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Published by sidjha1995, 2022-12-31 13:18:22

Zenith E-Newsletter December 2022

Zenith E-Newsletter December 2022

Zenith E- Newsletter

December 2022

From the cozy weather to innumerable year-end
celebrations to winter fashion, December has a
lot to offer. All those enticing festive offers
mean it's time to go on a shopping spree! The
real joy of having tea and espressos and the heat
from the bonfire is probably the most
comfortable thing about this time of the year!

Well, it's also the time to look back over the past
year and welcome the future with hope!

Take a look at our students' achievements &
their enthusiasm, and you'll find this E-
newsletter absolutely refreshing and our future
full of promise & hope!

Happy browsing!

Plastic: The Real Problem

In the present era, plastic has become a major material for the production

of textiles, machine parts, electronics, and other daily accessories. Almost

every manufactured article we see around us is made up of this petroleum-

based material. It has led us to its dependency to such an extent that

without it, modernization is fruitless. Although plastics pose no problem

in their usage, the real problem starts from its disposal. Usually, the

plastic waste generated is thrown away carelessly and without much

thought. We forget that this waste encroaches almost every square inch of
land and water on this Earth and disrupts the balance of Earth’s fragile

environment. The second problem lies in its dependency. We know that

petroleum occurs deep inside the Earth in very limited quantities. With

the pace we are consuming it, it will last a little more than a hundred

years. Till then, our dependency on plastics will increase and

when its supply starts diminishing, the entire foundation

of our civilization will fall into pieces. The best, therefore,

lies in the proper consumption, usage, and disposal Arnav Mishra

of plastics. Class: VIII-A

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Parasite ………... Live on life !!

Parasite is an organism that lives on or in a host organism and gets its food from or
at the expense of its host.

There are three main classes of parasites that can cause disease in humans are as


Parasitic infections cause a tremendous burden of disease in both the tropics and
subtropics as well as in more temperate climates.
Of all parasitic diseases, malaria causes the most deaths globally, Malaria kills
more than 400,000 people each year, most of them young children in sub-Saharan

The Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs), which have suffered from a lack of
attention by the public health community, include parasitic diseases such as
lymphatic filariasis, onchocerciasis, and Guinea worm disease.

The NTDs affect more than 1 billion people worldwide, largely in rural areas of
low-income countries. These diseases extract a large toll on endemic populations,
including lost ability to attend school or work, stunting of growth
in children, impairment of cognitive skills and development in
young children, and the serious economic burden placed on entire

However, parasitic infections also affect persons living in Agranaya Misra
developed countries, including the United States

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Blockchain Technology

Blockchain is a method of recording information that makes it impossible

or difficult for the system to be changed, hacked, or manipulated. A

blockchain is a distributed ledger that duplicates and distributes

transactions across the network of computers participating in the

blockchain. Blockchain technology is a structure that stores transactional

records, also known as the block, of the public in several databases,

known as the “chain,” in a network connected through peer-to-peer nodes.
Typically, this storage is referred to as a ‘digital ledger. ’Every transaction

in this ledger is authorized by the digital signature of the owner, which

authenticates the transaction and safeguards it from tampering. Hence, the

information the digital ledger contains is highly secure. In simpler words,

the digital ledger is like a Google spreadsheet shared among numerous

computers in a network, in which, the transactional records are stored

based on actual purchases. The fascinating angle is that anybody can see

the data, but they can’t corrupt it. How Does a Blockchain Work? The

goal of blockchain is to allow digital information to be recorded

and distributed, but not edited. In this way, a blockchain is

the foundation for immutable ledgers, or records of

transactions that cannot be altered, deleted, or destroyed.

This is Why blockchains are also known as a Navyanshi Bhatnagar
distributed ledger technology (DLT). Class: IX-A

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Web browser in Energy & Memory Saver Mode

Google Rolls Out Energy and Memory Saver Modes for Chrome Browser
The Chrome browser is a notorious memory and battery hog, but Google
is adding two new performance settings intended to stop the software
from consuming too many PC resources. The company today introduced
memory and energy saving modes for Chrome, which are rolling out now
via the “m 108” release.

According to Google, the memory saving mode can reduce the browser's

memory use by as much as 30%. It promises to be particularly useful

when you have numerous tabs open in a browser window, which can
stress a computer's RAM. “Memory Saver mode frees up memory from
tabs you aren’t currently using so the active websites you’re browsing
have the smoothest possible experience,” the company wrote (Opens in a
new window) in a blog post. “Any inactive tabs will be reloaded when
you need them.”

