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History Textbook Basic 3 Teachers Guide

Teachers Guide

Keywords: Historian

Sub-strand 1: Revision

Sub-strand 1: Revision (LB pages 28–29)

Use this Sub-strand 1: The people of Ghana 4 c People who speak
Revision activity for formative or summative 1 ethnic the same language,
assessment. group have the same
• Formative assessment: Let learners
origin, culture and
complete the activity and go through traditions.
the answers in class. Learners can
either check their own work for self- 2 dialects h A form of a language
assessment, or swap work with a that people speak in a
partner and check each other’s work for particular area.
peer assessment.
• Summative assessment: Let learners 3 rituals d Routines or practices
write the answers in their exercise books used in a ceremony.
or talk about the answers with you
individually. Take in the exercise books 4 colonisers b One group/country
or listen to the oral answers and assess using their power to
learners’ work. Check that learners can control another.
demonstrate an understanding of what
history is about and how it is part of 5 customs g The usual way of
everyday life. acting in certain
6 oral a Stories, beliefs
1 a False. The Ashanti Region’s capital is tradition and customs
Kumasi. handed down
from generation to
b False. The North East region’s capital generation especially
is Nalerigu. by word-of-mouth.

c True. 7 mosque i A place of worship
d True. for people who
e False. The traditions and cultures follow Islam.

of the Mole-Dagbani people are 8 famine e A shortage of food.
influenced by Islam.
9 migrated l To move from one
2 a The Akan people are spread town or country to
throughout Ghana. After crossing another.
the lower Niger River, they travelled
through the forests of modern-day 10 voting k Choosing your own
Benin and Togo before reaching the leader.
Ghanaian coast.
11 celebration f A happy event to
b The Ewe people moved to Ghana remember something
in three groups after the mid-13th special.
Century. They can be found mostly
in the Volta region, south and east 12 exiled j To be forced out
of the Volta River. You will also find of your country or
many Ewe people in Accra. The home.
current traditional home is in Anloga
and Keta.   Self-assessment

3 a A • Learners should assess themselves
b B according to the statements. If they
feel that they did not perform well in an
area, ask them questions about what
they struggled with. Use their reflections
and your notes to give them extra
practice in these areas.


Strand 2: My country Ghana

Sub-strand 2: Inter-group relations

Demonstrate knowledge of how inter-group alliances, conflicts and other
exchanges affected Ghana ------------------------------------------------------------- (B3.2.2.1)

In this section, learners will discuss the nature of Teaching instructions
exchanges amongst the ethnic groups and identify the
forms of exchanges, the items that were exchanged Use these teaching suggestions to create your own
and learn about the conflicts and alliances that existed lesson plans to address the performance indicator
amongst the ethnic groups. and exemplars.
Phase 1: Start
The nature of exchanges among the Start the lesson by asking learners:
ethnic groups ��������������� (LB pages 30–39) • Do you think fishermen were also subsistence

There are many forms of exchange among the ethnic farmers?
groups in Ghana. Some of these are: • How would they have gotten meat or vegetables?
• Trade • Inter-marriage • Where did people from the north get salt?
• Conflict • Alliances • What is trade?
• What happens when there is conflict between the
People from one ethnic group can participate in
many activities with another ethnic group. We call ethnic groups?
such activities an exchange. Each of these will be • What are the benefits of alliances?
discussed in detail. These are warm-up questions for an informal
benchmark assessment.
Content standard: B3 2.2.1. Phase 2: Explore suggestions
Demonstrate knowledge of how inter-group • Read through the information first on the nature
alliances, conflicts and other exchanges
of exchanges among the ethnic groups, then the
Indicator: B3 items that were exchanged and lastly on conflicts
Discuss the nature of exchanges among the ethnic and alliances.
groups. • There is a lot of information; pace the lessons and
1 Identify the forms of exchanges including read through each section slowly.
• Check that all learners understand the concepts
forms of trade, inter-marriage, conflict and before moving on to the next paragraph or
alliances. activity. Learners can take turns to read.
2 Discuss the benefit of these exchanges. • Discuss the meaning of any difficult words.
Learners can underline any important information.
Subject-specific practices and core Phase 3: Reflect suggestions
competencies: • Put the learners into small groups to discuss the
Learners develop appreciation of interdependence notes that they underlined and to see if they have
among ethnic groups and communicative skills by all the important information.
discussing inter-group relations
Use of ICT
Images of trade items that were exchanged among • If there is time, learners can research items that
the various groups, (if possible, cowrie shells), map were traded in Ghana, the sources of the items
of the areas of Ghana, labels of the trade items, and how the monetary system evolved.
box, items to trade that are worth a lot to your
learners, drum, posters and materials to decorate • The learners will need to research the conflicts
and alliances among the ethnic groups.
alliances, exchange, inter-marriage, conflict, • They can use the images of alliances for their
livestock, economic, disagreement, resolve poster, if they can be printed.

Helpful links: • Possibly provide a documentary for this section.



Sub-strand 2: Inter-group relations

Activity 1.11 (LB page 32) Answers:
1–5 Learners’ own answers depending on the
Learners work in pairs to do research online research they have done.
and conduct interviews with parents or elders to Formative assessment
find out more about livestock farmers, fishing, • Take in learners’ answers. Take note of which
gold mining and the building of homes. They write
notes and then use their notes to compile students struggled to complete the activity or do
five sentences. it correctly.
Pair work Differentiated learning
Learners work in pairs to do research. They will • Use the remedial activities as practice for those
need time to interview elders and parents at home – who find the task challenging and the extension
so either the lessons must span periods on different activities for those learners who need more of a
days or give them the first part of the activity as challenge.
homework on the day before the lesson. Remedial activity
Answers: • Pair learners with a stronger learner and discuss
1–4 Learners’ own answers according to the research their answers. Learners can then rewrite their
answers to hand in.
they conducted. Extension activity
Formative assessment • Ask learners to prepare a presentation for the class
• Walk around the class and watch as learners on what they found out.
• Learners could also compile a simple slide show
discuss what they found out from elders or other to show to the class, especially including the
family members. Take note of which learners Extension activity if possible.
struggled to compile sentences. They will need
more practice in further activities. Activity 1.12 (LB page 34)
Differentiated learning
• Use the remedial activities as practice for learners Learners’ own answers about the people they know
who struggle, and the extension activities for that have inter-married.
those learners who need more of a challenge. Group work
Remedial activity Learners work in groups to complete this activity.
• Pair up stronger and weaker learners so that Encourage them to share what they know about
stronger learners can help weaker ones. family members or even their parents that have inter-
• Ask students to say their sentences if they are married. Allow learners enough time to complete
struggling to write them. Help them with the this activity. Groups give feedback to the class.
necessary spelling and vocabulary. Formative assessment
Extension activity • Walk around the class and observe as groups are
• Ask learners to draw pictures and display their
sentences in the class. Invite learners to share having their discussions. Assist where necessary.
their sentences with the class. Make sure that every learner has a chance to
• Collect the sentences and bind them in a book speak and participate in the discussion.
titled Trade in the ethnic groups for the book Differentiated learning
corner in class. • Use the remedial activities as practice for those
who find the task challenging and the extension
Homework (LB page 33) activities for those learners who need more of a
Learners conduct research about the land that Remedial activity
subsistence farmers use to grow crops. • Pair weaker learners with stronger learners in
a group so that the stronger learners can help
Individual work the weaker ones, or form a group of the weaker
Learners work on their own to complete the activity learners and guide their discussions by asking
at home. If learners do not have access to the questions. Make sure that learners understand
internet at home, then make some time available for what inter-marriage is.
them to do their research at school but write their
answers for homework.


Strand 2: My country Ghana

Extension activity Group work
• Ask learners to interview their parents, elders Learners work in groups of four or five to role-play an
exchange. Give each group a different form of exchange
and other friends and family. They prepare a to role-play. Allow groups adequate time to prepare.
presentation for the class on what they found Groups then role-play to complete this activity.
out. Guide them not to follow stereotypes about • Learners form small groups, each with about four
specific groups.
• Learners could also compile a simple slide show learners. They choose one form of exchange to
to show to the class, which answers the questions role-play, either trade, inter-marriage, conflict or
in the extension activity. alliances.
• Then they decide what example they can act out
Activity 1.13 (LB page 36) for their chosen form of exchange. You need
to guide learners in their planning stages. The
In this activity, learners work on their own to example needs to include two ethnic groups of
answer questions about whether they have had Ghana. It needs to be realistic.
disagreements that have led to a bigger conflict and • Decide what role or character each learner will
how they settled that conflict. play.
Pair work • Learners must remember to include a benefit of
Learners work in pairs to complete this activity. Each the form of exchange for an ethnic group.
learner should be given an opportunity to share his • Groups practise the role play.
or her experience. • Learners perform their role play in class. The class
Answers: should be able to say what form of exchange they
1–2 Students’ own answers about a conflict/ chose.
Formative assessment
disagreement or misunderstanding they had and • Walk around the class, observe and listen to
how they resolved it. learners working in groups. Help where needed.
Formative assessment • Make a note of those learners who lack
• Walk around the classroom and observe as confidence in role play and give them more
learners discuss and answer the questions. Assist practice opportunities in later lessons.
any learner who seems to be struggling. • Give learners enough time to discuss their ideas
• Give learners enough time to complete the activity. and then plan their role play.
• Ask a few pairs to share their answers with the class. • Encourage all learners to take part in the
Differentiated learning discussions.
• Use the remedial activity for learners who are Differentiated learning
struggling and the extension activity for learners • Use the remedial activities as practice for those
who need an extra challenge. who find the task challenging and the extension
Remedial activity activities for those learners who need more of a
• Ask learners to give you their feedback challenge.
individually. Give learners a word search to • Let stronger learners start the discussion so that
complete about the Asante. learners who need more support have an example
• Pairing stronger learners with slower learners will to copy when adding to the discussion.
assist with differentiated learning. • Give each member of the group a task and role-
Extension activity play according to their strengths, so that they are
• Ask learners to interview different teachers, parents all involved with the task.
and elders about the best ways to solve conflict and Remedial activity
then share what they have learnt with the class. • Encourage less confident learners to take a small
role in the beginning to build their confidence.
Activity 1.14 (LB page 37) Extension activity
• Ask learners to write a script for their role play. Let
In this activity, learners role-play a form of exchange. them act it out with the words for their friends.
Discuss examples of the forms of exchange. Try to • Let learners make use of simple costumes for
guide learners in providing authentic examples that their role play.
are based on the ethnic groups. • They can record their role plays as videos and
play it for the class and other classes.


Exercise 1.8 (LB page 39) Sub-strand 2: Summary

In this exercise, learners need to complete sentences j Settling conflict in a friendly way can bring
using the words in blocks provided at the beginning about more unity.
of the exercise.
Individual work k Trade lets us choose from a variety of products.
• Learners work on their own in this exercise to Formative assessment
• Walk around the classroom. Observe learners as
rewrite the sentences, filling in the blanks with
the given words. they work. Assist any learners who seem to be
• Give learners time to work. struggling.
Answers • Check learners’ work to see if they have got the
1 a Inter-marriage is between two people from answers correct.
• Make a note of those learners who are finding it
different ethnic groups. difficult to complete the sentences. Give them
b Two or more groups agree to work together in more practice opportunities in later lessons or tasks.
Differentiated learning
an alliance to achieve their common goals. • Use the remedial activity for learners who are
c In the past, women were mainly involved in struggling and the extension activity for learners
who need an extra challenge.
trade. Remedial activity
d Fishing is very important to the Ewe people. • Give learners additional exercises or worksheets
e Trade allowed the different ethnic groups to if they struggle to complete this exercise. Allow
them more time to complete the exercise, fill in
learn skills from each other. the first word with them, or pair them with a
f Livestock are domestic animals raised for use stronger learner.
Extension activity
or profit, especially on a farm. • Ask learners to make up three of their own
g The Akan’s land was rich in gold and they had sentences and leave out words for their partners
to fill in. Then they swap roles.
crops like kola nuts.
h Trade provided opportunities to all ethnic

groups in Ghana.
i Economic activity is activity that is related to

producing, developing and managing wealth.

Summary: Inter-group relations

Different forms of exchanges Alliances
• An alliance is an agreement between
• Trade is an economic activity that different groups of people to work together
to achieve a common goal.
happens between one community and
another. The benefits of exchanges
• Trade: wide variety of goods, freedom of
• Inter-marriage is when a man and a choice, opportunity to learn new skills.
• Inter-marriage: more understanding,
woman from different ethnic groups
marry. unity and trust amongst different ethnic
groups; children enjoy the benefits of two
Conflicts different ethnic groups
• Conflict happens when two or more people • Conflicts: when settled in a friendly way
and both parties are treated fairly, the
do not agree about something. parties become more united and secure.
• There can be conflict between two people, This brings about peace and unity.
• Alliances: develop trust, mutual
or between families, ethnic groups or even protection and help to achieve important
between nations. goals.


Sub-strand 2: Revision

Sub-strand 2: Revision (LB pages 40–41)

Use this Sub-strand 2: Inter-group relations d False. Trade provides very many
Revision activity for formative or summative opportunities for different ethnic
assessment. groups in Ghana to learn new skills
• Formative assessment: Let learners from one another.

complete the activity and go through e True
the answers in class. Learners can f True
either check their own work for self- g False. Children born to inter-
assessment, or swap work with a
partner and check each other’s work for marriages do enjoy the benefits of
peer assessment. two different ethnic groups.
• Summative assessment: Let learners h True
write the answers in their exercise books i True
or talk about the answers with you 4 a In the past, trade happened mostly
individually. Take in the exercise books amongst women in the different
or listen to the oral answers and assess ethnic groups.
learners’ work. Check that learners can b Economic activity is related to
demonstrate an understanding of what the production, development and
history is about and how it is part of management of material wealth.
everyday life. c Domestic animals, such as cattle
or horses that are raised on a farm
Answers for home use or to sell are called
1 Definition d The Ewe people traded eggs, milk
Forms of and fish.
exchange e The Akan people had gold.
f A conflict happens when there is
Trade The buying and selling a disagreement that cannot be
of goods and services settled.
g It is important to try to settle conflict
Inter-marriage Marriage between in a fair way.
people of different h An alliance between leaders of
religions, tribes, ethnic different groups can help them reach
groups or racial groups their goals.
i When there is peace and unity,
Conflict When two or more people can give of their best and this
people disagree on leads to a better nation.
something j Different ethnic leaders work
together to unify all Ghanaians.
Alliance An agreement among
people to achieve a Self-assessment
common goal
• Learners should assess themselves
2 a alliance, a common goal, cannot, according to the statements. If they
form an alliance, achieve feel that they did not perform well in an
area, ask them questions about what
3 a False. When conflicts are resolved, they struggled with. Use their reflections
people become united. and your notes to give them extra
practice in these areas.
b True
c False. Trade allows Ghanaians the

freedom to choose the goods and
services they need.


