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Published by tammytaylor_1, 2019-11-03 06:46:29




30 Nolan Street
Williamson, West Virginia

1(304) 235-2919

Visit Us On Face Book At:
Nolan Freewill Baptist Church

Sunday School at 10AM
Morning Worship at 11AM
Wednesday Prayer Meeting at 7PM
Wednesday Youth Group at 7PM

Pastor: Brother Ray Taylor
Assistant Pastor: Brother Earl White
Youth Director: Brother Adam White

November 2019


Elwynn Crum – November 2
Anna Belle Weddington – November 8

Kaylee Fabin – November 8
Connie Stacy – November 9
Chloe Diamond – November 10
Levi White – November 11
Jenny Spradlin – November 17
Chris Taylor – November 19
Mary Sammons – November 20
Jack Dove – November 20
Hannah Maynard – November 26
Judy Taylor – November 27
Gail Maynard – November 27
Carolyn Maynard – November 29
Vicki Lovern – November 29


Donna Chafin – November 1
Norma Spradlin – November 7
Darrell Spradlin – November 7

Sue Dove – November 15
Vicki Lovern – November 16
Judy Taylor – November 19
Margaret Preece – November 21
Curtis Smith – November 30
Tammie Fields - November

Denny Ray & Rebecca Marcum – November 18

Prayer List College Students

Betty Jane Given Lacie White
Shelby Anderson Kaylee Newsome
Gail & Argil's Lost Family Katie Wellman
Jerry Crum Aaron "Scooter" Maynard
Rusty Crum Matthew Smith
Edna Barker Derek Wellman
Otis Pinson
Joe Ball Also Remember
Dell & Junior Vinson
Tina & Mike Vinson People in Hospitals
Rita Justice & Family Nolan Academy & Teachers
Eddie Tiller & Family Youth Group & Youth Leaders
Chris Justice & Family Names in the Prayer Box
Ray Dove Our Nation & It's Leaders
Military Men & Women
Shut Ins

Donita Black


Written By: Lois (Dutey) Calhoun


The traveler was very tired. He had been helping his wife cut up veggies
for the turkey dressing, and had been busy doing different things that

needed doing ahead of time. Soon they were both in bed asleep. It
seemed he had just laid down his head, when it was time to get up again.
He got up, put on his clothes and went into the kitchen to see if he could
help his wife with some of the preparations. As he left the bedroom, he

thought he was going into the kitchen, but instead, he was walking
outside. There were folks rushing about, and there were children who
were helping out as well. The traveler was speechless, because right

there in front of him were folks dressed like the pilgrims and native
American Indians, who were called the Wampanoag Indians, they too
were rushing around as well. The women were busy making bread from
the flint corn (multi-colored Indian corn, which made it a flat unrisen
bread, such as a Mexican corn taco), and fixing different kinds of foods,
such as squash, turnips, carrots, onions, and some put a little garlic on

some of the venison being roasted. The men, both the pilgrims and the
Indians were putting large logs under a few large pots that had steam
billowing up into the air. To one side, there was a clay oven made by the
Indians, where several turkeys had been removed from boiling in the
pots, and were now being roasted, as well as some of the ducks, or geese
that had been boiled as well. Before placing them in the oven, several
women were stuffing all the geese and ducks with chestnuts. Some of the
turkeys were stuffed with Beechnuts, walnuts and chestnuts, and some
onions and herbs as well. They would then rub some of the fatty broth
where they had been boiling to drench them so they would not dry out
during roasting. There was Venison as well, which had been cooked, and
onion and herbs added before placing them in the large clay ovens. There

was dried fish that were hanging from branches that
the Wampanoag Indians had brought as well. The Wampanoag Indians
had also shown the Pilgrims how to build a pit and bake the lobsters, and

other fish. Some of the smaller pots had dried green beans that had
soaked overnight, and were cooking with fat that had been removed
from some of the meats. The desserts were dried fruits, and some were
cooked into a thick sauce, and then rubbed onto some of the squash and

There was a large table made from rough lumber, and small trunks of
trees that were to be used to sit upon, and the table had been set with
plates and eating utensils. The Wampanoag Indians were as busy as the
Pilgrims, since they were the ones who had shown them how to raise
most of the vegetables, and hunt and make shelter for their families.