Meanwhile, energy saving mode can be activated when your laptop’s

battery level reaches 20%. It will then proceed to cut down on background

processes for Chrome and limit visual effects from websites, such as

animations and videos. Both performance modes can be turned

on (Opens in a new window) by visiting the three-dot menu

in the top-right corner of the browser selecting Settings.

You’ll then find a new section labeled "Performance,"

where the modes can be activated. “When these tools roll

out to you, you'll be able to turn off either feature or mark Ankush Kumar
your most important websites exempt from Memory
Saver,” the company added. Please Class: X-A
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Top New Programming Languages To Learn In 2022

F# gives you simplicity and succinctness like Python with correctness, robustness
and performance beyond C# or Java. F# is open source, cross-platform and free to
use with professional tooling. F# is a JavaScript and .NET language for web, cloud,
data-science, apps and more. F# is used for quantitative finance programming,
energy trading and portfolio optimization, machine learning, business intelligence
and social gaming on Facebook.

Elixir is a dynamic, functional language for building scalable and maintainable
applications. Elixir runs on the Erlang VM, known for creating low-latency,
distributed, and fault-tolerant systems. These capabilities and Elixir tooling allow
developers to be productive in several domains, such as web development,
embedded software, data pipelines, and multimedia processing, across a wide range
of industries.

Swift is a powerful and intuitive programming language for iOS, iPadOS, macOS,
tvOS, and watchOS. Writing Swift code is interactive and fun, the syntax is concise
yet expressive. Swift code is safe by design and produces software that runs
Coders can download Swift Playgrounds—an app for iPad that makes getting
started with Swift code interactive and fun.


Dart is a client-optimized language for fast apps on any platform.

Dart is a programming language designed for client development such

as for the web and mobile apps. It is developed by Google and can

also be used to build server and desktop applications. Optimized Rishi Agarwal

for User Interface. Productive development. Class - XI

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Top 4 Tools for Android Game Development

1. Unity
Unity is one of the most popular Android Game Development Tools. It is a cross-platform tool that is
launched by Unity Technology and will help you to create your own Game. It helps in creating
amazing gaming with 2-D and 3-D features. It also let the users import assets for many 3-D apps such
as Blender & also offers a wide range of assets. Unity can be the best tool if you’re planning to
develop a game for the first time. The game examples of this platform are- Ricky and Morty,
Monument Valley 2, etc.

2. Unreal Engine
Unreal Engine is another one of the finest tools for Android Game Development. It is best for those
who are seeking to learn Android development for Game and are beginners for the same. If you plan
to work on this tool, you do not even require to be great at programming either. One more thing about
Unreal Engine is that it is really easy to work with, due to its interface. You can actually learn and
enjoy the development of great and attractive. 3-D graphics for your application. Few examples of
games that are developed with the help of Unreal Engine are Heart at Attack, Lineage and some

3. Marmalade SDK
This is one of the finest options for you if you’re looking to develop a game for both Mobiles and
Desktops. This is what makes it a lot more famous. This Software Development Kit supports C++
languages and also permits you to create interesting graphics. Using Marmalade SDK, you can even
create new and interesting 2-D and 3-D designs for your Android game. Also, in this you are free to
use different libraries, codes, and tools that you might need for your help. Few examples of games
that are developed with the help of Marmalade SDK are Call of duty, Plants vs Zombie and some

4. AppGameKit

AppGameKit is another tool that helps you to develop Android Games at ease.

This tool will offer you solutions for all the types of Android Games. This tool is

the one that can be used by anyone, be it a beginner or an expert Android Developer.

It is a very user-friendly platform and uses coding similar to C++. The best thing

about AppGameKit is that it is cross-platform, which makes your Game available Dhara Jain
for all different platforms at once. The game examples of this platform are – Rush
to Adventure, Skrobol By LordZyx, etc. Class - XII
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Are starfish really fish?

I have seen starfish specimen in biology lab of our school in science club
period, this generate curiosity in me to know more about star fish.
These animals have an endoskeleton of calcareous ossicle and hence, the
name Echinodermata (spiny bodied. All are marine with organ-system
level of organisation the adult echinoderms are radially symmetrical but
larva are bilaterally symmetrical. They are triploblastic and coelomate
animals. Digestive system is complete with mouth on the lower (ventral)
side and anus on the upper(dorsal) side. The most distinctive feature of
echinoderms is the presence of water vascular system which helps in
locomotion capture and transport of food and respiration. An excretory
system is absent. Sexes are seperated reproduction is sexual. Fertilisations
is usually external. Development is indirect with free-swimming larva.

