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Published by jetstaradmin, 2019-05-22 16:23:08

May 2019 Cabin Crew Newsletter

MAY 2019 (002)

Auckland & Christchurch

May 2019

Welcome to our new Regional Graduates 5
Stellar Winners/Top Performers 6
Security 7
Holiday/Easter Draw Winners! 8
Seat Blocking 9
Grooming for Winter 10
Healthy Eating & Preparation 11
Smoking and Aviation 12
Base Updates and Reminders
10 Year Celebrations

Hagley Park, CHC 2
AKL/CHC Newsletter – April 2019

Congratulations to our newest Regional recruits who graduated
Ground School on the 19th of April 2019! It’s been a long four
weeks but they have all now earned their wings! You may see
them around in the coming weeks so make sure to say ‘hi’ and
make sure they feel welcome!

Earlier in the month, we also held recruitment for a new A320 Ground
School. We had some amazing candidates and look forward to
commencing a Ground School in July.

AKL/CHC Newsletter – April 2019 3

Daniel Thomas (AKL):

During a crew change, Daniel was asked to help out with a wheelchair pax. Daniel without
hesitation was willing to help and showed strongly our brand value of one team. Thank you
for being a great asset to the AKL base.

Danielle van den Berg-White (CHC):

Crewing commended Danielle for going above and beyond to ensure a flight was not
cancelled. Danielle was contacted outside her AVL span. Not only did she willingly offer to
assist, she did so while remaining positive. Thank you Danielle for your flexibility which
allowed customers to get to their destination without disruption over Easter.

The below crew have been recognised over
the last month for their High Performance
on Duty Reports or throughout their duties.
Well done! Thank you for your hard work.

• Keziah Maclean (AKL) • Gabby Hislop (CHC)
• Kristina Mudford (AKL) • Jen Boon (CHC)
• Lucy Corboy (AKL) • David Mills (CHC)
• Sheena May Bugayong • Shona Seiuli (CHC)

• Jessie Madsen (AKL)
• Arlene Rayner (Regional)
• Susan Luong (Regional)

AKL/CHC Newsletter – April 2019 4

With the recent events around the World, there is
extra police presence around AKL / CHC Airports.

It is good to keep in mind the HOT principal if you see
something suspicious:

H – Is it hidden?
O – It is obviously suspicious?
T – Is it not typical of this area?

A reminder to always have the following on you:

• Company IDs (valid and visible)
• ASIC/AVSEC should be removed from view inside aircraft and

onboard for the duration of the flight. Please ensure they are left

somewhere secured.
• Temp IDs – make sure these are valid. If you need assistance

contact Lucy in advance.

Your IDs are your responsibility!

Staying safe when you are at a slip port:

• Always be contactable – leave your number with the hotel

reception or make sure that you have your phone on you at all


• Make sure that you let someone know if you are leaving the hotel

and when you will be back.

• Keep belongings out of sight and leave any valuables at home.

• Try and go out in groups when possible.

• Don’t give anyone your room number or details about where you

are staying. AKL/CHC Newsletter – April 2019 5

Congratulations to our four winners of the Holiday/Easter draw:

Lucille Gonzales (AKL)
Anna Henderson (AKL)
Bryn Marychurch (CHC

Benni Hulme (CHC)

All crew above have won a $150 Red Balloon voucher! Once again thank you
to everyone who entered and for your hard work over the Holiday/Peak
period. We appreciate all your dedication.

Also a big thank you to everyone for your contributions for Anzac Day. We
have raised over $100 between the bases which will be sent to our local


AKL/CHC Newsletter – April 2019 6

As you will be aware we operate a seat blocking policy of having mandatory
seat blocking on the last row, ABC seats on certain sectors that warrant this.
The appropriate sectors can be viewed on the ‘Seat Blocking Guide’ found on
JEN. These are the only sectors where a mandatory block will be put in place.

We have been receiving an alarming increase over the past few months in the
amount of reports from our Ground Operations Team where crew are asking,
and at times insisting that Ground Ops also block the last row DEF. This
practice is having a big impact on our customers who have specifically
requested to be seated in these seats. Blocking the seats makes our self-
service customers unable to check in via online check in or Kiosks and people
are also unable to pay for these seats if they choose.

This is not only having a negative impact on our NPS, but is also impacting our
Ground Ops Team who often have to get their Supervisor involved to resolve
these issues on the day when they should be dealing with getting the aircraft
away on time.

This practice has to cease with immediate effect,
and any future requests for additional seat
blocking will be passed onto your local CCM team.

AKL/CHC Newsletter – May 2019 7

Gloves and Scarf’s

Gloves, scarfs and thermals can be worn with or under your uniform.
They must be plain black and not visible through your uniform.

Gloves and scarfs are to be removed before you enter the terminal
building. In cold ports they may be worn during passenger

disembarkation on standoff bays. They must be removed before you
enter the cabin.

With winter approaching fast remember its always a good idea to
have overnight clothes in your bag.

