māori and
Join a gym or sports team Pacific students

AUT is New Zealand’s leading sports university, with We’re passionate about the success of our Māori and
state-of-the-art sports facilities, on-campus gyms and Pacific students. We offer support for Māori students
a huge number of sports teams and events. As an AUT and for our diverse Pacific communities, both through
student you can participate in a wide variety of sports, AUT-wide support services and a range of specialist
from social on-campus games to elite international services, including whānau spaces and fono rooms, and
competitions. As a part of University Tertiary Sport dedicated student support teams who offer advice on
(UTSNZ) you may also have the chance to represent AUT both personal and study topics.
against some of the best student athletes in the country.
Join the AUT rainbow community
Disability student support & resources
AUT was the first university to receive the Rainbow
If you have an impairment, our Disability Support team Tick, and remains committed to providing a safe and
can support you to participate as fully as you can in inclusive environment for all students. We offer services
learning and student life. We work with students before and resources for students who identify with diverse
they start at AUT to help identify their specific needs and sexual orientations, sex and gender identities, including
ensure they’re set up for success while they’re studying a rainbow student room where you can study and relax,
with us. AUT is strongly committed to equity of access and student groups and networks. We also have a
and opportunity for students, staff and visitors, and dedicated Rainbow Community Manager, and actively
supports the principles of Kia Ōrite: Code of Practice for participate in many of the rainbow events in Auckland.
an inclusive tertiary environment.

Supporting parents

AUT has childcare centres at the City and the North
Campus, providing a safe and happy environment with
excellent staff and high-quality facilities. Full-time
students may also qualify for financial support through
our childcare subsidy.

LIFE AT AUT (continued)

Budget advice and financial support Stay healthy and well

Our specialist Student Hub advisors offer budget At AUT it’s OK to ask for help. We actively encourage
and financial planning advice all year. We know that all students to be aware of their own wellness needs
sometimes things happen and financial stress can – mind, body and spirit. You have access to free or
impact your academic success. That’s why we offer low-cost medical treatment at our full-service medical
financial support that ranges from offering grocery or centres, which provide private and confidential care
fuel vouchers, to helping with that unexpected bill. for a range of issues. We’re also committed to helping
you build resilience, mental strength and the skills to
Helping you succeed in your studies manage stress. That’s why all students can get free,
confidential counselling sessions and mental health
Our library and learning support team offers a wide support. Talk to us about any topic – study-related or
range of services and resources, and there are digital personal – or join a support group to help you with
resources available to develop your academic skills. The specific issues, like managing anxiety or going through
Library also runs a range of workshops to help you get relationship difficulties.
the most out of your studies and work smarter, rather
than harder. Our extensive peer mentoring programme Representing your interests
also enables students to learn from others who have
already completed the same paper. The AUT Student Association (AUTSA) exists to advocate
and represent the interests of all students attending AUT.
Fanrederaecscoeusrscetos digital tools The association also publishes the university magazine
Debate, and runs social activities during Orientation and
We offer students all the digital tools needed to succeed, throughout the year.
including free Wi-Fi on campus, the full Office 365 suite
for up to five devices and access to, a world- Safe and friendly campuses
leading online learning platform.
We make sure that our students are — and feel — safe,
Student ambassadors ready to help and our friendly security staff are available day and night
to help if you have any concerns.
AUT has more than 200 knowledgeable student
ambassadors that help support events and activities
across AUT. One of their key roles is to help new students
as they settle into their studies.

We embrace all faiths

We take a ‘multifaith’ approach by providing spiritual
support to students from various beliefs. AUT
encourages understanding, tolerance and harmony,
respecting everyone’s spiritual views.

“AUT provided us with a safe platform to experiment,
ask questions and challenge how we understand
spatial design. Towards the end of the first
semester I felt that the sky had become the
limit. As a freelance scenic artist, I now
produce props, models and sets for
the film industry. Every project is
so different, new and exciting.
Soon after I graduated, a fellow
AUT spatial design graduate
contacted me about a job offer in
the Gold Coast to work on the next
Marvel/Disney film – Thor: Ragnarok.
That has been one of my career highlights
so far, and was a very exciting opportunity
straight out of university!”

