April - June 2019
School Students Access Safe Drinking Water 3. WHIN is amongst ‘Top 50
Companies in India with
1. Water for Schools (WfS): WaterHealth will implement Great People Managers’: as
WfS program in partnership with Timken India to provide per the rankings published by
safe drinking water access to more than 5,700 students Forbes India.
across four (4) schools. Till date, it is the biggest WfS
order received by the Organization. 4. Impact Assessment Framework: WaterHealth has successfully concluded Impact
Assessment pilot across identified geographies and is now planning to scale up the
WVM Launched at Birla Temple study across identified geographies.
2. WVM deployment: WaterHealth has successfully
launched its first WVM in the Urban segment.
RAVI BABU Employees walking into WHIN’s Corporate Office in February,
2011 were surprised to see a well-spoken security guard
greeting everyone in English. His language prowess intrigued
people and left them wondering how was he working as a
security guard ? This was Ravi Babu; it turned out that he was a
post graduate in social work but had been unable to find a job
commensurate with his qualifications after returning to India
from UAE. As luck would have it, around the same time, a
position for bank liasoning person came up in Finance. Ravi
was shortlisted for this position and has been handling the
liaison work with banks and financial agencies ever since.
Before leaving the office for his designated location for the day,
Ravi goes around distributing candy and chocolates to the
employees. In fact he is responsible for getting many of WHIN’s
employees hooked onto ‘Pulse’ – the tangy candy!
Ravi unfortunately lost his only son to an accident in 2013 and
his younger brother in 2015. However these personal tragedies
have not affected his strength or his faith in God and he
continues to serve the Company with the same zest and a smile
on his face.
In-charge Knowledge Management
Native place and what I like most about it – Guntur, it's my native land so I have immense love for
and Business Excellence every bit of it, all my loved ones live there. So, it's “home” for me.
Joined WaterHealth – 18th November 2008, 2nd innings: 1st April 2013.
Best part about WaterHealth – Challenging and friendly work culture.
Dream destination – Switzerland
Zodiac sign – Scorpio (but I don't sting!)
Like - Reading, watching lifestyle videos, listening to devotional sermons/songs
Preferred pet – Golden retriever
Loved watching/can watch any time – (Movie) – Maya Bazar (evergreen), Hollywood Classics-
Baby's Day Out, Honey I shrunk the kids, Birds, King Kong, Jumanji, Frozen
Current or All-time favorite read – What Young India Wants, Half Girlfriend, 2 States by Chetan Bhagat.
Love listening to – (Music/singer/song) – Genre- K-pop (BTS, stray kids, got7, twice, EXO)
Songs- Pied Piper, Idol, Just right, Boy with luv, Airplane part 2, Serendipity, Power and many more.
Favorite food – Anything healthy, preferably salads
Favorite quote/s – “Love yourself and Speak yourself”
Favorite leisure time/weekend activity – Spending time with my family and watching K-pop dramas
and videos.
If not at WaterHealth, I would have been a/an – Psychiatrist or Family/Child counselor.
Aside from necessities, the one (1) thing I cannot go a day without? – Mobile
Nidhi: A party animal Pooja: Master Chef Hitesh: A Fun Lover Sukriti: A Globe Trotter
A foodie from Jammu, Nidhi is a An Electronics & Instrumentation A humble, helpful, kind and fun- A soft-spoken 'traveller' from
Bachelor of Science and MBA in Engineer from Jammu with MBA loving guy from Jammu, Hitesh is Jammu; is a Commerce graduate
HR and Marketing. Passionate in Marketing. Loves singing, an Electrical Engineering with MBA in Human Resources
and dedicated, she loves singing painting, and cooking, would love graduate and MBA in HR. and Marketing.
and is fond of cooking. Calls to visit her dream destination Loves listening to music, reading Loves Sketching, playing chess
herself a 'Bollywood keeda'! Santorini someday. books and is an enthusiast of and listening to music.
Loves watching thrillers. Hollywood series, some of his
More about Pooja! favourites being 'Breaking Bad', More about Sukriti!
More about Nidhi! Participated in and secured 3rd 'Game of Thrones', 'Suits', Arrow, Represented the university in
First runner up in college quiz. position in the 3rd International etc. Google Online Marketing
Never give-up attitude. Business Plan Competition held Challenge to create and execute
Favorite dialogues: by ICccR, University of Jammu. More about Hitesh! an online ad campaign for
“Sometimes even the wrong train Successfully organised sales Represented college in projects, increasing brand recognition and
leads us to the right station” from campaign at University level university level cricket and sales.
Movie “Lunch Box” competition. various quizzes on a college level.
