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Published by Repro Graphics, 2020-12-08 23:39:41

Titirangi Yearbook-2020-12-09

Titirangi Yearbook-2020-12-09

To our Year 6 class of 2020

It is my great pleasure to introduce the Y6 Yearbook for 2020. What an incredible final year the students have had! 1
We have all demonstrated adaptability, flexibility, and resilience during this unique and history-making time. Mov-
ing between face to face learning into the digital world of Google Meets and remote learning that Alert Level 4
and 3 lockdown required. For some of you, the opportunity to learn alongside your siblings in the bubble classes
will no doubt be a memory that will be talked about for a very long time.

For our year sixes leaving Titirangi Primary School, the skills and knowledge you have acquired will help you be
the creative, innovative, problem solvers who can connect and communicate respectfully to others. Through the
hard work and dedication of all our staff and your parents, we have encouraged you to be the very best you can

A huge thank you to the many, many parents and caregivers who support our school. You are our sports coaches,
classroom helpers, parent readers, camp volunteers, and Board of Trustees representatives, and PTA. Your involve-
ment in the daily life of our school is deeply appreciated.

Many thanks to Rebecca, Mel and the Y6 teachers for your work supporting the production of this book. What a
wonderful gift you have produced for our school.

To our departing year sixes, I wish you every success. I think this year has taught us many things but the key mes-
sages I would like us to reflect on are to be kind, be grateful for our friends, family, and the place we live. I encour-
age you to make the most of every day. On behalf of our school community we all wish you the very best, you
will always be part of Titirangi Primary School.

Kia kaha

Julie Lynch

Yearbook 2020


Admin and Support Staff:
Warren Tyler, Shelley Wood, Suzanne Morgan, Anthea Davis, Allison Aikman,
Sonya Rhodes

Teacher Aides: Year 5/6 Teachers:
Maree Oxley, Su Clarkson, Sue Seddon Hilary Peterson, Mel McCorquindale,
Courtney Yukich

Year 5/6 Teachers:
Jo Yukich, Linda Hall, Lisa Sparey


THEN 2015

Back Row: Harper Mason, Tyler Marquet, Awa Yates-Rose, Milahn Williams
2nd Row: Theo Stoneman, Billie Sedcole, Billy Cox, Miro Robertson, Salamasina Fuhring, Ethan Davies
Front Row: Alex Maxwell, Lily Shaw, Jesse Pedersen, Bo Brown-Graham, Olympia de Gourley, Jacob Churches, Hayley
Absent: Oliver Ellis, Lisa Dever (Teacher)

Back Row: Isabella Soland, Erin Costello, Aedon Skelly, Leo Haines, Melanie McCorquindale (Teacher)
2nd Row: Daniel Li, Charlotte Soland, Jake Hutton, Nico Bradbourne, Kobe Geraets, Charlotte Malone
Front Row: Sofia Owens, nathan Grammer, Sophie Emelyanova, Josie hawkins, Alex Oliver, Saya Kraetzer, Ben Blake
Absent: Mac Reece-Morgan

Yearbook 2020 3

THEN 2015

Back Row: Yivi Kosleck, Rowan Howarth, Oscar Dellow, Emily Heathorn
2nd Row: Ruby Beach, Connor Rule, Dylan Jackson, Douglas Calvert, Adam Bennett, Tiana Paul, Lisa Sparey (Teacher)
Front Row: Reuben Dunning, Kaleb Strickland, Maia Goulet, Caed Mclver, Alexandra Robertson, Sebastian Van Rooyen,
Bella Robertson
Absent: Olivia Burt

Back Row: Ethan Bradburn-Hay, Jay Miller, Lily Mitchell, Calan Mckay, Remy Sale, Luke Doherty
2nd Row: Leo Ewers, Rosa Brodie, Jasmine Watt, Isla Purvis Schischka, Matthew Hathaway, Hilary Peterson (Teacher)
Front Row: Heath Longbottom, Georgia sedcole, McCarthy (Mac)Cotter, Tony Hutchinson, Olivia Stewart, Nivisha Singh


THEN 2015

Back Row: Zinzan Mataiti, Yasmin Middleton, Ananya Ghosh, Robyn Cochrane (Teacher)
2nd Row: Levi Jones, Millie Story, Jackson Westbrook, Spencer Wright, Millie Farmer, Darcey Scampion
Front Row: Aikya Jeevithesh, Dario Rotondo, Archie Taylor, Cameron Costello, Tawa Goodwin, Charlie Stewart,
Cara Newman
Absent: Alex Newman, Koen Westerdaal, Logan Blanch

First Years at School

Yearbook 2020 5

Room 18 NOW 2020

Third Row: Chloe Jenkins, Lucia Sampson, Eliza Gleeson, Hugo Compton, Beau Hayden, Grayson Young, Ruby Rae,
Cameron Costello
Second Row: Lisa Sparey(teacher) Bronte Marshall, Remy Sale, Jay Miller, Calan McKay, Adam Bennett, Nico Bradbourne,
Olivia Johnston, Willow Capes
Front Row: Caed McIver, Harper Mason, Olympia de Gourley, Hayley Cunningham, Olivia Stewart,
Billie Sedcole, Tasman Marquet, Mac Cotter
Absent: Archie Taylor

