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Published by monica, 2021-09-09 08:41:22

SciTech 2021

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Advancing the business of biotechnology and life sciences JULY 2021



Celebrating Twelve Years of Science and Technology Outreach


“Partnerships are the new currency in education. The SciTech Lecture
series has strengthened Forsyth Tech’s relationships

with the many bioscience firms, medical establishments, and
educational institutions who have shared their expertise.”

Dr. Alan Murdock, Vice President
Economic and Workforce Development, Forsyth Technical Community College

a message from the


Twelve years ago, during the lead-up to Forsyth Technical Community College’s 50th
Anniversary, three Forsyth Tech colleagues, Dwaine Davis (Chemistry and Physical
Sciences Chair), Russ Read (Executive Director, NCBW), and Rick Mutton (retired Life
Sciences Chair) met for coffee.

They started a conversation about how faculty, staff, students, and the community at
large could communicate about advances in science and technology and learn about
the problems being solved. This coffee conversation quickly grew into a unique
speaker series, best known as the SciTech Lecture Series.

To date, this informal cup of coffee has led to more than seventy-five local, national,
and international presenters who have inspired and educated 3800 participants. We
hope that you enjoy reading this IMPACT Magazine dedicated to the many lecturers
who create the SciTech Lectures, the teams behind the scenes who put them together,
and of course our SciTech sponsors.

Russ Read
Executive Director, National Center for the Biotechnology Workforce
Forsyth Technical Community College

IMPACTJULY 2021 IMPACT magazine is a publication of Forsyth
table of contents Technical Community College, home of the
National Center for the Biotechnology Workforce.

Visit us at and

Senior Editor: Monica Doss Feature Articles
EditorialTeam: Russ Read, 3 COVID-19 Pandemic Takes SciTech Online 2020-2021 .......................................
Dr. Alan Murdock, Devin Purgason, 4 Bringing Science to the Community 2009-2013...................................................
Mary Flournoy, and Paula Dibley 5 Emerging Solutions to Society’s Biggest Problems 2013-2015..........................
Art Director/Designer: Jenner Lee 6 Healing, Fueling, and Feeding the World 2015-2018........................................... 7 Celebrating 10 Years of SciTech Impact 2018-2020 ...........................................
8 SciTech in Action Lecture Series Team.................................................................
The National Center for the Biotechnology Workforce (NCBW) was created in 2004, through a US Department
of Labor High Growth Grant Initiative. With subsequent funding from the NC Community College System, the
US Department of Labor, and the Advanced Technological Education Program of the NSF, NCBW develops
innovative bioscience workforce training programs in partnership with educators, workforce agencies and
industry across the nation. NCBW is based at Forsyth Technical Community College in Winston-Salem, NC.


Amy Greeson, Natural Discoveries, kicked off the Virtual SciTech Series SciTech 2020-2021
in April 2020 when COVID-19 made large group gatherings unsafe. She
was also the very first SciTech presenter in 2009. SciTech in Action
Virtual Lecture Series
SciTech Lecture Series
Goes Virtual
COVID-19 Pandemic Takes SciTech Online
SPRING 2021 FALL 2020Tandeka Boko, MD, STEM Advisor/Navigator the NC
On March 5, 2020, when Donald McCoy finished the 66th SciTech Lecture STEM Alliance, and Russ Read lead an interactive
Series presentation, “Stepping into the Biotech Future with Augmented and discussion about diversifying and strengthening our
Virtual Reality” participants did not know that within a few weeks their own STEM workforce.
reality would be significantly altered. Soon, COVID-19 pandemic Phase I
restrictions sent students and faculty home to learn and work, limited Science Career - From the Johnson Space
on-site workers and public access to businesses, and restricted gatherings Center to Syngenta
to 10 or fewer people that practiced social distancing.
Dr. Laura Kavanaugh, Senior Computational
Not to be dissuaded, the SciTech team shifted to virtual ZOOM sessions Biologist, Syngenta
in April, and published them on YouTube. Amy Greeson (SciTech’s very
first speaker in 2009) and Russ Read discussed her company, Natural Wake Forest Father - Daughter
Discoveries--the first company to move into the NCBW’s Analytical & Biostatisticians
Molecular Skills Development Lab (AMSDL) located at Forsyth Tech’s Discuss Career Options
Innovation Quarter location. 
Dr. Robert D’Agostino Jr. and
Ultimately, with eleven sessions, 2020-2021 was SciTech’s most prolific Dr. Lucy D’Agostino McGowan
year on record.
Evolution of Mechanical Hearts
“The virtual format provided opportunities for interactive group panels,
interviews, and sharing presentations,” said Russ Read. “We also took Dr. Paul Allaire, CTO, Rotor Bearings Solutions
advantage of the disruption to engage speakers who couldn’t be scheduled and WFU Engineering Adjunct Professor
during the regular monthly sessions -- due to time of day, fully booked
schedules, or distance.” Cyber - Biosecurity

