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Published by F A, 2019-07-27 04:47:22







A modern alternative to both pulp and synthetic

paper products, Stone Paper® is the one-stop solution for both high
performance printing and environmental sustainability. Our ultra-smooth
paper is completely waterproof, as well as tear-resistant and durable.
It has a soft and luxurious feel, and is made primarily from calcium
carbonate, sourced from recycled limestone and marble. With no fiber, the
exceptional print quality allows your collateral to shine with true-to-life
color. We’ve perfected the formula – both in production and performance.

Stone Paper® also makes sense for our planet. In a time where stopping
– and reversing – climate change is a major concern, conservation of the
earth’s precious resources is critically important. And, despite popular
belief, paper consumption has actually risen by 400% in the last 40 years.
We’re proud that Stone Paper® production does not require a drop of water
or a single tree. Combining that with a carbon footprint less than two-
thirds of pulp paper, Stone Paper® is a step towards a more sustainable
future, without sacrificing quality. Are you printing in the right direction?

ROCK SOLID Stone Paper® revolutionizes every aspect of traditional paper. Our paper is water-
PERFORMANCE proof, tear-resistant, dimensionally stable, produces great color, all with durability
supporting a high return on investment. Our innovative material gives you brand new
possibilities. What will you create?

Stone Paper® is completely Print to last. Stone Paper® Stone Paper® never warps or With Stone Paper’s durability, Why invest time into a design
waterproof. It withstands the is tear-resistant and strong expands. Unlike traditional get used to printing less – only to have it change at
elements and looks great enough for any use. Unlike tree-based paper, Stone eliminating waste and saving the printer? With low-quality
in any climate. This can be traditional paper, it has no Paper® is not affected by money. Your materials will traditional paper, ink sinks
applied anywhere: ski resort grain so it will fold in any environmental factors and resist constant wear and will into the fibers of the page,
maps never get wet or tear, direction, and it will never will not absorb moisture from require replacement much resulting in more muted
and restaurants’ menus are break down at the crease. the air. In any temperature less often. Our premium, colors. It can also set into
wiped clean in seconds. It’s That means no matter how or humidity level, our paper ultra-smooth paper is not the page at different rates,
time to rethink what you many people handle your prints accurately and only gorgeous, but a sound creating color imbalance
can do. materials, they’ll still look consistently. No need to investment. of. Stone Paper® is different.
great – like they just left the acclimatize – Stone Paper® Because of its relatively
printer. paper is dependable and non-porous texture, ink
ready to print when you are. stays evenly on the top of
It’s paper, made simpler. the page, closer to the eye,
resulting in higher fidelity. Its
smooth surface reproduces
the color of your artwork with
complete accuracy. Achieve
color just how you pictured it.

WHAT • RP is our text stock THICKNESS (MICRON) COMPOSITION • Conventional, UV and Soy
IS RP? 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200 80% Calcium Carbonate ink compatible
• RP stands for rich + 20% PE
mineral paper VARIATION • Large Format / Latex
Thickness Variation PRINTING
• RP has double-side Average +/-5% Offset, Digital and Graver • Digital Printing / HP
PE coating Indigo


Thickness (Micron) Thickness (Point) M Weight (kg) / Based Applications (Offset Printing)
on 28x40 Sheet Size

100 4 86.71 Pouches | flexible packaging | wrapping paper | direct

120 4.5 104.05 thermal transfer | maps | name badges | curtains | laminate
140 5.5 121.39
160 6.5 138.74 with weaving bag | adhesive labels | notebooks | loose leaf
180 7 156.08
200 8 173.42 |laminate on pulp paper for boxes | envelopes | in-mold label

printing | calendars | posters | wine label | car sun shield |

bags | poster | origami | etc. Paper Stock Goes Here


For many years the only substrate capable of printing on construction layers of pouches has been PVC materials – Our
revolutionary Stone Paper film has changed this landscape. We can now make pouches with stone paper material. Our amazing
feel, combined with the durability of the outer layer is beautifully matched with a compostable metalized, aluminum barrier.
No coating necessary, which allows flexibility of matte or glossy coating without additional cost.