Sub-strand 2: Inter-group relations

Trading amongst ethnic Phase 1: Start
groups ������������������������� (LB pages 42–63) Start the lesson by asking learners:
• What did the people of the Gold Coast use as
Using cowrie shells and the barter
system for trade payment before they had money?
• How do you think they good buy goods and
In this section, learners will learn about some items
that were exchanged among the various ethnic services without money?
groups, why they were exchanged and how they • What kinds of things did villages produce and
were paid for. Learners will also discuss the different
mediums of exchange. have to trade?
These are warm-up questions for an informal
Content standard: B3 2.2.1. benchmark assessment.
Demonstrate knowledge of how inter-group Phase 2: Explore suggestions
alliances, conflicts and other exchanges • Read through the information first on the nature
Indicator: B3
Name some of the items exchanged among the of exchanges among the ethnic groups and then
various groups. the items that were exchanged.
1 Identify trade items that were exchanged • There is a lot of information; pace the lessons and
read through each section slowly.
amongst ethnic groups: salt, fish, gold, kola, • Check that all learners understand the concepts
shea butter, pottery, cloth and iron utensils before moving onto the next paragraph or
2 Match items with the areas/sources where the activity. Learners can take turns in reading.
items were obtained, for example, shea butter – • Discuss the meaning of any difficult words.
savannah belt Learners can underline any important
3 Explain the medium of exchange information.
4 Trace the origin of the name ‘cedi’ Phase 3: Reflect suggestions
Subject-specific practices and core • Put the learners into small groups to discuss the
competencies: notes that they underlined and to see if they have
Learners develop appreciation of interdependence all the important information.
amongst ethnic groups and communicative skills
by discussing inter-group relations Use of ICT
images of trade items that were exchanged • If there is time, learners can research items that
amongst the various groups, (if possible, cowrie were traded in Ghana, the sources of the items
shells), map of the areas of Ghana, labels of the and how the monetary system evolved.
trade items, box, items to trade that are worth a
lot to your learners, drum, posters and materials to • The learners will need to research the trade items
decorate such as uses of kola nuts and shea butter; how
Key words: pottery is made; how bartering took place and
forged, promissory notes, expiry, inland, durable, the history of the cedi.
mallets, utensils, unique, geometric, medium of
exchange, commerce • Possibly provide a documentary for this section.
Helpful links:
• Activity 1.15 (LB page 43)
Learners discuss cowrie shells as a means of payment
Teaching instructions and then work together to perform an exchange
between an elder and a European trader.
Use these teaching suggestions to create your own Group work
lesson plans to address the performance indicator In this activity, learners discuss why cowrie shells
and exemplars. were used as a form of payment. Then learners role-
play an exchange between an elder and a European
Group work
• Learners form small groups, each with about four



Strand 2: My country Ghana

• They then decide what role or character each Pair work
learner will play. Pair stronger learners with weaker ones, so that
the stronger ones can help the weaker ones. Read
• Groups practise the role play. through the questions with learners and then ask
• Groups perform their role play for the class. them to discuss the questions. You could also use the
Answers Think-Pair-Share technique.
1 Learners’ own answers. Example answers: cowrie Answers
Learners’ own answers. Example answers:
shells were readily available, are a distinctive and 1 a Using cowrie shells for trade: Trade items
recognisable item, were reasonably durable, were
mostly of uniform size. were given set values in cowrie shells. One
2–4 Learners’ own role plays. sold goods for cowrie shells and then used the
Formative assessment shells to trade for other items.
• Walk around the class. Observe and listen b Using barter for trade: People would use
to learners working in groups. Help where goods to trade for other goods; in other
needed. words, they would give up some of something
• Make a note of those learners who lack that they had in exchange for other items they
confidence in role play and give them more needed. They would, for example, trade a sack
practice opportunities in later lessons. of peanuts for a cooking pot, or a hoe for a
• Give learners enough time to discuss their nice basket.
answers and then plan their role play. Cowrie shells were used as payment for things
• Encourage all learners to take part in the they needed.
discussions. 2 a Advantages of bartering is that one did not
• Use or adapt the rubric on page 128 of this need any currency, but rather could use what
Teacher’s Guide to grade the role plays. you had directly in order to get other goods or
Differentiated learning services.
• Use the remedial activities as practice for those Disadvantages of bartering is that one had to
who find the task challenging and the extension have goods that other people wanted to trade
activities for those learners who need more of a for, or that it was not always easy to trade
challenge. directly, especially for larger or more valuable
• Let stronger learners start the discussion so that items. One may have needed to take things
learners who need more support have an example you did not want or need in order to barter.
to copy when adding to the discussion. Disadvantages of cowrie shells are that they
• Give each member of the group a task and role are larger than coins would have been and
according to their strengths, so that they are all were not practical for larger or more expensive
involved with the task. items, as they all had the same value. They
Remedial activity could be stolen, and it would be difficult to
• Encourage less confident learners to take a small prove ownership as they are so similar.
role in the beginning to build their confidence. Advantages of the cowrie shell system is that it
Extension activity is a uniform system that everyone understood.
• Ask learners to write a script for their role play. Cowrie shells were readily available and were
• Let learners make use of simple costumes for of similar size and colour.
their role play. b Yes, people sometimes trade goods or services.
• They can record their role plays as videos and Learners provide their own examples. Accept
play it for the class, and other classes. any reasonable answer.
• Learners can do the Extension activity on page 43 c Promissory notes are still used in the form of
of the Learner’s Book. Ask them to think how the bank cheques.
exchange might have been different if the traders Formative assessment
had the cedi to use. • Walk around the class. Observe and listen to
learners as they work in pairs. Help where
Activity 1.16 (LB page 44) needed.
• Make sure that all learners participate.
In this activity, learners discuss the bartering system. • Give learners enough time to discuss their
answers, then have a class discussion.


Sub-strand 2: Inter-group relations

Differentiated learning Extension activity
• Use the remedial activities as practice for those • Ask learners to find out more about how salt was

who find the task challenging and the extension used as a trade item.
activities for those learners who need more of a
challenge. Activity 1.17 (LB page 46)
Remedial activity
• Pair weaker learners with stronger ones so In this activity, learners must work together to gather
that more confident learners can help the less research on gold and the trade of gold in Ghana and
confident ones. must then present a video presentation.
Extension activity Group work
• Ask learners to do more research on how Learners work in groups to complete this activity.
bartering is used in modern society. They can Show learners how to make a short video. Make sure
ask their family and other members of their that every group has at least one member who is ICT
community. Then they share their findings with literate to help the other members. Learners will
the class. need time to do research and then to prepare and
present their videos.
Exercise 1.9 (LB page 45) Answers
1 Ghana’s largest gold mine is in Tarkwa.
In this exercise, learners interview their parents or 2 Learners’ own answers. Example answer: There
elders to ask them about the trade of salt in Ghana.
was more gold inland in the forest regions and
Individual work the Portuguese had their base of operations at the
Learners work on their own to complete this exercise coast. They also weren’t as skilled in the practice
at home. Give learners enough time to write a few of mining as the local people of the Gold Coast.
sentences about their findings in class. It was unfair of the Europeans to expect the
Ghanaians to mine the gold for them.
Answers 3 Learners make a short video presentation of their
Learners’ own answers according to their research. findings.
Example answer: Salt was important as it was so Formative assessment
scarce. People needed salt because they lost a lot of • Walk around the class and observe learners
salt due to sweating in a hot climate. They use salt in as they work in groups and make their video
their food to add flavor. Salt is also used to preserve presentations. Assist any learners who appear to
food. be struggling.
• Give learners a rubric for this activity. You
Formative assessment can use or adapt the rubric for presentations
• Ask learners to show you their interview notes. (oral and digital) on page 122 of this Teacher’s
Make a note about learners that could not do Differentiated learning
the activity or who struggled to answer all the • Use the remedial activity for learners who are
questions. struggling and the extension activity for learners
• Give learners enough time to rewrite their who need an extra challenge.
sentences. Remedial activity
Differentiated learning • Give learners additional opportunities to present
• Use the remedial activity for learners who are information, such as a short talk on the name
struggling and the extension activity for learners and location of the largest gold mine.
who need an extra challenge. Extension activity
Remedial activity • Learners share their presentations with the class,
• Give learners additional exercises or worksheets and other classes.
if they struggle to complete this exercise. Allow • Groups could make a longer slide show
them more time to complete the exercise, presentation.
especially if they struggled to find someone
suitable to interview.


Strand 2: My country Ghana

• You could also arrange a special parents’ evening students to write a few sentences about what they
where you can showcase all of the learners’ work. found out.
Activity 1.18 (LB page 47) Learners’ own answers according to the answers
they received from elders. Note: Each kola nut has
In this activity, learners read a passage about kola the same amount of caffeine as two large cups of
nuts and then answer questions. They then conduct regular coffee! So, it has the same effects as caffeine,
more research about how kola nuts are collected in to make people feel more alert and energetic. Elders
the present day. may say that it helps stomach ailments such as
Individual work morning sickness, intestinal diseases, constipation
Learners work on their own to do research about the and ulcers, or coughs and asthma, toothache and
importance of kola nuts to the chiefs in Ghana. infections, eye problems, skin diseases, depression,
Answers and so on.
1 Kola nuts are used in many ceremonial Individual/class work
• Learners work on their own in this exercise. This
traditions. It is given as sign of respect. It is
shared among people and gives them strength is a homework exercise, but allow learners enough
and vitality. time in class to give their feedback. You could
2 Kola nuts can be collected by hand by plucking ask a few learners to give their feedback and then
it off the tree, or mechanically, by using a have a class discussion. Else, use the Think-Pair-
harvester. Share technique.
Individual work Formative assessment
Learners should work on their own to do this • Ensure that all learners participate in the class or
exercise. Give learners adequate time to do group discussion.
research. Differentiated learning
Formative assessment • Use the remedial activities as practice for learners
• Walk around the classroom. Observe learners as who struggle, and the extension activities for
they work. Assist any learners who seem to be those learners who need more of a challenge.
struggling. Remedial activity
• Make a note of those learners who find it difficult • Ask any learners who did not participate in
to research information and use it to answer specific questions to answer individually after the
questions. Give them more practice opportunities discussion to ensure that they understand the
in later lessons or tasks. work. If learners did not manage to interview an
Differentiated learning elder, find out if the person was unavailable (and
• Use the remedial activities as practice for learners thus learners can do this activity at a later time),
who struggle, and the extension activities for or if learners were too shy to approach them.
those learners who need more of a challenge. Help them by role-playing interview skills.
• Pair stronger and weaker learners so that stronger • Pair stronger and weaker learners so that stronger
learners can help weaker ones. learners can help weaker ones.
Remedial activity Extension activity
Let learners do the activity in pairs rather than on • Ask learners to write a paragraph and draw a
their own. picture. Collect these pages from learners and
Extension activity mark them. Display these pages on the classroom
• Ask learners to conduct interviews with elders or walls with the heading ‘Kola nuts’.
village chiefs and confirm the information that
they found online. Activity 1.19 (LB page 49)

Exercise 1.10 (LB page 48) In this activity, learners discuss shea butter and its
effect on the Ghanaian people.
Learners talk to elders in the community to find out Group work
about other sicknesses that kola nuts can treat. Ask Learners then work in groups to complete this
activity. They should discuss the questions and then


Sub-strand 2: Inter-group relations

appoint a speaker to give feedback to the class. You Formative assessment
could also ask learners to bring in products from • Observe students at the processing plant and see
home (that have shea butter as an ingredient) or
draw pictures of them as a homework activity. if they interact, ask questions and take notes. If
Answers you cannot arrange a class visit, then ask learners
1 Learners’ own answers. There are many shea to prepare a short talk (1–2 minutes) of what
they observed at the plant or while watching a
butter products available for sale. Learners just video or documentary..
have to say which products they have seen in a Differentiated learning
store. • Use the remedial activities as practice for those
2 Learners’ own answers. Example answer: People who find the task challenging and the extension
benefit by getting money from its sale and also activities for those learners who need more of a
benefit from its many benefits in the beauty challenge.
industry and for cooking or making soaps Remedial activity
Formative assessment • Pair a weaker learner with a stronger learner and
• Walk around the class as learners are working. allow them to do this activity as pair work.
Make sure that every learner is participating. • Give learners a writing frame which they can fill
Offer assistance to any group that is struggling. in. Allow them to draw pictures to explain what
Differentiated learning they observed.
• Use the remedial activities as practice for those Extension activity
who find the task challenging and the extension • Ask learners to prepare a slide show presentation
activities for those learners who need more of a for the class on what they observed at the plant.
Remedial activity Activity 1.21 (LB page 50)
• Put weaker learners in a group with stronger
learners. In this activity, learners visit a place where pottery
• Ask learners to answer some questions is made and fired. If this is not possible, then show
individually. them a video online or invite a person who works
Extension activity in a pottery studio to come to school and address
• Ask learners to prepare a presentation for the class learners.
on what they found out. Individual work
• Learners could also compile a simple slide show Learners work on their own to complete this activity.
to show to the class. Before visiting the pottery centre, they should
prepare questions. Learners take notes on the trip
Activity 1.20 (LB page 49) and then prepare an oral or written presentation
about the visit or on the videos they watched.
In this activity, learners visit a place where shea Formative assessment
butter is made and processed. If this is not possible, • Observe students at the pottery studio and see
then show them a video online (see the video
suggested on page 49 of the LB in the ICT activity) if they interact, ask questions and take notes.
or invite a person who works in such a place to come If possible, arrange for learners to make a small
to school and address learners. bowl from clay using the coiling technique.
• If you cannot arrange a class visit, then ask
Learners should prepare questions on the processing learners to prepare a short talk (1–2 minutes) of
of shea butter and the products that are made what they observed at the pottery studio or centre
from it. or while watching videos or a documentary.
Differentiated learning
Individual work • Use the remedial activities as practice for those
Learners work on their own to do this activity. They who find the task challenging and the extension
should ask parents or caregivers to take them to a activities for those learners who need more of a
shea processing plant, if there is one in their region. challenge.
Learners can research their location as an extension


Strand 2: My country Ghana

Remedial activity They choose a traditional Ghanaian dish and find
• Ask learners to watch some videos online about out what ingredients they need to prepare it. Give
learners the format to write a recipe for it. Learners
making pottery and tell you orally what they then each bring one of the ingredients to school to
observed. prepare it.
• Arrange for a local potter to address the learners Note: Discuss safety issues with learners regarding
and show them some examples or pictures of working with fire. (For example, never running
their work. Encourage learners to ask lots of around a fire as they might slip and fall in the coals.)
questions. They can then give you oral feedback Never leave learners unattended when they are
about what they have learnt. working with fire.
Extension activity Formative assessment
• Ask learners to make their own bowl and arrange • Observe learners as they do group work, both
to have it fired at a local pottery studio or kiln.
inside and outside the classroom. Ensure that
Homework (LB page 50) every learner participates and that every learner is
given a chance to speak.
In this activity, learners investigate the properties of • Give learners a rubric for this activity on group
clay and learn how it was made. Then they write a work. Use or adapt the rubrics on page 125 of
few sentences and draw a picture. this Teacher’s Guide.
Individual work • Make a note of those learners who still lack
Learners work on their own to do this activity. They confidence in participating in a group.
should take notes and draw pictures of the clay pot Differentiated learning
or bowl, then write a few sentences. They then share • Use the remedial activities as practice for those
their notes and pictures with the class. who find the task challenging and the extension
Differentiated learning activities for those learners who need more of a
• Use the remedial activities as practice for those challenge.
• Put weaker learners in a group with stronger
who find the task challenging and the extension learners so that the stronger learners can help
activities for those learners who need more of a them.
challenge. Remedial activity
Remedial activity • Ask learners to write a recipe for the favourite
• Ask learners to draw a very simple bowl and write Ghanaian recipe. They should then describe to
a single sentence or two. you how it is made. They can mime the actions.
• Allow students to give you oral feedback about Extension activity
what they have discovered. • Arrange a heritage day at school where learners
Extension activity can make and sample different traditional foods.
• Ask learners to design their own bowl or other • Ask groups to do more research and compile
pottery item. Paste their designs on the walls of recipes for a few Ghanaian dishes. Collect all the
the classroom. recipes and bind them in a book for the class.
• Ask learners to investigate local pottery
techniques and demonstrate them to the class Activity 1.23 (LB page 53)
using salt dough or play dough.

