After studying this chapter, you will be able to:
5.1 Describe organizations involve in advertising
5.2 Understand the role of advertising agency
5.3 Explain the classifications & types of advertising agency
5.4 Determine how advertising agencies are compensated
5.5 Determine how advertising agencies gets clients
5.6 Understand the suppliers in advertising
5.1 The Organizations in Advertising 5.1 Organisasi dalam Pengiklanan
i. Advertisers (Or Clients) i. Pengiklan (atau pelanggan)
• Are the companies (like Honda, Coca-Cola) • Adalah syarikat2 (spt Honda,Coca-Cola)
• Pay to advertise themselves and their products • Membayar untuk mengiklankan diri mereka
• Advertisers range in size from small (syarikat tersebut) dan produk mereka
independent businesses to huge multinational • Pengiklan dari pelbagai saiz dari sekecil
forms & in type from service organizations to perniagaan bebas sehingga bentuk sebesar
industrial manufacturers to local charities & multinasional & dari jenis organisasi dalam
political action committees. perkhidmatan untuk pengeluar industri kepada
ii. Advertising agencies badan amal tempatan & jawatankuasa tindakan
• Assists the advertisers to plan, create & ii. Agensi pengiklanan
prepare ad campaigns & other promotional • Membantu pengiklan utk merancang, membuat
materials & menyediakan kempen iklan & bahan promosi
iii. Suppliers lain
• Includes the photographers, Illustrators, iii. Pembekal
Printers, Digital Service Bureaus, Color Film • Termasuk jurugambar, ilustrator, pencetak, biro
Separators, Video Production Houses, Internet perkhidmatan digital, pemisah filem warna,
Web Developers and others who assist both rumah pengeluaran video, pemaju web Internet
advertisers and agencies in preparing & lain-lain yg membantu kedua-dua (pengiklan
advertising materials. & agensi) dlm menyediakan bahan pengiklanan
• Also include consultants, research firms and • Juga termasuk perunding, firma penyelidikan &
professional services that work with both perkhidmatan profesional yg bekerja dengan
advertisers and agencies kedua-dua pengiklan & agensi
iv. Media iv. Media
• Menjual masa (di radio&TV) & ruangan (di
• Sell time (on radio and TV) and space (in print, cetak, luaran) @ keduanya (media digital) utk
outdoor) or both (digital media) to carry the membawa mesej pengiklan kpd penonton
advertiser's message to the target audience. sasaran.
5.2 The Role Of The Advertising 5.2 Peranan Agensi Pengiklanan
i. Bebas
i. Independent • Agensi adalah bebas
• An agency is independent • Agensi pengiklanan tidak dimiliki oleh
• Advertising agencies isn’t owned by pengiklan, media atau pembekal,
the advertisers, the media or the sehingga dapat membawa sudut
suppliers, so it can bring an outside, pandang yang objektif, ke arah
objective viewpoint to the advertiser’s pengiklan
business ii. Ahli Perniagaan & Individu Kreatif
ii. Business people & creative people • Agensi menggunakan kombinasi ahli
• An agency employs a combination of perniagaan & individu kreatif;
businesspeople & creative people; pentadbir, akauntan, eksekutif
administrators, accountants, marketing pemasaran, penyelidik, penganalisis
executives, researchers, market & pasaran & media, penulis & artis.
media analysts, writers & artists. • Mereka mempunyai hubungan sehari-
• They have day-to-day contact with hari dengan pembekal profesional luar
outside professional suppliers who yang mencipta ilustrasi, mengambil
create illustrations, take photos, gambar, sentuhan-semula seni,
retouch art, shoot commercials, record penembak iklan, merakam bunyi &
sound & print brochures mencetak brosur
iii. Media expertise iii. Kepakaran Media
• The agency provides another service • Agensi ini menyediakan perkhidmatan
such as researching, negotiating, lain seperti meneliti, merundingkan,
arranging and contracting for mengatur dan menyelenggarakan
commercial space & time with different ruang dan waktu komersial dengan
print, electronic & digital media. media cetakan, elektronik & digital
• Because of its media expertise , yang berbeza.
agency must saves its clients time & • Kerana kepakaran media, agensi
money harus menyimpankan waktu & wang
iv. Self-interest kliennya
• Advertisers use agencies out of self- iv. Kepentingan diri
interest • Pengiklan menggunakan agensi
• These because agencies can create bukan untuk kepentingan sendiri
more effective advertising and select • Ini kerana agensi boleh membuat iklan
more effective media yang jauh lebih berkesan dan memilih
media yang lebih berkesan
5.3 Classification and Types of Advertising Agency
5.3 Classification & Types of 5.3 Klasifikasi dan Jenis-jenis Agensi
Advertising Agencies Pengiklanan
a. Local Agencies a. Agensi Tempatan
• Offer expert assistance to local • Menawarkan bantuan pakar kepada
advertisers pengiklan tempatan.
• Local advertisers use ad agencies less • Pengiklan tempatan menggunakan agensi
extensively than do national advertisers iklan kurang daripada pengiklan national
• Many local advertisers simply don’t • Banyak pengiklan tempatan tidak
spend enough money on advertising to membelanjakan sepenuhnya pengiklanan
warrant hiring an agency dalam memastikan pengambilan agensi
• Some large agencies don’t accept local • Beberapa agensi besar tidak menerima
advertisers because their budgets are pengiklan tempatan kerana belanjawan
too small to support the agency’s pengiklan tempatan terlalu agensi-agensi
overhead besar.
b. Regional and National Agencies b. Agensi Serantau dan Agensi National
• Every major city has numerous ad • Setiap bandar utama mempunyai banyak
agencies that can produce and place agensi pengiklan yang boleh menghasilkan
the quality of advertising suitable for dan meletakkan kualiti pengiklanan yang
national campaigns sesuai untuk kempen nasional
• Regional and national agencies typically • Agensi serantau dan nasional biasanya
participate in association of Asian menyertai persatuan pengiklanan Asia,
American advertising or some similar Amerika atau beberapa kumpulan
trade group perdagangan yang serupa
c. International Agencies c. Agensi Antarabangsa
• The largest national agencies • Agensi kebangsaan terbesar
• They have office or affiliates in major • Ia mempunyai pejabat atau sekutu di
communications centers around the pusat komunikasi utama di seluruh dunia
world and can help their clients dan boleh membantu pelanggan mereka
market internationally or globally memasarkan di peringkat antarabangsa
atau di seluruh dunia
• The modern full-service • Agensi moden Pengiklanan
advertising agency supplies both Perkhidmatan Penuh membekalkan
advertising and non-advertising kedua-dua perkhidmatan pengiklanan dan
services in all areas of bukan pengiklanan dalam semua bidang
communications and promotions. komunikasi dan promosi. Perkhidmatan
Advertising services include pengiklanan termasuk perancangan,
planning, creating and producing membuat dan mengeluarkan iklan,
melaksanakan penyelidikan dan pemilihan
ads, performing research & selecting media. Perkhidmatan bukan pengiklanan
media. Non-advertising services Menjalankan gamut dari pembungkusan
run gamut from packaging to public kepada perhubungan awam untuk
relations to producing sales menghasilkan bahan promosi jualan,
promotions materials, annual report laporan tahunan & pameran perdagangan.