WHAT • RB is our cover stock THICKNESS (MICRON) COMPOSITION • Conventional, UV and Soy
IS RB? 200, 250, 300, 400 60% Calcium Carbonate ink compatible
• RB stands for rich + 40% PE
mineral board VARIATION • Large Format / Latex
Thickness Variation PRINTING
• RB has double-side Average +/-5% Offset, Digital and Graver • Digital Printing / HP
PE coating Indigo


Thickness (Micron) Thickness (Point) M Weight (kg) / Based Applications (Offset Printing)
on 28x40 Sheet Size Luggage tags | plane seat back safety cards | restaurant
menus | coasters | business cards | magazine cover | shelf
200 8 216.77 pop-outs | plant tags | pop tags | greeting cards |fridge
containers | cookie boxes | lighting sculpture | vase | children’s
250 10 270.97 teaching material | garment tags | bags | poster | heat transfer
300 12 325.16 paper | origami | etc.
350 14 379.35
400 16 433.55



V O DKVAODKA Keg Size® Keg Size® (1 oz) Keg Size® Keg Size®
Polar IcePolar Ice (12oozz)) (2 oz)
(1 oz) (12oozz)) (2 oGz)I N G I N 7
7 107.5 10B.5eefeateBreefeater 107.5 10.5

Absolut A• bAsbosloultu•t ACbitsroolnut Citron 8 182 12TanqueraTyan•qAuveiraatyio•nAviation 8 182 12
Ketel OnKeetel One
BombayBSoamppbhaiyreS•apBpeheifrea•teBre2e4feater 24

Absolut AEblysxol•uCt Eîrolycx••GCrîeroycG•oGorsey G9oose 139.5 13H.5endricHk’sen• dUrincgka’sva• •Ungava • 9 139.5 13.5

BelvederBee•lvGedeeorregi•anGBeoarygian Bay TanqueraTyanNquo.eTraeynN• oG.eToerngi•anGBeoarygian Bay

T E Q UITLEAQUILA Keg Size® Keg Size® Keg Size® Keg Size®
OlmecaOGlomldeca Gold (1 oz) (12oozz)) (2 oz)
(1 oz) (12oozz)) (2 oRz)U M R U M

7 107.5 10L.5amb’s WLahmiteb’•sLWamhibte’s•NLaavmybD’saNrkavy D7ark 107.5 10.5

OlmecaOAlmtoesca Altos 8 182 12Bacardi WBahcitaerd•iHWahviatnea•CHluavba3na Club 38 182 12

Havana CHluavba7na• CGlousblin7g•’sGBolaslcinkgS’seBallack Seal
CasamigCosaRsaempoigsoasdRo e•pPoastardóon•SPilvaetrón1S0ilver 1105 15Lamb’s SLpaicmebd’s• SCpaipcetadin• MCaoprtgaain SMpoicregdan Spiced
200 µ — 10 pt — 280 GSM