Zammia Weatherall
Freelance Scenic Artist
Bachelor of Design in Spatial Design



AUT’s School of Art and
Design is ranked in the top 150
worldwide. Our undergraduate
and postgraduate programmes
cover a range of disciplines
and are driven by an
exceptional studio culture
experience. Our world-
class facilities include three
galleries, a 3D lab, digital,
photographic and moving
image facilities (including
a motion capture studio),
and a textile and design
lab. You’ll have the chance
to work on national and
international projects, often
with real industry clients. Our
programmes balance creativity,
research and conceptual
development with theoretical
and professional studies.



studios, labs and



teaching staff


Certificate in Science and Bachelor of Design Bachelor of Visual Arts
• Communication Design C S Duration 3 years F/T,
Duration 1 year F/T only • Digital Design C 6 years P/T
Campus South • Fashion Design C Campus City
Starts 25 Feb & 15 July 2019 • Industrial Design C Starts 25 Feb 2019
• Spatial Design C
• Textile Design C

Duration 3 years F/T,
6 years P/T
Campus City & South
Starts 25 Feb 2019


Bachelor of Art and Design Master of Cultural and Master of Philosophy
(Honours) Creative Practice
Duration 1 year F/T,
Duration 1 year F/T only Duration 1½ years F/T only up to 3 years P/T
Campus City Campus City Campus City
Starts 25 Feb 2019 Starts 25 Feb & 15 July 2019 Starts Any time

Postgraduate Certificate Master of Design Doctor of Philosophy
in Cultural and Creative
Practice Duration 1½ years F/T only Duration 3-6 years
Campus City Campus City
Duration ½ year F/T only Starts 25 Feb & 15 July 2019 Starts Any time
Campus City
Starts 25 Feb & 15 July 2019 Master of Visual Arts

Duration 1½ years F/T only KEY F/T full-time
Campus City C City Campus P/T part-time
Starts 25 Feb & 15 July 2019 N North Campus
S South Campus “The environment at AUT’s School of Art and Design is supportive and encourages
creativity. The lecturers are awesome, and it’s great that they come from so
many different art practices. My paintings are my interpretation of traditional
Māori ideologies. I’ve been lucky enough to have been offered opportunities for
my work to sit within the public. These include City Rail Link safety hoardings

that will occupy Albert St while the train line is being extended; showing my
interpretation of a taniwha. I’ve also collaborated with an artist from
another tribe on fence panels at the Manurewa train station that
illustrate how Manurewa got its name.”

Alexandra Newman
Ngāti Te Ata

Bachelor of Visual Arts

“At AUT, we had many group projects where
we could apply the theory to the real world.
For one project, we had to build our own
business and then test if we could make any
profit from our business idea. Our group

decided to create an advertising agency,
and I loved being able to build this agency
from scratch and then run it, all within only
six weeks. I loved this experience so much
that my first job after university was in
advertising, and I’ve now been working in

the marketing and advertising industry
for more than eight years.”

Tri Huynh
Digital Planner, Mediaco
Bachelor of Business in
Management and Marketing



Our programmes are designed
in collaboration with business
leaders and experts, and
integrate theory with current
practice and global trends.
Our teaching approach and
learning opportunities will
help develop your creativity,
critical thinking, collaboration,
and communication skills,
and include internships and
applied projects that give
you the competitive edge
for your career. The AUT
Business School and School of
Economics are internationally
ranked and accredited, and
recognised for teaching and
research that is transforming
business and society. Our
alumni are ready to challenge
routine thinking and put
forward innovative solutions,
and they’re shaping successful
careers all around the world.

Ranked in the top
350 universities
worldwide for

Finance, Business,

Economics and

more students
with employers
through workplace


business and
society through
our research


Certificate in Business Bachelor of Arts & Bachelor Bachelor of Business &
of Business conjoint Bachelor of International
Duration ½ year F/T only programmes Hospitality Management
Campus City & South conjoint programmes
Starts 25 Feb & 15 July 2019 Duration 4 years F/T,
up to 9 years P/T Duration 4 years F/T,
Certificate in Business Campus City & South up to 9 years P/T
Studies Starts 25 Feb & 15 July 2019 Campus City & South
Starts 25 Feb & 15 July 2019

Duration ½ year F/T only Bachelor of Business & Bachelor of Business &
Campus City & South Bachelor of Communication Bachelor of Science conjoint
Starts 25 Feb & 15 July 2019 Studies conjoint programmes