& trade-show exhibits.
a. General Consumer Agency a. Agensi Am Pengguna
• Represent the widest variety of accounts • Mewakili pelbagai akaun yang luas
• It concentrate on consumer accounts • Ia menumpukan pada akaun pengguna
• Companies make goods purchased chiefly • Syarikat membuat barangan yang dibeli
by consumers (soaps, cereals, cars, pet terutamanya oleh pengguna (sabun, bijirin,
foods, toiletries) kereta, makanan haiwan, kelengkapan
• Most of the ads are placed in consumer mandian)
media (TV, radio, magazines and so on) • Kebanyakan iklan diletakkan di media
• General agencies often derive much of their pengguna (TV, radio, majalah dan
income from commissions sebagainya)
b. Business-to-Business Agencies • Agensi-agensi am sering memperoleh banyak
• Represent clients that market products to pendapatan daripada komisen
other businesses. b. Agensi Perniagaan-ke-perniagaan
• Eg: electronic components for computer • Mewakili pelanggan bahawa produk pasaran
manufacturers, equipment used in oil and untuk perniagaan lain.
gas refineries • Misalnya: komponen elektronik untuk
• Most business-to-business advertising is pengeluar komputer, peralatan yang
placed in trade magazine or other business digunakan dalam penapisan minyak dan gas
publications. • Kebanyakan pengiklanan perniagaan ke
• These media are commissionable, but their perniagaan diletakkan di dalam majalah
circulation is smaller, so their rates are far perdagangan @ penerbitan perniagaan lain.
lower than those of consumer media • Media ini boleh dikomersialkan, tetapi
• Business agencies charge their clients peredaran mereka lebih kecil, jadi kadarnya
service fees and they can be expensive. jauh lebih rendah daripada media pengguna
• Agensi-agensi perniagaan mengenakan caj
perkhidmatan kepada pelanggan mereka dan
ianya mahal
Creative Boutiques Butik Kreatif
• Have some talented artists such as graphic • Mempunyai beberapa artis berbakat seperti
designers and copywriters. pereka grafik dan penulis.
• They work for advertisers and occasionally • Mereka bekerja untuk pengiklan dan kadang-
subcontract to ad agencies. kadang subkontrak kepada agensi pengiklan.
• Their mission is to developed exciting • Misi mereka adalah untuk mengembangkan
creative concepts and produce fresh, konsep kreatif yang menarik dan menghasilkan
distinctive advertising messages. mesej iklan yang segar dan tersendiri.
• They don’t provide the research, marketing, • Mereka tidak menyediakan penyelidikan,
sales expertise or deep customer service pemasaran, kepakaran jualan atau
that full-service agencies offer. perkhidmatan pelanggan yang mendalam
• Boutiques tend to be limited to the role of seperti agensi2 perkhidmatan penuh tawarkan.
creative suppliers. • Butik cenderung terhad kepada peranan
Media-buying Services pembekal kreatif.
• Purchase and package radio and TV time. Perkhidmatan Pembelian-Media
• Provide customers (both clients and • Pembelian masa dan pakej bagi radio & TV.
agencies) with a detailed analysis of the • Menyediakan pelanggan (kedua-dua pelanggan
media buy. & agensi) dengan analisis terperinci mengenai
• Negotiate a special discount with the media pembelian media.
and then sell the time or space to agencies • Rundingan diskaun istimewa dgn media &
or advertisers. kemudian menjual masa @ ruang kpd agensi
• Compensation methods vary – some @ pengiklan.
services charge a set fee, get a percentage • Kaedah pampasan berbeza - beberapa
of what they sell or how much they save the perkhidmatan mengenakan bayaran set,
client. dapatkan peratusan drpd apa yg mereka jual @
berapa banyak mereka menyimpan pelanggan.
Interactive Agencies Agensi Interaktif
• companies that provide specialized • Syarikat yang menyediakan perkhidmatan
advertising and marketing services for the pengiklanan dan pemasaran khusus untuk
digital space ruang digital
• Offering a mix of web design/ web • Menawarkan gabungan rekabentuk web /
development, search engine marketing, pembangunan web, pemasaran enjin carian,
internet advertising/ marketing, or e- internet pengiklanan / pemasaran, atau
business/ e-commerce consulting. perundingan e-niaga / e-dagang.
• They deliver services such as strategy, • Mereka menyampaikan perkhidmatan
creative, design, video, development, seperti strategi, kreatif, rekabentuk, video,
programming (Flash and otherwise), pembangunan, pengaturcaraan (Flash dan
deployment, management, and fulfillment sebagainya), penggunaan, pengurusan, dan
reporting, digital lead generation, digital pelaporan penuh, penjanaan utama digital,
brand development, interactive marketing pembangunan jenama digital, strategi
and communications strategy, rich media pemasaran dan komunikasi interaktif,
campaigns, interactive video brand kempen media kaya, video interaktif jenama
experiences berpengalaman.
• The creation of sites such as MySpace, • Penciptaan laman web seperti MySpace,
Facebook and YouTube have sparked Facebook dan YouTube telah mencetuskan
market interest minat pasaran
5.4 How Agencies Are Compensated 5.4 Bagaimana Agensi Diberi Pampasan
A. Media Commissions A. Komisen Media
• The most traditional method for • Kaedah yang paling tradisional untuk
compensation or remuneration of pampasan atau imbuhan agensi pengiklanan
advertising agencies for their services untuk perkhidmatan mereka
• The agency is paid a fixed commission • Agensi itu dibayar komisen tetap (biasanya
(usually it is 15 %) from the media on any 15%) dari media pada ruang iklan atau waktu
advertising space or time purchased for the yang dibeli untuk pengiklan.
advertiser. • Sebagai contoh, satu pelanggan
• For e.g., one client spends RM500,000 on membelanjakan RM500,000 untuk media.