For ex: Asterias (star fish), Echinus (sea urchin), Antendon (sea lily),
Cucumaria (sea cucumber) and ophiura.( Brittle star).
And also I want to express some facts about starfish

1. Did you know that starfish have no brain or blood.
2. The starfish cannot survive in fresh water.
3. Star fish can't have only 4 Arms they can have up

to 40 Arms.

Shivam Dhakrey

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The Twin Paradox

In the theory of relativity each observer has his own measure of
time. This can lead to so called twins Paradox.
One of a pair of twins 'Alpha' leaves on a space journey during
which he travels close to the speed of light (c), while his brother
'Beta' remains on Earth. Because of Alpha's motion, time runs
more slowly in the spacecraft as seen by the earth bound twin. So
on his return the space traveller will find that his brother Beta has
aged more than himself.
Although it seems against common sense, a number of experiments
have implied that in this scenario the travelling twin would indeed
be younger.

Kuber Chandra

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गूगल कला और संस्कृ तत

गगू ल की कला और संस्कृ ति पररयोजना को 2011 मंे, दतु नया के सत्रह सबसे प्रससद्ध
सगं ्रहालयों की साझदे ारी में लाचं ककया गया था । िब से यह सहयोग दतु नया भर के
पंद्रह सौ से भी अधधक संग्रहालयों मंे और सांस्कृ तिक संस्थानों को शासमल करने के
सलए बढा है । संस्कृ ति को और अधधक सुलभ बनाने के उद्देश्य से, इस पररयोजना ने
लाखों सांस्कृ तिक कलाकृ तियों को डिजजटाइज ककया है और उन्हें सभी के उपयोग के
सलए ऑनलाइन उपलब्ध कराया है । गूगल कला और संस्कृ ति एक मोबाइल ऐप के
रूप मंे भी उपलब्ध है ।

विशषे ताएं.....

'गूगल कला और संस्कृ ति' मंे सामग्री और सुविधाओं का खजाना है, जजसे खोजने मंे
आप ददन बबिा सकिे हंै । यह कु छ सबसे उपयोगी कायय हंै :-

1. िचुअय ल म्यूजजयम टू र ...गूगल स्रीट-व्यू िकनीक का उपयोग करके , उपयोगकिाय
दतु नया भर में गूगल के ककसी भी भागीदार संस्थान का आभासी भ्रमण कर सकिे हैं ।
चाहे िह 'द किक कलके ्शन' का दौरा हो, लंदन मंे 'प्राकृ तिक इतिहास संग्रहालय' के
हॉल मंे घूमना हो या काबुल के पुराने शहर मंे ऐतिहाससक घरों की खोज करना हो,
उपयोगकिायओं को िास्िविक जीिन के सदं भय मंे कलाकृ तियों को देखने का अिसर
समलिा है ।

2. एक्सप्लोर करें और डिस्किर करंे ....गूगल कला और ससं ्कृ ति मंे

उपयोगकिायओं को आसानी से और सहज रूप से कलाकृ तियां खोजने

मंे मदद करने के सलए शजक्िशाली खोज क्षमिाएं हैं । कलाकार,

सगं ्रहालय, माध्यम, तिधथ, देश, कला आदं ोलन, ऐतिहाससक घटनाओं,

यहां िक कक रंगों के अनुसार किल्टर खोजंे । कला और

संस्कृ ति मंच इनमें से ककसी भी मानदंि के आधार पर कतनका अग्रिाल
संबंधधि कलाकृ तियों की ससिाररश भी कर सकिा है । कक्षा ९-ब

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किाटं म यातं ्रिकी- किाटं म उलझाि

जब हम ककसी भी चीज़ को ज़ूम इन करिे हंै, िो हम उसे बहुि बडे पैमाने पर देखिे

हंै। िो हमें परमाणु की एक और दतु नया ददखाई देिी है। यह िास्िविक दतु नया से

बहुि अलग है। इस स्िर पर क्िांटम याबं त्रकी काम करिी है। क्िाटं म यांबत्रकी मंे एक