Room 19 NOW 2020

Third Row: Courtney Yukich, Rowan Howarth, Lily Shaw, Josie Hawkins, Albertine Drumm, Thea Bhreatnach, Sophie
Emelyanova, Isla Purvis Schischka
Second Row: Finn Peters, Braden Rhodes, Aubrey Yu, Annemieke Raffills, Layla Chapman-Smith, Lizzie Pacey Luke
Doherty, Eddie Anderson,
First Row: Elroy Olson, Matthew Hathaway, Jack Magee, Ethan Tetley, Koen Westerdaal, James Marshall, Roan Marsh,
Evan Joyce


Room 20 NOW 2020

Third Row: Kaitlyn Miller, Maia Jones, Allison MacVeigh, Bo Brown-Graham, Eddie Nippert, Jessica Eyre, Fraser Mitchell,
Reka Visky, Kade Sodeau
Second Row: Theo Stoneman, Waris Singh, Millie Story, Sienna Wylie, Leo Haines, Billy Cox, Ella Larsson-Hogman, Sofia
Owens, Hilary Peterson
First Row: Megan Jonkers, Frida Smith, Lucy Clark, Tamsin Lees, Leo Chapan, Oliver Ellis

Room 21

Third Row: Ben Thomas, Daniel Li, Tawa Goodwin, Heath Longbottom, Douglas Calvert, Leo Ewers, Isabella Soland,
Vela Moyes, Kate Pryor
Second Row: Tyler Carlton, Zach Jarman, Finn McGregor, Mathis Dronet-Hampton, Megan Grant, Rosa Brodie, Ruby
Catton, Hara Haynes, Mel McCorquindale (teacher)
First Row: Greta van Melle, Raven Cottier, Lucinda Allen, Awa Yates-Rose, Tony Hutchinson, Simon Shardin, Mia Hu

Yearbook 2020 7

Room 22 NOW 2020

Third Row: Oscar Dellow, Tyler Marquet, Levi Jones, Harlem Mackie-Nash, Salamasina Fuhring, Charlotte Soland, Logan
Blanch, Dylan Jackson, Alex Maxwell, Reuben Clements.
Second Row: Georgia Sedcole, Kai Varekamp, Ben Blake, Charlotte Malone, Anahera Smith-Rutene, Thomas Greenstreet,
Louis Hunt, Ruby Smyth, Yasmin Middleton, Linda Hall (Teacher)
First Row: Effie Guo, Nico Jarman, Isla Wormley, Joel Warne, Elliott Ng, Jayden Ives, Kaleb Strickland, Jason Ashcroft.


Room 18 Room 18

This has been a most unusual year and one you will all remember. I have been amazed
at your resilience, independence and willingness to meet new challenges. Our lucky
opportunity to go to camp highlighted these qualities in a great range of exciting
experiences. These key values will assist you all as you move on to your new schools
and adventures. Room 18 2020 will be remembered by me as a class of fabulous artists.
Your skills, observations and enthusiasm enabled every one of you to create stunning
artworks that you can all be proud of. It was such a great pleasure for me to teach you
new art techniques and to see your creativity. Your knowledge of world events and
your thoughtful responses to the big issues make you the learners of the future. Our
whanaungatanga and kiatiakitanga inquiries enabled you to take action and make a
difference. Your poetry writing and our Hear our Voice display showed that you could
paint a picture with words that were often moving, thoughtful and powerful! Sport and
laughter were always on the agenda too! You all have many strengths and talents that
will take you to new heights in the years to come. I wish you all every success and I
hope that all your dreams come true!
Lisa Sparey

SURFING Inter School Hockey

Room 18 surfing was really One of my highlights of the year
enjoyable and it was really was by far inter school hockey.
awesome to see lots of people We trained at morning tea and
learning a new sport. Piha was lunch times. The day came flying
the perfect place and day for this by! We were all so pumped
event. .Our hearts were racing with
excitement! Some of the other
Myself and a couple of other teams played dirty but we didn't.
people already knew how to We played very fairly (well except
surf but everyone else had never Megan). We won half our games.
surfed before. Their progress After prize giving we all came
from start to finish was really back and everyone gave us a clap
amazing to see, because of their in, then everyone who went to
pop up and balance progress. It hockey rushed up stairs and into
was also really amazing to listen the staff room. We all drank warm
to each other share hot chocolates that made us feel
all fuzzy inside.
This was an amazing event for
year six 2020. By Olivia

By Remy

Yearbook 2020 9

Room 18

The Disco Art

The disco was really fun and As a class, most of us did art based
jazzy but the line to go in the on the artist, Flox. Flox's art is mainly
hall was huge!!! We got to bring native birds and plants. They use
money and dress up. My friends vibrant colours and the mixture of
and I loved the light up rings warm and cool just makes the art
and bracelets. Then the teachers pop!
made a chillout corner with the
bean bags where you sit.They had Anyway, I had fun drawing it but
disco lights on and had decorated even more fun painting. Painting is
the walls with snowflakes. It not something I get to do often so
looked snazzy because the theme I was happy doing it. Although I did
was snowland. The DJ kept doing run into the incident where I would
competitions to see who danced dip my elbow in my pallet multiple
the best and whoever won got times.
stickers or another gift. This was
a highlight of year 5 and despite Overall, we learnt lots of new art
the cancellation we hope we can skills from Mrs Sparey and had lots
of fun!
have one this year.
By Mac By Caed

The Water Slide!

