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King of Quotes Game - Shorter Book of Quotes
Thank you for grabbing a copy of the King of Quotes Game book edition. This has been a unique labor of love and learning that has been a lifetime in the making for both of us, along with a year of focused development, play testing, and research. At the outset we wanted to make a game that brought history to life. So we found quotes from some of the most influential people in history and turned it into a guessing game. 

It has been a fun project to make and now we want to share it in as many ways as possible. As of this writing the game is a free downloadable PDF on our website. You can download a set of cards and print them at home to play. This book is a simple compilation of those same cards so everyone can have access to all the fun things we discovered. Our goal has been simple, make history accessible in today's fast paced world. 

Ideally we wish we could have put every influential historical figure, famous and infamous, into the game but we limited ourselves to find 30 influential people that have helped shape the modern world we live in and select their best 12 quotes. Thus the game King of Quotes was created. Like us, you will be shocked to discover "Who said what?" . In our research we discovered just how much these 30 people have shaped our world with their words and ideas. Some have moved millions, while others have shared the right words with key people, who in turn changed the lives of entire generations. It will quickly surprise you how contradictory, poignant, and relevant their words are still today. This is not your grammar school history lesson. 

So the question we asked ourselves early on was, how do we make a game out of just quotes? There have been many trivia games in the past and I am sure there will be many more. 

We knew we wanted to take an interactive team approach with the game, so we decided to separate the quotes into two categories, Freedom and Power, two ideas that have been in a constant tug of war throughout the entire 20th century, and some would say throughout all of history. We selected 30 historical figures and organized them into these two groups, one group of quotes are blue tinted Freedom cards and the other set of quotes are red tinted Power cards. Neither group is good or bad, as you’ll soon discover, as some historical heroes said and did some shocking things.

By no means are we historical scholars and there will be quotes from people that could be for either Freedom or Power. We encourage you to do your own research and to foster that debate among you and your friends. When we put out the second edition of the game we will take those conflicting opinions and thoughts under serious advisement.  

For 30-60 minutes, two teams, Frreeom and Power, go through a stack of quotes to see which team racks up the most points by guessing, "Who said that?". There are challenges and counter challenges, along with clues to help you match the right quote with the right historical figure. The first team to collect 10 points wins. This book is a collection of all the the quotes from all the historical figures in the game. 

Long after the game is finished, you and your friends can use this book to read through the quotes and learn about these historical figures. These 30 influential people still have relevance in your life today. We hope you enjoy the book and even more so the game. 

Good luck in becoming the King or Queen of Quotes!
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