AVIATION ON gAhoh, tohatF’sdrfoe.rsyhou . YIFSOIRMUSROTRSCEELAATTHS.SANSbCeoebtoTfvteleeaBevasrreaitovnrgackaaenergananeofd®tpEobrtarfeieuoraltaelnhlxprslew.eowaCrriffnitwertehacei.cnotaSlkd.ynipoesdptoooeenwfenopanaueswrdWpmiatcehrauksnpatliyngogPgcmDRlfalohueOasortltcseicOlcaanoiNnro-loafduSrot,esenOecsaoR&ndc.dieoTpxnhmptueeraetyddm’reieneilnnyaturally BBLFEAaaTiIrlEgllmTeoaaMRuTos/ssLptnok/tFooSoBeia/CFrPdntCPnrCaonaFrDeoierJgiaoIrSsrmolrTliBueRaeWTbloonamaWw—1iczwayrottItm2uHCeaEaeoksTnTnoaWSztaM1wlnrseT’qkOho7SrIasoDrHcTR®preedaaL®’uiesesdieTuonTTaoIraeHsanvAatelBHxSeLaflglefnh8AWyavawcdkpnorgeiUavtBaqaviaNana0ceiaieeKrCeraRavaagnMnhlsnyuEadob5rslelidanöHiieT’®lrdbi—faiSH`sas:VIacatMAvlneAiallRIBiP®raesmauabsRDa:lyCea—®tnBaCBaavEflAeFtLclWL1vzcETohlue®®orl:dLemant8arlEEsieRooheLk—ianaoemgoA2ifarGddMiue+mnl—nsrHalcdeerAIswnCabSa0hus®ermllBrdrrke7ne’tSuvpaiebesGeGCvteRgnUP1afo0Vs—eIattgAsweLCtl8ellBedtnerEiherRsniuEod-kErSaalgneBIUafeMdlAo4iltITdEaeBeSbbswconarDyBoh—fiTsrre5opk`AUMeaounasies’PiUureotBsacarflmfytjssp.M2lrIlerwaeeescrlceaBCbidWed0GigssanoehcrhUeowcsltateFheaeoxIcioyuoEsnBrnut®Oatesdup™®TgoLrBpisoranoroZrTkIaaplalamuNomaelemnEanlm®®toeri’Geba®Rso’Zds’®tjBse®®ueMoy®GABroiSrTrcMojtaiNEyueonteilliVdSngjaeDtcu®ziuredEeciyecgrOJRWrWemAaUrAWral®aiaIeBxaGnifmtCTtnabheluseaagoeCaAEthDEtaaysEeopnrrlSeFrergMwhexrllirpnoSExdraasroeismievpwrJedseruptosSshauseeeatWulcsk’piairtwtiTlaglllstrpieletarnlechat.iCsshIleaafoe,siedNxesoeecrLnfse1.nlw’o2petarskeo5teaAEaecavo0esde,lu,dC,NsnnTedi0smrittc1niydntjdihno9Io0oefehhpb-gOci.aiat,rtnyraa0ltuyelGitototsswhuNocstohr,ltt-aoFeidscrnetgeiiaewcsqnsgJoithia.Sr’lhcnsaaellocuoFspallatitcgtt-ntlpauaslK-bseuowlebfeelrerCnesteleodbcselhisLdaigritvslortepta.ukeeaaOfefheseewddtPlsocodsstoal,iloUa,,lckoudyitlweusptnaxiElasn.oNtstdieehovsannd-elAiasneLxt,erbcTotGtgdsndrhvrcnpoticwpnraelntoaisioyoCEoadnhteeuclaavTiniaoalpb.ngatugvabrnpbeeRelwthaFnipinre1eerirger,eaaoEcnirodgshiab2ddgnevsyorneesaaAoefeogsotao’haTccrulrvfThtl-omensdd-tyrereHeEIa,eausiicVnehe®vn,osrige.doEOtqgtnrea.p.uluTiaFaabycBWspSeLscpEbrtlsfeOlhRirt,tyeemhTyiltNApBuAfyuisehnaaYeYar.rgU.loeupIuomeuateivnrreno’raGLESOcRhBvtiurneuStvlousiroka–ueieihneVptaRLgaUpsfoTUraermvwptrpcfgikaesEtghrwrEnEcerrimINesRitbaidssinelaoCvNtecuonwdDoiocRaiv,uyrnadspeetntIakMt.camauDkyeohroiemTwFsalslTYttnAoegstceallnuS.onhAselAEotsqyOhno–pceiwtooALr,yeawttuAouLueiuseSnrheffftonlasfEilswuuleAueaLaittldirrLawemmstugntah,selltsehvaelCooeaFlgsr.y-WahheogoeigeiFtpcnn.gLnFlTu,a,v.nnrelgdit.rhaAfIirktstYetIeoutirsuLiSsoyhntObeeasoV.ywftltLoaoeskf,tedblnhoueNeoO.Cevul.vCtoBeuet,au2osrare.rRlcdEvmtlarim2rlwafnpsushSeslsrsWioioar.aaemnsdg.octseurOrna.haagiPssAaiorPntllttsqrcerlwnce.rryIidtteouetTueoeYbho-se-adnts-fIodSourorNeSaatsuilaiedbheanpaeclsGworlut,egnsdleeedefvrta.afdceacaliecoenrnatrlltmytlrcsdgnot.te,toon OUR NEW JFK LOUNGE
STONE PAPER® craveworthy. Look out BRIRTnehOOhfsyauPapPonOsKrsiltkeeuaeet’beEsshcc’preeeNsPtteehrhileMacptotecErenthaaiwevwxAedrrmekipeesieRBeolmgeaatlwaTrPrikalrooerineHrDietkknegtnhAsnreig’ysWs.s,actn.oareBwiepnrnuIEeedNetigdhankruseEretsnsaurtpeRoaohssdrmdnYotwieWnaupaamniecltnsidriahtenttaeryyeakerb.1ortlo9rilpfceyf7teiTh.en3hescei.ereP. .ike features leather couches with
2CPA0saagfri1Vpbrsro2i2oonoP.emSt/fa0mwBasirgtfR2nape1naosrno0io6tveoriersiacbtckrxh1rtbiRBieenele6ceesadS,sorgnesbsleowaBabayp,wEwrrkfurnlltiCvkeitoageivciieohhsttArfknteihht,.nrgwoehu.CaEsncvniilWwtaAnheosyEreareneitauasrnehaarnretcarctfCsrrhhfoty.ereihlu’ndRsroaigsetewrnssdonsl,iyetftaotahhrtmcntvuireesneareaaawdaclymeiahnceaifdnoidrtythem on select flights.
A: Safety Cards is a very good ROI when printed on Stone SIanApdoldbcmcrafieiocvntarvhhoikdckeoerhuardllairliaicicningnlssoebgekgrhmseytoovo,iWfumleaitbscrnhptaidrbieabgtnehieemSrvessud2ea.yrery1GgoafyeecugOecoareaVutnassrsEbs.dGeRiCouleiNhtrronyieonMneatglsordlEutaephdlNm,rrrpweTtipvorgtooeWinocmbaaonAlneecnRocmnasyNfurssabmhIo.NlceoreoGcuoahlp:duoesnlriecaotte fantastic runway views;
Paper® vs. regular cover stock with hard plastic lamination complimentary breakfast and
or heavy substrates. afternoon snacks; a full bar with
Stone paper® won’t split or tear on the corners and can be New York’s finest local brews;
easily wiped with water or even bleached to keep clean.
Airlines we work with have confirmed with us that our safety gourmet coffee from a
cards last 3 times longer than previous card stocks with Starbucks-trained barista.
plastic lamination.
Stone Paper® is very durable, 100% waterproof and made
with minerals instead of trees or even a drop of water.