तनयम है, जजसे क्िांटम उलझाि कहा जािा है। यह सबसे बुतनयादी तनयम है। यह, मंै

आपको, एक उदाहरण से बिािा हूं- मान लीजजए कक आप मैकिॉनल््स जािे हैं और

आप बगरय और िें च िाइज़ जैसी दो चीजें खरीदिे हैं। िे चीजंे आपको दो अलग-अलग

बॉक्स में दी जािीं हैं। एक मंे बगरय है और दसू रे मंे िें च िाइज़, लके कन आपको नहीं

पिा, ककस बॉक्स में क्या है। किर आप एक बॉक्स खोलिे हैं। और मान लीजजए कक

उस बॉक्स में बगरय है, िो आपको, अपने आप पिा चल जाएगा कक दसू रे बॉक्स मंे

िें च िाइज़ ही होंगे। यानी दोनों एक दसू रे पर तनभरय हैं। इसी प्रकार क्िांटम उलझाि

के सलए भी यही कहा जािा है। यदद कोई कण दक्षक्षणाििय घमू रहा है िो, हम िुरंि

ही जान जाएंगे कक दसू रा कण िामाििय गति कर रहा है। इससे पिा चलिा है कक इन

दोनों परमाणुओं के बीच एक संबंध है। इन दो परमाणुओं के बीच की दरू ी अनंि हो

सकिी है और कोई माध्यम नहीं होगा। लेककन हम दसू रे कण के घमू ने

की गति को िुरंि जान लेंगे। यह जानकारी प्रकाश की गति से िजे

यात्रा करिी है। जो आइंस्टाइन के तनयम को िोडिा है। यह एलेन

एस्पके ्ट, जॉन एि क्लॉसर, एंटोन जज़सलगं र द्िारा ससद्ध ककया गया प्राज्ञ अग्रिाल

था। इसके सलए उन्हें बहुि सम्मान के साथ याद ककया जािा है। कक्षा - ८ स

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लम्पी स्स्कन डिजीज

लम्पी त्िचा रोग, मिेसशयों मंे होने िाला एक सकं ्रामक रोग है, जो
पॉक्सविररिे पररिार के एक िायरस के कारण होिा है। इसे 'नीथसलगं
िायरस' भी कहा जािा है। इस रोग के कारण पशओु ं की त्िचा पर गाठं ंे
होिी हंै। यह रोग, त्िचा और श्लेष्मा झझल्ली पर बखु ार, बढे हुए सिही
सलम्ि नो्स और कई नो्यलू की विशेषिा है। संक्रसमि मिशे ी के अगं ों मंे
सूजन विकससि हो जािी है और उनमें लंगडापन ददखाई देिा हंै। इस
िायरस का आधथकय प्रभाि भी पडिा हंै, क्योंकक प्रभाविि जानिरों की त्िचा
को स्थायी नकु सान होिा है। जजससे उनके बबकने का व्यािसातयक मलू ्य
कम हो जािा है। इसके अतिररक्ि, इस बीमारी के पररणामस्िरूप, अक्सर
परु ानी दबु लय िा, कम दधू उत्पादन, खराब विकास, बांझपन, गभपय ाि और
कभी-कभी मतृ ्यु भी हो जािी है। कें द्र सरकार अनसु ार लंपी िायरस से 67
हजार से अधधक पशओु ं की मौि हो गई है।

मन्नि सक्सेना
कक्षा - ९ स

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सकू ्ष्मदशी

विद्यालयों में प्राय: प्रयोग होने िाला सामान्य सकू ्ष्मदशी, सयं ुक्ि सूक्ष्मदशी कहलािा है। इन
सकू ्ष्मदशी में कई लंेस एक साथ सयं ुक्ि होिे हंै और उनकी आिधनय शजक्ि 300 से 1500
िस्ितु नष्ठ समय िक होिी है। ये सकू ्ष्मदशी प्रकाश का उपयोग करिे हैं। आमिौर पर िस्िु
को रोशन करने के सलए सयू य का प्रकाश जरूरी होिा है, इससलए इन सयं कु ्ि सकू ्ष्मदशी को
प्रकाश सकू ्ष्मदशी कहा जािा है।

प्रकाश, िस्ि/ु नमनू े के माध्यम से एक दपणय की मदद से पाररि ककया जािा है। िस्िु/नमूने
की आिधधिय छवि, साइि नॉब्स को ठीक स,े िोकस करने से, एक िेज छवि बनिी है। ऊपर
बडी घिुं ी होिी है। मोटे समायोजन और इसका उपयोग, िस्िु के िेजी स,े और सटीक
फोकससगं के सलए ककया जािा है। तनचली और छोटी घिुं ी का उपयोग, ठीक समायोजन के
सलए (यानी, िस्िु की सही छवि प्राप्ि करने के सलए) ककया जािा है । ककसी छवि के
आिधनय को बदलकर बढाया या घटाया जा सकिा है।

श्रेयांश जनै
कक्षा - छ अ
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Annual Sports Day- VI - VIII

Annual Sports Day was conducted on 4th December, 2022 for classes VI
to VIII in state-of-the-art Sports Arena.