The water slide was fun and slippery
like a snail's slime. But it always
made the biggest splash when the
dads went down the slide.
It was action packed with fun! But
the only thing that no kid liked was
when we had to wait in line!
The weather was very cold and it
nearly froze my body!
Everyone was very encouraging.
But I have to admit my favourite
activity at camp was of course the
confidence course!
By Olympia


Room 18 Room 18

Athletics Fruit and Vegetable Distance learning
Last year the seniors competed This year was like no other year and
in athletics at Ceramco Park. We The fruit and vegetable competition we all ended up in a lockdown. This
did 60 Meter sprint 100 metre, was a speech about a fruit or meant that we were learning from
800 metre, shot put, long jump vegetable of our choice. I picked home. What I liked about distance
and high jump. We spend the orange. Everyone was working hard learning is that they still gave us
whole day at the park and the to try and get the prize butternut work but it was only on our devices
amazing part is the finals at the squash which was amazing and which made it a whole lot easier
end of the day which is exciting nearly the size of my head. Everyone and there was no writing which
to watch as everyone is cheering. was eager to get their hands on the means no cramps yay!! We would
squash. We did this competition to all catch up on Google meets with
So I qualified for the interschool work on our persuasive language our teacher and class. Sometimes
Athletics and at that time I was 9. and practice for our speeches. We the class brought along a funny hat,
Everything was going good until included facts and a dash of humour, pet or even a sibling! Another good
I realised that by the time that actually mine had more than a thing about distance learning is
interschool came I would be 10, cup of humour. At the end of the that we would call each other and
so I just had to watch the whole competition everyone read their discuss next week’s work.
time. speeches and they were pretty good,
but there could only be 1 winner... It was pretty rough times back then
By Jay well actually there were two people with all this covid-19 thing, so it was
who won first. Me - Nico and Billie. good not to feel pressured.
The Choir Billie got a bunch of weird red pears
and apples and I took home the By Tasman
The choir was magic as all the glorious butternut squash.
practice paid off. Family flooded into
the grand hall. By Nico

Learning to sing in perfect harmony Technology
altogether can be challenging,but
in the end it turned out beautiful, in In room 18 we had Technology Tuesday every week to learn new skills
practice but even more so on the for the future. For technology some people did programming on scratch
night. There is such a large variety and other people used edisons and spheroes and you could program
of music! Even the year 5’s wanted them to move around or follow a course. Some people made saltwater
to join! Learning songs can be a lot cars and drones. Stop motion animation was quite popular where they
of fun. The challenges are hard but I use plasticine to make characters for their filming. We even had people
would easily recommend choir as it make a sports website. Technology can be digital or with materials and
is such a learning point. it teaches you to be creative.

By Harper By Calan

Yearbook 2020 11

Room 18

Confidence course Interschool Football

One of my highlights in camp I was very excited for football, I had made the
was the B team which was for year six but there wasn’t
confidence course. enough. I was playing right defender in a lot of
In my opinion it's the by far the games we played. Some of the other schools
most extraordinary activity had bigger or faster players but I didn’t care as
there! we all played to the best of our abilities. Our
I'm so grateful I got to go team made it to the finals. We were so proud we
because it was such an tried our best but we didn’t win. It was a great
awesome experience! experience to have. All the other team members
But if my friends weren’t there and I were tired after that brilliant final. It wasn’t
it wouldn't have been nearly as the result we were looking for but it was the start
fun. of my interschool sports.
I loved being with my friends
because they would always By Adam
encourage me.
If you have not been to camp The Dark Forest
yet and you’re having one
coming up then do these things The traveller scampered
: enjoy every minute like it's A horse lay down
your last, always stay with your Tired from coming this long way
group (you don't want to get lost “Is there anybody there?” he murmured
:D ) Small steps shattered the earth
And lastly keep your cabin clean Something strange echoed in his mind
because there's always a prize The dark tall trees lurked over him
for the cleanest cabin ! :) Terrifying thoughts attacked him
By Hayley He couldn’t think
It was too late
POETRY Mist gliding past the moon
He had to go
One thing I've learned this year is His horse left a trail of dust along the
that we all have a voice that we can pavement
all make a difference. I realised this Nobody will know why
when room 18 had a spoken word Grass sways in the breeze
workshop. We were in groups with After the traveller fled
different people which was good as
we all got to learn more about each By Adam

We learnt about how powerful your
opinion can be when expressed in
the form of spoken word or poetry.
It was extremely motivational
and inspired me to write more
poetry and spoken word. It was an
awesome experience for all of us.
I think we have all thrived as poets
and authors.

Billie Sedcole


Room 19 Room 19


What a crazy year we have had! Two lockdowns and for the first time, online learning!
Luckily, school camp went ahead the week before the first lockdown, a highlight for many
this year. We have enjoyed getting to know the children in Room 19. You are a creative,
talented and sporty bunch of Year 6’s. We have loved seeing you grow in confidence,
word hard and improve in your learning. You have all brought your own unique
personalities to our classroom. It has been rewarding to see you grow and mature and
we wish you all the best for your intermediate years. We hope you take advantage of all
the wonderful opportunities that await you at intermediate. We will leave you with the
words of Dr Seuss, “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can
steer yourself in any direction you choose…”

All the best,
Courtney and Jo-Ann

Music Cinquain

Fun, relaxing,
Sound coming out of room,
Everyone will like, soft, sweet tunes,

By Aubrey

Llama cinquain

Cute and fluffy
Really lazy creatures
Running around all day happy
Soft wool

By Lily


Alert eyes,
peering into the distance.
Carefully nibbling on a juicy watermelon.
As the sharp teeth chomp through,
the sun goes down.
Peeking up from underneath the water,
a human approaches.