Bachelor of Business Duration 4 years F/T, Duration 4½ years F/T,
up to 8 years P/T up to 9 years P/T
• Accounting C S Campus City & South Campus City & South
• Economics C Starts 25 Feb & 15 July 2019 Starts 25 Feb & 15 July 2019
• Finance C
• Human Resource Management Bachelor of Business & Graduate Certificate in
Bachelor of Computer Business
and Employment Relations C S and Information Sciences
• Information Systems¹ C conjoint programmes Duration ½ year F/T,
• International Business and 1 year P/T
Duration 4 years F/T, Campus City & South
Strategy1 C up to 9 years P/T Starts 25 Feb & 15 July 2019
• Management C S Campus City & South
• Marketing, Advertising, Retailing Starts 25 Feb & 15 July 2019

and Sales¹ C

Duration 3 years F/T, Graduate Diploma in
6 years P/T Business
Campus City & South
Starts 25 Feb & 15 July 2019 Bachelor of Business &
Bachelor of Health Science
conjoint programmes Duration 1 year F/T,
2 years P/T
Duration 4½ years F/T, Campus City & South
up to 9 years P/T Starts 25 Feb & 15 July 2019
Campus City & South2
Starts 25 Feb & 15 July 2019 KEY F/T full-time
C City Campus P/T part-time
N North Campus
S South Campus


Bachelor of Business Master of Business Postgraduate Diploma in
(Honours) Business Administration
• Accounting
• Accounting • Business Information Systems Duration 8-12 months F/T,
• Business Information Systems • Economics 16-32 months P/T
• Economics • Finance Campus City
• Finance • International Business Starts 7 Jan, 4 Mar, 29 Apr, 24
• International Business • Management June, 19 Aug & 14 Oct
• Management • Marketing 2019
• Marketing • Sport Leadership and
• Sport Leadership and
Duration 1½ years F/T, Master of Business
Duration 1 year F/T, 2 years P/T 3 years P/T Administration
Campus City Campus City
Starts 25 Feb & 15 July 2019 Starts 25 Feb & 15 July 2019 Duration 12-16 months F/T,
2-4 years P/T
Postgraduate Certificate in Postgraduate Certificate in Campus City
Business Business Administration Starts 7 Jan, 4 Mar, 29 Apr, 24
June, 19 Aug & 14 Oct

Duration ½ year F/T, Duration 4-6 months F/T, Master of Philosophy
1 year P/T 8-16 months P/T
Campus City Campus City Duration 1 year F/T, 3 years P/T
Starts 25 Feb & 15 July 2019 Starts 7 Jan, 4 Mar, 29 Apr, 24 Campus City & South
June, 19 Aug & 14 Oct Starts Any time

Postgraduate Diploma in Doctor of Philosophy

Duration 1 year F/T, 2 years P/T Duration 3-6 years
Campus City Campus City & South
Starts 25 Feb & 15 July 2019 Starts Any time

1. Name change, subject to CUAP approval.
2. Health papers offered at the North Campus.

“Business offers so many ways to make a positive impact. When I finished my
AUT degree, I knew I wanted to be in the sustainability space. I’ve always been
interested in social enterprise and the concept of sustainable business. I
wanted a role where I could work with corporate business to achieve the
goals of social enterprise and change business as usual. My experience
at AUT has given me the confidence that anchors me, and I had access
to so many opportunities. I had inspiring lecturers and met so many
incredible people who are still my friends and mentors today.”

Afra Abdeen
Assistant Sustainable Business Manager for South East Asia and
Australasia, Unilever, Sydney
Bachelor of Business (Honours)
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Bachelor of Business in
Marketing conjoint programmes


Postgraduate Certificate in Postgraduate Diploma in Postgraduate Diploma in
Business Studies Applied Finance Global Business

Duration 4 months F/T, Duration 8 months F/T, Duration 8 months F/T,
8 months P/T 16 months P/T 16 months P/T
Campus City Campus City Campus City
Starts 4 Mar & 29 Oct 2019 Starts 4 Mar & 29 Oct 2019 Starts 4 Mar & 29 Oct 2019

Postgraduate Certificate in Master of Applied Finance Master of Global Business
Professional Accounting
Duration 12-16 months F/T, Duration 12-16 months F/T,
Duration 4 months F/T, 2-4 years P/T 2-4 years P/T
8 months P/T Campus City Campus City
Campus City Starts 4 Mar & 29 Oct 2019 Starts 4 Mar & 29 Oct 2019
Starts 4 Mar & 29 Oct 2019

Postgraduate Diploma in Postgraduate Diploma in Postgraduate Diploma in
Professional Accounting Business Management¹ Marketing