Activity 1.22 (LB page 52) In this activity, learners work together to do research
into a trading items and present their findings to
In this activity, learners think about the different the class. The eight trading items are: salt, fish, gold,
uses of iron utensils and firewood. They prepare a kola, shea butter, pottery, cloth, iron, and utensils.
traditional food dish of which they must present to Group work
their class. Put the class in eight groups, one for each trading
Group work item. Put the name of each trading item in a bowl.
Learners work in groups to complete this activity. Invite a representative from each group to pick
They read through the questions together and the name of a trading item. Learners then conduct
then reread the information in the Learner’s Book. research on that trading item. Question 1 could be


Sub-strand 2: Inter-group relations

given as a homework activity, and then learners share Formative assessment
what they have found in the next lesson. Learners • Give learners a rubric for this activity. Use or
choose a spokesperson for their group to give
feedback to the class. adapt the rubric on page 119 of this Teacher’s
Formative assessment Guide.
• Walk around the class and observe learners as • Make a note of those learners who still lack
confidence in conducting interviews.
they do group work. Ensure that every learner Differentiated learning
participates and that every learner is given a • Use the remedial activities as practice for those
chance to speak. who find the task challenging and the extension
• Give learners a rubric for this activity on group activities for those learners who need more of a
work or internet research. Use or adapt the challenge.
rubrics on page 125 or page 128 of this Teacher’s • Let stronger learners start the class discussion so
Guide. that learners who need more support can model
• Make a note of those learners who still lack their responses.
confidence in doing research or participating in a Remedial activity
group. • Help students to formulate sentences from their
Differentiated learning notes. Let learners give you oral feedback if they
• Use the remedial activities as practice for those struggled to write down the response.
who find the task challenging and the extension Extension activity
activities for those learners who need more of a • Ask learners to interview more than one person,
challenge. then compare the results.
• Let stronger learners start the class discussion so
that learners who need more support can model Activity 1.25 (LB page 55)
their responses.
Remedial activity In this activity, learners must complete the given
• Help students to formulate sentences from their sentences by filling in the missing words.
notes. Let learners give you oral feedback if they Individual work
struggled to write down the response. Learners work on their own to complete the cloze
Extension activity activity.
• Ask learners to interview more than one person, Answers
then compare the results. 1 Shea butter was made in the Savannah and

Activity 1.24 (LB page 53) Northern Region of the country.
2 Kola nuts were produced in the forest areas:
In this activity, learners work on their own to do
research about the worth of at least two of the eight Ashanti Region, Brong-Ahafo Region, Central
trade items. Region, Eastern Region, Western Region and
Individual/Class work Volta Region
Learners conduct an interview with an elder from 3 All ethnic groups made pottery because clay was
their community. Ask learners to ask the questions found in almost all areas.
and take note of the responses. They then share their 4 Gold came from the underground mines in
findings with the class. Have a class discussion. Write the Western and Ashanti Region, with the rest
a summary on the board of learners’ findings. coming from the riverbeds in the Central Region.
Answers 5 Fishing and salt production were the main
Learners’ own answers according to the responses to activities along the coast.
the questions in the interview. Learners should be Formative assessment
able to say: • Walk around the classroom. Observe learners as
• What the item was worth. they work. Assist any learners who seem to be
• What the benefits of the item were. struggling.
• What people would barter for the item. • Check learners’ work to see if they have got the
answers correct.
• Make a note of those learners who are finding it
difficult to complete the sentences. Give them
more practice opportunities in later lessons or tasks.


Strand 2: My country Ghana

Differentiated learning • Allow them more time to complete the exercise,
• Use the remedial activity for learners who are fill in the first word with them, or pair them with
a stronger learner.
struggling and the extension activity for learners
who need an extra challenge. Extension activity
Remedial activity • Ask learners to make up three of their own
• Give learners additional exercises or worksheets
if they struggle to complete this exercise. Allow sentences and leave out words for their partners
them more time to complete the exercise, fill in to fill in. Then they swap roles and complete their
the first word with them, or pair them with a partners’ sentences.
stronger learner.
Extension activity Exercise 1.12 (LB page 57)
• Ask learners to make up three of their own
sentences and leave out words for their partners In this exercise, learners interview someone in their
to fill in. Then they swap roles and fill in the town or village about the bartering system. They ask
words in their partners’ sentences. the person to explain it to them.
Individual work
Exercise 1.11 (LB page 55) Learners interview an older family member or a local
elder about the bartering system. Invite learners to
Learners work on their own to match the trading share what they learnt and have a class discussion.
items with the areas in which they are found. Answers
Learners’ own answers according to the interviews
Individual work they conducted.
Learners work on their own to complete this Formative assessment
exercise. Give learners enough time to complete the • Make a note of learners who did not participate
in the class discussion. Ask them specific
Answers questions about their interviews.
Differentiated learning
Column A – Trade Item Column B – Area • Use the remedial activity for learners who are
Salt Central struggling and the extension activity for learners
Fish Central who need an extra challenge.
Gold Ashanti Remedial activity
Kola Ashanti • If learners were unable to conduct the interview
Shea butter Savannah due to people being unavailable, then give them
Pottery All areas another opportunity to do an interview. If they
Cloth Volta are still struggling to conduct interviews, then let
them role-play an interview with another learner.
Formative assessment Extension activity
• Walk around the classroom. Observe learners as • Ask learners to demonstrate the bartering system
to the class.
they work. Assist any learners who seem to be
struggling. Extension and Homework (LB page 58)
• Make a note of those learners who are finding
it difficult to match the items. Give them more Learners complete a fair exchange exercise and then
practice opportunities in later lessons or tasks. reflect on their learning in this section by answering
Differentiated learning the questions for homework.
• Use the remedial activity for learners who are Individual work
struggling and the extension activity for learners • Explain how the fair exchange system works by
who need an extra challenge.
Remedial activity referring learners to the Extension activity. They
• Give learners additional exercises or worksheets if can do this activity with a partner or a small
they struggle to complete this exercise. group. Allow them time to finish the activity in


Sub-strand 2: Inter-group relations

• Then learners work on their own to reflect on stopped using the British currency once gaining their
their learning and complete the questions for independence.
homework. Review the format of a diary entry so
that they know what to do for question 1 of the Group work
homework activity. Learners work in groups to complete this activity.
Learners should first do research about the cedi using
• Take in their books for marking. the internet, books or interview parents and elders.
Answers Give groups enough time to complete the activity.
1 Learners’ own diary entries.
2–5 Learners’ own answers based on their Answers
1 Learners’ own research as summarised in the
experience in the extension activity. timeline below.

Activity 1.26 (LB page 59) 2 Date Event

In this activity, learners are put into groups and In the 14th Came to West Africa through
practise bartering. Century trade with Arab merchants
Group work/Individual work
• Learners work in groups to complete this activity. 1796 First modern coins used only
at the Gold Coast
Read through the instructions with the group
and make sure they know what to do. Let them 19 July 1965 Used First cedi as currency of
practise first before they begin bartering. Ghana
• Learners work on their own to draw a cartoon of
a story of two ethnic groups who are involved in 23 February Used Second cedi as currency
silent bartering. 1967 of Ghana
Formative assessment
• Walk around the class and observe learners. 3 July 2007 Used Third cedi as currency of
Ensure that all learners participate in the Ghana
bartering activity. Ask some learners individual
questions to see if they understand the concept of 3 Learners’ own answers. Example answer: Ghana
silent bartering. wanted to show its independence by breaking
• Ask learners to tell you the stories as they are away from all things British, including her
drawing. currency.
Differentiated learning
• Use the remedial activities as practice for learners Formative assessment
who struggle, and the extension activities for • Ensure that all learners participate in the class or
those learners who need more of a challenge.
Remedial activity group discussion.
• Pair stronger and weaker learners so that stronger
learners can help weaker ones. Differentiated learning
• Some learners have more natural drawing ability • Use the remedial activities as practice for learners
than others. Tell learners that they can draw
very simple figures, with speech bubbles for text who struggle, and the extension activities for
instead of long paragraphs of text. those learners who need more of a challenge.
Extension activity
• Ask learners to share their stories and cartoons Remedial activity
with the class. They could role-play their stories • Ask any learners who did not participate specific
with members of the group.
questions after the discussion to ensure that they
Activity 1.27 (LB page 60) understand the work. If learners did not manage
to interview an elder, find out if the person
was unavailable (and thus learners can do this
activity at a later time), or if learners were too shy
to approach them. Help them by role-playing
interview skills.
• Pair stronger and weaker learners so that stronger
learners can help weaker ones.
• Ask learners to write more timelines, perhaps
using their own lives as examples.

In this activity, learners must research the history Extension activity
of the cedi and create a timeline of its development • Ask learners to research the currency of other
and use. Then learners must explain why Ghana
countries in Africa. They then say how these
currencies are similar or different from the cedi.


Sub-strand 2: Summary

Homework (LB page 61) Formative assessment
• Walk around the classroom and observe learners’
Learners complete the crossword puzzle.
Individual work completed crossword puzzles. Assist any learners
Learners work on their own to complete this who were not able to complete their crossword
exercise. Give learners enough time to complete the puzzles.
activity. You can give learners Resource 6 on p. 107 Differentiated learning
in this TG to make it easier for learners to fill in the • Use the remedial activity for learners who are
crossword. Review what a crossword puzzle is and struggling and the extension activity for learners
do an example with them to show how to fill in the who need an extra challenge.
answers. If an answer has two words, they are written Remedial activity
without a space in the crossword puzzle. • Allow learners more time to complete the
Answers homework exercise. Ask them to show you their
(See the completed crossword puzzle on p. 113 of answers for each clue, and correct and assist
this TG.) where necessary. Pair stronger and weaker learners
Across so that stronger learners can help the weaker
3 clay, 6 gold, 7 kolanuts, 9 utensils, 12 bolga, ones.
13 silent Extension activity
Down • Ask confident learners to make their own very
1 bark, 2 shea, 3 cedi, 4 fish, 5 cowrie, 8 language, simple crossword puzzles (for example, with 5
10 salt, 11 kente words) and give it to their partners to complete.

Summary: Trade amongst ethnic groups

The ethnic groups were trading different Medium of exchange
goods and services long before the Europeans • A medium of exchange is something that is
arrived on the Gold Coast.
There were two main ways in which people largely accepted and used in the trade of
paid for the goods they bought. goods and services, such as shells or coins.
These were: It is recognised by all people as having
• using cowrie shells value.
• using the barter system. • Between AD 300 and 1200, the Ghanaian
Cowrie shells were used as monetary assets people were rich. The country’s wealth
to buy things that people required. came from the commerce of gold and salt.
In the barter system, a person would
exchange items that they had for items that History of the cedi
they needed. There was no money involved. • The Europeans were the first people to

Barriers when bartering bring printed money and coins to Ghana.
One barrier to bartering is language. The • These printed notes replaced the use of
Ghanaians created the silent barter or the
dumb bartering system. cowrie shells and the barter system.
• The cedi was introduced when Ghanaians

stopped using the British Colonial money


Sub-strand 2: Revision Sub-strand 2: Revision

Use this Sub-strand 2: Trade amongst ethnic (LB pages 62–63)
groups Revision activity for formative or 3 Cloth involved forming and drying
summative assessment.
• Formative assessment: Let learners material with various berries and roots.
Before the introduction of cotton and
complete the activity and go through silk by the Europeans, clothes were
the answers in class. Learners can made from the bark of the tree called
either check their own work for self- Kyenkyen in Akan and Tsobo in Dagme.
assessment, or swap work with a Long narrow pieces of the bark were cut
partner and check each other’s work for and placed in water to make them soft.
peer assessment. They were then laid on tree trunks and
• Summative assessment: Let learners beaten with wooden mallets.
write the answers in their exercise books 4 a Central Region
or talk about the answers with you b Western and Ashanti Regions
individually. Take in the exercise books c Ashanti Region, Brong-Ahafo Region,
or listen to the oral answers and assess
learners’ work. Check that learners can Central Region, Eastern Region,
demonstrate an understanding of what Western Region and Volta Region
history is about and how it is part of d Savannah and Northern Regions
everyday life. e All options
f Northern region
Answers 5 One ethnic group would leave trade
goods in a place and then move away.
1 Make sure that learners have plotted Then someone would use a gong, fire
the items correctly on their maps. Check or drum to signal that they had left
their map keys to make sure that they their goods. A second ethnic group
are correct. would come to the place. They would
check the goods and if they liked them,
Trade Item Area they would leave their trade goods in
Salt Central exchange. The first group would return
Fish Central and either accept the trade by taking
Gold Ashanti the goods or not accept it and wait for
Kola Ashanti another group to bring their goods.
Shea butter Savannah Usually salt or gold were traded in this
Pottery All way.
Cloth Volta
Iron utensils All Self-assessment

2 Learners explain in their own words • Learners should assess themselves
why they think the cedi was created. according to the statements. If they
Example answers: feel that they did not perform well in an
area, ask them questions about what
It was currency that was designed for they struggled with. Use their reflections
Ghana and was used once they gained and your notes to give them extra
independence from Britain. practice in these areas.