An impressive March Past by the four houses, Compassion,
Commitment, Collaboration and Creativity was followed by the Oath-
taking ceremony.

With zeal and fervour, students participated in various events like 50
metre, 100 metre, 200 metre, Relay, 5-in-1 Race, Slow Cycling & Mass
PT. There was 50 metres race for the parents too, in which they eagerly
took part as their children cheered for them. Winners were awarded

The Chief Guest for the event was Mr Yash Guwalani, Founder, MediaX
& Happening In Communities and the Guest of Honour was Mr
Hemendra Chaturvedi, Editor-in-Chief, Hindustan Times.

The presence of honorable Chairman, Chairperson, Executive Director,
Director Principal and the Vice Principals motivated the participants.

The Meet closed with the ‘Khelo India’ theme dance. Vote of thanks was
proposed by Director Academics. Efforts of the PTIs were appreciated by
one and all.

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Culmination Activities of the Enthusia Club 'Flash Mob
dance' by the whole school on the performance by
members of the Symphony Club were conducted today.
It was thoroughly enjoyed by the students.
Congratulations to the Clubs incharges and members.

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AD MANIA - Advertisement Making Competition

It's a world of Propaganda & Advertisements!To acquaint
students with promotional strategies in marketing through
advertisements, Rangmanch and Six Sigma Clubs organized an
Inter- House Ad-Mania competition for the students of classes
IX to XII on Thursday, 2nd December 2022. Performances
were judged for the Script & Content, Spontaneity, expressions,
fluency, Appeal & Overall performance.

The result was as under :- Position
House II
Green III
Red IV
Yellow Please turn the page

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Second stage (online) of Aryabhatta Ganit Challenge was
successfully conducted under the guidance of Mr T.
Venkatachalam, Ms Kapila Venkatachalam, Mr Prabhat and Mr
Rajesh on 15th December 2022.
Students who appeared for the test were –
1. Naitik Agarwal VIII C
2. Kuber Chandra IX C
3. Sahil Agarwal X A

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Buddy Bash

An extravagant 'Buddy Bash' was organised on
30th December for classes I to VIII students'
siblings & cousins studying in other schools.
The young guests left the SRCS campus with a
happy face and a grateful heart

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SRCS wins hearts !

SRCS Agra students bagged 8 prizes and the Runners Up Trophy at the
prestigious City Montessori School SAM International event at

We won the second highest number of trophies among schools from
across the borders in online and offline events. Here are the prizes won
by SRCS :-

▪︎ 1st in SAM Graffiters
▪︎ 2nd in Floor Fusionists
▪︎ 2nd in SAM Synergists (Online)
▪︎ 3rd in Melody Maestro
▪︎ Unparalleled Innovations Trophy
▪︎ Special Mention in SAM Visualisers
▪︎ Judges' Choice in SAM Sculptors
▪︎ Judges' choice in Mellifluous Martials &
▪︎ Runners Up Trophy

This is an unprecedented feat for any school participating in such a
grand event for the very first time.

Way to go SRCS Agra!

Congratulations to the whole SRCS family!

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The SRCS Team at SAM International

S. No. Student Name Class

1 Deeksha Yadav XI Sc
3 Yashasvi Singh IX A
5 Meenal Singh Rawat XI Sc
7 Srishti Jain VIII C
9 Anushka Agarwal IX A
11 Avika Jain VIII C
13 Yashasvi Agarwal VIII C
15 Kavya Bajaj XI Sc
17 Prakrati Singh XI Hum
19 Om Kushwaha XI Sc
21 Krisheena Kulshreshtha XI Com

Sanskriti Singh XI Sc

Hitansh Siwani XI B

Srishti Jain XI B

Pratham Agarwal XI Com

Adamya Agarwal XI Hum

Devesh Kukreja XI Com

Tejasvi Tanmay Verma XI Sc

Bhuvika Singh VII B

Vihan Murpani VII B

Ayushi Sharma XI Hum

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