media. The agency serving the client Agensi yang menyediakan pelanggan
RM75,000 in commissions sebanyak RM75,000 untuk komisen
B. Fees B. Yuran
• Fees are becoming more common when • Yuran menjadi lebih biasa apabila pelanggan
clients expect agencies to solve problems mengharapkan agensi menyelesaikan masalah
rather than just place ads daripada hanya meletakkan iklan
• Currently, there are two types of fee • Pada masa ini, terdapat 2 jenis sistem yuran:
systems: i) Gabungan Yuran-Komisen
i) Fee-commission combination • Agensi mengenakan bayaran bulanan asas
• The agency charges a basic monthly fee untuk semua perkhidmatan kepada
for all services to the client and retains pelanggan dan menyimpan apa-apa
any media commissions earned. komisen media yang diperolehi.
ii) Straight-fee/ retainer method ii) Kaedah Yuran Langsung / Pengekalan
• Agencies charge for all their services, • Agensi caj untuk semua perkhidmatan
either by the hour or by the month and mereka, sama ada dalam jam atau bulan
return any media commissions earned dan mengembalikan apa-apa komisen
to the client. media yang diperoleh kepada pelanggan.
C. Markups C. Markup
• When the agency purchases various • Apabila agensi membeli pelbagai
services from outside providers, they perkhidmatan daripada pembekal luar,
will mark-up for such services in the bill mereka akan mark-up untuk
to cover up administrative costs and perkhidmatan tersebut dalam rang
reasonable profit for the agency‘s undang-undang untuk menutup kos
efforts pentadbiran dan keuntungan yang
• These services may include munasabah bagi usaha agensi itu
illustrations market research, artwork, • Perkhidmatan ini mungkin termasuk
photography, printing and other ilustrasi penyelidikan pasaran, karya
services. seni, fotografi, percetakan dan
• The percentage charges range perkhidmatan lain.
between 17.65 per cent and 20 • Peratusan caj berkisar antara 17.65
percent peratus dan 20 peratus
• For example, a markup of 17.65% on • Contohnya, markup 17.65% pada tag
an RM8500 photography bill yields a foto fotografi RM8500 menghasilkan
RM1500 profit. When billing the client, keuntungan RM1500. Apabila bil
the agency adds the RM1500 to the pelanggan, agensi itu menambah
RM8500 for a new total of RM10,000. RM1500 kepada RM8500 untuk jumlah
baru sebanyak RM10,000.
5.5 How Agencies Get Clients 5.5 Bagaimana Agensi Mendapatkan
A. Referrals Pelanggan
• Agencies gain new clients as a result
of recommendations from existing A. Rujukan
clients, friends, review consultant, • Agensi mendapat pelanggan baru
media representatives, or other akibat cadangan daripada pelanggan,
agencies. rakan, perunding kajian, wakil media,
• If a prospective client presents a atau agensi lain sedia ada.
conflict of interest with an existing • Jika bakal pelanggan membentangkan
client, the agency may decline the konflik berkepentingan dengan
business and refer the prospect to pelanggan sedia ada, agensi boleh
another agency. menolak perniagaan dan merujuk
• This requires maintaining good prospek ke agensi lain.
relations with outside parties • Ini memerlukan hubungan baik dengan
B. Presentations pihak luar
• An advertiser may ask an agency to B. Persembahan
make a presentation (a pitch) • Pengiklan boleh meminta agensi
• Through presentation, the agency membuat persembahan (padang)
describes its experience, its personnel • Melalui persembahan, agensi itu
and capabilities, procedures and menerangkan pengalamannya,
demonstrates its outstanding work. kakitangan dan keupayaan, prosedur
dan menunjukkan kerja cemerlangnya.
C. Networking & Community Relations C. Rangkaian & Hubungan Masyarakat
• Agency may help local politicians or • Agensi dapat membantu ahli politik
contribute to the arts, education, tempatan atau menyumbang kepada seni,
religion or the community. pendidikan, agama atau masyarakat.
• Some agencies sponsor seminars, • Sesetengah agensi menaja seminar,
assist ad clubs or other professional membantu kelab iklan atau organisasi
organizations profesional lain
• All these activities help the agency • Semua aktiviti ini pengwujudan agensi
gain visibility and respect in its penghormatan dalam masyarakatnya
community D. Mencari Pelanggan & Pengiklanan
D. Solicitations & Advertising for New Untuk Perniagaan Baru
Business • Ini adalah kaedah yang biasa untuk
• This is quite a common method of mendapatkan pelanggan baru.
gaining new clients. • Lelaki teratas menyeru prospek dan
• The top man calls on prospects and mencari akaun.
seeks accounts. • Agensi mencari perniagaan baru dengan
• Agency solicit new business by membangunkan kumpulan yang
develop group responsible to seek out bertanggungjawab untuk mencari dan
and establish contact with new clients, menjalin hubungan dengan pelanggan
advertising, make cold calls, write baru, pengiklanan, membuat panggilan,
request letters and follow up on any menulis surat permohonan dan susulan
leads. dengan mana-mana petunjuk.
5.6 The Suppliers in Advertising 5.6 Pembekal Dalam Pengiklanan
• The people and organizations that • Individu dan organisasi yang
provide specialized services to menyediakan perkhidmatan
the advertising business are khusus untuk perniagaan
called suppliers. pengiklanan dipanggil pembekal.
• Without their services it would be • Tanpa perkhidmatan mereka,
impossible to produce the mustahil untuk menghasilkan
advertising. pengiklanan.