SAFETY 737 800/900 Rafts Oxygen Rafts 737 800/900 SAFETY
Prior to taxi, takeoff and landing Adult life vest

2 3 OR

4 1 23

Seatbelts During flight Exit locations—land/water B: Cabin Menus printed on stone
paper® for the same reason is
4 another great application.

OR C: Luggage tags: proven to be
very durable, price competitive
Prohibited at all times Door exits Inflate only while exiting aircraft! and provide a very interesting
45 environmental story.
Adult life vest on child
D: Direct thermal adhesive luggage
90.3 FM Over 35 lbs./16kg. labels is very cost competitive vs.
12 other substrates used today. Also
RESTROOM 3 an environmental responsibility.

sPPilgleenaassseeanokdbeeeppylatechlaeercd“tNsroaonnSidcmadolelkviinincsget”rsuaocnntdioa“niFrspaglsaitvneeennmSbeoyadtcebreethlwtr”omsueiggmhnbos,ueartsltl.hpeofsltiegdht. E E


Brace position Emergency overwing exits Printed on Stone Paper
EXIT EXIT Infant life vest
Less than 35 lbs./16kg.
1 2345 2-0393 TZ-30 (Rev 12/15)
2-0393 TZ-30 (Rev 12/15)

PREPARATION • We do not recommend adding any ink hardening down on the pallet first. Then print the heavier
• We recommend fanning out Stone Paper® agents. Usually these are used to help ink dry print on the side that was facing up on the pallet.
faster, but when ink hardening agents are added • We recommend washing blankets to remove
before printing for easier feeding. to print on Stone Paper® it may result in picking. filler dust every 1000-3000 sheets, or as ink
density lessens or if white spots appear on the
• Trimming the sides prior to printing is • Printing pressure is recommended at 0.13 for finished print.
recommended for high precision printing or RPD120. (This is for a Heidelberg CD102 6LX
converting. press using Huber Ink.) Rule of thumb is to set Paper Stock Goes Here
pressure approx. 10-20 microns thicker than
• Please note Stone Paper® thickness variation of paper’s thickness. For example, RPD120 would
+ /- 7% for RP.
be print with pressure settings for 130-140
PRESS microns thick paper.
• Stone Paper® can be run on a wide variety
• Ink density target is recommended at: B: 1.24,
of machines, including Web / Sheet Offset C: 1.13, M: 1.03, Y: 1.00 (Settings based for
Lithographic, Flexographic, Gravure and Digital Heidelberg CD102 6LX press using Huber Ink,
(latex / solid ink) low heat machines. for RPD120).

• We recommend maintaining a press speed of • For single sided printing, we recommend printing
7000 to 8000 sheets/hour, increasing speed as on the side that is facing up on the pallet. For
operator gains experience. rolls, the recommended printed side is the side
facing outside.
• Most water based, organic, UV-curable inks print
well on Stone Paper®, however results may still • For double sided printing, we recommend
vary from each ink manufacturer due to different printing the lighter print on the side that is facing
ink formulas. We recommend consulting with
your ink provider to confirm the desired ink is
suitable for Stone Paper®.


Stone Paper® is paper comprised of reclaimed DIFFERENTIATED? TONER PRINTERS?
limestone or calcium carbonate, recycled concrete, Essentially, there are 4 types, RP, RB, SP and ST: No, because Stone Paper® is photodegradable and
and a small amount of HDPE. These components reacts to the UV light used in laser printers.
are combined under pressure and heat, using no • RP is our “regular” paper or text paper
trees, water, dyes or bleaches, to create Stone IS STONE PAPER® SUITABLE FOR IML
Paper® in its various forms and thicknesses. • RB is card stock or board product (IN-MOLD LABELLING)?
Yes. For IML, we recommend our SP50 micron
IS THERE A PATENT ON STONE PAPER®? • SP stands for “Safe Paper” (food grade), and is roll product. While many converters won’t
Our revolutionary Stone Paper® technology is ideal for food wrapping, such as for sandwiches disclose their IML techniques, our paper exhibited
patented in 40 countries, including Australia, and burgers excellent performance during a test when fused
Canada, China, European Union members, South onto yogurt containers. No special ink is required
Africa and the United States. • ST stands for “Stone Thermal”, used for as Stone Paper® dries very quickly. We provide
applications such as disposable dishes or food simple printing and setup instructions for various
IS STONE PAPER® COST-COMPETITIVE containers machines, ensuring efficient and streamlined
Stone Paper® has proven to be very cost- BEST SUITED FOR?
competitive compared to synthetic paper, being While there are endless applications for our natural
almost as durable yet much more environmentally Stone Paper®, the most common use is as an
sustainable while costing about 50% less. Also, alternative to paper products treated with plastic
no special inks or treatment are required during or wax.
printing. Stone Paper® is priced similar to 30-40%
recycled content paper.