Duration 8 months F/T, Duration 8 months F/T, Duration 8 months F/T,
16 months P/T 16 months P/T 16 months P/T
Campus City Campus City Campus City
Starts 4 Mar & 29 Oct 2019 Starts 4 Mar & 29 Oct 2019 Starts 4 Mar & 29 Oct 2019

Master of Business Master of Marketing
Master of Professional Duration 12-16 months F/T,
Accounting Duration 12-16 months F/T, 2-4 years P/T
2-4 years P/T Campus City
Duration 16 months F/T, Campus City Starts 4 Mar & 29 Oct 2019
3 years P/T Starts 4 Mar & 29 Oct 2019
Campus City
Starts 4 Mar & 29 Oct 2019

1. New programme, subject to CUAP approval. “AUT is a great place to study. The academic staff are really committed to
mentoring and collaborating with students, and I appreciate the research
infrastructure to support doctoral students. I have ample resources for
conducting high-quality research in the field of accounting and, most
importantly, I have supportive mentors who have invested in me. With the

high-quality research skills and professional networks I’ve developed
throughout my time at AUT, I feel totally prepared to pursue my career in
academia once I graduate from AUT. I’m grateful for my time as a doctoral
student here and would definitely recommend applying to AUT.”

Tien Nguyen
Doctor of Philosophy candidate

“When I saw AUT’s creative technologies brochure in the
careers room in my secondary school, I immediately
thought ‘That’s me’. I love that this degree covers
everything – the arts, problem-solving, engineering
and technology. I’m passionate about all these
things, and in any other degree I would have to
choose. Technology allows me to find creative
ways to solve problems. My classmates and
I are now thinking about starting a creative
technologies agency. Creative technologies
is a field not many businesses specialise
in yet, and by starting our own agency
we can offer our skills to benefit other
organisations and continue working in
a field we love.”

Claudine Nalesu
Creative Technologist
Bachelor of Creative Technologies



Creative technologies crosses
the boundaries between
creative arts, engineering
and entrepreneurship. At
AUT, you’ll experiment with
things like augmented reality,
robotics, gaming development
tools, e-textiles, electronics
and sound engineering within
a collaborative project-based
studio environment. Your
knowledge will be in demand
within a wide range of cutting-
edge industries. The world
is changing fast, and people
with imagination, advanced
technological knowledge and
entrepreneurial skills will be
the ones to shape it.


degree structure

Mixed discipline

Access to high-
tech labs network


Bachelor of Creative

Duration 3 years F/T only
Campus City
Starts 25 Feb 2019


Bachelor of Creative Master of Philosophy
Technologies (Honours)
Duration 1 year F/T,
Duration 1 year F/T only 3 years P/T
Campus City Campus City
Starts 25 Feb 2019 Starts Any time

Master of Creative Doctor of Philosophy
Duration 3-6 years
Duration 1½ years F/T, Campus City
3 years P/T Starts Any time
Campus City
Starts 25 Feb 2019

F/T full-time
P/T part-time “I had a range of interests in technological, scientific and digital disciplines, and
the Bachelor of Creative Technologies provided a way to learn vital industry skills
in a way that appealed to me. I loved the fact that our projects were treated more
like real work experience than study. AUT has a modern and trendy feel. It’s in
central Auckland and is the beating heart of a thriving technological industry,

which allows students to be involved in real projects.”

Justin Cramer-Roberts
Junior Digital Designer, .99
Bachelor of Creative Technologies

“I’ve always had a passion for Africa, and now almost
all of my work is based in central and southern Africa.
When I’m filming things like gorillas in Rwanda I can’t
help thinking how amazing it is that someone is actually
paying me to film this. For me, this is a childhood dream
come true. One of the things I’m particularly proud of

was filming wild dogs and hyenas for National
Geographic Channel’s Africa’s Hunters. Wild
dogs are historically difficult to film, and I’m
very proud of the footage I’ve managed to get.
I initially wanted to become a war journalist
but then realised it wasn’t the right choice
for me. By my second year at AUT I knew
that I wanted to pursue documentary

Julian Braatvedt

Freelance Camera Operator
Bachelor of Communication

Studies in Television and
Screen Production



Communication in all its
forms is central to our lives. It
shapes and reflects our view
of the changing world. If you
love telling stories with words,
images and experiences then
communication studies at
AUT will lead you to rewarding
career options across many
exciting industries. Our
industry standard facilities
include well-equipped TV
and radio studios, sound and
editing suites and a live news
media centre. Study with us
and you’ll be equipped with
transferable skills to prepare
you for the next evolution on
the media horizon. It’s one of
many reasons why our alumni
are highly-regarded around
the world and regularly win
media awards.