• Advertising suppliers include: • Pembekal pengiklanan termasuk:
A. Art Studio & Web Designers A. Studio Seni & Pereka Web
B. Printers & related specialists B. Pencetak & pakar yang
C. Film & Video House berkaitan
D. Research Company C. Rumah Filem & Video
D. Syarikat Penyelidikan
A. Art Studios and Web Designers A. Studio Seni dan Pereka Web
Art Studios Studio Seni
• Design and produce artwork & illustrations • Rekabentuk & menghasilkan karyaseni &
for advertisements ilustrasi utk iklan
• They may supplement the work of an • Mrk boleh menambah kerja2 agensi jabatan
agency’s art department or take its place for seni @mengambil tmpt utk agensi2 kecil
small agencies • Menggunakan beberapa pengarah seni,
• Employ several art directors, graphic pereka grafik, artis susunatur, artis
designers, layout artists, production artists & pengeluaran & wakil jualan
sales representative • Kebanyakan studio menyeru agensi &
• Most studios calls on agencies & advertising pengurus pengiklanan untuk menjual studio
managers to sell the studio’s services, takes perkhidmatan, mengambil projek kembali ke
projects back to the office to be produced & pejabat untuk dihasilkan & menyampaikan
delivers them for the client’s approval mereka untuk pelanggan kelulusan
Web Design Houses Rumah Reka Bentuk Web
• Employ specialists who understand the • Pakar pakar yang memahami selok-belok
intricacies of Internet programming bahasa pengaturcaraan Internet & boleh
languages & can design ads and Web pages merancang iklan dan laman web yang
that are effective & cost efficient berkesan & kos yang cekap
B. Film and Video Houses B. Rumah Filem dan Video
• Agencies that have in-house TV production • Agensi-agensi yang mempunyai keupayaan
capabilities penerbitan TV dalaman
• Small agencies often work with local TV • Agensi kecil sering bekerja dengan stesen TV
stations to produce commercials tempatan utk menghasilkan iklan
• Large agencies normally work with • Agensi bsr biasanya bekerja dgan rumah
independent production houses that specialize penerbitan bebas yg mengkhususkan diri dlm
in firm or video production or both pengeluaran firma @video@kedua2nya
C. Printers and Related Specialists C. Pencetak dan Pakar Berkaitan
• The printers produce brochures, stationery, • Pencetak menghasilkan brosur, alat tulis, kad
business cards, sales promotion materials perniagaan, bahan promosi jualan dan rak-rak
and point-of-purchase display peragaan
• Printers employ or contract with highly • Pencetak mengupayakan atau berkontrak
trained specialists who prepare artwork for dengan pakar yang terlatih yang menyediakan
reproduction, operate digital scanning karya seni untuk pengeluaran semula,
machines to make color separations & mengendalikan mesin pengimbasan digital
plates, operate presses & collating untuk membuat pemisahan warna & plat,
machines & run binderies mengendalikan mesin pencetak & mengumpul
• They often earn very large commissions mesin & mengendalikan pengimbas
D. Research Companies • Mereka sering mendapat komisen yg sgt besar
• Research is allied to advertising and an D. Syarikat Penyelidikan
important tool for marketing professionals. • Penyelidikan dikaitkan dengan pengiklanan dan
• Advertisers are concerned about the alat penting untuk pemasaran profesional.
attitudes of their customers, the size of • Pengiklan bimbang tentang sikap pelanggan,
potential markets & the acceptability of their saiz pasaran berpotensi & penerimaan produk
products. mereka.
• Agencies want to know what advertising • Agensi ingin mengetahui pendekatan
approaches to use, which concept pengiklanan yang digunakan, konsep
communicate most efficiently & how komunikasi yang lebih efisien dan seberapa
effective past campaigns have been. efektif kempen lalu.
• The media are concerned with the reading & • Media prihatin dengan tabiat membaca &
viewing habits of their audiences, the pandangan audien mereka, pasaran yg
desired markets of their advertiser- dikehendaki di pelanggan-pengiklan mereka &
customers & public perceptions toward their persepsi awam terhadap medium tertentu
own particular medium. mereka sendiri.
After studying this chapter, you will be able to:
6.1 Identify the rules and regulations related to advertising.
6.2 Explain RTM’s advertising code of ethics.
6.3 Understand the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia
Commission (MCMC) advertising code of conduct.
6.1 Rules & Regulations Related To Ads 6.1 Peraturan & Undang 2 Berkaitan
Advertising Contract Pengiklanan.
• Agreement drawn between a supplier of Kontrak Pengiklanan
advertising time or space, such as a • Perjanjian dibuat antara pembekal
communications media representative or pengiklanan masa @ ruang, seperti wakil
the communications medium itself, and media komunikasi @ medium komunikasi
an advertiser, which specifies in detail itu sendiri, & pengiklan, yg menyatakan
the content, cost, and placement of the secara terperinci kandungan, kos, &
advertising and binds both parties to the penempatan pengiklanan & mengikat
stated terms. kedua-dua pihak kpd terma yg
• This agreement may be drawn between dinyatakan.
an advertising agency , on behalf of a • Perjanjian ini boleh dibuat diantara
client , and said supplier, or directly agensi pengiklanan, bg pihak pelanggan,
between the supplier and the advertiser. & pembekal, @ langsung antara
• Items contained in the advertising pembekal & pengiklan.
contract: • Item yg terkandung dlm kontrak
Name of the advertiser pengiklanan:
Advertising rates and specification Nama pengiklan
Deadline of advertisement copies Kadar dan spesifikasi pengiklanan
issued to the media Tarikh akhir salinan iklan yang
Address of the advertiser dikeluarkan kepada media
Signature of the advertiser Alamat pengiklan
Signature of the media Tandatangan pengiklan
representative Tandatangan wakil media
Example of Advertising Contract
•Defamation—also called calumny, • Fitnah - juga dipanggil penipuan,
vilification, traducement, slander kekejaman, perbalahan, fitnah adalah
is the communication of a statement komunikasi pernyataan yang membuat
that makes a claim, expressly stated tuntutan, secara nyata, dinyatakan atau
or implied to be factual, that may fakta tersirat, yang boleh memberi
give an individual, business, individu, perniagaan, produk,
product, group, government, kumpulan, kerajaan, agama, atau
religion, or nation a negative or negara imej negatif atau lebih rendah.
inferior image. • Ini juga boleh menjadi kenyataan yang
•This can be also any disparaging merendah diri yang dibuat oleh
statement made by one person seseorang tentang yang lain, yang
about another, which is dikomunikasikan atau diterbitkan, sama
communicated or published, ada benar atau salah, bergantung
whether true or false, depending on kepada keadaan undang-undang.
legal state.
Perbezaan Libel dan Fitnah
• Libel adalah apa-apa fitnah yang boleh
Libel difference Slander
•Libel is any defamation that can be dilihat, seperti tulisan, percetakan,
model, filem, atau patung.
seen, such as a writing, printing, • Fitnah adalah apa-apa fitnah yang
effigy, movie, or statue. dituturkan dan didengar.
•Slander is any defamation that is
spoken and heard.
The Advertising Control System Sistem Kawalan Pengiklanan
•The Malaysian Code of Advertising •Kod Amalan Pengiklanan Malaysia
Practice (hereinafter referred to as (selepas ini dirujuk sebagai "Kod")
“the Code”) is a fundamental part of adalah asas utama dalam sistem
the system of control by which kawalan yang mana pengiklanan
Malaysian advertising regulates its Malaysia mengawal selia aktiviti-
activities. aktivitinya.