By Sophie

Rowan’s Limerick

One eye on his face
Came to destroy human race
Being a cryptid is his fame
Do not call out his name
All on a scroll packed up in a case
Summer Haiku
Sun is shining bright
The crickets chirping loudly
Kids splashing in sea

By Isla

Yearbook 2020 13


Ginger Giant

The fluffy ginger giant was walking
through the meadow using his ears
to try and find birds. Looking around
the tall, grassy meadow, stalking
amongst the trees, he spies a fat juicy
Keruru. As the ginger monster prys at
the Kereru, its mouth started to water.
He crept slowly through the trees, his
ginger tail swished back and forwards
ferociously. The tall grass keeps him
from being spotted by the Kereru.

By Koen

Dragon Writing

Flying through the mystical sky, flying
swiftly to their destination. You could see
the beautiful sunset as they flew closer
and closer. It became mysterious, then all
of sudden it was dark and ominous. They
swooped underneath the clouds. They
could see skyscrapers like the great Empire
State building. All the flashing lights looked
miraculously amazing.

By Luke


Room 19 Room 19

The Dragons The Hedgehog

The dragons glide happily towards the The small spiny creature waddled around
scorching hot sun. Miles after miles they the tall grass as the glamorous sun
spot a ginormous cave with a tree filled surrounded him. He crept to his home
with birds singing and squirrels hunting out of the sun. It was a dark, shady, cold
for nuts. Finally, they reach their cave. place in the dark burrow of his home.
They celebrate happily as their wings are He came back into the sunlight where
tired. They rest their exhausted shaking he was greeted by the sun. It was nearly
wings. Sleepily, the dragons fall fast asleep. afternoon, he was ready for the night to
They snore as loud as a sleeping giant. come.
By James
By Matthew

Smudge the Guinea Pig

A tubby, brown and black ball of fur,
Scurrying around his cage looking for fresh patches of grass.
Lumbering around his bed looking for the perfect warm spot.
Smudge is a greedy thing, who likes to devour apple as fast as light.
Sleeping inside my house, he loves to burrow under his hay.

By Elroy

Yearbook 2020 15


The Dragon

He is straight and proudly sitting on his
egg looking over his kingdom.His scaly
face is deep blue, his fins are an orangey
yellow colour. His eyes narrow towards any
predators that may try to attack. He has to
look after his kingdom. His necklace clinks
together as he turns his head side to side.
His chest curves down to his front legs,his
wings are a bright orange that shade into
a blue colour. Wings connect to his body
with gold plates. His tail curls around his
egg, guarding it while the mother hunts for
food. The strong current brushes past him
as he spots a crack. Flapping his wings he
goes high enough for the egg to hatch. His
wings blur as they go faster and faster.
By Josie


Room 20 Room 20

Teacher Blurb

What a year 2020 has been! From the excitement of Camp to the strangeness of COVID
lockdowns and term 4 flying past in a blur, Room 20 has shown what an amazing group of
learners and friends they are. We have had some great experiences this year and it has been
a lot of fun to laugh and learn with such a motivated and thoughtful group of young people.
It has been very special to be a part of their last year here at TPS – especially because I have
had the pleasure of teaching many of them before and now I’ve had the opportunity to see
how they have changed and grown. This group of learners are flexible, resilient and persevere
with challenges so I know they will be successful wherever their path takes them. I wish them
all the best for their exciting next steps and cannot wait to see what they will achieve in the

Hilary Peterson

Friends are family. Ollie: One dark night I heard a loud knock.
Friends are friends. Almost there I've basically won I'm Then I heard a jackhammer on the lock.
Friends are funny. going to dance without a thumb *starts A stench could be smelt…I follow.
Friends are friendly. to dance* It led me into a trees hollow.
Friends are famous. oooh oh oh oh oooh oh… I came out on a mountain.
Friends are fantastic. Nooooo how did you go that fast in I became thirsty and in a puff of
Friends are fun. such little time. smoke…a water fountain.
By Bo By Theo
Kennings Guinea pigs Let’s just say that turbos my dad *starts
A grass shredder. doing take the L*.
A dry food muncher.
A finger biter. The End
A veggie eater. By Oliver and Billy
An apple killer.
A nail biter.
A lap scratcher.
A soft cozer.
A sheep looker.
A fast runner.
A hair grower.
A lawn mower.
By Ella

Depression is cold blue.
It tastes like cold beef.
It smells like onion.
Depression looks like a puddle.
It sounds like rain.
Depression harms.
By Leo H

Strict, Lovely, Sharing, Unfair, Funny,
Joyful, Coffee Addicted,
Hard Working,
Busy, Nice, Helpful, Amazing, Special.
By Millie

Yearbook 2020 17



Room 20

One dark night I heard a loud knock and I went downstairs to open the lock.
I saw a bear outside so I went to follow it, it lead to a cave and it was hollow.