“Life me kitna bhi try kar lo, kuch She believes that, “Nothing is
na kuch toh chutega hi, toh jaha black and white, you can paint
hain wahin ka maza lete hain” your life with your own colors!”
from movie “Yeh Jawani Hai
THOUGHTS AND EXPRESSIONS coffee. Its rich aroma brought a smile to her face.
Motivational Story Contributed by E J Sundaram “Father, what does this mean?” she asked.
Potatoes, Eggs, and Coffee Beans He then explained that the potatoes, the eggs and coffee beans had each
faced the same adversity– the boiling water.
Once upon a time a daughter complained to her father that her life was
miserable and that she didn't know how she was going to make it. She was However, each one reacted differently.
tired of fighting and struggling all the time. It seemed just as one problem
was solved, another one soon followed. The potato went in strong, hard, and unrelenting, but in boiling water, it
became soft and weak.
Her father, a chef, took her to the kitchen. He filled three pots with water
and placed each on a high fire. Once the three pots began to boil, he placed The egg was fragile, with the thin outer shell protecting its liquid interior
potatoes in one pot, eggs in the second pot, and ground coffee beans in the until it was put in the boiling water. Then the inside of the egg became hard.
third pot.
However, the ground coffee beans were unique. After they were exposed
He then let them sit and boil, without saying a word to his daughter. The to the boiling water, they changed the water and created something new.
daughter, moaned and impatiently waited, wondering what he was doing.
“Which are you,” he asked his daughter. “When adversity knocks on your
After twenty minutes he turned off the burners. He took the potatoes out of door, how do you respond? Are you a potato, an egg, or a coffee bean? “
the pot and placed them in a bowl. He pulled the boiled eggs out and
placed them in a bowl. Moral:In life, things happen around us, things happen to us, but the only
thing that truly matters is what happens within us.
He then ladled the coffee out and placed it in a cup. Turning to her he asked.
“Daughter, what do you see?” Which one are you?
“Potatoes, eggs, and coffee,” she hastily replied. SOURCE :
“Look closer,” he said, “and touch the potatoes.” She did and noted that they
were soft. He then asked her to take an egg and break it. After pulling off
the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg. Finally, he asked her to sip the
Sketches by
Dinesh Subudhi
Water Trading: A Practical or Fantastic transported water to drought ridden reservoirs/sources of water compared to Virtual Water trade, wherein India could
Idea? Marathwada from other parts of the the food deficient countries. Therefore, if partner with water-rich [freshwater
state. one was to consider food as a derivative resources] countries like Brazil, Russia,
Growing population and climate change Virtual Water Trade of water then trading food between Canada or the equatorial belt in Africa
is not only causing water scarcity but also An alternative to this challenge is trading countries would result in putting lesser which experience high average rainfall.
water inequity. In India, extreme in Virtual Water; which would bridge the pressure on water resources in food These countries could grow and export
situations of flooding in some regions demand-supply gap of water (globally) by deficient versus the food surplus water-guzzling crops like rice, sugarcane,
and drought in others are becoming trading in derivatives (product or output countries. This 'Virtual Water trading' in wheat etc. which are in high demand in
frequent. Globally too, while some effect becomes a surrogate for water India, in lieu of those imports, India can
countries are facing extreme shortage of water arising out) of water which are trading between countries. provide technological or other services
water, others have excess reserves. easily tradeable and can be transported which are sparsely available in these
Innovative techniques need to be over long distances economically. As per an estimate, India exported nearly countries. This could result in a win-win
adopted to homogenize water A few decades ago there was significant 25 km3 of Virtual Water in the form of scenario for both countries, plus India
distribution across the world. imbalance in food production across agricultural exports to other countries; would conserve or limit it's high agrarian
countries due to non-homogeneous this is equivalent to meeting the food use of water.
Water trading – a feasible option? distribution of water. While the calamity needs of nearly 13 million people. In summary, instead of fighting nature,
was addressed suitably, it revealed a clear However, it is ironical that these exports topography or human behaviour, a more
Current water trading practices entail underlying message i.e. food surplus included water-thirsty crops like cotton, prudent option for the countries is to look
buying and selling water rights countries had access to large sugarcane and rice, despite India being a at the world as a global village and drive
(permanent access entitlements) or water deficient nation. uniform distribution/trade of water
water allocation entitlements (seasonal Therefore, it makes sense to promote derived outputs. Practically it makes
and temporary). most sense, geopolitical considerations
notwithstanding, however only time will
Theoretically, water trading appears to be tell if such sanity could prevail within
the best approach to reduce water humanity.
wastage and improve its efficiency.