•The Code has been drawn up by •Kod ini telah disediakan oleh
organizations representing organisasi yang mewakili pengiklan,
advertisers, advertising agencies agensi pengiklanan dan media.
and media. •Ia ditadbir oleh Lembaga Piawaian
•It is administered by the Advertising Pengiklanan Malaysia (ASA) yang
Standards Authority Malaysia anggotanya diambil dari Persatuan
(ASA) whose members are drawn Penerbit Akhbar Malaysia,
from the Malaysian Newspaper Persatuan Pengiklanan Ejen
Publishers Association, Association Bertauliah Malaysia, Persatuan
of Accredited Advertising Agents, Pengiklan Malaysia, dan Persatuan
Malaysia, Malaysian Advertisers Pakar Media.
Association, and the Media
Specialists Association.
6.2 RTM’s Advertising Code of 6.2 Kod Etika Pengiklanan RTM
Ethics • Kod Pengiklanan Radio Televisyen
• The Radio Television Malaysia Malaysia (RTM) tidak terlalu
(RTM) Code of Advertising is not berbeza dari Kod Amalan
too different from the Code of Pengiklanan.
Advertising Practice. • Sejak pertama kali dikeluarkan oleh
• Since it was first issued by the Kementerian Penerangan pada 27
Ministry of Information on Dec 27, Dis, 1972, ia telah dikemaskini
1972, it has been updated several beberapa kali.
times. • Beberapa ciri membezakan kod
• Several distinguishing features of RTM adalah pengharaman pada
the RTM code are bans on the jenis iklan berikut:
following types of ads: Iklan minuman alkohol
Alcoholic beverage ads Iklan yang menggunakan kanak-
Ads that use children to kanak untuk mempromosikan
promote products not produk yang tidak dimaksudkan
intended for them untuk mereka
Ads for women’s products Iklan untuk produk wanita
such as sanitary napkins that seperti tuala wanita yang ditapis
are screened before 10 p.m sebelum 10:00 mlm
Cigarette ads Iklan rokok
1. Legality 1. Women in Adv 1. Commercials on
2. Decency 2. Children and Adv Medical Products,
3. Honesty And Truthfulness 3. Professionals in Adv Treatments & Facilities
4. Fear And Distress 2. Pesticide Adv
5. Safety 3. Food and Drinks
6. Violence/ Anti-social Behavior 4. Alcoholic Drinks &
7. Claims Liquor
8. Testimonials And Endorsements
9. Guarantees
10. Comparisons
11. Denigration
12. Exploitation Of Goodwill
13. Imitation
6.3 The Malaysian Communication 6.3 Kod Tatalaku Pengiklanan
and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan
Advertising Code Of Conduct. Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM).
1. All advertisements should be legal, 1. Semua iklan harus sah, sopan,
decent, honest and truthful.
2. Advertisements must project the jujur dan jujur.
Malaysian culture and identity, reflect the 2. Iklan mesti memperlihatkan budaya
multi-racial character of the population dan identiti Malaysia, mencerminkan
and advocate the philosophy of “RUKUN watak pelbagai kaum dan menyokong
NEGARA” which reads as follows:- falsafah "RUKUN NEGARA" yang
Believe in God berbunyi seperti berikut: -
Loyalty to King and Country Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan
Upholding the Constitution Kesetiaan kepada Raja & Negara
Rule of Law Keluhuran Perlembagaan
Good Behaviour and Morality
3. Advertisements must not identify or type – Kedaulatan Undang-undang
cast each particular racial group or sex Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan
with vocations, traditional values and 3. Iklan tidak boleh mengenal pasti atau
backgrounds. menaip - menghantar setiap kumpulan
4. A list of statutes affecting advertising is perkauman atau seks dengan kerjaya,
set out at the end of this Code. nilai dan latar belakang tradisional.
4. Senarai undang-undang yang
mempengaruhi pengiklanan ditetapkan
pada akhir Kod ini.
5. Advertisements must comply in every 5. Iklan mesti mematuhi semua Undang-
respect with the Law, common or undang, biasa atau undang-undang.
statute. Advertising should not Pengiklanan tidak boleh menyebarkan
propagate fraudulent trade practices. amalan perdagangan palsu.
6. No advertising material which tends 6. Tiada bahan iklan yang cenderung
to offend the proprieties of ethics menyinggung kepuasan etika yang
generally observed by the community umumnya diperhatikan oleh
or contains terms, words or subject masyarakat atau mengandungi istilah,
matter not generally considered kata-kata atau perkara yang tidak
acceptable in polite conversation dianggap umum dalam perbualan
should be accepted. sopan harus diterima.
7. All advertisements should be 7. Semua iklan harus disediakan dengan
prepared with a sense of rasa tanggungjawab kepada pengguna.
responsibility to the consumer. 8. Semua iklan harus mematuhi prinsip
8. All advertisements should conform to persaingan yang adil sebagaimana yg
the principles of fair competition as diterima secara umum dlm perniagaan.
generally accepted in business. 9. Tiada iklan yang boleh membawa
9. No advertisement should bring pengiklanan ke dalam menghina atau
advertising into disrepute or reduce mengurangkan keyakinan dalam
confidence in advertising as a pengiklanan sebagai perkhidmatan
service to the industry and to the kepada industri dan kepada orang
public. ramai.
10.Advertisements must be clearly 10.Iklan mestilah dibezakan dengan jelas
distinguishable as such. seperti itu.
1. Legality 1. Undang-undang
• Advertisers have primary responsibility for • Pengiklan mempunyai tanggungjawab utama untuk
ensuring that their advertisements comply memastikan iklan mereka mematuhi undang-
with the law and should not incite anyone to undang dan tidak boleh menghasut sesiapa sahaja
break it. untuk memecahkannya.
2. Decency 2. Kesopanan
• Advertisements should contain nothing that is • Iklan mesti mengandungi apa-apa yang mungkin
likely to cause serious or widespread offence. menyebabkan pelanggaran serius atau meluas.
Particular care should be taken to avoid Penjagaan khusus perlu diambil untuk mengelakkan
causing offence on the grounds of, but not kesalahan yang dilakukan atas alasan, tetapi tidak
limited to, race, religion, sex, sexual terhad kepada kaum, agama, jantina, orientasi
orientation and physical or mental disability. seksual dan kecacatan fizikal atau mental.
3. Honesty and Truthfulness 3. Kejujuran dan Kebenaran
• Advertisements must not be so framed as to • Iklan tidak boleh dibingkai sama sekali untuk
abuse the trust of the consumer or exploit his menyalahgunakan kepercayaan pengguna atau
lack of experience or knowledge. mengeksploitasi kekurangan pengalaman atau
• No advertisement should mislead by pengetahuannya.
inaccuracy, ambiguity, exaggeration, • Tiada iklan harus mengelirukan oleh ketidaktepatan,
omission or otherwise. kekaburan, keterlabatan, peninggalan@ sebaliknya.