With their valuable IP and patient Dr. Deanne Cranford-Wesley, Director of
healthcare data, biotech, Cybersecurity, NC Central University and
Adjunct Faculty, Forsyth Tech
pharmaceutical and healthcare
companies are prime targets for Mentors and Mentoring
cyber-attacks. During 2020-2021,
two different SciTech sessions Dr. Ronald Keeney, President, Pharmaceutical
explored this growing threat and Medicine Associates, Inc.
the workforce training imperatives
and opportunities it presents. Skills and the Future of Work

Jennifer Anderson Dr. Deanna Wesley Dr. Matthew Carter, VP, Cook Medical
Cyber - Bio in Healthcare Cyber - Biosecurity
Cyber - Bio in Healthcare

Jennifer Anderson, VP, Client Services Delivery
Intellect Resources

Nanobiotechnology or Bionanotechnology:
What’s in a Name?

Deb Newberry, CEO, Newberry Technology Associates

NC STEM Alliance

Tandeka Boko, NC STEM Advisor/Navigator, with
STEM Fellows, America Revelo Jiron (UNCG), Patricia
Springs (FTCC), and Maria Saucedo Lopez (FTCC)

Science Career: From Forsyth Tech
to WFIRM Lab Technician

Kristin Stumpf, Lab Technician, Wake Forest Institute
for Regenerative Medicine (WFIRM)

Science Careers: Military Vets Share Career
Building Experiences

Justin Campbell, WFIRM Cell Culture Technician
Bob Adams, Lab Manager, Nanotech Labs
Sean Killebrew, Instructional Technology Specialist,
Forsyth Tech Center for Transformative Learning


SciTech 2009-2013 2011-2012 2009-2010
2012-2013 2010-2011
Expanding Renowned McGill University AIDS scientist and activist, the late Dr. Mark
Knowledge and Wainberg spoke at SciTech in October 2010. In 1989, Dr. Wainberg first Photo by McGill University
Inspiring Careers discovered that the anti-viral properties of the drug 3TC could treat HIV
infections, transforming AIDS from a lethal sentence to a chronic,
The SciTech Lecture series began in manageable disease.
2009 -- the brainchild of an informal,
weekly morning coffee gathering of 10•21•09 Medicine and Indigenous 9•29•10 Advancing Cancer Treatment
Forsyth Tech faculty and staff. Healing Traditions through Technology Innovation