The answer is yes, but for further discussions
regarding the dynamics of recycling Stone Paper®, we • 75-85% recycled content calcium carbonate Cradle to Cradle evaluates a product’s safety to
are firm believers of repurposing rather than recycling (CaCO3) from waste quarry marble. Most recycled humans and the environment, assessing materials
– see below. paper is 10-20% recycled content at best) and manufacturing practices in five categories:
Material Health, Material Reutilization, Renewable
For bulk recycling, due to Stone Paper® durability - • Zero trees harvested for production = no Energy Use, Water Stewardship, and Social
we have partnered with a concrete company that is deforestation, no monoculture forests, more CO2 Responsibility. The program focuses on using
repurposing excess maps into a lighter weight, more sequestration (20 trees saved per ton of pulp safe materials that can be disassembled and
durable concrete product. We are growing a network paper produced - for 200,000 maps we estimate recycled as technical components or composted
of repurposing options across North America to make a 13 tons shipping weight - 260 tree saved!) as biological nutrients. Due to their significant
this even easier. This is a great end-of-life, full circle environmental impact, we do not believe a pulp
development for us, and we’re quite proud of this. • Not a drop of water used (16,000 gallons saved paper mill could even come close to achieving this
per ton of pulp paper - 208,000 gallons saved) certification.
While we understand recycling represents a
responsible practice, the facts are that recycling • 90% less energy required for production vs.
requires enormous amounts of energy and chemicals pulp paper (16 million less BTUs per ton of pulp
for transportation and creation of a new end product. paper, resulting in a 67% smaller carbon footprint
At the same time, the recycling industry is undergoing than pulp paper)
a paradigm shift after China effectively banned
recycled materials from other countries • CaCO3 is naturally white, requiring no
hazardous bleaches, dyes and acid such as those
IS THERE ANY TYPE OF STONE PAPER® THAT used to make pulp paper achieve its white color
• Less waste through reduced replacement and
Yes, SP50, and others can be eligible. usage, due to being waterproof and tear-resistant


• SP50: Soap wrap and hamburger wrap.

• SP80: Heat seal drinking cups and
Tissue Packaging.


Quality, Sustainability, Durability, ENVIRONMENTAL CHOICE FDA
Environment Friendly! These keywords Environmental Choice Certification The U.S. Food and Drug Administration
represent the core values of reputable in two paper categories (EC-10-07 (FDA) signed an arrangement with the
and successful companies worldwide. Packaging and paperboard & EC- 26- Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)
27 Office Paper & Stationery). and the Department of Health Canada (Health
We have provided a variety of stone paper Canada) recognizing each other’s food safety
products to the well-recognized brands systems as comparable to each other.
below, earning their trust while helping
them make a statement about quality and

Stone Paper® has successfully completed Stone Paper® and its production process have Due to its revolutionary manufacturing
RoHS & REACH testing. No chemicals, achieved Cradle-to-Cradle Silver certification. process, no forest management certification,
heavy metals or minerals listed as known to Cradle-to-Cradle is a multi-attribute eco-label such as FSC, or PEFC is required for Stone
be dangerous to humans or the environment that assesses a product’s safety to humans, the Paper®, as no wood fiber is present.
are detected in Stone Paper® products. environment, recyclability, manufacturing, and
design for future life cycles.


Produce color like never before. Get ready to be surprised by the
results. Stone Paper® contains no fiber, so there is less bleed and
more ink retention, leaving finer details to reproduce much better.


Stone Paper® allows for ultimate accuracy in color. When
you choose precise colors for your project, you want them to
reproduce exactly as expected. With Stone Paper’s completely
smooth finish and even surface, you can achieve truly even color.
Experience colors in their most authentic form.

RP-TEXT STOCK Sheets Size #Sheets M Weight Sheets Weight per Skid Dimension
per Pallet (kg) per Ream Pallet (kg)
Stock Grade 25” X 35” X 30” / 25” X 38” X 30”
26” X 40” X 30” / 28” X 40” X 30”
100 MICRON 4 PT 25” X 35” / 25” X 38” 7500 67.7 / 73.55 500 511 / 552
120 GSM 80# 26” X 40” / 28” X 40” 80.52 / 86.71 607 / 656 25” X 35” X 30” / 25” X 38” X 30”
26” X 40” X 30” / 28” X 40” X 30”
120 MICRON 4.5 PT 25” X 35” / 25” X 38” 6500 81.29 / 88.26 250 532 / 574
144 GSM 100# 26” X 40” / 28” X 40” 96.62 / 104.05 651 / 683 25” X 35” X 30” / 25” X 38” X 30”
26” X 40” X 30” / 28” X 40” X 30”
140 MICRON 5.5 PT 25” X 35” / 25” X 38” 5750 94.84 / 102.97 250 549 / 593
168 GSM 111# 26” X 40” / 28” X 40” 112.72 / 121.39 651 / 705 25” X 35” X 30” / 25” X 38” X 30”
26” X 40” X 30” / 28” X 40” X 30”
160 MICRON 6.5 PT 25” X 35” / 25” X 38” 5000 108.39 / 117.68 125 546 / 589
192 GSM 26” X 40” / 28” X 40” 128.83 / 138.74 647 / 700 25” X 35” X 30” / 25” X 38” X 30”
26” X 40” X 30” / 28” X 40” X 30”
180 MICRON 7 PT 25” X 35” / 25” X 38” 4500 121.94 / 132.39 125 552 / 596
216 GSM 26” X 40” / 28” X 40” 144.93 / 156.08 655 / 709 25” X 35” X 30” / 25” X 38” X 30”
26” X 40” X 30” / 28” X 40” X 30”
200 MICRON 8 PT 25” X 35” / 25” X 38” 4000 135.48 / 147.10 125 546 / 589
240 GSM 26” X 40” / 28” X 40” 161.03 / 173.42 647 / 700 Skid Dimension