4. Fear and Distress 4. Takut dan Kesusahan
• Advertisements must not without justifiable • Iklan tidak boleh tanpa sebab yang boleh
reason play on fear. They may, issue an dipertikaikan dengan ketakutan. Mereka mungkin
appeal “to be fearful” to encourage prudent mengeluarkan rayuan "takut" untuk menggalakkan
behaviour @ to discourage dangerous or ill- tingkah laku yang berhemat atau untuk menghalang
advised actions, taking into consideration that tindakan yang berbahaya atau tidak disedari,
dengan mengambil kira bahawa ketakutan yang
the fear likely to be aroused should not be mungkin terangsang tidak sepatutnya tidak
disproportionate to the risk.
bersesuaian dengan risiko.
5. Safety 5. Keselamatan
• Advertisements should not show or • Iklan tidak seharusnya menunjukkan atau
encourage unsafe practices except in menggalakkan amalan yang tidak selamat
the context of promoting safety. kecuali dalam konteks mempromosikan
Particular care should be taken with keselamatan. Penjagaan khusus harus diambil
advertisements addressed to or dengan iklan yang ditujukan kepada atau
depicting children and young people. menggambarkan kanak-kanak dan orang muda.
6. Violence/Anti-social behaviour 6. Keganasan / kelakuan anti-sosial
• Advertisements should contain nothing • Iklan tidak boleh mengandungi apa-apa yang
that condones or is likely to provoke
violence or anti-social behaviour mengecewakan atau mungkin mencetuskan
7. Claims keganasan atau kelakuan anti-sosial
• Advertisers must hold documentary 7. Tuntutan
evidence to prove all claims made in an • Pengiklan mesti memegang bukti dokumentari
advertisement whether direct or implied untuk membuktikan semua tuntutan yang dibuat
that are capable of objective dalam iklan sama ada secara langsung atau
substantiation. If there is a significant tersirat yang mampu memberikan pengesahan
division of informed opinion about any objektif. Sekiranya terdapat pembahagian
claims, they should not be portrayed as pendapat yang ketara mengenai sebarang
generally agreed. tuntutan, mereka tidak seharusnya digambarkan
8. Testimonials and Endorsements seperti umumnya dipersetujui.
• Advertisements shall not contain or 8. Testimoni dan Pengesahan
refer to any testimonial or endorsement • Iklan tidak boleh mengandungi atau merujuk
unless it is genuine and related to the kepada mana-mana testimoni atau pengesahan
personal experience over a reasonable melainkan ia adalah tulen dan berkaitan dengan
period of time of the person giving it. pengalaman peribadi sepanjang tempoh masa
yang munasabah orang yang memberikannya.
9. Guarantees 9. Jaminan
• The word 'guarantee' should not be used in • Perkataan 'jaminan' tidak boleh digunakan dalam
any way that could diminish consumers' legal apa cara yang boleh mengurangkan hak undang-
rights. Substantial limitations should be spelt undang pengguna. Keterbatasan substansial
out in the advertisement. Before commitment, harus dinyatakan dalam iklan. Sebelum
consumers should be able to obtain the full komitmen, pengguna sepatutnya dapat
terms of the guarantee from advertisers. memperoleh terma penuh jaminan daripada
10. Comparisons pengiklan.
• All comparative advertisements shall respect 10. Perbandingan
the principles of fair competition and shall be • Semua iklan perbandingan hendaklah
so designed that there is no likelihood of the menghormati prinsip persaingan yang adil dan
consumer being misled as a result of the akan direka bentuk sedemikian sehingga tidak
comparison, either about the product ada kemungkinan pengguna disesatkan sebagai
advertised or that with which it is compared. hasil perbandingan, sama ada mengenai produk
11. Denigration yang diiklankan atau yang dibandingkan
• Advertisers should not attack or discredit dengannya.
other businesses or their products. 11. Denigrasi
12. Exploitation of goodwill • Pengiklan tidak boleh menyerang atau
• Advertisers should not make unfair use of the mengecewakan perniagaan lain atau produk
goodwill attached to the trademark, name, mereka.
brand, logo, slogan or the advertising 12. Eksploitasi nama baik
campaign of any other organisation. • Pengiklan tidak boleh menggunakan penggunaan
13. Imitation muhibah yang dilampirkan dengan tanda niaga,
• No advertisement should so closely resemble nama, jenama, logo, slogan atau kempen
any other that it misleads or causes pengiklanan mana-mana organisasi lain.
confusion. 13. Imitasi / Tiruan
• Tiada iklan yang sepatutnya menyerupai apa-apa
lagi yang ia menyesatkan atau menyebabkan
1. Women in Advertising 1. Wanita dalam Pengiklanan
• Advertisements must not project women • Iklan tidak boleh memperlihatkan wanita
as an object for sex or be shown to merely sebagai objek seks atau ditunjukkan hanya
satisfy men's desire and satisfaction. untuk memenuhi keinginan dan kepuasan
• Advertisements must portray positive lelaki.
images of women. • Iklan mesti menggambarkan imej wanita yang
2. Children and Advertising
• Special care and attention is to be paid to 2. Kanak-kanak dan Pengiklanan
children in advertisements. This requires a • Penjagaan & perhatian khas perlu dibayar kpd
need to comply with requirements set out kanak-kanak dlm iklan. Ini memerlukan
below: keperluan utk mematuhi syarat2 yg dinyatakan
a) The use of children is not encouraged dibawah:
unless the products advertised are a) Penggunaan kanak2 tidak digalakkan kecuali
relevant to them and or except in the produk yang diiklankan relevan kepada
mereka dan atau kecuali dalam konteks
context of promoting safety for the mempromosikan keselamatan untuk kanak2.
b) Advertisements addressed to children b) Iklan yang ditujukan kepada kanak-kanak
atau orang muda atau mungkin dilihat oleh
or young people or likely to be seen by mereka, tidak boleh mengandungi apa-apa
them, shall not contain anything sama ada gambaran atau sebaliknya, yang
whether an illustration or otherwise, mengakibatkan kerugian mereka secara
which result in harming them physically, fizikal, mental atau moral atau yang
mentally or morally or which exploits mengeksploitasikan kepercayaan mereka,
their credulity, their lack of experience kekurangan pengalaman atau rasa kesetiaan
or natural sense of loyalty. semulajadi.
c) Advertisements pertaining to c) Iklan yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan
activities of a society or club for masyarakat atau kelab untuk kanak-
children must be that of a club or kanak mestilah sebuah kelab atau
society that is properly supervised. masyarakat yg diawasi dengan betul.
d) In any situation where children are d)Dalam apa jua keadaan dimana kanak2
projected, careful consideration must diunjurkan, pertimbangan yg teliti harus
be given for their safety diberikan utk keselamatan mrk
3. Professionals in Advertising 3. Profesional dalam Pengiklanan
• Care shall be taken, where a testimonial • Penjagaan hendaklah diambil, dimana
is given by a person with professional testimonial yang diberikan oleh
qualifications that in indicating those seseorang yang mempunyai kelayakan
qualifications the advertisers do not professional sebagai pengiklan dan tidak
cause the person giving the testimonial menyebabkan orang yang memberi
to transgress any regulations of the testimoni untuk melanggar mana-mana
professional institution to which he peraturan institusi profesional yang
belongs. dianggotainya.