I went to a mountain and at the top was a fountain.
I live in a lighthouse, it has a massive light that is super bright.

I see ships all around and some of them make sound.
By Waris

Ollie: Ollie: Ollie:
Calm down, you're not gonna take Ok Let's finish this with a race
Hello I'm snail I have a big toenail and my crown, everything's gonna upside
this is a rap of a great contest you down. Billy:
know I’m the best and now let's go on My shell is tough, are you strong Sure
a conquest. enough? *intense music starts*

Billy: Billy:
Yes I'm tough I'm extremely buff.
Yes, I’m the best I am here to stop this I could break your shell by the bell.
quest I have already won this contest
stop having a frown I’m here to take
your crown my name is slug and I'm
a thug.

Yearbook 2020 19

RRoooomm1290 The Water Cave

20 “This is an Underwater Discovery!”
Samantha shouted, even though I
couldn’t hear, the communication
device in the suits were broken so
we had to use Sign Language. “I
know” I signalled. The “discovery”
was a big concrete hole deep in
the sea of the Indian Ocean. We
were sent here for a reason, some
reason that we will never know. We
were told we would be rich if we
did the mission, the mission was
to find ancient artefacts down in
this hole. But all we have found is
humongous concrete walls, and
we needed that money, you see,
Samantha and I are a couple with
kids, but we're poor. So doing this
was just trying to let the kids and
us survive.

By Sienna

The Magic Cloud

As I look down below me I see a
mind-blowing view.

I see the sea rolling in and out.

I see tall towers.

I see shiny rainbow balloons
beside me.

Birds glide through me as I float.

Moving slowly across the sky.

Planes fly up above me as I float
looking down on the bird’s eye

I see cars zooming across the

As they suddenly stop, waiting for
the bright green light.

Cars are all different colours.

As I look up above me, stars begin
to shine as I slowly, slowly and
slowly, I start to faint

I disappear into the dark as if I have
never been seen.

By Sofia

Room 1291 Room 21


Wow...what a fabulous bunch of kids in Ruma rua tekau ma tahi! I have loved being part of their final
year at TPS and the fact I have taught so many of them before has made this year so memorable.
We’ve had some great highlights and a lot of fun in Room 21. As the students move on to their new
chapter, I hope they remember their experiences at TPS - especially, their final year. It has been an
unusual year, one we will remember for a long time! The students in Rm 21 have made me laugh
and made me proud - their attitude towards learning and the way they relate to each other is truly
amazing. I can see many of the friendships lasting a very long time. Make sure you come and visit
Alice and I, it will be great to heaar about your exciting new journey. I wish the students every success
in their future, dream big, have a growth mindset, be resilient and remember - always have fun!

Kia kaha

Mel McCorquindale

Black Lives Matter Poem Vote for Oliver the Orange Orange!
I am: A ball of energy and laughter
I wonder: If the world will heal itself Hello fruits and veggies, I’m the almighty
I hear: Protesters screaming for equality Oliver the orange orange. I'm in the
I see: Police killing people of colour for no running for best fruit of the year!
I want: Equality for all I'm going to inform all you fruits and
Tomorrow is: A new voice for people of veggies why I am the best.
I am: A ball of energy and together we Firstly, I have loads and loads of vitamin c.
will end racism Vitamin C keeps you fit and healthy and
By Awa Yates-Rose it’s very good for you!

Daniel I am very tasty and I am full of flavour. I
Clever, kind, encouraging and strong. am a juicy fruit and I'm orange, everyone
Son of Leon and Jenny, brother of Serina. likes orange right?
Lover of pepperoni pizza, soccer and
reading. So if you want LOADS of vitamin C...
Who feels hungry, sleepy and bored. vote for me. (plus I will give you oranges
Who needs happiness, food and energy. everyday!)
Who gives compliments more
compliments and some more You should vote for me because I am the
compliments. BEST of all!
Who fears the dark, horror movies and
death. By Heath Longbottom
Who would like FOOD, money and
success. Life of a football
Who comes from NZ and lives in New
Lynn. Once upon a time there was a football,
Li but he didn’t like being a football, he
always was being kicked around. He
was left out in the rain and wasn’t
looked after, he hated it. Today was the
semi-final and he was NOT looking
forward to it.

TWEET! The whistle blew and the teams
were very unfair. The blue team started
to pass, every time they kicked you
could hear an ouch coming from the
ball. He was so sad because his life was
kicked around a lot. His only joy in life
was being pumped up, it was such a
nice feeling. Then, after he got kicked, it
didn’t hurt as much. Then the next day
something strange happened. He got
picked up, put in a box that said FREE
on it. He was so confused...this had
never happened before. Suddenly the
box was in the back of a car. In about
ten minutes the box was being lifted out
of the car by a small boy which was a
surprise. From that day on the ball got
a much better life, he was not left in the
rain and was pumped up often.