RB-COVER STOCK Sheets 25” X 35” X 20” / 25” X 38” X 20”
per 26” X 40” X 20” / 28” X 40” X 20”
Stock Grade Sheets Size #Sheets M Weight Weight per
per Pallet (kg) Ream Pallet (kg) 25” X 35” X 20” / 25” X 38” X 20”
250 MICRON 10 PT 25” X 35” / 25” X 38” 26” X 40” X 20” / 28” X 40” X 20”
350 GSM 26” X 40” / 28” X 40” 2000 211.69 / 229.84 125 398 / 429
251.61 / 270.97 354 / 511 25” X 35” X 20” / 25” X 38” X 20”
100# COVER 25” X 35” / 25” X 38” 26” X 40” X 20” / 28” X 40” X 20”
26” X 40” / 28” X 40” 1250 259.03 / 275.81 100 298 / 322
300 MICRON 12 PT 301.93 / 325.16 354 / 383 25” X 35” X 20” / 25” X 38” X 20”
420 GSM 25” X 35” / 25” X 38” 26” X 40” X 20” / 28” X 40” X 20”
26” X 40” / 28” X 40” 1000 296.37 / 321.77 100 278 / 301
111# COVER 352.26 / 379.35 330 / 357
25” X 35” / 25” X 38”
350 MICRON 15 PT 26” X 40” / 28” X 40” 1000 338.71 / 367.74 100 318 / 344
490 GSM 402.58 / 433.55 378 / 408

130# COVER

400 MICRON 19 PT
560 GSM

160# COVER

ROLL PAPER Roll Length M Weight (kg) Roll Core OD Skid Weight Double Stack Skid Dimension Paper
(m) Based on (inch) (inch) (kg) W x L x H / inch Whiteness
Stock Grade Roll Width (mm)
6000 28”x40” Sheet 36” x 36” x 40” > 90%
5000 Size 36” x 36” x 40” > 90%
4500 36” x 36” x 40” > 90%
RP 100 895 / 940 / 960 / 4000 86.71 3 35 650 – 750 36” x 36” x 40” > 90%
RP 120 1020 / 1100 3500 36” x 36” x 40” > 90%
RP 140 3000 104.05 3 35 650 – 750 36” x 36” x 40” > 90%
RP 160 895 / 940 / 960 / 1200 36” x 36” x 40” > 90%
RP 180 1020 / 1100 1000 121.39 3 36 650 – 750 36” x 36” x 40” > 90%
RP 200 900 36” x 36” x 40” > 90%
RB 250 895 / 940 / 960 / 800 138.74 3 36 650 – 750 36” x 36” x 40” > 90%
RB 300 1020 / 1100
RB 350 156.08 3 36 650 – 750
RB 400 895 / 940 / 960 /
1020 / 1100 173.42 3 35 650 – 750

895 / 940 / 960 / 270.97 3 40 800 – 900
1020 / 1100
325.16 3 40 800 – 900
895 / 940 / 960 /
1020 / 1100 379.35 3 40 800 – 900

895 / 940 / 960 / 433.55 3 40 800 – 900
1020 / 1100

895 / 940 / 960 /
1020 / 1100

895 / 940 / 960 /
1020 / 1100

895 / 940 / 960 /
1020 / 1100


Paper made from minerals - no trees, no water

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