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Published by edi.rizal, 2022-04-26 23:27:42

TOPIC 1 DTM10203

TOPIC 1 DTM10203

Strategy Three: Move Outside of Your
Comfort Zone.

True growth happens on the other side of your
comfort zone.
Fear fills the gap between your comfort zone and
Taking the first step and walking through the fear
is a fundamental step to creating the life you want.

Strategy Four: Erase the old tapes playing
in your head.

The central message found on these old tapes
playing in your head is based on the "lie." The "lie"
tells you are not enough and that you can't do or
have what you want. Replacing the "lie" with the
truth is the mechanism to erase these old tapes.
The truth tells you that you are indeed enough.
The key is to become a person of choice and
choose the truth, not the lie.

Strategy Five: Leave your bag
of garbage at the garbage pit.

The garbage we carry with us is as heavy to our hearts and souls
as any physical weight. Oftentimes it's difficult to throw out this
garbage because it has shaped and defined us for far too long.
To begin the process of throwing out your garbage, you must first
name it and begin to realize what it's costing you. Perhaps you
may feel a void in your life with the trash gone. Fill this space with
blessings and grace for yourself and others.

Strategy Six: Recognize
Triggers and Spins

A trigger is cause by a specific stimulus that is
usually associated with a bad memory or

Spins are the catastrophic misinterpretations that
follow. To stop the spinning, you need to "lift the lid"
and confront the memories by sorting the past from
the present.

Strategy Seven: Putting it
all together

Accountability steps for creating the life you want!
Before you step forward, it's also important you don't
analyze where you have been in the past, or even
analyze where you might be going.
To live and to experience the moment, the here-and-
now, can be challenging. But it's essential you tune
into your feelings and you sit with those feelings to
get a realistic handle on what it is that you really do
want to have.


What is Career Planning?

Career planning is a lifelong process, which includes
choosing an occupation, getting a job, growing in our
job, possibly changing careers, and eventually retiring.
In this case the goal is usually a particular career
objective. It can be a particular occupation, a rung on
the career ladder, or an earnings level.
Goals may be either short or long term. Long term
goals can take about three to five years to achieve,
while short term goals are reachable in one to three
years. Short term goals are often a stop along the way
to our long term goals.

Step 1: Self-Assessment

Evaluating who you are as a person. This involves taking a
personal inventory of who you are and identifying your individual
values, interests, skills, and personal qualities.

What makes you tick as a person. Career assessments may be
required to promote a better understanding of personal attributes
and skills.

Step 2: Research (Career

Obtain an insider’s perspective about the
career field you are considering.

Conduct Informational Interviews in
person, phone, or by email.

Professionals enjoy sharing their expertise
with people interested in the field.

Step 3: Decision-Making

Once you’ve made a thorough self-assessment and have done some
research of career options, it’s time to make a decision.
This can be difficult since there may still be many unknowns and a
fear of making the wrong choice.
One thing for sure is that although we can do all the necessary steps
to making an informed decision, there is no absolute certainty that we
are unquestioningly making the right decision.

Step 4: Search (Taking

It’s now time to look for prospective jobs and/or employers, send
out cover letters and resumes, and begin networking with people
in the field.

Keep in mind that cover letters and resumes are designed to
make a favorable impression on employers (if done properly) and
the interview process is what will ultimately land you the job.

Step 5: Acceptance

Learning the skills above will increase your chances of gaining
meaningful and satisfactory work as well as help you to avoid
many of the stresses that occur with changing jobs.

By recognizing that change is good (even advantageous),
changing jobs can be viewed as a positive experience and need
not be as anxiety provoking as it may initially seem.

Summary of Career Planning

Step 1: Self-Assessment
Step 2: Research (Career Exploration)
Step 3: Decision-Making
Step 4: Search (Taking Action)
Step 5: Acceptance

The Importance
of Continuous

“They have to know where they are
going in life to appropriately invest

their time and energy.”

How to decide what to
focus on

 What is your mission in life?
 What are your core values in life?
 In the next three years, where would you like to be in

your personal and professional life?
 Are you committed to achieving your personal and

professional goals listed above in the next three years?
 In the past, what has prevented you from achieving

your personal and professional goals?
 What steps can you take to eliminate the barriers to

accomplishing your goals?

Ways to learn

 Take courses
 Attend conferences, workshops and

 Observe and talk to others: Customers,

competitors and colleagues

Benefits Of Continuous

Keep current with trends and developments in their industry
Stimulate their mind and prevent themselves from getting into a rut
Build a body of knowledge they can readily use to problem solve and
generate great ideas
Make better decisions because they have more and better information
to work with
Think more rigorously
Make connections among seemingly unrelated data
Build verbal power
Become recession-proof

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