“We hoped SciTech would be a Amy Greeson R.Ph., Producer, Healing Seekers Dr. Frank Torti, Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center
platform to convey the passion and
work that drives science and 11•12•09 Genetics, Diet and Chronic 10•27•10 Twenty-Five Years of HIV Research
technology forward. We planned for Disease Benefits on Laboratory Technology and
monthly sessions designed to Human Health
capture the imagination of a very Dr. Ski Chilton, Founder, Gene Smart
broad-based audience,” recalls Dr. Mark Wainberg, McGill University
Russ Read. 2•25•10 The World of Nanotechnology
11•15•10 Biofuels Across the Landscape
Kicking off the series in October Dr. Kevin Conley, Forsyth Tech
2009, pharmacist, explorer, and Nanotechnology Program Steven Burke, CEO, NC Biofuels Center
educator, Amy Greeson took the
audience to the crossroads of 3•25•10 Why Conjurer’s Nut? 1•26•11 Regenerative Medicine: New
medicine and the healing tradition Approaches to Healthcare
of indigenous cultures. Chris Sowers, Forsyth Tech Biotech
Biology Instructor Dr. Anthony Atala, Wake Forest Institute for
Scientist, inventor, and entrepreneur Regenerative Medicine
Dr. Ski Chilton described how genetic 4•22•10 Health Issues in Rural Kenya
variations throughout the world can 2•24•11 Environmental Health Science
interact with diet to drive chronic Judith and Dr. Tom Ginn, Forsyth Tech Curriculum Development in Liberia
disease, inflammation, and overall
health. Dr. Frank Carver, Forsyth Tech

In October 2010, SciTech’s first 3•17•11 The Targacept Story: From the
international speaker was renowned Bench to the Clinic
AIDS scientist and activist, the
late Dr. Mark Wainberg of McGill Dr. J. Donald deBethizy, CEO, Targacept
University (pictured above). He spoke
about how twenty-five years of new 9•22•11 Catalyzing Regional Strengths to 9•20•12 Career Success in Life Sciences
technology developed in the race to Support Bioscience Job Growth
treat HIV revolutionized bench and Doug Drabble, Director of BioNetwork and Life
clinical science. Nancy Johnston, Executive Director, Piedmont Triad Science Initiative
Office, NC Biotechnology Center
10•25•12 The Changing Landscape of
10•20•11 From Mount Pharmacology to Intellectual Property Protection for
the Shores of Biotechnology: Biotechnology Inventions
A ‘Wellcome’ Experience
Charles W. Calkins, Kilpatrick, Townsend &
Dr. Morris J. Clarke, Professor, Department of Life Stockton, LLP
Sciences, Winston-Salem State University
11•15•12 From Forsyth Tech to Medical
11•17•11 The Importance of Design in the School and Beyond
Winston-Salem Community
Adesanmi Ojo, M.D.
Dr. Carol Strohecker, Director, Center for
Design Innovation 3•21•13 My Journey as an
Entrepreneurial Scientist
1•27•12 Regenerative Medicine – Growing
Today, Tomorrow and the Future Dr. Christy Shaffer, CEO and Investor
Hatteras Discovery Fund
Dr. Tim Bertram , CSO, Tengion
View live videos of SciTech Lectures
2•23•12 Vaccines: Why and How? at

Dr. Steven B. Mizel, Wake Forest School of Medicine
and Bruce Kaylos, NCBIO

3•15•12 An Eye Toward Innovation

Jerry Barker, Founder and President, Ocular
Systems Inc.

“The biopharma industry continues to grow and evolve, needing all kinds of workers with
technical and scientific knowledge. And to succeed, those workers also need strong

communication, collaboration, critical thinking and other soft skills. SciTech speakers
expand our community’s understanding of cutting-edge advances and inspires
students at all levels to develop successful science careers.

Dr. Brenda Summers
Director of Workforce Programs, NCBIO

Wake Forest 2014-2015 2013-20149•19•13 Innovations and Collaborations: IMPACT 5
Institute for Medical Devices, Protein Drugs and
Regenerative Mobile Apps
Dr. Eric Tomlinson, Chief Innovation Officer, Wake
Leading a global Forest Baptist Medical Center and President of Wake
transformation from Forest University’s Innovation Quarter
treatments to cures
10•17•13 The Chemistry of Teams
Dr. Anthony Atala, MD
Founder and Director Dr. Roger Cubicciotti, CEO, Nano-Medica