They all worked together as if the closest of friends.
The traveler was so amazed and wondered how he had gotten there?
About that time, a man came up to the long table and said; "We are

gathered here along with our Wampanoag friends to celebrate our
harvest and bounty that Almighty God has provided for us. We want
everyone to please stop what you are doing, and come here so we can
have prayer, as the food is almost ready to place on the table. We all
need to remember why we are here. We came to this country so we
could have a place to worship God in Spirit and in truth as it says in John
4:23 "But the hour cometh and now is, when the true worshippers shall
worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to
worship him." The people all gathered, including the traveler, and all
bowed their heads as the man began to thank God. "Dear heavenly
Father, we come to you in humility because we know what we have
before us, You provided. Lord, you know why we came to this land was to

be able to worship You in the Spirit and in truth. We needed that
freedom, and we desired it. You made the way for us, so we could have a

land we call our own. Father we promise we will do our best in making
you the center of our lives, and that we will never forget what you have
done for us. May we each, down through time, remind our loved ones
and friends of this great act of love you did for all of us, all because we

wanted to worship You, and be able to praise you in the way Your
precious Word says. God we desire to please you, and to go by each word
You had written in the Holy Bible. Go with each of us, and help us to be a

light to all around us. Thank you for allowing us to be friends with the
Wampanoag’s, whom you placed in our lives to help us survive, and teach

us how to live in this great land You have given us. Thank you for the
souls you have saved in their tribe, and may we ever be a witness to all
people of your love and mercy and kindness. We could never give you
enough praise for our blessings, and may we ever be grateful, and may

we ever share our love for You with others.

In Your Son: Jesus' name. Amen."
The traveler opened up his eyes, and when he looked around, there was
his wife asleep and he was back in his bed. He lay there with a smile on
his face, and tears streaming down his cheeks as he said; "Thank you Lord
for your love and mercy and kindness. We could never give you enough
praise for our blessings, and may we ever be grateful, and may we ever

share our love for You with others. In Your Son: Jesus' name. Amen."
COMMENT: Thanksgiving is coming up soon, and like never before, may
we thank God for our country, and why He gave it to us. To worship Him
in Spirit and in truth. May we none take it for granted, in this time when
so many want to do away with all that God stands for. May we ever be
that beacon of light in a dark world. May others see Christ in us as we

walk in the statues of God's Holy Word.
( Here is a link to a song we love. It is sung by Jeff & Sheri Easter. It is

precious, please listen to it. It is called:


Food Pantry Report & Update

Brother Wallace Weddington - Chairman

Thank you for the many donations for the food pantry. On
July 8, 2019 we were able to purchase $622.56 of food
items, for a total of 2544 food items. On behalf of the

House of Hope, we want to thank everyone and the church
for their support of the food program. We are starting our
Ninth year of supporting the food pantry program. Thank

you again for thinking of the ones in need.


A Honor Roll

2nd Grade
Gavin Cook
Tara Fraley
Bridgett Vance

7th Grade
Ryan Goble

A/B Honor Roll
Kenzi Taylor

1st Grade
Myleigh Jewell
Aaron Vance

Joe Jarrell

2nd Grade
Kholee Barker

3rd Grade
Mackenzie Jewell

Max Workman

4th Grade
Cameron Sammons

Brady Newsome

8th Grade
Bailey Spradlin

Dylan Bragg


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


Chapel Service 8:00

34 5 6 7 89
Sunday School Masters Men Youth Group Nursing Home Chapel Service 8:00
7:00PM 10:00 AM AM
10:00AM 7:00PM Prayer Meeting
Worship Service



Brother Curtis


10 11 13 14 15 16

Sunday School Youth Group Chapel Service 8:00
10:00AM 7:00PM AM
Worship Service Prayer Meeting
11:00AM 7:00PM
Brother Earl

17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Sunday School Masters Men Youth Group Chapel Service 8:00
10:00AM 7:00PM Prayer Meeting AM
Worship Service Ladies Auxiliary School
11:00AM Thanksgiving
7:00PM Program

Brother Ray


24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Sunday School Youth Group Thanksgiving
10:00AM 7:00PM

Worship Service Prayer Meeting

11:00AM 7:00PM
Brother Danny Thanksgiving

Scott Break

Notes: School Thanksgiving Program 8:00AM at the Church
Happy Thanksgiving – November 28

Thanksgiving Break November 27 Return on December 2

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