By Douglas Calvert

Yearbook 2020 21


Surfing The Magic House

One day in the beginning of the year, a CHAPTER ONE
handful of children got to go to Phila to
learn to surf. I was very anxious because The gloomy atmosphere was dark,mouldy and poisoned, the huge rotted fading
I've never surfed in my life, but I had a ball. wooden doors hidden by a net of spiderwebs. The doors creaked when I opened the
I loved playing in the waves and in the faded, moldy black door and revealed the narrow, damp and lonely corridor stacked
sand. I had so much fun in the sun with high with books and nineteenth century furniture. Then I heard the most terrifying
my friends even though I wasn't the best noise, (which would be hard considering the house) someone was walking down the
surfer, I still had fun. cold wet, oak stairwell. I wasn’t sticking around, I ran as fast as I possibly could, away
from that house.
By Isabella Soland
“Oliver! Oliver, where are you?”, I said, scanning the sad, dead street from my running
Camp Adair position, which proved just a little bit tricky, “I did the dare, I did it! I ran around the
neighborhood,then returned to the creepy nineteenth century mansion, which Lukas
Camp Adair was altogether an amazing (who dared me to knock on the door and look inside) was nowhere to be seen, then,
experience, even the bus ride was because I was so tired, sat down on the front step of the mansion.
entertaining with all the small little fidgety
games to play. It was about five thirty, when I started to worry about something. I was in a
neighborhood, to stay for the holidays, I was outside a creepy, rotting mansion, and
The activities were next level excitement! I couldn’t see Lukas anywhere. I started to think about dinner. Mum said we would
Even when it was pouring down with rain, have pizza and garlic bread, my stomach rumbled at the thought of the greasy,
I couldn’t get a smile off my face. I would cheesy toppings and the saucy, rich garlic sauce.
love to go back and I bet everyone else
would agree. I hope everyone enjoyed it I would never make my way back home (or holiday house) I lay down on the cold,
as much as I did. termite ridden floor, and just then, a cold clammy hand grabbed the back of my
hoodie and pulled me in the house.
By Leo Ewers
By Mathis Dronet-Hampton

Vote for me...Watermelanisa Callie the Carrot

You should vote for me because I will Hey, it's Callie the Carrot here. I'm here to tell you why carrots are so great and why you
stop all humans from taking our lives and should vote for me.
eating all of us and picking us up from our
home. Why are carrots so great you ask? Well, they are very healthy and orange looking, but
they taste AMAZING now, that is one reason to vote for me.
I think you should vote for I know
you should vote for me because I’m full of Oh, and why am I better than all the other fruits and vegetables? I am very tall, I can
water and I taste nice so come reach almost anything, and if the fruits or vegetables want something up high, I can get
for me - Watermelanisa. it for them.

Let me be your next leader and I will bring I almost forgot! I will give you money, and free stuff like fruit if you vote for me! And
great things to all of you fruits so go and together, we will murder the FRUITS! Example: Watermelon Wanda. Me and Joe the
vote for me as your next leader. Sweet Potato’s enemy

I want to tell you one more thing: don't So, this concludes my reasons. I hope you realised why you should vote for me, have a
vote for Milly the Mango and vote for me. Carrotful day.

Let me have the chance to be your leader By Ruby Catton
and help get throw anything and now
go home and make your deshions but
remember you should vote for me

By Megan Grant


Room 1291 Room 21

Mr Potato

Part One

One day, Mr Potato was walking like a potato.

Well, he wasn’t walking like a potato, he was rolling like a potato.

You might want to know why he was rolling like a potato...

He was rolling down the hill with Peppa Pig and Suz Sheep.

But sadly, he had to go home and make dinner and feed his wife.

He got home and his wife wasn’t there so he called her.

‘Ring ring ring ring.’ “Hello” said Miss Potato. “Hello Sweet Potato, just want to know…
where are you and what do you want for din din? said Mr Potato. “Oh, I’m at my dad's
house and can we have pasta?” “I would love that,” said Miss Potato. “Okay, bye” and
then he hung up.

He had everything so he started to bake. “Uh oh,” said Mr Potato “ what happened?”
shouted Miss Potato “I-I forgot the bowls” cried Mr Potato.” “Where did you forget
them? said Miss Potato. “In the car” said Mr Potato. “Well go get them” said Miss Potato
“Okay” said Mr Potato.

And then he started again. Now it was time for the potato family to go to bed. Good
night and come back for part two.

By Rosa Brodie

Hello, I’m the very cheeky coconut:] Camp
Camp is very fun.
I’m going to give a speech about why I like the mud side because I go fast.
I should be elected prime minister. I splashed in the slimy mud.
I was one of the speediest down the slide.
I have tons of vitamin c and vitamin By Tony Hutchinson
c keeps you fit and healthy. I have
potassium and I will give you 5+ a day.
I am delicious and have lots of flavour.

I have meat and delicious juice called nu.
You should vote for me because I’m the

By Tawa Goodwin

Yearbook 2020 23


Camp Adair
Camp Adair is amazing! We all had
so much fun!
My favorite activity was the flying
My least favorite activity was the
high beam.
It was super scary! You had to climb
super high up in the air and then
you walk across a log that was
really high, but most people didn't
do it.
By Hara Haynes


Room 12921 Room 22


Gosh, what a year we have had. It will be a year to remember for sure. We have done things this
year, which have never been done before. Who would have thought at the beginning of the year that
we would be at camp one week and in Level 4 Lockdown due to Covid 19 the following week. The
children have just taken everything in their stride, adapting to Distance Learning and Google Meets.
We all learnt something new during this time.

I have so enjoyed working with Room 22. These are a marvelous group of individuals, who have been
eager to learn. They are extraordinary, and will go on and accomplish great things. They always tried
their best, persevering and extending themselves.