Since its founding in 2004, the Wake Forest Institute for 1•16•14 A Race Against Time: How
Regenerative Medicine (WFIRM) has been recognized as an Biotechnology is Transforming Our Largest
international leader in translating scientific discovery into Critical Industry
clinical therapies. Its physicians and scientists have achieved
many “world firsts” – from creating the first a laboratory- Gwyn F. Riddick, Agricultural Biotech Executive
grown organ that was successfully implanted in patients, Advisor, NC Biotechnology Center
to developing the Integrated Tissue and Organ Printing
System -- a 3D bioprinter specifically designed to print living 2•20•14 Biotech: Risk and Reward
tissue structures.
Dr. Stephen A. Hill, CEO, Targacept
Regenerative Medicine is the is next evolution
of medical treatments. With its potential to heal 3•20•14 Education for Innovation
rather than just treat, this new field of science
Dr. Paul Kortenaar, Executive Director, SciWorks
is expected to revolutionize healthcare.
6•26•14 NSF - ATE Grants and Funding
The SciTech community has enjoyed a front row seat as the Opportunities
400-person WFIRM team works to engineer replacement
tissues and organs, create supporting technologies, and Dr. V. Celeste Carter, Program Director, National
develop healing cell therapies – all with the goal to cure, Science Foundation
rather than merely treat, disease. 
9•18•14 Integration of Emerging Technology
WFIRM plays a leadership role in developing and testing new into Community College Curriculum
therapies for the military, notably soldiers who have been
victims of IED’s and other disfiguring weapons. The AFIRM Ray Cadmore, Fulbright Australia Scholar
programs bring together consortia of leading medical
universities, companies, and military medical teams. WFIRM 10•16•14 The Future of Non-Renewable
is currently leading the AFIRM II program as one of its many Energy Sources
groundbreaking initiatives.
Dr. David McNelis, Director, Center for Sustainable
Energy, Environment and Economic Development,
UNC-Chapel Hill

11•20•14 Biosciences Industry Fellows

NSF-ATE awardees share their fellowship

1•22•15 Identifying, Managing, and
Communicating Research Risks

Dr. Ana S. Iltis, Director, WFU Center for Bioethics,
Health, and Society

2•27•15 Regenerative Medicine: Current
Concepts and Changing Trends

Dr. Anthony Atala, Director, Wake Forest Institute for
Regenerative Medicine

3•19•15 CSI In the Real World

Jennifer Bryant, Forsyth Tech Criminal Justice and
Latent Evidence

“SciTech has proven to be a constant contributor to advancing
knowledge and networking, especially related to biotech
career pathways. It delivers exceptional speakers,
interesting topics and encourages inquiry.”

Nancy Johnston
Executive Director, Piedmont Triad Office,

North Carolina Biotechnology Center

WFIRM’s 3D multicellular organoids
are miniaturized organs that can
detect harmful and adverse effects
of drugs before they are prescribed
to patients, which could safely speed
new drugs to market.

NSF-ATE Program Director,
Celeste Carter talked

about grants available to
develop innovative new
education and training.

Bioprinting muscle tissue at WFIRM


SciTech 2015-2018 “Aging is malleable. Longevity is a
mechanism able to be manipulated.”

After winning a Thiel Fellowship at the age of 16
in 2008, Laura Deming left MIT. In 2011 she raised
$22 million and founded The Longevity Fund venture
capital firm. In 2018, she shared her unique story
with the SciTech audience, along with her passion
to increase human health and lifespan by
preventing and reversing age-related disease.

Photo by TechCrunch, Kimberly White

Science and technology are transforming how we diagnose, treat, and manage
diseases and other modern health challenges. At SciTech, participants can experience,
first-hand, the passion and knowledge of local and international changemakers
who are meeting these challenges. They inspire the imagination of students, scientists
and our entire community.