Strand 2: My country Ghana Phase 1: Start
Start the lesson by asking learners:
Conflicts and alliances between the • What is conflict?
ethnic groups in Ghana �� (LB pages 64–73) • How did the ethnic groups resolve conflict?
• Do you know about any of the famous wars in
In this section, learners will learn about the many
conflicts and wars that were fought between the Ghana? What was the outcome of these wars?
different ethnic groups and the alliances that were • What happens when there is conflict between the
formed to stand against the European colonisation.
ethnic groups?
Inter-group wars and alliances • What are the benefits of alliances?
These are warm-up questions for an informal
Content standard: B3 2.2.1. benchmark assessment.
Demonstrate knowledge of how inter-group Phase 2: Explore suggestions
alliances, conflicts and other exchanges. • Read through the information on conflicts and
Indicator: B3
Describe the conflicts and alliances that existed alliances.
among the ethnic groups in Ghana • There is a lot of information; pace the lessons and
1. Discuss inter-group wars, such as the Battle of
read through each section slowly.
Feyiase and the Krepi War of 1833. Discuss • Check that all learners understand the concepts
instances where alliances were formed between
different groups to fight a common enemy. For before moving on to the next paragraph or
example, The Battle of Akatamanso, where the activity. Learners can take turns in reading.
Asante army was defeated by an alliance made • Discuss the meaning of any difficult words.
up of the British, Ga, Fante, Akyem, Akwamu, • Learners can underline any important
Krepi and Denkyira Anlo/Asante in the Ada information.
War of 1869 Phase 3: Reflect suggestions
Subject-specific practices and core • Put the learners into small groups to discuss the
competencies: notes that they underlined and to see if they have
Learners develop appreciation of interdependence all the important information.
among ethnic groups and communicative skills by Use of ICT
discussing inter-group relations • The learners will need to research on the conflicts
Resources: and alliances among the ethnic groups.
Pictures of the wars; a map to locate the place • They can use the images of alliances for their
where the wars took place; Resource 8: Word poster, if they can be printed.
search on page 110 of this Teacher’s Guide • Possibly provide a documentary for this section.
Key words:
dominant, independent, taxes Activity 1.28 (LB page 64)
Helpful links:
• In pairs, learners remind each other what conflicts
watch?v=esMSfUMzDpA and alliances mean. They can go back in their books
to check their answers. In this lesson, we will study a
Teaching instructions number of such conflicts and alliances.
Pair work
Use these teaching suggestions to create your own Learners then work in groups to complete this
lesson plans to address the performance indicator activity. Encourage them to consult dictionaries and
and exemplars. online sources to find the meaning of these words.
(Learners should do this with any new words that
they do not understand.)


Sub-strand 2: Inter-group relations

Answers Group work
In order to gain power and to defeat the Europeans, Learners work in groups to complete this activity.
conflicts occurred among the ethnic groups. They Then they share their feedback with the class. Each
also formed alliances. Learners give their own learner should be given an opportunity to take part
definitions for conflict and alliance. in the discussion.
Conflict Formative assessment
Conflict happens when two or more people do • Walk around the classroom. Observe groups
not agree about something. Perhaps there was a
disagreement that they could not work out, or an as they discuss the issue. Assist any learners
argument that they could not resolve. Conflict who seem to be struggling, for example, with
can happen when there is a misunderstanding and vocabulary.
people do not talk to each other clearly. It also Differentiated learning
happens when one person bullies another or treats • Use the remedial activities as practice for learners
another person unfairly. who struggle, and the extension activities for
Alliances those learners who need more of a challenge.
An alliance is an agreement between different Remedial activity
groups of people to work together to achieve • Ask learners to add a single point to the
a common goal. For example, when different discussion.
ethnic groups in Ghana cannot do something by • Give learners a framework in which to formulate
themselves, they form an alliance to work together an answer, for example: I think the Battle of
to get things done. Feyiase could have had a different outcome
Formative assessment because …, or I do not think the Battle of
• Walk around the classroom. Observe pairs as they Feyiase could have had a different outcome
because ….
complete their definitions. Assist any learners • Group weaker learners with stronger ones so that
who seem to be struggling, for example, with stronger learners can help the weaker ones.
vocabulary. Extension activity
Differentiated learning • Ask learners to write their points to form an
• Use the remedial activities as practice for learners argument. They can draw a picture to show the
who struggle, and the extension activities for other outcome. Display these in the classroom.
those learners who need more of a challenge. • Let learners record the arguments to make short
Remedial activity video clips of learners. Play these for other classes
• If learners cannot write definitions, then ask or in the assembly.
them to explain the concepts to you verbally.
Help them to identify key words and turn the Exercise 1.13 (LB page 66)
key words into a sentence. Pair stronger and
weaker learners so that stronger learners can help Learners answer questions with true or false and then
weaker ones. draw a mind map.
Extension activity Individual work
• Ask learners to share their definitions with the class. Learners work individually to answer the true and
• Ask learners to draw pictures to illustrate their false questions. Learners could be paired or put in
definitions. Take the best one and add it to a class small groups to draw the mind map in question 2.
history dictionary that you bind for the class to Remind learners what a mind map is and give them
reference. a few examples.
Activity 1.29 (LB page 65) 1 a False. Each village had its own leader.

In groups, learners discuss the battle of Feyiase b True
and the events and consequences of the battle, and c False. The Peki formed an alliance with the
debate whether there could have been a different
outcome to that battle. rest of the Ewe people.
d False. During the Krepi War, the Ewe people

defeated the Akwamu people.
2 Learners’ own mind maps.


Strand 2: My country Ghana

Formative assessment EUROP E ANVK
• Walk around the class and watch as learners E HKWE R S TWR
answer the true or false questions. Encourage E X E G I A KWA P
them to correct the statement if they answer YDP EDENKZ I
‘false’ for any of the questions. Take note of F E OD U K OWO B
learners who struggle to answer the true or false A K A T AMAN S O
questions. Give them more opportunities in DOM I N A N T A C
remedial activities. CO L ON I S E R S
• When everyone has completed the exercise,
go through the answers with learners. Pairs Formative assessment
could also swap books and get their partner • Walk around the class as learners are completing
to mark their work. Ask learners who had
different answers to explain why. Clear up any the word search. Remind learners that words
misunderstandings. Assist any learners who seem may be written horizontally or vertically. Observe
to be struggling. pairs asking and answering questions. Assist
Differentiated learning any learners who seem to be struggling. They
• Use the remedial activities as practice for learners will need further practice in further tasks and
who struggle, and the extension activities for remedial activities.
those learners who need more of a challenge.
Remedial activity Differentiated learning
• Pair up stronger and weaker learners so that • Use the remedial activities as practice for learners
stronger learners can help weaker ones. Ask
learners to do a single branch of the mind map who struggle, and the extension activities for
first. those learners who need more of a challenge.
Extension activity
• Ask learners to write their own true or false Remedial activity
questions. Then they swap with a partner and ask • Pair up stronger and weaker learners so
and answer their questions.
• Invite some learners to talk through their mind that stronger learners can help weaker ones.
maps with the class. Demonstrate how to search for a word. Give
• Display the best mind maps in class. learners tips on how to find a word, such as
scanning for letters that make up the word.
Exercise 1.14 (LB page 67) • Demonstrate how to make questions from words,
for example, by using the hidden word as the
In this activity, learners find ten key words in the answer to the question.
word search. This word search is in Resource 7:
Worksheet on page 109 of this Teacher’s Guide. Extension activity
Then they formulate questions with each hidden • Ask learners to create their own small word
word and ask a partner to answer them.
searches (with about five hidden words). They
Individual/pair work then swap with a partner to complete the word
Learners work on their own to complete the word searches.
search in question 1 and make up a question to go • Show learners who are extremely confident in
with each word in question 2. Then they partner finding words in word searches and creating
with another learner in question 3 and take turns to their own word searches how to hide a word in
ask and answer questions. the letters that remain after all the words have
been found. For example, they could leave the
Answers letters k w a d z o d e i as the remaining letters
1 Hidden words are: war, European, colonisers, after the words have been found and then ask the
question, ‘Which chief organised an alliance of
dominant, Dukowo, Peki, Krepi, Katamanso, the Krepi people and the rest of the Ewe people?’
Akwamu and Ewe. (Chief Kwadzo Dei)


Sub-strand 2: Inter-group relations

Activity 1.30 (LB page 67) Answers:
Learners’ own answers. Here are some suggested
In this activity, learners pair with a partner and ask answers:
them three of the questions listed. Then they say if 1 Tax is an amount of money paid to the
their partner’s answers are correct or incorrect.
Pair work government or ruling people. Taxes could be in
Suggest to learners that they each choose three the form of money, goods or trade items.
questions and search for the answers first if they do 2 a An alliance is an agreement between different
not know them. Then they ask their partners the
questions. They should say if their partner is correct groups of people to work together to achieve
or incorrect. They should read through the section of a common goal. For example, when different
work together if there are any discrepancies. ethnic groups in Ghana cannot do something
Answers: by themselves, they form an alliance to work
1 Some ethnic groups formed alliances to stand together to get things done.
b No. If there was no alliance, the Asante army
against European colonisation. could not have been defeated as they were one
2 The Battle of Feyiase of the biggest and strongest ethnic groups in
3 Denkyirahene Ntim Gyakari Ghana.
4 Osei Tutu Formative assessment
5 Bosomtwe District • Walk around the class and observe learners as
6 Chief Kwadzo Dei they complete the activity. Assist any learners
Formative assessment who seem to be struggling. Go through the
• Walk around the class and observe pairs asking answers with learners. They could swap books
with a partner and mark each other’s work. Else,
and answering questions. Assist any learners who take the exercise in for marking. Take note of
seem to be struggling. They will need further learners who had trouble completing the exercise,
practice in further tasks and remedial activities. or whose answers are incorrect. They will need
Differentiated learning further practice with further tasks and remedial
• Use the remedial activities as practice for learners activities.
who struggle, and the extension activities for Differentiated learning
those learners who need more of a challenge. • Use the remedial activities as practice for learners
Remedial activity who struggle, and the extension activities for
• Let each learner partner with a few other stronger those learners who need more of a challenge.
learners to ask and answer questions. Remedial activity
• Demonstrate how to search for the answer by • Let each learner partner with a stronger learner
scanning the text for key words. and complete the activity in pairs.
Extension activity • Ask learners to answer orally first, and then write
• Ask learners to create their own questions. Then their answers.
they swap with a partner to ask and answer Extension activity
questions. • Ask learners to do further research on taxes and
the alliance that was formed. They then share
their answers with the class.

Activity 1.31 (LB page 69) Activity 1.32 (LB page 70)

Learners must provide their understanding of tax In this activity, learners design an alliance poster.
collections and the types collected from different
ethnic groups. They also discuss alliances and Group work
whether the battle against the Asante could have Put the class into small groups. Give each group a
been won without an alliance. piece a paper to note their thoughts, opinions and
Individual work discussion points for questions 1–3. Then give them
Learners work on their own to complete this activity. a sheet of poster board on which to design their
Allow them enough time to complete the activity. poster. Allow them enough time to have a discussion
and then plan and complete their posters.


Strand 2: My country Ghana

Answers • How was the conflict settled?
• Learners should not clutter their poster with • What happened in the end?
Individual work
too much information, colour or pictures. They • Learners work on their own in this exercise. If
need to plan their poster so that it is neat and the
information can be seen. learners do not have access to the internet at
Formative assessment home, then let them do their research in class and
• Walk around the class and observe learners as just write their answers for homework.
they discuss questions 1–3. Make sure that all Answers:
learners are participating and that every learner Learners’ own answers according to the research they
gets a chance to speak. Also observe learners as conducted.
they make their posters. Each learner should have Formative assessment
a task, for example, the learners that are better at • Walk around the classroom. Observe learners
drawing and design work to draw pictures and do as they complete their sentences. Ensure that
the layout of the poster. Other learners write the all learners brought in notes or key words after
information. One learner is the group leader and their research. Assist any learners who seem to be
coordinates the activities. struggling, for example, with vocabulary.
• Each group presents their poster to the class. • Take learners’ answers in for marking.
• The class can vote on if they would like to join Differentiated learning
their alliance. Ensure that the learners’ criticism is • Use the remedial activities as practice for learners
constructive and beneficial. This criticism can be who struggle, and the extension activities for
used to assess the poster. those learners who need more of a challenge.
• Give learners a rubric for the poster so that Remedial activity
they know how they will be marked. Encourage • If learners cannot answer the questions, then ask
groups to do self-assessment. They should also them to tell you orally about the research they
write a rough draft, then rewrite it neatly. conducted and extra information they found out
• Show groups how to plan their posters, for from parents or elders through interviews.
example, they could cut blocks of paper and Extension activity
mark them as ‘heading’ or ‘picture 1, 2, 3’, etc. • Ask learners to write a paragraph and draw a
and lay them out on the cardboard to plan their picture. Invite learners to share what they have
design. learnt with the class.
Differentiated learning • Collect the pages from learners and mark them.
• Use the remedial activities as practice for learners Display these pages on the classroom walls under
who struggle, and the extension activities for the heading ‘Other conflicts between groups in
those learners who need more of a challenge. Ghana’.
Remedial activity
• Pair up stronger and weaker learners in a group Activity 1.33 (LB page 71)
so that stronger learners can help weaker ones.
Let learners do a mini-poster on an A4 sheet of Learners must answer the questions asked by the
paper. This will help them to plan their layout on children in the activity for question 1. Then they
a smaller scale first. formulate questions for question 2.
Extension activity Individual
• Encourage groups to interact with other groups’ Learners work on their own to complete the exercise.
posters and assess them. Answers
• Invite groups to present their posters to the class 1 a It was a war involving the Krepi people.
and choose the best group to present their poster
to other classes. b the Peki
c the Ga-Adangme
Homework (LB page 70) 2 Learners must think of questions from their
gathered knowledge and the textbook.
Learners research the following questions:
• Did the conflict change our history? How did it

change our history?
• Explain what happened during the conflict.


Sub-strand 2: Summary

Formative assessment
• Walk around the class as learners are completing

the exercise. Assist any learners who seem to be
struggling. They will need further practice in
further tasks and remedial activities.
Differentiated learning
• Use the remedial activities as practice for learners
who struggle, and the extension activities for
those learners who need more of a challenge.
Remedial activity
• Pair up stronger and weaker learners so
that stronger learners can help weaker ones.
Demonstrate how to formulate a question for
question 2. Ask learners to tell you the questions
or answers orally first, before writing them.
Extension activity
• Ask learners to create their own questions and
answers and pair with a partner to repeat the
exercise. Invite some learners to share their
answers with the class.

Summary: Conflicts and alliances between the ethnic groups in Ghana

• To gain power and to defeat the • They defeated the Akwamu people and
Europeans who came into Ghana, many became independent.
conflicts and wars were fought between
the different ethnic groups. Battle of Akatamanso
• During the Battle of Akatamanso, the
Battle of Feyiase
The Battle of Feyiase led to the fall of the Asante people were forced to give up their
Denkyira Kingdom, and the formation of the rulership over the southern states of Ghana.
Asante Union. • The Asante people were collecting taxes
from castles and forts along the coast. The
Krepi War Assin people, the Denkyira people and the
• The Krepi people are Ewe people who settled Akwamu people were paying taxes to the
in the central part of the present-day Volta • The Asante army was defeated by an
Region of Ghana. In 1829, the Ewe people alliance made up of the British, Ga-people,
were not happy because of the way the Fante people, Akyem people, Akwamu
Akwamu people treated them. people, Krepi people, Anlo people and
• Chief Kwadzo Dei of Peki organised an Denkyira people. 
alliance of the Krepi people and the rest of
the Ewe people.