1. Commercials on Medical 1. Komersial mengenai Produk
Products, Treatments and Perubatan, Rawatan dan
Facilities Kemudahan
• Advertisements on medicines, •Iklan mengenai ubat-ubatan,
remedies, appliances, skill and pemulihan, peralatan, kemahiran dan
services relating to diagnosis, perkhidmatan yang berkaitan dengan
prevention and treatment of diagnosis, pencegahan dan rawatan
diseases or conditions affecting the penyakit atau keadaan yang
human body are under the mempengaruhi tubuh manusia adalah
authority of the Medicine di bawah Lembaga Pengiklanan
Advertisements Board, Ministry of Perubatan, Kementerian Kesihatan
Health Malaysia (K.K.L.I.U). Malaysia (KKLIU).
2. Pesticide Advertisements 2. Iklan Pestisida
• Advertisements on pesticides are •Iklan mengenai racun perosak adalah
under the authority of Pesticide di bawah kuasa Lembaga
Advertising Board and Ministry of Pengiklanan Racun Perosak dan
Agriculture Kementerian Pertanian.
3. Food and Drinks 3. Makanan dan minuman
• Advertisements of food and drink • Iklan produk makanan dan minuman yang
products that claim therapeutic or menuntut kualiti terapeutik atau profilaksis
prophylactic qualities will be subject to akan tertakluk kepada pemeriksaan awal;
prior screening; however, food and Walau bagaimanapun, produk makanan
drink products that help improve, dan minuman yang membantu
restore or maintain the consumers’ memperbaiki, memulihkan atau
general health, physical or mental mengekalkan kesihatan umum, keadaan
condition will not be subject to prior fizikal atau mental pengguna tidak akan
screening. All advertisements must tertakluk kepada pemeriksaan
comply with the requirement in the sebelumnya. Semua iklan mesti mematuhi
Food Act 1983 and Food Regulations kehendak dalam Akta Makanan 1983 dan
1985. Peraturan Makanan 1985.
4. Alcoholic Drinks And Liquor 4. Minuman Beralkohol dan Keras
• Advertisements on alcoholic drinks and • Iklan di minuman beralkohol dan minuman
liquor are not allowed. If an alcohol keras tidak dibenarkan. Jika syarikat
company is the title sponsor of an alkohol adalah penaja tajuk acara sukan
international sporting event held in antarabangsa yang diadakan di Malaysia,
Malaysia, it is only allowed to promote ia hanya dibenarkan mempromosikan
the event and not directly advertise its acara itu dan tidak mengiklankan
products. In addition to this, alcohol produknya secara terus. Di samping itu,
companies should only use the events’ syarikat-syarikat alkohol hanya perlu
logo in the promotional on-air material. menggunakan logo acara dalam bahan
promosi di udara.
- June 2019
- Dec 2018
- June 2018
- Dec 2017
- June 2017
- Dec 2016
JUNE 2019
a) List FIVE(5) phases of evolution in advertising. (5m)
b)Briefly explain the AIDA model. (5m)
c) Explain THREE (3) basic functions of advertising with suitable examples.
DEC 2018
a) Define what is advertising. (5m)
b)Explain types of advertising below:
i. Function and objectives. (2½m)
ii. Media use (2½m)
c) Explain THREE (3) social impacts of advertising. Support your answer
with appropriate examples. (15m)
JUNE 2018
a) List FIVE (5) stages in the evolution of advertising as an economic tool.
b)Determine FOUR (4) types of advertising based on target audience.
c) Discuss THREE (3) social impacts of advertising by using appropriate
examples. (15m)
DEC 2017
a) List FIVE (5) evolution of advertising that influences the development
of advertising. (5 m)
b)Explain ONE (1) types of advertising according to geographical
classification. (5 m)
c) Explain THREE (3) social impacts of advertising on society with
appropriate examples. (15 m)
JUNE 2017
a) Define an advertising. (5 m)
b)American Marketing Association has defined advertising as “any paid
form of non-personal presentation of ideas, goods and services by an
identified sponsor through advertising objectives”. Analyze TWO (2)
advertising objectives. (5 m)
c) Discuss THREE (3) social impacts of advertising by using appropriate
examples. (15 m)
DEC 2016
a) State FIVE (5) evolution of advertising as an economic tool. (5 m)
b)Dagmar model is an approach to advertising planning for selecting
advertising goals. Identify FOUR (4) stages of Dagmar Model. (5 m)
c) Advertising has a variety of economic effects which citing the positive
and negative effects from the practices. Analyze FOUR (4) economic
impacts of advertising. (15 m)
JUNE 2019
a) William Weilbacher has identified several types of advertising appeals that fall
under the category of emotional approaches. Explain THREE (3) types of
advertising appeals that fall under the category of emotional approaches with
suitable examples. (15 m)
b) Briefly explain SEVEN (7) steps involved in writing a creative advertising strategy.
(10 m)
DEC 2018
The enforcement of the ban against smoking at Malaysian restaurant starting 1st
January 2019 was one of the big campaigns by The Health Ministry of Malaysia. In
ensuring that this campaign gets the attention of the public, the health ministry
appoints an advertising agency to implement this campaign. Assuming you as the
a) Explain SEVEN (7) steps of creative strategy in carrying out this campaign.