9•24•15 Young at Heart2015-2016 9•15•16 Inflammation Nation & 9•28•17 Breaking the Cycle of Addiction
2016-2017 The Rewired Brain with Next Generation Neurotherapeutics
Dr. Barbara A. Pisani, Cardiology Professor
Wake Forest School of Medicine2017-2018 Dr. Ski Chilton, Professor, Wake Forest School Aaron Lazarus, CEO, EncepHeal Therapeutics
of Medicine
10•15•15 My Journey from Higher Education 10•19•17 How Students and Companies Use
into the Biopharmaceutical Industry 10•13•16 Update on Carolina Liquid the Analytical and Molecular Training Lab
Chemistries Corp. and New Employees
Dr. Norma V. Quiñones, Biogen Jason Gagliano, Lab Coordinator & Malaysia
Patti Shugart, VP and COO, Carolina Liquid Christian, Lab Technician
11•19•15 Healing, Fueling, and Feeding Chemistries Corporation
the World 2•8•18 Using Biological Research to
11•16•16 Medical Device Development Reduce or Reverse the Effects of Aging
Doug Edgeton, President & CEO, and Increase Longevity
NC Biotechnology Center Barry Slowey, President and Vihur Surti, Director
of R&D, Cook Medical Endoscopy Division Laura Deming, Director, Longevity Fund
1•26•16 A Passage to Biotech in India
12•15•16 Retirement and Antibodies 2•22•18 Adventures in Innovation from
Russ H. Read, Executive Director, National Laboratory Bench to the Stratosphere
Center for the Biotechnology Workforce Alan Beard, Chair, Forsyth Tech Biotech Department
Dr. Michael Batalia, Co-Founder, WideEy3D
2•18•16 An Innovator in 1•19•17 Confessions of a Serial
Animal and Human Health Entrepreneur 3•15•18 The Physical and Chemical
Properties of Smoke
Roland Johnson, Founder and CEO of Piedmont Kim Westmoreland, Founder & CEO, KeraNetics, LLC
Pharmaceuticals & Animal Health Norman Fraley, Executive Director, Frolich Institute
2•16•17 KPC-34 a Co-Drug Combining a
3•17•16 A Visit to Chernobyl - DNA Damaging Agent with a Targeted 4•5•18 3D Bioprinting = Materials +
Past, Present & Future Therapy Manufacturing + Medicine

Dr. Travis Russell, Forsyth Tech Dr. Gregory Kucera, Professor, Hematology and Dr. Rohan A. Shirwaiker, Associate Professor
Oncology, Wake Forest School of Medicine & Faculty Scholar, Fitts Department of Industrial
& Systems Engineering, NCSU
3•16•17 Exploring the World for Novel
Medicinal Compounds and Education NCSU’s new ultrasound-assisted fabrication
process allows bioengineers to use a patient’s
Amy Greeson R.Ph., CEO, Natural Discoveries own living cells to create complex tissues like
this meniscus, without sacrificing the strength
and flexibility of natural tissues.


“With 3D bioprinting, we can create
biologically-active implants using living
cells. Using ultrasound in conjunction
with 3D bioprinting allows us to more
closely mimic the organization and
strength of natural tissues.”

At NC State, Dr. Rohan Shirwaiker works with
an interdisciplinary research team to engineer a
new generation of tissue implants to overcome
limitations of traditional metal and polymer devices.


2018-20199•27•18 How to Achieve
2019-2020The Right Balance Between Humans and
Machines To Optimize Outcomes

Ken Lane, Chief Technology Officer, Tanjo Inc.

10•18•18 Physiological Insights into SciTech 2018-2020
Novel Therapies for Nephrogenic Diabetes