Sub-strand 2: Revision (LB pages 72–73)
The Krepi people are Ewe people who
Strand 2: Revision settled in the central part of the present-day
Volta Region of Ghana.
Use this Sub-strand 2: Conflicts and alliances
between the ethnic groups of Ghana Revision The Peki people became the leader of a
activity for formative or summative new bigger group of people. During the war
assessment. nearly all the Ewe people in the north and
• Formative assessment: Let learners west united under its leadership.

complete the activity and go through 2 a True
the answers in class. Learners can b True
either check their own work for self- c False. At Feyiase, the army of
assessment, or swap work with a Denkyira was defeated and their
partner and check each other's work for king, Ntim Gyakari, was killed by the
peer assessment. people of Adunku.
• Summative assessment: Let learners d True
write the answers in their exercise books e True
or talk about the answers with you
individually. Take in the exercise books 3 Any conflict of the learner’s choosing
or listen to the oral answers and assess that was taught to them.
learners’ work. Check that learners can
demonstrate an understanding of what 4 a The Asante
history is about and how it is part of b Chief Kwadzo Dei of Peki organised
everyday life. an alliance of the Krepi people and
the rest of the Ewe people. The Peki
Answers people became the leaders of a new,
bigger group of Ewe people.
Battle of Feyiase c The Asante people were collecting
This was the battle that led to the fall of the taxes from castles and forts along
Denkyira kingdom and the formation of the the coast. The Assin people, the
Asante Union. Denkyira people and the Akwamu
Before this battle, the King thought he people were paying taxes to them. 
was doing well in the war because he had
succeeded in driving away the people of Self-assessment
He did not know that the previous defeats • Learners should assess themselves
were all part of Osei Tutu's plan to trap the according to the statements. If they
Denkyira troops at Feyiase. The King was feel that they did not perform well in an
killed by the people of Adunku. The people area, ask them questions about what
of Adunku were from Feyiase. they struggled with. Use their reflections
Krepi War and your notes to give them extra
The Ewe people migrated from Notsie in practice in these areas.
groups. When they arrived in Ghana, these
groups built independent small villages
(Dukowo). Each village had a leader. They
never formed a single group, even though
they were all Ewe people. They stayed a
loose collection of small groups.


Sub-strand 4: Major historical locations

Sub-strand 4: Major historical locations

Demonstrate knowledge of the forts and castles built in Ghana --- (B3.2.4.1)

In this section learners will identify the forts and where the forts and castles are located, who built
castles along the coast of Ghana. They will explore them, when they were built, why they were built and
what the difference is between a fort and a castle, how these forts and castles have been used over time.

Major historical loacations

The forts and castles on the Ghana Key words:
coast ���������������������������� (LB pages 74–83) military, colonial authorities, trespassers, bases,
lords, nobles, moat, residences, sites
In order to protect their trading activities, Europeans Helpful links:
built several castles and forts as trading centres in •
Ghana. These buildings were built more than four •
hundred years ago. They are places of historical
importance and are very unique. Castles were a sign Ab9I
of wealth and power. Most of the buildings are now •
popular sites where tourists can visit.
Content standard: B3.2.4.1. •
Demonstrate knowledge of the forts and castles
built in Ghana. forts-castles.php
Indicator: B3. •
Identify the forts and castles built along the
coast of Ghana watch?v=XPkig1VpHU4
1 Explain the differences between forts and castles. •
2 With the use of internet, identify the major
Teaching instructions
forts and castles on Ghana’s coast on a map
(where they are located, which Europeans built Use these teaching suggestions to create your own
them and when and why they were built). lesson plans to address the performance indicator
3 Explain some of the uses to which these forts and exemplars.
and castles have been put since they were built. Phase 1: Start suggestions
For example, Seat of government, trading and Start the lesson by asking learners:
education. • Have you ever been to a fort or castle?
4 Discuss the use to which these forts and castles • Explain why you went and what you experienced
were put since Ghana gained independence.
5 Match these forts and castles with where they there.
can be located. • What do you think is the difference between a
6 Learners draw their favourite castle.
7 Show and discuss a documentary/ slides on fort and a castle?
forts and castles in Ghana. These are warm-up questions for an informal
Subject-specific practices and core competencies: benchmark assessment.
The use of evidence to appreciate the significance Phase 2: Main
of historical locations helps learners to become • Read through the information first on the
critical thinkers and digital literates
Resources: differences between forts and castles, then on the
Map on the coastal towns of Ghana, paper and different forts and castles on the coast.
art stationery, short videos on castles or forts built • There is a lot of information; pace the lessons and
along the coast of Ghana, Resource 8 on page 110 read through each section slowly.
of this Teacher’s Guide • Check that all learners understand the concepts
before moving on to the next paragraph or activity.
• Learners can take turns in reading.
• Discuss the meaning of any difficult words.
Learners can underline any important


Strand 2: My country Ghana

Phase 3: Reflect Fort Location
• Put the learners into small groups to discuss the Good Hope Senya Breku, Central Region
St. Anthony Axim, Western Region
notes that they underlined and to see if they have Amsterdam Abanzi, Central Region
all the important information. Orange Axim; Western Region
Sao Jago Elmina; Central Region
Use of ICT Ussher Fort Usshertown, Accra Region
Metal Cross Dixcove, Western Region
• The learners will need to research the castles on Patience Apam, Central Region
forts found in Ghana on the coast. San Sebastian Shama, Western Region
James Fort Jamestown, Accra
• They can use images for their research, if they can Victoria Cape Coast, Central Region
be printed. Fort William Cape Coast, Central Region
• Possibly provide a field trip or a documentary Fort William at Anomabu, Central Region
on the forts and castles built along the coast of Anomabu
Ghana. Fort Groß Princes Town, Western
Friedrichsburg at Region
Activity 1.34 (LB page 79) Prince's Town
Fort Apollonia Beyin, Western Region
In this activity, learners learn more about Ghana’s
major forts and castles. Learners will need access to
the internet or library or relevant books on forts and

Pair work
In pairs, learners research the major forts and castles
on Ghana’s coast. They say why each fort or castle
was built, when they were built and for what reason.
They then use a map to show where each fort or
castle is located.

Answers Formative assessment
• Walk around the class and observe pairs as they
Fort / Which When Why was it
Castle European was it built? do research. Help and assist where necessary.
group built? • Go through the answers with learners. Many
built it
learners may need more practice with further
Elmina Portuguese 1482 To serve as their activities or exercises, as this is a difficult section
Castle trade centre of work.
and to protect • As learners may struggle to write the names of the
their trading forts or castles on the map due to a lack of space,
activities from encourage them to use simple symbols such as
other foreigners a star or triangle and show them how to add a
who were also legend or key to their maps.
interested in • Observe learners as they draw their castles or
trading in gold forts. Offer guidance where necessary.
and slaves Differentiated learning
• Use the remedial activities as practice for those
Cape Swedish 1653 Trading and who find the task challenging and the extension
Coast protection centre activities for those learners who need more of a
Castle challenge.
Remedial activity
Osu Denmark 1661 The seat of • If learners struggle to draw the map of Ghana,
Castle government in then give them a political map of the country,
Ghana showing its regions. (See Resource 110 on page
112 of this Teacher’s Guide.)
• Work through a few forts and show learners how
to find and indicate them on the map.


Sub-strand 4: Major historical locations

Extesion activity mark them. Display these pages on the classroom
• Ask learners to draw a large map on poster paper walls under the heading ‘How castles and forts
have changed over time’.
and include the castles and as many forts as they
can. Activity 1.35 (LB page 81)
• Ask some learners to talk about their maps and
why they chose to indicate the forts they did. In this activity, learners draw their favourite castles.
• Ask a few confident learners to make a slide show Group work
of the castles and forts of Ghana as if they were a Learners then work in groups to complete this
tour guide, showing these historical locations to activity. They discuss the following points first.
tourists. 1 What did you like the most about castles or forts?

Homework (LB page 80) Explain.
2 What part of the building did you like? Explain.
Learners research how other castles and forts have 3 If you could design a castle or fort, what would it
changed over time, especially after independence.
Ask students to write a few sentences about what look like?
they found out. Then they draw their favourite castle or fort and
Answers: share it with the class.
Learners’ own answers according to the research they Answers
conducted. Learners should include the important features of
Individual work the fort or castle, people or soldiers and background
• Learners work on their own in this exercise. This scenery.
Formative assessment
is a homework exercise but allow learners enough • Walk around the class and observe groups’
time in class to finish writing their sentences. Ask
learners to share their sentences with a partner. discussions. Make sure that all learners participate
Invite a few learners to share their work with the and ask learners questions individually if
class. necessary. Take note of which learners struggled
Formative assessment to name the features or parts of a fort or castle.
• Walk around the classroom. Observe learners They will need more practice in further activities
as they complete their sentences. Ensure that or exercises.
all learners brought in notes or key words after • Observe learners as they draw their castles or
their research. Assist any learners who seem to be forts. Offer guidance where necessary.
struggling, for example, with vocabulary. Differentiated learning
• Take learners’ sentences in for marking. • Use the remedial activities as practice for those
Differentiated learning who find the task challenging and the extension
• Use the remedial activities as practice for learners activities for those learners who need more of a
who struggle, and the extension activities for challenge.
those learners who need more of a challenge. Remedial activity
Remedial activity • Review pictures of forts and castles and ask
• If learners cannot write sentences, then ask them learners to identify their features and parts.
to tell you orally about the research. Help them • Allow learners to trace parts of a picture to draw
to identify key words and the main points. Turn their own fort or castle.
each main point into a sentence. To answer the Extension activity
questions in the exercise correctly, they will need • Ask learners to expand their drawings and make
more remedial exercises in the form of worksheets a larger castle or fort on an A3 or A2 sheet of
and further activities. Pair stronger and weaker paper.
learners so that stronger learners can help weaker • Learners can make models of their forts or castles
ones. from waste material such as cardboard and paper.
Extension activity Display the posters and models. Arrange an
• Ask learners to write a paragraph and draw a exhibition for other classes to view their work.
picture. Collect these pages from learners and Invite a few learners to discuss their work.


Strand 2: My country Ghana

Homework (LB page 81) • Give learners a model diary entry as an
In this activity, learners write a short diary entry of
when they visited a fort or castle. • Ask learners to tell you about the visit orally
Individual work before they write their diary entries.
Learners work on their own to write a diary entry.
The activity will be easier to do if learners have Extension activity
watched the videos listed on the ICT activity on • Ask learners to add pictures and expand the diary
page 81. If learners do not have access to the internet
at home, then make some time available for them to entry to include more details. Invite them to
do their research at school. share their diary entries with the class.
Learners’ diary entries will differ. The diary entries Project: Make a model of a fort or
should be in the past tense and in the first person. It castle
should contain the following information:
• Where the fort or castle was located. In small groups, learners make a model of a fort or
• What the fort or castle was used for. castle.
• What they saw there. Group work
• What they experienced. • Put learners into group of 4. Learners make a
Formative assessment
• Take in learners’ diary entries. Take note of which model of the fort or castle they have visited (or
seen in a documentary).
learners struggled to write the diary entry or did • They should use waste materials such as
not include all the required information. cardboard boxes and scrap paper.
Differentiated learning • Groups should draw plans first, decide on their
• Use the remedial activities as practice for those materials and give each person in the group a
who find the task challenging and the extension role.
activities for those learners who need more of a • Give groups time to build their models. Groups
challenge. should present their work to the class.
Remedial activity • Display the models. Arrange an exhibition for
• Review the format of a diary entry with learners. other classes to view their work.
Give them a writing frame to write into. Pair Formative assessment
them with a stronger learner and let them repeat Use or adapt the Group Assessment rubric on
the activity, this time using another fort or castle. page 125. Ask learners to assess how well they
performed in this project.


Sub-strand 4: Summary

Summary: Major historical locations

The forts and castles on the Ghana coast • They also served as places of protection and
More than 400 years ago, the Europeans built as military bases.
many forts and castles while they were in
Ghana. • They were used as offices from where the
• These castles and forts were used as trading Europeans ran their businesses.

centres. • Castles were used as residences.
• They were regarded as a sign of wealth and


Differences between forts and castles • Castles were the homes of the lords or
• Forts served as bases from where nobles. A castle has many rooms, large
halls and many corridors.
soldiers could fight wars. People do not
live in forts. • A group of people would use a castle
• Forts had strong, thick walls around as a base to rule over the communities
them. However, they were not built to around them.
last for a long time. Some were built
quickly during times of battle. • Castles were also used by different
• Forts were used by different groups of groups of Europeans to protect
Europeans to protect themselves from themselves from being attacked.
being attacked.
• A castle is a safe place. The building is
surrounded by tall and strong walls to
protect people against an attack.

• The walls have holes through which the
Europeans fired guns at the enemy.

• A castle is usually surrounded by a moat
to stop attacks from the enemy.


Sub-strand 4: Revision

Sub-strand 4: Revision (LB pages 82–83)

Use this Sub-strand 4: Major historical • Summative assessment: Let learners
locations Revision activity for formative or write the answers in their exercise books
summative assessment. or talk about the answers with you
• Formative assessment: Let learners individually. Take in the exercise books
or listen to the oral answers and assess
complete the activity and go through learners’ work. Check that learners can
the answers in class. Learners can demonstrate an understanding of what
either check their own work for self- history is about and how it is part of
assessment, or swap work with a everyday life.
partner and check each other’s work for
peer assessment.



Castle Fort

Castles were the residence of the lords or nobles. Forts were built to serve as bases from where
It is a large residence with several rooms, large soldiers could fight wars. They cannot be
halls and many corridors. lived in.

They were the base from which a group of Forts were used to defend specific areas.
people ruled over the surrounding communities.

They were used by different Europeans to They were used by different Europeans to
protect themselves from being attacked. protect themselves from being attacked.

A castle is a secured structure. The building is Forts were surrounded by strong, thick walls.
surrounded with tall and strong walls to protect They were not built to last for a long time.
people against attack. These walls have holes Some were quickly built during times of
through which the Europeans fired guns at the battle.
enemy. The castle is usually surrounded
by moats in order to hold back attacks from
the enemy.

2 Elmina Castle – near Cape Coast Self-assessment
Cape Coast Castle – Cape Coast
Osu Castle – Accra • Learners should assess themselves
Fort William – Anomabo according to the statements. If they
Fort Amsterdam – Central Region feel that they did not perform well in
3 Learner’s own logical explanation. an area, ask them questions about
4 Learner’s own answer. They should what they struggled with. Use their
reflections and your notes to give them
answer no or say that it would have extra practice in these areas.
been much more difficult.