Room 22 has handled so many challenges this year, anything they come across in the future will be no problem. I wish you
well for the year ahead and look forward to hearing all about your future endeavours. I will leave you with this quote from
Albert Einstein - “A person who never made a mistake, never tried anything new.” Go forth and make lots of mistakes.

Louis Snoozatron - Oscar

This year we wrote a piece of Finally we have DA-HANDS that
persuasive writing and it was about massage you to sleep. WARNING! If you
zoos. We had to decide if we are for sleep on your back you may get a very
zoos or against zoos and I chose for strange feeling on your belly, WATCH
zoos. After we finished we had to do OUT! If all else fails DA-HANDS will grab
friendly arguing. First I did NOT want a dart from the magically appearing box
to share, but after all my friends shared that you never knew about and throw a
and pretty much, my whole class. I dart at you. HA, HA so, so fabulous. You
thought I would share one paragraph can also set an alarm on DA-HANDS
because if nearly my whole class can that will pull the covers off and slap you
share why can't I. This year was one of awake. So your school teacher won’t
the best years ever!!! snap at you for being late again.

Hi my name is Louis and today I am But wait, there's more: if you buy one
going to convince you why zoos should snoozatron right now for the super-
stay open. Do you like animals? If you duper-ultra-amazing price of your
don't, you’re in the wrong place. whole bank account, you will get
another one for half the price of your
First of all, zoos help endangered whole friend's bank account. That’s
animals. If zoos wouldn’t be a thing, the right, buy one and get another one
kiwi bird would maybe be extinct by half-price. Buy now. (AD) (AD) (AD) (AD)
now. But now because there are zoos (AD) (STRANGE INFOMERCIAL MUSIC).
there are still quite a lot of kiwi birds
left. Now the population will definitely

Yearbook 2020 25


Yasmin Middleton - Tyler Marquet - Salamasina Fugring - The rock
that tried to eat me
Imagine living in a world where you we “Jesse” I shrieked. Where's my lego!
treated like nothing ”Huh,” He shouted back.”I said, where's Science has lied and physics rules have
my freaking lego!” Um, I don’t know” he been broken. Everything still is now
I would definitely want to be something lied. I totally didn't cover it behind my alive. Up is down Black is White and
toys on my bed in my room downstairs. now a rock is chasing me at night, or
Our world nots perfect and we need If you find it there, it was probably a bad am I going coo co.
change guy. “Get out of my way” I demanded.
“NO!” Jesse screeched right in my left Ok, it’s declared I am not coo co .
Some of our habits need to be ear, as he bit down on my arm. “Ow!” I
rearranged yelped. A few days ago I was running down
the beach trying to outrun the army of
People have faced discramination Anahera Smith-Rutene - rocks chasing me. Everything was going
because of there colour The Invisible Man slow, my screams were slow, the waves
crashing on the shore was slow. When
Years ago our world was much duller Just before there was a regular boy I stumbled I felt too weak to get up but
called Tom he always dreamed of what when I did the rocks were right behind
I wish i could say we have changed but it would be like to be an old man but me. That’s when my vision blurred out.
in some places we have not he also wanted to be invisible, well
being an old man at the same time ….. Kai Varekamp - Robbery
Somethings have changed a lot The next day Tom screams ahh !!! what
happened to me he was invisible his So, there we were cruising alone in the
Years ago just cause of your colour you mum and dad were worried ‘ uh honey chilly winter night approaching the
would be in a different school from why is there nobody here said his dad ‘ bank, which had big gorilla-like security
some of your friends i have no clue but we should RUN FOR guards guarding the front entrance.
OUR LIVES. I was extremely nervous and I went
I hope one day racism can come to a through the plan in my head again for
end Charlotte Malone - what seemed like the one-millionth
But we can’t do it unless me and you 6.00 Monday 24th
and anyone in the world will stand up Harlem Mackie-Nash - ZOO’s
for what's right. Some people are willing I slumped out of bed. Threw on my
to put up a fight. You are change, you thermals slugglishy. Pulled up my boots. I’m here to persuade you that zoos
can help. you might be one voice but Grabbed my coat, and emergency pack should be banned and here's why. Do
together we are whole so it's your in case we get lost or if one of us gets you want animals to die for boredom? I
choice if you wanna help the world hurt. Seized my school bag. Nabed my know I don’t so if you said yes then I’m
until we are all equal then at least lunch. Stuffed it into my backpack, said going to persuade you that zoos should
you can say one day that you helped goodbye to mom, said goodbye to dad, be banned.
the world and that you were apart of and walked briskly outside into the
change freezing weather to get to my group. Boredom - Well the animals in the zoos
could get so bored they eat the zoo
6.30 still monday 24th keepers, know do you want that to
happen? I don’t.
The arctic wind sends chills down
my spine. It made me feel vulnerable, Space - Zoos cannot provide the
knowing that the harsh winter monster amount of space animals have in the
could make me lost in it's endless white wild. This is the case for those species
forest…..forever. Putting that happy who roam larger distances in their
thought aside I nervously skipped to natural habitat. Tigers and lions have
school with my classmates, but not my around 18,000 times less space in zoos
friends. than they would in the wild. Polar bears
have one million times less space[2]
that they need.