Reminder: With winter approaching Flu
vaccinations are also available for Crew. Please
refer to the previous newsletter for details on
how you can arrange your flu vaccine.

Meal preparation is fun and easily achieved with a bit of planning and
organisation. It will help you to maintain a healthy eating pattern, keep you
energized and also save you a lot of money in the long run! The internet is full

of great recipes. Here is a couple of easy and nutritious ideas to get you

“Overnight Oats”
Put your desired amount of rolled oats into a
container, top with water/milk. Add you choice
of extras such as protein powder and chia sees.
Stir well, cover and refrigerate overnight. Add a
dash of hot water onboard, top with fresh fruit
and nuts. Delicious and filling for an early start!

“Mexican Salad”
Tasty, nutritious, and who doesn’t love Mexican!
Starting with a base of healthy carbs such as
brown rice (you can cook in bulk or purchase
microwave single serves). Grill or microwave
corn cobs for 3-4 minutes or until cooked
through. Remove kernels from cob. Flavour rice
with garlic, paprika. Dice tomato, capsicum and
jalapenos (if you like spice) and add to the mix.
You could also add chopped lettuce/spinach and
of course your choice of protein. Top with a
dollop of sour cream/hot sauce/salsa, maybe
some corn chips for crunch and your done!

AKL/CHC Newsletter – April 2019 9

We've all heard the bad news about smoking 'how it increases the
risk of cancer, heart disease and heart attack, stroke, asthma, high

blood pressure, pulmonary disease, osteoporosis, dementia,
pneumonia and other illnesses:

Aside from that grim picture, tobacco can also interfere with your flying acumen.
That's because it:

• Starves the cells of oxygen. Oxygen energizes your brain, muscles and other
tissues, and enables you to make quick, sound judgments and to respond
physically in an appropriate way to what's happening around you.

• Impairs your all-important vision. The human eye is very sensitive to declining
oxygen supply, like the reduction carbon monoxide causes. Moreover, nicotine
lowers the sensitivity of eyes, reducing night vision by about 20%

• Boosts body heat by 10 to 15% above normal, which, in turn, increases the
demand for oxygen. However, oxygen is in shorter supply because of the carbon

The carbon monoxide in tobacco has an attraction for the oxygen-carrying
haemoglobin in red blood cells that is 200 times greater than that of oxygen. In effect,
it 'crowds out' much of the oxygen those cells must carry to the body so it can function
up to par. Which in effect means that Flight attendants & pilots who are smokers are

thus in a much higher risk of suffering from Hypoxia, Reduced Night vision and
Reduced Performance than non-smokers are.

Tobacco is now recognized as such a serious health hazard that many strategies are
available to help kick the habit.

we are sharing a few good

resources where you will find helpful
information on the physiological, mental &

social benefits of quitting smoking.


AKL/CHC Newsletter – May 2019 10

Reminder: Wheelchairs

The maximum amount of wheelchairs permitted to be on the SSR is 2 per flight.
Should there be a need to order more wheelchairs in flight, crew are reminded
to follow section 5.45 from OM12. Some important points to remember are:

- Only the CM can order any wheelchairs above the SSR amount
- The level of assistance required needs to be ascertained
- The request must be made to the PIC prior to TOD
- Inform the customer of the wheelchair request procedure for any future


Jets crew, do any of the below rostering
codes apply to you?

Workday entries must be completed for
all above codes on your roster, regardless

of whether they were published on, or
added to the live roster. Workday entries
must be entered by the 20th of the month
to have this included in your pay for that



• Just a reminder for A320 boarding, disembarking and while passengers are on
board if the front or back door is open on the aircraft at any time, a crew
member must remain in the galley.

• There has been an increase in theft around the Airport areas and AKL Park and
Ride. Please ensure you are locking your belongings and vehicles and
continuing to report any suspicious activity or behaviours.

• Please be reminded if customers have left any personal belongings in the
terminal, the ground team will do their best to retrieve the item if it is in the
vicinity of the gate lounge area. If the item has been left at the security
screening or another area in the terminal, please advise the passenger of the
collection options available when they arrive at the destination port.

AKL/CHC Newsletter – May 2019 11

Congratutions to Syed, Tina, Jen, Elice,
Ruofan and Eden who celebrated 10 Year
milestones will Jetstar this month! Thank you
for all your hard work and dedication… bring

on the next 10 Years!!!

Thank you for all the hard work and support you have all
provided each other surrounding the peak flying season. We
would like to remind you that EAP Connect by Converge
International provides access to information, support, and
practical solutions for issues that impact your work, health, and
life — directly on your mobile device.
EAP Connect provides you:

• Information about Converge International’s holistic EAP programs
• Easy, click to call or email contact functionality
• Facility to make, change or cancel an appointment
• Emergency and Mental Health Resources contacts
• Tips and Articles

Download the EAP app today! Free from the app store!

AKL/CHC Newsletter – May 2019 13

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