(15 m)
b) Explain FOUR (4) message execution and styles that are relevant with the
campaign above. (10 m)
JUNE 2018
a) TrixJuice Sdn Bhd would like to launch a new product called “Vanilla Shake”. As a
promotional manager of the company, you are required to propose a new
advertising campaign for this product. Explain THREE (3) types of execution and
styles which is suitable to advertise the product. (15 m)
b) Creativity is able to generate fresh, unique and appropriate ideas to solve
advertising communication problems. By referring to the situation in question
2(a) above, explain TWO (2) roles of creativity in advertising in order to help
TrixJuice Sdn Bhd advertise their product. (10 m)
DEC 2017
a) Explain FIVE (5) types of advertising execution and styles with
suitable example. (15 m)
b)Creativity is important to develop an effective advertisement. Explain
FOUR (4) important roles of creativity in advertising. (10 m)
JUNE 2017
a) Advertising is a form of communication. Nokea uses advertising to
inform customers about their new hand phone product. Relate how
Nokea use THREE (3) elements of emotional appeal in their
advertisement. (15 m)
b)Relate how advertising agencies can use FIVE (5) executions and
styles in making creative advertisement by using suitable examples.
(10 m)
DEC 2016
a) An execution is the way a message strategy is turned into a message
and how that message is communicated to the target audience.
Illustrate FIVE (5) executions and styles for advertising with suitable
examples. (15 m)
b)Creativity is enable us to generate fresh, unique and appropriate
ideas to solve advertising communications problems. Interpret FOUR
(4) roles of creativity in advertising. (10 m)
JUNE 2019
a)Describe FOUR (4) factors that an advertiser needs to consider before selecting a media
for advertising. (10m)
b)Explain FOUR (4) types of media that the advertisers can choose to channel their
advertising messages to the targeted audiences. (10m)
c)Heera Snacks is one of the well known snacks manufacturer in Sabah. Recently, Heera
Snacks has marketed its new snack called Kueh Cincin in the local market. You are required
to help Heera Snacks to promote its new product by implementing a specialty advertising
i. Propose ONE (1) item that can be given away to the customer. (1 m)
ii.Explain ONE (1) reason why the item is suitable to be included in the specialty program.
(4 m)
DEC 2018
a)The media plan is the guide for media selection. It requires development of specific media
objectives and specific media strategies (plan of action) designed to attain these
objectives. Describe FOUR (4) criteria in selecting advertising media. (10m)
b)Out-of-home advertising is the advertising that reaches the consumers while they are
outside their home. Explain TWO (2) types out-of-home media and provide suitable
examples. (15m)
c)Internet/online advertising is trending nowadays. Assuming you as an advertising agency
appointed to design advertising for Al-Zhaffran Sports Company. Integrate TWO (2)
internet advertising media that can be used by the agency to advertise the product. (5 m)
JUNE 2018
a)Newspaper is one of the traditional mediums used by both big and small companies to
advertise their businesses. Explain briefly FIVE (5) types of newspaper advertising. (10m)
b)Out-of-home advertising is the advertising that reaches consumers while they are outside
their homes. It is focused on marketing to consumers when they are on the go in public
places, in transit, while waiting and in specific commercial locations. Explain TWO (2)
types out-of-home media advertising. (10m)
c)Internet advertising is trending nowadays. Suggest ONE (1) internet advertising media
that can be used by advertisers to advertise their products. (5 m)
DEC 2017
a)Advertising media selection is the process of choosing the most efficient media
for an advertising campaign. Explain FOUR (4) factors that should be considered
in selecting advertising media. (10 m)
b)Interactive media is the integration of digital media including combinations of
electronic text, graphics, moving images, and sound, into a structured digital
computerized environment. Explain FOUR (4) types of digital interactive media.
(10 m)
c)Discuss TWO (2) advantages of newspaper as an advertising media. (5 m)
JUNE 2017
a) Many advertising agencies specialize in a particular type of business and use
their knowledge of the industry to assist the clients. Describe FIVE (5) types of
advertising agencies. (15 m)
b) Normally, advertising agencies are typically compensated in different ways.
Explain THREE (3) types of compensation gained by advertising agencies.
(10 m)
DEC 2016
a)There are various types and methods of media that can be used by marketers in
their advertising campaign. Describe the advertising media as stated below with
suitable examples.
i. Transit advertising
ii. Magazines
iii. Specialty advertising (15 m)
b)When deciding which media to select for advertising purposes, firms must
consider a number of criteria. Explain TWO (2) criteria for selecting advertising
media. (10 m)
JUNE 2019
a) Define advertising agency with an appropriate example. (5m)
b) Briefly explain THREE (3) methods on how advertising agencies get their money. (15m)
c) Explain TWO (2) sources on how advertising agencies get clients. (5m)
DEC 2018
a) Define the organizations involved in advertising business as shown below:
i. Advertisers (clients) (2½m)
ii. Advertising agencies (2½m)
i. List THREE (3) classifications of advertising agencies. (3m)
ii. For each classification mention in b (i), explain any TWO (2) types of advertising agencies.
c) Majalah Ceritera Wanita’s rate for a full-page color advertisement is RM7,000. The
magazine billed to an agency and the agency subsequently billed RM7,000 to the
customers. The customer pays the amount to the agency and the agency sends RM5,950 to
the magazine. Calculate how much media commissions that the agency gets? (5m)
JUNE 2018
a) Describe the meaning of advertiser by using suitable example. (5m)
b) Advertising agency can be classified based on the range of services they offered and type of
business they handled. Describe THREE (3) types of specialized advertising agency. (15m)
c) Agensi Pengiklanan Mesra buys a quarter-page advertisement in Urbanz Magazine for an
exclusive spa and received 15% commission. The advertisement costs are RM1000.
i. The amount of commission received by the agency. (2½m)
ii. The amount of payment the agency should pay to the magazine publication. (2½m)
DEC 2017
a) Define the following terms:
i. Advertisers (clients). (2½m)
ii. Advertising agencies. (2½m)
b) Explain FIVE (5) ways on how an advertising agency gets its clients. (15 m)
c) Describe ONE (1) method on how advertising agencies are compensated. (5 m)
JUNE 2017
a) Define the advertising industry listed below:
i. The Advertiser. (2½m)
ii. The Supplier. (2½m)
b) Teoh Burnett Company Inc. operates a global network that includes a variety of
specialty marketing services and full service advertising agencies. The agency
holds people at the centre of its strategic thinking, technological innovation and
creative ideas, focusing first and foremost on human behaviour before
attempting to tell a brand’s story.
i. Explain Advertising Agencies. (3 m)
ii. Describe THREE (3) roles of advertising agencies. (12 m)
c) Explain TWO (2) sources on how agencies get its clients. (5 m)
DEC 2016
a) Describe TWO (2) specific roles of advertising agency. (5 m)
b) An advertising agency is a service based business dedicated to creating,
planning and handling advertising for its client. Interpret THREE (3) methods on
how advertising agency get their clients. (15 m)
c) Explain TWO (2) methods on how advertising agency get compensated. (5 m)