However, its physical state, volume and OUR SOURCES :
weight pose challenge for trade or
transportation of water, especially over
long distances. Over short distances, it
can be piped across states or countries
e.g., water supplied by Malaysia to
Singapore or can even be transported as
was done in Maharashtra where a train
Who is S Krishna Mohan Rao?
S. Krishna Mohan Rao, also known as SKM, manages the Engineering knowledge through my exposure to various opportunities in civil,
Function at WaterHealth as Head-Engineering. He is a Mechanical electronics, instrumentation and automation related areas.
Engineer with an experience of over 29 years and has played various
roles in Mechanical Maintenance, Projects, Engineering and General I joined WaterHealth initially in the year 2007-08 and handled
management across his professional career. WaterHealth Business Operations from Vijayawada as Head of
Operations. Then I left WaterHealth to start a consulting firm for EPC
Prior to WaterHealth, he worked in various reputed organizations, he contracts along with other ex-colleagues. Though we executed very
started his career as a trainee engineer at HMT Ltd. (Machine tools large projects in Nuclear Power corporation (NPCIL) Kakrapara through
division). Thereafter he joined Bakelite Hylam Ltd., a Duncan Goenka IVRCL, I was not successful as an entrepreneur and joined Kemira
group where he played a key role in setting up of their Phenolic foam Indus Ltd.
(Thermal insulation foam applied in cryogenics) division. Later he
moved to Ion Exchange India Limited a leading Water treatment I joined WaterHealth again during the year 2014 and took up Nigeria
company where he was a member of the core team and played various and Ghana Projects as Chief Technical Officer. Then I returned to India
key roles in in their projects executed in South India. He managed the in 2017 and took charge of the Engineering function of WaterHealth.
chemical division as Works manager while continuing to be a core team
member for their other project execution. I feel that extensive travelling enabled me to learn a lot of things in both,
my professional and personal lives. Exposure to various cultures of
His personal hobbies and interests include exploring newer Asia, Europe and Africa gave me ample exposure of the diversity
technologies and travelling with friends. among global communities and has helped me to adjust and adapt
quickly to different environments and circumstances.
Where are you from? (native place, family background, education,
beginnings etc.) The bigger ambitions in life?
I was born in East Godavari district in Andhra Pradesh and brought up in To use innovative technology to change lives of people for the better
Hyderabad. My late father retired from HMT Ltd. Hyderabad while my thereby making a difference to society.
mother is a home-maker. My wife hails from Vizag and is also a home-
maker, taking care of the household full time. Message/motto that you would like to share with colleagues?
I have two (2) sons, the elder one studied at IIT-ISM Dhanbad and is now
employed. The younger one is pursuing Medicine at Osmania medical oHard work and honesty always pays.
How and why WaterHealth?
Water is my passion and WaterHealth business model inspired me to get
into the WaterHealth during 2007-08.
The journey so far in life and in WaterHealth?
I have always been hardworking and have craved to learn new things in
life. Being a mechanical engineer, I could improve my skillsets and
1. Which e-commerce company recently announced to 6. With which company has CBSE partnered to build
eliminate single-use plastic from its packaging by June AI learning for schools?
a) Microsoft India
a) Flipkart b) Google
b) Amazon c) Infosys
c) Jabong d) IBM
d) Myntra
7. What do the following idioms mean?
2. Which Indian Enterprise used the slogan - Improving
the quality of Life. ( ) To put one's hand to plough
a) Reliance a) To take up agricultural farming
b) TATA b) To get to work
c) Birla c) To get entangled into unnecessary things
d) ITC d) Take interest in technical work
3. Which series among the following have recently won (ii) To be above board
'Outstanding Drama Series Award' in Emmys this year?
a)To have a good height
a) Sacred Games b)To be honest in any business deal
b) Lust Stories c)They have no debts
c) Ozark d)To try to be beautiful
d) Game of Thrones e)None of these
4. Who recently created history by winning a silver
medal in the World Boxing Championship 2019?
a) Amit Panghal
b) Vijay Sardana
c) Anuj Chugh
d) Sarvesh Dayal
5. Which among the following plans to ban small 1. Ans. Amazon
plastic bottle toiletries from December 2020? 2. Ans. TATA
3. Ans. Game of Thrones
a) Marriott International 4 Ans. Amit Panghal
b) Starwood 5. Ans. Marriott
c) Westin Hotels & Resorts 6. Ans. IBM
d) Hilton Hotels & Resorts 7.
Ans. b)
Ans. b)
For feedback, comments or contributions for the next edition of Tributary,
write to [email protected] or contact:
Mahima Shanker - Corporate Communications - [email protected]
R.G. Krishna - Head - Creative Designs - [email protected]