radio studio

Work experience
and industry
projects in PR,
and more

Cutting edge
TV studios


Certificate in Bachelor of Bachelor of Business &
Communication Studies Communication Studies Bachelor of Communication
Studies conjoint
Duration 1 year F/T only • Advertising Creativity programmes
Campus City • Creative Industries
Starts 25 Feb 2019 • Digital Media Duration 4 years F/T,
• Journalism up to 8 years P/T
• Public Relations Campus City
• Radio Starts 25 Feb & 15 July 2019
• Television and Screen Production

Duration 3 years F/T only Graduate Diploma in
Campus City Advertising Creativity
Starts 25 Feb & 15 July 2019

Duration 1 year F/T,
2 years P/T
Campus City
Starts 25 Feb 2019


Bachelor of Communication Postgraduate Diploma in Postgraduate Diploma in
Studies (Honours) Communication Studies Brand Communication

Duration 1 year F/T, • Digital Media Duration 1 year F/T,
2 years P/T • Journalism 3 years P/T
Campus City • Public Relations Campus City
Starts 25 Feb & 15 July 2019 • Screen Production Starts 25 Feb & 15 July 2019

Postgraduate Certificate in Duration 1 year F/T, Master of Philosophy
Communication Studies 3 years P/T
Campus City Duration 1 year F/T, Duration ½ year F/T, Starts 25 Feb & 15 July 2019 3 years P/T
2 years P/T Campus City
Campus City Master of Starts Any time
Starts 25 Feb & 15 July 2019 Communication Studies

Duration 1½ years F/T, Doctor of Philosophy
4 years P/T
KEY Campus City Duration 3-6 years
F/T full-time Starts 25 Feb & 15 July 2019 Campus City
P/T part-time Starts Any time

“I had heard that at AUT you have more
opportunities to talk to your lecturers,
but it was much more than that. We had a

test before we started our degree and Dr
Ross Bernay – the head of the teacher
education department – stood at the door,

shook our hand and welcomed us in. He
addressed me by name and got to know
me. It showed that they actually cared

who I was. AUT offers an inclusive and
culturally responsive environment
that I highly recommend.”

Ezra Feau

Year 5 and 6 Teacher,
Puhinui School

Bachelor of Education
(Primary Pasifika)



At AUT you’ll find all the
support, encouragement and
inspiration you’ll need to
develop an outstanding career
in education. Our programmes
focus on academic knowledge
and provide you with
invaluable practical experience
in teaching and education,
through work placements
in schools or education-
related organisations. Our
postgraduate and research
students work in collaboration
with academic staff who
are internationally known
as experts in the fields of
pedagogy, education policy,
e-learning and educational



of professional
practice - many of
our students are
offered jobs during
their placements

Expert lecturers
in specialist

disciplines and
education research

TOP 300


for education


Certificate in [Specialty] Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Arts & Bachelor
Education of Business conjoint
• Children and Learning1 programmes
Duration 1 year F/T, 2 years P/T • Education
Campus North Duration 4 years F/T,
Starts 25 Feb & 15 July 2019 Duration 3 years F/T, up to 9 years P/T
6 years P/T Campus City
Bachelor of Education Campus City Starts 25 Feb & 15 July 2019
([Specialty] Teaching)2 Starts 25 Feb & 15 July 2019

• Early Childhood Teaching N S Graduate Diploma in Bachelor of Arts &
• Primary Teaching N S Secondary Teaching Bachelor of Computer
and Information Sciences
Duration 3 years F/T, 6 years P/T Duration 1 year F/T only conjoint programmes
Campus North & South Campus North & South3
Starts 25 Feb & 15 July 2019 Starts 25 Feb & 15 July 2019 Duration 4 years F/T,
up to 8 years P/T
Campus City
Starts 25 Feb & 15 July 2019

KEY F/T full-time
C City Campus P/T part-time
N North Campus
S South Campus “During my three-year degree I completed five teaching practicums, including
a placement at Northcote Central Kindergarten where I now work. The AUT
lecturers were amazing – so supportive, inspiring and knowledgeable. I also made
some lifelong friends during my studies and learned not just what it takes to be a

great teacher but also a lot about myself. I would say that every paper I took
at AUT is relevant to my job and has meant that I’ve been able to hit the
ground running.”

Leanne Mato
Ngāti Porou, Whānau a Apanui
Teacher, Northcote Central Kindergarten
Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Teaching)

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