Sub-strand 5: Some selected individuals

Sub-strand 5: Some selected individuals
Describe the contributions of some outstanding Ghanaian
entrepreneurs --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (B3.2.5.1)

Ghanaian entrepreneurs Subject-specific practices and core competencies:
The use of evidence to appreciate the significant
Entrepreneurship is the process of creating, contributions of some Ghanaians, learners become
launching and running a new business. It often starts creative, innovative and digitally literate
as a small business. The people who create these Resources:
businesses are called entrepreneurs. Short videos and documentaries on Ghanaian
entrepreneurs, Resource 5 on page 105 of this
Ghanaian entrepreneurs Teacher’s Guide
that contributed to national Key words:
development ��������������� (LB pages 84–103) entrepreneurship, launching, entrepreneurs,
impact, export, political activist, processing,
In this section learners will learn about entrepreneurs micro-lending, loans, economic empowerment,
who have made significant contributions to Ghana. import, ammunition, manufactured, seizure,
These individuals include George Grant, Winifred industrialist, visionary, mogul, tax evasion, patriot,
Tete-Ansa, Dr. Esther Ocloo, Benjamin Amponsah exile, honorary doctorate, conferred, socio-
Mensah, J.K. Siaw and Alhaji Adam Iddrisu. economic, credit, perseverance, fleet, inspires
Learners will learn about how these entrepreneurs Helpful links:
have contributed to national development, and then •
look at which entrepreneurs inspire them the most.
Next, they will identify some modern-day ghana-do.html
entrepreneurs and learn about what they are doing to •
contribute to Ghana’s development.
Content standard: B3.2.5.1. •
Describe the contributions of some outstanding
Ghanaian entrepreneurs. grant/
Indicator: B3.
Describe Ghanaian entrepreneurs who have made Teaching instructions
significant contributions including George Grant
– Businessman, Winifred Tete-Ansa, Esther Ocloo Use these teaching suggestions to create your own
– Nkulenu Industries, B.A. Mensah – Pioneer lesson plans to address the performance indicator
Tobacco Ltd. Kwabena Pepra – Paramount and exemplars.
Distilleries, J.K. Siaw – Tata Brewery, Alhaji Adam Phase 1: Start suggestions
Iddrisu – Global Haulage • Start the lesson by asking learners if they know of
1 Name Ghanaian entrepreneurs of note for
George Grant – Businessman, Winifred Tete-
example, George Grant – Businessman, Ansa, Dr. Esther Ocloo – Nkulenu Industries,
Winifred Tete-Ansa, Esther Ocloo – Nkulenu B.A. Mensah – Pioneer Tobacco Ltd. Kwabena
Industries, B.A. Mensah – Pioneer Tobacco Pepra – Paramount Distilleries, J.K. Siaw – Tata
Ltd. Kwabena Pepra – Paramount Distilleries, Brewery, Alhaji Adam Iddrisu – Global Haulage
J.K. Siaw – Tata Brewery, Alhaji Adam Iddrisu and to share what they know.
– Global Haulage • These are warm-up questions for an informal
2 Show pictures of some outstanding benchmark assessment.
entrepreneurs in Ghana
3 Retell the life stories of any of these
entrepreneurs from a documentary show
4 Identify the entrepreneurs who se work inspires
you most and give reasons for your choice


Strand 2: My country Ghana

Phase 2: Explore suggestions Differentiated learning
• Read through the information on Ghanaian • Use the remedial activities as practice for learners

entrepreneurs. who struggle, and the extension activities for
• Read through each section slowly, accompany those learners who need more of a challenge.
Remedial activity
each Ghanaian entrepreneur with a documentary • If learners cannot write definitions, then ask
or video on their life. them to explain the concepts to you orally. Help
• Check that all learners understand the concepts them to identify key words and turn the key
before moving on to the next paragraph or words into a sentence. Pair stronger and weaker
activity. Learners can take turns in reading. learners so that stronger learners can help weaker
• Discuss the meaning of any difficult words. ones.
• Learners can underline any important Extension activity
information. • Ask learners to share their definitions with the
Phase 3: Reflect suggestions class.
• Let learners talk in groups about famous • Ask learners to draw pictures to illustrate their
Ghanaians. They can say who they like and why. definitions. Take the best one and add it to a class
• Ask learners to pretend and role-play one of the history dictionary that you bind for the class to
great Ghanaians doing what they are famous for reference.
and let the group or class guess the Ghanaian’s
name. Activity 1.37 (LB page 87)
• Students reflect on entrepreneurship – what it
requires, what skills people need to be successful In pairs, learners must draw up mind maps detailing
and how entrepreneurship by a few individuals the activities of Paa Grant, Winifred Tete-Ansa and
has changed Ghana’s history. Dr. Esther Ocloo and present their mind maps to
the teacher for marking.
Use of ICT Pair work
Learners then work in groups to complete this
• The learners will need to research Ghanaian activity. First, they should re-read all the information
entrepreneurs. for these three entrepreneurs. Then they plan and do
their mind maps.
Activity 1.36 (LB page 84) Answers
Students’ own mind maps showing the activities
In pairs, learners explain what an entrepreneur is of Paa Grant, Winifred Tete-Ansa and Dr. Esther
and what it means to be one and then learners must Ocloo.
explain what the concept of entrepreneurship is. Formative assessment
Pair work • Walk around the class and watch as learners
Learners work in pairs to complete this activity.
Encourage them to look online, in dictionaries, and read, plan and do mind maps. Make sure that all
so on, to come up with their own definitions. learners participate. Take note of learners who
Answers: struggle to do a mind map. They will need more
Entrepreneurship is the process of creating, practice later. (They could turn their summaries
launching and running a new business. It often starts in Activity 1.42 into mind maps.)
as a small business. Differentiated learning
The people who create these businesses are called • Use the remedial activities as practice for learners
entrepreneurs. who struggle, and the extension activities for
Formative assessment those learners who need more of a challenge.
• Walk around the classroom. Observe pairs as they Remedial activities
• Pair up stronger and weaker learners in a group
complete their definitions. Assist any learners so that stronger learners can help weaker ones.
who seem to be struggling, for example, with


Sub-strand 5: Some selected individuals

Ask learners to do a single branch of the mind Activity 1.38 (LB page 89)
map first.
Extension activities Learners are to write a paragraph on their thoughts
• Ask learners to do their mind maps as large after reading the given diary entry on B.A. Mensah.
posters. Pair work
• Invite some groups to talk the class through their Put learners into pairs. Let pairs read the diary entry
mind maps. together. Then they write a paragraph. Show them
• Display the best mind maps in class. how to write a good paragraph by using a topic
sentence that explains what the paragraph is about.
Exercise 1.15 (LB page 87) Encourage learners to plan their paragraphs and
write a draft first.
Learners work on their own to answer this question. Answers
Individual work Pairs’ own paragraphs of about 4–5 lines.
Learners work on their own to interview a local Formative assessment
entrepreneur. Give learners enough time to complete • Walk around the class and observe learners
the activity. This exercise will require at least two
periods on different days. In the first lesson, let as they work in pairs. Help with language or
learners plan their interviews, write some questions vocabulary where needed.
to ask the shop owner and role-play conducting an • Make a note of those learners who seem to be
interview to gain confidence. Share basic interview struggling to write a paragraph. They will need
skills with the class. Remind them to be polite and more practice opportunities in later lessons.
thank the person for their time when the interview is Differentiated learning
complete. • Use the remedial activities as practice for those
Answers who find the task challenging and the extension
Learners’ own interviews with a local shop owner. activities for those learners who need more of a
Formative assessment challenge.
• Walk around the classroom. Observe learners as Remedial activity
• Pair less confident learners with stronger ones
they work. Assist any learners who seem to be so that the stronger learners can help the weaker
struggling. ones. Let learners write one sentence, then build
• Make a note of those learners who are finding it up to two, and so on, until they can write a
it difficult to write questions or conduct an paragraph.
interview. Give them more practice opportunities Extension activity
in later lessons or tasks. • Invite some learners to share their diary entries
Differentiated learning with the class. They can draw a picture next to their
• Use the remedial activity for learners who are entries and display their works on the class walls.
struggling and the extension activity for learners
who need an extra challenge. Activity 1.39 (LB page 90)
Remedial activity
• If learners are really not confident enough, allow Learners discuss the life of J.K. Siaw, what it means
them to do the activity in pairs. You could also to be in exile, why Siaw went into exile and conclude
arrange that a few shop owners visit and address by drawing a timeline of his life.
the class. Learners will then get an opportunity
to ask questions without having to conduct an Group work
entire interview. Learners work in groups to complete this activity.
• Give learners an interview frame with some They should first conduct their research about what
questions already added for them to use and to exile is and then discuss the reasons for J.K. Siaw
which they can add their own questions. going into exile.
Extension activity
• Ask learners to interview several shop owners and Review the format of a timeline as done earlier in
then make a presentation on what they found this strand. Encourage all students to take part in the
out. They present this to the class. discussions and drawing of the timeline.


Strand 2: My country Ghana

Answers import to bring in soap and
1 Exile means that a person has been banned political activist products from ammunition
another country
(prevented) from entering his own country. commodities for sale
2 Accept any reasonable answer about the political micro-lender
a person who George
situation in Ghana at the time. They thought that ammunition believes strongly Grant
his wealth could only have been collected due to mogul in change in
corruption. patriot society or in the
3 Timelines will differ according to the number of entrepreneur laws and takes
events that groups add. It should start in 1923 part in activities
and end in 1986. to try to make
Formative assessment this happen
• Walk around the classroom. Observe learners as
they work. Assist any learners who seem to be items that can cocoa
• struggling. be traded
• Give learners enough time to do research, have a
discussion and draw a timeline. A person who Dr. Esther
• Make a note of those learners who are finding gives people Ocloo
it difficult to draw a timeline. Ensure that they small loans to
understand what the term ‘exile’ means. Help grow their own
them to find its meaning online and in their businesses
textbooks and dictionaries.
Differentiated learning things that can bullets
• Use the remedial activity for learners who are be shot from a
struggling and the extension activity for learners weapon
who need an extra challenge.
Remedial activity an important B.A. Mensah
• Give learners additional exercises or worksheets if person who is
they struggle to complete this activity. rich or powerful
Extension activity
• Ask learners to draw timeline of the lives of A person who J.K. Siaw
the other notable entrepreneurs named in this loves their
section. country

A person who Winifred
takes great Tete-Ansa
financial risks
Exercise 1.16 (LB page 91) to set up a

Learners work on their own to answer this question. Formative assessment
• Walk around the classroom. Observe learners as
Individual work
Learners work on their own to complete this they work. Assist any learners who seem to be
exercise. Give learners enough time to complete struggling.
the activity. • Give learners enough time to complete the table.
• Make a note of those learners who are finding
Answers it difficult to complete the table. Ensure that
they understand the terms. Help them to find
Term Meaning Example the meaning of the terms online and in their
entrepreneur textbooks and dictionaries.
sets up a B.A. Mensah Differentiated learning
export business • Use the remedial activity for learners who are
struggling and the extension activity for learners
to send items to timber who need an extra challenge.
another country Remedial activity
for sale • Give learners additional exercises or worksheets
if they struggle to complete this exercise. Allow


Sub-strand 5: Some selected individuals

them more time to complete the exercise, fill in • Give learners enough time to complete all of the
the first word with them, or pair them with a questions.
stronger learner.
Extension activity • Work through the answers by inviting groups to
• Ask learners to conduct more research about share their answers with the class.
the entrepreneurs discussed in this section. They
should share what they have found with the class • Make a note of those learners who are finding
in the next period. it difficult to complete any of the work in this
section. Give them more practice opportunities
Activity 1.40 (LB page 94) in later lessons or tasks.

In groups, learners must tabulate the achievements Differentiated learning
of Alhaji Adam Iddrisu’s life and the dates for the • Use the remedial activity for learners who are
respective achievements, list the companies he
owned, the vehicles GHGL started with and how struggling and the extension activity for learners
many trucks used per day. who need an extra challenge.
Remedial activity
Group work • Give learners additional exercises or worksheets
Learners work in groups to complete this activity. if they struggle to complete this activity. Allow
Encourage learners to first read the questions them more time to complete the exercise, fill in
carefully, then to read the Case Study together as a the first word with them, or pair them with a
group. stronger learner.
Extension activity
Answers Achievement • Ask learners to list the achievements of Dr. Esther
1 Founded Global Haulage Limited Ocloo in the same way.
(GHGL) • Learners can make a video about the life of Alhaji
Date Greater Accra District Best Farmer Adamu Iddrisu. They can show it to the class.
1953 Greater Accra Regional Best Farmer The best videos can be shown to other classes.
Africa International Awards in Tunisia
1986 European award (in Brussels) Exercise 1.17 (LB page 94)
1987 European award
1992 Honorary doctorate at the Learners work on their own to answer questions
1999 the Kwame Nkrumah University of about the entrepreneurs they have learnt about and
2003 Science and Technology then write a paragraph.
Individual work
Learners work on their own to complete this
exercise. Give learners enough time to complete the

1–4 Learners’ own answers.

2 Eleven companies are part of the GHGL. These Formative assessment
are the Global Haulage Company Limited, • Walk around the classroom. Observe learners as
the Royal Bank, Imperial General Insurance,
Federated Commodities, Trans Royal Ltd, they work. Assist any learners who seem to be
Cocoa Merchant, Royal Commodities, Isudam struggling.
Construction and more recently, Global • Make a note of those learners who are finding
Automobile Limited. GHGL also has the GG it difficult to complete the sentences. Ask them
Farms and Global Haulage Real Estate, which the questions orally. Give them more practice
builds warehouses and homes. opportunities in later lessons or tasks.

3 It started with 15 vehicles in 1971. Differentiated learning
4 They now own and run 230 trucks daily. • Use the remedial activity for learners who are

Formative assessment struggling and the extension activity for learners
• Walk around the classroom. Observe groups as who need an extra challenge.

they work. Assist any learners who seem to be


Strand 2: My country Ghana

Remedial activity • Give each member of the group a task and role-
• Give learners additional exercises or worksheets play according to their strengths, so that they are
all involved with the task.
if they struggle to complete this exercise. Allow
them more time to complete the exercise or pair Remedial activity
them with a stronger learner. • Encourage less confident learners to take a small
Extension activity
• Ask learners to share their paragraphs with the role in the beginning to build their confidence.
class. Extension activity
• Let learners make use of simple costumes for
Activity 1.41 (LB page 94)
their role play.
In groups, learners are to role-play the life story of • They can record their role plays as videos and
one of the entrepreneurs they were taught about.
They must: play it for the class and other classes.
• write a script
• practice their role play Activity 1.42 (LB page 95)
• present their role play to the rest of the class.
Group work In pairs, learners must make a summary of the work
Learners work in groups to role-play the life of that they have done this year in this strand.
an entrepreneur. If necessary, allocate a specific Pair work
entrepreneur per group to ensure that that all Work through the example in the Learner’s Book
entrepreneurs will be role-played. Allow groups and show learners how to write a summary. Then put
adequate time to prepare. the class in pairs to complete the activity. Give pairs
Medhod: enough time to work. This may take longer than a
• Learners form small groups, each with about four period to complete.
or five learners. Pairs’ own summaries. The points must be short and
• Then they decide what part(s) of the in bullet form for each section. Learners must do a
summary for every section of the work.
entrepreneur’s life they will role-play. You need to Formative assessment
guide learners in their planning stages. It needs to • Walk around the class, observe learners as they
be realistic.
• Students write a script. work in pairs. Help where needed.
• They decide what role or character each learner • Make a note of those learners who seem to be
will play.
• Groups practice the role play. struggling with a particular section of work as
• Learners perform their role play in class. The class they will need more practice opportunities in
should be able to say which entrepreneur they are later lessons.
role-playing. • Ensure that learners know how to summarise.
Formative assessment It is important that they do not just rewrite all
• Walk around the class, observe and listen to the text in each section. Ask them to tell you the
learners working in groups. Help where needed. main points or key words in a section of work.
• Make a note of those learners who lack Help them to turn each key word into a point.
confidence in role play and give them more Differentiated learning
practice opportunities in later lessons. • Use the remedial activities as practice for those
• Encourage all learners to take part in the who find the task challenging and the extension
planning, script writing and actual role play. activities for those learners who need more of a
Differentiated learning challenge.
• Use the remedial activities as practice for those Remedial activity
who find the task challenging and the extension • Pair less confident learners with stronger ones so
activities for those learners who need more of a that they can help them.
challenge. Extension activity
• Let learners turn their summaries into a slide
show (with a slide for each section). They then
share these with the class.