Room 21912 Room 22

Kaleb Sobieszczuk- Alex Maxwell - Trees
Strickland - Higara
Two trees rooted in the ground, one is
Have you ever seen the blue bigger than the other, the birds chirping
star when you look through every day. The trees wait for something
a telescope? Well, it might be interesting to happen. All they do is stay
Higara, a very warm planet with there, all they do is wait, peaceful and
3 moons. These three moons quiet.
drag storms and seas close to
themselves and flood 6,999 Georgia Sedcole - Peaches
islands out of 7,000 a year. Robots
have been on this planet for a Yo, Bro’s how yo going? Ma names
long time. The humans died long Peaceful Pedro Peach and today I’m
before after an alien invasion. The gonna be trying to convince yo all to
other island, however, is Kharak, vote for me as fruit of the year 2020.
the largest island that incubates
dinosaurs to life, and it is only First things first peaches help reduce
flooded every ten years, and a allergy symptoms, Well ma manz a
year is 3240.7 days long, so it’s safe bunch of dudes in oversized white
for about 32,000 days! The robots coats and massive goggles with crazy
help civilization, but not humans... hair did some tests and the tests show
dinosaurs. that PEACHES may help reduce allergy
symptoms by preventing the release of
histamines (Whatever they are) in the
blood.But apparently more oversized
google eyes need to do some more
“research” to determine the effects!!!

Did ya know that a couple days ago I
overheard some oversized google eyes
saying they made a MASSIVE discovery
at first I thought it was that peaches are
the most BUM shaped fruit ever butt
(I’m hilarious) no it's that “Studies” show
that compounds found in peaches may
improve your skin's ability to retain
moisture!!! To be honest I think the
bum thing was a lot better.

Last night while I was watching the
news they said some “Scientists” (What
are they?) have discovered that peaches
improve heart health and lower the risk
of heart diseases such as high BLOOD
pressure and cholesterol levels!!! Cool

XOXO Peaceful Pedro Peach (Queen

Yearbook 2020 27


Logan Blanch - Dylan Jackson - Charlotte Soland -
Crazy Carl Coconut Why Zoos Should Be Banned The Iguana Chase

Hi, I'm Crazy Carl Coconut. I think Everybody thinks zoos are great and After emerging from its nest, a
you should vote for me because I’m fun. But what if you were the animal, hatchling marine iguana must make
awesome. I’m the best fruit in the You had been taken away from your its way to the sea, but a den of racer
world, I'm also very yummy, I can also family, You see people strolling along snakes are waiting. This will be the
make you addicted to eating me. I'm and steering at you making horrible, ear best feeding opportunity they will get
sooooooooooooooooooooooo good damaging noises. You will feel sad. So all year. Hidden by the shadows, racer
for you and sooooooooooooooooo today I'm going to convince you why snakes are observing and preparing
yummy. zoos should be banned permanently. to snatch their prey. The hatchling
suspects something but doesn't know
You can find me all over the world. I'm The first point I want to make is exactly what it is.
everywhere you look. I'm also really captivity. Animals in captivity suffer
really popular so you can count on me from boredom and stress. They have Ben Blake - The Dragon Slayer
to be at every store you go to. I also no space and no freedom. No cage or
help blood flow so you can count on pen can compare to the freedom of Long ago, a dragon attacked villages by
me so you can go to the gym and get the wild. Animals have the right to live burning them down with it’s lightning
strong,meet you there. freely in their natural habitat. They are blasts. Villages that were threatened
living creatures, just like us. Imagine if by the dragon to give their gold to
I'm really good for weight loss so you someone said to you that you had to him opened up blacksmiths to forge
don't have to sit on your bottom all day, stay in your bedroom for the rest of weapons and defend themselves. Once
you can get outside and have fun yee your life. Maybe they would give you a year everyone held a “who is the
ha!! So what I’m trying to say is that food and water. But in the wild animals strongest” contest and whoever won,
you'll be really healthy. have about 1,000 more room they do ventured out to try and slay the beast.
in the zoo. For 10 years the people who’d won
I like to help your physical health and never came back...
your mental health but I don't really When zoo workers get animals. They
have anything to say about that so:) do not send them back. The animal will
be forever part of the zoo. That means
Vote for me the best fruit of 2020 and that the animal will never see their
I'll be really happy. I'll let you have family ever again. Those bonds will be
infinite amounts of coconuts and cocoa broken when they are sold or traded.
powder to make hot cocoa. And I'll For example, An Asian elephant was
love you forever and I don't care if you taken away from his mother after two
eat my family of coconuts. At least you days. And he was sent to an abusive
voted for me. circus trainer that treated him poorly.
The mother could never see her baby



Football - Boys

Football - Girls

Yearbook 2020 29




Interschool Gymnastics

Yearbook 2020 31

Interschool Swimming


Camp Adair

Yearbook 2020 33

Camp Adair


Camp Adair

Yearbook 2020 35

Camp Adair



Yearbook 2020 37




Bike Safety Day

Book Character Cheerleading

Yearbook 2020 39


Coding Club





Events - Pink Shirt Day Photos

Yearbook 2020 41


Events - Surfing



Lockdown _ Distance Learning

National Young Leaders


Yearbook 2020 43


Senior School Athletics





Road Patrol

Yearbook 2020 45


Flag Monitors

Rock Band



School Council

Wet day Monitors

Yearbook 2020 47




Peer Mediators

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