Dr. Jeff M. Sands, Professor of Medicine and
Physiology, Emory University

11•15•18 Omega’s From Soil to Oil 9•26•19 Age and Sex: Implications for “The SciTech In Action series brings
Addressing a Scientific Need with a Regenerative Medicine Applications our entire community together to
Natural and Sustainable Solution experience, first-hand, the diversity,
Dr. Tracy Criswell, Assistant Professor, Wake Forest pace, and impact of innovation.
Andrew Hebard, CEO, Technology Crops International School of Medicine At Forsyth Tech, we exist to be a
catalyst for equitable economic
12•6•18 Creating the Innovation Workforce 10•31•19 The Ingredients for Innovation in mobility, empowering lives, and
Clinical Research transforming communities and SciTech
Dr. Gary Green, President, Forsyth Tech helps us fulfill this mission. We thank
Doug Price, President, and Alexis Gabard, Director
1•17•19 How Climate Change Affects the of Study Operations, Clinical Ink the more than 75 local and
Planet’s Finite Water Resources international speakers for inspiring
11•14•19 Improving Soft Skills to Thrive in us with their passion, their work, and
Bob Haack, MBA, PM the Bioscience Workplace their dreams over the past 12 years,
and look forward to more to come.”
2•21•19 A View of the Clinical Trials Dr. Brenda Summers, Director of Workforce
Enterprise in the 21st Century Programs, NCBIO Dr. Janet Spriggs, President
Forsyth Technical Community College, home of the
Jennifer Byrne, CEO and Board Chair, 12•10•19 The Necessary Interdependency National Center for the Biotechnology Workforce
Javara Research Between Basic Research and Novel
Healthcare Products
3•14•19 Consumer Medicine -
Democratizing Health Care Decisions Dr. Bryant M. Moore, Director of Strategic
Partnerships, UNC-CH Office of Technology
Dr. Simon Selwood, Director of Business Development, Commercialization
1•23•20 Convergence in the Era of
4•11•19 Gut Microbiome: A Goldmine of Intelligent and Cognitive Assistants
Therapeutics and Biomarkers of Aging-
Related Metabolic Disorders Dr. Daniel J. C. Herr, Professor, The Joint School
of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering
Dr. Hariom Yadav, Molecular Medicine, Wake Forest
School of Medicine 3•5•20 Stepping into the Biotech Future
with Augmented and Virtual Reality

Donald McCoy, Donald McCoy and Associates, LLC

4•9•20 Pharmacy and Natural Healing

Dr. Amy Greeson, Natural Discoveries Inc

c2el0eb0rat9in-g a2m0i1les9tone
April 2019 Marked 60th
SciTech Session In December 2018, Dr. Gary Green,
President of Forsyth Tech since
In its tenth anniversary season, the SciTech Lecture 2001, presented “Signals from the
Series achieved two impressive milestones -- more than Future: Creating the Innovation
3500 participants had attended 60 sessions – all Workforce.” Dr. Green, who would
free and open to the public. retire from Forsyth Tech in February
2019 was recognized by NCBW for
From new genome scans that offer insights into his distinguished 40-year career in
consumer health options to challenges in our water higher education. Under his
delivery infrastructure, accomplished experts have leadership Forsyth Tech became a national leader in
shared their passion and knowledge of cutting-edge technology-based workforce development, recognized by
bioscience and the many ways people are using the Manufacturing Institute, the National Security
bioscience to solve important problems. Agency, and the Department of Homeland Security.

Thank you to these longtime supporters

of the SciTech in Action Lecture Series:

SciLTeeccthurIneASectriioens Team

Russ Read, Executive Director
National Center for the Biotechnology Workforce
Dwaine Davis, PhD., Chair, Physical Sciences & Chemistry
Forsyth Technical Community College
Mary Flournoy, Staff Assistant
National Center for the Biotechnology Workforce
Janet Spriggs, EdD., President
Forsyth Technical Community College
Alan Murdock, EdD., Vice President for
Economic & Workforce Development
Forsyth Technical Community College
Bill Green, Vice President for Community Engagement
and Executive Director
The Forsyth Tech Foundation
Torry Reynolds, PhD., Dean of Arts and Sciences
Forsyth Technical Community College
Sean Killebrew, Instructional Technology Specialist
Forsyth Tech Center for Transformative Learning
John Reece, New Media Design Specialist
Forsyth Tech Center for Transformative Learning
Devin Purgason, Director of College Relations, Marketing,
and Communication
Forsyth Technical Community College
Jenny Terry, Graphic Design and Marketing Specialist
Forsyth Technical Community College

Special Thanks to our Partners:

Visit us at and

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