Sub-strand 5: Some selected individuals

Project: Design a poster (LB pp. 98–99) Differentiated learning
• Use the remedial activities as practice for learners
In small groups, learners conduct research and make
a poster on Ghanaian entrepreneur. who struggle, and the extension activities for
Group work those learners who need more of a challenge.
Put learners into group of 4. Learners can either choose Remedial activity
one entrepreneur or assign a particular entrepreneur to • Give learners further practice with the section of
them. They do research to answer the task questions. the project with which they struggled. This could
Then they design a poster and present it to the class. be in the form of helping them to decide on the
Answers: words to enter in a search engine, sorting and
Groups’ own answers according to the research they summarising work, writing information in their
found. Check that they have followed the guidelines. words, participating more in the group, planning
Formative assessment their layout on a poster, and so on.
• Walk around the classroom. Observe groups as • Learners prepare a short individual talk about the
entrepreneur they have chosen.
they complete their task. Assist any learners who Extension activity
seem to be struggling. • Ask learners to make a slide show presentation of
• Give groups a rubric to use for this project. Use their work. They can present it to the class, and
the rubrics for Posters (page 120), Group work possibly, to other classes.
(page 125), Projects (page 126) and Internet
research (page 128) to help you.

Ghananian entrepreneur checklist Yes, no, comment
Have groups provided the following information?
a Where and when the entrepreneur was born?
b Which ethnic group the entrepreneur belongs to?
c What is the ethnic group well-known for?
d Describe the migratory route of this ethnic group.
e What inspired them to become an entrepreneur?
f What business have they gone into or are well-known for developing?
g Explain what inspires you about them.
h How is the person growing and developing this business?
i Does the business employ other people?
J What inspires you about this entrepreneur?
Have groups followed these instructions?
1 Printed or drawn images of the Ghanaian entrepreneur and their life.
2 Written or typed the information under each question in their own words.
3 Pasted the information and images on a poster.
4 Made sure that their posters are easy to read, colourful, neat and interesting?

Project: Retell the life story of an • Learners watch a documentary on the person and
entrepreneur then retell their life story to the class.

Learners watch a documentary of an entrepreneur Summative assessment Use or adapt the Speeches/
and then retell their life story. Orals rubric on page 122 to assess learners.
Group work
• Put learners into group of 3 or 4. Learners choose

an entrepreneur (or assign one to them so that
not all groups do the same person).


Sub-strand 5: Summary

Summary: Some selected individuals

Entrepreneurship is the process of creating, • In 1990, she received the African Prize for
launching and running a new business. It Leadership for her work to bring about the
often starts as a small business. The people economic empowerment of women.
who create these businesses are called
entrepreneurs. Benjamin Amponsah Mensah (1924–
George Grant (1878–1956) • In 1951, he started his own import/export
• He set up his own company known as
company that imported soap and different
George Grant and Company. types of alcoholic drinks.
• He was successful as a timber merchant and • He then set up another company called
Textile Spinning Works Limited.
had an export business.
• Paa Grant was also a political activist and J.K. Siaw (1923–1986)
• In 1969, he started Tata Brewery Ltd. He
one of Ghana’s Founding Fathers.
• He arranged for Dr. Kwame Nkrumah to opened the largest and first completely
African-owned brewery company in West
return to Ghana from the United States. Dr. Africa.
Kwame Nkrumah then led Ghana towards • In 1979, all his money and possessions
independence in 1957 and became Ghana’s were taken because he was accused of tax
first president. evasion.

Winifred Tete-Ansa Alhaji Adamu Iddrisu
• He was a successful cocoa trader and • Alhaji Adamu Iddrisu received his honorary

contributed towards Ghana being one of the doctorate in 2015.
main cocoa producers in the world. • The Honorary Doctorate was in recognition
• He opened a bank to support businesses
that belonged to Africans because European of his contribution to society.
banks did not want to help them • He founded the Global Haulage Group

Dr. Esther Ocloo (1919–2002) Limited (GHGL) in 1953. 
• In 1942, Dr. Esther Ocloo started Nkulenu

Industries Limited (Ltd). It is a well-known
food processing company in Ghana.
• Dr. Esther Ocloo then started a business in


Sub-strand 5: Revision

Sub-strand 5: Revision (LB pages 100–101)

Use this Sub-strand 5: Some selected Answers
individuals Revision activity for formative or
summative assessment. 1 a True
• Formative assessment: Let learners b False. He was falsely accused; he did
pay his taxes.
complete the activity and go through c True
the answers in class. Learners can d True
either check their own work for self- e True
assessment, or swap work with a
partner and check each other’s work for 2 Dr. Esther Ocloo started Nkulenu
peer assessment. Industries Ltd. It is a well-known food-
• Summative assessment: Let learners processing company in Ghana. She
write the answers in their exercise books started the company so that she could
or talk about the answers with you have work for herself. When she left
individually. Take in the exercise books college, there were no jobs available
or listen to the oral answers and assess because of the Second World War.
learners’ work. Check that learners can It soon grew into a very successful
demonstrate an understanding of what business.
history is about and how it is part of
everyday life. Paa Grant was a political activist and
one of Ghana’s Founding Fathers.
People called him the ‘father of Gold
Coast politics’. He arranged for Dr.
Kwame Nkrumah to return to Ghana
from the United States. Dr. Kwame
Nkrumah then led Ghana towards
independence in 1957 and became
Ghana’s first president.

3 Column A Column B
Winifred Tete-Ansa Promoted the cocoa-growing regions of the Gold Coast.
B.A. Mensah Imported soap and different types of alcoholic beverages to Ghana.
Dr. Esther Ocloo Started a business in micro-lending
Alhaji Adamu Iddrisu Received an honorary doctorate
in December 2015.
George Grant The Father of Gold Coast politics
J.K. Siaw Started Christ College with his father, which became Ghana
Secondary School in Effiduase.

Self-assessment they struggled with. Use their reflections
and your notes to give them extra
• Learners should assess themselves practice in these areas.
according to the statements. If they
feel that they did not perform well in an
area, ask them questions about what


Strand 2: Assessment

Strand 2: Assessment (LB pages 102–103)

Use this Strand 2 for summative assessment 3 d, c, b, a (4)
of the first, second, fourth and the fifth
sub-strands. Let learners write the answers 4 salt, gold, pottery, fish and kola
in their exercise books or talk about the beans (5)
answers with you individually. Take in the
exercise books or listen to the oral answers 5 (6)
and assess learners’ work. Column A Column B

Make sure that learners can demonstrate Battle of The king of Denkyira,
understanding of the work done in the three Feyiase Denkyirahene Ntim
sub-strands. Gyakari, thought he was
doing well in the war. He
Answers had driven people of the
Asante from Adunku,
1 a There were two ways in which Abuontem and Aputuogya.

people paid for their goods. They Krepi War During the conflict nearly
used cowrie shells and they use the all the Ewe people in
barter system. (2) the north and west unit
b The medium of exchange is under Chief Kwadzo Dei’s
something that is used in trading leadership.
goods and services. (1)
c Forts were bases for soldiers. They Battle of The Asante army was
were not residences. (1) Akatamanso defeated by an alliance
d The Ewe people designed Ghana’s made up of the British, Ga-
famous kente cloth. (1) Adangme, Fante, Akyem,
e Castles were buildings in which lords Akwamu, Krepi people,
or nobles lived. (1) Anlo and Denkyira people.

2 a True 6 a C (4)
b True b C Total: 30
c True c A
d True d B
e False. They could be erected faster
than a castle and had thick walls. (5)


Strand 3: Europeans in Ghana Introduction

InItnrtordoudcutciotinon In Basic 2, in Sub-strand 2, International trade
including the slave trade, they learnt about the
In Basic 1, learners identified the European interactions between the people of the Gold Coast
countries whose citizens came and settled in and the Europeans, how trade was first carried out
Ghana, such as Portugal, Britain, France, Sweden, and which goods and services were bartered. They
Germany, (Brandenburg) Denmark, Norway and discovered how some of these items remained a part
The Netherlands. They learnt in which order these of everyday Ghanaian life. They investigated how
Europeans came to Ghana, and located the countries this trade changed over time and how it led to towns,
they came from on a map of the world. Then they forts and castles being built and how this led to the
explored where these Europeans first settled in establishment of the slave trade in Ghana.
Ghana and the types of settlements they built.

Opener activity Diagnostic assessment
Observe learners and use their answers to assess their
The questions have been structured to broadly cover understanding and skill levels. This activity will also
sub-strand in Strand 3: Sub-strand 1: Europeans in allow you to measure how much they know about
Ghana. the specific concepts. Where necessary, ask leading
Answers questions to identify their strengths and weaknesses,
1 Learners’ answer will differ according to what and any knowledge gaps.

they remember from Basic 2. All the content is
listed above.
2 Learners’ own answers. Example answer: The
slaves gave the Europeans a valuable commodity
to trade. It led to many European countries
establishing forts and castles in Ghana.


Strand 3: Europeans in Ghana

Sub-strand 1: Arrival of Europeans

Show an understanding of the interactions between the local people and
early settlers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (B3.3.1.1)

Learners will learn about which Europeans were the where they settled.
first to come to the Gold Coast, when they came and

Europeans in Ghana

How the Europeans settled on the Teaching instructions
Gold Coast ����������������� (LB pages 104–119)
Use these teaching suggestions to create your own
The Portuguese had several reasons for travelling lesson plans to address the performance indicator
south. Some of these were: and exemplars.
• They were attracted by stories of gold and ivory Phase 1: Start suggestions
• Start the lesson by asking learners: Why would
in Africa, with its fertile lands.
• They wanted to avoid Arab traders and establish foreign nations want to come to Ghana? What
are they looking for?
direct trade with Asia. • These are warm-up questions for an informal
benchmark assessment.
Content standard: B3.3.1.1. Phase 2: Explore suggestions
Show understanding of the interactions between • Read through the information on how the
the local people and early settlers Europeans settled on the Gold Coast, including
Indicator: B3. forming alliances with the local chiefs.
Describe how the Europeans settled on the Gold • Read through each section slowly.
Coast, including forming alliances with the local • Check that all learners understand the concepts
chiefs before moving on to the next paragraph or
1 Dramatise the meeting between the Portuguese activity. Learners can take turns in reading.
• Discuss the meaning of any difficult words.
and Kwamina Ansah • Learners can underline any important
2 Explain why other Europeans who came later information.
Phase 3: Reflect suggestions
also settled on the Gold Coast • Put the learners into small groups to discuss the
3 Investigate how the Europeans settled on the notes that they underlined and to see if they have
all the important information.
Gold Coast, including forming alliances with
the local chiefs and marrying the local people Use of ICT
Subject-specific practices and core competencies:
As learners explore the cause and consequences of Investigate how the Europeans settled on the Gold
the interaction between Europeans and the locals, Coast, including forming alliances with the local
they enhance their communicative, collaborative chiefs and marrying the local people.
and creativity skills
Resources: Exercise 2.1 (LB page 108)
Access to a computer and an internet connection
for research Learners work on their own to answer this exercise.
Key words:
thriving, masons, carpenters, negotiations, Individual work
advantageous, demolish, retaliation, opposition, Learners work on their own to complete this
lease, dependence, treaties, fortified, ancestry, exercise. They do research and then write 4–5
nobility, intermediaries sentences to present their findings. Give learners
Helpful links: enough time to complete the activity.


Sub-strand 1: Arrivals of Europeans

Answers • Make a note of those learners who lack
Learners’ answers will differ. confidence in role play. Give them more practice
Formative assessment opportunities in later lessons.
• Walk around the classroom. Observe learners as
Differentiated learning
they work. Assist any learners who seem to be • Use the remedial activities as practice for those
• Give learners enough time to rewrite their who find the task challenging and the extension
sentences. activities for those learners who need more of a
• Make a note of those learners who are finding it challenge.
difficult to complete the sentences. Give them • Give each member of the group a role according
more practice opportunities in later lessons or to their strengths so that they are all involved
tasks. with the task.
Differentiated learning Remedial activity
• Use the remedial activity for learners who are • Encourage less confident learners to take a small
struggling and the extension activity for learners role in the beginning to build their confidence.
who need an extra challenge. Extension activity
Remedial activity • Ask learners to write a script for their role play.
• Give learners additional exercises or worksheets Let them act it out with the words for their
if they struggle to complete this exercise. Allow friends.
them more time to complete the exercise, or pair • Let learners make use of simple costumes for
them with a stronger learner. their role play.
Extension activity • They can record their role plays as videos and
• Ask learners to make up three of their own play it for the class, and other classes.
sentences and leave out words for their partners
to fill in. Then they swap roles. Activity 2.2 (LB page 111)

Activity 2.1 (LB page 109) Follow the same guidelines as in Activity 2.1.
This time, groups perform a short role play about
In this activity, learners role play the meeting members of an ethnic group that come across a
between the Portuguese and Kwamina Ansa. group of Europeans that have just arrived on the
Group work shores.
• Learners work in groups of 11 learners to role- Group work
Learners work in groups of 4–5. They need to write
play the meeting between the Portuguese and a script first. Learners need to practise and perform it
Kwamina Ansa. for other classes.
• Groups need adequate time to prepare. Groups
then perform their role play. Exercise 2.2 (LB page 111)
• Characters:
–– Captain Diego D’Azambuja Learners answer questions in this exercise on their
–– Kwamina Ansa own.
–– João Bernaldes
–– Four Portuguese Individual work
–– A mason, a carpenter and two soliders Learners work on their own to complete this
–– Four Fante people exercise. Give learners enough time to complete the
• Decide what role or character each learner will activity.
• Groups practice the role play. Answers
• Learners perform their role play in class. 1 What did the Portuguese call Elmina and why?
Formative assessment They called it ‘A Mina’, which means ‘the
• Walk around the class, observe and listen to
learners working in groups. Help where needed. Mine’, because of all the gold that could be found


Strand 3: Europeans in Ghana learners to complete the exercise in pairs, where
weaker learners are paired with stronger ones.
2 Who were the Berbers? Extension activity
The Berbers were an ethnic group made up of • Ask learners to make up three of their own
sentences and leave out words for their partners
different nations mostly from North Africa. to fill in. Then they swap roles.
Today many follow the Islamic religion and speak
the Berber language. They were traders. Activity 2.3 (LB page 113)
3 Why did Captain Diego D’Azambuja come to
the Gold Coast? In groups, learners are to make a booklet about the
To build a fort on the coast. Europeans arriving in Ghana.
4 What and who did Captain Diego D’Azambuja Group work
bring with him? Learners work in groups of 4–5. They will need time
Masons, carpenters and materials to do the necessary research, plan their work, write
5 What do you think ‘advantageous trading terms’ the information and draw pictures.
means? Answers
Made the trade more attractive by offering more The booklet should contain a timeline showing
goods, or goods at a lower cost. which Europeans came to Ghana and when they
6 Who were the Fante people? came. It should explain why they came to Ghana,
The Akan people who lived at the coast. what alliances they formed with the chiefs of Ghana,
7 Who was João Bernaldes? what they exchanged with each other and why they
A Portuguese soldier who was supposed to send began to build forts. The booklet should be around
payment and gifts to the Fante people, but he four to six pages and should include drawings, maps
failed to do so and upset the Fante people. and pictures. It should also be colourful and must
8 Who was Benya? have a cover page with a title and a list of the group
The river god who the people of Elmina thought members.
had a rock for a home. Formative assessment
9 Why did other Europeans want to settle on the • Walk around the classroom. Observe groups as
Gold Coast?
They wanted to participate in the gold trade and they work. Assist any learners who seem to be
they liked the fertile land and wanted to trade struggling.
directly with Asia. • Assist learners to find information online.
10 Why were these other Europeans happy to accept • Show learners how to plan their booklet.
an alliance with the local chiefs? • Give groups a rubric to show that [or how?] they
They were given favourable trading terms and will be marked.
gifts • Remind learners to write a draft first.
Formative assessment • Make a note of those learners who are finding it
• Walk around the classroom. Observe learners as difficult to complete the sentences. Give them
they work. Assist any learners who seem to be more practice opportunities in later lessons or
struggling. tasks.
• Give learners enough time to complete the • Encourage groups to organise themselves, making
exercise. sure that everyone knows what to do and has a
• Make a note of those learners who are finding it role.
difficult to answer the questions. Give them more Differentiated learning
practice opportunities in later lessons or tasks. • Use the remedial activity for learners who are
• Take in learners’ answers for marking or go struggling and the extension activity for learners
through the answers in class. who need an extra challenge.
Differentiated learning Remedial activity
• Use the remedial activity for learners who are • Ask learners to do a mini-task first on an A4
struggling and the extension activity for learners sheet of paper. Ask them to give information
who need an extra challenge. orally. All learners have strengths and weaknesses.
Remedial activity Encourage groups to use learners’ strengths, for
• Give learners additional exercises or worksheets
if they struggle to complete this exercise. Allow
them more time to complete the exercise, fill
in the first few questions with them or allow


example by using learners who can draw well to Sub-strand 1: Arrivals of Europeans
draw the pictures.
Extension activity Formative assessment
• Bind the booklets and add them to the book • Ask students to hand in their interviews for
corner in the classroom. Arrange an evening for
parents, guardians or caregivers to view learners’ marking. Take note of which learners struggled
work. with this task. They will need more practice in
further activities.
Exercise 2.3 (LB page 113) Differentiated learning
• Use the remedial activities as practice for learners
Learners conduct interviews with parents or elders who struggle, and the extension activities for
to find out their opinions about the Euro-African those learners who need more of a challenge.
marriages. Remedial activity
Individual work • Ask learners to give you oral feedback about
Learners will need time to interview elders and the task (or help them to compile questions
parents at home – so either the lessons must span beforehand).
periods on different days or give them the first part • Help them with the necessary spelling and
of the activity as homework on the day before the vocabulary.
lesson. Learners need to write the questions they will Extension activity
be asking, and the interviewee’s responses. • Ask learners to draw pictures and display their
interviews in class. Invite learners to share their
interview sentences with the class.
• Try to record a few interviews and let the class
view and discuss them.


Sub-strand 1: Summary

Summary: Arrival of Europeans –– The Portuguese only agreed to do this
after they had been paid.
• The Portuguese were amongst the first
Europeans to explore the Gold Coast. They –– The Fante people attacked the
named it ‘A Mina’, which means, ‘the Mine’, Portuguese
after the gold that could be found or mined
there. • The Portuguese started to lease the right
to build trading posts to any person or
• The first ships to explore the African coast company who would form an alliance
in 1418 were sent by Prince Henry the with the local chiefs. Some kings and
Navigator, a 15th Century Portuguese leaders accepted the alliance because
prince. they wanted to be less dependent on the
Portuguese and involve other Europeans
• After Prince Henry the Navigator, Fernão in their trading activities.
Gomes explored the African coast. He and
his men reached Elmina in 1471. He found • Treaties were signed between the
a thriving gold trade already going on Europeans and the local chiefs, to make
amongst the local people, the Arabs and these alliances more formal and effective.
the Berber traders. Gomes then built his
own trading post at Elmina. This was the • During the 17th and 18th Centuries, many
first European settlement in West Africa. different European groups came to settle
on the Gold Coast. First the Portuguese,
• Europeans wanted to share in the thriving then the Dutch arrived, then the English,
gold trade in Africa then the Danish and Swedish

• The Berbers were an ethnic group made • On the Gold Coast, the Europeans built
up of different nations mostly from North fortified trading stations that were well
Africa. protected against an attack.

• Trade negotiations between Elmina and • Gold Coast Euro-Africans were born when
Portugal went well during this time. European men and African women had
children. This happened during the late
• The Portuguese then decided to build a 15th Century up until 1957.
fort on the coast to protect the trade. All
the building materials the Portuguese • After Ghana became independent, Euro-
needed to build the fort were brought to Africans usually lived in coastal urban
the Gold Coast by ships. settlements. The Europeans used their
marriages as a way to live and trade or
• Chief Kwamina Ansa gave the traders work on the Gold Coast.
permission to build the fort. But in return,
he said that they had to: • Euro-Africans also formed relationships
–– follow Fante trading customs with important coastal or Akan families
–– pay their taxes, other fees and provide of royal ancestry and nobility. As a result,
gifts Euro-Africans were used as intermediaries
–– give the Fante advantageous trading between Europeans and Ghanaian people.

• A number of events happened that led to
conflict between the Portuguese and the
Fante people.
–– The Portuguese were asked to demolish
the homes of some of the local


Sub-strand 1: Revision Sub-strand 1: Revision

Use this Sub-strand 1: Arrival of Europeans (LB page 116)
Revision activity for formative or summative 3 a The Portuguese, under Captain
• Formative assessment: Let learners Diego de Azanbuja, and his men
(were / were not) well received.
complete the activity and go through b The Portuguese (had to / did not
the answers in class. Learners can have to) demolish the homes of
either check their own work for self- some villagers.
assessment, or swap work with a c João Bernables (paid / failed to pay)
partner and check each other’s work for the Fante people.
peer assessment. d (Some kings / No kings) and leaders
• Summative assessment: Let learners accepted the alliance with other
write the answers in their exercise books European groups because they
or talk about the answers with you wanted to be less dependent on the
individually. Take in the exercise books Portuguese.
or listen to the oral answers and assess e (Sometimes there was / There
learners’ work. Check that learners was never) conflicts with local
can demonstrate an understanding of inhabitants as they formed alliances
what impact the Europeans had on the with local chiefs.
history of Ghana.
• Learners should assess themselves
1 a Portuguese according to the statements. If they
b They came to trade for ivory. feel that they did not perform well in an
c Dutch, English, Swedish and Danish area, ask them questions about what
they struggled with. Use their reflections
2 a True and your notes to give them extra
b False. He found a thriving gold trade. practice in these areas.
c True
d Euro-Africans also formed
relationships with important coastal
or Akan families of royal ancestry
and nobility.


Strand 3: Assessment

Strand 3: Assessment (LB pages 117–118)

Summative assessment f False. Euro-African people could be
used as intermediaries between the
Use this Strand 3: Assessment for summative Europeans and the people of the
assessment. Let learners write the answers Gold Coast.
in their exercise books or talk about the
answers with you individually. Take in the g False. The traders were expected
exercise books or listen to the oral answers have to pay taxes or other fees to the
and assess learners’ work. Fante.

Make sure that learners can demonstrate h False. The Portuguese soldiers set
understanding of the work done in this sub- fire to the local village.
i False. The Portuguese started to
Answers lease the right to build trading posts
to any person or company who
1 a The first ships to explore the African would form an alliance with the local
coast in 1418, were sent by Prince chiefs.

j True (10)

Henry the Navigator. (1) 3 e, b, d, a, c (5)
b Fernão Gomes reached Elmina in
1471. (1)
c Fernão Gomes found a thriving gold 4 a He brought masons and carpenters.
He wanted to build a fort there.
trade already going on amongst b Kwamina Ansa
the natives, the Arab and Berber
traders. (2) c peace ritual
d He only asked that they followed
d Masons and carpenters were Fante trading customs, gave
brought to Elmina to build a fort. (1)
e Diego D’Azambuja went ashore to frequent tributes and advantageous
trading terms. (5)
meet Kwamina Ansa. (1)
f Euro Africans were born when
European men and African women 5 They too wanted to profit from the
trade taking place in Ghana. (2)
had children. (1)
g To make alliances between chiefs
and Europeans more formal and 6 They were prepared to make alliances
with the local rulers in Ghana, so they
effective, treaties were signed. (2) could get good trade terms. (1)
h Chief Kwamina Ansa asked the
traders to follow Fante trading
customs. (1) 7 They built fortified trading posts to
protect their trading posts from
attacks by exterior threats. (2)
2 a True
b False. The Portuguese were asked to 8 Conflict. Any suitable answer given
demolish the homes of some of the by learner. (2)
local villagers.
c True 9 a These are people who were born
d False. Despite opposition from the when Europeans had children with
Fante, the Portuguese built the first native Africans on the Gold Coast.
storey of the fort in 20 days. b They are people who act as a link
e True between other people. (3)

Total: 40


End-of-year exam

End-of-year exam (LB page 117–118)

This exam summarises all the work covered 9 medium of Something that has
throughout the year and tests the learners exchange value that is used to
on all the material covered in the subject. buy goods or services.
10 conflict A disagreement
Summative assessment between people or
groups which they
Use this end-of-year exam for summative cannot resolve quickly
assessment. Let learners write the answers or in the usual way.
in their exercise books or talk about the
answers with you individually. 2 a C
b D
Take in the exercise books or listen to the c A
oral answers and assess learners’ work. d D
e B
Make sure that learners can demonstrate f B (6)
understanding of the work done in the two
strands and the five sub-strands. 3 (14)

Answers Dr. Esther Ocloo Benjamin

1 (10) Started a business Started school at
in microlending the age of 10
Terms Meaning
Started Nkulenu Started working as
1 ethnic group A group of people Industries Ltd a clerk in 1944
who speak the same
language, come from Born in 1919 Born in 1924 in
the same place, share Kumawu Ashanti
the same culture and
traditions. Received the Started an import/
African Prize for export business in
2 colonisers One group or nation Leadership 1951
uses its power to take
control of another Started a business Set up a company
group or nation. to support called Textile
themselves Spinning Works
3 alliance An agreement among
people to achieve a Empowers many Set up
common goal. women International
Tobacco Ghana
4 trade The buying and selling Limited
of goods or services.

5 entrepreneur A person who sets 4 The Battle of Katamanso decided the
up and runs a new Gold Coast history when the Asante
business. people were forced to surrender their
rulership over the southern states
6 retaliation A counter-attack. of Ghana. The Asante people were
collecting taxes from castles and forts
7 economic Relating to the along the coast. The Assin people,
production, the Denkyira people and the Akwamu
development and people were paying rent to them.
management of money However, this stopped when the Asante
and wealth. people were defeated by the Krepi
8 treaties An official agreement
between governments
or government officials.


End-of-year exam

End-of-year exam (continued) (LB page 119–124)

The Asante army was defeated by an b Learners’ own answers. Example
alliance made up of the Krepi people, answer: Yes, they gave people a
Ga-Adangme people, Fante people, base of operations and allowed
Akyem people, Akwamu people, British, them to protect their trade. (2)
Anlo people and Denkyira people. The c No, the ethnic people could not
Ga-Adangme people won the war and protect themselves if attacked from
prevented the Asante people from a fort as it was fortified with high
dominating the coast. (10) walls, and they had guns, etc. (2)
5 a Learners must give three of the d No, it was not their land. They had
following: salt, fish, gold, kola, shea to lease the right to build trading
butter, pottery, cloth, iron utensils. (3) posts or form an alliance with the
b They wanted gold because it was local chiefs. (2)
valuable and they wanted to 7 a The (Berbers/Portuguese) were the
trade directly with Asia. They were first Europeans to explore the Gold
interested in what could be grown Coast.
and harvested and the stories of b The Europeans wanted to share in
ivory. (2) the (gold trade/salt trade) that was
c When conflict is settled in a friendly thriving at the Gold Coast.
way, the parties become more c (Fernão Gomes/Prince Henry the
united and this unity makes those Navigator) reached Elmina in 1418.
involved feel more secure. When d (João Bernaldes/Captain Diego
there is peace and unity among D’Azambuja) brought the masons
people, they can give of their best. and carpenters to the Gold Coast to
This leads to a better nation or build a fort.
country. And this leads to national e The Portuguese (were/were not)
development. (1) asked to demolish the homes of
d In the 12th Century, the Akan some of the local villagers.
people migrated from the ancient f The Portuguese (succeeded/did not
Ghana Empire. Others also believe succeed) in breaking a rock which
they came from around Lake Chad was the home of the river god,
and the Benue River. They settled Benya.
throughout Ghana. (2) g The (Fante/Ga) people opposed the
e Each kola nut has the same amount Portuguese soldiers.
of caffeine as two large cups of h The Dutch arrived in the (17th/18th)
regular coffee! So, it has the same Century to settle on the Gold Coast.
effects as caffeine, to make people i Europeans built (fortified/
feel more alert and energetic. Elders unprotected) trading stations.
may say that it helps stomach j Gold Coast Euro-Africans were used
ailments such as morning sickness, to resolve (peace/conflict) (7)
intestinal diseases, constipation 8 a True
and ulcers, or coughs and asthma, b True
toothache and infections, eye c False. The Europeans wanted the
problems, skin diseases and local people to use promissory
depression. (2) notes.
6 a The Europeans needed protection d True
from other Europeans (as shown by e True
the way the canons faced towards f True
the sea). (2) g False. The Portuguese called Elmina,
‘A Mina’. (7)
Total: 75


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